Retro Mars in the natal chart. Influence of the retrograde period of Mars

I will not dwell on the astronomical essence of retrograde, the retro loop and the astrological interpretation of retro periods, as I have already done this in the article "Retrograde periods of the planets in 2016". Therefore, for those who want to better understand this topic - you are here. And now I will touch on the psychological side of the retro period of Mars and recommendations for this period.

Mars goes retrograde once every two years and two months, which makes its retrograde quite an important event, as it goes retrograde less often than other personal planets. The retrograde period of Mars will begin on April 17 and will last until the beginning of the day on June 30, 2016. But the situations that began during this period can be felt and remain significant until Mars comes out of the loop, i.e. until August 21 he returns at 08°53" Sagittarius, from which he began his retrograde journey. The sector of the Zodiac that Mars will iron with this triple passage lies from 23°03" Scorpio to 08°53" Sagittarius. In the table below you see the dates its main points in the retro phase: from entering the loop to exiting it.

Retrograde transit of Mars in Sagittarius and Scorpio from April 17 to June 30

April 17, 2016 at 12:08 pm Mars goes retrograde at 08°53" Sagittarius – SR

GMT time.

Already on February 19, Mars began to slow down, focusing our attention on the concerns and problems associated with the topics of the natal planets that he aspects, and the houses that he transits. From April 17, 80 difficult days await us, during which Mars will be retrograde, but its entry into the loop and exit from the loop in August also do not promise peace.

Mars and Pluto - the two rulers of Aries and Scorpio at the same time turn to retrograde- 17 and 18 April. Mars reversal in April star Antares,having a bad reputationspeaks of a period of tension in the world. In addition, in April and May, Mars will go close to Saturn. There will be no exact connection between them, butThe moon, transmitting light, will periodically turn on their indirect connection.Mars and Saturn are planets of opposite nature, they are at enmity even in their best positions, and their current retrograde does not allow them to implement their principles adequately, which can give a tendency to forceful solution of problems. Their exact connection will take place at the exit of Mars from the loopAugust 23-24, 2016 and again on the star Antares, this is one of the stars on the Axis of catastrophes. In general, a disturbing transit.

This retro-Mars period cankindle smolderinggeopolitical issues and revive the frozen military conflicts. This loop of Mars has already revived the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. It is noteworthy that during the beginning of the previous conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in December 1991, Mars also was in Sagittarius, but direct. And on the day of the referendum on December 10, 1991, after which a full-scale war for Nagorno-Karabakh began, Mars was in the 9th degree of Sagittarius, in which its current April reversal takes place.

The logic of retrograde suggests that during this period, unfinished business or problems, the solution of which was postponed, will return. And the current retro period of Mars is interesting in that it repeats the path traveled by retro Saturn in the past two years. The second parking of retro Mars at the end of June at 23 ° 03 "Scorpio, duplicates the degree of the first parking of Saturn at the end of February and March 2014. Then it was the time of the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict against the background of the retro loop of Mars in Libra. In Mars makes another interesting accent on the current loop - the entire current retro-passage of Mars will be approximately in the area of ​​the Zodiac where Saturn was retrograde from March to early August 2015. You can remember what was in your personal affairs during these periods of 2014 and 2015 years. They could be remembered by those who then had Saturn aspects to the planets or angles of the natal chart. Events, topics, issues and situations of those times that were not resolved or not completed can now become relevant. Only they will have to be solved in complicated conditions Mars, repeating the path of Saturn's retro-period, can cause a significant aggravation of old problems. abscess. Mars is associated with iron, blood, wars and aggression of various levels and forms, and hybrid wars are a typical invention of a weak Mars. But in the current period there is an important feature - from mid-April to early June, the earth trine Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto will operate. This gives hope that practical considerations and economic conditions will force better decisions than saber rattling if common sense prevails. But, one way or another, this period does not portend peace.

Retro-Mars from April to May 07 will be in tau-square to the opposition of Jupiter and Neptune. This combination of planetary principles leads to non-transparent actions, the activity of scammers, the use of criminal schemes. In politics and economics, undercover agreements, political intrigues, indirect influence on opponents, bluff and blackmail can be used to achieve goals. There may be scandals related to corruption of banks, politicians, in international, sports organizations.

From April 17 to May 27 and from August 02 to September 27, Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius emphasize ideological and religious themes. At this time dpeople's actions are often motivated by their ideals, religious or philosophical views. Routine causes dissatisfaction, a feeling of isolation in the limited space of everyday life. This transit causes a desire to expand experience and ideas through the development of new territories both physically and mentally - through trips to new places or other countries, enterprises associated with foreign contacts. At this time, the love of adventure and conquest intensifies. FROMThe combination of the energies of Mars and Sagittarius can fuel the willingness to defend one's ideas and views, and to rush into battle, defending or imposing one's ideas. This can lead to ideological disputes and conflicts, the growth of religious extremism, "holy wars". In the retro period of Mars, one can expect an aggravation of conflicts on national or religious grounds, an increase in religious extremism, and there is a high probability of high-profile terrorist attacks.

From May until the end of June, when retro-Mars returns to Scorpio, issues related to corporate business, joint finance, problems in the banking sector will come to the fore. Facts of corruption in international organizations may be revealed, and financial scandals may arise. Emergencies are likely.

But this is a general background, an influence on the mundane level. And now about what you need to know about the retrograde Mars, what to remember at this time, and what tactics are best to use.It is important to understand the specifics of this time in order to avoid mistakes that can be avoided.

When the outer planets go retrograde, they begin to go into opposition with the Sun. Opposition Mars with the Sun is the phase of the symbolic full moon in the Sun-Mars cycle and an important transit period to pay attention to. (This year Mars will be in opposition to the Sun on May 22 at 01°47" Sagittarius-Gemini). The Sun is "consciousness, individuality" and Mars - "activity, dynamics", at this time are divorced at the poles in our minds. This enables us to become aware of which of our habitual responses and modes of personal fulfillment must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective. The situations that arise during the retro-Mars period reveal unconstructive reactions, accumulated irritation and dead-end approaches in our desire to succeed or, on the contrary, in our inability to do something. This is especially pronounced in cases where the transit of retro-Mars makes a connection or opposition to our natal planet. This also applies to squaring Mars.

T Those who have planets and angles in the first decan of mutable signs - Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces, or the last decan of fixed signs - Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius may feel the intense influence of this transit in their personal affairs. This one is the most difficultthe period will be for Gemini of the first decan and Taurus of the last decan, to which retro Mars will be in opposition.Retro-Mars opposition gives the possibility of conflicts in marriage or partnership. In business, previous agreements may be disputed, possibly termination of contracts or renegotiation of conditions. Family conflicts, showdowns with partners in marriage or business, competition, rivalry can resume. Problems can be caused by financial relations, disputes over profits, debts, joint property. In any dispute, try to avoid the phase when it moves from a constructive plane to an exchange of claims. Now it is important to maintain a balance of interests and take into account the point of view of those with whom you interact in order to avoid breaking the relationship.

During the retrograde period of Mars, we may feel a decrease in tone, health problems are likely in the areas of Sagittarius and Scorpio: the bladder, genitals, prostate, hips, pelvis, liver, veins. The number of injuries is increasing, the accident rate is increasing.

I am reposting my article on the retrograde transit of Mars, written a few years ago, since this information does not change during the retrograde transit of Mars in any sign. It has a paragraph about the features of this period for people with natal retro-Mars, and I also give recommendations for everyone: what is worth doing during this time and what is not recommended.

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During retrograde, Mars is closest to Earth and farthest from the Sun. This weakens the effect of sunlight on it. Having become backward, he finds himself in a dimly lit space and moves in the opposite direction to the movement of the Sun.Thus, it turns out to be closed from external influences, and at this time we begin to master new levels of past experience, less dependent on any outside interference. In a psychological sense, this means that we get the opportunity to free ourselves from the flow of social influences and stereotypes, from the habitual reactions that govern our lives, and to reconsider the principles of our activity and methods of action. At this time, our approach to conflict resolution, our hostility, anger, self-confidence, risk-taking, ways of showing will and physical activity require rethinking and new approaches. In sports and military affairs at this time, defensive tactics bring success.

During the period of retrograde Mars, people from the past can make themselves felt in our lives: rivals, competitors, those who stimulated our activity and did not let us relax. This time gives us the opportunity to once again try to achieve goals that were previously unattainable. However, don't put a lot of effort into achieving what you would like to see lasting on the back of Mars. Our actions at this time do not have a solid foundation, and the same applies to their result.

After the backward movement of Mars ends, we unconsciously choose a new tactic of action, find new, perhaps more effective ways to implement our plans, sometimes these changes are so massive that there is a need and need for life changes.

Features of activity during the retro-Mars period

The retrograde of Mars is associated with an aggravation of internal tension, on the one hand, and a decrease in our energy, on the other. The natural flow of energy at this time is directed to revision and rethinking, to internal activity, and not to external goals and results. Trying to make a breakthrough in business at this time or to implement some kind of blitz projects means to swim against the current on a poorly controlled ship. That is why the new projects launched during this period, designed for the future, will not bring the expected result. At this time, things require additional efforts in order to simply maintain the status quo, and there is simply not enough strength for new enterprises and the struggle for a place in the sun. Things slow down at this time, the implementation of new ideas leads to difficulties in execution and disruption of plans. Now the ability to slow down and refine what has already been started will bring more returns than the desire to step on the “gas” and act ahead.

After all, it is not only our personal approaches and reactions that are being changed and revised, but similar processes are taking place in parallel in the economy, in legislation, and in public priorities. The overall entrepreneurial activity is declining as a result of objective prerequisites and unstable conditions. Starting a new business at this time is building a castle in the sand.

Moreover, astrological observations have shown an interesting pattern: one who, during the period of Mars retrograde, starts wars, shows aggression or takes active actions, such as: arranges personal showdowns, files a lawsuit, initiates a confrontation, turns out to be a loser, even if his case " right and holy."Conflicts are dangerous for the side that initiated the conflict. Whoever shoots first will eventually lose.

Mars is also associated with the theme of gender relations and the sexual aspect in relationships. Therefore, at this time it is not recommended to start courtship, to enter into the first sexual intimacy. New sexual contacts at this time, at best, will not receive a harmonious continuation and seem temporary, and at worst, turn into problems.

Mars, which is associated with blood, fire and metal, is most directly related to surgery. During periods of retro-Mars, you should not do a planned surgical operation, including cosmetic surgery, although this prohibition does not apply to urgent surgeries, “by ambulance”.

This is a period of obstacles and restrictions in free initiative, new business, personal growth, clamps and restrictions of the will. Do not swim against the current, move by inertia, do not show excessive initiative - there will be opposition to any action, so do not get ahead of events, do not break the law, avoid conflicts, especially litigation, control emotions. Energy should be directed not outward, but inward.

At this time, it is not recommended to start any adventure, buy a car, go on a dangerous journey or make important changes in life. It’s not a good time to buy equipment, but you can sell used equipment and get rid of the “legacy of the past”. It is better to deal with projects that are already running, and with the start of new ones, wait until the reversal of Mars to a direct movement, if the personal astrological situation is suitable.

Since Mars symbolizes active young people, strength, aggression and brutality, accidents, fires, power conflicts, fights and provocations can become more frequent during the retrograde period of this planet. Martian energy can get an unconstructive output. Increased irritability and conflict. At this time, you need to beware of hot spots, nightclubs, try not to succumb to aggressive provocations from the outside.

On a retrograde Mars, you can do what you expect a return effect. An example from practice: a couple had a fictitious divorce on retro-Mars, in order to sign again later. And this divorce was really fictitious, it did not change the relationship, and when the need arose, the marriage was registered again.

For people with retrograde Mars in the natal chart periods of transit retro-Mars can be fruitful, since the energy and rhythm of time are consonant with the type of their activity, this is a natural environment for the owner of natal retro-Mars. During these periods, retro Mars holders may encounter situations that will indicate where initiative, impatience, aggression or anger, or vice versa - inaction, create problems that you have to deal with in life. This is the time to realize the essence of the retrograde nature of your activity according to the natal retro-Mars, it makes it possible to understand what kind of initiatives and what measure of them are effective for you. At the same time, the restrictions that are in the general recommendations for this time are not unconditional for them. And their certain initiatives can get a favorable result, but here everything also depends on the prognostic indicators that are in this period in the personal horoscope. For example, a case from practice - a person with natal retro-Mars filed a lawsuit in court on the transit of Mars retrograde and won it on the first try. Another thing is that at that time there were indications of a possible success in court in his individual prognosis, and his claims in the suit were unconditionally fair. But about unconditional justice - this is a lyric, of course, since the law is not written for our post-Soviet courts,)) and they can understand justice in a very different way. Therefore, as a rule, filing lawsuits on retro Mars, regardless of their fairness, may not be successful. But if, for example, a person with retro natal Mars decided to start a new business on the transit of retro Mars, here the general restrictions will work harder, since starting a new business, a person begins to interact with the general business background. He finds himself in circumstances where he has to depend on other people - suppliers, customers, partners and external circumstances, because we are all part of the world in which we live, and the world is in the retro phase of Mars. And here, for the owner of the natal retro-Mars, the same astro-laws will work as for others.
List of recommendations for this period.

Retrograde Mars

It happens retrograde once every 2 years - 6 weeks.
In a past life, there was a bad adaptation, a person spent energy badly and incorrectly.
In this life, the reaction to an external stimulus is delayed due to internal uncertainty and lack of opportunities or adverse circumstances. Tendency to prudence and caution in actions. This trait can save you from many adverse actions and consequences.
This person does not outwardly differ in militancy, but is more resolute and aggressive than it seems at first glance.
Retrograde Mars may manifest itself as a tendency to suppress anger, an inadequate reaction may develop - auto-aggression (struggle with oneself). Energy that does not find an outlet outside can become destructive for the person himself.
It is necessary to control and direct the flow of energy in the right channels. One way to realize energy is its sublimation. For example, it is possible to direct the energy of affects into socio-cultural directions.

Retrograde Mars - esoteric symbol

Mars, the planet of vitality, energy, sexuality and desire for expression, is symbolized by the cross of Matter at an angle to the circle of Spirit. In modern symbolism, the cross appears as an arrow, thus indicating the Martian nature of the push forward. But it is interesting to note that the cross (or arrow) is always inclined, showing the instability as well as the incompleteness of this symbol. Thus he pushes away from himself, as a cross or an arrow accelerates from the circle of the Spirit, to find fulfillment in eternal things or in other people. This is the only personal planet in which the cross of Matter is placed above the circle of Spirit. Thus, the need for carnal, material and physical satisfaction takes precedence here over the Spirit and can actually satisfy the Spirit.
When Mars is retrograde, the meaning of the symbol becomes reversed and the individual refuses to accept the satisfaction of his Spirit through achievements and conquests in the material or physical part of his life.
From past incarnations, he has learned to purify, turn, reject, distort or nullify the satisfaction of his physical needs if the needs of his Spirit are not satisfied first.
It is interesting to note that due to the fact that the cross of Matter is in an inclined position, even when this symbol is reversed, it still represents instability, probably even more, since the arrow-cross of the desire for satisfaction in matter not only points back to the past, but also now grants less stability as a base for Spirit Circle. The Circle of the Spirit, as it were, is trying to meet and satisfy the present, dragging, like a load, below and behind itself physical desires from the past.

Retrograde Mars - individuality

It is not easy for this individual to reconcile his needs. He has difficulty coordinating thought and action. The past, all that he really experienced, is on the periphery of his consciousness. He also experiences sexual difficulties due to the reversed magnetism of the retrograde planet. This is mainly due to his inability to regulate the flow of energy that this position of the planet causes him to experience.
Much of what he will experience depends less on thoughts or emotions, and more on the ability to control his energy levels in coordination with the energies that he receives from other people. He can react very strongly to a person. His powerful attachments or dislikes may be based entirely on energies and not on human sympathies.
Because of this, the relationship of the individual is almost always somewhat distorted. On a sexual level, they seem to symbolize more the struggle for survival than the actual union with another person. He can jump to conclusions, while at the same time delaying the necessary actions that will correct whatever is troubling him. If Mars retrograde is in an air sign, the individual is unusually mentally active and finds it difficult to learn to relax.
This position of Mars is more difficult for women than for men, because the drive system may not fit with the rest of the horoscope and reduce femininity. Very rare women with this position of Mars on a subconscious level have a love for men in general. However, on a conscious level, a clear opposite sometimes manifests itself through putting men on a pedestal. It creates a type of idolatry that brings a woman closer to her subconscious reality, creating an internal need to remove the pedestal. In most positions, Mars retrograde produces feelings of guilt that isolate the individual, leaving him out of the free personal relationships that people with direct Mars move have. The rupture of the neural pathways that conduct love emotions can lead to "love blindness." In people unable to love - dysfunction of the pituitary gland. Ordinary people experience the flames of love passion when chemistry creates in us a delicious natural high of feelings, which is responsible for the amphetamine-like substance - phenylethylamine. Any positive feelings, from a warm friendly look to the euphoria of love, turn on an emotional circuit in the brain, the nodes of which - the centers of pleasure and pain - are located in the limbic system of the brain. When the pleasure centers in your brain turn on, the world takes on a rosy hue. Life suddenly becomes more exciting. The stronger the stimulus, the greater the enjoyment of feeling bombardment. At the first stage, sexual desire is accompanied by an increase in the level of amphetamine in the blood, at the second stage, it already looks like euphoria, and we become biochemically dependent on our partner. An indomitable fire gives way to a soothing sense of security, perhaps caused by the brain's natural opiates, endorphins. The novelty itself can be very exciting at first, but over time we develop a tolerance for even the strongest stimulants.

Retrograde Mars - karma

When Mars is retrograde in the horoscope, all the actions of the individual in the current life are a restoration of the past.
The individual tries in this life to find people who symbolize those who satisfied him in past incarnations. In his mind, he distributes the roles of these no longer existing figures and with them tries to play out everything that he could not previously express. He over-influences people in an attempt to "insert" them into the imaginary roles he has in mind for them. He stumbles upon too much and felt rejection, but does not understand why; he withdraws into himself, never fully experiencing the relationship of his current life in this moment.
He tends to focus on those times in the past when he dealt with power. Now he is subconsciously vibrating that same force, be it anger, revenge, hostility, or the wrong action of every person in the present. In some cases, he may carry past life ill will that makes him distrust other people's actions. In at least one past life, he experienced suspicious acts or deceit by other people. The rest of this in the current life weighs heavily on his current behavior.

Retrograde Mars in Aries

Here, Mars retrograde is most comfortable in phase I of the retrograde process, where the impulsive qualities of Aries combine with the Martian push to forcibly create the future before any outside force can bring it about. A sense of insecurity remains from the past life and it is very difficult for the individual to survive phase III, in which he will have to critically evaluate himself and his past actions. He is still trying to start what he started before this life.
He is primitive, highly subjective, and can actually live for years without paying attention to the world around him. He sees only the images he creates; he is almost always sexually unsatisfied. In most cases, he falls into the mental trap of excessive expectations. As a result, during those moments when he goes through phase II of the retrograde process, he feels very bored, experiencing what
is not really new to him. His general dissatisfaction with himself makes it difficult for him to perceive others. He thinks he knows what he wants, but an objective overview of his life indicates that he usually does not stay in touch with himself long enough to understand his true inner desires. The beauty of this position is that as he passes through life, the retrograde action of the planet continues to push him back towards him, so that he eventually realizes that his desires were never symbols of what he was looking for in the outside world. Rather, they reflected a deeper inner desire to create a foundation of self-respect within.
This is a very difficult position for marriage, as the individual is overly shy. He needs to develop sensitivity to other people. Too often he sees them as competitors in the arena of his own growth, rather than as independent individuals with needs and feelings that can be as intense as his own. He can achieve a lot when he measures his strength against himself, and not against other people or external forces outside his control.

Retrograde Mars in Taurus

In Taurus, Mars is most comfortable during phase III, when the individual re-absorbs his past, thus giving himself the security and confidence he seeks. He is afraid to take new actions. As a result, he creates his life in terms of his past, while feeling more confident that everything will go well. The pre-programming of physical needs is very strong. He holds back his resentment and often misdirects his anger back at himself as punishment. The person wants to feel closer to others, but holds himself back, creating inner tension instead.
This is especially frustrating because Taurus's desire for warmth and intimacy is stifled by the retrograde Mars' tendency to linger in the third phase, which symbolizes introspection. In many ways, this is an eternal child who does not want to grow up and transform the patterns of his youth. He is a creature of habit and can retain many bad habits simply because the amount of experience is enough to satisfy Taurus' need for abundance. He loves to spend time alone, but wants to know that he is not left alone. Thus, he backs away from the advances made to him, but at the same time he knows that he will be unhappy if there are none. The karma of this position refers to the learning of the individual how to accept his own social and physical needs. He can actually exhaust himself by holding back his conflicts in these areas.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini

Mars retrograde is combined with the flexibility of Gemini so that it can function during the three retrograde phases. During phase I, mental curiosity pushes the individual into a future experience. He becomes keenly interested in everything that he has not yet experienced. In phase II, there is less abundance, and therefore a person is somewhat disappointed, seeing in reality everything that he imagined in his imagination during the first phase. However, he will experience the Gemini-like ability to choose the outward expression of what he is already sure of, while putting to the test what he has not yet experienced. It is in this phase that he becomes overly preoccupied with his actions.
This brings him into phase III, where he constantly repeats himself. Of all the positions of Mars retrograde, this is one of the easiest for the individual. His life lesson is to get the appropriate powers to communicate with other people. Sometimes he causes overreactions in himself during phase III, when Gemini's restlessness makes him anxious during this typically introspective period. Sexually, he experiences coldness, which sometimes makes him evaluate other people, especially the motives for their behavior. His karma is to find out what he is through relationships with other people. He changes his approach to life at any time depending on the occasion, as he is more interested in how to get settled than in actually upholding any particular principle. As such, he is not very noble and adapts to whatever life throws in his way. Avoiding deep involvement, he leans more towards superficiality than experiencing life on a deep level.
He must learn that the intense desires he sees in other people are really his own. See "Retrograde planets and mental projection".

Retrograde Mars in Cancer

This position of retrograde Mars is very frustrating for the individual because the cardinal quality does not stop pushing him into phase I where there is a strong desire for new experiences, yet emotional sensitivity, together with the need for childish protection, continues to hold the individual back in phase III. In this phase, the qualities of introversion cause him to play out life more within the emotional self than through the world around him.
In some cases, especially in women, a strong Electra complex is possible, in which repressed infantile sexual feelings for the father continue to control most of life's desires. The individual is attracted to people of the opposite sex who are very different from him in age.
There is a tendency to make other people part of your family. Man seeks to enclose the outside world around him. Since Cancer is strongly associated with the formative years, the natural absorbing introverted qualities of the third phase are heightened and increased when every future desire is an attempt to recreate the secure origins of life. The individual is very eager to meet the expectations of older people.
He can keep desires in himself for many years, and even when these desires do not satisfy him, it is difficult for him to redirect his energy. He must learn to get more in touch with his impulses that are surfacing from his subconscious so that he does not feel compelled to remake the world after the pattern of family life.
In other incarnations, he has had traumatic experiences in his youth, and only when he symbolically re-enacts them through role-playing with other people can he bring his desires into his current life.

Retrograde Mars in Leo

Here the individual can become an island in himself. The pride of Leo combines with the strength of Mars to create an inner sense of power over other people. The individual rarely acknowledges his influence over others. He can push too hard, causing others to back away from him in fear when their weaknesses are presented to them. This happens during phase I, which increases the intensity of the reaction. An individual's opinion of himself is highly subjective and based more on his current motivation than on how other people respond to it. If any individual really wants to be honest, but at the same time be selfish, it will be him.
Sometimes there is a difficulty in raising a son, an individual may actually hinder the development of his child by expecting too much from him. This person does not take advice. He takes a defensive position because he is afraid of losing the illusion of the position he claims, and therefore from time to time he has great friction with other people. His goals are so lofty that when they are energized through Mars retrograde, he wants to reach full fulfillment in everything he sees. He must learn how unrealistic these expectations are in his daily life. He brings with him into this life a strong desire to command, so he continues to create situations of rivalry where in reality they have no place. Of all the positions of Mars, this is the one in which a person cannot bear to lose. Obviously, some past life efforts were not rewarded or fulfilled. Now the individual is trying to take back his past by convincing himself that he has a fair degree of power over his life and over those he allows to touch it.

Retrograde Mars in Virgo

This is one of the more difficult positions of Mars retrograde in terms of personal relationships. If Mars were not retrograde, the individual would evaluate all desires in terms of perfect ideas. Retrograde changes these feelings and the individual is forced to live his ideals rather than just expecting it from others. Thus, he condemns himself while trying to maintain his illusion of perfection. He experiences an inner fear of other people and communicates more easily with objects than with people. He is very sensitive and overreacts to pressure from others. Many people with this position of Mars defend themselves against repeating past pain by deliberately shutting themselves off from real intimacy with others. They often feel neglected by those they have tried to please in the past. It is difficult for this person to relax, as the mental energy is stimulated by the sexual stimulus. Sometimes it causes a very active interest in sexuality with very little physical expression.
Man has a great need to seek perfection in himself. In previous lives, he learned to distinguish between his desires and now neatly puts everything in his mind on the shelves. Sensing imperfection in the actions of other people, he may experience extreme distrust of every new person he meets. As the relationship develops, he seeks to find a flaw in the other person's character that will ultimately convince him that his pre-programmed ways of communicating with that person were justified and correct.
If a person with Mars retrograde in Virgo would listen to what he says or thinks about others, he would know that the perfection he seeks begins within himself.

Retrograde Mars in Libra

This is perhaps the most difficult position for Mars retrograde. Here the individual not only has difficulty identifying his own desires, but also takes on the desires of other people, believing that they are his own. As a result, he is, as it were, on the eve of hell, as he is thrown from side to side because of the desires, needs and aspirations of every person in his life. He brings with him into this incarnation the ongoing karma of not knowing exactly what he wants. In a past life, he lived by the desires of others. Now it is difficult for him to find the center of his own existence. As a result, the search for self-identity is so intense that many people with this placement of Mars are powerfully attracted to those of their gender, through whom they ultimately hope to find themselves.
The retrograde phase, in which the individual will spend most of his time, does not cease to change according to the influence of the person with whom he communicates. Having a low sense of self-respect, a person tries to establish a relationship with the quality of Aries in everyone he meets.
The frustration that an individual experiences increases when he tries to harmoniously balance the various urges and desires that come from all the people he knows. Ultimately, this creates emotional paralysis in him, along with a certain degree of gullibility towards his external environment. He is karmically forced to find out who he is among all, who he feels he could be.

Retrograde Mars in Scorpio

Since Scorpio is the sign of transformation and Mars is the planet that energizes all emotions, this individual leads a very active inner life. During all three phases, the planet works for the benefit of the individual, but the inward thrust of retrograde, along with the constant nudge of Mars, never gives the individual a chance to rest. He constantly feels that he does not achieve everything that he should. In some cases, if Mars is used physically, it can go as far as gluttony. Even if an individual directs his life along the spiritual path, he faces temptations. He always feels that there are external forces preventing him from achieving his goals. Therefore, he develops intense internal energy to overcome these imaginary enemies of his progress.
In some cases, he does not control his needs. He can be very impatient in phase I, bored in phase II, and dissatisfied during phase III as he tries to culminate in a burning urge that never ends. Often it brings ill will from another life. Even in this incarnation, instead of forgiving those who hurt him, he sinks his anger into subconscious levels, continuing to carry it as part of his nature. As a result, he can become his main enemy.
Karmically, he must learn to destroy not himself, but those parts of his old self that kept him alienated from other people.

Retrograde Mars in Sagittarius

Here impulsiveness reaches its highest point, as the individual wants to experience the whole world - "yesterday". His restlessness goes very far, since he never fully knows the priorities of his needs. This dispersion occurs not only in the things he does, but also and on an inner level, in his own identity.He tries to experience the whole world in himself in all its different colors and flavors.Sometimes hostility is carried into the current incarnation, which makes it difficult to see other people in a true perspective.Much of his life, as well as ways of seeing other people has no basis in reality He finds it difficult to focus on his desires long enough to know how important they are to him During phase I the individual may appear overly extroverted, but nothing he reaches is complete whatever he is looking for. He tries to justify his motives and likes to think he is right. This is especially bad position for marriage, for one is so much an individualist and a little dreamer at the same time that one hardly stays in one place long enough to feel that another individual is satisfying one. Karmically, he tries to find his place in the world. He needs to know the reason for his existence, and he partially discovers it in every new place he visits and in every new person he meets.
He must learn how to balance the philosophical needs of Sagittarius with the physical craving for the experience of Mars. Ultimately, his retrograde nature turns him inward, where he learns to turn his experience into what should be the reason for his existence.

Retrograde Mars in Capricorn

Here the individual spends most of his energy trying to build a sense of self-worth. He collects all outer thoughts, things and people, creating a pyramid on which he will eventually sit.
He experiences a conflict between the impulsiveness of youth and the restraint of old age. As a result, he constantly associates with people of different ages as he seeks acceptance through various age groups. He takes everything he does seriously. While in the third phase, he may even imagine being responsible for the actions of others.
Capricorn, which tends to be a karmic sign due to the rulership of Saturn, causes the individual to experience the effects of everything he caused. In this sign, this manifests itself more than in any other zodiacal position, so that the person eventually realizes that he is responsible for all his actions. He wants to be responsible for himself and will not take risks if he is waiting for rejection or failure.
If this individual embarks on the spiritual path - there is no limit to what he can achieve - he is the best guide for himself. Very purposeful during phase I of the retrograde process, fully functional during phase II, and deeply introspective during phase III, these people know exactly where they are going in life, as well as how to get there.

Retrograde Mars in Aquarius

Here the individual is most comfortable in phase I, when he wishes to wander where there is no footprint ahead of him. He puts no limits on the freedom he wants to experience, and in this incarnation carries with him the continuation of the free instinct developed in previous lives. When he is bound by the boundaries of society, he will rebel against the existing norms of life and will seek new rules that push the limits of what already exists.
His life is a colorful reflection of the “everything passes” attitude, and all that keeps him from testing the world as a playground is the established laws and traditions that he stumbles upon. These he quickly circumvents.
In sex, he is an insecure experimenter, but at all levels he is a seeker of everything in which the world does not have enough interest.
His motives change from day to day, and with them change his conceptions of what he is. He tries to internally absorb the future, taking all the ideas of science fiction as opportunities that he can personally experience. He loves people, but he is a loner and cannot accept the limitations of other people's ideas.
Karmically, he experiences many transcendent realms of reality outside of traditional norms.

Retrograde Mars in Pisces

Here the individual spends most of his energy in the third phase, in which he internally represents his past actions in order to get his true reflection. Often this causes great sadness, as he considers himself guilty for the wounds and grievances that he imagines he has caused to others. He prefers to withdraw from people rather than be responsible for the cause of their pain. His self-image is extremely low and he doesn't fight for what he thinks is right. He would like to please other people, but he often sees the futility of their plans and actions. He believes that the difficulties of mankind have reached a culmination and does not understand that from moment to moment the world is only becoming, and not the final product. It is this lack of understanding that makes him be an escapist and not stand in the center of everything that surrounds him. He tends to absorb more than he can digest because he perceives himself to be integrated with more than is necessary.
Karmically, he strives for a cosmic identity in himself and must learn not to confuse the individual actions of other people with the essence of everything he wants to be.

Retrograde Mars in the first house

Here the individual is most comfortable in phase I of the retrograde process, in which he tries to project himself into the future he wants now. When he is unable to make things happen instantly, he uses mental projection, injecting others into his karmic desires until he ultimately believes that he can actually make the future happen faster than it would if he hadn't intervened.
He is very insecure, especially his sexuality, which in most cases seems to be fixed in his youth. Due to impatience, he shows a lot of seemingly useless activity, trying to create everything that would have happened naturally anyway.
He is a lone fighter for fulfilling the desires of his past life, reappearing in his current incarnation. He would like others to join him, but does not allow anyone into his psychic space. Thus, he lives most of his life in solitude.
He is overly shy and believes that the outside world threatens his personal ego. That is why he tries to create situations in which he can be the master. As a result, he is often too aggressive with other people, barely giving them a chance to think. He is sure that with this method his ideas will not be rejected.
He continues the past karma of building a self-identity and expends a lot of energy defending any progress he has previously made. In the current life, he must learn to see and be "here and now", in order not to react to the situations that he himself created, too emotionally.

Retrograde Mars in the 2nd house

Here the individual spends a lot of time and energy in phase III of the retrograde process. He has many desires, but he will not always act and work hard to make them a reality.
He can at times be very envious of other people, although in fact he is angry at his own inability to reach the potential he feels in himself. He can bear in mind and hold on to arguments about the past. This is due to his subjectivity - he does not always see the other person's point of view.
Karmically, he brings with him into this life a strong desiring nature with whom he will have to deal on all levels. At times he tends to feel sorry for himself in order to get help from others. In this way, he can replenish the energy he has spent criticizing himself for his failure. He can insincerely assure other people of devotion, recognizing their achievements, but inwardly he does not believe them. In fact, he wants their achievements to be his own. Essentially, he tends to use the process of mental projection to identify with other people's affairs, hoping by some unknown method to make their progress his own.
He tends to restrain himself sexually, secretly afraid that he might lose something. This is due to early childhood fears that the world can take something from him. He will achieve happiness when he realizes that he is the creator of everything he has to deal with in life, and that everything he has or desires to have is simply the collective symbolism of everything he values.

Retrograde Mars in the third house

Here the individual experiences misadjustment in his communication processes. He spends a lot of time in phase I of the retrograde process strenuously trying to express himself in ways that will leave a mark on other people. He offends other people's sensitive sides by acting too harshly or by using too much force, impatiently trying to make a point.
In a woman's horoscope, this position often means attraction to men who are not sexy enough or to men who are unattainable. At the same time, a woman is not really looking for male energy on a sexual level, as this can hurt her own sensitive sides. Instead, she may prefer a platonic relationship.
In this position, phase III of the retrograde process also comes into play - the person reflects on actions and thoughts long after the initial experience has ended. Thus, everything that the individual personally experiences becomes an endless echo.
He experiences the karma of learning how to deal with his sensitivity to the outside world in the area of ​​his personal relationships.
The individual will achieve happiness when he overcomes his need to personify his environment. Ultimately, he will be able to overcome the desire to be an active part of everything that happens around him. When he gets over it, he will experience a new sense of freedom that his soul has been demanding.

Retrograde Mars in the fourth house

Here the individual spends a lot of time in phase III of the retrograde process, trying to relive the emotional experiences of the past. He struggles with his natural evolution as a strong subconscious desire to return to the womb keeps him at an early stage of serious psychological conflict with one of his parents. The individual seems to communicate better with people whose age is very different from his own. He can gain a lot of strength with the help of those who are older than him, and at the same time test his own strength on those who are younger.
This individual needs constant encouragement if he is going to do anything constructive in his life. He can greatly drain the energy of the people around him, as he apparently needs their energy to guide himself. In all positions, retrograde Mars draws on the energy of other people, but here, in the fourth house, the watery lunar influence increases this effect to the point that the internal needs of the individual can completely exhaust the people around him.
He experiences strong addiction karma and does not really want to be his own master in this life. He wants to share his responsibility with those he feels are stronger than him.
Usually the individual chooses as friends those people who symbolize the parent figures. It is through these people that he will blame one of his parents for all the obstacles that he cannot overcome in his life.
In the female horoscope, this position in the house increases the desire to avoid men. A woman can become a prisoner of her fears until she realizes that she has negatively aroused past life memories.

Retrograde Mars in the fifth house

In this position, the individual experiences difficulty in expressing his creativity. On a sexual level, its vibration alternately attracts and repels as it goes through various retrograde phases. A person is not always in tune with the natural cosmic forces when he tries too hard to be himself. Sometimes he feels like he's fighting the tide. However, he himself is trying to create such currents so that there is something to swim against.
In this position, love affairs are difficult, and the sexual stimulus is not smooth. At the same time, any childish qualities in the horoscope are intensified.
In this lifetime, his energy will one day be directed towards either a boy who is developmentally delayed or a young man who refuses to fit into the expected pattern of behavior.
The concept of moving forward represents frustration, as the individual constantly feels that he must do something different from what he is doing now. He tends to reflect on the setbacks and setbacks in his life rather than push forward to new horizons.
He experiences the karma of rethinking his entire creative process, as much of what he has created in the past has only brought him dissatisfaction. He must learn what can really give a sense of well-being. He can do it best when he overcomes the subconscious sense of superiority that fueled his ego but did not give him confidence.

Retrograde Mars in the 6th house

Here the individual is caught in a conflict between how much he should do for others and how much he should do for himself. He offends and angers others, teaching them how to do things, but subconsciously wanting their advice. Extremely independent, he strives to be the ruler of his own life in the midst of the flow of external circumstances that dictate the direction of his energy. He does not want others to use him, but it is this thought that makes him invite into his life those people who can do this. He can be unusually cold when the situation calls for warmth, as he hasn't quite learned to trust other people's motives yet.
In the realm of work, he tends to underestimate the weight of his own products. He seeks self-improvement through his actions and, being overly critical of himself, expects too much from others.
In some cases, this leads to a tendency to blame others. This can go to the extreme, when the subconscious individual does not find in any other human being the ability to be worthy of the fullness of his expectations. Because of this, he may experience periods of sexual coldness, sometimes leading to complete impotence.
All this is due to his experience of the karma of seeking perfection in action. And as he tries to put the world around him in order, he slowly starts to put himself in order.
However, his approach to life is overly harsh, and on all levels he should follow the advice of the Desiderata: “First of all, be gentle with yourself.” When he learns this, his whole view of other people will change dramatically.

Retrograde Mars in the 7th house

Here the individual experiences disorientation in his relationships with other people.
It is difficult for him to be married, because what he sees in his wife, he considers the least acceptable for himself. In the female horoscope, this position often indicates hatred of men in a past life. In this life, a woman will, apparently, look for reasons to justify her feelings. She often expects her marriage partner to deliberately try to hurt her. Very rare individuals with this position do not subconsciously look for a reason to quarrel. Often this manifests itself in relationships that are highly contentious if the individual is willing to experience any relationship at all.
Basically, a person is distrustful of other people, constantly on the alert so as not to be hurt by other people. And this pre-programmed attitude causes him to initiate hostile feelings in other people that confirm his beliefs.
Karmically, this person must learn mutual concessions in close relationships. His life is one continuous lesson for his ego, so that one day he may experience the effect he causes in other people. Until he can understand this lesson, he will subconsciously experience every negative reaction he has caused in others.

Retrograde Mars in the 8th house

Here the individual experiences great internal stress. He finds it difficult to express the frustration he feels as a result of attuning to other people's desires. Often he cannot separate other people's desires from his own, and this makes him indecisive when expressing the strong urge he feels.
This position often causes sexual difficulties, since the individual internally feels the possibility of rejection, which in his subconscious is associated with fears of being abandoned, abandoned, with the fear of death. He tends to withdraw from many things that would bring him the desired satisfaction. Essentially, he feels separated from society. While he continues to deny himself satisfaction, he is secretly jealous of other people. When used negatively, this position can be especially destructive, as the individual internally experiences lower vibrations in the space around him. On the positive side, however, the individual can use this position to generate high ideals that he intuitively feels at the deepest levels. It will transform both him and the people around him.
Karmically, he internally experiences the desire nature of the world in which he lives, and whether he chooses to play it out in phase I or II, or watch how it affects him during phase III, he nevertheless faces overcoming his physical urges. He achieves happiness the day he becomes the master of his needs.
Through the depth and perspective that the eighth house provides, the individual gains the ability to see the very essence of the nature of his desires.

Retrograde Mars in the ninth house

In this position, the individual experiences a great inner desire for freedom. Sometimes it is freedom from the bondage of other people's emotions, but at higher levels it becomes a quest to transcend human thought. For some people, this manifests itself as a strong religious or spiritual quest that borders on fanaticism.
Marriage with Mars retrograde in the ninth house is unusual, as the lonely qualities of Mars mix with the bachelor tendencies of the ninth house to encourage the individual to strive to be a free spirit. In some cases, the person is out of touch with their sexual urge and may actually be projecting strong sexual impulses during phase I of the retrograde process without realizing it. For the spiritual seeker, this position causes difficulties which result in an inability to control or stabilize the astral body. This is where the guidance of a teacher is essential before attempting any form of astral projection.
Karmically retrograde Mars in the ninth house bestows life, which is partly the bliss of loneliness. Through periods of isolation and circumstances that force the individual to consider his inner positions and draw conclusions, Mars brings the desires of his nature into the sacred chamber of his higher mind, where a person can achieve union with himself once and for all. When all these desires are transformed and rise to a higher plane, he may eventually complete Shakespeare's lesson: "To be yourself, be sincere!" ("That thine own self, be true").

Retrograde Mars in the tenth house

Here the individual discovers a conflict between the decisions he must make in order to create a secure future. Many of his goals are based on the past, and each step forward essentially carries with it the full weight of his destiny.
He seems to sense the barriers that are holding him back, but truly they are his own. Wanting to earn the respect of people equal to him, he often checks and double-checks his actions, which makes him seem eternally hesitant. He'll beat around the bush before taking the step he's been meaning to take all along.
Professionally, the opposite is true - the individual strives to reach the top of the mountain early, and later returns in his footsteps in order to realistically assess his level.
Life is a sequence of neglected steps that are traced later as he tries to balance his foundation.
Karmically, this person learns to reveal his future. And it is always going back and filling in the gaps in his past that makes his future success more assured.
As he gets older, he learns how to build in ways that are more meaningful to his ultimate goal, rather than work on the past life illusion that he must conquer a world that is too big to master.

Retrograde Mars in the Eleventh House

When Mars is here, a person has a strong desire to dream. The individual brings himself into a state of consciousness that allows him to relive the moments of the past. He tends to shy away from imposed responsibilities, but can handle them on his own, as long as no one makes him feel responsible. He may spend many hours either alone or doing activities that other people do not find practical. The fact is that most of his energy is directed to his dreams, but he wastes so much energy that he is rarely able to bring these dreams to fruition.
Often he is separated from his sexual desire and finds it very difficult to integrate it into the rest of his life.
His main difficulty is that he sees how quickly and easily his aspirations, hopes and dreams rise into the reality of his fantasies, but he knows how much effort it will take to bring these subtle desires into his daily life. This is the point at which he blocks himself. The imaginary wall between fantasy and reality keeps most of his energy on his dreams.
Karmically, he learns how to energize his aspirations so that after many lifetimes of dreaming and imagining he can break through the mental barrier that has kept them from becoming reality. The difficulties he experiences in dealing with other people is a catalyst. They must force him to transcend his imaginary inadequacies so that he wants to change his identification with the world. When he can do this, his actions will flow from a new and much more satisfying perspective.
It is interesting to note that with this placement of Mars, the erratic subtle qualities of the eleventh house have less to do with the retrograde phases that the individual experiences than with the actual zodiacal sign that happens to be here.

Retrograde Mars in the twelfth house

Here the whole nature of desire is deeply rooted in past life karma. Then the unfortunate events left a hidden resentment in the individual. He sees this outrage in others because he expects it, but is rarely aware of it in himself. If this position of the planet occurs in a woman's horoscope, it makes relationships with men almost impossible, since each new man symbolizes in some way the individual who in a past life caused her deep pain. As a result, she distrusts the motives of men as she feels there is little reason to expect better treatment in the future.

In this position of the planet, the person directs life energy back in time in the hope of eventually finding out where and when everything went wrong. Thus, whether it is a man or a woman, it is very difficult for this person to live in the present.
All attempts to help the individual fail until the individual discovers in the deep recesses of his consciousness what he is looking for.
The karmic lesson in this life is to learn to forgive. The individual must understand that forgiveness is impossible without forgetting. When he learns this, he will no longer have to keep everything inside, and he will be able to release those parts of himself that were locked up in the past.

Retrograde movement or movement back is the path of the planet visible from the Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business.

The retrograde phase of Mars will begin on January 23 and will last until April 14, 2012. However, the effects of his retrograde period will be felt until June 19, when he breaks out of the loop, i.e. until it returns to 23°06" Virgo, from which it began its retrograde journey.

Entering the retrograde phase, the planet will slow down to stationarity (stop - SR), and slowly turn around, return along the recently passed segment of the sign (R), so that at the end of the retrograde period, stop again (SD) and turn to direct (D) movement . The diagram shows the triple passage of Mars in its retro phase from entering the loop at 03°41" Virgo to exiting the loop at 23°06" Virgo.

Mars retrograde in Virgo in 2012

Making its way through one sector of the Zodiac three times, the planet poses a problem - during the first passage (1), calls to look for ways to solve it - during retrograde passage (2) and gives a way out of the situation and a solution in a new way - during the third, direct passage through that same plot (3).

retrograde movement Mars

Psychological features of the retro period of Mars

Already on November 18, 2011, Mars began to slow down, focusing our attention on the concerns and problems associated with the topics of the natal planets to which he makes aspects. We are waiting for 80 difficult days, during which Mars will be retrograde. Those who have planets and angles in mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces - will feel this period especially sharply.

Mars goes retrograde once every two years and two months, which makes its retrograde quite an important event, because Mars goes retrograde less often than other planets. At this time, Mars is closest to the Earth and farthest from the Sun. This weakens the effect of sunlight on the planet.Having turned back, Mars finds itself in a dimly lit space and moves in the direction opposite to the movement of the Sun. Thus, he is closed from external influences; turned not outside, but into oneself, not into society, but into the inner world. At this time, the principle of Mars begins to master new levels of past experience, not dependent on any outside interference.

In a psychological sense, this means that we get the opportunity to free ourselves from the flow of social influences and stereotypes, from the habitual reactions that govern our lives, and to reconsider the principles of our activity and methods of action.At this time, our approach to conflict resolution, our hostility, anger, self-confidence, risk-taking, ways of showing will and physical activity require rethinking and new approaches. In sports and military affairs, defensive tactics bring success.

During the retrograde period, Mars enters into opposition with the Sun - this is the phase of the symbolic full moon in the Sun-Mars cycle, the exact aspect will be on March 3, 2012. The Sun - "consciousness, individuality" and Mars - "activity, dynamics", at this time are separated by poles in our consciousness. This enables us to become aware of which of our habitual responses and modes of personal fulfillment must be revised in order to remain adequate and effective.

The situations that arise during this period reveal unresolved conflicts, unconstructive reactions, accumulated irritation and dead-end approaches in our desire to succeed or, on the contrary, in our inability to do something. This is especially pronounced in cases where the transit of retro-Mars makes a connection or opposition to our natal planet.When analyzing thistransit on the natal chart should also take into account the planetary status of the planets. The fast planets are subordinate to the slow ones. The realization of the energies of retro-Mars in a constructive way can give a period of more intensive practical activity aimed at solving the problems posed by the current transits of slow planets.

What to expect from retro Mars in Virgo?

Retro-Mars in Virgo creates a picky, demanding attitude, inclines to an obsession with trifles; during this period, major quarrels can arise over trifling matters. At the same time, at this time we get the opportunity to penetrate into the essence of unconscious reactions and hidden motives that make us act without thinking. This helps us reconsider our views on life and our personal approaches to business and cooperation.

The topics of health, education, caring for sick relatives, nutrition and hygiene, work matters and daily responsibilities can cause anxiety and cause problems. Relationships with employees can become strained, and superiors will complain about our performance of our duties. Disorganization and slovenliness will be severely punished. Our efforts to improve skills at work and desire to increase the level of return will be opposed by the imperfection of reality. We must develop tolerance in such situations and be prepared for the fact that not all our efforts will be productive, and, at times, there will be a feeling that we are working in idle mode. At this time, previous cases may come up in which our small but key mistakes have led to serious problems at the present time.

If we give in to emotions during this period, we will easily lose the ability to objectively assess the situation and will not be able to see the forest for the trees. This will lead to losses through unwise speculations and ventures in business, or disappointments in love if the theme of personal life is played at this time. During this period, there is also a danger of accident or violence, usually due to carelessness, stupidity or uncontrolled aggressiveness.

During this period, anxiety and anxieties may arise around the topics of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and medicine. Nervousness and bowel problems can be caused by overeating. You need to stay cool and sane to be ready for any surprises at this time.

As a rule, the problems and conflicts that we face during the retrograde period of Mars began during the last conjunction of the Sun and Mars, i.e. during the symbolic new moon in the Sun-Mars cycle. This means that what we are dealing with outside and within ourselves today has a direct or indirect connection with what happened in our lives at the end of January and the beginning of February 2011.

I invite readers to make a retrospective analysis of the events of that time in order to better understand the origins of their reactions and problems today. Moreover, you can mentally return to the previous period of retro-Mars, analyze what aspects he did to the natal chart and what events and emotions were relevant for you at that time. On the diagram you will find the dates and degrees of the current, previous and next R-period of Mars

Retrograde Mars 2012

Transition toR

Transition toD

Loop exit

Previous Mars retrograde 2010

Mars Retrograde Next Period 2014

Features of activity during the retro-Mars period or what not to do

The retrograde of Mars is associated with an aggravation of internal tension, on the one hand, and a decrease in our energy, on the other. The natural flow of energy at this time is directed to revision and rethinking, to internal activity, and not to external goals and results.Trying to make a breakthrough in business at this time or to implement some kind of blitz projects means to swim against the current on a poorly controlled ship. That is why the new projects launched during this period, designed for the future, will not bring the expected result. At this time, things require additional efforts in order to simply maintain the status quo, and there is simply not enough strength for new enterprises and the struggle for a place in the sun. Things slow down at this time, the implementation of new ideas leads to difficulties in execution and disruption of plans. Now skill to slow down and refine what has already been started will bring b about more return than the desire to press on"gas" and act ahead.

! Particular attention should be paid to the time period from March 12 to April 4, 2012, when, against the background of Mars retrograde, it will become retrograde and Mercury. During this period, you can not make important decisions, borrow or lend, make large purchases, make planned operations, launch new projects and take any actions aimed at the future.

Mars (R)
After all, it is not only our personal approaches and reactions that are being changed and revised, but similar processes are taking place in parallel in the economy, in legislation, and in public priorities. The overall entrepreneurial activity is declining as a result of objective prerequisites and unstable conditions. Starting a new business at this time is building a castle in the sand.

This is a period of obstacles and restrictions in free initiative, new business, personal growth, clamps and restrictions of the will. Do not swim against the current, move by inertia, do not show initiative - there will be opposition to any action, so do not get ahead of events, do not break the law, avoid conflicts, especially litigation, control emotions. Energy should be directed not outward, but inward! The period has a bad effect on sports and military affairs. Conflicts with the security forces are dangerous for the side that initiated this conflict.

At this time, it is not recommended to start any important adventure, buy a car, go on a dangerous journey or make important changes in life. It is not a good time to buy equipment, but you can sell used equipment, get rid of the "legacy of the past". It is better to deal with already working projects, and with the start of new ones, wait until Mars turns to direct movement.. It is better to start new business only a few days after the end of this period.

Since Mars symbolizes active young people, strength, aggression and brutality, accidents, fires, power conflicts, fights and provocations can become more frequent during the retrograde period of this planet. Martian energy can get an unconstructive output. Increased irritability and conflict. At this time, you need to beware of hot spots, nightclubs, try not to succumb to aggressive provocations from the outside.

On a retrograde Mars, you can do what you expect a return effect. An example from practice, a fictitious divorce on retro-Mars, was really fictitious and when the need arose, the marriage was registered again. Below is a short list of recommendations.

What not to do:

  1. Start a new business project, or any campaign that requires action and pressure.
  2. Register a company.
  3. Make scheduled operations.
  4. Buy mechanisms: cars, means of production, household appliances, tools, etc.
  5. Start building or renovating.
  6. Organize sports competitions or corporate sports championships.
  7. File a lawsuit, initiate a confrontation.
  8. Initiate disputes, discussions, debates.
  9. Give the car for repair or maintenance without a good reason.
  10. Change job.
  11. Go on long business trips.
  12. Use firearms and melee weapons.
  13. Start grooming.
  14. Engage in first sexual intercourse.

What can you do:

  1. Put things in order in old cases, finish and tighten the "tails"
  2. Resume previously abandoned sports: wushu, qigong (for the soul).
  3. Do yoga, meditation.
  4. Rest more, take breaks more often.

One or more planets are RETROGRADE.

From an astronomical point of view RETROGRADE Planet can be explained as follows: when it seems to an observer from the Earth that the Planet began to move back, in the opposite direction. In fact, of course, this does not happen - the Planets always move in the same direction, just at some point the speed of the Planet slows down and a feeling of reverse movement is created.

To make it clearer RETRO movement of the planets can be compared to two moving objects - a car and a bicycle. The speed of the car, of course, is greater than the speed of the cyclist. Therefore, when a car overtakes and overtakes a cyclist - it seems to a passenger sitting in a car that the cyclist is moving backwards - although he is also riding, his speed is simply much less than the speed of the car. Same with the planets.

it RETRO movement of the planet, fixed in the natal chart at the time of a person’s birth, will have a very great influence on him - on his psychology and on events during his life on the topic of this Planet.

RETROGRADE there are all planets except for the Sun and Moon.

For those who are not at all familiar with the symbols of Astrology, I will explain - in the natal chart RETROGRADE Planets are denoted by the Latin letter R, which stands next to the icon planets.

So what does a RETROGRADE Planet mean for those who have it in?

1. First, this means obsession person in the same area, on the same problem. For example, if your card:

  • , then you are fixated on the topic of relationships, on the topic of love, on the topic of money,
  • means you are fixated on ,
  • can give fixation on the topic of his authority, high social status, teaching activities, on the topic of travel.

2. Secondly, RETROGRADE Planet means the need for multiple repetition the same situation (“repetition is the mother of learning”). For example:

  • makes a person study, study and study again. Repeat and repeat. A person with needs to explain the studied material several times. Such a person will not always hear you the first time. Therefore, do not be surprised if your child (or another loved one) needs to repeat everything 10 times. It's most likely on his map. With such people, you need to be much more patient, you need to explain the same topic to them more than once.
  • a person with will constantly come across the same types of partners - all alcoholics, all athletes, all brunettes with blue eyes, all much older or much younger. All relationships can develop according to the same scenario. It's like a vicious circle in which you walk for many, many years.
  • RETRO Neptune- in the worst case, a repetition of the topic of alcoholism, mental disorders. At best, it repeats the theme of psychology, spirituality, artistic and musical creativity (it can go to study these professions several times, quit and return to these activities several times, constantly rewrite musical works, redraw your paintings, achieving the best result).

3. RETRO Planet may indicate personal mistakes in past lives and mistakes of ancestors on the topic of the Planet. Therefore, in this life they give obstacles in achieving anything. For example:

  • mistakes in relations with brothers, sisters give - it is difficult to establish contact with them,
  • mistakes in love give - therefore it is difficult to love and be loved, it is difficult to achieve harmony in relationships with partners,
  • mistakes in the topic of career give - therefore, in this life there will be obstacles on the career ladder, obstacles with government agencies,
  • if you made mistakes abroad, in teaching, in achieving a high social position, then your chart will contain - therefore, there will be difficulties in being a teacher, obstacles in achieving a high social status, difficulties in relations with foreigners,
  • etc.

4. RETRO Planet in its properties it is similar to Ketu (the Setting Node). It means that Planet karmically overloaded- this means that you have already gained quite a lot of experience on the topic of this planets in their past incarnations. Therefore, in this life you need to “slow down” in this topic. It is necessary to switch to other areas of life, to do those things that are indicated by ordinary direct messages. planets.

But, if you still show great activity on the topic RETRO Planets, then you will have more obstacles and restrictions. There will be a stupor that will not let you move on. Think - if there is a certain wall in your life that you cannot "break through" - maybe you shouldn't do it? Maybe you just RETRO Planet in a card that directly says: "you can not be active here." Then you just need to move away from this topic and come to terms with what is - then there is a chance to get what you want, only a little later. For example:

  • if you - in past incarnations you were too active and assertive in achieving your goals - therefore now you need to pacify this activity,
  • if you have - let go of the topic of partnerships, do not be active in love, in making money,
  • if you have - you already had a lot of experience in your career, so do not try to build it too actively,
  • if you have RETRO Uranus- you had a lot of friends, you were a very freedom-loving and independent person, so the topic of friendship and freedom has already been worked out, switch to other areas.

5. On this topic RETRO Planets one must "go with the flow without oars." If the life situation is something offers - take it, no - do not persist. For example:

  • if a person is offered to get acquainted with, to establish partnerships, it means “you need to take it”, if not, you don’t need to persist in this matter,
  • if a person with is offered travel, then it means “you must take it”, I invite everyone with RETRO Jupiter to free trips ,
  • if a person with is offered a promotion up the career ladder, it means “you have to take it”. If they do not offer - do not persist, do not go ahead.

6. RETRO Planet does not mean a ban on manifestation in her area. It only says that according to the functions of this planets personal initiative of a person should be reduced to zero. Gotta be "number two" in this area. For example:

  • says that it is better not to take the initiative on the topic of love. Wait for someone to come up to you and show interest. In partnerships (personal and business), it is better to give the initiative to your partner.
  • - offers to wait until you are asked to teach, when you are invited on some foreign trip when you are offered a promotion.

7. RETRO Planet doesn't say it will never happen. She just tells us what's going on Retro Planet will be late in our life - we must be patient, wait and not relax ahead of time. For example:

  • a person with may start learning late,
  • too late to become a teacher will start traveling ,
  • RETRO Neptune will begin to master the profession of a psychologist at a conscious age.

8. RETRO Planet tells us that the theme of this Planet is necessary let go, do not bother, do not demand everything from her at once - then the situation itself will take you to the right place.

  • for example, you can’t bother with the topic - the situation will turn out the way it should (with the right behavior).

9. As well as RETRO Planet can be a positive foundation from our ancestors with the least amount of effort. For example:

  • in a person with RETRO Uranus one of the ancestors could be an Astrologer, so he will receive the invisible support of the clan in this profession,
  • in a person with RETRO Pluto there will be support of ancestors in all professions associated with the risk to life.

All of the above factors need to be considered not only on the topic RETRO Planets, but also which House she manages. For example:

  • if the Ruler of the 1st House - RETRO, then all of the above will refer to the topic of self-development and appearance,
  • if RETROGRADEN Ruler of the 2nd House - to the topic of money,
  • RETROGRADE Ruler from the House - to the topic of contacts, study, car,
  • if Ruler of the 4th House RETRO, then it will be related to the topic of ancestors, place of residence,
  • RETRO Ruler of the 5th House - will indicate the theme of children and creativity,
  • if the Ruler of the 6th House RETRO- the topic of work, health will be relevant,
  • 7 Houses - the theme of marriage, courts,
  • 8 Houses - the theme of sex, risk, crises,
  • 9 At home - the theme of travel, abroad, teaching,
  • 10 House - career,
  • 11 Home is the theme of friends,
  • 12 Home is the theme of spiritual searches, solitude.

Important! I am often asked “What do Retrograde Nodes mean and how to act on them”? I draw your attention to the fact that knots it's the other way around... Retro phase for Nodes is their normal movement. Knots show what evolutionary task has already been completed (according to South Node) and what needs to be done in this life (according to North Node). Much worse if Nodes Direct. If in your horoscope Nodes in Direct Phase- this means that in past incarnations you did not fully fulfill your evolutionary task of South Node. So now you need to do TWO evolutionary tasks - both on the South and on the North Node.

In the comments below you can write - what Planet you in RETROGRADE And how did it play out in your life?

If you also have Retro Planets and you still cannot interpret them yourself, but you want to find out specifically for yourself:

  • what are the functions Retro Planet You overspent in past incarnations,
  • what issues did you pay too much attention to in past incarnations,
  • in what areas of life do you get a restriction,
  • in which areas of life you should not show your initiative, should not be active,
  • where complete external passivity is needed,
  • what exactly Retro Planets mean to you
  • how should you behave with Retro Planets, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • what illnesses and unpleasant situations in life will make you understand that you are not behaving correctly Retro Planet.

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Mars reverses direction every 22 months and is retrograde for approximately 80 days. Unlike the inner planets, the outer planets are retrograde when they are in opposition to the Sun. More precisely, the retrograde phase of Mars begins when the Sun (in the horoscope) is to the right of Mars at about 135 - 140 degrees, and ends when the Sun is to the left of Mars at the same distance.
During this period, all processes slow down, activity drops, and there may not be enough strength and energy to achieve the goals set. Attempts to force things or increase pressure do not work or worsen the situation. If you do not stop, then something akin to a broken twisted spring or an explosion of a steam boiler can happen. Even things that seem to have started successfully are slowed down, various obstacles arise that prevent you from doing the main thing. Problems can grow like a snowball, forcing a person to do something other than what he has planned. All this irritates a person, he begins to rush about, look for a way out, or in annoyance he quits what he started, loses interest in the matter. Libido often falls, apathy appears, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, old grievances are recalled, which, in turn, often gives rise to quarrels. Enemies or competitors may become active. In the days retrograde Mars care should be taken in handling equipment, weapons, moving mechanisms. Breakdowns and equipment failures occur more often. If the equipment was assembled or repaired during the period of retrograde Mars, later hidden shortcomings are very often revealed, arising from the negligence or negligence of the performers. At this time, it is not recommended to go on a trip, as traffic may be delayed for various reasons and the likelihood of road accidents increases, which are accompanied by injuries, blood loss, and the need for surgical intervention. These days, composure, endurance and patience are required from people, any aggression can turn against the one who sends it. Lawsuits and battles that are started during a Mars retrograde will be lost.
As in the case of Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde makes it possible to return to unfinished, once abandoned cases, the approach to which will now be different.
Retrograde Mars has a stronger influence on people in whom Mars has a strong status in the natal chart, is located near the Ascendant or Meridian, or in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn. And also for those who have Mars as Rex aspectarius.

start a new business, a new project, a new business, long-term enterprises;
apply for a job or change it;
go on a trip;
hold competitions;
buy or repair a car, any mechanisms or household appliances;
start renovation or construction.

part with what is obsolete, obsolete;
to complete and complete previously started cases;
to return to old ideas and projects, to consider them from other positions.