Verification work in Russian 2 cells kanakina. Examinations in the Russian language B

Russian language. Grade 2 Verification work. Kanakina V.P., Shchegoleva G.S.

M.: 2017 - 80 p.

The manual is intended for students of educational institutions and is a systematic collection of test papers on the main sections of the course. The teacher can use the material of the manual when conducting current and final control, as well as to assess the achievement of planned results. The structure of the manual corresponds to the main sections of the textbook "Russian Language" by the authors V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky. Parents can also use the allowance for independent work at home.

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Dear second grader! 3
Our speech 4
Types of speech s 4
Dialogue and monologue b
Text 8
Theme and main idea of ​​the text 8
Parts of text 10
Suggestion 12
Suggestion 12
How to make a sentence out of words? fourteen
Proposal members 15
Subject and predicate - the main members of the sentence 16
Common and non-common offers 17
Words, words, words 18
The word and its meaning 18
single and multiple words.
Direct and figurative meaning of polysemantic words 20
Synonyms and antonyms 22
Root words 24
Syllable. stress. Word wrap 26
Sounds and Letters 28
Sounds and Letters 28
Russian alphabet, or ABC 30
Vowel sounds and letters for their designation 32
Spelling of words with an unstressed vowel at the root 34
Words with checked and unchecked spellings 36
Consonant sounds and letters for their designation 38
Hard and soft consonants and letters for their designation 40
Soft sign (b) 42
VERIFICATION WORK (for the 1st half of the year) 44
Spelling letter combinations with hissing sounds 46
Letter combinations CHK, CHN, CHT, SHCHN, LF 46
Letter combinations ZhI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU 48
Voiced and voiceless consonants 50
Spelling of words with paired deafness-voiced consonants at the end of a word or before a consonant 52
Separating soft sign (b) 56
Parts of speech 58
Parts of speech 58
noun 60
Verb 64
adjective 68
Pronoun 72
Prepositions 73
VERIFICATION WORK (for the 2nd half of the year) 74
Rate yourself 76

This guide is for you. It contains test papers on all topics of the course "Russian language" in the 2nd grade.
The tasks in the manual are different by types of language activity and by the degree of complexity. The most difficult tasks are marked with an asterisk (*).
Assignments contain a learning problem that you need to solve on your own or choose the correct answer (or answers) from the options provided.

Entrance test in the Russian language Grade 2


Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities at the beginning of the new academic year; the ability to work independently, draw up a sentence, write words with combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.

Planned results:Students will learn to independently analyze the word and choose the right variant of its spelling.

In the country

It's summer. Children go to the country. Near the cottage there is a grove and a pond. Pikes, ruffs and crucians are found in the pond. Children go fishing there. The ear will be good.

(The words from the dictation are written on the board: are, are found.)

Grammar tasks:

  1. In the third sentence, underline the vowels.
  2. Write out three words with combinations of cha-scha, chu-shu.

Target: check the ability to write words with spelling, draw up work.

Planned results:students will learn to see and correctly write words with spelling; analyze, draw conclusions, compare.


Vera had a cat Fluffy. The cat was white and fluffy. Paws and tail are gray. Fluff loved fish and meat. The girl often played with the cat.

Grammar tasks:

  1. In sentences 4 and 5, underline the stem.
  2. Add one or two sentences at the end of the text.

Control dictation on the topic "Single-valued and polysemantic words"

Target: to test the skills of competent writing, the ability to correctly draw up the work.

Planned results:students will learn to find words with orthograms in the text and write words with them correctly; reasoned answer, prove your opinion; analyze, draw conclusions, compare.

Forest in autumn

What a beautiful forest in autumn! Around the trees in a golden dress. Tall birches and aspens are good.

A bunny is hiding under a bush. A squirrel sits by the hollow. A bird sat on the top of the tree.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Underline the stem and write down pairs of words: option I - the fourth sentence; option II – fifth sentence.
  2. In the last sentence, stress each word, underline the unstressed vowels.

Control dictation on the topic "Words, words, words ..."

Target: test the ability to write words with studied spelling.

Planned results:students will learn to find words with orthograms in the text and write words with them correctly; analyze, draw conclusions, compare.

Winter in the forest

In winter, friends went to the forest. Snow flakes fell from the pine tree. It was a squirrel jumping. In the branches of the tree there was a hollow of an animal. There are cones and mushrooms in the hollow. Warm and satisfying squirrel in the hollow.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write down the first sentence, separating the words for hyphenation.
  2. Write root words for the word squirrel .
  3. Write antonyms.

Warm - …

Satisfying -…

Control dictation on the topic "Sounds and letters"

Target: to test students' ability to write and formulate sentences, write words correctly with familiar spellings.

Planned results:students will learn to independently choose the right letters to write words; analyze, draw conclusions, compare.


Alyosha brought home a puppy. The puppy was named Beam. Bim ate milk and soup from a cup. Soon he became a big dog. Friends played in the park. Here Alyosha threw a stick on a bush. Beam brought the boy a stick.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Underline the stem in the first sentence.
  2. Divide to hyphenate the word of the second sentence.

Dictation on the topic "Unstressed vowel sounds at the root"

Target: to teach children to formulate their thoughts in writing, to see spelling and write words correctly.

Planned results:students will learn to independently choose the right letters to write words; analyze, draw conclusions, compare; communicate verbally and in writing.

in the grove

The children came to the grove. It's fun and noisy. The bee took honey from the flower. An ant was dragging a blade of grass. The pigeon was building a nest for pigeons. The hare ran to the stream. The stream provided clean water to both people and animals.

Grammar tasks:

(“Test yourself” (p. 111). Children write down only answers to questions in control notebooks.)

Control dictation on the topic "Consonant sounds and letters"

Target: repeat learning topics.

Planned results:students will learn to independently choose the right letters to write words; learn to determine the spelling and correct spelling of words; analyze, draw conclusions, compare; communicate verbally and in writing.


Wet snow fell from the sky. The children ran into the yard and began to sculpt figurines out of the snow.

Kolya made a snowman with a broom in his hand. Zhenya built a house with windows made of ice. Tolya turned out to be a good Santa Claus. Everyone had fun.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out the first sentence. Separate words with a vertical bar for hyphenation. Underline the basis of the sentence.
  2. Write down the second sentence. Put stress on words. Emphasize unstressed vowels.

Control dictation on the topic "Hard and soft consonants"

Target: check the spelling skills of letters denoting the softness of consonants, the spelling skills of words with the letter combinations CHN, LF, CHK, the separate spelling of words and prepositions with words, the ability to put punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Planned results:students will learn to find the studied spellings in words by ear; apply spelling rules; check yourself, find spelling errors in your own work; separate words for hyphenation; characterize hard and soft consonants.

In the woods

Katya and Yura go to the forest. The dog Tuzik runs nearby. The birds sing merrily. Squirrels jump on the branches. Gray hedgehogs hid under the tree.

Grammar tasks:

  1. In the words of branches and squirrels emphasize soft consonant sounds.
  2. Write down how many letters and sounds are in the word Yura .
  3. Specify the number of syllables in wordshedgehogs, gray, nearby.

Dictation on the topic "Spelling letter combinations

with hissing sounds"

Target: check the ability to write words on the studied spellings, words with paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the end and in the middle of a word, do a sound-letter analysis of words; to develop the spelling vigilance of students.

Planned results:students will learn to apply spelling rules; write from dictation; conduct sound-letter analysis of the word; select examples for the studied spelling.


Cold at night. There is still snow in the forest. A lot of snow - a whole snowdrift. And there is ice on the river. And a finch sits on a spruce branch. He sings. Its trill flies throughout the forest. The forest thicket responded with a trill. What's this? This is an echo. Is that a miracle? There was a bird song. This is hello spring.

Reference words: many, whole.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out three words from the text with paired consonants, underline the spelling.
  2. Do a sound-letter analysis of words (option I - snow ; option II - ice).

Dictation on the topic "Proper name"

Target: generalize students' knowledge about the use of capital letters in proper names; to test the skills of using capital letters in proper names and the assimilation of initial spelling skills based on the studied spelling rules.

Planned results:

Main city

Moscow is the main city of our Russia. There are many streets, lanes, avenues in Moscow. Everyone knows Red Square, Pushkin Square, Suvorovsky Boulevard, Garden Ring.

Two friends Slava Voronin and Kolya Shishkin live on Plyushchikha. The boys are walking in the park with the dog Bim and the cat Murka.

Reference words:street, avenue, on Plyushchikha.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Underline the capital letter in the names of people, animal names, place names.
  2. In the last sentence, put an accent mark over all the words.
  3. Write down the name of the locality where you live.

Dictation on the topic "Noun"

Target: generalize students' knowledge about the noun; check the assimilation of spelling skills based on the topics studied.

Planned results:students will learn to apply spelling rules; write from dictation; conduct sound-letter analysis of words; select examples for the studied spelling.


The children of the city of Moscow love to go to Sokolniki Park. Andryushka Solovyov has a red-haired friend Yashka there. This is a fluffy squirrel with a long tail. The boy brought food. Knocked on the pine. Yashka went down, took food and disappeared behind the trees.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Underline your own names.
  2. In the fourth sentence, underline the main terms.
  3. Write the nouns in the first sentence.
  4. Write down the nouns:reeds, bricks, things- in the singular.

Dictation on the topic "Prepositions with words"

Target: to check the ability to write the most used prepositions separately from words, the spelling skills of words for the studied spellings.

Planned results:

Children in the forest

The guys took the basket and run into the nearby woods. Good in the shade of birches! Dew drops on the grass. Birds sing in the dense branches. The kids sat on a stump, listening to the wonderful singing of a nightingale. It's time for raspberries. Large ripe berries beckon. Who puts in the mouth, who in the box.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out suggestions.

Option I: from the first three sentences.

Option II: from the last three sentences.

  1. To the words: stump, kids - select and write down test words.
  2. In the first sentence, write the parts of speech above the words.


Planned results:students will learn to write under the dictation of the teacher; check the written text; write prepositions separately from other words; apply spelling rules.


There was a big drought. Dust hung over the fields. Streams and rivers dried up. There is no dew on the grass. The long, dry branches of the trees crackle in the heat. Young birches and oaks lowered their leaves. Suddenly a cloud appeared. The birds were silent. There was a strong thunder. It poured rain. Grass, trees lit up. How happy everyone was!

Grammar tasks:

  1. In the first sentence, underline the main members of the sentence, mark the parts of speech.
  2. Write down two words with a checked unstressed vowel, select test words.
  3. Separate words for hyphenation:strong, long, dust.


Entrance test in the Russian language Grade 3


Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities at the beginning of the new academic year; ability to work independently, to draw up an offer.


Yura Schukin and Alyosha Morozov are great friends. They live in the village of Ilyinka. There are wide fields all around. Bright colors are pleasing to the eye. The river Bystryanka flows under the mountain. In the summer, the guys worked on the collective farm. They went to weed beets and carrots. Then they ran into the nearby woods. There are many mushrooms and berries. The boys know mushroom places.

Reference words:spread out, near.

grammar task

  1. Make up a sentence from words and sort it into parts of the sentence and parts of speech. Write out the phrases: option 1 - leaves, fall, birch, golden, with; option 2 - with feet, rustling, grass, under, dry.
  2. Read the words.

Lighthouse, ring, long, Igor, cabin boy, friends, Yuri.

1 option. Write down words that have more letters than sounds. Indicate the number of syllables, sounds, letters in them.

Option 2. Write down words that have more sounds than letters. Indicate the number of syllables, sounds, letters in them.

  1. Remember what spellings are. Choose 2 examples for each rule.

Live, tire -

Clock, sorrel -

Miracle, tentacles -

Night, manual -

Control dictation on the topic "Offer"

Target: to test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Sentence", to identify the level of formation of spelling skills acquired over two years of study, the ability to draw up a sentence, write words without omissions, designate hard and soft consonants, a dividing soft sign.


We often go to the nearby forest. Beautiful Russian forest in autumn. Bright colors are pleasing to the eye. Autumn leaves are falling. The earth was covered with a motley carpet. Withered grass crunches underfoot. In the forest the songs of the birds have ceased. The water in the forest streams is clean. Good to breathe fresh air.

Reference words:we go by air.

grammar task

  1. Write down the number of words in the first sentence.
  2. Russian words, leaves split to transfer.
  3. In the third sentence, underline the grammatical basis, write out the word combinations.

Control dictation on the topic "Word in language and speech"

Target: to test the skills of literate writing, the ability to find the main members in sentences, determine parts of speech, find words with the same root, highlight the root in words.

Farewell to autumn

October is wet weather. It rains all month long. The autumn wind is blowing. Trees rustle in the garden.

It stopped raining at night. The first snow fell. It's light all around. Everything around became beautiful. Two crows sat on a birch. Fluffy snow fell. The road is frozen. Leaves and grass crunch on the path near the house.

Reference words:became, froze.

grammar task

  1. In the first sentence, underline the subject and predicate, identify the parts of speech.
  2. Write out two single-root words from the text, highlight the root in them.
  3. Write out a word from the text that has more letters than sounds.

Control dictation on the topic "The composition of the word"

Target: check the spelling skills of words with the studied spelling, the ability to parse words by composition.

winter cold

In the bitter winter cold, every bird hurries to human dwellings. It's easier to get food there. Hunger kills ordinary fear. People cease to frighten cautious forest animals. Black grouse and partridge fly into storage with grain. Rusaks constantly jump into the garden at night. Weasels hunt mice in basements. The whites come running to pluck the fragrant hay from the haystacks.

One day, a titmouse flew into the lodge through the open door. She began to peck at the crumbs on the table.

Reference word: constantly.

grammar task

  1. Break down the words:gatehouse, winter, fragrant.
  2. Match the words with the same root forest.
  3. Write out two verbs with prefixes from the text. Select attachments.

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of the roots of words"

Target: check the spelling skills of words with the studied spellings.


It's a wonderful winter day. Light snow is falling. The trees are dressed in white coats. The pond sleeps under the ice crust. Bright sun in the sky.

A group of guys ran out. They began to build a snowman. His eyes were made of light ice floes, his mouth and nose were made of carrots, and his eyebrows were made of coals. Joyful and fun for everyone!

grammar task

  1. In the first sentence, underline the main members and indicate the parts of speech.
  2. Sort out the composition of the words: option 1 - winter, fur coats; option 2 - white, carrots.
  3. Find in the text and write down one word each with a checked unstressed vowel in the root, paired consonants in deafness-voicedness, unpronounceable consonants. Write down the test words next to it.

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling parts of the word"

Target: check the spelling skills of words with the studied spellings.


December. Freezing. There is snow all around. Fluffy snowflakes on the trees. The birch and aspen leaves have long since fallen. Leaves turn yellow only on oak trees. Silence.

Suddenly, a cheerful song was heard. I looked back. There was a bird on the river bank. I stepped towards her. The bird jumped into the water and disappeared. I thought she drowned. But who is this running along the bottom of the river? This is a dipper or a water sparrow.

Reference words:dipper, water.

(It is also necessary to clearly pronounce the endings in the words:funny, fluffy.)

grammar task

  1. option 1 is the third, option 2 is the tenth.
  2. Break down the words: aspen, transition.
  3. Find in the text and underline two words with unstressed vowels in the root that can be checked.

Control dictation on the topic "Noun"

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Noun".

Yuryevo village

My friend Vitya visited his brother in the summer. The village of Yuryevo stands on the banks of the river. A ray of sun will play in the morning, and friends are already at the river. And here is the first fish - ruff. The boys also caught big fish. Perch, bream, catfish came across.

The guys often went to the forest for mushrooms. One day they went into the wilderness. Silence. Only in the ravine murmured the key. A lot of mushrooms were collected by the boys in the forest thicket.

grammar task

  1. Write down two names of feminine, masculine and neuter nouns.
  2. Write down five nouns with a hissing sound at the end.
  3. Break down the words:fish, silence, forest.

Control dictation on the topic “Parts of speech.


Target: identify the level of spelling skills and abilities of students; test knowledge on the topic "Noun".


We opened the garage and saw a bat. This is an interesting animal. During the day, the bat sleeps. Wide wings cover the animal like a cloak. The last ray of sunshine is extinguished. The night is coming. Bats are looking for prey.

Scientists tried to explain the remarkable ability of the animal to find its way in the dark. They closed their eyes, nose. The mouse flew around dangerous places. When the mouse squeaks, the thinnest sound reaches the barrier and goes back. Sensitive ears of the animal catch the signal.

By V. Bianchi

grammar task

  1. Determine the case of the nouns in the last sentence.
  2. In the first sentence, the word garage parse as a part of speech.
  3. Break down the words:interesting, eyes, finds.


The bright sun shines over the fields and forests. Darkened in the fields of the road. Ice turned blue on the river. The brooks murmured in the valleys. Resinous buds puffed out on the trees. Soft puffs appeared on the willows.

A timid hare ran out to the edge. An old elk came out into the clearing with a calf. The mother bear took her cubs for the first walk.

grammar task

  1. Underline the main terms in the sentence, write out the phrases: option 1 - the fourth proposal; option 2 is the fifth.
  2. Replace adjectives with antonyms and write down the resulting phrases: option 1 -cowardly boy, narrow stream; option 2 - diligent student, tall bush.
  3. Determine the gender, number and case of adjectives in phrases:pine cone, strong beak.


spring morning

It happened in April. The sun woke up early in the morning and looked at the earth. And there, overnight, winter and frost brought their own rules. The fields and hills were covered with snow. Icicles were hung on the trees.

The sun shone and ate the morning ice. A cheerful, talkative brook ran through the valley. Suddenly, under the roots of a birch, he noticed a deep mink. A hedgehog slept sweetly in a mink. Hedgehog found this secluded place in autumn. He didn't want to get up yet. But the cold stream crept into the dry bed and woke the hedgehog.

According to G. Skrebitsky

grammar task

  1. Break down the proposal by member: option 1 - the seventh; option 2 is the ninth.
  2. Sort the words by composition: option 1 -lit up, morning, birches; option 2 - hung out, cheerful, place.
  3. Determine tense, number, person of verbs:ran, take a look, I'll bring.

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities in the 3rd grade program.


Early spring morning. The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers. Gorse turns bright yellow. Bluebells chime softly. White fragrant chamomile. Wild carnation burns with crimson spots. In the morning coolness, the bitter healthy smell of wormwood is spilled.

Everything happily reached for the sun. The steppe woke up and came to life. Larks fluttered high in the air. The grasshoppers raised their hasty chatter.

According to A. Kuprin

grammar task

  1. Write out two words from the text with unstressed vowels in the root. Write down the test words next to it.
  2. Write out two words with prefixes from the text. Select attachments.
  3. Sort the proposals by members: option 1 is the second, option 2 is the third.


Entrance test in the Russian language Grade 4


Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities at the beginning of the school year.

Planned results: p.k.r. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; l.


Sour and very healthy, cranberries grow in summer and are harvested in late autumn. The sweetest cranberries are found in spring, when they lie in the snow all winter.

In early April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then it turned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through the swamp for a long time and not understand that cranberries are under your feet. Berries hide in swampy hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry, and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out one word with orthograms in the root: paired consonants, unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants. Pick up test words, designate spellings.
  2. berry, option II - late.
  3. Mark the grammatical basis: option I - in the third sentence; option II - in the sixth sentence.

4*. Write out words with opposite meanings from the text.

Control dictation on the topic "Offer"

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Offer".

Planned results: P. - selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; to. - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; R. l. - establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.


The boys were playing war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not accepted into the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha could only crawl.

Suddenly they heard screams. Lokhmach the dog broke off the chain. The children scattered in all directions, only Andryusha remained on the street.

Valya rushed to her brother. A huge dog rushed straight at the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly.

A watchman ran across Lokhmach. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away.

The boys came out of their hiding places. Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying uncontrollably. She was very scared.

According to N. Artyukhova

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out sentences from the text that correspond to the schemes:

Option I Option II

○, ○ and ○. ○ and ○.

[ _ a ]. [ _ ͇ ], [ _ ͇ ].

  1. Write out phrases from the sentence, graphically designate the main and dependent words: option I - A huge dog rushed straight at the girl; option II The boys were coming out of their hiding places.
  2. suddenly ; option II - very.

Control dictation on the topic "Parts of speech"

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Parts of Speech".

Planned results: P. - selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; to. - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; R. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; l. - establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.


Early autumn. The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in these wonderful days. Maple trees engulfed in fire cut through the thick golden foliage. Slowly fly from the birches light patches of leaves. Thin strands of cobwebs glisten between the trees. The late mushroom turns red. There are boletus, boletus, mushrooms.

Silence in the forest. The soft carpet of foliage rustles sadly underfoot. The air is fresh and transparent. The water in the forest streams is clean and cold. The oak is still green, but the tops of the birches are already bare.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write an offer: option I - with homogeneous members; option II is difficult.
  2. Parse words by composition: option I -early, boletus, sad; option II - cold, boletus, slowly.
  3. Make a sound-letter analysis of the word: option I - late ; option II - mushroom.

4*. Find a polysemantic word in the third sentence, make phrases with it in different meanings.

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular"

Target: to test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular."

Planned results: P. - selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; to. - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; R. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; l. - establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

How the man removed the stone

On the square in one city lay a huge stone. He took up a lot of space and interfered with the passage of the horse. They called in engineers and asked for help in cleaning the stone.

The first engineer proposed to break the stone into pieces with gunpowder and take them out. He requested payment of eight thousand rubles. Another engineer came up with the idea to bring a large skating rink under a stone and dump it on the wasteland. At a cost it will be six thousand rubles.

And one man undertook to remove a stone for a hundred rubles. He thought of digging a hole near the stone, dumping it there and leveling it with earth.

The man did just that. He was given a hundred rubles for his work and a hundred rubles for a clever invention.

According to L. Tolstoy

Reference words:him, thousands, offered.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out one phrase with nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension. Highlight the endings of nouns, determine the case.
  2. Perform sound-letter parsing of the word: option I - his ; option II - six.
  3. (for) fiction; option II - engineers.

4*. Make up proverbs from words. Highlight the endings of nouns.

Control dictation for the first half of the year

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities on topics studied in the first half of the year.

Planned results: P. - selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; to. - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; R. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; l. - establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.


The forest is a big city with thousands of inhabitants. This giant is built up with different dwellings. Forest dwellers settled in deep minks, warm nests, spacious dens, tiny huts. The inhabitants of the forests are animals, birds, insects. They do housework all day long.

Birds scurry between the trunks of trees, bushes and branches from morning to evening. They catch beetles, caterpillars - they carry them to their chicks. Hardworking ants do not sit idle. They eat forest pests. Predators protect the forest from diseases - forest orderlies.

Our forests are a storehouse of wealth. Take care of trees, bushes, grasses. Don't destroy bird nests. Don't destroy anthills. Be nature's friends and zealous hosts.

Reference words:shacks, a storehouse, zealous.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write down three phrases with plural nouns. Determine the case and declension of nouns.
  2. Write down offers. The nouns given in brackets should be written in the genitive plural form.

Juice (oranges) and (tangerines) contain a lot of (vitamins). Grandmother cooked jam from (cherries) and (apricots).

  1. Parse the noun as a part of speech: option I - pests; option II - caterpillars.

Control dictation on the topic "Adjective name"

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Adjective name".

Planned results: P. - selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; to. - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; R. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; l. - establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

Winter day

It's a wonderful winter day. Above us is a clear blue sky. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow cover. Bright light blinds the eyes. We entered the forest. The trees are like in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a tall pine tree. He deftly hammers a bump. Titmouse and sparrows pick up pine seeds together. The red squirrel quickly flashed among the trees.

Footprints are visible under the pine tree. This hare ran through the untouched snow.

Good in the forest! It is easy to breathe fresh frosty air.

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out three phrases "adj. + n. Highlight the endings and indicate the case of nouns.
  2. Make up three phrases: adj. + n. m. in T. p., adj. + n. cf. R. in D. p., adj. + n. and. R. in P. p.
  3. Write off, insert appropriate adjectives in meaning:
  1. In …, …, … there is an autumn forest.
  2. In ... the sky lit up ... stars.

Control dictation on the topic "Pronoun"

Target: test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Pronouns".

Planned results: P. - selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities; to. - possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language; R. - comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; l. - establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

On a sunny day, I wandered in a birch copse. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo chirping. I have heard it many times. But I never saw what she was like.

It wasn't easy to see her. I go to her voice, and she - from me. He plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play the other way around: I'll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo was silent. Suddenly, she heard her scream. I am silent: look better. And she's getting really close.

I look - a bird flies through the clearing. Her tail is long, she herself is gray, her breast is in dark mottled. Maybe it's a hawk? And the bird flew up to a neighboring tree, sat on a twig and chirped. Here she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out pronouns from the text, indicate their person, number and case.
  2. Divide the words into groups and write them down in two columns: for, he, by, her, from, for, you, us, y, you.
  3. Write off, insert appropriate pronouns.

On Saturday… we went to the park. The trees stood in colorful attire. On ... there were red, yellow, orange leaves. ... stood under a tree. On ... autumn leaves rained down.

Control dictation on the topic "Verb"

Target:test knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "Verb".

Planned results:P.- selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;to.- possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;R.- comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort;l.- establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.


Nina did not prepare her lessons, decided not to go to school, but sneaked into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she herself ran after a beautiful butterfly.

On the path, Nina met a baby. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to play a trick on him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. I didn’t touch the books, but I ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not spare breakfast, her merciless conscience gnawed at her.

According to A. Gaidar

Grammar tasks:

  1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, number and gender
  2. Put the verbs in the indefinite form:come, go, look.

Final test in the Russian language


Target:test knowledge, skills and abilities on topics studied in grade 4.

Planned results:P.- selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; reflection of the methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activities;to.- possession of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;R.- comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan, and the method of action; the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort;l.- establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

Last days

The sun rose early on a March morning. It pulled back the light muslin of clouds and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost brought their own rules. Fresh snow was thrown near the birch, the hills were covered with a milky mist. And in the forest, ice icicles were hung on pine trees. Joyfully, the children run on the last snowball.

The luminary looked at these pranks and began to warm the earth. Ice and snow immediately faded. A cheerful, talkative brook ran through the forest hollow. He ran and sang his song about spring.

Grammar tasks:

  1. In the last sentence, highlight the stem, write out the phrases. Write the part of speech above each word.
  2. Parse words as parts of speech:option I- hid;option II- dairy.
  3. Perform sound-letter parsing of the wordice.

Entrance control work

1. Indicate the words in which all consonants are hissing

O snowflake

2. Indicate the words in which all consonants are solid

O sheepdog

O glove

O playground

3. Indicate the words in which the highlighted letter combinations are pronounced like [sn]

ch about

O sku ch about

O sro ch about

About the horse ch about

4. Indicate a number of words in which the same letter is missing

O machine, mill, walrus, bush.

O friend, laugh, hurry, circle.

5. Indicate a number of words in which a soft sign is not written

O night, milky, river, juicy

O granddaughter, candle, ring, cloud

6. Indicate a series of words in which a letter denoting a stressed vowel is missing in all words

O feeling, in_sleep, with_sleep, spring,

O sh_shka, ch__shka, sch__ka, life, goodbye

7. Indicate a word that has three syllables

O blossomed

About daisies

8. Indicate a series of words that matches all the indicated features

    stress falls on the first syllable

    missing the same letter

    begins with a soft hissing consonant

Oh well, sh_lo, h_zhik, sh_shka

O black to, cheek, black forehead, thumb

O tea, gloves, tea, teapot

9. Indicate words in which there are fewer sounds than letters

O tulip

10. Indicate the words that are correctly transferred from one line to another

O Russian

O fire-ki

O school-nick

for the first quarter №1

In the woods

Good in the forest! A warm breeze is blowing. Thrushes sing. Flowers in the meadow. Berries in the grass. A mushroom grew under a birch. The pine tree has a mole hole. A yellow leaf has fallen from an aspen tree. Autumn will come soon.


    underline the main members of the sentence in the second (eighth) sentence;

    write out any three-syllable word and separate it with a hyphen.

Control dictation (with a grammar task) for the second quarter №2

winter day

Severe frosts fettered lakes and rivers. Snow covered the ground. Quiet in the woods and fields. Nature fell asleep until spring. A cold wind is blowing around. In winter, it is difficult for birds to get food. They fly towards people. Feed the birds!


    write out three words in which there is an unstressed vowel sound in the root, write down a test next to it;

    underline the main members of the sentence in the fifth sentence, indicate the connection of words in the sentence.

Control dictation (with a grammar task) for the III quarter No. 3

Spring. Warm. Loose snows are melting. Light clouds float across the sky. The rooks are screaming in the trees. Funny starlings will arrive soon. A wide stream runs down the street. Sasha and Kuzma launch a boat on the water. The sonorous cries of sparrows and the barking of bugs are heard.


    underline the main members of the sentence in the third (seventh) sentence, indicate the known parts of speech above the words;

    write out the verb (noun) in the plural, and next to write the same verb (noun) in the singular.

Control dictation (with a grammar task) for the IV quarter No. 4


We live in Chaika village. There is a farm at the end of the village. Students help adults. The cow Zorka gave birth to the calf Borka. Borka has a smooth coat. There is a white spot on the back. The girl Galya gave the baby warm milk. Kolya brought fragrant hay for the cow. Yura and Gleb often grazed cows in the meadow near the river.


    in the first sentence, underline the studied spellings in words;

    indicate above the words of the seventh sentence of the part of speech;

    write out an adjective + a noun;

    underline the main members in the third sentence, indicate the connection of words.

Control write-off

May. Warm days have arrived. Green leaves covered the trees. Thrushes and siskins sing merrily. Juicy grass on the ground. Fragrant lilies of the valley bloom in the forest. Wild berries ripen. The bumblebees are buzzing. The bee flies from flower to flower. Sweet juice in flowers. Frogs purr by the stream. It's crawling towards the water.

Vocabulary dictation No. 1

Apple, road, cabbage, sugar, clothes, November, soon, yellow, shovel, dishes.

Vocabulary dictation No. 2

Berry, wind, village, aspen, birch, drawing, strawberry, raspberry, motherland, goodbye.

Vocabulary dictation No. 3.

Monkey, people, boot, suddenly, month, picture, surname, Russia, city, ax.

Vocabulary dictation No. 4.

Cloud, February, shop, lunch, street, walked, father, scarf, subway, April, plant.

"vowel sounds"

Autumn. Forest Road. Cold wind is blowing. Yellow leaves rustle underfoot. Thrushes whistle merrily. They peck rowan berries. A flock of birds is flying. These crossbills are looking for pine cones.


    emphasize in the words of the spelling on the spelling rule of unstressed vowels;

    write out three words with a checked unstressed vowel and select test words for them.

Explanatory test dictation on the topic

« Spelling letter combinations zhi-shi, cha - shcha, chu -shu in words "

Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. Dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals look for food. Here is a forest river, Fishermen are sitting on the ice. My friend Kolya caught a big pike.


    choose a title for the text;

    indicate the stress in words;

    underline in any sentence spelling.

Test dictation (with a grammar task) on the topic

"Consonants" Generalization of knowledge about the studied rules of writing

in winter

Winter. Freezing. Frost on the trees. Ice covered the river. Snow covered the paths in the forest. Suddenly the wind blew. Snow flakes fell from the birches. A titmouse has flown by. The raven croaked. A rabbit ran along the path. The fox trail leads to the thicket. Snowdrift under the spruce. The bear is sleeping there.


    write out three words in which there is a paired consonant in the root, write down a test word next to it;

    write out a word with a separating soft sign (b);

    underline the main members of the sentence in the tenth sentence.

Test dictation (with a grammar task) on the topic



Here is the Okunki River. Morning. A warm wind is blowing. Frogs purr by the water. Igor and Alyosha are sitting on the shore. The brothers are fishing. The cat Vaska sits in the grass. Soon Igor caught a perch. The fish was given to the cat. Vaska was glad. Alyosha pulled out a pike. The father praised the children.


    emphasize the capital letter in proper nouns;

    above nouns in the last two sentences indicate the number;

    write out two inanimate (animate) nouns.

Test No. 1 "Words, words, words"

    Choose and write down two words for each topic.

















    Divide the words into two columns: birch, pen, rainbow, comb, brush, January, button.









    Find synonyms for each word.

Brave - _______________

Blizzard - ________________

Slacker - _____________

    Choose an antonym for each word.

The black - _____________

Sit - _____________

Slowly - ___________

    Find related words. Write down each group of related words. Highlight root.

Winter, mushroom, oak, fungus, winter, oak, mushroom, winter, oak.

A wonderful winter morning. Hoarfrost downed the branches of fir trees.

    Write down the words, separating them for hyphenation.

Wind, berry, Russian, skates, kettle, cabbage.

Test No. 2 "Sounds and Letters"

    Arrange the words alphabetically by inserting the missing letters.

P ... rotten, for ... c, from ... tank, in ... r ... beat, wind ... r, m ... l ... ko.

    Determine how many letters and how many sounds are in the given words.

Spruce - ____ letters, ____ sounds

Ocean - ____ letters, ____ sounds

Language - ____ letters, ____ sounds

Motley - ____ letters, ____ sounds

Z…ma - __________

St…cha - _________

Tr…va - _________

B ... fly - _________

K ... ver - __________

L ... neyka - _______

    Write the words, separating them with a vertical line for hyphenation.

Cash desk, construction, region, group, amount, snake, class.

    Insert missing letters, pick up test words.

Moro… ​​- _____________

Doro ... ka - ____________

Take ... ka - ____________

Sapo… - ____________

Tra ... ka - ___________

Damn… - ___________

    Distribute the words into two columns: in the first column, words with a separating soft sign, in the second - with a soft sign - an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant.

Okunki, dress, coat, family, teacher, Ilya, spear, porch.

    Write sentences with the missing letters.

1) Ruff ... well ... wut in the speech (s) ke, walrus ... - in the sea, hedgehog ... - in the forest thicket .... 2) At night ... predatory (s) animals are looking for ... t food ...

Test No. 3 "Parts of speech"

Ball, cold, pencil case, bear, rode, run, winter, frosty, pencil, guys, kind, read, blue, drew, look.










    Read. Ask questions about these words.

Big - ___________

Came - ___________

Bell - _______

They will run - ___________

Warm - _____________

Cow - ____________

Lesnaya - ____________

Bitter - ___________

Lizard - __________

    Read. Make sentences from these words. Write them down. Write the parts of speech above the words.

B, winding, leads away, path, forest.

On, rays, play, the sun, forest, glades.

Trembling, under, sunny, trees, bunnies.

    Write down phrases, changing the number (singular, plural).

Fragrant lily of the valley - _________________________

Young birches - __________________________

The brook murmurs - _____________________________

Rooster cries - _____________________________

I, we, over, they, you, under, guys, you, she, they.

Control testing

    Mark the text-narrative with number 1, the text-description with number 2, the text-reasoning with number 3.

What a wonderful sight the titmouse has! The head is black, the cheeks are white, the back and wings are greenish-gray, and the chest is bright yellow and a tie stretches down the middle from top to bottom.

Titmouse warmed up in warmth. She opened her eyes, started up, jumped to her feet and sang loudly. Then she began to dust herself off, straighten her feathers.

Why did the titmouse get its name? The word azure means "light blue, light blue." There is a blue color in the plumage of the bird, so it was called the blue tit.

    Read groups of words. Indicate the line in which the sentence is written.

a cloud covered the sun

hung on a hook

red and blue balloons

    Indicate the sentence in which the main members are underlined correctly.

 On duty swept in class floor .

monkey deftly jumped through the trees.

Squirrel prepared mushrooms for the winter.

    Match the synonyms.


play pranks








    Match the antonyms.

the end

put up








    Choose a group of single-root words.

fast, speedy, impetuous

dad, mom, grandma, aunt

brother, brother, brother, brother

    In which row are all the words written in alphabetical order?

student, student, teacher

cabbage, pencil, picture

lunch, father, cloud

    Indicate which sound in the word "comrade" is indicated by the highlighted letter.

paired soft, unpaired voiceless consonant

unpaired soft, unpaired voiceless consonant

    Mark the words that will be test for the highlighted letter in the word "winter".





    Mark the words that will be test for the highlighted letter in the word "sweet".





    Sort the words into groups.

Green, load, greens, salt shaker, salt, glue, sticky, cargo, cargo, green, salty, glue.













    Find among the given words an inanimate proper noun in the singular.

Makarovs  Sharik  Moscow

Tanya  Oleg  city

    Indicate in which words the highlighted letters are unchecked spellings.

 g about rodok  wet e rockn a genus

 choir about sho  meb e le  thief about bay

 st and ca  st about R about on  mol about to