Development of attention in first graders exercises. Exercises to develop attention in younger students

Very often, parents of elementary school students are faced with the need to develop mindfulness in their child. After all, successful learning will not work without it. Due to age characteristics, it is still difficult for a child of 7-8 years to concentrate his attention for a long time. However, students who already cope with this, solve the tasks set by the teacher much faster and easier. Special games and interesting exercises can help in the development of mindfulness.

What is attention like?

There are three types of attention:

  1. involuntary- appears unexpectedly, by itself. This is the answer to the bright, catchy, making a lot of noise, arousing interest, but quickly disappears as soon as the subject becomes ordinary. This type of attention prevails in children under 7 years of age.
  2. Arbitrary attention - the baby learns to control himself, doing no longer what is interesting to him at the moment, but what is necessary. He learns to focus on the task at hand. At the beginning of schooling, voluntary attention begins to develop.
  3. Post-voluntary attention appears when the baby is already carried away by the task and he does not need any effort to focus on it.

Attention is also divided into visual, auditory and motor-motor.

For the development of each of these types, you can choose the appropriate games and exercises.

Features of conducting classes

  • Choose the right time. Do not distract the baby if he is passionate about something. It is better to wait until he finishes his activity.
  • Ask household members not to disturb you and the baby during class.
  • Let the child before the start of the lesson fulfill the primary needs: drink, go to the toilet, put away toys.
  • Use non-standard ways to captivate the baby. It is better if they are accompanied by a lot of positive emotions on your part. Exercises should be interesting, understandable and accessible.
  • Get started with step by step instructions. Make sure that the child completes each item of the task to the end.
  • Control your emotions. Classes should be held in a friendly atmosphere. Do not criticize the child, scold, raise your voice at him. Encourage, praise, smile, say kind words, provide the necessary assistance, if required.
  • All mental functions are interconnected. The better the child's speech and memory are developed, the easier it will be for him to concentrate on something. Therefore, it is necessary to take care not only of the development of the baby's attentiveness, but also of his general intellectual development - train memory, develop speech.
  • Systematic and regular practice is very important. Once in a while, you are unlikely to succeed.

Useful games and exercises

To increase concentration.

Correction test

Offer the child a sheet of paper with text printed on it. The font must be large. Ask your child to find as many of the same letter as possible in the text (for example, the letter “a”) and cross it out with a pencil. The task is completed on time. A child of 7-8 years old should have time to look through 350-400 characters in 5 minutes and should make no more than 10 mistakes. At the same time, the parent must control the baby, making sure that he searches strictly for the lines. Classes should be devoted to 7-10 minutes every day. Gradually, it can be made more difficult, increasing the number of letters to 5.

Encrypted letter

The kid is offered a sheet of paper with a set of letters of the Russian alphabet. Among them, you need to find words.


  • Labyrinths of different difficulty levels.

  • Graphic dictations - drawings by cells.

Motor-motor attentiveness and the ability to switch are developed by the following games.

Game "Edible-inedible"

The leader's task is to throw the ball to the players while naming the words. If the presenter named an edible object, then the player needs to catch the ball, if it is inedible, the ball is repelled.


Players sit next to each other and put their hands on the knees of the neighbors on the right and left. You need to alternately clap your palms at a given pace. The first and last players tap their knees twice and the game continues in reverse order. A player who misses his clap or loses his pace is out of the game.

forbidden movement

At the beginning of the game, all players agree on some movement that will be forbidden, i.e. it cannot be repeated. Next, the leader at a fast pace shows the players various movements that they must repeat after him. The player who repeated the forbidden movement becomes the leader.

The game "Half-nose-ceiling"

Ask the child to show what you name. Name and show with him. When the baby begins to easily cope with the task at a fast pace, complicate it. Now you can name one thing and show another. It should only show what you say.

For auditory awareness:

Find a couple

It is necessary to take an even number of identical opaque bottles. Fill them in pairs with different content. For example, two bottles - sand, two more - small stones, two more - rice, the next can be filled with coins, various cereals - peas, beans, semolina, twigs, rustling candy wrappers. You can think of many options. Take yourself one bottle with each filler, and give the second to the crumbs. Shake one of your bottles, the baby should carefully listen to the sound it makes. Now ask your child to find a match among their bottles by the sound of yours.

Young children can be offered to find the same mittens.


Ask the baby to clap the suggested rhythm behind you. Gradually complicate the task.

Guess the sounding object

Demonstrate to the child the sound of various objects. It can be wooden spoons, rattles, various musical instruments. Now ask him to turn away and guess what it sounds like.

Visual attention develops:

Remember and say

Lay out 5 different toys in front of the baby and ask him to remember them. Ask your baby to turn away or close their eyes while hiding one of the toys. After the baby opens his eyes, he must name which toy is missing. Gradually complicate the task by increasing the number of toys to 10. This game can be played in another version. The toy must not be hidden, but their order must be reversed.

Didactic game "Paired pictures"

With the help of such a game, the child will quickly learn how to look for similar pictures. The game is the best way to learn some rules, verses with a child and develop attention. But! As soon as the child gets tired, the game should be stopped and continued after a few hours or the next day.

Repeat sequence

Cut out various geometric shapes from colored cardboard. They should differ in shape, color and size. Now lay out a certain sequence of them in front of the child and ask him to remember. Next, you need to mix all the figures in one pile and ask the baby to repeat the sequence that was in front of him. Start with 5 figures. Gradually complicate the task by increasing their number.

The human brain is designed in such a way that if we did not have a kind of filter in the form of attention, then the amount of information from the outside world would overload it. For a normal and comfortable life, the attention of each person must have volume, stability, concentration, selectivity, distribution, switchability and arbitrariness. If deviations are noticed in any of these parts during development, then the child will have a developmental lag.

To prevent this from happening, special exercises for the development and concentration of attention have been developed for younger students.

There are a huge number of games for younger students that are used to develop voluntary attention. We will tell you about the most interesting and best of them.

The first game is for the children to try to convey the meaning of the poem. All players must be divided into three teams. There are three leaders in the game and each of them reads a quatrain. But not in order, but on the contrary, first everyone reads the first line of his quatrain, then the second, and so on.

The development of memory and attention. 5 games with children for attention and memory

It may be difficult for children to immediately grasp the meaning of the verse, so the reading can be repeated twice. Each of the teams must understand and convey the meaning of their poem. For this task, it is better to use complex verses, so the training of voluntary attention and memory features will be much better.

The second game is called "Tangled Roll Call" and there will be one host. During the game, the leader must call the names and surnames of the younger students playing. But this exercise is called confusing for that, that the presenter calls the name correctly, but makes a mistake in the surname, then he confuses the surname, and the name speaks correctly. All children should be extremely careful to respond to their first and last name. This game will be very lively and useful for the development of voluntary attention.

Another great game is called "Collect a word from letters." The teacher should offer the children a certain set of vowels and consonants. In five minutes, everyone must collect as many words as possible from this set of letters.

The last game chosen for the development of voluntary attention is the “typewriter”. For the task, you need to specially prepare cards with letters that can be fixed on the child's clothes so that everyone can see. The whole class must play so that all the letters from A to Z are sorted out. The leader must say the word, and the children, like on a typewriter, must clap when their letter appears in the word, according to the principle of a typewriter.

Collect from different letters

Development of concentration

Concentration and its development is extremely important for any child. For children of primary school age, a quick acquisition of concentration skills is possible when playing.

and attention. Practical training with a psychologist

The first game is quite simple, but it makes it easy to promote concentration in a younger student. All children need to be put in a circle and each of them must name their name and favorite fruit. But only if the first player calls only his name and fruit, then the second must repeat the words of the first and name his own. The last player will have to name the names and fruits of all the players. Such games are great for developing memory and individual thinking.

Great for concentration games in which you need to color half of the picture in the same way as the first half was painted. You can complicate this exercise by asking the younger student to first draw and then color the pictures.

For the concentration of younger children, you can use the most common texts in workbooks. You can ask the children to find all the letters A in the text and circle them, and underline the letters T. After completing the task, students can exchange notebooks and check each other's mistakes, this will also be a training in concentration and thinking.

Switching attention

For each elementary school student to be able to switch attention from one subject to another, the following games and exercises can be used to teach this.

The first game will help teach the baby to switch attention, and will develop the individual characteristics of children's thinking. It is called “Counting with interference” and is held for three minutes, the player must name the numbers from 1 to 20, but at the same time write them in reverse order, from 20 to 1. After that, you need to count how many mistakes were made.

Perfectly trains switching and other features of memory and thinking exercise "Guess the word." Children are given examples written on the board to be counted. If the account is correct, then it will be possible, based on the numbers received, to find out that such a word was encrypted below, in two lines. In the first, you need to arrange the letters, and sign each letter with a number.

A simple version of the game would be an exercise for younger children, based on the fact that the facilitator says words for different objects. Children should clap when the facilitator names a certain type of object, for example, writing materials. This will be the development of quick thinking in children, as well as voluntary attention.

Development of observation

There are a large number of different exercises and game options that train the child's observation skills, and at the same time develop his memory and thinking skills. If children have a problem with the above personality parameters, then we can offer the following exercises to correct them.

Perfect for training observation and short-term memory pictures in which you need to find differences. At first glance, these images are exactly the same, but when the baby begins to look closely, he will find differences.

In order to better view the picture and find the differences, click on it and it will enlarge.

There are excellent games for training observation and correcting the individual features of memory, for which no devices are needed. It is necessary to line up the players in one line and ask the children to remember the appearance of each of those who play.

After that, one younger student should be asked to leave the room, and the participants in the game should make minor changes to their appearance - fasten a button, remove a badge, let their hair down. The player returning to the room must restore from memory the features of the appearance of each player and name what exactly has changed.

This exercise has variations when you need to train the observation and individual characteristics of the child’s thinking and memory, as well as help the children develop indirect development of voluntary attention.

You will have to put ten objects in front of the baby and ask him to look at them carefully, and then ask him to turn away. After that, change the arrangement of objects or replace one with another. The turned baby should say what exactly has changed.

Distribution of attention

In order to teach the baby to properly distribute his attention and conduct a small memory training, you need to use the following simple exercises:

  1. The student draws squares on a piece of paper for one minute and at the same time counts how many times the adult clapped his hands.
  2. A rather complex exercise is used to distribute such a feature of thinking as attention. The kid should draw circles with one hand and a triangle with the other at the same time. This is not possible for everyone and not immediately.

Parents can practice and invent similar games themselves. You just need to try to make the child do two things at the same time. For example, he wrote down words and listened to poetry at the same time. This will develop noise immunity, as well as solve the problem of poor memory.

Be sure to invent games with your children. This way you can follow the development of your children, and they, in turn, will be able to play independently invented games for the development of voluntary attention.

Selection of exercises for the development of concentration and self-control

"Correction test" : the essence of the technique is that the child is offered to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text. Newspaper clippings, old unwanted books, etc. can be used as material. Conditions for conducting: daily for 5 minutes. at least 5 times a week for 2-4 months.

Conducting rules:

The game is held in a friendly atmosphere, children can be additionally interested, find out in advance who they want to be, say that this training will help them become good drivers, doctors, etc.

Losing shouldn't make you feel bad.

The amount of text viewed does not matter and can be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters being searched for change, they are crossed out in different ways, 2 letters are searched for at the same time, one is crossed out, the other is underlined (syllables, circles, tick marks, etc.)

Option: underline in each line the letter that comes first:

to tro to nt kk jube to uy to ayvya
mitch m R m ohe m t m ychf m c

Another option: first we underline one letter (C), and cross out the other (O), then on the command “Attention!” a line is drawn and the second part of the work begins: C - now we cross out, and O - we emphasize:

A golden flower grew, It became round and fluffy. ("Attention!" Sasha will blow, laugh, Pooh will fly in the wind.

A similar exercise can be carried out on educational material by offering students a grammatical analysis of several texts. In the text, it is necessary to underline nouns with one line, and adjectives - with two lines. Then, at the command "Attention!" - on the contrary, nouns - two lines, and adjectives - one.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. The indicator of normal concentration of attention of younger schoolchildren at first is 4 or fewer gaps, more than 4 - weak concentration. Checking can take place as follows: first, this role is assigned to the teacher, and later to the classmate. Winners can, for example, receive a token, at the end of the week the number of tokens is counted, the best one can be rewarded. If such exercises are carried out regularly for 2-4 months, then the number of errors in the written work of students is reduced by about 2-3 times.

Exercises for concentration and stability of attention

a) copiers: students are invited to rewrite the following lines without errors:

Ammadda bereure avvamava essanessas detailata; - etaltarrs usokgata enazhloby klatimori liddozoka; - minotsaprimapavotil shonerkapridyurakeda kuftiroladzloekunm

b) Munsterberg test: words are hidden among the letter row


The words that are hidden are in italics:


Among the letters, find dictionary words and correct mistakes:


Among the letters, find and underline the words, find the extra word:


Separate words from each other in a continuous text and write down a saying (you can add a grammar task related to the topic of the lesson - for example, determine the tense of verbs, declension of nouns, etc.)

THE SUBJECT STONE DOES NOT FLOW / Under the lying stone, water does not flow. /

b) "Encryption"

Decipher the words, find the extra:

IAKBNI / Bianki / KVASLADO / Sladkov / URCHSHINA / Charushin / KOVILR / Krylov /

c) "Coding" words using numbers. Each letter has its own number.

For example: encrypt the words METRO, CAKE.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 23458 , 4854

Replace them with the sum of bit terms;

Name the total number of hundreds, tens, etc. ;

Find out how much the first number is greater than the second.

Listening exercises

These are arithmetic dictations that are well known to us, but the meaning of the exercise is that each task consists of several actions. The teacher can give such an instruction: “Now I will read arithmetic problems to you. You must solve them in your mind. The numbers you receive also need to be kept in mind. Write down the results of the calculations only when I say: “Write!”. The very content of the tasks depends on the age of the children, their readiness and program material. For example:

Grade 1 - Two numbers are given 6 and 3. Add these numbers, subtract 2 from the resulting number, then another 4. Write. /answer 3/

Grade 2 - Given two numbers 15 and 23. Add the first digit of the second number to the first digit of the first number, subtract 2 from the resulting number, and now add 4. Write. /answer 5/

Grade 3 - Given two numbers 27 and 32. Multiply the 1st digit of the second number by the 1st digit of the first number and subtract the second digit of the number from the resulting product. Write. /answer 4/

Grade 4 - Two numbers are given 54 and 26. Add the second digit of the second number to the second digit of the first number and divide the resulting amount by the first digit of the second number. Write /5/

Exercises to increase the level of distribution of attention(ability to perform several actions at the same time)

The sentence is read aloud to the children. Reading is accompanied by a soft tapping of a pencil on the table. Children must memorize the text and count the number of strokes.

The child draws circles in a notebook and at the same time counts the claps with which the teacher accompanies the drawing. The execution time is 1 minute. The number of laps and the counted number of strokes are counted. The more circles are drawn and the claps are counted correctly, the higher the score.

- “Counting with interference”: the child calls numbers from 1 to 20, while writing this sequence on a piece of paper or board, but in reverse order: pronounces 1, writes 20, pronounces 2, writes 19, etc. Then the execution time is calculated and the number of errors.

Functional exercise "My triangular cap"(old game). Target: development of concentration of attention and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. Participants sit in a circle. Everyone in turn, starting with the leader, pronounce one word from the phrase:"My triangular cap, My triangular cap. And if not triangular, Then this is not my cap." Then the phrase is repeated, but the children who fall out to say the word "cap" replace it with a gesture (a light clap on the head with the palm of their hand). Then the phrase is repeated once more, but two words are replaced with gestures: the word "cap" (a light clap on the head with the palm of your hand) and "my" (point to yourself). When repeating the phrase for the third time, three words are replaced by gestures: "cap", "mine" and "triangular" (image of a triangle with hands).

. Looking up at the sky. The subjects are asked to go to the window and look at the sky, focus their eyes on the sky (not on a point, but on the entire visible volume), examining it. You can just look (admire), you can describe what you see. Runtime 2 minutes. After the end of the exercise - discussion. It is important that the exercise is enjoyable. Because even a simple viewing (admiring) of the sky is an expansion of the scope of attention.

"Find differences"

Tasks of this type require the ability to highlight the features of objects and phenomena, their details and master the operation of comparison. Systematic and purposeful teaching of comparison to schoolchildren contributes to the development of the skill of timely activation of attention, its inclusion in the regulation of activity.

For comparison, children can be offered any objects, their images, pictures that differ in a certain number of details.

A game common among the hunting tribes of the Indians

Children are invited to sit quietly for a short time and try to hear all possible noises, guess what they came from (the teacher can specially organize some noises). This game can be played as a competition: who will hear the noises more and guess their origin.

Game "Fly"

This game is also aimed at developing concentration. To carry it out, you will need sheets of paper with a lined nine-cell playing field 3 × 3, chips (chips can be buttons, coins, pebbles).

The game is played for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a week, for 1-2 months. It can be played by children from 7 to 17 years old.

The task is done in pairs. Each pair of players is given a sheet with a lined playing field and one chip.

The players are given the following instruction: “Look at a piece of paper with lined cells. This is the playing field. But this chip is a “fly”. "Fly" sat in the middle of the sheet in the middle cell. From here, she can move in any direction. But she can move only when she is given the commands “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”, turning away from the playing field. One of you, the one on the left, will turn away and, without looking at the field, will give commands, the other will move the “fly”. You need to try to keep the “fly” on the field for 5 minutes and not let it “fly away” (leave the playing field). Then the partners switch roles. If the “fly” “flies away” earlier, then the exchange of roles will occur earlier. All clear?"

The complication of the game is due to the fact that the players are united in threes. Two take turns giving commands, trying to keep the “fly” on the field. The third controls her "flight". The one whose “fly” “flies away” before the agreed time gives way to the controller. If everyone fits in the allotted time, then they change roles in turn.

The game "Search non-stop"

Within 10-15 seconds, see as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.) around you. At the signal of the teacher, one child begins the enumeration, the others complete it.

Development of attention in children of preschool and primary school age (from 3 to 10 years old)

Summary: The development of attention, observation in children of preschool and primary school age (from 3 to 10 years). Educational games and exercises. Formation of mindfulness in younger students.

Other publications on developing attention:

Dear parents and teachers! If you don't know about the existence of the site yet, then we highly recommend that you visit it right now. This is the best site on the Internet with an incredibly large number of free educational games and exercises for children. Here you will find games for the development of thinking, attention, memory in preschoolers, exercises for teaching counting and reading, crafts, drawing lessons and much more. All tasks are developed with the participation of experienced child psychologists and preschool teachers. If you are interested in the topic of developing attention in children, be sure to check out the special section of the site "Games for the development of attention in children". Here are screenshots of some tasks:

Attention is the most important quality that characterizes the process of selecting the necessary information and discarding the superfluous. The fact is that thousands of signals from the outside world enter the human brain every second. If there were no attention (a kind of filter), then our brain could not avoid overload.

Attention has certain properties: volume, stability, concentration, selectivity, distribution, switchability and arbitrariness. Violation of each of these properties leads to deviations in the behavior and activities of the child.

A small amount of attention is the inability to concentrate on several objects at the same time, to keep them in mind.

Insufficient concentration and stability of attention - it is difficult for a child to maintain attention for a long time without being distracted and without weakening it.

Insufficient selectivity of attention - the child cannot concentrate on that part of the material that is necessary to solve the task.

Poorly developed attention switching - it is difficult for a child to switch from performing one type of activity to another. For example, if you first checked how your kid did his homework in mathematics, and then, at the same time, decided to test him in Russian, then he will not be able to answer you well. The child will make many mistakes, although he knows the correct answers. It's just hard for him to quickly switch from one type of tasks (mathematical) to another (in Russian).

Poorly developed ability to distribute attention - the inability to effectively (without errors) perform several tasks at the same time.

Insufficient arbitrariness of attention - the child finds it difficult to focus attention on demand.

Such shortcomings cannot be eliminated by fragmentarily included "attention exercises" in the process of training with a child and, as studies show, they require specially organized work to overcome them.

Such work should be carried out in two directions:

1. The use of special exercises that train the basic properties of attention: volume, distribution, concentration, stability and switching.

2. The use of exercises on the basis of which mindfulness is formed as a property of the individual. Usually the cause of global inattention lies in the orientation of children to the general meaning of a text, phrase, word, arithmetic problem or expression - children grasp this meaning and, being content with it, "neglect the particulars." In this regard, the main task of such classes is to overcome this global perception, an attempt to teach to perceive the content taking into account the elements against the background of the meaning of the whole.

This section provides some exercises for training the basic properties of attention.

Educational games and exercises

1. Exercise "Watch your speech."

In the twenties of the last century, such a game of attention was very popular. The host says: "The lady bought a toilet. There are 100 rubles in the toilet, buy whatever you want," yes "" and "no" do not say, do not buy black and white. And he begins to ask tricky questions, trying to "pull out" forbidden words from the respondent.

Do you want to buy a black dress?
- I want to buy a green dress.
- Does green suit you?
- I just like green velvet.
- Will it be a ball gown?
- Ballroom.
- Does your green dress have to be long?
- Yes(!).

Losing. It was necessary, for example, to say "Of course."

This is a game, on the one hand, to develop the ability to ask psychologically complex, "rainy" questions, thereby diverting the attention of the respondent to thinking about a complex answer from not using forbidden words, and on the other hand, to develop the attention of the answering questions.

You can simply agree on which words or parts of speech cannot be spoken and then ask a variety of questions. There should be many questions. This is a blatant test of attention.

For example, these:

Have you had breakfast today? Do you like your hairstyle?
Are you late for class today? Are you left handed? Do you love cinema?
What flowers do you like and what don't you like? Why?

2. Exercise "Forbidden letter".

In this game, everyone will have to watch themselves, so as not to let it slip.

And it’s not surprising to let it slip, as we will see in this now.

One of the participants in the game is appointed as the driver. Turning to the players in turn, the leader asks each one a simple question, demanding an immediate answer to it. For example: "How old are you?", "Who do you sit at your desk with?", "What kind of jam do you like?" etc. The one to whom the question is addressed must immediately give any answer, but without using in his phrase the letter, which, by agreement, is declared forbidden. Suppose that the letter "A" is declared prohibited.

Of course, the driver will try to find tricky questions, answering which it would be difficult to do without the letter "A". "What is your name?" And he will ask, say, a comrade whose name is Vanya. It is clear that he cannot give his name. He'll have to get rid of the joke. "Can't remember!" - he will answer, resourcefully bypassing the trap prepared for him. Then the driver with the same unexpected question will turn to another participant in the game.

The game is played at a fast pace, it is not allowed to think for a long time. Hesitated, did not answer immediately, or, confused, used a forbidden letter in his answer, take the place of the driver and ask questions. We will consider the winners of those who have never fallen into the trap and gave quick, resourceful answers.

As a variant of the game, the condition may be the non-pronunciation of the forbidden letter, i.e. it must be replaced in words with any other.

3. Exercise "Hidden clue".

In this game, it is allowed to prompt, although not in the usual way.

We choose the driver and declare him the guesser. Let's ask the guesser to leave the room for a minute or step aside. In the meantime, let's think of a word. This should be a singular noun, consisting of four or five letters, and all the letters in it should be different, for example, "table", "mosquito", "board", "sail", etc. There are many such words, select they won't take long.

The task of the driver is to guess the word we have conceived. Since this is difficult, you will have to help him, that is, to suggest something, but, of course, not directly, but in some indirect way, relying on his quick wits and attention.

Let's assume that the hidden word is "mosquito". It is unknown to the guesser.

Please tell me the first letter, - he addresses the players.

It is his right to demand a hint, and any three participants in the game can prompt, each in his own way.

The first letter of the hidden word is "K".

How can you suggest it without directly naming it?

It is done in this way. Three players alternately pronounce one word at a time, one-syllable or two-syllable, which includes the letter "K". Suppose one calls the word "compass", the other - "marmot", the third - "drop".

In all three words, the letter "K" is repeated.

The guesser will highlight this letter and remember it.

Let's get the second letter! he demands.

Three other players will tell him the second letter, say, with these words: "lesson", "elephant", "mole". Having singled out the letter "O" repeated three times in them, the guesser will also try to remember it.

If the guesser is attentive and does not get confused in our tips, then we will give him the right to appoint a new driver himself in order to continue the game. And if he does not guess the word we have conceived, we will again force him to drive: let him still train his attention.

4. Exercise "Hidden word".

In games, they often look for a hidden object.

But you can hide and find not only objects. In the game with which we will now get acquainted, you will have to look for hidden words. And we will hide them among other words.

In such a game, vigilance of the eye and observation will no longer help, other qualities will be needed: concentration, attention and resourcefulness. The game begins, as usual, with the choice of the driver. We will "hide" the words, he will "look for" them.

Let's ask the driver to leave the room for a while and think of some well-known proverb or line from a familiar poem. Let's say we decide to hide the proverb " Language will bring to Kyiv". Let's break this text into parts: "language", "to Kyiv", "will bring". Why such a breakdown is needed, it will become clear from the further description of the game.

The driver returns. He is told that the proverb is "hidden" and that, starting to search for it, he can ask any three questions to any three participants in the game. The driver will understand that the text of the hidden proverb is divided into three parts and that the first person to whom he turns with a question must insert the first part of the hidden text into his response phrase, the second - the second part of the text and the third - the last part of the text.

Let's see how it works out.

"What did you see in your dream today?" - suppose the driver asks one of the participants in the game. Tom needs to enter in his answer the first part of the hidden text - the word "language", but in such a way as to better hide it among other words. He can say: "I saw in a dream that I arrived in a foreign city, went into the dining room, and there they served me such a dish that it was impossible to pronounce its name: you would break your tongue." "Where do lemons grow?" - let's say the driver asks another. He can get away with a joke: "In warm countries and in my grandfather's garden: he lives on a collective farm, twenty kilometers before reaching Kyiv."

The phrase seems to be smooth, but the words "to Kyiv" may make the driver alert and take note of them. To the last question, whatever it may be, one can give an evasive answer: "Don't be so curious, it will not lead to good." And now let the driver guess which proverb we have guessed.

5. Game "What has changed?".

The game is played like this. Small items (eraser, pencil, notebook, match, etc. in the amount of 10-15 pieces) are laid out on the table and covered with a newspaper. Whoever wants to test his powers of observation first, please come to the table! He is offered to familiarize himself with the location of objects within 30 seconds (count up to 30); then he should turn his back to the table, and at this time three or four objects are shifted to other places. Again, 30 seconds are given to inspect the items, after which they are again covered with a sheet of newspaper. Now let's ask the player: what has changed in the arrangement of objects, which of them have been moved?

Don't think that answering this question will always be easy! Answers are scored. For each correctly indicated item, the player is credited with winning 1 point, but for each mistake, 1 point is removed from the number won. An error is considered when an object is named that has not been transferred to another place.

Let's mix our "collection", putting the items in a different order, and call another participant in the game to the table. So one by one, all team members will pass the test.

The conditions of the game for everyone should be the same: if four objects were swapped for the first player, then the same number is shifted for the rest.

In this case, the best result is 4 points won. Everyone who passes the test with such a result will be considered the winners in the game.

6. Exercise "I remember everything" (development of attention and memory).

This fun game can be played by two, three or even four, competing in the ability to memorize words in a given order.

Compliance with this condition is monitored by the judge, who, during the game, keeps a control sheet, writing down the words named by the players. Words are selected on a specific topic, such as the names of cities, the names of plants or animals. Let's say that the theme of the game is the names of cities. Of course, it is better to call cities well-known, they are easier to remember.

So let's start the game. The contestants sit in a circle.

Tula, - says one. The judge immediately writes this word on the control sheet.

The second player, repeating the named city, adds the name of another city to it:

Tula, Poltava.

- Tula, Poltava, Omsk, - announces the third.

If there are three players, then the turn goes back to the first one. He should fill up the list of cities with one more name. For example.

- Tula, Poltava, Omsk, Vladivostok.

So, each time adding one city, the players in their next turn must repeat all the cities named earlier, mentioning them in the same order and not skipping a single one.

At first, this is given relatively easily, but when the list of names steps over a dozen, you involuntarily begin to stumble. And the judge, attributing each newly added word to his control sheet, vigilantly watches if anyone misses at least one of them.

The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

The rest continue the competition until one of them is the winner.

Divide everyone who wants to take part in this game into threes. In each trio, someone will be the winner. And then arrange the final meeting of the winners for the title of champion in this interesting game.

7. Where is whose house?

Game for development of stability of attention. Offer the child a drawing of seven different little animals, each of which hurries to its own house. Lines connect the animals to their houses. It is necessary to determine where whose house is, without drawing a pencil along the lines. If the task is difficult for the baby, then allow it, but eventually put the pencil aside.

8. Exercises for the development of stability and switching attention.

You can play like this. Give your child different words: table, bed, cup, pencil, bear, fork, etc. The kid listens attentively and claps his hands when he comes across a word denoting, for example, an animal. If the baby is confused, repeat the game from the beginning.

Another time, suggest that the child stand up every time they hear the word for a plant. Then combine the first and second tasks, i.e. the baby claps his hands when he hears words denoting animals, and stands up when pronouncing words denoting a plant. Such and similar exercises develop attentiveness, speed of distribution and switching of attention, and, in addition, expand the horizons and cognitive activity of the child. It is good to play such games with several children, desire, excitement and a prize for the winner will make them even more exciting.

To develop stability of attention, give the child a small text (newspaper, magazine) and offer, looking through each line, to cross out a letter (for example, a). Record the time and number of errors. Record the results on a daily chart and analyze them. Rejoice in success with your child. Then, to train distribution and switch attention, change the task. For example, like this: "In each line, cross out the letter a, and underline the letter p." Or like this: "Cross out the letter a if it is preceded by the letter p, and underline the letter a if it is preceded by the letter n." Record times and errors. Don't forget to praise your baby.

9. Exercise "What has changed?" (development of observation).

Game for training observation. It is best to play with several children. Everyone becomes in one line. The host calls one child and offers to remember the appearance of each participant in the game. This is given 1-2 minutes. After that, the baby turns away or goes into another room. The remaining participants in the game make minor changes to the costume or hairstyle: you can pin a badge or, conversely, remove it, unfasten or fasten a button, change places with each other, change your hairstyle, etc. Then the memorizer should name those changes in the costumes of his comrades that he managed to notice.

If you do not have the opportunity to gather a large company, you can modify this exciting game: lay out 10 objects on the table in front of the child, ask him to turn away and at this moment change the arrangement of the objects. Then offer to answer what has changed.

10. Pictures "Find the difference".

All children enjoy looking at pictures. You can combine the useful with the pleasant. Invite the child to look at the pictures, where, for example, two gnomes (or two kittens, or two fish) are depicted. At first glance, they are exactly the same. But, looking more closely, you can see that this is not the case. Let the child try to spot the differences. You can also pick up a few pictures with ridiculous content and ask the child to find inconsistencies.

11. Exercise "Color your soulmate."

There are also such exercises for the development of concentration. You need to prepare several half-colored pictures. And the kid should color the second half of the picture in the same way as the first half was painted. This task can be complicated by inviting the child to first draw the second half of the picture, and then color it. (It can be a butterfly, a dragonfly, a house, a Christmas tree, etc.).

12. Exercise "Digital table".

Show the child a table with a set of numbers from 1 to 25, which are arranged in random order. But first, make sure the baby knows all these numbers. Tell him: "Try as quickly as possible to find, show and say aloud the numbers from 1 to 25." Most children 5-7 years old complete this task in 1.5-2 minutes and almost without errors.


























Another version of this game: prepare a table with 25 cells, on which the numbers from 1 to 35 are randomly written, 10 of which are missing. Ask the child to find and show all the numbers in a row, and write down the missing numbers (if he cannot write down the numbers, then just let him call them to you). Record the time it took the child to complete this task.

If these exercises turned out to be difficult for a son or daughter, make a simpler table, for example, from 9 cells.

13. A bird is not a bird.

A fun game for the attention and knowledge of birds.

An adult reads poetry. The task of the children is to listen carefully and, if a word is heard that means not a bird, give a signal - stomp or clap. Be sure to ask the child what is wrong. Specify:
"And the fly - who is this?"

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.,

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
swans, martens,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Seagulls and walruses

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jays and snakes.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Seagulls, pelicans,
Mikey and Eagles.
Pigeons, tits,
herons, nightingales,
Perches and sparrows.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Ducks, geese, owls,
Swallows, cows.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Sticks and swifts
Butterflies, siskins,
storks, cuckoos,
even owls,
swans and ducks -
and thanks for the joke!

14. A cow flew.

There must be at least three players. Everyone sits in a circle and, turning their right hand palm down, and the left hand palm up, connect their palms with the palms of their neighbors. In turn, they pronounce the word of the verse, clapping the palm of the right neighbor in time with the word:

The cow flew, said the word.
What word did the cow say?

Whoever gets the turn to answer, calls any word, for example, "grass". His neighbor, along with cotton, says the first letter of this word - "t", the next - the second, and so on until the end of the word, until the last "a". The task of the last player is not to gape and have time to remove his hand from under the final clap.

15. Top clap.

Game for the development of attention, memory.

The leader pronounces phrases-concepts - correct and incorrect.
If the expression is correct, the children clap, if not correct, they stomp.

Examples: " It always snows in summer". "Potatoes are eaten raw". "Crow is a migratory bird". It is clear that the older the children, the more complex the concepts should be.

16. The game "Button".

Two people are playing. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field - it is a square divided into cells. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field.

The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more difficult the game becomes.
The same game can be used to work on the development of memory, spatial perception and thinking.

17. The game "Little bug".

"Now we will play such a game. You see, in front of you is a field drawn into cells. A beetle is crawling on this field. The beetle moves on command. It can move down, up, right, left. I will dictate moves to you, and you will move the beetle in the right direction across the field.Do it mentally.You cannot draw or move your finger across the field!

Attention? We started. One cell up, one cell to the left. One cell down. One cell to the left. One cell down. Show me where the beetle stopped."

(If the child finds it difficult to complete the task mentally, then at first you can let him show with his finger each movement of the beetle, or make a beetle and move it around the field. It is important that as a result the child learns to mentally navigate in the cell field).

Tasks for the beetle can come up with a variety of. When the field of 16 cells is mastered, move on to moving along the field of 25, 36 cells, complicate the tasks with moves: 2 cells obliquely to the right and down, 3 cells to the left, etc.

18. An exercise aimed at increasing the level of distribution of attention
(ability to do several things at the same time).

Read a little sentence aloud. Reading is accompanied by a soft tapping of a pencil on the table. Children must memorize the text and count the number of strokes.

You can conduct this exercise as a competition: whoever counted correctly, he won. Winners receive, for example, a red circle. Since it is better to play several times in a lesson, the calculation of winnings is carried out at the end of the lesson, and the winners are somehow encouraged.

In the process of classes, the number of sentences used in the text increases.

19. Exercise for the distribution of attention.

The exercise is aimed at developing the child's ability to perform two different actions at the same time.

a) The child draws circles in a notebook and at the same time counts the claps with which the adult accompanies the drawing. Task execution time - 1 min.

The number of circles and the counted number of strokes are counted. The more circles are drawn and the claps are counted correctly, the higher the score.

b) The task is similar to the previous one. Within 1 minute, you need to simultaneously draw with two hands: left - circles, right - triangles. At the end, the number of drawn triangles and circles is counted.

(Triangles with "rounded" vertices do not count, as do circles with "corners". The child's task is to draw as many triangles and circles as possible.)

Parents can invent tasks of this type themselves. It can be drawing and oral solution of simple examples; writing down words and listening to a piece of a poem, etc. It is important to form such a quality as noise immunity in a child.

20. Exercise to increase the concentration of auditory attention.

For this, it is very convenient to conduct arithmetic dictations, however, the point of the exercise is that each task consists of several actions.

For example, the teacher says:

1 class- "Two numbers are given: 6 and 3 ... Add the first number and the second ... and subtract from the resulting number
2... Then subtract 4 more... Write!.." (Answer: 3)

"Two numbers are given: 15 and 23 ... Add the first digit of the second number to the first digit of the first number ... subtract 2 from the resulting number, and now add 7 ... Write! .." (answer: 8)

Grade 2- "Two numbers are given: 27 and 32 ... Multiply the first digit of the second number by the first digit of the first
number ... and subtract the second digit of the second number from the resulting product ... Write! .. " (answer: 4)

"Two numbers are given: 82 ... and 68 ... To the first digit of the second number, add the second digit of the first number ... and divide the resulting amount by 4 ... Write! .." (answer: 2)

3rd grade- "Two numbers are given: 54 and 26 ... To the second digit of the first number, add the second digit of the second
numbers ... and divide the resulting amount by the first digit of the second number ... Write! .. " (answer: 5)

"Two numbers are given: 56 and 92 ... Divide the second digit of the first number by the second digit of the second number ... Multiply the resulting quotient by the first digit of the second number ... Write! .." (answer: 27)

In such exercises, you can introduce a game moment: a magician and a magician who can guess numbers: "Think of a number ... add 5 to it, now subtract 2 ... subtract the number you thought of ... and multiply the resulting difference by 4 ... You did it..."

The above exercises allow you to hold and concentrate attention, and the data obtained may indicate a slow inclusion in the work (with the wrong solution of the first tasks and the correct solution of subsequent ones) or a rapid exhaustion of attention, an inability to maintain its concentration (with the correct solution of the first tasks and the incorrect solution of subsequent ones) which allows the teacher to adjust his work depending on the results obtained.

21. Exercise for concentration and stability of attention.

Students are asked to rewrite the following lines without errors:















22. Exercise "Follow the pattern" (training concentration).

The exercise includes the task of drawing quite complex, but repetitive patterns.
Each of the patterns requires increased attention of the child, because. requires him to perform several sequential actions:

a) analysis of each element of the pattern;
b) correct reproduction of each element;
c) maintaining the sequence for a long time.

When performing tasks of this kind, it is important not only how accurately the child reproduces the pattern (concentration of attention), but also how long he can work without errors. Therefore, each time try to gradually increase the execution time of one pattern. 5 minutes is enough to get started.

After the "cellular" patterns are mastered, move on to more complex patterns on a clean sheet.

To perform this kind of tasks, it is convenient to make forms in advance with a different number of rows of circles, triangles or squares. Forms can be represented by a mixed set of figures. For example, a series of squares, a series of circles, a series of triangles, etc.

The task can be supplemented by asking the child to check the correctness of the pattern and correct the mistakes.

23. An exercise aimed at training the switching of attention.

To train attention switching, exercises based on the Red-Black Tables test are used.

For the lesson, tables with black and red numbers are used, the order of which is constantly changing. The order of work remains unchanged:

Stage 1- consider the table and find in order all the black numbers from 1 to 12;
Stage 2- look at the table and find all the red numbers in reverse order from 12 to 1;
Stage 3- you need to alternately look for black numbers in direct order from 1 to 12, and red numbers in reverse order from 12 to 1.

After the child has satisfactory results on the number of digits proposed above, their number can be increased first to 16 (both of them), and then to 24 (i.e. black - from 1 to 24, red - from 24 to one).

The same task can be modified by replacing the numbers with letters. For example, black letters must be written in alphabetical order, and red letters must be written in reverse. Since this task is more difficult than the previous ones, it is advisable to use it after the children learn to cope well with numerical options, while the table itself should consist of no more than 9-16 cells (i.e. the number of black letters does not exceed 8, and the number of red - 7).

When children achieve significant success in working with the tables described above, the task can be complicated.

Children should find red and black numbers alternately on the table offered to them and write down only the letters corresponding to these numbers, and red numbers must be found in descending order, and black numbers in ascending order. The first proposed tables should contain no more than 13 black pairs of numbers - letters and 12 red pairs of numbers - letters. The work goes like this:

Red number 12, write the letter P, then black number 1, write the letter B, then red number 11, write the letter I, black number 2, write the letter H ...
With the successful work of children, the number of pairs can be increased to 24 red pairs of numbers - letters and 24 black pairs of numbers - letters.

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mylrt bag ldchev fish th

25. Exercise "Correction test" (development of the ability to analyze written words).

This exercise is aimed at developing the ability to analyze written words, "see" the letters in them, and as a result, form attentiveness. It is a game that basically has a "correction test" test. For her, old books with large print, suitable only for waste paper, are taken. Within 5 minutes (only 5), children are invited to cross out all the letters "a" that they meet. At the same time, it is agreed that if the guys miss more than four letters, then they lose, four or fewer gaps win. Winners receive, for example, green chips. Since it is better to play every day, it is better to count the winnings once a week, and the winners are rewarded with something...

The tasks are checked by the guys themselves - a neighbor by a neighbor. If they do not notice any gaps, although at this age children are more partial to other people's work than to their own, then it does not matter, the main thing is that for several minutes the child will be in a state of concentration.

Then the game can be made more difficult.

For example, cross out in each line the letter that comes first in it:

The next step is to cross out one letter in the line and underline the other.
For example, "e" is crossed out, and the letter "m" is underlined.

Another option: "First we underline one letter, and cross out the other, then on command:" Attention! "The work goes the other way - we cross out the first one, and underline the second one."

For example, "The 1st part of the work: "C" - underline, "O" - cross out, at the command: "Attention!"" A line is drawn and the 2nd part of the work begins: now we cross out the letter "C", and the letter "O "- emphasize".


26. Exercise for the formation of mindfulness among students at school.

A similar exercise can be carried out on educational material by offering students a grammatical analysis of several texts. In the text, it is necessary to underline nouns with one line, and adjectives - with two, then at the command "Attention!" - on the contrary: nouns - two, and adjectives - one.

For example:

An analysis of the results shows that after some time of using such exercise games, the teacher's call to "be attentive" can cause a state of concentration in children.

Simultaneously with the introduction of such game exercises, the child's attitude to reading a Russian language textbook should be changed. Children are taught that the exercises in the textbook of the Russian language, unlike the "Native Speech", must be read aloud as it is written (naming unpronounceable consonants, punctuation marks, etc.).

When checking a completed task by a child, it should be emphasized that what is written must be read aloud and as if it was written by someone else - "another girl", "a poorly trained puppy."

Practice shows that elementary school students with great interest and diligence relate to such classes, in which the formation of attention, organization is set as a special educational task.

Shamil Akhmadullin

Psychologist, writer, author of more than 30 books and manuals on effective teaching of children, including “Speed ​​Reading for Children. How to teach a child to read quickly and understand what they read, "Development of memory in children." Founder of the network of centers for speed reading, development of memory and intelligence in children

The main activity of children of primary school age is education. It introduces significant changes in psychological processes, placing high demands on the concentration of attention. The ability of children to work effectively in the classroom is the result of the ability to focus on the learning process, the topic and content of the lesson, the words of the teacher and their own actions. That is why it is so important to develop attention, which will help the child to fully learn and successfully cope with the tasks.

What is attention

Attention is a concept in cognitive psychology, meaning the selective focus of perception on certain objects. This is a special state of consciousness in which the subject (child) is able to focus cognitive processes (thinking, perception, imagination,) on specific objects that have personal or situational significance.

Attention is the concentration of a person on objects and phenomena that are most important to him.

How attention is formed in children

For the formation of attention skills in the learning process, it is important to observe several requirements:

  • sufficient pace of learning and the absence of long pauses;
  • reliance on active mental activity (application of tasks for generalization and comparison, search for examples and formation of conclusions);
  • the absence of external stimuli that attract involuntary attention and distract from the cognitive process (loud remarks, comments, sudden movements);
  • clarity and brevity of explanations before the child starts any work.

It is strictly forbidden to comment on the actions of the child when he is concentrated: to make comments, suggest. Hand in hand, you distract the child from the task and force him to concentrate on your words and again at work, which causes fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson.

The formation of attention is facilitated by various games and exercises for observation. The search for correspondences, mistakes, changes attracts and maintains the attention of the child, teaches him to concentrate without an additional call for attention.

How to improve the attention of children 7-10 years old

Small volume, insufficient selectivity, undeveloped switchability and stability of attention are shortcomings that are eliminated due to special exercises included in the educational process. To improve the attention of a child of 7–10 years old, it is necessary to use two types of exercises:

  • special exercises for the development of the basic properties of attention (stability, distribution, concentration);
  • exercises that form attention as a personal property.

Inattention is the result of children's focus on the general, and not on particulars. Grasping the general meaning of the story, the essence of the statement or, the children do not delve into the details, do not take into account important elements.

The purpose of specialized exercises is to teach the child to perceive details against the general background.

The development of the attention of younger schoolchildren, with the right organization, develops into attentiveness - an integral feature of a successful person. It is important to explain this to the children, convincing them of the need for observation, the ability to look for flaws, compare, and see changes. Tell the children that mindful people always have a goal and achieve it with ease.

By forming a daily routine with your child, you will teach him to pay attention to important events in the complex and separately. By gradually developing an action plan, you will teach the student to concentrate on the details.

No less effective for improving the attention of children are exercises with paired control, when classmates exchange the results of their work and look for each other's mistakes. Seeing the failures and shortcomings of others, children learn from the mistakes of others, being more attentive to their own work and its results.

You can improve the attention of the child by accustoming her to discipline, responsibility and accuracy. Attentive children are collected children who treat things with care, know how to take care of loved ones and themselves. Do you want to make your child responsible and attentive? Start and entrust the student to care for him.

Exercises to train the attention of children 7–10 years old

Constant training of attention and memory is the key to the formation of the skills necessary for effective and successful learning in a younger student. The inclusion of the following games in primary education has a positive effect on children's academic performance and their ability to concentrate.

Game "I remember everything"

The game is perfect for pairs or small groups (3-4 people). The main task of the players is to memorize the words in a strict sequence, and a third party (parent, teacher, student appointed by the judge) monitors compliance with the conditions, writing down a chain of words. So that the game does not tire the children, use words of the same subject: fruits, vegetables, cities, countries.

The process of the game looks like this: “Carrot,” says the first player. “Carrots, radishes,” says another. "Carrot, radish, tomato..."

A child who mixes up the sequence or forgets the word is out of the game. The winner is the player who did not make a single mistake.

The competitive nature of the game motivates children, making them participate with interest and train their memory and attentiveness.

Exercise "Find the words"

The game is appropriate in the classroom and perfectly complements the grammar exercises. Children are invited to find words in the alphabetic row, highlighting the superfluous according to a certain attribute: part of speech, gender, number, case.

For example:


Correct answer: dogs is an extra word, as it is a plural noun.


Correct answer: shampoo is an extra word, as it is a masculine noun.

Exercise "Name the color"

An interesting exercise that can be turned into a competition with the choice of the winner. The essence of the task is to accurately name the colors in which the words are written. The game develops concentration, because the child focuses on the color of the font, and not on the word for the color.

Exercise "Find the Differences"

A classic mindfulness exercise. The task of the child is to find all the differences between two similar images that can be found on the Internet. The exercise is suitable for both first graders and students in grades 2-4.

Smaller children aged 7-8 years are better shown with images with a small number of large elements in discreet colors. For older children, bright pictures with an abundance of small details are suitable, the consideration of which trains not only attentiveness, but also improves stability and attention span - the ability to concentrate on several objects at the same time.