Proper rest or how to learn to relax. Basic rules of rest

The inability to rest is a real misfortune of modern man. Constant changes, the desire to do everything, achieve, get, fear of losing, being out of work, not fulfilling their desires - make people run somewhere all the time. Anxiety, fears, self-doubt and the habit of not sitting idle become the factors that make people think that working hard is right, it guarantees success. In fact, by not allowing yourself to rest, a person risks losing everything that he has managed to achieve, stopping one step before victory and causing irreparable harm to his health.

Why you need to learn to relax

To learn how to relax, you need to realize how important it is for you, then you will start doing it much faster. Because only the person himself can change his attitude towards himself and his way of life. Until he realizes that these actions will benefit him, he will not do anything. And it is possible to understand this only when you find out what problems will arise if you do not rest.

If you experience anxiety, fatigue, even if you did nothing, nervous tension, sleep poorly, you are not interested in anything, and apathy prevents you from living, it's time to think about yourself. You are clearly tired and need to relax and tweak your lifestyle.

Your health, mood, well-being, future and present are important to you, do not let haste, problems, responsibilities and other people who are trying to solve their problems at your expense spoil your life. Otherwise, ruin yourself by earning a lot of health problems provoked by constant stress, haste, trying to keep up with someone or doing everything that is required of you or you require from yourself in too short a period of time.

It is impossible to determine in time whether you are on the right path, evaluate what you have achieved, and whether you enjoy what you are doing when every day you “spin like a squirrel in a wheel”, trying to do everything, use every minute of your free time so as not to be late. To do this, you need to be able to stop in order to look around and evaluate what has been done, what has been achieved. Are those people around you, do you correctly evaluate your opportunities and dreams for yourself, or maybe it's time to change direction, because you are not going where you wanted to, you just didn’t have time to notice this before.

Those who believe that in order to achieve success, one cannot relax in any case, but one must constantly do something, they are deeply mistaken. Every person needs a rest. Mind, brain, body get tired. They need a break to get rid of accumulated fatigue, to restore energy, spent physical and mental strength. Without this, someone will have a breakdown, emotional burnout and nervous exhaustion later, and then you will have to forget about any achievements. In very difficult cases, such neglect of oneself can provoke asthenia and depression.

The ability to relax and rest does not really take time, but helps to save it, and then use it much more useful and efficient. A person has the opportunity to stop, look around and evaluate the path traveled, look ahead and sometimes correct what he has planned, thanks to which he can protect himself from unnecessary actions, sometimes unnecessary and harmful.

The ability to relax allows you to enjoy what you have achieved, enjoy, rejoice, increase self-confidence, motivation. It gives a chance to distribute forces more competently, because, looking from the outside, it is easier to analyze how you live, what you do. After all, a person finally stops running somewhere, and learns to truly enjoy life. We came into this world not to work non-stop, but to love, rejoice and be happy.

Photo: how to learn to relax

It is important to find time every day for a leisurely walk without a plan and purpose, watching what is happening around from the side. A thought popped into my head, no need to try to keep it. Even 15 minutes of such relaxation will allow you to notice in time that you may be doing something, at some point it will save you from making mistakes, reduce the risk of doing something that you don’t like at all and by and large don’t need.

To quickly relieve tension, take a warm bath, light scented candles. The relaxing effect will have the smells of ylang-ylang, lemon balm, mint, pine, rosemary, lavender. Light aroma candles or put a few drops of oil with one of these scents into the bath.

A contrast shower will also allow you to quickly relax. Listen to quiet pleasant music at night, which makes you feel in your soul a feeling of peace, peace, harmony. Classical music, jazz, music that only you like is perfect.

Devote time daily to physical exercise that is not burdensome. You don't have to go to the gym and push yourself to the bone. Dance, do some sit-ups, learn self-defense. Even leisurely walks in the park will bring great benefits. This will allow you to get rid of accumulated stress and much easier to relieve internal tension and stress.

Photo: how to learn to relax

Why is it hard to relax

  • Because of their anxiety and the same attitudes that it is impossible to sit idle, parents, teachers, kindergarten teachers or relatives start a process that creates a subconscious fear in children that doing this is bad, that you can’t do nothing, relax, rest when you want.
  • Sometimes even the very process of thinking before doing something can become unbearable, causing the feeling that again, as in childhood, you are doing everything wrong, which means you are lazy and bad. It is the parents most often, and the adults that the children encounter, who teach to think this way, scolding the children for sitting and sort of hovering in the clouds, although they just rest, think about what is interesting and intuitively give their psyche relax.
  • It is this subconscious mindset that sitting or walking around doing nothing is bad that you have to fight to allow yourself to relax and enjoy it, and not feel guilty.
  • Another internal barrier can be anxiety, which makes you do something all the time, does not allow you to stop. Because of it, people try to distract themselves from their thoughts with something, so as not to be alone with themselves, they suffer from increased appetite.
  • If your anxiety stems from remarks made by those who live near you, try to explain to them how beneficial it is for everyone to relax if a person wants to be happy. And advise them to take care of themselves, because they themselves suffer from excessive stress, believing that everything is fine with them, although this is not at all the case. Otherwise, they would not pay attention to what you are doing at all, and so your actions provoke in them a feeling of envy and a sense of their own inferiority, since they cannot do this.
  • In general, try to exclude from your life those who bring negativity into it, those who constantly mope, demand to be pitied, not trying to change anything, but only always complaining. Such people create unnecessary tension, make them feel uncomfortable, thereby provoking others. No matter how hard you try, and if someone nearby complains and swears all the time, very soon your good mood will come to an end. And this certainly does not add joy and does not help get rid of accumulated stress, which can become chronic and increase emotional stress, which will prevent you from relaxing and getting rid of excess mental burden.
  • Realizing how useful and important it is to rest every day will help reduce the internal mindset that doing nothing is bad, wrong, and only losers do it.
  • Showing attention to yourself, giving rest, allowing a break - this is not bad or stupid, it's normal. This is the only way to achieve a lot, to make your life not painful and exhausting, but filled with meaning and joy.
  • Those who managed to remove the subconscious barrier that it is bad to relax, invent and create, are not afraid and do not hesitate to think, relax and be in thought. They managed to cope with anxiety because they learned to love themselves, they know what they want, they are confident in themselves and that they are not doing anything wrong.

Photo: how to learn to relax

Any hardworking person can get tired. Everyone needs rest. It is impossible to constantly be in tension, to rush somewhere, to constantly achieve goals. If you refuse to rest, do not allow yourself a single moment of peace, do not know how to relax, it is impossible to become happy, sooner or later fatigue and constant haste will make themselves felt and cause serious problems. It's time to realize how important it is to allow yourself to rest.

In general, everyone dreams of rest from some main activity (whether it be work or household chores).

Everyone is happy to imagine being in a cafe with friends, in a sun lounger on the beach or just on the couch with a cake and an interesting series, but…

Why is it that not everyone actually allows themselves to rest?

What is rest?

To find an explanation for those who don’t want (can’t, don’t know how?) To give themselves a single day of relaxation, we must, perhaps, start with a retelling of one scientific theory.

The fact is that nature (more correctly, evolution) created absolutely all living beings in such a way that they could provide themselves with the resources necessary for life by applying the least effort. For example, seals that hunt fish and are forced to swim in cold water have a streamlined body, flippers and a significant layer of fat - all this helps them catch fish as soon as possible, dine and lie down for a well-deserved rest.

The structure of the body of swallows helps them catch more insects in the air in less time, but the body of a sparrow is designed to peck various sweets from the ground and other surfaces.

That is, not a single creature in its natural environment is doomed to do something extremely uncomfortable for itself and leading to enduring fatigue!

In general, the state that every living being strives for ideally is rest, that is, spending time with minimal energy expenditure and not related to providing oneself with resources.

Not a single animal, insect, fish or anemone of any kind will refuse to beat the buckets, provided that they are full, satisfied the instinct of reproduction and are safe!

And what is wrong with people?

Why can't we, even when we are well-fed, satisfied with life and not seeing a single stone falling from the sky on our heads, make our working day an hour shorter, refuse an additional project, do not complicate life with a bunch of things, etc.? Where did our natural laziness and selfishness go?

It's all about human intelligence, of course. Unlike animals, we are dissatisfied with current well-being - we want guarantees of well-being for a long time to come and associate it with continuous work.

Since ancient times, it has been customary in society to encourage those who care about personal (and at the same time social) well-being in advance - accumulate wealth, actively reproduce and educate new members of society, do something for the benefit of other people, contribute to the economy, etc. d. In this sense, the human "herd" does not consist of "lone wolves" who simply feed themselves, but of "worker ants": even a small contribution of each individual benefits a huge interconnected collective - humanity.

Recreation is discouraged in most of the world's cultures. Just remember the sayings - “Time for business, hour for fun”, etc.

Only recently, with the development of technology, more and more people began to appear who are able to provide for themselves alone and do not care about other people's opinions. Previously, it was possible to survive normally as part of a large family, a clan, a compactly living or working group of people - and if one declared that “that’s it, I’m full, I don’t need anything else, I’ll rest” - he was undoubtedly plowed to work for others.

What could be the way out? Modern society has found a way out of the collision of “lazyness” in the concept of the so-called “active recreation”. These are sports, tourism, dancing, any, attending events, etc. Active recreation is not condemned - it is believed that the person involved in it is well done and smart, does not lie on the couch, develops itself, etc.

The problem is that from a purely biological point of view, no active rest is rest - this is not an energy-saving activity, but simply a change of activity. Yes, perhaps this is a change from a less pleasant and boring activity to a more pleasant and new one. And of course, you can and should diversify your life! But…

Do not be surprised if it seems to you that you did not rest at all during a busy tourist trip: it was not you who did not learn how to relax, but - you did not rest! Do not think that you need to learn how to rest properly if you feel overwhelmed after a stormy night at the club: you did not rest, you just occupied your body and brain with another load and other thoughts!

Rest is not necessarily something that gives you new emotions and sensations. Psychologically, of course, a change of environment and activities is usually beneficial, but this is about something else: about new experience, about versatile development, etc. - but not about the rest!

But how to learn to relax for real?

How to find a place of rest in your life?

The first thing to do, having decided to learn how to fully relax, is to stop imposing a sense of guilt on yourself for laziness. Being lazy is natural and healthy!

If you don’t feel like going to the park with your children on the weekend, but you want to lie at home with a book (and give the children to your grandmother), then everything is right, your body and brain want to relax, and not strain in a slightly different way than at work, in a way. You are not a bad mother and not a woman who avoids self-development - you just need to recover from a period of activity. This is fine!

It is absolutely normal if, sitting in the office at the beginning of the working day, every now and then you start to “stick” it out the window and think about how you will fall on the sofa with a plate of food. Even if your self-discipline and mind defeat these impulses to, then nothing will convince your body that hard work is more useful and necessary than lying down and eating food. You can tell your body “be patient, there are seven hours left!”, But you don’t have to bite yourself with guilt for terrible laziness and unacceptable stupidity. You can treat yourself to a coffee or seize a minute for that very "sticking" in the window - your body always deserves it!

The second point, how to learn how to take a break from work, is to honestly answer the question of what rest is for you personally.

Someone loves visiting a massage parlor and relaxes from it, but for someone, finding a massage therapist, a visit to him, the need to trust this stranger is just an additional hassle. For some, chatting with a group of friends is “energy recharging”, inspiration and motivation, while someone feels like a “squeezed lemon” after a friendly party.

All of us psychologically and physiologically sometimes need absolutely passive rest - some more, some less. So if you drive away thoughts about how great it would be to lie at home for a week and review all the seasons of a TV series that you have been planning to watch for a long time, and instead you are packing a backpack for hiking in the mountains, then ... Be honest with yourself - you want to relax or collect “likes” » under your photos against the backdrop of mountain landscapes?..

Rest for each of us has the right to be just a rest. Not self-developing, not healing, not for weight loss, not for building relationships in the family - but just relaxation for you personally! And stop torturing yourself, resting "right" in the eyes of society - after all, even a couple of hundred likes will not replace one delicious pizza and a fragrant bath!

Modern lifestyle requires maximum energy, constant control and attention. Therefore, business people often suffer from chronic fatigue. Some issues need to be resolved immediately, so we give ourselves completely to work, family matters. The whole day goes by like this. The next day is also full of events, issues that need to be urgently resolved. Business people manage to do everything, but there is no time left for rest. This is chronic fatigue - a syndrome that needs to be fought. After all, the charge of strength and vivacity received after a good rest will positively affect your health and performance.

Basic rules of rest


It’s hard to believe, but rest also requires strength. You should not come home from work tired or exhausted so that you don’t have energy even for a simple walk. So you do not give yourself a normal rest, the body is constantly under stress. Therefore, it is necessary to leave strength for a walk, reading or fitness. You can’t give all your energy to work, you need to be able to relax.

It is better to immediately get rid of a little fatigue, because it will pass quickly, and it will be possible to do work again. Severe fatigue can affect health, and its consequences will take a long time to cope with.

Compliance with the regime of work and rest is required, that is, rest before fatigue sets in, and not after. So you can achieve the most productive work, gain strength without feeling tired throughout the day.


This expression is familiar to many. It has a rational grain, so always remember to change if you start to get tired.

It is believed that the load on our body is distributed in three parts - Body, Mind and Soul. Depending on the type of activity, one or another part of the body works. It is necessary to gradually load yourself, share the load on the mind, soul and body, alternate it during the day. Then you will not feel tired, and the working day will become a real rest.

It is important to combine intellectual work with physical work. Always dilute your activities with exercises, walks, and exercises. So the brain will rest, prepare for a new working stage. Even changing from one intellectual activity to another can give the brain the rest it needs. Different cells are responsible for performing different activities, so this alternation also relieves fatigue and allows you not only to relax, but also promotes increase efficiency and mental activity.


It is best to get a good night's sleep after a hard day's work. Sleep normalizes the functioning of the human nervous system, all organs rest and recover. You need to fall asleep in a natural way, only healthy sleep has a positive effect on our body. After the required number of hours spent in bed, you will feel a real surge of strength and energy. Then all work tasks will be carried out quickly and easily.

The main problem of healthy sleep is a disturbed daily routine. If you prefer to watch a movie at night instead of going to sleep at the appointed time, it can adversely affect your health. Perhaps a few years ago, you perfectly endured night walks and discos, sleepless nights. And this way of life did not affect the state of health or appearance. But after a few years, you can see that the nocturnal lifestyle does not have the best effect on performance and health. It is necessary to take care of your body, give it the necessary number of hours of sleep. The ability to rest at night is the key to cheerfulness.

It takes 7 to 8 hours of sleep to feel good. This figure is different for everyone, some can sleep normally even in 5-6 hours. Sometimes the problem is not the time allotted for sleep, but its quality. Perhaps we give ourselves enough hours, but we constantly wake up at night, tossing and turning in bed for a long time. There are a few tips for good sleep.

  • The quality of sleep depends on the nervous system, if it is excited, then it will take more time to fall asleep.
  • Taking a walk in the fresh air a few hours before bed will help relieve stress. Also soothes taking a shower.
  • Sleep in a comfortable bed with clean sheets.
  • Help -> " How to fall asleep quickly», « How to deal with insomnia» .

An important moment that affects the quality of rest is awakening. You also need to wake up properly in order to feel good during the day. You don't have to get out of bed right away. Sipping will help prepare the body for work and disperse the blood. You need to do this until you shiver (pay attention to our smaller friends, cats and dogs, how they wake up).

We often get tired in the middle of a busy day. And few try to cope with fatigue, usually people just wait for the end of work to relax at home. But you need to rest during working hours in order to spend your energy more efficiently. Psychologists believe that the restoration of the body at work is an important part of the working day.

Many will say that they often take a break, go to smoke or drink coffee. But this is not exactly what our body needs. After all, we do not control the time of these breaks, they occur randomly. But rest should be rhythmic, our body perceives the correct mode of work and rest better. You need to make a special schedule set break times rest only at certain intervals.

The lunch break is a regulated time for rest, which is available in almost every organization. It is necessary to use this hour to good use, not to rush to return to the workplace. Even if you ate quickly, it is better to take a walk or read a book. You have every right to rest.

An interesting observation was made by the psychotherapist Alexei Parshin. He talks about his trip to Italy.

“The first visit to this country surprised me with the peculiarities of the work of Italians. I was in the laboratory of the University of Verona, minding my own business, but suddenly I saw that my foreign colleagues were leaving somewhere. At first I thought it was a fire. In fact, they went to have coffee because the 11 o'clock break is a fixed time. Like lunch at noon. The Italians quit their business to give the body a little rest. Moreover, these breaks have a positive effect not only on their health, but also on their standard of living. After all, people take care of themselves, and therefore more happiness in their lives».

During working hours, you need to establish a rational regime of work and rest and follow it. We all know that it is good for health to rest after 50 minutes of work at the computer. Moreover, the break time should be at least 10 minutes, or even all 15. Unfortunately, few people follow this rule. Adults, in principle, can safely sit at the monitor for two hours, but after that, be sure to rest for 10 minutes.

You can quickly relax by simply wiping your face with cool water. This will help you relax for a while. You can also breathe properly for 8-10 minutes. Deep breaths will allow oxygen to enter the bloodstream, so it will penetrate the brain and contribute to its activation. Breathing can be combined with exercise. It is very important to regularly ventilate the office.

One of the problems that torments us at work is sleepiness. We often want to sleep, but we try overcome this desire. In fact, the body will have enough for half an hour of sleep after dinner. You can sleep peacefully in the car if you have time after your lunch break. This will positively affect your performance. Some organizations have a quiet and peaceful place where no one will disturb you. This can be a great nook for an afternoon nap. It is important that no one can disturb you during your holiday.


We do not immediately join the work, its effectiveness is a curve that first tends to rise, and then falls sharply. The work should interest us, we should feel the motivation to do it. When we are fully immersed in the process, efficiency will rise rapidly, but then fall off. During this period, actions occur more by inertia than from interest, the efficiency of the work process is significantly reduced, and fatigue appears. A similar phenomenon can be explained with the help of the physiological characteristics of the organism. The cells of our body go through two phases - excitation and inhibition. In the excitement phase, they receive the necessary nutrition, so at first the work will be efficient and we will not get tired. Here it is important to feel this moment, to switch to another activity - physical or mental work of a different direction. After some time, you can return to the original task. You will see that the efficiency of execution increases. Moreover, this technique does not work if you switched at the moment of the deceleration phase, when you are tired of the activity, you are tired. Then it will take more time to rest, because of fatigue, you will not be able to return to this task soon. Therefore, efficiency will also suffer.

How to relax after work

Business people get tired not so much from physical activity, but from mental work, emotional and spiritual work. Office work practically does not lead to physical fatigue. But for some reason we rest as if we were physically tired. This is called the illusion of physical fatigue. You need to fight it with the help of physical activity. If after work you lie down to rest on the sofa, then there will be little benefit from such a pastime. It is better to go cycling, run a few kilometers, swim in the pool. These exercises will show the body that physical fatigue was imaginary, that we are full of energy. After the load, the blood will accelerate, stagnation will disappear, and you will feel a surge of strength and a second wind.

A good rest after work is sauna or bath. After fragrant steam and delicious tea, you will definitely feel more cheerful. A massage session also has a good effect on the body. If you choose a good master, then a relaxing massage will quickly restore your strength after a hard day.

At home, you can drink delicious tea, which has a relaxing effect. Usually this is an infusion of herbs with the addition of mint and chamomile. Such tea can be bought in a regular store or in a pharmacy. A cup of fragrant infusion will help you relax.

Another option for relaxing after work is a book. Reading has a calming effect on the nervous system. Therefore, doctors recommend spending half an hour with a book before going to bed. But you can read in the evening, it will help you relax.

Saturday and Sunday are not the days when you need to fully load yourself with household chores. It is better to leave cleaning and so on for the evening of weekdays, do it gradually. If you give it a whole day, then the essence of the weekend will disappear. One of the days must be left completely free, completely devoted to his rest.

Proper rest on weekends affects working capacity on weekdays, on the effectiveness of activities. It is better to spend time with friends and family, in nature or in the country. Even physical labor in a summer cottage can be considered part of the holiday, especially if it brings you pleasure. After a weekend like this, you'll be happy to return to work. Weekend activities should be enjoyable. It is better to choose an active holiday than useless lying on the couch watching TV. Such a meaningless pastime only increases apathy and lethargy.

A good option to relax is a cultural weekend getaway. Exhibitions, films or performances can distract you from your working thoughts. They will give you a great mood, communication with friends and new impressions. Moreover, the cultural program is always diverse, in all cities exhibitions, performances and concerts are held on weekends. Take a look at the poster, you will see a lot of interesting events. And they are all different. You can go to a movie with your favorite actor, to an exhibition of antiques, to a concert of a talented band, to a circus performance. There are many options on how to relax on the weekend, you definitely won’t get bored.

But cultural events should be enjoyed by you, only in this way they can become a good rest. If you are going somewhere for the company, and you do not like the upcoming event, then it is better to refuse. Otherwise, you will be bored all evening. Then the weekend will definitely not bring the desired rest. Many people have such friends who constantly impose their opinions, choose events only based on their preferences. It is better to refuse their company at once. A boring evening will cause fatigue.

Vacation is the time we look forward to all year long. Our future well-being and performance depend on it. It turns out that you also need to be able to relax during the holidays. It's important to know, how to plan and organize free time.

If you do not tolerate a break from work, you are afraid not to join the regime later, then you should not take all the vacation days at once, but you need to divide it into several parts. Moreover, these parts are distributed throughout the year. So you will feel free and rested. Even if you have your own business, which requires constant monitoring, then a vacation divided into parts will not affect the conduct of business, but will give you strength and energy.

Some decide to do major household chores on vacation, such as doing repairs. Naturally, it will be faster and more convenient, there is no need to interrupt work, you can do everything in a short time. But such an approach negatively affects health. After all, vacations were created to relax, to pay attention to yourself. At this time you need ride travel, go to exhibitions, visit cities that you have always dreamed of, and not glue wallpaper.

If the financial situation does not allow visiting foreign countries, then the right rest can be arranged in the country. And it doesn't have to be yours. Fresh air, healthy eating, peace and tranquility - this is what you have been dreaming of all year. A good book will help brighten up the days in the country. After such a vacation, you will immediately gain strength and energy.

Although vacation is a long-awaited time, it happens that it bothers you too. Moreover, such a problem, according to psychologists, appears in many people. It's really frustrating when you start counting the days until you go to work. This condition can be caused by many factors. Bad weather, mosquitoes, terrible hotel, tasteless food and so on. Some of these reasons cannot be overcome, others can be predicted and reinsured.

  • You need to know in advance how many days you need to have a good rest and relax.
  • There are enough reviews of tourists about resorts and foreign hotels. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to carefully study all the available information. On the Internet there are lists of travel agencies that are better not to contact, there are comparisons of airlines. All this must be known in advance.
  • All your activities at the resort must be planned. Make a list of interesting places to visit.
  • If the resort offers body care or wellness treatments, such as mineral baths or therapeutic mud, then you should not refuse them.
  • Companions also need to be chosen, not all friends are accommodating. If you do not want to listen to complaints the whole vacation, then you need to think over the company.

The laptop and working papers should stay at home. If you have an unsolved problem, then you can’t load yourself on vacation with it. You probably won't come up with a solution. There should be maximum benefit from vacation, otherwise there will be no sense from it. Yes, and to hammer the time for which the money was spent will simply be a pity.

The option of how to properly relax during the holidays depends on the nature of your work. If you sit in the office all day, it is better to choose active activities on vacation. Constant physical activity during working hours requires a quiet rest. It can be reading books, watching movies, visiting exhibitions. But spending all the time within four walls is also not worth it, you need to walk in the fresh air.

Always after the start of the holiday a few days you need to sleep a lot in order to get enough sleep while working. And sleep not only at night, but also after dinner. You can just relax, but you need to relax. Spend more time walking these days. So the body will adapt to the conditions of the holiday.

Proper rest does not mean constant idleness, you can engage in vigorous activity, while relaxing. Working in the summer cottage, cycling or hiking, hiking - all this helps us to have a good rest.


Active recreation during the holidays requires special preparation. Usually vacations are spent in this way by already proven people who consciously know what they are getting into. They are aware of the preparation for such a pastime.

But if you are an unsportsmanlike person, if you succumbed to the persuasion of your friends, so you go hiking for the first time, then preparation is simply necessary for you. Spontaneously embarking on such an adventure can be dangerous, or you will overestimate your own strengths.

You need to start preparing somewhere a month before the start of the trip. Prepare your body train muscles, run, exercise. Active sports will help you prepare - it can be skiing, cycling, outdoor games. The gym will be a good preparation.

Active recreation involves physical activity and climate change. If you spent all the time at the computer, and then went on a hike without preparation, then the cardiovascular system may begin to falter. Excessive loads lead to swelling.

If you didn’t have time to prepare before the holidays, then you still need to start, gradually increasing the load on the body.

And in the end, I would like to turn to those who cannot imagine themselves without work. Vacation is not laziness and slovenliness, this is an opportunity to replenish the supply of strength and vigor. Workaholics should remember that lack of rest negatively affects not only them, but also family, friends and loved ones. Rest is a must. Only in this way will you be able to save energy for fruitful work. You have to know how to rest properly.

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After some weekends, I want another weekend. It is far from always that we are talking about some extraordinary events that disturbed the peace on Saturday and Sunday. But after all, there are people who go to work cheerful on Monday, and during the working week they don’t seem to get tired at all. What is their secret, and what prevents everyone else from having a proper rest?

What prevents us from relaxing?

Many do not even suspect that they need to learn how to relax. Why else study, if after a hard day's work it's so nice to plop down on the sofa in front of the TV? Tea with something delicious, beer or wine, TV shows or the Internet - what else is required for happiness? On weekends, you need to do what you don’t have time to do on weekday evenings, and then it’s time to pull the strap again. This is if there are no children. And then after all, there is no time to turn around at all, what kind of rest is there? Survive until vacation.

In order to learn how to properly rest and relax, you need to know what prevents us from doing this. And the main enemy is, surprisingly, not the lack of free time.

  • Boredom and monotony
  • Vanity and the pursuit of new sensations
  • Faith in the help of alcohol
  • Lack of daily routine

All of the above harms a good rest, turns a vacation into a season of hard work in the country, a tourist trip into a race to the sights, makes one evening indistinguishable from another.

The absence of new impressions and their excess are closely intertwined. Boredom arises where there is no thing that captivates. A variety of information at a certain point begins to bother. Alcohol, having a brief effect on the nervous system, gradually increases nervousness, and does not allow to relax completely. There is no need to explain about the habit of going to bed after midnight, and working without a break until your legs reach your favorite chair.

Special breathing exercises help to relax. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax all your muscles: starting from the feet, slowly move up, the last to relax the muscles of the face. Slowly through the nose. Continue the exercise for 10-20 minutes. Alternate tension and relaxation of all muscles.

2. Listen to soothing music every day

Play yourself on a musical instrument something soothing. You can listen to music while driving to and from work, at lunchtime, during work (if it does not interfere with concentration), at night to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day and tune in to sleep. Combine music with relaxing breath.

3. Use visuals

To relax, try to imagine something positive, use positive affirmations. You can just watch some soothing video or a positive movie.

4. Self-massage

Buy a neck, back, foot and shoulder massager. Try compact massagers, each designed for a specific part of the body. Don't forget to breathe deeply during the session to enhance the relaxing effect.

5. Make yourself a heating pad from natural fabric

You will need a fabric made from natural fibers (cotton, sheep wool). From it you need to cut a rectangle measuring 60x50 cm. Fold the resulting rectangle in half and sew (or glue) the two ends, leave one side unsewn. Fill the resulting bag with rice or beans, add a couple of drops of an essential oil, such as lavender, eucalyptus or chamomile. Close up the open edge. This can be put on the neck and shoulders. You can pre-heat it, but this is not necessary, you can just enjoy the aroma of oils.

Before using the heating pad, you can massage the place where you want to apply it. And, of course, do not forget about relaxing breathing during the procedure.

6. Use scented shower gel and body lotion

Aromas are very helpful to relax or cheer up. Use a scented shower gel, lotion or cream. The smells of chamomile and lavender have a relaxing effect, and the aromas of orange, lemon or mint will energize.

7. Move!

Sport helps not only to keep the body in good shape, but also to relax. Try yoga, dancing or martial arts - this will teach you to control your body, breathing, relaxation and muscle tension.