Interdepartmental interaction in the organization of social and pedagogical prevention. Interdepartmental interaction in solving social and pedagogical problems of the child in an educational organization

From April 10 to April 19, Moscow will host the Easter Moscow festive program, organized by the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow. Traditionally, the celebration of Easter will go beyond temples and monasteries so that all Muscovites and guests of the capital get acquainted with Easter traditions and take part in a city-wide celebration.

The editors of "KudaMosocw" presents a complete poster of events taking place within the framework of the festival:

Tsvetnoy boulevard

The main creative platform for Easter will be Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where the “Table of the World”, already beloved by Muscovites, will unfold. Here, guests of the holiday, with the support of craftsmen, will be able to paint Easter eggs, mold clay figures, make ceramic dishes or sew a doll. On the territory of the boulevard there will also be master classes in weaving, etching, sewing, pottery, weaving and knitting.

The Alley of Happiness will become a bright decoration of the festival. The trees on the alley of the boulevard will be decorated with colorful decorative Easter eggs. Pupils of children's art schools in Moscow were involved in the project. They decorated 600 Easter eggs with their own hands in advance, and at the beginning of the holiday, all the students will gather in the square and decorate the trees on their own. "Alleya Happiness" will work on the boulevard until April 19.

Also on the square will be a long table served with dishes and snacks from famous Moscow restaurants.

Square near Bolshoi Novodevichy Pond

The park near the Bolshoi Novodevichy Pond will host the Easter Traditions program, which will recreate all the customs of celebrating Easter, which have been an integral part of Russian culture for many centuries. On April 12, the abbess of the Novodevichy Convent Abbess Margarita will open a large concert program. The ensemble of sacred music "Blagovest", widely known in many countries of the world, will take part in the festive concert. Also, one of the most interesting participants in the musical program will be the ensemble of sacred music "Sirin", performing ancient Russian liturgical chants of the 15th-18th centuries, and artists of the famous group "The Bells of Russia" will teach everyone the art of ringing.

You can try your hand at painting Easter eggs, decorating Easter cakes, ceramics at master classes for the whole family. The guests of the holiday will jointly paint the ten-meter Easter panel "Path of the World", and professional artists will help them in this. The musical and entertainment program in the square will also continue on the weekends of April 18 and 19.

Patriarch's Ponds

On April 12, Patriarch's Ponds will host the Easter Chimes program, which will combine entertainment for the whole family.

On the day of Easter, at the monument to Ivan Andreevich Krylov, a children's playground will be organized with animators, master classes and theatrical performances. Very young Muscovites will plunge into the atmosphere of fairy tales together with the Moscow Children's Puppet Theater. At the children's workshops, the children will learn how to assemble fancy gel candles and color gingerbread men with their own hands, and their parents at the next master class will be able to realize their creative potential in making colored mosaics, decoupage Easter eggs and much more. In the zone of joint creativity, you can also find something for the whole family - with the help of a professional artist, take part in coloring one of the main symbols of Easter - a huge art object "Easter Egg".

Within the framework of the holiday, a competition of confectionery lovers “Sweet Life. Happy Easter. The works of the participants of the competition, made on the Easter theme, will be presented to the jury - professional confectioners, headed by the famous confectioner and showman Alexander Seleznev.

During the day, on the main stage, musicians will perform music of various genres - from modern folk and urban songs to jazz. The main surprise for the visitors will be the performance of the finalist of the show project "Voice" - Andrey Lefler, who has a voice timbre that is unique in terms of brightness and power.

Stoleshnikov Lane

Stoleshnikov Lane will become the city's main charitable venue, where the Easter in the City program will take place. Already on April 10, a large charity fair will begin in the alley. 8 temples and monasteries raising funds for restoration and restoration will offer Muscovites to purchase products of their own production - from traditional Easter cakes, eggs and monastery pies to herbal preparations, church utensils, books and Easter compositions. During the Easter week, everyone will be able to do a good deed and contribute to the revival of churches and monasteries.

Also on the festive day, from 13:00, a concert will begin in Stoleshnikov Lane, the participants of which will be both Moscow bards and popular city bands. One of the favorite bands of Muscovites - VIA "Tatyana" will delight the audience with its incendiary performance of songs of the 30-60s, and the well-known and absolutely original theater of Natalia Bondareva will present the audience with a production on the theme of Easter.

In support of the "Breath" program of the "Mercy" help service, a charity event "Measure your breath" will be held on April 12. The Breathing program is designed to help needy people who, due to various diseases, cannot breathe normally and are unable to buy modern devices. On a free basis, thanks to the program, they are provided with special breathing apparatus. On April 12, by making a donation of any size, everyone will be able to measure the vital capacity of their lungs, get advice from a doctor with a rare specialty for Russia - a pulmonologist, and thereby help people who need it.

Arbat street, Klimentovsky lane

On the day of the holiday, April 12, string ensembles, brass bands, Orthodox choirs and theaters will perform on the Arbat and in Klimentovsky Lane for Muscovites and guests of the capital, which will present performances on the theme of Easter. Muscovites will be greeted on the Arbat by musicians who, with the help of balalaikas, gusli, bells and other ancient instruments, will perform symphonic works by great Russian composers.

Pushkin Square

Concerts on Pushkinskaya Square, in addition to Christ's Sunday, will also continue on the weekend of April 18 and 19. On April 12, the soloists of the legendary ensemble of Russia named after A.I. Zykina, popular pop artists, Orthodox choirs and Cossack ensembles. The concert will open with a specially prepared choreographic number on the theme "Golden Domes of Russia".

Easter Festival "Forty Magpies"

Traditionally, the Forty Magpies Easter Festival will be held on the territory of 11 churches and monasteries in Moscow. During the entire festive week, concerts with the participation of Orthodox musical groups, choral singing and literary readings will be held at the temples participating in the festival at specially organized venues.

Temples - members:

  • Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino;
  • Church of St. John the Theologian on New Square;
  • Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery;
  • Temple of Elijah the Prophet in Cherkizovo;
  • Temple of Alexander Nevsky in MGIMO;
  • Temple of the Life-Giving Spring in Tsaritsyno;
  • Church of St. Martin the Confessor in Alekseevskaya New Sloboda;
  • Temple of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek;
  • Cathedral of the Epiphany in Yelokhovo;
  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on Trekhgorka;
  • Novospassky Monastery.

In his practical activities, a social teacher performs the main functions: protective, preventive, organizational through various social roles - mediator, protector, mentor, coordinator, organizer, etc. In modern conditions, his range of activities is very wide: from working with the closest environment of students ( family, classmates, teachers, friends, neighbors) to coordination of actions with various social partners, subjects of prevention, without whose participation it is often impossible to effectively, efficiently and effectively solve the social problems of the child and his family. The focus of the social teacher is the personality of each student, his family, as well as social communities that are formed in various areas of their life. Social vices and problems, such as social depression, social maladjustment, vagrancy, mental trauma, domestic disorder and material problems, forced migration, disability, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc., orient the social educator to the development and implementation set of measures that would contribute to the equalization of the social opportunities of students, their socio-psychological rehabilitation, compensation for limited opportunities that arose as a result of certain circumstances, specific life situations. Thus, it is possible to briefly formulate the professional duties of a social pedagogue:

Ensuring the prevention of negative phenomena, deviations in the behavior of students, their communication, the improvement of the school society;

Providing comprehensive assistance to those in difficult life situations;

Carrying out systematic work with socially unprotected categories of students and their parents.

The integrated approach of a social teacher of an educational organization to solving social problems of students allows not only to attract specialists from institutions of specific departments (depending on the type of problem), but also to contribute the necessary pedagogical component into a common interdepartmental system of services, pedagogical expediency of the work that will be carried out by various institutions and organizations. Thus, through its intermediary function, the social educator will interact within the framework of social partnership with all departments and subjects of prevention that guarantee social assistance and protection of the interests of the child and his family. The social passport of an educational organization, each class separately, additional diagnostics, a list of categories of children and families of the “risk group” in accordance with Federal Law No. necessary priority forms of social assistance for them. The main social partner in providing various types of social support and assistance to such categories of families are the social protection authorities and institutions of this department. Interaction social educator and social protection authorities is aimed at creating stable positive changes in the life of the student and his family, at creating optimal conditions for their existence, providing social assistance and additional state support. In accordance with the legislation, there are categories of families and children eligible for state support, for example, disabled children, orphans and children deprived of parental care, minors released from places of detention, large and low-income families, refugees and migrants, emergency response workers, etc. e. A social educator should know and inform such categories of families not only about benefits approved by law, but also about various federal and regional programs aimed at providing additional types of assistance and services to the population. The social educator of St. Petersburg can find the necessary information about social support measures, benefits, as well as about state institutions and public organizations that provide legal, medical, social, psychological, pedagogical assistance in the annual reference book “Social Support for Families and Children in St. Petersburg” , which is issued by the Committee on Social Policy and distributed by the district departments of social protection of the population. Cooperation with the Centers for social assistance to families and children, rehabilitation centers, whose activities are as close as possible to the real needs of families and children, where they will help those who find themselves in a difficult life situation or socially dangerous situation, provide rehabilitation assistance and assistance in the necessary life arrangement or provide temporary shelter, provide a complex of other services, depending on the problem situation, is a necessary condition for the effectiveness and efficiency of the work of a social pedagogue. The success of cooperation will be ensured by the following conditions of interaction:

Mutual informing about families and children in need of social and pedagogical assistance;

Organization and holding of joint events in order to increase the effectiveness in the provision of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance;

Exclusion of duplication of forms and methods, contradictory actions used to change the situation or solve the problem.

The solution of difficult life situations, social problems of students is impossible without the interaction of a social teacher with guardianship authorities, because . on the basis of the Civil and Family Codes, only the guardianship and guardianship body has the legally formalized right to identify violations and take measures to change the situation, to interfere in family life. Children deprived of parental care are subjects of activity of a social pedagogue and specialists of guardianship authorities. Interaction is carried out with the aim of mutually informing about the living conditions of children with guardians and providing them with various types of social assistance and support, as well as about children whose rights have been violated in order to take appropriate measures and joint actions. In the latter case, the social educator, having full information about the causes and consequences that led to the difficult situation, determines the best way for the child to live, and the guardianship and guardianship authority, on a legislative basis, approves the decision on living arrangement, based on the interests of the child.

Interaction of a social pedagogue with additional education institutions will help the social teacher not only in solving the problems of adaptation and rehabilitation of students of the “risk group”, but also to a financially unsecured family in organizing the leisure of a minor. The network of institutions of additional education is able to successfully reorient or develop interests, abilities, opportunities, but taking into account the needs and needs of the modern children's community. Interaction is based on cooperation and association efforts. The social pedagogue informs children and parents about the services of institutions of additional education, represents and protects the interests of minors in choosing the type of occupation. For the institution of additional education, it is a partner in the formation of a social order for forms and types of activities.

Interaction with specialists of bodies and institutions youth policy helps the social educator to solve socio-pedagogical problems through the organization of recreation, leisure and employment of minors, tk. centers for work with adolescents and youth provide social, legal and other services free of charge, organize leisure and employment in labor groups, and carry out activities to prevent neglect and delinquency.

As part of the interaction with employment center population, a social educator solves social problems related to the need for employment of minors and their families in need of state assistance. The form of providing this type of assistance may be different depending on age, request and needs.

Interaction with institutions health care helps to prevent and solve social problems that require medical intervention: these are the use of psychoactive substances, substance abuse, social diseases, etc. The partners of the social pedagogue in this area are specialists from the district narcological office, the district youth consultation, the City Center "Yuventa", district polyclinics and dispensaries.

Important social partners of educational institutions are public organizations and foundations. A social educator can involve this source of funds in solving a particular problem, because public organizations, unlike state ones, have more opportunities for activity, maximum potential development. The public is the force that develops technologies, seeks funds, and forms specialists as a more mobile and flexible structure.

Guided by the instructions on interdepartmental interaction between the subjects of the prevention system in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, the social pedagogue knows that the bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, within their competence, are obliged to ensure the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of minors, to protect them from all forms of discrimination, physical or mental violence, insult, rough treatment, sexual and other exploitation, identify minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law No. 120-1999, inform:

the prosecutor's office - on violations of the rights and freedoms of minors; KDN and ZP- on the violated rights of minors to education, work, rest, housing and other rights, as well as shortcomings in the activities of bodies and institutions that impede the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors; guardianship and guardianship- on the identification of minors left without parental care, or in an environment that poses a threat to their life, health or hinders their upbringing; social security authorities about minors in need of state assistance due to neglect or homelessness, as well as families in a socially dangerous situation; ATS - on the identification of parents and other persons who abuse minors or involve them in the commission of crimes or antisocial acts, as well as on minors who have committed an offense or antisocial acts; health authorities - on the identification of minors in need of examination, observation or treatment in connection with the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, psychotropic or intoxicating substances; educational authorities- on the identification of minors in need of state assistance in connection with unauthorized departure from orphanages, boarding schools and other educational institutions or in connection with the termination of classes in educational institutions for unjustified reasons; youth authorities- on the identification of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation and in this regard need assistance in organizing recreation, leisure, employment; employment agencies- on the identification of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation and who, in this regard, need vocational guidance and employment.

Thus, a clear understanding of the rights of minors and families, knowledge of the functionality of specialists and the capabilities of subjects of interdepartmental interaction, the procedure for notifications and appeals to them, using the principle of an integrated approach to solving problems of a child, a social teacher can successfully solve social and pedagogical tasks and problems in an educational organization .

List of used sources and literature:

  1. Lodkina T. V. Social pedagogy. Protection of family and childhood.- M.: Izd. Center "Academy", 2003.-192p.
  2. V.G. Dmitrieva, F.P. Chernousova, I.V. Yarkov. Social educator in an educational institution. - M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007. - 96 p.
  3. Federal Law No. 124 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 1998
  4. Federal Law No. 120 “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” dated June 24, 1999
  5. Instructions on interdepartmental interaction between subjects of the prevention system in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency", educational institutions are the subject of the prevention system and are called upon to organize interaction with other participants in this work.

Municipal educational institutions interact:

1. With the executive and representative authorities of the municipal level:

− administration of the municipality;

− territorial body of social protection of the population;

− municipal education authority;

− municipal health authority;

− municipal bodies of internal affairs;

− district (city) court;

− district (city) prosecutor's office;

− municipal employment agency;

− municipal authority for physical culture, sports and tourism;

− municipal body of culture.

2. With interdepartmental commissions:

− Territorial commission for minors and protection of their rights;

− municipal commission for crime prevention;

− the municipal commission for the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children during the holidays.

3. With public associations, organizations, foundations.

4. With the media.

Forms of pedagogical prevention: The main forms of pedagogical prevention are socio-pedagogical diagnostics, information-educational and social-prophylactic work with students and their parents (legal representatives).

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics with students and their parents is carried out by specialists of an educational institution, in which information is collected about the impact on the individual and society of socio-psychological, pedagogical, environmental and sociological factors in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical factors.

The purpose of diagnostic work with parents is to diagnose the type of family education, parents' attitudes towards children and their own family.

Working with parents and families is a complex and necessary activity for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency, since the family is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents.

The results of the diagnostic work not only provide the specialist with information about possible troubles in the system of family education, child-parent relationships, but also make it possible to identify the area of ​​possible problems in those families where the imbalance of family relations has not yet occurred, but there are already some negative trends.

Diagnostic work can be carried out both in a group and by an individual method, while reporting the results of diagnostics is always carried out individually.

Diagnostic work with students makes it possible to timely identify a group of children with an increased risk of developing various bad habits and behavioral deviations, as well as features of abnormal development of children.

Outreach work with parents is aimed at the formation of a viable personality, humanistically oriented towards society and towards oneself, deepening and concretizing knowledge about the prevention of juvenile delinquency and crime.

Information and educational work with parents is aimed at prevention, prevention of possible violations in family relations and family education. To this end, parents need to be introduced to those forms of family relations and family education that can lead to negative deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents.

Information and educational work with parents should be aimed at explaining the influence of marital relations and the type of family education on the development of negative deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents. The forms of such work are lectures, seminars, conversations, thematic parent meetings with the involvement of specialists (doctors, psychologists, lawyers, etc.)

Outreach work with students. It is at school that such work can be most effective and effective. All the work of teachers should be built on the prevention of bad habits and negative deviations in behavior. It is necessary to form in the child at all stages of his development the correct ideas about abnormal habits and behaviors, about their social consequences.

The information and educational form of work on the prevention and prevention of deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents can be divided into the following main areas:

- socio-pedagogical roots of deviations in behavior;

– legal deviations of the consequences of deviant behavior from the norm;

social consequences of antisocial habits.

In each of these areas, it is necessary to involve specialists in various fields (doctors, lawyers, psychologists) to work with children.

Teachers of educational institutions should carry out preventive work both directly in the lessons on the subject, and at extracurricular activities.

Extra-curricular activities aimed at developing a public position on certain violations of discipline and generally accepted norms of behavior are of great importance.

Information for children is presented widely and varied, using the media, technical teaching aids. All this allows children to obtain a coherent system of knowledge, overcome erroneous opinions about certain bad habits, and contributes to the formation of adequate behavior.

Social and preventive work includes a complex of active educational and pedagogical activities carried out by an educational institution.

When developing social and preventive measures, it is necessary to take into account:

- features of the manifestation of a particular bad habit in a child, the socio-cultural conditions under which it was formed;

- the level of general awareness of the child about the consequences of deviation;

- the degree of severity of anomalous personality manifestations.

The main methods of pedagogical prevention. The main methods of work used in preventive work: training, lecture, discussion, brainstorming, role-playing games, group tasks.

1. Training.

The psychological term "training" comes from the English "totrain" - to train, train. In a broad sense, training is: knowledge of oneself and the world around; change of "I" through communication; communication in a confidential and informal atmosphere; an effective form of work for the assimilation of knowledge.

Objectives of preventive training:

– raising the level of awareness of students in the field of prevention of homelessness and juvenile delinquency;

- changing the attitude of students to the emergence and development of negative phenomena;

– development and development of effective communication skills, self-confidence, leadership qualities;

- the formation of positive values ​​and motivation among students to maintain health.

These tasks together or individually can be the goal of the training. The training is conducted for the target group in an interactive form - when they have the opportunity to simultaneously discuss unclear points, ask questions, immediately consolidate the acquired knowledge, and form behavioral skills while receiving information. This method involves participants in the process, and the learning process itself becomes easier and more interesting. The optimal number of participants in a group is 14-18 people, the maximum number is 20 people.

Structure of the training: introduction (5% of working time); a brief presentation of the goals and objectives of the training, organizers, guests; acquaintance (5% of working time); participants' expectations (3% of working time); adoption of the rules of the group (5% of the working time); assessment of the level of awareness (5-10% of working time); updating the level of awareness (5-10% of working time); actualization of the problem (10-30% of the working time); information block (20-30% of working time); acquisition of practical skills (20-60% of working time); completion of work; receiving feedback (5% of working time).

2. Lecture

Lecture the fastest way to provide the necessary information to an unlimited number of listeners. It is necessary to prepare a lecture in the following ways: choose a topic; determine what your speech will be about, i.e. what you will say. The message of the material should be as exhaustive. New knowledge is assimilated better if it is somehow related to what a person already knows. Remember that the audience is interested in the following details: When and where? Who? What happened? How and why? What are the results? The message of the material must be honest and neutral. It makes no sense to exaggerate the negative facts and hide the attractive sides. Remember that information can be obtained from different sources, and petty lies will immediately reduce the value of your words. By misrepresenting information, you are taking on the role of a “custodial parent.” The optimal position is a volunteer who does not intimidate, but communicates what he knows about the joys and dangers, so that people can understand the world around them and how to do the right thing. The material must be interesting and competent. The information you provide must be absolutely correct. It makes sense to involve some specialists from different fields in the work: doctors, psychologists, sociologists, etc. Remember that during the lecture you need to use visual material.

3. Discussion

The discussion occurs when each participant expresses his opinion on a particular topic, based on his knowledge and experience. This is an exchange of views. Two or more people can participate in a discussion. The most constructive option is 6-8 people. Such a number of participants allows everyone to fully express their opinion and listen to partners in the discussion.

Requirements for conducting a discussion: a clear selection of the subject, object; one should not miss the main provisions of what is being discussed; it is necessary to ensure that the participants do not use incorrect methods of discussion, such as: violation of literary norms; arguments for pity; use of invalid arguments; the facilitator should sum up, i.e., formulate what the group came to.

4. Promotion

Action (from the French action - an act, action, business, operation, activity, performance) - an action taken to achieve a goal. The action as a form of work is a real socially significant matter with the achievement of a certain result, useful both for the organizers themselves and for those around them. The main criteria of the action: Relevance - the property of the event to be aimed at solving the most important problems for society. Continuity is a requirement for an event to take into account what was done before the development of this event began; continuity as the quality of an event indicates that it is not created from scratch, but based on previous experience. Reality is the property of an event to be feasible, optimal for the potential of specific participants. Originality - the quality of the event to reflect the specifics of a certain direction, the originality of the content, forms and methods of activity, an unconventional approach to solving problems.

5. Brainstorm

Brainstorming is a good way to quickly engage all group members in the work based on the free expression of their thoughts on the issue under consideration. Basic rules for brainstorming:

– formulate a question/task;

– fix/record all proposals received from the participants;

- expressed thoughts and suggestions are not criticized or evaluated.

6. Role play

Role-playing games are small scenes of an arbitrary nature, reflecting models of life situations. In role-playing games, participants are given the opportunity to: show the existing stereotypes of response in certain situations; develop and use new behavioral strategies; work out, survive their inner fears and problems.