Japanese representative system. NLP

The visual representational system is based on the perception of visual images. People with such a system (visuals) organize their vision of reality through what they look at. What such people see and the pictures that arise in their imagination has a direct impact on their emotional state and inner world.

SIGNS. You can identify the visual by a straightened neck/back, as well as by looking up. His breathing is shallow and, in most cases, chest. When perceiving an image, visuals may hold their breath for a moment until the image is formed. Their lips can be compressed and look thin, and their voice often becomes loud and high-pitched. Any experience is remembered by visuals in the form of pictures and images, so when you have to perceive someone's speech for a long time or just listen to something, they start to get bored, and the noise itself often disturbs them. When communicating with such people, you need to provide visual support to your speech. As a percentage, visuals account for 60% of all people.

The visual blames everyone around, leaders.

APPEARANCE. Visuals tend to have a lean build, tall stature, and a somewhat elongated waist. Often maintain correct posture. When interacting with them, it is advisable not to block their space to view the place where they are.

People with a leading visual sensory representational system think in clear images and think primarily in "pictures", as if watching a movie inside themselves. This system allows you to cover a large amount of information at the same time: internal images are integral, appear instantly, constantly replacing each other. Associated with this is a faster pace of speech, a high tone of voice.

Rich facial expressions and gestures are inherent in such people, since with their help they “finish” what they say or think about. People with a leading visual sensory representational system often turn their attention to the nuances of color and shape. Artists, architects, photographers, fashion designers, creating clear, constructed mental pictures, often turn to the visual system.

In life, such people are purposeful, organized, observant, prudent enough. They are very neat, prefer everything to be in its place, appreciate cleanliness and order. When evaluating any things, events, they like to step aside, surveying “from head to toe”. Better perceive information presented in the form of pictures, graphs, diagrams than expressed in words.

In speech, this system is manifested in such words and expressions as: see, look, focus of attention, anticipate the situation, spectacle, unclear, clear, light, dark, color.

Auditory sensory representational system.

The auditory representational system is based on the perception of sounds. People with a presented system (audials) perceive information through the process of listening. All information is perceived and remembered by them, mainly in the form of sound impressions.

SIGNS. You can recognize the auditory by the often moving eyes in different directions. Breathing rhythmic and even, but reflecting his inner experiences. If you ask such a person to describe some kind of experience, then, first of all, he will think about how to express it in the form of sound. The auditory speaks for a long time and a lot, expressing his thoughts very clearly. However, his speech can be very impulsive. In conversation, it often dominates and often tires. He has a special sensitivity to sounds and often talks to himself. When communicating with the auditory, you need to try to build your speech more competently and accurately. As a percentage, about 20% of all people are auditors.

APPEARANCE. The physique of most audials is a cross between thin and obese people. In the course of a conversation, they often gesticulate and point to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, and also lean forward, as if trying to be closer to the person they are communicating with. But when sounds arise in their own consciousness, they will, on the contrary, deviate back. Follow the rhythm of your speech and the timbre of your voice.

People with a leading auditory sensory representational system have the ability to make subtle auditory distinctions, to clearly hear a variety of tones and timbres of sounding sounds. The rate of speech is average, so such people usually speak loudly and clearly, in a strictly sustained rhythm. Their voice tone is clear, expressive and resonant.

People with a leading auditory sensory representational system often speak, whisper to themselves what they have just heard. A conversation or thought process in such people may be accompanied by small rhythmic body movements, such as tapping a foot to the beat of a conversation. When speaking, such people pay attention not only to words, but also to how they are pronounced. They often turn their ear to the interlocutor, as if listening to the tonality, timbre and rhythm of his voice.

These people themselves are very talkative, they love conversations, they always very clearly state the course of events. It is best to perceive information by ear, memorizing everything step by step. Sometimes such people seem a little withdrawn, “aloof”, as they often arrive in an internal dialogue - they talk to themselves.

They feel the music very subtly, have a good sense of rhythm. In speech, this system manifests itself in such words and expressions as: live in harmony, pass by ears, focus attention, stress, deaf, voiced, silence, hear, dissonance.

Kinesthetic sensory representational system.

The kinesthetic representational system is based on the olfactory-tactile channel of information. Such people (kinesthetics) are very fond of tactile contact. Any experiences, emotions and sensations are best perceived by them if they have the opportunity to touch something, feel it physically.

SIGNS. You can recognize kinesthetics in a person, first of all, by the eyes: his gaze often has a “down-right” direction. Breathing kinesthetic abdominal and deep, but depending on the sensations experienced by him, will change. The lips are, in most cases, soft and full, and the tone of the voice is low, deep, sometimes hoarse and slightly muffled. During a conversation, the kinesthetic person will speak slowly, making long pauses while searching for relevant information within himself. Kinesthetics account for about 20% of all people.

Kinestet blames himself for messing up.

APPEARANCE. If the perception of kinesthetics is directed inward, then, most likely, outwardly this will be expressed in the fullness and roundness of the body. If the perception is directed to the outside world, then this will reflect strength and muscularity. Most Kinesthetics move rather slowly. To encourage them to be active, physical contact is often required - a clap or some kind of encouragement. And when communicating, it is recommended to be closer, because. kinesthetics prefer closeness.

People with a leading kinesthetic sensory representational system base their actions mostly on their feelings, they need to feel, "try on" the situation before making a decision. With the help of this system, a person refers to his own inner feelings and states.

In order to “live”, to feel the situation, it takes more time than, for example, to imagine it (visual system), therefore the rate of speech in people with a leading kinesthetic sensory representational system is slower, with long pauses. The tone of voice is low, quiet, deep. During a conversation, these people make very few movements, and the gestures they use are smooth, measured and imposing.

They like to approach the interlocutor, communicate by touching him. These people are good storytellers, because during the narration they show with their whole body what they are talking about. These people are very emotional, vulnerable, they take everything “to heart”. In life, such people strive for comfort and coziness.

First of all, they care about what would be convenient for them. Feel the space very well. For a better perception of information, they need to touch, touch, take apart, taste, feel. In speech, this system is manifested in such words and expressions as: grasp the meaning, burn with desire, feel subtly, taste for life, cold-blooded, feel, tension, hurt, endure, heavy, smooth.

Digital representational system

The digital representational system is based on subjective-logical perception and comprehension. People using this system (digitals) function at a meta-level of consciousness, which includes data received through the visual, auditory and kinesthetic systems. Any information perceived by them is reflected in all manifestations of the above systems.

SIGNS. You can understand that a person is digital both by the movement of the eyes, which can often be directed down-to-left or move from side to side, and by thin and compressed lips. His breathing is uneven and characterized by short sighs. If we talk about the posture, then the shoulders are usually straightened, the neck is straightened, the arms are crossed on the chest. The voice often sounds monotonous, and the person speaks as if "on the machine." Only a small percentage of all people are classified as digital.

APPEARANCE. Given that people with a digital representational system include the properties of people with visual, auditory and kinesthetic systems, it is quite difficult to determine their exact external features. We can only say that outwardly they can look completely different.


visual type

kinesthetic type

Auditory type



the words








Pose head up, back straight

back bent,

head down

head tilted to one side

straight posture,

arms crossed

movements tense liberated medium rigid





breath shallow, upper lung deep breathing, lower abdomen even breathing with the whole chest shallow

fast, loud speech

high tone

slow, slurred speech

expressive speech

monotonous voice
Sight down below others often to one side and down over the heads of others
Hearing Rules "I must see in order to hear" (at a distance) come closer "Do not look to hear" no eye contact
eye movements up left, up right down right, sometimes down left, right, head down to the left, head up

First test

This test is one of the ways to independently and quickly determine the leading leading sensory system of a person.

Choose from the given phrases below one that, in your opinion, is the most appropriate, accurate for you to this concept. If several of the phrases seem equally suitable to you, or vice versa, none of them fits exactly, choose the one phrase that, in your opinion, may be the closest.

a) a quick change of landscape, flashing trees, houses ... (+)
b) wind noise, tires rustling, brakes screeching. (*)
c) rapid heartbeat; the feeling of the wind hitting your face. (@)

"Bad weather"
a) the howl of the wind, the sound of drops. (*)
b) chilly, feeling of dampness, humid air. (@)
c) dull sky, gray clouds. (+)

a) sweet smell, sticky lips, viscous. (@)
b) golden, transparent liquid. (+)
c) the clap of an opening jar, the sound of spoons, the buzzing of bees. (*)

a) blue-green water, big waves with white scallops. (+)
b) warm, salty water, hot sand. (@)
c) the sound of the surf, the rustle of the waves, the cries of seagulls. (*)

a) the body aches, the head is heavy, lethargy. (@)
b) the world around seems gray, colorless, a veil before the eyes. (+)
c) loud sounds are annoying, I want silence. (*)

a) a loud crunch of a bite. (*)
b) round fruit, red, yellow or green on a tall tree. (+)
c) sweet and sour, juicy taste, the smell of jam. (@)

a) a sparkling white veil sparkling in the sun. (+)
b) cold, soft, fluffy. (@)
c) creaks underfoot, crackling crust. (*)

a) blurry colors, bright lights of lanterns, long shadows. (+)
b) muffled sounds, voices of loved ones, dinner sizzling in a frying pan. (*)
c) a feeling of pleasant fatigue, a soft comfortable chair, a cup of hot tea. (@)

a) heat, smoke stings eyes, warms. (@)
b) tongues of red flame, flashing coals, gray smoke. (+)
c) crackling of coals, hissing of firewood, gurgling of water in a pot. (*)

a) rustling of leaves, crackling of branches, creaking of branches. (*)
b) a tall, straight brown trunk, a green crown, the rays of the sun peep through the foliage. (+)
c) rough bark, soft foliage, fresh smell. (@)

a) rustle of pages, muffled speech, creaking of chairs. (*)
b) books with smooth covers, heavy volumes, smell of old books. (@)
c) glossy and matte, colorful and multi-colored book covers; tall shelving. (+)

a) enticing shop windows, variety and mixture of different smells. (@)
b) tall buildings, gray pavements, bright billboards, colorful cars. (+)
c) the noise of cars, the hum of voices, the howling of sirens, the slamming of doors. (*)

a) light blue sky, clear air, pink sun appearing from behind the horizon. (+)
b) chirping of birds, silence, quiet rustling of leaves. (*)
c) cool air, damp grass, warm rays of the sun, breathe deeply. (@)

a) the smell of dust, paint, varnish; wet freshly glued wallpaper. (@)
b) clean wallpaper, white ceiling, mess. (+)
c) the sound of a hammer, the squeal of a drill, the echo in empty rooms. (*)

a) candlelight, the gold of the altar, the dull colors of ancient icons, twilight. (+)
b) the monotonous voice of a clergyman, choral singing, crackling of candles. (*)
c) the sweet smell of incense, the smell of burning wax, a feeling of peace. (@)

Count the number of responses (+), (*) and (@).

Key to the test

If answers (+) predominate, then your leading sensory representational system is visual.

If answers (*) predominate, then auditory.

If answers (@) predominate, then kinesthetic.

The second test for determination

Please rate each of the following statements in order of preference. Put the appropriate number in front of each phrase: 4= best characterizes you; 3=best performance of their remaining; 2=characteristic ranked third; 1=least suited to you.

1. When making important decisions, I:

I rely on my feelings.

I choose what sounds best.

I choose what looks best to me.

I rely on the accuracy of the information and on the knowledge of the issue.

2. During the discussion, I am most likely influenced by:

The ability to see another person's reasoning scheme.

The logic of the other person's arguments.

The ability to feel the state of another person.

3. What is happening to me is easiest to find out by focusing on:

The way I dress and look.

My feelings.

The words I choose.

4. I find it easiest:

Find the perfect volume and set your stereo settings.

Correctly formulate a question on a topic of interest to me.

Choose the most comfortable furniture.

Choose a rich, attractive color combination.

I tune in to the sounds of my environment.

I am a specialist in giving meaning to new facts and data.

I care a lot about how my clothes fit.

I am strongly influenced by the color and appearance of the room.

Step 1. Plug in your scores into the following list. Record your answers in the same order.
1. __K __A __V __D
2. __A __V __D __K
3. __V __K __D __A
4. __A __D __K __V
5. __A __D __K __V

Stage 2. Enter in the table the numbers corresponding to each letter. Enter your scores in the order in which you answered the questions.


Total __V __K __ A __D

Third test

  1. Imagine a red triangle, a yellow square, and a blue circle. We make the second line and swap two figures, again a row and ask what is in the first row. (not real)
  2. Then imagine your acquaintances, describe emotions, hair color, eyes, clothes. (real something) Remember your door. Think of three friends. Imagine how they communicate.
  3. Imagine a melody in one ear and the voice of a friend in the other. Behind the sound of the sea. Listen at the same time. Then tell me where.
  4. The hand holds on to the soft sofa on the second ice, the foot is in a warm sock, the second foot is on the warm sand, there is a plate on the head and the rain is pouring down the back. And ask what is where.
  5. muscle reactions. Remember how you walk, how you get up.

It is also determined by 15 features.

Despite its scientific-sounding name, the representational system is a fairly simple concept. It denotes that way of perceiving the surrounding reality, which is most characteristic of a particular person.

Types of representational systems

There are several main representative systems of a person that characterize his type of perception of reality. There are three main ones - visual, auditory and kinesthetic, but in their pure form they are quite rare, and therefore, along with them, mixed types based on them are also relevant. The leading representational system might be:

  • representational system visual - perception, which is mainly based on visual images;
  • auditory representational system - perception tuned specifically to the auditory channel of information;
  • auditory-tonal representational system - perception, gravitating attention to sounds and tonal sequences;
  • auditory-digital representational system - perception aimed at symbols, words;
  • kinesthetic representational system - perception directed to the olfactory-tactile channel and also emotions and feelings.
  • digital representative system of perception - perception aimed at subjective understanding of the signals received through all three main channels.
  • olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste) representative systems - perception, direction and other specific systems, which is extremely rare and mainly in those who are blind or deaf.

The definition of a representational system is used in NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. Knowing which channel a person is tuned to, it is easier to influence him.

Definition of Leading Representational System

This indicator is important to know not only about yourself, but also about your loved ones. There are many methods for diagnosing the representational system, from psychological tests that can be taken on the Internet to simple observations.

For example, in speech, the visual will describe colors, images, build pictures; the auditory will turn to the description of the sound environment, and the kinesthetic - to their own feelings. Visuals do not perceive information by ear, and kinesthetics want to touch everything; it is not important for auditory people to see, they perfectly perceive sound information.

The capacity of human perception is limited, and we have to choose the most important, and weed out everything else. This filtration happens at a variety of levels - from the fact that you can completely ignore "unnecessary" people, and ending with the fact that you simply do not pay attention to the smell of a book in your hands. We cannot see or hear absolutely everything that surrounds us, we choose the most important for us in this world. We just have to give up something so as not to be overloaded. Someone reads Izvestia, someone is a detective, and this is also filtering. A person has chosen what seems to him more important and interesting, or what is closer and dearer to him.

Channels of perception

One of the most important filters is the so-called perception channels: sight, hearing and senses. And we can say that there are three channels of perception:


Very often, Visuals can be quite thin and lean. They often have thin lips (not to be confused with Digitals, whose lips are quite dense, but pursed - I hope you understand the difference). Habitual grimace - slightly raised eyebrows as a sign of attention. The voice is usually high.
Visuals usually sit straight, and stand too. If they stoop, they still lift their heads up.
distance is better discern interlocutor. Therefore, they usually sit at some distance in order to increase the field of view.
For example, in my classes, when a group sits in a common circle, some people usually sit down so that to be closer (kinesthetics), while others sit opposite to make it better seen (visuals).
For Visuals, it is important that it is BEAUTIFUL. They are even ready to put on something spectacular, pretty and bright (depending on taste), but uncomfortable. This does not mean that they necessarily wear uncomfortable clothes, just appearance for them more important. And you are unlikely to see him in dirty, wrinkled clothes - not for reasons of decency, but for the sake of aesthetics.
Visuals are good storytellers, they can imagine the picture and describe it. And they plan well. In general, the visual system is very successful for inventing and dreaming. This is the type of people who are primarily attracted to the cinematography by the work of the cameraman, costume designer and effects specialist - beautiful shots, original costumes, colorful explosions: "It was so beautiful. The sunset is such a completely unearthly color: red, and at the same time too hurting the eye. Gradually the camera zooms in, the sun turns into a huge sparkling ball. Absolutely amazing! "
For Visuals, sight and hearing are one system. If they can't see, then they can't hear.

I tell my wife:
- Listen, what music!
She turns and looks at the tape recorder.

If you explain something to the Visual, it is advisable to simultaneously show graphs, tables, drawings, pictures, photographs. Well, in extreme cases, show with your hands what size it is and where it is located. When they gesticulate, they themselves show with their hands where the pictures are located, at what distance and in what direction.
When choosing furniture or any objects, Visuals pay attention to the combination of colors and harmonious shapes.


But soft comfortable furniture, as if calling to lie down and relax, is preferred kinesthetics. These are people who value convenience, comfort and are attentive to their own body. They have it quite dense, their lips are wide, full-blooded. Kinesthetic learners tend to sit forward, often slouching.
They speak relatively slowly, and their voices are often muffled and low.
These are the kind of people who can wear an old tattered patched sweater just because it's comfortable. And what its appearance is not so important.
They like to be close to the interlocutor to touch. And if your partner is constantly trying to fiddle with some part of your toilet, twisting a button, touching, etc. It's most likely Kinesthetic. Although the speck of dust that breaks harmony and cuts the eye is more likely to be removed by the Visual.
kinesthetics are people of action. They need to move, run, spin, touch, taste and smell. This is their way of perceiving the world, they just don’t understand anything differently (by the way, all action verbs usually refer to kinesthetics: run, walk, pull, reap, roll, saw, plan, beat, swing). This, however, does not mean that Kinesthetics are very mobile people, just their main instrument of perception is the body, and their method is movement, action. Even if they read the instructions, they need to immediately try what is written there in practice, otherwise they simply will not perceive the text.
In books and films, they are mainly interested in the plot, and they omit elegant dialogues and colorful descriptions as unnecessary. Remember how children (usually Kinesthetics, by the way) talk about cinema: “And then he runs in, grabs her and onto the horse. They ride, they are chased, but they are ahead. horse and go...
Kinesthetics often have difficulties with planning - in this system there is no way to invent something. Therefore, they prefer "first to get involved in a fight, and sort it out later." These are exactly those people at the seminar for whom being divided into small groups is much more important than the task for which all this is being started. And they say that "there is a lot of talk, but little work". For them, it really is.
And relationships for them is primarily a kind of action. Men (who are usually very kinesthetic) can hardly accept the complaints of women, assuring:
She does not need a solution to the problem, but simply to tell.
For them, "just a story" seems to be meaningless - something needs to be done about it, and if there is nothing to do, then there is nothing to talk about. And in sex, "all these colorful preludes and conversations" are obscure and unnecessary for Kinesthetics (women too, and not just men). You have to do business, business!
A typical problem situation: husband is Kinesthetic, wife is Visual. The husband came home from work tired and tries to caress, touching his wife. This introduces her into a slight stress, since the visuals do not particularly like touches, and the wife is tired too. The husband feels her reaction and also falls into stress, and in order to settle the misunderstanding, he tries to touch his wife even more intensively. This in itself increases her stress, and along with it, his ... Naturally, everything ends in a scandal, and both usually do not realize its causes at all - they just suddenly begin to get angry at each other, considering the other the cause of all this disgrace.
At the same time, kinesthetics can hardly endure stress and uncomfortable situations - they are in all these experiences are sinking. That is why they hard to tell " No". Just for testing, say to yourself a few times " No and pay attention to how you feel about it.


The Audial pose is a cross between the Visual and Kinesthetic poses - they sit straight, but with a slight forward lean. They have a fairly characteristic "telephone posture" - the head is slightly to one side, closer to the shoulder. But if the head is to one side and slightly forward, then this, if the tilt to the right, is more likely kinesthetic, and if to the left, then the digital channel.
As for the body, it is difficult to say anything, as if there are no particularly characteristic signs.
But they love to talk. This is everything for them, they live in conversation, in sounds, in melodies and rhythms. They are only looking for a reason to talk - for them there are no rhetorical questions. If you ask how life is, they will honestly begin to tell you how life is. At the same time, they may not particularly focus on auditory words, but use both visual and kinesthetic ones, but in a very large amount.
As one heroine of Ostrovsky's comedy said: "How will I know what I'm thinking if I don't say it out loud?"
Audials love dialogues (both in books and in films) - they can hear them inside themselves and tell others:
- Madam, you look so wonderful today!
- Nu that you, Alberto. You are so kind!
- It's not a compliment! This is just a description of what I see in front of me.
- You are so gallant!
Moreover, the content does not play a special role, the main thing is the voices that sound inside and are eager to come out. By the way, the voices of Audials are usually very expressive, deep, melodic, often with a good ear for music.


Digitals have a tight and straight posture. They practically do not gesticulate, as this does not carry any information for them; they speak quite monotonously - intonations are not needed, and they perceive them with difficulty. The distance is remote, they look either at the interlocutor's forehead, or "above the crowd." They don't like touching (only Kinesthetics, in my opinion, like touching).
Although, touch touches are different.
Digital- this is a very peculiar type of people. They are more focused on meaning, content, importance and functionality. As one boy said: "I fell in love with garlic after I found out how useful it is."
Digital people are, as it were, cut off from real experience - they think more in words themselves, and not in what is behind the words.
If a person, after talking about your difficulties, says something like: "I understand how you feel," - he is most likely in the digital channel at the moment. Digitals don't sympathize, they understand. Absolutely wonderful was shown in "Wild Orchid" by Zalman King. Remember what they say about the main character: "Distance, full control, nothing more ..."
This is a very special way of perceiving the world, its representation and comprehension. A little metaphor to help you better understand this type of perception.
Imagine you come to a restaurant, there are a lot of beautiful and fragrant dishes, you sit down at a table, take the menu, read it carefully and... eat it.
For Digitals, what is written or spoken is, as it were, reality itself. If for everyone else words are access to experience, then for Digitals all experience consists of words.
But with the body, by the way, Digitals are similar to Kinesthetics - a dense body, wide (although usually pursed) lips ... They, in general, are obtained from Kinesthetics - if what a person feels, those emotions that he experiences are too painful for him, one way to get rid of them is to go into reasoning. And you don't feel anything anymore, you know.
The problem with the digital system is that by itself, without recourse to other channels, it is not capable of changing information. Words go only into words, and everything returns to the starting point. If you listen to your own internal monologues (monologues?), then there will be something like:
Why did he call me stupid? I must have done something wrong? Or am I wrong? Next time I will answer him... Well, how dare he! Why did he call me stupid? I must have done something wrong? Or am I wrong? Next time I will reply...
However, if you use only one system, it is generally quite flawed. You simply do not perceive the many absolutely amazing and delightful things that are around you. It passes, alas, past your consciousness.

The digital channel is responsible for speech control.

But on the other hand, I often admire the ability of some of my acquaintances to act in difficult situations without unnecessary emotions, their absolutely fantastic scrupulousness and pragmatic approach. Digitals are able to compose documents written in such a way that there are no unnecessary interpretations, so that every word stands in its place. For me personally, it has always been a kind of magic. It is a great skill to compress the vast amount of human desires and intentions down to a few lines on paper. And I write this without any irony. The digital channel is responsible for the formulation of phrases. As someone who has to constantly work with definitions and keep an eye on the accuracy of expressions, I know how difficult it is to do it really well.


The differences will concern very many things, for example, the organization of thinking, memory, ways of learning.
kinesthetic remembers everything with the body, muscles - the body has its own memory. This method is very effective for learning to ride a bike or swim, but it can be quite inconvenient for memorizing a way to solve an integral or a phone number.
To remember a phone number kinesthetic must write it by hand, Audial- pronounce Visual just remember what it looks like.
visual loves information in the form of graphs, tables, films, he needs to look at something. At the same time, he is able to "see the whole sheet." Audialu usually you need to say all this inside yourself (remember the alphabet).
Kinesthetic you need to feel, do, move. He will immediately begin to figure out how exactly to do something, and what you need to click on so that this thing strums, and preferably in his hands. visual rather ask to show how it is done, and Audial- Tell me more. Digital first of all, he will ask to see the instructions and first he will study in great detail the power consumption and water consumption per kilogram of laundry.
In practice, this can be applied in the following way. For example, you sell a vacuum cleaner or a sewing machine. Visual give a colorful brochure with drawings and photographs, show the device and note how pleasing to the eye the design and beautiful color combination are. Kinesthetic put this sewing machine in your hands and explain what you need to press and what to twist, and let him try it himself, how convenient it is. Audialu it is desirable to talk about anything for a long time, but not in a monotonous, but in an expressive voice, highlighting important points with intonation, emphasizing the noiselessness or melodiousness of the sounds made. Digital lay out certificates, documents, technical specifications, preferably on a piece of paper with a large number of numbers and seals. And talk only about the case, about the functionality and usefulness of this device.

Facial expressions and gestures.

Today, you will find out what human representational, sensory system, and how people think and think, i.e. how each of us perceives and processes the information received, and how to find a common language with the help of words.

How people think, think, using various sensory, representative human systems

In order to build relationships and understand each other, you need to know how people think- perceive and process the received information; which one do they use representative system for this.

All humans have five senses human sensory system; Basically, three channels for receiving and processing information are used - visual (vision), auditory (auditory) and kinesthetic (touch), taste and smell can be attributed to the latter.

In different people, one channel is more used than the others; in most cases, two channels for receiving and processing information are used: the first representative system, say, visual, is the main one, and the second sensory system of a person, for example, auditory, is secondary. The rest are less involved.

In this regard, each person uses the same turns in speech, corresponding to his representative system, i.e. we think in words and images denoted by words, therefore how people think, so they say.

Visual (visual), auditory (auditory) and kinesthetic (tangible, sensual) types of human representational systems

The visual type uses verbs, adjectives and adverbs referring to what can be seen (light, painting, darkening, looking, etc.); auditory, auditory type, uses more words related to what can be heard (talk, listen, sounds, cracks, etc.); kinesthetic type (touch, taste, smell), speaks in words related to what can, respectively, be felt, felt, touched, etc. (warmth, cold, feel, feel, take, etc.).

Now it remains to determine the leading representative, sensory system, find out how a person thinks and thinks, and start using in a conversation with him the language that will be more understandable to him.

Well, if you speak the same, common language of body and words, you will certainly be able to convey the necessary information to your counterpart and understand each other.

This method is used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), also known as "Brain Language".

Where knowledge of human representational systems comes in handy, and an understanding of how people think

Knowledge and understanding of human representational systems, i.e. understanding how people think, can be useful in almost all spheres of life: in personal, family, parent-child relationships; and in business, commerce when concluding contracts and making transactions; and at work, when communicating with colleagues and superiors; and at school, university, when interacting with teachers ... in general, wherever people need to understand each other.

Don't forget to define your representational system first., for example, by recording your conversation on solving a problem and listening to it; or read your letters, text documents, writings; or think about what you prefer to do in life, and to which sensory channel it corresponds; you can simply write out in three columns the words related to different sensory systems of a person, and see which column has more words.

How to determine the representative system of a person if he does not talk much

How to determine the leading sensory system of a person by his speech is generally understandable, but what to do and how to find out the main representative system, and what does a person think if he speaks little and is not very sociable?

This will help us to observe our counterpart, or rather the direction of his gaze and leading questions.

The fact is, when you ask your interlocutor a certain question, then his gaze, while he is thinking about the answer, will automatically move in any direction, which will tell us about his favorite representational system, along with the words that he uses more often.

We use the direction of view to determine the representational system, and find out how a person thinks and thinks

There are two kinds of questions to be asked to determine a representational system:

1) A question that activates memory;
pictures, images, sounds and sensations that have been stored in the memory of a person are called here.
2) A question that activates the design process.
here the imagination is turned on, new images, sounds and sensations are constructed, created.

Visual representational system

If you ask a visual question, for example, what color is the wallpaper in the interlocutor's apartment, then his gaze will rush up and to the right of you, i.e. he remembers the visual image.

If you ask a question and a person has to invent, imagine an image, for example, what a blue crocodile looks like, then his gaze will move up and to the left of you.

If his gaze is not focused, motionless, or the person looks into space, then this is also visual processing of information.

If a person shifts his gaze from side to side and it is directed upwards, then, most likely, there is a visual construction.

These examples are typical for most people, but there are exceptions, to clarify what is happening, you need to ask several different questions.

Auditory (auditory) representational system

Questions on the auditory representational system, also ask two types, for memory and design.

At the same time, when the auditory memory is affected, for example, how your car signal sounds, the gaze will move to your right ear.

When a person constructs, imagines an auditory image, for example, when asked how your mobile phone would sound like a baby cry, he will move his gaze to your left ear.

Most often there are people with a visual and kinesthetic representational system.

Kinesthetics work in conjunction with the physical sensations and emotional feelings of people, so both recalling sensory images from memory and constructing them, for example, what a dog or rhinoceros feels like, will be accompanied by the same direction of gaze - down and to the left of you.

When your counterpart directs his gaze down and to the right of you, then he is in an internal dialogue, that is, he is talking to himself.
You can check this by asking the interlocutor to tell something to himself or ask what he would think in any situation.

The most common sign of identifying the leading representational system is the first line of sight in a neutral question; of course, you need to use these techniques in conjunction with the words used by the person.

The automatic use of these methods and techniques, understanding each other and finding a common language, is possible only after some practice.

I wish you all psychological well-being and finding a common language in communication and interactions!

psychologist-psychoanalyst Matveev Oleg Vyacheslavovich
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