University specialties in which it is easier to find a job.

The employment of university graduates is an issue that is always relevant, at any time. A huge number of higher educational institutions, colleges, institutes, graduates many specialists in various fields - and each of them is concerned with the problem of employment of university graduates.

Today we will talk about what problems of graduate employment exist and how they can be solved. But first, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such a system (as well as what it actually is). We will also consider various likely methods of employment.

Employment of graduates in the specialty: what is the latest news on this topic?

To begin with, let's look at the latest news on the topic under consideration (and give brief comments on them):

  1. Employment of university graduates in the country. For once, the government noticed that not every graduate of a higher educational institution can find a job directly in the specialty for which he studied.
  2. The next news that aroused interest was the creation of a special social network to promote the employment of graduates of higher educational institutions. That is, we do not have enough relevant portals with a huge number of vacancies, and the state decided to create the appearance of hard work by creating a social network. This initiative is not to be trusted.
  3. News about the introduction of mandatory work for those who study at the budget department. This news is not so bad - a person is first trained, then he is taken to a ready-made workplace. There is nothing wrong with this - for that you will not need to run through interviews, monitor vacancies, and so on.

What are the ways of employment system?

The main method of employment of university graduates in their specialty is distribution after studying at the university. If your parents were studying at a time when this was the only way to get a job, consult with them (or grandparents).

Sometimes universities offer jobs in their specialty

What is the distribution after studying at the university? Based on the name, the employment of graduates of educational institutions is considered a process in which you do not just study, get a diploma, look for a suitable employer with it - this is a completely different case. You meticulously study for several years, get the status of a bachelor, that is, a citizen who has. You are given not just a diploma, but also a referral to work in a certain organization.

Of course, just like that (all together) they will not give you anything - first you need to go through specific processes at your university, talk with the employer, and so on. But this method also has certain disadvantages, which we will discuss later. The disadvantages can be considered such points:

  1. If it is difficult to call you a diligent student, it is unlikely that employers will want to take you on. Agree that there is logic here - who needs an incompetent employee? In other words, you must study well.
  2. Another disadvantage is the following - there may not be any vacancies that you would gladly go to. But here it is worth noting the following point: the State Duma is already studying a bill that every state employee will be obliged to work off the money spent on him by the state.
  3. The next disadvantage is that no one knows exactly where you will be assigned. If for citizens who do not live in megacities, this is not a particularly global problem (although there is still no particular joy here), then residents of large cities are unlikely to be happy to go to work in conditional Vladivostok.
  4. The next disadvantage that such a system of employment of graduates suggests is that no one can guarantee you a stable good income. And you will not have the option to find another job - you will need to work for several years exactly where you were sent.

But such a graduate employment program also has positive aspects. The main advantage is the following - most graduates are forced to look for jobs, both for months and years. And here everything is very convenient: your studies are over, and you already have a place to work. Despite the fact that there is one advantage here, and there are much more disadvantages, perhaps for someone it will turn out to be the most important and decisive.

The first method is considered - we pass to the second. It will be about the employment of school graduates in the target area.

Features of employment in the target area

The target area is the possibility of free education at the university, obtaining a specialty, as well as a job.

What are the advantages of this option:

  1. It’s easier to enter, lower the passing score of the exam.
  2. Training is free of charge - everything is paid for by the organization that issued the target direction.
  3. After graduation, you will be given a job. The institute, organization and you enter into an agreement that fixes the following moment: you must work for a couple of years in this organization or return to it all the money spent on your education.

Disadvantages of this method:

Of course, any, even the most optimal option, always has its drawbacks. Maybe for you it will not be of fundamental importance, but it is worth considering these points:

  1. You may not like the chosen specialty. For example, you realize that you want to be not a lawyer, but. But, after completing your studies, you will go to work in a legal specialty.
  2. You will not receive a scholarship from the university. You can not even dream of an increased scholarship. Maybe the organization will pay it - but this moment is at their discretion.
  3. You will not have the opportunity to move to another region - until the time period prescribed in the agreement has been worked out.
  4. Maybe you will be sent regularly in the summer for a special practice.

Employment of graduates of the compulsory university

What is such an employment assistance service - many students of various universities and institutes ask this question. In reality, there is nothing special in this method.

After free training, you will have to work at a ready-made workplace from the university

Just recently there was information that state-funded graduates will have to work for several years in a state organization.

But, in this approach there is a plus - free training, and after - a ready-made workplace. No need to walk around, look for a place in your specialty - you will be assigned immediately after receiving a diploma.

How can you get a job if no adjustments are made?

The regulation on facilitating the employment of graduates reads as follows: most likely, no new changes will be made in this area in the near future. In other words, everyone, as before, will receive a diploma and independently look for work in their specialty.

In most cases, graduates look for jobs themselves.

Do not forget that the most important thing in finding a job is not having a red diploma at all. The most important thing is the work experience, even if it is available in a completely different profession. To get that kind of experience, it's worth lowering your requirements and working in a simpler job - perhaps not for the highest wages.

Universities with employment

In our country, there are now a huge number of educational institutions offering employment to graduates of educational organizations. Each industry has its own universities. Let's talk about them further.

Sphere of IT-technologies

The most common professions in this area are programmers, testers, system administrators, and a data administrator. In our time, information technology is in great demand.

Even a novice specialist in the first working year after completing his studies has the right to hope for a salary of 50,000 rubles, and after a few years, 85,000 rubles.

IT workers earn some of the highest wages in the world

Universities in this direction:

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University - Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics;
  2. Research Institute - Institute of Automation and Computing Technology;
  3. Research Institute Higher School of Economics - Faculty of Business Informatics;
  4. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics - information technologies;
  5. Bauman University - computer science and control systems.

Legal sphere

Although there are a lot of lawyers now, there is always a demand for competent specialists. We are talking about judges, a bailiff, a lawyer, a legal adviser.

There is always a demand for competent lawyers

After completion of training is approximately 35,000 - 40,000 rubles.

In a few years this figure will increase. More than ten years of experience will allow you to earn about two hundred thousand rubles or more.

Ranking of universities for the employment of graduates in the field of law

  1. Lomonosov Moscow State University - Faculty of Law;
  2. BAT - international faculty;
  3. MGIMO;
  4. Research Institute Higher School of Economics - Faculty of Law;
  5. Moscow State Law Academy;
  6. RUDN.

Economic and financial spheres

According to experts, the financial industry is not yet as developed as the rest of the labor market. The training ends with the fact that new specialists find jobs in the banking industry without any problems.

A financial analyst is also in high demand

The most common professions in this industry are financial analyst, auditor and many others. Of course, it is easier to get a job in some specialties (fewer specialists), in others it is more difficult.

After completing the training, new specialists can count on a salary of approximately 30,000 rubles. A ten-year work experience will allow you to count on a salary of 200,000 rubles.

List of Alumni Employment Service Universities

  1. RANHIGS - Faculty of Finance.
  2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - international economic relations.
  3. Moscow University. S. Yu. Witte - Faculty of Economics and Finance.
  4. NII HSE - International Institute of Economics and Finance.

Medical field

Most often, the employment of college graduates (medical) involves working as a nurse, pharmacist, paramedic - according to experts.

A nurse is always needed in a hospital

The Graduate Employment Center identifies the following medical schools - by the rank of popularity of specialists:

  1. Sechenov University - Faculty of Pharmacy;
  2. Pirogov University - Faculty of Pediatrics;
  3. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry AI Evdokimova - Faculty of Medicine;
  4. Russian National Research Medical University. N. I. Pirogova - Faculty of Medicine.

It should be noted that this is not a complete list of universities for the employment of graduates of technical schools in each direction. There are others - we have listed only the most famous and in demand for each of the considered specialties.

Graduate Employment Service - what is this system?

Some students turn to special services to find a job in a particular organization. If you want to take advantage of this employment option, first contact your higher education institution - they will tell you exactly what actions you need to take. It is possible that you will quickly find a job - almost all popular universities in the country have agreements with various organizations.

Thus, this is the best option for getting a job, although the rest have certain advantages.


Summing up, I would like to note the following: the program to promote the employment of graduates is an urgent problem, both for students and for the state. The state is trying every year to develop more and more different directions for solving this issue - so that graduates of educational institutions do not have problems with employment. For this, a huge number of various measures and actions are being taken.

Related video: Graduate employment

The research center site presents to your attention a new project - the SuperJob University Ranking.

The purpose of the rating is to assess the picture of the real employment of graduates of Russian universities.

The source of information for building the rating is the largest database of resumes in Russia, a website with more than a million resumes of Russian specialists. The information base of the portal contains information about graduates of most higher educational institutions in Russia in almost all professions that exist at the present stage of development of the labor market. Two-thirds of the entire base are resumes of specialists with completed higher education.

The structure of the composite rating is a set of independent ratings for individual segments that characterize the picture of employment and the quality of education of graduates of higher educational institutions today, namely:

  • employment rating by specialty;
  • rating of average salaries of university graduates working in their specialty;
  • rating of average salaries of university graduates working outside their specialty;
  • index of salary variation of university graduates when changing their specialty.
First of all, we address our rating to future applicants and their parents, that is, directly to those who will face a difficult choice in the near future - the choice of a profession and a university where they will receive an education. Of course, it is impossible to look into the future, but we hope that our rating, showing the real situation that has developed for hundreds of thousands of graduates of Russian universities, will become a reliable guide for young professionals.
Rating Employment in the specialty Average salary of workers in the specialty (M c) Average salary of non-professional workers (M n) Wage variation index
A over 60% over 50,000 rubles. over 50,000 rubles. the ratio of the average salary of workers not in their specialty to the average salary of workers in their specialty
(IVM= M n )
B 45-60% 40,000 - 50,000 rubles 40,000 - 50,000 rubles
C 30-45% 30,000 - 40,000 rubles 30,000 - 40,000 rubles
D 15-30% 20,000 - 30,000 rubles 20,000 - 30,000 rubles
E less than 15% less than 20,000 rubles. less than 20,000 rubles.

Attention! The place of the university in the table has nothing to do with the place of the university in the ranking! There is no first place, no second place, no third place in the ranking. research center presents to your attention a new project - the SuperJob University Ranking.

How to choose a university, after which it is easiest to find a job? Graduates of which universities are 100% in demand by employers? Which regional universities provide excellent education? Which classical universities have the most active scientific life? Where is the most comfortable place for students?

Became famous the results of a study of the demand for universities, in which 446 universities, institutes and academies, including non-state ones, from 82 regions of the country took part. How was the ranking made? According to three criteria: the requests of enterprises for graduates (not employment, but the demand for specialists from employers), the share of income from research work and educational programs for which enterprises demanded, and the citation index of university scientists.

So, here are the five most popular classical universities: Moscow State University, National Research Tomsk State University, Ural Federal University, Novosibirsk National Research State University, Nizhnevartovsk State University.

The most popular engineering universities are MEPhI, ITMO University, Samara State Technical University, Baumanka, Perm Polytechnic University.

Among the leaders are Stavropol, Kuban, Donskoy, Ural Agrarian Universities. The most sought-after medical school is the First Medical Institute. Sechenov. Then come the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy, Siberian State Medical University, Russian National Research Medical University. Pirogov, Irkutsk State Medical University.

Among the most popular humanitarian universities are the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University (non-state university), Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen, State Academic University for the Humanities.

If we compare our universities with foreign ones, then the most popular ones are Moscow State University and MGIMO. They entered the top 150 of the international QS ranking for graduate employment.

The top five most popular universities among employers are Moscow State University, Tomsk and Novosibirsk State Universities, as well as Ural Federal University

At the same time, Moscow State University became the third university in the world in terms of "Success of graduates", gaining 99.9 points out of 100 for this criterion. MGIMO turned out to be one of the world's leading universities in terms of "Employment in the first 12 months after graduation", gaining the highest possible score for this indicator (100 out of 100). Also in the top 200 are St. Petersburg State University and the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov. The first and second places in the ranking were taken by Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, while Tsinghua University of China was in third place.


In the comfort zone

But the most comfortable way to study, according to students, is in small regional universities. This was shown by a study conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science. Students named 67 out of 503 universities comfortable.

The openness and completeness of the site, the friendliness of teachers, information about them, the ability to contact the administration and get answers were analyzed. Moreover, not only students and teachers were interviewed, but also their parents.

Among the most open are Oryol State University of Economics and Trade, Saratov State Law Academy, Kaliningrad Pedagogical University, Amur State University, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Ivanovo State Medical Academy and others.

Among the universities that are located in Moscow, the most open are Moscow State University, the Higher School of Economics, the Moscow State Institute of Culture, MEPhI, the Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

What do students value most in their universities? In medical universities this is the competence of the staff, in pedagogical universities it is a friendly environment, in classical universities it is the opportunity to choose different programs and additional classes.

Agricultural universities have good positions, which often do not occupy the highest positions in the official monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science. But students rate their universities much higher.

Among the most comfortable universities, six are agricultural ones. Deputy Minister of Agriculture Elena Astrakhantseva believes that there may be more such universities. "It's interesting that in this study, the criteria come from students. And they don't always like being asked to put on rubber boots and go milk cows. But you can't be a good dairy manager if you don't know all that."

Infographics: Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

In 2017, universities will recruit more target students than before, and the requirements for them will become stricter. Legislation will be finalized so that students who do not fulfill their obligations bear responsibility for this. A tripartite agreement will be concluded with them with the participation of the university and the customer organization that sent the applicant to study.

If a graduate has not fulfilled his employment obligations, he will have to pay a fine - not less than the amount spent on his education. This money will go to the regional budget or for socially significant purposes.

Places for students who were taken in directions from the regions will now not be in all universities. The specialties and areas of training for which target recruitment can be conducted will be approved by the government. There will also be a new mechanism for distributing quotas to regions. Not all target recipients will be enrolled in universities, but only those who pass through the competition. This is an indispensable condition.

Infographics: Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

Take note

Which universities should bring the highest USE scores? From 85 to 90 points in each subject will be required to enter the directions "Oriental and African Studies", "Theory of Arts", "International Relations", "Journalism and Literary Creativity", "Linguistics and Foreign Languages", "Political Science", "Jurisprudence" ", "Economy".

Most of the 100-point students study at MGIMO, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MEPhI, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, ITMO University.


Olga Shaporova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Oryol State University of Economics and Trade:

Students named our university among the most comfortable. Why? With us, they can come to any vice-rector for an appointment without any appointment and resolve their issue on the same day. The most conflict situations are usually associated with poor performance or retaking exams. According to our regulations, you can retake the exam within a year. We always meet students halfway, while in other universities this period can be a month, or the university does not inform students about this at all.

How to choose a good non-state university?

Vladimir Zernov, Chairman of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia:

If a university promises to teach you for 30-40 thousand rubles a year, do not believe it. Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. We encountered this when we began to close non-state universities. Students come to a strong university, but he cannot take them. Why? The programs diverge too much, students of weak universities know almost nothing, so many were transferred with the loss of not one, but two or more courses. There are many such examples. In my opinion, the price cannot be less than 120-150 thousand rubles a year.

MOSCOW, December 12 - RIA Novosti. Graduates of agricultural universities have become the most in demand among employers in 2018, an average of 77.4% of graduates receive a job referral, RIA Novosti was told in the press service of the Social Navigator MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

In 2018, the study included 444 universities, which is 4 universities less than the participants (448 universities). The reduction in the number of participants in the rating is due to the reorganization and merger of a number of universities. The evaluation of universities was carried out according to the following indicators: citations of the works of employees of the organization, commercialization of the intellectual product and demand for the scientific product of the organization, as well as the proportion of graduates who received a job offer.

The rating includes state, municipal and private universities, including 126 engineering, 87 classical universities, 56 agricultural universities, 68 humanitarian, 59 management and 48 medical universities.

"In the group of agricultural universities, the share of referrals for employment is the highest - on average, 77.4% of graduates receive job referrals. The least demanded by employers are graduates of universities in the field of management - on average, about 26%. This indicator does not reveal patterns for various types of universities. In general ", the share of job referrals does not correlate with the main focus of the educational activities of the university. Different types of universities show a variety of strategies for the employment of graduates," follows from the release.

According to the results of this study, among medical universities, an eighth (12.5%) do not issue job referrals to graduates, while at the same time, slightly less than a quarter of universities in this group send all graduates to work, 6% of engineering universities give referrals to each graduate, and the same number (7 %) does not issue referrals to any of its pupils.

It is also noted that about half of the universities in the field of management (47%) do not have contractual relations for the employment of graduates, although for a small number of such organizations (5%), the employment of all graduates is fully provided by the requests of employers.

In terms of "the share of funds in the budget of the university from research, development, professional training programs for organizations" among engineering universities, it is the highest - an average of 15.8% of the budget of universities. The indicators of medical and agricultural universities are almost one and a half times lower - 8.6% and 9%, respectively. Humanities universities have the lowest average values.


In the group "Agricultural universities", according to the study, the leaders of all years remained unchanged - the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin. Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, who moved up 15 positions.

According to the results of the ranking, the most popular university in the group of classical universities was the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. The top three was closed by Southwestern State University.

Among the humanitarian universities, the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University became the most popular, followed by the Moscow City Pedagogical University and the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen.

The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, second place at Sechenov University. The top three was closed by the Altai State Medical University.