With which of the regions of the European part. Which countries are part of the European Union? Electronic educational resources

Hello! Please tell me which letter should be written in the first word of the phrase "European part of Russia" - lowercase or uppercase?

You wrote correctly: european part of Russia.

Question #283433

Hello! Please tell me which option is correct (uppercase/lowercase) and why. "She lived in Paris before the start of the E/European War." It means the First World War.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Combination european war is not a generally accepted (official) name for this historical event, therefore it is written in lowercase. But will it be clear to the reader that we are talking about the First World War?

Question #283402

Good afternoon, dear Diploma! Please tell me how to write correctly: Eastern Ukraine or Eastern Ukraine. And why. Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Eastern Ukraine. In the complete academic reference book "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" ed. V. V. Lopatina (M., 2006 and later editions) formulated the following rule: “The names of parts of states and continents that are terminological in nature are written with a capital letter, for example: European Russia, Western Belarus, Right-Bank Ukraine...».

Question #279192
Hello Gramota.ru. Once again I turn to you with questions about the use of uppercase / lowercase letters.
Maybe at least this time it will be more interesting for someone to think about writing organizations and states, and not for the 125th time to answer about not with verbs ...

1) (R) Roman republic and empire
2) Interparliamentary (A) Assembly of (P) Orthodoxy
3) European (M) Interparliamentary (A) Assembly of (P) Orthodoxy
4) All this led to the creation in 1997 of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union within the framework of the Islamic (K) Conference ...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Roman republic and empire; Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy; European Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy; all this led to the creation in 1997 of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union within the framework of the Islamic Conference.
Question #257395
How to write correctly: Western European music or Western European music

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Western European music.

Question #257288
Dear colleagues,
tell me, please, the European Commission - so, with a lowercase second word. And the President of the European Commission - with lowercase? Not in an official document, but in a monograph on the European Union.
With gratitude for your work,
proofreader Z. Kolechenko.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, that's right: European Commission, President of the European Commission.

Question No. 240621
Eastern European financial corporation - is it spelled correctly from lower case?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: Eastern European Financial Corporation.

Question #237971
Hello! Are commas placed (or not put) correctly in sentences:
...Uncertainty did not decrease, but rather acquired a new dimension...
... With t. sp. of Russian interests, the European perspective of Serbia means...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

No extra commas are required.

Question #231678
Japanese and European cuisines (or cuisine?)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible.
Question #215769
Good afternoon! Please tell me the correct spelling (upper/lowercase): European part of Russia, Central Russia, Central Federal District. Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

You wrote correctly.
Question #207641
Russian and European cuisines. Tell me, please, is the ending AND in the word kitchen correct, or should it be I? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Better: Russian and European cuisine.
Question No. 204032
Friends, a simple question: a European cafe-pastry shop or a European cafe-confectionery? With which of the nouns that form a compound word should the adjective agree? From "cafe" or from "confectionery"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Simple answer: Preferably agree with the inflected word _confectionery: European cafe-confectionery_.
Question No. 200141
IS THE PUNCTUATION CORRECT: At the same time, every European country, both large and medium and very small, is unique and interesting in its own way. THANKS.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, the punctuation marks are correct.

Caucasus- the territory of Russia between the Black and Azov Seas in the west and the Caspian Sea in the east with a total area of ​​440,000 sq. km, including the Main Caucasian Range, as well as the plain and foothill regions of the Ciscaucasia. The highest point of the Caucasus is Elbrus (5642 m above sea level). The Caucasus received the title of "All-Russian health resort": world-famous and very attractive for citizens who wish to improve their health are located here. Those who consider themselves quite healthy, and even ready to risk their health for the sake of thrills, will find worthy goals for themselves, regardless of what their qualifications and initial training are: at their service are numerous Caucasian and. , - all these amazing places are united by the hospitable Caucasus, and every year tourists from all over the world come here for the next conquest of a mountain peak or a dizzying descent from the ski slope. The mountain valleys of the Caucasus are replete with a mass of interesting ones that can decorate the track record of any water tourist experienced in the elements: and other stormy rivers "with character" annually from May to October attract lovers of water extreme sports. And of course, the Caucasus is a series of famous for those who like to soak up the sandy beach in blissful idleness. In the days of the USSR and the Iron Curtain, getting here was the dream of every person, and rest, for example, in Sochi was a matter of pride and an indicator of the success of a vacationer. But even today, when other world resorts are available to Russians, the resorts of the Caucasus still attract lovers of the warm Black Sea and amazing Caucasian seascapes. The Caucasus combines everything that travel enthusiasts usually like: interesting tourist routes for both amateurs and professionals; monuments of antiquity and the newest buildings of the Olympic Village, and, of course, nature, beautiful in its diversity - from sea shores with sandy beaches, green river valleys, relict groves and alpine meadows to snowy mountain peaks and glaciers.

Republic of Karelia It is located in the North-Western part of Russia, borders on Finland and is washed by the White Sea from the south-east. Karelia is one of the most popular tourist regions in Russia. A region with a rich history, amazing northern nature, many rivers, lakes, and forests - it seems to be specially created for people to come here from all over Russia. Karelian water routes along calm rivers with powerful local rapids (Vodla, Kem, Onda, Unga,) and picturesque lakes are extremely popular - both athletes and their families will be interested here. Excursion trips to such places as are no less popular - these monuments of wooden architecture and bins of Russian history are familiar to everyone and are always popular with tourists coming to Karelia, both Russian and foreign. There is something to do in Karelia in winter too: many travel companies offer snowmobile tours on frozen lakes and snow-covered forests with overnight stays in cozy Karelian villages. Karelia is also known for its white nights: white nights here begin at the end of May and last until mid-August. On the days of the summer solstice at the end of June, the night is almost indistinguishable from the day, and the brightest night falls on June 20-21. In Karelia, White Nights are celebrated in a special way: youth events are held in different cities, for example, the festival of young classical music performers "White Nights".

Kola Peninsula is located in the north-west of Russia, in the Murmansk region, and makes up about 70% of its territory. Almost all of it is located beyond the Arctic Circle, therefore, the Kola Peninsula is characterized by such phenomena as a polar day (from late July to mid-August) and a polar night (from late November to mid-January). Northern lights. For those who want to see this amazing natural phenomenon with their own eyes, we recommend visiting these lands at the end of December: the polar night and the northern lights - a non-trivial way to celebrate the New Year - will make your holiday unforgettable. In the west of the peninsula there is a mountain range (up to 1200 m), which is popular with ski lovers. The most popular ski resorts of Khibiny are,. On catamarans or kayaks, you can lay interesting water routes along the rivers, , as well as on sea kayaks or a sailing catamaran on the seas and lakes. In recent years, so-called “ecological tourism” has been gaining popularity on the Kola Peninsula: Russians and foreigners come here who want to “live in places where no man has gone before.” (1100 m) - a mystical and beautiful place on the Kola Peninsula east of the Khibiny, attractive to lovers of secrets, accustomed to the difficulties of hiking and mountain hiking. Numerous tour operators on the Kola Peninsula offer a variety of snowmobile and quad bike tours, jeep safari, fishing, as well as horseback riding and hiking in the most remarkable places.

Volga region- this is the entire territory adjacent to the Volga, stretching for more than 1500 km along the river. The Volga region is divided into three large regions, according to belonging to one of the parts of the Volga: Upper, Middle and Lower Volga. In the Volga region, you can outline countless tourist routes: (rafting and rafting along the Volga and its tributaries),

Europe is a part of the world, which is located in the northern hemisphere of our planet, it is washed by numerous seas and, together with Asia, forms Eurasia. In ancient Greek mythology, Europe is a Phoenician princess who was treacherously kidnapped by Zeus and taken to the island of Crete.

There is a hypothesis that this name comes from the Greek word, which the Greeks used to designate all territories located to the west of the Aegean Sea. There are other theories regarding the origin of this name.

General information

Today, more than 740 million people or 10% of the total population of the Earth live here. The total territory is more than 10 million square kilometers.

The shores of Europe are washed by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic, as well as numerous seas. The coast is strongly indented, a large area is occupied by numerous peninsulas. Most of Europe is occupied by vast plains.

There are a large number of rivers and many large lakes. The climate is temperate, in the western part - oceanic, in the eastern part - continental. Europe is rich in minerals and other natural resources. It is here that the countries with the most developed economies are located.

This part of the world has played an important role in human history. It should be noted the great richness and diversity of European cultures.


The borders of Europe have changed in different periods of human history, the debate around them does not subside to this day. The ancient Greeks considered the northern part of their country to be Europe. Gradually, people got to know their world better, and the borders gradually moved further east.

However, people mastered more and more new territories, went further to the east. The famous Russian historian Tatishchev proposed to divide the mainland at the foot of the Ural Mountains. This point of view was first adopted in Russia, and then by foreign geographers.

However, even at the moment there are controversial points regarding the exact boundaries of this part of the world. They are not global. Now there are several options for drawing borders. This issue plays an important political role, because where the border of Europe passes depends on which countries are included in it.

The border in the north runs along the coast of the Arctic Ocean, the western border - along the Atlantic Ocean, the eastern border - along the foot of the Ural Mountains, along the Emba River to the Caspian Sea and along the Manych and Kuma rivers to the mouth of the Don. Then the border goes along the northern coast of the Black Sea and the Black Sea straits.

According to another opinion, the border runs along the Caucasus Range. There are other options for drawing the border, which transfer it to the south of the Caucasus Mountains.

Countries that are part of Europe

Europe is often divided into Eastern and Western, Southern and Northern, although such a division is somewhat arbitrary. It has more to do with political and cultural characteristics. On the European political map, you can find both large states (Russia, Ukraine, France) and very tiny ones. Several countries are only partially located in Europe.

In total, this part of the world includes (in whole or in part) 49 countries. Of these, several states are not always included in Europe. There are also several territories with undetermined status. They declared independence, but it was not recognized by the world community.

The borders of European states have changed over the centuries as a result of numerous wars and revolutions.

So, which countries are considered European today? We have prepared a list for you, dividing it into four parts: the states of Western Europe, the countries that are in its north, the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe. As well as those countries that are only partially located in this part of the world.

Western part:

  1. France
  2. Great Britain
  3. Austria
  4. Belgium
  5. Germany
  6. Ireland
  7. Luxembourg
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Monaco
  10. Switzerland
  11. Ireland

East End:

  1. Bulgaria
  2. Romania
  3. Ukraine
  4. Poland
  5. Slovakia
  6. Hungary
  7. Czech
  8. Moldova
  9. Belarus

The European part of Russia includes the East European Plain, the Caucasus and Ural Mountains (Fig. 1). Most of this territory is occupied by the East European (Russian) Plain, one of the largest plains in the world.

Rice. 1. Composition of the European part of Russia

In the north, the East European Plain is washed by the cold waters of the White and Barents Seas, in the south - by the warm waters of the Azov and Black Seas, in the southeast - by the waters of the Caspian Sea-Lake. The western borders of the plain go to the Baltic Sea, while part of it goes beyond the borders of the country, in the east it is bounded by the Ural Mountains, and in the south by the Caucasus Mountains.

At the base of the East European Plain lies a large tectonic structure - the East European (Russian) platform (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Tectonic structure

Most of the platform foundation is covered with a thick layer of horizontal sedimentary rocks of different ages. Therefore, flat relief prevails here. In the northwest, the foundation of the platform is raised, here is the Baltic Shield. The elevated plains of Karelia, the Kola Peninsula and mountains are connected with the Baltic Shield. Khibiny. The raised foundation serves as the foundation Central Russian Upland and the High Trans-Volga. Tectonic uplifts of individual parts of the platform led to the formation Volga Upland , and the northern and southern outskirts of the plain were subjected to repeated attacks of sea waters on land, resulting in the formation of flat coastal lowlands - Caspian and Pechora.

The main uplands of the northern part of the plain are Valdai and Smolensk-Moscow (Fig. 3) - formed as a result of the accumulation of glacial material.

Rice. 3, Smolensk-Moscow Upland

Between the large hills are flat sandy lowlands - Upper Volga, Meshcherskaya, Oksko-Donskaya.

So let's conclude:

  • The East European Plain is a hilly plain by the nature of its surface.
  • The relief is dominated by lowlands and uplands.
  • The average height of the relief of the plain is from 200 to 500 meters.
  • The nature of the relief is determined by the peculiarities of the structure of the earth's crust of this territory and the history of its formation.

The flat relief is favorable for economic activities of people.

In addition to the relief, the climate also influences the features of the economic activity of people.

The mainland of European Russia is located in the subarctic and temperate climatic zones. At the same time, most of them are in the temperate climate zone.

Air masses (Fig. 4) from the Atlantic Ocean bring the main mass of precipitation to the plain. The amount of precipitation decreases from west to south and southeast. In the west, from 600 to 800 mm of precipitation falls annually, and to the south, southeast, the amount of precipitation is reduced to 200-300 mm. The driest place of the East European Plain is located on the Caspian lowland. Less than 200 mm of precipitation falls here.

Rice. 4. Climatic zones and air masses

Air from the Atlantic influences the climate not only in summer, but also in winter. It is associated with frequent thaws in winter, cyclonic weather at any time of the year.

The invasion of arctic air in summer leads to cooling and droughts. In winter - to the establishment of cold, clear and frosty weather (Fig. 5). Arctic air in winter spreads over the entire territory of the East European Plain, up to the extreme south.

Rice. 5. Winter

In general, the climate in most of the East European Plain is temperate continental, favorable for human activities

Since the climate of the plain is humid, many rivers flow through its territory. Large rivers originate on the Valdai, Smolensk-Moscow, and Central Russian Uplands - Volga (Fig. 6) , Dnipro, Don . These rivers flow south.

Rice. 6. Volga River

Abundant, but relatively short rivers carry their waters to the north Pechora, Northern Dvina, Onega.

To the west flow into the Baltic Sea Western Dvina, Neva, Neman. All the rivers of the plain freeze. The duration of freeze-up depends on the location of the river and decreases when moving south. In the spring, due to the melting of snow, the rivers overflow, and in the summer they become shallow. Many have built reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations.

Since the upper reaches and channels of many rivers are often located close to each other, they are currently connected by canals - channel them. Moscow, Volga-Baltic, Volga-Donskoy (Fig. 7) , White Sea-Baltic. Rivers and canals form a single water system in the European part of Russia. The presence of a dense river network and a system of canals ensures good transport accessibility of the plain.

Rice. 7. Volga-Don Canal

The large length of the plain from north to south determined a well-defined zoning in the distribution of its landscapes.

The coast of the Barents Sea is occupied by cold, heavily waterlogged plains. This part of the plain is located in the tundra zone (Fig. 8) and forest tundra. There are no conditions for the development of agriculture, but reindeer breeding and hunting and trade are developed, there are large deposits of coal, oil, gas, iron ore, non-ferrous metal ores and apatites.

Rice. 8. Tundra

In the middle zone of the East European Plain, typical forest landscapes used to dominate (Fig. 9) - dark coniferous taiga, mixed, broad-leaved oak and linden forests. Currently, many forests have been cut down, and forest landscapes have turned into forest fields - a combination of forests and fields. In this part of the plain, the main part of the population lives, cities and industrial enterprises are located.

Rice. 9. Landscape of Central Russia

In the south of the plain there are expanses of steppes and forest-steppes on fertile chernozem soils. This is an area with the most favorable climatic conditions for agriculture. Here is the main agricultural zone of the country, the richest iron ore deposits of the KMA, oil and gas in the Volga and Ural regions (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Oil fields of the Volga region

The European part of Russia accounts for 1/3 of the country's territory, about 80% of the population, 85% of industrial and agricultural production, and about 90% of the non-productive sphere of the country. The European part of Russia forms the Western macro-region. The Western macro-region includes six natural and economic regions: the European North, the North-West, Central Russia, the Volga region, the European South, and the Urals.



  1. Customs E.A. Geography of Russia: economy and regions: Grade 9, textbook for students of educational institutions. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.
  2. Fromberg A.E. Economic and social geography. - 2011, 416 p.
  3. Atlas of economic geography, grade 9. - Bustard, 2012.
  4. Geography. The entire course of the school curriculum in diagrams and tables. - 2007, 127 p.
  5. Geography. Student's handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. - 1996, 576 p.
  6. Crib on economic geography. Schoolchildren, applicants. - 2003, 96 p.


  1. Gladky Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2000 - 752 p.: ill.
  2. Rodionova I.A., Textbook on geography. Economic geography of Russia. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189 p.
  3. Smetanin S.I., Konotopov M.V. History of ferrous metallurgy in Russia. - M.: "Paleotype", 2002.
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

  1. Geography of Russia. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Bol. Ros. ents., 1998. - 800 p.: ill., maps.
  2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Stat.sb./Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2002. - 690 p.
  3. Russia in numbers. 2011: Brief Statistical Collection/Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2003. - 398 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

  1. GIA-2013. Geography: typical examination options: 10 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M.: "National education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI - school)
  2. GIA-2013. Geography: thematic and typical examination options: 25 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M.: "National education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI - school)
  3. GIA-2013. Exam in a new form. Geography. Grade 9 / FIPI authors-compilers: E.M. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukov. - M.: Astrel, 2012.
  4. Excellent student of the exam. Geography. Solving complex problems / FIPI authors-compilers: Ambartsumova E.M., Dyukova S.E., Pyatunin V.B. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2012.

Electronic educational resources

  1. Educational multimedia manual 1 C Educational collection Geography of Russia. Economy and regions Grade 9.
  2. Educational multimedia manual “Geography Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. 8th and 9th grade"
  1. Russian Geographical Society ().
  2. Wild nature of Russia. Caucasus ().
  3. Wild nature of Russia. Ural().
  4. Wild nature of Russia. Primordial valleys ().
  1. I. Epishin In the upper reaches of the Volga (N4/2012)
  2. E. Chervyakova In the Volga Delta (N3/2011)

Many residents of this or that settlement in Russia do not even know the surrounding sights, not to mention those that the neighboring city or other region is famous for. Foreigners often have only a vague idea of ​​the country. Fortunately, the level of service is constantly growing, which gradually stimulates the development of tourism.

Geographic location

The territory of the European part of Russia is bounded in the east by the Ural Mountains, the southern border runs through the North Caucasus. Its size is about 4,000,000 square kilometers, that is, it is almost half of all of Europe, but only 23% of the entire great country. This is the most developed and densely populated part of the state. It is here that noisy metropolises, ultra-modern buildings are located, and very close by are original and beautiful nature. The population of the European part of Russia is about 80 million people - this is half of all the inhabitants of the country.

One and indivisible

The European and Asian part of Russia is one big whole, although the second geographically belongs to Asia. Its area is about 13,000,000 square kilometers, although relatively few people live on it. This is due to the small number of large cities and adverse climatic conditions. The entire vast territory is inhabited by about 70 million people.

The Asian part is divided into 4 regions: the Urals, Siberia East and West and the Far East. These are expanses from the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains, the birthplace of endless forests and beautiful rivers. Despite the abundance of natural wealth concentrated in the eastern part of Russia, construction here is much more expensive, due to the harsh climate, permafrost, mountainous terrain, forests and swamps. That is why vast territories remain practically untouched.

Paradise for nature lovers and hikers

The largest cities in the Asian part of Russia are Tyumen. The incredible beauty of the surroundings attracts tourists from all over the world. The famous sanatorium "Belokurikha", the magnificent Belukha mountain range and the protected area of ​​the Altai Mountains make it possible to implement dozens of tourist routes of varying complexity.

Kamchatka gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with active volcanoes and geysers. Thermal springs and therapeutic mud offer great opportunities for improving health. The flora and fauna are unique. Luxurious fishing will give an unforgettable experience.

The already mentioned Altai Mountains and Lake Baikal attract many tourists every year.

Administrative division

The following economic regions of the European part of Russia are distinguished:

  • Central.
  • Northwestern.
  • Southern.
  • North Caucasian.
  • Privolzhsky.

The European part of Russia consists of well-maintained cities that are already indistinguishable from the megacities of Europe - the brilliance of night lights, luxurious hotels and restaurants, great shopping ... Each region is ready to offer its own program for tourists, so we will consider their sights separately. The population of the European part of Russia consists of representatives of 39 nationalities. Among them Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians are in the lead.

We have already spoken about the Asian territory, so it will not be considered here. The European part of Russia stretches from the western borders of the country to the Urals. The cities are located compactly, close to Europe, there is access to the Atlantic Sea.

Most natural and are concentrated in the eastern part of the country, here only iron mining is in the lead. The main emphasis in the western part is on manufacturing and agriculture. The banking sector is much more developed.

Central region of western Russia

Beauty-Moscow, the ancient Kremlin, architectural monuments and museums. Every tourist strives to visit the Golden-domed, but besides it, there are other parts of Russia that are no less interesting. Any travel agency will offer you a tour of the Golden Ring, visiting Suzdal, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and other cities. Ancient temples and unique works of ancient architects will give a lot of impressions.

The second direction for travel can be the places of life of great people. The most famous of them, of course, is Yasnaya Polyana, although the estates of the Pushkins, Sheremetyevs, Shcherbatovs, Bolshoye Boldino are undeservedly forgotten.

The Smolensk Lakeland, the forest Trans-Volga - a dozen years will not be enough to visit every amazing corner. The developed infrastructure and the absence of problems with transport and hotels make it possible to successfully receive even foreign tourists.

This region includes such regions of the European part of Russia as Moscow, Belgorod, Yaroslavl, Bryansk, Tula, Vladimir, Tver, Voronezh, Tambov, Ivanovo, Smolensk, Kaluga, Ryazan, Kostroma, Orel, Kursk and Lipetsk. A budget vacation on the banks of majestic forests and beautiful rivers will benefit you, charge you with health and good mood.

Northwestern region

This is a large and underdeveloped part of the country. This includes the Arkhangelsk, Pskov, Vologda, Novgorod, Murmansk, Leningrad regions, Komi, Karelia and the creation of Peter, sung by A.S. Pushkin, - St. Petersburg. What is interesting here for tourists? The north of the European part of Russia is a fabulous virgin taiga. In summer, a fresh breeze rustles in the treetops, birds sing. If your vacation fell on a sultry July, you can’t find a better place: the lakes are already warming up for comfortable swimming, and the sun does not burn the skin on the shore. In autumn, the taiga pleases with colors, crimson and gold are everywhere. Leaves are falling, nature is quiet in anticipation of winter...

Karelia provides great scope for water adventures. Local lakes are interconnected by rapid rapids, so rafting enthusiasts will like it here. famous among beginners in skiing, but classes are best done before the onset of severe winter frosts.

There are many architectural monuments in the North, ancient monasteries (Solovki, Valaam), Kizhi Church in Lake Onega and much more.

South Region

River, forest and sun... A dream can come true here. The specified district includes the Krasnodar Territory, Adygea, Astrakhan, Volgograd Region. The presence of large and very beautiful rivers, such as the Volga and the Don, opens up endless opportunities for spending holidays. At the same time, you don’t even have to plan a trip to the Black Sea, Sochi or Anapa.

If we talk about visiting tourists, they most often prefer comfortable hotels on the Black Sea coast with a visit to the local arboretum and other interesting places to a wild vacation in tents. But for the local population with an average income, a vacation in a tent camp on the Volga, a ferry trip to the museum city of Myshkin, and any other budget option may be suitable.

North Caucasian District

This district includes the Stavropol Territory, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Dagestan. Today these places are world famous as the only subtropical climatic zone in the country, which gives us the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Thousands of tourists rest and improve their health here every year. It is impossible not to mention the local mineral waters. Kislovodsk is a former all-Union health resort, which is still very popular today.

Climbers have long chosen these places, since Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe, is located here. Routes of varying severity allow you to master the basics of a difficult sport.

The life and customs of the Caucasian peoples attract tourists to these beautiful lands. Cultural and ethnographic sights and museums are frequently visited objects. Local cuisine is a separate conversation, none of the tourists will go home without trying fragrant lamb skewers.

Privolzhsky District

These are territories located near the Urals. Republic of Chuvash, Udmurt, Tatarstan, Mordovia, Mari El. In addition to them, the Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Samara and Saratov regions are also part of the district. Many people live here, in terms of tourism the area is very promising. Stunning mountainous areas, inexhaustible water resources, excellent fishing and just relaxing in the bosom of nature - such prospects attract tourists and provide opportunities for numerous tourism organizations to work.

The proximity of the Ural Mountains allows you to go mountain climbing, as well as lead groups of sports and adventure tourism. The area allows everyone to find something to do, including climbers of the highest category (they will be especially interested in the Subpolar Urals).

The unique Komi forests have the status of a world natural heritage. So far, tourist routes here are undeveloped, although they have great prospects.

Bashkortostan is a place of amazing beauty. It is even hard to imagine that forty percent of the area of ​​the entire republic is occupied by forests, and besides them, more than 10,000 rivers flow here, there are about 2,500 lakes, ponds and reservoirs. Three reserves, two natural parks, more than a hundred and many sanctuaries for the protection of medicinal plants - all this makes it impossible to get to know even one republic during your vacation. The European part of Russia is truly immense.

Summing up

We have only briefly touched on the description of the riches that these vast territories hide. The European part of Russia includes five regions, each of which includes from six to eighteen regions. A region may include several dozen cities, large and small.

Tourists can find everything they want here. Big cities and ancient archeological monuments, untouched forests of Siberia and the highest mountains... Russia has always been famous for its water resources, mother nature's reserves are truly inexhaustible! Rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, small and fragile, powerful and majestic, fast mountain streams for lovers of extreme sports or the Volga slowly carrying its waves - nowhere in the world can you find such diversity. Not only the cities themselves, but also the surroundings are radically different from each other.