The concept of activity in the psychology of labor. Labor psychology

Labor psychology studies the manifestation and development of the psyche in labor activity, as well as the correspondence of human qualities with the results of work. This science has a close relationship with other psychological areas. Labor psychology uses different methods of study. For example, there is an analysis of existing documents, which allows you to understand the specifics of the work. The work process is also monitored, questioning, self-observation, etc. The study of fluctuations in working capacity, which are related to fatigue, daily rhythm, etc., is of great importance in labor psychology. Thanks to this, it turns out to identify ways, establish stable performance and quality of work. The "golden rule" of labor psychology implies a complex impact on the production scheme to successfully increase the efficiency of activities, which include: a person, an object of labor, means of labor and the environment. This is possible only in the implementation of the mutual correspondence of the subject and position.

The main problems of labor psychology

This science deals with the study of approaches and methods for solving certain problems that may arise as a result of activities, these include:

  1. Possible development of man as a subject of labor. This category includes the formation of working capacity, assessment of competence, psychology in a crisis, etc.
  2. Formation of individual style and prediction of professional suitability.
  3. Psychology of design and performance evaluation, as well as ways to manage product quality.
  4. The actual problem of labor psychology is the calculation and prevention of possible injuries and accidents.
  5. The influence of human characteristics on the effectiveness and safety of activities.
  6. Calculation of patterns of professional suitability of a person.

The psychology of labor is aimed at facilitating labor activity, which, moreover, must become productive, safe and satisfy material needs. With its help, work can be adapted to the person and vice versa.

Psychology of labor safety

This branch deals with the study of the psychological causes of accidents that result from work. Basically, these are mental processes that appear as a result of activity, the individual state of a person, and also because of a property. Dangerous factors for life can be divided into obvious and potential. The first category includes problems that already exist and require action to address them. Potential factors include those that may arise from inadequate operations or technical failures. Safety psychology allows you to solve some labor problems:

The methods of labor safety psychology in the modern world with its technical progress are quite relevant and important. In general, there are many industry areas that ensure labor safety: fire service, builders, etc. The main task of psychological safety is to reduce physical, social and even spiritual dangers to life.

Psychological analysis is an essential moment in the optimization of labor activity. The problems of organizing attention, the requirements for memory, thinking, will, the formation of a system of professional abilities - all this is now the most pressing issue in the scientific and practical support of labor. These and a number of other theoretical questions form the field of study of labor psychology. Labor psychology is the science of mental phenomena, mechanisms and their features that are activated in a person in the labor process, of personality traits, as well as methods that play an important role in the labor process and its most appropriate organization. In its most general form, labor psychology is a branch of psychology that studies psychological patterns in human labor activity. Recently, there has been an approach (Peter J. Drent, Henk Tierru, Paul J. Willems, Charles de Wolff) that combines the psychology of work and organizational psychology into one scientific discipline and defines it as a science “which studies the behavior of working people and the how they perform activities within certain organizational structures, or organizations.” (Leonova A. Chernysheva O. Psychology of work and organizational psychology, p. 10). Based on the definition of the psychology of labor and the tasks facing it, we must also determine the subject of study of this science. The subject of labor psychology is mental processes, psychological factors that induce, program and regulate the labor activity of the individual.

Recently, there has been a change in the understanding of the content of the subject of labor psychology. The main aspects of the study, along with the organization of labor and personality, are the issues of cognitive regulation of activity.

The tasks that the psychology of labor solves are diverse both in terms of methodological status and content. Let us get acquainted in more detail with the specific tasks facing the psychology of labor. The most detailed analysis of the problems facing the psychology of labor was given by B. F. Lomov.

The problem of motivation of labor activity, the formation of personality in labor. The study of patterns, mechanisms, factors and conditions of personal development in labor activity.

The problem of organization and development of labor collectives.

The problem of psychological and psychophysiological support for the activity of various states of a person arising in labor.

Psychological issues related to the design, development and operation of technology.

Psychological aspect of improvement of control systems.

Psychological problems associated with the protection of people's health in the workplace.

Improvement of the service sector. Psychological issues of advertising, marketing, etc.

Problems of vocational training.

In the most general form, the following large groups of tasks and directions that the psychology of labor must solve can be distinguished.

1. Psychological study of labor activity. This includes an analysis of the requirements for the mental functions of a person; determination of regularities and mechanisms of formation of professionally important qualities; study of the structure of labor activity, its dynamics and mechanisms. More specific questions are the tasks of studying working capacity and fatigue, learning and skills, modes of work and rest, etc.

2. The study of personality in the labor process. First of all, it should be noted here research concerning the motivation of labor activity, self-realization of a person in labor. An important point is the analysis of abilities, interests of the individual, methods of information exchange, problems of creativity, etc.

3. Socio-psychological problems of labor. Labor is always a group activity, which complicates it with many social problems. Problems of management, control, planning, conflict resolution - all these issues are investigated in the field of labor psychology. Of particular importance are studies of this plan in the field of specific professions, professional selection and training.

This triad of problems: "work process" - "personality in work" - "social dynamics of work" are the practical basis on which the psychology of work is built. The fundamental methodological position of modern labor psychology is the metasystem approach. Labor as a socio-psychological structure has a metasystem organization (A.V. Karpov). Each individual element of labor also has a systemic character. In this regard, the principle of consistency is basic for the psychology of labor (B.F. Lomov, V.D. Shadrikov). Obviously, the development of scientific ideas in the field of labor psychology should also be based on other general methodological principles (determinism; the unity of consciousness and activity; the genetic principle, etc.). However, from the point of view of objective scientific logic, they will necessarily be expressed in studies based on a complex consistency - activity - personal approach. The field of research in work psychology and organizational psychology brings together all research related to the world of work and the activities of professional organizations. Labor psychology studies a special form of behavior of working people, carried out within the framework of some organization.

The concept of "labor" is considered by several scientific disciplines. It must be remembered that, for example, the physiology of labor, organizational psychology, the sociology of labor, economics, management, etc., consider labor activity exclusively as a general object, using specific methods and knowledge that are inherent in a particular discipline. All these disciplines consider labor activity to solve practical problems aimed at humanizing labor activity and increasing efficiency. As for the psychology of labor, in the study of labor activity, the entire system of data is used, which only exists in modern psychology.

Labor psychology at the moment is an independent branch of psychology, which allows you to most effectively use human labor, take into account his personal characteristics and influence on production as a whole, predict the development of industrial relations, and much more.

The psychology of labor is primarily focused on the person and his interests, on minimizing production losses and optimizing labor activity for the employee.

The relationship of labor psychology with other disciplines

The psychology of work does not have clear boundaries with other disciplines. When studying the psychology of labor, several categories of sciences can be distinguished that are intertwined and interact to varying degrees with the psychology of labor. These are, firstly, the economics and sociology of labor, pedagogy, medicine (some of its sections), hygiene and labor protection.

Secondly, ϶ᴛᴏ practically the entire area of ​​biological knowledge about a person, a social system, and so on.

Thirdly, technical disciplines that study the design of machines and devices that are used by the worker in the labor process, i.e. tools.

Let us study in more detail the disciplines that are interconnected with the psychology of work:

  1. philosophy and political economy consider in their teachings and studies: subject, object, tools, process, etc.;
  2. the sociology of labor considers labor as a process of formation of a person and society, the functions of social labor, social factors in choosing a profession, labor in conditions of technological progress, attitudes towards labor, etc.;
  3. labor economics considers labor resources, productive value, labor organization, rationing, payment, labor planning, etc.;
  4. labor legislation considers and studies labor contracts, working hours, holidays, duties, rights, benefits of various categories of workers, labor dispute procedures, etc.;
  5. physiology, occupational health, industrial sanitation in relation to the psychology of labor study the mode of work and rest, working capacity. Based on all of the above, we come to the conclusion that we can say that the relationship with other disciplines in the psychology of work is very extensive. Almost all existing sciences and disciplines cover in their teachings or pay attention to the psychology of work. Indeed, in almost all sciences there is a mention of the study of the human resource, namely, the human resource and everything connected with it underlies the study of labor psychology.

Scope of application

The scope of the psychology of work is very wide, since work is the main activity of every person. Many professions provide a wide field for research in the field of labor psychology and are aimed at developing certain methods of working with people of various professions.

At most enterprises, there are rates of a psychologist, whose duties include personnel selection, and the resolution of conflict situations in production, and much more.

Psychology at work allows not only working with people as employees of the company, but also contains in the context of solving the problems of employees outside the walls of the organization that affect productivity, for example, family problems. With the exception of the above, workplace planning, work to ensure labor safety, advertising, negotiation are also included in the sphere of interest of labor psychology. Today, any self-respecting organization should have a full-time psychologist. This not only raises the level of prestige of any organization, but also shows both employees and clients the degree of development of the organization.

The goals of labor psychology

The main goals of labor psychology will be:

  1. optimization of the psychological climate of the enterprise, that is, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each member of the enterprise and optimizing interactive processes within the organization;
  2. forecasting the possible results of management decisions, tactics and management strategies, which implies a deep knowledge of production processes, taking into account the specifics of business negotiations, a well-organized advertising campaign and information collection. It is worth saying that in order to achieve these goals, the psychology of work uses various tools, which is demonstrated in the tasks and stems from the scope of its application. In many ways, the features of the methods of labor psychology depend on the profile and specifics of the production of the organization, in which the organizational psychologist carries out his activities.

The main tasks of labor psychology

The main tasks of labor psychology can be divided into two groups: theoretical and applied.

The first group will include tasks that are closely related to the psychological characteristics of a person (subject). Theoretical tasks include:

  1. study and research of mental processes, the main psychological properties of the subject (considering them in the context of labor efficiency and increase in working capacity);
  2. study of the characteristics of labor activity;
  3. study of socio-psychological factors affecting a person, social environment, psychological microclimate in an organization, job satisfaction;
  4. the study of the emotional sphere of the individual and volitional qualities that contribute to the regulation of labor activity;
  5. the study of the disclosure of the subject and his personality in the labor process and the pattern associated with this;
  6. study of the problem of motivation, analysis of ways to solve the problem of the motivational system;
  7. development of the most appropriate management method; planning tactics and management strategies;
  8. preventive psychological work aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  9. improving the living conditions of workers;
  10. improvement of working conditions;
  11. development of basic recruitment criteria;
  12. development of recommendations for improving the methods of training and retraining of employees;
  13. rational restructuring and renewal of professions.

The second group of tasks, applied, which is mainly aimed at achieving the final practical result, will include the following tasks:

  1. development of norms, rules and procedures for safety;
  2. development of psychological means of motivation;
  3. development of optimal modes of work and rest time;
  4. development of theoretically substantiated effective procedures for certification and training;
  5. development of specific requirements and working conditions in the development and implementation of new technologies, taking into account personal capabilities;
  6. development of ways to solve the problem of labor orientation; optimization of procedures for professional training and adaptation of the individual;
  7. improving industrial relations and improving the quality of labor;
  8. minimization of emergencies;
  9. work with norms, values ​​and corporate culture of production, etc.

The subject of labor psychology

The subject of labor psychology there will be psychological features of a person's activity in working conditions in such aspects as his formation as a professional, professional orientation and self-determination, motivation of the labor process, the mechanism of work experience, quality of work, adaptation of a person to working conditions.

The study of human activity in production conditions allows not only to enrich the theoretical base of labor psychology, but also to delve into the practical activities of the enterprise and make adjustments to the direct labor activity of employees.

It can also be said that the subject of labor psychology are the components that serve as an incentive and encourage a person to work, direct and correct his labor activity, as well as the personal qualities of a single person, through which the process of implementing labor activity passes. The scope of the psychology of work is very wide, and its boundaries with other disciplines are rather arbitrary and insignificant. We can say that the psychology of work will be the core around which all psychological teachings and research in the field of studying the human resource are concentrated.

The object of labor psychology

The object of labor psychology there will be labor as a specific activity of a person who identifies himself with a certain professional community and produces the reproduction of skills, attitudes, knowledge in this type of activity. Material published on http: // site

The object of labor psychology is the activity of the individual in the conditions of production.

There was an opinion that the process of labor activity includes four cycles: exchange, consumption, distribution, consumption.

At the moment, it is believed that all these processes are inextricably linked and there is no need to single out several cycles, since a person simultaneously acts in several modes.

Subject of labor

The subject of labor is each employee of the enterprise, directly involved in labor activity and having the opportunity to initiate the production process. It is precisely because of the subjectivity of work that an individual approach to each employee is necessary, the ability to notice a person in a team. The subject of labor can be considered both the employee as such and the enterprise as a whole.

Methods of labor psychology

In practice Labor psychology uses various methods to study the characteristics of human functioning in working conditions. With the help of these methods, the selection of candidates for employment, the study of the psychological characteristics of employees and other aspects of a person's labor activity are carried out.
It should be noted that the main methods of labor psychology:

  1. testing;
  2. included and non-included observation;
  3. conversation;
  4. interviews and surveys;
  5. trainings;
  6. role-playing games;
  7. analysis and synthesis of information.

These methods will be described in more detail in lecture No. 5, paragraph 7.

The influence of labor psychology on production

The study of labor psychology, labor relations directly affects the efficiency of labor and the emotional comfort of a person in the workplace.

It should not be forgotten that an important area of ​​labor psychology will be the study of various aspects of performance related to fatigue, circadian rhythm, optimal work regime, adaptive processes of the individual to create such working conditions, under which the quality and productivity of each individual would be combined with the protection of the health of workers. It is worth saying that special methods have been developed for this purpose, such as tests, participant observation, questioning of employees, the performance of the employee in various working conditions is studied, the method of exercises and trainings in production is used.

At this stage, new professions are constantly being formed, working conditions, forms of work and possible incentives to increase production efficiency are changing, requirements for product quality and working methods are changing. Labor psychology is designed to study changing aspects and recommend the most optimal options for changes, taking into account working conditions, production, data and the capabilities of the enterprise.

1. The concept of labor psychology

The concept of "labor" is considered by several scientific disciplines. Such as, for example, physiology of labor, organizational psychology, sociology of labor, economics, management, etc., consider labor activity only as a general object, while using specific methods and knowledge inherent in a particular discipline. All these disciplines consider labor activity to solve practical problems aimed at humanizing labor activity and increasing efficiency. As for the psychology of labor, the study of labor activity uses the entire system of data that only exists in modern psychology.

Labor psychology at the moment is an independent branch of psychology that allows you to most effectively use human labor, take into account his personal characteristics and influence on production as a whole, predict the development of industrial relations, and much more.

The psychology of labor is primarily focused on the person and his interests, on minimizing production losses and optimizing labor activity for the employee.

From the book Labor Psychology: Lecture Notes the author Prusova N V

1. The concept of labor psychology The concept of "labor" is considered by several scientific disciplines. Such as, for example, physiology of labor, organizational psychology, sociology of labor, economics, management, etc., consider labor activity only as a general object,

From the book Labor Psychology the author Prusova N V

2. Interrelation of the psychology of work with other disciplines The psychology of work does not have clear boundaries with other disciplines. When studying the psychology of labor, several categories of sciences can be distinguished that are intertwined and interact to varying degrees with the psychology of labor. It,

From the author's book

4. The goals of labor psychology The main goals of labor psychology are: 1) optimization of the psychological climate of the enterprise, that is, taking into account the psychological characteristics of each member of the enterprise and optimizing interactive processes within the organization;

From the author's book

5. The tasks of labor psychology The main tasks of labor psychology The tasks of labor psychology can be divided into two groups: theoretical and applied. The first group will include tasks that are closely related to the psychological characteristics of a person (subject). To

From the author's book

6. The subject of labor psychology The subject of labor psychology is the psychological characteristics of a person's activity in working conditions in such aspects as his development as a professional, professional orientation and

From the author's book

7. The object of labor psychology The object of labor psychology is labor as a specific activity of a person who identifies himself with a certain professional community and produces the reproduction of skills, attitudes, knowledge in this form

From the author's book

9. Methods of labor psychology In practice, labor psychology uses various methods to study the features of human functioning in working conditions. With the help of these methods, the selection of candidates for employment, the study

From the author's book

10. The influence of labor psychology on production The study of the psychology of labor, labor relations directly affects the efficiency of labor and the emotional comfort of a person in the workplace.

From the author's book

3. Primary Interests of Labor Psychology Questions of professional selection were at first the main task of labor psychology. Development of recruitment criteria, analysis of differences in labor productivity among workers with approximately the same knowledge and skills

From the author's book

1. Methods of labor psychology The method is understood as a system of theoretical and practical actions, models for studying certain problems and directly the practical activity of a psychologist. The psychology of work contains a huge number of

From the author's book

1. The concept of labor physiology Labor physiology is a branch of physiology that studies the mechanisms and patterns of human physiological processes in the production environment, the features of the perception and regulation of the labor process by a person. The physiology of labor is closer to medicine and

From the author's book

3. Tasks of labor psychology. The subject of labor psychology. The object of labor psychology. The subject of labor. Methods of labor psychology The main tasks of labor psychology are: 1) improving industrial relations and improving the quality of work; 2) improving living conditions

From the author's book

4. Time of formation and development of labor psychology. The initial interests of labor psychology The psychology of labor took shape under the influence of medicine, physiology, psychology, technology, and sociology. Each of these disciplines added its own aspects, which was reflected in

From the author's book

7. Methods of labor psychology Experiment. Non-included observation. Enabled surveillance. The method of surveys and interviewsThe method is understood as a system of theoretical and practical actions, models for studying certain problems and the practical activities of a psychologist.

From the author's book

29. The concept of labor mobility. Types of mobility. The concept of labor physiology. Factors of the working environment Labor mobility is understood as a change in professional status and role, which reflects the dynamics of professional growth. Elements of labor

From the author's book

46. ​​The main tasks of labor psychology The tasks of labor psychology can be divided into two groups: theoretical and applied. The first group will include tasks that are closely related to the psychological characteristics of a person (subject). For theoretical problems,

a branch of psychology that studies the patterns of formation and manifestation of a person's mental activity (processes and states, personality traits) in the process of his work. Now researches on P. of t. are carried out in various branches of production, culture and science. Industrial psychology, transport psychology, aviation psychology, space psychology, and so on have taken shape within the framework of transport psychology, and research in the field of management and service is acquiring great importance. The origin of foreign P. t. is associated with the creation of the Taylor system. In Russia, the working movements of a person, the physiological criteria for determining the length of the working day, etc., were first studied by I. M. Sechenov. Further research in this direction began to be carried out within the framework of psychotechnics. However, P. t. received final recognition only in the mid-1950s. The following areas of research can be distinguished in modern P. t. questions of vocational guidance and consultation, etc. Methods of P. t. - experiment (natural and laboratory), observation, interviews, questionnaire surveys, the labor method of studying professions, etc. parameters. P. t. is organically connected with other branches of psychology (social, pedagogical, engineering and is based on principles common to them, uses their achievements and methods. P. t. coordinates its efforts with physiology and occupational health, ergonomics, technical aesthetics, and also with technical subjects.


a field of psychology that studies the patterns of manifestation of various psychological mechanisms in labor activity, the patterns of formation of specific forms of this activity and the relationship of a person to work. Its object is the activity of the individual in production conditions and in the conditions of reproduction of his labor force. Its foundations were formed under the influence of medicine, physiology, technology, sociology and political economy.

An extremely branched discipline - the basis for the development of areas correlated with specific types of activity: engineering psychology, aviation psychology, management psychology, etc.

The following main directions of her research are distinguished:

1) rationalization of work and rest;

2) performance dynamics;

3) formation of professional motivation and professional suitability;

4) optimization of relations in labor collectives. As methods, natural and laboratory experiments, observation, interviews, questionnaire surveys, simulators, and the labor method of studying professions are used.

The psychology of labor has abandoned the idea of ​​the existence of two open cycles: production and consumption, where a person alternately and independently acts either as a producer or as a consumer. From her point of view, the working and free time of the individual are closely interconnected, as well as the conditions of work and the reproduction of the labor force.

The starting point for including a certain discipline in solving the problems of improving labor was the recognition that the organization of labor can give greater productivity than its intensification, and the economic costs for a worker - for his education, medical care, improvement of living and environmental conditions of life - turn around profit in manufacturing. At the same time, each of the disciplines has contributed to the development of labor psychology and the formulation of its tasks.

The beginning of the formation of labor psychology as an independent discipline is considered to be the appearance of G. Munsterberg's books "Psychology and Production Efficiency" (1913) and "Fundamentals of Psychotechnics" (1914). A significant contribution to the study of labor was made by I. M. Sechenov, whose works "Physiological criteria for setting the length of the working day" (1897), "Essay on the working movements of a person" (1901) and others laid the foundation for research on the rational organization and design of labor activity. But it took a long time for the psychology of work to overcome the eclectic nature of its heritage, single out its own subject and give impetus to its new offshoots.

The main tasks of labor psychology are directly related to the social tasks of improving industrial relations and improving the quality of labor, improving living conditions, eliminating emergency situations, democratizing and shaping the psychological type of a worker.