Modern methods and ways of teaching. Teaching methods and their brief description

Edgar Dale in 1969 identified the most effective ways of learning.

Edgar Dale concluded that:
- listening to lectures on a topic or reading materials on a subject is the least effective way to learn something;
Teaching others and using what you learn in your own life is the most effective way to learn anything.

Edgar Dale taught students the same educational material, but in different ways. And then I analyzed their ability to recall the learned information after graduation.

While the cone is indeed based on the results of Dale's research, the percentages were calculated not by Dale, but by his followers as a result of their own research.

Even though the widely circulated Cone of Learning is not entirely accurate, it provides a guide to the most effective learning techniques the human brain can handle.

The cone of learning clearly explains why clips from a movie are more memorable than a read book on the same topic. The film uses audio and visual aspects that the human brain is more inclined to remember.

How to study and memorize a topic effectively:
Give lectures
While lecturing is one of the worst ways to learn, lecturing on your topic (as a teacher) is one of the most effective.

Write articles
If you have a blog or web page, you can compile articles on your topic.

Create video programs
Even if you don't have your own blog or web page, there are now plenty of video portals like Youtube where you can upload your videos for free viewing. This is a very effective method, since you are preparing lecture material that is accessible not to a narrow circle of lecturers, but to a potential global audience.

Discuss with friends
One of the easiest and most accessible techniques for you is to communicate with people in your social circle. At any appropriate moment, bring up a topic that interests you and convey to your friends all the wealth of knowledge you have on this topic. The more people you discuss it with, the more likely you are to remember this material in the future. In addition, there are literally hundreds of ways to conduct such discussions online, by participating in forums of interest, chat rooms or social networks.

Do it yourself
Whatever you teach others, you must be sure that you are doing it yourself.

Just remember that the data given in the Cone of Learning is not dogma. Everyone has their own approach to learning.

The path from a student to a professional lies through overcoming difficulties. The choice of teaching method affects the efficiency and speed of learning, because the interaction between the student and the teacher is a mutual process, depending on the ability of the teacher to teach the material correctly.

Classification of teaching methods

Teaching methods are ordered ways of transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from a teacher to a student. Without this process, it is impossible: the implementation of goals and objectives, knowledge and assimilation of the material. Types of teaching methods:

  1. Practical- refer to active methods, the main purpose of which is to consolidate students' theoretical skills in practice. They form a high motivation for further activities and learning.
  2. Visual Methods– carried out through interactive means. The presentation of the material becomes more successful and maximizes the use of the human visual sensory system.
  3. verbal methods learning - traditional ways, considered the only possible several centuries ago. With the help of a word, during the lesson, you can convey a large layer of information. The auditory channel of perception is involved.

Active learning methods

Active or hands-on learning methods take place in a democratic way and are aimed at activating thinking, awakening activity in students, which ensures:

  • forced and sustainable involvement in the learning process;
  • stimulation of educational activity;
  • interaction between students and teacher;
  • independent decision-making by students, which has a positive effect on motivation and the development of positive emotions in case of successfully completed activities;
  • solid assimilation of the material as a result of joint reflection on the results of activities.

Active learning methods include:

  • laboratory works;
  • workshops;
  • conferences;
  • round tables;
  • seminars;
  • discussions;
  • role playing;
  • collective discussion of problems.

Interactive teaching methods

Visual teaching methods, or interactive in modern sounding, are one of the important directions for mastering educational material to perfection. As an innovation, the interactive approach emerged in the early 1990s. and is currently in active use. Interactive methods are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • creating comfortable conditions for students;
  • teaching communication and interaction, teamwork;
  • formation of professional competence and opinion;
  • overcoming conflicts and disagreements during the learning process.

Examples of interactive methods are:

  1. Brainstorming as a learning method was invented in the late 30s. A. Osborne. Brainstorming involves the stimulation of creative solutions that are thrown in large numbers and are not analyzed at the initial stage.
  2. The synectics method is a heuristic method of advanced brainstorming. Develops creative imagination through the combination of heterogeneous, meaningless elements and participants look for analogies, or points of contact for incompatible objects.

Passive learning methods

Traditional or passive teaching methods are considered classics in education and are successfully used in modern times. The positive aspect of this type of training is the possibility of oral submission of a large amount of material for a certain period of time. The disadvantages of verbal methods include the one-sidedness of the process (lack of effective communication between the teacher and the student).

Passive methods include the following forms of learning:

  1. Lecture (lesson)- sequential presentation by the lecturer of a certain topic in verbal form. The presentation of material even on a boring topic can interest a student if the speaker has charisma and interest in his specialty.
  2. Video course- modern method of teaching. It is highly effective when used in conjunction with classroom discussions with the teacher and other students.
  3. Seminar- is carried out after a course of lectures on a specific topic in order to consolidate the material covered. There is a two-way communication and discussion.

Modern teaching methods

The field of education is developing rapidly, the need for innovation is dictated by time itself. Innovative teaching methods began to be introduced into the learning process by the 60s of the XX century. It is customary to divide modern innovative methods into 2 types: imitation (imitating - aimed at creating an artificially simulated environment) and non-imitation.

Simulation training methods:

  • role-playing games;
  • didactic games (physical, psychological, intellectual);
  • research projects;
  • business games (game entry into the profession with the use of paraphernalia).

Non-imitative teaching methods:

  • method of multidimensional matrices (morphological analysis of problems, search for missing elements);
  • method of key questions;
  • coaching;
  • consulting;
  • thematic discussions.

Methods of control and self-control in training

Learning is a process that needs to be controlled in order to reveal the material learned by the students and how deeply. If the assimilation of knowledge is low, teachers analyze and revise the methods and techniques of teaching. There are several forms of control of the learning process:

  1. Preliminary control - is carried out at the beginning of the school year, to assess the general situation of students' preparedness, to consolidate previous years of study.
  2. current control– checking the material covered, identifying gaps in knowledge.
  3. Thematic control- the topic or section that has been passed needs to be checked, for this, tests and tests are carried out.
  4. self control- the method involves working with similar sample solutions, answers to problems are offered - the goal of the student is to find a solution that will lead to the correct answer.

Choice of teaching methods

Teachers use various professional teaching methods for a successful teaching process. The choice of teaching methods depends on many factors:

  • general goals and objectives of education;
  • the level of preparation of students;
  • personal characteristics of the teacher;
  • material equipment of the educational institution (modern equipment, technical means).

Conditions for the effectiveness of teaching methods

Effective teaching methods require a high learning outcome, which is tracked with the help of monitoring tools. Teaching methods can be considered effective if the student demonstrates:

  • deep knowledge, able to conduct interdisciplinary connections;
  • willingness to apply the acquired knowledge in real life situations;
  • systematic and structured knowledge, able to substantiate and prove.

Teaching methods - books

Basic teaching methods are used in the education system and preschools and universities. It is difficult for people who have chosen the path of teaching to navigate the various classifications of methods. Professional literature comes to the rescue:

  1. "Fundamentals of Education: Didactics and Methods". Proc. allowance for universities Kraevsky V.V., Khutorskoy A.V. - The book describes the methods of modern teaching for teachers.
  2. "Active learning methods: a new approach". Genike E.A. new interactive teaching methods are described in an interesting and professional way.
  3. "Pedagogy" (ed. Pidkasisty). Textbook for students of pedagogical colleges.
  4. "Methods of teaching social disciplines in higher education". Lyaudis V.Ya. - for students and teachers.

Continuing the theme of the last lesson, we would like to introduce you to those teaching methods that have appeared relatively recently and whose active introduction into the pedagogical process is just beginning to be carried out. If we talk about the traditional educational system, then modern teaching methods can be found extremely rarely in the institutions corresponding to it, but as for private schools, training centers and other similar organizations, new methods appear more and more often in their activities. Why these methods are credited with greater efficiency than traditional methods, you will learn from this lesson. But in addition to the advantages, we will also mention the main disadvantages of innovative methods, which should be paid no less attention to.

To begin with, we note that modern teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, are characterized by slightly different features, namely:

  • Modern teaching methods already in the process of development are adapted to a special pedagogical plan. The development is based on a specific methodological and philosophical view of the author
  • The technological sequence of actions, operations and interactions is based on target settings, which are a clear expected result
  • The implementation of the methods involves the associated activities of teachers and students, which have a contractual basis and which take into account the principles of differentiation and individualization, as well as the optimal use of human and technical potential. Mandatory components should be communication and dialogues
  • Pedagogical methods are planned in stages and implemented sequentially. In addition, they should be feasible for any teacher, but guarantee each student
  • An indispensable component of the methods are diagnostic procedures, which contain the tools, indicators and criteria necessary for measuring student performance.

Modern teaching methods in many cases may not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, which is why it is quite difficult to classify them in some unified way. But this does not prevent not only their application in educational activities, but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.

Modern teaching methods

Among the most popular modern teaching methods today are:


A lecture is an oral form of information transmission, during which visual aids are used.

The advantages of the lecture are that students are guided in large amounts of information, there are usually a large number of students in the classroom, and the teacher can easily control the content and sequence of his presentation.

The disadvantages of the lecture include the fact that there is no feedback from students, there is no way to take into account their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are strictly dependent on schedules and schedules.


The seminar is a joint discussion between the teacher and students of the issues being studied and the search for ways to solve certain problems.

The advantages of the seminar are the ability to take into account and control the level of knowledge and skills of students by the teacher, to establish a connection between the topic of the seminar and the experience of students.

The disadvantages of the seminar are the small number of students in the class and the requirement for the presence of a teacher.


Training is such a teaching method, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect is only of secondary importance.

The advantages of the training are the ability to study the problem from different points of view and catch its subtleties and nuances, prepare students for action in life situations, as well as improve them and create a positive emotional climate.

The main and main disadvantage of the training is that at the end of the training, students must be accompanied and supported, otherwise the acquired skills and abilities will be lost.

Modular learning

Modular learning is a breakdown of educational information into several relatively independent parts, called modules. Each of the modules has its own goals and methods of presenting information.

The positive characteristics of the modular learning method are its selectivity, flexibility and the possibility of rearranging its components - modules.

The negative aspects are that the educational material can be learned in a piecemeal manner and become incomplete. Also, the logical connection of information modules may be lost, as a result of which knowledge will be fragmented.

Distance learning

Distance learning refers to the use of telecommunications in the pedagogical process, allowing the teacher to teach students, being at a great distance from them.

The positive characteristics of the method are the possibility of involving a large number of students, the possibility of learning at home, the possibility for students to choose the most suitable for classes, and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.

The disadvantages here are the high requirements for the technical equipment of the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact between the teacher and the student, and, as a result, reduced motivation on the part of the latter.

Value Orientation

The value orientation method serves to instill values ​​in students and familiarize them with social and cultural traditions and rules. Usually, in the process of work, tools are also used that reflect these rules and traditions.

The positive characteristics of value orientation are its assistance in the adaptation of students to the conditions of real life and the requirements of society or activity.

The weak point of the method is expressed in the fact that the student, if the teacher has embellished any points, may be disappointed in the information received when he encounters the actual state of things.

case study

Analysis of "blockages"

The blockage analysis method consists in modeling situations that often occur in real life and are characterized by a large amount of work, as well as in developing the most effective ways to solve problems caused by such situations.

On the positive side, the presented method is distinguished by the high motivation of students, their active participation in the process of solving problems and the impact that develops analytical skills and systematic thinking.

The disadvantage is that students must have at least basic skills and abilities to solve the tasks.

Work in pairs

Based on the requirements of the pair work method, one student is paired with another, thereby guaranteeing feedback and evaluation from the outside in the process of mastering a new activity. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.

Working in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of their activities and come to an understanding of their shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developed.

The disadvantage lies in the possibility of difficulties due to the personal incompatibility of partners.

reflection method

The reflection method involves the creation of the necessary conditions for students to independently comprehend the material and develop their ability to enter into an active research position in relation to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is carried out by students performing tasks with a systematic check of the results of their activities, during which errors, difficulties and the most successful solutions are noted.

The advantages of the reflective method are that students develop the skill of independent decision-making and independent work, they hone and increase the sense of responsibility for their actions.

But there are also disadvantages: the field of activity of students, which is the problematic of the topic or discipline they are studying, is limited, and the acquisition and honing occurs exclusively by experience, i.e. through .

Rotation method

The rotation method consists in assigning different roles to students in the course of a lesson or lesson, so that they can get a variety of experiences.

The advantages of the method are that it favorably affects the motivation of students, helps to overcome the negative effects of routine activities and expand their horizons and social circle.

Of the minuses, one can name the increased tension of students in cases where new and unfamiliar requirements are presented to them.

Leader-Follower Method

According to this method, one student (or group) joins a more experienced student (or group) in order to master unfamiliar skills and abilities.

The advantages of the method are its simplicity, faster adaptation of students to new activities and honing their communication skills.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the student is not always able to understand the underlying psychological reasons for making decisions by his more experienced partner.

Fly method

Such a simple word is a method in which current issues regarding a topic or problem being studied are solved through the exchange of information and opinions, as a result of which it becomes possible to improve students' skills.

The advantages of the method under consideration lie in its linkage to real situations in the learning process, as well as in providing students with the opportunity to use an emotional-volitional and content-problem approach when making decisions.

The disadvantages are that the teacher or discussion leader needs to be able to focus on important details and make competent generalizations that he will offer students. In addition, there is a high probability of abstract discussions, including those that have a negative emotional connotation.


The method of mythologems involves the search for unusual ways to solve problems that arise in real conditions. Such a search is carried out on the basis of metaphors, in other words, a non-existent scenario is developed that is similar to the existing one.

The positive characteristics of the method are the formation in students of a setting for a creative search for solutions to problems, and a decrease in the level of anxiety of students when they encounter new tasks and problems.

The negative aspects include reduced attention to rational and calculated actions in real conditions.

Experience exchange

The experience exchange method involves a short-term transfer of a student to another place of study (including other countries) and a subsequent return.

The presented experience contributes to the cohesion of the team, improving the quality of communication and broadening one's horizons.

The disadvantage of the method lies in the likelihood of stressful situations due to personal and technical difficulties in a new place.


It involves working together in small groups, the main purpose of which is to find a solution to a given problem or task. Ideas proposed at the beginning of the assault are collected together, initially without any criticism, and at subsequent stages are discussed, and one of the most productive is selected from them.

Brainstorming is effective in that it allows even students with a minimum level of knowledge and a set of competencies to participate, does not require thorough preparation, develops in students the ability to think quickly and engage in group work, has a minimal stressful effect, cultivates a culture of communication and develops the skill participation in discussions.

But this method is not very effective for solving complex problems, does not allow to determine clear indicators of the effectiveness of solutions, complicates the process of determining the author of the best idea, and is also characterized by spontaneity that can lead students away from the topic.

Thematic discussions

The method of thematic discussions is to solve certain problems and tasks in a particular area of ​​any discipline. This method is similar to brainstorming, but differs from it in that the discussion process is limited to a specific framework, and any decisions and ideas that initially seem unpromising are immediately discarded.

The advantages of the method can be called the fact that the information base of students regarding the subject under discussion is expanding and the skill of solving specific problems is formed.

The disadvantage can be called the difficulty of finding a solution to the problem due to the fact that this goal can only be achieved if the teacher or discussion leader has the skill of accurately and comprehensively conveying information to less informed participants.


Consulting or, as the method is also called, counseling boils down to the fact that the student seeks information or practical help from a more experienced person on issues related to a particular topic or area of ​​research.

A positive feature of this method is that the student receives targeted support and increases his experience, both in the field of study and in interpersonal interaction.

The negative side is that the method is not always applicable, which depends on the specifics of pedagogical activity, and in some cases requires material costs for implementation.

Participation in official events

Participation in official events involves attending exhibitions, conferences, etc. by students. The bottom line is to evaluate the event and draw up a brief report, followed by its presentation to the teacher. It also implies the preliminary preparation and research of thematic issues and problems related to the theme of the event.

The positive aspects of the method are the mobilization of the student to search for information relevant to the subject of the event, the development of business communication skills, and the improvement of analytical skills.

The disadvantages include the fact that the emotions and impressions received after attending the event can distort the real objective assessment.

Use of information and computer technologies

The essence of the presented method is clear from the name - modern high-tech means of information transfer, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc. are used in the pedagogical process. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual-figurative data (video materials, graphs, etc.), and the studied object, phenomenon or process itself can be shown in dynamics.

The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of educational material can be dynamic, individual elements of the material or all of it can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with copies of the materials, which means that for subsequent study there is no need for special conditions, for example, in the classroom or class.

The disadvantages are that in most cases there is no interactive connection, in the process of using the method, the individual characteristics of students are not taken into account, and the teacher does not have the opportunity to have a stimulating effect on his students.

And separately, as an independent method, it should be said about special educational simulators.

Educational simulators

In the process of creating simulators, certain pedagogical tasks or situations related to the discipline being studied are modeled. This is done by means of special equipment, which is located in the premises intended for this.

Students master complex skills, problem-solving algorithms, psychomotor actions and mental operations for making decisions regarding the most serious situations and issues within any discipline.

There are a number of requirements for effective simulators:

  • Simulators should be developed taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular discipline, because learning tasks should correspond to the tasks that will be encountered in real life, in terms of their functional and subject content
  • Training tasks performed on the simulator should be aimed at providing students with prompt feedback, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the quality of the actions performed by students.
  • The simulator should be designed for repeated repetition of tasks by students, because it is necessary to achieve automatic correctness of actions. The correctness of actions, in turn, can be indicated by the comments of teachers, as well as the feelings of students received by them through the senses and experiences.
  • Training tasks that are performed using the simulator must be selected so that the complexity of the implementation increases. This allows the student not only to properly master the practice, but also not to lose

Any teaching method that is planned to be used in the pedagogical process can give the maximum result if it is found that it is really suitable for use. This can be established only by analyzing the characteristics and characteristics of students and the area in which they receive knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular teaching method by analyzing the content of the learning tasks and methods that are offered to students, based on whether they correspond to current problems and situations.

The productivity of the pedagogical process during the development by students of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills requires teachers to develop an orientation system in each discipline being studied. Creating the optimal content of educational programs allows students to form systemic thinking, which will be the guarantor of their successful learning and development, the presence of cognitive interest, motivation for further learning and mastering any kind of knowledge, skills, subjects and disciplines.

But in pedagogical activity there is not and, perhaps, there cannot be any universal method or system of methods. It is important to be able to apply an integrated approach, which means that teachers should give preference in their work not only to modern or traditional teaching methods, but to apply each of them both individually and together, setting themselves the task of developing the most optimal and effective educational program.

In this lesson, we talked about modern teaching methods and pointed out their main advantages and disadvantages. Of course, we did not disclose absolutely all of their features (we did not actually set ourselves such a goal), however, the information already available should be enough to help you decide which method appeals to you to a greater extent, what you wanted to understand in more detail and what to apply later in their pedagogical activities.

As for the next lesson, in it we will touch on an equally serious topic regarding the direct interaction between the teacher and students - we will talk about the methods of pedagogical influence on the personality of students.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

"Modern teaching methods"


  1. Teaching methods: concept, essence, classification.

1. Teaching methods: concept, essence, classification.

The Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) has significantly changed the vector of education, giving priority to the student's activity.

  • In connection with the change in the direction, goals and objectives of training and education, the methods of constructing a lesson and the content of the educational process should also change. However, the role of traditional teaching methods and techniques should not be underestimated.

The method of teaching is a very complex and ambiguous concept. So far, scientists have not come to a common understanding and interpretation of the essence of this pedagogical category. Despite the different definitions, one can also note something in common that brings the points of view closer. We are talking about the fact that recently most authors tend to consider the teaching method to be

the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students.

I.F. Kharlamov, along with the organization of educational activities of students, singles out the teaching work of the teacher in the methods, puts the activity of the teacher in the first place. In his opinion, the teaching method organically includes the teaching work of the teacher (presentation, explanation of the material being studied) and the organization of active educational and cognitive activity of students.

Other authors rightly point out that the ways of the teacher's learning activity (teaching) and the ways of students' learning activity (teaching) are closely related. In their opinion, the method in the learning process acts as a way of interconnected activities of the teacher and students to achieve certain pedagogical goals. Highlighting this relationship, Yu.K. Babansky gave the following definition: "The teaching method is a method of ordered interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving the problems of education."

A definition has become widespread, which not only highlights the relationship between the activities of the teacher and the student, but emphasizes equality and

the equivalence of both sides in organized activity. So, according to N.V. Savin, "teaching methods are ways of joint activity of a teacher and students aimed at solving learning problems."

The fourth group of authors believes that both the teaching activity of the teacher in organizing and ensuring the educational activities of students, and the joint activity of the teacher and students themselves are only means in learning. The main task of the teacher is

  • to include the student in the learning process and help organize learning activities. That is why T. A. Ilyina considers the teaching method as "a way of organizing the cognitive activity of students."

Thus, teaching methods are ways of organizing a student's educational and cognitive activity with predetermined tasks, levels of cognitive activity, learning activities and expected results to achieve didactic

ical purposes.

There are also various classifications of teaching methods, the variety of which depends on the principle of classification (Table 1).

Table 1

Classification of teaching methods


Types of Methods




E.V. Perovsky

Source of knowledge

1. Verbal (lecture, teacher's story, conversation,

E.Ya. Golanth

work with a book, educational text);

2. Visual (demonstration of paintings, dummies,

films and filmstrips, herbariums, etc.);

3. Practical (performing experience, experiment,

research work, laboratory work,

exercises, tables, charts,

diagrams, performing measurements on the ground,

device manufacturing, etc.).

M.N. Skatkin


1. Explanatory and illustrative, or

AND I. lerner


information-receptive, method, basic


whose purpose is to organize

students in

assimilation of knowledge by students in finished form.


2. Reproductive method, the main feature

which is reproduction and repetition


way of activity according to the instructions of the teacher. The

method characterizes not only activity

student, but also involves organizing,

motivating activity of the teacher.

3. Problem statement (used by the main

way at a lecture, while working with a book,

experimentation, etc.) is that

the teacher poses a problem, solves it himself, showing

while doing the solution path in its genuine, but

contradictions available to students.

4. Partial search, or heuristic, method

is that the teacher organizes the participation

schoolchildren in the performance of individual stages of the search,

constructs a task, breaks it down into

auxiliary, outlines the search steps, and students

carry it out independently, updating

cash knowledge, motivating their actions. This

the method includes independent work of students,

conversation, lectures, etc.

5. The research method is defined as

way of organizing search, creative

activities of students to solve new for them

problems. This method is designed to provide creative

application of knowledge, mastering the methods of scientific

knowledge in the process of searching for these methods and

applying them.

V. Window

Differentiation and

1. Methods of assimilation of knowledge. These include conversation


discussion, lecture, work with a book,

actions of the teacher and

programmed learning.

its students

2. Methods of self-acquisition of knowledge

based on the use of problematic methods

learning. They stimulate student interest

force them to analyze the situation, highlighting

known and unknown data.

3. Estimated (exposing) methods

characterized by a wealth of varieties, among

which stand out impressive

and expressive methods.

4. Methods for the implementation of creative tasks can

based on the management of classes, during

which students do woodwork,

glass, metal or work with plastic

masses, make fabrics, bind books,

grow plants, animals, equip

school playgrounds or work in the countryside


M.I. Makhmutov

Concept difference

Teaching Methods

"teaching" and

1. Information-reporting method (message

"teaching" and

without sufficient explanation, generalization,



the concept of "method

2. Explanatory teaching method (opening

teaching" and

the essence of a new concept with the help of a word,

"learning method"

practical steps).

which in

3. Instructive-practical teaching method


characterized by the indication of the teacher to the students,


what kind of practical work they need

"binary methods



4. Explanatory-inducing method

teaching (training material partially

explained by the teacher, and partly given to students in

the form of problem-cognitive tasks).

5. Inciting teaching method (staging

teacher of problematic issues and tasks before

students), i.e. the organization of their independent

research activities.

teaching methods

1. Performing method of teaching (learning without

critical analysis and reflection).

2.Reproductive method of teaching (understanding

explanations of the teacher by the student and conscious

their acquisition of knowledge).

3.Productive-practical method (working out

skills of practical actions; activities for

invention; execution of orders

organizational and practical nature).

4. Partial-search method of teaching (combination

the student's perception of the teacher's explanations with his

search activities).

5. Search method of teaching (the student independently

discovers and acquires new knowledge through

posing learning problems and solving them, or

looking for ways to solve a practical problem).

Yu.K. Babanskiy

Holistic approach

1. Methods for organizing and implementing educational

to activity

the process of mediation by personality is provided

educational information.

2. Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational

cognitive activities that

Provides essential adjustment functions

educational activity, its cognitive, volitional and

emotional activation.

3. Methods of control and self-control of efficiency

educational and cognitive activities, thanks to

which teachers and students perform the functions

control and self-control during training.

  1. Traditional and modern teaching methods.

The most popular teaching methods used in the educational process, as well as their main characteristics, are included in Table 2.

table 2

Traditional and modern teaching methods

Method characteristic



The lecture is oral

Students are guided by

No feedback

form of transmission

large arrays

from students, no

information, in the process

information in class

opportunities to take them into account

which apply

is usually present

initial level of knowledge

visual aids

a large number of

and skills, and classes are hard

students, and the teacher can

dependent on schedules and

easy to control


the consistency of his


The seminar is

The ability to take into account

A small amount of

joint discussion

control the teacher

students in class and

teacher and students

level of knowledge and skills

requirement to have

research questions and search

students, set

teacher of high

ways to solve certain

connection between the theme of the seminar

communication skills


and available to students


Training is a method

Opportunity to explore

Upon completion, students

training based on

problem from different angles.

must be accompanied and

is practical

vision and catch its subtleties

receive support otherwise

side of the pedagogical

and nuances, prepare

acquired skills and

process, and theoretical

students to take action

skills will be lost

aspect has only

life situations and

secondary importance

also raise them

motivation and create


emotional climate

Modular learning is

selectivity, flexibility and

The learning material can

breakdown of training

the possibility of rearrangement

be taken apart and

information for several

its components - modules

becomes incoherent


independent parts,

called modules

Distance learning

Possibility of involvement

High requirements for

involves application in

a large number of students

technical equipment

pedagogical process

opportunity to study at

pedagogical process,


home, choice

lack of visual

means to

students the most

teacher contact and

teacher to teach students

right time for

student and, as a result,

being away from them on a large

activities and opportunity

decreased motivation from


transfer results

side of the latter

learning process on

various electronic


value method

Facilitating adaptation

The student, if the teacher

orientation is for

students to the conditions

embellished any

instilling values

real life and

moments, maybe

students and familiarizing them

society's requirements or

disappointed in the

with social and


information when

cultural traditions and

collide with real


state of affairs

Coaching (in a more conventional

Introduction to students

Teacher selection process




study area

(in this case, trainers)

mentoring) represents

carried out with

requires them to have




maximum return,

as high as possible



increases their motivation


teachers or more experienced


personal and

less than


interest, formed


their adaptation to personal

unique skills and abilities

skills and qualities






research topic

The meaning of role playing

Strengthen reflection

unable to reveal

student performance

students, improve their

deep motives,

established roles in

understanding the motives of actions

encouraging people

conditions that meet

other people, reduce

make decisions in life

tasks of the game created in


and professional

research topic

common mistakes,


or subject

committed in real


The essence of the business game method

Provides an opportunity to

Necessity necessarily

is to model

comprehensive study

create a game script

all sorts of situations or

problems, prepare

requirement for the highest

features of the sides of that

ways to solve it and

teacher qualifications

activities that

apply them

with regard to

related to the topic under study

problem situations and

or discipline

the need to have

high skills


The essence of the method "action on

Corresponds to specific

For student activities

sample" is reduced to

situations within

may affect

demonstration of behavioral

research topic, and

negative settings,

model, which is

takes into account individual

personality related

example for behavior

student characteristics

coach, but not affiliated with

completing tasks and

imitation in learning



Based on the requirements of the method

Allows the student

The possibility of difficulty in

pair work, one

get an objective

connection with personal

the student is paired with

performance evaluation and

incompatibility of partners

others, thereby

come to understand your

guaranteeing receipt


feedback and evaluation from

parties in the process of development

new activity

reflection method

Students develop

Field of activity

involves the creation

independent skill

students representing

necessary conditions

decision making and



independent work,

the topic they are studying or

understanding the material

skills are honed

discipline, limited, and

students and work

planning and achievement

receiving and honing

their ability to enter

goals, increased feeling

happens exclusively

active research

responsibility for their

empirically, i.e.

position in relation to


through trial and error

material being studied

The rotation method is

Favorably reflects on


assigned to students in

student motivation,

students in cases

the course of a lesson or lesson

contributes to overcoming

when they are presented

different roles thanks to

negative effects

new and unfamiliar

what can they get

routine activities and


versatile experience

expanding horizons and

psychological reasons

experienced student (or

communication skill

decision making

group) in order to

more experienced partner

master the unfamiliar

skills and abilities

The method of mythologems

Formation in students

Reduced attention to

implies a search

settings for creative

logic and rational

unusual ways

finding solutions to problems

calculated actions in

solving problems that

development of creative

real conditions

occur in real

thinking, and decline


anxiety level

students with their

encountering new

tasks and problems

  1. Specificity of modern teaching methods.

Thus, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following training methods can be used. Passive, when the teacher dominates and the students are passive. Such methods within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard are recognized as the least effective, although they are used in separate lessons of the teaching type. The most common method of passive methods is a lecture. Active methods, in which the teacher and the student act as equal participants in the lesson, have

vector teacher student. Interactive methods are recognized as the most effective, in which students interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other. Vector: teacher student student.

Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is supposed to use active and interactive methods, as more efficient and effective, including:

Case method. The situation is set (real or as close to reality as possible). Students must explore the situation, offer options for resolving it, choose the best possible solutions.

The project method involves an independent analysis of a given situation and the ability to find a solution to the problem. The project method combines research, search, creative methods and teaching methods according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Problematic method - involves the formulation of a problem (problem situation, problematic issue) and the search for solutions to this problem through the analysis of similar situations (issues, phenomena).

The method of developing critical thinking through reading and writing is a method aimed at developing critical (independent, creative, logical) thinking.

Heuristic method - combines a variety of gaming techniques in the form of competitions, business and role-playing games, competitions, research.

The research method has something in common with the problematic method of teaching. Only here the teacher himself formulates the problem. The task of the students is to organize research work to study the problem.

Modular learning method - the content of the training is distributed into didactic blocks-modules. The size of each module is determined by the topic, learning objectives, profile differentiation of students, their choice.

We offer you to get acquainted with a group of interesting author's methods that can be used both in elementary school and at other levels of education.

The method of advanced learning, developed by S. N. Lysenkova, has been giving positive results in elementary school for many years. One of its most important components is commented management, which is an important point in organizing the work of students in the classroom. “Teaching children to think aloud” is one of the principles of the lessons of S.N. Lysenkova and one of the feedback elements. The activities of the class in the lesson are led not only by the teacher, but also by the student, thinking aloud and leading the whole class. Commentary management begins from the first day of schooling, from the first steps (writing elements of letters, numbers, pronunciation of words, solving simple examples, tasks). A clear rhythm, a brief description, the argumentation of the elements when commenting ensure the availability of the assignment for each student of the class. The term “lead” entered the lesson instead of the traditional and very scary “answer” for little ones.

Another important factor in the method of advanced learning is the use of reference schemes by the teacher. The scheme is the support of the student's thought, his practical activity, the connecting link between the teacher and the student. Reference diagrams are conclusions drawn up in the form of tables, cards, typesetting canvas, drawing, drawing, which are born at the moment of explanation. Reference schemes differ from traditional visualization, being the pillars of thought and action.

Another point of the advanced learning method is the implementation of the principle of perspective learning. The material for advanced preparation is taken from the textbook, and additional micro-exercises are also used, which concretize and develop the topic.

The study of difficult topics is carried out in three stages sequentially, from simple to complex with all the necessary transitions, and ends with the development of the skill of practical action. So, at the first stage, there is an acquaintance with new concepts, the disclosure of the topic. Based on the support schemes, evidence-based speech is developed, various exercises are performed using commented control. At this stage, activity is shown, as a rule, by strong students. At the second stage, the concepts are clarified and the material on the topic is summarized. Children are guided in the generalization scheme, master the evidence, successfully cope with tasks that are offered as independent tasks for the first time at this time. It is at this stage that advance occurs. At the third stage, the saved time is used. During this period, the basic schemes are removed, the skill of practical action is formed and there is an opportunity for a further perspective.

  • The microdiscovery method developed by E.S. Sinitsyn is based on the scenario of a heuristic conversation. The next micro-problem is put forward in front of the class or audience, formulated in the form of a question to which students are invited to answer.

The difficulty of the question is carefully dosed in compliance with the wave principle - easy questions are replaced by questions of medium difficulty, and the latter are very difficult. Easy questions contain more suggestive information than questions of medium difficulty, and even less in difficult questions. In order to correctly answer a difficult question, the student must mobilize all his creative potential. The main condition is the observance of the interconnection of neighboring issues, i.e. each subsequent question should take into account not only the content of the previous one, but also those questions and answers that formed the essence of the dialogue much earlier. When using this teaching method, new knowledge is formed as a set of small discoveries made by the student himself, and the teaching technology lies in directing all these small discoveries. The micro-discovery method harmoniously combines all methods of inventive creativity: brainstorming, collective discussion, synectics and induction of psycho-intellectual activity.

The synectics method is based on the use of analogies and associations to find the required solution. Method of intensification of psychointellectual activity

is intended for an emotional impact on the group with the help of certain methods of the leader: his charm, artistry and the "sporty" form of his logic. The teacher, who uses the oral technology of the microdiscovery method in his activity, expresses two functions. On the one hand, he acts as a brainstorming conductor, on the other hand, as an improviser.

Thus, the arsenal of traditional and modern teaching methods is very large, which provides the teacher with ample opportunities to achieve the goals of the educational process.

Angela Buldakova
Methods and techniques for teaching preschool children

The teaching method is a system of consistent interrelated ways of work of the teacher and the children being taught, which are aimed at achieving didactic tasks. Each method consists of certain techniques of the teacher and trainees. The method of learning, unlike the method, is aimed at solving a narrower learning problem. The combination of techniques forms a teaching method. The more diverse the techniques, the more meaningful and effective the method in which they are included. The choice of teaching method depends, first of all, on the purpose and content of the upcoming lesson. The teacher gives preference to one or another method, based on the equipment of the pedagogical process.

In preschool pedagogy, a classification of teaching methods is adopted, which is based on the main forms of thinking (visual-effective and visual-figurative)

Visual methods and teaching techniques


1. Observation - the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, to notice the changes taking place, to establish their causes.

Types of observations: short-term and long-term; repeated and comparative; recognizing character; for changing and transforming objects; reproductive nature.

2. Demonstration of visual aids (objects, reproductions, filmstrips, slides, videos, computer programs).

Visual aids used to get acquainted with the environment: didactic pictures, united in a series; reproductions of paintings by famous artists; book graphics; subject pictures; educational films.


Showing ways, actions;

Sample display.

Verbal methods and teaching techniques


1. The teacher's story.

The story achieves its goal if: the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children; the main idea, thought is clearly traced in the story; the story is not overloaded with details; its content is dynamic, consonant with the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them; adult speech is expressive.

2. Children's stories (retelling of fairy tales, stories from pictures, about objects, from children's experience, creative stories).

3. Conversation.

According to didactic tasks, there are: introductory (preliminary) and final (summarizing) conversations.

4. Reading fiction.


Questions (requiring ascertainment; inducing to mental activity);

Indication (integral and fractional) ;



pedagogical assessment;

Conversation (after an excursion, a walk, viewing filmstrips, etc.).

Game methods and teaching techniques


1. Didactic game

2. An imaginary situation in expanded form: with roles, game actions, appropriate gaming equipment.


Sudden appearance of objects;

Performance by the educator of game actions;

Guessing and guessing riddles;

Introduction of competition elements;

Creation of a game situation.

Practical teaching methods

1. Exercise is a repeated repetition by a child of mental or practical actions of a given content (imitative-performing nature, constructive, creative).

2. Elementary experiments, experimentation.

Elementary experience is the transformation of a life situation, an object or a phenomenon in order to reveal hidden, not directly represented properties of objects, to establish links between them, the reasons for their change, etc.

3. Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, relationships of objects. It is based on the principle of substitution (a real object is replaced by another object, a conventional sign). Object models, subject-schematic models, graphic models are used.

The choice and combination of teaching methods and techniques depends on:

Age characteristics of children (in the younger preschool age, the leading role belongs to visual and game methods; in the middle preschool age, the role of practical and verbal methods increases; in the older preschool age, the role of verbal teaching methods increases);

Forms of organization of training (the educator chooses the leading method and provides for it a variety of techniques;

Equipment of the pedagogical process;

The personalities of the educator.


Means of education is a system of objects, objects, phenomena that are used in the educational process as auxiliary.

Classification of educational means

1. Means of material culture - toys, dishes, environmental objects, TSO, games, clothes, didactic materials, etc.

2. Means of spiritual culture - books, art objects, speech.

3. Phenomena and objects of the surrounding world (natural phenomena, flora and fauna.)

A learning tool is a material or ideal object that is used by the teacher and students to learn new knowledge.

The choice of teaching aids depends on:

Regularities and principles of training;

General goals of training, education and development;

Specific educational objectives;

The level of motivation for learning;

The time allotted for the study of a particular material;

The volume and complexity of the material;

The level of preparedness of trainees, the formation of their training skills;

Age and individual characteristics of the trainees; - type and structure of the lesson;

Number of children;

children's interest;

The relationship between the teacher and children (cooperation or authoritarianism);

Logistics, availability of equipment, visual aids, technical means;

Features of the personality of the teacher, his qualifications.

Verbal methods and techniques for teaching children

Verbal methods and techniques make it possible to convey information to children in the shortest possible time, set a learning task for them, and indicate ways to solve it. Verbal methods and techniques are combined with visual, playful, practical methods, making the latter more effective. Purely verbal methods in teaching preschoolers are of limited value.

Teacher's story- the most important verbal method that allows children to present educational material in an accessible form.

The story achieves its goal in teaching children if the main idea, thought is clearly traced in it, if it is not overloaded with details, and its content is dynamic, consonant with the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them.

In the story, knowledge of different content is conveyed in a figurative form. Literary works are used as material for the stories (stories by K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Bianchi, V. A. Oseeva, etc.), stories of the teacher from personal experience.

The story is one of the most emotional methods of verbal learning. Usually it has a strong impact on the child, as the educator puts his attitude to the events that he tells about.

Storyteller Requirements:

The use of facial expressions, gestures, speech expressive means.

Expressiveness of speech.


Irregularity of information.

Before the story, the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children. In the process of telling the story with intonation, rhetorical questions, he draws their attention to the most essential.

Conversation- a dialogical teaching method, which assumes that all participants in the conversation can ask questions and answer, express their point of view. The conversation is used in cases where children have some experience and knowledge about the objects and phenomena to which it is dedicated.

The task of the teacher is to build a conversation in such a way that the experience of each child becomes the property of the entire team.

Ethical - education of moral feelings, the formation of moral ideas, judgments, assessments.

Cognitive - is closely related to the content of children's lives, the events of current life, with the surrounding nature and the work of adults.

For didactic purposes:

Introductory conversations - prepare children for upcoming activities, observation.

A generalizing (final) conversation is conducted with the aim of summarizing, clarifying, systematizing the knowledge acquired by children on a particular topic of educational work over a sufficiently long period of time.

* It is necessary to select works that are valuable in educational terms, appropriate for the age and level of development of children.

* The teacher prepares children for the perception of the work with a short conversation, sets them an educational and cognitive task.

* You should consider combining reading with other methods, in particular with visual ones (the same rules apply here that apply to the storytelling method).

*After reading, a conversation is held to help the child better understand the content of the work.

*During the conversation, the teacher tries to enhance his emotional and aesthetic impact on the pupils.

In the learning process are used verbal devices: questions for children, indication, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

When reading and telling works of art, the educator uses such techniques that help children understand and, therefore, better assimilate the text, enrich the speech of children with new words, that is, give them new knowledge about the world around them.

These methods are as follows:

1) an explanation of words incomprehensible to children found in the text;

2) the introduction of words - ethical assessments of the actions of heroes;

3) a comparison of two works, of which the second continues and clarifies the ethical theme begun in the first, or contrasts the behavior in similar situations of two heroes - positive and negative.

In teaching preschoolers, it is necessary to combine different types of questions:

Requiring a simple statement of facts known to the child (such as who, what, what, where, when);

Encouraging children to mental activity, to the formulation of conclusions, conclusions (such as why, why, why, for what purpose).

Questions should be specific, suggesting one or another answer of the child; exact wording.