Wanderers are earthly angels. Who are the Wanderers who are they

Wanderers - who are they?
I can already tell a wanderer from a "local". By the special expression of the eyes, by longing for the Home, by childhood memories...
Here is what Doreen Virtue writes in her book "Earth Angels":
"Earth Angels is another definition for those who are called Lightwalkers, Indigos, Crystal Children, or some other name that describes a person incarnated for the purpose of helping this world.
Each of us was born with a personal task of development and growth. We choose our own direction for our new life, during which we learn some specific lesson in patience, forgiveness or compassion. But the Earth Angels, in addition to this, carry out a global mission, and it consists in serving and helping the whole world.
If you have the ability and desire to heal, teach, help other people, and even if you have your own problems and weaknesses, it is quite possible that you are an Earth Angel. And if you are very sensitive and do not tolerate violence in any form, it is very likely that you are an Earth Angel!

Wanderers are not necessarily "out of this world" or "kind and good" in terms of the patterns of this world, but they always have a core of selfhood, they often do not have authorities and many problems in their youth due to rebelliousness, the nature of which is hypertrophied feelings justice and rejection of any kind of violence. Alienation and loneliness, protest, a keen sense of unearthly harmony, absent in the activities of "earthly",
Rejection of the laws of society and the search for true sound are the characteristic features of wanderers. Often a short but vibrant life dedicated to service and the cry "WAKE UP PEOPLE!"

From RA materials about Wanderers:

RA claims that 65 million of the Earth's population are Wanderers. According to my data - 10%, 2% of which are avatars of different levels.


RA: Imagine sand on a beach. The sources of intelligent infinity are as incalculable as grains of sand. When a social memory complex reaches a full understanding of its desires, it may come to the conclusion that its desire is to serve any entities that call for help. These entities, you might call them the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow, come to the call of sorrow. They come from different places of Infinite Creation. They themselves do not grieve, but come to the aid of those who grieve. They are Wanderers. There are approximately 65 million of them on Earth. (Book 1, p. 127)


RA: Some of them belong to 4th density. However, most Wanderers are 6th density.

The desire to serve must be distorted towards greater purity of mind and what you call fearlessness. The problem and danger for the Wanderer is that he will forget his mission and become involved in karma, and consequently will be captured by the whirlwind and force that he himself intended to resist. (Book 1. p. 127)


RA: Due to the significant difference between 3rd density vibrational distortions and higher density distortions, they are usually handicapped in some way or feel extremely alienated. Often they are allergic. (Book 1, pp. 127-128)


RA: Unlike the density of origin, in 3rd density the Wanderer has the potential to greatly accelerate the increase in the density of consciousness. This comes at the expense of the intensity of life experiences and opportunities in 3rd density.

Therefore, the positively polarized Wanderer chooses to accept the danger of forgetting who he is in order to serve others through the radiance of love.

If forgetting does occur, the catalyst force in 3rd density will polarize the Wanderer with much greater intensity than would be expected in higher and more harmonious densities. (Book 2, p. 67)


Carla Rueckert: “No wonder Wanderers have trouble waking up in the illusion we call 'coherent reality'. When someone comes into incarnation, there is always a fear that not only will they not wake up, but they will lose the experience of a lifetime.”

So fearlessness is the code that awakens. Awakens the Wanderer who awakens others, those who are in sorrow...

The test below is basically what I'm looking for when determining if someone is an alien soul. These are very subjective measurements based on my own experience and not supported by authorities or statistics.

Please take it simply as a generalized portrait of alien Wanderers (or Star People) and a non-standard roadmap to aid your journey into the hidden fortress of the Self.

You are most likely an alien Wanderer if…

1. As a child, you often dreamed about aliens, UFOs, other worlds, space travel, and utopian societies. Your family thought you were "a little weird" because of your behavior.

2. You have always felt that your parents are not your real parents, that your real family is far away and hidden. Perhaps you thought that everything around “for some reason is not what it should be”, and reminds you of life somewhere “far away”. These feelings caused a lot of pain and sadness. You felt like a being “out of this world”.

3. On one or more occasions you had a live UFO experience (dream or waking) that changed your life significantly: it helped resolve doubts, gave you confidence and hope, offered an explanation, and set a big goal. As a result, you knew that you were a different person. They served as a spiritual wake-up call and changed your life.

4. You are a very kind, gentle, harmless, peaceful and non-aggressive person (not sometimes, but almost always).

You are not interested in money and property, and if there is “someone who can do without it”, it is usually you; this is your habitual sacrifice. Manifestations of human heartlessness, cruelty and constant global wars seem strange to you (say, alien?). You cannot understand the anger, the fury of other people and the competition between them.

5. You find it hard to recognize evil and deceit - some people call you naive (and they are right!). When you perceive genuine negativity, you recoil in horror and may feel shocked at how “some people can do such terrible things.

On a subtle level, you feel bewildered. Perhaps you do not clearly imagine a world free from disharmony.

6. The essence of your life is service to others (be it family, friends or colleagues); you cherish great ideals, which can also be pure and naive (in the global sense). But you sincerely, deeply hope to improve the world. When such hopes and dreams do not materialize, you feel deeply disappointed and dissatisfied.

7. You have a completely scientific nature with an analytical mindset, with a rational and balanced approach to life. Human passions, passionate desires seem strange to you: you are puzzled. Romance and feelings are alien to your nature.

You're always analyzing experiences, which is why people say you're on your own, which is true! [Note: This type of Wanderer is rare, they might never read this book, their skepticism is too great! Perhaps such a “white crow” is a remarkable scientist.]

8. You have always been fascinated by science fiction, medieval fantasy (The Hobbits) and the art of divination. If you had a choice, you would rather live in dreams of the past or future than in the real present.

Sometimes you find your earthly life boring and insignificant and wish you were in a perfect, exciting world. You have been dreaming about this for a very long time.

9. You have an insatiable interest in UFOs, life on other worlds, or previous earthly civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria. Sometimes you feel like you've been there and maybe someday you'll be back.

There are several of these books on your bookshelves. (Actually, this question is redundant, since only Wanderers or Walk-ins have a deep, enduring curiosity about the higher worlds, and for a very obvious reason!)

10. You have a great interest in mystical spirituality (Eastern or Western), in theory and practice, with a deep feeling that you had great powers and somehow lost them.

You don't find it necessary to learn because you "already were there", but you forgot what you knew. People may doubt your courage, but you know it's not that simple.

11. You have become a conscious conduit for aliens or some other unearthly source. You realize that the purpose of your life is to help others grow and develop. (Wanderer, it is very likely that you are no longer sleeping!)

12. You feel, and perhaps have felt all your life, a huge alienation from others and a sense of your own alienness. You hope to become like everyone else, do your best to be “normal” or imagine yourself to be like everyone else. But the thing is, you just feel differently and always have.

You are very afraid of never finding your place in the world. (A world that is not your world! Note: This is a classic Wanderer profile.)

Of course, my questionnaire is not exhaustive, and simple “yes” answers to any of the questions do not necessarily mean that you are from Somewhere Else.

While some questions are pretty good indications of an alien origin, such as #3 (if your alien contact was clear and extremely positive) and #1 and #12 (classic profile), there is no guarantee that you are a Wanderer. (And please, I take no legal responsibility!)

If you come to the conclusion that it is indeed possible to be convinced of something as radical as an alien individual (which, however, is not important for some people), you should be convinced of this to the end.

Each of us has heard the word “wanderer” at least once in our lives, albeit in a somewhat distorted form - “strange”, “strange”, indicating a certain dissimilarity and difference from an ordinary person and his conditional “normality”.

This is very embarrassing for some, it’s not easy for someone to live with it, but someone perceives this given quite naturally.

In addition, for some of us, the word "wanderer" is associated with the "eternal traveller", a restless soul looking for himself and his own spiritual path.In this sense, a wanderer is a pilgrim, a wanderer, an ascetic and a seeker of truth driven by all the winds of fate, listening to the voices of the world.

In any case, we are all, to some extent, wanderers of life, traveling through the labyrinths of fate, exploring the paths of new experience.

But today the concept of "wanderer" is much broader. For like ultra-fast and escaping wanderer stars (such as LAMOST-HVS1, for example), sweeping at great speed through the Milky Way, earthly wanderers are star crops from different parts of the galaxy, which also in endless motion stop for a moment of life in a forgotten corner the universe, the planet of grief and sorrow - Terra incognita.

And these Brothers or Sisters of Sorrow come to the call issued from our long-suffering planet to help the suffering wanderers of the Earth. But the paradox of earthly life is that often they do not even realize their chosen path of wandering and asceticism, having come to the world of oblivion.

Lonely Wanderers and Pilgrims of the Spirit

Who are you, a wanderer who seeks the Heavenly City and a hero who makes a spiritual path?

And often difficult to describe in words.
We are Pilgrims, eternal wanderers.
To list, we do not have enough fingers,
Where have we been, what places. “Wanderers of unknown paths".

The theme of wanderers, traveling elders, pilgrim monks, kobzars can be found in many thinkers, writers and poets who saw in this the spirit of freedom and God-seeking - S. N. Bulgakov, P. A. Florensky, T. G. Shevchenko, S. Yesenin , N. Gumilyova, N. A. Berdyaeva, M. Voloshin, N. K. Roerich.

All of them were marked by the seal of loneliness and a thirst for spiritual quest.

A homeless long journey is assigned to me by fate ...
Let him be alien to others ... I do not call with me -
I am a wanderer and a poet, a dreamer and a passer-by. M. Voloshin.

In addition to morning

Original taken from jerboa_wee Wanderers - Earth Angels

Wanderers - who are they?
I can already tell a wanderer from a "local". By the special expression of the eyes, by longing for the Home, by childhood memories...
Here is what Doreen Virtue writes in her book "Earth Angels":
"Earth Angels is another definition for those who are called Lightwalkers, Indigos, Crystal Children, or some other name that describes a person incarnated for the purpose of helping this world.
Each of us was born with a personal task of development and growth. We choose our own direction for our new life, during which we learn some specific lesson in patience, forgiveness or compassion. But the Earth Angels, in addition to this, carry out a global mission, and it consists in serving and helping the whole world.
If you have the ability and desire to heal, teach, help other people, and even if you have your own problems and weaknesses, it is quite possible that you are an Earth Angel. And if you are very sensitive and do not tolerate violence in any form, it is very likely that you are an Earth Angel!

Wanderers are not necessarily "out of this world" or "kind and good" in terms of the patterns of this world, but they always have a core of selfhood, they often do not have authorities and many problems in their youth due to rebelliousness, the nature of which is hypertrophied feelings justice and rejection of any kind of violence. Alienation and loneliness, protest, a keen sense of unearthly harmony, absent in the activities of "earthly",
Rejection of the laws of society and the search for true sound are the characteristic features of wanderers. Often a short but vibrant life dedicated to service and the cry "WAKE UP PEOPLE!"

It is worth emphasizing that this information was given more than 30 years ago, much has changed since then. In addition, the exact dates and numbers of incarnations are always problematic, especially given the multidimensional realities and timelines in which these processes unfolded. In other words, one should not become attached to the one described as the only true version of events, there were others.

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Each of us at least once in his life heard the word "wanderer", albeit in a somewhat distorted form - "strange",“strangeness”, indicating a certain dissimilarity and difference from an ordinary person and his conditional “normality”.

This is very embarrassing for some, it doesn’t let someone live normally at all, and someone perceives it quite naturally.

For some of us, the word "wanderer" is associated with the "eternal traveller", a restless soul looking for himself and his own spiritual path.

In this sense, a wanderer is a pilgrim, a wanderer, an ascetic and a seeker of truth driven by all the winds of fate, listening to the voices of the world.

In other words, there are wanderers of the spirit and simply wanderers of life, traveling through the labyrinths of fate. And these wanderers, in fact, are all of us, studying the roads of new experience.

But today the concept of "wanderer" is much broader. For like ultra-fast and escaping star-wanderers (such as LAMOST-HVS1, for example), sweeping at great speed through the Milky Way, earthly wanderers are star crops from different parts of the galaxy, which also in endless motion stop for a moment of life in a forgotten corner the universe, the planet of grief and sorrow - Terra incognita.

And these Brothers or Sisters of Sorrow come to the call of sadness, issued from our long-suffering planet, to help the suffering wanderers of the Earth. But the paradox of earthly life is that often they do not even realize their chosen path of wandering and asceticism, having come to the world of oblivion.

Lonely Wanderers and Pilgrims of the Spirit

Who are you, a wanderer who seeks the Heavenly City and a hero who makes a spiritual path?

And often difficult to describe in words.
We are Pilgrims, eternal wanderers.
To list, we do not have enough fingers,
Where have we been, what places. "Wanderers of unknown paths.

The theme of wanderers, traveling elders, pilgrim monks, kobzars can be found in many thinkers, writers and poets who saw in this the spirit of freedom and God-seeking - S. N. Bulgakov, P. A. Florensky, T. G. Shevchenko, S. Yesenin , N. Gumilyova, N. A. Berdyaeva, M. Voloshin, N. K. Roerich.

All of them were marked by the seal of loneliness and a thirst for spiritual quest.

A homeless long journey is assigned to me by fate ...
Let it be alien to others ... I do not call with me -
I am a wanderer and a poet, a dreamer and a passer-by. M. Voloshin.

“Between the swamps of worldly untruth, among the wilds of false knowledge, bypassing the rocks of human stupidity, you will find a plain of quest and eight roads to it. And in the middle is a lake of living water. The path to it lies in the circles of wanderers. Among people you want to become a wanderer in order to awaken in them longing for perfection.<…>

Tell me, do you want to respect all seeking? Do you want to delve into other people's searches? Do you want to find your own perfection? You answered - I want? Wanderer, you are accepted into our circle. Here's a staff with wings. Go"<…>. N. Roerich. "Fiery Stronghold" and "City of Light".

However, both in the time of Pythagoras and in modern times, spiritual wandering has one thing in common - the desire to break out of certain social boundaries, push the boundaries of what is cognizable by the mind and feelings, and feel the otherworldly.

“When we use the term Wanderer, it means that we are talking about someone traveling without a specific purpose and destination. This term implies a feeling or emotional/mental attunement to loneliness, restlessness, solitary places, and neutral scenery. The wanderer is open to cold and strong winds. The sun's rays mercilessly burn him. Only very few would say they desire to be a wandering soul. All third density instincts are about rooting, finding one's home, protecting one's home and family.

In terms of the context of your culture, the Wanderer has no roots. Thus, this term is logical to use to describe the souls who came to earth and incarnated to become its inhabitants. - Quo (a collective mind, which is a community that includes several group consciousnesses belonging to the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator, including Ra from the sixth density, Latwii from the fifth, and belonging to the fourth density of the community Oxall and Hatonn).

Wanderers of the Light

Of course, there are Wanderers of Light both on Earth and beyond its limits.

Wandering on earth is the most difficult test for the spirit, especially if it is associated with the fact that being a wanderer means carrying your inner light in the midst of the darkness of general chaos, unbelief, malice and moral squalor, while maintaining purity, steadfastness and courage.

As the saying of the Sufis testifies: “Eternally knowing - in searches they hide their face. An ordinary person perceives them quite differently. They wander in the world of inner light - creating miracles in reality. But who they really are, no one knows.

Jesus and his young years, Zoroaster, Melchizedek, as well as many teachers and avatars of different eras can be safely attributed to such wanderers.

The wanderer's mission is to reveal to the world those imperishable truths that will help dispel darkness and ignorance for all who are ready to let in the light of the soul, opening the shutters of an imperfect personality.

The main thing, in my opinion, in such missionary work is to show the dual nature of the world - good and evil, light and shadow, as catalysts for spiritual growth.

« Wanderer. Know that I love shadow as much as light. In order to give beauty to the face, clarity of speech, kindness and
firmness of character, a shadow is needed just like light. They do not compete with each other, but go hand in hand, and when the light goes out, the shadow disappears after it.

Shadow. I hate the same thing as you - darkness; I love people because they are apostles of light, and I rejoice in the light that shines in their eyes when they know and discover these tireless students and inventors. That shadow cast by all objects illuminated by the light of knowledge is me. - F. Nietzsche. "The Wanderer and His Shadow"

However, the word "wanderer" has another meaning and subtext. True, it is not so clear, but no less significant in the light of the fact that knowledge of one's own capabilities relieves one from the burden of alienation, disbelief in one's natural talents and "star heritage and origin."

STAR ALIENS OR Wanderers of Sorrow?

So who are these stellar aliens hiding by people. Far from being an intelligent race in a fictional universe created by .

Wanderers are, at first glance, ordinary people who are born like everyone else, and also pass through the Veil, with little or no memory of previous incarnations. That is, I can say with almost complete certainty that you, who are interested in this topic and reading the lines, are these wanderers. You may not believe my statement. But the test below will allow you to refute or agree with my statement.

And in confirmation of my words, the statement of the researcher David Wilcock: “Wanderers” or alien souls who incarnate on Earth can often become sadly entangled in the heaviness and darkness of planetary vibrations. As a result, they make many unfortunate life choices." That is, none of the Wanderers is insured from the "ordinary" life at first glance.

“Wanderers, as spiritual outsiders, to a certain extent experiencing alienation and isolation in the surrounding culture, due to a mismatch of interests and motivation with generally accepted “norms”. - K. Rückert.

“The signs that a person is an extraterrestrial soul are similar to the signs when any of us, no matter what the previous density and place of existence, wakes up from a cultural and planetary sleep called the Outer Physical Reality, to an awareness of our metaphysical nature, an awareness himself as an eternal being." — Carla Lisbeth Rueckert, The Traveler's Handbook. Carla was the transchanneling channel and instrument for the creation of the Law of One Book Series (The Law of One in Five Books) with Don Elkins and Jim McCarthy.

Here is what she writes about herself as a Wanderer: “Am I a Wanderer? Yes, and when I say that, I mean originating somewhere outside the Earth. With the help of regressive hypnosis, I was able to reconstruct some moments of my life on another planet, and even see our group at the moment of coming to Earth as Wanderers.

This material was published in 1976 in the eighth chapter of the book "Secrets of UFOs". Years later, while our group was in contact with Ra, we asked Them to confirm whether Don Elkins, Jim McCarthy and I were Wanderers, and They replied:

We are now scanning each of the mind/body/spirit complexes, and we believe that this fact can be practically certain, therefore, we see no harm in summarizing: each of those present here is a Wanderer doing his task, if you like. .

Has this information convinced me that I am an alien on Earth who has arrived for the purpose of serving as a Wanderer? No. There were other confirmations.

A rather long list of facts accumulated before I became convinced that, on some level, the information given about me was correct. One of the testimonies was the love and constant presence in the meditation group, which first began to receive alien messages around 1962. My response to these messages has always been very positive, I was in resonance with them.

Another confirmation was the meeting with two people, Don Elkins and Jim McCarthy, who impressed and attracted me from the first moment they met. I have always felt that following these relationships is part of my personal Path.

From the very beginning of our relationship with them, I felt amazing comfort, kinship and recognition. Both of these people were extremely interested in questions of spiritual search and the problem of UFOs, and our joint long-term work has brought results in the form of projects related to receiving extraterrestrial messages, and information that we are Wanderers.

The information provided by Ra was corroborated, not convinced. I gained almost complete confidence. And thus, as an interstellar Wanderer, I invite all of you, Wanderers and Enterers, Home. This means that I welcome you to the homely atmosphere of knowing who you are and what great company you are in. I salute you in service to the Earth."

And here is what Ra himself says about Wanderers: “Ra: I am Ra. If you like, imagine grains of sand on your coast. The sources of intelligent infinity are as incalculable as grains of sand. When a social memory complex reaches full understanding of its desires, it may come to the conclusion that its desire is to serve others with distortion, figuratively speaking, to touch the hand of any entities that call for help.

These entities, you could call them Brothers or Sisters of Sorrow, come to the call of sorrow. They come from all places of the infinite Creation, they are bound by the desire to serve in this.

Question: How many of them are now embodied on Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximate, due to the large influx of those born at this time, as there is an urgent need now for raising the planetary vibration and helping with the "harvest". Approximately 65 million of them.(That is, at least 1 wanderer per 100 earthlings - author).

Questioner: Are most of them fourth density? What density do they come from?
Ra: I am Ra. Some of them belong to the fourth density. However, most of the Wanderers, as you call them, are sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards greater purity of mind and what you call fearlessness, dependent on the totality of the distortion called judgment. . The problem/danger for the Wanderer is that he will forget his mission and become involved in , that is, it will be captured by a whirlwind, which he himself intended to resist.


As researcher David Wilcock states in his book Awakening the Wanderer, “Wanderers usually never are not consciously aware of who or what they are, but can awaken.

Here is what the social memory complex of RA, the humble messenger of the Law of One, says about the concept of Wanderers:

“On planet Earth, there is another large group of people who are Wanderers just like those who came from other planets. These are earthlings awakening and realizing their metaphysical essence, feeling themselves as inhabitants of eternity, immortal beings by their very nature.

As soon as the seeker awakens, regardless of whether he has an earthly or extraterrestrial origin, he becomes a Wanderer in the human community of the Earth, a spiritual outsider.

Extraterrestrial and terrestrial Wanderers are the same in their nature, mission and difficulties they face. Both groups are embodied in earthly bodies and have accepted the rules of existence on Earth. They will leave this life in order to move to higher densities only after having completed all the lessons on Earth. They share the most important mission on the planet."

“Currently, many who call themselves Wanderers are undergoing an awakening of their spiritual essence. Upon awakening, the seeker begins to feel a great desire to learn more, to find their own ways of service, to get comfortable with a new state of consciousness, completely different from the usual unquestioned circle of work and play.

The classes may remain the same, but the point of view changes completely. And, having awakened, the seeker is not able to return back to the state of oblivion, but must live this incarnation awakened. . — The generality of Quo.

Wanderers of Love and Light

Be that as it may, whether we are one of the 65 million extraterrestrial wanderers living on the planet, or we are earthly wandering bullfighters sacrificing a material body in the name of the common good of people and their spiritual flourishing, the essence remains unchanged.

In this sense - the best criterion for following the path of wandering, without violating the Free Will of other awakened and not so wanderers and travelers of the Milky Way and without harming either one's thought, emotion or deeds, bringing the benefit to all living things on the planet.

“You are here to bring light to a dark world. Everything is simple. All Wanderers incarnate for the sole purpose of loving, loving, loving, loving.You will be attacked, broken, humiliated, shattered by living with such faith.

This is completely contrary to the culture in which you live and operate in an idealistic way, focusing on the invisible Creator, instead of spending it on all the phenomena, things and entertainments that are considered essential in life at this level of density.

Remember that even in this case, you choose the path of service if you move forward consciously, in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator.

But also, and this is important, remember that serving in calm circumstances is no less important than in dramatic ones, for example, our mouth is capable of expressing many ideas, but this will not be possible if some - at least one - of the organs of our physical body fails, “There must be a balance in their work so that a person can show his abilities.” — The generality of Quo.

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original message makosh311

Each of us has heard the word “wanderer” at least once in our lives, albeit in a somewhat distorted form - “strange”, “strange”, indicating a certain dissimilarity and difference from an ordinary person and his conditional “normality”.

This is very embarrassing for some, it doesn’t let someone live normally at all, and someone perceives it quite naturally.

For some of us, the word "wanderer" is associated with the "eternal traveller", a restless soul looking for himself and his own spiritual path.

In this sense, a wanderer is a pilgrim, a wanderer, an ascetic and a seeker of truth driven by all the winds of fate, listening to the voices of the world.

In other words, there are wanderers of the spirit and simply wanderers of life, traveling through the labyrinths of fate. And these wanderers, in fact, are all of us, studying the roads of new experience.

But today the concept of "wanderer" is much broader. For like ultra-fast and escaping wanderer stars (such as LAMOST-HVS1, for example), sweeping at great speed through the Milky Way, earthly wanderers are star crops from different parts of the galaxy, which also in endless motion stop for a moment of life in a forgotten corner universe, the planet of sorrow and sorrow - Terra incognita.

And these Brothers or Sisters of Sorrow come to the call of sadness, issued from our long-suffering planet, to help the suffering wanderers of the Earth. But the paradox of earthly life is that often they do not even realize their chosen path of wandering and asceticism, having come to the world of oblivion.

Lonely Wanderers and Pilgrims of the Spirit

Who are you, a wanderer who seeks the Heavenly City and a hero who makes a spiritual path?

And often difficult to describe in words.
We are Pilgrims, eternal wanderers.
To list, we do not have enough fingers,
Where have we been, what places. "Wanderers of unknown paths".

The theme of wanderers, traveling elders, pilgrim monks, kobzars can be found in many thinkers, writers and poets who saw in this the spirit of freedom and God-seeking - S. N. Bulgakov, P. A. Florensky, T. G. Shevchenko, S. Yesenin , N. Gumilyova, N. A. Berdyaeva, M. Voloshin, N. K. Roerich.

All of them were marked by the seal of loneliness and a thirst for spiritual quest.

A homeless long journey is assigned to me by fate ...
Let him be alien to others ... I do not call with me -
I am a wanderer and a poet, a dreamer and a passer-by. M. Voloshin.

“Between the swamps of worldly untruth, among the wilds of false knowledge, bypassing the rocks of human stupidity, you will find a plain of quest and eight roads to it. And in the middle is a lake of living water. The path to it lies in the circles of wanderers. Among people you want to become a wanderer in order to awaken in them longing for perfection.<…>

Tell me, do you want to respect all seeking? Do you want to delve into other people's searches? Do you want to find your own perfection? You answered - I want? Wanderer, you are accepted into our circle. Here's a staff with wings. Go"<…>. N. Roerich. "Fiery Stronghold" and "City of Light".

However, both in the time of Pythagoras and in modern times, spiritual wandering has one thing in common - the desire to break out of certain social boundaries, push the boundaries of what is cognizable by the mind and feelings, and feel the otherworldly.

“When we use the term Wanderer, it means that we are talking about someone traveling without a specific purpose and destination. This term implies a feeling or emotional/mental attunement to loneliness, restlessness, solitary places, and neutral scenery. The wanderer is open to cold and strong winds. The sun's rays mercilessly burn him. Only very few would say they desire to be a wandering soul. All third density instincts are about rooting, finding one's home, protecting one's home and family.

In terms of the context of your culture, the Wanderer has no roots. Thus, this term is logical to use to describe the souls who came to earth and incarnated to become its inhabitants. - Quo (a collective mind, which is a community that includes several group consciousnesses belonging to the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator, including Ra from the sixth density, Latwii from the fifth, and belonging to the fourth density of the community Oxall and Hatonn).

Wanderers of the Light

Of course, there are Wanderers of the Light both on Earth and outside of it.

Earthly wandering is the most difficult test for the spirit, especially if it is associated with the fact that being a wanderer means carrying your inner light in the midst of the darkness of general chaos, unbelief, malice and moral squalor, while maintaining purity, steadfastness and courage.

As the saying of the Sufis testifies: “Eternally knowing - in searches they hide their face. An ordinary person perceives them quite differently. They wander in the world of inner light - creating miracles in reality. But who they really are, no one knows.

Jesus and his young years, Zoroaster, Melchizedek, as well as many teachers and avatars of different eras can be safely attributed to such wanderers.

The wanderer's mission is to reveal to the world those imperishable truths that will help dispel darkness and ignorance for all who are ready to let in the light of the soul, opening the shutters of an imperfect personality.

The main thing, in my opinion, in such missionary work is to show the dual nature of the world - good and evil, light and shadow, as catalysts for spiritual growth.

"Wanderer. Know that I love shadow as much as light. In order to give beauty to the face, clarity of speech, kindness and firmness of character, a shadow is needed just like light. They do not compete with each other, but go hand in hand, and when the light goes out, the shadow disappears after it.

Shadow. I hate the same thing as you - darkness; I love people because they are apostles of light, and I rejoice in the light that shines in their eyes when they know and discover these tireless students and inventors. That shadow cast by all objects illuminated by the light of knowledge is me. - F. Nietzsche. "The Wanderer and His Shadow"

However, the word "wanderer" has another meaning and subtext. True, it is not so clear, but no less significant in the light of the fact that knowledge of one's own capabilities relieves one from the burden of alienation, disbelief in one's natural talents and "star heritage and origin."

STAR ALIENS OR Wanderers of Sorrow?

So who are these stellar aliens hiding by people. Far from being an intelligent race in the fictional universe of the Noon world created by the Strugatsky brothers.

Wanderers are, at first glance, ordinary people who are born like everyone else, and also pass through the Veil, with no or almost no memory of previous incarnations. That is, I can say with almost complete certainty that you, who are interested in this topic and reading the lines, are these wanderers. You may not believe my statement. But the test below will allow you to refute or agree with my statement.

And in confirmation of my words, the statement of the researcher David Wilcock: “Wanderers” or alien souls who incarnate on Earth can often become sadly entangled in the heaviness and darkness of planetary vibrations. As a result, they make many unfortunate life choices." That is, none of the Wanderers is insured from the "ordinary" life at first glance.

“Wanderers, as spiritual outsiders, to a certain extent experiencing alienation and isolation in the surrounding culture, due to a mismatch of interests and motivation with generally accepted “norms”. - K. Rückert.

“The signs that a person is an extraterrestrial soul are similar to the signs when any of us, no matter what the previous density and place of existence, wakes up from a cultural and planetary sleep called the Outer Physical Reality, to an awareness of our metaphysical nature, an awareness himself as an eternal being." - Carla Lisbeth Rueckert "Wanderer's Handbook". Carla was the transchanneling channel and instrument for the creation of the Law of One Book Series (The Law of One in Five Books) with Don Elkins and Jim McCarthy.

Here is what she writes about herself as a Wanderer: “Am I a Wanderer? Yes, and when I say that, I mean originating somewhere outside the Earth. With the help of regressive hypnosis, I was able to reconstruct some moments of my life on another planet, and even see our group at the moment of coming to Earth as Wanderers.

This material was published in 1976 in the eighth chapter of the book "Secrets of UFOs". Years later, while our group was in contact with Ra, we asked Them to confirm whether Don Elkins, Jim McCarthy and I were Wanderers, and They replied:

We are now scanning each of the mind/body/spirit complexes, and we believe that this fact can be practically certain, therefore, we see no harm in summarizing: each of those present here is a Wanderer doing his task, if you like. .

Has this information convinced me that I am an alien on Earth who has arrived for the purpose of serving as a Wanderer? No. There were other confirmations.

A rather long list of facts accumulated before I became convinced that, on some level, the information given about me was correct. One of the testimonies was the love and constant presence in the meditation group, which first began to receive alien messages around 1962. My response to these messages has always been very positive, I was in resonance with them.

Another confirmation was the meeting with two people, Don Elkins and Jim McCarthy, who impressed and attracted me from the first moment they met. I have always felt that following these relationships is part of my personal Path.

From the very beginning of our relationship with them, I felt amazing comfort, kinship and recognition. Both of these people were extremely interested in questions of spiritual search and the problem of UFOs, and our joint long-term work has brought results in the form of projects related to receiving extraterrestrial messages, and information that we are Wanderers.

The information provided by Ra was corroborated, not convinced. I gained almost complete confidence. And thus, as an interstellar Wanderer, I invite all of you, Wanderers and Enterers, Home. This means that I welcome you to the homely atmosphere of knowing who you are and what great company you are in. I salute you in service to the Earth."

And here is what Ra himself says about Wanderers: “Ra: I am Ra. If you like, imagine grains of sand on your coast. The sources of intelligent infinity are as incalculable as grains of sand. When a social memory complex reaches full understanding of its desires, it may come to the conclusion that its desire is to serve others with distortion, figuratively speaking, to touch the hand of any entities that call for help.

These entities, you might call them Brothers or Sisters of Sorrow, come to the call of sorrow. They come from all places of the infinite Creation, they are bound by the desire to serve in this distortion.

Question: How many of them are now embodied on Earth?
- Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximate, due to the large influx of those born at this time, as there is an urgent need now for raising the planetary vibration and helping with the "harvest". Approximately 65 million of them. (That is, at least 1 wanderer per 100 earthlings - author).

Questioner: Are most of them fourth density? What density do they come from?
- Ra: I am Ra. Some of them belong to the fourth density. However, most of the Wanderers, as you call them, are sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards greater purity of mind and what you call fearlessness, dependent on the totality of the distortion called judgment. The problem/danger for the Wanderer is that he will forget his mission and become involved in karma, that is, he will be captured by a whirlwind, which he himself intended to resist.


As researcher David Wilcock states in his book Awakening the Wanderer: “Normally 'Wanderers' are never consciously aware of who or what they are, but can awaken.

Here is what the public memory complex of RA, the humble messenger of the Law of One, says about the concept of Wanderers:

“On planet Earth, there is another large group of people who are Wanderers just like those who came from other planets. These are earthlings awakening and realizing their metaphysical essence, feeling themselves as inhabitants of eternity, immortal beings by their very nature.

As soon as the seeker awakens, regardless of whether he has an earthly or extraterrestrial origin, he becomes a Wanderer in the human community of the Earth, a spiritual outsider.

Extraterrestrial and terrestrial Wanderers are the same in their nature, mission and difficulties they face. Both groups are embodied in earthly bodies and have accepted the rules of existence on Earth. They will leave this life in order to move to higher densities only after having completed all the lessons on Earth. They share the most important mission on the planet."

“Currently, many who call themselves Wanderers are undergoing an awakening of their spiritual essence. Upon awakening, the seeker begins to feel a great desire to learn more, to find their own ways of service, to get comfortable with a new state of consciousness, completely different from the usual unquestioned circle of work and play.

The classes may remain the same, but the point of view changes completely. And, having awakened, the seeker is not able to return back to the state of oblivion, but must live this incarnation awakened. - Generality Quo.

Wanderers of Love and Light

Be that as it may, whether we are one of the 65 million extraterrestrial wanderers living on the planet, or we are earthly wandering bullfighters sacrificing a material body in the name of the common good of people and their spiritual flourishing, the essence remains unchanged.

In this sense, the three Laws of Love are the best criterion for following the path of wandering, without violating the Free Will of other awakened and not so wanderers and travelers of the Milky Way and without harming either one’s thought, emotion or deeds, bringing the benefit to all life on the planet.

“You are here to bring light to a dark world. Everything is simple. All Wanderers incarnate for the sole purpose of loving, loving, loving, loving. You will be attacked, broken, humiliated, shattered by living with such faith.

This is completely contrary to the culture in which you live and operate in an idealistic way, focusing on the invisible Creator, instead of spending it on all the phenomena, things and entertainments that are considered essential in life at this level of density.

Remember that even in this case, you choose the path of service if you move forward consciously, in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator.

But also, and this is important, remember that serving in calm circumstances is no less important than in dramatic ones, for example, our mouth is able to express many ideas, but this will not be possible if any - even one - of our organs fails. physical body - a balance must be maintained in their work so that a person can show his abilities. - Generality Quo.

There is gold of thoughts
golden river,
But they hung like a stone
My mind is straining.

I'm digging in my thoughts
I choose words
But, as if on wings,
They fly away.

The course is changing
And the thought disappears
Well, what's so sad
And what's stressful?

The thought touched the heart
Anxiety and pain
The soul trembled
Filled my heart with love.

And the gold of thoughts
Spilled from Heaven
The words became a spark
And my mind is resurrected.