Shadows of the vatican act 2 walkthrough. Broken Sword: The Angel of Death Walkthrough


Returning to the walls of the Vatican, you will notice Archie sitting on the bench. Ask him what he is doing here and try to steal a bottle of denatured alcohol from him. Naturally, the tramp will not allow you to take it away and will offer to exchange methylated spirits for some useful item from your inventory. But since you don't have a suitable item, leave Archie alone and move on.
From the main gate, guarded by two guards, turn left and rummage through the garbage can. In it you will find half a bottle of champagne. Offer this find to Archie and he will gladly exchange champagne for denatured alcohol.
Go back to the trash can, pour the denatured alcohol into it and set it on fire with Alfonso's lighter. After the tank is engulfed in flames, George and Niko will automatically hide around the corner. See how the guards are trying to put out the fire in a panic. Since they left the gate unattended, you have the opportunity to enter the territory of the waffle factory unnoticed.
In the factory building, go through the previously locked door, behind which you will find another waffle machine. The process is watched by none other than Sister Angelica. While Niko is talking to the nun tete-a-tete, look around the room. Pay attention to two dough mixers and a handful of golden dust scattered nearby. Then ask Sister Angelica where the monatomic gold came from here. While you are talking with the nun, Cardinal Ginelli will enter the factory. Leave Sister Angelica alone and follow the cardinal.
Exit through the side door and follow the cardinal into the monastery garden. Here you will have to stop, because the area is patrolled by five monks with lanterns. Study the patrol route of the nearest monk and, as soon as right moment, follow him straight to the front door of the monastery. Come inside.
Once in the monastery, go straight down the corridor until you see the ajar door to Father Devlin's office. Here you will finally learn the whole truth about the conspiracy, about the ark and about true purpose monatomic gold. At the end of the conversation, George, as always, will be rewarded with a ringing slap in the face and sent to a deep knockout.
After a few minutes, Mark will wake you up and say that Niko was dragged into the dungeon under the monastery. Approach the dying Cardinal Ginelli and take another manuscript from him. After studying it, go out into the corridor and go to the hatch. Ask Mark to hold the hatch while you use the golf club on the lock. After breaking it, open the hatch and go downstairs, where another puzzle awaits you.
Before you are two statues of angels. Under each of them is an hourglass, which must be rotated as it is drawn in the picture in the office of Cardinal Ginelli. Approach any of the angels and turn the left clock sand down. Right - sand to the right. Then climb onto the statue and turn the angel's head. If you hear a click after that, then you did everything right. With the next angel, do the same procedure (location hourglass should be identical on both statues). After that, ask Mark to hold the angel's head in a turned position and go down the stairs that appear in the floor to the dungeon.
Once in the catacombs, go along the corridor until you run into a massive door. Use the fireproof blanket to unscrew the light bulb and return to the beginning of the corridor. Unscrew the protective panel of the switchboard with a knife. Then, armed with rubber gloves, disconnect one of the wires and head to the door. Insert the explosive into the ceiling instead of the light bulb and reconnect the wires in order to detonate the C4. Exit through the passage formed after the explosion.
Entering the room with columns, you will come face to face with armed monks. Fortunately, the cavalry, led by Mark and Mr. Spalacci, will arrive in time to help you. Yes, and Anna Maria will pull you right out from under the bullets. Talk to her and, after waiting for the firing to end, read the fourteen Latin verses engraved on each column. Having thus learned important things about the ark, ask Mark and Spalacci about their well-being. Make sure that they are all right and, together with Anna Maria, exit through the door.
Another puzzle awaits you in the next room. The clue to it is hidden in the upper right part of the manuscript. Having figured out what's what, arrange the three crosses as shown in the figure.

Another corridor and another puzzle. This time you need to go through the emblems depicted on the floor. Try not to make a mistake, otherwise George will be crushed by a huge boulder. To be safe to the end of the path, start at the second emblem on the left and take a step forward. Then two steps to the right and two more forward. Left. Forward. Two steps to the left and again two forward. Finally, take a couple of steps to the right and, without fear of being crushed, go forward. After this procedure, wait until Anna Maria joins you and move on.
Further you will see an abyss through which a narrow bridge leads. Carefully follow it to opposite side. As soon as George falls into the opened hatch, command Anna Maria to pull down the lever with the dagger. Then with a crescent and a lion. And finally, with the cross.
At the end of the last corridor for today, there is a statue supposedly by Jacques de Molay. Based on the clue in the manuscript, put the card in the statue's hand and set it on fire with the lighter. When the door opens, enter the cave where the ark is stored. But now he's not here. Moreover, the front door will slam shut and the room will begin to fill with clubs of poisonous gas. Run up to the pedestal on which the ark stood, and insert Anna Maria's rosary into the hole. Wait until the side door opens and exit towards the final cutscene of the game.

Story Achievements

Achievements unlocked as you progress through the game. They are impossible to miss.
There are 12 out of 20 such achievements.

James Murphy, Dr.

It is necessary to find something to sew up the bartender's wound. The needle must be sterilized.
We go to the bathroom (Bathroom). We take the items (Sewing Kit), then the first aid kit in the cabinet above the sink (Cabinet). In the inventory menu, unpack the first aid kit (right click on it). In the same place we combine items: Cotton and Peroxide. We leave the bathroom.
Turn on the stove (Stove). Sterilize the needle. Treat Mario's wound with Soaked cotton. In inventory combine Sterile needle and Thread. We use them on the patient.
We wrap the wound with bandages (Gauze).

The game started

We go out into the street, we go to a meeting with a friend. We explore the place where we find it.
After the bottle of alcohol has teleported from the bartender's hand to the GG's hand, we go outside.
We take the keys and use them on the red car. We're going to Piazza Farnese.
In the hotel, we take things from the floor: Notepad, Book. We examine the rest with the help of RMB. We're leaving.

Zen Master

The answer to the riddle is hidden in the book. The clue is the dates. Find a calendar.
On the map, select Piazza Farnese. We go to Santa Brigida's house. We open the book (Book) with the help of RMB. We take the bookmarks (Holy pictures). We use them on the calendar, behind the nun. We return the bookmarks to the book.
Now each page needs to find a hidden word. Date tooltips appear when you right-click on a bookmark. The clue on the first page is February 17th. So the answer will be - 2nd word from the right in the 17th line from the top. Etc.
All answers according to page order: cooperative, Ostia, bank, credit, of.

We go to the bank (Bank).

The old lady won't let you take the book from the coffee table. Convince her. That book with a secret, then the book will need to be returned.
First we talk with the old woman, we discuss with her all her relatives. Then with the girl at the counter, then again with the old lady. On the glass table is a book (Book of prayers), but you can’t take it without proving your good intentions to granny. Show her your Bible. We take that book, open it. Click on the signature. Then use the scalpel on the left flyleaf, below the signature. We take the coin. We give the book to the old woman and leave.

james sinner

We return to Santa Brigida's house and seduce sister Candida. In return, she will allow you to do something forbidden.
We return to the nun in Santa Brigida's house. We see how she lays her collar. (And this is at the workplace, and from the very morning !!!) We press RMB on the bottle that she put behind her. We take the bottle in your inventory and give it to the nun Now we can take Christopher's keys hanging in the locker behind the nun.

Internet surfer

Find information about the coin on the Internet.
We return to our apartment. We examine the coin received in the bank using the RMB. We use a laptop to search for information about her. On the laptop desktop, select the Web search engine shortcut. Click on the notes from the notepad, then the search button.

Bad James

Bribe the church watchman.
We leave for Capena. We are trying to remove the drape (Drap) from the church lectern. (The curbstone from which the sermon is conducted). The watchman won't let you do that. Then we give him our money (Walet).

Done Dr. James

One of the windows in the church contains a clue.
We remove the drape (Drap). We connect the drape with the staff in the corner (Candle-snuffer). We use the resulting object with the leftmost window. The canvas must be installed so that the staff in the hands of the priest coincides with the vertical pillar of the window. And the horizontal stand fell on the horizontal crossbars of the staff. The answer is under the spoiler in the screenshot, at the link below.

Attentive reader

Open the cache pointed to by the beam of light from the window. There is something important there.
We use the keys of Christopher to the place where the shadow from the curtained window will fall.
Scroll through the diary to the end. The character makes notes in a notebook.

Story Achievements, After Church

Not afraid of hunting for pixels

The answer to the question of who attacked Christopher lies in his mobile phone.
We return to our apartment. We use a laptop to connect mobile phone. The pin code is written in Christopher's notebook - 3-7-9-5
We go to Piazza Farnese. Use the Photo of the meeting to get to the Jewelery shop. Then we will use the intercom (Interfone). To the person who left, we also show the Photo of the meeting. First, during the dialogue, we point to the suspect in the photo, then another time, in the background, we find our interlocutor with an arrow. We select a cigar on the pavement, near the store.

Mysterious password

It is necessary to split the owner of the store into some information. We go to the place we learned about from him. After crazy, hollywood chase, we still catch up with the car we need. Here we need to distract the guard and find out the number of the car. Then we go to the bartender, he (just !!!) has the opportunity to break through the car number in the database.
We connect a cigar with a photo (Photo of the meeting). We ring the intercom again. We show the photo to the store owner again. Here he gives us a tip on a certain type. Let's go to night club. This is followed by a mini-game: the pursuit of the suspect. We pass it.
In the alley, above the gray car there are bushes (Bash), we hide Christopher's phone there. Then, hiding behind a garbage can, we call this phone. This distracts the guard, and we get to the red car (Luxury car). At the same time, we will wash his number (License plate number) using cotton wool, which was previously used to treat the wound of the bartender Mario. By the way, we immediately return to him after that, to talk. Then we go to our apartment. Using a laptop to find out who owns car number. Click on the desktop Motor Vehicles Department. Enter login, password. Letter case is important.
We find the coordinates of the owner of the car and go to his home. In that house, you need to arrange a little dirty trick to distract its owner.
Enter car number: VK-3C*G2. We press 4 and 8 in the list. Then we look for the owner's coordinates on the Internet - the second line in the notebook, opposite the search. If there is no this line, then you have not read Christopher's diary.
We're going to a new place. At this location, only the following combo moves this damn box: RMB to Damaged fence + LMB to Garbage bin. Then with a scalpel we turn off the security camera. We climb over the Damaged fence. We cut off a piece with a scalpel from the canvas covering the car. We are trying to climb onto the roof using the scaffolding. And .... In order not to break loose, we come to the aid, unexpectedly, the keys of Christopher !!! Then, just as unexpectedly, the door must be lubricated with silicone so that it does not open. Now we clog the pipe with that piece of tarpaulin from the car.

excited face

From improvised means you need to make a bait.
We talk with Sylvia. We talk a lot.
We start playing for Sylvia, turn on the lamp, she is standing nearby. We take everything that does not lie well: a pillow from the sofa, a checkered fabric (Blanket), near the cardboard boxes in the foreground and a mop (Rag), in the corner, near the red bucket. We put all this together and place it on the sofa (Sofa). Then turn off the light and hide in the cardboard box (Boxes), near the door, in the foreground.
The first act is considered completed after the final cutscene.

Achievements that are easy to miss

There are 8 such achievements in this game.

Italian memories

During the training, when you heal Mario's wound, you can find a bidet in the bathroom. After examining his RMB, you will earn an achievement.

Take the phone from the kitchen table (it is located between the refrigerator and the gas stove). After telephone conversation talk to Mario who came about everything - get the keys. Go to the bathroom (it is on the right). In the closet to the right of the sink, inspect the sewing kit - get a needle, thread and sealant. Take the first aid kit from the cabinet above the sink. In inventory, open the first aid kit - get cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, scalpel and gauze. Examine the bidet (achievement "Italian memories"). Return to the room. Turn on the gas stove. Take the needle from inventory and burn it over the gas stove. In inventory, insert the thread into the calcined needle. In inventory, wet the cotton with peroxide. Take the soaked cotton wool from inventory and wipe the cut on Mario's arm with it. Take the needle and thread from inventory and sew up Mario's wound. Take the gauze from inventory and bandage Mario's hand (achievement "James Murphy, doctor").

You will go to the bar and receive a bottle of grappa from Mario. Come outside. After the call, remove the keys from the inventory and unlock the red car with them. Head to Piazzo Farnese.

Once in Casa di Santa Bridget, try picking up a notebook from the floor. Pick up the notebook and the book "In nome di Dio". Examine the strap and bloodstain. Go Out (achievement) "The game is on").

After visiting the hospital, return to Piazzo Farnese. Enter the abode. Examine the book in inventory - get bookmarks. If you want to get the achievement "hard path", go to John's house, enter the apartment, take out the bookmarks from your inventory and attach them to the calendar on the wall. If not, you can do the same in the monastery: take out the bookmarks from your inventory and attach them to the calendar behind the nun. Remove the bookmarks from your inventory and put them back into the book. Examine the book in inventory. Next, look at the bookmarks, remember the date and month, and then select the word in the text, where the line number corresponds to the date, the word number corresponds to the month:

  • Saint Alexis Falconieri - February 17 - cooperative;
  • St. James - 03.05 - Ostia;
  • St. Joseph - 19.03 - bank;
  • St. John of Nepomuk - 05.01 - credit;
  • Saint Stanislav Shchepanovsky - 11.04 - of;

Come outside. Go to the bank.

Talk to the woman on the left about everything. Talk to Paola Marano about everything (she is on the right). Talk to the woman on the left about everything. Take the bible from inventory and give it to the woman. Take the book from the glass table. In inventory, examine the book you just received. Copy the inscription to the notebook (left-click on the inscription). Take out the scalpel from the inventory and open the bulge under the inscription. Get the medal. Take the book from inventory and return it to the woman on the left (achievement Zen Master). Come outside. Head to Piazzo Farnese.

Go to the monastery. Talk to the nun about everything. Examine the key cabinet. Try to take the key. Examine the empty bottle under the painting. Take the bottle of grappa from inventory and give it to the nun (achievement "James the Sinner"). Take the keys. Come outside. Go to James' house.

Enter the apartment. Examine the medal in inventory. Use your laptop, open a search engine (a notepad will appear on the side with an inscription in Latin), click on the phrase in Latin, press the "Search" button (achievement "Cyberspace Surfer"). Close your laptop. Come outside. Use the red car. Travel to Capena.

Talk to the caretaker about everything. Try removing the drape from the pulpit. Take out the wallet from the inventory and give the money from it to the caretaker - he will leave (achievement "Cheap James"). Remove the drape from the pulpit. Take the drapery from inventory and hang it on the candle extinguisher. Take the candle extinguisher with drapery from inventory and hang the drapery on the far window. Turn the drapery so that the cross is vertical, its long crossbar coincides with the crosshairs of the bars (achieving "Take that, Dr. Jones").

Take Cristoforo's bunch of keys from inventory and use them to open the lock in the niche at the left side of the arch - get a diary and a phone. Come outside. Go to James' house.

Enter the apartment. Take out the phone from the inventory and connect it to the laptop. The PIN was written in notebook Cristoforo - 3795. Enter it from the keyboard and press the "Enter" button. Click on the video icon "movie_01" - get the frame of the video. Open the map and go to Piazzo Farnese.

Take the photo from inventory and use it on the jewelry store. Use the intercom. During the conversation, take a photo from your inventory and show it to the seller, in the window that appears, point to the witness in the lower right corner, then to the criminal - the seller will leave, having previously thrown a cigar. Pick up a cigar from the ground (achievement "Not afraid of pixel hunting"). In inventory, compare the cigar with the photo. Use the intercom again. During the conversation, take out the cigar from inventory. Open the map and go to the club "Raja".

During the chase, move as follows (directions are given relative to the screen, not the view from the car): right, right, left, right, up, left, right, down, down, down, right (reaching "lights off").

Press spacebar (achievement "Look, a bush!"). Get Cristofo's phone from inventory and hide it in the ivy on the fence above the gray car (to the right of your red car). When the guard turns away, run across trash can. Use the phone in inventory. When the guard moves away, get over to the red car. Get the soaked cotton from inventory and wipe the numbers on the back of the car. Return to James' house.

Go to a bar. Talk to Mario about everything - you will find out the username and password to enter the police database. Come outside. Enter the apartment. In inventory, open the diary and scroll through it - you will learn about the DreamRes organization (if you read to the end, you will get the achievement "Attentive reader"). Use a laptop. open search engine. Click in the DreamRes notebook and press the "Search" button. Close the search engine window. Login to the database. Enter the login and password from the notepad (Anita-L and Nolk27 respectively), press the "Enter" button (achievement "Mysterious password"). Enter the number from the notepad (VK-3C*G2) and press the "Enter" button. Since we are interested in a luxury car in Rome, two numbers fit: VK-3C3G2 and VK-3C7G2, ours is the second. Close your laptop. Open the map and go to Evola's house.

Examine the broken fence near the camera. Move the trash can. Take the scalpel from inventory and cut the camera wires. Climb over the fence. Take the scalpel from your inventory and cut off a piece of fabric that covers the machine. Get into the woods. Get Christopho's keys from your inventory and use them on the scaffolding. Once on the roof, take out the sealant from the inventory and coat the door with it. If you want to get an achievement "Ho ho ho!", save, exit the game, change the computer time to December 24, load a saved game, try to climb into the pipe - after obtaining the achievement, the computer time can be returned back. Take a piece of cloth from inventory and close the pipe with it.

Playing as Sylvia (achievement "Lots of space here..."). Talk to John about everything. If you want to get additional achievements, say that you are Eliza Flavi (achievement "Auder Semper"); when John asks you to count, try to make a joke, then say "7" (achievement "Math ace").

Turn on the lamp at night standing next to with sofa. Take the blanket lying on the boxes on the left. Take the mop from the red bucket at the entrance to the bathroom. Take a pillow from the sofa. In inventory, combine the pillow with the mop, then the resulting unit with the blanket. Put the resulting mannequin on the bed. Turn off the lamp. Hide behind the boxes at the front door (achievement "Thrilled face"). Additional achievement "Dialogue skipper" you will receive if you complete the first episode in less than two hours.

To be continued.