It's a good idea to decorate your workplace. Use furniture organizers

Mental and creative work requires balance. Agree, if there is a mess in the desk, then nervous chaos sets in in thinking. The ability to quickly find the right things will save you nerves and effort, and keep your mind clear.

  • Get rid of the habit of storing unnecessary things in your desk. Get rid of used papers, broken pencils, scribbled pens right away, do not keep trash in the table. For convenience, an elegant garbage collector should be placed next to the desk, located so that it is always at hand.
  • Think about what things you need. Arrange them according to the frequency of use: a laptop or a desktop computer should be closest on the table, in the drawers - from top to bottom - the most necessary things as they are used frequently.
  • The closest should be: a phone, charging to it and to a laptop, pen, pencil, diary. It is best to keep this in the top drawer of your desk or on your desk.
  • It is better to place the necessary papers in a box closer to you. If there are a lot of papers, it makes sense to keep them separately - for example, on a special shelf for papers, in folders.
  • Small items needed for work - such as paper clips, a stapler or a hole punch - should be kept in one of the top drawers.
  • A little lower - cosmetics, a mirror, small necessary women's accessories. For these items, it is better to have a separate travel bag.
  • In the lower drawer you can keep toilet paper, intimate hygiene items, soap, wipes.

Organizing your computer saves time

  • Start a tradition at least once a month to do a "spring cleaning" on your computer
  • Do not open folders without giving them a descriptive name that will speak about their contents.
  • Erase duplicates, otherwise you may mistakenly use a duplicate made earlier, and a later revision of the file will confuse everything completely, you will have to redo the work again.
  • Clean cluttered gadgets, otherwise, instead of convenience, you will encounter complete bedlam.
  • Keep your personal files separate, preferably on a separate drive.

Little things dear to the heart will cheer you up

  • The mood is changeable, and work often not only pleases, but also depresses. Hang a beautiful picture on the wall, wall decoration, so that there is something to "catch on to the eye." But don't overdo it!
  • You can put on the table a photo of a loved one or a child, a photo with a landscape of your favorite city, or a souvenir dear to your heart given by someone as a keepsake. This will warm you up in moments of irritation and fatigue, remove unaccountable aggression.
  • If the dress code allows, don't forget about flowers. A small bunch of lily of the valley will not hurt anyone, but it will cheer you up and calm your soul.
  • And finally, don't neglect "fun", bright personal things - for example, a fun cup or a brightly colored napkin with a beautiful pattern. The feeling of personal space, cozy and safe, should be with you, even if you are not at home. This will make your work much more pleasant and efficient.

If there are so many little things and papers on your desk that there is nowhere to put a mug, then it's time to take emergency measures. Isn't everything so bad? You can take a couple more steps to achieve the ideal. Let Einstein say that "only a fool needs order - a genius dominates chaos," let me disagree with him. If you're not Einstein and the mess on your desk is objectively distracting, less efficient, and more stressful, it's better to stimulate your creativity in some other way. Just a few useful steps and rituals from this article will bring you closer to victory - a clean, organized and inspiring table.

Step 1. Order on the table begins with litter

There are people who love to throw away extra pieces of paper, and there are those for whom this step will be the most difficult, but it is necessary to start with it. Let expired documents, irrelevant notes, broken office and other unnecessary trifles fly into the trash.

Step 2. Correct sorting

Look with a skeptical eye at all that is left after cleaning. What you use every day can be left on the surface of the table or in the nearest drawer. What you take once a week or less often, store in a closet or on shelves. This will make it easier for you to keep the space organized and clean, and occasionally getting up from the computer to go fetch a thing is just a useful warm-up.

Step 3. Storage system

Investing in thoughtful organizers is a good idea. It is important that they are comfortable for you personally and, most importantly, pleasing to the eye, then it will be more pleasant to maintain order. It's great if the organizer has a place to charge your phone, and even better, its wireless option - this will save you from extra wires at hand.

Step 4. Garbage in the trash

Since the promise to yourself “I’ll throw this piece of paper away next time I get up” almost never works, just put a small and pretty wastebasket next to the table.

Step 5. Small items storage

No matter how hard you try, various little things will still accumulate on your desktop. Instead of fanatically keeping track of them, get a small tray, bowl, or any other container where you will dump them. The main thing is to touch it from time to time.

Step 6 Tame the Wires

We already told you about wireless phone charging, but this is clearly not the only cable that will bother you. Add custom cable organizers to your desktop. If the wires are too long, twist the excess length with rings and fasten it with a paper clip - as in the photo below. You can even glue colored stickers to the wires and sign them: a great life hack not only to avoid getting tangled in the same type of cords, but also significantly increase the chance of getting your property back after you have lent it to colleagues.

Step 7. Help Documents Nearby

If you have documents in your work that you refer to all the time (instructions, tables, whatever), it is important that they are easily accessible and not lost in other papers. Organize a place for these "reference books" on the wall near the desktop or in a desktop organizer. To heighten the effect, you can mark this document with a bright sticker, put it in a unique folder or frame it.

Step 8. Inspiring Decor

Decor on the desktop - to be! Even if you are an ardent minimalist, 1-2 things will only make everything better. It is important to strike a balance here: the decor should inspire, but at the same time not be distracting. And there should be just enough of it to leave room not only for useful things, but also for empty space. Potted plants or flowers in a vase are recognized as the most useful decor - they reduce nervous tension by as much as 37%!

Motivating postcards and posters, favorite mugs are also good, and the stationery, which you are not ashamed to post on Instagram, will be not only inspiring, but also useful. If your desk is against a wall, use that space not only for hanging organizers, but also for beautiful boards to write down plans and ideas.

Step 9. Evening ritual

Order is not enough to create once, it must be maintained. To do this, a ritual that is important to perform before leaving home will help:

  • sort things into organizers;
  • clear the table of all unnecessary;
  • wipe it with a cloth with a cleaning compound (keep it in the table);
  • empty the wastebasket;
  • wash the cup.

Think about how you start your day, because the way you spend your morning at work is a good indicator of the quality of the rest of the day. If you first write things down in a notebook, have it in front of the keyboard with a bookmark on the desired page and a beautiful pen next to it. If you're checking your email, don't let anything get in the way between you and your computer mouse. Are you used to starting your morning with coffee? Put the mug in the most visible place.

So if your monitor is plastered with “don't forget to do this” reminders, you will absolutely forget to do it. If your desk is a mess, you get less done in a day and get more tired. Therefore, you need to disassemble the table first of all by yourself.

How to organize a workplace

Start with a clean slate

Make it a rule for yourself every time before the start of the working day to remove from the surface of the table all objects with which you do not work. If your work is paper documents, leave only them, and turn off the computer monitor. If a computer, leave only the keyboard, monitor and mouse on the table.

All papers, receipts, folders that you use, God forbid, once a day - remove from your eyes.

Your field of vision should be only what you are working with at the moment. Everything else will just steal your attention.


If you constantly do not have enough space on your desktop, think about how often you use what is on it? Elementary cupholders for pens and paper clips, as it turns out, are needed not on your desk, but near the office MFP. You, in most cases, need one ballpoint pen and then twice a day. Let it lie in the drawer of the nightstand.

Documentation? How often do you look at these tomes? So let them stay in the closet. Yes, they certainly create the look of a busy person. But if you are paid for what you do at work, then you will work more efficiently at a completely empty table.

A simple rule - what you often use, let it lie closer. What you rarely use - let it lie far away.

Speaking of cabinets

How to organize the workplace? If you have a lot of folders with documents, it makes sense for you to think about a normal storage system. Even if you work from home, investing in a small IKEA shelving unit will pay off very quickly in your efficiency.


Not every beautiful desk is comfortable to work with. It should be spacious enough that you can sit behind it with your elbows comfortably apart. It should have enough space for all your materials that you are working with at any given time.

Finally, the table should have drawers for all the items that you use from time to time. The oak dining table and school desk, although they can be given to you for free, do not justify themselves as work tables.

Invest a little in a desk that's right for you.

Switch to digital planners

In the modern world, it is much more convenient to keep diaries and reminders on phones and tablets than to glue everything around with colored reminder sheets. The wonderful Evernote system allows you to store everything electronically - from documents to photos and videos. At the same time, searching by note tags makes all files available to you at any time.

Get everything personal off your desk

It is very touching to keep family photos on the desktop, but for our consciousness, to be honest, it doesn’t matter what we are distracted by - a ballpoint pen lying crookedly or a photo of your children. So while looking at photos of loved ones is important and helpful for work, it needs to be done during your break. Put the photo in a folder on your computer desktop and open it to admire when you have a lunch break.

Clean up your computer desktop

How to organize an effective workplace? Remove all shortcuts that you haven't opened in one week from your desktop. Make a neutral monochrome picture for your desktop. There is nothing worse than trying to type an important letter when your peripheral vision grabs a cat and a label "Farm Frenzy"

Close all social media

At the moment when you are working, you should not just minimize, but close the windows of all notifications and social networks. Otherwise, you will simply earn a neurosis imperceptibly for yourself, trying not to miss anything important.

Remove all plants from the table

Periodically it is useful to look at the ficus-cactus-geranium, if you do it consciously and for a break. While working, you should see the work and nothing else. This way you can get through it much faster.

Don't eat where you work

If you share your work desk and dining table, it will be easier for your brain to focus on work when you are working. And you will eat calmer and better if your lunch is not at a computer or tablet.

Sit comfortably

One last tip: your monitor should be just below your eye level. So that you, sitting with a straight back and a straight neck, see the monitor 10-15 centimeters below the level of your direct gaze

Nowadays imagine workplace quite difficult without a computer. Almost any activity in one way or another requires the use of modern gadgets and electronic devices. All of them look quite minimalistic and require a certain environment. It is not difficult to enter computer equipment into high-tech style.

Nowadays, work is closely intertwined with everyday life. Someone takes extracurricular tasks at home, someone is engaged in freelancing. There are people who are comfortable working in a cafe or at home, sitting on the couch. But still, many people prefer to have a stationary and permanent workplace, where all the arrangements are conducive to doing business.

All houses, like their owners, are very different both in style and in character. In this article, you will learn about how to organically arrange a work area in rooms of different stylistic directions . A few simple tips will help you make your own workplace brighter, more comfortable and more functional.

1. Use the walls

The desktop is most often placed near the wall. Use the space around your monitor. Get a pack of cute buttons, pencil glue, and double-sided tape.

Advice: With these simple office supplies, you can conveniently arrange notes, schedules, reminders, postcards and other things that are important to you on the wall. And don't worry about the condition of the wall. If the table with the computer has been standing in this place for 5 years and you have not thought about moving it in the near future, most likely it will remain here. Therefore, small holes from the buttons will be absolutely natural in this area.


2. Lace palette

In case you are still afraid of the first option, proceed as follows: find a piece of lace or other light fabric that matches the size of your work area above the table. Starch the fabric and dry it flat. Now you can attach it to the wall. You have a kind of board. Now, using sewing needles, attach all the leaflets and notes you need to it. The effect is the same, but the wall remains untouched. Plus, it will add a touch of femininity to a strict working atmosphere.


3. Slate board

Can also be hung above the desktop. You can either buy it or make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to have a sheet of plywood and a special paint with a slate effect - all this is sold in a hardware store.

Advice: A slate board can serve as a base for attaching notes with buttons, or as an eternal notebook - write on it with chalk, erase and write again. In addition to convenience, it also brings extraordinary pleasure.


4. Hang shelves

Above the desktop, you can also hang one or more shelves. It’s good if they are exactly the same color as the table, or vice versa - radically different. Shelves can have both internal fastening and external, decorative. Here the choice is yours, make it based on the style of your room.


5. Build shelving

With the help of typesetting modules, you can assemble an elementary, but very convenient design around the table. You can use open shelves and shelves with doors, as you wish. If your work area has a lot of storage space, make sure that important and necessary things are diluted with decor.

Advice: Place on each shelf a beautiful object, a figurine, a special box or a flower pot to match the color of the upholstery of the chair. This will bring brightness and enliven the corner.


6. Use furniture organizers

Many manufacturers offer a variety of variations of organizers. Identical cells look especially relevant now. Fill them in the same way as the shelving - diluting in some places with decorative elements.


7. Create a personal archive

If desired, and special pedantry, you can arrange a whole archive. All kinds of drawers, folders, boxes, made in the same color scheme, create a feeling of thoughtfulness and jewelry precision in the arrangement of the workplace. All these containers can be labeled and signed for convenience.


8. Surround yourself with flowers

If you love green plants, this method is for you. Organize a place for pots around the desktop. These can be shelves, a window sill, the surface of the table itself, hanging structures or floor holders. will make your corner cozy, and the air saturated with oxygen.

Advice: The main thing is to make sure that all green spaces have enough solar heat and light. And don't forget to water.


9. Office cabinet

If a free-standing table is not enough for you to store the necessary things, you can place an open closet nearby and place all the important items there.

Advice: Frame the table by the window with bright curtains, thereby separating the workplace from the storage area. Behind textiles, by the way, you can successfully hide not too aesthetic adapters and wires. A small bouquet of flowers will help you keep up your spirits, no matter how hard the work is.


10. Write here, read there

In a large room, two tables can be used for work at once. One, with a computer, can be placed against the wall. And the second, written - in the center of the room. So you delimit the space and be able to properly plan your time. In addition, now you will definitely not sit at the computer all day - get distracted by paperwork and change to another table. This is very convenient - everything is at hand and you will not need to constantly swap documents and keyboards.


11. Mirror reflection

When there is less space than we would like, combine two in one: a desktop and a dressing table. Designate specific drawers for matching items, and attach a beautifully framed mirror to the wall behind the monitor. Now you will have 1000 more opportunities to look in the mirror.


Here are some simple tricks. Almost all of them do not require large investments, and even with a modest budget, you always have the opportunity to change everything for the better. Work should be fun. And this is much easier to achieve if the atmosphere itself already contributes to this.

To improve productivity, you should get rid of irritants in the workplace in the office or in the office at the computer. External factors constantly distract, do not allow you to concentrate. As a result, deadlines were broken, important things were not completed, the results of negotiations with important clients were not summed up. To get rid of these problems, you should create an ideal workspace for yourself. Organization of the workplace is much easier than it might seem at first glance.

Get rid of irritants. Some details that may at first glance seem like minor trifles, in fact, greatly affect performance. Sometimes adjusting the height of the seat, changing the background music, or tweaking the program on the computer increases productivity by several times. To determine these factors, it is enough to write down any little thing that distracts attention for several weeks. The result will be a list of things to work on.

The order on the desktop and the absence of distractions in the office will allow you to focus on important matters and have time to do everything before the end of working hours.

First: order on the desktop. It is necessary to remove everything superfluous from the workplace. We are talking about long-left notes, stickers that have lost their relevance. Unnecessary documents should be sorted into places. Be sure to wipe the dust from the countertop. On the table in the office or in the office there should not be anything that interferes with work or clogs the space. Ideally, general cleaning of the workplace should be done at least once every two weeks.

Second: lay out stationery. Surely many have ended pens, broken staplers or blunt scissors on the table. All office supplies should be checked for operability, and then placed in a special desk drawer.
If possible, you need to remove excess wires from the computer, keyboard, computer mouse and headphones from the table. Well, if you can use wireless devices.

Third: change the stickers on the planning board. If the space of the office or room allows, a planning board can be placed next to the table. It should be divided into several zones:

  • tasks;
  • priority (most important);
  • in work;
  • completed.

Reminders for each task can be moved in the course of work. For this, special magnets or stickers are used. By installing the board, you can not only unload the space on your desktop, but also determine the sequence of actions and the progress of their implementation during the day.

Fourth: pay attention to lighting. Properly selected lighting is very important for work in the office. The table should be installed in such a way that the lighting falls on the left (for left-handers on the other side). Sometimes productivity is affected by computer monitor settings. You can check the brightness and contrast of the image. The screen tilt needs to be adjusted. This will help relieve eye strain and increase productivity.

Fifth: choose the right chair. Properly selected ergonomic work chair relieves stress from the spine. If the nature of the work involves a permanent presence in the workplace, the choice of chair should be given special attention.

Sixth: a wastebasket is a guarantee of cleanliness. In order not to collect unnecessary papers on the table, you should place the wastebasket in such a way that you can throw out the excess without getting up from your chair. This technique will allow you not to litter the table with unnecessary trifles, which gradually turn the office workplace into a mess.

Seventh: organize the storage system. When working with a large number of documents, you need to think over your own, convenient storage system. Papers can be sorted into folders, which will be formed in any of the following ways:

  • by date;
  • by counterparties;
  • by projects.

Documents that are rarely used can be put aside in the back drawer of a cabinet or desk.
Important documents are recommended to be scanned or copied to your phone. If you save them in a cloud application, you can access documents from any device with Internet access.

When saving electronic versions, consider the name of each file. It should be clear so that, if necessary, you do not need to open all the documents in search of the right one.

Eighth: keep a notepad on the desktop. An ordinary notebook with a pen, which is always at hand, allows you to always keep a list of current cases in front of your eyes. Thus, at the end of the working day, there will be no unresolved issues, since all important tasks will be in front of your eyes.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to keep the workplace in order, which means that you can do much more during the day. And it doesn't matter where you work: in the office, at home in a separate room, in an office or in a coworking space. This article was ordered from the article exchange

Workplace (office) in the style of Hi-Tech (Hi-Tech), when everything is organized as simply as possible and without unnecessary with uniform lighting

dream office

What should an ideal dream office look like, where you want to spend a quarter, or even half of your life? Entrepreneurial employers have long realized that it is not the personnel that decides everything, but the conditions under which they work. Hence the sea of ​​​​creativity and bizarre design, with which the current bosses inspire subordinates to labor exploits. The field of activity is the starting point in creating the image of the company. For more information about this and about the Tinkoff Bank office, see the video:

Watch this video, which tells how the offices of famous people looked like, how they approached the organization of the workplace.