Internet slang. Soap - email, e-mail, email

When you start to practice integrating English into your life and communicate with native speakers in messages on language exchange sites or in Skype chat, one way or another you come across modern language, culture and slang.

An important part of the latter is the special abbreviations that English and American youth constantly use in communication via the Internet, social networks and SMS. They replace whole phrases to save time.

There is also in Russian: "SPS", "PS", "lol". In English, the list is rich, but don't be afraid to get confused. Once you understand the logic of education and start using these abbreviations in practice, you will become a master of sms and instant messages in English. 🙂

general information

The abbreviations I'm talking about fall into 2 groups: acronyms and abbreviations.

Acronyms are an abbreviation of the initial sounds of each word included in this phrase. Pronounced as one word, not spelled.

  • BFN- bye for now - okay, bye
  • JK- just kidding - yes, I'm just kidding
  • TTYL- talk to you later - we'll talk later

Abbreviations allow you to exclude part of the letters from the word, leaving the same sound. However, the meaning of the word remains clear.

  • Plz, pls- please - please (request)
  • Thx- thanks - thank you
  • U- you - you

It happens that letters and sounds are replaced by numbers similar in sound to the given word.

  • L8r- later - later
  • B4- before - before
  • 2morro- tomorrow - tomorrow

Principles of word formation in correspondence

letter, number, symbolmeaningexamples
0 nothing
1 one - numeral "one"1t- want - want
NO1- no one - no one
SOM1- someone - someone
2 two - numeral "two"
to - preposition of direction "to", "to"
too - adverb "too", "too"
2day- today - today
me2- me too - me too
4 four - numeral "four"
for - preposition "for"
4ever- forever
gud 4u- good for you
8 eight - numeral "eight"
ate - past simple form of the verb "to eat"
GR8- great - great
w8- wait - wait, wait
m8- mate - buddy
CUL8R- see you later - see you later
Bbe - verb "to be"
bee - noun "bee"
2b or not 2b- to be or not to be - to be or not to be
Csee - verb "to see"OIC- Oh, I see. - Oh, I see.
Nabbreviated union and - "and"y n u- yes, and you? - Yes and you?
R [ɑː]are - form of the verb "to be"r u ok are you ok? - are you okay?
Uyou - pronoun "you"love u- love you - love you
X Xmas- Christmas - Christmas
xxx- kisses - kisses
@ at@5 - at five - at 5 o'clock

Emotions and feelings

  • XOXO- hugs and kisses
  • ROFL- rolling on the floor laughing
  • IDC- I don "t care - I don't care
  • MU- I miss you - I miss you
  • omg- Oh my gosh! - Wow! Oh my God!
  • AML- all my love - with all my love
  • lol- laughing out loud - laughing out loud (not literally) 🙂

How to say goodbye

  • ATV- all the best - all the best
  • BRB- be right back - I'll be back soon
  • HAND- have a nice day - I wish you a nice day
  • KIT- keep in touch - let's call, we'll be in touch
  • PCM- please call me - please call me back
  • GTG- got to go - I have to go
  • HAGN- have a good night - good night
  • CU, CYA- see you - see you soon

Internet correspondence

  • ASAP- as soon as possible - as soon as possible, as soon as possible
  • F2F- face to face - face to face
  • FYI- for your information - for information, for your information
  • IMHO- in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion (sometimes sarcastically)
  • A.F.C.- away from computer - not at the monitor, moved away from the computer
  • OT- off topic - off topic, offtopic
  • pov- point of view - opinion, point of view
  • WUF- Where are you from? - Where are you from?
  • LMIRL- let's meet in real life - let's meet in real life
  • wu?- What's up? - What's new? How is it?
  • WAN2TLK- Want to talk? - Do you want to talk?
  • B2W- back to work - back to work
  • F2T- free to talk - I can talk

Various phrases and words

  • btw- by the way - by the way
  • MSG- message - message
  • cum ova- come over - come
  • WKND- weekend - day off
  • TYVM- thank you very much - thank you very much
  • XLNT- excellent - excellent
  • abt- about - about, about
  • AKA- also known as - also known as
  • AFAIK- as far as I know - as far as I know
  • NP- no problem - no problem, no problem
  • YW- you are welcome - please (in response to gratitude)
  • b/f- boyfriend - boyfriend, boyfriend
  • g/f- girlfriend - girl, girlfriend
  • YDAY- yesterday - yesterday
  • BDAY- birthday - birthday
  • IDK- I don "t know - no idea
  • av/ad- have / had - the verb to have in the present form / the verb to have in the past form

Practical task

  1. il b @ home @ 9.
  2. cum ova 2 my bday party 2day.
  3. il try 2 w8 4u b4 the event.
  4. AFAIK, they promised 2do the work 4us asap.
  5. CU 2morrow, m8!
  6. Did u av an xlnt day?
  7. tyvm, brb
  8. thats a gd idea!

There are many abbreviations, do not memorize everything. Try to remember the ones that you think are needed most often. Then just pay attention to the phrases that come up. Observe and analyze their meaning and hidden meanings. In case you come across an unfamiliar expression, look in one of the following dictionaries: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .

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Well, now for the answers!

  1. il b @ home @ 9. - I'll be at home at 9. - I will be at home at 9 o'clock.
  2. cum ova 2 my bday party 2day. - Come over to my birthday party today. - Come to my birthday today.
  3. il try 2 w8 4u b4 the event. - I'll try to wait for you before the event. - I'll try to wait for you before the event.
  4. AFAIK, they promised 2do the work 4us asap. - As far as I know, they promised to do the work for us as soon as possible. - As far as I know, they promised to do the job for us as quickly as possible.
  5. CU 2morrow, m8! - See you tomorrow, mate! - See you tomorrow, friend!
  6. Did u av an xlnt day? - Did you have an excellent day? - Did you have a great day?
  7. tyvm, brb - thank you very much, be right back - thank you very much, I'll be back soon
  8. thats a gd idea! - Super idea!

Have you already communicated with foreigners in messages and SMS? Tell in the comments. hand n kit! 🙂

Leave your comment

After analyzing the randomly torn hours of a chat conversation, I fell into despair. This analysis does not inspire any joyful feelings: lack of punctuation, many spelling errors, many abbreviations, etc. Positive, from a linguistic point of view, is still difficult to see, or rather, there is nothing positive. But young people are more and more attracted to this way of communication. Obviously, we need to look for the social causes of this phenomenon. And if chats can no longer be excluded from our lives, then it would be logical to create a concept of the struggle for the purity of the Russian language, for general literacy in this area. I think that chat language is an area of ​​linguistic research in the future. In this sense, I would like to recall the words of S.A. Yesenin: "You can't see a face face to face, a big one is seen at a distance." Who knows, maybe chats will be the start of a massive craze for literacy, a desire to revive the "rich and mighty" Russian language?

On one of the forums, I asked the question: Communicating on the net, each of us “stumbled” on such words: rzhunimogu, preved .... What is your attitude to such distortion of words? slang linguistics literacy speech

Here is what they answered:

  • 1. I don’t know what it is, but as a philologist: a teacher of Russian language and literature, such “words” just shake me! Is it possible to speak competently at least in the language of which you are a native speaker? No, I understand that the Russian language is certainly one of the most difficult in the world, but the way our people communicate with each other, especially online, is out of the question.....
  • 2. From the point of view of a philologist and linguist, it can and does cause irritation. But some themes are able to accurately convey emotions. You can, of course, describe them in ordinary, literary language. But the phrase will become much longer. Treat this type of slang as an abbreviation, and there will be no irritation.
  • 3. This slang jars me too. Not only is this podonkovskaya (so, it seems, its exact name?) invention walking around the net, so it came out in real life, and now in modern literature, in some cafes, on fences, in the end, you can see this disgrace.

One sometimes wants to say to the one who invented this slang: author, drink yada!

  • 4. I think it's cool. Think people are stupid. So it's the same to have fun and want to smile once again. And the exceptions only prove the rule. Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry.
  • 5. This is a deliberate distortion of words, I myself used it in the past in this way, it seemed funny that I like it all, I stand out with something, then I somehow got bored, and in terms of status (admin), it was somehow not presentable ( = so I quit this style of communication, but when you need to play a joke, it happens that it jumps out))
  • 6. I think this is a deliberate distortion of the word. I myself actively use it when I communicate in such an environment, I treat it like a game. I think that the ability to speak this "language" also makes life more interesting. But I am against these words being used in literature and in general in wide circles.
  • 7. Well, of course, this is precisely a deliberate distortion of words, just such a way of self-expression among the "new" generation is simple and understandable, easy to remember and written without much thought about whether you wrote a word correctly or not. All this is compensated by distorted words and creates the impression not that a person is illiterate, but simply writes in such a specific language.
  • 8. I think that when people surf the Internet, they relax and don't think about literacy. And why? Because everyone understands. The main thing is to understand, the rest is unimportant. This is where the abbreviations come in. For example, I don't care. I understand what people want to say
  • 9. When you start writing in this slang, ordinary words are forgotten. You start to think how to spell it - bed or bed. (It was like that for me, at least) In general, you can make fun, of course, sometimes, but this is our great and mighty Russian language.
  • 10. To be honest, I don’t like it at all ... but this is most likely of a local nature ... among my acquaintances there are no people who use such words ... and then it’s still age-related ...
  • 11. As a philologist, I will say that there is nothing wrong with this. What's wrong with the fact that the possibilities of the Russian language are endless? Each new generation wants to identify itself somehow, that's all. Another thing is when such advertising appears, it is unpleasant, since it is focused on a narrow number of consumers of this message. And the rest she just baffles.
  • 12. Maybe there's nothing wrong with that, but it's disgusting, definitely. In addition, our population is already semi-literate, and after such a conversational genre, they will generally forget how to speak Russian and especially write correctly. And when these internet nerds finally decide to take up adult serious business, they will not go far with such knowledge. It's one thing to make fun, laugh a little, and another thing when it becomes a lifestyle. :(
  • 13. I like it, it's cool if it doesn't go overboard. In addition, you still need to be able to write in such a language, i.e. you need to know how a word is spelled correctly in order to spell it incorrectly, rather literate people write in this language. If this hobby does not cross the border.
  • 14. It seems to me that slang in itself is not so terrible - it will pass and be forgotten after some time. It's scary, in my opinion, that people, communicating in "ICQ" or on forums, completely forget about the rules of the Russian language! Those. there is an absolutely illiterate stream of words, without punctuation marks, spelling errors ... And the point is not that in a competent speech to use "killer up the wall" - everyone will understand and perceive it as a joke. But when a person no longer even imagines that “to be killed” is spelled that way - that’s already a disaster ...
  • 15. Indeed, this language will soon take over Russia, and mixed with Fen, it will be an explosive mixture, then our grandparents will no longer understand us, and the whole world as a whole. I began to notice that I can already write normally, only by controlling myself.

Summing up the theoretical research, I want to give the prevailing arguments "for" and "against" Internet slang. 53% are positive about such distortion, 40% completely deny the distortion of words, while 7% of the respondents do not care.

To get a more objective idea of ​​the interaction of the Russian literary language and slang, I conducted a survey among peers of the school where I study. A total of 100 students were interviewed. Many conclusions support the above thoughts. But still, there are some interesting data that I would like to dwell on in more detail.

One of the first questions asked was: "Do you use special slang on the Internet?" 14% of respondents answered in the affirmative, 2% of school students do not recognize this slang, 29% of people answered negatively to this question. But 55% of them admitted that they use such vocabulary from time to time.

Graphically, the results of the study are presented in fig. one.

The next question on my survey was: “What is your attitude to Internet slang?” A positive answer was given by 21% of the students. A negative attitude is experienced by 17% of people, while 40% of students generally stated that they do not care. But 21% of respondents do not pay.

Graphically, the results of the study are presented in fig. 2.

Let's think about it, because if teenagers are negatively affected by online language, then there should be an example to follow. I asked this question: “Whose speech is the standard for you?” From the graph, we clearly see that, in the opinion of adolescents, the standard for them is the speech of writers, which is very encouraging. And in second place is the vocabulary of the parents. And teachers, along with politicians, occupy the penultimate position. The results are not entirely bad, but also disappointing.

“Do you follow the rules of the Russian language when communicating online?”- the following question was also asked in the questionnaire. 69% of teenagers answered that they do not always write words correctly and follow the rules of punctuation. 26% of them follow the rules, which is quite pleasing. And only 5% do not think at all when they write in chats. Graphically, the results of the study are presented.

How much does Internet slang influence the speech culture of everyone? The following question was asked: "Do you use Internet slang in your daily life"? It is very clear that half of the students in our school use only occasionally. 33% of respondents have never used such vocabulary. 12% of schoolchildren admit that they often slip Internet words in conversations. Finally, 5% of teenagers always use Internet slang. Graphically, the results of the study are presented.

After asking the last question, I decided to find out: "What do you think is the reason for the popularity of slang"? 60% of respondents say that it is easier to express their thoughts in this way. 26% think that teenagers like it. 12% do not know the answer to the question. And 2% think it's fashionable. Graphically, the results of the study are presented.

I asked them to write 2-3 popular, according to teenagers, words of Internet slang. And that's what happened (booklet).

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, in recent years, the number of errors associated with the use of Internet slang has increased in school essays. All sorts of “ischo”, “preved”, “chanit” and “kaknit”, as well as emoticons and abbreviations like LOL (let's laugh heartily), teachers are increasingly catching in the written works of Russian students. On the other hand, Internet slang is also being introduced into business correspondence. Things got to the point that, for example, the CEO of one of the oil companies developed a system of fines for his employees after he discovered the phrase “The customer undertakes” in an outgoing letter. Cultural figures have repeatedly stated that the Russian language needs to be protected from “virtual verbal garbage”. Now the problem is being discussed at the state level.

Currently, State Duma deputies are preparing a package of documents for the adoption of a law regulating all areas of the Internet, including the language in which Russians communicate on the Web. Elena Zelinskaya, deputy chairman of the commission at the Public Chamber for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, told Novye Izvestiya: “We offer a whole series of events that increase literacy. . - "NI") instead of their real names. And when users stop hiding behind masks, the attitude towards the printed word will increase, because everyone knows that making mistakes is undignified. "A more radical method for combating Internet slang and obscene expressions on the Web proposed a couple of years ago by the former Minister of Culture, actor Nikolai Gubenko.At a meeting in the Moscow City Duma, he suggested that citizens who not only speak rudely on the street, but also "unjustifiably use slang words and slang expressions", including on the Internet, be considered hooligans. - on Gubenko, the offender must be fined 500-1000 rubles or arrested for 15 days. awda, colleagues of the ex-minister of culture did not agree with him, since it is difficult to determine when slang is used justifiably and when it is not. And, finally, who should pay a fine if he wrote the phrase “Afftar zhzhot” on the Internet, accompanying it with strong words? “Over the past ten years, I have already heard several times that they want to prosecute for slang,” Anna Zhuravleva, a teacher of Russian language and literature, told Novye Izvestiya. - Specialists of the Ministry of Education, deputies of the Moscow City Duma, and prominent philologists came forward with such an initiative. However, the matter does not go further than proposals. Personally, I think that slang, which, under the influence of the Internet, finds its way into school essays, needs to be stopped. But, apparently, such punitive measures will never take root in our country.” However, according to independent experts, such slang is not very dangerous. In particular, the author of the book “We Speak Russian” and the host of the program of the same name on Echo of Moscow, Marina Koroleva, is convinced of this. “If you mean words like “preved”, “handsome”, “author”, then this is not at all dangerous, she explains to NI. - Firstly, it covers a very small audience. Secondly, it is a language game in which adults rather than teenagers participate. If by chance a child sees the word “handsome”, of course, this poses some kind of threat to his literacy, but not a global one. Much more dangerous is the total illiteracy on the Internet, which no one controls. Because all correspondence on the Web, all chats, all negotiations are conducted without observing spelling and punctuation. When asked if there is a way out of this situation, Ms. Koroleva replies: “I'm afraid that there are no levers of influence. And this is frightening, because illiteracy enters the subconscious. Even, sorry, I have situations where I start to doubt writing simply because I spend too much time on blogs. For example, I always knew for sure that turnover had nothing to do with “and”. But recently I began to seriously doubt the spelling and looked into the dictionary several times. Because it confuses me when you often see the same phrase written differently. What then happens to a person who does not have an established orthographic framework? Meanwhile, in the West, where the blogosphere appeared much earlier than in Russia, they do not believe that Internet slang and total illiteracy damage the language. On the contrary, a growing number of linguists are advocating Internet Newspeak. British professor of phonetics, president of the Orthographic Society, John Wells, at a gala dinner in honor of the centenary of this very society, said that abbreviations used on the Internet can be used more widely - for example, when typing sms. He said that “e-mail, sms, chat on the Internet show the way forward for the English language. Let's let people write logically. Now we live in an era when it is time for us to get rid of the idol of orthography. However, the Russian colleagues of the British scientist were wary of such a statement. Many of them believe that the development of the language should continue to be fueled by classical literature, and not by free experiments with new words that litter the Internet.

State Duma deputies plan to prepare by April 2013 a draft comprehensive law on Internet activities or its concept, said State Duma deputy Robert Schlegel, Interfax reports.

Do you use internet slang? with such a question turned to famous writers, poets, journalists, singers. Here are the answers to some of them.

Dmitry DIBROV, TV presenter:

Of course, I use Internet slang. And, of course, it affects the Russian language. But in which direction: good or bad - it all depends on the speaker. Little depends on the Internet itself, only on its user. It must be said that the Russian language can also be spoiled by the Old Slavonic word, if it is used thoughtlessly, not creatively and spoils the meaning of the statement. And if the Internet expression makes the meaning of the statement interesting, clear and juicy, then, in general, it is in place. Any form of illiteracy is disgusting to me. I love it when a Russian person speaks other languages, but does not distort the words.

Diana ARBENINA, singer:

No, I hardly use it. Against the backdrop of total illiteracy, Internet slang is certainly dangerous. Such liberties can only be afforded by educated people, of whom there are not so many in the Internet garbage can.

Igor IRTENEV, poet:

I do not use such slang due to my age, although I use the Internet. Some things came into the Russian language via the Internet, and we have no analogues for them. Therefore, new introductions to the language are, of course, inevitable. And to spoil the Russian language, I think, nothing can.

Vladimir VOINOVICH, writer:

Of course, this phenomenon harms the Russian language. And it is already obvious that it does not work. I just want to emphasize that I am generally a supporter of the Internet and its active user. But, unfortunately, everything that comes to us good, necessarily pulls the bad with it. And Internet slang, total illiteracy is proof of this. Because of the anonymity adopted on the Web, there is a terrible swagger in the communication of people. Fighting this, I think, will not work. Although some sites now censor such language, I fully support this: if you please write correctly, if you know how, of course. After all, if a person makes mistakes due to his illiteracy, he can be forgiven, but it is impossible to deliberately distort the language. We need to somehow encourage people to use normal grammatical forms, not use obscene language and address each other politely.

Sholban Valerievich Kara-ool, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Tyva:

Unfortunately, I am illiterate in Internet slang. I believe that we have a language inherited from our ancestors through the millennia. And there is no reason for me to study something else. (From the Vkontakte correspondence)

Every language has its own slang for teenagers. Films, music, media, social networks and the Internet abound. come into the lexicon of teenagers from the lips of famous actors, pop artists, especially in the stand-up genre.

What is slang

Slang is called non-standard vocabulary used in casual communication. Almost all professions have their own professional slang. Lawyers and doctors are even required to communicate in it in the presence of a client, as ethics require. Moreover, in each family, their own words are passed from generation to generation, the authors of which were sometimes children. They twist words in a way that makes sense to them. Examples:

  • String beads (of course, on a thread).
  • Kolotok (they are also beaten).
  • Mazeline (it is smeared).

Similar creativity of words is demonstrated by the slang of teenagers, examples:

  • Beautiful - well done. It's like "handsome" and "ah, well done!" combined together.
  • Bratella - brother or peer. The root remains, and the word itself has an Italian connotation. And already something criminal looks through. The word "brother" is used between gang members. In general, it is used in the Mitki community.
  • Brake is dumb. The one who slows down "does not catch up" with the rest in quick wit. Often used in relation to a computer or the Internet when there is a slow transfer of information.

Teenage slang doesn't just come out of nowhere. It, like real languages, has the origin of words: borrowing from professional slang, new Russian and thieves Fenya, Anglicisms, newly formed words by combining two words or a root and a suffix.

Often, when the literary language does not have a word denoting a particular concept of teenage subculture, a new word enters the language. It can even pass into the category of literary, if it describes this concept quite fully.

There are many examples of this from the language of programmers. For example, the word "hang". At first it was used in relation to the violation of the computer boot. Later, the meaning "stay somewhere" was added. This is how Wiktionary defines it.

Whether we like it or not, teenage slang has an impact on the Russian language. That is how it should be viewed.

Slang as a means of communication

The language of the teenage subculture is highly expressive, saturated with metaphors, it tends to reduce words (people, inet, comp). Intentional distortion of verbal forms is a protest and a way to get away from frankly foul language, covering the meaning of what was said with a slang shell.

Modern teen slang is, in fact, a code language. Everything in it is subject to obfuscation and obscuration of a clear meaning. Teenagers would burn with shame if they knew that the teacher or parents understood their speech. Despite their apparent adulthood, they are not ready to take responsibility for their words.

Slang turns what is said into a game, something frivolous, a hobby of youth. In fact, it wears off over time. There is no need to encrypt your actions, an adult calls a spade a spade. But for teenagers, it is still important that adults "do not poke their nose into their affairs."

Consider the modern slang of teenagers: a dictionary of the most common expressions.

  • Ava - avatar, picture under the username. There is an abbreviation of the word.
  • Go - from the English "go", start, give, call to action. Compare "let" s go "(English) - let's go. Explicit anglicism.
  • Zashkvar - from the prison word "to sour", that is, to use the dishes of a lowered (passive bugger), shake his hand, smoke his cigarette, or simply touch him. In teenage slang, it means "madness", something unfashionable, inconsistent with conventional wisdom.
  • Poch - why.
  • Pal is fake. Obviously, from "singed" - fake.
  • Nyashny - cute, charming.
  • Mimic - extremely delightful.
  • Top - from the English "top", something better.
  • You drive - you cheat.
  • Gamat - from the English "game", to play.
  • Funny is a joke.
  • A bummer - to get into an unpleasant position.
  • Carrots - love.

Processes taking place in the Russian language

The language changes in the lifetime of one generation. And this despite the fact that each generation has its own teenage and youth slang. Journalism, modern literature and numerous blogs are now picking up and spreading slang words.

The writer, bringing a teenager on stage, studies his speech for a realistic reflection. Here there is a gradation of terms and the words characteristic of certain social groups are defined.

Obviously, more educated teenagers use less jargon, as they have a larger vocabulary. The vocabulary of teenage slang for rural and urban groups is also different.

Philologists have an opinion that new words appear mainly in two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Within six months, they spread to the periphery.

Reasons for the origin of teenage slang

Each subculture has its own language. Teenagers are no exception. Her area of ​​interest defines the vocabulary used to denote concepts:

  • Studying at school, college, technical school, university.
  • Clothing.
  • Music, popular bands, the style of their clothes and behavior.
  • Communication with friends, opposite sex, parents, teachers.
  • Leisure activities - discos, walks, meetings and dates, concerts of your favorite bands, attending matches of your favorite sports teams.

Reasons for the entry of new words into the lexicon of adolescents:

  1. The game.
  2. Finding yourself, your I.
  3. Protest.
  4. Poor vocabulary.

Youth slang as a form of self-affirmation of adolescents, it can be considered as a stage of growing up. Where do these words come from? They are invented in passing, trying to explain something, choosing a suitable expression or comparison. If a new word finds a response, is successful in the team, it will almost certainly spread.

The replenishment of slang comes from professional jargon, for example, computer jargon:

  • Broken link - 404 error.
  • Glitch is a glitch.
  • Save video - upload a video file.
  • Copy-paste - "Copy" - copy, "Paste" - paste.
  • Bug is a mistake.
  • Fix - fix bugs.

Many words have roots in thieves' slang:

  • Raise the market - become the initiator of a serious conversation.
  • Bulkotryas - dancing at the disco.
  • Sitting on treason is something to be afraid of.
  • Shmon - search.
  • Chepushil - a person who does not follow the speech.
  • To score an arrow - make an appointment.

The words of drug addicts are also reflected in teenage slang:

  • Gertrude, white, main - heroin.
  • Marusya, milk, plasticine - marijuana.
  • Cupcake, flour, nose, accelerator - cocaine and crack.
  • Get up-grass, dad, shnyaga - raw opium.
  • Wheels - tablets.
  • Wheel - take pills.
  • Bang, rub in, get stoned - make an injection.
  • Chpoknutsya, shirnutsya - enter into a state of drug intoxication.

Jargon heard in time will help to understand what a teenager is interested in and help the child if necessary.

Teenage slang of the 21st century comes from the TV screen. Movies about gangsters, action movies, trailers replenish the baggage of new words. Unfortunately, negative characters are imitated willingly. They are cool". Curses, which were previously purely American, penetrate into the Russian language. Along with them come obscene gestures. All this is sad.

Teenage slang and its meaning

It is worth noting that not all teenagers let slang into their speech. Some use it as a joke. Such guys are usually not considered "their own", although they may be treated with respect.

The use of slang words begins as a game: they don’t understand us, you can talk about anything. Then comes the transitional age, when a person seeks himself, accepts or rejects generally accepted norms. As an alternative to the boring life path of parents, boring teachers and narrow-minded neighbors, a teenage subculture comes.

This limited world is not difficult to comprehend. The vocabulary of teenage slang is small, anyone can master it. Here everyone is on an equal footing, you can talk about topics that would make parents' hair stand on end in horror. This seeming freedom so attracts the young heart!

It is worth bringing teen slang, a list of everyday words:

  • To score - came from prison jargon, discarding the three-letter swear word. Now they score not something, but something: to score on homework is not to do homework.
  • Damn - replacing the obscene expression with the corresponding letter. Means annoyance.
  • Kidalovo - from the jargon of scammers, scammers who change money. Means cheating.
  • Cool is an old Offen word. Means "good".
  • Cool - funny
  • Dumb - ashamed, awkward, old-fashioned.
  • A feature is a highlight, something that surprises, a feature.
  • Chmo is an outcast.
  • Shnyaga - something bad.
  • Shukher - “we run!”, Also from the language of criminals.

Summing up, we can say that the meaning of using teenage slang is as follows:

  1. The desire to stand out from the crowd, the gray mass. In this case, the teenage subculture is perceived as avant-garde.
  2. The desire for freedom, the abolition of prohibitions. To such an extreme as changing the common language to slang, children rush out of the tight grip of their parents. They even intentionally shock with their behavior.
  3. A protest against the hypocritical system of adults, when some can do everything, while others are responsible for other people's misdeeds.
  4. Slang helps with the poverty of the vocabulary, obscene speech helps to express thoughts. Communication often takes place in half hints and jokes.

Youth slang, its influence on the speech of adolescents

It would be possible to treat slang as a temporary and easily passing phenomenon if it were not for its deep rooting. Having begun to use slang speech turns, a teenager begins to think the same way. As you know, a person does not have imaginative thinking, like animals. The thought is closely connected with the word.

As a result, modern teenage slang is starting to seep into writing. Soon such a teenager needs an interpreter. Nevertheless, slang is a limited language, without nuances, highlights and subtle shades. To accept it instead of literary means to impoverish not only one's own life, but also the very thoughts about life.

There is a mirror effect of the word: after introducing it into the lexicon, thoughts use it for their expression. Then, according to the principle “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”, the language brings out the thought already in slang form. Getting rid of is not easy, it will take conscious effort. If you leave nourishment, that is, communication in slang, it will become impossible to get rid of it.

The Consequences of Passion for Slang

During the formation of personality, and this is just the teenage years, there is also an installation of patterns of behavior or problem solving that will arise already in adulthood. The influence of slang on the speech of adolescents is very great.

Not having enough life experience, teenagers try to learn everything about life. And they think they can do it. Being in their circle, they can look wise in their own eyes. But this wisdom is shattered by the waves of adulthood.

It is impossible to use slang without accepting its ideology. He will definitely influence actions and decision-making. The bravado that comes through in the slang only seems to be "cool."

Teenage slang, dictionary:

  • dose - homework;
  • dzyak - thank you;
  • Dostoevsky - the one who got everyone;
  • email - email address;
  • tin - horror;
  • fat is the highest class;
  • lighter - a girl who likes to have fun;
  • ambush - an unexpected obstacle in business;
  • shy - quickly getting drunk;
  • zoo - insult;
  • bend - do something unusual;
  • imbitsil - retarded;
  • jock - a person with developed muscles;
  • kipish - disorder;
  • kiruha - a drinker;
  • sausage - cool music, cool music;
  • mow for someone - to be like;
  • the rat is a traitor;
  • ksiva—document;
  • cupcake - kid;
  • smoke bamboo - do nothing;
  • labat - play a musical instrument;
  • lave - money;
  • the fox is a fan of the Alisa group;
  • lokhovoz - public transport;
  • loser - loser;
  • burdock - fool;
  • major - a boy with money;
  • mahalovka - a fight;
  • frost - talking nonsense;
  • mulka is a cool little thing;
  • stir up - meet;
  • mersibo - thank you;
  • run up - ask for trouble;
  • nane - no (Gypsy);
  • nishtyak - very good;
  • head dump - the highest degree of admiration;
  • glasses - to be afraid;
  • fall - sit down;
  • drove - nickname;
  • pepper is a tough guy;
  • bathe - worry;
  • turnip - rehearsal;
  • to steer - to be the most-most;
  • ramsit - have fun;
  • session - concert, meeting;
  • banter - to joke, to mock;
  • move out of the market - change the topic of conversation;
  • one hundred pounds - for sure;
  • studen - student card;
  • type - like;
  • torch - pleasure;
  • trouble - a nuisance;
  • junkie - drug addict;
  • tip-top - everything is fine;
  • frenzy - funny;
  • fak - curse;
  • flood - chatter;
  • bullshit - nonsense;
  • hut - housing;
  • xs - hell knows;
  • hi-fi - hello;
  • civil - good conditions;
  • chika - dear girl;
  • chiksa - girl;
  • spur - cheat sheet;
  • user - computer user;
  • yahu - cheers.

These are just a few that make up the slang of teenagers, the vocabulary of expressions is far from complete. Excluded obscene expressions and describing sexual activities, the administration of natural needs. Yes, the kids talk about it too. But even this is enough to understand the danger of accepting the subculture of adolescents for life.

What else is fraught with the use of slang

If you do not get rid of this speech, problems will not keep you waiting. It will be difficult to get a decent job, it will be difficult to hold on to it because of the use of certain words. Suddenly, the teenager will feel that he cannot explain what is happening to him to the doctor. He will find that the postman, the social worker, the seller do not understand him.

To live in the world of people and speak in a language that they do not understand is loneliness in the crowd. For a child in a difficult situation, this can end badly. Depression is a frequent visitor in this case.

Parents can help by explaining that slang is a game. You can't play all your life. They will try to find contact with their child, go through this period of growing up together. Trust at this time can do a lot.

How to solve a problem

Parents are very annoyed by the slang of teenagers. Especially when they don't understand what their own child said. At the same time, parents often forget themselves at a young age. They also used buzzwords, and their parents were at a loss.

First of all, to solve the problem, you should start with yourself. How often do informal words fall from the lips of the older generation? They are sometimes not noticed. Surely you have heard (or even used) such expressions:

  • Nafig.
  • Get hurt.
  • To die is not to rise.
  • Otpad.
  • Covered with a copper basin.
  • Flew like plywood over Paris.

These are once fashionable words of the end of the 20th century that have already gone into circulation. If parents use such jargon, it is not surprising that their child will look for his own vocabulary that matches the time. A teenager will not even understand that he is doing something wrong. He just wants to be modern. Do not communicate with him "old slang"?

The trouble is that often the child uses words whose meaning he does not fully understand. In the group of his communication, often, too, no explanation can be found. It's just that everyone says it. This is where sensitive parents can help. They will try to convey to the teenager the meaning of some jargon. Tell about their belonging to the criminal world, for example.

Some words can be used, the main thing is to know: when, where and with whom. The girl, having called the molesting young man a goat, may not know anything about this humiliating word for criminals. But in the code of honor of a thief - immediately hit the person who called the goat. Whether it's a girl or an old man, it doesn't matter.

street language

Unfortunately, the boundaries between literary and obscene expressions are blurred in society. Swear words are attacked from all sides: in public transport, in a store, on the street, and even from the TV screen. If everyone says so, then this is the norm - this is what a teenager thinks.

In this case, it's time to sound the alarm. Bring to the attention of the child that a free society is not the freedom of vice, but a conscious choice of actions. There is an elementary ethic when it cannot be uttered in the presence of women, children and the elderly, in public places. Only marginals do this.

Like the cannibal Ellochka, there are people who operate in their lives with a few swear words. They turn them into different parts of speech, decline and combine. This is enough to communicate with their own kind at the level of a monkey trained in sign language.

Parents should not be afraid that their expression of contempt for profanity will offend, make the child withdraw. And, of course, it is not permissible to use "salty words" ourselves.

Set out to explore what words come out of the mouths of literary characters during extreme heat of passion. Share this with your children. In general, good literature is an inoculation against obscene language.

Tell your child about the danger that awaits those who use the words drug addicts, homeless people, punks. What impression is created about a person who uses such words in social networks. Give examples of how photos posted on the Internet and captions to them ruined the reputation of a young man or girl.

Tell us that expressions of national, racial, social and religious intolerance are criminal acts. If a child propagates extreme views, it is necessary to find out who their ideologue is. Maybe a teenager imitates someone? In any case, measures should be taken to prevent the child from being immersed in this subculture.

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Topic: "Internet slang in Russian".

The work was done by a student

defectological faculty

207 groups Isaeva A.V.

The work was checked by: Bogachev Yu.P.

Moscow, 2010


  • Introduction
  • 1. Historical aspect
  • 1.1 Emergence of terms
  • 1.2 Entry of slang into the language
  • 1.2.1 Slang formation
  • 2. Word formation
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The Internet, as a special communicative environment and as a previously non-existent sphere of language implementation, has brought with it new ways of communication, stereotypes of speech behavior, new forms of language existence.

Recently, the functioning of the Russian language in the global Internet has been studied by many linguists. The change in the linguistic personality occurs in conjunction with the formation of a virtual picture of the world, including the linguistic one, reflecting life in the Internet space with its specific features. Values ​​are changing - computer education is valued more than language education, therefore it is considered especially chic to speak in a simplified language that contradicts the norms of ordinary communication.

All this significantly affects the linguistic situation and requires serious linguistic research. It is quite possible that we are talking about the formation of a new style in the Russian language - the style of Internet communication, the hallmarks of which are written pronunciation, hyperintertextuality and embodied colloquialism. At the same time, a qualitatively new feature of style is also its spontaneity, despite written reproduction.

The significance of this problem is proved by the fact that in different countries scientists observe and study similar processes occurring in natural national languages ​​spoken by Internet users. For example, even in England, where there is no situation of borrowing Internet terminology from a foreign language, scientists have come to the need to identify and study a new functional style "Webish" (Web + English), which is actively spreading among Internet users, covering ever wider layers of the mass media. audience.

Thus, the above determines the relevance of the topic.

The purpose of my work is to comprehensively characterize the features of the Internet language.

1. Historical aspect

1.1 Emergence of terms

The rapid growth of computer technologies since the second half of the 20th century, and, in particular, the mass introduction of personal computers and computer devices into the everyday life of an ordinary person in the mid-1980s, introduced into the Russian language a huge number of special words and expressions, rich branched terminology. Later, thanks to the start of publication in 1988 of the magazine "PC World" (at first 100% translated), which became very popular, there was a "collapse": English terms and abbreviations, often in English spelling, filled the pages of magazines and littered the speech of specialists. For example - network card, microprocessor, operating system, formatting, installation, hard drive, pixels, dialog box, display and others. Many of these terms are Anglicisms, but there are also words from other European languages. Along with the new technology, computer games also infiltrated the human world, where certain individual designations of things are also present, such as quest, RPG, deadmatch, etc.

1.2 Entry of slang into the language

As in the professional language of computer scientists, there are many English borrowings in the jargon. Often these are borrowings from English computer jargon. An example is the words " gamer"- from English jargon gamer, where a gamer is a player in computer games or " doumer"- from doomer is a fan of the game Doom.

1.2.1 Slang formation

The ways and means of forming computer slang are very diverse, but they all come down to adapting the English word to Russian reality and making it suitable for permanent use. Here are the main methods of slang formation, which, in my opinion, cover most of the current slang vocabulary:

1) full borrowing (tracing)

2) borrowing the basis

3) Translation

a) using standard vocabulary with a special meaning

b) using slang from other professional groups

Full borrowing

This method of education includes borrowings that are not grammatically mastered by the Russian language. In this case, the word is borrowed entirely with its pronunciation, spelling and meaning. Such borrowings are subject to assimilation. Each sound in the borrowed word is replaced by the corresponding sound in Russian in accordance with phonetic laws. These words seem foreign in pronunciation and spelling, they correspond to all the norms of the English language. Here are examples of words completely borrowed from English:

device device

hard drive hard

programmer - programmer (programmer),

user - user (user),

to click - click or click.

Interestingly, there is also the opposite phenomenon. A jargon synonymous with the term appears, formed from a word that has long been entrenched in the Russian language:

Internet slang Russian language

"windows" - the familiar name of the Microsoft Windows operating system (literally - "Windows"),

"soft" is an ironic literal translation of Microsoft's name

Most likely, a certain number of such words in Russian was a consequence of the fact that most software on computers still runs in English. As a result, people have a kind of addiction to some common commands or messages. Here, for example, "disabled person user" ( popular answer to the question of why something doesn't work) is a popular paraphrase of the MS-DOS "Invalid drive" message.

In addition to “addiction”, here, of course, the general tendency among young people to attract Anglicisms into their everyday speech also played a role. Passion for anglicisms has become a kind of fashion, it is due to the stereotypes and ideals created in the youth society. Such a stereotype of our era is the image of an idealized American society, in which the standard of living is much higher, and high rates of technological progress lead the whole world. And by adding English borrowings to their speech, young people in a certain way approach this stereotype, join the American culture and lifestyle.

It is in this group that a Russian or simply incorrect reading of an English word takes place. Sometimes a mistake becomes attractive to the point that it seizes the masses:

message message.

Very often there is simply a transfer of a word into Russian with the wrong stress:

label labtheh

Therefore, some slang borrowings are unstable in spelling. For example, you can find several different borrowings of the word keyboard tothiboard - to th board - tobboard.

It is noteworthy that words that are stylistically neutral in English, having passed into the slang of Russian programmers, acquire an ironic-scornful or simply colloquial coloring.

Borrowing the foundation

When a term is transferred from English to Russian, the latter adjusts the accepted word to the norms not only of its phonetics, as in the previous group, but also of spelling with grammar. During grammatical assimilation, the English term comes at the disposal of Russian grammar, obeying its rules. Nouns, for example, acquire case endings:

application appliquha ( application program)

applicuhu ( V. p.)

appliques ( R. p.)

Due to the fact that the source language is analytic and the borrowing language is synthetic, there is an addition of inflections to verbs:

to connect connect ( connect with computers)

to program program ( do programming)

to click click ( click the mouse buttons).

In accordance with the fact that one of the reasons for the need for slang is the reduction of long professionalisms, there is such a technique as the univerbation technique (reduction of a phrase to one word). Here is an example of such a phenomenon:

strategic game strategy;

motherboard - mother (nurse, motherboard, mother, uterus);

jet printer - jet.

Here, one word is borrowed from the phrase by this method and at the same time it receives the meaning of the entire phrase. A fairly large number of words in this group came from various abbreviations, names of various protocols, firms.

Bulletin board system BBS bebeska, bibieska

IBM ibmka

Here it is impossible not to recall the fact that the MS-DOS operating system, which worked for many years on most personal computers in Russia, allowed giving files and directories names consisting of no more than eight characters and extensions consisting of only three characters. This led to the fact that the name of many programs and games also had to be abbreviated or abbreviated if the full names consisted of several words. Derivatives from various readings of these abbreviations fell into Russian slang. In this way, many words have appeared, here are their examples:

Norton Utilities N.U. nushka

Kai's Power Tools KPT capetashka

Execution file EXE executable

Three-dimensional Studio 3DS tridashka

As a result, a large number of sounds [e] are created that are not typical for ordinary colloquial speech.

Russian computer slang does not always include words borrowed from English. Very often, slang vocabulary is formed by the way of translating an English professional term. In my classification, I distinguish between two possible ways of translation. The first method involves translating a word using neutral words existing in the Russian language, which at the same time acquire a new meaning with a reduced stylistic coloring:

Windows window vents

virus living creatures

user's manual primer

In the process of translation, the mechanism of associative thinking works. Metaphorization - widely used in almost all slang systems. Arising associations or metaphors can be very different: in the form of an object or device:

disk pancake

adapter card tile

according to the principle of work:

matrix printer vzhikalka

patch file patch

There are also numerous verbal metaphors:

to delete demolish

to read from disk to saw disk

to seek smth on disk rustle

It should be noted that this group includes only those words that previously did not have any slang meanings. But the second group is much more numerous - these are terms that have acquired their slang translation by using the vocabulary of other professional groups. As a result, the meaning of the word changes somewhat, acquiring a meaning specific to computer slang. The most common words and expressions from youth slang:

incorrect program glucalo

streamer mophone

Word "chauffeur" passed from youth slang, where it means a tape recorder, in computer slang the same word is used to refer to a storage device for information on a magnetic tape - a streamer. There are also numerous word transitions from driving, criminal, etc. slang:

microassembler programmer - makrushnik

to connect two computers- hosing

kettle- novice user

engine- the core, the "engine" of the program (the second meaning of the term engine- semantically equivalent to the English counterpart engine- engine).

For example, about a Pentium-200 computer they say: “Fashionable wheelbarrow With 200th motor".

It is noteworthy that with such formation of slang words, some blurring in the meaning is created, which is not typical for professional English terms. In most cases, only the nature of the action or phenomenon is indicated, and its specificity is not determined. Let's compare two equivalents of an English term, the first of which belongs to professional vocabulary, and the second to slang:

LED flashlight

When a person hears slang for the first time "flashlight", he is unlikely to understand what it is about, tk. this word only indicates that the subject of conversation emits light. The word probably appeared in slang due to its tendency to exaggerate, which creates inconsistency. And from a small "LED" appeared "flashlight".

2. Word formation

Many computer jargon words are formed according to the word-formation models adopted in the Russian language. For example, in a suffix way. The suffix -k- is very common:

gaming jargon - flying, shooter, walker, walker;

Utilities - watcher, squeezer, cleaner, drawer.

Subsequently, words can be replaced by terms. For example, for gaming jargon:



3D action ( action).

In the words "sidyuk", " cutter"(compact disk or a device for reading compact discs and recording information), "pisyuk" (from PC - personal computer) there is a suffix - yuk-, - ak-, characteristic of colloquial speech.

With the suffix - ov (game):




With the suffix -yash, -k:

useful things (utilities).

Simplified transliterations of English terms are often used:

bug (bug- an error in the program)

fimcha (feature- software function, optional feature),

plugsmn (plug-in- addition to the software product).

3. Some changes and processes observed in computer slang

Currently, the dictionary of computer slang has a relatively large number of words. Therefore, computer slang contains words with identical or extremely close meanings - synonyms. For example, you can select synonymous rows:

computer comp - computer - tsamputer - jar - wheelbarrow - apparatus - car

to hack xakhymh - grunt - break - bang - break through

hard drive screw - chord - heavy drive - berdan

Naturally, the more common the word, the more synonyms it has. So most of them are in words that denote parts of a computer.

Such a phenomenon as the emergence of synonyms is due to the fact that in different regions of Russia (and there are quite a lot of them) for the same term, different slang correspondences may appear. They can be formed in different ways, by people with different levels of English proficiency. And communication between people using different words is not yet very developed. The Internet is not yet ubiquitous. Therefore, when they do meet, they sometimes do not even understand each other. For the creators of computer slang dictionaries, the first problem is to write down as many possible synonyms for each term as possible and figure out some common words.

Computer slang is not devoid of all sorts of phraseological turns. Among them there are both verbal and substantive turns:

reap loaves ( work with mouse)

glitch to polish ( debug the program)

three-finger salute ( exit with Ctrl-Alt-Del keys),

wind change ( operating system change).

"These phrases are almost all based on associative translation. The process of the emergence of a kind of slang Folklore is also interesting, in which terminological vocabulary is used in a broad figurative sense in various situations that are not related to computers. For example, a programmer who does not want to fulfill someone's request, He speaks : "Can" t Oren or Invalid Request". It is this English-language text that is displayed on the computer screen when it cannot complete the task. A programmer falling asleep in the evening of a hard day calms himself down: System halted. The same thing, turning off, says the computer. "Vinogradova N.V. Computer slang and literary language: problems of competition // Research on Slavic languages. Korean Association of Slavists. M., 2006. P. 17.

The personal computer, having gone a long way from its birth to the present day, has improved in many ways, new devices, new software, and new technologies have appeared. Users of computer technology have moved from using rather primitive devices and technologies to more modern and complex ones.

As a result, the vocabulary of computer scientists is also changing. Slang also does not remain constant. With the change of one technology to another, old words are forgotten, they are replaced by others. This process, as well as the development of computers themselves, is very fast. If in any other slang a word can exist for decades, then in computer slang only over the past decade of rapid technological progress an incredible number of words have appeared and gone down in history. So, for example, many young computer scientists do not use in their speech or do not even know about the existence of such words as:

Tsezhea ( CGA, Color Graphic Adapter)

Khaevaya deist ( high density diskette)

Chameleon ( motherboard type)

Mat ( Math co-processor)

But there are also things that have not changed much throughout the entire computer revolution. But their slang designations do not remain unchanged. There is a process of generational change going on (albeit much slower than the development of computer technology), and those words that seemed fashionable and funny five to seven years ago now look outdated. Fashion changes, trends in society change, some words just get boring. For example, the word "number-biter", denoting a computer in modern slang was replaced by the words "wheelbarrow" or "comp".

It is also impossible to ignore such a problem as the transition of words from slang to the category of professional or normal ones. Most often, rather old slang words that have managed to get used to become professional terms. The word thus loses its eccentric coloring. An important role in this is played by computer newspapers and magazines. The slang word appears in them in most cases due to the fact that the professional words corresponding to them are inconvenient with frequent use or are completely absent. Magazines devoted to computer games generally use slang words in abundance in order to create a more cheerful, youthful atmosphere. Here is an excerpt from the magazine "Country of Games" for August 1996: “Fans quickly dubbed published demo version wolf and started keel fascist soldiers". But from such entertainment magazines, slang often moves to the pages of more serious periodicals, and sometimes scientific literature. Let's remember a word "iron" in the meaning of `hardware", which for some time was exclusively slang, but eventually turned into a professional vocabulary. Now it can be found in any computer magazine. The situation is similar with the expression “stuff text", which does not have a full-fledged analogue, since the expressions "create text file" or “enter in memory computer text" do not adequately reflect the essence of the process.

4. The meaning of computer slang for the Russian language

"Having traced the path of a word from its birth in English to the transition to slang, I concluded that slang in Russian is a kind of "vent", facilitating the process of adapting an English term. Slang helps speed up this process, in a situation of rapid development of computers, when the language tries to keep up with new technologies.

In this matter, the Russian language, no doubt, is under the direct influence of the English language. "Ivanov L.Yu. The impact of new information technologies on the Russian language: systemic-linguistic and cultural-speech problems // Dictionary and culture of Russian speech. To the 100th anniversary since the birth of SI Ozhegov.M 2001.S. 75. And we will not be able to stop this process until we ourselves begin to create something new in the field of computer technology.

As we can see, computer slang in most cases is English borrowings or phonetic associations, cases of translation are less common, and even then thanks to the wild imagination of computer scientists. The attraction of foreign words into the language should always be treated carefully, and even more so when this process has such a speed.

The existence of computer slang allows specialists not only to feel like members of some closed community, but also allows them to understand each other perfectly, serves as an elementary means of communication. Without slang, they would either have to speak English or use cumbersome professionalisms in their speech.

The development of this linguistic phenomenon and its spread among an increasing number of native speakers of the Russian language is conditioned by the introduction of computer technology into the life of modern society. And computer slang is beginning to be used not only by computer scientists, but also by people who have nothing to do with a computer at all. Once I heard one grandmother in the store say to another: “You see what HACKED they sell apples!" It seems that computer slang should become the object of close attention of linguists, because, as examples of other slang systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates the literary language and is fixed there for many years.

5. Interesting Examples of Internet Slang and Abbreviations

At the end of my work, I would like to give examples of Russian Internet slang:

Butyavka - boot floppy disk, CD.

Vzhikalka - dot matrix printer.

Gnusmas is Samsung read backwards. It happened in hardware conferences because of the extremely poor quality of optical drives from this company.

Head - Processor.

Rodent - computer mouse.

Grandfather, Naked grandfather - GoldEd program (for reading mail in Fido and Fido-like networks).

Firewood (English driver) - drivers.

Emelya - e-mail from the Russian reading of the English word e-mail, soap.

Raccoon - 1) Internet, Internet 2) Gadget (usually a communicator) from E-ten) Toad - Java programming language.

Ikashnik - infrared port Klava - keyboard.

Cure for greed - A program to break the limiting features of an unpaid program, sometimes just a cure.


Lytdybr - diary. If you type Russian "diary", forgetting to switch the keyboard from English, you get "lytdybr".

MUMU - Multimedia NaSIlnik - C programmer.

Butt - a large file ("Do not send the butt by soap").

Pedivikia is a playful name for Wikipedia.

Power supply - power supply.

Ritual dance with a tambourine - a sequence of actions that does not have a logical explanation, but leads to the desired result (as a rule, to the correct operation of the system) Blue tooth, Sinezub - (from eng. Bluetooth) - bluetooth radio communication technology.

Tormozilla - Mozilla browser.

Fall asleep at the piano - fall asleep in front of the computer with your face on the keyboard. Key prints remain on the face.


As well as the most popular generally accepted abbreviations of the Internet community:

ICQ- the popular name of the program ICQ, formed from English - " Iseekyou" - " Ilooking foryou" . The program allows you to communicate with one or more interlocutors using short messages. In ICQ, all kinds of abbreviations are most often used for speed typing.

Firewood - consonant with English driver- Computer program(s). With the help of a driver or drivers, another program, usually this OS- PC operating system, gets the ability to control devices connected to the computer (printer, scanner, mouse, etc.)

PS - the same as Postscriptum(lat.), or abbreviated - PS - note on what was written. Appears in the text when they forget to switch the keyboard from Cyrillic to Latin. Subsequently, this switch was not made deliberately to save time, and it's "fun" to make the reader guess what it means?

IMHO- short for English: InMyhumbleOpinion - onmyhumbleopinion. On the Russian Internet, this abbreviation is written as " IMHO" or " IMHO" . In the Russified abbreviation, I had to find my equivalent for IMHO - the abbreviation of the phrase " and meu m knowledge, X ot about worthless". As often happens in the language, the abbreviation sometimes turns into an independent word: "You can keep your IMHO to yourself." But on the Internet you can also find a more daring interpretation of IMHO - as an abbreviation for " And meu M knowledge, X ren O arguing." But such a decoding can be done only if it is the sharp version IMHO that clearly follows from the context. For example: "I don’t want to discuss your proposal, IMHO!" expressively!)

IP address, IP address- short for English InternetProtocolAddress, which is the unique identifier for a computer connected to the Internet. The form of an IP address is written as four decimal numbers, from 0 to 255. The numbers are separated by dots.

infa,info(abbr.) - inf information, in the second case - often information about the user of the site, forum or ICQ.

Comp (PC) - (personal) a computer. " I bought myself a super-sophisticated computer."

lol - short for English LaughingoutLoud - laughinallthroat. Written in response to a very witty joke.

Soap - electronicmail,e-mail,letteronelectronicmail. Consonant with English. mail.

plz (pls) - short for English please - please.

Prog - prog frame.

" Alcoholic" - this is not what we thought so far. This is a programmer in the Algol programming language. Also called "alcoholic" is the CD ripping program Alcohol 120%.

Appendicemt. Application

If ayoubeforenowsincecallkeyboard " Claudia" , you cannot be considered an advanced Internet user. In professional Internet slang, a keyboard is called a "piano". The mouse pad is referred to as a "roof pad".

" Hamster" - this is the home page (from the English. Home Page), and the "donkey" is the Internet Explorer browser (from the abbreviation IE).

Notbypassedinternet userstheirattentionandheavytechnology. The word "tank" or the expression "to be in a tank", which can often be found on professional IT forums, means "to be out of the know, not to know anything about the subject of discussion."

Under the nasty word " autogad" hides a computer-aided design system - the AutoCAD program.


Computer jargon is an actively developing dynamic system (which is due to the unusually rapid progress of computer technology). This is one of the ways of penetration into the Russian language of anglicisms (sometimes completely unjustified). Many words from computer jargon are moving into official terminology.

Jargon exists not only in oral speech, not only in numerous electronic documents, letters and virtual conferences, they can also be found in print, they often come across in reputable computer publications. And they can be found in abundance in magazines devoted to computer games. A considerable component of the vocabulary, which is distinguished by colloquial, rudely colloquial coloring, expressiveness characteristic of youth slang, indicates that there are a lot of young people among computer scientists.


1. Ivanov L.Yu. The impact of new information technologies on the Russian language: system-linguistic and cultural-speech problems // Dictionary and culture of Russian speech. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Ozhegova.M. 2001.

2. Vinogradova N.V. Computer slang and literary language: problems of competition // Studies in Slavic languages. Korean Association of Slavists. M., 2006

3. The entire computer world. - 1996. - No. 2.

4. Likholitov P.V. Computer jargon // Russian speech. - 1997. - No. 3.

Electronic resources:

5. Dictionary of computer slang by Denis Sadoshenko - http //: www.sleng_dict. txt

6. http: //ru.

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Saubanova Diana

The work is devoted to studying the influence of Internet - slang on the speech culture of modern teenagers. The materials were collected during the study of special literature, and data obtained during the survey of school students.




The Internet today is a colossal source of information that mankind knew. But the speed and availability of communication between users made it possible to use the Internet not only as a tool of knowledge, but also as a means of communication and entertainment. And virtual communication, which arose due to the rapid development of the network, gave rise to a special language - the language of virtual communication. Numerous chats, open forums and personal pages created on the network are the main ways of communication between young people. They have been used by hundreds of thousands of young people in Russia for quite a long time. I myself am an active Internet user and for some time now I began to notice that modern youth are more willing to communicate through virtual communities than “live”. And this is disturbing. In the past, instead of the Internet, people communicated through letters. Now young people are trying to communicate in a more simplified language. In the future, all this may affect the speech culture of the younger generation. I am not indifferent to the fate of the Russian language, because the culture of communication goes by the wayside.

object my study is Internet slang, because it is now most clearly influencing our language, which means it keeps it alive.

Objective : to find out how Internet slang affects the speech culture of modern teenagers.

I put before methe following tasks:

1. Visit various sites and forums where school students often communicate;

2. Consider slang expressions and abbreviations frequently used by students;

3. To identify the features of the influence of the language of Internet communication on the literacy of students, to classify the types of errors

4. Explore the views of students on the issue raised;

Subject of study -words and expressions used

teenagers to communicate on the Internet and the mistakes they make

Object of study -site materials

The novelty of the work is that this study is a kind of call not only for adolescents, but also for the adult population of the country to fight for the purity of their native language.


  1. What is slang?

In ancient times, peddlers (ofeni) wandered around Ancient Russia. Traded in cities and villages in various things. And on the way to these cities and villages they were often attacked by robbers. In order to protect goods and revenue and keep their route secret, the Ofeni invented their own language. (Remember what question representatives of the criminal world ask when meeting each other: “Do you work on a hair dryer?”). It is from him, according to modern linguists, that all kinds of jargon and slang originate. Moreover, the echoes of the Ofenei language are still audible, for example, the word "cool", widely used by more than one generation of Russians, comes from the same language of merchants. It meant then, by the way, about the same as today - "excellent", "great".

Slang is words that are often seen as breaking the rules of the standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken about in everyday life. It should be noted that some scholars refer to jargon as slang, thus not distinguishing them as an independent group, and slang is defined as a special vocabulary used to communicate with a group of people with common interests. The term "slang" itself is translated from English language means:

1. the speech of a socially or professionally isolated group, as opposed to the literary language;

2. a variant of colloquial speech that does not coincide with the norm of the literary language.

Most often, slang is used by teenagers and young people. So, what is youth slang?

  1. Youth slang

Youth slang is a phenomenon that is not so stable over time, and the “dialect” of modern ninth graders still differs from the “vocabulary” of their parents at the same age.

According to philologists, youth slang is a means of communication for people who are conditionally united by the age of 11 to 30 years. This is a mixture of many jargons: criminal - "shmonat", "bazaar", "clothes", "shooter"; computer - "Windows", "drive"; normative and profanity - “heal”, “cormorant”, as well as other words formed by adding obscene parts to the established slang. The vocabulary of jargon is limited by the interests of those who use it. In this case, it is a school or institute, representatives of the opposite sex, music, leisure. Rockers, punks, hippies, football fans have their own language

The sources of youth slang replenishment are also foreign languages ​​(“size” - size, “hair” - hair, “mani” - money, “Litlovsky” - small), borrowings from the language of musicians, athletes and computer terminology. However, as before, and now the source of slang is the usual literary language. It's just that the meaning of individual words of normal speech is altered. For example, "white", "white" - a computer mouse, "clone" - from clone, the same "scan" - copied, decommissioned, "mobile" - phone, communication, "sim card" or "samsa" (from the abbreviation SMS ) - a method of mobile communication, "glitch" - an error, incompleteness in a computer program.

Most high school students do not think of their speech without slang. “Others will not understand us then ... It will be impossible to communicate,” they argue. - Slang distinguishes us from older people. Yes, and how to explain something to peers without your favorite words “bullshit”, “fumes”, “grandmothers”, “prankster”? Schoolchildren are convinced that it is fashionable to speak slang, it covers most life situations.

What is slang for? If thieves have slang to help hide their thoughts and intentions, then school slang is not needed at all for this.

Slang makes speech more concise, emotionally expressive. (Let's compare two expressions. In bookish, literary language: “I have a strong pleasant feeling from this song.” In slang: “I just love this song!”)

Slang serves as an identifying sign that this person belongs to a given social environment.

  1. Functions of youth slang

Slang acts as a means of informal communication of young people. Also, phrases used by young people sound more playful than ordinary ones. A lot of chat rooms have appeared, which have taken a strong position on the Internet. Netizens quickly mastered the rules of the virtual language: as I hear, so I write: hedgehog (hedgehog), preved (hello), etc.

One of the main problems with the spread of such a language - the mangling of words - will inevitably reduce literacy. The reason for the emergence and spread of “netism”, on the one hand, is the poverty of the vocabulary of users and at the same time the desire to be original, and on the other hand, novelty. For example, such slang words of the second half of the 20th century as “limita”, “dudes”, “net” (in the sense of “truant, shirking a person”), “firm”, etc., although they are still sometimes used , but are practically a thing of the past. Researchers note that the fate of slang words and expressions is not the same: some of them take root so much over time that they turn into common speech; others exist only for a while with their carriers, and then are forgotten even by them; and, finally, the third slang words and expressions remain slang for a long time and the life of many generations, they never completely pass into the common language, but at the same time they are not forgotten at all.

1.4. The difference between computer slang and other slang

What is the difference between computer slang and other types of slang?

1) these words serve to communicate people of the same profession - programmers or just people who use a computer for some purpose;

2) computer slang is distinguished by its “obsession” with the reality of the computer world. The slang names in question refer only to this world, thus separating it from everything else, and are often incomprehensible to ignorant people. For example, not every person will understand the expression "three-finger salute", which means resetting the computer by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys. Thanks to the knowledge of such a special language, computer scientists feel like members of some kind of closed community;

3) among this vocabulary, rather vulgar words are not uncommon. Thus, these three observations do not allow us to rank computer slang in any single group of non-literary words and force us to consider it as a phenomenon that has the features of each of them. This allows us to define the term computer slang as words that are used only by people who are directly related to computers in everyday life, replacing professional vocabulary and differing in colloquial.

Let's give an interesting example: boys, approving a friend's bike or a new movie, said 15 years ago - cool!, 5 years ago - cool!, 2-3 years ago - rudder!, and now - why!

The new style of communication on the Internet implies that a virtual person must be able to speak quickly and still be original.


Internet slang - a style of speech based on deliberately incorrect spelling, has spread spontaneously on the Internet as a grotesque reaction to numerous spelling errors in Internet publications and replicas. This slang in the modern world plays an important role, like the global Internet itself. After all, people spend a huge part of their time there: they get the necessary information, work with it, communicate on social networks, play online games, and much more is not complete without the participation of the network.In order to analyze the impact of Internet communication on the literacy of adolescents, I studied the sites, blogs, forums, chats most frequently visited by my classmates, and made the following conclusions.

1. The Internet is dominated by illiterate writing, as it is supposed anonymity user. As a result, the network shows a feature associated with a decrease in psychological and social risk in the process of communication - emancipation, profanity of vocabulary and some irresponsibility of participants in communication.

2. Due to difficulty conveying emotionsusers are persistently striving for the emotional content of the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons - emoticons to indicate emotions or in the description of emotions in words (in brackets after the main text of the message).

3. The manner of communication and competent writing depend on the form of virtual communication (forums, guest books, chats, conferences, e-mails, blogs, personal diaries). Each of these forms has its own unique traditions of communication and makes special demands on the language in which communication takes place. For example, forums - this is a place for network communication of a group of authors, where the entries are united by a common theme. The remarks of the forum participants are more in line with the manner of written speech: the statements are logically structured, complete and informative. The forums are struggling with unpleasant slang and obscene language. Texts in guestbook as close as possible to the genre of writing - the epistolary genre, which is successfully revived thanks to the Internet. For chat rooms characterized by unprepared, spontaneous statements with a predominance of the colloquial genre, which, however, is imprinted by the specifics of the exchange of remarks in writing.Teleconferencesmost often devoted to a particular subject, and statements on them due to limited time are concise. have become very popular over the past few years blogs - network diaries of one or several authors. They are in complete disarray. This is an exclusively youth way of communication and self-expression. For example, + adyn, with internet language+1 translated as “offset”, “cool”, “cool”, also has the same meaning and +10, +100, etc. (Aftar burns, + adyn). Or: - Kolobok hanged himself. - A-HA-HA-HA (Lettered onomatopoeia of laughter. The number of syllables XA is not limited). For order in personal diary its owner is watching, and in it communication is usually carried out using slang.

4. The Russian language of virtual communication is directly influenced by American English, which dictates its own rules for online communication. One of the most obvious borrowings by a Russian-speaking user from an English-speaking one is the use of generally accepted emoticons (“emoticons”). The main purpose of using such a sign system is to save time allotted for communication. The lack of time is a sign of modern society as a whole: the pace of life is accelerating every day, and the language, accordingly, adapts to new conditions of functioning.

5. The language of the Internet is, in fact, the language of its own Russian-speaking youth slang of programmers' jargon, which also undoubtedly has an impact on the written communication of Internet users.

Thus, we can conclude that Internet communication is the most popular in the world. This type of communication requires the speed of writing messages, so letters are short and concise. The volume of one message does not exceed 5-6 words. In this regard, a symbiosis of written and oral speech, or, as it is also called, Internet slang, gradually began to be developed.

To find out how teenagers feel about Internet slang, I conducted my own user survey.


I conducted a survey among students in grades 5-11 at school. 41 people were interviewed.

To the first question: "Do you communicate on the Internet?", 31 people answered "yes", 10 people - "no".

To the second question: "What forms of communication do you prefer?", 22 people answered "live", 19 people - "virtually".

The next question was: “Do you use slang when communicating?”. 30 people answered in the affirmative, 11 people answered in the negative.

To the fourth question: “Do you use Internet slang?” 31 students answered “yes”, 10 students answered “no”.

Fifth question: "Why do you use slang?". And 20 people answered “laziness, I don’t know”, 7 people “like”, and 14 people “convenient”.

To the sixth question: "Do you use spelling and punctuation rules when communicating on the Internet?", 22 students answered "yes", 14 students - "no", 5 students - "sometimes".

To the last question: “Does changing words on the Internet affect your literacy?”, 23 people answered in the affirmative, 18 in the negative.

I asked to write some of the most popular words from the Internet - slang. Here's the answer. The most popular words, according to students: che (cho), shcha, ATP, nech, nz, priv, ok, thank you, I'm tying, finally, inet, nyashka, sp, hp, after, bro, nipple, hah, zch , at cha, norms, from the heart, etc.

Thus, the results of the answers indicate that the style of Internet communication is slowly but surely penetrating into our lives. The guys began to communicate much faster, using a lot of abbreviations in their speech in order to save time.


The results of the work carried out on this topic showed the following.

Firstly, communication on the Internet, which does not make you think about how you write, why you say it, has a negative impact on the vocabulary of a modern teenager, as guys get used to incorrect speech and start using slang expressions not only when they work for computer, but also in everyday life: making notes in exercise books, communicating with each other, talking with teachers and parents.

Secondly, the language is clogged due to the use of a large number of foreign words used in speech without translation.

Thirdly, the forums are full of obscene expressions.

Fourthly, the attitude to the quality of literacy in virtual communication depends on what is primary for children and what is secondary: the economic side or the moral side, a tribute to fashion or a desire to stand out.

Although getting older, the guys try to communicate in the right language, to avoid the continuous use of slang. “I want to talk to a competent person,” they say.

And although in oral speech there are words from slang Internet communication, in written speech among high school students there are fewer of them.

All these observations allow us to conclude that our youth, growing up, are more careful about their language, which means they understand how important it is to preserve its purity and originality. Even I.S. Turgenev wrote: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is a property handed down to us by our predecessors! Treat this mighty weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilful, it is able to perform miracles.

I believe that the material collected in the course of working on the topic will be of interest to school students, it should be used both in Russian language lessons and in extracurricular work on the subject.


1. Kuchinkov T.V. "Communication on the Internet" Publishing House Peter. 2005.

2. Turgenev I.S. Russian language Collected works. in 6 volumes v.4 p. 37 Pravda 1968







  1. Do you communicate on the Internet?
  2. What forms of communication do you prefer?
  3. Do you use slang when communicating?
  4. Do you use internet slang?
  5. Why are you using slang?
  6. Do you use spelling and punctuation rules when you communicate online?
  7. Does changing words online affect your literacy?
  8. Write some of the most popular words from the Internet - slang.