A high-quality problem book is the basis of solid knowledge from the basics.

  • A collection of tasks prepared by V.I. Lukashik and E.V. Ivanov, will guide schoolchildren through the wonderful world of physical discoveries and reveal the secrets of everyday phenomena. The material is presented in the form of cognitive tasks, the answers to which will give the knowledge necessary in life. In search of the right solutions, it is recommended to enlist the support of a solver. The online guide includes:
    - tasks of varying degrees of complexity;
    - explanations and answers;
    - interpretation of physical processes.
    With such an assistant, the study of physics into an exciting hobby that has every chance of becoming a future profession.
  • This publication will be useful to all direct participants in the educational process. Teachers will be able to attract the attention of the wards with a variety of tasks that will become a guiding star for students to knowledge. Interesting is the fact that GDZ Parents should take note, because with such help it will not be difficult to remember school achievements and preparation for lessons will be more efficient and productive.
  • GDZ in physics can and should be used for self-study. With such an assistant, everything is on the shoulder. Explore new topics, repeat the ones you have covered and practice, and the solver will become an excellent apprentice in this matter.
  • A high-quality problem book is the basis of solid knowledge from the basics

  • Seventh-graders starting to study physics should initially tune in to scrupulous work. Since even the basic foundations of this science are distinguished by sufficient complexity and variety of material. In order to master the course for the seventh grade in full, to understand and remember, to learn how to apply the difficult laws of physics, you need high-quality practical training materials and solutions for them. Self-training is an important component of preparatory work in secondary school. Catching up on GDZ seventh graders learn:
    - plan and monitor the implementation of plans, undertaken obligations;
    - correctly and objectively assess their own level of knowledge in the discipline, determine what gaps exist and how to correctly eliminate them;
    - Accurately record the results of their own work. This is where homework is especially helpful. In exams, CDF, diagnostic, the use of the correct record of the answer will allow you to get the highest possible score. Conversely, a correct, but not correct, incompletely recorded answer can lead to loss of points.
  • Parents, tutors, subject teachers, course leaders, and group work can help to choose the appropriate educational material. You can cope with such a task on your own, for example, focusing on the teaching materials for which a seventh grader studies at school. And - to pick up an interesting practical guide in the kit for the basic textbook. First of all - a problem book, which presents tasks on all topics and sections studied from a textbook within the framework of physics in the seventh grade.
  • Useful and interesting collections of physics for grade 7 include a collection of tasks compiled by V. I. Lukasik. A variety of tasks and exercises, practice proven over the years of schoolwork - these are the main advantages noted by experts recommending this manual to seventh graders.
  • The book is well systematized and illustrated, which allows you to clearly understand, analyze even the most complex topics in physics in the seventh grade. Many graduates who have chosen this subject as an elective discipline for the OGE and the Unified State Examination also note this problem book among the materials that allow them to successfully and quickly prepare for the final tests, test and improve their knowledge of physics.

The school curriculum is becoming more difficult, and homework takes more time. To better understand the material, you should use the GDZ in physics 7, 8, 9 class Lukashik.

The use of the solution book is beneficial for students, parents, teachers:

  • Students will be able to check themselves or write off the correct solutions. The children will no longer fear that they have completed the tasks incorrectly. Students will feel confident in the classroom.
  • If fathers and mothers allow their children to visit the Solver website and use Lukashik's physics problem book for grades 7–9, they won't have to spend family money to pay for tutoring services.
  • Teachers should not worry that students will simply look on the Internet for the right solutions, and they will stop thinking about answers to difficult questions on their own. After all, students using the GDZ will avoid stress, do away with skipping classes because of homework not done. Consequently, academic performance and the quality of knowledge will begin to grow.

Speaking globally, physics can be attributed to the category of sciences about the world around us, about nature. It studies both the material and energy aspects of the universe, explains and logically substantiates various phenomena occurring in nature. This science underlies the technological progress of society. And in order to fully and qualitatively convey the basics of physics to schoolchildren in grades 7-9, well-known specialists Lukashik V.I. and Ivanova E.V. created a solution for a physics textbook.

The main functions of the GDZ:

1. the formation of the analytical ability of the child, through constant introspection of the completed homework and analysis of the identified errors;

2. help students in the correct solution of experimental problems and problems with various incomplete answers, which help the child to express himself creatively;

3. independent analysis by seventh graders of tasks for a new topic from a paragraph;

4. high-quality preparation of schoolchildren for the upcoming class work and for any knowledge control;

5. consolidate the learned topic by solving tasks for repetition;

6. excellent reference material for high school students who are preparing for exams and final testing;

7. give parents the opportunity to check the level of preparedness of their child and help him with homework;

8. additional material for teachers, which helps to develop a high-quality and detailed plan for a future lesson.

Collection GDZ in physics for grades 7-9 collection of tasks Lukashik involves the study of material from the course of physics for grades 7, 8 and 9. Therefore, the first section of the manual is referred to as INITIAL INFORMATION ABOUT PHYSICAL BODIES AND THEIR PROPERTIES. In it, seventh-graders will deal with the measurement of physical quantities and learn about the structure of matter. Students solve all tasks according to the laws of molecular motion and body temperature. The second section is devoted to the motion and interaction of bodies. Here, schoolchildren will learn about uniform and non-uniform rectilinear motion, get acquainted with the concept of inertia of bodies. Problems of finding the density of matter will be solved. The topic of the phenomenon of gravitation and the force of gravity is also touched upon. The authors introduce eighth graders to Newton's laws. Also, students can easily graphically depict force. The third section, entitled "Pressure of Solids, Gases and Liquids", will provide eighth graders with formulas for solving pressure problems. This section includes a paragraph on the mobility of particles of liquids and gases. All tasks from the textbook on Pascal's law will be solved. Tasks on communicating vessels will not be left without attention. And the Law of Archimedes will cease to be an obstacle for students to good academic performance. Also, the features of pressure gauges and pumps will be consecrated here. The next section on work and power also involves the study of simple mechanisms and energy. The authors will give all the formulas for finding work and power, explain the essence of levers and blocks, and help calculate the efficiency of mechanisms and energy. Also included here is a paragraph on the equilibrium of bodies.

The fifth section talks about mechanical oscillation and wave. The sixth involves the analysis of thermal phenomena. It presents all types of heat transfer, gives formulas for measuring the amount of heat. Ninth-graders will get acquainted with the concepts of melting and solidification. Students will also solve evaporation and boiling problems. In the sixth section, heat engines and air humidity will not be left without attention. The seventh section is entirely devoted to electrical phenomena. Students will have to memorize many different formulas, namely the formula for current, voltage and resistance. Schoolchildren in laboratory work can easily assemble an electrical circuit and calculate tasks for Ohm's Law. They learn everything about electromagnetic phenomena and the thermal effect of current.

The next section is about light phenomena, where exercises on the propagation of light, its reflection and refraction are analyzed in detail. Ninth graders will learn about a flat mirror and be introduced to different lenses. And at the end of the ninth grade physics course, schoolchildren will have to go through a section on the structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus. It includes paragraphs on radioactive decay, on nuclear reactions and on elementary particles. Such material fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standards and is recommended for students of general education schools to prepare for tests and for the Olympiads.

Is it difficult to prepare a child, open the way to the world of knowledge for him? It's time to pay attention to Reshebnik in physics, compiled by the authors Lukashik V.I., Ivanova E.V. If your child is moving into 7th-9th grade and needs an appropriate study assistant, this would be a worthy option. Below it is proposed to consider what the GDZ contains, how you can use correct answers with their help.

Features of the allowance

What can you get from the textbook:

  • correctly composed answers to all questions that the work program contains. Compiled by qualified specialists in the field of education, it can easily provide an ideal study of even the most complex and time-consuming tasks set by teachers as part of a compulsory school course.
  • searching for information will not take much time. You just need to enter the appropriate number, lesson, and you will quickly find the actual exercise, after which you can enjoy a positive result. The analysis of what has been read will not be a problem either, in order to be able to fully work with the materials in the future, searching for what is needed at the present time.
  • reduce the amount of time your child spends preparing and doing homework. The expenditure of forces and resources will be reduced to a minimum, this will make it possible to freely use the time for games, entertainment, and try oneself in creativity. Your children will be happy, they will be able to enjoy every moment of life, you will watch with delight how they rejoice.
  • if there are tests in the class, the manual will carefully prepare the student for them. This is facilitated by numerous verification works that can be found on the pages, in the required sequence.

Material allowances V.I. Lukashin is online, which contains the most relevant and popular materials that are ready to help your student in the matter of self-education. Compiled taking into account the requirements and standards of the Federal State Educational Standard, which fully meet all modern trends and the direction of development of the Ministry of Education.


A collection of problems in physics, tested in many years of teaching practice at school, is included in the curriculum for all physics textbooks for grades 7-9. Fully complies with the new standard of school physical education.

Textbook example

a) consisting of the same substance;
b) consisting of various substances of the same name and purpose.
3. Name the physical bodies that can be made of glass, rubber, wood, steel, plastic.
4. Indicate the substances that make up the following bodies: scissors, glass, football camera, shovel, pencil.
5. Draw a table in your notebook and distribute the following words in it: lead, thunder, rails, snowstorm, aluminum, dawn, snowstorm, moon, alcohol, scissors, mercury, snowfall, table, copper, helicopter, oil, boiling, blizzard, shot , flood.

1. Physical bodies. Physical Phenomena 3
2. Measurement of physical quantities 4
3. The structure of matter 8
4. Movement of molecules and body temperature 9
5. Interaction of molecules 10
6. Three states of matter 12
7. Uniform and non-uniform rectilinear motion 14
8. Uniform circular motion 21
9. Inertness of bodies 25
10. Interaction of bodies. Mass of bodies 27
11. Density of matter 31
12. The phenomenon of gravity. Gravity 36
13. Newton's second law 39
14. Strength of elasticity. The weight. Force measurement 42
15. Graphic representation of forces 45
16. Addition and decomposition of forces 47
17. Body momentum. Law of conservation of momentum. . 52
18. The force of friction and the force of resistance to movement. . 57
19. Pressure of solids 61
20. Gas pressure 63
21. Mobility of particles of liquids and gases .... 66
22. Pascal's law. Hydraulic press 67
23. Pressure in liquids. Communicating vessels 70
24. Atmospheric pressure 75
25. Pumps. Pressure gauges 81
26. Law of Archimedes 84
27. Mechanical work 89
28. Power 93
29. Levers 95
30. Blocks 99
31. Efficiency of mechanisms 104
32. Energy 106
33. Balance of bodies 110
34. Hesitation 111
35. Waves 115
36. Sound waves 118
37. Internal energy 121
38. Types of heat transfer 124
39. Measuring the amount of heat 127
40. Specific heating value of fuel 132
41. Melting and solidifying 134
42. Evaporation. Boiling 138
43. Heat engines 141
44. Air humidity 143
45. Electrification of bodies 145
46. ​​Electric field 148
47. Information about the structure of the atom 151
48. Electric current 152
49. Electrical circuit 154
50. Current strength. Voltage. Resistance …. 156
51. Ohm's Law 158
52. Calculation of the resistance of conductors 161
53. Serial connection of conductors. . . 164
54. Parallel connection of conductors 168
55. Work and current power 172
56. Thermal effect of current 177
57. Electromagnetic phenomena 179
58. Light sources. Properties of light 183
59. Spread of light 184
60. Reflection of light 187
61. Flat mirror 188
62. Refraction of light 191
63. Lenses 194
64. The structure of the atom. The composition of the nucleus of an atom. Isotopes 201
65. Radioactive decay 202
66. Nuclear reactions 203
67. Elementary particles. Relationship between energy and mass 204

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