Measures based on the results of socio-psychological testing. Conducting socio-psychological testing of students: background

Drug testing is one of the drug prevention measures aimed at early identification of those who have just tried drugs or psychotropic substances. According to the Federal Law of June 7, 2013 N 120-FZ, testing consists of two stages: socio-psychological - conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and medical, including medical examinations and passing the necessary tests - conducted by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 16, 2014 No. 658 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 13, 2014 Registration N 33576) approved the Procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of persons studying in general educational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as in educational organizations of higher education (hereinafter - the Order). The order comes into force on August 31, 2014.

According to the approved procedure, testing is voluntary:

  • student testing, under the age of fifteen, carried out in the presence informed consent of one of the parents or other legal representative;
  • testing of students who have reached the age fifteen years old, is carried out if there are informed consent in writing about participation in testing.

Testing is carried out in an educational organization. To conduct testing, the head of the educational organization conducting the testing:

  • organizes the receipt of informed consents from students or from their parents or other legal representatives;
  • approves the name lists of students, compiled on the basis of receiving informed consents from students or from their parents or other legal representatives;
  • creates a commission that provides organizational and technical support for testing (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), and approves its composition from among the employees of the educational organization;
  • approves the testing schedule for classes (groups) and classrooms (audiences);
  • ensures confidentiality during testing and storage of test results.

Testing is carried out by the Commission in accordance with administrative act head of an educational organization.

Parents (legal representatives) of students are allowed in the audience during the tests. They can come to testing and see how students fill out questionnaires. It is strictly forbidden for students to walk around the classroom, communicate, look at each other in the questionnaires. Each student participating in testing has the right to refuse testing at any time, notifying a member of the Commission about it, and leave the classroom.

Documents that confirm consent to testing from students, their parents (legal representatives) remain in the educational organization and are kept confidentially for a year.

All questionnaires are divided into two groups: for students who are already 15 years old, and for those who have not reached this age. The head of the educational organization conducting the testing, within three days from the moment of testing, ensures that the act of transferring the test results to the regional education authority is forwarded. There, specialists will process the tests in 30 days. Then the results without the names of the students, but indicating their place of study, age, class are sent to the regional health authority to plan additional measures to prevent non-medical use of drugs and psychotropic substances by students in a particular school or university.

According to Yevgeny Bryun, chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, between 10 and 13 percent of high school students have experience of using drugs; among university students, these figures are already increasing to 15 percent.

Speaking about the consequences of testing, Evgeny Bryun said:

“We are not talking about any consequences. I would really like parents to understand that the fact that we recorded the experience of using drugs in a particular student will not affect his social status and future career in any way.

Note. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has developed draft questionnaires that have already been discussed on a special website. One has 142 questions, the other has 105. It is expected that the students will take 45 minutes to answer the questions.

The test is based on the Cattell questionnaire - one of the most common questionnaire methods for assessing the individual psychological characteristics of a person both abroad and in our country. It allows, among other things, to identify children and adolescents with signs of addictive behavior (addiction - from the English addiction - dependence, addiction).

When interpreting test results for students under 15, the following factors are used: the degree of emotional stability, acceptance of moral standards, insincerity and self-control. The main criterion is the degree of acceptance of moral norms.

For students from 15 years old, four main factors are used to determine addictive behavior: emotional stability-instability, low and high normative behavior, suspicion (gullibility), low and high self-control. The main criterion is non-normative behavior.

There are no direct questions about drug use in the questionnaire. For example, test takers are asked:

- Do you get offended by your friends if they laugh at your little oddities or dissimilarity to others, especially when it comes to your clothes?

- Do you sometimes have a desire to become a different person, not the same as you are now?

- If you do something stupid in front of people, can you get away with a joke and act as if nothing had happened?

- Did it happen that before going to bed you sometimes saw human faces and figures in the dark?

Test-takers are asked to follow four rules when answering questions:

  • give the first answer that comes to mind;
  • do not get carried away with the answer “I don’t know”;
  • do not skip questions;
  • answer honestly.

At the end of August 2014, the conduct of students in general educational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as in educational institutions of higher education, was regulated, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 16, 2014 No. 658 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of students). A lot of time has passed since then, however, disputes over the validity of the requirements established by him do not subside in society.

It may seem to some that the decision to conduct socio-psychological testing of students was taken suddenly, under the influence of extraordinary circumstances. However, it is not. The appearance of the document was preceded by a long, painstaking work, including at the legislative level. Consider the history of the issue.

Socio-psychological testing of schoolchildren: p development of a regulatory framework

Psychoactive substances are chemical and pharmacological means that affect the physical, mental state. Testing also helps to identify the likelihood of developing an addiction to such substances.

Back in 2011, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia - in accordance with the Strategy of the State Anti-Drug Policy of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/09/2010, the Concept for the implementation of state policy to reduce the scale of alcohol abuse and prevent alcoholism among the population of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 No. 2128-r, and the Concept for the implementation of the state policy to combat tobacco consumption for 2010-2015, approved. by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 23, 2010 No. 1563-r, - developed and submitted the Substance Use Prevention Concept in the Educational Environment 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Substance Use Prevention Concept) for use in the work.

In particular, the document includes the following sections:

Goals, objectives and principles of prevention of the use of surfactants. The structure of the organization of preventive activities in the educational environment. Technologies for the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances in the educational environment. Pedagogical prevention as the main structural and content component of the prevention system. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances in the educational environment. Indicators of preventive activity. Early detection of illicit drug use and psychotropic substances is carried out with the informed consent in writing of students who have reached the age of 15 years, or informed consent in writing one of the parents or other legal representative of students under the age of 15. P. 2 Art. 53.4 of Law No. 3-FZ

According to the Concept for the Prevention of Substance Use, one of the preventive technologies is the diagnostic testing of students and pupils for the use of psychoactive substances, including within the framework of regular medical examinations. This technology, the document says, should be used legitimately: on the basis of the voluntary consent of minors, their parents (legal representatives) and accompanied by psychological counseling.

The next important milestone in the development of the regulatory framework for conducting socio-psychological testing of students is 2013, when Federal Law No. 120-FZ dated 07.06. substances” (hereinafter – Law No. 120-FZ) Part 3, Art. 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ), clause 15.1 was introduced, according to which the competence of an educational organization includes the organization of socio-psychological testing of students for the purpose of early detection illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, i.e. the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The specified changes came into force after 180 days from the date of the official publication of the document, i.e. December 5, 2013.

At the same time, the relevant provisions were introduced into Federal Law No. 3-FZ of January 8, 1998 “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” (hereinafter - Law No. 3-FZ). According to paragraph 1 of Art. 53.4 of Law No. 3-FZ, early detection of illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is one of the forms of prevention of illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which includes:

socio-psychological testing of students in educational institutions; preventive medical examinations of students in educational institutions.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the same article, testing and examinations should be carried out with the informed consent in writing of the students or their parents (legal representatives).

In pursuance of the requirements of Law No. 273-FZ and Law No. 3-FZ, in 2014 the following were adopted:
1) The procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of students;
2) the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations of students in general educational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as educational organizations of higher education in order to early identify illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 6, 2014 No. 581n.

Conducting socio-psychological testing of students and about public discussion

Of course, the preparation of the above normative legal acts was accompanied by a broad discussion, including at the level of government agencies.

In particular, the issue of testing students for drugs was raised in September 2009 by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Referring not to the opinion of experts, Dmitry Medvedev told those present that the number of drug users in our country is 2-2.5 million people, that is, almost 2% of all citizens. At the same time, two-thirds of Russian drug addicts are young people under 30 years old.

The President of the Russian Federation called this fact a threat to national security and proposed a number of measures to improve the situation, including those aimed at preventing drug addiction. Here is a quote from his introductory speech: “A lot has been said about the fact that the fight against drug addiction must be waged by the whole society, and prevention should begin already in schools, from an early age, nevertheless, there are still very, very many problems here. Very little space is given to knowledge about the dangers of drug addiction in school curricula. Much more attention needs to be paid to this. For the timely diagnosis of the detection of this disease among adolescents, a number of measures are proposed, rather tough and debatable, which should also be discussed, including the decision on mandatory testing of students in all educational institutions” 2 .

Almost immediately, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia opposed the total examination of schoolchildren and students for drug addiction. Valentina Shirokova, director of the Department for the Development of Medical Care for Children and the Obstetrics Service, said that drug addiction tests should be carried out only when indicated. As an alternative, she suggested conducting surveys of schoolchildren as part of traditional medical examinations in order to identify their addiction to drugs 3 .

Nevertheless, in some regions, "trial" testing of students for drugs has begun. In early 2011, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Gennady Onishchenko, defended the project. In an interview with the Interfax agency, he literally said the following: “What are we going to rant about for another 15 years about the voluntary or involuntary testing? What does voluntary testing mean? We risk losing a person. It needs to be stopped, removed from the needle and cured” 4 .

Again, this topic was raised in April 2011 at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council "On measures to strengthen the fight against drug use among young people." Opening the meeting, Dmitry Medvedev said that testing of students as part of the approbation had already begun, and although not all parents positively perceived this practice, it must be continued, moreover, a special federal law should be adopted on this occasion. Then representatives of the regions where the testing was carried out in a pilot mode expressed their opinion: the governor of the Irkutsk region Dmitry Mezentsev, the governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Natalya Komarova, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Alexander Misharin, the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov and others. They stated that there were no no acute situations arose during the testing process and, on the whole, they supported Dmitry Medvedev's initiative to issue a special law.

In turn, Tatyana Golikova, Minister of Health and Social Development, proposed making the testing system two-stage: the first stage is sociological testing of all students in order to identify risk groups; the second stage is a voluntary, but already at a more serious level, testing of those students who are included in this group 5 .

In November 2012, the Government of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma the draft Law No. 120-FZ mentioned above. In this regard, the director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, the chief freelance specialist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Yevgeny Bryun, said live on the Russian News Service that this law would in no case be used against children. According to him, about 10-13% of schoolchildren have experience of using drugs. Accordingly, parents should think about the fact that if there are 1000 students in a school, then at least 20 of them use drugs, and their children communicate with them.

For several years, students were tested for drug addiction on an experimental basis. Moreover, as the media noted, there were cases when local authorities decided on a sudden medical check and teams came to schools with screens and test tubes for urine or saliva. If pupils were warned about the tests in advance, then 8-10% of them refused to be tested, and 20-30% did not come to school at all that day 6 . Nevertheless, the events were held as usual.

Conducting socio-psychological testing of students: about main provisions

The conclusions made during the experiment were reflected in the Procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of students. Let's name its main provisions:

1. Testing of students who have reached the age of 15 is carried out with their informed consent in writing to participate in testing. Testing of students under the age of 15 is carried out with the informed consent of one of the parents or other legal representative.

2. Testing is carried out in accordance with the administrative act of the head of the educational organization. To conduct it, the leader:

organizes the receipt of informed consents from students or from their parents or other legal representatives; approves the name lists of students, compiled on the basis of receiving informed consents from students or from their parents or other legal representatives; creates a commission that provides organizational and technical support for testing (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), from among the employees of the educational organization; approves the testing schedule for classes (groups) and classrooms (audiences); ensures confidentiality during testing and storage of test results. Before the start of testing, members of the commission providing organizational and technical support for testing instruct students, participating in testing, incl. inform about the conditions of testing and its duration. Clause 7 of the Procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of students

3. When conducting testing, a member of the Commission must be present in each classroom. It is also allowed to be present as observers of parents (legal representatives) of students participating in testing.

4. In order to ensure the confidentiality of the test results during its conduct, free communication between students participating in the test, movement around the audience is not allowed. Each student participating in testing has the right to refuse testing at any time by notifying a member of the Commission about this.

5. At the end of testing, the members of the Commission collect the results, group them according to the age of the students and pack them into packages. The head of the educational organization, within three days from the moment of testing, ensures that the act of transferring the test results to the appropriate executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out state administration in the field of education.

6. The head of the educational organization conducting the testing ensures that informed consents are stored for a year under conditions that guarantee confidentiality and the impossibility of unauthorized access to them.

Thus, we can say that today in Russia the necessary regulatory and legal framework has been created and a lot of experience has been gained in testing students for drug addiction. Whether these measures will help stop the spread of drug addiction among children and young people, time will tell.

1 Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 05.09.2011 No. MD-1197 / 06 “On the Concept for the Prevention of the Use of Psychoactive Substances in the Educational Environment”.

2 For more details see: 3 For more details see:

4 For more details see:

5 For more details see:

Analysis of the results obtained during the socio-psychological testing of students in general educational and professional organizations of the Sverdlovsk region in the framework of the "pilot" project Dynenkova E. N., Deputy Director of the State Budgetary Educational Establishment of the Central Regional Center for Public Administration and Culture "Lado"

THE CONCEPT OF PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE USE PREVENTION IN THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on September 05, 2011 Recommended by the State Anti-Drug Committee (minutes 13 of September 28, 2011) a set of socio-demographic, personal, psychological and somato-physical characteristics, characterized by attitudes towards the systematic use of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances with a high probability of developing painful forms of addiction. The risk group is an independent object of prevention. It includes children and young people: deprived of parental care, leading a neglected lifestyle, not having a permanent place of residence; experimenting with samples of alcohol-containing drugs, narcotic substances and various surfactants; having problems in age-related mental development and behavior, due to deviations in socialization, accompanied by neuropsychic instability or concomitant mental disorders.

Questionnaire R. B. Kettel It is a questionnaire method for assessing individual psychological characteristics of a person: character traits, inclinations and interests, etc. factors: - degree of emotional stability; - the degree of acceptance of moral standards; - degree of insincerity; - degree of self-control. In this case, the decisive factor belongs to the “degree of acceptance of moral norms”. His low scores, combined with low scores on any of the other two factors and a high score of "insincerity", is the basis for classifying the respondent as a "risk group" and makes it possible to conclude that he has a tendency to deviant behavior.

Results according to R. B. Kettel's questionnaire Number of students who passed the test Total Questionnaires in the GR risk group (%) Total %

Questionnaire VG Latyshev Aimed at identifying a set of risk factors that affect the likelihood of a person becoming involved in the sphere of drug consumption and related problems. This questionnaire allows you to show which factors in a particular area most significantly increase the risk of substance abuse, that is, it allows you to conduct an initial assessment of the situation. Determination of drug addiction risk factors allows reducing or completely eliminating their activity, reducing the level of spread and the severity of the consequences of drug addiction. The following are presented as risk and protective factors: - Personal factors - Family factors - Peer environment - General social factors - "School" factors

Results on V. G. Latyshev's questionnaire Number of students who took part in testing RISK GROUP No risk (questionnaires, pcs.) RISK GROUP % % No risk High risk (questionnaires, pcs.) Medium risk (questionnaires, pcs.) Low risk (questionnaires) , units) % High risk % Medium risk % Low risk %14.19%50.43%34.61%

Family risk factors are: - non-compliance by family members with social norms and rules; - Wrong educational styles: hyper-custody, hypo-custody, contradictory upbringing (lack of a stable system of punishments and rewards), excessive demands of parents (more often than mothers) to the child; - divorce of parents, upbringing by one parent (in an incomplete family); - unfavorable family atmosphere, especially if parents abuse drugs, alcohol or suffer from mental illness; - the presence of chronic family conflicts; – constant employment of parents; - the loss or illness of one of the parents.

Individual risk factors are: - persistent violations of self-regulation and self-control, difficulties in regulating one's own behavior, predicting the consequences of one's own actions; - problems of self-esteem (unstable, dependent on the momentary situation, unreasoned and polarized self-esteem, the formation of which dates back to the earliest stages of personality development); - lack of self-esteem; – decrease in achievement motivation; - low ability to reflect and take care of oneself; - immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere; ; - persistent disorders of the affective (emotional) sphere, manifested by the phenomena of alexithymia, high emotional lability, "negative" affectivity, low level of development of the ability to empathize;

Individual risk factors are: - defective psychosexual organization; - aggressiveness and intolerance; - tendency to regressive behavior; - lack of desire to be in the company of other people, inability to interpersonal communication; - subordination to the environment; – inadequate perception of social support; – weak adaptive abilities, maladaptive coping strategies. A specific individual - psychological risk factor for the abuse of PAS can be considered: - installation on the use of PAS; - the use of psychoactive substances.

Social risk factors (relationships with peers) are: - the presence in the immediate environment of a child or adolescent of persons with deviant behavior; alienation or conflict relationships with peers; - belonging to the "rejected" or to those who are in contact with the "rejected" children; Specific risk factors for the development of addiction, manifested in the field of communication with peers, can be considered: - approval of drug addiction in the immediate environment of the child; - the presence in the immediate environment of a child or adolescent of persons using psychoactive substances.

Social risk factors (macro-social environment) are: - Deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the country; - value pluralism; Specific risk factors for substance abuse that manifest themselves at the macrosocial level are: - the availability of psychoactive substances; - fashion for the use of psychoactive substances; - imperfection of legislative norms regarding the use of PAS, as well as non-compliance with existing anti-drug laws; - the traditions of society associated with the use of surfactants.

- early antisocial behavior in an educational organization; - academic failure, especially starting in primary school; - socio-psychological climate of the educational institution; - conflict relations with peers and teachers; – frequent change of educational institutions; - school maladjustment; – stress tactics of pedagogical influence; - insufficient literacy of teachers in matters of physiology, psychophysiology and mental health of the student; Specific risk factors are the use of psychoactive substances on the territory of an educational organization, as well as the tolerant attitude of the administration towards the use of psychoactive substances (including smoking) by students and teachers. Social risk factors (school environment) are:

Family protective factors – positive family support system; - positive relationships in the family, an adequate expression of love for the child; - attachment to the family; - adherence to family values; – high level of education of parents; - Strong family ties - the active role of parents in the lives of children; – understanding the problems and personal concerns of children; - clear rules, standards within the family, permanent duties (a reward system is more effective than a punishment system).

Individually - psychological protective factors Behavioral sphere - social competence; - Possession of effective strategies of behavior; - possession of the skills of safe behavior in a situation of collision with PAS Motivational and need sphere - anti-drug installation; - developed value motivational structure of the personality; - the presence of life values ​​and perspectives that are incompatible with drug addiction; - involvement in constructive activities, alternative to drug addiction; - focus on a healthy lifestyle

Individually - psychological protective factors Emotional sphere - emotional stability; - ability to delayed voltage discharge; - ability to control affect; - the formation of a sense of devotion and closeness; - high level of empathy; - A healthy and developed sense of humor. - Cognitive sphere - awareness of the negative consequences of the use of PAS; - developed resources of the cognitive sphere; high creative potential

Individually - psychological protective factors Spiritual sphere - firm moral principles and convictions; - formed position in relation to love, life, faith, spirituality; - beliefs and moral values ​​that coincide with those accepted in the social group; - values ​​of cultural traditions; - positive "I am a concept"; - adequate self-esteem

Macrosocial protective factors - the development of a system of integrated psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to minors and youth; – improvement of the legislative framework regarding the consumption of psychoactive substances by minors; - strengthening the active actions of the regional public; – development of the system of additional education; – development of a network of playgrounds and sports grounds.

Protective factors that are manifested in the educational organization: - improving the overall quality of education, strengthening the connection of students with the school; - successful participation in social events; - encouragement, reward for good behavior, academic success, events; – negative attitude to the use of surfactants, understanding the consequences of use; - formed disapproving attitude towards the use of surfactants by their friends, acquaintances, peers; - advanced training of teachers and administration on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances; – development of the volunteer movement; – functioning of mediation services in educational institutions.

The main areas of work with adolescents of the "risk group" on the illegal use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Activities of the teaching staff: - identifying students prone to violations of discipline, antisocial norms of behavior, offenses; - determination of the causes of deviations in behavior and moral development, as well as individual psychological characteristics of the personality of identified adolescents; - drawing up a plan for the pedagogical correction of the personality and eliminating the causes of its moral deformation, deviations in behavior (determining the goals of pedagogical influence, its means, the main links, stages, performers); - changing the nature of personal relationships of adolescents with peers and adults;

- involvement of students in various types of positively active social activities and ensuring success in it; - changing the conditions of family education (based on the capabilities of the educational institution) using for this purpose the services and departments of the prevention system; – to increase knowledge about the role of the family in the prevention of neglect, delinquency and substance abuse among adolescents.

Individually - preventive work with adolescents: - find contact with a teenager, establish a trusting relationship with him; - to visit at home in order to control the conditions of their family education, the organization of free time, employment during vacation time, preparation for lessons; - to study the personality traits of adolescents, to conduct classes to correct their behavior, training in communication skills; - attend classes in order to find out the level of preparation of adolescents for classes, assist in eliminating gaps in knowledge; - involve teenagers in socially significant activities, associations of additional education; - by observing sociometric changes, establish the position of the student in the class team, the nature of mutual understanding with him, outline ways and means of improvement;

- to study the interests, inclinations of the ability of students of the "risk group" in order to use them in correctional work; – establish whether the “difficult child” is included in other companies; - to involve children of the “risk group” in participation in cultural, mass, sports work; – pay special attention to their interests and preferences; - organization of classes for children of the "risk group" on self-regulation, on the development of the ability to correctly express emotions, on mastering ways to resolve conflicts; - involvement of the students themselves in strengthening the rule of law in an educational institution.

Working with parents: - educational work (issuing information sheets, conducting conversations, discussions, role-playing games, lectures); – psycho-corrective work – family counseling (assistance to the family in conflict situations: leaves home; became aggressive, out of control; seen in burglaries, etc.); - psychoprophylactic work - inviting specialists (medical workers, inspectors of the commission for minors, etc.) to meetings with parents. - involvement of parents for the joint organization of leisure activities for adolescents;

- identifying the features of the relationship between parents and children; - development of the basic rules of family education; - creating positive motivation among parents in assisting an educational institution, teachers of additional education, their child; - comprehensive psychological and pedagogical education of parents, organization of the work of the Prevention Council; - contribute to the creation of comfortable conditions in the family for the development of the personality of a teenager.

Questionnaire for socio-psychological testing

"Attitude to Bad Habits"

1. How do you feel about the presence of bad habits among people around you (at school, at home, on the street, etc.)?

    1. judgmental

    2. I don't like it

    3. don't care

    4. don't know

    5. this is a private matter for everyone

    6. It makes me sad.

2. Which of the bad habits that are found in our society do you consider acceptable, and which are undesirable for society? (in the answer, you must use all the bad habits given in the question)

    1. smoking

    2. foul language

    3. nail biting

    4. drinking alcohol (including beer).

3. If bad habits include foul language, biting nails, smoking, drinking beer, drinking strong alcoholic beverages, then which statement would you agree with (continue the sentence): “A person has the listed habits for his health .....

    1. harmful and unacceptable, based on the interests of our modern society

    2. harmful, but acceptable, because Every person has the freedom to choose

Your life and your health

    3. harmful, but this does not apply to all the habits listed in the question

    4. not so harmful, even if a person has all of the above habits

4. How do you feel about the presence in feature films of scenes of smoking and drinking alcohol by the main positive character?

    1. I don't care

    2. I am judgmental

    3. I don't like it

    4. didn't think about it.

5. If you were the president of the country, would you ban the sale of alcohol and tobacco products as harmful to health?

    1. would have left the sale permitted, because I believe that health is a personal matter

    2. would have kept the sale allowed and lowered the age of sale though

Would be under 16

    3. would have left the sale permitted only through pharmacies for persons in

Extreme addiction

    4. don't know

    5. forbade the sale because convinced that alcohol and smoking are harmful to health

Of people

6. What bad habits do you think can be addictive?

    1. smoking

    2. foul language

    3. nail biting

    4. drinking beer

    5. drinking strong alcoholic beverages

7. Do you think that addiction to bad habits has consequences for a person?

    1. harm to health

    2. no consequences

    3. violation of life plans

    4. don't know

    5. sympathy and empathy from others

    6. condemnation and hostility from others.

8. Why do you think people develop bad habits?

    1. don't know

    2. due to low culture

    3. the experience of my environment shows that this may be due to imitation


9. In your opinion, can a person get rid of bad habits?

    1. I am sure that a person can get rid of bad habits on his own

    2. I am sure that a person can not get rid of all harmful


    3. I think that a person in such a situation needs the help of loved ones

    4. I think that a person in such a situation needs the help of relatives and doctors

    5. I believe that a person is not able to get rid of bad habits.

10. Why do you think it is difficult for people to get rid of bad habits?

    1. due to lack of willpower

    2. due to the high prevalence in society

    3. in my experience - because of the desire "not to look like a black sheep" in a company where these

Habits are the norm

    4. don't know

11. Choose the statement that best describes your close relatives?

    1. my close relatives have practically no bad habits

    2. some of my close relatives have separate habits that

    3. some of my close relatives have bad habits

    4. most of my close relatives have bad habits

12. Do you have habits that can be considered harmful?

    1. absent

    2. single and manifest

    3. some, but appear regularly

    4. a significant amount, appear regularly.

13. What is the reason why you could show actions that are classified as “bad habits”:

    1. for the company

    2. out of interest

    3. randomly

    4. to seem like an adult.

14. In what situation could you have manifested actions classified as “bad habits”?

    1. by accident

    2. at home, at the festive table

    3. at home, alone

    4. during or after the conflict

    5. in the company.

15. Do you have a desire to get rid of your bad habits?

    1. I have a desire and I am ready to achieve it

    2. I have a desire, but I’m not ready to achieve it (I don’t believe that I will succeed)

    3. I have no desire, because I don't believe that I can do it

    4. I have no desire, because I don't want to get rid of my habits

    5. I think that I have no bad habits, and I will try to continue to increase the level

Your healthy lifestyle

The plan was drawn up based on the results of testing 8-graders for the use of drugs.

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"Action plan based on the results of socio-psychological testing"

I approve:

Director of GBOU secondary school "OC" p. Yuzhny

Tananaeva V, M.

"____" ___________________ 2017

Action plan

based on the results of socio-psychological testing of students aimed at early detection of illegal consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the Samara region

for 2017-2018 academic year

The prevalence of the use of psychoactive substances (hereinafter referred to as PAS) among minors and young people for many years continues to be one of the leading socially significant problems of society, which determine the need for organizing decisive and active opposition.

Working with students

Name of the event



Lecture and educational work with students

"Criminal liability of minors"



"For a healthy lifestyle"

watching videos (grades 5-11)

February March

Classroom teachers

Issue of wall newspapers, booklets dedicated to the Anti-Smoking Day, the Day of Solidarity in the fight against AIDS

Class teachers, head of the club "Young Journalist"

A series of conversations about the dangers of drugs

- "You're in trouble"

- "Dangerous addiction" (about drug addiction, substance abuse, the dangers of smoking and alcohol)"

- "Healthy children are the future of the nation"

During a year

Class teachers, med. employee

Educational work with students.

    Work on the preventive program "Fresh Wind"

During a year

Classroom teachers

Drawing and poster competition

1-7 cells "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

8-11 cells. Sports Against Drugs.

Participation in the action "We choose life!"

During a year

Deputy School Principal for VR

Speech of the school propaganda team "The new generation chooses life"

October - April

Teacher-psychologist, members of the club

Conduct a week of promoting knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and actions to approve it

Teacher-psychologist, members of the club

Sports and recreational activities

Campaign "Sport - an alternative to bad habits"

Deputy director of the school for VR, teacher of physical education

health day

cool hands, teacher

physical education

The work of sports clubs and sections

During a year

Physical education teacher, assistant director of BP

Working with parents and teachers

Working with parents.

parent meetings:

"Organization of schoolchildren's classes to promote health and promote a healthy lifestyle" (with the invitation of specialists)

According to the work plans of class teachers

Classroom teachers

Parent survey.

during a year

Klruk, educational psychologist

Working with class leaders and teachers.

School of the class teacher “Methods of educational and preventive work in the classroom. Prevention and Prevention of Antisocial Behavior of Students»

Deputy director of the school for VR, teacher-psychologist

Seminars-trainings on the prevention of offenses and crimes, drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism.

During a year

teacher - psychologist