Who ruled Armenia in 1915. Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

Dönme - a crypto-Jewish sect brought Atatürk to power

One of the most destructive factors that largely determines the political situation in the Middle East and Transcaucasia for 100 years is the genocide of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire, during which, according to various sources, from 664 thousand to 1.5 million people were killed. And given that the genocide of the Pontic Greeks, which began in Izmir, was almost simultaneously taking place, during which from 350 thousand to 1.2 million people were destroyed, and the Assyrians, in which the Kurds took part, which claimed from 275 to 750 thousand people, this factor is already For more than 100 years, it has kept the whole region in suspense, constantly fueling enmity between the peoples inhabiting it. Moreover, as soon as even a slight rapprochement between neighbors is planned, giving hope for their reconciliation and further peaceful coexistence, an external factor, a third party, immediately intervenes in the situation, and a bloody event occurs that further warms up mutual hatred.

For an ordinary person who has received a standard education, today it is absolutely obvious that the Armenian genocide took place and that it was Turkey that was to blame for the genocide. Russia, among more than 30 countries, has recognized the fact of the Armenian genocide, which, however, has little effect on its relations with Turkey. Turkey, on the other hand, in the opinion of an ordinary person, absolutely irrationally and stubbornly continues to deny its responsibility not only for the Armenian genocide, but also for the genocide of other Christian peoples - Greeks and Assyrians. According to Turkish media, in May 2018, Turkey opened all its archives to research the events of 1915. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that after the opening of the Turkish archives, if someone dares to declare the "so-called Armenian genocide", then let him try to prove it based on facts:

“In the history of Turkey there was no “genocide” against Armenians” Erdogan said.

No one will dare to suspect the inadequacy of the Turkish president. Erdogan, the leader of a great Islamic country, heir to one of the greatest empires, by definition cannot be like, say, the president of Ukraine. And the president of any country will not dare to go for a frank and open lie. So really, Erdogan knows something that is unknown to most people in other countries, or is carefully hidden from the world community. And such a factor really exists. It does not concern the genocide event itself, it concerns the one who produced this inhuman cruelty and is really responsible for it.


In February 2018, on the portal of the Turkish "electronic government" (www.turkiye.gov.tr ) an online service was launched where any citizen of Turkey could trace their genealogy, learn about their ancestors in a few clicks. The records available were limited to the early 19th century, during the Ottoman Empire. The service almost instantly became so popular that it soon collapsed due to millions of requests. The results obtained shocked a huge number of Turks. It turns out that many people who considered themselves Turks, in reality, have ancestors of Armenian, Jewish, Greek, Bulgarian, and even Macedonian and Romanian origin. This fact, by default, only confirmed what everyone in Turkey knows, but no one likes to mention, especially in front of foreigners. Speaking aloud about this in Turkey is considered bad form, but it is this factor that now determines the entire domestic and foreign policy, Erdogan's entire struggle for power within the country.

The Ottoman Empire, by the standards of its time, pursued a relatively tolerant policy towards national and religious minorities, preferring, again, by the standards of that time, non-violent methods of assimilation. To some extent, she repeated the methods of the Byzantine Empire she defeated. The Armenians traditionally led the financial area of ​​the empire. Most of the bankers in Constantinople were Armenians. Very many finance ministers were Armenians, just remember the brilliant Hakob Kazazyan Pasha, who was considered the best finance minister in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Of course, throughout history there have been inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflicts that have even led to the shedding of blood. But nothing like the genocides of the Christian population in the 20th century happened in the Empire. And suddenly a tragedy happens. Any sane person will understand that out of the blue this does not happen. So why and who carried out these bloody genocides? The answer to this question lies in the history of the Ottoman Empire itself.


In Istanbul, in the Asian part of the city across the Bosphorus, there is an old and secluded Uskudar cemetery. Visitors to the cemetery among traditional Muslims will begin to meet and marvel at graves that are unlike others and do not fit into Islamic traditions. Many of the tombs are covered with concrete and stone surfaces rather than earth, and have photographs of the dead, which is not in keeping with tradition. When asked whose graves these are, you will be told almost in a whisper that representatives of the Donmeh (new converts or apostates - Tour.), a large and mysterious part of Turkish society, are buried here. The grave of a judge of the Supreme Court is located next to the grave of the ex-leader of the Communist Party, and next to them are the graves of a general and a famous educator. The Dönme are Muslims, but not really. Most of today's Dönme are secular people who vote for Atatürk's secular republic, but in every Dönme community, secret religious rites still take place, more Jewish than Islamic. No dönme will ever publicly acknowledge their identity. The dönme themselves only find out about themselves when they reach the age of 18, when their parents reveal the secret to them. This tradition of zealously maintaining dual identities in Muslim society has been passed down for generations.

As I wrote in the article"Island of the Antichrist: a springboard for Armageddon" , Dönme, or Sabbatians are followers and students of the Jewish rabbi Shabbtai Zvi, who in 1665 was proclaimed the Jewish messiah and brought the biggest split in Judaism in almost 2 millennia of its official existence. Avoiding execution by the Sultan, together with his numerous followers, Shabbtai Zvi converted to Islam in 1666. Despite this, many Sabbatians are still members of three religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The Turkish dönme were originally founded in Greek Thessaloniki by Jacob Kerido and his son Berahio (Baruch) Russo (Osman Baba). Subsequently, the dönme spread throughout Turkey, where they were called, depending on the direction in Sabbatianism, izmirlars, karakashlars (black-browed) and kapanjilars (owners of scales). The main place of concentration of the dönme in the Asian part of the Empire was the city of Izmir. The Young Turk movement was largely made up of Dönmeh. Kemal Atatürk, the first President of Turkey, was a Dönmeh and a member of the Veritas Masonic Lodge, a division of the Grand Orient de France lodge.

Throughout their history, the Dönme have repeatedly turned to rabbis, representatives of traditional Judaism, with requests to recognize them as Jews, like the Karaites who deny the Talmud (oral Torah). However, they always received a refusal, which in most cases was of a political nature, not a religious one. Kemalist Turkey has always been an ally of Israel, which was not politically advantageous to admit that this state is actually run by Jews. For the same reasons, Israel categorically refused and still refuses to recognize the Armenian genocide. Foreign Ministry spokesman Emanuel Nahshon recently said Israel's official position has not changed.

“We are very sensitive and responsive to the terrible tragedy of the Armenian people during the First World War. The historical debate about how to regard this tragedy is one thing, but the recognition that something terrible happened to the Armenian people is quite another, and this is much more important.”

Initially, in the Greek Thessaloniki, which was part of the Ottoman Empire at that time, the Dönme community consisted of 200 families. In secret, they practiced their own form of Judaism, based on the "18 Commandments" supposedly left by Shabbtai Zevi, along with a ban on intermarriages with true Muslims. The Dönme never integrated into Muslim society and continued to believe that Shabbtai Zvi would one day return and lead them to redemption.

According to very low estimates of the dönme themselves, now in Turkey their number is 15-20 thousand people. Alternative sources speak of millions of dönme in Turkey. The entire officer and general staff of the Turkish army, bankers, financiers, judges, journalists, policemen, lawyers, lawyers, preachers throughout the 20th century were dönme. But this phenomenon began in 1891 with the creation of the political organization of the Donme - the Committee "Unity and Progress", later called the "Young Turks", responsible for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the genocide of the Christian peoples of Turkey.


In the 19th century, the international Jewish elite planned to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, but the problem was that Palestine was under Ottoman rule. The founder of the Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl, wanted to negotiate with the Ottoman Empire about Palestine, but failed. Therefore, the next logical step was to take control of the Ottoman Empire itself and destroy it in order to liberate Palestine and create Israel. That is why the Unity and Progress Committee was created under the guise of a secular Turkish nationalist movement. The committee held at least two congresses (in 1902 and 1907) in Paris, at which the revolution was planned and prepared. In 1908, the Young Turks launched their revolution and forced Sultan Abdul Hamid II into submission.

The notorious "evil genius of the Russian revolution" Alexander Parvus was the financial adviser to the Young Turks, and the first Bolshevik government of Russia allocated Ataturk 10 million rubles in gold, 45 thousand rifles and 300 machine guns with ammunition. One of the main, sacred, causes of the Armenian genocide was the fact that the Jews considered Armenians to be Amalekites, descendants of Amalek, the grandson of Esau. Esau himself was the elder twin brother of the founder of Israel, Jacob, who, taking advantage of the blindness of their father, Isaac, stole the birthright from his older brother. Throughout history, the Amalekites were the main enemies of Israel, with whom David fought during the reign of Saul, who was killed by the Amalekite.

The head of the Young Turks was Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk), who was a donme and a direct descendant of the Jewish messiah Shabbtai Zvi. The Jewish writer and rabbi Joachim Prinz confirms this fact in his book The secret Jews on page 122:

“The Young Turk uprising in 1908 against the authoritarian regime of Sultan Abdul Hamid began among the intelligentsia of Thessaloniki. It was there that the need for a constitutional regime arose. Among the leaders of the revolution that led to a more modern government in Turkey were Javid Bey and Mustafa Kemal. Both were ardent dönmeh. Javid Bey became finance minister, Mustafa Kemal became the leader of the new regime and took the name Atatürk. His opponents tried to use his dönme affiliation to discredit him, but without success. Too many of the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary cabinet prayed to Allah, but their true prophet was Shabbtai Zvi, the Messiah of Smyrna (Izmir - author's note)."

October 14, 1922TheThe Literary Digest published an article titled "The Sort of Mustafa Kemal is" which stated:

A Spanish Jew by birth, an orthodox Muslim by birth, trained at a German military college, a patriot who has studied the campaigns of the world's great generals, including Napoleon, Grant, and Lee—these are said to be just a few of the outstanding personality traits of the new Man on Horseback, who appeared in the Middle East. He is a real dictator, correspondents testify, a man of the type who immediately becomes the hope and fear of peoples torn to pieces by unsuccessful wars. Unity and power returned to Turkey largely due to the will of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. Apparently no one has yet called him the "Napoleon of the Middle East", but probably some enterprising journalist will sooner or later; for Kemal's path to power, his methods are autocratic and elaborate, even his military tactics are said to be reminiscent of Napoleon."

In an article entitled "When Kemal Ataturk Recited Shema Yisrael", Jewish author Hillel Halkin quoted Mustafa Kemal Atatürk:

“I am a descendant of Shabbtai Zvi - no longer a Jew, but an ardent admirer of this prophet. I think every Jew in this country would do well to join his camp."

Gershom Scholem wrote in his book "Kabbalah" on pp. 330-331:

“Their liturgies were written in a very small format so that they could be easily hidden. All sects so successfully concealed their internal affairs from Jews and Turks that for a long time knowledge about them was based only on rumors and reports from outsiders. The Dönme manuscripts revealing the details of their Sabbatian ideas were only presented and examined after several Dönme families decided to fully assimilate into Turkish society and handed over their documents to Jewish friends in Thessaloniki and Izmir. As long as the Dönme were concentrated in Thessaloniki, the institutional framework of the sects remained intact, although a few members of the Dönme were active in the Young Turk movement that arose in that city. The first administration that came to power after the Young Turk revolution in 1909 included three Dönme ministers, including Finance Minister Javid Bek, who was a descendant of the Baruch Russo family and was one of the leaders of his sect. One claim commonly made by many of the Jews of Thessaloniki (denied, however, by the Turkish government) was that Kemal Atatürk was of Dönmeh origin. This view was eagerly supported by many of Atatürk's religious opponents in Anatolia.

Inspector General of the Turkish Army in Armenia and military governor of the Egyptian Sinai during World War I, Rafael de Nogales, wrote in his Four Years Beneath the Crescent on pages 26-27 that the chief architect of the Armenian Genocide, Osman Talaat (Talaat), was dönme:

“He was a renegade Hebrew (Dönme) from Thessaloniki, Talaat, the main organizer of massacres and deportations, who, fishing in troubled waters, succeeded in a career from a postal clerk humble rank to Grand Vizier of the Empire."

In one of Marcel Tinaire's articles in L "Illustration in December 1923, which was translated into English and published as "Saloniki", it is written:

“Today's Free Masonry-affiliated dönmeh, educated in Western universities, often professing total atheism, have become the leaders of the Young Turk revolution. Talaat Bek, Javid Bek and many other members of the Unity and Progress Committee were donme from Thessaloniki.

The London Times on July 11, 1911, in the article "The Jews and the situation in Albania" wrote:

“It is generally known that under Masonic patronage, the Thessaloniki Committee was formed with the help of the Jews and Dönmeh or Crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are in Thessaloniki, and whose organization, even under Sultan Abdul Hamid, took on a Masonic form. Jews such as Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassoun, Farji, Meslach and Dönme, or crypto-Jews such as Javid Bek and the Balji family, took an influential part both in the organization of the Committee and in the work of its central body in Thessaloniki. These facts, which are known to every government in Europe, are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans, where there is an increasing trend to hold the Jews and the Dönme responsible for the bloody blunders committed by the Committee».

On August 9, 1911, the same newspaper published a letter to its editors in Constantinople, in which there were comments on the situation from the chief rabbis. In particular, it was written:

“I will simply note that, according to the information that I have received from genuine Freemasons, most of the lodges founded under the auspices of the Grand Orient of Turkey since the Revolution were from the very beginning the face of the Unity and Progress Committee, and they were not then recognized by British Freemasons. . The first "Supreme Council" of Turkey, appointed in 1909, contained three Jews - Caronry, Cohen and Fari, and three Dönme - Djavidaso, Kibarasso and Osman Talaat (the main leader and organizer of the Armenian genocide - author's note)."

To be continued…

Alexander Nikishin for

For the Armenians in Turkey, it was a difficult time. They were subjected to genocide, which is recognized all over the world, except for Turkey itself, of course. Reasons. The Ottomans were never particularly friendly. In 1915, the Armenians and the indigenous inhabitants of the empire were not equalized in rights. There was a division not only according to nationalities, but also according to the faith of confession. Armenians are Christians, so they went to church. And the Turks, at that time they were all Sunnis. Armenians were not Muslims, therefore they were heavily taxed, could not have remedies, and could not act as witnesses in courts. These people, at that moment, lived in poverty, worked on the land, I emphasize that on their own. But the Turks did not like the Armenians, they considered them prudent and cunning. If you look at the Caucasian places in the Ottoman Empire, the situation there was more sad. The Muslims who lived in those territories often came into conflict with the Armenians. In general, hatred grew.

First World.

In 1908 there was a coup. The Young Turks came to power, nationalism and pan-Turkism became the basis of the new government, in short, nothing positive was offered for other nationalities living on these lands. And so, in 1914, the raids on the Armenians began when the Turks entered the First World War, signing an agreement with Germany. The Germans promised that they would help Turkey get out to the Caucasus. The problem was that many Armenians lived on the lands of the Caucasus at that time. On the very same Turkish territory, non-Muslims began to be harassed, property could be taken away, and jihad was declared. As you know, this is a war against the infidels, and the infidel is everyone not a Muslim. Beginning. Of course, during the outbreak of hostilities in the First World War, Armenian people were also called to the war. The bulk of the Armenians fought against Persia and Russia. But Turkey suffered defeats on all fronts, and the Armenians became guilty. They began to deprive all people of this nationality of weapons, confiscations took place, and then the killings began. Those soldiers of Armenian nationality who did not follow the new orders were shot. Distorted news, they spread information that this people is a traitor, they are spies, the society learned such news from the media.

April 24, 1915. Today, this day is a day of remembrance, a day associated with the genocide of an entire nation. In Istanbul, the entire Armenian elite was arrested, then they were deported. Even before the events in the capital, residents of other settlements were subjected to this procedure. But then, such shipments were covered by the desire to resettle people in other areas that were not affected by the war. But, in fact, people were sent to the desert, where there was not even water, there were no food, conditions for life. This was done on purpose, and old people, women and children were sent there. Men, on the other hand, were taken under arrest so as not to interfere. In May, Anatolia was persecuted. And on April 12, in a city called Van, an uprising of Armenians began. People realized that a starvation, painful death awaited them, and they took up arms to defend themselves. They fought for a month, Russian troops came to the rescue and stopped the bloodshed. Then, where 55 thousand people died, and these are only Armenians. During the action of expulsion, there were several such skirmishes, and the Turkish authorities, as best they could, ignited hatred between the peoples. In June 15, an order was given to deport almost the entire Armenian population. How everything was done. One region was taken, the number of inhabitants of Muslims, and Armenians. It was necessary to deport so that the Armenian population was ten percent of the Muslim. Of course, the schools of this people were also closed, they tried to place new settlements as far as possible from each other. Similar actions took place throughout the empire. But, in large cities, everything happened not so tragically and massively, the authorities were afraid of noise. After all, foreign media could learn about what was happening. Killed in an organized manner, on purpose and en masse. People died during the journey, also in concentration camps. Later, it will become known that, at the initiative of the authorities, experiments were performed on people, they tried the vaccine against typhus. Gendarmes mocked and tortured people every day. Today. This issue is still being actively studied. The number of dead is still not known. In the fifteenth year, they talked about three hundred thousand dead. But the German researcher Lepsius, called a different figure of a million dead. Johannes Lepsius, studied everything in detail. This scientist also stated that about three hundred thousand people were forcibly converted to Islam. Now, the Turks are talking about 200,000 deaths, but the free press is talking about 2 million. There is a well-known encyclopedia called Britannica, where the numbers are from six hundred thousand to one and a half mil.

Of course, they wanted to hide all their actions, but abroad found out. And in 1915, the ally countries of Great Britain, France, Russia, signed a declaration, she called on Istanbul to stop this. Naturally, there was no point, they were not going to stop anything. Everything stopped only in 1918, Turkey lost in the First World War. The country was occupied by the Entente, these are the three countries about which it is written above, they had at that time a union called the Entente. Of course, the government itself fled. A new government came, and the union of the three countries demanded a debriefing. Already in the year 18, all documents were studied by a military tribunal. They proved that the killings of the population were planned, organized, were recognized as an international war crime. Guilty number one was identified, he became Mehmed Talaat Pasha, at the time of the atrocities, this man served as Minister of the Interior and Grand Vizier. Also, Enver Pasha, he was one of the leaders of the party, Ahmed Cemal Pasha, also a party member. All these people were sentenced to death, but fled the country. In 19, an Armenian party gathered in Yerevan, which presented a list of those who initiated the events of the fifteenth, there were hundreds of people. Legal methods of struggle in Yerevan were not accepted, they began to look for the guilty and kill. The action "Nemesis" has begun. For four years, various people were killed who were related to the authorities, who were related to the killings of civilians. The main culprit Talaat Pasha was killed by a man named Soghomon Tehlirian, this happened in 1921, in March in the city of Berlin. Of course, the man was arrested, but he was better defended by German lawyers, the killer was acquitted, and later moved to the states. The next torturer was killed in Tiflis, it happened in the twenty-second year. And Enver died already during the hostilities, by the way, he fought against the Red Army. Here is such a terrible bloody river, a terrible trace in history that will always be in the hands of descendants, residents, in the hearts of the relatives of the dead.

Genocide(from the Greek genos - clan, tribe and lat. caedo - I kill), an international crime expressed in actions committed with the aim of destroying, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

Actions qualified by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as acts of Genocide have been committed repeatedly in the history of mankind since ancient times, especially during wars of extermination and devastating invasions and campaigns of conquerors, internal ethnic and religious clashes, during the period of partition peace and the formation of colonial empires of European powers, in the process of a fierce struggle for the redivision of the divided world, which led to two world wars and in the colonial wars after the Second World War of 1939 - 1945.

However, the term "genocide" was first introduced into use in the early 30s. XX century by a Polish lawyer, a Jew by origin Rafael Lemkin, and after the Second World War received international legal status as a concept that defines the gravest crime against humanity. R. Lemkin under the Genocide meant the massacre of Armenians in Turkey during the First World War (1914 - 1918), and then the extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany in the period preceding the Second World War, and in the countries of Europe occupied by the Nazis during the war years.

The destruction of more than 1.5 million Armenians during 1915-1923 is considered the first genocide of the 20th century. in Western Armenia and other parts of the Ottoman Empire, organized and systematically carried out by the Young Turk rulers.

The Armenian Genocide should also include the massacres of the Armenian population in Eastern Armenia and in Transcaucasia as a whole, committed by the Turks, who invaded Transcaucasia in 1918, and by the Kemalists during the aggression against the Armenian Republic in September-December 1920, as well as the pogroms of Armenians organized by the Musavatists. in Baku and Shushi in 1918 and 1920 respectively. Taking into account those who perished as a result of the periodic pogroms of Armenians perpetrated by the Turkish authorities, since the end of the 19th century, the number of victims of the Armenian Genocide exceeds 2 million.

The Armenian Genocide of 1915 - 1916 - the mass destruction and deportation of the Armenian population of Western Armenia, Cilicia and other provinces of the Ottoman Empire, carried out by the ruling circles of Turkey during the First World War (1914 - 1918). The policy of genocide against Armenians was conditioned by a number of factors.

Leading among them was the ideology of Pan-Islamism and Pan-Turkism, which since the middle of the XIX century. professed by the ruling circles of the Ottoman Empire. The militant ideology of pan-Islamism was distinguished by intolerance towards non-Muslims, preached outright chauvinism, and called for the Turkification of all non-Turkish peoples. Entering the war, the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire made far-reaching plans for the creation of the "Big Turan". These plans implied the accession to the empire of the Transcaucasus, the North Caucasus, the Crimea, the Volga region, and Central Asia.

On the way to this goal, the aggressors had to put an end, first of all, to the Armenian people, who opposed the aggressive plans of the Pan-Turkists. The Young Turks began to develop plans for the extermination of the Armenian population even before the start of the World War. The decisions of the congress of the "Unity and Progress" party, held in October 1911 in Thessaloniki, contained a demand for the Turkification of the non-Turkish peoples of the empire.

At the beginning of 1914, a special order was sent to the local authorities regarding the measures to be taken against the Armenians. The fact that the order was sent before the start of the war irrefutably testifies that the extermination of the Armenians was a planned action, not at all due to a specific military situation. The leadership of the "Unity and Progress" party has repeatedly discussed the issue of mass deportation and massacre of the Armenian population.

In October 1914, at a meeting chaired by Minister of Internal Affairs Talaat, a special body was formed - the Executive Committee of the Three, which was entrusted with organizing the extermination of the Armenian population; it included the leaders of the Young Turks Nazim, Behaetdin Shakir and Shukri. Plotting a monstrous crime, the leaders of the Young Turks took into account that the war provided an opportunity for its implementation. Nazim bluntly stated that such an opportunity may no longer be, "the intervention of the great powers and the protest of the newspapers will have no consequences, because they will face a fait accompli, and thus the issue will be resolved ... Our actions must be directed to annihilate the Armenians so that not a single one of them remains alive."

Undertaking the destruction of the Armenian population, the Turkish ruling circles intended to achieve several goals:

  • liquidation of the Armenian Question, which would put an end to the intervention of the European powers;
  • the Turks were getting rid of economic competition, all the property of the Armenian people would have passed into their hands;
  • the elimination of the Armenian people will help pave the way to the capture of the Caucasus, to the achievement of the great ideal of Turanism.

The executive committee of the three received wide powers, weapons, money. The authorities organized “Teshkilati and Makhsuse” special detachments, which consisted mainly of criminals released from prisons and other criminal elements, who were supposed to take part in the mass extermination of Armenians.

From the very first days of the war, a frenzied anti-Armenian propaganda unfolded in Turkey. The Turkish people were inspired that the Armenians did not want to serve in the Turkish army, that they were ready to cooperate with the enemy. There were rumors about the mass desertion of Armenians from the Turkish army, about Armenian uprisings that threatened the rear of the Turkish troops, etc. Anti-Armenian propaganda especially intensified after the first serious defeats of the Turkish troops on the Caucasian front. In February 1915, Minister of War Enver ordered the extermination of Armenians serving in the Turkish army (at the beginning of the war, about 60 thousand Armenians aged 18-45 were drafted into the Turkish army, i.e. the most combat-ready part of the male population). This order was carried out with unparalleled cruelty.

On the night of April 24, 1915, representatives of the police department of Constantinople broke into the homes of the most prominent Armenians in the capital and arrested them. Over the next few days, eight hundred people - writers, poets, journalists, politicians, doctors, lawyers, lawyers, scientists, teachers, priests, teachers, artists - were sent to the central prison.

Two months later, on June 15, 1915, 20 intellectuals - Armenians - members of the Hnchak party, were executed on one of the squares of the capital, who were trumped-up charges of organizing terror against the authorities and striving to create an autonomous Armenia.

The same thing happened in all vilayets (regions): within a few days, thousands of people were arrested, including all famous cultural figures, politicians, people of mental labor. The deportation to the desert regions of the Empire was planned in advance. And this was a deliberate deception: as soon as people moved away from their native places, they were ruthlessly killed by those who were supposed to accompany them and ensure their safety. The Armenians who worked in government bodies were fired one by one; all military doctors were thrown into prisons.
The great powers were completely involved in the global confrontation, and they put their geopolitical interests above the fate of two million Armenians...

From May - June 1915, mass deportation and massacre of the Armenian population of Western Armenia (vilayets of Van, Erzrum, Bitlis, Kharberd, Sebastia, Diyarbekir), Cilicia, Western Anatolia and other areas began. The ongoing deportation of the Armenian population in fact pursued the goal of its destruction. US Ambassador to Turkey G. Morgenthau noted: "The true purpose of the deportation was robbery and destruction; this is indeed a new method of massacre. When the Turkish authorities ordered these deportations, they actually pronounced the death sentence of an entire nation."

The real purpose of the deportation was also known to Germany, an ally of Turkey. In June 1915, the German ambassador to Turkey, Wangenheim, informed his government that if at first the expulsion of the Armenian population was limited to the provinces close to the Caucasian front, now the Turkish authorities extended these actions to those parts of the country that were not under the threat of enemy invasion. These actions, the ambassador concluded, the way in which the deportation is carried out, indicate that the Turkish government has as its goal the destruction of the Armenian nation in the Turkish state. The same assessment of the deportation was contained in the reports of the German consuls from the vilayets of Turkey. In July 1915, the German vice-consul in Samsun reported that the deportation carried out in the vilayets of Anatolia was aimed at either destroying or converting the entire Armenian people to Islam. The German consul in Trebizond at the same time reported on the deportation of Armenians in this vilayet and noted that the Young Turks intended to put an end to the Armenian question in this way.

The Armenians who left their places of permanent residence were reduced to caravans that went deep into the empire, to Mesopotamia and Syria, where special camps were created for them. Armenians were exterminated both in their places of residence and on their way to exile; their caravans were attacked by Turkish rabble, Kurdish robber bands, hungry for prey. As a result, a small part of the deported Armenians reached their destinations. But even those who reached the deserts of Mesopotamia were not safe; there are cases when deported Armenians were taken out of the camps and massacred by the thousands in the desert. Lack of basic sanitary conditions, famine, epidemics caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people.

The actions of the Turkish rioters were distinguished by unprecedented cruelty. This was demanded by the leaders of the Young Turks. Thus, Minister of the Interior Talaat, in a secret telegram sent to the governor of Aleppo, demanded to put an end to the existence of Armenians, not to pay any attention to age, gender, or remorse. This requirement was strictly observed. Eyewitnesses of the events, Armenians who survived the horrors of deportation and genocide, left numerous descriptions of the incredible suffering that befell the Armenian population. A correspondent for the English newspaper The Times reported in September 1915: “From Sasun and Trebizond, from Ordu and Eintab, from Marash and Erzurum, the same reports of atrocities are received: about men mercilessly shot, crucified, mutilated or taken away to labor battalions, about children abducted and forcibly converted to the Mohammedan faith, about women raped and sold into slavery in the rear, shot on the spot or sent with their children to the desert west of Mosul, where there is neither food nor water ... Many of these unfortunate victims did not reach their destination... and their corpses clearly indicated the path they followed."

In October 1916, the newspaper "Caucasian Word" published a report about the massacre of Armenians in the village of Baskan (Vardo Valley); the author cited an eyewitness account: “We saw how everything valuable was first torn off the unfortunate; then they undressed, and others were killed right there on the spot, and others were taken away from the road, into dead corners, and then finished off. We saw a group of three women who embraced in mortal fear. And it was impossible to separate them, to separate them. All three were killed ... The scream and scream were unimaginable, our hair stood on end, the blood ran cold in the veins ... "The majority of the Armenian population was also subjected to barbaric extermination Cilicia.

The massacre of Armenians continued in subsequent years. Thousands of Armenians were exterminated, driven to the southern regions of the Ottoman Empire and kept in the camps of Rasul-Aina, Deir-Zora and others. The Young Turks also sought to carry out the Armenian genocide in Eastern Armenia, where, in addition to the local population, large masses of refugees from Western Armenia accumulated. Having committed aggression against Transcaucasia in 1918, Turkish troops carried out pogroms and massacres of Armenians in many areas of Eastern Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Having occupied Baku in September 1918, the Turkish invaders, together with the Azerbaijani nationalists, organized a terrible massacre of the local Armenian population, killing 30,000 people.

As a result of the Armenian genocide carried out by the Young Turks in 1915-1916, more than 1.5 million people died, about 600 thousand Armenians became refugees; they scattered over many countries of the world, replenishing the existing ones and forming new Armenian communities. An Armenian diaspora was formed (“diaspora” - Armenian).

As a result of the genocide, Western Armenia lost its original population. The leaders of the Young Turks did not hide their satisfaction with the successful implementation of the planned atrocity: German diplomats in Turkey informed their government that already in August 1915, Minister of the Interior Talaat cynically declared that "the actions against the Armenians were basically carried out and the Armenian question no longer exists."

The relative ease with which the Turkish pogromists managed to carry out the genocide of the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire is partly due to the unpreparedness of the Armenian population, as well as the Armenian political parties, for the impending threat of extermination. In many respects, the actions of the pogromists were facilitated by the mobilization of the most combat-ready part of the Armenian population - men, into the Turkish army, as well as the liquidation of the Armenian intelligentsia of Constantinople. A certain role was also played by the fact that in some public and clerical circles of Western Armenians they believed that disobedience to the Turkish authorities, who ordered the deportation, could only lead to an increase in the number of victims.

The Armenian genocide carried out in Turkey caused enormous damage to the spiritual and material culture of the Armenian people. In 1915-1916 and subsequent years, thousands of Armenian manuscripts kept in Armenian monasteries were destroyed, hundreds of historical and architectural monuments were destroyed, and the shrines of the people were desecrated. The destruction of historical and architectural monuments on the territory of Turkey, the appropriation of many cultural values ​​of the Armenian people continues to the present. The tragedy experienced by the Armenian people was reflected in all aspects of the life and social behavior of the Armenian people, firmly settled in their historical memory.

The progressive public opinion of the world condemned the villainous crime of the Turkish rioters who tried to destroy the Armenian people. Public and political figures, scientists, cultural figures of many countries branded the genocide, qualifying it as the gravest crime against humanity, took part in the implementation of humanitarian assistance to the Armenian people, in particular to refugees who found refuge in many countries of the world.

After Turkey's defeat in the First World War, the leaders of the Young Turks were accused of dragging Turkey into a disastrous war for her and put on trial. Among the charges brought against the war criminals was the charge of organizing and carrying out the massacre of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. However, the verdict against a number of leaders of the Young Turks was passed in absentia, because. after the defeat of Turkey, they managed to flee the country. The death sentence against some of them (Talaat, Behaetdin Shakir, Jemal Pasha, Said Halim, etc.) was subsequently carried out by the Armenian people's avengers.

After the Second World War, genocide was qualified as the gravest crime against humanity. The legal documents on the genocide were based on the basic principles developed by the international military tribunal in Nuremberg, which tried the main war criminals of Nazi Germany. Subsequently, the UN adopted a number of decisions regarding genocide, the main of which are the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) and the Convention on the non-applicability of the statute of limitations to war crimes and crimes against humanity, adopted in 1968.

Do you think the Turks recognized the Armenian genocide? No, no one seeks to incite ethnic hatred. In this article we will try to find out what happened back in 1915.

Negative attitude

Many of those who, at work or in everyday life, came across Armenians envy their solidarity. Some say that the Armenians live in a small area, that no one understands their language. Therefore, it is believed: this is why the people are well organized.


Why don't Turks like Armenians? Why don't they recognize the people? Let's find out what happened in Turkey in 1915. Shortly after the country entered the First World War, all law enforcement officers, as well as Armenian military personnel, were arrested and then shot along with their families (an old Eastern tradition).

The same fate befell all the famous Armenians who lived in Istanbul. After that, the mass extermination of the people who scattered scattered on Turkish lands began. Pogroms swept across the country, the result of which was the murder of half a million people.

It is known that Western Armenia was also part of the Ottoman Empire, on the territory of which one and a half million Armenians lived. All of them were killed. The massacre was carried out under the motto: "People must be destroyed, but gardens and crops must not be touched."

The Turks preserved the gardens for the Kurds, who later settled on these lands. As a result, Western Armenia completed its existence and became part of Turkish Kurdistan. And the eastern one turned into modern Armenia.

After Ataturk, the savior of peoples and specific people, came to power, a commission was established to investigate the Armenian genocide. During her work, the following conclusions were drawn:

  • The inhabitants were massacred, but the territory remained. According to the norms of world law, these lands must be returned.
  • Few Armenians lived in Turkey (maximum two hundred thousand). The war broke out, and this people, treachery and dirty maneuvers in their blood, themselves provoked numerous skirmishes.
  • The patient Turkish people are people of a broad soul, instantly forgetting insults. In the Ottoman Empire in those days, a single multinational family was building a new beautiful society. That is why there can be no talk of genocide.

It is known that in Turkey it is forbidden to mention the existence of Western Armenia. According to Turkish law, public statements about her are considered a criminal offense. This point of view is the official position of the country from the time of Ataturk to the present day.

Armenian Genocide

Many cannot answer the question why Turks do not like Armenians. The genocide was prepared and implemented in 1915 in the areas supervised by the top of the Ottoman Empire. The destruction of people was carried out through deportation and physical destruction, including the displacement of civilians in an environment that leads to inevitable death.

Why is Memorial Day considered an important date in Armenia? We will consider this issue further, and now we will describe in detail the terrible events of those years. The Armenian Genocide was carried out in several stages: the disarmament of the soldiers, the selective deportation of people from the border regions, the mass expulsion and extermination of the inhabitants, the introduction of a law on resettlement. Some historians include in it the actions of the Turkish army in Transcaucasia in 1918, the murder of the 1890s, the massacre in Smyrna.

The organizers are the leaders of the Young Turks Jemal, Enver and Talaat, as well as the head of the "Special Organization" Shakir Behaeddin. In the Ottoman Empire, along with the genocide of the ancient people, the destruction of the Pontic Greeks and Assyrians took place. Most of the world's Armenian diaspora was formed from people who fled from the Ottoman kingdom.

At one time, the author Lemkin Rafael proposed the term "genocide", which served as a synonym for the massacre of Armenians in Turkish territory and Jews in the lands occupied by the German Nazis. The annihilation of the Armenians is the second most researched act of genocide in history after the Holocaust. In the collective Declaration of May 24, 1915 of the allied countries (Russia, Great Britain and France), for the first time in history, this mass destruction was recognized as an atrocity against philanthropy.


And now let's find out what historical prerequisites preceded the genocide of the ancient people. The Armenian ethnos matured by the 6th century BC. e. on the lands of Armenia and eastern Turkey, in the area covering Lake Van and Ko II century BC. e. Armenians under the rule of King Artashes I united, forming the state of Greater Armenia. It had the largest territory during the reign of Emperor Tigran II the Great, when the cordon of his power expanded from the Euphrates, Palestine and the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Caspian Sea in the east.

At the beginning of the IV century. n. e. (the generally accepted date is 301), this country (the first in the world) officially adopted Orthodoxy as a state religion. The Armenian alphabet was created in 405 by the scientist Mashtots Mesrop, and in the 5th century the Bible was written in the new language.

The establishment of Orthodoxy became a decisive factor that connected the Armenian ethnos after the loss of the state system, and the Apostolic Church became the most important institution of national life.

In 428, it ended its existence, and until the 7th century, the Byzantines ruled its western lands, and the Persians ruled its eastern lands. Since the middle of the 7th century, an impressive part of this country was controlled by the Arabs. The Armenian kingdom in the 860s, under the rule of the Bagratid dynasty, restored its sovereignty. The Byzantines in 1045 captured Ani, the capital of this country. Prince Ruben I founded in 1080 and Prince Levon II in 1198 assumed the title of king.

The Egyptian Mamluks captured Cilicia in 1375, and the independent power ceased to exist. The church conflict of the Armenians, who did not want to abandon Christianity during the multiple invasions of Muslims (Persians, Oghuz Turks and Seljuks, Arab Abbasids) into the territory of historical Armenia, mass migrations and devastating wars led to a decrease in the population on these lands.

Armenian Question and Turkey

And yet: why don't Turks like Armenians? Living in the Ottoman Empire, they were not Muslims and therefore were considered dhimmis - second-class subjects. Armenians paid huge taxes, they were not allowed to carry weapons. And those who converted to Orthodoxy did not have the right to testify in court.

Of course, it is difficult to answer the question why Turks do not like Armenians. It is known that 70% of the people persecuted by them, who lived in the Ottoman kingdom, consisted of poor peasants. However, among Muslims, the image of a successful and cunning Armenian with an impressive commercial talent extended to all representatives of the nationality without exception. Hostility was exacerbated by the struggle for resources in the agricultural sector and unresolved social problems in the cities.

These actions were hampered by the influx of Muslims from the Caucasus - Muhajirs (after the Turkish-Russian and 1877-78 years) and from the newly appeared Balkan countries. The refugees, expelled by Christians from their territories, vented their evil on the local Orthodox. The claims of the Armenians for collective and personal security and the parallel deterioration of their position in the Ottoman kingdom led to the emergence of the "Armenian question" as part of a more general eastern problem.

Turks and Armenians are opposing nations. In the Erzerum region in 1882, one of the first associations of Armenia, the “Agricultural Society”, was established to protect the people from the robberies committed by the Kurds and other nomads. The first political party "Armenakan" was founded in 1885. Its platform involved the acquisition of local self-determination of the people through propaganda and education, as well as military specialization to combat state terror.

In 1887, the social-democratic bloc "Hnchakyan" appeared, which sought to liberate Turkish Armenia with the help of the revolution and create an independent socialist state. In Tiflis in 1890, the first congress of the most radical union, Dashnaktsutyun, was held, the program of which stipulated autonomy within the borders of the Ottoman Empire, equality and freedom of all residents, and in the social segment referred to the foundation of peasant communes as the basic elements of a new society.

Extermination in 1894-1896

The massacre of Armenians began in 1894 and continued until 1896. There was a massacre in Istanbul, Sasun and the Van region, the pretext for which was the indignation of settled Armenians. In all regions of the empire in 1895, hundreds of thousands of souls were destroyed. The least studied and the most bloody is the second stage. The percentage of the administration's involvement in deploying the killings is still the subject of angry debate.

Preparations for the extermination of Armenians

Perhaps the Turks started the Armenian genocide as they needed to find a new identity after the Ittihat revolution in 1908. Imperial Ottoman unity was undermined by the constitution, which equalized the rights of various kinds of inhabitants of the Porte and deprived the Turks of great power status. In addition, this ideology yielded to the aggressive principles of Islamic doctrine and pan-Turkism. In turn, the positions of the Islamic worldview were undermined by the atheistic views of the Ittihat leaders and the fact of the existence of the nearby Shiite country of Persia.

The poet and sociologist Gökalp Ziya formulated the principles according to which the Ottoman Empire took part in the First World War. It was he who was the most authoritative ideologue of the Young Turks. His views extended to the country of Turan, which was inhabited by Turkish-speaking Muslims. He believed that the territory of Turan should have contained the entire range of the Turkic ethnos. This teaching actually excluded non-Turks not only from the government, but also from civil society. It was unacceptable for Armenians and other national minorities in Turkey.

For the main inhabitants of the empire, pan-Turkism was the most convenient, which was adopted as the basic rules by almost all the leaders of the Ittihat. Armenians identified themselves, first of all, from a religious position. They were probably mistaken in believing that Turkism is better than Islam.

During the Balkan War of 1912, these people mostly leaned towards the principles of Ottomanism, and the Armenian soldiers (more than 8,000 volunteers) played an important role in the Turkish army. Most of the soldiers, according to the stories of the English ambassador, showed extraordinary courage. In addition, the Armenian blocs "Dashnaktsutyun" and "Hnchakyan" began to adhere to the anti-Ottoman point of view.

Turks do not want to recognize the Armenian genocide. And how did it start? On August 2, 1914, Turkey entered into a secret agreement with Germany. One of his conditions was the transformation of the eastern borders. This nuance was necessary for the formation of a corridor leading to the Islamic peoples of Russia, which hinted at the destruction of the Armenian presence in the reformed possessions. This policy was announced to all the people by the Ottoman leadership after entering the war in 1914, on October 30. The appeal contained a prescription for the unforced merger of all representatives of the Turkish race.

A couple of hours after the signing of the secret German-Turkish military treaty, Ittihat announced a general mobilization, which resulted in the drafting of almost all healthy Armenian men into the army. Further, after entering the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was drawn into hostilities on many fronts. The raid on the lands of Persia and Russia increased the area of ​​violence against the Armenians.

First deportations

Turks, Armenians, 1915… What happened in that distant time? In mid-March 1915, French-British forces attacked the Dardanelles. In Istanbul, preparations have begun for moving the capital to Eskisehir and evacuating local residents. The leadership of the Ottoman Empire was afraid of the merging of Armenians with the allies, so they decided to deport the entire hated population between Eskisehir and Istanbul.

At the end of March, the "Special Organization" began to prepare the massacre of these people in Erzurum. She sent the most radical "Ittihat" emissaries to the provinces, who were supposed to carry out anti-Armenian agitation. Among them was Reshid Bey. It was he who, by extremely inhuman means, including detention and torture, looked for weapons in Diyarbakir, and then turned into one of the most unbridled killers.

The eviction of Armenians began on April 8 from the city of Zeytun, whose inhabitants enjoyed partial independence for centuries and were in confrontation with the Turkish authorities. Their expulsion provides an answer to the main question related to the timing of the preparation of the genocide. A small part of the Armenians was deported to the city of Konya, located not far from Iraq and Syria - places where the rest of the people were resettled a little later.

The murders were accompanied by a wave of robberies. Merchant Mehmet Ali testified that Azmi Cemal (Governor of Trebizond) and Asent Mustafa embezzled jewelry worth 400,000 gold Turkish pounds (approximately 1,500,000 US dollars). The US Consul in Aleppo reported to Washington that a monstrous plundering plan was in operation in the Ottoman Empire.

The consul in Trebizond reported that every day he saw how a horde of children and Turkish women followed the police and seized everything they could carry. He also said that the house of the commissioner "Ittihat" in Trebizond was littered with jewelry and gold obtained as a result of the division of the loot.

By the end of the summer of 1915, most of the Armenians who inhabited the empire were killed. The Ottoman authorities tried to hide this, but the refugees who reached Europe reported the extermination of their people. On April 27, 1915, the Armenian Catholicos called on Italy and the United States to intervene to stop the killings. The Armenian massacre was condemned by the allied powers, but in the conditions of war they could not help the long-suffering people in any way.

In England, after an official check, the documentary book “Attitude towards Armenians in the Ottoman Empire” was published, in the USA and Europe people began to raise funds for refugees. The liquidation of Armenians in western and central Anatolia continued after August 1915.


We practically found out why the Turks killed Armenians. In Boston in 1919, at the IX Congress of the Dashnaktsutyun, it was decided to exterminate the leaders of the Young Turks who took part in the murders. The operation was named after the ancient Greek Nemesis. Most of the conspirators were Armenians who managed to escape the genocide. They ardently desired to avenge the death of their families.

Operation Nemesis was quite effective. Its most famous victims were one of the members of the Turkish triumvirate Talaat Pasha and the Minister of the Interior of the Ottoman Empire. Talaat, along with the rest of the leaders of the Young Turks, fled to Germany in 1918, but was liquidated in Berlin by Tehlirian Soghomon in March 1921.

Legal side

The Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Armenia interested the whole world with their confrontation. The collective declaration of May 24, 1915 of the allied countries is proof of this.

The awareness of the genocide is the most important goal of the Armenian lobbying organizations, and, in addition to the recognition itself, the demand for the payment of reparations by Turkey and territorial claims were announced. To achieve acceptance, lobbyists involve influential people and parliamentarians, founded institutions dealing with this issue, put pressure on the leadership of different countries, and widely publicize this issue in society. Almost all members of the Armenian diaspora are direct descendants of the victims of the genocide. This organization has sufficient material resources with which it can withstand the pressure of Turkey.

America has adopted resolutions on the mass extermination of Armenians three times. This genocide is recognized by the European Parliament, the parliamentary coalition of South American countries, the UN Sub-Commission on the Protection and Prevention of Discrimination of Minorities, the Parliament of Latin America.

Recognition of the annihilation of the Armenian people is not a mandatory item for Turkey to join the EU, but some experts believe that it will have to fulfill this condition.

important date

The Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey was appointed on April 24 by the European Parliament in 2015. In Armenia, this date is a non-working day and is of great importance. Every year, on the anniversary of the expulsion of the Armenian intelligentsia from Istanbul, millions of people around the world pay tribute to the memory of the dead people.

In the history of the genocide, some historians distinguish two periods. If at the first stage (1878-1914) the task was to hold the territory of the enslaved people and organize a mass exodus, then in 1915-1922 the destruction of the ethnic and political Armenian clan, which prevented the implementation of the pan-Turkism program, was put at the forefront. Before the First World War, the destruction of the Armenian national group was carried out in the form of a system of widespread single killings, combined with periodic massacres of Armenians in certain areas where they constituted an absolute majority (the massacre in Sasun, murders throughout the empire in the autumn and winter of 1895, the massacre in Istanbul in Van area).

The original number of the people who lived in this territory is a moot point, since a significant part of the archives was destroyed. It is known that in the middle of the XIX century in the Ottoman Empire, non-Muslims made up about 56% of the population.

According to the Armenian Patriarchate, in 1878, three million Armenians lived in the Ottoman Empire. In 1914, the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey estimated the number of Armenians in the country at 1,845,450. The Armenian population decreased by more than a million due to the massacre in 1894-1896, the flight of Armenians from Turkey and forced conversion to Islam.

The Young Turks, who came to power after the revolution of 1908, continued the policy of brutally suppressing the national liberation movement. In ideology, the old doctrine of Ottomanism was replaced by no less rigid concepts of Pan-Turkism and Pan-Islamism. A campaign of forcible Turkification of the population was launched, and non-Turkish organizations were banned.

In April 1909, the Cilician massacre took place, the massacre of the Armenians of the vilayets of Adana and Allepo. The victims of the massacre were about 30 thousand people, among whom were not only Armenians, but also Greeks, Syrians and Chaldeans. In general, during these years, the Young Turks paved the way for a complete solution of the "Armenian issue".

In February 1915, at a special meeting of the government, the Young Turk ideologist Dr. Nazim Bey outlined a plan for the complete and widespread annihilation of the Armenian people: “It is necessary to completely exterminate the Armenian nation, leaving not a single living Armenian on our land. memory..."

On April 24, 1915, the day now celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Armenian Genocide, mass arrests of the Armenian intellectual, religious, economic and political elite began in Constantinople, which led to the complete destruction of a whole galaxy of prominent figures of Armenian culture. More than 800 representatives of the Armenian intelligentsia were arrested and subsequently killed, including writers Grigor Zohrab, Daniel Varuzhan, Siamanto, Ruben Sevak. Unable to bear the death of his friends, the great composer Komitas lost his mind.

In May-June 1915, a massacre and deportation of Armenians began in Western Armenia.

The general and systematic campaign against the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire consisted in the expulsion of Armenians into the desert and subsequent executions, death by bands of marauders or from hunger or thirst. Deportations were subjected to Armenians from almost all the main centers of the empire.

On June 21, 1915, during the final act of the deportation, its main mastermind, Minister of the Interior Talaat Pasha, ordered the deportation of "all Armenians without exception" living in ten provinces of the eastern region of the Ottoman Empire, with the exception of those who were deemed useful to the state. Under this new directive, the deportation was carried out on the "ten percent principle", according to which Armenians should not exceed 10% of the Muslims in the region.

The process of expulsion and extermination of the Turkish Armenians culminated in a series of military campaigns in 1920 against the refugees who had returned to Cilicia and during the massacre in Smyrna (modern Izmir) in September 1922, when troops under the command of Mustafa Kemal slaughtered the Armenian quarter in Smyrna, and then, under pressure from the Western powers, the survivors were allowed to evacuate. With the destruction of the Armenians of Smyrna, the last surviving compact community, the Armenian population of Turkey practically ceased to exist in their historical homeland. The surviving refugees scattered around the world, forming diasporas in several dozen countries.

Modern estimates of the number of victims of the genocide vary from 200,000 (some Turkish sources) to more than 2 million Armenians. Most historians estimate the number of victims between 1 and 1.5 million people. Over 800 thousand became refugees.

It is difficult to determine the exact number of victims and survivors, since since 1915, fleeing murders and pogroms, many Armenian families have changed their religion (according to some sources - from 250 thousand to 300 thousand people).

For many years, Armenians around the world have been striving for the international community to officially and unconditionally recognize the fact of the genocide. The first special decree recognizing and condemning the terrible tragedy of 1915 was adopted by the Parliament of Uruguay (April 20, 1965). Laws, resolutions and decisions on the Armenian Genocide were subsequently adopted by the European Parliament, the State Duma of Russia, the parliaments of other countries, in particular Cyprus, Argentina, Canada, Greece, Lebanon, Belgium, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Venezuela, Lithuania, Chile, Bolivia, and the Vatican.

The Armenian Genocide has been recognized by over 40 US states, the Australian state of New South Wales, the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Ontario (including the city of Toronto), the Swiss cantons of Geneva and Vaud, Wales (Great Britain), about 40 Italian communes, dozens of international and national organizations, including including the World Council of Churches, the Human Rights League, the Elie Wiesel Humanitarian Foundation, the Union of Jewish Communities of America.

On April 14, 1995, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a statement "On the condemnation of the genocide of the Armenian people in 1915-1922."

The US government massacred 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, but refuses to call it a genocide.

The Armenian community of the United States has long adopted a resolution recognizing the fact of the genocide of the Armenian people by Congress.

Attempts to carry out this legislative initiative have been made in Congress more than once, but they have not been crowned with success.

The issue of recognition of the genocide in the normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey.

Armenia and Turkey have not yet established diplomatic relations, and the Armenian-Turkish border has been closed since 1993 at the initiative of official Ankara.

Turkey traditionally rejects accusations of the Armenian genocide, arguing that the victims of the 1915 tragedy were both Armenians and Turks, and reacts extremely painfully to the process of international recognition of the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire.

In 1965, a monument to the victims of the genocide was erected on the territory of the Catholicosate in Etchmiadzin. In 1967, the construction of a memorial complex was completed in Yerevan on the hill of Tsitsernakaberd (Swallow Fortress). In 1995, the Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide was built near the memorial complex.

The motto of Armenians around the world for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is the words "I remember and I demand", and the symbol is a forget-me-not. This flower in all languages ​​has a symbolic meaning - to remember, not to forget and remind. The memorial in Tsitserkaberd with its 12 pylons is graphically depicted in the cup of the flower. This symbol will be actively used throughout 2015.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources