Italian conscript service 5. Help conscripts to release from the army

Do they take to the army with scoliosis

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Are they drafted into the army with scoliosis? We will help you!

If a young man of 18-25 years old is diagnosed with a curvature of the spine, the question will be relevant for him,do they take in the army with scoliosis. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, since there is a need to determine the degree of pathology.

Army and scoliosis - are they compatible?

In the case of scoliosis, there is an overstrain of the back muscles on the one hand and their relaxation on the other. Therefore, with such a diagnosis, the patient cannot:

    stay in one position for a long period of time;

    run (progression period, stages 3 and 4 of the disease);

    do exercises with or without weights with a load on one leg;

    sit in the lotus position;

    do somersaults, somersaults;

    make sharp turns with the body;

    play outdoor games (tennis, football, volleyball, etc.);

    do exercises that exert a vertical load on the spine;

    carry heavy objects in one hand;

    do gymnastics;


Based on the mentioned list of restrictions, we conclude:scoliosis of the spinecan cause a young man to be unfit for military service. However, the diagnosis of pathology in a patient does not become a guarantor of the "army freedom" of a young man.

In this matter, it is important to take into account the degree of the disease, its features, as well as the fact of the presence / absence of functional dysfunction of the spinal column.

Accordingly, if the conscript is sick with scoliosis, the military registration and enlistment office will require x-rays, on the basis of which the medical board decides on assigning the young man a category of fitness for military service.

"Dossier" of expiration categories

    fit for military service;

    temporarily unfit for military service;

    completely unfit for military duties.

What kind of scoliosis is not taken into the army? The table below provides a breakdown of each of the categories that can be assigned to a young man. Information is also given here regarding the suitability of a conscript in diagnosing one degree or another of the disease:


A conscript can be accepted for service in any troops without restrictions. The category is also assigned to persons suffering from scoliosis in childhood, but who corrected their posture by the time of the medical examination.

The young man is fit for military service, however, cannot be enlisted in the elite troops, consisting of absolutely healthy young men. The category is assigned to persons with scoliosis of 1 and 2 degrees, as well as unstable pathology

The group is represented by young people released from the army for medical reasons. However, in the event of a declaration of war, if necessary, young men are required to perform military duty. In other words, this category of reserve soldiers. This also includes conscripts with a disease of the 2nd degree

Usually this group does not include young people suffering from scoliosis. The category consists of guys who are temporarily unfit to serve in the army for medical reasons. There is a need to re-pass the commission 6 months after the assignment of status. Oh whatdegree of scoliosisno matter what, the disease cannot be overcome in such a short period

The category is assigned to persons who are completely unsuitable for the performance of military duty due to the diagnosis of a serious pathology. This includes guys suffering from 3 and 4 degrees of scoliosis, as well as patients with a diagnosis of "scoliosis 2 degrees”, proceeding against the background of severe disorders in the region of the spinal column. Boys with this status have an entry in their military ID and a stamp in their passport stating that they cannot serve in the army

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Algorithm of actions of a conscript with scoliosis

A conscript with a diagnosis of scoliosis should be aware that an extract from a medical record is not a guarantee of exemption from the army.

The military enlistment office will require x-rays with a clearly fixed pathology and an indication of the degree of curvature of the spine. You can get acquainted with the corresponding figures for each of the degrees of pathology in the table below:

Disease degree

Corresponding curvature angle and characteristic features

The angle ranges from 1 to 10 degrees. The curvature is minimal, practically not detected visually. The patient has his head down, the guy stoops a little

Deviation of the axial skeleton in the range of 11-25 degrees. The patient has a protrusion in the thoracic region, the contours of the neck are asymmetrical. Pathology is noticeable very well in the position when the young man tilts the body forward

The deviation of the spinal column is 26-50 degrees. Among the obvious signs of the pathological process: the costal arches bulge, the muscles of the torso weaken, a noticeable hump appears on the back. Against the background of the course of the disease, neurological diseases appear, the process of blood circulation and respiration is disturbed.

The spine is bent more than 50 degrees. The patient visualizes a hump, ribs sinking towards the concavity

A conscript with a diagnosis must submit x-rays taken in a standing position to the military registration and enlistment office. If, based on the results of the study, the doctor diagnoses the patient with "scoliosis 1 degree”, a young person is referred to or “A”.

In case of detection of the second degree of pathology, the conscript is sent for re-diagnosis in the prone position. If there is a discrepancy on both radiographs, the angle of curvature of the spinal column is different, an unfixed ailment is diagnosed - the patient is in.

When the results of the images match, a fixed scoliosis with a designated angle of curvature is established. Such a diagnosis gives grounds for assigning the category of reserve soldiers to a young man.

With the third stage of scoliosis or a large degree of lateral slope p conscript is completely released from the army and receives.

It is worth focusing on the situation in which young people suffering from stage 1 or 2 scoliosis with a certain angle of curvature of the spine are called up for the army. To prove that in this case the disease of the 1st degree and military service are incompatible, since in a particular case there are violations in the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary:

    write an application form. You will have to submit two copies. One of them should be registered indicating the incoming number, date and the person who accepted the document (the surname and signature are written);

    attach certificates and x-rays (standing and lying) to the main document.It is worth presenting copies, original documents must be kept with you. This is especially true of x-rays, which must remain with the recruit until a re-examination is required. If, under any circumstances, the young man was refused a second procedure, he has the right to submit the documentation to the court and prove that, with the existing type of disease, the assignment of a fitness category with restrictions is provided.

Attention! The conscript has the right not to take repeated pictures, but to demand the conclusion of the commission on the basis of the available material - those radiographs that were taken six months ago.

There are cases in which a young man needs to serve in the army, but he is not accepted into the military ranks by decision of the medical commission, which does not recognize the conscript fit for service. In this case, the young man can also apply to the court.

To win, you need to collect all the necessary documentation that would disprove the presence of pathology. However, it is important to remember that military service is associated with daily physical exertion, which can harm the conscript's spine, and in some cases even lead to disability.

We draw a conclusion

As you can see, scoliosis is not an indication for the release of a conscript from military service. Persons with diagnosed scoliosis of 1 and 2 degrees can be assigned category "B" - the conscript is fit for military service with some restrictions. In this case, the fact of unstable pathology is confirmed.

To prove the incompatibility of the diagnosed scoliosis with the army due to the presence of disorders in the musculoskeletal system, the young man may face

Protecting the homeland is the duty of every man. But you should be aware that there are a number of diseases in which service in the ranks of the armed forces can be a health hazard.

One of these contraindications is lateral curvature of the spinal column or scoliosis. Scoliosis can be a reason to refuse military service. What must be certified by medical certificates and the decision of the medical commission.

In general terms about the disease

Scoliosis is a disease when there is a curvature of the spine to the right or to the left of the main axis in the thoracic spine. Curvature changes the configuration of the back and skeleton.

Severe forms of spinal misalignment lead to improper functioning of internal organs and disability.

The development of scoliosis can be established using fluoroscopy of the spinal column and visual inspection. A healthy spinal column is located directly in the center of the back.

The curved spinal column deviates from the central axis to the right or to the left. Outwardly, this phenomenon looks like the letter C (C-shaped scoliosis).

Such a displacement increases pressure on the remaining vertebrae and the spine in an effort to distribute the weight evenly, arches in the opposite direction, forming the letter S (S-shaped). When the spine curves three times, E-shaped scoliosis.

It happens that the spinal column wraps around itself. This anomaly with curvature is called torsion. The greater the level of spinal skew, the more intense the torsion.


Spinal problems are:

  1. Congenital(heredity, deviations in the development of the bones of the thoracic region);
  2. Acquired due to
    • flat feet;
    • rickets;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • poliomyelitis;
    • torticollis;
    • intervertebral hernia.

scoliosis symptoms:

  • the location of one shoulder below or above the level of the second;
  • slouch;
  • soreness after prolonged walking or standing;
  • distortion of the sternum;
  • asymmetrical blade arrangement.

Scoliosis treatment lies in

  • application of massage;
  • special gymnastic complex;
  • carrying out surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapy.

Scoliosis usually begins in children aged 6 to 8 and 10 to 14 years, during the period of accelerated growth of bone tissue and the formation of the skeleton.

Do they join the army?

From 1.01. 2014, a new schedule of illnesses that exclude conscription came into force. On October 1, 2014 there were changes in this schedule regarding scoliosis.

Here's how it sounds: persons who have fixed acquired curvature of the spinal column, accompanied by rotation of the vertebrae (scoliosis II degree), are exempted from conscription into the ranks of the armed forces.

There are 4 degrees of scoliosis, the degree of curvature of the spine is measured in degrees.
1st degree - 1-10° (angle of curvature). Does not exempt from military service, because there is no violation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Category "B"

2nd degree - 11-25° (angle of curvature). If, with a curvature of the spinal column of 11-25 degrees, there is a documented fact of the presence of a violation of the musculoskeletal function, the conscript should be assigned category "B" - fit with restrictions. Usually sent to stock. However, if there is no restriction of functions with such a degree, welcome to the army.

3rd degree - 26-50 ° (angle of curvature). Curvature of the 3rd degree always captures the entire spinal column, accompanied by pain and impaired functioning of the internal organs. Not only will they not be accepted into the army, but they will most likely assign disability. Category "B" or "D"

4th degree - more than 50 ° (angle of curvature). This is a very strong curvature of the spinal column, accompanied by disturbances in the work of all organs and systems. Of course, they will not be accepted into the army, category "D"

To obtain an exemption from the army for scoliosis, you must submit the following documents for consideration by the medical commission:

  • medical card with a medical history;
  • two types of x-rays of the spine, taken from a supine position and a standing position, showing the angle of curvature.

Remember that the pictures should be taken no more than 6 months. back. If you are counting on a delay, stock up on fresh, a month old.

Scoliosis of the 2nd degree often causes distrust among the doctors of the military registration and enlistment office, even if there are pictures, especially if the indicators of the 1st and 2nd degrees differ by 1-2 °. In this case, doctors try to assign the 1st degree to the conscript.

What to do to prevent this from happening?

Provide photocopies of documents confirming your 2nd degree. Refused to accept - send by mail with a notification letter.

Write a statement that you do not agree with the decision of the doctors immediately after the decision of the commission, in x copies. Give both copies to the secretary of the commission, have him sign and date. Take one signed statement for yourself.

If they refused to sign, send the application by registered mail to the draft board of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If the higher authority does not respond to the appeal, file a lawsuit.


If you have a form of scoliosis that falls under category "C", "D", or "D", do not allow the medical board to consider you fit for service in the armed forces. Your health is the most important thing, use all means to defend your rights.

If you organize a medical examination to the fullest extent, then the diagnosis of scoliosis will be confirmed in 80% of the subjects. The sad thing is that this type of musculoskeletal disorder is detected more often in adolescents than in adults. This indicates a downward trend in the health of the younger generation. We are partly to blame for this, reaping the fruits of scientific and technological progress.

Knowing the harm that modern electronic means have, and how destructive a sedentary lifestyle is, they stopped paying attention to posture, and scoliosis is not always a congenital disease, but often acquired.

As a result, the question of whether people with scoliosis are taken into the army occupies a leading position in popularity among the topics raised by conscripts. It is interesting because the young men will serve in the army, the popularity of which has now increased dramatically. But is it worth preparing yourself for the tests or will they leave you at home with a curvature of the spine? We will understand, relying on the most modern and relevant knowledge, since the answers to these questions may vary somewhat from year to year.

Scoliosis and its varieties

Scoliosis is a pathological change in the spine associated with its curvature. There can be several reasons for scoliosis. These are violations in fetal development, poor posture, injuries received in childhood, atrophy of the muscles that hold the spinal column.

Scoliosis is classified according to the appearance of the curvature. Scoliosis of the C-shaped type is characterized by the displacement of the vertebrae of the predominantly thoracic region in one direction relative to the vertical of the spinal column. Outwardly, the spine resembles the letter "C".

Any organism independently tries to adapt to the pathology. So that the weight of the body is evenly distributed over the entire spine, below or above the curvature, a displacement of the vertebrae in the opposite direction begins to occur. Deformation of the spine in two directions leads to the formation of S-shaped scoliosis.

In more severe cases, the ridge may have 3 bends. They will certainly form, since a straight column will not withstand the load of the body. He needs a shock absorber. Such scoliosis is called E-shaped.

Violation of the structure of the spine is associated not only with the displacement, but also with the rotation of the vertebrae relative to each other. This variant of the pathology is called "torsion". The listed types of scoliosis do not always clearly describe the neglect of the disease, therefore it is customary to classify it also by degrees.

First degree

Deviation from the normal direction of the spine is usually measured in degrees. With anomalies reaching 10 degrees, doctors ascertain scoliosis of the 1st degree. You should not start the disease on the obtained indicators, since no one is immune from the continuation of its development. Over time, the 2nd degree may come and so on.

With the development of scoliosis at this stage, the patient may not feel it. Outwardly, it is also not determined, therefore, it can only be diagnosed by specifically undergoing examination using fluoroscopy or by chance, when other diseases are detected.

For conscripts who have been diagnosed with scoliosis, military service is questioned, but the approaches of the military commission should be correctly understood. The fact is that it is not their responsibility to conduct an examination. They just state the facts of records in outpatient cards, their own observations, complaints of the conscript. The absence of complaints with scoliosis of the 1st degree will lead to the fact that the young man will be taken into the ranks of the Armed Forces, despite the fact that the service may have a negative impact on the course of the disease.

The next controversial point is the indicator equal to the maximum value. Such small angles cannot be measured with great accuracy, so it will not be possible to get rid of the error. Moreover, if you conduct a survey in different institutions, then the results will be somewhat different. Such an error is acceptable if the value lies in the middle of the range.

For example, it does not matter for a conscript with which diagnosis to go to serve: scoliosis 7° or 8°. However, if your indicator is 11 ° (corresponding to the second degree of development of the disease), then there is a possibility that the commission, referring to the error, will write the value 10 on the card and the conscript will go to serve. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that with scoliosis of the first degree it is customary to join the army, assigning category "B".

Second degree

The types of curvature described above can take on more global meanings. With an angle value ranging from 11 ° degrees along the lower border and up to 25 ° degrees, this type of scoliosis is attributed to the second degree. However, in order to unambiguously say whether they take 2 degrees to the army with scoliosis, you need to know two nuances.

  • If a conscript with a curvature of the spine from 11 ° to 17 ° does not experience serious inconvenience, does not make complaints, or they are not documented, then the commission will condescendingly treat this disease and put a category that will allow them to serve.
  • To avoid such a game with fortune, it is necessary to foresee the availability of the necessary documents in advance. Scoliosis in such a rather progressive state does not appear “suddenly”, therefore, by the time of the examination, it is necessary to take care of having an extract from the hospital. It should indicate that for at least 2 years with a frequency of 2-3 months you have sought help with complaints of back pain. Even if the angle exceeds 17 ° degrees, it is recommended to insure yourself with such a document.

And again we start talking about edge indicators. All symptoms, such as pain, limitation of functions, decreased sensitivity, have certain standards, which are regulated by the concept of "scoliosis of the 2nd degree". Indicators within the boundaries of these standards are fraught with the fact that they will be reduced (perhaps even artificially) in order to fulfill the state order for young recruits to the ranks of the Armed Forces.

Let's give some examples. If it is known that one of the signs of the required stage of development of the disease is pain, which begins to manifest itself after 5 hours spent in a standing position, then 5 hours in your medical history will be considered as an acceptable value. You need to “try to have less time in your record.

The following example involves limiting movement. According to the standards, the amplitude can be reduced to 20%. What indicator should you have? True - 21%.

Third and fourth

Questions regarding scoliosis of the 3rd and 4th degree usually do not arise. These are curvatures with a value of up to 50° and over 50° degrees, respectively. Even if the recruit did not have time to prepare all the necessary documents, he will be granted a deferment from the army to undergo an examination. After that, he will receive a category "B" or "D". Here you do not have to analyze and investigate the symptoms, since such pathologies are visible to the naked eye.

Those who urgently seek answers to such questions in various sources are rarely interested in details. They want to see a yes/no answer. However, this approach can play a cruel joke at a meeting of the commission, so we took the responsibility to present the material somewhat expanded, but now you can briefly answer the question posed.

With the first degree of scoliosis, they will be taken into the army with a high degree of probability. To the second degree, you must provide a number of supporting documents, otherwise you can be in the service. The third and fourth degrees are distinguished by profound changes in the spine that affect the functions of other organs. This fact implies exemption from service, but we still recommend that you carry relevant evidence with you.