Bad reputation swept. Sergei Yesenin - I have one fun left: Verse

I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth - and a cheerful whistle.
Bad fame swept
That I am a brawler and a brawler.

Oh! what a ridiculous loss!
There are many funny losses in life.
I'm ashamed that I believed in God.
I'm sorry that I don't believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everything burns worldly dream.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scratch,
Fatal seal on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not get along, let them not come true
These thoughts of pink days.
But if the devils nested in the soul -
So the angels lived in it.

That's for this fun turbidity,
Going with her to another land,
I want last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

So that for everything for my grave sins,
For disbelief in grace
They put me in a Russian shirt
Under the icons to die.

Analysis of the poem "I have only one fun left" Yesenin

The last years of Yesenin's life were very difficult. The poet experienced difficulties in his personal life, his conflict with the Soviet authorities grew. Addiction to alcohol became an addiction, from which he was already forced to be treated. Periods of lumen were interspersed with severe depression. Paradoxically, at this time he creates beautiful poems. One of them is “I have one fun left ...” (1923).

Yesenin immediately declares his fame as a bawdy and brawler. His violent drunken behavior was known throughout Moscow. “Merry whistling” is a typical behavior for a poet who is already at a fairly mature age. But Yesenin already absolutely does not care. He crossed the line beyond which it is still possible to stop. Having experienced many sufferings and failures, the poet lost hope for a better future. Comparing his notoriety to a "ridiculous loss," he claims to have lost much more in his life.

The only thing that worries Yesenin is shame for the past faith in God. At the same time, he feels bitterness from the fact that he became an unbeliever. There is a deep philosophical meaning in this contradictory statement. The pure and bright soul of the poet, faced with all the dirt and abomination of the world, could not give a worthy rebuff. Yesenin acted according to the principle: “To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.” But, having sunk to the very bottom, the poet realized that he had lost something very important, helping in life.

Yesenin claims that his crazy antics were aimed at "burning brighter." A real poet should be visible to the whole world. His work is bound to ignite the hearts of people. This is the only way to break through human indifference. To subtly feel the world around, the poet's soul must be full of contradictions. Along with the devils, angels are certainly present there.

Yesenin uses very vivid images to describe his highest calling - the wedding of a "white rose with a black toad." He believes that he could not connect these absolutely opposite images together, but he strived for this.

The poet's statements about a complete reassessment of his convictions are known. He became the author of a number of works in which he denies patriarchy and religion and advocates atheism and technological progress. But in the last lines of the poem “I have only one fun left,” it becomes clear that Yesenin hid deep in his soul, carefully kept from other people's interference. The last wish of the "hooligan" is to die "in a Russian shirt under the icons." In this, the poet sees the atonement for all his sins.

I have one fun...

I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth and a cheerful whistle.
Bad fame swept
That I am a brawler and a brawler.

Oh! what a ridiculous loss!
There are many funny losses in life.
I am ashamed that I believed in God.
I'm sorry that I don't believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everything burns worldly dream.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scratch,
Fatal seal on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not get along, let them not come true
These thoughts of pink days.
But if the devils nested in the soul -
So the angels lived in it.

That's for this fun turbidity,
Going with her to another land,
I want last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

So that for everything for my grave sins,
For disbelief in grace
They put me in a Russian shirt
Under the icons to die.

R. Kleiner reads

Rafael Aleksandrovich Kleiner (born June 1, 1939, village of Rubezhnoye, Lugansk region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian theater director, People's Artist of Russia (1995).
From 1967 to 1970 he was an actor at the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater on Taganka.

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich (1895-1925)
Yesenin was born into a peasant family. From 1904 to 1912 he studied at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School and at the Spas-Klepikovskaya School. During this time, he wrote more than 30 poems, compiled a handwritten collection "Sick Thoughts" (1912), which he tried to publish in Ryazan. The Russian village, the nature of central Russia, oral folk art, and most importantly, Russian classical literature had a strong influence on the formation of the young poet, directed his natural talent. Yesenin himself at different times named different sources that fed his work: songs, ditties, fairy tales, spiritual poems, “The Tale of Igor's Campaign”, the poetry of Lermontov, Koltsov, Nikitin and Nadson. Later he was influenced by Blok, Klyuev, Bely, Gogol, Pushkin.
From Yesenin's letters of 1911-1913, the complicated life of the poet emerges. All this was reflected in the poetic world of his lyrics in 1910 - 1913, when he wrote more than 60 poems and poems. Yesenin's most significant works, which brought him fame as one of the best poets, were created in the 1920s.
Like any great poet, Yesenin is not a thoughtless singer of his feelings and experiences, but a poet - a philosopher. Like all poetry, his lyrics are philosophical. Philosophical lyrics are poems in which the poet speaks about the eternal problems of human existence, conducts a poetic dialogue with man, nature, earth, the universe. An example of the complete interpenetration of nature and man is the poem “Green Hairstyle” (1918). One develops in two plans: a birch is a girl. The reader will never know who this poem is about - about a birch tree or about a girl. Because a person here is likened to a tree - the beauty of the Russian forest, and she - to a person. Birch in Russian poetry is a symbol of beauty, harmony, youth; she is bright and chaste.
The poetry of nature, the mythology of the ancient Slavs are imbued with such poems of 1918 as “Silver Road ...”, “Songs, songs about what are you shouting about?”, “I left my dear home ...”, “Golden foliage spun ...” etc.
Yesenin's poetry of the last, most tragic years (1922 - 1925) is marked by a desire for a harmonious worldview. Most often, in the lyrics one feels a deep understanding of oneself and the Universe (“I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ...”, “The golden grove dissuaded ...”, “Now we are leaving a little ...”, etc.)
The poem of values ​​in Yesenin's poetry is one and indivisible; everything is interconnected in it, everything forms a single picture of the “beloved homeland” in all its diversity of shades. This is the highest ideal of the poet.
Having passed away at the age of 30, Yesenin left us a wonderful poetic legacy, and as long as the earth lives, Yesenin, the poet, is destined to live with us and “sing with his whole being in the poet the sixth part of the earth with the short name “Rus”.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is a very extraordinary person and well known throughout the world, not only in poetic circles, but also among readers of all ages and mindsets. It is interesting that the poet received his stunning popularity during his lifetime, which, of course, is very fair - the poet was inspired, knowing that he was recognized, and created things so great that they live in the hearts of millions to this day.

But, like any creative person, Sergei Alexandrovich went his own, difficult and sometimes thorny path, which, obviously, influenced all his work. What happened in Yesenin's life that until now his lines penetrate to the very heart? How did the poet begin his journey and how did he end? In order to answer all these questions, it is necessary to pay attention to the facts from the poet's biography.

I have one fun...

I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth - and a cheerful whistle.
Bad fame swept
That I am a brawler and a brawler.

Oh! what a ridiculous loss!
There are many funny losses in life.
I'm ashamed that I believed in God.
I'm sorry that I don't believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everything burns worldly dream.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scratch,
Fatal seal on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not get along, let them not come true
These thoughts of pink days.
But if the devils nested in the soul -
So the angels lived in it.

That's for this fun turbidity,
Going with her to another land,
I want last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

So that for everything for my grave sins,
For disbelief in grace
They put me in a Russian shirt
Under the icons to die.

One of the most popular poems by Sergei Yesenin, “I have only one fun left,” is completely permeated with the poet’s spiritual anguish. It is here that he talks about his failures in life, it is here that he is shown how he fell and rose. It is interesting that in this poem the poet justifies his constant drunkenness - he just wanted to "burn", stand out from the crowd and be remembered by everyone around him.

The work is also permeated with boundless love for his own country, for its culture and life, but at the same time the poet says that he no longer believes in anything - complete disappointment, longing and sadness. Nevertheless, despite everything that happened in his life, despite all the festivities and rebellions, the poet declares that after his death he wants to remain faithful to his country - to die in a Russian shirt, surrounded by loved ones.

It is difficult to say what exactly was going on in the soul of the poet at the time of writing the work. One thing is obvious - already at that time he had a premonition of his imminent death. Moreover, the year of writing the work coincided with the most difficult period of the poet's life, in which there were repressions, persecution, misunderstanding of the authorities, betrayal of influential patrons and rebellion against generally accepted morality.

Biography of Sergei Yesenin

Like most poets, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born into the simplest family, which was no different from the rest of the villagers. The family lived in the village of Konstantinovo, and on October 3, 1895, little Serezha was born. It so happened that the future poet was brought up not by his mother, but by the older generation - his beloved grandmother and grandfather. Sergei's mother was forced to leave the village to work, because there was no worthy and paid work in the village in those years. Even in early childhood, Sergei, under the guidance of his grandmother, became interested in poetry - the old woman knew a huge number of songs and poems, which entertained the younger generation on quiet dark evenings.

At some point, the poet, like his mother, realized that there were no prospects in the countryside, and already in 1912 he left his native village and, with a pain in his chest, went to conquer the capital. It is not surprising that the capital received the young and ambitious Sergey well - here he almost immediately got a paid job as a proofreader at a local printing house and got a unique opportunity for his time to read everything that comes to hand and even what is practically lacking. For a long time, Sergei strove to study and work, swallowing knowledge in batches. In parallel, he was an active member of the literary organization, which often held thematic events that were of interest to Sergei.

It is not surprising that the monotonous and routine life did not suit Yesenin at all - already in 1914 the poet abandoned everything that surrounded him and decided to devote himself entirely to writing poems. In the same year, the poet goes to Petrograd - it is here that all literary life is in full swing, all the elite gather and the most ambitious creative events take place. Yesenin immediately becomes his own among even the most famous personalities in the poetic world, easily finds a language with the movement of new peasant poets, who accept him into their circles.

He did not manage to roam in Petrograd, because Sergei was drafted into the army, where his service was surprisingly easy thanks to his special talents - here he read poetry to the Empress herself and her entire family. It is not surprising that the impudent poet, who created for himself a special image of a hooligan and revelers, even in the company of the great empress did not shun swear words and directly announced his point of view, which simply shocked all listeners.

Yesenin's special image

Some may think that the poet was a noble reveler and spent his whole life in drunkenness and debauchery. In fact, biographers say that the poet’s festivities at first were nothing more than a well-planned image - the poet’s first popular poem was just hooligan, and the public was happy to hook on this image. After leaving his native village, Yesenin practically did not drink alcohol and even scolded his neighbors, who spent all their time drinking.

It is difficult to say how a well-thought-out image turned into real life - but every year Yesenin drank more and more, which his friends could not help but notice.

Women of Sergei Yesenin

Sergei Alexandrovich from childhood was aware of his unusual natural beauty and enjoyed it all his life. The poet had no end to women and he used this - he played with them as he wanted and changed them like gloves. Nevertheless, the poet also had serious novels. Back in 1917, the poet met Zinaida Reich, with whom he married and had two children at once, but the poet’s move back to Moscow, to the very thick of literary life, divorced the couple and Yesenin easily found a replacement for the lady of the heart.

The pursuit of popularity and moving to Moscow coincided with the acquaintance with Nadezhda Volpin, who, like Reich, gave the poet a child. However, the fame that weighed more and more on the poet, the constant nightly festivities in taverns and the love of female attention divorced this couple.

The loudest and brightest romance of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was with the American popular dancer Isadora Duncan. This woman left a serious imprint in the life of the poet - she was the initiator of his world tour, in which, surprisingly, the poet drank a lot, walked and rowdy. Duncan did not receive due attention, which was very upsetting, and after returning from the tour, the couple broke up forever without unnecessary scandals and tantrums.

Poets death

The life of the great creator did not last long and ended very tragically - on December 28, 1925, Yesenin was preparing to release his collected works, but was found hanged on a pipe in the Angleterre Hotel. Biographers are still arguing whether Yesenin's death was a suicide, but many facts still speak of the murder:

The disorder in the room speaks either of the poet's madness in the last hours, or of the presence of strangers;

The poet was clearly afraid that they would come for him;

The short stature of the poet simply could not allow him to hang himself under the high ceiling of the hotel.

Be that as it may, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin left a noticeable mark on all Russian literature, therefore even today his popularity is growing - his poems are studied at school, films and series are made about him. The poet's work has become an inspiration for many, and his life is an example.

In 1923, Yesenin was at a difficult and, as it turned out later, fatal crossroads for him. The old shirt guy is almost gone, yesterday's ideals are destroyed, and looking ahead catches emptiness. Many friends have been lost, the conflict with the Soviet authorities is growing, and therefore Sergei is increasingly writing confessional verses, trying to draw a line over the stage of life he has passed.

Yesenin's confession

At this time, "I have only one fun left" is written, which will replenish the golden fund of the poet's work. A confessional poem should open the eyes of others to Yesenin's life and explain to them what caused the not always understandable actions of the poet and man.

And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

Burned for you, says Sergei, so why don't you understand me?

Tired of addressing others who do not understand him (this is not the first Yesenin poem-confession), Sergei recalls God, which is rare for his work.

A Matter of Faith

The first line is easily explained - the poet is ashamed that he did not believe in God before, that he exchanged faith for his own burning. The second line shows that there is no faith even today, but this only makes us bitter. Maybe Yesenin wants to get closer to God, but "sins are not allowed into heaven," maybe it's just a shame to go to him because of past sins.

So the angels lived in it.

Can be classified as autobiographical. It is rare for any of the poets to meet such an interweaving of angels and devils - gentle lyrics and dashing sprees in taverns, passionate love and violent hooliganism. So much black and white, light and dark are mixed in Yesenin that an earthly person cannot realize where his truth is.


At the end of the poem, Sergei Yesenin does not beg to forgive him, but asks:

They put me in a Russian shirt
Under the icons to die.

We do not know what God said to the poet after his death, but the church allowed him to be buried in the cemetery, which cannot be done with suicides (this is the official version of death). Perhaps this is a gesture by which the church accepted his repentance, but the admirers of the poet do not need to forgive him - he opened their eyes to the Russian soul and deserves only applause.

I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth - and a cheerful whistle.
Bad fame swept
That I am a brawler and a brawler.

Oh! what a ridiculous loss!

There are many funny losses in life.
I'm ashamed that I believed in God.
I'm sorry that I don't believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everything burns worldly dream.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scratch,
Fatal seal on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not get along, let them not come true
These thoughts of pink days.
But if the devils nested in the soul -
So the angels lived in it.

That's for this fun turbidity,
Going with her to another land,
I want last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

“I have only one fun left ...” Sergey Yesenin

I have only one fun:
Fingers in the mouth - and a cheerful whistle.
Bad fame swept
That I am a brawler and a brawler.

Oh! what a ridiculous loss!
There are many funny losses in life.
I'm ashamed that I believed in God.
I'm sorry that I don't believe it now.

Golden, distant distances!
Everything burns worldly dream.
And I was rude and scandalous
To burn brighter.

The poet's gift is to caress and scratch,
Fatal seal on it.
White rose with black toad
I wanted to get married on earth.

Let them not get along, let them not come true
These thoughts of pink days.
But if the devils nested in the soul -
So the angels lived in it.

That's for this fun turbidity,
Going with her to another land,
I want last minute
Ask those who will be with me -

So that for everything for my grave sins,
For disbelief in grace
They put me in a Russian shirt
Under the icons to die.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "I have only one fun left ..."

Life in Moscow radically changed Sergei Yesenin, who came to the capital as a simple village boy. However, after a few years, he felt the taste of freedom and the first literary successes, acquired fashionable clothes and turned into a dandy. However, there was also the other side of the coin - a strong longing for his native village of Konstantinovo, which the young poet tried to drown out with alcohol. Drunken fights, breaking dishes in restaurants, public insults of friends and complete strangers - all this became Yesenin's second nature. Having sobered up, he realized that he was behaving disgustingly, but he could not and did not want to change anything in his own life. In one of these moments of enlightenment, when the poet was undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, his famous poem “I have only one fun left ...” was born, which today is known to many as a song included in the repertoire of various performers.

This work was written in 1923, several years before the tragic death of the poet. And between the lines one can read not only words of despair mixed with remorse, but also see that Yesenin considered his mission on this earth already completed by that time. He really said goodbye to everything that was dear to him, and prepared for death, realizing that a life consisting of continuous drunken brawls was not justified by anything. The poet is not embarrassed by the fact that he is “a bawdy and a brawler”, moreover, he is indifferent to the opinions of others on this matter. Yesenin is much more concerned about the salvation of his own soul. although he admits that he does not believe in God. Nevertheless, for a person who is ready to cross the last line, it is important to cleanse the soul of everything that has accumulated in it. Therefore, this poem by Yesenin is considered by many to be his dying confession, which is replete with revelations. Only now the poet repents not before the Almighty, but before ordinary people, giving himself up to the judgment of readers and not at all counting on indulgence. Explaining his behavior, the author notes: "And I was obscene and scandalous in order to burn brighter." At the same time, the poet regrets that he never managed to "marry a white rose with a black toad ... on earth." The realization that it is impossible to change this world for the better with the help of poetry drove Yesenin to despair. Tired of fighting for his ideals, he simply decides to leave everything as it is, asking his relatives for only one thing - to put him "in a Russian shirt under the icons to die."