What is the difference between a relationship in contact and real communication? Why do people post photos in contact, what is the psychology of this.

The lifestyle of a modern person has significantly changed the psychology of human relations and, in particular, the psychology of communication. Social networks (VKontakte) have firmly entered our everyday life. People spend a significant portion of their time on the Internet. Here they get to know each other, make the first impression of a partner, share interests and even get married.

It doesn't matter where you found your soul mate, in a museum, restaurant or among mutual friends on VKontakte. Just be a real woman. New technologies make it possible to shorten the distance and make it possible to make a psychological portrait of a person without even resorting to a personal meeting.

Psychology says that you should be careful. Behind attractive avatars and between glossy photos, someone else may be hiding ... Instinct rules a man. It is not always possible for a woman to understand male psychology.

The psychology is such that many hide their insecurities and inability to build strong relationships in real life and compensate for their failures by turning into virtual superheroes.

Today you will not surprise anyone with virtual sex. And a person who in ordinary life cannot boast of an abundance of friends, acquires hundreds of virtual friends in contact. Such is the psychology of modern man.

Unfortunately, modern man tends to isolate himself. There is enough stress in our life. Communication VKontakte does not require effort. Here you can safely play your role without fear of being exposed.

A serious relationship between a man and a woman is a whole universe that gives the world a new life. No one has died from a lack of sex, but without love...

You need to be a real woman to understand that you should not run after a man.

If you want to find a man for a relationship using social networks, psychologists advise you to pay attention to the following:

The psychology of online communication between a man and a woman differs little from a real conversation. Stick to simple rules:

  • talk not only about yourself, be interested in your partner
  • courtesy has not been canceled
  • try to type messages without errors
  • be yourself in front of a man
  • strive to make your relationship simple and understandable

Men in life prefer to love online with their eyes, women like compliments. The appearance of anonymity allows you to create the perfect image. Many psychologists are already sounding the alarm, arguing that the modern man increasingly prefers a glossy ideal, rather than a real woman in life. Psychologists say that many men lack a serious relationship.

It must be understood that there is a significant difference between image and reality.

And the greater the gap between reality and the desired ideal, the more likely it is to classify yourself as a team of losers. VK - it’s easy to start talking, it’s more difficult to transfer these relationships into real life.

But most users do not set themselves such goals. Social networks are perceived by them as a way of pastime, or entertainment. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as you have time for fulfilling relationships and communication. Psychologists do not recommend forgetting that there is reality.

Human psychology is such that we need communication. Man is a social animal. There is no big difference between a man and a woman. We are all, first of all, PEOPLE and need simple human warmth and understanding. If someone can get a piece of this heat through contact, great.

The Internet is just a tool with which we can get a little closer. But real intimacy between a woman and a man does not imply the presence of even the thinnest screen.

Strive to love your partner and see him as a real person, not an ideal image. Make friends on VKontakte and in life, find time to meet, go watch old movies together and eat popcorn and everything will be fine.

It's just that not a single, even the most advanced computer in the world, can replace your loved one, the warmth of his voice, the tenderness of his fingers ...

There is nothing in common between a man and a woman, except for love. New technologies allow us to better understand each other, and therefore fall in love. Vkontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the world, used by hundreds of millions of people.

Hello Dear Readers. In this post, I will go into detail about what constitutes a consultation. psychologist vkontakte , that is, through such social networks as VKontakte.ru and Facebook (second part of the article), also about their online psychologist services.
I'll start in order.

I successfully help my clients in solving such vital problems, questions and situations as:

1) Providing psychological online assistance to people diagnosed with Schizophrenia and their relatives.
2) Help in solving the problem of the device of personal life.
3) Family counseling.
4) The return of a loved one. (Before ordering a consultation on this topic, I recommend that you read a more detailed description of this item, which I provide after links to my YouTube channels and pages on social networks).
5) I help to get rid of the feeling of dependence on another person.
6) Sexual problems and disorders.
7) Desire to understand yourself.
8) I help clients find and acquire the Meaning of Life.
9) Providing psychotherapeutic assistance in the treatment of computer (gambling), nicotine, alcohol, drug, food and substance abuse addictions.
10) Help in the treatment of various psychosomatic and somatoform disorders.
11) I help to eliminate a wide range of problems associated with sleep disorders.
12) Assistance in the treatment of neurosis (neurotic disorder) of any form (according to ICD-10 and DSM-V).
13) Help in overcoming crises of various ages.
14) I help to solve the problem of getting out of neurotic (psychogenic) depression.
15) I help in overcoming the state of acute grief that arose as a result of the loss of a close loved one.
16) I help patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
17) I conduct targeted training in psychologically competent communication.
18) I provide assistance in the treatment of burnout syndrome (BS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
19) I help in solving issues related to the birth and upbringing of a genetically, mentally, psychologically and physically healthy child.
20) I help in solving the issues of planning your life in general (Life management) and / or working time (Time management).
21) I provide assistance in building and maintaining a career (coaching services). I also help you get a job you love.
22) I train psychologists and psychotherapists in psychological and psychotherapeutic (with the help of transactional and scenario analysis, as well as with the help of a number of psychological sciences) counseling on various problems of interest to them.

This was a short list of my services. More detailed information on each of the points is available after the links to my YouTube channel and pages on social networks.

If during the counseling process it turns out that the client's problem:
1) is outside my area of ​​expertise;
2) requires additional consultation (observation) with a psychiatrist-narcologist, sexologist, neuropathologist or somatic doctor;
3) requires (in addition to psychotherapy) additional drug therapy,
I immediately report this to the client. Based on this information, he will be able to decide which doctor he should see and whether it makes sense to consult with me in the future.

ANONIMITY AND PRIVACY IS GUARANTEED. I HAVE TO KEEP SILENCE. NOTHING you say will NEVER be used against you. This is a generally accepted ethical LAW for the provision of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance.
I believe that EVERY person deserves attention, understanding of his problems, acceptance of his personality (with ANY of its features) and receiving qualified professional help to eliminate his problems.

1) Oral via Skype.
2) By correspondence, using any of the above forms of communication (e-mail, Skype, social networks). There are two types of counseling by correspondence: a) fast; b) Slow.
More detailed information about the types of consultation is located after the details for payment.

The cost of consulting services from 01.09.2017 is as follows:

1) For all new clients prepayment for any type of consultation (oral or written) is 750 rubles(or 12.5 dollars; 11 euros; 325 hryvnias). By making an advance payment, you thus pay for 30 minutes of consulting time.

2) For new clients, the cost of a consultation is 1500 rubles per hour(or 25 dollars; 22 euros; 650 hryvnias) depending on its duration. For example, if the duration of the consultation was 30 minutes, then its cost will be 750 rubles (that is, apart from the prepayment, you do NOT need to pay anything else). If the consultation time was less than 30 minutes, then you can use it at the next consultation (for example, two consultations of 15 minutes each). If the duration is more than 30 minutes, then after the consultation you need to pay for the time exceeding the 30 minutes you previously paid for in advance (for example, if the consultation time was 40 minutes, you pay extra for 10 minutes; if 65 minutes, then another 35 minutes) .

3) For clients that I have already consulted before September 1, 2017- the cost of services is 1200 rubles per hour(or 20 dollars; 18 euros; 525 hryvnias) WITHOUT prepayment for any type of consultation.

For clients who are planning a long-term work to correct their personality and character traits, as well as to develop new communication and behavior skills, or who want to achieve certain goals set by them (for example, to return a loved one who has left them), the following applies: Discount System:

4) When paying immediately 10 consulting hours- the cost of one hour for new clients is 1200 rubles per hour(or 20 dollars; 18 euros; 525 hryvnias) - i.e. for 10 consulting hours - 12,000 rubles (or 200 dollars; 180 euros; 5250 hryvnias), for those who have already consulted until September 1, 2017 – 1000 rubles per hour(or 17 dollars; 14.5 euros; 435 hryvnias), i.e. for 10 consultations - 10,000 rubles per hour (or 170 dollars; 145 euro; 4350 hryvnia).

5) When paying immediately 20 consulting hours- the cost of one hour for new clients is 1000 rubles per hour(or 17 dollars; 14.5 euros; 435 hryvnias) - i.e. for 20 consulting hours - 20,000 rubles (or 340 dollars, 290 euros, 8,700 hryvnias), for those who have already consulted until September 1, 2017 – 850 rubles per hour(or 14.5 dollars; 12 euros; 370 hryvnias), i.e. for 20 consulting hours - 17,000 rubles (or 290 dollars; 240 euros; 7,400 hryvnias).

Payment and additional payment are made after each session.
To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, please notify me of payment(what amount, on what day and to what wallet it was sent), and checks - MUST SAVE.
When paying for at least one consultation, I provide my clients with two consultations in debt, taking into account their further payment (when the opportunity arises).

Payment details:

Wallet numbers of the WebMoney system
R205274311238 (for transferring Rubles)
Z302112294428 (for USD transfer)
E186152531138 (for Euro transfer)
U394282857424 (for hryvnia transfer)

Yandex wallet number 410011188544707 (despite the blocking of Yandex systems in Ukraine in mid-May 2017, payments to the wallet reach regularly).

Payment to the specified wallets can be made using any terminal for replenishing the account or from a bank card.

Payments are accepted through any payment systems such as Western Union, Unistream etc.

ONLY FOR RESIDENTS OF UKRAINE payment is accepted on the UAH card of Privat-Bank:
Settlement account 29244825509100
MFO 305299
Beneficiary code (OKPO, EDRPOU): 14360570
Card number 5168757359678796 Lemekhov Yury Alexandrovich (Lemekhov Yury Oleksandrovich).

After making an advance payment, you need to contact me through any of the forms of communication - and we will agree on the day and time of the consultation (as a rule, this is either on the same day or within 1-2 days): E-mail, Skype, feedback form on my website or through social networks:
Email : [email protected]
Skype: y.lemekhov (Ukraine, Odessa)
My official page In contact with .
My official page at Facebook .

1) 3-5 minutes before the scheduled consultation time, write to me about your readiness to receive a consultation. At the appointed time, I will call or write you.
2) If the start of the consultation is delayed due to the Lateness of the Client, then The cost of the session additionally includes the waiting time(for example, late 15 minutes + consultation 60 minutes = payment time 75 minutes).
3) If consultation canceled at the initiative of the client and he warns me about it LESS THAN 4 HOURS BEFORE THE SESSION, – the client pays half of the hourly cost of the consultation. Therefore, if your plans change, please notify me of this if possible. EARLY.
4) The duration of one consultation is NOT more than 1.5 hours (up to 90 minutes).

More about types of consultations:
1) Oral via Skype.
To conduct a consultation, you must have unlimited high-speed Internet from 2 Mb / s and a microphone. The presence of a webcam, although not required, is highly recommended.

2) By correspondence, using any of the above forms of communication (e-mail, Skype, social networks). It comes in two types:
a) fast: when both the client and the psychologist are in the so-called. "online mode" and between them there is instant messaging (live communication by correspondence). To do this, the client must have constant access to the Internet, as well as be at a computer (laptop) with a Keyboard. it Optimal option for a written consultation. It is advisable not to type text from a mobile phone, because. it takes quite a lot of time, which, ultimately, leads to extra costs for the client (the amount of text that could easily be typed in 1-2 minutes on the keyboard has to be typed in 3-5 minutes on a mobile phone).
b) Slow: when, due to circumstances, the client cannot be online for a long time (or is there from the phone) and his answers come after some time. This type of consultation occurs as follows: the client writes me a message, I read it and answer. Then, after some time, the client gets in touch again, reads my message and writes me his answer. After a while, I get in touch again, read his message and write my answer to the client, etc. The cost of such a consultation is determined by the time for which I read the client's message and write my answer to him. For example, reading - 3 minutes, writing an answer - 2 minutes. Total - 5 minutes. Five such readings and answers - 25 minutes. In terms of price, this type of consultation is certainly somewhat cheaper than the classic quick written consultation, because. I own both speed reading techniques and the ten-finger touch typing method (i.e., I practically don’t spend time reading and answering (unless it was written very, very much), while the client has the opportunity to read (and if necessary - then re-read) my answer and write your text for as long as you like).

When the duration of the consultation by slow correspondence is 30 minutes or more, I inform the client about this, and in order to continue the consultation, he needs to pay for the time spent by me.
If, during quick correspondence, the consultation is limited to 1-2 questions, the answers to which take less than 5 minutes, I will not charge money for it, but I will add time (and cost) to the time (and cost) of subsequent consultations (for example, 3 consultations of 5 minutes each = payment 15 minutes).

I do NOT offer free consultations at the moment..

You can get a free answer to a question, by asking it in the comments to any of the blog articles.
ATTENTION! I do not answer everything, but ONLY ADEQUATELY, NORMALLY AND CORRECTLY ASKED QUESTIONS TO ME. Therefore, if you WANT to get an answer to your question, then before asking it, please read the article "", in the second part of which is briefly described the general principles of how to ask questions in order to get them answer.

You can also subscribe to my two YouTube channels, where I regularly post various free educational videos - “ Yuri Lemekhov" and " World of Psychology ».
To keep up to date with tutorial articles (some of which I submit as written notes) and videos, you can add me as a friend at In contact with or at Facebook- all updates are published on the wall of the page.

Detailed list of my services:
1) Providing online psychological assistance to people diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Schizotypal Disorder.
Dear Readers, if you yourself have been repeatedly seen by a psychiatrist, have been (perhaps more than once) in a psychiatric clinic, doctors have diagnosed you with "Schizophrenia" (F20 according to ICD-10) or schizotypal disorder (F21 according to ICD-10), and you if you want to receive psychological help and support, then you need to read an article called "". It was written ESPECIALLY FOR YOU.
In the case when a person close to you or a relative behaves somehow strangely or inadequately, but before that, everything seemed to be in order with him (he successfully passed examinations by psychiatrists and no one made him a corresponding diagnosis), and you Do NOT know what to do in this situation, I recommend that you read the article "". Also in an article called "" I analyzed in detail what constitutes psychological assistance for schizophrenia, which I provide online. And in the notes called "" and "" I have prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions to me.

2) Help in solving the problem of arranging personal life.
Often, without wanting it, over and over again people unconsciously step on the same rake: or start a relationship with a person who is obviously not suitable for this (for example, an alcoholic, gigolo, drug addict, prostitute), thereby dooming themselves to suffering ; or can NOT start a relationship with the person they like; or they cannot keep their beloved (s), husband (wife), regularly making the same mistakes. Dear Readers, as you understand, this is not happening by chance.
During the counseling process, I help the client to understand WHY this is happening and WHAT exactly, over and over again, leads to an unsuccessful choice of a partner or undesirable behavior on his part. The final stages of the consultation process are: a) teaching the client (based on His capabilities) psychologically competent behavior in relationships (How to behave correctly, and What Mistakes should be Avoided); b) joint development of strategic and tactical plans to achieve the chosen goal - the arrangement of the client's personal life.

3) Family counseling.
Psychologically competent Termination / Settlement / Settlement of Family Conflicts and Scandals (family therapy leading to the creation of harmony in marriage). Who likes to sort things out in vain, scandal, conflict, quarrel or swear? The answer is obvious - Nobody. However, despite this, many of our families remind me of nothing more than a disturbed hornet's nest in which children quarrel with parents, parents with children, father-in-law and mother-in-law with daughter-in-law, son-in-law with mother-in-law and father-in-law, and spouses with each other. . WHAT causes scandals and HOW to prevent them? What are conflicts? Are they all equally bad? How are Conflicts different from Scandals? How to learn to Create and Successfully Resolve Constructive Business Conflicts that Bring Partners Together and Unite, thus creating a climate of warmth, comfort, harmony, trust, intimacy and love in the family? What is Feedback? Why is it needed, and how to learn to competently give it to your relationship partner? What is a family model? What family models exist, and which one is preferable for YOU? (The analysis is based on the individual characteristics of the client - his temperament and character). What duties and functions does this or that family member perform, depending on its model? You can get the answer to this and many other questions using my online services of a psychologist-psychotherapist.

4) Return of a loved one.
Up to 80% return success guarantee, however, before contacting me with a similar problem, NECESSARILY read the article called "", in which I talk in detail about in which SPECIFIC cases the chance of a return is 80%, and in which - even with perfectly correct and psychologically competent behavior - less than 5%. Also, in the comments to this article, you can ask me your question about the percentage probability of a possible return, briefly and as accurately as possible describing your situation. - As soon as possible, I will definitely answer everyone who wants to know if they have a real chance to return their loved one who left them (and, if so, what is the approximate percentage for the return), and whether it makes sense to contact me for this for a fee consultation.

5) I help to get rid of the feeling of dependence on another person(it doesn't matter whether it's mom, dad, or a loved one who left you, whom you either don't want to return, or is not possible). After successfully resolving this problem, a person experiences peace, peace of mind, general relaxation and a sense of freedom from obsolete and unnecessary relationships.

6) Sexual problems and disorders: lack of orgasm, sexual coldness, aversion to sex, erectile dysfunction (temporary impotence caused by psychological problems and / or lifestyle), premature ejaculation and others.

7) Desire to understand yourself.
Why life has cracked, and things are going awry and awry; why you behave, it seems, correctly, but you always get not what you expect; why others do not treat you the way YOU would like, etc. In the process of counseling, you will receive an answer to the questions: “WHO is to blame?” (where the legs of this problem grow from) and “WHAT to do?” (How to effectively deal with it).
This category of problems includes everything that is somehow connected with: a) self-esteem; b) various inferiority complexes; in) the presence of such neurotic character traits as shame, guilt, shyness, anxiety, criticism, envy, self-doubt, timidity, suspiciousness, resentment, pride, hatred, excessive aggressiveness, jealousy, boredom, longing, loneliness and many others that interfere with our happiness - full enjoyment of the process of life.
How do you deal with a client who comes to me with a similar problem? Since this question is asked to me most often, here I will describe in detail the General technique of the psychotherapeutic process (Any Special cases are considered in detail already directly in the process of Individual counseling).
I work with the help of cognitive-behavioral (or, scientifically speaking, cognitive-behavioral) psychotherapy, as well as such a direction as “Scenario Analysis” by Eric Berne.
At the first consultation, I carry out a diagnosis of the client's personality - I identify the key points of his neurotic life scenario - i.e. those mistakes that were made in raising a child in early childhood (up to 5 years) and led to the emergence of the above neurotic character traits. Then, if necessary, I send the client a set of materials for self-study and further discussion of this information at subsequent consultations.
In the process of further work, the client and I analyze in detail the causes of problems and failures that occur (and have happened before) in his life (sometimes for this the client may need to write his autobiography) and develop an optimal plan for their elimination and / or successful resolution. This plan is aimed at avoiding the appearance of the same type (same and repeated over and over again) problems and errors in the future.
In parallel with this, I teach the client transactional analysis: a structural analysis of the personality, thanks to which a person can successfully resolve any intrapersonal conflicts that have arisen in him. Also, if necessary, I teach the client directly the transactional analysis and psychologically competent communication necessary to establish productive and successful interpersonal contacts in various areas of his life.
Of course, after a while such methodical work on oneself leads to significant improvements in the client's life: illnesses and complexes go away, health improves, business improves, income increases, personal life is arranged and relationships with loved ones are harmonized. Positive emotions visit a person more and more often and for a longer time, negative ones - less and less. As a result, a feeling of peace and happiness settles in the soul, confidence appears both in the future and in one's own strengths, and life becomes truly Interesting, Colorful and Bright.

8) I help clients find and acquire the Meaning of Life: what will move them throughout their whole life; what will act for them as the best, most reliable and faithful motivator for action, thanks to which they will be able to start living a full happy life (full of health, joy and material wealth), and live to a ripe old age, benefiting both themselves and their loved ones people and society as a whole.

9) Providing psychotherapeutic assistance in the treatment of computer (gambling), nicotine, alcohol, drug, food and drug addiction.

10) Help in the treatment of various somatoform disorders. This group of diseases is characterized by physical pathological symptoms resembling a somatic (bodily) disease. However, even with the most careful examination, NO organic manifestations are found that could be attributed to a disease known in medicine. Simply put, there are pathological symptoms, but the disease itself is simply ABSENT.
Help in the treatment of various psychosomatic diseases- diseases of the body arising from psychological problems that affect the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart attack, stroke, vegetative dystonia and others), gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, ulcers and others), endocrine glands, genitourinary system and others organs and systems of the body.
This also includes help with weight correction, with frequent overeating, bulimia nervosa, muscular dystrophy (except for anorexia, which, as a rule, requires the supervision of a psychiatrist in a psychiatric clinic or, at a minimum, in a neuropsychiatric dispensary (PND)), as well as a solution problems of fatigue, loss of strength, weakness, lethargy and apathy.

11) Help to eliminate a wide range of problems associated with sleep disorders(insomnia, frequent nocturnal awakenings, early awakenings, superficial sleep, fatigue after sleep, and others).

12) Help in curing neurosis (neurotic disorder) of any form (according to ICD-10 and DSM-V): hypochondriacal, astheno-hypochondriac, asthenic, astheno-depressive, depressive, hysterical (dissociative, conversion and mixed (dissociative-conversion)), neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive (mental chewing gum - obsessive thoughts and / or actions), anxiety-phobic, anxiety-depressive, phobic (social phobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia and other phobias), generalized anxiety and panic (panic attacks) disorders.

13) Help in overcoming crises of various ages.
Learning to effectively deal with stress, increasing the overall stress resistance of your body.

14) I help to solve the problem of getting out of neurotic (psychogenic) depression, i.e. depression caused by obvious external causes (for example, low salary, inability to arrange one's business or personal life, sexual problems, constant conflicts at work and / or in the family, the departure of a loved one, divorce, etc.).

15) I help in overcoming the state of acute grief that arose as a result of the loss of a close loved one.

16) Helping patients recover from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that arose after suffering a Severe psychotrauma (for example, military operations, rape, threat to life, murder). According to the ICD-10, these are the diagnoses: F43.0 (acute reaction to stress), F43.1 (traumatic neurosis), F43.2 adjustment disorder, F43.8 (other reactions to severe stress). According to DSM-V - "disorders associated with trauma and stress" (265-290).

17) I conduct targeted training in psychologically competent communication.
This service really helps those people who are tired of wasting their energy, nerves and health on senseless, unproductive and inherently destructive quarrels, conflicts and scandals.
When teaching a client, I am based on the method of psychological aikido by Mikhail Litvak (but in MY own interpretation of it), Eric Berne's transactional analysis and a number of theoretical subtleties and practical nuances of social psychology and conflictology (behavior in small / large groups, the theory of conflictogens, the choice of a strategy of behavior in conflict between K. Thomas and R. Killman, effective active listening techniques, the ability to give feedback to a partner, compliment him, criticize competently, and much more).
Depending on specific requests and situations, the training of each client follows a strictly individual plan and schedule.
The consequences of successful mastery of psychologically competent communication are:
a) productive (and with minimal energy consumption) settlement/cessation of existing (current) destructive interpersonal conflicts of any severity;
b) successful prevention of new destructive conflicts, which previously constantly spilled over into quarrels and scandals with mutual insults;
in) the ability to create and successfully resolve new Constructive Business Conflicts;
G) establishing warm relationships with friends, like-minded people, colleagues, bosses and business partners, successful adaptation in the team;
e) psychologically competent management of subordinates;
e) creation of harmonious family relations;

18) I assist in the treatment of burnout syndrome (BSE)(occurs due to ineffective, unproductive communication with other people) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)(arises as a result of monotonous, monotonous, routine, uninteresting, boring work or unhealthy neurotic workaholism).

19) I help in solving issues related to the birth and upbringing of a genetically, mentally, psychologically and physically healthy child. It will help expectant and young mothers, as well as parents who have psychological problems with their children. Consultation is carried out exclusively with parents and adolescents (11 years and older). I DO NOT counsel children under 11 years of age.

20) I help in solving issues related to the inability to plan (strategy and tactics) of one's life (Life management) and / or affairs - working time (Time management).
Problems of laziness, lack of motivation, stagnation in business, competent setting and implementation of goals.

21) I provide assistance in building and maintaining a career (coaching services). I also help to get a job they love - based on the genetic inclinations and characteristics of the client, his temperament and character, I help him decide on a profession (i.e. solve the question: "Who to be?") And successfully take the desired job position.

22) I train psychologists and psychotherapists in psychological and psychotherapeutic (with the help of transactional and scenario analysis, as well as with the help of a number of other psychological disciplines) counseling on various problems and issues of interest to them.

Reasons for REFUSAL in consultation due to its complete INEFFICIENCY or MEANNESS:

1) People suffering from a Personality Disorder (psychopathy).
This pathology of character is quite rare, but sometimes I still come across such clients. I can't help them, so I refuse to consult them further.

2) People who have previously committed a real (s) (and not a theatrical, demonstrative game for the public!) Attempt (s) of suicide.
Dear Clients, if you have previously made suicidal attempts, inflicted self-harm (committed auto-aggressive actions against yourself), then you should contact the appropriate suicidologists, since my work methods may well NOT be suitable for your case, and I am NOT in danger of risking your life right.

3) Really non-existent (fictitious) reason for consultation.

4) Help in solving problems of third parties.
For example: “Help my girlfriend (mother, father, husband, wife, etc.) solve the following problem ...” - in these cases, of course, I will NOT be able to help.
You can read more about the reasons for my refusal of such "help" in the article "".

5) Patients with epilepsy.

And now I turn to the second part of the article.
It's no secret that social networks are very popular. If you wish, you can find anything there: a kind of "dump" (in a good sense of the word) of information collected bit by bit from all over the Internet. You can play games, listen to music, watch movies, chat about business and idle, kill time looking at other people's photos, etc.
Recently, I use all social networks for the sole purpose of consulting clients.
How does this consultation take place? You write to me in any of the above social networks, then you make an advance payment in the amount of 6.25 USD. to any of the specified purses of the Webmoney or Yandex.Money system. After the money has been credited to the account, I begin to advise you. First, you tell in detail about your problem, I will diagnose, asking the necessary questions. When the situation becomes clear, I give detailed instructions on what needs to be done to successfully resolve the problem situation that has arisen.
Now let's talk about the benefits of counseling. psychologist vkontakte or through another social network. It is quite difficult for many people to purposefully set aside 1-2 hours of their time for consultation via Skype or chat (you can read more about this in the article ""), however, during the day they periodically have the opportunity to access the Internet (for example, 10-15 minute breaks at work every one to two hours; or morning and evening). Through any social a network client can write me a question and, without waiting for an answer, go about their business. As soon as I see this question, I will immediately answer it. When the client has the opportunity, he will respond to my message. All consultations will take place in this manner.

The second important advantage is the price. It will be discussed below.
It should also be noted that the client retains the entire history of correspondence, and he has the opportunity to repeatedly re-read it for a better understanding of certain points.
The price of this consultation is 12.5 USD. in hour. You pay in advance for the first 30 minutes of my time. In the future, every hour that I worked advising a client is paid. For example, you wrote me 20 messages, I gave 20 answers to them, and spent an hour and a half (reading the question + writing the answer; that is, only the Actual Working Time is paid, but not the time of my Waiting for a response message from the client). Accordingly, after the end of the consultation, you pay extra 12.5 USD. If I spent 30 minutes on the answers, then you pay nothing more.

psychologist vkontakte

How does it work in this mode? I go to social network, I see a question, I answer, I close the social. network and do my current business, finish them - again open the social. network, read the answer, write my own, etc. That is, in my work I spend a minimum of my time, and for me, as well as for the client, it is also very convenient.

Well, who among modern people is not interested in such an interesting science as psychology? It can help to cope with many problems in life, find answers to questions and a goal for moving forward. However, not all modern psychologists are experts in their field. We all know that today's level of education, as a rule, leaves much to be desired, right?

If you are a psychologist who wants to continuously raise your level of competence, or you are a person who needs the help of a psychologist, our article will be very helpful. Indeed, in it we will consider publics and groups on the social network VKontakte, which are dedicated to psychology. In them you will surely be able to find not only interesting information, but also worthy interlocutors.

Relationship psychology

Why is this public at the top of our list? This is no coincidence. This community is the largest! It already has more than four and a half million people. There are probably many of your friends among them. And really, what can bother a person more than relationships with other people? And here is the address: vk.com/psy.people

But, where there is a crowd, there is no truth to be found. Why do we say so? Because there is no smell of psychology here. Alas, only the name is connected with psychology. Here you will find vanilla quotes, cute photos and games in discussions. However, if you like it, feel free to join. Next, we will try to consider communities that are associated with real psychology.

Public of the same name

The real psychology in Vkontakte is represented by this public: vk.com/sci_psy

Just under two million subscribers interesting posts and regular updates. This is more like what we were looking for. The only pity is that in this community there are no comments under the posts, no discussions. So, finding like-minded people or asking a question will not work. The maximum is to like or repost.

This community is perfect for you if you like to read. Because there is something to read and something to think about. Interested in psychology VKontakte? Feel free to subscribe to updates!

Sigmund Freud

What is the most famous psychologist you know? I think the answer is obvious. We invite you to join this community, which is dedicated to the legendary Sigmund Freud: vk.com/public25013143

Surely all psychologists in VKontakte have long subscribed to the updates of this public. In total there are more than 65 thousand participants. And even though the comments on the posts are closed, and there is essentially no one to chat with here, being in the community is very interesting thanks to the posts on the wall. It is clear that they are chosen wisely. By the way, the millionaire, whom we already wrote about on our website, often quotes Freud.

Carl Gustav Jung

Another titan in human psychology, to which a fairly large community is dedicated: vk.com/public.jung

Agree, real psychologists on VKontakte will not be able to pass by and not subscribe to this public page. It contains many quotes and excerpts from Jung's books. However, not only his quotes. It would probably be too boring. So, you will find in this community other excerpts from the books of various people, one way or another connected with psychology. What can not but rejoice.