Telephone dialogue in English with translation. Telephone conversation in English

Ring ring! The article is dedicated to those who want to learn how to talk on the phone in English beautifully and competently. Basically, we will talk about workflows. With the help of our phrases for a telephone conversation in English, you will learn how to correctly greet the interlocutor or answer a greeting, find out who called and ask to leave a message, make an appointment or leave an important message for a partner, and much more. Enjoy reading!

The most important rule in a telephone conversation is not to be afraid of difficulties. If you do not understand something during the conversation, tell the interlocutor about it:

My English isn't very strong. Could you speak slower, please?
I am not very strong in English. Could you speak more slowly, please?

Don't be shy, people will come to meet you. And don't forget to be polite, try to use " сould" instead of " can" , as well as " please" and " thanks you».

How to greet someone

Any conversation, as you know, begins with a greeting or acquaintance:

This is Nick Carter calling.
Worried about Nick Carter.
Nick Carter here.
This is Nick Carter.
It's Nick Carter from "Green House" here.
This is Nick Carter from the Green House Company.

After you've introduced yourself, don't forget to ask an important question:

Is it convenient for you to talk at the moment?
Are you comfortable talking now?

If, suddenly, your interlocutor is busy, immediately check whether it is possible to call back and what time will be the most suitable:

Can I call you back?
Can I call you back?
Could you tell me the best time to call you back?
Can you please tell me when is the best time to call you back?

How to answer a greeting on the phone

Let's imagine the opposite situation: you got a call and introduced yourself. How to answer correctly?

Start with the standard "Good morning / afternoon / evening", then you can use the following phrases:

It's Green House. How may I help you?
This is Green House. How can I help you?
"Green House", Nick Carter speaking. How may I be of help?
"Green House", Nick Carter on the phone. How can I help you?
"Green House", Nick Carter speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?
"Green House", Nick Carter on the phone. Can I help you?

Or this situation: you are very busy at the moment and cannot talk.

Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.
I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.

And do not forget to politely ask the interlocutor to call you back later.

Could you call back a bit later, please?
Could you call back a little later?

What if the person has the wrong number? In this case, use one of the following phrases:

What number are you calling?
What number are you calling?
Sorry, you must have the wrong number.
Sorry, you must have the wrong number.
Sorry, you've got the wrong number.
I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
You must have misdialed.
You must have dialed the wrong number.

How to check caller information

If the interlocutor did not introduce himself, be sure to specify who is calling you and for what purpose. In such a situation, the following phrases will help you:

Who is calling, please?
Please, introduce yourself.
May I ask who's calling?
May I ask who is calling?
Can I have your name, please?
May I know your name please?
Where are you calling from?
Where are you calling from?
Could you tell me what it's about?
Could you tell me the purpose of the call?

Could you tell me the purpose of the call?
Who do you want to speak to?
Who would you like to talk to?
What company are you calling from?
What company are you calling from?

How to ask to be connected to the right person

You call the company and the wrong person answers. Ask a member of staff to connect you to the right person. Use these phrases:

Can I speak to Ann?
May I speak to Anna?
Can I get to Ann, please?

May I speak to Ann, please?
Can I speak to Anna please?
Could I speak to Ann, please?
Can I speak to Anna please?
Could you put me through to Ann, please?
Could you connect me to Anna, please?
Is Ann there, please?
Tell me, please, is Anna there?

How to ask to wait for a connection with the right person

The opposite situation: you pick up the phone and realize that the caller wants to talk not with you, but with another employee. Ask the interlocutor to wait a bit. The following phrases will help you with this:

Hold the line, please.
Please stay on the line.
One moment please.
One minute please.
I "ll put you through to him / her.
I will connect you with him/her.
Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.
Please wait and I will connect you to his office.
One moment, please. I'll see if Ann's available.
One minute please. I'll see if Anna can come to the phone.

What to do if the connection is bad

You call, but the interlocutor cannot hear you - interference on the line. Don't be discouraged, these phrases will help you out (or not help you out, because the connection is bad):

Can you hear me?
You hear me?
I can't hear you.
I can not hear you.
It's a bad line. I can barely hear you!
Bad connection. I can barely hear you!
Could you please speak up a little?
Could you speak a little louder, please?
Could you speak a bit louder, please?
Could you speak a little louder, please?
Sorry, I didn't get that.
I'm sorry, I did not catch you.
Could you please repeat that?
Could you repeat that?
Come again?
Could you say it again, please?
Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you repeat, please?
You said his name was Alex, right?
You said his name is Alex, right?
Let me repeat that just to make sure.
Let me repeat to make sure I understand everything correctly.
Could you please call me back? I assume we have a bad connection.
Could you call me back? I think we're having communication problems.

How to make an appointment by phone

Are you calling a person to make an appointment but don't know how to do it? Then the following phrase templates are for you. They sound polite and will help you negotiate with your co-worker.

I'd like to arrange an appointment.
I would like to arrange a meeting.
When is it convenient for you?
When is it convenient for you?
Would next Monday be okay?
Is next Monday convenient for you?
I can make it after six.
I can meet you after six o'clock.
Shall we say, 6:30 next Monday, at the "Green House" office?
So, at 6:30 on a Monday at the Green House office?

How to politely interrupt someone on the phone

You are talking on the phone and suddenly a question arises during the conversation, and you need to interrupt the interlocutor to clarify the information. You can do this politely with the help of such phrases:

Wait a minute, please. What about...?
Wait a minute! And what's about...?
Would you mind if I just say something here?
Do you mind if I say something now?
Hold on a second. May I add something here, please?
Wait a second. Can I add something please?

How to ask to tell the person that you called

Have you called your foreign partners, but the person you need is not in place? Ask him to tell him about your call and do not forget to leave your contact details.

Could you please tell her Nick Carter from "Green House" called?
Could you please tell her that Nick Carter from Green House called?
Tell her I will call tomorrow, please.
Please tell her that I will call tomorrow.
Please, tell her Nick Carter phoned and I'll call again at half past six.
Please tell her Nick Carter called. I will call back at 18:30.
Could you ask her to call me back?
Could you ask her to call me back?
She can reach me at 777-5555.
She can contact me at 777-5555.

How to take a message to someone

They called you and asked you to hand over the phone to a colleague, but he is not there. You need to politely communicate that the person can't answer the phone and offer to leave a message.

I "ll let him know you called.
I'll tell him you called.
What is your number?
What's your phone number?
Would you like to leave a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
I'm sorry, Nick's not in at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?
Unfortunately, Nick is not there. May I know who is calling?
He's busy right now. Could you please call back later?
At the moment he is busy. Could you call back later?
I'm sorry, he's on another call at the moment.
Unfortunately, he now speaks on a different line.

How to leave a message on the answering machine

You called, but no one answered your call. The answering machine has been activated and you need to leave a message.

Hello, this is Nick Carter calling for Ann. Could you please call me back as soon as possible? My number is 777-5555. thank you.
Hello, this is Nick Carter, I need Anna. Please call me back as soon as you can. My number is 777-5555. Thank you.

What message to write for your answering machine

Do not be too lazy to record a message for your answering machine. This will help you not to miss important calls. The text might look like this.

Thank you for calling. There's no one here to take your call at the moment. Please, leave your message after the signal, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. thank you.
Thank you for calling. There is no one near the phone to answer your call. Please leave a message after the beep and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Hello, this is Nick Carter. I "m sorry I"m not available to take your call at this time. Please, leave a message and I"ll get back to you as soon as I can. Hello, this is Nick Carter. I'm sorry, but I can't take your call right now. Please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Yes? ...ha-ha! Just kidding, this is voicemail. Leave a message if you got something to say. If you ain't got something to say, then don't leave anything. Bye!
Yes? ... Haha! Just kidding, it's an answering machine. Leave a message if you have something to say. If you have nothing to say, then leave nothing. Bye!

Farewell on the phone

You have successfully talked on the phone, and now it is time to end the conversation. How to do it right? To do this, you will need the following phrases:

It's been nice talking to you.
It was a pleasure talking to you.
I hope I"ve been informative.
I hope I could help you.
Have a nice day.
All the best.
Thanks for calling. goodbye.
Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
Goodbye, Ann.
Goodbye, Anna.
We advise you to use our simulator to consolidate the words on the topic "Telephone conversation"

An example of a telephone conversation in English (with translation)

Now let's look at a couple of examples of talking on the phone in English.

Secretary: Good morning, "Best Motors" Company. How can I help you?
Jack: Hello, this is Jack Wharton speaking. Could I speak to Nick Stanley, please?
Secretary: Oh, I'm afraid Mr. Stanley isn't here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
Jack: Certainly. Would you, please, ask him to call me back? I need to talk to him urgently!
Secretary: Yes, of course. Thank you for your call.
Jack: Thanks, bye.
Secretary: good bye.
Receptionist A: Cassat Company. Can I help you?
Patrick: Yes, I would like to speak to Mr. Green please.
Receptionist 1: Do you have an extension for him?
Patrick: No, I don't, but I know he is in the delivery department.
Receptionist 1: Hold on, please. I "ll ring that department.
Patrick: thank you.
Receptionist B: Delivery department, Miss Elliot.
Patrick: Mr. Green please.
Receptionist B: Mr. Green is on the other line at the moment. May I know who's calling to let him know?
Patrick: This is Patrick Brown. Mrs. Priesley suggested that I call him.
Receptionist B: Will you hold on or would you like to leave a message?
Patrick: I'll hold on, thank you.
Mr. green: Mr. Green speaking. How can I help you?
Patrick: Yes, my name is Patrick Brown. A mutual friend of ours, Susan Priesley, referred me to you. I am interested in changing careers, and she thought you would be a valuable source of information for me.
Mr. green: Mrs. Priesley, of course. How can I help you?
Patrick: I would like very much to come up and speak with you. Would you be willing to give me a few minutes of your time?
Mr. green: Well, my schedule is a little tight. When would you like to meet?
Patrick: Whenever it is convenient for you.
Mr. green: Well, can you make it after five o'clock some day next week?
Patrick: Yes, absolutely.
Mr. green: Fine, then how about 5:15, Wednesday, my office?
Patrick: Next Wednesday at 5:15 then. Thank you very much, Mr. green.
Mr. green: You "re welcome. Hold on, my secretary will give you directions.
Patrick: thank you. See you on Wednesday!


So, if you practice these phrases, then during a telephone conversation in English, they will be remembered instantly. It's a great idea to practice with some of your colleagues or friends: call each other and have at least part of the phone conversation in English. Dare!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Business telephone conversation in English is one of the most difficult tasks that employees of international companies have to perform. The point here is the language barrier, and the fear of not understanding the interlocutor. Therefore, we will tell you what phrases can be used in a telephone conversation in English in different cases, and give general advice on how to properly communicate on the phone with native speakers in order to understand and be understood.

We have written a simple travel phrasebook that contains dialogues, phrases and a dictionary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

Useful phrases for talking on the phone


The theater begins with a hanger, and a telephone conversation in English begins with a greeting. In addition to the usual Good morning/afternoon/evening, you need to introduce yourself. According to the rules of etiquette, you need to immediately tell the interlocutor who is bothering him. In this case, it is advisable to give not only your full name, but also the company that you represent.

Welcome phrases in English on the phone:

This is Ostap Bender calling.This Ostap Bender worries.
It's Ostap Bender here.This is Ostap Bender.
It's Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” here.
This is Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs”.This is Ostap Bender from Horns and Hooves.

And after the person greets you, be sure to ask a simple but very important question:

Is it convenient for you to talk at the moment?Are you comfortable talking now?

If the person is busy, immediately ask when you can talk to him. Consider the following phrases:

Can I call you back?Can I call you back?
I'll call back later.I'll call back later.
Could you tell me when the best time to call is?Can you please tell me when is the best time to call you back?

It may also happen that you dial the wrong number. In this case, you can use the following phrases:

How to respond to a greeting

And now imagine the opposite situation - they called you and introduced themselves. How to answer the interlocutor correctly?

First, be sure to say hello in the usual words Good morning/afternoon/evening, then, depending on your position and the specifics of cooperation with foreign partners and clients, you can use the following phrases to talk on the phone in English:

Horns and Hoofs. How can I help you?"Horns and hooves". How can I help you?
Thank you for calling “Horns and hoofs”. Ostap Bender speaking. How can I help you?Thank you for calling Horns and Hooves. Ostap Bender on the phone. How can I help you?
“Horns and hoofs”, Ostap Bender speaking. How may I be of help?"Horns and Hooves", Ostap Bender on the phone. How can I help you?
“Horns and hoofs”, Ostap Bender speaking. Is there anything I can do for you?"Horns and Hooves", Ostap Bender on the phone. Can I help you?

Are you busy at the moment? Politely ask the person to call you back later.

Did the person have the wrong number? Tell him about it with one of the following phrases.

What number are you calling?What number are you calling?
What number did you dial?What number did you dial?
I'm sorry, but we don't have Mr. Koreiko here.Unfortunately, Mr. Koreiko does not work for us / we do not have an employee with that last name.
Sorry, you must have the wrong number.Sorry, you must have the wrong number.
Sorry, you've got the wrong number.I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
You must have misdialed.You must have dialed the wrong number.

There are situations when a person did not make a mistake with the number, but his call is unpleasant for you, for example, if he obsessively offers you unnecessary goods or services. How to politely answer an unwanted call?

I'm sorry, I'm not interested.Unfortunately, I'm not interested.
Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.
We have no interest in your services.We are not interested in your services.
Please, accept that I do not want any more telephone calls.Please note that I do not want you to call me.

How to check caller information

Let's say you get a call, but you don't introduce yourself. In this case, you need to avoid pauses in the conversation and immediately clarify who is calling and for what purpose. In this situation, use the following phrases:

Who is calling, please?Please, introduce yourself.
Could I ask who's calling?May I know who is calling?
May I ask who's calling?May I ask who is calling?
Can I take your name, please?May I know your name please?
Where are you calling from?Where are you calling from?
Could you tell me what it's about?Could you tell me the purpose of the call?
Who are you calling?Who are you calling?
Who do you want to speak to?Who would you like to talk to?
The name of the person you are calling, please?Please state the name of the person you are calling.
What company are you calling from?What company are you calling from?

How to ask to be connected to the right person

You call the firm, but you get to the secretary or the general phone of a large department. In this case, you need to ask the employee to call the person you need to the phone. You can also ask to be connected to the internal phone of a specific employee. Use these phrases:

Can I speak to Mr. Koreiko?May I speak to Mr. Koreiko?
Can I get Mr. Koreiko, please?
May I speak with Mr. Koreiko, please?May I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?
Could I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?May I speak to Mr. Koreiko, please?
I'd like to speak to Mr. Koreako, please.I'd like to speak to Mr. Koreiko, please.
Is Mr. Koreiko there, please?Can you please tell me if Mr. Koreiko is there?
Could you put me through to Mr. Koreiko, please?Could you connect me to Mr. Koreiko, please?
Could I have extension number 635?Could you connect me to number 635?

How to ask to wait for a connection with the right person

And again the opposite situation - they call your company, and you understand that the interlocutor needs another employee. In this case, you need to ask the person not to hang up and wait for the connection. In a telephone conversation in English, depending on the specifics of your activity, the following phrases are used:

I "ll put him on.I will connect you with him.
I'll put you through.I will connect you.
Hold the line, please.Please stay on the line.
One moment please.One minute please.
Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.Please wait and I will connect you to his office.
One moment, please. I'll see if Mr. Koreiko is available.One minute please. I'll see if Mr. Koreiko can answer the phone.
Do you know what extension he"s on?Do you know what line he is on (internal phone)?

What to do if the connection is bad

Interference on the line is the main phobia of any person who needs to conduct a telephone conversation in English. However, don't be discouraged, a few simple phrases will help you deal with this situation. These phrases will help you out in case of technical problems:

Can you hear me?You hear me?
I can't hear you.I can not hear you.
It's a bad line.Bad connection.
This line is so poor.Very bad connection.
Could you please speak up a little?Could you speak a little louder, please?
Could you please speak a little slower? My English isn't very strong.Could you speak a little slower, please. I don't speak English very well.
Could you speak a bit louder, please?Could you speak a little louder, please?
Sorry, I didn't quite understand that.Sorry, I didn't quite understand what you told me.
Sorry, I didn't catch you.I'm sorry, I did not catch you.
Could you please repeat that?Could you repeat that?
I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Could you say it again, please?Sorry, I didn't understand what you said. Could you repeat, please?
Could you repeat your last phrase, please?Could you repeat your last sentence, please?
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please?Sorry, I can't understand. Could you repeat this one more time, please?
Could you repeat, please, what did you say?Could you repeat what you said?
Did you say Saturday 9 a.m.?Did you say Saturday 9am?
You said his name was Ostap, right?You said his name is Ostap, right?
Would you mind spelling that for me?Please spell it out. / Would you mind spelling this?
How do you spell that?Please spell it out.
Could you please call me back? I think we have a bad connection.Could you call me back? I think we're having communication problems.
Let me read this back to you.Let me read what I wrote down from your words (to make sure it's correct).
Let me repeat that just to make sure.Let me repeat to make sure I understand everything correctly.

Sometimes not a bad connection, but a call on another line prevents you from talking. If a call on the second line is more important than a call on the first, you can apologize to the interlocutor and ask him to enter into your position. Use these phrases:

How to make an appointment

If you are calling a person to make an appointment with them, use the phrase templates below. They sound polite and will help you quickly negotiate with the interlocutor. Use the following phrases to make an appointment:

I'd like to arrange an appointment.I would like to arrange a meeting.
When is it convenient for you?When is it convenient for you?
Would next Friday be okay?Is next Friday convenient for you?
I could make it after five.I can meet you after five o'clock.
I wonder if you would mind if I visited your office next week?I would like to know if you mind if I visit your office next week?
Shall we say 5:20 next Friday, in “Horns and hoofs’s” office?So at 5:20 Friday at the Horns and Hooves office?

How to politely interrupt a person

During a telephone conversation with a foreign partner or client, it is better not to interrupt the interlocutor, but there are times when this is necessary. You can do this politely with the help of such phrases:

And you will find even more similar phrases in the article “How to masterfully interrupt an interlocutor? Dealing with interruptions".

How to ask to tell the person that you called

Have you called your foreign partners, but the person you need is not in place? Ask him to tell him about your call and do not forget to leave your contact details. Politely ask for a call in the following ways:

Could you please tell him Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” called?Could you please tell him that Ostap Bender from "Horns and Hooves" called?
Could you ask him to call Ostap Bender from “Horns and hoofs” when he gets in?Could you tell him to call Ostap Bender from Horn and Hoof when he arrives?
Tell him I will call tomorrow, please.Please tell him that I will call tomorrow.
Please, tell him Ostap Bender phoned and I'll call again at half past five.Please tell him that Ostap Bender called. I'll call back at 5:30 pm.
Do you have a pen handy? I don't think he has my number.Do you have a pen handy? I don't think he has my number.
Thanks! My number is 777-5555, extension 13.Thank you! My number is 777-5555, extension 13.
Could you ask him to call me back?Could you ask him to call me back?
He can reach me at 777-5555.He can contact me at 777-5555.

If it's more convenient for you to call the person back yourself, say the following:

When will he be in?When will he be there?
That's okay. I'll call back later.Everything is fine. I'll call back later.

How to take a message to someone

Did you get a call and were asked to hand over the phone to a colleague, but he is not in place or is he busy? In this case, you should politely inform that the person cannot answer the phone and offer to leave a message. In this case, do not forget to specify the name of the caller, as well as his contact phone number. Learn these phrases:

I "ll let him know you called.I will tell him that you called.
Can I take your number?May I know your phone number?
What is your number?What's your phone number?
Can I take your message?May I receive your message?
Is there any message?Anything to give him?
I'll pass on your message.I will pass on your message to him.
I'm afraid he's out. Would you like to leave a message?I'm afraid he's gone. Would you like to leave a message?
I "m sorry, Ostap" s not in at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?Unfortunately, Ostap is not there. May I know who is calling?
He "s on meeting right now. Who"s calling please?He's in a meeting right now. Can you please tell me who is calling?
He's busy right now. Could you please call again later?At the moment he is busy. Could you call back later?
I'm sorry, he's not available at the moment.Unfortunately, he can't answer the phone right now.
I'm sorry, he is not in the office at the moment.Unfortunately, he is not in the office right now.
I'm sorry, he's on another call.Unfortunately, he now speaks on a different line.
Not'll be back in 20 minutes.He will be back in 20 minutes.
Can I take a message or shall I ask him to call you back?Can I send him a message or ask him to call you back?
What message would you like to leave?What would you like to convey to him?
I'll make sure he gets the message.I will definitely pass on your message to him.

You can also ask the other person to call you back later by using these phone phrases in English:

How to leave a message on the answering machine

If you only got through to the answering machine, do not rush to hang up. Leave a message so that the person can call you back as soon as they are free. You can leave a simple message like this:

What message to write for your answering machine

Do not neglect the auto answer function in your own phone, because this option will allow you not to miss any important calls. Take 5 minutes and record a simple text for the caller. The text might look like this.

Hello, this is Ostap Bender. I "m sorry I"m not available to take your call at this time. Please, leave me a message and I"ll get back to you as soon as I can.Hello, this is Ostap Bender. I'm sorry, but I can't take your call right now. Please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling. There's no one here to take your call at the moment. Please, leave the message after the tone, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.Thank you for calling. There is no one near the phone to answer your call. Please leave a message after the beep and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling “Horns and hoofs’s” office. Our hours are 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Monday-Sunday. Please, call back during these hours, or leave the message after the tone.Thank you for contacting the Horns and Hooves office. We work from 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Sunday. Please call us during business hours or leave a message after the beep.


Have you successfully talked on the phone, resolved all the issues? Then the time has come to say goodbye, and this must also be done correctly: without sentimentality and politely. You can say goodbye to the interlocutor like this:

It's been nice to talk to you.It was a pleasure to talk with you.
I hope to have been of help to you.I hope I could help you.
Have a nice day.All the best.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.Thanks for your call. Goodbye.
Thanks for calling. goodbye.Thank you for calling. Goodbye.
Bye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.
Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.

And to see and hear what a telephone conversation in English looks like in practice, we recommend watching the following video:

Successful telephone conversation in English: general tips

1. Write a conversation plan ahead of time

If you are going to call your partner or client abroad, your task is simplified, because you can think in advance what you will talk about, what words and phrases to use. Do not be too lazy to write a short plan of your conversation on paper, so you will kill not even two, but three birds with one stone: study the phrases while writing them, make the most accurate and complete plan of the conversation and save your nerves, because during the conversation you will know what to say and when.

2. Try rehearsing the dialogue

To sound confident, try saying the dialogue a few times in front of a mirror or on the phone with a friend. This way you will remember the phrases faster, and during the conversation you will not have to check your plan.

And if you are learning a language online, try to study with your teacher without a camera. This will be a complete imitation of a telephone conversation. Try acting out a dialogue with the teacher using your plan. If you practice this way at least a few times, then when talking on the phone it will be easier for you to understand the person on the other end of the line.

3. Don't worry

Excitement affects understanding in the same way as poor communication: if you listen to interference (or an inner voice that says that you will not understand anything), they will interfere with you, and if you do not pay attention to them, you will be able to understand the interlocutor . The more relaxed you are about a telephone conversation in English, the easier it will be for you and the person on the other end of the line.

4. Be formal

The formal style of communication is different from the usual conversational. We communicate politely with business partners, avoid slang, word abbreviations, etc. You can read more about the features of the formal style of English.

5. Be as polite as possible

The concept of "politeness" in our country and abroad is quite different. Pay attention to the phrase templates we have proposed: in almost every one of them there is a “Could you please” construction, in every sentence there is the word “please”. Moreover, in translation into Russian, the word “please” does not even always fit logically into the phrase. It sounds like obsessive politeness to us. In sentences in English, be sure to use words such as “please” and “thank you”, otherwise you may seem rude to the interlocutor.

6. Keep an electronic dictionary handy

Are you unable to understand a certain word that plays an important role in your partner's speech? Ask the interlocutor to spell this word and look up its meaning in the dictionary. It is impossible to learn all the words from the English dictionary, so your partner will normally react to the request to repeat the word. So before every business conversation on the phone in English, turn on the computer and open one of the electronic dictionaries.

7. Ask to repeat what you don't understand.

Remember, even when we have a telephone conversation in Russian, sometimes we don’t understand the interlocutor or we can’t hear some words due to poor communication. In this case, without a shadow of embarrassment, we ask the interlocutor to repeat what was said. What prevents us from doing the same when talking on the phone in English? Your partner or client understands that you are speaking a non-native language, so they will calmly accept a request to repeat a phrase.

8. Develop Your Listening Skill

The more often you listen to foreign speech, the faster you will get used to it and begin to understand (if you also study grammar and new words at the same time). Therefore, listen to podcasts and audio books, watch videos and news in English. And you can check your understanding of the language by ear and at the same time listen to sample dialogues on the phone in English on the Simple English website. Choose one of the dialogues, turn on the audio recording and try to insert the missing words into the exercise under dictation. And also read our articles "" and "".

9. Work on pronunciation and intonation

Take care not only of yourself, but also of your interlocutor. Try to speak clearly, take your time, pronounce words and sounds correctly. Fluent speech is good in a normal conversation, but not in a dialogue on the phone with business partners. It will be ideal if you try to adjust to the pace of your interlocutor’s speech, in which case you will be “on the same wavelength” with him. If you know that your pronunciation is not yet perfect and you may not be understood, speak at an average pace. A measured pace of speech will allow your interlocutor to understand you and give your words a confident sound. Be sure to read the article "". Keep an eye on your intonation: speak confidently, but in a calm, friendly tone.

10. Learn useful phrases for communication

Those phrases that we presented in the article are excellent "blanks" for your speech. It is best to learn them by heart, so that when you call, do not pick up words, but speak in patterns you already know.

11. Read examples of dialogues in English on the phone

To see how the phrases you have learned "work" in a natural conversation, study examples of telephone conversations, for example, on the official website of the BBC company. On the pages of the resource, you will see several examples of telephone conversations on various topics and pass a test for knowledge of "telephone" vocabulary.

12. Study professional vocabulary

To leave a positive impression of yourself after the conversation, study not only the phrases we have presented, but also the professional vocabulary of your field of activity. Understanding between you and the interlocutor will arise when you speak the same language both literally and figuratively.

Complete list of phrases for download

We have compiled a document for you that will make it easier for you to conduct a dialogue over the phone. You can download it from the link below.

(*.pdf, 292 Kb)

Now you know how to successfully conduct a telephone conversation in English. Engage in listening, learn the phrases we have proposed in English for a telephone conversation and improve your pronunciation, then the interlocutor will understand you, and you will understand him. We wish you successful telephone negotiations!

And if you want to thoroughly study business English with a competent teacher, we suggest studying in. Our teachers will help you master the business style of communicating in English, teach you to understand the speech of the interlocutor and speak so that you are understood.

Anna Kovrova

A short telephone conversation in English is something like the Listening exam. Only here you need to answer! And if in a face-to-face conversation a smile and body language help you out, then you can’t count on them here. But at your service are the standard "telephone" phrases!

To learn how to speak English on the phone, it is not at all necessary to complete English courses: it is enough to learn the necessary “lifesaver” phrases and practice a little with a friend or colleague. Let's get started!


Of course, you know how to introduce yourself: “Hello, this is Anna”. And here are the possible options. If you call someone at home, you can say:

Do you need an extension number? Then it is appropriate to say:

When you pick up the phone and the caller has not introduced himself, it makes sense to clarify his name:

We continue the conversation!

Finding out that they are calling you, answer:

The first three options are quite appropriate for a business setting, but the last one is more suitable for friendly communication or if you are talking with someone obviously young. In fact, all of the above expressions mean "Wait!", but requires that the word "wait" be dispensed with.

If you are connected to an extension, they usually say something like "Connecting your call..." ("Connecting your call"), "Please hold, I'll transfer you" ("Wait, I'll transfer you"), or laconic "Hello, please hold!" (“Hello, please, wait”)

How to leave or receive a message?

In a situation where the right person is not in place, you hear (or say yourself): “He’s not here at the moment. Would you like to leave a message? (“He’s gone now. Is there anything to convey?”)

If you haven't been asked to leave a message, come up with the idea yourself: "May I leave a message?" (this is a request: “Can I leave a message?”).

Make sure you don't forget your phone number as well (this is called a "call back number"):

If they dictate a number to you, but there is nothing to write with, it is enough to say: "Hold on, let me grab a pen and a piece of paper." ("Wait, I'll take a pen and paper"). And armed with writing tools, ask to repeat: “What’s your number again?” (“OK, what number did you call?”)

Reassure the person that you will pass on everything he told you:

However, it is possible that the caller does not want to leave a message:

No, that's okay. I'll try again later. No, everything is okay. I'll try to call back later.

What if it's not clear?

It is convenient to refer to extraneous noise or the quality of the connection. However, sometimes it’s better to just admit that you don’t understand the speaker well enough - he will meet halfway.


OK. take care. Bye.

thank you. goodbye.

Also, before you call, it's a good idea to write down everything you were going to say. If the conversation is going to be responsible, it doesn’t hurt to even sketch out a hypothetical scenario.

"I'm dictating spells: ..."

Alas, sometimes the quality of telephone communication is unimportant. In Russian, we usually get out of the situation by dictating an incomprehensible word by letter; while we use Russian names (URA: Uliana, Raisa, Anna, etc.).

In English, it is customary to use the following well-known words:

  • Dance Names: Foxtrot, Tango
  • Names of Shakespearean characters: Romeo & Juliet
  • Male names: Charlie, Mike, Oscar, Victor
  • City names: Lima, Quebec

A beginner in learning English is not always able to understand the speech of a foreigner in live communication. What awaits him in a telephone conversation? After all, most native English speakers speak fluently and are not always legible. And if a newly-made foreign friend, at your request, slows down the pace of speech, such a trick will not work with business partners. ". But don't get upset ahead of time! We have prepared for you a selection of the most useful rules and phrases that will help you become more confident in communicating with foreign clients and partners.

Why follow the generally accepted rules in a business telephone conversation?

International telephone etiquette provides several rules that should be followed when answering incoming calls or making calls on behalf of the company. The most progressive companies follow these norms, taking care of their image. If you want to be a professional in the eyes of your partners and clients, it is simply necessary to follow the rules listed below.

Rule number 1. Follow intonation.

In live communication, we share information with each other using three channels: intonation, words and gestures. And if in a video conversation it makes sense to control all three channels, then in normal telephone mode - only two: intonation and words. intonation has b about greater influence on the interlocutor than words. It is she who creates the mood of your interlocutor and builds the first or next impression of you.

What is worth doing?

Smile while talking, show energy and enthusiasm in your voice. Intonation always gives out: it is very easy to understand how you are set up - positively or negatively. Your smile will help the interlocutor to verify the first.

What should not be done?

It is better to refuse from falling apart on a chair, states of "reclining", "half-sitting". In such positions of the body, the diaphragm changes its angle, and this, in turn, is reflected in the timbre of the voice. The interlocutor will be able to understand that you are lying and take it for disrespect, disinterest, and even complete indifference.

Rule number 2. Greet the caller and identify yourself

When you pick up the phone, be sure to say hello. The greeting may vary depending on the time of day. (good morning, goof afternoon, good evening) and can be multifunctional (hello). After that, you should introduce yourself, stating your name and the organization in which you work. Your appeal will sound something like this:

  • Hello, my name is Ann Popova from KYZ Corporation. May I please speak with Ms. Jane Smith?

Rule number 3. Pick up the handset after the second ring (beep)

What any operator, secretary, administrator, etc. should strive for. Why after the second one? By picking up the phone in the first second, you can take the caller by surprise. In addition, you yourself need a couple of seconds to get distracted from the business that you were absorbed in before the call.

Pick up the phone from the second, maximum from the third call. After waiting 4-5 or more rings, the caller may not have the most favorable opinion about your company or simply lose patience. As a result, he will not believe in the belief that you are able to satisfy all his needs or solve problems.

Rule number 4. Clarify the possibility of a conversation (if you are calling)

When you call, ask if the partner or client can communicate with you right now. After all, everyone has plans, meetings, tasks, the time of which is calculated by the minute. Therefore, do not go straight to the point, but clarify the possibilities of the interlocutor or secretary about whether you can communicate with a certain person. You can do this with the following phrases:

  • Could I speak to (name) please?
  • May I speak to (name) please?
  • Is John Bright available?
To which you might get a response like:
  • Mr. John is not taking calls right now. Can I take a message?
  • He is on the phone now. Can I have him call you back later?
  • Please, hold, while I connect you to him.
  • I am connecting you right now.

Rule number 5. Get to the point of the call as soon as possible

Avoid wasting time with meaningless lyrics or questions like "How's the weather?" or "Did you hear the latest news?" . Be concise and to the point.

But there is an exception to this rule. You can afford to ask a few questions to the interlocutor or chat on an interesting topic if warm friendly relations have developed between you for a long time.

  • I "m phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if...
  • I'm phoning (calling, ringing) to tell you that...

Rule number 6. Don't forget to say goodbye

Have you ever noticed how many people end a conversation by simply hanging up? Agree, it's annoying. When saying goodbye, check with the interlocutor if he has any other questions or requests. Got a "No" answer? Now you can thank for the call and say goodbye, wishing you a good day.

Thanks for calling, Mr. James. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Be sure to contact me if you have any more problems.
Have a nice day.
Don't hesitate to call again.
Thank you for calling. Have a great day.

3 mini-rules, following which you will improve the quality of communication with international partners and clients

  1. Adapt to the speed of the interlocutor's speech. A person who speaks slowly will find it difficult to catch the flow of thoughts of someone who speaks quickly.
  2. Don't use speakerphone (unless otherwise stated).
  3. Treat secretaries with respect. They also have some power and can influence the decision of their leadership.

Let's look at a few more relevant situations in which you need to know what to say to the interlocutor.

  • You or the caller dialed the wrong number
  • Sorry, I've dialed the wrong number.
  • Sorry, you've dialed the wrong number.
  • You need some time to clarify the information or switch the call to another line
  • Hold the line please.
  • Could you hold on please?
  • Just a moment please.
  • You have trouble hearing the other party due to communication problems or other reasons
  • The line is very bad ... Could you speak up please?
  • Could you repeat that please?
  • I "m afraid I can" t hear you.
  • Sorry. I didn't catch that. Could you say it again please?
  • You need to communicate negative news to the interlocutor. For example, the fact that your boss is not in place right now.
  • I "m sorry. He" s out of the office today.
  • He isn't in at the moment.
  • I'm afraid we don't have a Mr./Mrs./Ms/Miss... here
  • I "m afraid he"s in a meeting at the moment.
By memorizing the most common phrases needed for a telephone conversation, you can easily navigate what the interlocutor is saying to you and what you need to say to you. In order to improve your English listening comprehension, watch films, listen to music in English and, of course, chat with friends, teachers or just find an English-speaking interlocutor who loves long phone conversations.

We wish you success in learning English! ;)

Hello? Is that Gloria?

Yes! Hello? Who's speaking?

It's Nick. Nick Edmonds.

Oh, hi, Nick! I didn't recognize your voice. How are you?

I'm OK, thanks, Gloria. Is Cathy in?

Yes, she must be in her room. Could you hang on, please? I'll just get her.

good afternoon. Tower Investment Bank. May I help you?

Hi. I would like to talk to Mr. Clinton from the accounting department, please.

May I ask you who is calling?

My name is Bruno Ponti. I'm calling from an advertising agency.

Thank you Mr. Ponty. Just a moment, please. Let me check if Mr. Clinton is in his office.

Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry but Mr. Clinton isn't available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message or shall I ask him to call you back? Does he have your number?

I believe he does. But I can give it to you, just in case.

All right. Go ahead, please.

My number is 046 78345.

OK. And would you mind repeating your name?

sure. Bruno Ponty. I can spell it: B-R-U-N-O P-O-N-T-I.

Thank you Mr. Ponty. I'll ask Mr. Clinton to call you back as soon as possible today.

Thanks a lot. Bye.

- Jordan Furniture. Mandy is speaking. Can I help you?

good morning. I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Franks from London Design Studio. Could I speak to someone who deals with reconstruction works?

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you speak up, please?

I'd like to talk to your chief engineer, please.

Certainly, sir. Hold on a moment. I'll put you through.

hallo. Can I speak to Estella, please?

speaking. Who's calling?

Oh hi, Estella. This is Sally. I couldn't get you through yesterday. The line was engaged. Is everything OK with you?

Hello Sally. I was just thinking about you. Yes, we're fine. Don't worry.

Hi. Is Edward home?

no. He has just popped out to the bank.

OK. When will he be back?

He shouldn't be long, I hope.

Could you ask him to ring me back, please?

sure. Who should I say phoned?

It's Sam, from the golf club.

Has Edward got your number?

Can I speak to Helen?

mmm. Who is this?

It's Anna speaking. Are you her brother?

No, Anna. I am afraid you've dialed the wrong number.

Oh, I'm sorry!


Hello? Is this Gloria?

Yes! Hello! Who is speaking?

This is Nick. Nick Edmonds.

Okay, thanks, Gloria. Is Katie at home?

Yes, she should be in her room. Wait a minute, please. I will call her.

Okay. Thanks.

Good afternoon. Tower Investment Bank. Can I help you with something?

Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr. Clinton in the accounting department, please.

May I know who is calling?

Thank you Mr Ponti. Just a minute please. I'll check if Mr. Clinton is there.

Of course.

Thank you for waiting. I'm sorry, but Mr. Clinton is currently unable to answer the phone. Will you leave a message for him, or ask him to call you back? Does he have your phone number?

I think yes. But I can leave you one more time, just in case.

Good. Speak up.

My number is 046 78345.

OK. And please repeat your name.

Of course. Bruno Ponti. I will spell: B-R-U-N-O P-O-N-T-I.

Thank you Mr Ponti. I will ask Mr. Clinton to call you back as soon as possible today.

Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

- Jordan Furniture. Mandy is on the phone. Can I help you?

Good morning. I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Franks of London Design Studio. Can I speak to whoever does the renovations?

Sorry, I didn't hear. Would you speak louder, please?

I'd like to speak to the chief engineer.

Of course, sir. Just a minute please. I will connect you.

Thank you.

Hello. May I speak to Estella?

I'm listening. Who is calling?

Oh, hi, Estella. This is Sally. I couldn't get through to you yesterday. The line was busy. Are you all right?

Hey Sally. I was just thinking about you. Everything is fine with us. Don't worry.

Hello? Edward at home?

No. He just went to the bank.

Good. And when will he return?