Exemplary programs of courses in the Russian language. Exemplary program for the subject Russian native language (Grade 4)

Basic general education, secondary (complete) general education) in educational areas, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089;

  • Federal state standard for basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897;

  • An exemplary program in the Russian language;

  • Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for secondary schools “Russian language. Grades 10-11 "N. G. Goltsova.
  • Home goal the academic discipline "Russian language" is the development of the child's personality by including it in various activities. From these positions, teaching the Russian language at school is viewed not simply as a process of mastering a certain amount of knowledge about the Russian language and a system of relevant skills and abilities, but as a process of speech, speech-thinking, spiritual development of the student; therefore, in recent years, the tasks of teaching the Russian language are determined from the standpoint of the competence of the approach. At the same time, competence is understood as the sum of knowledge, skills and personal qualities that allow a person to perform various actions, including speech.

    In connection with the goal, the following tasks that ensure the implementation of a student-centered approach to learning:

    Mastering knowledge about the Russian language, its structure and functioning in various areas and situations of communication; about the stylistic resources of the Russian language; about the basic norms of the Russian literary language; about Russian speech etiquette; the formation of skills to identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the situation and the sphere of communication; ability to work with text, carry out information search, extract and transform the necessary information

    Education of citizenship and patriotism, a conscious attitude to language as a cultural phenomenon, the main means of communication and gaining knowledge in various fields of human activity; education of interest and love for the Russian language;

    Improving speech and thought activity, communicative skills that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in various areas and situations of its use; enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; development of readiness and ability for speech interaction and mutual understanding, the need for speech self-improvement;

    The period of study in grades 5-11 covers almost all stages of the formation of a linguistic personality. The task of teaching in grades 10-11 is the development and improvement of students' abilities for speech interaction and social adaptation. At the basic level of education, it is envisaged to deepen and expand knowledge about the language norm and its varieties, the norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication, improve the skills to model one's speech behavior in accordance with the conditions and tasks of communication.

    General characteristics of the subject

    The Russian language is an essential part of the national culture of the Russian people. As an academic discipline, it is of paramount importance, since it is not only the subject of study, but also the most important means of learning other sciences, a means of intellectual, spiritual, aesthetic development of students. The meta-subject educational functions of the native language determine the universal, generalizing nature of the impact of the subject "Russian language" on the formation of the student's personality in the process of his schooling. The Russian language is the basis for the development of thinking, imagination, intellectual and creative abilities of students; the basis of self-realization of the individual, the development of the ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of educational activities. The native language is a means of familiarizing with the spiritual wealth of Russian culture and literature, the main channel for the socialization of the individual, introducing him to the cultural and historical experience of mankind. Being a form of storage and assimilation of various knowledge, the Russian language is inextricably linked with all school subjects, affects the quality of their assimilation, and later on the quality of mastering professional skills. The ability to communicate, to achieve success in the process of communication, high social and professional activity are those personality characteristics that largely determine a person’s achievements in almost all areas of life, contribute to his social adaptation to the changing conditions of the modern world. The Russian language is the basis for the formation of ethical norms of a child's behavior in different life situations, the development of the ability to give a reasoned assessment of actions from the standpoint of moral norms

    In grade 11, in the course of the Russian language, the study of syntax and punctuation takes place in close connection with morphology and spelling. In order to prepare students for the exam, a system of practical and test work has been thought out, including typical examination tasks in the 11th grade, complex text analysis, work with means of artistic expression, and various types of linguistic analysis. A special place is given to phonetic analysis, showing the change in sound quality in the flow of speech, orthoepy difficulties, types of morphemic and word-formation analysis.
    Description of the place of the Russian language in the curriculum

    In the 11th grade of the basic level, 34 hours are allotted for studying the Russian language, that is, 1 hour per week for 34 academic weeks.
    Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the Russian language
    personal The results of mastering the Russian language program by graduates of the basic school are:

    1) understanding of the Russian language as one of the main national and cultural values ​​of the Russian people, which determines the role of the native language in the development of the intellectual, creative abilities and moral qualities of the individual, its significance in the process of obtaining school education;

    2) awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language; respect for the native language, pride in it; the need to preserve the purity of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture; the desire for speech self-improvement;

    3) a sufficient amount of vocabulary and acquired grammatical means for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication; the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.


    1) possession of all types of speech activity:

    Adequate understanding of oral and written information;

    Possession of different types of reading;

    Ability to extract information from various sources, including mass media, educational CDs, Internet resources;

    Mastering the methods of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic; the ability to conduct an independent search for information, its analysis and selection; the ability to transform, store and transmit information obtained as a result of reading or listening, including with the help of technical means and information technologies;

    The ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activities (individual and collective), the sequence of actions, evaluate the results achieved and adequately formulate them orally and in writing;

    The ability to freely, correctly express their thoughts orally and in writing;

    The ability to speak to an audience of peers with small messages, a report;

    2) application of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life; the ability to use the native language as a means of gaining knowledge in other academic subjects, to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of analyzing linguistic phenomena at the interdisciplinary level (at the lessons of a foreign language, literature, etc.);

    3) communicatively expedient interaction with people around in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task, participation in disputes, discussions; mastering the national and cultural norms of speech behavior in various situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication.

    Subject The results of mastering the Russian (native) language program by graduates of the basic school are:

    1) the idea of ​​the Russian language as the language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia; about the connection between the language and culture of the people; the role of the native language in the life of a person and society;

    2) understanding the decisive role of the language in the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of the individual, in obtaining education, as well as the role of the Russian language in the process of self-education;

    2) possession of all types of speech activity:

    listening and reading:

    Adequate understanding of the information of oral and written messages (goals, topics of the text, basic and additional information);

    Possession of the skills of information processing of the read text (plan, theses); methods of working with books, periodicals;

    The ability to freely use dictionaries of various types, reference literature, including on electronic media;

    Adequate listening comprehension of texts of different styles and genres; possession of various types of listening (with a full understanding of the audio text, with an understanding of its main content, with selective extraction of information);

    The ability to compare speech utterances in terms of their content, belonging to a certain functional variety of language and language means used;

    speaking and writing:

    The ability to reproduce orally and in writing the listened or read text with a given degree of curtailment (retelling, plan, theses);

    The ability to freely and correctly express one's thoughts orally and in writing, to comply with the norms of constructing a text (logicality, consistency, coherence, relevance to the topic, etc.); adequately express their attitude to the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, to what they read, heard, saw;

    The ability to create oral and written texts of different types and styles of speech, taking into account the intention and situation of communication; create texts of various genres (story, review, letter, receipt, power of attorney, statement), while making a conscious choice and organization of language tools in accordance with the communicative task;

    3) presents the material consistently and correctly in terms of the norms of the literary language.

    Rating "4" it is set if the student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for the grade "5", but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he corrects himself, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and language of the presentation.

    Grade "3" is put if the student reveals knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

    1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules;

    2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments in sufficient depth and convincingly and give his own examples;

    3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.

    Grade "2" is set if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material.

    A score of "2" indicates such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.

    Rating "1" is set if the student reveals complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material.

    A mark ("5", "4", "3") can be given not only for a one-time answer (when a certain time is allotted to check the student's preparation), but also for a dispersed one, i.e. for the sum of the answers given by the student during the lesson (a lesson score is displayed), provided that during the lesson not only the student's answers were heard, but also his ability to apply knowledge in practice was tested.



    Training course "Native (Russian) language"

    for educational institutions with instruction in Russian for grade 5

    (17 hours)

    Explanatory note

    An exemplary work program for the subject "Native (Russian) Language" for general educational institutions with instruction in Russian (hereinafter referred to as the Exemplary Work Program) has been developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards (hereinafter referred to as GEF) and defines the goals, objectives, planned results and content subject.

    This Exemplary Work Program has been drawn up in accordance with the following regulatory documents and legal acts:

    1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    2. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".
    3. Federal Law of June 1, 2005 No. 53-FZ"On the state language of the Russian Federation".
    4. Law of the Republic of Mordovia on the state languages ​​of the Republic of Mordovia. Adopted by the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia on April 24, 1998 (as amended by the Laws of the Republic of Moldova dated March 12, 2010 No. 4-Z, dated December 19, 2011 No. 78-Z).
    5. Law of the Republic of Mordovia dated August 8, 2013 No. 53-Z “On Education in the Republic of Mordovia” (as amendedLaw of the Republic of Mordovia dated December 19, 2014 No. 103-З ).
    6. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2014 No. 594 "On approval of the Procedure for the development of exemplary basic educational programs, their examination and maintenance of the register of exemplary basic educational programs" (as amended on April 9, 2015).
    7. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373 "On approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education" .
    8. Approximate basic educational program (as amended by Protocol No. 3/15 dated October 28, 2015 of the federal educational and methodological association for general education).

    The exemplary work program is designed for the study of the native (Russian) language in grade 5 in all educational institutions of the Republic of Mordovia with instruction in Russian and is a guideline for compiling author's and work programs. Determines the mandatory part of the course, outside of which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of the variable component of the content of education in this academic subject. The authors of the work programs can offer their own approach to structuring the educational material, determining the sequence of its study, expanding or reducing the volume of content, as well as determining ways to form the key competencies of students. An exemplary work program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building the educational process and is a document that determines the control and quality of education in a given academic subject.

    The goals of studying the native (Russian)languages ​​in grade 5 are:

    fostering respect for the native language, a conscious attitude towards it as a cultural phenomenon; comprehension of the native language as the main means of communication and gaining knowledge in various spheres of human activity; means of mastering the moral and ethical standards adopted in society; awareness of the aesthetic value of the native language;

    education of citizenship and patriotism; interest and love for the Russian language;

    mastering the Russian language as a means of communication in everyday life and educational activities;

    improvement of speech-thinking activity, communicative skills that ensure fluency in the Russian literary language in various areas and situations of its use; enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; development of readiness and ability for speech interaction and mutual understanding, the need for speech self-improvement;

    mastering knowledge about the Russian language, its structure and functioning in various areas and situations of communication; about the stylistic resources of the Russian language; about the basic norms of the Russian literary language; about Russian speech etiquette;

    the formation of skills to identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the situation and the sphere of communication; ability to work with text, carry out information search, extract and transform the necessary information.

    The goals determine the fulfillment of the following tasks:

    to give students an idea of ​​the role of language in the life of society, of language as a developing phenomenon, of the place of the Russian language in the modern world, of its richness and expressiveness; ensure the assimilation of a certain range of knowledge from the field of morphology, spelling, punctuation, style, as well as the formation of skills to apply this knowledge in practice;

    to develop the speech of students: to enrich their active and passive vocabulary, the grammatical structure of speech; to promote the assimilation of the norms of the literary language, the formation and improvement of the skills and abilities of competent and fluent oral and written speech in all basic types of speech activities;

    to form and improve spelling and punctuation skills.

    The main task of mastering the native (Russian) language is the formation of the communicative competence of students on the following principles:

    the principle of speech orientation: speech activity is not only a goal, but also a means of communication. This principle implies constant involvement in the process of practical use of the language;

    the principle of situationality: all learning takes place taking into account the situation of communication;

    principle functionality: each language unit, any language form performs certain speech functions in the process of communication, so the units of selection and presentation, methods and forms of organizing the material should be functionally oriented.

    The educational process is also organized taking into account such general didactic principles as:

    the principle of teaching communication through communication (the maximum approximation of the educational process to the conditions of natural communication);

    the principle of personal individualization (organization of the educational process, taking into account the personal needs, wishes and individual psychological characteristics of students);

    the principle of language learning based on active mental activity (ensuring the practical use of the studied lexical and grammatical units in communication situations, taking into account the communicative task);

    the principle of a functional approach to language learning (definition of lexical and grammatical material, taking into account the communicative purpose, the need for communication and the frequency of use in speech);

    the principle of interconnected learning of types of speech activity.

    Planned learning outcomes

    An exemplary work program is based on system-activity, competence-based, communicative and cultural approaches to teaching the native (Russian) language. The main content of teaching the native (Russian) language in a general educational organization is aimed at the formation of communicative, linguistic and socio-cultural competencies of students.

    The development of the 5th grade program provides for the formation of the following lpersonality results in native (Russian) language:

    respect for the native language as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication;

    assessment of life situations based on universal norms;

    a holistic, socially-oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of peoples, cultures and religions;

    friendly attitude, respect and tolerance for other people, competence in intercultural dialogue.

    To metasubject resultsmother tongue teaching includes:

    the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, reasoning (inductive, deductive, by analogy) and draw conclusions;

    knowledge of the culture of active use of dictionaries and other search engines;

    the ability to organize educational activities, understanding the order of work, and find effective methods for this;

    the ability to evaluate the quality of work, based on certain criteria;

    ability to analyze and understand the reasons for successes and failures in studies;

    the ability to work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on the coordination of positions and taking into account interests;

    competence in the use of information and communication technologies.

    To substantive resultsmother tongue teaching in grade 5 includes:

    improving the types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking and writing), which ensure effective interaction with other people in situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication;

    use of communicative and aesthetic possibilities of the native language;

    expansion and systematization of scientific knowledge about the native language; awareness of the relationship of its levels and units;

    formation of skills for conducting multi-aspect text analysis;

    enrichment of the active and potential vocabulary, expansion of the volume of grammatical means used in speech for the free expression of thoughts and feelings in the native language is adequate to the situation and style of communication;

    mastering the main stylistic resources of the vocabulary and phraseology of the native language, the basic norms of the native language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation), norms of speech etiquette; gaining experience in their use in speech practice when creating oral and written statements; the desire for speech self-improvement;

    formation of responsibility for linguistic culture as a universal value.

    The main content of the subject

    Section 1. Language is a reflection of national culture. "Language is the spirit of the people."

    Linguistic picture of the world. National originality of the language picture of the world. Ways of expressing the national picture of the world. Basic axiological concepts of the Russian national picture of the world. Basic national values:

    - patriotism - love for their small homeland, their people, for Russia. The value of the language in the historical development of the country. Linguistic expressions of folk thought. Proverbs and sayings. phraseological units.

    - humanity – world peace, diversity of cultures and peoples, human progress, international cooperation. The role of the Russian language in international cooperation.

    Section 2. Language and culture.

    – art and language– aesthetic possibilities of language units. Expressive reading. Units of speech technique. Artistic reading. The best examples of artistic reading.

    Section 3. Ecology of language.

    - nature - ecological consciousness. Ecology of language. The relationship between the ecology of language and the preservation of basic national values.

    Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated for the development of each topic (17 hours)

    Topic name

    Number of hours

    Characteristics of the activities of students


    What does the subject "Native (Russian) language" teach?

    Students become familiar with the concept of their native language.

    General information about the language

    Russian language in the family of related languages.

    Students get acquainted with a group of Slavic languages, improve communication skills and abilities.

    Language is a form and mirror of national culture

    National originality of the concepts "linguistic picture of the world", "linguistic personality", "Russian linguistic picture of the world".

    Students get acquainted with the concepts of "linguistic picture of the world", "linguistic personality"; learn to use them when composing an oral monologue / dialogic statement; the foundations of the formation of the Russian language picture of the world, the awareness of the features of the native language, its originality are being laid.

    Reflection of the Russian language picture of the world in folklore. Proverbs. Sayings. Rites.

    Students learn to identify language units, continue to work on getting acquainted with dictionaries.

    Speech development

    Museum of one proverb/saying/phraseological units

    The stylistic functions of the language units involved in the formation of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units are determined. Correlate the content of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units with a specific side of life.

    Russian speech etiquette. Units of speech etiquette.

    Students get acquainted with the stereotypes of Russian speech etiquette, including speech etiquette, and realize themselves as a linguistic personality.

    Speech development

    Russian speech etiquette

    Students form ideas about speech etiquette; develop the skills of coherent monologue and dialogic speech.


    Text as a product of speech activity

    Students consolidate the skills of working with text, determine the signs of the text.

    Means of communication and types of communication of sentences in the text

    Students determine the types of connection of sentences in the text, determine the grammatical and lexical means of connection of sentences in the text.

    Types of Speech: Narration Description Reasoning

    Students determine the main types of speech, the communicative purpose of narration, reasoning, description.

    Expressive reading.Units of speech technique: Intonation Logical stress



    Students get acquainted with the units of speech technology. Learn to convey the meaning of the statement with the help of expressive reading. Develop the ability to expressively read, speak clearly and clearly.

    Speech development Artistic reading of an excerpt from a prose and/or lyrical work. Reading competition.

    Students continue to develop speech, place the correct logical stress through the expressive reading of works of art.

    Vocabulary and phraseology

    Ecology of the Russian language

    Students get acquainted with the term "ecology of the Russian language", determine the reasons for the violation of the ecology of the Russian language: the use of profanity in the social sphere, the widespread use of borrowings in all spheres of society, draw conclusions about the need to preserve the national identity of the Russian language.

    Dictionaries are our helpers. Dictionary types. Features of working with them.

    Students improve their skills in working with dictionaries, learn to write a dictionary entry.

    Final session

    oral composition"Language is the spirit of the people."

    Students update knowledge and practical skills in the preparation of an oral essay.

    System for assessing the achievement of planned results

    The main object of assessing personal results in the primary school is the formation of universal educational activities included in the following three main blocks:

    1) the formation of the foundations of a person's civic identity;

    2) the formation of individual educational independence, including the ability to build professional life plans, taking into account specific prospects for social development;

    3) the formation of social competencies, including value-semantic attitudes and moral norms, the experience of social and interpersonal relations, legal awareness.

    As part of the assessment of personal results, a non-personalized assessment of the formation of individual personal results is possible, manifested in:

    compliance with the norms and rules of conduct adopted in the educational organization;

    participation in the public life of an educational organization, the nearest social environment, country, socially useful activities;

    responsibility for learning outcomes;

    readiness and ability to make a conscious choice of their educational trajectory, including the choice of a profession;

    value-semantic attitudes of students, formed by means of various subjects within the framework of the general education system.

    Features of the evaluation of meta-subject results

    The main object and subject of evaluation of meta-subject results are:

    ability and willingness to master systematic knowledge, their independent replenishment, transfer and integration;

    ability to work with information;

    ability to cooperate and communicate;

    the ability to solve personally and socially significant problems and translate the solutions found into practice;

    ability and willingness to use ICT for learning and development purposes;

    ability to self-organization, self-regulation and reflection.

    Assessment of the achievement of meta-subject results is carried out by the teacher during the current control. The content and frequency of the current control is established by the teacher. The toolkit is built on an interdisciplinary basis and may include diagnostic materials for assessing reading literacy, ICT competence, the formation of regulatory, communicative and cognitive learning activities.

    The main procedure for evaluating the achievement of meta-subject results is the protection of the project.

    Requirements for the organization of project activities, for the content and direction of the project, as well as the criteria for evaluating project work are developed taking into account the goals and objectives of project activities at this stage of education and in accordance with the characteristics of the educational organization.

    A general requirement for all works is the need to comply with the rules and regulations of citation, references to various sources. In the case of borrowing the text of the work (plagiarism) without indicating references to the source, the project is not allowed to be protected.

    Protection of the project is carried out in the process of specially organized activities in this subject.

    Evaluation of subject results is carried out by each teacher during the procedures of the current, thematic, intermediate and final assessment based on the presented planned results.

    Approximate topics of project activities

    Group projects


    Our dictionary. Card for vocabulary work.

    Thematic groups of Russian words - symbols of Russia.


    Interview at the local history museum.

    Oral speech of the children of our class.

    School jargon (phono reader).

    The benefits and harms of a cell phone (survey).

    Books we read (poll).


    History of letters (quiz).

    Symbols of Russia (quiz).

    Connoisseurs of fairy tales (competition game).


    Dramatizations of literary works.

    Pair projects


    Types of writing (presentation / oral presentation / poster).


    Speech errors of our class.


    Russian speech etiquette in comparison with the etiquette of the past.

    Posters, schemes "Cheerful linguistics".

    Competition "Linguistic fairy tale".

    Individual projects


    My dictionary. Card for vocabulary work.

    Dictations "On backfill".

    The sounding dictionary "Speak correctly".


    Attractions of our city / village (album, presentation, etc.).

    What the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov revealed to me.


    Handwritten book.

    An artist (optional) and his painting (composition/presentation).

    One day in the life ... (photo essay).

    What does it mean to love your family and your homeland (presentation).

    Man and Nature (essay/photo essay).

    Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program

    A list of textbooks and teaching aids that can be used in the preparation of lessons and the work of students in the lessons of this program. These textbooks and teaching aids are included in the Federal List of Textbooks dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 (as amended on July 5, 2017).






    the publisher(s) of the textbook

    Babaitseva V.V.

    Russian language



    Babaitseva V.V.,

    Chesnokova L.D.

    Russian language



    Kupalova A.Yu. (book 1), Nikitina E.I. (book 2)

    Russian language (in 2 books)


    Bystrova E.A., Kibireva L.V. and others / ed. Bystrovoy E.A.

    Russian language (in 2 parts)

    Russian word

    Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and etc.

    Russian language (in 2 parts)

    Publishing house "Enlightenment"

    Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and etc.

    Russian language


    Rybchenkova L.M., Aleksandrova O.M., Glazkov A.V. and etc.

    Russian language (in 2 parts)

    Publishing house "Enlightenment"

    Shmelev A.D., Florenskaya E.A., Gabovich F.E., Savchuk L.O., Shmeleva E.Ya./ed. Shmeleva A.D.

    Russian language. Grade 5 (in 2 parts)

    Publishing Center "VENTANA-GRAF"

    Yakubovskaya E.V., Galunchikova N.G.

    Russian language

    JSC Publishing House Enlightenment

    Additional literature for the teacher

    1. 300 linguistic tasks: getting ready for the Russian language olympiads / N.V. Voronina, T.V. Egorova. - M .: "Russian Word", 2013. - 288 p.
    2. Experience in the implementation of the educational and methodological package in the Russian language: collection of art. based on the results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference / ed. S.I. Lvova. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012. - 343 p.
    3. Exemplary programs of basic general education. Russian language. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009. – 112 p.
    4. The program of the course "Russian language" for textbooks for grades 5–9 of educational institutions / ed. E.A. Bystrovoy, L.V. Kibereva. - M .: "Russian Word", 2012. - 64 p.
    5. The program of the course "Russian language". 5–9 grades / aut.-stat. L.V. Kibereva. - 3rd ed. - M .: "Russian Word", 2015. -80 p.
    6. Russian language: program: 5–9 grades of educational institutions / L.O. Savchuk; ed. E.Ya. Shmeleva. -M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013. - 168 p.
    7. Russian language. Programs of educational institutions. 5–9 / auto-stat. M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky. – M.: Enlightenment, 2009. – 46 p.
    8. Russian language. Work programs. Grades 5–9: a guide for general education teachers. institutions /L.M. Rybchenkova, O.M. Alexandrova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 108 p.
    9. Sinitsyn, V. Expressive Reading Workshop. Grade 5–6: a methodological guide for teachers of the Russian language. – M.: ROST, 2015.
    10. Literary text in the lessons of the Russian language: didactic materials for the textbooks "Russian language" / ed. M.V. Panov. grades 5–9; V.V. Lukhovitsky. - M .: "Russian Word", 2012. - 136 p.
    11. School rhetoric: Grade 5: a textbook for a comprehensive school / edited by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.–M.: Yuventa; Ballass, 2013.–160p.

    List of Internet sources

    1. http://feb-web.ru/ Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore". Contains electronic versions of the most authoritative editions of the texts of Russian classics and research papers devoted to them. All publications are paginated according to the printed original, which makes them easy to quote. "Funds" of the library are divided into the following sections:

    Folklore : Epics and songs, Tales, Conspiracies.

    Old Russian literature: A Word about Igor's Campaign, The Life of Archpriest Avvakum.Russian literature of the XVIII century.: Lomonosov (it is planned to add sections on Derzhavin and Karamzin).Russian literature of the 19th century.: Pushkin, Batyushkov, Griboyedov, Zhukovsky, Boratynsky, Tyutchev, Lermontov, Goncharov, Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov (it is planned to add a section on Dostoevsky).Russian literature of the XX century.: Mayakovsky, Yesenin, Sholokhov (it is planned to add sections on Blok, Mandelstam and Gorky).Reference literature: Literary encyclopedia, Dictionary of literary terms, Poetic dictionary, Dictionary of the Russian language in 4 volumes (MAS), Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary, Dictionary of pseudonyms, Dictionary of the Russian language of the 18th century.Periodicals: Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1852 to 1927 and from 1992 to 1998), Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1929 to 1991), Russian Archive, Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature. As well as : History of world literature in 9 volumes, History of Russian literature in 10 volumes, History of Russian literature in 4 volumes. The library is constantly updated.

    1. http://www.rvb.ru/ Russian virtual library. Scientifically prepared editions of texts by the following authors:Russian literature of the XVIII century.: I. F. Bogdanovich, G. R. Derzhavin, I. I. Dmitriev, A. D. Kantemir, N. M. Karamzin, Ya. B. Knyaznin, I. A. Krylov, M. V. Lomonosov, N A. Lvov, V. I. Maikov, M. N. Muravyov, N. I. Novikov, A. N. Radishchev, A. P. Sumarokov, V. K. Trediakovsky, D. I. Fonvizin, I. I. Khemnitser, M. M. Kheraskov. Here you can also find electronic versions of such books as: Letters of Russian writers of the 18th century, Poets of the 18th century, Poets of the 1790-1810s.
      Russian literature of the 19th century.: K. N. Batyushkov, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, P. A. Vyazemsky, N.I. Gnedich, V. T. Narezhny, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, N. S. Leskov.Russian literature of the XX century.People: Andrei Bely, Yuri Mamleev, Velimir Khlebnikov. The library is constantly updated.
    2. http://lib.pushkinskijdom.ru/ Library of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS. The site contains electronic versions of publications of the Pushkin House, namely: Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Russia, Library of Literature of Ancient Russia, Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature; Russian literature. Century XVIII. Lyrics, Russian literature. Century XVIII. Tragedy, Peter I in Russian literature of the 18th century: Texts and comments, Dictionary of Russian writers of the 18th century, 18th century. Sat. 1–24. 1935–2004; Materials for the Pushkin Encyclopedia, Griboyedov. Encyclopedia. Another very interesting section of the site for any philologist: “Pushkin. Lifetime publications. Reprints of the lifetime publications of the poet in PDF format are given.
    3. http://www.inion.ru electronic databases INION (Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences) RAS. The most complete bibliographic databases on linguistics and literary criticism, including descriptions not only of monographs, but also of individual articles, including those published in small-circulation collections. An indispensable resource in the selection of bibliography. In former times, for a moderate fee, comparable to the cost of photocopying, INION sent texts of relevant works upon request. Unfortunately, due to stricter copyright laws, this service is currently unavailable.
    4. http://www.ruscorpora.ru/ National corpus of the Russian language. Information and reference system based on a collection of Russian texts in electronic form. The volume of the corpus is more than 140 million words.
    5. http://www.philology.ru/ Russian philological portal. The philological portal Philology.ru is an attempt to compactly present on the Internet various information related to philology as a theoretical and applied science. The central section of the portal is a library of philological texts (monographs, articles, teaching aids).
    6. http://philologos.narod.ru/ Materials on the theory of language and literature. An extensive selection of textbooks, monographs, research articles.
    7. YourDictionary.com collection of online dictionaries of many languages, including little-known ones
    8. Dictionaries
    9. Multitran collection of dictionaries of Russian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Latvian, Estonian and Japanese, contains more than five million terms and provides alphabetical, morphological and phrase search capabilities.
    10. "Tower of Babel" the project "Evolution of language", containing bases and etymological dictionaries of many languages ​​and families.
    11. Database of verb categories in the languages ​​of the world "Verbum" Language family maps maps showing the distribution of language families in different regions,Typological maps maps showing the distribution of diverse language types in regions of the worldEncyclopedia "Circumnavigation". Linguistics
    12. http://www.gramota.ru "Russian language". Reference and information portal. The main tasks of the portal: the revival of the culture of speech, the popularization of the Russian language and the maintenance of its literary norms. Designed for a variety of educational levels and range of interests. Electronic dictionaries are posted: "Spelling Dictionary" edited by V.V. Lopatin, which is constantly updated; Dictionary of Pronunciation and Stress Difficulties, ed. K.S. Gorbachevich. The "Help Bureau" works free of charge on-line. It is also proposed to participate in the "Discussion Club", solve linguistic problems in the "Competitions" section or read analytical materials in the "Scientific Journal". It also contains all the "official documents" related to the Russian language.
    13. http://www.pereplet.ru/obrazovanie/shkola/PAGE1-16.html The study of Russian literature in the 10th grade. The site was created under the editorship of the honored teacher of Russia Natalia Belyaeva. Methodological recommendations: the distribution of teaching hours on the topics of the 10th grade program and thematic planning of literature lessons.
    14. http://www.gramma.ru The culture of writing. An unofficial project created by a group of enthusiasts, which includes experienced teachers of the Russian language and literature of St. Petersburg schools, teachers of the Russian language department of St. Petersburg State University and other universities. The site contains the norms of the Russian language, information about the styles of documents, recommendations for passing exams and testing in the Russian language and literature, answers to questions.
    15. http://ruslit.ioso.ru Cabinet of Russian language and literature. The site contains an anthology of Russian poetry of the first quarter of the twentieth century; Russian language tests; poetic riddles; a page on the history of Russian writing; methodological developments and other useful materials.
    16. http://www. ruthenia. ru/apr/? nocalendar=1 Archive of Petersburg Russian Studies. The project of the information system of the Department of the Russian Language of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, supported by the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, is aimed at meeting the information needs of researchers of the Russian language: teachers of Russian language departments, philologists of other specializations, secondary school teachers, domestic and foreign specialists - linguists, literary critics, historians, psychologists , philosophers, etc., in general, all those interested in the Russian language and its history.
    17. http://www. repetitor.org/ Site system "Tutor". Information for schoolchildren, applicants and parents: curricula in Russian language and literature; essay writing methodology and various teaching materials; useful background information.
    18. http://www.svetozar.ru/ "Svetozar". Website of the Open International Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language. The Olympiad is held by the Government of Moscow. Students in grades 5–11 of general education schools in Russia, the CIS countries, the Baltic States and any other country in the world can take part in it. The site contains the calendar of the Olympiad, the participant's profile, tasks of correspondence rounds.
    19. http://pushkin.aha. en /TEXT /map. htm Pushkin. Electronic version of the magazine "Niva" for 1899, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. The magazine tells about the life of Pushkin, his importance for Russian poetry. In addition, there are texts of some of the poet's works and lithographs.
    20. http://www.vedu.ru/ExpDic/ Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.
    21. http://mlis. en / Methodology and practice of the Russian language and literature. Methodological and literary Internet server. The goal of the project is to create a virtual space that accumulates scientific, methodological, pedagogical potential, relevant for a modern teacher of literature. The site consists of two main sections: Science of Literature (methodology of literature, cultural context in the study of literature, work with text) and Teaching Methods (teaching theory, learning content, literary development of the student reader).
    22. http://yamal.org/ook/ Reference orthographic compact. A guide to the spelling of the Russian language. The manual presents the material for work on mastering the skills of literate writing using a reference spelling compact, designed on the basis of the methodology of V.F. Shatalov Yu.S. Mezhenko, reveals a system for working on students' mistakes. The manual is addressed to teachers of the Russian language and students of secondary schools.
    23. http:// writerstob. people. en /Biographies of great Russian writers and poets. On the site you can find not only biographies of writers, but also various materials related and not related to the work of writers and poets, as well as analyzes of poems, poems by some poets, the main themes of their lyrics, as well as materials on Russian classicism, romanticism and sentimentalism.
    24. http://www. ruscenter. en / Center for the Development of the Russian Language. Information about the Center; his projects; news in the field of teaching the Russian language; center publications; information about the history and modern Russian language, interesting lessons and a lot of other useful and interesting information.
    25. http://lit.1 september. en /index. php Newspaper "Literature". The online version of the newspaper offers publications on the problems of teaching literature at school. Site sections: New in school programs, I'm going to a lesson, Bookshelf, Literary calendar and much more.
    26. http://old-russian. people. en / Old Russian literature. The site presents the main monuments of Russian literature up to the 18th century. The texts are presented either in translations or without translations, but in modern orthography. It is also planned to place a brief dictionary of Old Slavonic, Church Slavonic and Old Russian words that are not understandable to the modern reader.
    27. http://www.klassika.ru/ Classic. Electronic library of classical literature. Almost 3000 works by 150 authors. Biographies of authors, as well as lists of authors alphabetically and chronologically.
    28. http://www.bulgakov.ru/ Bulgakov Encyclopedia. The electronic encyclopedia is dedicated to the work of the Russian writer, it has collected the most interesting information about the life and work of Bulgakov. In the encyclopedia, you can find clues to the mysteries of Bulgakov's biography and works, get acquainted with the prototypes of the characters, read the intricate ciphers of The Master and Margarita, The White Guard, The Heart of a Dog, Fatal Eggs, Run and other works. The site was created based on the materials of Boris Sokolov's book "Bulgakov's Encyclopedia".
    29. http://math.msu.su/~apentus/knaete/ Project "Do you know the word?". More than 1500 interesting words are given with interpretation, etymology and illustrations. For convenience of search there are chronological, alphabetical and thematic catalogues.
    30. http://www.eelmaa.narod.ru/urlit/urlitmain.html Literature lesson. Author's project by Yuri Eelmaa. The site of the methodical and literary mailing list for school teachers of literature, high school students, people interested in philology and teaching literature.
    31. http://www.ruthenia.ru/tiutcheviana/index.html Tyutchevi-ana. The site of the working group for the study of creativity F. I. Tyutchev. Bibliographies of works about Tyutchev, a complete genealogical tree of the Tyutchev family, a section on the museum-estate in Muranovo, texts of Tyutchev's poems, their audio recordings performed by famous actors, as well as translations into Russian of works created by Tyutchev in French, poems translated by Tyutchev (original texts and translations of other authors), and translations of Tyutchev's poems into foreign languages.
    32. http://language.edu.ru/ Collection: dictations - Russian. Section of the Russian educational portal. In the collection of dictations in the Russian language, the ability to listen to the dictation in its entirety and separately by sentences is implemented. The system has a text comparison module that displays the results of the dictation, displaying the parsed text with highlighted errors made by the user. To access the dictation page, you must first log in.
    33. http://chehov.niv.ru/ Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The site contains biography and memoirs of contemporaries, photographs and information about the family, talks about memorable Chekhov places and museums; published texts of stories and plays.
    34. http://metaphor.narod.ru/index.htm The art of metaphor. The study of metaphor, a selection of literature on metaphor, examples of linguistic and graphic metaphors.
    35. http://slovesnik-oka.narod.ru/ Slovnik. The site introduces scientists-methodologists of Russia, whose names are known for the most part only to specialists-teachers of the Russian language, authors of school and university textbooks. The site also introduces Internet resources in the field of teaching the Russian language. The scientific supervisor of the project is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.V. Arkhipova.
    36. http://www.aleksandrpushkin.net.ru/ Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The site is dedicated to the classics of Russian literature, poet and playwright A.S. Pushkin. The biography of the poet, information about Pushkin's museums, texts of his works, quotes, a gallery of portraits, articles about the poet's work, school essays are given.
    37. http://esenin.niv.ru/ Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. The site publishes various versions of the poet's biographies and his autobiographical sketches, works, documents related to the life and work of the poet, materials about Yesenin's death.
    38. http://esenin.ru/ S.A. Yesenin. My life, or you dreamed about me... The site is dedicated to the life and work of the poet. A biography, poems and poems, audio and video materials, information about Yesenin's places and much other information are offered.
    39. http://www. silverage. en / Silver Age silhouette... Silver Age culture - biographies and works of writers, poets, musicians, artists, theater figures; articles about literary trends and directions, periodicals of that period; memoirs and other publications.
    40. http://turgenev.lit-info.ru/ Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. The site publishes the texts of novels, stories and stories, plays of the writer, as well as excerpts from the book: Yu. V. Lebedev. Turgenev. - M .: Young Guard, 1990 - (Life of wonderful people).
    41. http://www. hlebnikov. en /index. htmThe world of Velimir Khlebnikov. The site is a constantly updated Khlebnikov encyclopedia, where it is planned to include everything created by Khlebnikov (his texts, drawings, word-creative experiments, historical calculations, scientific research, diaries, letters), a bibliography of his works and literature about him, a chronicle of life and work, full-text versions of books and articles about the poet, information about the main repositories of his heritage, archives and museums. Visitors to the site can listen to readings of Khlebnikov's poems and music to his works, see portraits of the poet and his contemporaries, representatives of the Russian literary and artistic avant-garde, illustrations, book covers, places associated with Khlebnikov's life and work.
    42. http://www. byline. en / Russian epics. The goal of the project is to open the world of the Russian epic epic to a wide audience. In chapter epics classical texts are presented, that is, epics recorded by collectors of the 18th-20th centuries in distant Russian villages. In chapter Honor-Praise Arrangements of classical epics into modern language, made by Alexei Lelchuk, are posted. For convenience, at the end of each transcription, a link to the original epic is given, and at the end of the epics there is a link to the transcriptions. Chapter Characters is a small guide to the main epic heroes. On theChildren's pagecontains interesting information about the history of Russian epics, written specifically for young visitors to our site. AT Library you can read interesting books both on the Russian epic and on the history of Ancient Russia.
    43. http://www. slovorusskoe. en /Main.html Russian word. The site is dedicated to the Russian language and folklore. It contains proverbs and sayings, sayings and poems about the Russian language, articles about folklore and rituals, games and educational materials for children.
    44. http://gorkiy.lit-info. en / Maksim Gorky. The site publishes the writer's works (novels, short stories, plays), letters and journalism, memoirs, biographical and critical articles.
    45. Archive of training programs and presentations - Archive of educational presentations in all subjects, including the Russian language with literature. It is possible to add your own content.The educational portal makes it possible to hear great literary works performed by famous actors, includes a hypertext resource that forms the cultural field of the reader.
    46. Gallerix.ru The portal contains digital reproductions of paintings by famous artists.
    47. Educational Resources LabHere you can find A. Gin's book "Techniques of Pedagogical Techniques".
    48. Intellect video - The site contains documentaries on various topics - physics, astronomy, Russian and world history, educational and popular science films, as well as 69 video lectures on literature for high school students.
    49. Crossword Factory -A resource that allows you to create online crossword puzzles in Russian on various topics and solve them interactively. You can give a link to the guys so that they create or guess.


    The normative legal basis of this exemplary program for the subject "Russian native language" consists of the following documents:

    Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on Education);

    Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 No. 1807-1 "On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation" (as amended by Federal Law No. 185-FZ);

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education” (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of December 31, 2015 No. 1577);

    An exemplary program (hereinafter referred to as the program) was developed on the basis of the requirements of the federal state educational standard for basic general education to the results of mastering the main educational program for basic general education in the subject "Russian native language", which is part of the educational area "Native language and native literature".

    The program includes an explanatory note, which reveals the goals of learning the Russian native language, gives a general description of the course, determines the place of the subject "Russian native language" in the curriculum, reveals the main approaches to the selection of the course content, and characterizes its main content lines.

    The program establishes requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education in the Russian native language at the personal, meta-subject and subject levels, the approximate content of the subject "Russian native language".


    The objectives of the study of the subject "Russian mother tongue"

    The program of the subject "Russian native language" was developed for educational organizations operating in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which, along with the compulsory course of the Russian language, implement the study of the Russian language as the native language of students. The content of the program is focused on accompanying and supporting the main course of the Russian language, aimed at achieving the results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education in the Russian language, set by the relevant federal state educational standard. At the same time, the goals of the Russian language course within the framework of the educational area "Native Language and Native Literature" have their own specifics, due to the additional, in fact, nature of the course, as well as the peculiarities of the functioning of the Russian language in different regions of the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with this, the following goals are updated in the course of the Russian native language:

    education of a citizen and a patriot; formation of the idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; awareness of the national identity of the Russian language; the formation of cognitive interest, love, respect for the Russian language, and through it - for the native culture; fostering a responsible attitude to the preservation and development of the native language, the formation of a volunteer position in relation to the popularization of the native language; fostering a respectful attitude towards the cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of Russia; mastering the culture of interethnic communication;

    improvement of communication skills and culture of speech, ensuring fluency in the Russian literary language in various areas and situations of its use; enrichment of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; development of readiness and ability for speech interaction and mutual understanding, the need for speech self-improvement;

    deepening and, if necessary, expanding knowledge about such phenomena and categories of the modern Russian literary language, which ensure its normative, appropriate, ethical use in various areas and situations of communication; about the stylistic resources of the Russian language; about the basic norms of the Russian literary language; about the national specifics of the Russian language and language units, primarily about vocabulary and phraseology with national-cultural semantics; about Russian speech etiquette;

    improving the skills to recognize, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity, compliance with the situation and the sphere of communication; ability to work with text, carry out information search, extract and transform the necessary information;

    development of project and research thinking, acquisition of practical experience in research work in the Russian language, education of independence in the acquisition of knowledge.

    The place of the subject "Russian native language" in the curriculum

    The Russian language program is based on the requirements for the subject results of mastering the main educational program, presented in the federal state educational standard for basic general education, and is designed for a teaching load of 34 hours in the 4th grade.

    The main content lines of the program of the subject "Russian mother tongue"

    As a course of a private nature, the school course of the Russian native language is based on the content of the main course presented in the educational area "Russian Language and Literature", accompanies and supports it. The main content lines of this program (program blocks) correlate with the main content lines of the main Russian language course in an educational organization, but do not duplicate them and are predominantly practice-oriented.

    In accordance with this, the following blocks are distinguished in the program:

    The first block - "A culture of speech" - focused on the formation of students' responsible and conscious attitude to the use of the Russian language in all spheres of life, increasing the speech culture of the younger generation, practical mastery of the culture of speech: the skills of conscious and arbitrary use of the norms of the Russian literary language to create correct speech and construct speech utterances in oral and writing, taking into account the requirements of relevance, accuracy, consistency, purity, richness and expressiveness; understanding of norm options; the development of the need to refer to the normative dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language and the improvement of the ability to use them.

    In the second block -"Speech. Speech activity. Text" - the content is presented aimed at improving the types of speech activity in their relationship and the culture of oral and written speech, the development of basic skills and abilities to use the language in communication situations that are vital for schoolchildren: the ability to determine the goals of communication, assess the speech situation, take into account the communicative intentions of the partner, choose adequate communication strategies; understand, analyze and create texts of different functional and semantic types, genres, stylistic affiliation.

    In the third block -Parts of speech » - become the main subject of study, because for this, there is the necessary basic knowledge and skills, a certain language experience has been accumulated as a result of observations of the functioning of words in speech. Information about nouns, adjectives, verbs, personal pronouns, numerals, adverbs, their role in a sentence is studied. In parallel, the corresponding orthograms and information about the individual features of word formation and inflection of these parts of speech are introduced.

    When studying parts of speech, special attention is paid to observing their role in a sentence, text, the peculiarities of the use of nouns, adjectives, verbs and personal pronouns, synonymy and antonymy; as well as exercises in the selection of synonyms and antonyms, thematic groups of words.

    Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject

    One of the results of teaching the Russian language is the comprehension and internalization (assignment) of the system of values ​​by students.

    The value of goodness is the awareness of oneself as part of the world in which people are connected by countless connections, including through language; awareness of the postulates of moral life (be merciful, do as you would like to be treated).

    The value of communication is the understanding of the importance of communication as a significant component of the life of society, as one of the fundamental elements of culture.

    The value of nature is based on the universal value of life, on the awareness of oneself as part of the natural world. Love for nature is both a careful attitude towards it as a human habitat, and the experience of a sense of its beauty, harmony, and perfection. Education of love and respect for nature through the texts of fiction and popular science works of literature.

    The value of beauty and harmony is the awareness of the beauty and harmony of the Russian language, its expressive possibilities.

    The value of truth is the awareness of the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of mankind, insight into the essence of phenomena, understanding of the patterns underlying social phenomena; prioritization of knowledge, establishment of truth, knowledge itself as a value.

    Family value. Understanding the importance of the family in human life; awareness of one's roots; the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the family, relatives, mutual responsibility, respect for elders, their moral ideals.

    The value of labor and creativity is the awareness of the role of labor in human life, the development of organization, purposefulness, responsibility, independence, a value attitude to work in general and to literary work, creativity.

    The value of citizenship and patriotism is awareness of oneself as a member of society, people, representative of the country, state; a sense of responsibility for the present and future of their language; interest in their country: its history, language, culture, its life and its people.

    The value of humanity is the awareness of oneself not only as a citizen of Russia, but also as part of the world community, for the existence and progress of which peace, cooperation, tolerance, respect for the diversity of other cultures and languages ​​are necessary.

    Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a subject

    The personal results of studying the subject "Native Russian language" are the following skills and qualities:

    Emotionality; skillrealize and determine (name) your emotions;

    - empathy is a skillrealize and determine other people's emotions;sympathize other people empathize ;

    - sense of beauty - skillfeel beauty and expressiveness of speech,pursuit to improve their own speech;

    - love and respect to the Fatherland, its language, culture;

    interest in reading, in dialogue with the author of the text; the need for reading;

    - interest to writing, to the creation of one's own texts, to the written form of communication;

    - interest to language learning;

    - awareness responsibility for the spoken and written word.

    The means of achieving these results are the texts of textbooks, questions and assignments for them, problem-dialogical technology, technology of productive reading.

    The meta-subject results of studying the course "Native Russian Language" is the formation of universal educational activities (UUD).

    Regulatory UUD:

    - on one's own formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson;

    - to make plan solving an educational problem together with the teacher;

    - work according to the plan, comparing their actions with the goal,adjust their activities;

    In dialogue with the teacherwork out evaluation criteria anddetermine the degree of success of their own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria.

    The technology of productive reading and the technology of evaluating educational achievements (learning success) serve as a means of forming regulatory UUD.

    Cognitive UUD:

    - subtract all types of textual information: factual, subtextual, conceptual;

    - enjoy different types of reading: studying, viewing, introductory;

    - extract information presented in different forms (solid text; non-continuous text - illustration, table, diagram);

    - recycle and transform information from one form to another (draw up a plan, table, diagram);

    - enjoy dictionaries, reference books;

    - implement analysis and synthesis;

    - install causal relationships;

    - build reasoning;

    The means of developing cognitive UUD are the texts of the textbook and its methodological apparatus; productive reading technology.

    Communicative UUD:

    - draw up their thoughts in oral and written form, taking into account the speech situation;

    - use appropriately speech means for solving various communicative tasks; own monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

    - express and substantiate your point of view;

    - listen and hear others, to try to take a different point of view, to be ready to correct their point of view;

    - negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities;

    - to ask questions.

    The subject results of studying the course "Native Russian Language" is the formation of the following skills:

    - pronounce speech sounds in accordance with the norms of the language;

    - produce phonetic analysis, analysis by composition, morphological analysis of available words;

    - to write correctly words with learned spellings;

    - see in words, the studied spellings based on identification signs,to write correctly words with learned spellings,graph orthograms, indicate the conditions for choosing orthograms (phonetic and morphological);

    - find and correct errors in words with learned spellings;

    - enjoy explanatory dictionary;practically distinguish polysemantic words, to see synonyms and antonyms in the text, to select synonyms and antonyms for these words;

    - making a difference a simple sentence with homogeneous members and a complex two-part sentence (with conjunctionsand, but or without unions);

    - put commas in simple sentences with homogeneous members (without unions, with unionsand, but ), in complex two-part sentences (without unions, with unionsand, but ), formalize in writing sentences with direct speech (author's words plus direct speech);

    - produce syntactic analysis of a simple and complex sentence within the framework of the studied one;

    - disassemble accessible words by composition;pick up single word words,form nouns and adjectives with suffixes, verbs with prefixes;

    - write a detailed presentation of the text of a narrative nature (90-100 words) according to the plan, an essay on the proposed topic with a language task after appropriate preparation;

    - read texts of the textbook, artistic and educational and scientific, to master the correct type of reading activity: independently comprehend the text before reading, during reading and after reading. Divide the text into parts, draw up a plan, retell the text according to the plan;

    - perceive by ear statements, highlight the topic of the text, key words by ear;

    - create coherent oral statements on a grammatical and other topic.

    Section 1. Culture of speech (4 hours)

    Basic orthoepic norms modern Russian literary language. The concept of a variant of the norm. The role of sound writing in a literary text.

    The main lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language. The basic norms of word usage: the correct choice of a word that maximally corresponds to the object or phenomenon of reality it denotes.

    Lexical norms for the use of nouns, adjectives, verbs in the modern Russian literary language. Stylistic variants of the norm (bookish, common, colloquial and colloquial) of the use of nouns, adjectives, verbs in speech (film - film - film - film, international - international, export - export, import - import, blato - swamp, breshchi - protect, helmet - a helmet, short - short, incessant - incessant, verb - speak - say - blurt out).

    The main grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language. Gender category: gender of borrowed indeclinable nouns (chimpanzee, hummingbird, euro, avenue, salami, communique ); gender of compound nouns (cloak-tent, sofa-bed, museum-apartment). Normative and non-normative forms of the use of nouns.

    Forms of masculine plural nouns with endings–a(-z), -s(s) ‚ differing in meaning:corps (buildings, military formations) –buildings(torso); image(icons) - images(literary); conductor (transport workers) –conductors (device in technology);fur (dressed skins) -furs (forge); sable (fur) -sable (animals). Literary, colloquial, obsolete and professional features of the nominative plural form of masculine nouns (turners - turners, workshops - workshops, elections - choices, tractors - tractors, etc. ).

    Section 2. Speech. Speech activity. Text (14h)

    Language and speech. Types of speech activity

    Language and speech. Accuracy and logic of speech. Expressiveness, purity and richness of speech. Means of expressive oral speech (tone, timbre, tempo), methods of training (tongue twisters).

    intonation and gestures. Forms of speech: monologue and dialogue.

    Text as a unit of language and speech

    Text and its main features. How the text is built. Compositional forms of description, narration, reasoning. Narrative as a type of speech. Means of communication of sentences and parts of the text.

    Functional varieties of language

    Functional varieties of language.

    Speaking. Request, apology as genres of colloquial speech. Formal business style. Announcement (oral and written).

    Educational and scientific style. Lesson response plan, text plan.

    Section 3. Parts of speech (16 hours)


    A noun in the role of the subject, in the role of secondary members of the sentence.

    Case of nouns. Three declensions of nouns. Observation of the role of nouns in speech.

    Spelling: unstressed case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension, after hissing at the end of feminine nouns of the 3rd declension; spelling of masculine nouns with hissing at the end.


    Adjectives in the role of secondary members of the sentence. Observation of the role of adjectives in the text. Thematic groups of adjectives. Changing adjectives by gender, number and case.

    spelling - unstressed vowels in the case endings of adjectives (except for adjectives with a basis in hissing and c).


    The verb as a predicate in a sentence. The face of verbs. Changing verbs according to persons and numbers in the present and future tense (conjugation). Distinguishing verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugation in indefinite form.

    Spelling: particle not with verbs (including cases of continuous spelling);-tsy-tsya in verbs; unstressed personal endings of verbs of the 1st and 2nd conjugation; ь after hissing in verbs of the 2nd person singular; graduation-oh in neuter and feminine verbs in the past tense.

    2. Further development of the ability to see its parts in a word, to disassemble nouns, adjectives, verbs by composition.

    Formation of nouns and adjectives with the help of suffixes and prefixes; verbs with prefixes.

    Doubled consonant letters at the junction of the root and suffix (length - long, sleep - sleepy ).

    3. Improving the ability to perform sound-letter analysis of words of various parts of speech. Further formation of the skill of spelling words with spellings studied in grades 1–3.

    4. Observation of the lexical meaning, polysemy, synonymy and antonymy of words of different parts of speech.


    The development of speech. Work to enrich the vocabulary of students, the grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent oral and written speech, orthoepic skills. Learn to write a detailed essay. Learning to write an essay with a language task (an essay about yourself on a given topic).

    Calligraphy. Improving calligraphic skills: consolidating the skills of correct lettering, ways to connect them when writing words, work on accelerating the pace of writing. Individual work with students to eliminate graphical flaws, to improve handwriting.




    Document status

    This exemplary Russian language program for grades X-XI was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard for secondary (complete) general education. The program details and reveals the content of the standard, determines the general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a subject in accordance with the goals of learning the Russian language, which are defined by the standard for the basic level.

    The program is exemplary and serves as a guideline for developers of author's programs and textbooks. She does not give preference to any one concept of teaching the Russian language to the detriment of others. On its basis, author's programs and textbooks can be created, which will reflect various theories and practical methods.

    The basic principles of the organization of educational material, its structuring, the sequence of study and distribution by class are determined in specific author's programs. This program indicates the approximate distribution of teaching hours devoted to the study of major sections of the course.

    Document structure

    An exemplary Russian language program for the basic level is a holistic document that includes three sections: explanatory note ; main content with an approximate distribution of teaching hours for the main sections of the course; requirements to the level of training of graduates.

    The content of the Russian language course is presented in the program in the form of three thematic blocks that ensure the formation of communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistic), as well as cultural competencies. In a real educational process, the formation of these competencies should take place in close relationship. At the same time, the sequence of studying topics included in a particular block in the author's programs can be determined in accordance with the chosen concept of teaching the Russian language.

    General characteristics of the subject

    Proficiency in Russian, the ability to communicate, and to achieve success in the process of communication are those personality characteristics that largely determine the achievements of a school graduate in almost all areas of life, and contribute to his social adaptation to the changing conditions of the modern world.

    As a means of cognition of reality, the Russian language provides the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of a high school student, develops his abstract thinking, memory and imagination, forms the skills of independent learning activities, self-education and self-realization of the individual. Being a form of storage and assimilation of various knowledge, the Russian language is inextricably linked with all school subjects and affects the quality of their assimilation, and in the long term contributes to the mastery of a future profession.

    Communicative competence - mastery of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech, the skills and abilities of using the language in various areas and situations of communication that correspond to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of high school students.

    Linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) competencies - systematization of knowledge about language as a sign system and social phenomenon, its structure, development and functioning; general information about linguistics as a science; mastering the basic norms of the Russian literary language, enriching the vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; improving the ability to analyze and evaluate linguistic phenomena and facts, the ability to use various linguistic dictionaries.

    Cultural competence - awareness of the language as a form of expression of national culture, the relationship between the language and the history of the people, the national and cultural specifics of the Russian language, knowledge of the norms of Russian speech etiquette, the culture of interethnic communication.

    The program is based on the idea of ​​personality-oriented and cognitive-communicative (consciously-communicative) teaching of the Russian language. The course is focused on the synthesis of linguistic, verbal and spiritual development of high school students. The Russian language is represented in the exemplary program by a list of not only those didactic units that reflect the structure of the language, but also those that provide speech activity. Each thematic block of the exemplary program includes a list of linguistic concepts denoting linguistic and speech phenomena, indicates the features of the functioning of these phenomena and names the main types of educational activities that are practiced in the process of studying these concepts. Thus, the exemplary program creates conditions for the implementation of deepening activity approach to the study of the Russian language in high school.

    At the basic level, first of all, the problems associated with the formation of a common culture, with the developmental and educational tasks of education, with the tasks of the socialization of the individual are solved. Thus, the basic school provides general cultural level of a person , capable of continuing education in educational institutions of higher education.

    Like the sample program for basic general education, this program consists of three thematic blocks. The first presents didactic units that ensure the improvement of speech communication skills. In the second - didactic units that reflect the structure of the language, as well as the foundations of the culture of speech, elementary information on the theory of speech impact, that is, the appropriate and optimal use of language tools and speech mechanisms to achieve the goals of communication. This learning content is the basis for the development of students' speech competence. The third block presents didactic units that reflect the history and culture of the people and provide the cultural and historical component of the Russian language course as a whole.

    In the educational process, these blocks are inextricably interrelated or integrated, since the processes of understanding the language system and personal experience of using the language in certain conditions, situations of communication are inextricably linked with each other. That is why the number of hours allocated for the study of thematic blocks and the sections of the course included in them is approximate.

    The goals of teaching Russian at a basic level

    The Russian language course in grades X-XI is aimed at achieving the following goals that ensure the implementation of a personality-oriented, cognitive-communicative, activity-based approach to teaching the native language:

      upbringing citizen and patriot; formation of the idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; awareness of the national identity of the Russian language; mastering the culture of interethnic communication;

      further development and improvement ability and readiness for speech interaction and social adaptation; readiness for work, conscious choice of profession; skills of self-organization and self-development; information skills;

      developmentknowledge about the Russian language as a multifunctional sign system and social phenomenon; language norm and its varieties; norms of speech behavior in various spheres of communication;

      mastery of skills identify, analyze, classify linguistic facts, evaluate them from the point of view of normativity; distinguish between functional varieties of language and model speech behavior in accordance with the tasks of communication;

      application acquired knowledge and skills in their own speech practice; increasing the level of speech culture, spelling and punctuation literacy.

    The place of the subject in the federal basic curriculum

    The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation provides for the compulsory study of the Russian language at the basic level of secondary (complete) general education in the amount of 70 hours. Including: in class X - 35 hours, class XI - 35 hours.

    The exemplary program does not reflect the regional (national-regional) component, which in the federal basic curriculum allocates 10% of the study time from 70 hours, which is 7 hours. Thus, the approximate program is designed for 63 hours.

    General learning skills, skills and activities

    The focus of the course on intensive speech and intellectual development creates conditions for the implementation of the oversubject function that the Russian language performs in the school education system. In the process of learning, a high school student gets the opportunity to improve general educational skills, skills, methods of activity, which are based on the types of speech activity and involve the development of speech and thinking abilities.

    In the process of learning the Russian language at the basic level, the following general educational skills are improved and developed: communicative (possession of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech, basic skills and abilities to use the language in areas and communication situations that are vital for students), intellectual (comparison and comparison, correlation, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, evaluation and classification), informational (ability to carry out bibliographic search, extract information from various sources, ability to work with text), organizational (the ability to formulate the purpose of the activity, plan it, exercise self-control, self-assessment, self-correction).

    Learning Outcomes

    The learning outcomes are presented in the Requirements for the level of graduates, which contain the following components: know/understand - a list of knowledge necessary for the assimilation of each student; be able to - a list of specific skills in the Russian language, the main types of speech activity; a group of knowledge and skills that are in demand in the practical activities of the student and his daily life is also highlighted.

    Main content of the program

    Speech communication as a form of interaction between people in the process of their cognitive and labor activity. Types of speech communication: official and unofficial, public and non-public. Speech situation and its components.

    Functional styles (scientific, official business, journalistic), colloquial speech and the language of fiction as a variety of the modern Russian language.

    Scientific style, spheres of its use, purpose. Signs of scientific style. Varieties of scientific style. The main genres of the scientific style: report, article, message, abstract, review, abstract, theses, abstract, conversation, discussion. Improving the culture of educational and scientific communication in oral and written form.

    Official business style, areas of its use, purpose. Signs of official business style. The main genres of official business style: application, power of attorney, receipt, resume, business letter, announcement. The form and structure of a business document. Improving the culture of official business communication in oral and written form.

    Journalistic style, spheres of its use, purpose. Signs of publicistic style. The main genres of journalistic style.

    Mastering the culture of public speech. Public speaking: choosing a topic, defining a goal, searching for material. Composition of a public speech. The choice of language means of designing a public speech, taking into account its purpose, the characteristics of the addressee, the situation and the scope of communication.

    Colloquial speech, spheres of its use, purpose. Signs of conversation. Non-verbal means of communication. Improving the culture of colloquial speech.

    Features of speech etiquette in the official business, scientific and publicistic spheres of communication.

    The main features of oral and written speech. Development of monologue and dialogic speech skills in various areas of communication. Dialogue in the situation of intercultural communication* 1 .

    Improving the culture of perception of oral monologue and dialogic speech (listening).

    Culture of working with texts of different types, styles and genres (reading and information processing). The use of various types of reading, depending on the communicative task and the nature of the text: viewing, introductory, studying, introductory-studying, introductory-abstract, etc.

    Information processing of texts of various functional styles and genres.

    Translation from native language into Russian*.

    Mastering the speech culture of using technical means of communication (telephone, computer, e-mail, etc.).

    The language of fiction and its differences from other varieties of the modern Russian language. The main features of artistic speech: figurativeness, the widespread use of figurative and expressive means, as well as linguistic means of other functional varieties of the language.

    Russian language in the modern world. Russian language in the Russian Federation. Russian language in the circle of languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. Influence of the Russian language on the formation and development of other languages ​​of Russia.*

    Forms of existence of the Russian national language (literary language, vernacular, folk dialects, professional varieties, jargon, slang).

    Literary language and the language of fiction.

    The concept of the language system, its units and levels, relationships and relations of units of different levels of the language.

    Text and its place in the system of language and speech.

    Features of the phonetic, lexical, grammatical systems of the Russian language*.

    A culture of speech. The concept of communicative expediency, relevance, accuracy, clarity, purity, consistency, consistency, imagery, expressiveness of speech. The main aspects of speech culture: normative, communicative and ethical.

    Language norm and its main features. The main types of language norms: orthoepic, lexical, stylistic and grammatical (morphological and syntactic) norms of the Russian literary language.

    Orthoepic (pronunciation and accentological) norms. The role of orthoepy in oral communication. The main norms of modern literary pronunciation: the pronunciation of unstressed vowels, some consonants, consonant combinations. Pronunciation of some grammatical forms. Features of the pronunciation of foreign words, as well as Russian names and patronymics. Norms of stress in modern Russian. Valid pronunciation and stress.

    Lexical norms. The use of a word in strict accordance with its lexical meaning is an important condition for verbal communication. Selection of the desired word from the synonymic series, taking into account its meaning and stylistic properties.

    Grammar rules. Normative use of word forms. Normative construction of phrases according to the type of agreement, control. Correct use of prepositions in phrases. Correct sentence structure. Normative agreement of the predicate with the subject. Correct construction of sentences with separate members, subordinate parts. Synonymy of grammatical forms and their stylistic and semantic possibilities.

    spelling rules. Sections of Russian spelling and basic principles of writing: 1) spelling of morphemes; 2) continuous, hyphenated and separate spellings; 3) the use of uppercase and lowercase letters; 4) word hyphenation rules; 5) rules for graphic abbreviation of words.

    Punctuation rules. Principles of Russian punctuation. Sections of Russian punctuation and the system of rules included in each of them: 1) punctuation marks at the end of sentences; 2) punctuation marks inside a simple sentence; 3) punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence; 4) punctuation marks in the transmission of someone else's speech; 5) punctuation marks in a connected text. A paragraph as a punctuation mark that conveys the semantic articulation of the text.

    Normative dictionaries of the modern Russian language and reference books: a spelling dictionary, an explanatory dictionary, a dictionary of grammatical difficulties, a spelling dictionary and reference books on Russian spelling.

    Compliance with the norms of the literary language in speech practice.

    Implementation of the choice of the most accurate language means in accordance with the areas and situations of speech communication.

    Evaluation of oral and written statements / texts in terms of language design, relevance, efficiency in achieving the set communicative tasks.

    Use of normative dictionaries of the Russian language.

    The use of spelling and punctuation norms in the creation and reproduction of texts of business, scientific and journalistic styles.

    Linguistic analysis of texts of various functional varieties of language.

    Interrelation of language and culture. Vocabulary denoting objects and phenomena of traditional Russian life; historicisms; folklore vocabulary and phraseology; Russian names. Russian proverbs and sayings.

    Reflection in the Russian language of the material and spiritual culture of the Russian and other peoples. Vocabulary borrowed by the Russian language from other languages, features of its development.

    Mutual enrichment of languages ​​as a result of the interaction of national cultures.

    Features of Russian speech etiquette *.

    Requirements for the level of training of graduates

    As a result of studying the Russian language, the student must


      connection of language and history, culture of Russian and other peoples;

      meaning of concepts: speech situation and its components, literary language, language norm, speech culture;

      basic units and levels of the language, their characteristics and interrelation;

        orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language; norms of speech behavior in the socio-cultural, educational and scientific, official and business spheres of communication;

    be able to

      exercise speech self-control; evaluate oral and written statements in terms of language design, the effectiveness of achieving the set communicative tasks;

      analyze language units in terms of correctness, accuracy and appropriateness of their use;

      conduct linguistic analysis of texts of various functional styles and varieties of language;

    listening and reading

      use the main types of reading (introductory-studying, introductory-review, etc.) depending on the communicative task;

      extract the necessary information from various sources: educational and scientific texts, reference literature, the media, including those presented in electronic form on various information media;

    speaking and writing

      create oral and written monologues and dialogic statements of various types and genres in the educational and scientific (based on the studied academic disciplines), socio-cultural and business spheres of communication;

      apply in the practice of verbal communication the main orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language;

      observe the spelling and punctuation norms of the modern Russian literary language in the practice of writing;

      observe the norms of speech behavior in various areas and situations of communication, including when discussing debatable problems;

      use the basic techniques of information processing of oral and written text;

    use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

      awareness of the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; familiarization with the values ​​of national and world culture;

      development of intellectual and creative abilities, skills of independent activity; self-realization, self-expression in various areas of human activity;

      increasing vocabulary; expanding the range of language and speech means used; improving the ability to self-esteem based on observation of one's own speech;

      improving communication skills; development of readiness for speech interaction, interpersonal and intercultural communication, cooperation;

      self-education and active participation in the industrial, cultural and social life of the state.

    Specific requirements for educational institutions with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction:

      be aware of the national identity of the Russian and native languages, the differences in their phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems;