The real history of Russia and civilization through the eyes of the historian G.M. Gerasimov. The entire official story is completely fake Georgy Gerasimov story

New book out Gerasimov George Mikhailovich : « A New Look at Theoretical History: From Myth to Real History ", 152 pages, ISBN 978-5-397-02482-2, URSS, 2012 - buy a book in the online store

AT Ukraine this book can be found here ORDER-BUY

Our world is rapidly changing before our eyes. A strong mind and common sense, but without a scientific approach and systematic modeling of situations, is not able to adequately respond to emerging challenges. We need a development model. History is known to be the foundation for all other social sciences. Including to find the most effective ways of development of human civilization

In the book G.M. Gerasimova I just found a unique example of applying system analysis and logic to model the development of civilization, combining it with the gradual development of the human mind, technology and social life. From my experience of reading this book - it's not easy to understand, requires work on it and repeated reading. Certain points become clear only after reading the whole book.

I am convinced that the inquisitive reader will intellectual enjoyment from reading a book G.M. Gerasimova « A New Look at Theoretical History: From Myth to Real History »
P .S . AT 2008 the book was to be published in publishing house « WILLIAMS » , but the global financial crisis prevented

In the book G.M. Gerasimova « A new look at theoretical history» Comprehensive data are given that refute the seemingly unshakable provisions of the traditional ( official) history, as well as a new historical concept of the development of human civilization with a proof of the uniqueness of the historical scenario

The book includes original theories of the origin of man and the emergence of statehood. It fundamentally solves the problem of calendars in civilization and real dating of historical events according to G.M. Gerasimov

Book recommended to all lovers of history, especially those who are interested in new approaches
CONTENT books Gerasimova G.M.
From the publisher
Author's Preface

Chapter 1
1.1. Rise of States
1.2. From animal to human
1.3. Emergence of the market
1.4. The emergence of artisans
1.5. Diffusion and development of technologies
1.6. Origin of the Neanderthal
1.7. Origin of the Cro-Magnon
1.8. The emergence of agriculture
1.9. The evolution of statehood
1.10. Human settlement
1.11. Rise of races

Chapter 2. State Stage
2.1. Time measurement
2.2. Key dates of our chronology
2.3. Calendar technologies
2.4. Republican calendar
2.5. The history of our calendar
2.6. Calendar hybrids in history
2.7. Only decision
2.8. Reproduction of the Grand Dukes
2.9. calendar scales
2.10. Ancient Law
2.11. From Adam to Empire
Georgy Mikhailovich GERASIMOV was born in 1957. In 1980 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Until 1992 - physicist, researcher. In his student years, he made an attempt to theoretically solve the question of how civilization should have arisen on the planet, however, since the result was fundamentally at odds with official history, he postponed this task for a while.

In 1999, after getting acquainted with one of the works A.T.Fomenko decided to return to student developments twenty years ago, which he outlined in his first published book “ Applied Philosophy"(2000).

In 2003, he theoretically found a fundamental solution to the question of the origin of man; in 2004 he figured out the calendar history of civilization and the reproduction of the great princes.

Since 2005, on the basis of the decisions received, he has been engaged in the reconstruction of world history. Book " The real history of Russia and civilization” was constantly subjected to adjustment, there were more than fifty working versions. In 2006, the current version of the book was published under the title " A new short course in the history of Russia and civilization". In 2009, the work was actually completed.

AT 2010 prepared for the publication of the book “ Real history of Russia and Ukraine " and " Theoretical history ».

AT 2011 prepared for publication the main work of the author from the historical series “ The real history of Russia and civilization »- the abstract of this book can be read (as of 2008)
Last update - July 2, 2012 of the year
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The falsity of the official ancient history today is no longer in doubt among those who are not too lazy to delve into it. There are dozens of the most natural questions to which she is not able to give even the slightest degree of satisfactory answer.

Why does England and Japan drive on the left?

Why are Jews descended from the maternal line?

How were the Egyptian pyramids built?

How was tin mined in the "Bronze Age", the second main component of bronze besides copper?

What were Scandinavian sails made of in ancient times?

How did the US manage for a century without its own currency?

Why were all the articles on philosophy in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron commissioned from the Russian philosopher Solovyov, while F. Nietzsche could not even sell his publications in Germany with a circulation of only 40 copies?

How was the vernal equinox determined at the First Ecumenical Council? Why does an Orthodox church service go on without musical accompaniment? Why are there no Arabic numerals on the coins of Peter I?

How did Menshikov's children become princes of the Holy Roman Empire?

Official history does not bother itself at all, as any normal science should, with answers to the questions "how" and "why". Accordingly, it is defended today either by dogmatists who do not have the necessary culture of thinking, or by those who have one or another mercantile interest in this area.

The crisis smoldered weakly for almost a century, but only in the last ten years has it escalated and come out. When can we expect its final approval?

A somewhat similar situation was in physics at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, when the study of the microworld began, and theoretical work reached the level of analysis of relativistic effects. In physics, it took several decades to bring order to the theory and philosophical understanding of the results. And this is in a science that is qualitatively superior in terms of general culture to all other disciplines, where, unlike history, theory is comprehensively tested by experiment. So, based on analogies, taking into account the conservatism of historians and the lack of modern scientific culture among them, the crisis could drag on for centuries.

In physics, scientists have encountered effects that have no analogues even remotely in everyday life, completely overturning the picture of the world, such as the curvature of space and time or the ability of microparticles to freely penetrate through any obstacles. It would seem that scientific problems in history cannot be commensurate with the problems of physics in terms of complexity. After all, the history of society should be natural at the level of common sense and everyday experience. However, it turns out that it is much more difficult to deal with the curvature of cultural time and space than the physical one. What is the problem?

The problem is not one, their whole social complex. First, the very task of restoring the true events, when someone is interested in hiding them, is in most cases very difficult. If this were not so, and the past was easily restored, then there would be practically no criminal offenses. And they, as the previous experience of mankind shows, are still ineradicable.

Secondly, often decisive information for restoring events in criminal cases is provided by an analysis of the motives of all participants, and with a global distortion of the past, not only true events are erased, but also real motives. If we add to this that history was distorted not once, but as a result of a whole series of successive changes over the course of a century, then several layers of real pictures of the past, events and motives for distorting history are lost. It becomes impossible even to approach the task of restoring the past. Basically nothing to grab onto. There are practically no sources to rely on. Event and dynastic history were rewritten. The history of religion is virtually all fictional. The history of culture changed in such a way as to confirm the dynastic, religious and event history. The history of science and technology was the last to be falsified in the second half of the nineteenth century, so that it would correspond to the rest of history.

Thirdly, the distortion of history has always been done by order of the authorities, who determined what and how to distort, financed these works, ensured the participation in this work of all possible assistants, both those in the public service and “independents”. Therefore, falsifications were made carefully. The bulk of the historical traces that do not fit into the official history, the falsifiers destroyed and created fakes for more than a century. As a result, today there are practically no historical materials necessary to create a true historical version. And all the remaining historical traces, such as archaeological finds, weapons, jewelry, coins, birch bark letters, clay tablets, etc., are very informative in detail, completely uninformative on conceptual issues. They can be naturally logically laid down in a variety of historical versions.

Fourthly, it is the government that is the customer for fundamental science, to which history belongs. And who pays, he orders the "music". The authorities decide what kind of "science-history" should be, what personnel and culture will be, what kind of moral environment, up to the question of what can be investigated and what not. As a result, the official "science-history" is arranged in such a way that it is in principle incapable of going against the customer, and will do everything to disrupt the work of restoring real history.

And in order to successfully overcome the crisis, it is necessary:

1. Create a basic historical concept.

2. Fill it with specifics based on the historical traces left, building as a result a real history of civilization.

3. Show technically how falsification was carried out at each stage.

4. Find the motive for falsification at each historical stage, which was just hiding.

5. Convince professional historians of the correctness of the new version, the very ones who should oppose this work.

In connection with the last point, in particular, we have to admit the complete incompetence in the science of history at the conceptual level of modern historians, and no one likes to admit their mistakes of this level. So this work will be hindered not only by historians who are dedicated to the essence of the problem, which, by the way, are practically gone due to the length and multi-stage falsification, but by their entire “professional caste”. Therefore, the fulfillment of the fifth point is generally possible only as a result of a natural change of two generations of historians. Admitting the mistakes of predecessors is no longer so shameful. By the way, after the creation of a scientific concept, it took so much time in chemistry for the transition from the pseudoscientific alchemical stage to the scientific one.

And how much time is needed to complete the first four theoretical points? - The falsifiers were sure that they could not be implemented in principle. The falsification was done in such a way that it was impossible to get through even one of its stages. And there were at least three such stages. The first began in 1776, the second - in 1814, the third - in 1856. Therefore, many attempts to build an alternative historical concept were unsuccessful due to the virtually complete absence of reliable historical materials of the conceptual level. There was basically nothing to rely on. And without this, the following points turned out to be impossible.

The author of this publication, due to a combination of circumstances, managed to fulfill all the theoretical points. Based on the geography and distribution of natural and climatic zones, an economic model of the emergence of civilization on planet Earth was built and its uniqueness was strictly proved. In particular, a set of natural conditions and landscapes necessary for this was found.

This made it possible to uniquely link the place of origin of man and the first civilization to the territory of Russia. As a result, a reliable basis appeared, on which one could rely when creating a basic historical concept.

The development of the concept led to three conclusions proven with mathematical rigor:

Firstly, the only possible variant of the origin of man has been found;

Secondly, it was possible to restore the most ancient law of reproduction of royal dynasties and the management scheme in the Roman Empire and Byzantium;

Thirdly, the problem of calendars was completely solved. It is shown when and what calendars, lunar or solar, were used in civilization.

This resulted in the motives and basic method of the first falsification. Further reconstruction of history led to the second stage of falsification, and then to the third. When moving from antiquity, one can see the state of civilization on the eve of falsification and motives. The task becomes much easier than when moving from the present to the past.

And in conclusion, I would like to note the following. Usually a scientific theory, especially one that seriously changes the perception of the world, goes through several stages. First, the polemical stage. Then follows the stage of philosophical understanding of the results obtained. At the third stage, when the correctness of the theory is no longer in doubt and its place has been determined, the results are presented in the mode of a textbook, so as to make them extremely accessible to the student. "Real History ...", despite the fact that it contains several new theories that overturn generally accepted ideas, is closest to the publications of the third stage. The previous ones were covered in previous publications of the author.

In this regard, a recommendation on how to read and perceive the proposed book, those who first encounter the problem raised. The attitude of the author to the claim that the official story is completely false, before he himself plunged into this topic, was the same as that of the vast majority today. History was perceived like other sciences, in which there could still be unresolved problems, certain inaccuracies, but complete falsity at the level of common sense seemed completely impossible.

Foreword by A.M. Trukhin, first of all, is aimed at introducing an unprepared reader into the topic as far as it is generally possible to do so right off the bat. It should reverse the reader's attitude to official history, on which the bulk of our culture relies. Human consciousness does not allow to operate with him in this way. There must be foundations in the mind that can be trusted. The history of civilization among them. Therefore, to begin with, the reader, touching this topic for the first time, should at least get the feeling from the introduction that in the official science of history it is not the same as in other sciences. There are problems on a qualitatively different level.

It is not necessary to immediately agree with this or completely dismiss it. This should be taken into account, as well as the fact that today many thousands of people of different levels of education, more or less delved into the topic, are convinced of the inadequacy of official history.

The first part of the book is devoted to methodology, and it explains in sufficient detail the social and methodological features of the science of history, which could lead to such anomalies. An educated and thinking reader, even without being previously in the subject, should already perceive this part of the book quite positively. It does not yet imply the level of distortion in history, but the reader is psychologically prepared for the fact that these distortions can be very serious.

The second part of the book is a theoretical solution to the problem of how civilization should have been born and developed on planet Earth. This decision is strict. However, a very small percentage of readers can feel the rigor of this decision, since the solution obtained lies in an area that is still insufficiently formalized. Therefore, the reader, who is not convinced of the rigor and uniqueness of the solution obtained, is again invited to simply take it into account as one of the possible options.

The third part of the book is key. It contains the main evidence part of the proposed concept. Based on the solution obtained in the second part, the problem of calendars and dating of events is analyzed. The proof of the uniqueness of the proposed solution is already given with mathematical rigor in a formalized domain. To understand it, a secondary education and a desire to honestly understand the topic are enough.

It is clear that even after evidence of this level, it will be psychologically very difficult for most readers to abandon the mindsets that have been formed since childhood, for a long time and in many ways. However, here everyone has to make a choice independently, what determines his personal consciousness, public suggestion, hypnosis or the power of his own intellect, which history of civilization he will choose, scientific, consistent with other sciences and logic, or anti-scientific, but comprehensively penetrated into human culture. .

The fourth part proposes a version of the story based on a new proven concept. Some minor inaccuracies are not ruled out here, but their probability is very small. The history built on the basis of the new concept is, on the whole, much more logical and natural than the traditional one from the point of view of economics and human psychology.

The fifth part is devoted to human culture in the broadest sense of the word. This shows the good compatibility of our current culture with the created new history and certain contradictions with the official one. However, criticism of official history occupies an insignificant place in the proposed work. This topic is skillfully disclosed in some works of other authors, in particular, in the appendices, an abstract by A.M. Trukhin of the book by V. Lopatin "The Scaliger Matrix". This critical work alone kills the traditional story on the spot. The purpose of the book offered to the reader is to give a construct, which was not yet available before this publication.

The last two applications reverse the linguistic concept of civilization. They were made on the basis of a conceptual forecast, and fully confirmed the proposed version of history. Russian is the main language of civilization. All other languages ​​are its aberrations. At the level of word roots, the whole world still speaks Russian.

Georgy Mikhailovich Gerasimov became known in alternative circles thanks to his work The Real History of Russia and Civilization. It contains a completely new look at the past of all mankind.

Gerasimov is not a professional historian. He is a physicist by training. Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1980 with honors. He worked as a researcher at the VNIIFTRI Institute. He could become a successful scientist in the exact sciences. But it was at this time that the crisis began in the USSR. Gerasimov leaves science and until the end of the nineties, with varying success, is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. But after the default, it gradually curtails all its projects.

It was at this time that Gerasimov began to pay attention to the study of the past. He is trying to apply his knowledge of the exact sciences in order to ... better understand history. For example, he formulated the "law of reproduction of the Grand Dukes." Based on his calculations, the researcher tried to create historical concepts.

In 2007, the work "The Real History of Russia and Civilization" was published. It outlines the concept of the past, which radically contradicts all modern scientific data.

Today we will consider the most ancient, even prehistoric period. The book - as you might guess - begins with a description of the origin of man.

Let us briefly list the most interesting and controversial statements of the author.

Cro-Magnon is actually a physically degraded Neanderthal. Most modern scientists consider Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals as two biological species that existed in parallel. Over time, the former supplanted the latter. Neanderthals were destroyed, assimilated (questioned by some scientists and is an assumption, not a fact), or they themselves died out as a result of deteriorating climatic conditions. Gerasimov believes that it was different. Female Neanderthals lived in separate genera from males. To continue the family, they periodically spent time together. Male children born weak remained with the women. Over time, they began to give offspring. This is how the Cro-Magnons appeared, who were physically worse developed than the Neanderthals. It is not entirely clear where Gerasimov got information about such details of the life of Neanderthals. Based on the data obtained at their burial sites, we can conclude that Neanderthal women and men lived together. At least there is no indication that there was a strict separation between them. And in nature, males and females live together. Including among primates, which are the closest relatives of man. It is also important that the Cro-Magnons appeared in Africa, and the Neanderthals - in Europe, as two independently emerged biological species.

Neanderthals lived almost until the twentieth century. The proof of this is the legends about goblin, brownies, trolls, "snowman". Theoretically, one of the Neanderthals, Pithecanthropes, Denisovans could really survive to this day. How to prove it in practice? You can catch one of them or dig up a burial place. Either way, material evidence is required. Without them, legends will remain legends.

As evidence that Neanderthals have survived almost to the present day, Gerasimov cites the story of Zana from Abkhazia. This woman really attracted the attention of scientists with her supposedly unusual appearance (there is no photo of her, and the place of burial is unknown). They even dug up the grave of her son. It turned out that his remains were indeed unusual. Allegedly, they were of Australoid origin. In 2015, Professor Brian Sykes published the results of genetic research. For which saliva was taken from the descendants of Zana, as a material for examination. It turned out that genetically the descendants of this woman are similar to people who lived in Africa 100,000 years ago. Although the results of the study are interesting, they did not confirm that Zana was a representative of the Neanderthals.

To be continued…

Gerasimov Georgy Mikhailovich, born in 1957. Russian. In 1974 he graduated from high school with a gold medal in Saratov. In the senior classes I participated in Olympiads in physics, mathematics, chemistry. Won in the city and in the region, winner of the All-Union Olympiads

Olympiad tasks in mathematics and physics, as a rule, require non-standard thinking, the ability to independently come up with new methods of solutions and proofs

In 1974 he entered and in 1980 graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with honors. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology prepares physicists for research fellows

At the institute, a passion for social sciences began. He carefully proved the inadequacy (non-strictness and inconsistency) of Marxism, both philosophy and political economy. Had problems with Chekists

As a student, he began to build his own version of historical materialism. In particular, then he took up the solution of the theoretical problem of how civilization should have arisen and developed on planet Earth. The resulting solutions were in serious conflict with the TI, so I abandoned this task, deciding that I was not taking into account something significant. At that time I could not even think that TI could be fake

Passion for philosophy led to Eastern systems. This has remained to this day. In particular, some scientific regalia, fame, fame and even money, in excess of some minimum necessary in life, do not interest me at all

Since 1980 he has been an engineer, and since January 1984 a senior researcher at VNIIFTRI - the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements. It was the head metrological center of the USSR

To illustrate, I will tell you what metrology is.. It is the science of measuring the highest precision. What is the main problem here? - The fact that it is very difficult to make a device of the highest accuracy, not so much technically as in principle

How is any measuring device made, for example, a ruler? - A metal (or other) strip is taken and a scale is applied to it, which is taken from a more accurate measuring device. That, in turn, is calibrated using an even more accurate instrument. And how to make the most accurate measuring device that has nothing to calibrate?

It must be done and the accuracy justified, theoretically taking into account all possible sources of errors and correctly determining their level. Theoretical calculations and proofs are recognized as true and "materialize", skillfully performed they become a guide to practical actions not only for those who have done them, but also for a wide range of users

Participated in several interesting projects. In 1991, he had enough material for a doctoral dissertation and several Ph.D. It was irrelevant to defend, since everything collapsed (besides, the passion for Eastern philosophies affected)

In 1992 he left the institute due to the collapse of science. He created several of his own completely diverse firms. After the default, I was forced to start curtailing them. The last one closed in 2003. Since 2004 I have been working as a process engineer at a refrigeration plant

In 1999 I read one of Fomenko's books for the first time. This one book and my own developments of twenty years ago on the theory of the origin of civilization turned out to be enough to come to the final conclusion about the falsity of TI. He proposed his own approaches to this topic, published them in 2000 in the book "Applied Philosophy"

The mathematically rigorous solution in this work can be considered the “origin of statehood”. After that, three more fundamental problems were solved. In June 2003 - "on the transition from the animal to the human state." In May 2004, he built a "theory of calendars in civilization". In December 2004, it was possible to discover and formulate the "law of the reproduction of the Grand Dukes." These mathematically rigorous solutions turned out to be enough to create an already accurate historical concept.

After 2000, assistants began to appear for me. Since June 2004, there have already been two assistants. One of them A.M. Trukhin, whose role in the further writing of the book is no less than mine. Now there are four permanent assistants and about a dozen more supporters who provide assistance from time to time. In 2006, the book "A New Short Course in the History of Russia and Civilization" was published. It published preliminary results

From the concept to the completed enough history built, a lot of painstaking work with historical events. The task is to select, sift, fit into the concept, correcting and refining the details. In December 2007 book "

G.M. Gerasimov

Real story

Russia and Ukraine

Gerasimov G.M.

The real history of Russia and Ukraine.
This is the author's second book in the real world history series. Many general questions are not considered here in as much detail as in the first book of the series "The Real History of Russia and Civilization", but at the same time completely enough to preserve the rigor of the evidence.

The book provides comprehensive data showing the anti-scientific nature of official history, and also proposes a new historical concept of the development of civilization with proof of the uniqueness of the proposed historical scenario.

The work includes original theories of the origin of man and the emergence of statehood. It fundamentally solves the problem of calendars in civilization and the real dating of historical events. On the basis of these decisions, although briefly, but in sufficient volume to understand the historical process, the history of Russia and Ukraine is reconstructed.

Gerasimov G.M. 2009.

Story Item 11

I. Theoretical history 38

I.1 Emergence of States 40

I.2 From animal to human 45

I.3 Emergence of the market 53

I.4 Emergence of artisans 55

I.5 Diffusion and development of technologies 58

I.6 The emergence of agriculture 61

I.7 The evolution of statehood 65

I.8 Human settlement 70

II. State Stage 73

II.1 Measurement of time 74

II.2 Key dates of our chronology 84

II.3 Calendar technologies 91

II.4 Calendar history of civilization 103

II.5 Single calendar solution 111

II.6 Reproduction of the Grand Dukes 116

III. Civilization history 131

III.1 Neanderthal 132

III.2 Cro-Magnon 141

III.3 From Adam to the Battle of Kulikovo 151

III.4 Ivan III 166

III.5 The Great Migration 171

III.6 Patriarchate 183

III.7 Great Troubles 188

III.8 Armed Forces of the Empire 192

IV. New story 209

IV.1 Constantine and Peter 209

IV.2 Ivan V 218

IV.3 Tatar-Mongols 231

IV.4 Organization of power in antiquity 237

IV.5 Struggle for Democracy 248

IV.6 Turning point in the war between Rome and Byzantium 260

IV.7 Feudal Reform 273

IV.8 Russian Empire 279

IV.9 Country of Cossacks 293

IV.10 Voltaire 301

IV.11 The collapse of the Roman Empire 321

IV.12 Domestic policy 338

IV.13 The world after the Napoleonic wars 354

IV.14 After the Crimean War 365

V. A Little Bit of Everything 396

V.1 Religion 399

V.2 Esoteric History 417

V.3 Numbers 443

V.4 Ancient Inventions 449

V.5 Beginning of metrology 461

V.6 A bit about music and literature 478

V.7 Written monuments of history 492

V.8 Tales for adults 500

V.9 About some historical riddles 518

VI. Conclusion 542

VII. FROM history to politics 546

VIII. the main results of the work. 569

VIII.1 Reconstructed history briefly 570

Author's preface to the Ukrainian edition

History is the politics of the past. At least that's how it's used today. The past history is being revised in favor of current political tasks. Even if some fragments of history turn out to be difficult to change due to their unambiguity and wide popularity, then it is almost always possible to revise the motives of the participants in certain events, “discover” secret documents, “reveal” previously unknown facts, so that a new interpretation of already known events will give them a completely different color. Such practices are the norm in politics.

Naturally, it was the same in the past. The political situation and the tasks arising from it are changing, the methods of solving these tasks remain the same. However, if today, with the developed mass media, a lot of printed publications on historical topics, when history is studied starting from school, it is usually impossible to completely reshape official history in favor of politics, then in the past the conditions for this were much better. Before the first official history was written and published, before it was taught in schools, the possibilities for changing history were vastly different. And this, of course, was used in politics.

Almost all of the official world history before the nineteenth century was invented, and it was not invented in trifles, not in particulars, but globally, in essence. Ukrainian history in this sense is not much different from the history of other European states, perhaps in greater modesty. Kievan Rus is only about a thousand years old, and many states of Western Europe are more than two thousand years old.

The entire official history of Ukraine before the Kyuchuk-Kaynadzhir peace treaty (actually 1783), according to which these territories were annexed to the Russian Empire, has a very distant relation to reality. This ancient history was composed by Karamzin and was published for the first time in 1818. Accordingly, "from scratch" Karamzin could do anything. One of the main tasks of the history commissioned by Karamzin was to ensure the integrity of the Russian Empire in the future. And the basis of this was to be the unity of the three Russian peoples - Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians.

However, in one aspect, ancient Ukrainian history is fundamentally different from the history of Western European states. The official story is completely made up in both cases. But, if the West (as well as the East and the South, by the way) had no real history at all, then Ukraine had a real ancient history and it was very honorable.

Starting from the sixteenth century, the Cossacks (they moved beyond the thresholds in 1778, after which they began to be called Cossacks, and before that their headquarters was in Poltava, and they were called Poles or Polovtsy) ensured world order, controlled imperial power, suppressed all possible unrest, in including the Great Troubles of the seventeenth century. This continued until the beginning of the eighteenth century. The Cossack horde (order - order) still managed to suppress the turmoil started by Peter I on their own. Peter I in 1711 was captured by them near Poltava. After lengthy negotiations, he was released under the obligation not to violate the world order in the future, and honestly fulfilled his promise.

However, a few years after the death of Peter I, a new, more carefully prepared turmoil, the Crusades, was started by his younger brother (known in official history as Menshikov). He captured all of Central and Western Europe, establishing the Roman Empire there.

The Cossacks' own forces were no longer enough to suppress this confusion. They began to mobilize into the horde (in 1737) from the eastern territories, not covered by unrest. This large horde was called the Tatar. Cossacks trained this numerous army of unfired recruits. They also occupied in this horde all the officer positions from the centurion and above. It is not surprising that "Batu" (father) commanded this horde.

The Tatar horde swept through all the territories engulfed in unrest, restoring the former world order there. First of all, the unrest was suppressed in Muscovy, then throughout Europe. For several decades, the horde controlled the situation around the world, collecting taxes (tribute) from their military opponents.

But in the second half of the eighteenth century, in connection with the advent of field artillery and the creation of a square infantry formation, the light cavalry of the Tatars and Cossacks began to lose military clashes everywhere to large infantry detachments, even despite their numerical superiority. In the course of hostilities, a turning point began, culminating in the complete defeat of the horde in 1783 (the Battle of Cahul). And at the same time, the new world order won a final victory over the old one. The United World Empire ceased to exist. The Tatar Horde and the Zaporozhian Sich were disbanded. The Cossack foreman was equated with the Russian nobility, received the same rights and privileges.

There was nothing surprising in this. Firstly, the long war between Muscovy and the Horde took place within the framework of a single World Empire and was a struggle between the old and the new order. At that time, there were no nations, no territorial claims, no irreconcilable hatred that gave rise to a war of annihilation. Secondly, culturally, the peoples differed slightly. The Cossacks themselves left Muscovy. In the middle of the sixteenth century, the first world emperor Ivan III formed horse units from his most devoted supporters, which he placed around Poltava. It was the first aristocracy in civilization that supported the world order established by Ivan III and collected taxes around the world.

So all the real aristocracy of the world comes from Muscovy. In the West, these are the descendants of the crusaders who invaded Europe with Menshikov, and the Cossack elders who came with the Horde to suppress the unrest. In the East, these are the descendants of the Cossack foreman, who recruited for the Horde. Numerous bloody ancient wars in the East are duplicates of the mobilization carried out by the Cossacks.

And after the collapse of the world empire, the Cossack chieftains seized power in those territories where they collected recruits and taxes to the world treasury. This is how most of the "ancient" dynasties of the East arose: the Great Moghuls in India, Qinn in China, the Manchus in Korea, the Tokugawa in Japan, etc. Therefore, strange as it may seem, and inexplicable in official history, the emperors and aristocrats of the East belong to the European type, which is clearly seen from the surviving photographs of the early twentieth century.

The first parliaments mentioned in official history (in Sweden, Portugal, England) are duplicates from the relations brought to Europe by the Cossacks. The first "parliament" in England (under King Edward) was the Cossack circle. A double from it is the legendary round table of King Arthur. Such a parliament was "unicameral" and "aristocratic". Only Cossacks, the foremen of the Tatar horde, were allowed on it. Naturally, Tatars and natives were not invited there.

Sweden, Denmark, Portugal and many other sea and river centers originally emerged as Cossack naval bases. The Scandinavian and Danish (Dan) Vikings, who raided the whole of Europe, are a double from the Cossack detachments that collected taxes (tribute) to the world treasury. The Scandinavians and Danes themselves never fought. These are purely peaceful peoples, incapable of military service. All the Great Geographical Discoveries (from TI) were actually made by "Ukrainian" Cossacks, the best sailors of their time.

Other Cossacks: Don, Ural, Yaik, Siberian, Kuban, etc. appeared in the last quarter of the eighteenth century in the territories that had just been annexed to Muscovy. For example, during the "rebellion" of Razin in 1775 (1670), or rather those military events that served as a prototype for him, there were no Don Cossacks at all.

Such a story looks unusual, although some elements of official history are visible in it. Even more unusual is the rate of development of civilization, when less than five centuries have passed from the emergence of the first statehood to the present day, despite the fact that the official history familiar to everyone allocates more than one thousand years to this process.

However, before the question of the inadequacy of official history was generally raised, we all simply trustingly listened to the tales of professional historians about ancient Egypt, Babylon, India, China, Greece, Rome. But after an alternative history was created, a natural question naturally arises for the supporters of official history: what actually prevented civilizations from arising in the middle uninhabited strip (according to their version) in several centuries according to the proposed alternative scenario? Ancient states in other territories, if they existed, could not slow down this process in any way, but would only contribute to its acceleration as a result of trade and the exchange of technologies.

The supporters of official history have no answer to this and many other questions. In order to introduce the unprepared reader into the subject, the proposed book begins with a critique of official history. However, its main task is not to prove the inadequacy of official history, which is no longer difficult today, but to restore real history and prove that civilization developed in this way. How convincingly the author managed to do this is up to the reader.
G.M. Gerasimov.