The development of intuition. Development of intuition and supersensory perception - Andreev O.A., Khromov L.N.

The development of intuition is a direct road to the efficiency and effectiveness of all your life activities, inner knowledge, non-standard solutions and self-knowledge. What is practical intuition and how can it be used?
Surely you had to experience a state when you instantly knew the answer to a question or some kind of problem. No analysis, no logical reasoning. But since no one in childhood taught us to trust this quiet inner voice, we are used to testing our intuition and going by experience, making a lot of trial and error on it. The truth is that absolutely every person is able to solve all life problems easily and naturally, you just need to restore unused skills and learn to trust yourself.
The following techniques will help you with this:
1. Direct participation.
The next time you communicate with someone, imagine that you are not you, but the other person. Your neighbor, work colleague, friend, comrade… Try to feel what he feels. If a friend calls and talks about her problem, do not automatically answer with on-duty phrases, enter her state, feel her annoyance! Immerse yourself in any event completely and completely - this is a great way to train intuitive sensations. Experience what others experience.
2. Allow yourself to experience fear.
Not everyone can talk openly about their fears. And sometimes it is difficult to admit their existence even to oneself. When we deny our fears, we deny ourselves. By doing this, we create internal blocks, and the energy stops flowing freely. Fear blocks our intuition, and if we resist it, drown it out or do not recognize it, then fear only intensifies. Don't run away from it, let it flow through you and go through it. By allowing ourselves to experience fear, we approach our inner world, accepting it as it is, and not fighting it.
3. Learn to ask positive questions.
Our inner critic never sleeps and, at the first opportunity, tries to throw judgments into the mind like: “I won’t succeed,” “He’s a fool,” “I’m ugly,” and so on. At this point, stop and think about who said it. Do you really need these thoughts? When we judge others or ourselves, we emit negative energy that blocks our intuition. Consciously replace such negative judgments with positive questions, such as: “How can I do this?”, “What other solutions are there?”, “Which part of the plan will work?”, “What really offended me?”. If you are patient and start listening to your inner voice, then when you ask positive questions, your subconscious mind will begin to generate solutions and issue them through intuition.
4. Be alone.
The development of intuition and extrasensory perception occurs by itself in the state of meditation. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to be alone with yourself, your thoughts, feelings, experiences. Most of the time we don't even have an idea of ​​what's going on inside of us. By learning to hear your inner voice when alone, you can learn to hear it even when there are many people around.
5. Ask as many questions as possible.
Every answer starts with a question. No question, no answer. Asking questions is a great way to strengthen your intuition. Alone or with a group of like-minded people, take an interest, discuss, ask questions on various topics: self-knowledge, psychology, philosophy, literature ... It can be anything. Explore new areas, discover new paths, explore the world by asking questions. The development of intuition and supersensory perception of the world will be a pleasant bonus for you.

Translated from ancient Latin, intuition is “contemplation”, as well as “flair”, insight.

Translated from Latin, Extrasensory is "extra" - over, "sensus" - a feeling. Supersensory perception.

With each of us there were situations in life when we were faced with the moment of making a decision, relying on who knows what. Some feeling tells us and we suddenly do the right thing.

We all want to know where danger or trouble lies in wait for us in order to get around it in time. We also want to know which of two equivalent solutions is correct.

What should we rely on, and how to do the right thing, when we do not have the opportunity to analyze situations, there is no opportunity to rely on our own experience or on the experience of another person, or we, in the end, do not have time to make a decision.

We can use esoteric tools (cards, frames, pendulum, runes). And we can connect our intuition, our "sixth sense", our instinct, our inner voice ... One way or another, we all face similar situations.

The ability to train our perception apparatus, the apparatus for perceiving information from the outside world, so as not to act at random and not rely on situations when we feel something, but do not understand what - we have.

One can learn to see and feel not only rough, hard and concrete forms.

The set of exercises that we will practice on the course will allow you to open your perception and make it work.

To the question: “Is it possible to develop intuition and extrasensory perception?” The answer is unequivocal: "You can!"

And how to do this, you will learn at our practical seminar - a training where you will get acquainted with various techniques for developing extrasensory abilities and intuitive perception.


  • special states of consciousness.
  • Intuition from different points of view: psychological, physiological, esoteric
  • Interaction with subtle bodies and chakras
  • Biofield or subconscious field? Is it possible to determine?
  • The psychology of color: what is color for us and how we feel it
  • Emotions and feelings. What is the difference?
  • Elements: definition and diagnosis
  • Techniques for developing clairvoyance
  • Entering certain states of consciousness
  • Practical therapeutic exercises, the basis of which is the sacred Taoist Yoga and the Eastern practice of Qigong to increase the sensation in the subtle bodies.
  • Practical exercises to identify feelings and emotions in yourself and in other people.
  • Exercises to identify objects, animals, flowers, etc.
  • Exercises to develop an alternative (internal) vision
After completing the training on the development of intuition and extrasensory perception, you will be able to:
  • Consciously manage the processes of energy flow in the body
  • Harmonize your body on the physical and subtle plane
  • Better to feel people
  • and most importantly, determine what and how your Intuition tells you

During classes, you will understand that only the body can give you an adequate response. It will help us show whether we perceive this or that signal correctly, whether we feel correctly or not correctly, whether we make the right choice and whether we are able to recognize lies.

We will work with ourselves, with a partner, with cards, with photographs of people (about their condition and energy) and with the elements.

Schedule and cost

Dress code is free
Pre-registration is required
A certificate is issued

Many people know about extrasensory perception, intuition and superpowers in general. But not everyone thought about what underlies these concepts and what is hidden behind these inexplicable phenomena. By its nature, intuition is a way of perceiving the external environment, by using internal feelings and predispositions of consciousness.

Our mind interprets information in terms of the norms, values, and standards of the society in which we find ourselves. Work, direct cooperation with colleagues, upbringing, friends form a certain framework for us, while our inner worldview loses its strength.

Those who have developed an intuitive channel can easily find a way out of any situation, choose the necessary course of action, predict events and anticipate a certain development of events.

Intuition and psychic abilities are not the means of manipulation used by swindlers and false soothsayers. The human mind is a powerful mechanism. When we learn how to access and control consciousness, we can tap into the unlimited power of intuition.

FIRST STEP in developing intuition - the study of scientific information on this topic.
Often people need proof to believe. And they are - it is scientifically proven that every person has extrasensory abilities and powerful intuition. By studying the structure of the brain and brain waves, scientists have proven that psychic abilities can manifest when the brain operates at the Theta frequency.

The brain can work in various electrochemical modes, which, depending on the degree of activity, are divided into four categories: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Beta brainwaves are the fastest of all; they are used by the brain during high mental activity. They are followed by Alpha waves corresponding to a state of rest, Theta waves corresponding to deep relaxation or light sleep, and Delta waves corresponding to deep sleep.

Theta waves correspond to a state of drowsiness or deep meditation. When the logical part of your consciousness rests, its creative part can function and send certain messages.

Have you noticed how you can become a little distracted when inspiration or creative thoughts come to you? This is because the brain operates at the Theta frequency.

SECOND STEP in the development of intuition – meditation
So how do you get into that state of your own free will? The answer is simple. To do this, you need to learn how to calm your mind and immerse it in a state of deep relaxation. The best way to achieve this is to meditate regularly.

Your intuition wants you to hear it. Therefore, she tries to give you any signs, even when you do not pay enough attention to her. Meditation can take you to a place where your intuition can calmly send you messages and you will hear them.

As you begin to receive messages from your intuition, it is very important to listen to them. When you receive any messages or signs, trust and follow them. This will lead you to the correct answers. And when you see how simple it is, such messages will begin to come to you more and more often. Developing intuition is easy - you just need to listen to yourself.

You will learn to practice the first two steps and the rest of the steps towards the development of intuition in the course "Development of intuition and extrasensory perception"!


Aims and applications of abilities

The practical foundations, with the help of a qualitatively passed and assimilated methodology, open up for a person other forms of understanding the world, which will become an integral tool in the process of life.

Some use these skills to move up the career ladder, others to create a successful marriage or direct their lives into the necessary flow that will bring happiness and success.

The development of intuition training, which involves a holistic assimilation and development of internal forces, allows a person to take a different look at the world. It is worth noting that all the great musicians, writers and scientists were partly psychic.

On the net, you can find evidence that great scientists found answers by solitude and entering a state of meditation. The development of superpowers is an unhidden methodology and a completely comprehensible science that anyone can master.

The book outlines a methodology for the development of intuition and extrasensory perception. Eight conversations with exercises and control tasks are given. The book comes with an insert with training tables.


The goal of the Sixth Sense program is expressed in a meditative phrase: INTUITION, WISDOM, TRUTH.

Consider the first keyword of this phrase, INTUITION. What it is?

INTUITIVISM (lat.) - knowledge. Direct knowledge, apart from sensible and rational. Intuition is a direct comprehension of the truth without a logical justification, the experience of the subconscious or an inner voice, when a person suddenly feels a push that prompts him to solve some particular issue.

In everyday life, many of our insights are lost, and we do not attach due importance to them. But it is worth focusing your attention, and they become bright and information-rich. One gets the impression that someone or something is constantly offering the most important information for us at the moment. But we often dismiss this and try to follow the path of stereotypes and habitual logical constructions. Logic is an important tool for exploring the world, but for a person who has mastered the technique of self-improvement, it becomes, as it were, secondary.

Yoga defines intuition as a mental ability that is higher than the intellect, it is direct knowledge of inference, the work of the higher "I".

Those who studied at the previous stages of our Comprehensive Program obviously noticed that our main efforts were aimed at raising the level of intelligence, accumulating encyclopedic knowledge through fast and ultra-fast reading. However, even at those stages, due attention was paid to subconscious mechanisms, for example, the achievement of the state of "satori", the dowsing effect, "the technique of opening the third eye." Starting with the program "The Fourth Dimension" we have come to grips with work on the higher "I". Remember the technique of training clear consciousness.

In the sixth step, we will learn to consciously use intuition in its purely applied sense.

Above intuition is only a comprehensive Cosmic Knowledge, but this is the task of the future, for which we are beginning to prepare.

How to work with a book

The Sixth Sense program brought to your attention will increase your knowledge, increase your intelligence, strengthen your health, expand your mental abilities and help you advance in life.

The main goal of the program is the development of intuition and extrasensory perception. The training material is presented in the form of 8 conversations, each of which contains a small theoretical section, a description of the training exercises, the order in which they are performed, as well as a final test, which is a report on the results of your work.

The duration of the training is 6-8 months, three to four weeks for each conversation. Depending on your successes and opportunities, the terms can be adjusted.

To ensure the productivity of classes, two indispensable conditions must be observed:

  1. Continuity and regularity of classes throughout the entire period of study;
  2. Daily performance of the training exercises provided for by the program for at least 30-40 minutes.

The final result will depend on your diligence, perseverance, purposefulness. It is absolutely unacceptable to simultaneously master the program and do some other business, also new to you.

Don't expect positive results just from reading this book. You need to work with her. And the results of such work, in our deep conviction, will exceed all your expectations. We give ourselves a psychological attitude: “I can do anything! I can master the Sixth Sense program. Before proceeding with the exercises and training, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work.

Materials and tools. The mandatory set of materials for mastering the Sixth Sense program is:

  1. Real textbook.
  2. Two tables "The Sixth Sense", attached to the textbook.
  3. Audio cassette of the program "The Sixth Sense".
  4. A set of tools for the development of bioenergetic abilities, including:

a) a pendulum on a suspension (see the sample in the figure in conversation 7);

b) two dowsing frames (see figure in conversation 6).

We draw your attention to the exceptional simplicity of these devices, which may well be made independently or purchased in stores selling esoteric literature.

  1. Rug size 100×200 cm from any non-synthetic dense material (linen, cotton) for performing special exercises and conducting a meditation session.
  2. A mirror in which you can see yourself waist-deep, and a matte screen of the same size, for which you can use a piece of drawing paper, a sheet, etc. (for the exercise “I see an aura”, see conversation 5).

Lesson plan. We advise you to plan your time so that during the period of classes you are not distracted by other things. When starting training, you must be sure that nothing will prevent you from completing it. If serious interfering factors appear, it is better to interrupt classes and start them again at a more favorable period. Each conversation requires special training for two to three weeks. If necessary, the time for practicing individual exercises can be increased. For successful work, we recommend that you draw up a preliminary plan, a sample of which is given in Appendix No. 1, and try to strictly follow it. Check yourself daily to see if everything is going according to plan. We strongly advise you to involve your family members in your classes and training, or at least to dedicate them to the essence of what is happening. As our many years of experience show, this is an excellent way to bring together and strengthen harmony in family relationships.

Workplace, work schedule. The most effective should be considered daily exercises at home, preferably at the same time. Equip your workplace at the table, as well as a place to perform special exercises.

Meditation session. Working with an audio cassette. Meditation is an essential element of the Sixth Sense program. Both the meditation session, and meditative poems, and training with Andreev's tables "The Sixth Sense" are recorded on an audio cassette, which can be obtained by sending an application to the Oleg Andreev School. A detailed methodology for working with these records is discussed in subsequent conversations.

Stages of development of the program. The program "The Sixth Sense" contains 8 conversations, which involve learning, as it were, 8 lessons. Based on the content and structural-logical connection, the conversations are grouped into three parts (the first includes conversations 1-4, the second - 5-6, the third - 7-8), which you have to master, respectively, in three stages. Each of them involves the development of a special set of exercises and represents the formation of a new quality on the path of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Start mastering the conversation by studying the theory of the question. Then start learning and doing the exercises.

Intuition allows people to anticipate certain events, due to which the best ways out of situations, solutions to various problems, and also the prevention of troubles are taken. For some, this feeling is developed by nature, but for most of us, these possibilities are not very pronounced. You should not be sad about this, because there are many ways to develop intuition. The main thing is the presence of a desire that will allow you to acquire this ability.

What is intuition

Intuition is essentially the gift of foresight, which is also based on experience. It is important to understand that problem solving occurs spontaneously. Intuition has a connection with a deep analysis and feeling of events, which allows you to somehow get ahead of events. There is no logic or explanation in these decisions, it is difficult for people to explain the motivation for such actions. However, they can be very unexpected.

For a person, intuition is of great importance, since it is it that protects us from dangers. History knows many cases when people refused to get on a train or plane, and after a while information appeared about their crash. Also, intuition quite often helps to make the right business decisions. Without this feeling, almost any person will make many wrong decisions, make mistakes. Therefore, training intuition is a very common practice.

The main ways to develop intuition

You can develop your intuition very quickly. There are quite a few ways, among which you can find the most unexpected ones, such as meditation for the effective development of intuition, the development of intuition using the Silva method, and there is also a self-instruction manual for the development of intuition. The most popular exercises for developing this feeling are the following.

Mood tracking

The reaction of the interlocutor during a conversation to your phrases and actions can give a lot of information about the emotional state of a person, which allows you to find out his true intentions. Mimic movements, postures, tonality are studied in detail by psychologists, you can also use this knowledge. If you regularly note and remember all these moments, then over time it will be possible to predict the subsequent phrases or actions of the interlocutor.

Own feelings

You should allocate time for knowing yourself, the signals of your body, which should be memorized, recorded. These feelings help to suggest a lot. Also, due to this exercise, you can check the level of your intuition, for example, if there is a feeling that it is better not to do something today, then you should do the opposite. If you performed this action and regretted it, then this indicates a good sense of intuition, that is, you need to listen to the body. The more often you follow this, the better will develop the so-called gift of clairvoyance - your intuition. It is important to understand that any skill requires regular practice, intuition is no exception to the rule.

Life harmony

The development of intuition and extrasensory perception is impossible without harmony in life. With constant stressful situations, this feeling simply disappears. It is important to find peace, the so-called peace of mind. Meditation or yoga is great for this. Finding harmony will make you feel better.

Q&A exercises

Developing books on psychology in order to understand how to develop intuition recommend doing question-answer exercises. They consist in the fact that you first assume the answer to your question, and then ask it to the person. It is not always possible to guess right away, but this skill requires practice. When you get the so-called correct answer, you should come up with a new question. This exercise is best performed in group trainings.

Lack of logic

Developed intuition implies a lack of logic in decision making. It is important not to be afraid to make non-standard decisions that are difficult to explain, especially if the subconscious mind suggests that this will be the right thing to do. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the subconscious mind is deprived of any logical thinking and the ability to analyze. When we develop this feeling, we should not make vital decisions in this way, we should start small.

Right hemisphere

From the school biology course, we remember that it is the right hemisphere that is responsible for spatial thinking, our creative skills. Therefore, in order to discover these hidden possibilities of the body, in order to understand how to develop the gift of predicting events, you need to perform exercises to develop the work of the right hemisphere of the brain.


Try to imagine random encounters with people on your way to work or home in the morning of any day. You can also try to predict the weather for tomorrow, and if you are sure that you are right, then leave the umbrella at home. When making a phone call, you can guess who is calling you, as well as on what subject. You should gradually accustom yourself to guessing various events, over time it will become a habit.


The easiest way is to use a deck of cards. To begin with, guess their color, but if you give a large number of correct answers, then you should start “working” with the suits. To complicate the process after that, you can take cards with pictures. At first, use something simpler, like numbers or shapes.

One of the simplest gaming methods is the coin. According to statistics, it falls equally often on both sides. If you guess less than half of the cases, then there is no need to despair, because intuition works, but in reverse order.


Everyone has heard the expression “thoughts are material”. For the successful development of intuition, you need to visualize positive thoughts. It also allows you to develop your imagination. This can be done just before going to bed, or you can specifically tune in to such an action. It is important that only positive events are in your head. At the same time, it would be nice to remember such dreams. It should also be remembered that negative thoughts or fears interfere with the development of this feeling, so they should be immediately brushed aside from your head. Anxiety depresses intuition.

Silva Method

The development of intuition according to the Silva method is based on the self-control of our thinking. It can be achieved through quite simple, but at the same time very effective exercises that allow you to develop a sense of intuition for the purpose of its application. According to surveys, a lot of decisions of successful people were made taking into account the inner voice. And it was these decisions that turned out to be the most successful. However, most of the respondents found it difficult to give a clear description of this inner voice, the so-called sixth sense, but they were sure that it would be just like this.

Most likely, you have previously encountered a situation where an epiphany descended on you. It could be prophetic dreams or some other signals. They became harbingers of an incredible set of circumstances. It could also be your intuition, which prompted you to make the right decision.

The development of intuition is a very time-consuming and painstaking task. Not all exercises or practices for self-improvement of the sixth sense are described above. It is important to always listen to your body, and, no matter what, continue training. You should analyze events, feelings, go in hot pursuit, so to speak. At the same time, one should not forget about a positive attitude, maintaining life harmony, because intuition works best when a person is completely calm. With the right approach to this task, the results will not be long in coming, the main thing is to systematically achieve your goal, not to deviate from it, despite various obstacles.

How to develop intuition and get advice, hints, warnings? 2 powerful yet simple simple ways will help!

Hypersensitivity (extrasensory perception) is the ability to perceive information that comes intuitively, without logical analysis. A person with hypersensitivity perceives sensations that are inaccessible to the usual senses.

For example, someone suddenly begins to feel uncomfortable, instinctively turns and sees someone staring at him.

In fact, all people have hypersensitivity, and most use it every day unconsciously.

How is intuition manifested?

Intuition¹ or the sixth sense is the ability to receive information instantly from the information field of the Universe. Often this is accompanied by an emotional experience.

There are many examples of such feelings:

  • There is an expression "to suck in the pit of the stomach." This has happened to so many people when intuition warns of a possible risk or danger. This often occurs before any business or trip, and then it turns out that the fears were justified.

Often the logical mind discards these sensations, and many people later regret that they did not listen to themselves; remember that shortly before the unpleasant event they received the correct information.

  • There is a feeling of joy in the chest: this is how intuition says that a person is on the right path.
  • A feeling of unrest in the intestines often occurs to warn against some kind of negativity.
  • Inner peace is an indication that a business or person is trustworthy.
  • And vice versa: sometimes when looking at a person inside, there is a feeling (knowledge) that it is better not to have anything to do with him.

Experienced people urge to trust yourself, "instinct", because it never deceives, even contrary to logic! Intuition, the ability to subtly feel your inner feelings is one of the main qualities of successful people.

How to develop intuition and increase hypersensitivity?

There is one interesting and simple practice

1. The practitioner will need the help of a loved one (friend) to complete the exercise.

2. He asks a friend to show a photo of a stranger whom the friend himself knows well personally.

3. The practitioner tunes in to the person's energy from the photo, looks into his eyes. To train and develop hypersensitivity, you need to mentally ask a simple question: “What kind of person is this good evil?”

4. Then he plunges his mind into silence, stops thinking and begins to listen, to feel the silence within himself. Intuition always gives an answer, it just needs to be “heard”. This is achieved through regular exercise.

With the development of extrasensory perception, you need to learn to receive more complex information!

For example, you can ask yourself the question: “How did this person feel when they were photographed?”, “Is he trustworthy?” After that, you also need to listen to your feelings.

Information from the chakras as a way to develop intuition!

Chakras⁵ are energy centers of nervous energy in the human body that regulate the work of the body and various areas of human life.

It is very important to be able to receive information from your own chakras. This helps in internal harmonization and trains extrasensory perception well.

This exercisehelps to develop hypersensitivity, makes a person more sensitive to inner emotions.

Exercise progress:

1. The practitioner assumes a sitting or lying position with a straight spine and focuses on the sensations of the body.

2. Then he begins to “open” each chakra in turn, starting with the first root chakra ().The person visualizes each chakra as a colored wheel.

3. While inhaling, the practitioner imagines how the energy of inhalation penetrates the chakra, holds the breath for 3 seconds, focuses attention on the chakra.

4. Then he exhales slowly and imagines how the chakra expands and begins to spin clockwise. The practitioner may feel a vibration or warmth at the point of the body where the chakra is located. 5-7 such breaths for each chakra is enough.

5. Feeling the resonance from the chakra, the person asks himself: “What do I feel in this chakra?”It is necessary to “walk” through all the chakras and memorizeany sensations in your body, those emotions that cause the chakras.

He says that the first time he did this exercise with the fourth chakra, he felt empty and felt like he cared about everyone but himself. In the fifth chakra () he felt a tightness: it was a recent insult and unspoken words.

By defining your emotional blocks in this way, you can harmonize yourself, eliminate the causes of illnesses and negative life situations, and develop an intuitive sense!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Intuition - direct comprehension of the truth without logical analysis, based on imagination, empathy and previous experience, "flair", insight (