April solar storms. Magnetic storms in April will cause significant harm to human health

April will happen mostly in the middle of the numbers. However, their power can be so strong that it will be extremely difficult for a person to cope with poor health. the site will tell you in detail when magnetic storms will occur, and how weather-dependent people can survive them.

What are magnetic storms?

We often hear this expression - magnetic storms. But not everyone knows what this means and how it happens that some phenomena about which nothing is clear affect our well-being. Still not in the best way, writes STB.

Magnetic storms are flares on the Sun that affect the magnetic field of planet Earth. These flashes are, in fact, huge blobs of energy. Having passed a very long way from the Sun to the Earth, energy clots create winds. And those, in turn, affect the climate of the Earth and the well-being of the inhabitants of our planet.

When to expect magnetic storms in April 2017?

The first magnetic storm will take place April 1, 2017. This is the beginning of the April magnetic bursts. They will not entail a strong influence on well-being, but you should be wary of depressive states, nervousness. And also control your aggressiveness.

The second magnetic storm in April 2017 falls on 18 number. This day is expected to peak solar activity. Everyone who suffers from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure is at risk. But even those who do not have problems with the heart and blood vessels may feel unwell on this day. And also for healthy people, this day can bring a bad mood, increased fatigue, irritability and aggressiveness.

April 20, 2017 will be the third and the last magnetic storm of this month. This day is dangerous for everyone. And for people with chronic diseases and for healthy people too. But it is especially necessary to beware of those who suffer from mental disorders or with an unstable psyche. On this day, there is an increased likelihood of arrhythmias, hypertensive crises and tachycardia.

How to prevent bad health during magnetic storms in April 2017?

In these dangerous days, everyone who suffers from bad habits should give them up. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Drink plenty of water, you can also include herbal infusions in the diet.

These days you need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

You need to be outdoors more.

Avoid strenuous exercise.

JoInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art recalls that, but by the May holidays, spring will delight Ukrainians with a bright sun.

Any weather-dependent person should prevent health problems during the days of solar activity. In the old days, our ancestors could not understand why the mood suddenly deteriorates, the head hurts, dizziness occurs for no reason. Fortunately, science in our time is able to recognize the causes of ailments, including predicting which days magnetic storms will occur in April 2017 and how to prepare for a meeting with ailments. Thanks to such a cheat sheet, you can easily survive dangerous dates and not feel their presence.

Magnetic storms in April 2017 - schedule

According to experts' forecasts, April of this year will "give" earthlings several intense flares on our main luminary, the Sun. The phenomenon directly affects the geomagnetic field of our planet. Having traveled a long way from the Sun to the Earth, giant energy blobs create winds that violate the integrity of the magnetic field. As a result, there are changes not only at the climatic level, but also in the state of human health. The nervous, cardiovascular, skeletal systems of a person suffer, stress, depression, fatigue occur. Elderly people, as well as people with chronic diseases, should carefully prepare for the following dates:

April 1 - the beginning of bursts. Special violations in terms of health will not occur, but depressive states, aggression, nervousness are possible.

April 18 is the peak of solar activity. On this day, the number of emergency calls to people with high blood pressure, disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels increases. Even healthy people can feel drowsiness, fatigue, the condition is accompanied by a bad mood, aggressiveness, irritability.

April 20 is a dangerous day not only for those who suffer from chronic ailments, but also for completely healthy people. Persons with mental disorders, unstable mentality should be especially careful. Possible hypertensive crises, attacks of tachycardia, arrhythmias, angina pectoris.

Magnetic storms in April 2017 - how to prepare

Taking into account the fact that health problems during the days of solar activity occur in people who do not take care of themselves, preparing for a meeting requires maintaining elementary rules. It is important to strengthen health, raise the body's defenses, and for this you need:

  1. Give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol.
  2. Include more fruits, vegetables, herbs in your diet.
  3. On the days of magnetic storms, refuse to visit places of mass congestion, nightclubs.
  4. Drink more pure water, herbal decoctions.
  5. Take walks in the evening, breathe fresh air, supplement life with positive emotions.

If there is a person in the family who suffers from bouts of depression these days, you should not leave him alone with heavy thoughts. According to scientists, it is at the peak moments of solar activity that the number of suicides increases. With regard to persons suffering from chronic ailments, preliminary therapy is necessary before the onset of magnetic storms, it is necessary to have in stock all prescribed medicines.

Fans of active life, sports should limit heavy physical activity. It is better to spend time in silence, in the open air near the river bank or in the country. Some are helped by banal solitude, silence and tranquility, so it makes sense to postpone all important things and give the body a good rest. The consequences of magnetic storms directly depend on how a person prepared for them. If you try, then there will be no problems, and you will learn about solar activity only from news or complaints from outsiders.

Magnetic storms cause a lot of inconvenience even to people immune to weather changes. The magnetic storm schedule for April will help you prepare for these events and avoid the negative impact of solar energy.

It's a huge amount of stress on the body. Storms of varying strength provoke symptoms ranging from minor ailments to severe migraines. This state of health limits vigorous activity and worsens mood. You can avoid the strong effects of aggressive solar exposure with the help of traditional medicine. However, do not forget about traditional medicines in order to timely prevent pressure drops, headaches and vasospasm.

Magnetic storms in April

The end of March, according to forecasts, will pass under the influence of strong magnetic storms of the red level. This means that the Sun has a particularly aggressive effect on the Earth's magnetosphere. From the 28th to the 31st, this phenomenon will affect everyone without exception: even people who are not dependent on the vagaries of the weather will still feel unwell and lose strength. Everyone who is exposed to negative effects should stay indoors these days, drink more water and monitor their health: eat right, rest in time, sleep at least 8 hours.

1 - 5 April. These days, the level of danger is reduced, but the residual effects of solar winds still bring discomfort and bad mood. You should pay special attention to your health on April 2 - it is on this day that astrologers predict a strong surge of negative energy.

18, 20 April. These days the aggressive Sun will cause ailments and low activity. Timely protective measures will help to avoid a breakdown. To strengthen the body and its resistance, start a course of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. These exercises put the internal energy in order and allow you to receive additional forces from the outside world and the Universe.

The rest of the days are considered safe, but the inconstancy of the Sun can fundamentally change the situation. In order to fully meet all the unpleasant factors, strengthen your biofield. This will help counter most of the unpleasant symptoms, such as aching joints, occasional pain in the head and neck, and mood swings.

Every day you need to train your body, setting it up to fight external stimuli. This is what meditation practices are for. They open chakras, which literally absorb positive energy flows, making you stronger. You may not get complete immunity to changes in the geomagnetic field, but you will make your life much easier. We wish you good health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Often a person begins to suffer from a sharp deterioration in well-being, he has a severe headache, irritability in mood is noticed, and insomnia manifests itself. Such unpleasant physical conditions can manifest themselves for various reasons, but among all of them, open weather sensitivity occupies a leading position. Science has determined that only 10% of people suffer from obvious weather dependence, which means that the category of such people reacts very strongly to changes in nature. In such people, physical well-being deteriorates sharply with sudden changes in temperature phenomena, with the activity of precipitation or wind, as well as during the period of magnetic storms. Such a concept as magnetic storms in April 2017 is familiar to all weather-dependent people, because during the period of their activity they especially strongly feel unpleasant changes in their own bodies, which bring them painful suffering.
About 40% of the population of the vast world belong to the average weather sensitivity people. This category of people feels unpleasant changes occurring in their body only when an unpleasant natural phenomenon reaches its peak. But the rest of the population of our world does not feel any natural changes at all, if such people experience unpleasant symptoms, then they indicate the presence of a certain disease, but nothing else.

Magnetic storms in April

For each month, it is precisely determined when magnetic storms will occur in April 2017, the schedule by day and hour is created by qualified specialists in their field. It is important to note that for a long period up to a certain point, it is impossible to calculate the exact time of the appearance of a natural negative phenomenon. Not a single specialist can cope with such a task. He can only indicate the number of manifestations of negativity in nature, but time can always become changeable.

In itself, such a natural phenomenon becomes just a natural process that manifests itself in space. A magnetic storm is activated due to the intrusion of charged particles into the magnetic field of our Earth. These same charged particles appear in space due to the increased activity of the solar system. This phenomenon occurs constantly and has different speed trends. That is why strong as well as weak magnetic storms are determined by their strength.

If a strong magnetic storm appears in nature, then all weather-dependent people feel special discomfort. Such a natural state can cause severe headaches, a complicated general condition, and a manifestation of the activity of chronic diseases. This natural phenomenon is especially dangerous for hypertensive patients, all heart patients, as well as people with neuropsychiatric disorders.

When average magnetic storms appear for April 2017, weather-dependent people can change their mood dramatically, they suffer from migraines, insomnia manifests itself, and a feeling of fear or groundless danger appears. Natural phenomena that are weak in strength can activate a sharp change in mood in a weather-dependent person, he may have a slight head sensitivity.

It is very important to know exactly the schedule of magnetic storms in April 2017. It is it that will become an assistant to a weather-dependent person and will help to avoid the manifestation of negative consequences after the activity of such a natural phenomenon.

  • The spring month of April is classified as a rather calm period of the year. At this stage, only one natural negative phenomenon, strong in its power, is expected. on the 18th. This date is especially dangerous for pregnant women, all the elderly and babies, because it is this category of people that becomes highly susceptible to the activity of a natural phenomenon.
  • Magnetic storms of average strength in April are planned to appear on the 1st and also on the 20th. These periods can be dangerous for hypertensive patients, as well as cores.

The exact schedule of magnetic storms in April 2017 will definitely help to calculate negative dates, which can pose a serious danger to a weather-dependent person. But the latter can himself reduce the negative of this period to a minimum if he begins to adhere to special rules of correct behavior during the activity of magnetic storms.

  1. Avoid excessive physical activity.
  2. Do not engage in complex and painstaking mental work.
  3. Adhere to the important basics of only healthy and proper nutrition.
  4. If possible, stay alone with yourself, that is, avoid abundant communication.
  5. As needed, take sedatives, preferably based on natural or herbal remedies (mint, valerian).

Often a person begins to suffer from a sharp deterioration in well-being, he has a severe headache, irritability in mood is noticed, and insomnia manifests itself. Such unpleasant physical conditions can manifest themselves for various reasons, but among all of them, open weather sensitivity occupies a leading position. Science has determined that only 10% of people suffer from obvious weather dependence, which means that the category of such people reacts very strongly to changes in nature. In such people, physical well-being deteriorates sharply with sudden changes in temperature phenomena, with the activity of precipitation or wind, as well as during the period of magnetic storms. Such a concept as magnetic storms in April 2017 is familiar to all weather-dependent people, because during the period of their activity they especially strongly feel unpleasant changes in their own bodies, which bring them painful suffering.
About 40% of the population of the vast world belong to the average weather sensitivity people. Such...

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Earth magnetosphere disturbances possible January 3, 2017 Earth magnetosphere disturbances possible January 4, 2017 Earth magnetosphere disturbances possible January 5, 2017 Earth magnetosphere disturbances possible January 6, 2017 Earth magnetosphere disturbances possible January 7, 2017 Disturbances of the Earth's magnetosphere January 12, 2017 Disturbances of the Earth's magnetosphere are possible January 18, 2017 A magnetic storm of G1 level (weak) is possible ...

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The sun is constantly radiating charged particles of enormous energy, or the solar wind, along with light. Colliding with the Earth, solar wind streams cause geomagnetic storms. The decline in solar activity that began in 2015 will continue. According to experts, magnetic storms in 2017 will not exceed the number of storms of the past year. Of the total number of possible 25-40 storms, 3-7 of them may turn out to be large. The highest activity of the Sun is expected in May and September. Somewhat increased activity is predicted for the summer months.

Schedule of magnetic storms for 2017

January. Strong storms are expected on the 2nd, 6th and 10th. Small storms are possible on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 8th and 11th. February. Solar activity will be stronger than in January. Strong magnetic storms are expected on the 5th, 7th, 10th, 15th. March. The month will be rich in magnetic storms. A significant flux of charged particles is expected on March 19, 21 and 22. Small fluctuations will occur on the 13th, 16th, 28th and 29th. April. Strong magnetic storms predict 18...

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A sharp change without visible and weighty reasons for the general emotional, as well as physical well-being in some people is often associated with fluctuations in natural natural phenomena. The most popular phenomenon of our nature is the well-known and famous magnetic storm. Doctors note that this state of cosmic bodies can negatively affect the general health of a certain category of people. Scientists, however, see their interest in this event, the magnetic storm is still being actively studied and analyzed. Despite scientific discoveries, it is important for people to know the schedule of magnetic storms in April 2017, since such a state in nature can bring enormous harm to weather-dependent people.

It has been proven that about 50% of the entire population of the vast globe suffers from increased sensitivity to changes in natural phenomena. Approximately a tenth of them suffer from a strong sensitivity, for this category of people a magnetic storm can have the most ...

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Magnetic storms and disturbances on the Sun can cause a lot of trouble for those who depend on energy flows and the influence of the Earth's magnetosphere. The forecast of unfavorable days will help prepare for the upcoming deterioration and protect your health.

Solar activity and emissions of huge amounts of energy often reach the geomagnetic field of the Earth. Scientists call these fluctuations solar winds. The process of ejection of energy and individual particles is continuous. Sometimes scientists record the strongest fluctuations, and it is on these days that weather-sensitive people feel all the negative impact on themselves.

The consequences of such influences are many. This is increased fatigue, exacerbating chronic diseases, headaches. Signs of an upcoming magnetic storm are felt by many. You can protect yourself with proven folk methods and by contacting your doctor.

When to expect magnetic storms in 2017

The information will be useful for planning cases and the optimal choice ...

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To control health and emotional background, everyone needs to know about magnetic storms in 2017. The schedule of perturbations of the geomagnetic sphere for the period from January to December is in this article. We will also discuss the features of the state of the human body and measures of assistance on adverse days.

Calendar of magnetic storms for 2017

Magnetic storms in January 2017

Increased activity of natural phenomena is not expected, so in January there is practically no danger to health. Minor cosmic flares are expected on the following dates:

Magnetic storms of medium strength will occur:

In order not to suffer from the January magnetic storms, one must in every possible way protect oneself from stress. It is better for hypertensive patients not to get up abruptly in the morning, to do it slowly and smoothly. A contrast shower works well.

On negative days, walks and being in the fresh air are welcome, rather than ...

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In addition to beriberi, the state of the body in winter is affected by a lack of sunlight, low temperatures, constant fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and humidity, and other adverse climatic factors. Therefore, in order to avoid the negative impact of all of the above points, in February it is necessary to carefully monitor your health. In addition, the final month of winter 2017 is expected to be quite unfavorable in terms of solar activity, geomagnetic conditions and magnetic storms.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2017. February 2017 will begin with a rather difficult, unfavorable period. Strong disturbances of the geomagnetic field are predicted for the dates from February 1 to February 7.

The most unfavorable days are expected at the beginning of the month - on February 3, geomagnetic disturbances will develop into a magnetic storm. During this period, well-being can significantly worsen, and absolutely everyone can feel it, including healthy people who do not belong to ...

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The last month of winter begins, and many of our readers are asking what is the forecast for magnetic storms and solar activity and where to find the schedule of magnetic storms for February 2017. About when negative natural phenomena are expected and how to mitigate their consequences - read in our material.

Specialists of the Physics Institute. P.N. Lebedev Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) made a forecast of magnetic storms and disturbances of the Earth's magnetosphere for February 2017.

As in January, in the last winter month the geomagnetic situation will change from calm to slightly disturbed. In general, the month promises to be calm, but on some days disturbances of the Earth's magnetosphere are expected, turning into a weak magnetic storm.

Schedule of days in February when magnetospheric disturbances are expected and magnetic storms are possible (updated on February 22):

On February 24, a magnetic storm of G2 level (weak) is possible. On February 25, disturbances are possible...

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By the end of winter, our body becomes especially vulnerable. During the entire winter period, we mainly have access to products that are not too rich in vitamins and biologically active substances. In addition to beriberi, the state of the body in winter is affected by a lack of sunlight, low temperatures, constant fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and humidity, and other adverse climatic factors. Therefore, in order to avoid the negative impact of all of the above points, in February it is necessary to carefully monitor your health. In addition, the final month of winter 2017 is expected to be quite unfavorable in terms of solar activity, geomagnetic conditions and magnetic storms.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2017. February 2017 will begin with a rather difficult, unfavorable period. Strong disturbances of the geomagnetic field are predicted for the dates from February 1 to February 7. The most unfavorable days are expected at the beginning of the month - on February 3, geomagnetic...

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All of us have ever witnessed unreasonable poor health, both among children and the elderly, and among middle-aged people. Sometimes these are pressure surges, unreasonable headaches, the body's reaction to weather changes. Sometimes the cause of poor health lies in solar activity and magnetic storms.

The reaction of the body to magnetic storms

The body's reactions to magnetic fluctuations can be headaches, insomnia, loss of strength, depression, pressure surges and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the body. Experts assure us that only 10% of the world's population is sensitive to magnetic storms. How true this is is not for us to judge. We would only like to warn you against unnecessary suspiciousness in the process of reading this article.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2017 - March 2017

The schedule is updated every day! Add to bookmarks!

Magnetic fluctuations in February should be expected in the indicated numbers. And in...

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Magnetic storms in February 2017 © Evgenia Lutchenko, tochka.net

The forecast of magnetic storms in February 2017 from tochka.net will be useful to all weather dependent people. The last month of winter promises to be a little quieter than the active start of 2017, and may upset us with minor magnetic fluctuations.

Magnetic storms in February 2017

During February 2017, a small manifestation of solar activity is expected, including several possible magnetic storms.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 27th, 28th.

Serious magnetic storms are expected on the 3rd, 14th, 23rd, 24th, 28th.