Where to go to study in order to earn good money.

Whom to go to study for: 5 useful tips + 5 sources of help + 30 specialties after grade 9 + 37 professions available to eleventh graders.

While you are small, you can afford to choose professions at least every year.

But the older you get, the more seriously you need to take the choice of your future profession.

All high school students are concerned about the question who to study after finishing 9th or 11th grade?

I really want the future specialty to be interesting, while bringing pleasure and good money at the same time.

Can you combine both?

Of course - you can, if you treat the choice of profession wisely.

Why is it so difficult to decide who to go to study?

Remember how many times you changed your dream of a future profession in childhood and adolescence.

I probably 10 times.

Whatever I planned to be: a teacher, a doctor, a banker, a director, an archaeologist, a journalist, an entrepreneur, etc.

But the real agony of choice had to be experienced in high school, when it was necessary to move from dreams to concrete decisions and decide on a future profession.

If you are also trying to decide who to go to study, useful tips for you will not be superfluous:

    Do you dream of becoming a banker, but only the kindness of your math allows you to get an annual grade of 4 points, instead of a well-deserved one?

    Well, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get an economic or financial education.

    Think about what you would like to do.

    Cold calculation when choosing a future profession is, of course, a good thing, but it cannot be limited only to it.

    Going day in and day out to a job you hate is very hard.

    However, work should be fun.

    Look at the amount of your future salary.

    While you are on the maintenance of your parents, you can afford the uncompromising “I will go to study as a philosopher, because money is not the main thing,” but your beliefs will change when you start living separately.

    The profession should feed you.

    If it does not feed, then you made a mistake with the choice.

    Consider the prospects of the profession in the future.

    When thinking about who to go to study, do not forget that your career path is just beginning, which means it is stupid to choose a profession that will soon go into oblivion.

    Specialties that will disappear in 10 years, experts include: a librarian, an archivist, a travel agent, a driller, a notary, a stuntman, a stenographer, a logistician and some others.

    Do not forget about the demand for specialty.

    Let's say archeology beckons you.

    You dream about how you will go to excavations, look for treasures, discover civilizations.

    But think about how much this industry is in demand and will it be easy for you if you decide to go to study as an archaeologist?

    I don't think so.

It is also important to realistically assess your chances of entering the chosen university, college, technical school or some other educational institution.

If there is too much competition in it, your average score is so-so, and you practically failed the ZNO or the Unified State Examination, and your parents can’t afford paid education, you may have to say goodbye to the dream and go to study for someone else.

Who will help you decide who to go to study?

Deciding who you can go to study with is very difficult, because both the right and the wrong choice will affect your future life. Of course, it is very difficult to do without help in such a serious matter.

Here is someone who can help you decide who you can go to study with:


    Letting them make decisions for you is wrong, but you can’t completely reject their advice either.

    They are older and clearly more versed in the realities of this life.

    You can still judge it, only focusing on someone else's experience.

    And if so, why not take advantage of the experience of parents who will definitely advise only what will benefit you?

    There are a great variety of tests, the results of which will help you in choosing a profession.

    They can be found on these:

    • http://www.psynavigator.ru/tests.php?code=519,
    • http://atlas.nmc-it.mari-el.ru:8999/index.php?module=prof_test,
    • http://agdf.ru/na_kogo_poyti_uchitsya_test.html#_teststudio and many other sites.
  1. Personnel officers.

    If your parents have acquaintances who work in a recruitment agency or in the state Labor Exchange, ask them to give you information:

    • what specialties are in demand;
    • which ones pay best;
    • people with what education and work experience find it most difficult to find a vacancy, etc.
  2. And I also think that girls should go to study at a university or institute, so that in the future they don’t work hard for 15 hours a day and don’t risk their health.

    1. The hairdresser
    2. Visagiste
    3. Teacher
    4. museum worker
    5. Designer
    6. Art critic
    7. Librarian
    8. beautician
    9. Florist
    10. Confectioner

    3. Whom can you go to study after the 11th grade with both?

    Of course, most of the specialties that can be obtained after grade 11 are available to both boys and girls.

    Thinking about who to go to study, consider these universal options.

    1. Lawyer
    2. Banker
    3. Interpreter
    4. Journalist
    5. Marketer
    6. Actor / actress
    7. Musician
    8. advertiser
    9. Chemist
    10. food industry technologist
    11. Manager
    12. Pharmacist
    13. Agronomist

    Of course, this is not the whole list of professions that 11th grade graduates can get.

    Many other specialties are available to you.

    A smart, stubborn, hardworking, grasping, responsible, endowed with many talents person can realize himself in any field.

    considering your talents:

    Decide who to study, focusing on your personal preferences, the prospects and profitability of the profession, and you definitely won’t go wrong with the choice.

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What professions are now the most demanded and highly paid? What to learn in order to never know the need for money, the site portal was told by the HR director of the logistics company V.I.G. Trans Natalia Zharova. She named the 6 most promising areas for mastering and shared 5 life hacks for a successful career.

Where to go to study? From year to year, graduates ask this question, thinking about their future profession.

It's great when you clearly understand and realize your purpose and faithfully follow this path, but, as a rule, it is difficult for a young student to decide on a profession. Here, parents come to his aid and most often make a decision for their child. It is difficult to say about the correctness of the decision, but most likely in a few years the graduate will not work according to his profession. It turns out that all these years have passed in vain?! And the graduate from the very beginning, through practice, masters a new profession. It's all the strength, time, money and disgruntled parents.Here the emphasis is on the younger generation, because it is for them to make an important decision on their career path.

There is also a second category, specialists who have already mastered and occupied a niche, but want further development. They consciously choose a second specialty, thanks to which they develop further or master a new profession, which will most likely allow them to earn more.

Let's see: today, higher education is a status and a formality. That is, it will not particularly help in further development, but every employer requires it when applying for a job. Paradox. If we live in Russia, we will play by the rules of this country. You just need to get the most out of it all for yourself and learn from the mistakes of others. As the Latin proverb says, "Forewarned is forearmed."

What professions should you look into? Below is a list of professions that are most relevant now and are gaining momentum.

1.IT(programmers, developers, analysts, system administrators, etc.)

Let IT be in the first place. Today it is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions in the labor market. One of the advantages is the ability to work remotely or earn extra money while having a permanent job. With progressive automation, an IT specialist will not be left without work.

2. Financiers

More money for those who work with them. The key to successful development in the financial segment is an excellent education and work. As practice shows, it is easiest to become a general director from a financier.

The predominance of market relations makes itself felt and, of course, the need for advertising, sales and promotion is growing. Only the lazy in our time does not sell or buy something. Marketers are so flexible employees that they learn while working, because new market trends are like waves on the sea, one after another. You have not had time to master something, as a new trend rolls up. And the marketer must quickly adapt and be aware. This is a 100% profession that will be relevant for many years. Today, this niche is just beginning to grow, so it’s worth trying to get rich here.

4. Medics

It is a great pleasure to present this profession in this list. I would like those students who feel their calling in this difficult task to come here. Progress does not stand still, medicine develops in step with the times. New interesting specialties appear, technologies develop. When choosing the profession of a medical worker, you should understand that a long and painstaking training awaits you.

5. Engineers

To be honest, the need for technical staff is huge. Demand exceeds supply. There is a shortage of skilled professionals in this area. The choice of directions is so wide that you can find something to your liking. Development is progressing by leaps and bounds, production is very relevant. An additional requirement is English and you will be torn off with your hands for a good reward.

6. Agro-industry

You should not bypass such specialties that are directly related to the development of agriculture. Now this niche is in a utopian state, but people are investing, buying out and renovating abandoned farms. Of course, it is important to have education and good knowledge.

In general, according to the logic below, there should be a list of professions where it would not be worthwhile to enter and waste your time. But, in fact, wherever you go and wherever you get an education - this does not give any guarantees for good or bad earnings. First of all, you are an expert. And your task is to become a cool and sought-after employee. Our country really needs good teachers, educators, locksmiths, actors, journalists and many, many more.

Please, if you do something, then do it well or not. The simplest thing is to blame everyone around for our problems, but we ourselves can make our career and determine the level of income.

In conclusion, a few life hacks for successful career development:

Getting an education at a university, go to work (it doesn’t matter who - learn and learn about existing business models);

Learn two languages ​​(it's good that one of them is Chinese);

Master the computer (I highly recommend having a high level of knowledge);

Learn business etiquette (this will come in handy throughout your life);

Choose a hobby for yourself (sometimes you can make good money on a hobby).

When using the material, a hyperlink to the corresponding page of the portal site is required

Now children are trying to set up in advance the choice of a profession.

It is necessary to prepare for entering the university seriously, studying the information, hiring in advance. In order for the admission to be successful, you must first decide where the child wants to go to study and what he intends to do in the future. Sometimes parents begin to think about it when the child is still 12-13 years old.

However, children growing up in families with modest means, having seen enough of the ordeals of their parents, sometimes stun them with the statement: “I have not yet decided who I want to study for, and I don’t know who I want to work with. I only know what I want. To live differently than you…”

In one such family, parents, having heard this from their daughter, gasped at first. Then they began to think about how to help her. They began to analyze - who is now earning good money, in what industries? On reflection, they advised her several, in their opinion, monetary specialties: accountant, customs or tax officer, dentist… But is that all? What else can be added?

Friends have joined. A friend of the mother advised in the future to look better for her daughter. Others advised studying food production technologist- they say, the food industry is booming, and this profession is now in great demand. Still others said that the girl should enter the Institute of Railways in order to work in the field of railway transport. It is clear that not a conductor, but in the field of cargo transportation management.

They also suggested that they are always in demand and well paid. professions in the field of personal services when a person knows how to do something with his hands, and does it well. These specialties include a hairdresser, masseur, beautician - there is always a clientele and there is always money. Decently earn workers, fitness centers. Of course, provided that they are well versed in their profession. In order to work as a massage therapist and beautician, you need to enter a medical school (or even a medical school), and then - where the career beckons.

well earn dentists. They cited as an example someone's friend, who began to study as a nurse, then transferred to dentistry. After graduation, she got a job in a suburban clinic. After working there and gaining experience, she entered a private medical center in Moscow. She graduated from medical school in absentia, and now she is doing well.

Not only dentists make good money. There is also gynecologists, ophthalmologists, ENT specialists etc. Any good specialist gradually acquires a large number of patients. Friends of the family cited as an example one doctor who, although she works in a state hospital, her time is scheduled far ahead, people are ready to pay her a lot, because she is a great specialist, takes a long time with each patient and works wonders.

A profession in demand is also logistics(organizations for the promotion of goods and services). The market is growing, and in a market economy, these specialists are always needed.

Well paid work programmers. Yes and teacher he can also earn excellent money if he works in a private gymnasium or is mainly engaged in tutoring. He can also give paid consultations via Skype. Mathematics, physics, are most in demand.

An excellent profession is speech therapist. You can always earn your bread and butter. Of course, for this you need to build up a good customer base and assign a decent amount of payment for the lesson. Now many problem children are born, so correctional teachers always have clients.

Knowledgeable people advised the girl's parents to analyze the labor market: who is needed where they live, what are they willing to pay for? They said that it was necessary to see what large facilities are being built in the city, what industries are planned to be developed. If, for example, a large plant is being built nearby, then it is worth finding out what specialists will be needed there, etc. They advised to identify industries where there is a shortage of personnel, to study the media and newspapers with vacancies (for which vacancies employers offer the highest pay).

They also remembered that enough bread professions are computer repair and maintenance, apartment renovation, landscaping.

And, of course, they cited a highly paid profession as an example. realtor- real estate specialist.

Of course, money doesn't just fall from the sky. To earn a lot in any of these

Many are wondering where and with whom to study to become an entrepreneur? Well, in fact, an entrepreneur, of course, becomes a fact of entrepreneurial activity. But there are several ways to gain the knowledge that will help you become a successful entrepreneur.

You can get this knowledge from books, trainings, courses, free Youtube videos, and even formal educational programs. In this article, we will talk about all the possibilities, as well as tell you the knowledge from which areas an entrepreneur needs.

And I will immediately offer you a few videos to get you started.

Speech by a young millionaire from Izhevsk Ayaz Shabutdinov, his experience in business and much more.

Speech by a business coach from Ukraine, Yitzhak Pintosevich, on a topic that is relevant for all residents of Russia, how to become a billionaire.

Business Zen from entrepreneur and Internet marketer Ruslan Tatunashvili. In general, watch this video for yourself and recommend it to those people who are in a difficult life situation, who are now having a hard time.

Entrepreneur Artem Agabekov, what advice would he give to a 20-year-old himself (useful not only for 20-year-olds).


Some useful articles on our website:

Courses online

And if possible, go to his training.

Watch some videos of Yitzhak Pintosevich and subscribe to the channel of his training company.

As for the specialty "entrepreneur" itself, if you want to study it, perhaps it is better to take it as a master's degree after a bachelor's degree in marketing.

Who do you need to learn from in order to have the best chance of succeeding in any business?

Marketing is the profession that is the “key” to any business. If you don't want to specialize and be a programmer or engineer, but want to be able to work in any business, study marketing. Marketing and sales are 50% of success in absolutely any industry.

So study to be a marketer, work as a salesperson during your studies (you can sell ads in a magazine or on the radio or sell household appliances, it doesn’t matter), and you will have a great foundation for business success.

Where to study as an entrepreneur or marketer?

Is there an official profession "entrepreneur"?

Russia has an official classifier of professions and positions (OKPDTR), it contains all the positions and professions that officially exist in the country, including the profession of "president". The profession of "entrepreneur" is not yet in it. Officially, an entrepreneur is a status (“individual entrepreneur”), not a profession.

Unofficially, an entrepreneur is still a profession, in any documents, in particular, in the application form for a visa, you can indicate “entrepreneur” as a profession.

Where and with whom to study to become an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is taught in some Universities. You can also gain knowledge on your own from books and free videos. We will tell you about all these possibilities.

Graduation from school and the choice of a future profession is one of the most important stages that affects the future life of a graduate. Girls and boys after grade 11 take exams, pass tests. Before them becomes the question: where to go to study?

The main problem that worries many is how not to make a mistake with a profession and make the right choice. In fact, not many people know exactly what they want to become. Where to go to study after 11th grade? What criteria should be followed? What do psychologists advise about this? What professions are most in demand at the moment for guys and girls?

It is necessary to approach the choice of a future profession with great responsibility, to consider all the pros and cons

Criteria for choosing a profession

It is not entirely correct to limit yourself to clear criteria, since there is no single correct formula that allows you to choose a specialization. Teachers and psychologists offer to pass special tests that determine individual inclinations and help determine the field of activity.

The test results are worth listening to, but they should not be decisive in making a decision. According to one of the theories, each person has his own talent and, so to speak, destiny, which help him achieve success in a certain field or industry.

The main criteria to be followed:

  • individual inclinations (humanities, mathematician, biologist);
  • talent and abilities (intellectual, spiritual, physical);
  • preferences by type and occupation (mental work, work with people, art or physical labor);
  • individual psychotype;
  • the perceived benefits of specialization;
  • the demand for the profession in real time.

To decide on a future profession, it is necessary to “try on” all the specialties in your thoughts and feel what your soul is for

Based on the above list, we can draw the only conclusion - it is necessary to base the choice on personal qualities, talents, abilities. It is important to choose a business to your liking, to do what you like, bring moral satisfaction and benefit, and what works best.

Today's youth often pursue the most fashionable or highly paid specialties only for reasons of image and profit. If you love and understand your business, you can become successful in any business. Real professionals are respected and earn well.

The state of the current world economy obliges to take into account the demand for the profession. The right approach will allow not to throw a diploma on the shelf and not join the ranks of the unemployed. This does not mean that you need to abandon your dream, but only slightly correct it.

Important advice from psychologists:

  1. Don't follow your parents. It is necessary to listen to the wise advice of adults, but the final decision remains with the graduate. Often parents impose specialties that they like without listening to the wishes of the child. In addition, such an important step teaches responsibility and independence.
  2. Do not be scared. Fear or uncertainty is always present, you can not let them stop you. It is important to remember that in case of failure, you can retrain and master the desired profession.
  3. "Take the job for yourself." Describe in detail what you do and where you work. You can describe the working day in detail. If the presented causes joy, then the specialty is suitable.

Choosing a place of study

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Having decided on the desired profession, students are faced with the choice of a place of study. First of all, you need to decide what kind of education you need - higher or secondary special.

Some do not have enough academic performance to enter a university, and sometimes, according to the specifics of the profession, secondary specialized education is quite enough. In addition, after a college or technical school, getting a higher education is not difficult. Numerous colleges offer a wide range of specializations and a high level of education.

Admission to a higher educational institution

Admission to higher education institutions is based on the results of three or four USE tests in various subjects. An applicant has the right to apply to 5 universities with 3 faculties each, that is, as a result, 15 possible options are obtained.

Many institutes and universities additionally conduct their own examinations or tests. This applies to professions that require professional or physical data, as well as those related to art.

Faculties that conduct additional examinations:

  • air navigation, operation of aircraft;
  • architecture, urban planning;
  • the medicine;
  • philology;
  • art history;
  • design;
  • directing;
  • acting skills;
  • choreography;
  • vocals;
  • physical culture, etc.

Of great importance is the "portfolio" of the graduate, which can significantly increase the chances of entering an elite university. It indicates a certificate with honors or the presence of secondary specialized education (red diploma), active volunteer or social activities, sports achievements, participation and victories in scientific Olympiads.

One of the most prestigious institutes in Moscow - MGIMO

Higher education institutions with the largest and toughest competition (which are difficult to get into):

  1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO);
  2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology;
  3. Moscow State Linguistic University;
  4. Russian Customs Academy;
  5. Moscow State University Lomonosov;
  6. Moscow State Law University. Kutafin;
  7. Moscow State Institute of Music. Schnittke;
  8. National Research University Higher School of Economics (International Institute of Economics and Finance), etc.

Admission to a college, technical school or college

Secondary vocational education does not lose its popularity to this day, on the contrary, it is gaining it. Young people have the opportunity to learn a profession in a shorter time and immediately start working. Many receive higher education in absentia, while earning money.

Schools and technical schools become a salvation for those who unsuccessfully passed the exam and did not pass the points to the university. However, this does not mean that going to college, you can not study at all. The choice of secondary specialized educational institutions (SSUZ) is really great.

In addition to public institutions, many private for-profit colleges have opened. In addition, some universities open technical schools on their basis, which allows students to learn from teachers from the university.

In recent years, the process of entering secondary schools has become much easier. There are usually no entrance exams, except for military specialties, physical education, or the arts. The graduate must submit an application on time, provide the necessary documents (certificate, exam, copy of the passport and insurance policy, medical certificates and photographs). Depending on the number of applicants, the passing score may be absent or be within the average. Some establishments accept everyone in conditions of shortage, but this does not always happen.

List of popular state secondary schools:

  1. College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering;
  2. College of Entrepreneurship;
  3. College of Service and Tourism;
  4. College of Arts and Crafts. Carl Faberge;
  5. Construction College;
  6. Medical College. Botkin;
  7. Moscow College of Aviation Motors;
  8. Moscow State College of Technology and Law;
  9. Food technical school;
  10. Moscow Higher Military Command School;
  11. Suvorov Military School, etc.

Graduates of the Suvorov Military School

Obtaining a specialty in narrow-profile courses

For one reason or another, some graduates do not enter universities or technical schools. You can master a specialty in a short time at narrow-profile courses that offer many directions. In addition, some professions do not require compulsory higher education.

During the training, young people receive the necessary theoretical knowledge and consolidate it in practice. At the end of the course, they are awarded a document or certificate confirming their specialization. Many large enterprises offer vocational courses and then provide a job.

Examples of professions that can be mastered in the courses:

  • working specialties for boys and girls;
  • secretary-referent;
  • photographer;
  • hairdresser, stylist, manicurist;
  • seamstress;
  • massage therapist or beautician;
  • cook;
  • waiter or bartender, etc.

The hobby of photography can become a main profession and a good source of income.

List of specialties for guys after grade 11

In the modern world, the clear boundary between male and female professions has practically blurred. Nevertheless, it is possible to single out a list of professions after grade 11, which is suitable for a boy. It will be useful to inexperienced graduates who are faced with a difficult choice and are not sure of it.

Areas of activity in which young people achieve success:

  • Computer techologies;
  • engineering and technical professions;
  • working specialties;
  • jurisprudence;
  • the medicine;
  • trade;
  • services sector;
  • creative professions;
  • tourism, etc.

The IT-sphere is in demand and popular. In overwhelming numbers, it is represented by men. This includes web design, application development, SEO optimization, etc. In the era of digital technologies, such specialists never sit without work and earn decently.

A good IT specialist is always in demand in the labor market

The financial and banking sector offers many options. Financial analysts, investment and lending experts, fashionable anti-crisis managers will find work not only in banks, but also in large companies.

Working specialties are in demand among Russians. Trained professionals are well paid and always given work.

Graduate engineers and so-called "techies" have become very popular. Many young men prefer fashionable professions, as a result of which there are not enough engineers. Young specialists are required at enterprises, factories and concerns.

Do not forget about medicine. Competent doctors are always worth their weight in gold. Guys are listed exactly the same as girls. By the way, there are a lot more male surgeons.

Military affairs remain purely masculine. In addition, this industry offers many specialties and full social security.

List of professions for girls after grade 11

Modern girls easily master any profession. They are successful in the field of high technology, finance, law, medicine. It all depends on the ability and desire.

What profession can a girl choose:

  • physician, pharmacist;
  • economist accountant;
  • veterinarian;
  • teacher;
  • Researcher;
  • psychologist;
  • architect;
  • web designer, programmer;
  • translator, linguist;
  • designer, stylist;
  • advertising or sales specialist;
  • Sales Representative;
  • lawyer;
  • police officer;
  • Office Manager;
  • tourism specialist, guide;
  • trainer, fitness instructor;
  • journalist.

In the modern world, the profession of trainers and fitness instructors will always be relevant and in demand.

Specializations that can be quickly mastered in courses after grade 11:

  • nail service master
  • the hairdresser;
  • beautician;
  • masseur;
  • visagiste;
  • PC operator;
  • cook;
  • seamstress;
  • waiter;
  • Sales Manager.

TOP of the most demanded professions

A marketer - a specialist in product promotion - is necessary for absolutely any modern company

Continuous economic development and the fashion for certain specializations determine the list of in-demand and necessary professions:

  1. IT specialist (programmer, website developer, system administrator, web designer);
  2. marketer (all companies and brands need competent advertising, which are becoming more and more);
  3. interpreter;
  4. employee in public institutions (schools, hospitals, kindergartens, etc.);
  5. engineer, architect;
  6. sales specialist, customer service;
  7. doctor (pediatricians, surgeons, anesthesiologists and narrow specialists).

Rating of the highest paid specialties

IT specialists and website developers receive very high salaries in dollar terms

The highest paid specialties.