Training tasks 12 exam Russian language.

The lesson discusses the solution of the 12th task of the USE in computer science, including the tasks of 2017

Topic 12 - "Network addresses" - is characterized as tasks of a basic level of complexity, the execution time is about 2 minutes, the maximum score is 1

Internet Addressing

The address of a document on the Internet (from English - URL - Uniform Resource Locator) consists of the following parts:

  • data transfer protocol; may be:
  • http(for Web pages) or
  • ftp(for file transfer)
  • there is also a secure protocol https;
  • separator characters :// , separating the name of the protocol from the rest of the address;
  • website domain name (or IP address);
  • may also be present: the directory on the server where the file is located;
  • File name.

Directories on the server are separated by a forward slash " / »

  1. network service protocol name - defines the server type HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol);
  2. separator in the form of a colon character and two characters Slash;
  3. fully qualified domain name of the server;
  4. search path for a web document on a computer;
  5. web server name;
  6. top level domain "org";
  7. national domain name "ru";
  8. catalog main on the computer;
  9. catalog news in the catalog main;
  10. search target - file main_news.html.

Network addresses

Physical adress or MAC address- a unique address "sewn in" at the factory - a 48-bit network card code (in hexadecimal system):


IP address– computer address (32-bit number), consisting of: network number + computer number on the network (host address):

Subnet mask:

  • needed to determine which computers are on the same subnet;
in the 10th view in the 16th view -> FF.FF.FF.0

  • the mask in binary code always has a structure: first all ones, then all zeros:
  • 1…10…0

  • when superimposed on an IP address (logical conjunction And) gives the network number:
  • The part of the IP address that corresponds to mask bits equal to one refers to the network address, and the part corresponding to mask bits equal to zero refers to the numerical address of the computer

  • Thus, it is possible to determine what the last number of the mask:
  • if two nodes belong to the same network, then they have the same network address.
  • Calculating a network number from an IP address and a netmask

    In the subnet mask high bits allocated in the computer's IP address for network number, have a value of 1 (255); low bits allocated in the computer's IP address for computer addresses on the subnet, matter 0 .

    * Image taken from presentation by K. Polyakov

    Number of computers on the network

    The number of network computers is determined by the mask: the least significant bits of the mask - zeros - are reserved in the computer's IP address for the address of the computer on the subnet.

    If mask:

    The number of computers on the network:

    2 7 = 128 addresses

    Of these, 2 are special: network address and broadcast address

    128 - 2 = 126 addresses

    Solving tasks 12 USE in Informatics

    USE in Informatics 2017 task 12 FIPI option 1 (Krylov S.S., Churkina T.E.):

    In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. In this case, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

    For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the network address is

    For host with IP address network address is . What is equal to least possible meaning of the third byte of the mask from the left? Write your answer as a decimal number.

    ✍ Solution:

    • The third byte from the left corresponds to the number 70 in the IP address and 64 — in the network address.
    • The network address is the result of the bitwise conjunction of the mask and the IP address in binary:
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -> third mask byte AND (&) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 -> 70 10 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -> 64 10
  • The smallest possible result of the mask could be:
  • 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - the third byte of the mask AND (&) 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 -> 70 10 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 -> 64 10
  • Here, the most significant bit is taken as one, although zero could have been taken for the result of the conjunction (0 & 0 = 0). However, since there is a guaranteed unit next, it means that we also put in the most significant bit 1 . As you know, in the mask, first there are ones, and then zeros (it cannot be like this: 0100… , or maybe just like this: 1100… ).
  • Let's translate 11000000 2 into the 10th number system and get 192 .
  • Result: 192

    A step-by-step solution to this 12 task of the exam in computer science is available in the video lesson:

    12 task. Demo version of the exam 2018 informatics:

    In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that determines which part of a host's IP address refers to the network address and which part refers to the address of the host itself on that network. Usually, the mask is written according to the same rules as the IP address - in the form of four bytes, with each byte written as a decimal number. At the same time, in the mask, first (in the highest digits) there are ones, and then from a certain digit - zeros.
    The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask.

    For example, if the host IP address is and the mask is, then the network address is

    For host with IP address network address is . What is greatest possible number units in the ranks of the mask?

    ✍ Solution:
    • Since the network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host IP address and mask, we get:
    255.255.?.? -> mask & -> IP address = -> network address
  • Since the first two bytes on the left in the host IP address and the network address are the same, it means that in the mask to obtain such a result with a bitwise conjunction in the binary system, there must be all ones. Those.:
  • 11111111 2 = 255 10
  • In order to find the remaining two bytes of the mask, it is necessary to translate the corresponding bytes in the IP address and network address into the 2nd number system. Let's do it:
  • 208 10 = 11010000 2 192 10 = 11000000 2
  • Now let's see what the mask for this byte can be. Let's number the mask bits from right to left:
  • 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -> mask & 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • For the 5th bit we get: ? & 0 = 0 -> the mask can contain both one and 0 . But since the assignment asks us greatest possible number of ones, then it is necessary to say that in the mask this bit is equal to 1 .
  • For the 4th bit we get: ? & 1 = 0 -> in the mask can only be 0 .
  • Since the mask first goes ones, and then all zeros, then after this zero in the 4th bit, all the rest will be zeros. And the 4th byte from the left of the mask will be 0 10 .
  • Let's get the mask: 11111111.11111111.11100000.00000000 .
  • Let's count the number of units in the mask:
  • 8 + 8 + 3 = 19

    Result: 19

    For a detailed solution to task 12 of the USE demo version of 2018, see the video:

    The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 25):

    In TCP/IP networking terminology, a netmask is a binary number that indicates how much of a host's IP address is a network address and how much is a host address on that network. The network address is obtained by applying a bitwise conjunction to the given host address and its mask.

    By the specified host IP address and mask determine the network address:

    IP address: Mask:

    When writing the answer, select the four elements of the IP address from the numbers given in the table and write down the corresponding letters without dots in the correct order.

    A B C D E F G H
    0 145 255 137 128 240 88 92

    ✍ Solution:
    • To solve the task, you need to remember that the network IP address as well as the network mask are stored in 4 bytes written with a dot. That is, each of the individual IP address and netmask numbers is stored in 8-bit binary form. To get the network address, you need to perform a bitwise conjunction of these numbers.
    • Since the number 255 in binary representation is 8 units, then with a bitwise conjunction with any number, the result will be the same number. Thus, there is no need to take into account those bytes of the IP address that correspond to the number 255 in the netmask. Therefore, the first two numbers of the IP address will remain the same ( 145.92 ).
    • It remains to consider the numbers 137 and 88 IP Dares and 240 masks. Number 0 in the mask matches eight zeros in binary representation, that is, a bitwise conjunction with any number will turn this number into 0 .
    • Let's convert both numbers of the ip-address and netmask to the binary system and write the IP-address and the mask under each other to perform a bitwise conjunction:
    137:10001001 88:1011000 - IP address 240:11110000 0:00000000 - netmask 10000000 00000000 - result of bitwise conjunction
  • Let's translate the result:
  • 10000000 2 = 128 10
  • In total, for the network address we get bytes:
  • Match the letters in the table and get BHEA.
  • Result: BHEA

    We offer you to watch a detailed video analysis:

    The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 33):

    If the subnet mask and the IP address of the computer on the network , then the number of the computer on the network is _____.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Single bits of the mask (equal to one) determine the subnet address, since the subnet address is the result of the bitwise conjunction (logical multiplication) of the mask bits with the IP address.
    • The rest of the mask (starting from the first zero) defines the computer number.
    • Since in binary representation the number 255 is eight units 11111111 ), then the bitwise conjunction with any number returns the same number (1 ∧ 0 = 0; 1 ∧ 1 = 1). Thus, those bytes in the mask that are equal to numbers 255 , we will not consider, because they define the subnet address.
    • Let's start with a byte equal to 128 . It corresponds to a byte 189 IP addresses. Let's translate these numbers into the binary number system:
    128 = 10000000 2 189 = 10111101 2
  • Those bits of the IP address that correspond to the zero bits of the mask are used to determine the computer number. Let's translate the resulting binary number into the decimal number system:
  • 0111101 2 = 61 10

    Result: 61

    For a detailed solution of this task, see the video:

    The solution of task 12 (Polyakov K., option 41):

    In the terminology of TCP / IP networks, a subnet mask is a 32-bit binary number that determines exactly which bits of the computer's IP address are common to the entire subnet - these bits of the mask contain 1. Masks are usually written as four decimal numbers - according to the same rules as well as IP addresses.

    A mask is used for some subnet . How many different computer addresses theoretically allows this mask if two addresses (network address and broadcast) do not use?

    ✍ Solution:
    • Single bits of the mask (equal to one) determine the subnet address, the rest of the mask (starting from the first zero) determines the computer number. That is, there are as many options for the computer address as can be obtained from zero bits in the mask.
    • In our case, we will not consider the first three bytes of the mask on the left, because number 255 in binary representation, these are eight units ( 11111111 ).
    • Consider the last byte of the mask, which is 192 . Let's convert the number to the binary number system:
    192 10 = 11000000 2
  • Total received 6 zeros in the netmask. This means that 6 bits are allocated for addressing computers, or, in other words, 2 6 computer addresses. But since two addresses are already reserved (by condition), we get:
  • 2 6 - 2 = 64 - 2 = 62

    Result: 62

    Watch the video of the task below:

    Solution of task 12 (Regional work, Far East, 2018):

    For host with IP address network address is .For how many different mask values is it possible?

    ✍ Solution:

    Result: 5

    Video analysis of the task:

    Spelling NE and NI A brief theory for the successful completion of task 12 from the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. NOT spelled together: 1) When the word without NOT is not used, 2) With nouns, if NOT gives it a new, opposite meaning, 3) With full and short adjectives and with adverbs in -o (-e), if NOT used to express of the opposite meaning, 4) With full participles, in which there are no explanatory words: unfinished work (but not completed on time), 5) With pronouns not separated from NOT by a preposition, 6) In the verbal prefix under-, denoting inconsistency with the norm.

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    "Task 12 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language"

    Task 12 USE in Russian

    Spelling NOT and NOR

    A brief theory for the successful completion of task 12 from the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.

    DO NOT spell:
    1) When the word without NOT is not used,
    2) With nouns, if NOT gives it a new, opposite meaning,
    3) With full and short adjectives and with adverbs in -o (-e), if NOT used to express the opposite meaning,
    4) With full participles, in which there are no explanatory words: unfinished work (but, work not completed on time),
    5) With pronouns not separated from NOT by a preposition,
    6) In the verbal prefix under-, denoting non-compliance with the norm.

    NOT written separately:
    1) With verbs and their adverbial forms,
    2) In the short form of participles and in full, when the participle has explanatory words or there is / implies opposition,
    3) In nouns, adjectives, adverbs, when there is or is implied opposition,
    4) With amplifying adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions,
    5) With all words written with a hyphen.

    NI is spelled together:
    1) In pronouns, if NI is not separated by a preposition,
    2) In adverbs never, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all and in the particle someday.

    In other cases, NI is written together.

    Test options for task 12 from the Unified State Examination in Russian:

    Try to solve them yourself and compare with the answers at the end of the page

    Example 1:

    There was a time when man was (not) the master of nature, but its obedient slave.
    The required book was (not) found.
    The river was (not) wide and shallow.
    The introductory word is grammatically (un)related to other words in the sentence.
    They (not) believed him.

    Example 2:

    Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

    I didn’t want to think about the (un)fulfilled promise yesterday.
    The birds are driven south by (not) the onset of cold, but the lack of food.
    The keys are still (not) found.
    The sun, still (not) hidden by clouds, illuminates a gloomy cloud.
    Somewhere here, a few steps away, the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard, and silence.

    Example 3:

    Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

    At all (not) ancient, but very modern hat!
    We have reached the goal, but our path is (not) finished.
    Young trees withered on the vine, (not) reaching for the light.
    There was a piercing, (un)touched silence.
    The gates were (not) locked, and the door to the house was wide open.

    Example 4:

    Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

    There was nothing strange in his words.
    I was upset by the (un)polite remark of a friend.
    The rains charged for a long time, and I was (un)prepared for the wet weather and got wet to the skin.
    This is a (not) invented, but actually happening story.
    Not at all offended.

    Example 5:

    Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

    M. Vrubel created a fabulously symbolic image of girlish beauty, freshness (not) fading over the years, mystery and majesty.
    The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters.
    According to Bazarov, the role of society is more important than the influence of an individual: "Fix society, and there will be (no) diseases."
    Somewhere here, a few steps away, the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard, and the silence was filled with wondrous sounds.
    Bunin draws in the story a (not) definite personality, but an established social type.

    Example 6:

    Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

    The exploits of our great-grandfathers are (not) forgotten by us.
    Longboats loaded with watermelons with (not) high sides stretch along the Volga.
    All alone, he stood for a minute, (not) daring to move on.
    The child was very small in stature, therefore (did not) reach the shelf with books.
    Chekhov wrote about nothing (un)remarkable people.

    Example 7:

    Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

    That heart will (not) learn to love, which is tired of hating.
    A (not) high arc appeared in the east, interrupted only in one place.
    (Not) be a bystander, the incident at the hotel would have been able to hide.
    (Not) looking at the cook, Anna Pavlovna gave him many orders and again fixed her eyes on the road.
    A man was waiting in Kirsanov's office, (not) wishing to give his name.









      1. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      In the depths, round leaves of water lilies (NOT) SUCCESSFUL to reach the surface of the water were visible. (Paustovsky K.)

      He decided, (NOT) DELAYING, to explore the dungeon. (Badigin K.)

      Vasily and his group were met by an elderly (NON) SHAVED foreman-artilleryman. (Karpov V.)

      The weather really was (NOT) AS warm as yesterday. (Rybin A.)

      I definitely (NOT) WANTED to go to Matveevka. (Golubev G.)

      2. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      A projectile hit (NOT) FAR AWAY, I had to sit down. (Karpov V.)

      The schoolgirl, (NOT) HAVING LISTENED, got up and went out into the corridor. (Paustovsky K.)

      The general did NOT ANSWER, only nodded understandingly. (Belyaev A.)

      Achkasov has already been to this regiment (NOT) ONCE. (Belyaev A.)

      What could it be? The metal is yellowish, but completely (NOT) LIKE gold, light, dull. (Golubev G.)

      3. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The proximity of the Neva (NOT) REFRESHED hot air. (Nikitin N.)

      That year, winter was late, only in the second half of November, a dry, fierce wind bound the river with gray ice and scratched the earth (NOT) CLEARED with snow with deep cracks. (Gorky M.)

      It was drizzling, (NOT) IN SPRING annoying rain. (Alekseev M.)

      Borisov was (NOT) HIGH, but broad-shouldered. (Belyaev A.)

      Because of the fluffy snow on the road (NOT) I could even hear my own steps. (Tendryakov V.)

      4. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The commissioner frowned, answered (NOT) IMMEDIATELY. (Karpov V.)

      The tambour was (NOT) HEATED, and sentries were in overcoats, hats, and hoods. (Akunin B.)

      The boys looked, (NOT) UNDERSTANDING, at each other. (Gaidar A.)

      Makhov's gatehouse really turned out to be (NOT) THAN other than a log hut surrounded by a spindle. (Soloukhin V.)

      The boilers are not (NOT) CLEANED. (Paustovsky K.)

      5. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      We lived in dugouts for six months. Kurbeev ate only bread, I also (NOT) ate. (Turgenev I.)

      (NOT) ONCE we saw the brown backs of moose hiding in the bushes and swamps. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

      Having stuffed the boring papers into the table, I pulled on a coat (NOT) DRY since morning, wrapped my throat with a damp scarf and, raising my collar, went out into the street. (Golubev G.)

      On the porch, (NOT) MOVING, an old man sat and looked at the newcomer point-blank. (Ryss E.)

      A book read (NOT) ON TIME can forever beat off the taste for itself. (Aleksin A.)

      6. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      Lena missed her grandfather, to whom she became very attached, and Kolya was (NOT) ONLY sad, but also scared. (Ryss E.)

      (NOT) FEAR, but rage seized the united detachments of Semeyka, Ankudinov, Popov. (Severov P.)

      After strict discipline in the school of lieutenants, a feeling of complete freedom and (NOT) DEPENDENCE swept over. (Karpov V.)

      The carriage, (NOT) SPEEDING UP, gently rolled onto the wooden deck of the bridge. (Panteleev A.)

      On the streets (NOT) VISIBLE there was a patch of snow, the dirty dough was replaced by wet, shiny pavement and fast streams. (Tolstoy L.)

      7. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The horse walked at a pace, trying to (NOT) SLIP. (Paustovsky K.)

      Bim, as if on command, lay down, (NOT) LEAVING his gaze from the bird ... (Troepolsky G.)

      At the same time, Mitenka involuntarily drew his feet under the chair, as he remembered that the shoes were (NOT) CLEANED. (Romanov P.)

      And Styopka said that Pinkerton lives in their house, and this is (NOT) WHO other than Aunt Avdotya - the landlady. (Belykh G.)

      The whole faculty was then proud of Victor. (NOT) FOR FREE teachers unanimously noted his abilities. (Granin D.)

      8. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      A grey-haired, wrinkled old man entered with a long (UN)SHAVED chin and a hanging mustache. (Romanov P.)

      Children (NOT) RAGE with delight. (Fedoseev G.)

      Ivan Ivanovich made a mistake - (NOT) EVERY dog can be bought for bait. (Troepolsky G.)

      Grigory Vasilyevich went home (NOT) HURRYING. (Titov V.)

      The cab driver reined in the (NOT) SUCCESSFUL to inflame the dancing trotter. (Fedin K.)

      In Russian. THEORY.

      Tables on the topic: "Not with parts of speech, continuous separate spelling)

      Spelling not with parts of speech


      With verbs and adverbs

      With verbs and gerunds in most cases. Don't love without thinking.

      With nouns, adjectives
      and adverbs

      With any part of speech, except for verbs, if there is or is meant to be contrasted with the union "A". This is not caution, but cowardice.
      The problem is not simple, but complex.
      The relationship is not hostile.
      With nouns, adjectives, adverbs, if they cannot form a new word with NOT.
      This also includes relative adjectives in the role of a predicate, qualitative adjectives (denoting colors).
      But: If the adjective is a definition, then we write together.
      Not a table, not wooden, not blue.
      The shoe is not crystal.
      The paint is not blue, the binding is not yellow,
      shade is not grey.
      But: Logic is not feminine - the girl reasoned
      with feminine logic.
      With nouns, adjectives and adverbs in an interrogative sentence, if the negation is logically emphasized Is this statement not clear without any evidence?
      Who does not know the names of our astronauts?
      With adjectives, adverbs in -o in the presence of negative pronouns and adverbs (beginning with neither) or FAR NOT, NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL Nobody knows the address, innocent people,
      incomprehensible expression,
      not a bad drink
      far from an easy solution.
      not a fruitless search,
      not a new story
      With a comparative degree of adjectives, adverbs in most cases. Not lower, not higher, not better, not worse, not closer, not poorer.
      With short adjectives that have a different meaning in their full form or do not exist. Not ready to leave, shouldn't do this
      does not intend to be silent, is not obliged to help,
      not happy to meet, not inclined to believe,
      not in the mood for conversation.
      With predicative adverbs
      No need, no time, sorry.
      Not today, not always.
      But: lack of time, reluctance, etc.
      With adverbs formed from nouns Not in offset, not in measure, not as an example, not for good,
      not in a hurry, not to taste, beyond the power,
      out of hand, out of hand

      with numbers and

      With numerals Not two, not three, fifth and fifth grades,
      this is not the prime meridian.
      With pronouns Not me and not you, not yourself, not everyone, lives in not our house.
      Note. The philosophical term not-I is written with a hyphen.
      With negative pronouns with a preposition Not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone.
      With participles
      With participles if there are dependent words A book not finished on time.
      With short participles The manuscript has not been edited, the quotations have not been checked, the work has not been completed.

      With numerals

      Always separate Not two, not fifth, not zero.

      With particles, unions,

      Always separate Not that ... not that, not over, not without interest.


      With any part of speech

      With any part of speech, unless used without "not" To hate, ignorant, indignant, careless.

      With verbs and adverbs

      With verbs and gerunds with the prefix NEDO in the sense of insufficiency of action, inconsistency with the norm Missing notebooks, undercooking potatoes, undercooking a nut, and all derivative words (undersalting, underweight, etc.)
      !!!Do not reach - here the meaning is not to finish the action, we write separately.

      With nouns, adjectives, adverbs

      with nouns,
      denoting persons (non-democrat, non-Russian, non-specialist)
      Metaphors are widely used by writers and non-literators.
      With nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -o, if there is a definition or preposition before the noun Everything is spoiled by constant indecision.
      Fired for non-compliance. It's all my bad luck.
      With nouns, adjectives,
      adverbs in -o, -e,
      (full and brief) (there are exceptions, see "separately"),
      if it can be replaced by a synonym without "not" and if they form new words with "not"
      Not stupid (smart), quietly (quietly), enemy (enemy).
      with adjectives,
      adverbs, participles in the presence of words of measure and degree (see the list below)
      But!! If, in addition to such adverbs, there are other explanatory words with the sacrament, then we write separately.
      A very uninteresting book.
      Completely unverified information.
      Extremely difficult.
      A manuscript completely unprepared for typesetting, a problem that has not yet been solved at all.
      With verbal adjectives in –emy, -imy (there are exceptions, see below) Invisible, insane, uninhabitable, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, tax-free, inalienable, untranslatable, incommunicable, unknowable,
      independent, waterproof, incombustible, incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible.
      With the comparative degree of adjectives, adverbs in o if there are qualifying adverbs in the form of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs Even more uninteresting, much uglier, much more unpleasant, more and more inaccessible, a little more incomprehensible, and also if the form of the comparative degree is used in negative constructions like: there is nothing worse than ... or in constructions with conjunctions than ... so, for example: the simpler, the better; the further, the more disappointing.

      With negative and indefinite words

      With negative and indefinite adverbs and pronouns without a preposition Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, no reason, not far away, not aware, by chance, unbearable, unbearable, out of place, unbearable, out of place, for good reason; reluctantly.

      With participles

      With participles without dependent words (or with words of measure and degree) Unsolved problem.
      With substantive participles (which have become nouns) The number of underachievers in the Russian language.

      List of adverbs of measure and degree:
      Very, very scary, surprising, exceptional, too, much, much, directly, absolutely, completely, too much, extremely, unusually, quite, so much, twice, five times; barely, barely, barely, barely, just a little, a little, a few, a drop, a little, extremely very, very, extremely, completely, completely, too much, almost, a little, a little, twice, etc. .p, together, etc., in half, a lot, a little, doubly, etc. , absolutely, etc.

      The meaning of the degree can also be contained in a qualitative adverb: absolutely, extraordinary, incredible, extraordinary, fantastic, extremely, furious, monstrous, inexpressible, inexpressible, unheard of, divine, infinite, limitless, immeasurable, insane, deadly, dazzling, unbearable, unbearable, brilliant, phenomenal, ingenious, supernatural, comparative, relative.

      Difficult cases

      1) If there is an adverb as an explanatory word, it is completely and completely possible both continuous and separate spelling not with adjectives, which is associated with two meanings in which these adverbs are used

      At all



      In the meaning of "absolutely, very";
      Example: a completely unnecessary meeting (a completely unnecessary, extra meeting)
      In the meaning of "by no means, by no means";
      Example: not at all a chance meeting (logical stress does not fall on)

      Not at all



      In the meaning of "by no means";
      Example: The authors of the reports are less popular or completely unknown scientists.

      In the meaning of "absolutely, completely" (in a colloquial style of speech);
      Example: He did not give convincing arguments at all.

      2) The spelling differs not with verbal adjectives in -my and with participles in -my; in the presence of explanatory words, the first ones are written together (as well as nominal adjectives), the second ones - separately.
      For example:
      An island uninhabited for a long time, crystals insoluble in water, figures of people indistinguishable in the dark.
      Reserves not visited by hunters, magazines not read by non-specialists, a child not loved by the mother.

      Spelling neither with parts of speech
      Cases of using the particle "nor"

      Use cases
      1. Meaning: none (single) I didn't see a single person nearby.
      I didn't see a soul around. (you can substitute "not a single soul")
      2. Strengthening denial. Therefore, “neither” is often used in sentences with negative predicates, also with the words DO NOT, NO (they may not be present in the sentence) Can't agree with you.
      I didn't take a step forward.
      No love, no longing, no pity.
      3. In the affirmative meaning. The particle NI can be conjugated as part of the union neither ... nor) They didn't see windows or doors= They didn't see windows and doors.
      4. In the meaning of concession: in constructions with pronouns: who, what (in different cases), how, where, where, from where, etc. It's a pity, but I have to refuse.
      Wherever she appeared, everyone was glad to see her.
      Everywhere you look, dust and dirt are everywhere.
      5. In the meaning of negation in constructions, no other (other), nothing else (other). Nobody else can help me.


      TASK 12


      Autumn came with (un)ending rains, wet roads, longing for the evenings.

      The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters.

      The rain continued, but (not) heavy, as in the morning, but weak, drizzling.

      So the auditor who (not) appeared on the stage disturbs all the townsfolk.

      The window in the kitchen was (not) curtained.

      2. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The well-fed (not) understands the hungry.

      In the (un)ordinary silence dawn dawns.

      (Not) having received an answer the next day, he sent another letter.

      The problem is (not) solved.

      He couldn't sit at home anymore.

      3. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      This movie isn't interesting at all.

      The (un)ceasing rains ruined all our plans.

      At night he hardly (did not) sleep.

      Only a person who (does not) think about the benefits of the forest can do this.

      Chintz is (not) expensive, but cheap.

      4. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      It was an (un)known artist.

      Often (not) strong enough to defend his convictions.

      I had to endure an (in)describable horror.

      He (not) had no conscience, no kindness, no honesty.

      No one could call him an evil person.

      5. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      Having (not) coped with my drowsiness, I was already fast asleep.

      He had to meet such people (not) a little.

      The book was missing a few pages.

      The story made an (in)comparable impression.

      She, without answering anything, continued to look at the sky.

      6. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The bridge across the river was (not) built this year.

      The mystery is (un)solved.

      We drove past a (not) wide mountain river.

      For a long time (not) cut hair interfered, climbed into the eyes.

      A conscience that never (never) fell silent was his faithful companion.

      7. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      (Un)sold toys were discounted.

      Dunya is (not) devoid of charm.

      The project is (not) approved.

      He was worried about the (un)resolved issue so far.

      (Not) luck, but hard work was the key to his success.

      8. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      You (cannot) hold water in a sieve.

      A sane person learns from the mistakes of others - nothing (does not) teach a fool.

      (Not) how many women walked along the river bank.

      The rain (not) stopped.

      9. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      (Not) clear speech is a cloudy mirror.

      The portrait is (not) finished yet, but the fame of the talented artist quickly spread around the city.

      (Not) write with a pen, but with the mind.

      You (not) please everyone.

      A wonderful, never (never) seen spectacle fascinates me.

      10. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      All houses have long been (not) plastered.

      The mountains, still (not) illuminated by the sun, stood out in the brightened sky.

      It was (not) bought, but my own gooseberry.

      Friends parted, and (not) anyone to invite to visit.

      The sun, still (not) hidden by clouds, illuminates a gloomy yellow-purple cloud.

      11. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The earth, which had not seen rain for a long time, cracked.

      The sun was (un)bearably hot.

      The river, still (not) ice-bound, gloomily rolled its leaden waters.

      (Not) whom to ask when he himself is to blame.

      I have not been in my native country for a long time.

      12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      You will (not) get bread lying down.

      It is better to (not) add salt than to oversalt.

      (Not) visible today not a single whitening sail.

      Through the windows, still (not) closed for the night, the room was filled with surprisingly fresh air.

      In the morning, nothing (not) resembled yesterday's storm.

      13. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      An (un)forgettable impression was left by a thunderstorm in the village.

      The (not) silent peals of thunder for a minute fettered us and kept us in a state of fear.

      Proverbs and sayings have (not) only a direct, but also a figurative meaning.

      The windows were (not) curtained.

      Swans swam, (not) noticing me.

      14. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      Grandmother (not) danced, but seemed to be telling something.

      None of us (did) interrupt her.

      It was silence, (un)broken by any sound.

      Each person (more than once) remembers the day when he first crossed the threshold of the school.

      Two weeks of stay in the mountains flew (not) noticeably.

      15. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The sun, still (not) visible to the eye, spread a fan of pink rays across the sky.

      Valentine walked (not) hastily, but decisively.

      Deep autumn dragged on, already (not) damp and rainy, but dry and windy.

      There was no one around.

      The foliage hangs (not) moving.

      16. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      People who have (not) been to the equator cannot imagine tropical winter rain.

      The birds are driven south by (not) the coming cold, but the lack of food.

      As a child, Chekhov was (un) exhausted for inventions.

      Andrei entered the still (not) lit lobby of the hotel.

      I (didn't) want to go home.

      17. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The guys went to the camp (not) quickly, but slowly, with long stops.

      Stars (not) visible to the naked eye.

      Proshka, (not) lingering, rushed past.

      The field (not) clearly whitened around.

      A (not) strengthening, but a relaxing way is an afternoon nap.

      18. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The waters of the tide rustled (un)ceasingly.

      The wind shakes the stalk with still (not) dried dew.

      To the right, a (un)blinking star shone over the wooded hills.

      The response to the request is still (not) received.

      Levinson listened, (not) interfering.

      19. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      Dissatisfaction with oneself is (not) far-fetched by Tolstoy - it is part of his living soul.

      The room is cold, damp and (un)cosy.

      For some time he sat (not) moving.

      A warm wind is already blowing across the steppe, which (had not) had time to cool down during the night.

      20. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

      The huge crane trembled as if it were (not) steel, but bamboo.

      The river ran along a (not) high steep bank.

      Talk to them more (not) about anything.

      No one (not) responded.

      (Not) a place paints a person, and a person a place.