Innovations in the process of teaching schoolchildren. The main goals of innovative learning are

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Pedagogical innovation (innovation) - 1) a purposeful change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of individual parts, components and the educational system itself as a whole; 2) the process of mastering innovation (new means, method, methodology, technology, program, etc.); 3) search for ideal methods and programs, their implementation in the educational process and their creative rethinking. (pedagogical dictionary, G.M. Kodzhaspirova).

Main directions innovative transformations in the pedagogical system are theory, technology (content, forms, methods, means), management (goals and results), educational institutions. Need innovation is determined by: 1. Socio-economic transformations; 2. Humanization; 3. Changes in the attitude of teachers to innovations.

Stages of innovation: 1) awareness of the need for change; 2) implementation of the change; 3) replication; 4) routinization.

General pedagogical innovations:

1. general idea and practical technology for optimizing the educational process.

2. Humanistic pedagogy in its entirety of theoretical positions and technologies.

3. Approaches to the organization and management of pedagogical processes based on new ideas.

4. Technologies based on the use of new ideas and means of informatization, mass communication. (I.P. Podlasy)

The idea of ​​optimization, as an innovative one, requires resolving the issue of obtaining the maximum possible results in the given conditions in the education, upbringing and development of students and compliance with the established standards for spending time on students and teachers. One of the innovative ways to solve these problems is the idea of ​​creating education monitoring, which allows for the ascertainment, diagnosis and forecasting of pedagogical processes.

The main idea of ​​humanistic pedagogy is the protection of the dignity of the individual, the recognition of a person as the highest value, his rights to freedom, the manifestation of his abilities, the creation of appropriate conditions for this. This concept is considered innovative due to the fact that it is opposed to the traditional formative paradigm. Western schools of humanists are the systems of R. Steiner, M. Montessori, S. Frenet and others, and among domestic authors we single out K. N. Venttsel, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, Sh. A. Amonashvili. The main emphasis of these theories is placed on the shift of priorities to the development of mental, physical, intellectual, moral and other spheres of the personality instead of mastering the amount of information, the formation of a certain range of skills and abilities.

Among the innovations in the organization and management of pedagogical processes, it is necessary to single out the principles of the work of innovative educational institutions: 1) personality-oriented, individualized approach to students; 2) promotion of self-realization and self-affirmation of the personality; 3) the creative nature of learning; 4) integrated courses constitute the content of training; 5) subject-subject relations, support for personal initiative, democratic nature of interaction; 6) holistic control, revealing the individual abilities and talents of the child.

The ideas of innovative learning technologies today are largely associated with the introduction of new information technologies. In this context, new learning technologies are emerging. Let's consider some of them.

1) Computer learning technology

Rapid progress in the development of personal electronic computers has led teachers to a new technology of computer learning. Computers equipped with special training programs make it possible to solve almost all didactic tasks. They simultaneously issue certain information, check whether students have learned it and to what extent, form the relevant theoretical knowledge and practical skills, open access to electronic libraries, to the main domestic and international databases; in seconds they can find the right quote, paragraph, paragraph or chapter of the book, highlight the main thing in it, etc. material, register answers, increase or decrease, depending on the level of complexity of the questions asked, the time required for the student to prepare an answer. The effectiveness of computer learning technology is determined by the quality of training programs and the quality of computer technology.

2) Distance learning technology

Taking into account the territorial features of Russia and the growing need for quality education in the regions, distance learning technology makes it possible for everyone who, for one reason or another, cannot study full-time. Modern information educational technologies make it possible to study for the blind, deaf and those suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Having received educational materials in electronic or printed form, the student can master knowledge at home, at the workplace or in a special computer class anywhere in Russia and abroad. Advantages: the ability to take into account the individual abilities, needs, temperament and employment of the student, who can study the courses in any sequence, faster or slower. The use of the latest information technologies (hypertext, multimedia, GIS technologies, virtual reality, etc.) makes lectures expressive and visual. Consultations in distance learning are one of the forms of guiding the work of students and assisting them in self-study of the discipline. Telephone and email are used. Consultations help the teacher to assess the personal qualities of the student: intelligence, attention, memory, imagination, thinking. Laboratory works are intended for practical assimilation of the material. In the traditional educational system, laboratory work requires special equipment, mock-ups, simulators, simulators, chemicals, etc. Virtual reality will allow students to demonstrate phenomena that are very difficult or even impossible to show under normal conditions. Disadvantages: the issue of monitoring learning outcomes remains controversial.

KSU "Coastal secondary school of the education department

Akimat of Taranovsky district"

District Methodological Council


February 2014

deputy dir. on UVR Boxberger I.V.

2013-2014 academic year

"Innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process of the modern school"

At present, a new education system is being formed in Kazakhstan, focused on entering the world educational space. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. The educational system is being modernized - different content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered.

Along with the traditional methods of pedagogy, innovative methods have recently come out, since modern education focuses on the personal nature of learning.

The purpose of innovative technologies is the formation of an active, creative personality of a future specialist who is able to independently build and adjust his educational and cognitive activity. The modern process of developing and mastering innovations provides for the phased activity of innovative teachers.

The modern school requires a lot from the teacher - both deep scientific training, and high skill, and unconditional pedagogical literacy and competence.

Under these conditions, the teacher needs to navigate a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, trends, not waste time discovering what is already known, but use the entire arsenal of pedagogical experience. Realizing that today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire wide range of educational technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies can be implemented at school.

That is why, choosing the methodological theme of the school, we settled on the topic “Using innovative technologies, a competency-based approach to teaching as a means of improving the quality of students”. Realizing the importance of the issue of applying innovative technologies in the school, we developed the topics of pedagogical councils: “Quality education and upbringing is a priority of the state policy of Kazakhstan” / August /, “Formation of functional literacy of students: ways, experience, prospects” / November /, “Quality of the educational environment of the pre-profile training and specialized education, taking into account the natural and mathematical direction of the educational process within the framework of 12-year education " / January /, "Innovative methods in teaching and educating the individual" / March /, "Determining the level of efficiency and demonstration work of the school's teaching staff on the problem of improving the quality of education " /May/. The professional competence of a teacher is formed through various activities, attending seminars, conferences, open lessons, master classes. This made it possible to use innovative technologies that help to increase the professional competence and methodological level of teachers, which is especially important for young teachers who have joined the team this academic year.

A district seminar on the basis of the school "Formation of functional literacy in the classroom through the use of innovative technologies" was held, the main goal of which was the formation of the functional skills of a competent person as a key benchmark for improving the quality of education in a school environment. At the seminar, 12 open, demonstrative lessons were given, in which teachers demonstrated ways to form the functional literacy of schoolchildren, the development of key and subject competencies of students /February 2014/. The school held a master class “How do I implement a competency-based approach in teaching a subject in my lessons”, where school teachers shared their experience in implementing competency-based approaches in their pedagogical activities /April 2013/, the result of the master class “Designing tasks on the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren” /January 2014/ was the development of competence-oriented tasks in subjects; round table "Competency-based approach in teaching subjects" helped school teachers to develop a system of measures for the formation of key competencies of students in the educational environment /April 2013/, meetings of the MC "Innovative technologies in teaching" allowed teachers to get acquainted with innovative technologies in more detail.

Our school has opportunities for the wide introduction of various modern technologies into practical work. School teachers try to work in an innovative mode, use information and communication technologies, work with gifted children.

Teaching children to learn is the most important task of any teacher. The student must become the creator of his activity. Teachers build the educational process in such a way that the child, making efforts, overcoming small difficulties, achieves results, then his role in learning will be active, and the result will be more joyful.

The main goal of the school is the development of students' abilities for independent search, the acquisition of skills for solving life problems in the process of studying at school, the creation of a learning environment aimed at developing the intellectual, cognitive abilities of students through the introduction of innovative and computer technologies at school. This creates a learning environment aimed at developing the creative, cognitive abilities of students through the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the school.

Modern educational technologies used by teachers in the classroom:

. Information and Communication Technologies . The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process implies the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the informatization of students' consciousness and their understanding of informatization processes in modern society. School teachers are increasingly using information and communication technologies in their lessons, the lessons are becoming more interesting and informative. Teachers and students skillfully select information on their subject, using additional Internet resources, which helps to build the process of communication in the classroom more effectively. ICT is used in the classroom by all teachers of the school. The use of information computer technologies not only facilitates the assimilation of educational material, but also provides new opportunities for the development of students' creative abilities: increases students' motivation to learn; activates cognitive activity; develops the thinking and creativity of the child; forms an active life position in modern society. The main task is to motivate the student in his studies, both in the classroom and extracurricular activities. You can increase interest in the subject through the creation of multimedia presentations. This type of activity is very popular with students of different ages from grades 6 to 10.

. Learner-centered learning . It is used by teachers in the lessons of the Russian language, literature (Gordienko V.I.), biology and geography (Dosmukhambetova Zh.A.), Kazakh and English (Beksultanov A.S., Zhumanazarov T.B.), mathematics (Urkumbaeva G. M., Marushchak E.A.), technology (Bayer V.N., Shkurikhina T.N.), history (Bayanova I.A.), physical education (Bayer V.N.). Student-centered technologies put the personality of the child at the center of the entire school educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potentials. The personality of the child in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject; it is the end of the educational system, and not a means to some abstract end. It manifests itself in the development by students of individual educational programs in accordance with their capabilities and needs.

. Design and research technology . The project method is an innovative learning technology in which students acquire new knowledge in the process of step-by-step, independent or under the guidance of a teacher, planning, developing, executing and producing ever more complex project-tasks. Thus, everything that I learn, I know why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems. The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, and the development of critical thinking. The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This approach is organically combined with a group approach to learning. The project method always involves solving some problem, which, on the one hand, involves the use of a variety of methods, teaching aids, and, on the other hand, the integration of knowledge and skills from various fields of science, engineering, technology, and creative fields. As a result of the implementation of projects, there should be a specific result ready for implementation. To achieve such a result, it is necessary to teach students to think independently, find and solve problems, attracting knowledge from different fields for this purpose. The results of completed projects should be, as they say, “tangible”: if it is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution; if it is a practical one, a specific result. The project method is used by teachers in English lessons (Beksultanov A.S.), chemistry (Boxberger I.V.), technology (Bayer V.N., Shkurikhina T.N.), computer science (Zhumanazarov T.B.).

. Health saving technologies - these are psychological and pedagogical technologies, programs, methods that are aimed at educating students in a culture of health, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening. Health-saving technologies are the conditions for teaching a child at school, the rational organization of the educational process, the correspondence of educational and physical activity to the age characteristics of students, the necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode of a student. Health-saving technologies are a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education. The result of this technology is the creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate in the classroom, school. Health-saving technologies are used by school teachers in all lessons, these are morning exercises, physical minutes, outdoor games during breaks (checkpoint, primary classes).

. Critical thinking technology through reading and writing . The purpose of this technology is to develop the mental skills of students, which are necessary not only in studies, but also in everyday life. The ability to make informed decisions, work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena. This technology is aimed at the development of the student, the main indicators of which are appraisal, openness to new ideas, own opinion and reflection of one's own judgments.

A student who is able to think critically knows various ways of interpreting and evaluating an information message, is able to identify contradictions in the text and the types of structures present in it, to argue his point of view, relying not only on logic (which is already important), but also on the ideas of the interlocutor. Such a student feels confident in working with various types of information, can effectively use a wide variety of resources. A critically thinking student is able to effectively interact with information spaces, fundamentally accepting the multipolarity of the world around him, the possibility of the coexistence of various points of view within the framework of universal human values.

When we talk about the quality of education, we often mean by this the reliability of the formed characteristics, the adequacy of the education received to modern socio-economic conditions, taking into account changes in these conditions that may occur in the future, the presence of certain additional parameters that increase the dignity of education (these may be links , additional education, etc.). The formation of critical thinking involves the creation of a basic attitude towards oneself and the world, which implies a variable, independent and meaningful position. This position significantly increases the reliability of education, because it becomes conscious and reflective and increases the communicative potential of the individual. It is used in the lessons of the Russian language and literature (Semenkevich V.A., Shvartskop V.Yu.), chemistry (Boxberger I.V.), history (Bayanova I.A.), in elementary grades (Gromada L.P., Chaika M.V., Savchenko L.V.)

. Block - modular technology . Block-modular learning is, first of all, a student-centered technology that provides each student with the opportunity to choose their own, independent and feasible learning path. Students can realize themselves in various activities: doing exercises, writing creative works, participating in seminars. This technology assumes that the student must learn how to extract information, process it, and get the finished product. In this case, the teacher acts as a leader, directing and controlling the student's activity. When organizing block-modular education, it is necessary to structure the educational content into blocks, a concentrated presentation of the main material of the topic, the definition of tasks for an independent type of activity for each student and group, taking into account a differentiated approach to students with different levels of educational and cognitive abilities. This technology is used by teachers in the lessons of the Russian language (Gordienko V.I.), biology (Dosmukhambetova Zh.A.), Kazakh and English (Beksultanov A.S., Alzhanova R.S.), physics (Abenova A.A. ).

. Gaming technologies . Game technologies are used in the classroom to increase interest in the subject, to concentrate the attention of students in the lesson. Games are applicable at all stages of the lesson. The success of any game depends on its proper organization and preparation for it. The game must be brightly designed, with clear and achievable goals. Children are attracted to everything unusual and beautiful. Basically, games are held in the form of lessons-competitions, lessons-travels. At such lessons, educational tasks are successfully solved, the studied concepts of the topic are generalized and integrated, knowledge and skills are monitored, but at the same time, the attention of schoolchildren is focused primarily on the playing field. Thus, by increasing the emotional perception of the educational material, physical and mental overload is prevented. Game technologies are used by teachers in all lessons, in preschool classes, and at the primary level.

Research creative activity occupies a special place in the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods. The main thing for a teacher is to captivate and "infect" children, show them the significance of their activities and instill confidence in their abilities. Already now we have the results: /2011-2012 academic year: 3rd place in the region Egorenko Anna (11th grade) with the project "I Emergency "; 2012-2013 academic year: participation in the competition of multimedia projects - 3rd place in the district and 3rd place in the region was taken by Yulia Golovko (8th grade) with the work "Modeling the first floor of the school" /teacher Zhumanazarov T.B./, competition of creative projects "I and the Emergency" 2nd place model "Fire" - Ogibalov Ilya, Safonov Alexey - 8 cells.

At school, there is a positive trend in the use of innovative technologies not only in subject lessons, but also in ensuring the educational process and managing the quality of education for schoolchildren, this allows you to objectively, impartially track the development over time of each child individually, class, school as a whole.

The monitoring service is being developed. The results of diagnostic studies help to make timely adjustments to the school's work plans in various areas. So, according to the results of the research, there is a positive dynamics in the quality of mastering the curricula by school students. You can trace the dynamics of growth in the quality of knowledge over three years:

Academic year

excellent students

good guys


academic performance

2013-2014 1 Thu

2013-2014 2 Thursday

The following conclusions were made during the analysis:

100% of teachers have information about modern pedagogical technologies, use various technologies in full or element by element.

70% of teachers have completed advanced training courses. / For the first half of the 2013-2014 academic year, 6 school teachers completed retraining courses: young teachers on the topics “? tіlі ?debietі saba? ?aza? communicative technologylardy?aldan m?mkindikteri" Aidarkulova A.N., "The use of information and communication technologies in teaching" Bayanova I.A., "Effective use of a specialized classroom in teaching a subject" Dosmukhambetova Zh.A.; "Innovative technologies in the educational process of a modern school" Boxberger I.V., "Modern library and information technologies in the activities of school libraries" Poplavskaya S.A. (librarian), "The use of information and communication technologies in teaching English" Seydalinova S.E.

School teachers attended district and regional seminars this academic year.

70% of teachers actively use computers in the educational process.

All teachers have been trained in mastering basic ICT - competence.

The introduction of information technologies goes through the implementation of the project of the informatization program, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of education by informatization of the educational process. The school media library is being completed, licensed programs, simulators, electronic textbooks, encyclopedias have been purchased, presentations for lessons are being created.

The widespread introduction of ICT in the educational process has made it possible to expand the arsenal of methodological techniques: it has become possible to create spectacular computer educational tools with elements of sound, video, multimedia, which contributes to an increase in the efficiency of pedagogical work.

The main directions of the educational process in which the school works are:

1. Moral and legal education.

2. Cultural and educational education.

3. Social and patriotic.

4. Physical culture and health.

5. Working with parents.

6. Labor activity.

Working in each direction, it is impossible to do without modern information and communication technologies. By nature, a person trusts his eyes more, and more than 80% of information is perceived and remembered by him through a visual analyzer.

The advantages of events using information technology are the emergence of students' interest, the desire to learn and see more. The computer becomes a means of disseminating and exchanging information between the student and the teacher, and contributes to the development of a child's increased interest in the world around him.

Areas of application and possibilities of ICT in educational work:

Organization of the educational process in the classroom.

Documentary support of the educational process.

Development and implementation of classroom hours.

Development and implementation of extracurricular activities.

Family work and parent-teacher conferences.

The use of ICT greatly facilitates the labor costs of keeping the class teacher's documentation.

With the help of ICT, the class teacher can prepare a variety of materials for use directly during the class hour, parent meeting, at the speech of the ShMO and the teachers' council.

ICTs make it possible to diversify the forms of work with students

Thus, we see the obvious need to use computer technology not only in teaching, but also in education.

Pedagogical technology refers to models of complex pedagogical activity thought out to the smallest detail, including the design, organization and conduct of training.

In our time, the development of the newest system in education, aimed at the world system, is intensively going on. This process is characterized by changes in pedagogical thinking and practice of the educational process. There is an improvement of the system with new content, approaches, behavior and pedagogical mentality.

Given the global restructuring, each teacher must confidently navigate this spectrum of modern innovations. These include innovative technologies, ideas, schools, trends. Today, a competent teacher is obliged to constantly replenish his knowledge in connection with the large-scale reorganization of school education. The implementation of modern pedagogical technologies can only take place in an innovative school.

The innovative school is an educational institution, the education of which is built on unique ideas and technologies. In addition, it refers to new educational practical institutions.

An innovative school is considered a polysystemic organization that includes educational, labor, artistic and aesthetic, sports and scientific activities. Such modern schools are mainly based on existing educational institutions, while simultaneously developing and implementing original technologies to fulfill their original function of providing knowledge. Also, such schools take into account different forms of communication between schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

In order for a school to be called innovative, it must meet certain standards and have certain directions in the educational system. For example, innovations include original author's ideas and hypotheses regarding changes in the educational process.

Alternativeness is characterized by the difference of any main components of the educational process (goals, content, methods - a single school diary, or means) from the generally accepted obsolete ones in ordinary schools. The conceptuality of the educational process implies the use of philosophical, psychological, socio-pedagogical and other areas in a unique model.

The socio-pedagogical goal is based on the correspondence of school education to social requirements. The presence of results should point to the right direction for the innovation school. Thanks to them, it is possible to evaluate the activities of such institutions. Nowadays, school education uses various educational innovations. They depend on the traditions and status of the educational institution. Thus, we can highlight some modern technologies that are most often used for students.

The introduction of information and communication technologies in subject education includes the integration of different areas and the use of informatics, which further ensures the informatization of students' consciousness and understanding of the process in today's society, especially for their future profession.

A significant role is played by the awareness of the new trend of informatization of the educational institution, starting with the acquaintance of schoolchildren with the initial information about computer science and ending with the use of computer programs for the purpose of a more in-depth study of subjects. As a result, there is a global restructuring of the educational process due to the introduction of computer technologies with a change in the structure and content of education.

In addition, in the future after graduation, students have the opportunity to easily start working with the use of innovative technologies. In the process of introducing these innovations, research and control over academic performance were carried out.

It was concluded that the open type of the information environment in the school includes various forms of education at a distance and significantly increases the desire of schoolchildren to study subjects and sciences, especially with the use of project methods. Also, the informatization of education removed the psychological tension of communication between the student and the teacher through the introduction of new methods of control over grades (for example, a unified school magazine).

As a result, the effectiveness of the educational process increases among students, the number of creative works increases, there is a desire to obtain additional knowledge in subjects at school, and the importance and necessity of school education for entering the desired university and getting their favorite specialty are realized.

Using, for example, an electronic diary, it becomes possible to control the student not only by the teacher, but also by the parents. Thanks to this innovation, they can find out about their child's homework and progress at any time. Now students are unlikely to be able to say that there was no homework assignment. In addition, such a diary made it easier for the teacher to disseminate the necessary information. This applies to both school grades and parent-teacher meetings.

It is enough to make a newsletter and warn about the date and time of the class meeting. In addition, parents themselves will be able to make their own adjustments to the subject of the meeting, put forward proposals and discuss exciting topics. Only the teacher has access to all the grades of each student, so the parent has access to information only about their child. Parents can also be tested online on a specific topic to compile statistics and take into account some wishes for improving school education.

Modern technologies in the school make it easier to control the progress of schoolchildren and provide them with the necessary educational information. Thanks to the introduction of e-books, kids can use them at any time without having to carry dozens of books in their backpack.

However, in order for the educational process to go in the right direction, you should choose a specific tablet or book that will not distract the student with the available games or Internet access. Parents should keep an eye on this when buying an e-book.

Despite all the positive aspects of innovative developments in the field of school education, it is still worth paying attention to some nuances. Using an electronic diary, parents do not have direct contact with the teacher. Through this innovation, it is impossible to tell completely about the progress and discipline of the student.

Only when communicating in real life can you learn about the real situation at school. Also, with the use of computerized innovations, schoolchildren are negatively affected by vision and posture. Of course, in our time there is a certain protection for the eyes and special “harmless” screens are being developed, however, students are mostly connected with the computer, which is not always good.

Innovative technologies in the school contribute to a more in-depth education of schoolchildren. So, earlier, when doing homework, students used only the literature given to them in the school library. While now they have access to the entire Internet network.

In this regard, those who want to study well and achieve their goals have a good opportunity to implement their plans. As for the more “lazy” students, here either the parents must convince them of the need for school education, or the teacher finds the right path to the knowledge of the student, or, over time, he will begin to realize the benefits of primary education on his own. The main thing is not to be too late.

Not a single computerized technology and innovation can replace the communication of a student with an experienced teacher. After all, only with direct contact you can find out everything incomprehensible and a lot of interesting things for yourself. Thus, the experience gained from the introduction of innovative technologies proves the effectiveness of the applied methods, which have a huge arsenal of innovations.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, of course, the success of school education depends directly on the desire of teachers to educate students and the latter's desire to achieve the desired goals.

All-Russian conference on the topic: "Innovative technologies in high school."

TOPIC : The use of innovative technologies at school as a way to prepare students when choosing a professional field.

GOAL: “The effectiveness of methodological forms in the educational process when using innovative technologies at school when choosing a future profession.

Short description:

The humanization of education presupposes a really functioning system that ensures the unity of the continuous general cultural, moral and professional development of the individual. This socio-pedagogical principle requires a revision of the content and technologies of education in conjunction with the humanization of society. In pedagogy, innovative technologies are considered in connection with the formation of an individual's readiness for rapidly advancing changes in society through the development of creative abilities and self-learning skills.

The humanization of the pedagogical process determines the interest in the problem of professional communication and is aimed at the use of innovative technologies in the learning process (in particular, foreign languages), in which the main emphasis is placed on the formation of professionally significant communication skills among students.

An innovative school is an educational institution whose main task is the innovative activity of teachers and students, based on the author's innovative ideas in the form of original educational practice.

The emergence of such an innovative school is built on the platform of an ordinary mass school, where specialists in innovative projects in education develop and apply one or more functions of the complex on an original technological basis. An innovative school is a complex dynamic system with its own structure of educational service sectors. Students are involved in all areas of activity and can realize themselves in a full range of scientific programs. This participation occurs in various forms of communication between adults and children.

The effectiveness of methodological forms in the educational process when using innovative technologies.

The introduction of innovative technologies goes through the implementation of the informatization program project, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of education by informatization of the educational process. The school media library is being completed, licensed programs, electronic textbooks, presentations for lessons have been purchased.

Use by teachers in the classroom:

    Learner-centered learning

    Information and communication technologies

    Design and Research Technology

    Health saving technologies

    Block-modular technology

    Game technologies.

A decisive role in educational innovations is played by student-centered technologies in teaching a subject, so that the personality of the child and the provision of all the necessary conditions for life and development of creative potential are at the center of educational services. This innovative idea of ​​education is manifested in individual educational programs, taking into account the age, capabilities and needs of the child. The teaching staff participates in pre-profile training, which made it possible to create conditions for the personal and professional self-determination of schoolchildren, new curricula have been created, and elective courses have been developed and are being conducted.

The direction - work with gifted students - is being successfully implemented. This work is carried out both through educational and extracurricular work, individual activities. The result of effective work is that every year the students of our school become winners, prize-winners at different levels. The school is developing a monitoring service. So, according to the results of the research, there is a positive dynamics in the quality of mastering the curricula of the school students.

A teacher who is capable and ready to carry out innovative activities at school can take place when he realizes himself as a professional, has a mindset for the creative perception of existing innovative experience and its necessary transformation.

An important modern pedagogical innovation in Russia is educational technologies that form the cultural portrait of the student, as well as didactic technologies as the main condition for the development of the educational process.

In modern society, many will agree with me, it is easier to teach children than to educate. The process of education requires a more subtle approach to the child and it is a process of constant creativity. The activity of the class teacher is primarily aimed at working with the students of the entire class. It forms the motivation for the learning of each individual child, studying his age characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests. However, the education of a person should be focused not only on the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of a person’s abilities and qualities that allow him to act and work effectively in modern economic conditions.

The class teacher should be at the epicenter of the innovative activity of the educational institution. Therefore, the class teacher is expected to work filled with both new content and new technologies for designing the educational process.

The widespread introduction of ICT in the educational process has made it possible to expand the arsenal of methodological techniques that contribute to improving the efficiency of pedagogical work.

The main areas in which the school works are:

1. Moral and legal education.

2. Cultural and educational work.

3. Social and patriotic education.

4. Physical culture and health.

5. Work with parents.

6. Labor activity.

Working in each direction it is impossible to do without modern information technologies. By nature, a person trusts his eyes more and perceives through a visual analyzer. The computer becomes a means of disseminating and exchanging information between the student and the teacher, and contributes to the development of a child's increased interest in the world around him. For example, the use of distance learning allows you to most accurately solve the problems of activating the educational process, including regulatory quality management when using distance technologies.

Today, with the expansion of international cooperation in all areas of activity, one of the first places in the list of professionally important skills is the knowledge of a foreign language, and therefore, intensive technologies in foreign languages ​​should be widely introduced into the educational process, which is done in schools.

Thus, the experience of the modern school has a diverse arsenal of application of pedagogical innovations in the learning process, the effectiveness of which depends on the established traditions in the educational institution, the ability of the teaching staff to perceive modern pedagogical technologies, the material and technical base of the institution..


1. Aylamazyan A.K. Education and communication. Pedagogical Informatics, 1998, No. 7

2. Angelovski K.A. Teachers and innovations. 1991

3 http// catalog of educational resources.

4. http// iyazyki. en- Internet - edition "Foreign languages ​​at school".

Modern innovative technology in school

The rapid development of information culture has led to the fact that a modern person begins to master the computer from early childhood. Therefore, the use of information technology in the educational process, including in elementary school, today is an objective and natural process, and the relevance of this problem is beyond doubt.

Information technologies of education are all technologies that use special technical information tools: a personal computer, audio, video equipment, the Internet.

Internet technologies are an automated environment for obtaining, processing, storing, transferring and using knowledge in the form of information, implemented on the global Internet.

Innovation is increasingly becoming a characteristic of educational systems. Life sets new tasks for the educational institution, which cannot be solved by working in the old way, without the development and implementation of any innovations. Teachers who have been in the school for many years know how countless methods and forms of teaching have come and gone with time. The new time puts before us new tasks that inevitably require the search for new solutions. The main task of a modern teacher is not to give the maximum amount of knowledge, but to teach a child to navigate in the modern information society, independently extract and analyze information. I am deeply convinced that it is necessary to create a personality in children from the first days. The personality of the child is born only in the process of self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-criticism. Each child is a special world. And everyone needs improvement and development.

Innovations are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. With regard to the pedagogical process, innovation is the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. With the introduction of innovative technologies into the pedagogical process, the teacher masters the functions of a consultant, adviser, educator, acts as an author, developer, researcher. In modern Russian society, the flow of information is increasing every year. That is why it is necessary to build the educational process in such a way as to interest the student in the difficult, but also interesting "road" of knowledge. Show him the direction of the path, then equip him with all the necessary knowledge to provide the student with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement.

The use of modern educational technologies by teachers in their work (“School of the Dialogue of Cultures” by V. S. Bibler, S. Yu. Kurganova; “School of Developmental Education” by V. V. Davydov; “School of Self-Determination” by A. N. Tubelsky; “Gifted Child » N. B. Shumakov) gives good results. Organizationeducational work, which is associated with the solution of a creative, research problem by students with an unknown result in advance and involves the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: problem setting, familiarization with the literature on this issue, mastering the research methodology, collecting their own material, analyzing it, summary, conclusions. It is the research approach in teaching that makes the children participants in the creative process, and not passive consumers of ready-made information. Moreover, the modern education system focuses the teacher not on the transfer of knowledge in a finished form, but on the organization of teaching the independent activity of the student and bringing it to the level of research work that goes beyond the curriculum. Research activity allows you to equip the child with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to master the rapidly growing flow of information, orientation in it and systematization of the material.. Involving students in research activities begins, as a rule, in the lower grades.Early inclusion in the creative process has a positive effect not only on the formation of intellectual and creative abilities, but also develops the positive qualities of the child's personality.

In grade 1, the use of Internet technologies is reduced to the use of developing flash games, online coloring books, passing interactive tests, watching videos, listening to audio files. In the process of working with Internet resources, children not only perform educational tasks, but also develop technical computer skills, learn to navigate the global network. Internet use is under the guidance of a teacher or parents.

In my innovative work, I use GlobalLab, a secure online environment where teachers, students, and parents can participate in collaborative research projects. GlobalLab is both a project and a learning environment based on the use of new technologies, primarily the Internet. Today, the "Global School Laboratory" is a training platform for supporting the teaching of any natural science course: "The World", "Natural Science", "Natural Science", "Biology", "Geography".

All GlobalLab research projects are built on the principles of "civil science", a special type of crowdsourcing, which assumes that a small contribution of each participant forms a common qualitatively new knowledge.GlobalLab projects can be tied to the topics of the school curriculum in completely different subjects - humanities, natural sciences and engineering, or they can go far beyond them. The course projects correspond to the project assignments in the textbook "The World Around" on the topics "Diversity of the nature of our region", "Museum of travel", "Economy of the native land", "Who protects us", "World Heritage in Russia", "Nature protection in our region ”, “Name on the globe”, “The Great Patriotic War in the memoirs of veterans”, “Our region (city, village) during the Great Patriotic War” and others.

Schoolchildren will be able to find answers to the questions: “My small homeland”, “My family”, “My class and my school”, “My pets”, What architectural monuments and natural objects are classified as World Heritage? How is nature protected in my region? My contribution to conservation? What objects on the world map are named after the people who discovered them? What can veterans tell about the Great Patriotic War? Answers to these questions can be obtained not only from books and textbooks, but also in the course of their own research and when they get acquainted with the research of other students.

Working with projects in the GlobalLab environment, I get a convenient tool for conducting classes and conducting project activities in the classroom. Each project is a small study that not only allows the child to gain new knowledge and do their homework, but also gives them the opportunity to make their own discoveries.

Teaching students the beginnings of research activity is possible and quite feasible through a lesson, additional education, defense of projects and abstracts, scientific and educational and search and creative activities with the systematic application of a research approach in teaching.

From my work experience, I can conclude that, using Internet technologies in elementary school, it is necessary:

Take into account the age characteristics of younger students;

Use various types of information resources;

Teach children how to use the Internet safely;

To control the safety of children in the Internet space;

Gradually complicate the tasks of using Internet resources by students;

Constantly strive to improve their professional skills.

A feature of the organization of research activities at the primary level of the school is that not only strong students, but also lagging behind children can take part in it. It's just that the level of research will be different.The main thing is to interest the child, to involve in the atmosphere of activity. Research activity allows you to reveal the individual characteristics of children and gives them the opportunity to apply their knowledge, benefit and show the publicly achieved result. And even if children do not make new discoveries, they repeat the path of a scientist: from putting forward a hypothesis to proving or refuting it. Students should understand how much effort, knowledge and skills are invested in each research, and therefore they will try to adequately present their work at conferences of various levels.All this gives the student the opportunity to prove himself, to experience a situation of success, to realize himself in other, non-educational areas of activity, which is extremely important for any child, and especially for children who are unsure of themselves and who have difficulty mastering school disciplines.

Bibliographic list

1. L.V. Shmelkova "Design of innovative activity" Kurgan, 2006 - 107 p.

2. Yusufbekova N.R. General foundations of pedagogical innovations: Experience in developing the theory of the innovation process in education. M., 2009

3. Internet technologies in education: Teaching aid / Abaluev R.N., Astafieva N.G., Baskakova N.I., Boyko E.Yu., Vyazavova O.V., Kuleshova N.A., Umetsky L.N., Shesherina G.A. - Part 3. Tambov: TSTU Publishing House, 2002. - 114 p.