How the flag develops. Waving flag in the wind in Photoshop



Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what "FLOW" is in other dictionaries:

    Curl, tremble, winnow, fly; sway, splash, splash, rinse, rattle, rattle, rattle Dictionary of Russian synonyms. flutter curl, tremble / about the flag, sail: to splash, rinse, rattle; flutter (colloquial) /… … Synonym dictionary

    - (I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the 1st person and the 2nd person are not used), it's possible; incompatibility To sway, curl (in 2 meanings), rinse (in 2 meanings). Banners are flying. Hair fluttering in the wind. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    I carry neperekh. 1. Dissipate in the air, carried by the wind. 2. suffering. to ch. to wave I II carry. neperekh. 1. To sway, to fluctuate in the air, in the wind. 2. suffering. to ch. wave II Explanatory words ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, waving, ... ... Forms of words

    flutter- ▲ fluctuate to wave, to oscillate (about the film). sway, sya. rinse, sya. shake, sya. winnow. fly. curl. splash, sya. tremble, sya. flutter (# in the wind). hang out. dangle… Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    flutter- flutter, ayatsya (to sing) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    flutter- (I), fluttering / yu (s), wa / eat (sya), wa / yut (sya) [to sway (s) in the wind; cf. develop] … Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    flutter- Syn: curl, tremble, winnow, flutter ... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    Aetsya; nsv. To sway, to fluctuate in the air. Banners are flying. Hair blowing in the wind... encyclopedic Dictionary

    flutter- Non-directional movement... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language


  • Russia as it could be. History of gains and losses of overseas territories, Y. Korshunov. Today the Russian flag could fly over Hawaii, the Ionian Islands, Madagascar, Sumatra, New Guinea, Kuwait, the Azores and many other overseas...
  • Drum Dance of the Earth. A Celebration of Life, B. Jones, J. Jones. We descend the black road to where the forests seek to fulfill their destiny. The roots of Sister White Pine break through the pavement, claiming their right to life. Road…
Uppercase or lowercase first letter in the words "coat of arms", "flag", "anthem", other official symbols related to a specific subject - region, city? Usage in official documents? For example, "coat of arms (or coat of arms) of the Krasnoyarsk Territory".
Thank you.

These words are written in lowercase (including in official documents): coat of arms of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. If we are talking about the state emblem, anthem, flag of Russia, then only the adjective is capitalized (and only in official documents): State emblem of the Russian Federation, State anthem of the Russian Federation, State flag of the Russian Federation

Question No. 269154
What is the correct way to say whether the flag was flown on the building or above the building?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible.

Question #257661
correct spelling: flag develops, explain the spelling

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The flag is flown.

orthographic dictionary

flutter, -a ets ( to ve yat)

develop, -a yus, -a etsya ( to develop)

Big explanatory dictionary

WAVING,-a etsya; nsv.
To sway, to fluctuate in the air. Banners are flying.Hair fluttering in the wind.

1. DEVELOP see 1. Develop.

2. DEVELOP,-and eat, -and eat; nsv.
To flow, to happen. The action of the novel develops slowly.Events developed rapidly.
To be in the process of transition from one state to another, more perfect. Everything develops from lower forms to higher ones.The image of the deity developed from animal to human.Friendship often develops into love.

Question #254724
Are the words Temple and State capitalized or capitalized in the text?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Capital and lower case letters are the same thing (capital letter). The small letter is called lowercase a I.

Word temple"architectural structure" is written with a lower case, for example: Church of All Saints, Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Capital letter - in this context: Order of the Knights of the Temple.

Word state it is written with a capital letter if it is the first word in the name of government bodies, institutions, organizations, scientific, educational, entertainment institutions; awards, symbols, etc., for example: State Duma, State Tretyakov Gallery, State Film Fund of the Russian Federation, State Institute of the Russian Language. A. S. Pushkin, State flag of the Russian Federation(in official texts), State Prize. In other cases, spelling with lowercase is correct, for example: Unified State Examination, Moscow State Linguistic University, state unitary enterprise, public authorities.

Question No. 204119
Law "On the State Flag of Ukraine", and "On the State Anthem of Ukraine". Why is the flag in lowercase and the Anthem in uppercase?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In the names _National Flag of the R F_ and _National Anthem of the Russian Federation_ the spelling is correct with lowercase.

Good day! I don’t know if what I wrote below can be considered a lesson on photoshop =) but I hope that this entry will help you in the implementation of your ideas.

Make a fairly realistic picture out of a standard image easily and quickly. To do this, we need a little time and the ability to work in Photoshop on your part and a light briefing on my part;) Let's start?

So what do we have. First you need to find a picture on which we will work. In my case, and in accordance with the topic, we need a picture of the flag! Where to get? - just search the bottomless Internet, there are enough resources to satisfy even the most "picky look" ;) Or just draw yourself!

Step 1. Image source for further work

Now you need to go to the gradient editor using the icon on the toolbar and set up the following gradient

Step 2: Adjusting the Fill Gradient

Now let's do the following. Create a new layer using the key combination Cntr+Shift+N, or via the menu. Now go to the layer where you have the original image. Select it along the path and return to a new layer. Fill the selected area horizontally. Your gradient should cover only the part where the original image is located. Otherwise, we will not get the desired result.

Reduce the opacity of the gradient layer to 30% and merge the two layers into one. To do this, select the necessary layers and execute the Merge Layers command from the context menu or from the standard one. As a result, you will get such a pseudo-3D image, consisting of 2 layers

Step 3: Fill With A Gradient, Change The Opacity, And Merge The Layers

It remains only to perform the effect of wind on the fabric. For this, the Wave filter is suitable for us (in translation, it means wave \u003d). Select our resulting layer and open the Wave Settings Editor via the menu. Set the settings according to the screenshot below

Step 4. Setting up the Wave filter

Click the "Randomize" button until you get a result in the preview window just above that suits you! =) As soon as you get it, feel free to click OK. Voila, our spectacular waving flag is ready!

Here is the result

For fun, play around with the filter settings yourself or you can try applying the filter a second time.. the result can please!

I post the source code, which also has several received variants of the flag.

I hope it was easy and accessible! ;)

The next couple of lessons will be useful for those who want to become an interior designer, art director, fashion designer, etc. All of them must master the art of drawing flowing fabric. This is what we will do! And we'll start with waving flags. This lessongood exercise to practice using many of the . These laws work together to create the illusion of depth, visually pushing or pulling a waving flag in a drawing.

Let's repeat the fundamental laws used in this lesson:

Perspective: the top edge of the flag is distorted with ellipses.
Overlap: the pieces of the flag are stacked in front of the other pieces, using an overlap to create the illusion of "nearer-farther".
The size: Some parts of the flag are drawn larger than other parts, giving the illusion of visual depth.
Fill (shading): parts of the flag on surfaces facing away from the light source are drawn darker, giving a sense of depth.
Location: some parts of the flag are lower on the paper than others to create the illusion of "nearer-farther".

If you are doing scrapbooking(Scrapbooking, scrapbooking(eng. scrapbooking, from eng. scrapbook: scrap - clipping, book - book, lit. "book of clippings") - a type of handicraft art, which consists in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums. From wikipedia), you probably immediately saw the potential of this tutorial in improving your photo album page, right? If you like this lesson, then you will fall in love with the next one - "".

1. Start with a tall, vertical flagpole.

2. Draw three quarters of an ellipse. Keep the shape flat.

3. Draw three cylinders one after the other, as in the picture below. Now draw the top edge of the flag, following the tops of the cylinders.

4. Repeat several times, stretching the top edge of the flag.

5. Draw the width of the flag, starting at the front, using vertical lines descending from each edge.

6. Now - the same with the back lines. Make sure you hide them behind the flag. These small vanishing lines define the shape of the flag. These are the most important details when drawing a flag. Without these lines, your drawing will collapse, so check carefully that you haven't missed them on the trailing edge.

7. Now draw the bottom edges, twisting them harder. For now, ignore the background. Remember that you need to round these edges a little more than usual.

8. Before drawing the back side, imagine a waving flag. You are creating the illusion that the flag is flying away from your eyes, so it makes sense that the reverse thickness should be pushed away from your eyes. We achieve this with location law: Objects in the foreground are drawn lower, while objects in the background are drawn higher. When you learn to draw 3D, there are a very simple rule: if it looks wrong, then it's wrong.



9. To complete the waving flag, add shadows and shading.

Our flag is ready!


You have learned everything you need to know about how to draw a waving flag. Take a look at your notebook and review the lessons where we drew and. Take a moment and look at the drawing below, put it all together and enjoy drawing a super long flag. You can do it!

Still missing flags? Experiment!

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