Foreign words and their Russian synonyms.

13. Pick up Russian synonyms for foreign words

A scam is a scam;

Barter - exchange;

Debtor - debtor;

Image - image;

Incident - a case;

Conformism - opportunism;

Legitimate - legal;

Nostalgia - memories;

Ostracism - alienation;

Publicity - the public;

Stagnation - stagnation;

Broadcast - transmission;

Sequester - list;

14. Determine which of the following words corresponds to the norm of literary speech, and which - to vernacular

Lie down - literary speech;

I lie down - vernacular;

Kladu - literary speech;

Lodge - vernacular;

Lyag - literary speech;

Lage - vernacular;

Lay - vernacular;

Put - literary speech;

Corn - literary speech;

Corns - vernacular;

Colander - vernacular;

Drushlag - literary speech;

A baking sheet is a vernacular;

Protven - literary speech;

Shoe - vernacular;

Shoes - literary speech;

Tapok - literary speech;

Slipper - vernacular;

15. Specify stylistic flaws and speech errors. Correct the sentences

1. The word "gnaw" is a stylistic misuse; only waves can swallow.

Separated northern places, where the waves gnaw at the boulder shores, and only in the narrow openings of the summer months the cold Arctic retreats, letting ships through the lead path of icy water.

2. Pirin has a unique beauty: its peaks are like marble ribs.

3. Specialists - volcanologists keep abreast of the elements.

4. An ardent enemy of nature is a violator of hunting laws, he is also an implacable enemy of real hunters.

5. Eliminate the loss of potatoes - such a thought should visit every villager.

6. At a neighboring site, sets of instruments for a physical workshop in schools are being created.

16. Choose the right word from those in brackets

1. Free economic zones can thus contribute to the implementation of Russia's strategic plans.

2. The level and quality of public services of this nature leave much to be desired.

3. Funds received from privatization and released from privatization should be directed to the repair of housing and its maintenance.

4. At the first stage, until the mid-1990s, it is necessary to ease social tension.

5. Without a well-organized management system, these projects cannot be implemented.

17. Find expressions of a phraseological nature, indicate how justified their use is in the context. Correct speech defects, stylistic errors

1. The phraseological expression "monkey labor" is not justified when used in this context, since there is an official business speech.

Answering journalists' questions about the reasons for leaving her post, the minister said - "I would like to feel that what I am doing is not in vain."

2. The use of the phraseological expression "let off steam" is not justified, because the meaning of the turnover "let off steam" is to give vent to your emotions.

Now there are more and more supporters of reforms in the country in the parliament.

3. Phraseological turnover “lowered from above” means that higher organizations gave an order or order, which does not explain the unsuccessful celebration, and therefore should not be used in this sentence.

After the unsuccessful end of the celebration, the artistic director of the program explained the reasons for the poor organization of the holiday.

4. Phraseological turnover "in pursuance of the order" is justified in the use of this sentence.

In pursuance of the order of the company commander, all personnel were taken to the dining room for lunch.

5. Phraseological turnover can be used in this sentence.

6. Phraseological turnover can be used in this sentence.

7. Phraseological turnover can be used in this sentence.

8. You can not cherish the goal - a stylistic mistake.

What was the goal pursued by the deputies by adopting the budget for the next year?

9. Phraseological turnover can be used in this sentence.


1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.P., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. allowance for universities. - Rostov-n / D .: Phoenix 2006.- 327p.

2. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of culture of speech: Textbook for universities. - M .: Higher School, 1988.- 389s.

3. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. – M.: Logos, 2003.- 455p.

4. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: a Handbook. Workshop. / N. S. Vodina, A. Yu. Ivanova, V. S. Klyuev and others; – M.: Flinta: Science, 2002.- 372p.

5. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook. / Ed. prof. O.Ya. Goykhman. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006.- 489p.

6. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities. / A.I. Dunev, M.Ya. Dymarsky, A.Yu. Kozhevnikov / Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Higher School, 2003. - 432 p.

7. Russian language and culture of speech / ed. V.V. Maksimova.- M.: Gardariki, 2000.- 462p.

It opens up the possibility to ensure greater stability of the norm, to prevent semi-spontaneous and seemingly uncontrolled changes in it. These possibilities of codification can be judged by the following examples: - colloquial speech - under the influence of the accepted digital designation of numerals in printed texts, we have difficulty in declining the names of numerals. - in cases where one ...

In ancient times, many of those qualities (“virtues of speech”) that writers, linguists, specialists in stylistics and speech culture have been talking about for several centuries, such as purity, clarity, brevity, relevance and beauty, were identified and characterized. This manual adopts the classification developed by Professor B.N. Golovin, in which, as the main features of speech ...

... ”, 1997, etc. The importance of dictionaries in the life of every person can hardly be overestimated. Reading dictionaries, constant reference to them improves the culture of speech. Dictionaries enrich the individual vocabulary and phraseological stock, introduce the norms of the Russian language, warn against misuse of words, their grammatical forms, and pronunciation. Dictionaries expand our knowledge of the language, deepen our understanding...

Usually falls to the lot of writers, scientists, educated part of society). Conclusion As a result of the analysis of changes in the structure and functions of sublanguages ​​in relation to the literary language, the idea of ​​modern processes of interaction of these linguistic formations in the conditions of their existence in one society is clarified. Considering the ratio of sublanguages ​​in relation to the literary language in ...

What is "copypaste"
“Hülkenberg (copy-paste is prohibited on Lenta.Ru, but I honestly copy his last name).”
"At a press conference, Guttenberg was asked if he perceives freedom on the Internet as 'copy-paste for everyone'."
The publishing house Kommersant filed a lawsuit against the Israeli newspaper Vesti in connection with copyright infringement. An international precedent is needed to solve the copy-paste problem. “We do not expect to make money, rather we want to achieve an educational effect ... We decided to fight against “copy-pasteers” and intend to put the process on a grand scale.”
“Most infotainment sites are filled with 20 to 80% copy-paste.” Techservice

Copy-paste, copy-paste, copy-paste (English copy - copy and paste - paste) - use by mechanical copying of information from other people's web resources on their web pages.

Formally, these words are not a borrowing, but rather a neologism based on borrowed words. If I'm not mistaken, there is no word for "copypaste" in the Anglo-American language.
The etymology of this word, as you understand, stems from the peculiarities of the process of transferring informational or illustrative computer material from one place to another (file, storage medium, etc.). Before the era of computer preparation of information, there was a single and inseparable transfer process - copying or reproduction of the original. But on a computer, this process turned out to be divided into two parts: copying (copy) to some internal system buffer and then pasting (paste) what was copied to the specified location. Since the computer information processing programs were originally in English, this is how it happened: copy-paste. And this feature of working on a computer hurt users so much that they began to replace the word meaning the result - copy (copy) with the word representing the process - copy-paste (copy-paste).
But copy-paste, unlike the neutral word "copy", is often used with the implication of special meanings. The words meaning these meanings have been in the language for a long time - these are citation and plagiarism.

Copying (from lat. copia - set) - the process of making a copy, that is, reproducing an object, process, phenomenon, information.
Quote (from Latin cito - I call, I quote) - a verbatim excerpt from a work, taken in "quotation marks" (explicit or implied) and, if possible, provided with a link to the work or the author.
Plagiarism is the borrowing, in whole or in part, of other people's works without indicating the source of borrowing, and in such a way (on purpose or unintentionally) that the consumer of information does not doubt that the authorship does not belong to the author of the final work at all.
The word "copy-paste" (so far), being taken out of context, does not allow us to determine these shades: is it a quote or plagiarism. And thus, unlike other borrowings and neologisms, it does not specify the words available in the Russian language, but, as it were, introduces a general concept for the words "quote" and "plagiarism".

One of the features that is attributed to copy-paste - the text resulting from copy-paste usually contains logical jumps and dips at the boundaries of quotes - has also been known for a long time without the word "copy-paste". For example: “... the phenomenon of borrowing [text fragments] acquired anecdotal forms when borrowings from Yuzhakov's encyclopedia of 1896 and TSB of 1926 were mixed: “Tatev Monastery is located in the village of Tatev. To this day it is a major cultural center with a university, a scriptorium and a library. Abolished in 1917" Russian Wikipedia

So, this word "copy-paste" would not be needed. It does not give anything to our language, especially if it begins to displace the words "copying", "quoting" and "plagiarism".

Sakhalin State University

South Sakhalin Pedagogical College

Department of Methods of Teaching the Russian Language

Final qualifying work

Work on the development of speech when studying the name of an adjective in the 6th grade of high school.

Kovaleva Maria Andreevna

Specialty: 050301.52 Russian language and literature

Well III, group 302

supervisor :

Tkacheva Claudia Ivanovna Teacher of the highest category



Currently, there are a large number of works on the methodology of teaching the Russian language at school. They highlight many problems of organizing the educational process, give methodological advice and recommendations for achieving the greatest results in the process of learning the Russian language at each stage of school education, the development of lessons, extra-curricular, extracurricular activities.

As an academic subject, the Russian language in the modern school has a cognitive and practical orientation, i.e. gives students knowledge about their native language, forms their language and speech skills.

Speech development is a large and complex area of ​​native language methodology. Difficult because it concerns such a phenomenon as human speech, and because it does not directly correlate with any one linguistic course, as well as with school subjects - the Russian language and literature, which, first of all, serve the tasks of developing students' speech.

The modern method of speech development has its own research data, has the necessary didactic, psychological and linguistic base in order to isolate the system of basic concepts, define them and draw the necessary conclusions from the experimental data accumulated in science.

In recent years, much has been said about the need to modernize the content of language education, and everyone is aware that the goals of the school course are language learning and speech development. But at the same time, the development of speech is still understood not in the modern sense (development of the ability to carry out speech generalization in various life situations), but traditionally.

The development of speech in the lessons of the Russian language is all the work carried out by the philologist specifically and in connection with the study of the school course in order for students to master the language norms, as well as the ability to express their thoughts orally and in writing. Finally, the development of speech is the most important means of socializing the personality and developing its intellectual, spiritual, moral, emotional and volitional spheres. This is a way of familiarizing the individual with the culture of society, on the one hand, and a condition for the self-development of a growing person as an individual, on the other.

All of the above determinedthe relevance of this study, which is due to the search for effective ways of learning in the study of the name of the adjective and the development of speech.

Purpose of the study - to develop and scientifically substantiate a system of exercises that would provide the best ways to form speech skills and abilities when learning the name of an adjective.

Object of study is work on the development of speech in the study of the topic "Adjective".

Subject of study is the speech skills of 6th grade students on the topic "Adjective".

The purpose, object and subject of research determine the workinghypothesis , based on the following assumptions:

the systematic inclusion of various types of exercises in the study of the name of the adjective will be the most important condition for the development of students' speech.

In order to achieve the set goal and test the hypothesis put forward in the course of our scientific research, we must solve a number of problems.

Main task research is to determine the effectiveness of experimental didactic recommendations (a set of educational tasks, exercises, questions designed to work in the process of forming a speech skill when learning an adjective in grade 6).

From this basic task follows a seriesprivate tasks , without the solution of which it is impossible to complete the main task. Our research objectives include the following:

    To determine the linguo-methodological foundations of work on the development of speech in grammar lessons.

    To identify the features of studying the topic "Adjective name" in the 6th grade in the aspect of work on the development of speech.

    Develop a system of tasks and exercises that enhances the speech orientation of teaching grammar.

    Experimentally check the effectiveness of the proposed recommendations for studying the topic "Adjective name" in the 6th grade.

Methodological base of work.

In accordance with the chosen topic and the tasks set, the methodology of this work is based on the following principles.

Didactic research method: theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem; study and analysis of school programs and textbooks;

Empirical research method: organization of ascertaining and teaching experiments; statistical processing of the results of the experiment; monitoring the learning activities of students in the Russian language lessons when using the acquired knowledge on the topic "Adjective", processing the results of the work, systematization and generalization.

Novelty this study is an attempt to develop an effective approach to the formation of cognitive activity of students in the process of performing a set of exercises, training tasks for the development of speech, the formation of grammatical skills, as an indicator of the quality of the student's educational activity, which manifests itself in a conscious, active attitude to the content and process of learning; in an effort to effectively master grammatical skills, knowledge and methods of learning activities.

Practical significance of our study lies in the fact that it provides specific methodological recommendations for the development of speech when studying the name of an adjective, and also developed exercises that give the teacher the opportunity to widely use them in practice as a means of improving and developing students' speech.

Approbation of work: materials of the diploma research project were tested in the Tymovsky district with. Resurrection of a secondary school in 2009.

Work structure.

The scientific research work consists of an introduction, which gives a general idea of ​​the work; chapters on theoretical foundations; chapters, where we consider and develop methodological recommendations on the topic “Adjective name” in grade 6; conclusions summarizing the results of the work done; bibliography and appendices.

Chapter 1. Linguistic and methodological foundations of work on the development of speech in grammar lessons.

    1. Aspects of work on the development of speech in the lessons of the Russian language.

The school pays great attention to the formation of spelling and punctuation skills of students. This work is of particular relevance at the present time, when the quality of spelling and punctuation skills is negatively affected by the decrease in the level of speech culture in general. As never before, this raises the question of solving two most important tasks - raising the level of speech culture of schoolchildren and improving their spelling skills - in organic unity. It seems that an indispensable condition for achieving the designated goal is the purposeful use of the text as a didactic material in teaching schoolchildren literate writing. This idea, in fact, is not new: similar ideas have been presented in the works of many famous scientists. In support of what has been said, we cite the words of E.S. Istrina: “Spelling literacy gets its meaning in connection with the culture of speech in general. ».

Obviously, one of the most important conditions is to increase the level of speech culture of students. After all, only developed speech leads to the need for its correct spelling and punctuation.

The concept of "speech development" is multifaceted, and it should be considered from several positions. So, from the point of view of the method of speech development, this is a system of the child's language abilities in unity with the development of the personality under the influence of language learning. The elements of this system are interconnected and are in a hierarchical relationship with each other, and the goal is the system-forming factor. This is first. Secondly, the development of speech is considered as a process of development of all components of the language ability, the development of feelings of language and a creative attitude to the word. In this process, the mechanism of speech activity is improved and the development of the linguistic personality as a whole is carried out. The content of the process of speech development is the formation of communicative and linguistic competence of students. Thirdly, the development of speech is the result of teaching the native language in all its functions.

The methodological system of speech development includes the following interrelated components:

    The purpose of the school course, which is to study the language and development of speech, the development of the language abilities of the child.

    The principles of speech development are gradualness, integrity, reliance on algorithms.

    Methods: receptive, reproductive, productive.

    Teaching aids: teaching aids, workbooks, guidelines, text library, multimedia tools.

    Form of education: typology and structure of the lessons of the native language (a lesson in the development of speech, a lesson in the analysis and prevention of errors, etc.)

    Diagnostics: means of control and evaluation (tests and other control and measuring materials, computer pedagogy) .

These are the main elements of the methodological system for the development of speech in the modern sense.

The methodology often uses the synonymous words “aspect”, “direction”, “section” of work on the development of speech.

Aspect - a point of view that considers an object, phenomenon, concept . In the methodology of the native language, it is justified to talk about certain aspects of the study of topics, sections of the school course of the Russian language.

Work in the aspect of speech development is carried out "in passing" in connection with the study of the material of the main program and, of course, involves its certain selection and methodological interpretation.

It should be noted that the speech aspect of the work can be different in essence: in one case, the aspect study precedes the special study of linguistic theory or continues it, in the other, it does not have such a base. In general, the issues of the content of the multi-aspect work on the development of speech in the theory of methodology have not been sufficiently studied, as a result of which the speech aspects of studying sections of the school course are not always implemented to the right extent in teaching practice.

Aspects of work on the development of speech should not be identified with two areas of this work, which correspond to the two sides of the culture of speech and, accordingly, with the two main tasks of work on the development of speech:

    Formation of correct speech skills of students.

    Formation of good expedient speech skills.

Two main directions in the work “on speech” were identified by V.I. Chernyshev: “... the school should develop speech. This must be strictly distinguished from the concept - to develop, streamline speech. The development, ordering of speech is really a matter of grammar and style. ". The idea of ​​Chernyshev V.I. about the distinction between work aimed at the development of speech and work on its streamlining received a vivid expression in the works of V.A. Dobromyslova who used the wordenrichment to indicate the second direction, and the wordstreamlining concretized with the help of such methodological concepts as the prevention and overcoming of pronunciation, lexical, morphological, syntactic shortcomings and errors.

These two directions "superimpose" on all the main sections of the school course of the Russian language, which creates a linguistic basis for comprehending what is in the language of children and what they have learned through imitation, as well as for improving their speech.

In the current "Standards for assessing knowledge, skills, skills of students in grades 5-9 in the Russian language" an attempt was made to reflect the level of richness of speech and the level of correctness of students' speech when evaluating presentations and essays. This differentiation, proposed by V.I. Kapinos, found its expression in the fact that "accuracy, richness and expressiveness of speech" together with the content are evaluated by one mark, "grammatical correctness of speech" - by another and, accordingly, two groups of errors are distinguished: speech defects and grammatical errors. This approach to assessing the speech skills of students contributes to the awareness of teachers of two main areas in the development of speech, which is extremely important for the implementation of the requirements of the program.

Work to enrich the speech of schoolchildren is carried out both in the lessons where the basic language units (word, word form, phrase) are studied, and in the lessons of preparation for essays and presentations. At the lessons of studying vocabulary, morphology, syntax, the structure, semantics and functioning of certain language tools are analyzed, then various kinds of speech exercises and tasks are carried out.

Work on the development of speech should, firstly, enrich the student with the necessary vocabulary, forms of syntactic constructions and, secondly, develop his skills in the correct use of words, phrases, syntactic constructions. This determines the content of the work of a language teacher on the development of speech in the process of teaching the Russian language.

In the written speech of students, various violations of the norms of the Russian literary language are observed. These violations concern: a) vocabulary, b) morphology, c) syntax.

An adjective is a lexical and grammatical category of words, which is the most numerous after a noun. The semantic basis of adjectives is the concept of a sign that belongs to the subject. The attributes of an object are varied and can characterize an object in terms of color, shape, size, material, purpose, accessories, etc. .

Being a grammatical category that forms and combines words that mean a sign of an object, adjectives are "defining nouns and usually agree with them in gender, number and case." The declension system of adjectives, as well as nouns, is based on the combination of gender, number and case signs in the ending, but there are no gender differences in plural forms.

In the process of studying the name of an adjective in the 6th grade, work continues on the prevention of speech errors associated with the agreement of words. This issue is given due attention by the textbook and teachers. Exercises with such tasks justified themselves:

    Write the adjectives together with the nouns they refer to and underline the endings.

    Insert the missing letters in the case endings of adjectives.

    Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct cases.

It is necessary to train students in agreeing adjectives with nouns from the very beginning of studying the topic, i.e. long before studying the topic "Declination of full adjectives." For example, when consolidating knowledge about the relationship of an adjective with nouns and about changing an adjective, attention is drawn to which case endings adjectives acquire as a result of agreement with nouns.

In the textbook in the exercise it is required to indicate the adjectives and nouns to which they refer; the task is complicated by the fact that students are invited to underline the case endings of adjectives and put a question to which they answer.

In the course of studying the topic “Qualitative and Relative Adjectives”, the same additional work is carried out. In the exercise, it is proposed to first write out the possessive adjectives together with the nouns they define, then the relative adjectives. It is very appropriate in such a task to emphasize the case endings of adjectives and raise the question to which they answer.

When passing the topic "Declination of qualitative and relative adjectives", adjectives are declined together with the nouns they define. This makes it possible to once again emphasize the connection of adjectives with nouns.

In the future, during the study of the topic: “Spelling of the case endings of adjectives”, all attention naturally focuses on especially difficult cases of agreement between adjectives and nouns. The teacher includes in the exercises such sentences in which the adjectives are removed from the nouns being defined.

In connection with the study of the subtopics “Full and short adjectives”, “The role of adjectives in a sentence”, shortcomings are warned, consisting in the inappropriate use of full adjectives as a predicate.

To this end, during the explanation of homework and checking it, the student’s attention is drawn to the fact that full adjectives in a sentence are most often definitions, short ones are predicates. This is appropriate to do when performing and analyzing exercises.

The same work is carried out during the study of the subtopic "Spelling of short qualitative adjectives ».

This is how work is carried out to prevent shortcomings in the use of full and short adjectives during the study of the section "Adjective".

1.2. The system of studying adjectives at school (analysis of the program and textbooks).

The adjective, like the noun, is studied "in two steps" - in grades 5 and 6. The interval between these "steps" takes almost a year and is filled in volume and varied in content by educational material. .

The system of studying adjective names involves a gradual complication and expansion of the material both from the vocabulary side and from the grammar side.

Formation of the concept of "adjective name" starts in first grade. The main goal at this time is to reveal the versatility of the meaning of adjectives.

Students' awareness of the role of adjectives in our speech is facilitated by exercises in comparing the text without adjectives and with them. It is noted that the accuracy of the description is significantly increased if words denoting features of objects are used.

Correct wording of questionswhich? whose?, in essence, it is connected with understanding the gender of nouns and adjectives and the syntactic dependence of the former on the latter. Students learn to put the question practically, guided by the meaning of words.

Gender and number of adjectives. The categories of gender and number of adjectives do not have the independent meaning that is characteristic of nouns, and are only expressions of the connection between adjectives and nouns. Therefore, to assimilate the gender and number of adjectives by students means, first of all, to assimilate the essence of the connection between these two parts of speech. Endings are the means of expressing the connection. At the end, the attention of children should be directed, for example:what day? warm th what night? warm and I what morning? warm oh . As a result of observing nouns combined with the same adjective, students determine the gender of nouns and the gender of adjectives and makeconclusions about adjectives:

    Adjectives in the singular change by gender (unlike nouns.)

    The gender of an adjective depends on the gender of the noun with which it is associated. If the noun is masculine, then the adjective is masculine, etc.

    The masculine adjective answers the questionwhich? and has an ending-th(s), -oh . The feminine adjective answers the questionwhich? and has an ending–th(s) . The neuter adjective answers the questionwhich? has an ending-oh(-ee) .

Observing plural adjectives, students are convinced that plural adjectives do not change by gender.

In the course of working on endings, attention should also be paid to the following fact: after solid consonants, the ending is written-th, -oh, -th, -th, -th, after soft consonants --y, -ya, -her, -ye.

According to the program , students develop the ability to write generic endings of adjectives. The formation of this skill is positively influenced by the mastery of studentsalgorithm (order) of actions:

    I will find out with which noun the adjective is associated, and determine its gender.

    By the gender of the noun, I recognize the gender of the adjective.

    I will remember the ending of the adjective of this kind and write.

    Compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question.

The ability to write generic endings of adjectives is practiced in the process of working on a phrase, preparing children to write sentences. Working on a sentence, students mark the noun to which the adjective belongs, determine the gender, number and highlight the ending. The system of exercises helps to develop the skill of spelling endings and at the same time the exact use of adjectives in speech, i.e. speech development .

Case endings for adjectives.

Tasks at this stage:

    Improving knowledge about the adjective as a part of speech: the lexical meaning of adjectives, their changes in gender, number and case, the dependence of the adjective in a sentence on the name of the noun.

    Formation of the spelling skill of case endings of adjectives in the singular and plural. Improving the spelling skill of generic endings.

    Developing the ability to accurately use adjectives in speech and writing.

Declension of adjectives, spelling of case endings, use in speech.

The basis for the formation of this skill is the following knowledge and skills:

    the ability to establish a connection between words in a sentence and find the noun on which the adjective depends (the ability to highlight a phrase);

    knowledge that the adjective is used in the same gender, number and case in which the noun is used;

    knowledge of case endings;

    the ability to correctly put a question to an adjective and match the ending of the adjective with the ending of the question.

The formation of the spelling skill of case endings of adjectives depends onorder performed by the studentactions:

    The student establishes the connection of words, highlights the phrase.

    Determines the gender, number and case of a noun.

    Based on the noun, learns the number, gender and case of the adjective.

    Remembers the ending in this case and writes the ending.

It is best to start studying the declension of adjectives by looking at the table declensions of the declension table for masculine and neuter singular adjectives:

Looking at the table, the children compare the endings of adjectives and establish in which cases these endings are the same and in which they are different. Next, students will learn that a question word helps to determine case endings.what? (what?) . This table is also used to consolidate the skill of using adjectives in the right forms when combined with a noun, and to use them correctly in speech.

The formation of a skill presupposes a good knowledge of the endings. Therefore, tables of case endings of adjective names are necessarily compiled: common for the whole class .

I.p. which? which?

-oh, oh, oh


-ya, -ya


-th, -th

R.p. what?

-oh, -his


-oh, -ey


-oh, -them

D.p. what?

- to him, - to him


-oh, -ey


-th, -im

V.p. which? what?

-oh, -th, -th, -th, -his


-ooh, -ooh

Which? What?

-th, -th, -th, -them

etc. what?

-th, -im


-oh, -ey


-th, -them

P.p. about what?

-om, -em

About what?

-oh, -ey

About what?

-oh, -them

The spelling of case endings is practiced case by case. The order of studying cases is determined by the principle of comparing cases that are similar in any respect. Because masculine and neuter adjectives are declined differently from feminine adjectives, they are considered separately. Cases of adjectives are recognized by the case of the noun, and the latter, as you know, by the member of the sentence (subject or minor member).

So far, we have dealt with full, inflected forms of adjectives. But besides them, the language has forms of adjectives that change by gender and number, but do not change by case. These are short forms of adjectives. So, short adjectives, unlike full ones, have only four forms: three forms in the singular and one in the plural. The masculine form has a zero ending, the feminine form has the ending -a-, the neuter ending has -o-, the plural form has the ending -i-.Short forms of adjectives give students a lot of trouble. Speech errors are formed as a result of the use of short and full forms in one row.

In modern Russian, short adjectives in a sentence are only predicates, for example:

Quiet Ukrainian night .

Transparent sky. Stars shine .

So far, we have been talking about adjectives in the form of a positive degree. The adjective has two more grammatical forms: the comparative form and the superlative form. .

The comparative form, like other forms of the adjective, denotes a sign, this sign is given in comparison, for example:rich - richer, smart - smarter, tall - higher. The comparative form indicates that a given feature is inherent in an object to a greater extent than another object (or the same object, but at a different time).

The form of the superlative degree of the adjective shows that this feature is inherent in the subject more than all the others, for example:the truest of friends, the greatest poet, Everest is the highest peak on earth. The superlative form is also used in another sense - to indicate a very high degree of a feature without comparison with other objects, for example:Today I got into the stupidest position (that is, very stupid). Comparative degrees of adjectives are the cause of a large number of speech errors in schoolchildren, which are formed when using simple and complex forms of degrees of comparison as homogeneous members of a sentence.

All adjectives are divided into qualitative and relative . An adjective is qualitative if it has at least one attribute of a qualitative adjective. For example:brown (about eye color). This adjective is qualitative, since it has a non-derivative stem. There are no other signs of a qualitative adjective, but one is enough to recognize it as qualitative.

An adjective is relative if it has all the features characteristic of a relative adjective: a derivative stem, the absence of short forms and degrees of comparison, the inability to form adverbs in -o, etc.

Conclusions to chapter 1.

Thus, at present, work on the development of speech is of particular relevance, when the quality of spelling and punctuation skills is negatively affected by a decrease in the level of speech culture as a whole. Only developed speech leads to the need for its correct spelling and punctuation.

The method of studying adjectives is due to their linguistic features, provides material for the development of students' speech, the formation of their speech culture.

When mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities in the school course of the Russian language on the topic “Adjective”, special attention is paid to combining the study of theory with speech practice. At the same time, the main methodological principle is the principle of consciousness - students must be clearly aware of the communicative orientation of the studied grammatical structures.

When forming a skill for the development of speech, for the greatest efficiency, the teacher should follow a strict sequence of methodological actions, as well as take into account the characteristics of the structures being studied, the age category of students. Since work on the development of speech should, firstly, enrich the student with the necessary vocabulary, forms of syntactic constructions and, secondly, develop his skills in the correct use of words, phrases, syntactic constructions. This determines the content of the work of the teacher-philosopher on the development of speech in the process of studying the name of the adjective.

Chapter 2 A set of tasks and exercises that enhance speech orientation in the study of the name of the adjective.

2.1. The content and methodology of conducting exercises aimed at developing the speech of students when studying the topic "Adjective name" in the 6th grade.

The study of the topic “Adjective name” is, of course, one of the important, but at the same time very interesting topics. They are often used in speech, in connection with this, their study is extremely important in the formation of the speech skills of schoolchildren.

For this part of speech, according to the program of M.T. Baranova 18 hours + 3 hours for speech development. Lesson planning on the topic “Adjective name” met the requirements of Russian language programs for general educational institutions.

A series of training lessons were held:

    Repetition of what has been learned about the adjective inV class.

    quality adjectives.

    Relative adjectives.

    Possessive adjectives.

    Degrees of comparison of adjectives; the formation of degrees of comparison.

    Word formation of adjectives.

    Not with adjectives.

    Letters about and e after hissing and c in adjective suffixes.

    Spelling of vowels and consonants in suffixes–an- (-yan-), -in-, -onn- (-enn-) in adjectives.

    Distinguishing suffixes in writing-to- and -sk- .

    Continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives.

Without mastering the skill of the correct use of the adjective, students often make mistakes. Short forms of adjectives and comparative degrees of adjectives give students a lot of trouble and at the same time are the cause of a large number of speech errors.. For example: The girl was tall, beautiful and cheerful.

In one row, full and short forms are used - as a result, a speech error.

My brother over older me, he is studying good.

There are two morphological errors in this example:

1. Over older - a pleonastic expression, which is a combination in one construction of simple and complex forms of a comparative degree, it must be said:My brother is older than me.

2. Good me. From words good bad suppletive forms of degrees are formed -better, worse.

He more capable and cleverer me.

Simple and complex forms of degrees of comparison cannot be used as homogeneous members of a sentence.

Should have said:My brother is more capable and smarter than me.

Full and short forms of adjectives in the function of a predicate can constitute stylistic or semantic variants.

    Short forms have a predominantly bookish stylistic coloring:the lecture is interesting and instructive. Short adjectives sound more categorical in the text, they usually express an active and specific feature:thoughts are clear, the girl is beautiful.

    Full forms of adjectives are usually used in colloquial speech:The lecture is interesting and instructive.

    The full form indicates a permanent feature, the short form indicates a temporary one:beautiful girl (generally), the girl is beautiful (At the moment).

    Full and short forms of the adjective can form semantic variants, i.e. have different lexical meanings:deaf boy deaf boy (for requests).

When forming short forms of adjectives with unstressed–enny (natural, solemn ) fluctuations are observed.

Artificial - artificial, artificial; solemn - solemn, solemn, etc.

Currently, these options are equal, they are entrenched in all styles. But the truncated form is more common (on -en ).

Possessive and relative adjectives in speech can be replaced by synonymous forms of indirect cases of nouns:mother's book - mother's book; stone wall - a wall made of stone.

But in some cases, such combinations differ in meaning:old man's walk old man's walk (figurative meaning),wall painting - wall painting (terminological meaning).

Observations on how the development of students' speech occurs when studying the name of an adjective can be carried out from the first lessons of studying the name of an adjective as a part of speech . The grouping of exercises is based on certain aspects of working on the grammatical form in terms of speech development.

The exercises below can be carried out in all cases when the teacher has the opportunity to draw students' attention to the peculiarities of using the grammatical form of the word.

    Exercises aimed at learning by students the limitations in education and the compatibility of grammatical forms of words.

The meaning of these exercises is to prevent grammatical errors, to eliminate them from the speech of schoolchildren. The exercises under consideration should help students learn the correct forms of words, as well as learn the features of the compatibility of individual categories and forms of words.

    1. Compilation of phrases, sentences with certain adjectives in the desired form.

    In what sentences of the form of the comparative degree do you need comparative turns.

    Make sentences with adjectives in short and full form.

Dick, wild; weak, weak; pale, pale; angry, evil; bold, bold.

    1. Exercises involving the identification and analysis of semantic and stylistic shades of variant forms of adjectives.

    What is the difference in the meaning of the full and short forms of adjectives.

Boring Vitya – Vitya is boring today. He is an evil man - He is angry with you.

Why does the short form need qualifying words?

    Indicate in which sentences the full and short forms of adjectives are equal in meaning, and in which they are not?

My grandfather died a long time ago, but my grandmother is still alive. She is many years old, but she is still vigorous, mobile, alive. There are many capable and talented artists among the youth. They are devoted to the art and able to work hard. This burden is heavy for a child. You can't lift this heavy suitcase.

    Tell us about your friend (your girlfriend), about his (her) appearance (height, gait, face, hair, etc.) and character traits. Use full and short forms of adjectives as predicates.

2. Exercises aimed at determining the features of the form change of adjectives.

    Read the text and identify its main idea. Find the words that serve as a means of connecting the first, second, third, fourth and fifth sentences. Write out phrases with the main word - a noun and a dependent - an adjective. Indicate the gender, number and case of nouns and adjectives. Answer (in writing) the question: what is the similarity and what is the difference between the changes of nouns and adjectives?

Who composed the song "Here the postal troika rushes"? Or "Steppe and steppe all around"? Or "when I served as a coachman at the post office"? All these songs are folk songs. They are sung everywhere and for a long time. People love and remember them. But at the same time, the concept of “folk song” does not mean that the song was composed by the whole people, that it did not have an author - the one who invented the words and the one who put them to music. Was. Only his name either remained unknown to anyone, or was forgotten. And the song went and became popular. People shortened some words, corrected and replaced others. In other songs, very little remains of the original text. And yet the authors of all these songs were.

3. Exercises aimed at determining the syntactic role of the adjective.

    Write off, underlining the adjectives as part of the sentence. Find synonyms.

Russia, Motherland, Motherland.

In a ruby ​​star

As in a prism, the roads converge,





Strong concepts of these


(L. Tatyanicheva)

    Write the adjectives in agreement with the nouns they refer to. Indicate the endings of adjectives, their gender and case.


Big ..., cheerful ..., clear-eyed ...

Warrior and poet

P..sal he and ra..tales

Courage .. people of young years.

He knew how to ve .. he followed himself

R .. beat in an intricate .. game,

And the death of a valiant hero

For them he died on the Dnieper.

(S. Marshak)

    Read using the adjectives given in brackets in a simple comparative form. Please note that the obsolete form is used from the adjective voiced in the poem.

Write with missing punctuation marks. Underline the adjectives as part of the sentence. Write the suffixes of the adjectives in the comparative degree.

Forests in the distance (prominent)

(Blue) heaven.

(Conspicuous) and (Black)

On the arable land

And children's (voiced)

(A. Blok)

4. Exercises aimed at mastering the spelling literacy of students when studying the name of an adjective.

    Write off with missing commas. Highlight the endings of adjectives and graphically explain the choice about and e after hissing in the endings.

From the choir ... brother, you can pick up your mind ..sya.

On someone else' your mouth (don't) open your mouth and get hurt..she get up and your zat..wai.

Small .. what's the beam (?) More big .. go be .. delya.

Good .. my owner's day is small.

Big k..slave - big ..e swimming.


5. Exercises are aimed at mastering the speech skills of students.

    Which of the student's descriptions is more consistent? Why? Answer this question in writing.

We soon reached the pond. The water in it was muddy, because there were frequent rains. On the opposite bank of the pond we saw a garden. It had apple trees in bloom. Frogs were seen here and there, they arranged a whole concert. The shore on which we stood was all green.

We soon reached the pond. The water in it was muddy, because there were frequent rains. So here, too, snails were visible, and the frogs staged a whole concert. The shore on which we stood was all green. On the opposite bank of the pond we saw a garden. It had apple trees in bloom.

    Look for inconsistencies in the student description. Write off, making the necessary corrections.

Before us stood a green forest. The leaves on the trees were still young, light green. Flowers caught our attention. They were bright, bees sat on many of them, bumblebees and butterflies flew. The trees swayed slightly, and the leaves seemed to whisper. And over it all stretched a blue-blue sky.

    Write with missing punctuation marks. Underline adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees as members of a sentence.

The protection of pr..rody as the most important state task is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The latest discoveries of science .. and technology .. allow you to successfully combine the development of industry .. with the protection of the atm .. sphere. To protect the clearest waters of Lake Baikal, it is forbidden to (s, h) throw in them industrial household wastes of untreated sewage. Thanks to the measures taken, there are more valuable fish in Baikal..

    Below are extracts from the dictionary entries. Read them and decide what form of adjectives they are talking about. Write out this form, mark the suffix and stress. Compare your pronunciation of this form with that which corresponds to the norms of the literary language. Remember the correct form.

Handsome, cf. more beautiful

Vertky, vertche

Cheerful, compare Art. more fun

Old, compare Art. more dilapidated

Smooth, ref. smoother

Deaf, cf. off the beaten track.

    Use the nouns given below with a simple and compound form of a comparative degree from a direct adjective. If it is not possible to use both forms, then use one.


2.2. The level of formation of students' skills and abilities when using adjectives in speech (stating experiment).

A methodical experiment is called the researcher's educational work on a trial, or experimental methodology.

According to the purpose of the organization, 2 types of methodological experiment are distinguished: ascertaining and teaching.

The ascertaining experiment is a control work on a specially prepared series of tasks that find out, if possible, the entire composition of the knowledge necessary for the student to solve a specific practical problem.

A learning experiment is a study of a program topic or a series of topics on a special lesson methodological development compiled by the experimenter.

The study of the adjective name is very important in the "Morphology" section. The formation of a morphological skill in the study of the name of an adjective requires a fairly serious attitude of the teacher and students to this topic. .

The experimental work was tested at the Russian language lessons on the topic “Adjective name” in the 6th grade of the secondary school of the Tymovsky district of the village of Voskresenovka. There were 14 people in the class. The average age is 11-12 years old. The teacher of the Russian language and literature is Sidorova Elvira Lvovna.

In order to form an idea of ​​the level of knowledge and skills to operate with adjectives in speech in the 6th grade, we decided to conduct a stating experiment. The purpose of which is to establish how well they are able to spread oral speech in grade 6, based on knowledge of the adjective. Tasks: to establish the level of preparedness of students to work with tasks for the development of speech when studying the name of an adjective.

Since there were only 14 people in the class, students did not need to be divided into groups for the control work. Everyone sat at a separate desk, having a task on separate printed sheets.

The control tasks were as follows:

Exercise 1.

The street is narrow - the street is narrow.

A serious thought is a serious thought.

The baby is sick, the baby is sick.

The ceiling is low - the ceiling is low.

The weather is good - the weather is good.

Task 2.

    The book is useful. The book is useful for children.

    This task is difficult. This task is difficult for a fifth grader.

    The lake is deep. The lake is deep for children.

    The girl is sad. The girl is sad today.

    The coast is steep. This coast is steep for descent.

Task 3.

White snow - white verse; A deaf consonant is a deaf person;

A round ball is a round orphan; Short waves - short hair.

Task 4. Select the desired form; Give a stylistic description of the possible options.

    Lecturer (famous, famous) for his speeches.

    Requirements for students (timely, timely).

    The teacher was (kind, kind), but also (demanding, demanding) to all students.

    Changes in the results of work (obvious, obvious) for everyone.

    Absence from classes (undesirable, undesirable).

    The place of the secretary is now (free, free).

Task 5. Correct the sentences, explain the mistakes.

    He was hot, full of life.

    I do not strive to be better, original, I want to remain myself.

    The largest city in the world is Mexico City.

    The development of a new theme is getting more intense.

    Mechanical engineering is developing more rapidly.

    One brother is noisy, the other is quiet.

    This book is worse than that one.

    My friend is the smartest student in the class.

Task 6. Form simple and complex forms of degrees of comparison from adjectives and use them in context.

Large, dexterous, healthy, thin, dry, evil, expensive, lively, dramatic, skillful, good, bad, bitter, businesslike, wide, small.

When evaluating students' knowledge, we used the following criteria:

"5" was received by the student who completed 6 exercises;

"4" was received by the student who completed 4 - 5 exercises;

"3" was received by the student who completed 3 exercises;

"2" was received by the student who did not complete a single exercise.

Table number 1.



Assessment for control work
















The results of the analysis of the work at the ascertaining stage showed that not all of them coped with the tasks. The level of learning at this stage was 100%, but only one student showed the percentage of knowledge quality, which corresponds to 7%, the average level of knowledge quality, which is 60% and low 33%.

The results of the ascertaining experiment prompted us to use the system of exercises developed by us in order to develop speech skills based on the topic “Adjective”.

Thus, analyzing the work of students, we came to the conclusion that students do not have sufficient knowledge on the topic "Adjective name" and do not know how to use them correctly in speech and apply the knowledge gained in practice. To do this, we decided to test the system of exercises developed by us and proceeded to conduct a training experiment.

2.3. Improving speech activity based on grammatical material about the adjective (experimental work, teaching experiment).

Taking into account the conclusions made by us in the previous paragraph, we proceeded to testing the system of exercises developed by us.

The purpose of our work was to develop speech skills in the 6th grade while learning the name of an adjective. To do this, we conducted a series of lessons in which we consolidated the skills and abilities to work on the topic “Adjective name”; learned to use them correctly in speech.

A large number of exercises were carried out to prevent speech errors in connection with the study of the name of the adjective.

(For the development of lessons, see the appendix).

The system of lessons developed by us for the development of speech in the study of the topic "Adjective name" turned out to be effective and comprehensive. This approach allowed us to form the skills of competent oral and written speech, as well as to systematize their knowledge on the topic "Adjective name".

2.4. Comparative analysis of experimental work in comparison with the ascertaining experiment (results of the control experiment).

After conducting a learning experiment, students perform the second test, in which only the language material has been changed. The purpose of this control work - to track the results of the work; clarify the level of knowledge after the training experiment and verify the correctness of the hypothesis.

Tasks: how well they learned to speak, how expressive, emotional and competent their speech is.

Table number 2.

The assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by the name of the adjective, as one of the stages of work on the development of speech.



The ability to distinguish adjectives with other parts of speech

Knowledge of the correct use in speech of various forms of the adjective

Possession of literate oral and written speech skills

Assessment for control work
















The results of the control experiment convinced us of the correctness of the exercises we selected. This conclusion can be drawn by comparing the results of the ascertaining and control experiment.

Table number 3.

Comparative characteristics of ascertaining and control stages.

Thus, comparing the results of control work at the ascertaining and control stages, we can notice the difference in percentage terms. The high level increased by 9%, the average level by 14%, the low level decreased by 33%. But not all students have the formation of literate speech.

In order to increase the developing potential of the language environment, it is advisable to offer students special language material in which the formation of a skill and gradual complication continues when studying the topic “Adjective”.

The most valuable are those exercises that activate cognitive activity and ensure independence of work. An important role is played by exercises designed to memorize the spelling of individual words: writing out words from textbook texts, compiling phrases and sentences with them, writing from memory.

At the same time, students acquire a number of grammatical skills in the field of phonetics, morphology, and syntax. Successful mastery of literate speech is possible subject to the use of a variety of teaching methods and techniques in the classroom.

Conclusions to chapter 2.

In the process of work, we came to the following conclusions: the study of the topic "Adjective name" is one of the important, but at the same time very interesting topics. They are often used in speech, in connection with this, their study is extremely important in the formation of the speech skills of schoolchildren.

Observation of how the development of students' speech occurs when studying the name of an adjective can be carried out from the first lessons of studying the name of an adjective as a part of speech.

We used exercises based on certain aspects of working on grammatical form in terms of speech development. On the example of the proposed exercises, we conducted a stating experiment, the results of which showed that schoolchildren do not have sufficient knowledge on the topic “Adjective name” and do not know how to use them correctly in speech and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Then we conducted a learning experiment, during which we included our exercises in the lessons.

Then a control experiment was carried out. The purpose of this work is to test the effectiveness of the proposed method. Comparing the results of control work at the ascertaining and control stages, we can notice the difference in percentage in the direction of improvement.

That is, in order to increase the developing potential of the language environment, it is advisable to offer students special language material in which the formation of the skill continues and the gradual complication when studying the topic “Adjective”.


During the study, we came to the following conclusions. In the process of studying morphology, schoolchildren develop thinking and communication skills. The study of the name of the adjective enriches the speech of students, helps to form speech skills, build their own statements, based on the tasks and conditions of speech.

The purpose of our study was to develop a system of exercises that would provide optimal ways of developing speech skills and abilities when learning the name of an adjective.

Our studies have shown that only then this goal can be effectively achieved if the work on these grammatical phenomena is carried out in stages, sequentially with the help of exercises that are interconnected and mutually dependent on each other, i.e. methods of work aimed at achieving the set goals. Speech communication is impossible without theoretical knowledge about adjectives and the ability to apply them in practice. In the course of the experimental work, a set of exercises was carried out aimed at developing the speech of students when studying the name of an adjective. Due to this, stable mechanisms of speaking were formed in schoolchildren, speech became more widespread and emotional. We achieved good results (which is confirmed by the final data of the control experiment). It can be concluded that the hypothesis - the systematic inclusion of various types of exercises in the study of the name of the adjective will be the most important condition for the development of students' speech, was confirmed.

The system of exercises developed by us for the development of speech when studying the name of an adjective can be recommended for use by students in the course of pedagogical practice or teachers of the Russian language


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Lesson 1.

Subject: Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Goals and objectives: 1. Special:

    Cognitive - to consolidate knowledge about the degree of comparison of adjectives, repeat the concept of "Adjective name", and its grammatical features as parts of speech;

    Practical - to form skills and abilities to recognize the degree of comparison of adjectives in the text, to form the ability to use the studied forms of adjective names in speech.

2. General subjects:

Lesson type:

Methods and techniques: method of teaching and learning.

Means of education: school textbooks, notebooks, task cards.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

(Checking readiness for the lesson ).

    Updating of basic knowledge.

Let's recap what we know about adjectives.

Define an adjective? (An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an object and answers the questions WHAT? WHOSE? ).

How do adjectives change? (Adjectives change by gender, case, number ).

What part of the sentence are adjectives? (In a sentence, adjectives can be attributives and predicates. ).

What is their role in speech? (Adjectives give special expressiveness to speech ).




more ).

most , most ).

3. Consolidation of previously studied material.

Exercise 1. Well done guys, and now let's do this task with you. Nouns are written on the board, your task is to match them with as many adjectives as possible. (The words are written on the board: rain, sky, clouds, clouds, dawn, trees, wind. )

Task 2. In what sentences of the form of the comparative degree do you need comparative turns. (Suggestions are written on the blackboard.)

In the south, the sun is brighter and the air is warmer. The night was getting darker. Roses are prettier. Listen carefully. The wind is quieter today. Now I go to the theater more often. Ivanov is taller.

Task 3. (Working with cards). Read using the adjectives given in brackets in a simple comparative form. Please note that the obsolete form is used from the adjective voiced in the poem.

Write with missing punctuation marks. Underline the adjectives as part of the sentence. Write the suffixes of the adjectives in the comparative degree. (Verification is performed from the spot, in a chain.)

Forests in the distance (prominent)

(Blue) heaven.

(Conspicuous) and (Black)

On the arable land

And children's (voiced)

(A. Blok)

Task 4. Write with missing punctuation marks. Underline adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees as members of a sentence. (For each student, the text is written on cards, the work is done independently, for evaluation.)

The protection of pr..rody as the most important state task is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The latest discoveries of science .. and technology .. allow you to successfully combine the development of industry .. with the protection of the atm .. sphere. To protect the clearest waters of Lake Baikal, it is forbidden to (s, h) throw in them industrial household wastes of untreated sewage. Thanks to the measures taken, there are more valuable fish in Baikal..

Task 5. Use the nouns given below with a simple and compound form of a comparative degree from a direct adjective. If it is not possible to use both forms, then use one. (The task is completed at the blackboard.)

Sample: straighter way, more direct way, more direct answer.

Road, line, character, person.

Task 6. Write off by inserting comparative adjectives instead of dots. (The task is performed at the blackboard under dictation.)

    But tell me how can she

To be in everything me...?

Confess: all I ...,

Go around our whole kingdom.

    And Ivan began to shout to them:

“Shame on you, brothers, to steal!

Even though you Ivana ...,

Yes, Ivan something you ...,

He didn't steal your horses!"

Task 7. Make up sentences with these phrases.

The river is wide - the river is wide, the girl is small - the girl is small, the pillar is high - the pillar is high, the girl is cheerful - the girl is cheerful.

Task 8. Form simple and complex forms of degrees of comparison from adjectives.

Small, sick, kind, sweet, fat, narrow.

4. Homework.

Guys, at home you need to answer a few questions in writing.

Questions: Describe your external data, what do you think about your abilities, character? What do you value in other people? What character traits would you like to have?

5. Summing up.

So guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's review everything we know about the degrees of comparison of adjectives.

What degrees of comparison can adjectives have? (Adjectives can have comparative and superlative degrees. ).

What does the comparative degree of the adjective name show and what member of the sentence is it? (The comparative degree shows that in this or that subject the attribute is manifested to a greater extent than in another. In a sentence is a predicate ).

What does the superlative degree of an adjective show and what member of the sentence is it? (A superlative degree shows that one or another object is superior to other objects in some way. In a sentence is a definition ).

What forms does the comparative degree of adjectives have, how are they formed and what are they in a sentence? (The simple form of the comparative degree is formed by adding the adjective suffixes –ee(s) to the stem of the initial form, they do not change either by gender, or by numbers, or by cases; in a sentence are predicates.

The compound form of the comparative degree is formed by adding the word more to the initial form of the adjective, in such adjectives the second word changes according to gender, numbers and cases; in a sentence there are usually predicates and definitions. ).

What forms does the superlative degree of adjectives have, how are they formed? (The simple form of the superlative degree is formed by adding the adjective suffix -eysh(-aysh) to the stem of the initial form of the adjective; adjectives in the simple superlative form are declined.

The compound superlative form is a combination of words most , most and the initial (initial) form of the adjective. ).

Guys, why do you think there are speech errors when using degrees of comparison of adjectives? (Speech errors when using degrees of comparison of adjectives arise because many people do not know the rules and, for example, use simple and complex forms of degrees of comparison as homogeneous members ).

Well done guys, the lesson is over, you can be free.

Lesson 2

Subject: Ranks of adjectives by meaning.

Goals and objectives: 1. Special:

    Cognitive - to consolidate knowledge about the categories of adjectives.

    Practical - to form skills and abilities to distinguish between categories of adjectives in the text, to develop students' speech.

2. General subjects:

    Develop logical thinking;

    Improve book handling skills.

Lesson type: training - consolidation of skills and abilities.

Methods and techniques: method of teaching and learning.

Means of education: school textbooks and notebooks.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Hello guys, have a seat.

(Checking readiness for the lesson ).

2. Actualization of basic knowledge.



    Consolidation of previously studied material.

Exercise 1. Replace adjectives of foreign origin with Russian synonyms. Label them with suffixes. (The task is completed at the blackboard.)

Sample: Apathetic - indifferent.

Giant, compact, sociable, correct, humane.

Task 2. Performing exercise 276 from the textbook.

Write off. Above adjectives, indicate their rank by value. Choose synonyms for quality adjectives. Make three sentences with adjectives of any group (1st row - qualitative, 2nd row - relative, 3rd row - possessive).

Hare trace, hare character, hare brood; goose feather, goose feeder, goose gait; wolf pack, wolf appetite, wolf lair; fox hole, fox fur coat, fox cunning.

Task 3. Guys, remember the quatrain, the lines of which end with the words:

… lonely

... blue.

... distant,

… native.

Write down this verse. Determine the category of adjectives by meaning.

Task 4. Read, indicate the case of the adjective and determine its endings.

On a wonderful alley, on a winter spruce, about an interesting herbarium, with a light touch, an unknown hero, a multi-colored banner, a caring daughter, a winter path, in autumn, last year's grass, a winter landscape, a joyful feeling.

Task 5. Distribute the words according to the types of orthograms in place of the brackets, indicating the selection conditions b. Underline short adjectives with a sibilant stem.

Brilliant(?), doctor(?), meeting(?), hot(?), daughter(?), pencil(?), key(?), leather dressing(?), roof repairs(?), kid(? ), march(?), trifle(?), mighty(?), husband(?).

Task 6. (Performing exercise 271) Title the text. Write off. High-quality adjectives underline as members of the sentence.

Phraseologism "Sisyphean labor" is used .. in the meaning .. "heavy .. barking, without .. final and fruitless work." It originated from Greek mythology... The Corinthian king Sisyphus was condemned by Zeus to eternal torment for deceiving the gods .. in the underworld .. kingdoms .. . Sisyphus rolled ..t up the mountain a huge stone. Near the very top, a stone breaks out ... from his hands and falls with a noise ... down. Again, Sisyphus is taken to work.

Task 7. Explain the use of the full and short forms of the adjective in the examples below.

1. The story is interesting. History is interesting for children.

2. Tanya is beautiful. Tanya is beautiful today.

Task 8. In which of the following combinations is it possible to replace adjectives with a short form, in which not? Explain why?

Voiced consonant - voiced voice; an unhealthy look is an unhealthy child; polar bear - white verse.

4. Homework.

Come up with 2-3 riddles using adjectives as keywords. Write down riddles.

5. Summing up.

So, our lesson is coming to an end, let's repeat everything we know about the ranks of adjective names by meaning.

What adjectives are qualitative, relative and possessive?

(Qualitative adjectives denote such a sign (quality) of an object that can be in this object to a greater or lesser extent.

Relative adjectives denote such a feature of an object that cannot be in the object to a greater or lesser extent.

Possessive adjectives indicate that something belongs to a person or animal and answer the questions WHOSE? WHOSE? WHOSE? )

The lesson is over, you can be free.

Lesson 3. (Development of speech. Composition - description).

Subject: "The eyes are the window to the human soul."

Goals and objectives: 1. Special:

    Cognitive - to consolidate knowledge about the adjective, repeat its grammatical features as a part of speech;

    Practical - to form the ability to use the studied forms of adjectives in speech.

2. General subjects:

    Develop logical thinking;

    Improve book handling skills.

Lesson type: training - consolidation of skills and abilities.

Methods and techniques: method of teaching and learning.

Means of education: notebooks, reproductions of paintings (Perov "Troika", Repin "Girl - fisherwoman", Venetsianov "Zakharka"), photographs.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, have a seat.

(Checking readiness for the lesson ).

2. Preparation for writing an essay.

Today we are talking again about essays. Let's take a look at each other. How do we look? What is our face like? Eyes? Nose? (Guys Answers ).

With pain in your heart, you notice that few of you are able to notice the sad eyes of a classmate or the pale face of a teacher.

We sometimes know a lot, we can do a lot, but we have forgotten how or have not learned to look into each other's eyes.

Therefore, our conversation about a person’s appearance will help you think about how important it is to be an observant person, attentive to the people around you. Through appearance, comprehend the inner world of a person, his character, mood, find the main thing in the appearance of a particular person and describe his observations.

Let's think about what is the most important thing in a person's face? (Eyes ).

I want to give you the opportunity to listen to how M. Sholokhov wrote in the story “The Fate of a Man”: “I looked at him from the side, and something felt uneasy to me. Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable mortal longing that it is difficult to look into them

These were the eyes of my interlocutor.

After listening to this passage, still not knowing anything about the fate of the hero, one can already guess about the trials that befell him and forever deprived him of the joy of life, took away the fire of his heart, and killed his eyes.

Now look at the reproductions of the paintings that are in the classroom and describe the expression of the eyes. (First, all together - orally, then each student writes in his notebook - independently).

(In notebooks, the guys get an entry:

Eyes - kind, sad, cunning, crafty, evil, smart, funny, happy.

The look is serious, thoughtful, clouded with sadness, bold, open, hot, insightful, proud, direct.

The face is courageous, kind, tired, joyful, almost childish.

The forehead is large, wide, open, intelligent. )

And now, a little creative work: I will read the words to you - the definitions of the eyes, and you will distribute them into two columns depending on the emotions (positive or negative) that they cause.

Brazen, running, empty, sparkling, crafty, mischievous, angry, mournful, clear, truthful, attentive, amazing, thoughtful, brilliant, evil.

Choose your 2-3 words for each column.

Yes, the eyes of a person acquire great power. It is no coincidence that such proverbs were born among the people: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul”, “If the eyes shine, the soul is pure.”

Now look at the photographs that you brought and describe the eyes, face, look.

You will call your essay “The eyes are the mirror of the human soul”.

Tell us about this person who is looking at you from the photo. Methods of teaching the Russian language at school. Proc. allowance for students ped. in-tov / M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov and others / Ed. M.T. Baranov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990. - P.123

A.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu Kataeva Russian language and culture of speech. Proc. allowance for universities. - Rostov-on-Don, ed. Phoenix, 2002. - P.45

Methods for the development of speech in the lessons of the Russian language / Ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.: Enlightenment, 1991.-p.153

Didactic material for the Russian language textbook: Grade 6: Teacher's Manual, / L.T. Grigoryan and others - 3rd ed., Rev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - S. 176

Fedorenko L.P. Principles and methods of teaching the Russian language: A guide for students ped. institutions. - M.: Enlightenment, 1964. - P.93