Methods for determining the case. What questions do cases answer? Instrumental Questions

The study of cases and their differences.

The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Of course, it is difficult for anyone to learn non-native vocabulary. But, precisely because of the transformation of words into cases, the Slavic dialect becomes too difficult to understand. Yes, and many native speakers often get confused on this issue, so we will try to figure it out further.

Change of nouns by cases: what is the name?

Change of nouns by cases - called declension.

declination- this is our transformation of the words at the end. And it is necessary so that the words are properly fastened together. In this way, statements are obtained in the Russian lexicon.

Noun- this is the component of the phrase that implies the subject. Both living and non-living. Therefore, it gives answers to the questions posed: who? So what?

Covers very broad concepts:

  • the name of the items(chair, knife, book)
  • designation of persons(woman, baby, vegetarian)
  • naming living beings(dolphin, cat, amoeba)
  • name of substances(coffee, gelatin, starch)
  • terms of various factors and cases(fire, intermission, correspondence)
  • designation of all stays, actions and properties(tearfulness, optimism, running)

There are six different cases:

  • nominative
  • genitive
  • dative
  • accusative
  • instrumental
  • prepositional

Cases of nouns in Russian: a table with questions, prepositions and auxiliary words in the singular

For perception and the fastest assimilation of information, tables are often used. They perfectly show what questions are used.

  • first declension- nouns of feminine and masculine gender, the ending of which is - a, i
  • Second declension- masculine nouns without an ending and which end in a soft sign, neuter with an ending - o, e
  • third declension- these are feminine words that finish with a soft sign at the end

In the plural, also, for better perception, a table is used, which differs, however, only in the ending.

Incorrect use of cases: what kind of error?

It seems that you look at the tables and examples, and everything becomes clear. And you think, what's so difficult about it? And in fact, it turns out that many make mistakes. Despite the fact that they know the material. And, as a rule, these are very common mistakes that require special attention.

Allocate 2 major mistakes which are connected:

  • with an incorrect definition of the declension of the noun
  • with inappropriate use of prepositions

Prepositions require special attention:

  • thanks to
  • according to
  • despite
  • like
  • contrary to
  • across

IMPORTANT: These prepositions are used in the dative case.

For example, to maneuver according to (what?) Law. Or, thanks to (what?) friendship with the Fedorov family.

There are also a number of other statements that should be noted. often used in the wrong case:

  • In view. The current preposition is practiced only in the genitive case. For example, due to an excess (what?) of money.
  • Such a statement as "together with" requires the instrumental case, since it has the weight of a joint action. For example, to play with (who?) nephew.
  • Also, suggestion "as well as" also asks for the instrumental case. For example, along with other (what?) things.
  • But after the expression "on" the adverb asks for a prepositional case. If there is a meaning "after something". For example, at the end of the contract.

How to distinguish the nominative from the accusative?

Every student faces these questions. And adults often face a similar choice. And it is not surprising that these aspects are often confused. After all, the questions are the same inanimate word endings the same, but animate noun endings totally different.

How the nominative case differs from the accusative case: instructions.

  • Certainly, the question is raised.
    Above in the table there was already a reminder that the nominative is guided by questions who? what?(as the main member of the sentence). And accusative - (I see) whom? what?(minor member of the sentence).
  • And there is a little trick. Because the word in the nominative case will always be main member in a sentence, then we determine the main members of the sentence - the subject and the predicate.
  • If our word is not the main member of the sentence, therefore, it is in the accusative case, and will be a secondary member of the sentence.
  • Another technique: put a question to the word being checked in an animated form. For example: who? parrot (subject in the nominative case) pecks what?(whom?) grain (secondary member of the sentence, accusative case).
  • Also, a significant role goes to the preposition, which is associated with an independent part of speech (or not). In the first variant (nominative case), the noun is always used without pretext. But in the second (accusative case), on the contrary, more often with him ( in, on, for, through and others).
  • Recognizing the case will also help ending. The table above has already mentioned what kind of completions each case has.

How to distinguish the accusative case from the genitive case?

  • The most important helper is the question you need to ask yourself in your mind. The genitive case is known to respond to questions whom or what No? And here is the accusative case on - see who? Hear what? Question whom? the same in both cases.

Read the instructions below.

  1. Mentally replace an animate object with an inanimate one.
  2. The question is suitable for the inanimate in the genitive case - what is not? But in the accusative, an inanimate object reacts to a question what do I see, what do I hear?
  3. Example: I caught ( whom?) a butterfly. We pose an inanimate question. I caught ( what?) a butterfly. Question what? does not fit. So it's an accusative case.
  • By the way, in genitive case would mean attachment someone or something. Bought a suitcase for what?) travel (genitive). Nightstand made ( Of what?) from wood (genitive). Also point to a particle of something. A flower is a part (of what?) of a plant (genitive). Or is it going comparison of objects. Smartphone is better what?) push-button telephone (parent).
  • It is also important that in the genitive case the verb will be with negative particle. In the shop not It was ( what?) sour cream (genitive).
  • But in accusative has the place is spacious or intermediate touch. Define ( what?) the weather for tomorrow (accusative). And also, the effect passes to the object entirely. For example, I closed ( what?) door (accusative). Drank (what?) milk (accusative). Or will express desire and intention. I want to eat ( what?) Apple.

Indeclinable nouns: list

It seems that all the nuances have been considered, and a little clarification has begun. But it was not there! The Russian language has come up with some more traps - these are nouns that do not decline. And this is where foreigners get a shock.

In short, these are foreign words (practically). But to make it a little clearer, below is a list.

  • Nouns of foreign origin (proper and common nouns) ending in -о, -е, -у, -ю, -и, -а:
    • highway
    • interview
    • flamingos
  • Again words of foreign origin. But! Feminine and with a consonant ending:
    • madam
    • Carmen
  • Surnames. Russian and Ukrainian, the ending of which ends in -o and -s, their:
    • Ivanchenko
    • Korolenko
    • Sedykh, etc.
  • And, of course, abbreviations and abbreviations:

Declension of nouns by cases: an example

Rules are rules, and the example is much easier to understand. To make it easier visually, we will also resort to the help of a table.

How to quickly learn cases and their questions?

In principle, there is nothing complicated. If soundly to understand and delve into. And it’s hard not only for visitors from other countries, but also for our children. Therefore, in order for information to be assimilated faster, now they just haven’t come up with anything. But we taught in school years, put a book under the pillow. And, most importantly, it worked! I read it before going to bed, slept all night on a book and already remembered everything.

  • Of course, many teachers resort to the help of rhymes or games. But parents should help their children in this matter.
  • First of all, you need to remember how many cases there are. There are only 6 of them.
  • And then, using the most common and everyday examples, explain to the child what questions the noun answers. This means that cases are easier to determine.
  • The most important thing is practice! They took the child from the educational institution and go on the bus. Forward! Practice on the words you observe. Even on the bus.
  • By the way, a small sample of a light rhyme. He and the kids like it, and will help to learn the educational information as soon as possible.

Poem about cases: Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag a diaper

All parents can repeat this rhyme in unison. After all, he was remembered as "twice two." And most importantly, it is easy for children to perceive.

  • Ivan (I - nominative)
    Gave birth (P - genitive)
    Girl, (D - dative)
    Velel (V - accusative)
    Drag (T - creative)
    Diaper (P - prepositional)

Video: How easy is it to learn cases? A simple memorization technique

Russian grammar is one of the most important parts of the language. Grammar allows us to speak confidently correct and without errors. Often the speech of people who do not know grammar sounds very funny, because all the words at the same time sound ridiculous and incoherent. For example, after all, everyone has heard how some foreigner is trying to communicate in Russian. Frankly, they don't work and they look ridiculous. In order not to look like they need to know grammar.

The noun is one of the most important independent parts of speech, which is practically the most common part of speech. It has such inconsistent features as number, case. The case paradigm is change noun depending on the meaning it has in the sentence. In this article, you will learn how to determine cases for nouns what are indirect cases, how to ask them questions correctly, as well as about the cases themselves and their questions.


The only rule for the correct change of nouns is the correct setting of the ending in connection with the question asked. For native speakers, this is an easy task, but foreigners need to memorize the endings and correctly determine them.


Also exists 3 types of declension at nouns.

  • First decline. The name of the creatures. masculine and feminine with the ending -a, -я. For example, a flask, a pig.
  • Second decline. The name of the creatures. masculine and neuter with the ending -o, -e. For example, a tree, a well.
  • Third declension. The name of a feminine being with a null ending, or in -ь. For example, horse, horse.

Noun change different declensions.

Question 1 declension (plural) 2 declension (plural) 3rd declension (plural)
Nominative pad. who what? tire (tires), moms (moms) spaceship (spaceships) horse (horses)
Parental fall. who?, what? tires (tires), moms (moms) spaceship(s) horses (horses)
Dative pad. to whom; to what? tire (tires), mom (moms) spaceship (spaceships) horses (horses)
Accusatory pad. who?, what? tire (tires), mom (moms) spaceship (spaceships) horse (horses)
Creative pad. who?, what? tire (tires), mother (mothers) by spaceship(s) horse(s)
Prepositional fall. About who about what? about a tire (about tires), about mom (about moms) about a spaceship (about spaceships) about a horse (about horses)

In Russian there is such a thing as indirect cases- these are all cases, except for the nominative.

All of them have their meaning:


There are many ways to determine the case of a noun. The fastest, easiest and most efficient way to date is to use qualifiers. Different cases can be determined using the following determiners.

The use of determiners makes it easier to change nouns by case. To do this, it is enough to put this word before the noun, and then ask a question and put the correct ending. For each case, it is enough to memorize one word.

In addition, the question is of great importance for determining the case. The table gives an idea of ​​what prepositions are used with case forms of nouns in Russian.

Cases are the foundation of the grammar of the Russian language and everyone is required to know each of them by heart. But remembering all of them is very easy, two days of cramming is enough to remember them for a lifetime. Good luck!


1. Indicate the error in the spelling of the unstressed noun ending.

A) on asphalt B) near the dog

B) to the cage D) without a shawl

2. Find the error in the definition of the case.

A) in the theater (R.p.) B) in the desert (D.p.)

B) behind the house (T.p.) D) from a notebook (R.p.)

3. What are words like COAT, METRO called?

A) interesting words

B) indeclinable nouns

D) parts of speech

4. In which variant was a mistake made in the formation of nouns from the verb?

A) dreaming - dreaming, dreaming, dreaming

B) works - work, worker, hard worker

C) laughing - laughing, laughing, laughing

D) shout - shout, shouter, shouted

5. Read the words of each row. What are such words called?

Fragrance, smell, fragrance.

Friend, comrade, friend.

Work, work, work, occupation.

A) comparisons B) synonyms

B) descriptions D) antonyms

6. Indicate the correct variant of determining the cases of the highlighted nouns in the sentence.

Tiny drops of dew sparkle in the rays of the morning sun.

A) I.p., V.p., D.p., T.p.

B) P.p., R.p., I.p., R.p.

C) V.p., P.p., R.p., I.p.

D) P.p., T.p., I.p., D.p.

7. How to distinguish the accusative case from the prepositional case if the noun is used with the preposition В (Во) or ON?

A) nouns in the accusative case with the prepositions В (Во), ВА answer the questions FOR WHAT? IN WHAT? (WHERE?)

B) nouns in the accusative case with the prepositions В (Во), ВА answer the questions IN WHAT? FOR WHAT?

D) nouns in the accusative case with the prepositions В(ВО), КА answer the questions IN WHAT? ON WHAT? (WHERE?)

8. In which line do all nouns belong to the same declension?

A) uncle, water, daughter

B) horse, steppe, area

C) window, table, stump

D) sun, cloud, square

9. Find a mistake in the spelling of words.

A) lie, arena, rye, husband

B) minced meat, goulash, silence, ink

C) tornado, key, hoop, bitterness

D) trifle, bream, power, brooch

10. Find the noun of the 3rd declension.

A) near the top B) about the track

B) without a fastener D) around the pier

hunting in the forest is the most difficult: a dried leaf (lies, rattles) under your feet, the game can hear you far away. He also sees through a (rare, dense) bush and, not allowing it, flies away. Find the highlighted nouns in the text, determine their declension and case. Write out from the text of task No. 1 one word in each column. VERB ADJECTIVE NOUN 4. Indicate what part of speech the highlighted word is. A leaf fell from (_____________) trees. Explain your answer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Choose for the word LIGHT four single-root words that are often used in speech.____________________________________________________________________________________6. Write out a word where all consonants are soft. Charcoal, eyelash, swan, loops. ______________________________7. Insert the missing letters, write the test words in brackets. During the day, the horses ... merged (________________) in the meadows, and after ... it (____________________) slept near the warm haystacks at night. Sometimes the horses woke up from the hoo ... kov (______) of the steamer on the river. From the shore (__________________) came the smell of wild rose.8. Write out words that are identical in composition. Thaw, depth, frost, smells, stream. ________________________________________nine. Put the missing punctuation marks at the end of the sentences (? ! .). 1) How good were the quiet sunsets over the forest lakes __ 2) The kid turned the stone and lightly touched the frightened beetle with his finger __ 3) How mollusks, crustaceans and fish could get into the rain puddle __ 10. In task number 9, circle the number of the sentence in which a comma is missing. Read the story and complete tasks 11-12. There was a cat in our house - Ivanych. He ate or slept all day. It happened that he would climb onto a warm couch, curl up in a ball and fall asleep. Once my mother kneaded the dough in a tub and put it on the stove. Time passed and mom went to see if the dough was rising well. He looks, and in the tub, curled up, as on a feather bed, Ivanovich is sleeping. All the dough was crushed and he was all smeared. So we were left without pies. Ivanych was a lazy cat, he didn't even catch mice. I go into the kitchen somehow, I look - Ivanych is stretched out on the floor and dozing in the sun, and next to him a whole brood of mice walks: very tiny, they run around the floor, collect bread crumbs, and the cat seems to be grazing them - occasionally glances and eyes from the sun squints. But sometimes Ivanych liked to hunt for fun. We were sitting somehow by the window, suddenly we saw - Ivanovich was running around the yard, and there was a rat in his mouth. He jumped out the window - straight to his mother's room. He lay down in the middle of the floor, let out a rat, he looks at his mother: “Here, they say, what a hunter I am!” Mom jumped on a chair, the rat sniffed under the closet, and Ivanych sat and sat and went to bed for himself .. 11. Fill in the missing points of the plan.1. Cat Ivanych2. _______________________________________________________________3. Mouse shepherd 4. ______________________________________________________________12. Underline the main members in the highlighted sentences from the story.13. Read the text. Cross out the “extra” sentence. After the chicks leave the nest, bird worries end. After all, the chicks still need to be taught to fly, look for food, and hide from enemies. In case of danger, some birds give the chicks a signal to hide, others try to ward off the enemy by cunning, and still others fearlessly chase a kite or a fox.14. Read the text. Explain the meaning of the words in this text. The sun rose, the fog began to disperse in waves, the boat was lowered into the water, and they swam ashore. There is fog ahead, but the waves are rolling in, and the silly ones are screaming - sea birds. A fool will emerge from the fog and disappear into the fog with a cry astern. Dinghy - ________________________________________________________________________ Foolish - _____________________________________________________________________15. Put the missing punctuation marks at the end of the sentences. - And what kind of __ is he? - Well, like a bird, - said the grandfather hesitantly. - Walk faster __- And he is black __- You'll see - you'll see. - If we meet, then we can scare with a double-barreled shotgun, - we suggested. - Look what they invented __16. Circle the number of the correct answer. There is a suffix in all the words of the group: 1) dictionary, secretary 3) flow, lump 2) nickel, good-natured 4) basket, cat