The use of geoinformation system in ecology. Use of GIS for environmental monitoring

geoinformation technology ecology nature management

Geographic information systems (GIS) appeared in the 60s of the XX century as tools for displaying the geography of the Earth and objects located on its surface. Today, GIS are complex and multifunctional tools for working with Earth data.

Opportunities provided to the GIS user:

work with the map (moving and scaling, deleting and adding objects);

printing in a given form of any objects of the territory;

displaying objects of a certain class on the screen;

output of attributive information about the object;

processing information by statistical methods and displaying the results of such analysis by direct overlay on the map

Thus, with the help of GIS, specialists can quickly predict possible places for pipeline ruptures, trace the routes of pollution on the map and assess the likely damage to the environment, and calculate the amount of funds needed to eliminate the consequences of an accident. With the help of GIS, it is possible to select industrial enterprises that emit harmful substances, display the wind rose and groundwater in their surroundings, and simulate the distribution of emissions in the environment.

In 2004 The Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences decided to carry out work on the Electronic Earth program, the essence of which is to create a multidisciplinary geoinformation system that characterizes our planet, practically a digital model of the Earth.

Foreign analogues of the "Electronic Earth" program can be divided into local (centralized, data is stored on one server) and distributed (data is stored and distributed by various organizations under different conditions).

The undisputed leader in the creation of local databases is ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., USA). The ArcAtlas “Our Earth” server contains more than 40 thematic coverages that are widely used all over the world. Almost all cartographic projects at a scale of 1:10,000,000 and smaller scales are created using it.

The most serious project to create a distributed database is "Digital Earth" (Digital Earth). This project was proposed by US Vice President Gore in 1998, the main executor is NASA. The project involves US ministries and government departments, universities, private organizations, Canada, China, Israel and the European Union. All distributed database projects experience significant challenges in terms of metadata standardization and interoperability between individual GIS and projects created by different organizations using different software.

Human activity is constantly associated with the accumulation of information about the environment, its selection and storage. Information systems, the main purpose of which is to provide information to the user, that is, to provide him with the necessary information on a specific problem or issue, help a person solve problems faster and better. At the same time, the same data can be used in solving different problems and vice versa. Any information system is designed to solve a certain class of problems and includes both a data warehouse and tools for implementing various procedures.

Information support of environmental research is implemented mainly through two information flows:

information that has arisen in the course of environmental research;

scientific and technical information on world experience in the development of environmental problems in various areas.

The general goal of information support for environmental research is to study information flows and prepare materials for decision-making at all levels of management in matters of environmental research, substantiation of individual research projects, and distribution of funding.

Since the planet Earth is the object of description and study, and environmental information has common features with geological information, it is promising to build geographic information systems for collecting, storing and processing factual and cartographic information:

on the nature and extent of environmental disturbances of natural and man-made origin;

on general environmental violations of natural and man-made origin;

about general environmental violations in a certain area of ​​human activity;

on subsoil use;

about the economic management of a certain territory.

Geographic information systems are designed, as a rule, to install and connect a large number of workstations that have their own databases and means of outputting results. Ecologists at an automated workplace, based on spatially referenced information, can solve problems of a different spectrum:

analysis of changes in the environment under the influence of natural and man-made factors;

rational use and protection of water, land, atmospheric, mineral and energy resources;

damage reduction and prevention of man-made disasters;

ensuring the safe living of people, protecting their health.

All potentially environmentally hazardous objects and information about them, about the concentration of harmful substances, permissible standards, etc. are accompanied by geographical, geomorphological, landscape-geochemical, hydrogeological and other types of information. Dispersion and lack of information resources in ecology formed the basis of the analytical reference and information systems (ASIS) developed by IGEM RAS for projects in the field of ecology and environmental protection in the Russian Federation ASIS "EcoPro", as well as the development of an automated system for the Moscow region, designed to implement its environmental monitoring. The difference in the tasks of both projects is determined not only by territorial boundaries (in the first case, this is the territory of the entire country, and in the second, directly by the Moscow region), but also by the areas of application of information. The EcoPro system is intended for the accumulation, processing and analysis of data on environmental projects of an applied and research nature in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign money. The monitoring system of the Moscow Region is intended to serve as a source of information about the sources and real environmental pollution, disaster prevention, environmental measures in the field of environmental protection, payments by enterprises in the region for the purposes of economic management and control by state bodies. Since information is inherently flexible, it can be said that both systems developed by IGEM RAK can be used both for the purpose of research and for management. That is, the tasks of the two systems can move one into the other.

As a more particular example of a database that stores information on environmental protection, one can cite the work of O.S. Bryukhovetsky and I.P. Ganina "Designing a database on methods for eliminating local technogenic pollution in rock masses." It discusses the methodology for constructing such a database, describes the optimal conditions for its application.

When assessing emergency situations, information preparation takes 30-60% of the time, and information systems are able to quickly provide information and ensure that effective methods of settlement are found. In an emergency situation, decisions cannot be explicitly modeled, but the basis for their adoption can be a large amount of various information stored and transmitted by the database. Based on the results provided, the management personnel, based on their experience and intuition, makes specific decisions.

Modeling of decision-making processes is becoming the central direction of automating the activities of a decision maker (DM). The tasks of the decision maker include decision-making in a geographic information system. A modern geographic information system can be defined as a set of hardware and software tools, geographic and semantic data, designed to receive, store, process, analyze and visualize spatially distributed information. Ecological geographic information systems allow you to work with maps of various ecological layers and automatically build an anomalous zone according to a given chemical element. This is quite convenient, since an environmental expert does not need to manually calculate anomalous zones and build them. However, for a complete analysis of the ecological situation, an environmental expert needs to print out maps of all ecological layers and maps of anomalous zones for each chemical element. Bershtein L.S., Tselykh A.N. Hybrid expert system with a computing module for predicting environmental situations. Proceedings of the international symposium "Intellectual systems - InSys - 96", Moscow, 1996. In the geoinformation system, the construction of anomalous zones was carried out for thirty-four chemical elements. First, he must obtain a summary map of soil contamination with chemical elements. To do this, by successively copying onto tracing paper from all maps, a map of soil pollution by chemical elements is built by Alekseenko V.A. Geochemistry of landscape and environment. - M.: Nedra, 1990. -142 s.: ill.. Then the resulting map is compared in the same way with maps of hydrology, geology, geochemical landscapes, clays. Based on the comparison, a map of a qualitative assessment of the danger of the environment for humans is built. This is how the environment is monitored. This process requires a lot of time and highly qualified expert in order to accurately and objectively assess the situation. With such a large amount of information simultaneously falling on the expert, errors can occur. Therefore, there was a need to automate the decision-making process. For this, the existing geoinformation system was supplemented with a decision-making subsystem. A feature of the developed subsystem is that one part of the data with which the program works is presented in the form of maps. Another part of the data is processed and a map is built on their basis, which is then also subject to processing. To implement the decision-making system, the apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets was chosen. This is due to the fact that with the help of fuzzy sets it is possible to create methods and algorithms capable of modeling human decision-making techniques in the course of solving various problems. As a mathematical model of weakly formalized problems, fuzzy control algorithms are used, which make it possible to obtain a solution, although approximate, but no worse than when using exact methods. By a fuzzy control algorithm we mean an ordered sequence of fuzzy instructions (there may be separate clear instructions) that ensures the functioning of some object or process. Methods of the theory of fuzzy sets allow, firstly, to take into account various kinds of uncertainties and inaccuracies introduced by the subject and control processes, and to formalize the verbal information of a person about the task; secondly, to significantly reduce the number of initial elements of the control process model and extract useful information for constructing a control algorithm. Let us formulate the basic principles for constructing fuzzy algorithms. Fuzzy instructions used in fuzzy algorithms are formed either on the basis of a generalization of the experience of a specialist in solving the problem under consideration, or on the basis of a thorough study and meaningful analysis of it. To build fuzzy algorithms, all restrictions and criteria arising from a meaningful consideration of the problem are taken into account, however, not all of the received fuzzy instructions are used: the most significant of them are singled out, possible contradictions are excluded, and the order of their execution is established, leading to the solution of the problem. Taking into account weakly formalized tasks, there are two ways to obtain initial fuzzy data - directly and as a result of processing clear data. Both methods are based on the need for a subjective assessment of the membership functions of fuzzy sets.

Logical processing of soil sample data and construction of a summary map of soil contamination with chemical elements.

The program was a development of the already existing version of the "TagEco" program, supplementing the existing program with new functions. New functions require data contained in the previous version of the program. This is due to the use of data access methods developed in the previous version of the program. A function is used to get the information stored in the database. This is necessary to obtain the coordinates of each sample point stored in the database. A function is also used to calculate the magnitude of the anomalous content of a chemical element in the landscape. Thus, through these data and these functions, the previous program interacts with the decision-making subsystem. In case of change in the database of the value of the sample or the coordinates of the sample, this will be automatically taken into account in the decision subsystem. It should be noted that when programming, the dynamic style of memory allocation is used and the data is stored in the form of singly or doubly linked lists. This is due to the fact that the number of samples or the number of surface areas into which the map will be divided is not known in advance.

Building a map of a qualitative assessment of the impact of the environment on a person.

The map is built according to the algorithm described above. The user indicates the area of ​​interest to him, as well as the step with which the maps will be analyzed. Before starting data processing, information is read from WMF files and lists are formed, the elements of which are pointers to polygons. Each card has its own list. Then, after the formation of lists of polygons, a map of soil contamination with chemical elements is formed. Upon completion of the formation of all maps and the input of initial data, the coordinates of the points at which the maps will be analyzed are formed. The data received by the polling functions is entered into a special structure. Having completed the formation of the structure, the program performs its classification. Each point of the survey grid receives the number of the reference situation. This number, along with the point number, is entered into a doubly linked list, so that later it would be possible to build a map graphically. A special function analyzes this doubly linked list and produces a graphical construction of isolines around points that have the same classification situations. It reads a point from the list and analyzes the value of the number of its situation with the numbers of neighboring points, and in case of a match, combines nearby points into zones. As a result of the program, the entire territory of the city of

Taganrog is painted in one of three colors. Each color characterizes a qualitative assessment of the environmental situation in the city. So red indicates “especially dangerous areas”, yellow indicates “dangerous areas”, green indicates “safe areas”. Thus, the information is presented in a user-friendly and easy-to-understand form. Bershtein L.S., Tselykh A.N. Hybrid expert system with a computing module for predicting environmental situations. Proceedings of the international symposium "Intellectual systems - InSys - 96", Moscow, 1996.

What is GIS? GIS (Geographic Information System) - system
collection, storage, analysis and graphic
visualization of spatial (geographical)
data and related information about
necessary objects. In a narrower sense -
GIS as a tool (software product),
allowing users to search, analyze
and edit digital maps, as well as
additional information about objects
e.g. building height, address, quantity

History of GIS

Although geographic information systems are a phenomenon
relatively new, its history can be divided
into four main steps:

Stages of GIS development

1950s -
Initial period
Launch of the first artificial Earth satellite
The advent of electronic computers
(computer) in the 50s.
The advent of digitizers, plotters,
graphic displays and other peripherals
devices in the 60s.
Creation of software algorithms and procedures
graphic display of information on
displays and plotters.
Creating Formal Methods
spatial analysis.
Creation of software controls

Stages of GIS development

1970s -
Period of state initiatives
State support for GIS
stimulated the development
experimental work in the field of GIS,
based on the use of bases
street network data:
Automated systems
Municipal waste collection systems and
Vehicle traffic in
emergency situations, etc.

Stages of GIS development

1980s -
the present
Commercial development period
Wide market for various software
funds, the development of desktop GIS,
expanding the scope of their application through
integration with non-spatial databases
data, the emergence of network applications,
appearance of a significant number
non-professional users, systems,
supporting custom sets
data on separate computers, open
path to systems that support
corporate and distributed databases

Stages of GIS development

1980s -
the present
User period
Increased competition among commercial
geoinformation technology service providers
benefits GIS users, accessibility and
"openness" of software allows
use and even modify programs,
the emergence of user "clubs",
teleconferencing, geographically dispersed, but
connected by a single theme of user groups,
increased need for geodata, beginning
formation of the world geoinformation
infrastructure. Morphometric analysis of the relief on
based on GIS technologies, a new direction in this

GIS separation

1) By territorial coverage:
- Global (planetary) GIS;
- Subcontinental GIS;
- National GIS;
- Regional GIS;
- Subregional GIS;
- Local (local) GIS;

2) By subject area
information modeling:
- Urban GIS;
- Municipal GIS (MGIS);
- Environmental GIS;

Classification of GIS resources

Custom GIS (ArcGIS, Mapinfo, QGIS, gvSIG)
Custom GIS integrated with
virtual globes (an extension for ArcGIS
developed by Brian Flood and allowing
integrate it with Virtual Earth
Virtual globes (Google Maps, Google Earth,
Virtual Earth, ArcGIS Explorer)
Mapping web servers (MapServer, GeoServer,
OpenLayers, etc.)

GIS Resource Examples

Spheres of application of GIS
- Ecology and nature management
- Land cadastre and land management
- Urban management
- Regional planning
- Demographics and labor research
- Traffic management
- Operational management and planning in
emergency situations
- Sociology and political science

Examples of GIS Resources

GIS in ecology and nature management
- Air condition

- Location of water bodies on the territory of Moscow

- State of groundwater

- Ecological map of biodiversity of Moscow: resettlement

ArcInfo (ESRI, USA) (vector topological model)
ArcView (ESRI, USA) (vector non-topological
ERDAS Imagine (ERDAS, Inc., USA) (raster model)
MapInfo Professional (MapInfo , USA) (vector
non-topological model)
MicroStation (Bentley System, Inc., USA) (3D)
ER Mapper (ER Mapping, Australia) (raster model)
WinGis (Progis, Austria) (vector non-topological

AutoCAD Map (Autodesk, Inc. USA)
AutoCAD Land Development Desktop
(land management and land use)
Autodesk Civil Design (civil engineering)
Autodesk Survey (processing geodetic data)
Autodesk Map Guide (Web)

Considering the city as an integral system, it is possible to single out the factors that
affecting the environmental safety of the population: this is pollution
atmosphere, soil, water bodies by enterprises and transport, low quality
drinking water, non-compliance of food products with the necessary standards.
However, if for the consumption of drinking water and food is still
there is quality control and management, the state of the environment
environment in modern cities continues to deteriorate due to the huge
amount of technogenic load.


It is a component of EPK ROSA,
realizing possibilities
ecological geoinformation
systems (GIS). EcoGIS unites
powerful graphics module, base
data and special tools
design automation.
Ecological GIS allows
use modern
map tools,
plans, schemes, which is essential
facilitates and speeds up the process
design for both large
as well as for small organizations.

EPK ROSA - graphic module - map-scheme and design

Fragment of the map of the city - topographic basis for building an ecological

Scanned map-scheme of the enterprise with reference to coordinates

Vector map-scheme of the enterprise after digitization

"MEMOS" based on geoinformation technologies (GIS).
Project goal: based on
constantly collected
information about environmental factors and
health, development and implementation
integrated system
presentation, analysis and forecast
environmental data and
population health. Target
implemented by solving
the tasks listed below.

MEMOS tasks:
formation of environmental and socio-hygienic monitoring
(organization of data collection and storage);
substantiation of the choice of leading (determining) factors of influence on health
the population of certain territories;
forecasting in time and space of the state of the environment;
forecasting in time and space of the state of health of the population in
calculation of the risk to public health from the leading environmental factors;
building organizational, methodological and legal management systems
public health;
formation of economic mechanisms to support sustainable development
region on the basis of medical and environmental well-being
presentation to decision makers of monitoring results through
web interfaces to the Internet

The MEMOS system has a number of significant advantages. She gives
opportunity for decision makers to:
estimate the cost of improving the environmental situation around
industrial facility;
assess the magnitude of health care costs associated with negative
the impact on health of a specific environmental factor;
perform a forecast of public health care costs associated with
exposure to one or more environmental factors;
substantiate the material claim of citizens for damage to health associated with harmful
exposure to environmental factors;
within the framework of the existing legal system to create opportunities for economic
protection of citizens in connection with the influence of the environment.


GIS technologies are not just
computer database. These are huge
opportunities for analysis, planning and
regular updates of information. GIS technologies are being used today
in almost every area of ​​life, and
helps to solve really effectively
many tasks. In particular, tasks related
with environmental safety in urban

The experience of integrated geographical research and systematic thematic mapping has allowed geoinformation mapping to take a leading position in the development of cartographic science and production.

Comparison of multi-temporal and multi-thematic maps makes it possible to proceed to forecasts based on the identified relationships and trends in the development of phenomena and processes. Forecast by maps allows you to predict modern, but not yet known phenomena, such as weather forecasts or unknown minerals.

The forecast is based on cartographic extrapolations, interpreted as the distribution of patterns obtained in the course of the cartographic analysis of a phenomenon, to an unexplored part of this phenomenon, to another territory or to the future. Cartographic extrapolations, like any others (mathematical, logical), are not universal. Their advantage is that they are well suited for predicting both spatial and temporal patterns. In the practice of forecasting using maps, methods of analogies, indications, expert assessments, calculation of statistical regressions, etc., well-known in geography, are also widely used.


1. Trifonova T.A., Mishchenko N.V., Krasnoshchekov A.N. Geoinformation systems and remote sensing in environmental research: Textbook for universities. - M., 2005. - 352 p.

2. Sturman V.I. Ecological mapping: Textbook. - Moscow, 2003.

Topic 14. Content and methods of compiling environmental maps. Plan:

1. Mapping atmospheric problems.

2. Mapping land water pollution.

3. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of environmental situations.

1. Mapping atmospheric problems

The atmosphere as the most dynamic environment is characterized by complex spatio-temporal dynamics of impurity levels. At any given moment in time, the level of atmospheric pollution over a certain territory or at one point or another is determined by the balance of individual pollutants and their combination. In the income part of the balance sheet are:

♦ intake of pollutants from a combination of man-made and natural sources within the territory under consideration;

♦ intake of pollutants from sources outside the territory under consideration, including remote ones (long-range transport);

♦ the formation of pollutants as a result of secondary chemical processes occurring in the atmosphere itself.

In the expenditure side of the balance sheet are:

♦ removal of pollutants outside the territory under consideration;

♦ deposition of pollutants on the earth's surface;

♦ destruction of pollutants as a result of self-purification processes.

The precipitation and self-purification intensity factors for different substances are largely the same. Therefore, the concentrations of different substances usually change in a relatively consistent manner, obeying the same temporal and spatial patterns.

The intake of pollutants from natural and man-made dusty sources increases with wind intensification (in combination with the presence of loose surfaces), during volcanic processes.

Thus, mapping of atmospheric pollution consists of:

♦ mapping the potential for air pollution;

♦ mapping of pollution sources;

♦ mapping pollution levels.

2.1.General methodology for conducting environmental

2.2.Features of the component composition

Chapter 3

3.1. Creation of a block building layer of the basic cartographic basis of the city of Kaluga as a necessary condition for further

3.2 Cartographic assessment of the quality of the environment on the territory of the city of Kaluga in terms of stability

3.3.Local assessment of the water quality of small rivers in the vicinity of the city of Kaluga using GIS (Cell. Terepets. Kievka, Kaluga).

3.4. Cartographic assessment of the quality of the environment on the territory of the Kaluga urban forest.

3.5. Creation of an inventory of woody and shrubby plants growing on the streets of the city of Kaluga using GIS.

Chapter 4. The use of GIS for conducting regional environmental studies (filling the "ecology" block of the GIS of the Kaluga region).

4.1. Cartographic assessment of the quality of the environment in the territory of the Kaluga region according to the stability of the development of silver birch.

4.2. Regional assessment of water quality using GIS in some rivers of the Kaluga

4.3. Creation of maps for assessing the quality of the environment based on the results of bioindicative studies on the territory of protected areas (Ugra National Park and the Kaluga Zaseki Nature Reserve).

4.4. Cartographic assessment of the quality of the environment on the territory of the Kaluga region in terms of the incidence of ecopathologies in children up to

4.5. Creation of a cadastre of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals on the territory of the Kaluga region as a block of the GIS "Red Book

Chapter 5. Comparative analysis of environmental research data in a GIS environment.

5.1. Comparative analysis of the quality of the environment in terms of the state of trees and shrubs and in terms of the stability of the development of woody plants in the territory of the Leninsky district of the city of Kaluga for 2004.

5.2. Comparative analysis of the quality of the aquatic environment based on the results of hydrobiological and chemical studies in small rivers in the vicinity of the city

5.3. Comparative analysis of maps of the distribution of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals and the total study of the territory

5.4. Comparative analysis of maps of the distribution of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals and a summary bioindicative map on the territory of the Kaluga region in the period from 1997 to

5.5 Comparison of total bioindicators

Introduction Dissertation in geosciences, on the topic "The use of GIS technologies in regional and local environmental studies (on the example of the Kaluga region)"

Relevance of the topic. Population growth and the development of the technosphere have significantly expanded the area of ​​interaction between man and nature. Acting in disregard for the laws of nature and violating the ecological balance to meet their needs, humanity, in the end, has made itself even more dependent on the state of the environment. For the survival and further development of mankind, it is necessary to study the Earth as an integral system and form a data bank and knowledge about the processes and elements of the natural environment and society in a wide range of their interaction, analysis, evaluation and forecasting of the dynamics of phenomena and processes occurring in the surrounding world in order to adopt ecologically competent decisions in the field of interaction between nature and society (Ecoinformatics, 1992). To implement rational environmental management, taking into account scientifically based decisions, it is necessary to create environmental information systems. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), established in 1972, provides for the creation of a global environmental monitoring system. The data for this system are supplied by the global environmental monitoring system (GEMS), the INFOTERRA information and reference system, and other large international projects (Risser, 1988. Gershenzon, 2003). Since 1980, the Global Natural Resources Database (GRID) has been developed. Working with huge amounts of data, information and knowledge that mankind has accumulated and continues to constantly receive should be facilitated by the use of new information technologies, in particular the use of geographic information systems (GIS). GIS are computer systems for collecting, storing, processing and displaying spatially coordinated data that integrate heterogeneous information coming from various sources based on spatial position, as a result of which it becomes possible to compare various environmental factors and conduct a comprehensive geoecological assessment of the territory (Serbenyuk, 1990 ; Berlyant, 1996; Zhukov, Lazarev, Novakovsky, 1995).

According to the materials of the GIS Association in Russia, ecological GIS of regional and local levels are usually used to solve a single narrow task (displaying the degradation of flora or fauna, modeling the impact and spread of certain types of chemical pollution, monitoring by a specific parameter). GIS of protected areas of various levels are closer to a comprehensive analysis of the territory, but similar works of a unit and a general approach for them have not been developed (Materialy., 2002, Problems., 2002). For the most part, regional GIS are used to solve economic and social problems.

Based on the need to create regional GIS on the territory of the Russian Federation. in the Kaluga region, the regional target program "Creation of a geographic information system of the Kaluga region" is being implemented to improve the systems of accounting, evaluation and potential for the economic development of the region, including the use and protection of natural resources. At the end of the summer of this year, a GIS center was created in the city of Kaluga. GIS of the Kaluga region and the city of Kaluga must necessarily include an environmental component for the rational and effective management of the socio-economic development of the region and the city. At the same time, the data that fill the "Ecology" block should be as reliable as possible, and obtained from specialists in a particular field of knowledge as a result of special studies. The need for this work is to analyze and justify the features and benefits of using GIS technologies in environmental studies and the inclusion of the results of these studies in a single information space to form the most complete assessment of the state of the territory of the Kaluga region and the city of Kaluga. Only on the basis of such assessments is it possible to effectively and rationally manage the quality of the environment.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The main purpose of the work is to study the features of the use of GIS technologies for regional and local environmental studies of various subjects in the Kaluga region. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

1) Conduct an analysis of the use of GIS technologies and existing methods for processing and presenting environmental information in environmental studies at the local and regional levels.

2) Create a layer of residential buildings in the city of Kaluga as a necessary basis for geocoding data from environmental studies.

3) To study the features of maintaining biological cadastres using GIS technologies using the example of creating a database and associated electronic maps on the distribution of rare and endangered species of living organisms listed in the Red Book of the Kaluga Region and on the distribution of trees and shrubs on the streets of the city of Kaluga.

4) To analyze the possibilities of simultaneous joint use of cartographic layers characterizing the distribution of certain rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals to assess the territories of the Kaluga region in the GIS environment.

5) Analyze the possibilities of using the cartographic layer and the associated database describing the distribution and characteristics of trees and shrubs on the streets of the city of Kaluga for the purposes of managing landscaping work in a GIS environment.

6) Based on the data of bioindicator studies introduced into the GIS environment, carry out a cartographic analysis of the main trends in the spatial and temporal dynamics of the distribution of the indicator of the stability of the development of living organisms in the territories of the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga region.

7) Identify and analyze the possibilities of using GIS technologies as a tool for conducting a comparative analysis of heterogeneous environmental characteristics within the study area and the possibility of using the results of a comprehensive analysis of environmental information in GIS to make decisions in the field of environmental quality management.

Scientific novelty of the work. For the first time, an integral GIS block (“Red Book of the Kaluga Region”) was created, including electronic maps and related databases on the distribution of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals in the Kaluga Region.

For the first time in the GIS environment, a database was used that includes the specific biological characteristics of trees and shrubs on the streets of the city according to field studies by biologists, and a linked map of the locations of cadastre objects was created.

New data on spatio-temporal dynamics of environmental quality in the Kaluga region on the stability of the development of living organisms in the period 2000-2006 have been obtained. These data confirm the previously identified general trends in the dynamics of environmental quality determined by the region's biomonitoring system.

For the first time, a comparative areal analysis of the quality of the environment was carried out in terms of the stability of the development of woody plants and the distribution of the indicator of the state of woody and shrubby plants on the territory of the Leninsky district of the city of Kaluga.

For the first time, a comparative areal analysis of the quality of the environment was carried out in terms of the stability of the development of silver birch and the distribution of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals in the Kaluga region.

The practical significance of the work. The block building layer is used as the basis for address-by-address referencing in a number of environmental studies in the city of Kaluga: medical and environmental mapping, a cadastre of green spaces on the streets of Kaluga, bioindicator studies, and others.

The cartographic representation and the associated cadastre database of trees and shrubs of the streets of the city of Kaluga are used in the management of greening the city with minimal economic costs and maximum scientific validity. Presentation of data in GIS also allows you to monitor the number and condition of landscaping objects with prompt display of information. The data is used by the Kaluga City Administration, the Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, and the Kaluga City Duma.

The block of electronic maps and the database "Red Book of the Kaluga Region" is used in the practice of the state environmental expertise and in assessing the impact of the planned economic activity in the Kaluga Region. In addition, this information, thanks to GIS technologies, opens up new opportunities for bioecological research. allowing integration of heterogeneous information. A total of 578 layers were created (according to the number of species listed in the Red Book of the Kaluga Region) of the distribution of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals in the Kaluga Region.

More than 50 electronic maps and related databases have been created based on the results of bioindicative studies at the local and regional levels. These electronic maps and databases in GIS are used in the work of the Bioindication Laboratory of the KSPU. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the Kaluga City Committee for Environmental Protection, the Center for Environmental Policy of Russia, as well as during school biomonitoring of various scales.

Some studies were supported by grants from the International Development Research Center IDRC (Canada) No. 10051805-154 and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation.

The developed algorithms and methods for creating thematic electronic maps and databases and using GIS technologies in environmental studies can be recommended as standard for similar studies both in the territories of the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga region, and in other cities and subjects of the Russian Federation.

The basis for a comprehensive environmental analysis using GIS technologies was laid in the territories of the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga region.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the presented dissertation work and the results of individual scientific studies were presented at: the interregional scientific and practical conference "The Oka River - the third millennium" (Kaluga, 2001), the regional student scientific conference "Application of cybernetic methods in solving the problems of society in the XXI century" (Obninsk, 2003), international scientific-practical conference "Ecological and biological problems of water bodies of the Dnieper River basin" (Ukraine, Novaya Kakhovka, 2004), regional scientific conference "Technogenic systems and environmental risk" (Obninsk, 2005), XII All-Russian conference "Municipal geoinformation systems "(Obninsk, 2005) international youth conference ("TUNZA, Dubna +2") "Youth for a safe environment for sustainable development" (Dubna, Moscow region, 2005), a conference with international participation "Human Ecology" ( Arkhangelsk, 2004)

The volume and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion, contains a bibliography of 155 titles in Russian and English. The volume of the dissertation is 159 pages of typewritten text, including 48 figures and 6 tables.

Conclusion Dissertation on the topic "Geoecology", Smirnitskaya, Natalya Nikolaevna

1. At the present stage of GIS development, it is necessary to create new methods and introduce reliable results of environmental studies into blocks of environmental information of local and regional GIS.

2. The created block building layer is the necessary basis for combining the data of all environmental studies in the city of Kaluga, as the closest to the mathematical basis, and is a visual display of the city space.

3. The biological cadastres of the regional and municipal levels created in the GIS open up new opportunities for the efficient and economical use of data - the creation of thematic electronic maps both for individual parameters and for a comprehensive comparison of primary information.

4. The joint use of the created 578 cartographic layers of the distribution of rare and endangered species of fungi, plants and animals listed in the "Red Book of the Kaluga Region" in the GIS environment makes it possible to assess not only the characteristics of the state of individual species and their groups, but also to judge the state of the territory of the analyzed areas according to the population density of rare species of living organisms.

5. The cartographic layer and the associated database characterizing the distribution and condition of trees and shrubs on the streets of the city of Kaluga, included in the "Ecology" block of the Kaluga city GIS, allows you to evaluate the green spaces of the city according to 6 parameters (type, height, circumference, age, condition, recommendations of specialists) , which significantly reduces the material and time costs for the rational management of landscaping.

6. Comparative cartographic analysis of research data on the distribution of indicators of the condition of trees and shrubs and on the indicator of the stability of the development of woody plants in the territory of the Leninsky district of the city of Kaluga for 2004, and the data on assessing the quality of the environment according to the coefficient of stability of the development of silver birch on the territory of the Kaluga region for 1997 -2005 showed that GIS technologies are the best tool for studying the dynamics of the analyzed parameters. Coincidence in the spatial distribution of indicators of environmental comfort for the growth and existence of plant organisms according to the state of landscaping objects and the stability of the development of woody plants was revealed. A long-term trend of averaging the values ​​of the fluctuating asymmetry coefficient and maintaining the main contours of favorable and unfavorable environmental quality in the Kaluga region has been revealed.

7. Comprehensive studies of the territory of the Kaluga region (including a comparison of the quality of the environment for various parameters - the stability of the development of birch, hydrobiological indication, linear load, the distribution of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi) show that GIS technologies make it possible to approach the geosystem assessment analyzed territory, thanks to one of the main functions of GIS - the unification of heterogeneous information based on spatial localization.

8. The results of a comprehensive analysis of environmental information in GIS (electronic maps for several parameters, comparative maps of the dynamics of environmental processes) are a ready basis for decision-making in the field of environmental quality management.

The unified environmental monitoring system (SEM) is the main tool for solving the problems of interaction between man and the environment, resource and energy saving, rational environmental management, especially in industrialized areas with a tense environmental situation, for implementing the concept of ensuring environmental safety of life at the global, regional and facility levels, which has many aspects: from philosophical and social to biomedical, economic and engineering. The central element of the EEM system, which largely determines its effective functioning, is the information system.
Consider the principles of building a GIS EEM for an urban region. To implement an integrated approach to solving the problem of ensuring environmental safety, in the general case, it should contain the following interrelated structural links: databases and data banks of environmental, legal, biomedical, sanitary and hygienic, technical and economic areas; block of modeling and optimization of industrial facilities; block of restoration according to measurement data and forecast of propagation of fields of environmental and meteorological factors;
¦ decision-making block.
For the administrative bodies of regional government, a number of functions can be distinguished, for which there is a need for information support for decisions made in the field of environmental safety of the population, rational energy use and energy saving. These functions include: reporting on the results of work in the framework of the socio-ecological state of the region and measures to improve it; monitoring the current state of the environment, exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of harmful and similar substances in the territory under its jurisdiction; planning (annual, quarterly) programs for social development, studying the quality of life of the population, improving the environmental safety of the population in the region; management in daily administrative activities (analysis of claims, complaints and conflicts with legal entities and individuals).
To perform the above functions, complete and reliable information is required. The flows of information necessary for an adequate assessment of the current situation and making management or corrective decisions go through different stages: receiving, processing and displaying information, assessing the situation and making decisions. Such a multifunctional system with large volumes of geo-referenced information can be effectively implemented only with the use of the modern geoinformation technologies discussed above.
The complexity of environmental problems, linking together the tasks solved by different specialists, requires a systematic approach to their solution, which is manifested in the specific actions of specialists in each industry. The structure of the information support of the environmental monitoring system reflects this specificity. According to its functional purpose, it is advisable to divide it into problem-oriented blocks (or, in relation to the terminology of GIS layers) of information from individual regional services, including architectural and planning, utilities, engineering support, etc.
The information support of the EEM system should contain the following thematic layers of information (Fig. 13.6). general ecological characteristics (atmospheric air, water bodies, soil, sanitary and epidemiological conditions, etc.); sources of negative impact on the environment (emissions and discharges, solid waste, etc.); zoning of territories (production facilities, residential areas, office buildings, etc.); system of protected areas (monuments of history and architecture, water protection zones, etc.); engineering, technical and transport communications (highways of ground and underground modes of transport, heating mains, power lines, etc.); health care and social conditions; regulatory and legal documents, prospects for the development of the region
One of the most important elements of the system is data on the objective state of the environment. For example, consider the structure of databases with indicators of the quality of the atmospheric

Figure 13 6 Thematic information in the regional EEM system

air. The state of atmospheric air is characterized primarily by the results of experimental determination of the presence of certain pollutants in it and their concentrations. This information is made up of the results of periodic sampling analysis carried out in the region by the relevant state organizations (for example, sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities), and data coming from stationary posts of continuous environmental monitoring. Therefore, the cartographic database for monitoring the atmosphere should contain complete information about the places of control (address of sampling points), the time of measurements, the weather conditions at the time of sampling, and the concentration of the measured ingredients. On the basis of such information, modern GIS make it possible to solve the problems of interpolation - the restoration of continuous fields from discrete data, the tasks of a comprehensive assessment of the impact on the ecological situation of the region of pollution fields of various ingredients, etc.
Thematic information concerning the location and configuration of the main sources of environmental pollution should be presented by the relevant electronic maps. In the tables associated with them, it is advisable to store general information about the enterprises of the region (name, address, administration, etc.). Such databases, together with the corresponding maps, make it possible to obtain answers to the following queries: what is the object highlighted on the map; Where it is located; what objects emit certain harmful substances; which enterprises emit this harmful substance in an amount greater than the specified one; what substances are emitted by the enterprise and in what volume; which enterprises exceed the MPE standards; which enterprise has expired the emission permit; which company has debts for payments for emissions into the atmosphere.
Data on engineering, technical and transport communications should be stored in the GIS EEM also in the form of appropriate maps and thematic databases. It should be noted that for engineering communications it is advisable to have additional graphic information in the database in the form of diagrams, drawings and explanatory documents necessary for their safe operation (GIS provides ample opportunities for working with such information).
Databases on transport highways should contain such environmental indicators as traffic intensity, spectrum and volume of harmful emissions per unit length, vibroacoustic data, etc. It is obvious that these indicators change on different sections of the highway. Therefore, when mapping highways are presented as a set of interconnected arcs, each of which in the database is associated with its characteristics. In general, graphical and thematic databases on highways should ensure the fulfillment of queries: how much of a given harmful substance is emitted along the entire length of the highway, on which highway is the maximum amount of a certain harmful substance or all substances emitted together; what is the total number of transport units following a given highway or the number of transport units of a given type; which highway (or section of which highway) is the most loaded in terms of transport.
The representation of highways on the map with lines of various widths depending on the intensity of traffic along them or the amount of pollutant emissions by cars on different sections of the highways simplifies the analysis of the traffic situation, and the simultaneous use of the database allows you to get any information of interest to the user.
Additional opportunities for analyzing the ecological situation are provided by overlay operations for overlaying layers of information in a GIS. Thus, the simultaneous display on the screen of the fields of carbon monoxide concentration, built according to the results of its measurements, and the emissions of this pollutant along transport routes allows us to draw a conclusion about the source of environmental hazard and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.
In addition to common databases in the EEM information support system, the block for modeling the distribution of pollutant concentration fields based on the general performance of industrial facilities or other sources of pollution and the degree of their impact on the environment is of particular importance. Such calculations are necessary when analyzing the unfavorable ecological situation in the region in order to identify its perpetrators (together with the analysis of data from direct measurements or instead of them when it is not possible to obtain them) or when forecasting the environmental situation during the commissioning or reconstruction of certain sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment and determining the amount of costs to reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the environment. The accuracy of modeling the current situation in this case, as a rule, is not high, but it is sufficient to identify sources of pollution and develop an adequate control action at the technological and economic levels. At present, there are a number of methods and independent software tools (not included in the GIS) that make it possible to determine the fields of pollutant concentrations based on the results of solving equations that describe, with one degree or another,

scatter of impurities in the atmosphere or in the aquatic environment. The OND-86 method has been approved as a normative method for modeling processes in the atmosphere.
Wide integration capabilities of GIS allow using external specialized calculation modules and software as sources of information. Therefore, their inclusion in the GIS EEM does not cause any particular difficulties.
Thus, the GIS EEM makes it possible to effectively implement an integrated approach to solving the problems of ensuring the environmental safety of the region and creates a single information space for the management services of the region.
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