Indirect speech in English scheme. Indirect (indirect) speech

Indirect speech

In order to convey the speaker's speech, that is, to quote him, we use indirect speech.


My mother says "I want a new dress" - My mother says: "I want a new dress." (direct speech)

My mother says that she wants a new dress - My mother says that she wants a new dress. (indirect speech)

Remember that when we transmit indirect speech in the past tense, we follow the rules for coordinating tenses.

Example: My mother said she wanted a new dress. - My mom said she wants a new dress.

Indirect speech (statements)

The following verbs are used for approval: to explain - to explain, to say - to speak, to notice - to notice, to add - to add, to tell - to tell, to remark - to note, to remind - to remind, to inform - to inform and so on.

Examples: He told that he didn`t know about it

Remember the use of the preposition: to say smth to smb- to say something to someone. (I said the truth to him- I told him the truth); to tell smb smth - tell someone something (Tell me please about your life- Please tell me about your life)

Introductory words are often used in the present tense when:

1) We read aloud, inform: The magazine says that you should work out 3 times a week.

2) We send a message: What does she say? - She says you have to go

3) We talk about what someone often says: They are always telling how they are happy together.

orders and requests

In this case, we use the infinitive and introductory words: to command - to command, to ask - to ask, to beg / to implore - to beg, to urge - to insist, to order - to order, to tell - to speak, and so on.


General issues

In indirect speech, direct word order is used to form general questions.

Formed with a particle if/whether translated as Russian particle "whether". They are introduced with the words to ask - to ask, to want to know - to want to know, and so on.

Special questions

Direct word order is also used to form special questions in indirect speech. Introductory interrogative words: why - why, when - when, which - which and so on.

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Direct speech in English ( Direct Speech), literally quoting the statement. The response is enclosed in quotation marks on both sides, and you add the words of the author to it, for example, He says: “I swim well”.

Indirect speech in English ( Reported Speech/ Indirect Speech), which conveys the content of the conversation from a third person. In this case, the accuracy of the statement is violated: you change the tenses and word order in the sentence.

let's consider Reported Speech rule and learn how to correctly express the opinion of the interlocutor, without inventing anything.

Indirect speech in English always depends on what time is used in the words of the author. If there is real, then you can exhale and relax: you will not have to change almost anything. The tense in the subordinate clause will remain the same, just watch the verb form and capricious pronouns:

Melissa says:I am a good cook.” – Melissa says thatshe is a good cook.

Jack said:like cats.”(Present Simple) – Jack said that heliked cats.(Past Simple)

In more detail, we will consider the timing ( Sequence of Tenses) separately.

Examine the Reported Speech table. With it, you will be able to express yourself grammatically correctly. And one more piece of advice - always try translate sentences into Russian, he will tell you which words will have to be replaced.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Affirmative sentences turn into complex sentences with the union That (what). See if you know who we're talking to. If yes, then the verb to say should be changed to to tell.

They say: "Annie, we read a lot of books."

They tell Annie that they read a lot of books.

When you translate negative sentences into indirect speech in English, pay special attention to the form of the verb and don't lose the not part.

Mark says:"I don't like computer games".

Mark says that he doesn't like computer games.

Imperative sentences, namely orders and requests, become infinitive. At the same time, in the main sentence, use the verbs to ask - to ask, to tell - to say, order, to order - to order, etc. and indicate the person being addressed.

Mother said: "Open the window."

Mother asked me to open the window.

Questions become subordinate clauses with direct word order. a) General questions are introduced by a subordinate clause using the unions if and whether

Jim asks me: "Do you watch TV?"

Jim asks me if I watch TV.

b) Special questions are attached to the main sentence with the interrogative words that are used in them.

Tony wonders: “What is your favorite food?”

Tony wonders what my favorite food is.

If the sentence you are translating into indirect speech in English contains demonstrative pronouns or adverbs of time and place, then our table will help to replace them correctly:

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

This - this

That - that

Here - here

There - there

Now - now

Then - then

Today - today

That day - on that day

Tomorrow - tomorrow

The next day - the next day

Yesterday - yesterday

The day before - the day before

The day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow

Two days later - two days later

The day before yesterday - the day before yesterday

Two days before - two days before

Ago - ago

Before - before

Next month - next month

The next month, the following month - a month later

Last week - last week

The previous week - the week before

Direct speech sentences present no difficulty. We simply translate them using the tenses that we consider necessary.

For example:

Cinderella said, "I will marry this prince."

Cinderella said: "I will marry this prince."

The principal said, "Yesterday you did a very good job."

Director said: "Yesterday you worked very well."

The writer says, "I write a new book every year."

A writer says: "I write a new book every year."

There really is nothing complicated about this.

A little trickier with sentences where we pass other people's words. Here, first of all, you need to pay attention to the words of the author, such as "She says", "He asked", "Director will say" etc. If these words are in the present tense ( "she says"- now or usually), then when changing direct speech to indirect, we do not change the time.

For example:

Mom often says that we are not very attentive.

Mother often says that we are not very careful.

The doctor says that at this time of the year many people get sick.

Doctor says that many people get ill in this season.

She says he hasn't called her yet.

She says that he hasn't called her yet.

But it is possible that the words that we want to convey using indirect speech were said earlier. And the author's words refer to the past ( "we said", "they asked", "he advised" etc.).

For example:

The store clerk said yesterday, "This bread is fresh."

The seller said yesterday that this bread is fresh.

The teacher said last week: "Tomorrow we will write a test."

The teacher said last week that tomorrow we will write a test.

And in this case "in Game" enters TIME CONTROL RULE.

Since information about fresh bread and tests was given in the past, there is a need to slightly change the tenses in the part that starts with the word "WHAT".

For example if in a sentence with direct speech used time present simple, then, having remade the sentence into indirect speech, we will use past simple.

He said: " I LIKE to read newspapers in the morning.” – He said that he LIKED to read newspapers in the morning.*

*Please note that when you change a sentence into indirect speech, the subject changes! He says:"I'm going." - He says he's coming.

The entire sequence of changing times according to this principle is given in the table below:

Sequence of Tenses (time alignment)



Present Continuous

Past continuous

Present Perfect

Past continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

All Future Tenses

All Future in the Past Tenses*

* The tenses Future- in the Past are formed with the help of an auxiliary verb "WOULD", which we just use instead of the auxiliary verb "will".

For example, "will go" (Future Simple) - "would go" (Future Simple - in the Past).

For example:

He said: "My friends usually come at 5."

He said that his friends usually came at 5.

She told her sister: "I am reading a very interesting book."

She told her sister that she was reading a very interesting book.

Mary said to the man: "I have not decided anything yet."

Mary said to the man that she had not decided anything yet.

I told them: "I will do this job in two days."

I told them that I would do this job in two days.

In speech, we often use time markers ( yesterday, today, in two days, tomorrow) or words like "here", "there", "this", "that" etc.

In English, when "translating" a sentence from direct speech to indirect if the words of the author are in the past time, such words should be replaced as follows:

For example:

He said: "I will not begin now."

He said he would not begin then.

The President said: "I didn't know about it last week."

The President said he hadn't known about it the week before.

She said: "My husband will be here tomorrow."

She said her husband would be there the next day.

Words in direct speech and in indirect speech

    This / these That / those

  • Yesterday The day before

  • Tomorrow (the) next day / the following day

  • Last week / year

    The week / year before

    The previous week/year

    Next week / year

    The following week / year

    The next week / year

In indirect speech, we can convey orders, commands or requests. In order to figure out how to do this in English, let's see how we do it in Russian.

She told us, "Don't stand here!"

She told us not to stand here.

The director ordered the worker: "Do it immediately!"

The director ordered the employee to do so immediately.

We asked the teacher: "Explain this rule to us again, please!"

We asked the teacher to explain this rule to us again.

As you noticed, when we “translate” a command, request or order into indirect speech, then instead of the “Do it!” the "do" form is used, i.e. infinitive (indefinite form of the verb). In English, this situation is repeated.

So, when transmitting a command, request or order in indirect speech in English, we will use the infinitive of the verb with the particle "to" - "to go", "to stand", "to read", "to do", etc.

For example:

She told us: "Stand there!"

She told ustostand there.

He asked his friend: "Bring me, please, that book!"

He asked his friendtobring him that book.

Teacher said to the students: "Rewrite this exercise!"

Teacher told students to rewrite that exercise. Sometimes a command, request or order is negative. Those. we tell someone not to do something. Then, when “translating” such a command into indirect speech, we will put the negative particle NOT immediately before the infinitive.

For example:

He told her: "Don't go there anymore!"

He told her NOT TO GO there anymore.

The teacher told the student: "Don't be late for the next lesson!"

The teacher told the student NOT TO BE late for the next lesson.

She told her boyfriend: "Leave! And don't come again!"

She told her boyfriend to leave and NOT TO COME again.

And in order not to repeat "he told" or "she asked" all the time, use other words.


To order

To offer

To suggest

To demand

To warn

To advise


Sometimes it is difficult to figure out how to convey some sentences in indirect speech. For example, how to say in indirect speech the sentence “He said: “Hello!”, Or “She said: “No!”?

Let's give a little hint:

He said: "Hello, everybody!" – He greeted everybody.

She said to him: "No, I will not go with you!" – She refused to go with him.

They said: "Yes!" – They agreed.

Questions in indirect speech in English convey only the content of the question of direct speech, but they themselves are not questions, as such. Based on this, the word order in indirect questions is the same as in affirmative sentences, that is, the subject follows before the predicate, auxiliary verbs ( do, did) are not used, and no question mark is placed at the end of such questions.

For example: He said, "When are you leaving?" - He asked me when I was leaving. (NOT When I was leaving?) He asked, "When are you leaving?" - He asked me when I was leaving. I said, "Where are you staying?" – I asked her where she was staying. I asked, "Where are you staying?" - I asked her where she was staying. "Where does John live?" she asked me. - She asked me where John lived. "Where does John live?" she asked me. She asked me where John lives. John asked, "Where did you go last weekend?" – John asked where I had gone the previous weekend. John asked, "Where did you go last weekend?" John asked where I went last weekend. He asked, "Why are you staring at me?" – He asked me why I was staring at him. He asked, "Why are you looking at me?" He asked me why I was looking at him.

General and alternative questions are introduced into the sentence by conjunctions if / whether:

"Do you speak English?" she asked him. – She asked him if he spoke English. "Do you speak English?" she asked him. She asked him if he spoke English. "Are you British or French?" they asked me. – They asked me whether I was British or French. "Are you from Britain or France?" they asked me. They asked me if I was from Britain or France. "Did you come by train?" she required. – She required if I had come by train. "Did you come by train?" she asked. She asked if I had come by train.

Special questions are introduced with a question word ( when, where, why, and etc.):

"What is your name?" he asked me. – He asked what my name was. "What is your name?" he asked me. - He asked me my name. "How old is your mother?" he asked her. – He asked her how old her mother was. "How old is your mother?" he asked her. He asked her how old her mother was.

What is this - an indirect question?

First, let's compare Direct and Indirect questions. If you want to literally reflect someone’s statement, quote, then it’s better to use ordinary questions using direct speech (more on “Types of questions in English”). But, to convey other people's words, you can use Inderect questions, which consist of two parts: the main one, where it says “who asked, inquired” and the secondary one - “what exactly, the question itself”, and they are connected by a union or a pronoun. But that's not all. It is necessary to capture the essence of only two rules:

Active timing rule (The whole scheme can be found in the article "Time Coordination Table"). In other words, the time used in the main part of the sentence must be sent one back, to the past. Thus, we remove the quotes, and the logical chain of events is not interrupted. Note that neither do nor does can be used in this case. For example: in the main in quotation marks we have the verb “speak” - Present Simple. According to the transition of times, Present Simple changes to Past Simple: spoke.

I also want to remind you of pronouns, which change from direct to indirect speech according to the same principle as in Russian.

He said:have youtranslated this article? -He said: « You translated article? (Present perfectpasses according to rule inpast perfect).

He asked if Ihad translated that article.He asked if I had translated the article.

Although we call such sentences questions, we do not observe the familiar violation of word order. Namely: the structure of the affirmative sentence is preserved: subject + predicate + object + etc.

She said: "Where didshe ski in summer? - She said, "Where did she ski in the summer?"

She asked whereshe had skied in summer. She asked where she skied in the summer.

Two models of indirect questions in English

So, we know that there are several types of questions: general, special, alternative, disjunctive and question to the subject. In indirect speech, we can only build some of them.

1. General and alternative indirect question is built using the unions if or whether, which in Russian sound like a particle of “li”. Thus, keeping the direct word order, we can derive the following scheme:

Subject + predicate + if (whether) + subject + predicate + secondary members

Direct Speech - Direct Speech

»Is anybody at home? he asked. - "Is anybody home?" he asked.

He asked if anybody was at home. - He asked if there whether is anybody home.

Past Simple - Past Perfect

She asked: "Were she at school yesterday?" She asked: “Was she at school yesterday?”

She asked if she had been at school the day before. She asked was whether she was at school yesterday.

Future Simple - Future in the Past

He said: "Will you go to the theater tomorrow?" - He asked: “Will you go to the theater tomorrow?”

He asked if I would go to the theater the next day. He asked if I would go whether I'm going to the theater tomorrow.

My mother said: "Are you laughing at me?" - Mom said: "Are you laughing at me?"

My mother asked if I was laughing at her. - Mom asked, laughing whether I'm over her.

He said: "Have you heard about the latest events?" - He asked: "Have you heard about the latest events?"

He asked if I heard about the latest events. - He asked, heard whether I'm talking about recent events.

Present Perfect Continuous - Past Perfect Continuous

My friends asked: "Have you been living in this old house for a year?" - My friends asked: "Did you live in this old house for a year?"

My friends asked if I had been living in that old house for a year. My friends asked, lived whether I've been in that old house for a year.


He asked: "Can you play tennis?" - He asked: “Can I play tennis?”

He asked if I could play tennis. He asked if I can whether i play tennis.

Must - had to

She said: "Must I write it today?" - She said: “I have to write this today?”

She asked if she had to write it that day. She asked should whether she write it today.

2. In special indirect question the two parts are connected by interrogative words: what, why, where, which, whose (in the article "Interrogative words" you will find complete information about the use and meaning). And everything else, as in the previous model.

Subject + predicate + interrogative word + subject + predicate + secondary members

Direct Speech - Direct Speech

Indirect speech - Inderect Speech

Present Simple - Past Simple

He asked: "Where is the underground?" - He asked: "Where is the subway?"

He asked where the underground was. - He asked where the subway was.

Present Continuous - Past Continuous

Mary said: "What are you playing now?" - Mary said: "What are you playing now?"

Mary asked what I was playing than. - Mary asked what I was playing.

Present Perfect - Past Perfect

She asked:"Where has he been?" She asked: "Where was he?"

She wanted to know where he had been. She wanted to know where he was.

Past Simple - Past Perfect

His parents asked:"Whose hat have you been wearing?" - His parents asked: "Whose hat did you wear?"

His parents asked whose hat I had been wearing. His parents asked whose hat I wore.

A few more secrets! =)))) (what jokers)

must be distinguished if in subordinate clauses and If in indirect questions. So, in the first case, we translate with the meaning "if", and in the second - with a particle of "whether".

If you come home late, we will have to punish you. - If you come home late, we will be forced to punish you.

She asked me if I would come home late the next day. -She is asked, I will come whether I late tomorrow.

short answers to indirect questions in English are given with the help of auxiliary or modal verbs, as in direct speech, but taking into account the rule of tense coordination. And the connection of the two parts in this model occurs due to conjunction "that" and yes/no are omitted.

"Does she live in the hostel?" - she asked. -Yes, she does (No, she doesn't).

She asked if she lived in the hostel. -I answered that she did (she didn't).

In English, the transmission of someone else's statement is carried out in two ways: using indirect and direct speech. In direct entry, the speech of another person is transmitted without various changes. If we use indirect speech in English, then the statement will be transmitted from a third person, while the word order changes and other temporary forms can be used. Indirect speech is written as a subordinate clause.

With the help of indirect speech, you can convey questions, statements, requests and orders. If you use a statement, then the sentence must be made a subordinate clause and use Union that. If the sentence is in the past tense, then it will be slightly changed, according to the rules. These rules have their own characteristics, so the coordination of tenses is best considered separately from indirect speech. If you convey other people's words or thoughts, then and will change, namely the correct choice of its form. Undoubtedly, if the sentence contains the person to whom the appeal is directed, then the verb is changed from say to tell. The question in indirect speech has a direct word order, and at the end of the sentence, the question mark is replaced by a period. A special question in indirect speech is presented in the form of an additional subordinate clause, connected by interrogative words with the main part.

Converting direct speech to indirect

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you must omit commas and quotation marks after words that are included in direct speech. All possessive and personal pronouns change depending on the person who is narrating. If the imperative mood is used in direct speech, then we will have to transform the verb in indirect speech into an infinitive. And if we use interrogative sentences, then we will have to transform these sentences into subordinate clauses according to the rule. When posing a general question, you should use subordinate clauses with introductory unions whether, if . All adverbs of time and demonstrative pronouns must be changed in the subordinate clause according to the meaning. Now let's reduce the whole theory to table.

Rules for translating direct speech into indirect: table

Changing a sentence in indirect speech Direct speech indirect speech (present tense) Indirect speech (past tense)
I. Imperative mood in direct speech we change → to the infinitive in indirect speech Mother says to me: "Come back as soon as you can!" Mother asks me to come as soon as I can. Mother asked me to come as soon as I could.
II. Declarative sentence→ subordinate clause with conjunction that She says: "You may choose any dress you like." She says that I may choose any dress I like. She said that I might choose any dress I like(d).
III. Interrogative sentence→ subordinate clause, while:
a) general questions
are attached to the subordinate clause with unions if, whether
She says to her: "Has Kate been here long?" She asks her if Kate has been there long. She asked her if Kate had been there long.
b) c special issues
only the word order changes on a straight line.
The child asks mother: "What holiday is it?" The child asks his mother what holiday it is. The child asked his mother what holiday it was.

When translating from direct speech to indirect, personal pronouns change in meaning; the following pronouns change too:

this - that
today - that day
these - those
this week - that week
here - there
yesterday - the day before yesterday
tomorrow - the next day (the next day)

In the indirect speech of the past tense (begins with somebody said, and not says) you should also watch the times:

Coordination of tenses in indirect speech

present simple past simple
Present Continuous Past continuous
present perfect,
past simple,
past perfect
past perfect
Past continuous past continuous,
Past Perfect Continuous
present perfect continuous,
Past Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
will, can, may, must etc would, could, might, had to etc


1) Common knowledge. He said that the Earth is round.
2) Personal 100% conviction. He said that Tom is a kind person.

💡 I remind you once again that if the indirect sentence is in the present tense, for example he says, then the transition of tenses according to the above is not carried out! 💡

Indirect speech in English is considered a real stumbling block. In fact, the devil is not so "terrible as he is painted." If you want to make sure of this, then our material will come in handy for you.

There are 2 types of speech: direct (Direct Speech) and indirect (Indirect Speech or Reported Speech). The direct is transmitted using ordinary quoting, and the indirect is transmitted using special constructions and introductory verbs.

Direct and indirect speech: short examples that English offers us (with translation)
1) Julia said, “I like green leaves in early spring.” Julia said: "I love green leaves in early spring" 1) Julia said that she liked green leaves in early spring. Julia said she loves green leaves in early spring.
2) Mother told her, “Open the door, please!” The mother told her: “Please open the door!” 2) Mother asked her to open the door. The mother asked her to open the door.
3) The tutor said to me, “I have been to London this year.” The teacher told me: "This year I went to London." 3) The tutor said that he had been to London that year. The teacher said that he was in London that year.

As you can see, indirect speech and English are friends with numerous changes in sentences, the table reflects only a few of them. You will read more about the rules for translating direct statements into narrative below.

Stages of translating direct speech into indirect

  1. The punctuation stage implies the omission of the quotes that enclose the replica, and the comma that separates 2 simple sentences as part of a complex one. The last one can be replaced by the union that, but this is not necessary. When sending interrogative sentences, do not forget to put a period instead of a question mark.
  2. At the lexical stage, all the necessary verbal transformations take place.

Changes in adverbs

Examples of such modifications:

The boy said that he was reading at that moment. The boy said that he was reading at that moment.
(In the original, the boy said: "I am reading now.")

This woman tells me she has lost the key that week. This woman says she lost her key last week.
(In the original, the woman says: "I have lost the key this week.")

The librarian asked to return the book the following week. The librarian asked to return the book next week.
(Original "Return the book next week, please!")

Rules for coordinating tenses in indirect speech

Let's take a closer look at all the necessary changes regarding the time frame.

He says, “I swim very well.” (direct speech)
He says that he swims very well. (indirect speech)

NB! Indirect speech in English to convey what has already happened and the construction of appropriate statements can cause some difficulties. If the introductory verbs are in the past tense, the tenses of the verbs from the quotations are subject to the following modifications.

Reported Speech: Sequence of Tenses (Timing)

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

Present Simple (Indefinite)“I want to buy a car” Past Simple (Indefinite) He said (that) he wanted to buy a car.
Present Progressive (Continuous)“I am looking for a kitten” She said (that) she was looking for a kitten.
Present Perfect“He has won this game” past perfect She said (that) he had won that game.
Past Simple (Indefinite)“She found me at the seaside yesterday” past perfect He said (that) she had found him at the seaside the day before.
Past Progressive (Continuous)“He was playing football” Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Mother said (that) he had been playing football.
Future Simple (Indefinite)“I will catch this butterfly” Future-in-the-Past (= Conditional Would) The boy said (that) he would catch that butterfly.

“I can dive very well”

“You must be here at 5 p.m.”

“I may be late a bit”


He said (that) he could dive very well.

She told me (that) I had to be there at 5 p.m.

He said he might be late

If you learn 2 main tables (temporary and adverbial changes), modifying sentences from direct speech to indirect speech will be easy and simple. There will be only nuances that will need to be monitored.

Light (upper) cloud - thought transmission in the present, dark (lower) cloud - thought transmission in indirect speech (past tense)

Indirect speech: features of the transition of various types of sentences

Get acquainted with these simple principles and easily delve into grammar: now English, in particular direct and indirect speech, will not cause any special difficulties.

  1. Translation of affirmative sentences is carried out using the union that. Introductory verbs to tell (with addition), to say (without addition).

    They said, "We have never been here before." – They said (that) they had never been there before.

    He said, "I will clean the car." – He told me he would clean the car.

    He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow." – He told his teacher that he would have finished that paper by the following day.

    She said, "It is very quiet here." She said that it was very quiet there.

  2. When changing negative sentences, pay special attention to the particle not.

    She said, "I don't know where my shoes are." – She said that she didn’t know where her shoes were.

    He said, "They won't sleep." – He said that they would not sleep.

    “I don't speak Italian,” she says. - She says that she does not speak Italian.

    "I cannot find a book anywhere," she said to him. – She told me that she could not find a book anywhere.

  3. The imperative mood is transformed with the help of the infinitive. Introductory verbs to order - to order, to ask - to ask, to tell - to order, to beg - to beg, etc.

    "Take off your shoes," she told us. – She told us to take off our shoes.

    "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said - The teacher asked Joe to stop talking.

    "Don" t go out without me, "he begged her. - He begged her not to go out without him.

    "Don" t repair the computer yourself," she warned him. - She warned him not to repair the computer himself.

  4. Interrogative sentences acquire direct word order. At the same time, general questions become subordinate clauses, joined by unions if or whether. Special questions are attached with appropriate question words. Introductory verbs: to ask - to ask, to wonder - to be interested, to want to know, to want to know - to want to know, to be interested - to be interested, etc.

    Helen: What does she say? – He wanted to know what Helen said.

    "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. – She wondered where her umbrella was.

    Are you going to the cinema? he asked me. – He asked me if I was going to the cinema.

    "Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins. – The mother asked the twins whether they had tidied up their room.

  5. To convey replicas with an exclamation, you can use the verb to exclaim - exclaim by adding the appropriate emotion word (for example, joy - joy, sorrow - grief, wonder - surprise, etc.)

    “Hurrah! I've got the first prize!" – Tomas exclaimed with joy (that) he had got the first prize.

    “Wow! What a marvelous dress you are having on.” – She exclaimed with wonder (that) I was having a marvelous dress on.

    “Oh, my… I’ve lost my wallet!” – He exclaimed with sorrow (that) he had lost his wallet.

    “Come on! You'll cope with this task.” – She exclaimed with enthusiasm (that) I would cope with that task.

And, finally, we present to your attention the transmission of a small dialogue in indirect speech.

Hello Mike! How are you?
Hey Jane! I am not well, I have a sore throat. Sorry, I can't speak to you now…
Ok, hold on then… I’ll call you in a couple of days.

Reported Speech: Jane greeted Mike and asked him how he was. Mike greeted Jane in response and explained that he was not well. He exclaimed with sorrow that he could not speak to Jane. She expressed her support and added that she would call him in a couple of days.

Admit it, now indirect speech does not seem so difficult, English is so scary, and repeated exercises will increase your skills and improve your grammatical skills.

See the video for the basic rules of indirect speech with examples.

The statements that a person utters are transmitted in writing in two ways: direct or indirect speech. This is typical for both Russian and English.

Differences between direct and indirect speech

Direct speech or Direct Speech - verbatim transmission of someone's speech (phrases, sentences) in writing. Therefore, it is enclosed in quotation marks.

Cyril said, "I've never been to London."

Cyril said: "I've never been to London."

Indirect speech or Indirect or Reported Speech - is not a literal speech transmission. Indirect speech retains the content, but can change form, conveying the message inaccurately, in other words. Quotation marks in this case are not put, and the sentence becomes a subordinate clause.

Fam said that she had never been to London.

Pham said she had never been to London.

Direct speech in English

Direct speech in English is somewhat different from Russian in writing: upper quotation marks (“) are used instead of the usual Russian “Christmas trees”. At the same time, in English, a dot at the end of a sentence is placed before quotation marks, like other signs, while in Russian, on the contrary, after quotation marks.

She answered, “No, I can't.”

She replied, "No, I can't."

After the introductory construction “He said”, “She answered”, “Someone exclaimed”, etc. a colon or comma is inserted.

I said: "I don't like fruit."

I said, "I don't like fruit."

Direct speech includes not only affirmative sentences, but also interrogative, exclamatory or incentive sentences. Punctuation marks are always stored inside quotation marks.

We exclaimed, “It's so easy!”

We exclaimed, "It's so easy!"

To convey direct speech in English, the following verbs are usually used:

Say - to speak

tell - to tell

Ask - to ask

answer - answer

Explain - to explain

Exclaim - exclaim

Whisper - to whisper

Scream - scream

As well as many other verbs, the meaning of which is associated with the transfer of information.

Transformation of direct speech into indirect

Indirect speech is used more often than direct speech, especially in oral speech. But in English, the transformation from direct speech to indirect speech is not limited to omitting quotes. It is also necessary to observe the rule of coordinating times, as well as a number of other rules. Also, in indirect speech, parts of a sentence are not separated by a comma.

Personal and possessive pronouns are replaced depending on the context.

Boris said, “We should work.”

Boris said they should work.

He said they should work.

Demonstrative pronouns also change:

this - that

these - those

She said to Moris, “Give me this shawl.”

She asked Moris to give her that shawl.

Adverbs of time are replaced:

today - that day


tomorrow - the next day

He said, “I'll call it off tomorrow.”

He promised to call it off the next day.

If the predicate in the main clause is in the past tense (which happens most often), the subordinate clause in indirect speech also requires the transition of the predicate into the past tense.

They said, “We are working.”

They said they were working.