Literary evening “There is a short, but marvelous time in the initial autumn. “There is in the original autumn ...”, analysis of Tyutchev's poem

(Illustration: Gennady Tselishchev)

Analysis of the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Indian summer

F. I. Tyutchev in his work very skillfully describes nature, inspiring it and filling it with images. In his works, the author very brightly and colorfully conveys the landscape he has seen. He loves nature and understands it, gives it the image of a living being and fills it with life. In his works, he shows the inextricable link between nature and human life, unity and interdependence - the main idea that runs through all of Tyutchev's work. In the poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, the poet describes the period of early autumn, when nature is unusually beautiful and gives its bright colors at parting.

The poet claims that "there is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn." With these words, he points to the peculiarity of this pore, he calls it marvelous, sees in it mystery and unusualness. The author gently and reverently describes the period of the beginning of autumn, this is the very moment when you should admire its wondrous beauty, because this time is very short. Describing the days of this time, the author uses the comparison "crystal day", this gives a feeling of trepidation, expensive pleasure and shows the extraordinary purity and freshness of these days. And the author endows the evenings with warmth, describing them as “radiant”. “The whole day stands as if crystal, and the evenings are radiant ...” - the extraordinary beauty that the poet was able to convey in words.

In continuation of the description of this wonderful picture of early autumn, the poet draws attention to the autumn field. Once upon a time, a sickle walked very cheerfully there and a lot of work was redone, but now everything has been removed. And everything is empty, "only cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow." In this part of the poem, a certain dual image appears, and descriptions of nature itself and its connection with human life. Here, autumn is compared to the sunset of life, when everything is already done and “idly”, days pass. This poem calls to reflect on the eternal.

Further, the poet says that the birds have already flown away and the air has become empty, but there is still time, because "it is far from the first winter storms." And on the deserted, resting field pours pure and warm azure. People call this time of autumn Indian summer, this is a very bright and short moment, and it is very important in the bustle of people not to miss the chance to admire this beauty. There is an Indian summer of a wonderful golden autumn in the life of every person. The remarkable Russian poet F. I. Tyutchev conveys to the reader the amazing impressions that nature gives to man in simple things. Every moment of unity with nature leaves an indelible impression on the soul.

“There is in the original autumn ...” Fedor Tyutchev

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

The landscape lyrics of Fyodor Tyutchev are a special world recreated by the poet on the basis of personal impressions. However, it is recreated so accurately and vividly that each work allows readers to take a short journey through the endless fields and forests that the imagination draws after each line written by the poet.

Fyodor Tyutchev did not like autumn, believing that this time of the year symbolizes the withering and death of wildlife. However, he could not help admiring the beauty of the trees dressed in golden attire, the thick silvery clouds and the slenderness of the crane wedge, which leads the way to the southern regions. True, the poet was occupied not so much with the process of the reincarnation of nature as with that short moment when she freezes for a while, preparing to try on a new hypostasis. It was to this elusive moment that the author dedicated his poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, created in August 1857.

Autumn has not yet come into its own, but its approach is felt with every breath of the wind. This amazing time is popularly called the Indian summer - the last warm gift of nature, which is preparing for hibernation. “The whole day stands as if crystal and radiant evenings,” this is how Fyodor Tyutchev characterizes these still hot summer days, in which, nevertheless, the distinct breath of autumn is already felt.

Its approach is evidenced by the "cobwebs of thin hair" that glistens in the furrow of a long-harvested field, as well as the extraordinary spaciousness and silence that fills the air. Even “the birds are no longer heard”, as it happens on an early summer morning, as the feathered creatures are busy preparing for the coming cold. However, the author notes that “far before the first snowstorms”, deliberately skipping that period of autumn, which is famous for rains, dank cold winds and bare trees that shed their leaves.

Tyutchev has repeatedly noted that autumn in its classical manifestation makes him sad, reminding him that human life also has its finale. And if the poet could, he would gladly change the structure of the world in order to delete from it the period of slow dying of nature. That is why the poet preferred to spend autumn abroad, escaping from the dull Russian landscape. Nevertheless, the last days of the outgoing summer gave Tyutchev great pleasure, giving a feeling of joy and peace.

This festive and solemn mood is clearly felt in the poem "There is in the original autumn ...". The short Indian summer, filled with sun and silence, makes the poet feel the completion of another life stage, but is not identified with death. Therefore, the “original autumn”, warm and friendly, is perceived by Fedor Tyutchev as a small respite before the change of seasons. This is a period of summing up and rethinking life values.. Therefore, the poet associates it not with approaching old age, which, like autumn, is inevitable, but with maturity, wisdom and life experience, allowing the author to avoid serious mistakes in making important decisions for him that require calm reflection. In addition, Indian summer for Fyodor Tyutchev is an opportunity to feel truly free and enjoy the harmony of nature, which seemed to freeze in anticipation of the upcoming cold weather, hurrying to give the world the last colors of summer with its fragrant herbs, bottomless blue sky, warm wind, empty and from this seeming immense fields, as well as the bright sun, which no longer burns, but only gently caresses the skin.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

Analysis of the poem "There is in the original autumn" Tyutchev

F. Tyutchev became famous for his ability to convey the elusive moments associated with the Russian landscape. His poems are like excellent photographs taken at the most opportune moments. The poet surprisingly accurately found the right angle and time. In 1857, he wrote a poem "There is in the autumn of the original ...", dedicated to the most beautiful and short autumn season - Indian summer. The work was written by the poet in a surge of inspiration while watching the autumn landscape from the carriage.

Autumn is traditionally considered a period of fading vitality, a premonition of the inevitable winter with its severe frosts. Therefore, many poets were attracted by a special autumn period - Indian summer. After the first dull autumn rains and frosts, it is a bright farewell reminder of the past happy summer days. Indian summer is a short respite of nature, made before the next severe test.

Tyutchev draws the reader's attention to the fact that Indian summer suddenly stops the process of withering and for some time fixes nature in an unchanged state, allowing you to fully enjoy its beauty. One feels the incredible fragility of this state ("the whole day stands as if crystal"). A person is given time to gather strength before the long Russian winter, once again plunge into the atmosphere of the past summer.

Tyutchev refers to the images of simple village labor, harvesting and harvesting. Together with the last warm days, the hard time of suffering ended. Autumn is a period of summing up. It is no coincidence that weddings were traditionally celebrated in Russia at this time. Indian summer is also becoming a respite for the peasantry.

Tyutchev's close attention to every little thing is vividly represented in the image of the "thin hair of the web." This element of the landscape, insignificant in itself, very capaciously and accurately conveys the feeling of peace that unites nature with man.

The poet encourages readers to make the most of the respite provided. Nothing can interfere with the calm contemplation of nature: loud sounds have disappeared (“no more birds can be heard”), bright colors have faded. Severe winter storms are still very far away, so they seem to be something unrealistic. The author specifically does not mention the autumn bad weather and mudslides. He wants to keep the best memories of autumn in his memory.

Is in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

There is a spell in autumn early,
One all too brief, of an enchantment rare:
The nights are radiant and pearly,
The days, pellucid, crystal-clear.

Where played the sickle and fell the corn, a mellow,
A warm and breathless stillness reigns supreme;
spanning the brown and idle furrow,
A dainty thread of cobweb gleams.

The birds have flown, we hear no more their clamour,
But winter "s angry winds not soon will start to blow -
Upon the empty fields there pours the azure glow
Of skies that have not lost the warmth of summer.

Exists in the autumnal growing
A brief, but an enchanting phase:
The day - as if in crystal glowing,
The dusk - in the resplendent glaze.

Where ears fell to zesty sickle's rending,
It "s bare around; through a widespread range
Glows only, thinning and unbending,
A web string on an idle trench.

The air "s depleting, quiet - birds have pealed,
Of nascent wintry storms there isn't a clue,
And pours the warm and the transparent blue
Onto a resting field...

There is a fleeting, wondrous moment
during autumn "s early days:
time stands motionless, time "s a crystal,
evenings bathe in brilliant rays.

Where sickles swung and crops were toppled
there"s just an empty wasteland now.
A strand of glittering web is all you notice
across an idle track cut by a plow.

The air has emptied. Birds no longer chatter,
though there "s some time to wait for winter" s snow and rain,
and pure and warm, a gentle blue is flowing
across the resting plains.

Jest chwila krotka w dniach jesiennej pory,
Przedziwnych chwila mgnień:
Powietrze czyste, krysztalowy dzień,
Świetliste jeszcze wciąż wieczory...

Gdzie rześki błyskał sierp i padał kłos,
Dziś głucho wszędzie, opuszczona niwa;
I tylko cienki pajęczyny włos
Na śpiącej bruździe odpoczywa.

Wichrowe jeszcze śpią poświsty,
W powietrzu pustka, zmilkły ptaków spory,
I spływa lazur jasny, ciepły, czysty
Na pogrążone w sen ugory.

I know in the early autumn
So short and clear.
Povіtrya clean, a day of insight,
I evening sang into the distance.

De sickle roaming and fell eared,
Use the space, empty on the stubble.
Lish pavutinnya, mov thin hair,
Shine on the march furrow.

Don't be a bird, it's getting colder,
Far to the first snowy khurtovins,
Blur the vision and heat flow from the heights
On a stagnant and quiet field.

Er is, als de herfst amper is verschenen,
Een korte maar heerlijke tijd -
Alle dagen als door kristal beschenen,
En de avond een stralende heerlijkheid.

Waar eens de sikkel het koren luchtig deed vallen
Is het nu uitgestrekt en verlaten.
Alleen de spin weeft er nog zijn vallen,
Een scittering over stille paden.

In de lege lucht laat geen vogel zich horen.
De eerste winterstorm nog ver in "t verschiet,
Warm en zuiver is het azuur dat vliedt
Over de rustende voren..

U jesenskih je prvih dana
Krachahna, ali divna dob -
Kad stoji dan ko "od kristala,
I večer sjaji blistavo…

Gdje set "o čilo srp i klas gdje pad" o
sad tek je prostor svud - i pusto sve -
i paucine tanki vlasak samo
Treperi gdje je brazde pusti red.

Zrak samotan, ni ptica cuti više,
no daleko jos je do prvih zimskih bura -
potoci toploga i cistoga azura
leže gdje polje mirno disse…




       查良铮 译

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a great poet who made a huge contribution to the formation and development of the literary trend in landscape lyrics. He sang the delights of nature in an unusually melodious language.

The author was born in December 1803 in the Oryol province. He received his primary education at home. He was very fond of Latin, as well as the poetry of ancient Rome. Upon reaching the age of fifteen, he is sent to study at a university located in Moscow - in the department that deals with literature.

He stayed at the university until 1821. Then he gets a job in the board of foreign affairs. Here he is appointed a diplomat and sent to work in Munich. In Germany, and then in Italy, the poet spends just over 22 years. It is here that he meets his great love - Eleanor. In marriage, they have three daughters. The second marriage will be later, after the death of the first wife. This time Ernestine will be the chosen one of the diplomat.

The creative path of Fedor Ivanovich is divided into three periods. The first stage refers to earlier years - 1810-1820. At this time, he writes light and unconstrained works that are archaic and not quite similar to the works of that time. In the second period, the lyrics become better, especially when the author lives abroad.

There is also a third period of Tyutchev's work. It belongs to a late time, when the poet, wise by life experience, fell in love as a young man and literally showered his chosen one with verses, both praising and woeful texts.

Analysis of the poem "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

A work called “There is in the original autumn ...” was presented to critics for review in the distant 57th year of the nineteenth century, namely, on August 22. The work was created spontaneously, during the return of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev to Moscow. He rode with his daughter and was so inspired by the surrounding nature that he easily wrote lines in his notebook.

This work refers to the lyrics created already in adulthood. At the time of writing the masterpiece, Fedor Ivanovich was already 54 years old, and he had a great and fruitful experience behind him. The work was first printed in 1858. It was published by a well-known magazine at that time called "Russian conversation".

The sketch presented to the public was very much liked by its lyricism. It describes the autumn period of the year at the very beginning. It is this time that is popularly called “Indian summer”.

The fact that it was the beginning of autumn on the street indicates the epithet - the original. It creates a special reflection and mood, allowing the reader to recreate in the imagination the beginning of the autumn season. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is considered a recognized master. He was able to convey as colorfully as possible exactly the period that personifies the change of summer to the next season. Here is a fine line between blooming summer and the dawn of autumn.

Features of nature in the work

It is worth noting that one of the key roles in the poem is played by all sorts of epithets used by the author. They allow you to reveal the finest facets of natural nature as accurately as possible. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev calls this time of the year in a special way, calling it marvelous. Thus, the author tries to show the reader that nature is not only beautiful, but especially unusual during the days of Indian summer. Such a time is especially attractive and fascinates with its beauty. Indian summer is a kind of gift to a person and a farewell gesture indicating the imminent departure of summer.

No less interesting is the epithet used called "crystal". He points to a special play of light during the passing days. At the same time, it can also be attributed to the transparency of the blue sky, which is gradually losing its color, which personifies the summer season. In a word, the crystal author tries to convey the exceptional sonority of the day in the autumn period. Thus, a certain fragility of the surrounding nature is created, which is about to lose its original beauty.

It is worth paying special attention to the epithet - radiant evenings. Such a phrase conveys to the reader that more and more new colors are constantly appearing in nature, which are created under the influence of the setting sun. The whole earth at this time is illuminated in a special warm light. The whole picture is fixed by a transparent and clear sky, which celebrates the holiday of the arrival of the autumn period.

It should be noted that the interconnection between natural nature and the life path of a person, presented in the poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, is inherent in almost all of Fyodor Ivanovich’s lyrics. In the work, special attention is paid to the field, which is fixed by metonyms, for example, a falling ear and sickle walks.

Features of the third stanza of the poem

The third stanza of the work “There is in the original autumn ...” is especially interesting. There is a kind of reminder here that winter will soon come, and with it winter storms will come.

In the masterpiece there is an exclamation of a lyrical hero. Tyutchev points to a certain emptiness, which is motivated by ringing silence. Such lines bring only peace and complete peace. The author notes that both natural nature and man himself sooner or later need a break in order to truly enjoy the silence, as well as the harmony that has spilled over the space.

The lines compare the autumn period with sunset, which at some point appears on the path of almost every person. Fedor Ivanovich notes not the period of aging, but the time that is commonly called maturity. This period is confirmed by the wisdom received during the lived time.

The author tries to capture with his special lyrical gaze all the surrounding space - these are deserted beautiful fields, and various trifles, for example, the thin hair of a cobweb. After accepting and studying the past years on the path of life, people begin to feel these moments as acutely as possible. They understand their role, as well as belonging to the surrounding world, a special unity with nature.

All this allows you to accurately convey the atmosphere of autumn and create transparency in your imagination, which can inspire a slight sadness and sadness in your soul.

The work “There is in the original autumn ...” consists of three stanzas that harmoniously combine with each other. All of them are written with the help of multi-foot iambic. It should be noted that the two-syllable foot has the stress located on the second syllable.

It should also be noted that the whole rhythm in the work is very musical. Here, both feminine and masculine rhymes alternate in the correct sequence. They can be both long and short, creating a certain sense of impermanence and fragility associated with the beauty of natural nature.

The whole work is presented to the reader in the form of three sentences. There are repetitions of dots in the lines, which create a special atmosphere for reflection. After reading, there is a feeling of understatement, which is able to draw all sorts of associations in the imagination.

In the work there are not only epithets, but also many other means of expression, it is worth considering the main ones:

Metaphor - azure is pouring, which is pure and warm.

Comparison - the day stands still, as if it were crystal.

The personification is the hair of a thin web.

Atiteza - everything is empty, a walking sickle.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev in the work “There is in the original autumn ...” used a special kind of metonymy, referred to as synecdoche. This is a walking sickle, and a falling ear, and a thin web of hair. Such things greatly strengthen the whole meaning of the work. They give weight to the lines and distinguish them from the total number of others.

Tyutchev is able to sensitively understand natural nature. That is why he was able to show the fading season, which will captivate with its beauty. Early autumn in his work is filled with various spiritualized images that embody the harmony of peace and tranquility.