Download courses in English. English from scratch: elementary practical English course

Self-taught English is a great way to learn a foreign language without extra money for a teacher and time for attending courses. Today, there are many ways to study the language on your own. For those wishing to speak English, there are numerous online tutorials that will help develop the ability to read, speak and write English at a good level.
For self-study, you need to choose the appropriate level of learning English - elementary (basic), intermediate (normal) and advanced.

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Learning Mode: Online

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Teaching methodology: Selfeducation

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  • Chersi: 2019-03-21 04:20:15

    All my friends speak English fluently, I alone don’t know a single language other than Russian (Although I’m already 30, I think it’s never too late to start learning). I bought a course for a beginner here, according to the Ticher method, for 2000. The video tutorials are cool, for one such a lot becomes clear. I recommend this service. ...

  • Nikita: 2019-03-18 20:00:32

    Good courses, without any rubbish, I especially liked the various English games, everything is easy with them. There are, of course, a couple of points that I would change, but so far everything is fine. It is a pity that there are no bonuses for inviting friends, I could invite a couple of acquaintances here. Maybe in the future they will do something, I hope. ...

  • Mantis: 2019-03-18 13:41:41

    I sat looking for a remote job on the Internet, and realized that we had nothing to catch, we had to look for something on foreign sites. But I have problems with English, I know about 2 points) It was decided to get a course on the Teacher method here. At first it was a little difficult to figure it out, and then everything went like clockwork) I was also pleasantly surprised by the price, the rest take so much for 1 lesson, and here a whole year of study for ~ 2k. ...


Even starting to learn a language from scratch, you can soon begin to participate in a conversation and understand phrases by ear.
Training videos will help with this, where you can listen to dialogues in two versions - Russian and English. Digital technologies allow a lot - to carry out an online translation of an incomprehensible word, scroll through the right moment a certain number of times, test your knowledge with the help of testing. It is also convenient to download audio files to your phone or MP3 player.
and listen on the way to work or on a walk.
A good way to memorize new words and phrases is to listen to foreign music, watch movies in the original dubbing (possible with subtitles), chat with English-speaking interlocutors, correspond with the British.
It is also important to use traditional textbooks and copybooks that will help you understand the grammar rules and consolidate your knowledge based on professionally designed exercises. Such textbooks can be downloaded in text form on the Internet. It is convenient to check the correctness of completed tasks using ready-made answers. It is better to do it with a fresh mind - in the morning, before going to work. During the day, you can look into the dictionary and repeat new words. In the evening, you can do big tasks, exercises, listen to audio files and watch videos.
The main thing is that the process of learning a language brings pleasure. Everyone knows what time of day is most convenient and optimal for classes.
The basic rule of self-study of foreign languages ​​is daily, regular repetition, practice and application in real life. It is better to do a little bit every day than once a week all day long. Programs and numerous materials will help with this, which will form a whole complex - an English language tutorial at home.

English tutorial: how to get the most out of it

It is really possible to learn a foreign language on your own. You just need to know how to "squeeze" everything out of the English tutorial and make your learning interesting and productive.

Learn without haste

Systematic repetition helps to store information in long-term memory. Therefore, it is one of the most effective ways to acquire knowledge.

Do not set ambitious goals for yourself: "to pass the entire English tutorial in a week." Give your brain enough time to absorb the material. You will notice small achievements almost immediately, and they will motivate you to study further.

Create an English speaking environment

Don't limit yourself to one English tutorial. In order to learn a language really well and fast enough, you need to be literally surrounded by it.

According to Walt Disney, the only way to start doing something is to stop talking about it and get to work. And in order for this work to bring the desired effect, you need to choose the right tools. A textbook is one of the main "tools" in the process of learning English, and it can be difficult to choose one among dozens of books. Therefore, we will tell you how an adult should choose an English textbook for beginners and what materials you will need in addition to the main course.

English learners know how difficult it is to choose the right manual for yourself. And it is especially difficult for beginners: they usually have a very vague idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat a good English textbook is. In this case, it is easier for those who study English with a personal teacher or in courses. You will be told what benefits to purchase and how to work with them. But what about those who want to gnaw on the granite of English science on their own? Bookshop shelves are full of English books for beginners. Dozens of authentic manuals, hundreds of books by Russian-speaking authors, not to mention the books from the "English for the Idiot" series, which we wrote about in the article "". How not to get lost here?

We decided to help beginners and have compiled a list of necessary English manuals for beginners. Don't be intimidated by the length of this list, because having 4 books doesn't mean you have to study each of them every day. And such a number of materials is due to the fact that for successful learning it is necessary to develop all English skills: learn to speak, read, write, understand speech by ear, as well as study grammar, vocabulary, try to pronounce words correctly. For beginners, comprehensive training courses are ideal to help you work on all of the above at the same time. However, if you want to study English deeper even at the beginner level, take additional aids.

If you could get up the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed.

If you would only have the courage to start, you would have the courage to succeed.

4 English textbooks for beginners

1. Universal English textbook for beginners

New English File
Level: Beginner
New Total English
Level: Beginner
New English File
Level: elementary
New Total English
Level: elementary
Level: elementary
Level: elementary

Why do we advise you to start working immediately with English-language books? We know that some beginners are afraid that they will not understand anything in authentic textbooks, because there is not a word in Russian. However, this fear is not justified: the authors of the beginner's manuals use only elementary words in the explanations, and the grammar is explained very simply, using real examples with a minimum of theory. We have not yet come across a Russian-language textbook with such clear and concise explanations as in British textbooks. In addition, in authentic books of the Beginner and Elementary levels, the set of words is limited, only the vocabulary that you cannot do without in the future is used. Therefore, we advise you to arm yourself with a dictionary and start with the right English manual for beginners.

2. Textbook to activate vocabulary

English Vocabulary in Use
Level: elementary
Oxford Word Skills

Your main task at the initial level is to learn a lot of vocabulary. And therefore, in addition to the main textbook, we recommend using additional manuals. If you are studying with a teacher, you can ask him to take material from the books we recommend, this will allow you to quickly expand your vocabulary.

If you are taking your first steps in English, you can do without such books. However, once you've mastered the basics, we recommend using the Elementary English Vocabulary in Use or the Basic Oxford Word Skills for beginners. They contain exercises for increasing vocabulary, memorizing word combinations, etc. At the end of the manuals there are answers to all tasks, so they are convenient to use in self-study.

The Visual English Dictionary is a great addition to textbooks. Try to learn words in this way on the website. New vocabulary will be associated with vivid visual images and will be easy to remember.

3. Grammar textbook

Essential Grammar in Use
Level: elementary

Level: 1

To learn how to combine the studied words into sentences, you need to study the grammar of the English language. And it will be easy to master it if you regularly study with good textbooks. How to choose such an allowance?

Murphy's English textbook is a "classic of the genre" in the study of grammar. The famous book “Essential Grammar in Use” is practice, practice and more practice with clearly written theory. We strongly advise all beginners to purchase a red book, in which you will find exercises for your level of knowledge. Lessons-units are built on the principle "from simple to complex", so we advise beginners to complete all the tasks in a row, then the English grammar will be logical and understandable for you. All exercises are answered at the end of the book, making it the perfect English grammar book for beginners.

“Grammarway” is not a very new manual, but of high quality and understandable, and this is exactly what beginners need. The first book in this series is suitable for learning English grammar from scratch. The material is presented conveniently: after each rule there is a block with exercises. In addition, this manual has been translated into Russian, so that it can be advised to those beginners who are not convinced by our arguments in favor of authentic textbooks.

We have named the 2 most popular and effective guides for beginners, and in the review "" you can read about other guides and make your choice yourself.

4. Tutorial for correct pronunciation

Those who are just starting to learn English rarely think about pronunciation, focusing on learning words and grammar. However, the sooner you start working on your pronunciation, the more success you will achieve. Relearning is always more difficult than learning, so it’s better to immediately memorize the correct pronunciation of sounds and try to imitate the intonation of native speakers.

In addition to all the above benefits, you will definitely need a good English dictionary. You can use a printed publication, a computer program or an online dictionary. We advise you to stop at the latter. Online dictionaries are the most up-to-date vocabulary guides, because they are constantly updated and supplemented with new words.

For beginners, Russian-English dictionaries are suitable, and when you reach an average level of knowledge, add English-English reference books to them. We recommend that beginners use the Russian-English dictionaries and On these sites you will find several translations of each word, as well as sentences with examples of the use of these words. And on Lingvo, every word is also voiced by native speakers, so if you decide not to waste time studying transcription, use this dictionary to find out how a word should sound. If you decide to use other reference books, read the article "", from it you will find out what information a high-quality dictionary should contain.

General recommendations for choosing English textbooks for beginners and working with them

1. Learn from new editions

The textbook, which celebrated its 20th anniversary, is obsolete. The English language is changing, new words appear in it, so the manual should be chosen as close as possible to modern realities. In addition, it is much more useful and interesting to read a text about unusual gadgets than about the fashion trends of the 80s.

2. Choose a textbook according to the purpose of learning

The choice of textbook depends on the purpose of the study. Some manuals will allow you to quickly “talk” and not download a large amount of grammar, others are aimed at a gradual deep immersion in the English language, they present the grammatical material in great detail, with many examples and exercises. Think about what is closer to you, and our detailed tutorial reviews will help you make the right choice.

3. Each skill according to the textbook

For each of the items, we have offered you several alternative benefits, but this does not mean that you need to take all of them and rotate them every day. Each author has his own principle of presenting the material, so it makes no sense to grab onto several similar manuals with the hope of learning everything at once. Choose one book for each skill. Take those textbooks in which the manner of presenting the material will be clear and interesting to you, do not turn your teaching into torment.

4. Follow the author

You might be tempted to skip some tutorial units. We strongly discourage you from doing this. In each of the above manuals, the materials are interconnected: they become more complex from lesson to lesson. Therefore, at the initial stage of learning English, it is better not to skip even the simplest topics, then in the future it will be easier to understand more complex material.

5. Test knowledge

Testing is an important part of your learning. It is the knowledge test that will show you which topics you have mastered well, and which ones you need to work on further. In addition, the correct answers will motivate you to move on to the next level of English proficiency. How to check yourself? Some textbooks have tests to test knowledge, while others can be found entire booklets with additional tasks. And in our article you will find. Follow them as you go through new topics, analyze each of your mistakes. Knowledge testing will allow you to gradually get rid of most of the errors. And you will find even more interesting and useful resources in the article "".

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

We hope our selection of English textbooks for beginners will help you choose the right books. And for the right start, read the guide "", from it you will learn what materials to use and how to move forward at the initial stage.

And if you don’t want to figure out how to work with so many textbooks on your own, we offer help. Our school will provide you with all the necessary materials for learning English for free, and the teacher will help you to master them successfully.

"English from scratch" is a study guide for those who want to learn how to speak, listen, read and write English, but have never studied English and do not know how to start learning it. However, it can also be useful for those who once learned English and would like to quickly restore their knowledge. The manual offers a short phonetic course for teaching pronunciation and reading, an elementary grammar course, basic vocabulary on basic topics, communication models used in communication, texts for reading, exercises for training and systematizing the material. The accompanying CD helps develop listening skills.

This course was written at the numerous requests of teachers and students as the first and necessary part in mastering the English language, preceding the work on the textbooks “English for Russians. English speaking course + CD 1 and “English for everyone. Universal guide for learners of English + CD 2. For many years, the author has received requests and wishes to write a textbook based on the methodology he developed for those who want to start learning English, but do not have elementary information about it, i.e. present an elementary English course, after which you can proceed to work on other author's manuals. English for Beginners is for everyone who wants to learn how to speak, read and write English, but who have no idea about this language and do not know how to start learning it. Based on the needs of those who want to learn English from scratch, we offer a textbook consisting of two parts. The first part includes the "Introductory Phonetic Course", "Reading and Writing Rules", as well as the "Thematic Dictionary".

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English from scratch, an elementary practical course in English, Karavanova N.B., 2012 -, fast and free download.

  • English from scratch, Elementary practical English course, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - English from scratch is a textbook for those who want to learn to speak, understand by ear, read and write in English, but ... English language books
  • English for All, Universal Guide for English Language Learners, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - The guide is written on the basis of the author's methodology, aimed at developing all the skills of speech activity: speaking, writing, reading, listening. In every lesson... English language books
  • Keynote Intermediate, Workbook, Lansford L., 2016 - Excerpt from the book: MARK BEZOS got a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in advertising and public relations from Texas Christian … English language books
  • Dictionary of typical mistakes of the English language, Vybornov A.V., 2012 - There are a large number of words and expressions, the translation of which presents significant difficulties for those who study English. This dictionary will help... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries

The following tutorials and books:

  • Real English tutorial, entry level, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - Real English tutorial, entry level, CD, Karavanova N.B., 2015 The tutorial is designed specifically for Russian-speaking students. It includes all… English language books
  • Real spoken English for free communication, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 - Real spoken English for free communication, CD, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 This manual will help you master modern spoken English and learn ... English language books
  • Beginning to learn English, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - Beginning to learn English, Karavanova N.B., CD, 2015. The manual is intended for those who are just starting to learn English or need ... English language books
  • English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2011 - English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, 1 CD, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O. , 2011 English in … English language books

Previous articles:

  • English language books
  • English without a tutor, Self-tutor of the English language, Martynova Yu.A., 2012 - You can learn English quickly, easily and independently with the help of this tutorial. The book lays out the main... English language books
  • Understandable English, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2014 - This manual is intended for a wide range of people traveling abroad and faced with the need to communicate with foreigners in English. … English language books
  • Spoken English, Trofimenko T.G., 2014 - This has never happened before! The author uses an innovative technique that allows, without studying grammar in full and without cramming, to teach a person ... English language books

English from scratch: an elementary practical course in English. Karavanova N.B.

M.: 201 2 . - 3 20s. + CD

English for Beginners is a study guide for those who want to learn how to speak, listen, read and write English, but have never studied English and do not know how to start learning it. However, it can also be useful for those who once learned English and would like to quickly restore their knowledge. The manual offers a short phonetic course for teaching pronunciation and reading, an elementary grammar course, basic vocabulary on basic topics, communication models used in communication, texts for reading, exercises for training and systematizing the material. The accompanying audio material contributes to the development of listening skills.

Format: pdf

The size: 2 MB

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Format: mp3/zip

The size: 60.5 MB

Watch, download:Rghost; yandex.disk

From author 5
The main methodological principles of language teaching used in the textbook 7
Brief guidelines for working with the textbook 10
Introduction to English 12
English phonetics 14
English Grammar 20
Basic Rules for Reading and Writing
LESSON 1. Sounds [m], [f], [v], [p], [b] 25
LESSON 2. Sounds [s], [z], [n], [I], [t], [d] 25
LESSON H. Sound 26
LESSON 4. Sound [e] 27
LESSON 5. Positional length of vowels and consonants [I], [m], [n] 28
LESSON 6. Sound [i] 30
LESSON 7. Sound 31
LESSON 11. Sounds [h], 38
LESSON 12. Sounds, [k], [g] 40
LESSON 14. Sounds [D], [r], , [J] 45
LESSON 15. Sounds [j]. . I. [i:] 50
LESSON 20 Combination of sounds [\l/s:] 61
My first dictionary 64
LESSON 5 123
LESSON 6 132
LESSON 7 149
LESSON 8 161
LESSON 9 172
LESSON 10 192
LESSON 11 210
LESSON 12 224
LESSON 13 243
LESSON 14 259
Translation of dialogues and texts into Russian 275
English-Russian educational dictionary 306

This manual includes the most common phrases and constructions of the English language, provided with vivid examples. The book pays great attention to grammatical, interrogative and modal constructions that will make your phrases correct and beautiful, and you will feel more confident in building English sentences. Colorful humorous illustrations will help you quickly master everyday English.
In this manual you will find many important phrases for communication that will be useful on business and tourist trips, in English courses and in self-study.
The manual is intended for everyone who starts learning English.

It takes.
It takes twenty minutes to get to the station.
It takes twenty minutes to get to the station.

It takes at least three hours to get to our village.
It takes at least three hours to get to our village.

It takes two weeks to do this work.
This work will take two weeks.

It takes two men to repair this wall.
It will take two workers to repair this wall.

It takes courage to defend your opinion.
It takes courage to stand up for your opinion.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download book Illustrated self-instruction manual of English for beginners, 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Grammar of the English language, Textbook, Barkhudarov L.S., Shteling D.A., 2013 - This textbook provides a systematic course of English grammar, including morphology and syntax. In the course, normative information is combined with theory ... English language books
  • Keynote Intermediate, Workbook, Lansford L., 2016 - Excerpt from the book: MARK BEZOS got a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in advertising and public relations from Texas Christian … English language books
  • Solutions Advanced, Teacher's Guide, Stannett K., Falla T., Davies P.A., Hudson J., 2018 - Text excerpt: Engage your students in your blended learning classroom with digital features that can be used on your … English language books
  • Solutions Advanced, Workbook, Falla T., Davies P.A., Hudson J., 2018 - Excerpt from the book: The streets of growing cities are often built on old farm land, so food for the city’s … English language books

The following tutorials and books:

  • Spoken English without problems, Express English course, Oganyan Zh., 2016 - If you are holding this book in your hands, then you are on the right path to mastering the English language. There are currently many… English language books
  • Learn to speak English, Kamionskaya L.V., 2015 - Many parents get lost and feel insecure when their child encounters problems in learning English. Book Learn to Speak English... English language books
  • Express course of the English language, Self-teacher of the English language, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The self-teacher is an express course of the English language. Thanks to a special author's method of presenting the material, you will quickly master the basic rules, you will be able to start speaking, ... English language books
  • English for beginners with illustrations, English with pictures, Komnina A.A., 2016 - This tutorial is perfect for anyone who starts learning English. The book consists of 11 chapters, in each of which you ... English language books

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  • Learning English, With methodological recommendations and illustrations, Derzhavina V.A., 2016 - According to psychologists, modern children perceive information better through visual images. The author proposes to learn more than 300 English words using visual ... English language books
  • All the rules of the English language in diagrams and tables with an appendix, Derzhavina V.A., 2016 - The manual compares favorably with other similar books in its thoroughness and clarity. The rules of English grammar are given in clear and illustrative schemes, ... English language books
  • All the rules of the English language, Derzhavina V.A., 2016 - The book includes all the basic rules of the English language studied in elementary school: Transcription. Pronunciation, Noun, Verb tense… English language books
  • English in pictures for the little ones, Kirillova Yu.V., 2009 - The demonstration material that you are holding in your hands is designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age who are learning English. Benefit… English language books