A Chinese satellite sent back an amazing picture of the "dark side" of the Moon and Earth. The Chinese lunar rover denied the fact of the landing of the Americans When the Chinese will be on the moon

The Chinese spacecraft Chang'e-4 recently made a soft landing on the far (invisible) side of the moon. And immediately a sensation spread around the world: referring to the pictures taken by the lunar probe, a number of Chinese scientists and politicians questioned the fact that the Americans visited the natural satellite of the Earth in 1969. After studying these photographs of the surface of the moon in the place where the astronauts of the American lunar program "Apollo" allegedly visited, the Chinese categorically stated that the whole epic with the landing of a man on the moon is "an elaborate hoax" with the aim of "deceiving the world."

At the very least, it is reported that 2,000 (!) top party functionaries of the CCP wrote an official appeal to the US government, in which they asked the Americans for an explanation about the "legendary" landing of members of the Apollo expedition to the moon. In the document, petition signatories expressed doubt that astronauts had ever been on Earth's satellite at all. In particular, this was stated by one of the former party members of the CPC Bao Tong. But the most surprising thing is that immediately after this, a statement was made by the well-known Russian inventor and public figure Yuri Mukhin, who claims that in our country they have long known about this hoax.

So what - right, it means that there were conspiracy theorists and supporters of the so-called Lunar conspiracy, who for 50 years have been claiming that there was no American landing on the Earth's satellite? It is a generally accepted fact that in the 1960s the Soviet space program was an order of magnitude ahead of the similar American one. The entire world has seen footage of the US president's address John Kennedy to the American people, in which he was forced to explain to his electorate the reasons why the Soviet cosmonaut was the first in space Yuri Gagarin and not an American astronaut.

It was at that time that the American leadership proclaimed the goal of its space ambitions: if it was not possible to be the first to go into outer space, then you need to try to become the first at least in landing on the moon. But here it should be noted that the first flight of an American astronaut Alan Shepard into space on May 5, 1961 was only suborbital, however, like the astronaut flight that followed on July 21 Virgil Grissom. What does it mean? And the fact that the Americans only crossed the lower, 100-kilometer, boundary of space: the maximum height of Shepard's flight, for example, was only 187 km. For comparison: Yuri Gagarin climbed in his "Vostok" up to 327 km, having made an orbital, that is, a space flight.

All this suggests that at the time when the USSR was the first to go into space, the United States, in its attempts to catch up with it, was at a fairly average level of both scientific and “rocket” development. And only when the loss turned out to be obvious, the Americans gave carte blanche Wernher von Braun, which before that just stood idle, being in the shadows (due to its fascist past). How did the United States manage to “jump” so quickly not just into space, but even to the moon? The only way, as logic dictates, is to fake the landing, which a huge number of the world's population is still sure of.

By the way, an allegedly closed correspondence has already appeared on the network between the Beijing Space Flight Control Center and the Space Center. J. Kennedy (Florida) during the flight of the carrier rocket "Changzheng-3B" by the Chinese with the lunar probe "Chang'e-4" on board until the last landing on the surface of the moon. It shows that the Chinese apparatus landed not far from the landing in July 1969 of American astronauts from the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. And then you can give only a few key phrases of this correspondence.

The Beijing MCC reports that the Chang'e-4 apparatus allegedly plans to conduct a comprehensive survey, which will include a variety of observations, studies, and so on, including the study of the landing site of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. In response, experts from the Kennedy Center, addressing their Chinese colleagues, strongly recommend that they do not survey the Apollo 11 landing site "due to difficult landscape and geomagnetic conditions" that could allegedly threaten the expedition. And already on January 5, the Beijing MCC allegedly reports that Chang'e-4 has reached the designated place. There were no traces of the Apollo 11 landing and no American flag. “How can you explain this?” the Chinese “tsukpo” ask.

In general, even 10 years ago, the Japanese did not find any traces of the American presence on the moon either. Their robotic Kaguya probe also captured empty spots where astronauts were supposed to land: no remnants of equipment or rocket stages, no traces of any kind - nothing at all! It should be noted that in the debate about whether the Americans were on the moon, which has been going on for almost 50 years, a variety of specialists took part: conspiracy theorists, conspiracy theorists, astronauts, astrophysicists, specialists in the field of space communications, ufologists and many others.

And, of course, journalists. One of them is a very serious TV presenter, economist, deputy and politician. Alexey Pushkov, who prepared at one time (more than a year ago) a number of programs on this topic. So Alexei Konstantinovich also believes that the Americans did not land on the moon. On the other hand, the astronaut Alexey Leonov, for example, is convinced that they were there, which he also spoke about more than once in his interviews. Where is the truth? And who to believe? It remains only to wait until the Chinese conduct a thorough investigation and analysis of the Chang'e-4 flight, as well as an examination of the materials brought back and images taken on the moon. Then maybe something will become clear. In general, it is probably too early to put a final point on this issue.

China's Queqiao satellite, transmitting a signal from the Chang'e 4 lunar probe, has sent back an amazing photo image of the "dark side" of the Moon and distant Earth.

The Queqiao repeater satellite is in halo orbit at a distance of 65,000 to 80,000 km from the Moon.

The Chang'e 4 station was launched on December 7, and on January 2 the probe carried out the world's first soft landing on the far side of the Moon in the 186 km wide Von Karman crater. The Yutu 2, a six-wheeled rover, had already left the landing site and reached the edge of a smaller crater inside Von Karman Crater. He must work on the planet for at least three months.

An image taken by the Queqiao satellite. Photo: Andrew Jones/Twitter

Far side of the Moon as seen by satellite. Photo: Andrew Jones/Twitter

Among the main tasks of the mission is the study of the lunar soil, as well as testing the possibility of radio astronomy observations in the absence of interference from the Earth. Based on the results of the research, scientists will consider the possibility of placing a small radio telescope on the surface of the Moon.

In addition, a biological experiment will be carried out in the landing platform of the probe. So, in the device sent to the Moon, a sealed container with seeds of potatoes and Arabidopsis thaliana plants, as well as silkworm eggs, was installed.

Scientists want to test whether it is possible to create a closed ecosystem in spacecraft, in which the larvae will produce carbon dioxide, which plants can convert into oxygen through photosynthesis.

The Queqiao satellite was launched in May last year.

The previous image of the far side of the Moon and Earth was taken in 2014.

This was the picture from 2014

On January 3, China's Chang'e-4 probe successfully landed on the far side of the Moon.
Earlier it was reported that China launched the Chang'e-4 lunar probe, which should make the first ever landing on the far ("dark") side of the moon.

The Chang'e-4 lunar rover conducted video and photography of the satellite's surface and found no traces of American astronauts being there.

Chinese rover Chang'e 4 (Jade Hare) on the Moon

The decrypted data about the transmitted messages between the Beijing Space Flight Control Center and the American Space Center got into the Network. The scientific and biological goal of the expedition may lead to the discovery of new information about the first human visit to the Moon.

At present, Chang'e-4, in accordance with the flight program, is studying the mineral composition and structure of the lunar surface, and is also conducting low-frequency radio astronomy observations.

Thanks to access to neural networks and modern means of telecommunications, we have become aware of some details of the closed correspondence between the Beijing Space Flight Control Center and the Space Center. J. Kennedy (Florida) regarding the conduct of the lunar expedition.

Chinese lunar rover on the far side of the moon denied the fact of the landing of the Americans

The decoding and translation of the information received indicates that the Chinese Chang'e-4 arrived at the lunar landing site of the American Apollo 11 module and found neither the flag nor the instruments that should have remained after their departure. Also in the exchange of messages, there is a clear desire of the American center to “turn away” the lunar rover from visiting the specified point, referring to the complexity of the landscape and geomagnetic conditions. It even mentions a promise to lower the duty on Chinese goods and every intention to help, just to prevent the filming of the landing site of Neil Armstrong.

The Chinese control center reported that it tried to change the route of the lunar rover on the recommendations of colleagues, but for some time lost control over it, and it continued the planned movement. After the question arose about the absence of the American flag at the previously indicated coordinates, the Florida center promised an early consideration of the case for the release of Meng Wanzhou, and expressed hope for mutual understanding and cooperation. The Beijing Center, in turn, thanked for such a "businesslike approach" to the issues of astronautics.

Chinese lunar rover revealed the lies of the Americans: evidence, photos, video

12/05/2018, Beijing Space Flight Control Center (hereinafter - Beijing SCCC): “Dear colleagues, we inform you again that on December 8, 2018, the launch of the Chang'e-4 automatic interplanetary station for studying the Moon is scheduled.

12/06/2018, Comic Center. J. Kennedy (hereinafter referred to as the Kennedy Center): "Information accepted."

07.12 2018, Beijing MCC: "Dear colleagues, tomorrow at 2:00 Beijing time, the launch of the Changzheng-3B carrier rocket with the Chang'e-4 spacecraft to explore the moon will take place."

07.12.2018, Kennedy Center: "This could be a very important event for the Chinese space program."

12/08/2018, Beijing MCC: “Dear colleagues, today at 2:00 Beijing time, the successful launch of the Changzheng-3B carrier rocket with the Chang'e-4 spacecraft took place. To explore the moon.

12/09/2018, Kennedy Center: "We are pleased with the success of the Chinese space program, which is confidently advancing along the path of the leading space powers."

12/12/2018, Beijing MCC: “Dear colleagues, the Chang'e-4 spacecraft entered an elliptical orbit around the Moon (periapsis altitude 100 km, apoapsis altitude 400 km). Ahead is a comprehensive survey of the moon.”

12/13/2018, Kennedy Center: “We are pleased with the success of the Chinese space program. If it doesn’t make it difficult, continue to inform about the progress of your expedition.”

12/19/2018, Beijing MCC: "Dear colleagues, today Chang'e-4 has established contact with the Queqiao relay satellite and contacted the Earth."

12/20/2018, Kennedy Center: “This inspires some optimism. Please explain what a comprehensive survey of the Moon includes.

12/30/2018, Beijing MCC: “Dear colleagues, the Chang'e-4 spacecraft has switched from a circular 100-km orbit to an elliptical orbit around the Moon (periapsis altitude 15 km, apoapsis altitude 100 km). The comprehensive survey includes radio astronomical observations, the study of the mineral composition of the lunar surface, as well as an examination of the landing site of the Apollo 11 lunar module in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Tranquility.

12/30/2018, Kennedy Center: “Dear Chinese colleagues! We welcome the integrated survey of outer space. The study of the mineral composition of the lunar surface and radio astronomical observations will make a great contribution to the development of modern science. However, due to difficult landscape and geomagnetic conditions that jeopardize the expedition, we strongly do not recommend surveying the Apollo 11 lunar module landing site.

01/03/2019, Beijing MCC: “Dear colleagues, today at 10:26 Beijing time, Chang'e-4 successfully landed on the moon. The device has started radio astronomical observations and is heading to the landing site of the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft, which is 5 km away.

01/03/2019, Kennedy Center: “Dear Chinese colleagues! We urge you to correct the route of the Chang'e-4 movement on the surface of the Moon and focus on studying the mineral composition of the lunar surface. Our colleagues from the Pentagon convey good news to you - the sanctions imposed for the purchase of Russian Su-35s and S-400s will be lifted in the near future.”

01/04/2019, Beijing MCC: “Dear colleagues, having listened to your recommendations, we have decided to focus on studying the mineral composition of the lunar surface. However, at present, communication with Chang'e-4 is lost and the device continues to move autonomously to the landing site of the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. We are taking all possible measures to restore communication. We hope that the device will not send photos through open communication channels.

04.12.2019, Kennedy Center: “Dear Chinese colleagues! Our specialists are ready to provide you with any technical assistance to restore communication with the device. Good news came from the Ministry of Economy - in the near future, import duties on all Chinese goods will be reduced from 25% to 10%.

01/05/2019, Beijing MCC: “Dear colleagues, Chang'e-4 has arrived at the landing site of the Apollo 11 lunar module and is broadcasting panoramic television over a closed channel. We do not observe the American flag and traces of the landing of the module. How can you explain this?"

01/05/2019, Kennedy Center: “Dear Chinese comrades! We hope for mutual understanding and further fruitful cooperation! Let's shake hands hard! Our colleagues at the State Department bring you very good news - the release of Meng Wanzhou, or as you call her, Princess Huawei, will be considered in the coming days."

01/05/2019, Beijing MCC: “Dear American colleagues, thank you for your understanding and businesslike approach to solving the pressing issues of modern astronautics. We look forward to the further development of mutually beneficial partnerships.”

Chinese lunar rover on the far side of the moon denied the fact of the landing of the Americans: photo evidence

Chinese lunar rover - "Jade Hare" - moves out to the brown surface of the moon

The Chinese photographed the surface of the moon without the "hare" - it is brown.

American lunar rover of the expedition "Apollo 17" - rides on the gray moon

BEIJING, Oct 19 - RIA Novosti. By 2020, China is preparing to put into orbit an "artificial moon" - a satellite with reflectors that will help illuminate cities at night, Wu Chunfeng, head of the Tian Fu New Science Fields Community, told the China Daily newspaper.

The launch of the "artificial moon" is planned to be carried out from the Xichang cosmodrome in Sichuan province, the satellite is planned to be placed over the city of Chengdu. If the first launch is successful, then by 2022 three more such objects will be put into orbit.

"The first such satellite will be mostly experimental, but the next three Moons, which can be launched by 2022, will have quite a large commercial potential," said Wu Chunfeng.

The "artificial moon" will have a special coating capable of reflecting sunlight back to Earth, similar to moonlight. The satellite, in fact, should supplement the moonlight at night, while the illumination from the satellite is expected to be eight times brighter than from the real moon. According to the scientist, such brightness will be achieved due to the fact that the satellite is planned to be placed in an orbit about 500 kilometers above the earth's surface, while the Moon is at a distance of 384 thousand kilometers from the Earth. At the same time, he noted that the light from the satellite will still not be enough to illuminate the entire night sky, it is expected that for a person the brightness of the illumination from the satellite will be perceived as approximately five times dimmer than ordinary street lighting. The location and brightness of the light beam can be adjusted, and if necessary, the mirrors can be fully deployed. The "artificial moon" will have the same disadvantage as the real one, the light from it will hardly reach the Earth's surface in cloudy weather.

Source: the new ship "Federation" will be equipped with an improved rescue systemThe emergency rescue system will be designed on the basis of a similar device of the Soyuz spacecraft, but will become more powerful, said a source in the rocket and space industry.

An "artificial moon" could replace street lighting in some urban areas, thereby saving energy. The city of Chengdu could save nearly 1.2 billion yuan ($174 million) a year in electricity costs, he said, if a satellite illuminated an area of ​​50 square kilometers, for example. In addition, the satellite can be used to illuminate disaster areas during a power outage, which will greatly assist in search and rescue operations.

Wu Chunfeng said that a number of institutions and organizations have already evaluated and approved the testing under the project, while there are critics who express concerns about the possible negative physiological consequences for humans and animals, since the lack of a regular change of day and night can destroy various metabolic patterns in the body, including sleep. “We intend to conduct our experiments in uninhabited areas of the desert, so our light rays will not affect the life of people or the work of ground stations for observing space in any way. And when the satellite is put into operation, from the earth we will see only a bright star, and not a huge Moon, as many now imagine," the researcher said.

He said that other countries, including Russia, the US, the EU, Japan, have been looking for ways to use energy from space for many years. Last year, specialists from the Russian rocket and space corporation Energia proposed to implement an orbital system for illuminating the earth's surface with sunlight based on spacecraft reflectors with reflectors.

In the 1990s, Russia pursued an ambitious program of experiments with placing large "mirrors" or special reflectors in space under the general name "Znamya". These objects were supposed to reflect sunlight and illuminate the earth's surface. The first experiment "Znamya 2" in 1992-1993 was successful, but after the failure of the improved "solar mirror" "Znamya 2.5" in 1999, the project was closed.

In the summer of 2016, we had to say goodbye to another space explorer, the Yutu lunar rover. Very little is known about it, partly because the PR people of the Chinese Space Agency still have to learn how to work, partly because the device began to have technical problems after a month of work - no one likes to talk about unsuccessful missions.

The Yutu lunar rover (“Jade Hare”), weighing 120 kg, landed on the surface of the Earth’s natural satellite in December 2013 using the 1.2-ton Chang’e 3 descent platform. The technical implementation of the program strongly resembled the flights of the Soviet Luna-17 and Luna- 21", with moon rovers on board.

Flight and landing Change 3 and Yutu


Yutu successfully landed on the surface, and turned around so that China could display the red flag on the moon to the whole world.

At this point, the main propaganda mission of the mission was completed and the program's media coverage was drastically reduced even before the problems began.

Yutu completed a lap of honor around the platform and moved on to lunar exploration.

Along the way, stops were made, at which the manipulator was deployed and spectrometric studies were carried out.

The panoramic camera of the Chang'e 3 platform took pictures of the surroundings, the lunar rover, and the Earth in the sky.

When Yutu retired a few tens of meters from the starting point, information about him practically ceased to get into the press. As it became clear from the stingy official comments, the lunar rover had problems with the movement system and the thermal control system - the cover of the solar batteries did not close at night.

Lunokhod no longer went, and no news was published about him, so he was almost forgotten. However, his performance remained. Approximately six months after landing, a new panorama of the Moon was published, taken on the way to the place of eternal parking.

Photos of the Chinese moon rover and the landing station were posted on the website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Now they have been moved somewhere and the old links give empty pages, but you can still find photos and videos, although the archives included more pictures. In addition, the map of the Moon, compiled from images of two Chinese satellites Chang'e 1 and 2, is not active, and the existing site is malfunctioning.

Communication sessions with Yutu continued for more than two years and ended only in June 2016.

Lunokhod had four scientific instruments: a color stereo camera, an infrared camera, an alpha-proton spectrometer on a manipulator, and a ground penetrating radar. All studies were focused on geology: studying the soil, comparing the data obtained with previous studies, including the American Apollo and the Soviet "Moons".

On the Chang'e 3 landing platform was a color mast camera and an ultraviolet telescope for observing the Earth's exosphere, stars and galaxies. In fact, the station turned out to be the first automatic astronomical observatory on the surface of the Moon.

The Chinese Moon in the pictures of the color cameras of the lunar rover and the landing station turned out to be yellower or browner than the surface that the astronauts managed to shoot in the 60s and 70s.

However, if you look at the pictures of the Moon from the Earth, it is easy to see that the landing took place approximately at the border of two regions, one of which differs just in brown shades.

The landing took place in the Sea of ​​Rains, at a distance of 50 meters from the edge of a 450 meter crater, which was later named Qi Wei. According to Chinese geologists, they managed to study the emissions from this crater, they were convinced of this by large boulders lying in the vicinity and a rocky surface.

But in scientific publications they wrote that the telescope worked for at least 18 months, managing to capture up to 10 thousand images a month. Later, Chinese scientists managed to compile a star catalog of 86,000 stars. Whether the telescope is still working, there is no information.

China's next goal on the moon is to repeat a similar study, only this time on the far side of the moon, where no human-made lander has yet landed. The rover will have to study the unusual geological formation of the South Pole-Aitken Basin. The Chang'e IV spacecraft will be able to communicate with Earth using a relay satellite, which is expected to launch in 2018. Accordingly, the rover will depart later.


About golden foil on spacecraft.