What is a chronological table in literature. Ecological bases of nature management

Kazan Khanate
1439 - Khan Ulug-Muhammed approached Moscow and laid siege to it, but retreated eleven days later, plundering Kolomna and several other Russian cities along the way.
1444 - Kazan Khan attacked the Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan principalities.
1445 - the khan's army defeated the Russian troops near Suzdal, the Grand Duke Vasily II was captured, tribute was imposed on the Moscow principality.
1467 - Russian troops marched on Kazan in order to install friendly Tsarevich Kasim on the Kazan throne. The trip was unsuccessful. Ibrahim Khan prepared in advance for the "meeting".
In the third quarter of the 15th century, there were pronounced contradictions between the states, expressed in the clash of interests of Moscow and Kazan in the lands of the Upper Volga region.
In the 80s. In the 15th century, the Moscow government actively intervened in the struggle for the Kazan throne and often sent troops to Kazan in order to put their protege on the Kazan throne.
1487 - the capture of Kazan by Moscow troops and the approval of Khan Mohammed-Emin, loyal to Moscow, on the Kazan throne. Khan, objectionable to the Moscow government, was overthrown.
1506 - Moscow's major campaign against Kazan, the defeat of the Russians near Kazan, Khan Mohammed-Emin, who was placed on the throne with the military and political support of Moscow, freed himself from Moscow dependence.

1545-1552 - a series of military campaigns of Ivan the Terrible against Kazan. The first two were unsuccessful, and in 1552 the Grand Duke laid siege to the capital of the Khanate for the third time. After the explosion of the city walls with gunpowder laid in secret mines, Kazan was taken by storm, a significant part of the population was killed, and the city itself burned down. The Kazan Khanate ceased to exist, and the Middle Volga region was largely annexed to Russia. In memory of the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate, on the orders of Ivan the Terrible, St. Basil's Cathedral was built on Red Square in Moscow.
In total, the Kazan khans made about forty trips to Russian lands, mainly to areas near Nizhny Novgorod, Vyatka, Vladimir, Kostroma, Galich and Murom.

Crimean Khanate
1480 - the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III turned to the Crimean Khan Mengli I Gerai with a request to organize a campaign in the Polish lands "to the Kyiv places." Mengli Giray took Kyiv by storm, devastated and severely destroyed the city. From the rich booty, the Khan sent Ivan III in gratitude a golden chalice and diskos from the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. In the same year, Ivan III entered into an alliance with Mengli Gerai.
The end of the XV century - constant raids on Rus' for the purpose of robbery.
1521 - the forces of the Kazan Khan Sahib Giray made a military campaign against the Nizhny Novgorod, Murom, Klin, Meshchera and Vladimir lands and united with the army of the Crimean Khan Mehmed Giray near Kolomna. After that, they besieged Moscow and forced Vasily III to sign a humiliating treaty.
1571 - despite the agreement with Moscow, at the head of an army of 40 thousand horsemen, the Crimean Khan Devlet Gerai raided Moscow, burned the towns, captured 50 thousand people. Ivan the Terrible was forced to give an obligation to pay tribute to the Crimea every year.
1572 - the Crimean army of Devlet Gerai, united with Turkish and Nogai detachments, suffered a crushing defeat from the Russian troops led by princes Mikhail Vorotynsky and Dmitry Khvorostinin in the battle of Molodi (50 miles south of Moscow).

  • 859 First chronicle mention of Novgorod
  • 860 Siege of Constantinople by Russian squads. The first annalistic mention of Kyiv
  • 862 Formation of the Old Russian State
  • 879-912 Reign of Oleg
  • 882 Prince Oleg captures Kyiv
  • 907 Oleg's campaign against Byzantium
  • 912-945 Reign of Igor
  • 913-914 Campaign of Russian squads on the western coast of the Caspian Sea
  • 915 The arrival of the Pechenegs to Rus'
  • 945 Rebellion of the Drevlyans, murder of Igor
  • 945-957 Olga's reign in Kyiv
  • 964-972 Svyatoslav Igorevich reigned in Kyiv
  • 964-965 Campaigns of the squads of Prince Svyatoslav against the Khazars; defeat of the Khazar Khaganate
  • 964-966 Svyatoslav's campaign and the conquest of the Vyatichi lands in the northeast of Kyiv
  • 978-1015 Prince Vladimir I reigned in Kyiv
  • 981 Vladimir's campaign against the Polish lands
  • 988 Adoption of Christianity in Rus'
  • 992 The defeat of the Pechenegs on the river. Sule
  • 994-997 Campaigns of Vladimir in Volga Bulgaria
  • 1015 The uprising of the townspeople against the Varangians in Novgorod
  • 1015-1019 Svyatopolk reigned in Kyiv
  • 1019-1054 Yaroslav Vladimirovich reigned in Kyiv
  • 1024 Campaign of Prince Mstislav Tmutarakansky against the squads of Yaroslav the Wise
  • 1024-1026 Revolt of smerds in the Suzdal land
  • 1035 Yaroslav the Wise becomes sovereign prince of Kievan Rus
  • 1068 Uprising in Kyiv against Prince Izyaslav
  • 1071 Revolt of smerds in the Rostov land
  • 1073-1076 Reigning in Kyiv of Svyatoslav, son of Yaroslav the Wise
  • 1078-1093 Reigning in Kyiv Vsevolod, son of Yaroslav the Wise
  • 1093-1113 Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich reigned in Kyiv
  • 1097 Congress of Russian princes in Lyubech. Known in history as a milestone in the legal consolidation of the feudal fragmentation of the Old Russian state
  • 1102 Refusal of the Novgorod nobility to accept the reign of the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatopolk
  • 1103-1111 The struggle of Russian squads against the raids of the Polovtsy
  • 1113 Uprising in Kyiv
  • 1113-1125 Reigning in Kyiv of Vladimir Monomakh
  • 1125-1132 Reigning in Kyiv Mstislav
  • 1125-1157 Reign of Yuri Dolgoruky in the Rostov-Suzdal land
  • 1136 Revolt in Novgorod. Exile of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich
  • 1141 Unification of the Galician lands by Przemysl prince Vladimir Volodarevich
  • 1147 The first annalistic mention of Moscow
  • 1153-1187 Reign of Yaroslav Osmomysl in Galicia
  • 1156 Bishop exiled in Novgorod
  • 1157-1174 Reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky
  • 1176-1212 Reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest in the Vladimir-Suzdal land
  • 1180-1194 Reign of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich in Kyiv
  • 1185 Campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsy, which served as the basis for the creation of the "Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • 1199 Unification of Galicia and Volyn lands by the Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich into the Galicia-Volyn principality
  • 1206 Campaign of Prince Vladimir of Polotsk to Riga
  • 1206-1207 The reign of the Grand Duke Rurik II in Kyiv
  • 1209 Capture by the Germans of Polotsk destinies in the lower reaches of the Western Dvina
  • 1212 Campaign against the knights of the Order of the Sword, organized by the Novgorod prince Mstislav Udaly
  • 1223 Capture of the Principality of Polotsk by the Principality of Smolensk
  • May 31, 1223 Battle of the Russian and Polovtsian squads with the Mongol-Tatars on the river. Kalka, which ended in the defeat of the Russians and Polovtsians
  • 1229 Trade agreement between the Principality of Smolensk, Riga and Gotland
  • 1237-1238 The invasion of Batu's troops in North-Eastern Rus'
  • 1240 Batu campaign against Kyiv
  • July 15, 1240 Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich over the Swedish army on the river. Neva
  • 1241 Capture of Koporye by the troops of Alexander Nevsky
  • 1242 Tatars campaign in South Russian lands
  • April 5, 1242 Victory of the Russian army over the German knights on Lake Peipus (Battle on the Ice)
  • 1243 Received from the Tatars a label for a great reign by Prince Yaroslav
  • 1252-1263 Reign of Alexander Nevsky in Vladimir Principality
  • 1259 New invasion of the South-Western Rus' of the Horde hordes
  • 1269 Uprisings of the inhabitants of Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Ustyug and other cities of North-Eastern Rus' against the tribute collectors
  • 1301 Accession by the Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich of the city of Kolomna
  • 1302 Accession by Moscow Prince Daniil Aleksandrovich of Pereyaslav Principality
  • 1303 Accession to the Moscow Principality of Mozhaisk
  • 1304-1305 Anti-feudal and anti-Horde uprisings in Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1323 Foundation of the Oreshek fortress in the north-east of Rus' (since 1611 - Petrokrepost)
  • 1325-1340 Reign in Moscow of Ivan I Kalita, Grand Duke of Vladimir-Moscow from 1328
  • 1327 Uprising in Tver against the Mongol-Tatars
  • 1340-1353 Reign of Moscow Prince Simeon Ivanovich
  • 1359-1389 Reign of Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke of Vladimir-Moscow from 1362
  • 1368, 1370, 1372 Campaigns of the Lithuanian prince Olgerd against Moscow
  • August 11, 1378 Victory of the Moscow army over the Tatar-Mongols on the river. Vozhe September 8, 1380 Battle of Kulikovo. The victory of Russian troops under the leadership of Dmitry Donskoy over Khan Mamai
  • 1382 The campaign of Khan Tokhtamysh to Rus' and the capture of Moscow by him. Resumption of tribute payment to the Horde by Dmitry Donskoy
  • 1389-1425 Reign of Vasily I in Moscow
  • 1404 The capture of Smolensk by the troops of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt
  • 1406-1408 War of the Moscow principality with Lithuania
  • 1408 Siege of Moscow by Tatar Khan Yedigei
  • 1418 Uprising of the townspeople against the boyars in Novgorod
  • 1421, 1446 Major anti-feudal actions of the urban poor and peasants in Novgorod
  • 1425-1462 Reigning in Moscow of Vasily II the Dark
  • 1440-1441 Uprising against Lithuanian feudal lords in Smolensk
  • 1456 Campaign of Vasily II to Novgorod
  • 1462-1505 The reign of Ivan III, during whose reign the unification of the lands around Moscow was completed
  • 1469-1472 Athanasius Nikitin's journey to India ("traveling across the three seas")
  • 1471 Ivan III's campaign against Novgorod
  • 1478 Incorporation of the Novgorod land into the Russian state
  • 1480 Great "standing on the Ugra"
  • 1483-1485 Major unrest of smerds in Pskov
  • 1485 Incorporation of the Tver Principality into the Russian state. Moscow is the only center of the Russian state
  • 1487 Establishment of vassal dependence of the Kazan Khanate from the Russian state
  • 1489 Ivan III's military campaign in the Vyatka lands and their annexation to Moscow
  • 1494 Conclusion of peace between the Russian state and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The consent of Lithuania to return to Russia the lands in the upper reaches of the Oka and the city of Vyazma
  • 1497 Sudebnik of Ivan III
  • 1499-1500 Campaign of the Russian troops in the Trans-Urals
  • 1500-1503 War of the Russian state with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, ending with the defeat of the latter
  • 1503 Truce between the Russian state and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Inclusion in the Russian state of Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Gomel, Bryansk and other cities
  • 1505-1533 Reign of Vasily III in Moscow
  • 1510 Accession of the Pskov land to Moscow
  • 1514 Smolensk was liberated from Lithuanian rule and incorporated into the Russian state
  • 1521 Campaign of the united Crimean-Kazan troops to Moscow
  • 1533-1584 Reign of Ivan IV the Terrible
  • 1535-1538 Monetary reform. Establishment of a unified monetary system
  • 1547 Rise of townspeople in Moscow
  • 1549 Convocation of the first Zemsky Sobor
  • 1550 Reform of the army - the creation of a streltsy army. Adoption of the Sudebnik of Ivan IV
  • 1551 "Stoglavy Cathedral" of the Russian Orthodox Church October 2, 1552 Capture of Kazan by Russian troops. Accession of the Kazan Khanate to the Russian state
  • 1556 Conquest of the Astrakhan Khanate by the Russian state
  • 1558-1584 Livonian War, as a result of which Russia lost Narva, Yam, Koporye, Ivangorod.
  • 1564 The release of the first printed book "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov - the beginning of Russian printing
  • 1565 Introduction of the oprichnina
  • 1571 Raid of the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray to Moscow. Burning of Moscow
  • 1572 Abolition of the oprichnina
  • 1581 Issuance of a decree prohibiting the departure of peasants from the feudal lords - the introduction of the so-called "reserved years"
  • 1580s Campaign of the detachment under the command of Yermak in Western Siberia
  • 1584-1598 The reign of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich
  • 1590-1593 War between Russia and Sweden
  • 1591 Death in Uglich of Tsarevich Dmitry, son of Ivan the Terrible
  • 1595 Treaty of Tyavzin between Russia and Sweden
  • 1597 Decree on a five-year period of investigation and return of fugitive peasants (“lesson summers”)
  • 1598-1605 Reign of Tsar Boris Godunov
  • 1600 Conclusion by Boris Godunov of the "truce years" with the Commonwealth
  • 1601-1602 Decrees on Peasant Exit
  • 1604 Revolt of peasants and serfs led by Khlopko Kosolap
  • April 13, 1605 Death of Boris Godunov and accession of his son Fyodor
  • June 7, 1605 Overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow
  • May 17, 1606 Uprising in Moscow and the assassination of False Dmitry I
  • 1606-1610 Board in Moscow of the boyar tsar Vasily Shuisky
  • 1606-1607 Anti-feudal uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov
  • 1607 Beginning of hostilities by the new protege of the Polish interventionists, False Dmitry II
  • March 1607 Decrees of Vasily Shuisky on "voluntary serfs" and
  • 15-year term for detecting peasants
  • 1609 Beginning of Swedish and Polish military intervention in Russia
  • July 1610 The overthrow of Vasily Shuisky
  • 1610 Siege of Smolensk by the troops of the Polish king Sigismund III
  • 1610-1613 Seven Boyars - a government of seven boyars headed by Fyodor Mstislavsky
  • September 1610 Polish troops enter Moscow
  • January-July 1611 The first militia to fight the Polish invaders
  • September-October 1611 Creation of the second militia in Nizhny Novgorod under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky
  • October 26, 1612 Capture of the Moscow Kremlin by the second militia
  • January 1613 Convocation of the Zemsky Sobor
  • 1613-1645 Reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
  • 1617 Stolbovsky peace between Russia and Sweden. Sweden returned Novgorod, Glov, Staraya Russa, Porkhov, Ladoga
  • 1618 Truce of Deulino between Russia and Poland
  • 1632-1634 War between Russia and Poland (Smolensk War)
  • 1634 Polyanovsky Peace of Russia with Poland
  • 1643-1651 Campaigns of Vasily Poyarkov and Yerofey Khabarov on the Amur
  • 1645-1676 Reign of Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1646-1647 Salt tax decree
  • 1647 Edition of the military regulations "Teaching and cunning of the military structure of infantry people"
  • 1648 Semyon Dezhnev and Fedot Alekseev (Popov) discover the sea strait between Asia and America. Journey of Semyon Dezhnev from the mouth of the Kolyma to the mouth of the Anadyr
  • 1648-1654 War of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnytsky against Polish rule for reunification with Russia
  • May 6 and 16, 1648 Victory of Bohdan Khmelnitsky over the Polish troops near Zhovti Vody and near Korsun
  • June 1-10, 1648 Uprising in Moscow (Salt Riot)
  • June 8, 1648 The first appeal of Bohdan Khmelnitsky to Moscow with a request to accept Ukraine into Russian citizenship
  • June-July 1648 Popular uprisings in Kozlov, Solvychegorodsk, Voronezh, Kursk, Veliky Ustyug and other cities
  • 1649 Cathedral Code
  • 1649-1652 Erofey Khabarov's campaigns in the Daurian Land along the river. Amur
  • 1650 Popular uprisings in Novgorod and Pskov
  • 1651 Zemsky Sobor on the annexation of Ukraine
  • 1653 Trade Charter. The introduction of a single ruble duty. Zemsky Sobor on the annexation of Ukraine
  • 1654 Monetary reform
  • January 8, 1654 Pereyaslav Council. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654-1667 War of the Russian state with Poland for Ukraine
  • 1656-1658 War of the Russian state with Sweden
  • 21 June 1661 Peace of Cardis
  • July 25, 1662 Uprising in Moscow (Copper Riot)
  • 1662-1665 Popular uprisings in Bashkiria and Western Siberia
  • 1663-1664 Popular uprisings against the Polish gentry in the Right-Bank Ukraine
  • 1665-1676 Hetmanship of Petro Doroshenko in the Right-Bank Ukraine
  • 1666 Performance of the Don Cossacks under the leadership of Vasily Us
  • 1667-1676 Solovetsky uprising
  • 1668-1669 Stepan Razin's campaign in Iran (Persia) ("campaign for sashes")
  • 1670-1671 Peasant war led by Stepan Razin
  • June 1670 Capture by the army of Stepan Razin Tsaritsyn and Astrakhan
  • October 1670 Defeat of the troops of Stepan Razin near Simbirsk
  • 1671 Execution of Stepan Razin in Moscow
  • November 1671 Capture of Astrakhan by the tsarist troops
  • 1676-1681 War of the Russian state with Turkey and Crimea for the Right-Bank Ukraine
  • 1676-1682 The reign of Fyodor Alekseevich
  • 1678-1679 Household census
  • January 3, 1681 Bakhchisaray peace of Russia with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate
  • January 12, 1682 Abolition of parochialism
  • April 27, 1682 Death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich and accession of Peter Alekseevich
  • May 1682 Streltsy uprising
  • 1686 The conclusion of the "Eternal Peace" with the Commonwealth
  • 1687 Founding in Moscow of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, the prototype of future higher educational institutions in Russia
  • 1687, 1689 Two unsuccessful campaigns under the command of V.V. Golitsyn against the Crimean Khanate
  • 1695 Peter's first campaign near Azov
  • 1695-1697 Vladimir Atlasov's campaign against Kamchatka and the conquest of Kamchatka
  • 1696 Peter's second campaign under Azov
  • 1696-1725 Reign of Peter I
  • 1697-1700 War with Turkey for access to the sea
  • 1698 Streltsy riot
  • 1699 Establishment in Moscow of the City Hall and Zemstvo huts by city
  • July 5, 1699 Conclusion of an alliance against Sweden between Denmark, Russia and Saxony
  • 1699-1705 Reform of the army recruiting system
  • 1700 Defeat of Russian troops at Narva
  • January 1, 1700 Introduction of a new chronology
  • July 13, 1700 Peace treaty between Russia and Turkey
  • 1700-1721 Northern War
  • 1701 Opening of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences
  • January 2, 1703 Publication of the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti in Moscow
  • May 16, 1703 Foundation of St. Petersburg
  • 1704 Capture of Derpt, Narva and Ivan-gorod by Russian troops
  • 1705-1706 Popular uprising in Astrakhan
  • 1705-1711 Unrest of the Bashkirs, Tatars and Mari
  • 1707 Peasant uprising in Samogitia (Lithuania)
  • 1707-1708 Rebellion on the Don led by Kondraty Bulavin
  • September 28, 1708 The defeat of the Swedish corps Levenhaupt in the battle of Lesnaya
  • 1708-1709 Establishment of provinces
  • June 27, 1709 The defeat of the Swedish army of Charles XII by the Russian troops in the Battle of Poltava
  • 1710 Capture of Vyborg, Riga and Revel by Russian troops
  • 1711 Establishment of the Senate. Discovery of the Kuril Islands by Kamchatka Cossacks
  • July 9, 1711 Battle on the river. Prut of the Russian and Turkish armies
  • July 12, 1711 Peace of Prut. Signed between Russia and Turkey
  • 1712-1714 Actions of Russian troops in Finland. Capture of the Vaza Fortress. Occupation of the Åland Islands
  • 1712-1716 Actions of Russian troops in Pomerania and Denmark. Capture of Stettin
  • June 13, 1713 Signing of the Peace of Adrianople between Russia and Turkey for a period of 25 years
  • March 23, 1714 Decree of single inheritance
  • July 27, 1714 Victory of the Russian fleet at Gangut. The first major battle won by the Russian navy
  • 1715 Founding of the Naval Academy
  • 1716 "Military Charter" of Peter I
  • 1718 Beginning of the first poll census
  • 1718-1721 Establishment of colleges
  • 1719 Regional reform
  • 1720 Establishment of the Chief Magistrate
  • July 27, 1720 Victory of the Russian fleet at Grengam
  • 1721 Abolition of the patriarchate and establishment of the Synod
  • August 30, 1721 Treaty of Nystadt
  • October 22, 1721 Presentation of the title of Emperor by the Senate to Peter
  • 1722 Decree on the organization of craft workshops
  • January 24, 1722 Creation of the "Table of Ranks"
  • February 5, 1722 Decree of succession to the throne
  • 1722-1723 War between Russia and Iran (Persia). Accession to Russia of the western and southern shores of the Caspian Sea
  • June 1724 Treaty of Constantinople between Russia and Turkey on the delimitation of possessions in the Caucasus
  • 1725 Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg
  • 1725-1727 Reign of Catherine I
  • 1725-1730 The first Kamchatka expedition of V. Bering
  • 1726 Establishment of the Supreme Privy Council - the highest deliberative state institution in the Russian Empire
  • 1727-1730 Reign of Peter II
  • 1727-1734 Temporary restoration of the hetmanship in Ukraine (hetman Daniel Apostol)
  • October 21, 1727 Treaty of Kyakhta between Russia and China
  • January 19, 1730 Enthronement by the Supreme Privy Council of Anna Ioannovna and development of restrictive "Conditions"
  • 1730-1740 Reign of Anna Ioannovna
  • 1730 Abolition of the Supreme Privy Council
  • December 9, 1730 Decree on the abolition of single inheritance
  • 1731 Establishment of the gentry cadet corps
  • January 21, 1732 Treaty of Resht between Russia and Persia; cession to Persia of the Caspian territories conquered by Peter I
  • 1733-1735 Russia's participation in the war for the Polish throne
  • 1733-1743 The second Kamchatka expedition of V. Bering
  • 1735-1739 Russian-Turkish war
  • 1735-1740 Bashkir uprisings
  • 1736 Establishment of the Orenburg Cossack Army
  • December 31, 1736 Manifesto on the reduction of the term of noble service to 25 years
  • 1736-1738 Capture of Perekop by Russian troops and campaigns in the Crimea
  • August 1739 The victory of the Russian army at Stavuchany and the capture of the Khotyn fortress
  • September 18, 1739 Treaty of Belgrade between Russia and Turkey: the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739. Azov returned to Russia
  • November 8, 1740 The overthrow of the regent Biron and the proclamation of the regent Anna Leopoldovna
  • 1740-1741 Reign of Ivan VI
  • November 25, 1741 Palace coup in favor of Elizabeth Petrovna
  • 1741-1761 The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna
  • 1741-1743 Russo-Swedish War
  • August 7, 1743 Abo ​​peace treaty
  • 1746 Prohibition for merchants and commoners to buy peasants
  • 1753 Decree on the abolition of internal customs duties
  • 1754 Establishment of the Noble and Merchant Loan Banks
  • 1755 Revolt of the Bashkir people led by Batyrsha
  • 1756 Establishment of the Russian theater in St. Petersburg. The beginning of the publication of "Moskovskie Vedomosti"
  • 1757 Official establishment of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg (started operating in 1764)
  • 1757-1762 Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War
  • 1759 Victory of Russian troops over the Prussians at Kunersdorf
  • September 28, 1760 Occupation of Berlin by Russian troops
  • Decree 13, 1760 Decree allowing landowners to exile peasants to settle in Siberia with their credit for recruits
  • 1761-1762 Reign of Peter III
  • February 18, 1762 Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility
  • March 21, 1762 Decree on the secularization of church and monastery estates
  • April 24, 1762 Conclusion of peace and alliance with Peter III with Frederick II
  • June 28, 1762 Coup in favor of Catherine II
  • 1762-1796 Reign of Catherine II
  • 1764 Destruction of the Hetmanate and appointment of Count P.A. Rumyantsev "Little Russian" Governor-General
  • 1765 Foundation of the Free Economic Society in St. Petersburg
  • 1767-1768 Order of Catherine II and the activities of the Great Commission for the preparation of a new Code
  • 1768-1774 Russian-Turkish war
  • 1770 Victory of the Russian troops under the command of P.A. Rumyantsev at Largo and Cahul
  • 1771 Capture of Perekop, breakthrough of Russian troops into the Crimea
  • 1772 Cossack uprising on Yaik First partition of the Commonwealth between Russia, Prussia and Austria
  • 1773-1775 Peasant war led by E.I. Pugacheva
  • July 10, 1774 Peace of Kyuchuk-Kainarji
  • August 25, 1774 The defeat of the army of Emelyan Pugachev at the Salnikov Plant
  • January 10, 1775 Execution of Emelyan Pugachev in Moscow
  • March 17, 1775 Manifesto for the Free Establishment of Industrial Enterprises
  • November 7, 1775 "Establishment for the administration of provinces"
  • February 28, 1780 Declaration of "armed neutrality"
  • April 8, 1783 Annexation of Crimea to Russia
  • May 3, 1783 Decree on the enslavement of peasants in Ukraine
  • 1783-1784 Foundation of Sevastopol as a naval port and fortress
  • April 21, 1785 "Charter to the nobility" and "letter to the cities" of the Russian Empire
  • 1786 Secularization of church and monastic properties in the Left-bank Ukraine. Charter of public schools and the beginning of school reform
  • October 1, 1787 Victory of Russian troops near Kinburn
  • 1787-1791 Russian-Turkish war
  • 1788 Establishment of the Black Sea Cossack Army
  • December 6, 1788 Capture of Ochakov by Russian troops
  • 1788-1790 Russo-Swedish war
  • 1789 Victory A.V. Suvorov at Focsani and Rymnik
  • December 11, 1790 The capture of A.V. Suvorov Turkish fortress Izmail
  • 1791 Victory of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov under Babadag and Machin
  • December 29, 1791 Peace of Jassy between Russia and Turkey
  • 1792 Severance of diplomatic relations with revolutionary France
  • 1793 Second partition of the Commonwealth
  • 1796-1797 War of Russia with Persia (Iran)
  • 1796-1801 Reign of Paul I
  • March 12, 1801 Palace coup. Assassination of Paul I. Accession to the throne of Alexander I
  • 1801-1825 Reign of Emperor Alexander I
  • 1801 Manifesto on the annexation of Georgia to Russia
  • 1802 Replacement of colleges by ministries
  • 1803 Decree on free cultivators
  • 1804-1813 Russo-Persian War
  • 1805-1806 Accession to Russia of the khanates of Northern Azerbaijan
  • 1805-1807 Russian wars in alliance with Austria, England and Sweden against Napoleonic France
  • 1806-1812 Russian-Turkish war
  • February 8, 1807 Battle of the French with Russian and Prussian troops at Preussisch-Eylau
  • June 14, 1807 Defeat of the Russian and Prussian troops at Friedland
  • July 7, 1807 Treaty of Tilsit Russia, France and Prussia
  • 1808-1809 Russo-Swedish war
  • 1809 Peace of Friedrichsham between Russia and Sweden
  • May 16, 1812 Peace of Bucharest with Turkey
  • June 12, 1812 Napoleon's army invades Russia
  • August 26, 1812 Battle of Borodino
  • October 12, 1812 Battle of Russian troops with the French at Maloyaroslavets
  • October 12, 1813 Peace of Gulistan between Russia and Persia
  • October 16-19, 1813 Battle of Leipzig during the war of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden against Napoleonic France ("Battle of the Nations")
  • 1813-1814 Campaign of the Russian army in Western Europe
  • March 31, 1814 Allied troops enter Paris
  • 1816 Founding in Russia of the first secret society "Union of Salvation"
  • 1816-1819 Peasant reform in the Baltic provinces
  • 1818-1820 Peasant uprisings in the Don and Ukraine
  • 1818-1821 Formation of the "Union of Welfare" - a secret revolutionary society
  • 1819-1821 Russian expedition of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev to Antarctica
  • 1820 Unrest in the Semyonovsky Guards Regiment in St. Petersburg
  • 1821 Creation of the Northern and Southern secret societies of the Decembrists
  • 1823 Organization of the secret Society of United Slavs
  • December 14, 1825 Decembrist uprising in St. Petersburg
  • December 29, 1825 -
  • January 3, 1826 The uprising of the Chernigov regiment in Ukraine
  • 1825-1855 Reign of Nicholas I
  • July 13, 1826 Execution of five Decembrists: P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyov-Apostol, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, K.F. Ryleeva, P.G. Kakhovsky
  • 1826 Ackerman Convention between Russia and Turkey
  • 1826-1828 Russo-Persian War
  • 1827 London convention of Russia, England and France on aid to Greece
  • February 20, 1828 Turkmenchay peace of Russia with Persia
  • 1828-1829 Russian-Turkish war
  • September 2, 1829 Treaty of Adrianople between Russia and Turkey
  • 1830-1831 Rise of the mass anti-feudal movement. "Cholera Riots"
  • 1833 Unkar-Iskelesi Treaty of a defensive alliance between Russia and Turkey
  • 1837-1841 Reform of the management of state peasants in Russia (reform of P.D. Kiselev)
  • 1839-1840 Khiva campaign of General V.A. Perovsky
  • 1845-1849 Activities of M.V. Petrashevsky in St. Petersburg
  • 1851 Opening of the Nikolaev railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow
  • October 4, 1853 Beginning of the Crimean War
  • November 18, 1853 The victory of the Russian fleet in the battle of Sinop
  • March 15-16, 1854 England and France declared war on Russia September 1854 - August 1855 Defense of Sevastopol
  • January 26, 1855 First Russo-Japanese treaty
  • November 16, 1855 Capture of Kars by Russian troops
  • 1855-1881 Reign of Alexander II
  • March 18, 1856 Signing of the Paris Peace Treaty between Russia, France, Great Britain, Turkey, Sardinia, Austria and Prussia
  • 1857-1867 Publication in London of the first Russian revolutionary newspaper "The Bell". Publishers - A.I. Herzen and P.N. Ogarev
  • 1860 Establishment of the State Bank
  • 1861 The fall of serfdom in Russia autumn 1861 The foundation of the secret society "Land and Freedom"
  • 1861-1863 The rise of the peasant movement in connection with the reform.
  • 1863 University reform. New university charter
  • 1863-1864 Uprising in the Kingdom of Poland, Lithuania and Western Belarus
  • 1863-1866 Activities of the revolutionary group N.A. Ishuina
  • 1864 Founding of the St. Petersburg private commercial bank - the first joint-stock bank in Russia Zemstvo reform. Judicial reform in Russia
  • 1865 Capture of Tashkent by Russian troops. The beginning of the accession of Central Asia to Russia
  • April 4, 1866 Assassination attempt on D.V. Karakozov on Alexander II
  • 1867 Formation of the Turkestan Governor General. Treaty on the sale of Alaska to the United States of America
  • 1869 Opening of the first women's courses in St. Petersburg
  • 1869-1874 Activities of the revolutionary populist group "Chaikovites" in St. Petersburg and some other cities
  • 1870 Founding of the Russian Section of the First International. Strike at the Neva paper spinning mill in St. Petersburg
  • 1872-1873 The activities of the circle of A.V. Dolgushin in St. Petersburg and Moscow
  • 1873 The conclusion of the "Union of the Three Emperors" - a set of agreements between Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary
  • 1873-1875 Industrial crisis in Russia
  • 1875 Activities of the "South Russian Union of Workers" in Odessa
  • 1876 ​​Foundation of the populist organization "land and freedom"
  • 1877-1878 Russian-Turkish war January 1878 Assassination attempt on V.I. Zasulich on the St. Petersburg mayor D.F. Trepova
  • March 1878 Signing of the Treaty of San Stefano between Russia and Turkey
  • 1879 Assassination attempt by A.K. Solovyov on Alexander II
  • 1880 Explosion in the Winter Palace by S. Khalturin - assassination attempt on Alexander II
  • 1881 Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy. Regulations on measures for the protection of state security and public peace. Mandatory buyout laws and redemption reduction laws
  • March 1, 1881 Assassination of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya
  • 1882 Establishment of the Peasant Land Bank
  • 1882-1883 The final defeat of the executive committee of the "Narodnaya Volya"
  • 1883 Foundation of the first Russian Marxist organization abroad - the "Emancipation of Labor" group - headed by G.V. Plekhanov. The emergence in St. Petersburg of the social-democratic group of D. Blagoev
  • 1885 Strike of workers at the factory of S.T. Morozov in Orekhovo-Zuev (Morozov strike). Establishment of the Noble Bank. Completion of the accession of Central Asia to Russia. Night Work Prohibition Act for Women and Teenagers
  • 1885-1888 The activities of the P.V. Tochissky (Association of St. Petersburg Craftsmen) of the social-democratic direction
  • 1886 Laws on peasant family divisions, on hiring for agricultural work, on the transfer of state peasants for redemption. Opening of the Transcaucasian Railway
  • March 1, 1887 Assassination attempt by A.I. Ulyanova, P.Ya. Shevyreva and others on Alexander III
  • 1888-1889 Social Democratic circles N.Ye. Fedoseev in Kazan
  • 1889 Zemstvo Chiefs Act
  • 1889-1892 Activities of the social-democratic “M.I. Brusnev" in St. Petersburg
  • 1890 Zemstvo counter-reform. New regulation on zemstvo institutions
  • 1891 Protectionist customs tariff
  • April 15, 1891 Demonstration at the funeral of N.V. Shelgunov in St. Petersburg
  • May 5, 1891 The first Russian May Day in St. Petersburg
  • 1891-1892 Famine in many provinces of European Russia
  • 1891-1905 Construction of the Siberian railway
  • 1892 City counter-reform
  • 1893 Law on the restriction of the right to dispose of allotment lands
  • 1894 Death of Alexander III, accession to the throne of Nicholas II
  • 1895 Creation in St. Petersburg of the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class" headed by V.I. Lenin
  • 1896 Russian-Chinese agreement on the union and construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway
  • 1897 January strike in St. Petersburg. Monetary reform in Russia. The first general population census in Russia. Working hours law
  • 1897-1898 Formation of the "Unions of struggle for the liberation of the working class" in Moscow, Kyiv, Yekaterinoslav
  • March 1-3, 1898 First Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Party (RSDLP) in Minsk
  • 1899 Mass student riots in Russia
  • 1900 Publication of the first issue of the Social Democratic newspaper Iskra abroad
  • 1900-1903 Industrial crisis in Russia
  • 1901 Strike at the Obukhov plant in St. Petersburg ("Obukhov defense")
  • 1902 Formation of the Socialist-Revolutionary (Socialist-Revolutionary) Party
  • March 9, 1902 Mass political demonstration in Batumi
  • November 2-26, 1902 General strike in Rostov
  • July 1903 General strike in southern Russia
  • July 17 - August 10, 1903 Second Congress of the RSDLP (in Brussels, then in London)
  • 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War
  • July 17 - December 20, 1904 Defense of the fortress of Port Arthur
  • August 13-21, 1904 Liaoyang battle
  • December 13-31, 1904 General strike in Baku
  • January 9, 1905 "Bloody Sunday", the beginning of the first bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia
  • February 6-25, 1905 Battle of Mukden. Major defeat of the Russian army during the Russo-Japanese War
  • April 12-27, 1905 Third Congress of the RSDLP in London, convened by supporters of Lenin. Not recognized by the Mensheviks
  • May 12 - June 1, 1905 General strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Formation of the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies
  • May 14-15, 1905 Naval battle near the island of Tsushima. The defeat of the Russian squadron
  • June 1905 General strike in Łódź, which developed into an armed uprising
  • June 14-24, 1905 Uprising on the battleship "Prince Potemkin Tauride"
  • July 31 - August 1, 1905 First Congress of the All-Russian Peasants' Union in Moscow
  • August 6, 1905 Publication of the regulation on the convocation of a deliberative State Duma (named after the initiator
  • known as the Bulyginskaya Duma)
  • 23 August 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth with Japan
  • October 7, 1905 Beginning of the All-Russian political strike
  • October 12-18, 1905 Founding Congress of the Constitutional Democratic (Cadet) Party in Moscow
  • October 13, 1905 The first meeting of the St. Petersburg Council
  • October 17, 1905 Manifesto "On the improvement
  • state order"
  • November 21, 1905 The first meeting of the Moscow Council
  • December 7, 1905 Beginning of the general political strike in
  • Moscow
  • December 9-19, 1905 Armed uprising in Moscow
  • April 10-25, 1906 IV (Unification) Congress of the RSDLP in
  • Stock-
  • holme
  • April 27 -
  • July 8, 1906 I State Duma
  • July 17-20, 1906 Uprising of soldiers and sailors in Sveaborg,
  • Kronstadt and Reval
  • November 9, 1906 Decree on the withdrawal of peasants from the community (beginning
  • Stolypin agrarian reform)
  • February 20 - June 2, 1907 II State Duma
  • April 30 -
  • May 19, 1907 Fifth (London) Congress of the RSDLP
  • June 3, 1907 Coup d'état: crackdown II
  • State Duma, the new electoral law. End
  • revolutions of 1905-1907
  • November 1, 1907 -
  • June 9, 1912 III State Duma
  • June 14, 1910 Law "On the amendment and addition of certain
  • regulations on peasant land ownership"
  • August 6, 1911 Potsdam agreement between Russia and
  • Germany
  • January 5-17, 1912 Sixth (Prague) All-Russian Conference
  • April 4, 1912 Lena massacre
  • May 5, 1912 Publication of the first issue of the Bolshevik legal
  • newspaper "Pravda"
  • 15th of November
  • 1912 -
  • October 6, 1917 IV State Duma
  • 1912-1914 Polar expedition G.Ya. Sedov
  • July 1914 General strike and barricade battles in St. Petersburg
  • July 19, 1914 Germany declares war on Russia. Start
  • World War I
  • July 24, 1914 Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
  • August 4 -
  • September 2, 1914 East Prussian operation ended
  • military setbacks for Russia
  • October 20, 1914 Turkey's entry into the war with Russia
  • March-April 1915 Russian Agreement with England and France
  • about the Black Sea Straits
  • February 23, 1917 Demonstration of Petrograd workers against
  • famine, war and tsarism. The beginning of the February bourgeois
  • democratic revolution in Petrograd
  • February 25, 1917
  • Petro-
  • city ​​in a general political strike
  • February 26
  • 1917 The beginning of the transition of troops to the side of the revolutionaries
  • February 27, 1917 Second bourgeois-democratic revolution
  • in Russia: the overthrow of the autocracy, the formation of the Petrograd
  • Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, Provisional Committee
  • State Duma
  • March 2, 1917 Abdication of Nicholas II from the throne. Education
  • Provisional revolutionary government headed by Prince G.E.
  • Lvov
  • March 16, 1917 Recognition by the Provisional Government
  • independence of Poland
  • April 24-29, 1917 Seventh Conference of the RSDLP(b)
  • May 5, 1917 Formation of a coalition government
  • June 3-24, 1917 Support by the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • government policy and the rejection of Bolshevik demands for
  • cessation of the war and transfer of power to the Soviets
  • July 3-5, 1917 Spontaneous performances of soldiers, sailors and
  • workers actively supported by the Bolsheviks
  • 26 July -
  • August 3, 1917 VI Congress of the RSDLP (b)
  • 12th of August
  • 1917 Convocation of the State Conference in Moscow
  • August 25-30, 1917 The beginning of the movement of troops L.G. Kornilov
  • to Petrograd demanding the resignation of the Provisional Government
  • October 10, 1917 Meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), which adopted a resolution
  • about the armed uprising
  • October 12, 1917 Creation of the Military Revolutionary Committee under
  • Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies
  • October 25, 1917 Appeal "To the citizens of Russia"
  • October 26, 1917 Approval of the Decree on Peace by the II Congress of Soviets
  • and the Land Decree. Formation of a new Russian government -
  • Council of People's Commissars (SNK) headed by V.I. Lenin
  • 27th October -
  • November 2, 1917 Uprising in Moscow. Soviet victory
  • October 29, 1917 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the introduction of an 8-hour working day
  • November 2, 1917 Adoption of the SNK "Declaration of the rights of peoples
  • Russia"
  • November 8, 1917 Note of the Council of People's Commissars to the governments and peoples of the warring
  • countries with a proposal to conclude a truce and start negotiations on
  • November 10, 1917 Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the destruction of estates and civil
  • Danish ranks
  • November 14, 1917 The All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted the regulation on workers' control
  • November 15, 1917 Merger of the Provisional Executive Committee
  • Soviets of Peasants' Deputies with the All-Russian Central Executive Committee
  • Soviets
  • November 20, 1917 Beginning of negotiations in Brest-Litovsk between
  • the Soviet delegation and the delegations of the countries of the Austrian
  • German bloc for an armistice
  • November 22, 1917 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of courts and the establishment
  • revolutionary tribunals
  • December 2, 1917 Decree on the organization of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars
  • December 7, 1917 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the creation of the Cheka
  • December 11-12, 1917 I All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets in
  • Kharkov. Proclamation of Ukraine by the Soviet Republic
  • December 14, 1917 Nationalization of banks
  • December 31, 1917 Recognition of independence by the Council of People's Commissars
  • Finland
  • January 5-6, 1918 Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly
  • January 10-18, 1918 III All-Russian Congress of Workers' Soviets,
  • soldiers' and peasants' deputies. Adoption of the Declaration of Rights
  • working and exploited people"
  • January 15, 1918 Decree on the creation of the Workers
  • Peasant Red Army (RKKA)
  • January 27, 1918 Recognition by Germany and Austria-Hungary
  • independence of Ukraine
  • January 29, 1918 Creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet
  • February 1 (14), 1918 Introduction to the RSFSR chronology according to
  • Gregorian calendar ("new style")
  • February 18, 1918 The offensive of the Austro-German troops
  • March 3, 1918 Signing of the peace treaty in Brest-Litovsk
  • with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Tur-
  • March 9, 1918 Proclamation by the executive committee of the All-Belarusian Rada
  • Congress in Minsk, the creation of an independent state -
  • Belarusian People's Republic
  • March 12, 1918 The Soviet government moves to Moscow
  • March 14, 1918 The beginning of the intervention of the Entente countries in the north
  • Russia
  • April 23, 1918 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the introduction of a monopoly of foreign
  • trade
  • April 29, 1918 Beginning of the occupation of Ukraine by German
  • troops
  • May 25, 1918 The beginning of the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps
  • May 26, 1918 The collapse of the Transcaucasian Democratic
  • federal republic and the proclamation of the independence of Georgia,
  • Armenia and Azerbaijan (May 28)
  • May 29, 1918 Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on compulsory recruitment
  • workers in the Red Army
  • June 8, 1918 Formation of the Committee of members of the Constituent
  • meetings in Samara
  • June 11, 1918 Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the creation of committees of the poor
  • (kombedov)
  • June 13, 1918 Creation of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Eastern Front
  • July 4-10, 1918 V All-Russian Congress of Soviets. Adoption
  • Constitution of the RSFSR
  • July 6-7, 1918 Left SR rebellion in Moscow
  • July 16, 1918 The execution of the royal family in Yekaterinburg
  • July 28, 1918 Decree on nationalization adopted by the Council of People's Commissars
  • big industry
  • August 2, 1918 Anglo-American landing in
  • Arkhangelsk
  • August 14, 1918 English landing in Baku. The fall
  • Baku commune (the leaders of the commune - 26 Baku commissars - were shot on September 20
  • October 1918)
  • August 15-16, 1918 American landing in
  • Vladivostok
  • September 5, 1918 Announcement in the country of the "Red Terror"
  • 29th of October -
  • November 4, 1918 I All-Russian Congress of the Komsomol
  • (Communist Youth League) in Moscow
  • November 13, 1918 Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the annulment
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in connection with the revolution in Germany
  • December 7, 1918 Recognition of the Estonian independence of the SNK
  • Soviet Republic
  • December 14, 1918 The fall of the pro-German government
  • Central Rada in Ukraine
  • December 22, 1918 Recognition of the Council of People's Commissars of the independence of the Soviet Republic
  • the public of Latvia and the Lithuanian Soviet Republic
  • January 1, 1919 Formation of the Belarusian Soviet
  • Socialist Republic (BSSR)
  • January 16, 1919 Declaration of war by the Central Rada of Ukraine
  • Soviet Russia
  • March 2-6, 1919 I Congress of the Communist International
  • March 18-23, 1919 VIII Congress of the RCP (b), which adopted a new program
  • party and changed its former name (RSDLP)
  • April 15, 1919 The beginning of the creation of corrective labor
  • Gulag camps
  • April 24, 1919 The overthrow of the Soviet government in Lithuania
  • May 1919 The defeat of the armies of Admiral A.V. Kolchak in the south of Russia
  • June 1, 1919 Adoption by an expanded meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee
  • Decree on the unification of the Soviet republics of Russia, Ukraine,
  • Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus to combat armed intervention
  • September 19, 1919 The evacuation of the military units of the Entente from
  • Arkhangelsk
  • September 25, 1919 Explosion in Leontievsky Lane in Moscow -
  • terrorist act in the building of the Moscow Committee of the RCP(b)
  • October 1919 The Entente countries declare an economic
  • blockade of Soviet power
  • October 11, 1919 The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Red Army against
  • armies A.I. Denikin
  • October-
  • November 1919 Campaign and defeat of the White Guard Corps
  • N.N. Yudenich near Petrograd. Liberation of Voronezh and Kursk from
  • armies A.I. Denikin
  • February 2, 1920 Signing of a peace treaty between the RSFSR
  • and Estonia
  • 25th of April
  • 1920 Beginning of the Soviet-Polish war
  • May 6, 1920 The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Red Army against
  • Polish troops
  • July 8, 1920 US announcement of an embargo on
  • trade with the RSFSR
  • July 12, 1920 Signing of an agreement between Lithuania and the RSFSR.
  • Recognition of Lithuanian independence
  • July 19, 1920 Establishment of the All-Russian Emergency
  • commissions for the eradication of illiteracy
  • August 11, 1920 Signing in Riga of an agreement between the RSFSR and
  • Latvia. Recognition of the independence of Latvia
  • August 16, 1920 The beginning of the counteroffensive of the Polish army under
  • Warsaw
  • August 26, 1920 The adoption of the decree on education by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars
  • Kirghiz ASSR
  • October 14, 1920 Signing in Tartu of an agreement between the RSFSR and
  • Finland
  • November 17, 1920 The liberation of the Crimea from the Whites.
  • End of the Civil War
  • December 22-29, 1920 VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
  • Adoption of the GOELRO plan
  • December 28, 1920
  • military, maritime, foreign affairs of Ukraine and the RSFSR
  • February 22, 1921 Formation of the State Planning Committee
  • February 24, 1921 Workers' strike in Petrograd
  • February 26 -
  • March 18, 1921 Kronstadt rebellion
  • March 8-16, 1921 X Congress of the RCP (b). The decision to move to a new
  • economic policy
  • March 18, 1921 Treaty of Riga between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR,
  • on the one hand, and Poland on the other
  • October 13, 1921 Treaty of Kars between the Armenian,
  • Azerbaijan and Georgian Soviet Republics and Turkey
  • with the participation of the RSFSR
  • April 3, 1922 Election by the plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) I.V. Stalin
  • General Secretary
  • April 10th -
  • May 19, 1922 Genoa conference with the participation of Great Britain,
  • Belgium, Italy, RSFSR, France and other countries
  • April 16, 1922 Signing of the Treaty of Rapallo between
  • RSFSR and Germany on the restoration of diplomatic relations
  • June 15 -
  • July 19, 1922 Participation of the RSFSR in the work of the Hague Conference
  • October 25, 1922 The liberation of Vladivostok from the Japanese
  • interventions
  • December 30, 1922 I Congress of Soviets of the USSR. Formation of the USSR
  • December 31, 1922 Accession of Azerbaijan to the USSR
  • April 17-25, 1923 XII Congress of the RCP (b)
  • July 6, 1923 Formation of the Labor and Defense Council (STO).
  • V.I. becomes the chairman of the STO. Lenin
  • October 15, 1923 "Letter 46". Document signed 46
  • leaders of the RCP(b) at various levels, with criticism
  • internal party position, economic and political course
  • Central Committee of the RCP(b)
  • January 21, 1924 Death of V.I. Lenin
  • January 26 -
  • February 2
  • 1924 II Congress of Soviets of the USSR
  • January 31, 1924 Approval of the first Constitution of the USSR
  • February 2, 7, 15, 25, 1924 Establishment of diplomatic
  • relations between the USSR and England, Italy, Norway, Austria
  • March 8, 18, 1924 Establishment of diplomatic relations
  • between the USSR and Germany, Sweden
  • May 23-31, 1924 XIII Congress of the RCP (b)
  • May 31, 1924 Establishment of diplomatic relations
  • between the USSR and China
  • October 28, 1924 Establishment of diplomatic relations
  • between the USSR and France
  • January 21, 1925 Recognition of the USSR by Japan. Latest Japanese
  • troops left the Far East
  • December 18-31, 1925 XIV Congress of the RCP (b)
  • April 24, 1926 The conclusion of the Soviet-German agreement on
  • non-aggression and neutrality
  • 27th October -
  • November 2, 1926 Adoption at the XV Party Conference
  • Stalin's thesis about "building socialism in one single
  • country"
  • December 1926 Reorganization of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR: creation of branch
  • glavkov
  • May 27, 1927 Great Britain breaks trade and
  • diplomatic relations with the USSR
  • December 2-19, 1927 XV Congress of the CPSU (b)
  • January 1928 Start of emergency policy
  • in order to withdraw the "surplus" of bread in the village
  • January 18, 1929 Expulsion of L.D. Trotsky from the USSR
  • April 23-29, 1929 XVI conference of the CPSU (b). Adoption
  • first five year plan
  • January 5, 1930 Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the pace
  • collectivization and measures of state assistance to the collective farm
  • construction"
  • March 14, 1930 Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the fight against
  • curvature of the party line in the collective-farm movement"
  • June 26 -
  • July 13, 1930 XVI Congress of the CPSU (b)
  • July 25, 1930 Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the introduction of universal
  • primary education
  • January 30 -
  • February 4, 1931 I All-Union Conference of Workers
  • industrial enterprises
  • August 2, 1931 Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the pace of further
  • collectivization and the tasks of strengthening collective farms"
  • October 3, 1932 Formation of the Union of Soviet Composers
  • April 23, 1932 In accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b)
  • the dissolution of all writers' organizations. Creation of a single Union
  • Soviet writers
  • June 25, 1932 Non-aggression pact between the USSR and Poland
  • November 29, 1932 The signing of the Soviet-French pact on
  • non-aggression
  • December 1932 Introduction of the passport system in the USSR
  • January 7-12, 1933 Adoption by the plenum of the Central Committee and the Central
  • the control commission of the CPSU (b) of the decision on the results of the first
  • five-year plan and the national economic plan of 1933 - the first year
  • second five-year plan
  • February 15-19, 1933 I All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers -
  • drummers
  • July 28, 1933 Establishment of diplomatic relations
  • between the USSR and Spain
  • September 2, 1933 Signing of a treaty of friendship, non-aggression and
  • neutrality between the USSR and Italy
  • November 16, 1933 Establishment of diplomatic relations
  • between the USSR and the USA
  • January 26 -
  • February 10, 1934 XVII Congress of the CPSU (b)
  • August 17 -
  • September 1, 1934 I All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers
  • September 18, 1934 USSR joins the League of Nations
  • September 28, 1934 Commissioning of Novokramatorsk
  • machine-building plant
  • December 1
  • 1934 Murder of S.M. Kirov
  • February 11-19, 1935 II All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers -
  • drummers
  • March 23, 1935 Agreement between the USSR and the Manchukuo regime
  • Guo on the sale of the Chinese Eastern Railway to China
  • May 2, 1935 Signing of the Soviet-French treaty on
  • mutual aid
  • May 16, 1935 Signing of the Soviet-Czechoslovak treaty on
  • mutual aid
  • July 7, 1935 Adoption of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of the resolution "On the issuance of
  • agricultural artels of state acts for an indefinite
  • (perpetual) use of land"
  • July 25 -
  • August 20, 1935 VII Congress of the Comintern
  • August 30-31, 1935 The beginning of the Stakhanov movement
  • September 22, 1935 Introduction to the Red Army officer ranks
  • June 12, 1936 Publication of the draft Constitution of the USSR for
  • nationwide discussion
  • August 19-24, 1936 Open trial in Moscow
  • against the so-called "Trotskyist-Zinovievist
  • terrorist center"
  • November 25 -
  • December 5, 1936 Extraordinary VIII All-Union Congress of Soviets.
  • Adoption of the new ("Stalinist") Constitution of the USSR. transformation
  • Kazakh and Kyrgyz Autonomous Republics to Union
  • republics
  • January 23-30, 1937 Open trial in Moscow
  • "Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center"
  • February 23 -
  • March 5, 1937
  • preparation of party organizations for elections to the Supreme Soviet
  • USSR under the new electoral system. The Plenum considered the issue of
  • “anti-party activities of N.I. Bukharin and A.I. Rykov" and
  • Decided to intensify the fight against "enemies of the people"
  • May 11, 1937 Beginning of the purge in the Red Army
  • June 11, 1937 Closed trial in Moscow for
  • accusing the country's top military leaders of treason
  • counterrevolutionary and espionage activities. Marshal M.N.
  • Tukhachevsky and a number of Red Army generals were sentenced to
  • execution
  • June 18-20, July 12-14, 1937 Non-stop flights of pilots
  • V.P. Chkalova
  • and M.M. Gromov to the USA via the North Pole
  • September 6, 1937 Protest note of the Soviet government
  • to the Italian government in connection with the sinking of Soviet ships in
  • mediterranean sea
  • December 12, 1937 The first elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
  • January 12, 1938 Opening of the 1st session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1-
  • th convocation
  • March 2-13, 1938 Third open trial in Moscow
  • against a group of former leaders of the party and state -
  • "Anti-Soviet Right-Trotsky Bloc". All the accused were
  • shot
  • March 17, 1938 Statement of the People's Commissar of Foreign
  • cases M.M. Litvinov that the USSR is ready to provide assistance
  • Czechoslovakia in the event of aggression by Nazi Germany
  • June 9, 1938 Signing by the USSR, Poland and Romania
  • agreements on guarantees of state borders between them
  • July 29 -
  • August 11, 1938 The defeat of the Red Army near Lake Khasan
  • Japanese troops invading the territory of the USSR
  • February 2, 1939 Freezing of the USSR diplomatic
  • relations with Hungary in connection with its accession to
  • "Anti-Comintern Pact" led by Germany
  • March 10-21, 1939 XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b)
  • March 19, 1939 Publication of the note by the Soviet government
  • Germany with a declaration of non-recognition of the USSR
  • German occupation of part of the territory of Czechoslovakia
  • May 11 -
  • August 31, 1939 Japanese attack on the territory of the Mongolian
  • People's Republic in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol river
  • August 23, 1939 Soviet-German non-aggression pact
  • for a period of 10 years
  • September 1, 1939 Adoption by the extraordinary IV session of the Supreme
  • Council of the USSR "Law on universal conscription"
  • September 15, 1939 The conclusion of an agreement between the USSR and Japan on
  • mutual recognition of the borders of the Mongolian People's Republic
  • September 17, 1939 In accordance with the secret articles of the Soviet
  • of the German non-aggression pact, the entry of Soviet troops into
  • territory of Poland
  • September 18, 1939 Exit of the USSR troops to the border of Poland,
  • determined in 1921
  • September 19, 1939 The entrance of the Red Army to Vilnius, the blockade
  • Soviet ships of the coast of Estonia
  • September 22, 1939 Joint parade of Soviet and German
  • troops in Brest-Litovsk, which marked the end of the operation
  • partition of Poland
  • September 28, 1939 The signing of the Soviet-German agreement on
  • friendship and border between the USSR and Germany
  • September 29, 1939 The signing of an agreement by the USSR and Estonia on
  • mutual cooperation
  • November 1-2, 1939 The entry of Western Ukraine and Western
  • Belarus to the USSR
  • November 30, 1939 Soviet troops crossing the border
  • Finland. The beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war
  • December 4, 1939 Not accepted by the Soviet government
  • Finnish proposals to start peace negotiations
  • December 11, 1939 Speech by the League of Nations with a proposal to
  • USSR to begin negotiations on the settlement of relations with
  • Finland. The USSR rejected this proposal
  • December 13, 1939 Declaration by the League of Nations of the USSR as a country
  • aggressor. December 13 USSR is expelled from the League of Nations
  • December 30, 1939 Military defeat of the Red Army in battle
  • near Lake Ladoga in Finland
  • February 11, 1940 The beginning of the offensive of the Red Army on the Finnish
  • defensive line - "Mannerheim Line"
  • February 12, 1940 Signing of the Soviet-German trade
  • agreements on the exchange of German equipment and metal for Soviet
  • food
  • March 12, 1940 Signing in Moscow of the Soviet-Finnish do-
  • dialect. The end of the Soviet-Finnish war
  • June 15-17, 1940 The introduction of Soviet troops into Lithuania; education
  • People's Government of Lithuania
  • June 20, 1940 The introduction of Soviet troops into Latvia;
  • formation of a people's democratic government
  • June 21, 1940 The overthrow of the Estonian government by
  • Soviet troops; formation of a people's government
  • June 26, 1940 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On
  • transition to an 8-hour work day, a 7-day work week and
  • on the prohibition of unauthorized departure of workers and employees from enterprises
  • and institutions"
  • June 28, 1940 Romania returns Bessarabia and Northern
  • Bukovina USSR
  • July 21, 1940 Restoration of Soviet power in the states
  • the Baltics; formation of the Latvian, Lithuanian
  • and the Estonian SSR
  • August 2, 1940 Formation of the Moldavian SSR
  • August 3-6, 1940 Adoption of the Lithuanian, Latvian
  • and the Estonian SSR
  • January 10, 1941 Conclusion between the USSR and Germany
  • agreements on the supply of grain from the USSR
  • February 15-20, 1941 XVIII conference of the CPSU (b)
  • March 25, 1941 Signing of the Soviet-Turkish Treaty on
  • mutual neutrality
  • April 12, 1941 Termination of diplomatic relations by the USSR
  • with Hungary, accusing her of aggression
  • April 13, 1941 Signing of the Soviet-Japanese Treaty on
  • mutual neutrality
  • May 9, 1941 Recognition of the Yugoslav, Belgian and
  • Norwegian Governments in Exile (London)
  • June 14, 1941 TASS dissemination of a statement that
  • information about the concentration of German troops on the borders of the USSR
  • is a provocation
  • June 22, 1941 Germany's perfidious attack on the USSR.
  • Appeal of the Soviet government to the people. Decree of the Presidium
  • of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the mobilization of conscripts born
  • 1905-1918
  • 22nd of June -
  • July 20, 1941 Heroic defense of the Brest Fortress
  • June 30, 1941 Creation of the State Defense Committee
  • (GKO)
  • July 10 -
  • September 10, 1941 Battle of Smolensk
  • July 11 -
  • September 19, 1941 Heroic defense of Kyiv
  • July 16, 1941 The introduction of the institution of military commissars in
  • Red Army
  • 5th of August -
  • October 16, 1941 Heroic defense of Odessa
  • August 8, 1941 Appointment of I.V. Stalin Supreme
  • Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR
  • September 8, 1941 Beginning of the blockade of Leningrad by fascist troops
  • scam
  • September 29 - October 1
  • 1941 Conference of representatives of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in
  • Moscow
  • September 30, 1941 Beginning of the Battle of Moscow
  • October 30, 1941 - July 4, 1942 Heroic defense of Sevastopol
  • November 22, 1941 Opening of the ice track across Lake Ladoga
  • to Leningrad ("road of life")
  • December 5-6, 1941 The defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow
  • January 1, 1942 Signing of Declaration 26 in Washington
  • states for a joint struggle against the states of the Triple
  • pact (Germany-Italy-Japan)
  • May 26, 1942 Signing in London of an agreement between the USSR and
  • Great Britain about an alliance in the war against Nazi Germany and its
  • accomplices in Europe and on cooperation and mutual assistance after
  • wars
  • May 30, 1942 Establishment of the Central Headquarters of the partisan
  • movements in the USSR
  • June 11, 1942 Signing of an agreement in Washington between
  • USSR and USA on the principles applicable to mutual assistance in
  • waging war against aggression
  • July 17, 1942 - February 2
  • 1943 Battle of Stalingrad
  • July 28, 1942 Order No. 227 "Not a step back!"
  • October 9, 1942 The abolition of the institution of military commissars in
  • Red Army
  • January 12-30, 1943 Breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad
  • February 1943 Introduction by the Nazi authorities
  • labor service for the population of the occupied regions
  • Soviet Union
  • April 25, 1943 Rupture by the Soviet government
  • diplomatic relations with Polish emigrants
  • government
  • May 9, 1943 Beginning of formation at the initiative of the Union
  • Polish patriots in the USSR of the 1st Polish division. T. Kosciuszko
  • June 10, 1943 Dissolution by decision of the Presidium of the Executive Committee
  • Comintern of all organs of the Communist International
  • 5'th of July -
  • August 27, 1943 Battle of Kursk
  • August 3rd -
  • November 1, 1943 "Rail war": a powerful blow to the Soviet
  • partisans on the enemy's railway communications
  • August 21, 1943 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On urgent
  • measures to restore the economy in areas freed from
  • German occupation"
  • October 19-30, 1943 Moscow Ministerial Conference
  • Foreign Affairs of the USSR, USA and Great Britain
  • November 28 -
  • December 1, 1943 Tehran Conference of Heads of Government
  • USSR, USA and UK
  • January 14 -
  • March 1, 1944 The defeat of the Nazi troops near Leningrad and
  • Novgorod
  • January 24 - February 27, 1944
  • Shevchenko's grouping of the enemy
  • March 26, 1944 The withdrawal of Soviet troops to the state
  • border of the USSR along the Prut River
  • June 23 -
  • August 29, 1944 Belarusian operation of the Red Army
  • August 20, 1944 Beginning of the Iasi-Kishinev Red Army operation
  • armies
  • August 23-24, 1944 Withdrawal of Romania from the war with the USSR and
  • September 4, 1944 Finland's exit from the war with the USSR, breaking it
  • relations with Germany
  • September 9-10, 1944 Withdrawal of Bulgaria from the war with the USSR and
  • her declaration of war on Nazi Germany
  • October 20, 1944 Liberation by Soviet troops and troops
  • People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia Belgrade
  • January 2-5, 1945 Recognition of the USSR Provisional Polish
  • government and the establishment of Soviet-Polish diplomatic
  • relations
  • January 12, 1945 Beginning of the Vistula-Oder operation of the Red
  • armies
  • February 4-11, 1945 Crimean Conference (in Yalta)
  • governments of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA
  • February 13, 1945 The defeat of the Red Army of Budapest
  • enemy groupings
  • April 5, 1945 Denunciation by the Soviet government of the pact on
  • neutrality with Japan
  • April 16 -
  • May 8, 1945 Berlin operation of the Red Army
  • April 25, 1945 Meeting of Soviet and American troops in
  • Torgau (on the river Elbe)
  • 25th of April -
  • June 25, 1945 Participation of the USSR in the United Nations Conference in
  • San Francisco
  • May 8, 1945 Signing of the act of unconditional surrender
  • German armed forces
  • May 9, 1945 Victory Day over Nazi Germany
  • June 24, 1945 Victory Parade in Moscow on Red Square
  • June 29, 1945 Treaty between the USSR and Czechoslovakia on
  • reunification of Transcarpathian Ukraine with the Ukrainian SSR
  • July 17th -
  • August 2, 1945 Berlin conference (in Potsdam)
  • leaders of the three allied powers - the USSR, Great Britain and
  • USA
  • August 9, 1945 The entry of the USSR, according to the allied
  • obligations, in the war with Japan
  • August 18, 1945 The landing of Soviet troops on the Kuril
  • islands
  • August 22, 1945 The landing of Soviet airborne troops in Port
  • Arthur (Lu-shun) and Far (Dalian)
  • September 2, 1945 Signing in Tokyo by representatives of Japan
  • the act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces
  • September 4, 1945 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on
  • the abolition of the State Defense Committee in connection with the end
  • the end of the war and the end of the state of emergency in the country
  • March 15, 1946 Adoption of the law on the transformation of the Council
  • People's Commissars of the USSR to the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Soviets
  • People's Commissars of the Union and Autonomous Republics to the Soviets
  • Ministers of the Union and Autonomous Republics
  • March 18, 1946 Adoption of the Law by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
  • "On the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy
  • USSR for 1946-1950"
  • July 29 -
  • October 15, 1946 Participation of the USSR in the Paris peace
  • conferences
  • On August 14, 26, 1946, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopts resolutions “On
  • magazines Zvezda and Leningrad" and "On the repertoire of dramatic
  • theaters and measures to improve it”
  • December 14, 1947 Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee
  • All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "On the implementation of the monetary reform and the abolition of cards for
  • food and industrial goods"
  • January 26, 1948 Signing of the Soviet-Polish treaty for a period
  • for 5 years
  • February-
  • April 1948 Treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance
  • between the USSR and Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland
  • May 1, 1948 Establishment of diplomatic relations between
  • Soviet Union and Pakistan
  • November 26, 1948 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on
  • "forever" resettlement of Germans, Kalmyks, Ingush, Chechens,
  • Balkars, Crimean Tatars and some other peoples to distant
  • regions of the USSR
  • January 25, 1949 Establishment of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
  • (CMEA), which included the USSR
  • April 5, 1949 Publication of a note by the Soviet government
  • to the governments of the USA, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Holland
  • and Luxembourg about changing the western borders of Germany
  • September 25, 1949 TASS report on the testing of nuclear weapons in the USSR
  • bombs
  • February 14, 1950 Signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Union and
  • mutual assistance between the USSR and the People's Republic of China,
  • agreements on the Chinese Changchun Railway, Port Arthur
  • and etc.
  • May 30, 1950 Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the consolidation
  • small collective farms and the tasks of party organizations in this matter"
  • September 1950 Trial in the "Leningrad case",
  • the imposition of death sentences on N.A. Voznesensky, A.A. Kuznetsov,
  • M.I. Rodionov and others. Completion of the "conquest" of Western Ukraine
  • after collectivization, resettlement, deportation, exile
  • and arrests of about 300 thousand people
  • May-June 1952 Trial of the Jewish
  • anti-fascist committee
  • October 1952
  • cores - "five" consisting of: I.V. Stalin, G.M. Malenkov, L.P. Beria,
  • ON THE. Bulganin, N.S. Khrushchev. Creation of the first Soviet electronic
  • computer
  • October 5-14, 1952 XIX Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, renaming of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks
  • in the CPSU. Adoption of directives for the fifth five-year development plan
  • national economy of the USSR for 1951-1955.
  • January 13, 1953 Official report on the case of the "Kremlin
  • doctors”, unreasonably accused of murdering top Soviet
  • leaders
  • March 5, 1953 Death of I.V. Stalin
  • March 14, 1953 Election of a new composition of the Secretariat of the Central Committee during
  • led by N.S. Khrushchev
  • March 27, 1953 Decree on amnesty for those convicted of criminal
  • crimes that did not affect those serving sentences for
  • "counter-revolutionary activities"
  • April 6, 1953 Official announcement of the termination of the "case
  • doctors." The beginning of the political "thaw"
  • April 10, 1953 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On Violations
  • Soviet laws by the former ministries of state security of the USSR
  • and the Georgian SSR"
  • August 20, 1953 Report on the test of a hydrogen bomb in
  • USSR
  • September 1953 Liquidation of the Special Meeting at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
  • and other non-judicial bodies ("threes", "twos")
  • December 23, 1953
  • the presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR of the death sentence of L.P. Be-
  • rii and other former heads of the MGB-MVD accused of
  • treason, conspiracy and espionage, and execution
  • January 6, 1954 Publication in Pravda of the article “More
  • deploy criticism in creative organizations"
  • February 19, 1954 Approval by the Presidium of the Supreme Council
  • RSFSR and Ukrainian SSR decisions on the transfer of the Crimean region to the
  • Ukraine
  • March 2, 1954 Resolution of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On
  • further increase in grain production in the country and on the development
  • virgin and fallow lands"
  • March 26, 1954 Publication of the statement of the government of the USSR on
  • recognition of the full sovereignty of the German Democratic
  • Republic
  • April 1954 Review of the "Leningrad case" and
  • rehabilitation of party and economic officers convicted under it
  • workers
  • June 27, 1954 Start-up in the USSR of the world's first industrial
  • nuclear power plant
  • November 13, 1954 Notes from the USSR to 23 European states and the USA
  • to convene a conference on collective security issues in
  • Europe
  • January 25, 1955 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
  • "On the termination of the state of war between the Soviet Union and
  • Germany"
  • May 14, 1955 Signing of the Warsaw Treaty of Friendship,
  • cooperation and mutual assistance of the countries of the socialist camp
  • May 15, 1955 Signing by the governments of the USSR, USA,
  • Great Britain and France treaty to end the occupation
  • Austria.
  • September 9-13, 1955 Negotiations between government
  • delegations of the USSR and the FRG in Moscow, the establishment of diplomatic
  • relations between the USSR and Germany
  • September 19, 1955 Signing of a protocol between the USSR and Finland
  • Landia on the extension of the 1948 Treaty of Friendship,
  • cooperation and mutual assistance and an agreement on the renunciation of the USSR from
  • rights to use the naval base of Porkkala Udd
  • September 20, 1955 Signing in Moscow of a treaty of friendship and
  • cooperation between the USSR and the GDR
  • November 22, 1955 Cancellation by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court
  • USSR sentence in 1952 against members of the Jewish
  • anti-fascist committee due to the lack of composition in their actions
  • crimes and dismissal
  • December 31, 1955 Formation of a commission for the study of materials
  • about mass repressions of members and candidate members of the Central Committee of the AUCP(b) and
  • other Soviet citizens in the period 1935-1940s
  • February 14-25, 1956 XX Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of Directives on
  • the sixth five-year plan for the development of the national economy (1956-1960). At a closed session of the congress with a report on the cult of personality
  • I.V. Stalin and its consequences were made by N.S. Khrushchev
  • March 2, 1956 Shooting in Tbilisi of a youth demonstration
  • March 8, 1956 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on
  • reduction of working hours during pre-election and
  • pre-holiday days until 6 o'clock
  • March 9, 1956 The entry of troops into Tbilisi and the suppression of speeches
  • with tanks and firearms
  • March 28, 1956 Publication in Pravda of the article “Why the cult
  • personality is alien to the spirit of Marxism-Leninism "- the first criticism
  • Stalin in print
  • April 28, 1956 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on
  • removal of the special settlement regime from the deported peoples
  • May 15-19, 1956 Visit of a government delegation to the USSR
  • France, led by Prime Minister Guy-Mollet
  • May 25, 1956 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on
  • establishing from July 1 a 6-hour working day for workers and
  • employees aged 16-18
  • June 30, 1956 Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On overcoming the cult
  • personality and its consequences
  • July 3, 1956 Consideration by the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU
  • "anti-party group" composed of V.M. Molotov, G.M. Ma-
  • Lenkova, L.M. Kaganovich and others.
  • July 14, 1956 Adoption by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the Law on
  • state pensions
  • October 19, 1956 Soviet-Japanese Declaration of Termination
  • state of war between the USSR and Japan, on the restoration
  • diplomatic and consular relations
  • November 4, 1956 The entry of Soviet tank units into
  • Budapest to put down an uprising against the communist
  • regime
  • November 14-16, 1956 Meeting in Moscow of communist and
  • workers' parties of the socialist countries
  • February 1957 Partial rehabilitation of the repressed
  • peoples: the restoration of the national autonomy of the Chechen,
  • Ingush, Kalmyk and Karachay peoples
  • April 1957 Termination of compulsory subscription to
  • government loans. Imposing a 20-year moratorium on payments
  • public debt
  • on loans
  • June 18, 1957 Adoption of the decision of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU on
  • offset N.S. Khrushchev as First Secretary
  • Central Committee of the CPSU
  • June 22-29, 1957 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Fractional condemnation
  • ("anti-party") group of V.M. Molotov,
  • G.M. Malenkova, L.M. Kaganovich and others.
  • July 28th -
  • August 11, 1957 VI World Festival of Youth and Students
  • in Moscow
  • August 31, 1957 TASS report on the successful holding of
  • USSR testing an intercontinental ballistic missile
  • October 4, 1957 Launch of the world's first artificial
  • earth satellite
  • March 27-31, 1958 The first session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the 5th
  • convocation. Appointment N.S. Khrushchev Chairman of the Council of Ministers
  • USSR and the Defense Council. Adoption of the Law “On further development
  • count
  • economic system and reorganization of machine and tractor stations "
  • December 24, 1958 Education reform: the introduction of universal
  • compulsory 8-year education and the creation of a single network
  • vocational schools with a term of study from one
  • up to three years
  • December 25, 1958 Adoption by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of new
  • "Fundamentals of criminal law"
  • 1959 Reorganization of the banking system of the USSR
  • January 2, 1959 Launch of the first multi-stage space
  • rockets to the moon
  • January 27 -
  • February 5, 1959 Extraordinary XXI Congress of the CPSU in Moscow
  • June 16, 1959 Opening of the Exhibition of Achievements in Moscow
  • National Economy of the USSR (VDNKh), created on the basis of the All-Union
  • agricultural, industrial and construction exhibitions
  • September 18, 1959 Speech by N.S. Khrushchev at the session
  • General Assembly of the United Nations with the Declaration on the Complete and Universal
  • disarmament
  • January 14, 1960 Adoption by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the Law on
  • reduction of the Armed Forces of the USSR unilaterally by 1.2
  • million people
  • May 5-7, 1960 Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Election
  • L.I. Brezhnev Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
  • September 23, 1960 Speech by N.S. Khrushchev at the meeting
  • United Nations General Assembly in the United States with a speech "Freedom and
  • independence for all colonial peoples"
  • October 1, 1960 Opening of the University of Friendship in Moscow
  • peoples
  • January 1, 1961 Implementation of the currency reform: denomination and
  • replacement of banknotes (1 new ruble was equated to 10 old ones)
  • April 12, 1961 The world's first flight around the globe,
  • perfected by the Soviet spacecraft "Vostok" with a pilot-
  • cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin on board
  • August 13, 1961 Construction of the Berlin Wall begins,
  • dividing the eastern and western parts of the city
  • August 31, 1961
  • American agreement on a moratorium on nuclear testing,
  • publication of the Soviet government's statement on
  • experimental nuclear explosions
  • October 17-31, 1961 XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new
  • Programs of the CPSU
  • June 1-2, 1962 The uprising of the inhabitants of Novocherkassk, caused by
  • interruptions in the supply of food to the city, suppression of the uprising
  • troops
  • october 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis prompting deployment
  • Soviet missiles in Cuba
  • November 24, 1962 The transformation of the USSR State Economic Council into
  • Gosplan of the USSR, formation of the Council of the National Economy (SNKh) of the USSR
  • November 27, 1962 Formation of the Committee of the Party
  • state control of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR
  • June 16-19, 1963 Launch of a spacecraft manned by
  • the world's first female cosmonaut V.V. Tereshkova
  • July 1963 Expulsion of Chinese diplomats from Moscow for
  • "anti-Soviet propaganda" that followed after the exchange of notes
  • between the governments of China and the USSR
  • August 5, 1963 Signing in Moscow of the Treaty between the USSR,
  • United States, Great Britain on the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in
  • atmosphere, outer space and underwater
  • August 29, 1964 Rehabilitation of the Volga Germans
  • October 12-13, 1964 Launch for the first time in the world into the Earth's orbit
  • triple spacecraft "Voskhod" (crew:
  • V.M. Komarov, K.P. Feoktistov and B.B. Egorov)
  • October 14, 1964 Release by the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU N.S. Khrushchev
  • from his party and state positions.
  • L.I. was elected the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Brezhnev
  • March 4, 1965 Adoption of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council
  • USSR on the punishment of persons guilty of crimes against peace and
  • humanity and war crimes, regardless of time
  • committing crimes
  • March 11, 1965 Cancellation of compulsory deliveries of agricultural products
  • to the state by individual peasant farms and
  • artisan farms
  • March 18, 1965 The world's first spacewalk,
  • implement-
  • stvenny A.A. Leonov
  • March 19, 1965 Adoption of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council
  • Ministers of the USSR on the reduction of state retail prices for
  • certain types of industrial consumer goods
  • September 1965 Arrest of writers A. Sinyavsky and Y. Daniel for
  • publishing their works in the West
  • December 5, 1965
  • demonstrations: a rally on Pushkin Square demanding
  • free writers A. Sinyavsky and Y. Daniel
  • February 3, 1966 First automatic soft landing on the moon
  • station "Luna-9"
  • February 1966 First open political trial in
  • post-Stalin period - the trial of A. Sinyavsky and Y. Daniel,
  • accused of "agitation and propaganda with the aim of undermining the Soviet
  • authorities"
  • March 1, 1966 The automatic station "Venus-3" reached
  • after 3.5 months flight in outer space of the planet Venus
  • March 29 -
  • April 8, 1966 XXIII Congress of the CPSU. Approval of directives of the new
  • five year plan (1966-1970)
  • March 31, 1966 Launch of a space rocket with automatic
  • Luna-10 station, which on April 3, 1966 became the first in the world
  • artificial satellite of the moon
  • September 1966 Introduction to the Criminal Code of Articles 190-1, 190-
  • 3, penalizing "systematic
  • orally spreading deliberately false fabrications,
  • discrediting the Soviet state and social system,
  • “active participation in group activities that grossly violate
  • public order"
  • October 8-18, 1966 Rallies of the Crimean Tatars in Andijan,
  • Fergana, Tashkent, Chirchik, Samarkand, Kokand, Yangikurgan,
  • Uchkuduk in connection with the 45th anniversary of the creation of the Crimean ASSR. Overclocking
  • participants by police and soldiers
  • January 27, 1967 Signing in Moscow, Washington and London
  • of the Treaty on the Principles of State Activities for Research and
  • use of outer space, including the Moon and other
  • celestial bodies for peaceful purposes
  • March 7, 1967 Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers
  • USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on the transfer of workers and employees of enterprises,
  • institutions and organizations for a 5-day work week with two
  • weekends
  • April 13, 1967 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers
  • USSR on the transfer of state farms and other agricultural
  • enterprises on full cost accounting
  • May 8, 1967 Lighting of the Eternal Flame in Moscow near the Kremlin wall
  • on the grave of the Unknown Soldier in memory of the heroes who died in the years
  • Great Patriotic War
  • September 5, 1967 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on
  • less of the decisions of 1944, “containing sweeping accusations against
  • citizens of Tatar nationality living in Crimea”,
  • instructed to provide assistance and assistance to areas with a Tatar
  • population
  • October 1967 Adoption of the Law on universal military
  • responsibilities
  • April 1968 Start of publication of the "samizdat" dissident
  • magazine "Chronicle of Current Events"
  • July 24-26, 1968 Rally of seven thousand Meskhetian Turks near the House
  • government in Tbilisi with a demand to return to their native places
  • August 20-21, 1968 The entry of Warsaw Pact troops into
  • Czechoslovakia to suppress the attempts of the Czechoslovak leadership
  • liberalize the socialist system
  • 2nd of March,
  • June 10th,
  • August 13, 1969 Armed conflicts in the Soviet-Chinese
  • border at about Damansky on the Ussuri River, in the Tasty region (Kazakh SSR),
  • near the village of Zhanashkol, Semipalatinsk region
  • Kazakhstan
  • October 1970 Awarded to A.I. Solzhenitsyn Nobel
  • Literature Prizes
  • November 10, 1970 Launch of the Luna-17 automatic station. 17
  • November, the station made a soft landing on the surface of the moon. On the
  • Moon delivered and started scientific research
  • automatic "Lunokhod-1", controlled from the Earth
  • March 30 -
  • April 9, 1971 XXIV Congress of the CPSU. Approval of directives
  • ninth five-year plan (1971-1975)
  • June 6-30, 1971 Creation of an orbital manned station
  • Salyut - Soyuz
  • January 1972 Political trial of V. Bukovsky,
  • accused of "anti-Soviet agitation" for trying to achieve
  • international examination of the facts of sending political prisoners to
  • psychiatric hospitals
  • January 25-26, 1972 Meeting in Prague of the Political
  • Advisory Committee of the States Parties to the Warsaw
  • treaties of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. Accepted
  • "Declaration on Peace and Security in Europe"
  • April 10, 1972 Signing in Moscow by representatives of three
  • depositary states - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain -
  • conventions prohibiting the development, production and stockpiling
  • stocks of bacteriological
  • biological (biological) and toxic weapons and their destruction
  • May 22-30, 1972 Signing in Moscow of the Soviet-American
  • before-
  • dialects "Fundamentals of relations between the Union of Soviet
  • Socialist Republics and the United States of America,
  • "On the limitation of missile defense systems", "Temporary
  • agreement on certain measures in the field of limiting strategic
  • offensive weapons" (OSV-1)
  • April 10, 1973 Signing in Moscow of the first long-term
  • plan for cultural and scientific cooperation between the USSR and the GDR
  • June 11, 1973 The official start of the General
  • Consulate of the USSR in West Berlin
  • June 19-23, 1973 Signing in Washington between the USSR and the USA
  • “Basic Principles for Negotiations on Further Limitation
  • Strategic Offensive Arms, Agreements On
  • prevention of nuclear war, etc.
  • October 26, 1973 World Congress of Peace Forces in Moscow
  • February 13, 1974 Decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the expulsion
  • writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn from the USSR
  • July 3, 1974 Signing in Moscow of the Treaty between the USSR and
  • United States on limiting underground nuclear weapons testing and
  • other documents
  • February 17, 1975 Signing in Moscow of a number of Soviet-British
  • documents
  • March 24, 1975 Signing in Moscow of the Soviet-French
  • agreements on cooperation in the field of agriculture and protection
  • environment
  • July 17, 1975 Docking of the Soviet spacecraft
  • "Soyuz" and the American spacecraft "Apollo"
  • October 9, 1975 Awarded to Academician A.D. Sakharov
  • Nobel Prize
  • December 10, 1975 Signing in Kabul of the Protocol on the extension for
  • the next ten years of the duration of the Treaty of Neutrality and
  • mutual non-aggression between the USSR and Afghanistan of June 24
  • 1931
  • 24 February -
  • March 5, 1976 XXV Congress of the CPSU. Approved Main Directions
  • development of the national economy of the USSR for 1976-1980, as well as
  • adopted the Statement "Freedom to the Prisoners of Imperialism and Reaction!"
  • April 7, 1976 Signing of the Long-Term Agreement in Moscow
  • on trade between the USSR and Sweden
  • May 28, 1976 Signing of an agreement in Moscow and Washington
  • between the USSR and the USA on underground nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes
  • July 16, 1976 Signing in Moscow of an agreement between the USSR and
  • France for the prevention of accidental or unplanned
  • use of nuclear weapons
  • October 19, 1976 Signing in Moscow of documents on the Soviet
  • mon-
  • golsky cooperation. The conclusion of a border treaty between
  • USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic
  • January 14, 1977 World Forum of Peace Forces in Moscow
  • May 18, 1977 Signing in Moscow of a long-term program
  • development and deepening of trade, economic, industrial and
  • scientific and technical cooperation until 1990 between the USSR and
  • the Republic of Finland and Cooperation Agreements in
  • construction of the Kostomuksha Mining and Processing Plant
  • June 22, 1977 Signing in Paris of the Soviet-French
  • Declaration on International Affairs and Bilateral
  • relations between the USSR and France, as well as the Statements of the Soviet Union and France on detente of international tension and Soviet
  • French Declaration on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  • August 17, 1977 Achievement by the nuclear icebreaker Arktika
  • geographical point of the North Pole
  • October 4-7, 1977 VII extraordinary session of the Supreme Council
  • USSR of the ninth convocation. Discussed the project and adopted a new
  • Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR
  • October 10, 1977 Signing in Moscow of the Agreement between
  • the government of the USSR and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
  • Northern Ireland on the prevention of accidental occurrence
  • nuclear war
  • 29th of November -
  • December 1, 1978 X session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ninth
  • convocation. Adopted the "Law on Citizenship of the USSR"
  • January 17, 1979 All-Union population census
  • June 15-18, 1979 Soviet-American meeting in Vienna on
  • highest level. The Treaty between the USSR and the USA on
  • limitation of strategic offensive arms (SALT-2)
  • October 4-9, 1979 Announcement of the unilateral withdrawal of the unit
  • contingent of Soviet troops from the territory of the GDR
  • December 27, 1979 The introduction of the USSR "limited military
  • contingent" to Afghanistan at the request of the Afghan leadership
  • July 19 -
  • August 3, 1980 XXII Olympic Games in Moscow. A number of delegations
  • boycotted the games in protest against the introduction of Soviet
  • troops in Afghanistan
  • August 1, 1980 Completion of the withdrawal of part of the contingent
  • Soviet troops from the territory of the GDR
  • February 23 -
  • March 3, 1981 XXVI Congress of the CPSU. Approval of the “Guidelines
  • economic and social development of the USSR for 1981-1985. and on
  • period up to 1990"
  • November 10, 1982 Death of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU
  • L.I. Brezhnev
  • November 12, 1982 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which elected the General
  • Secretary of the Central Committee Yu.V. Andropov
  • August 25, 1983 Signing between the USSR and the USA of a five-year
  • Grain Purchase Agreements
  • September 1, 1983 The fall of the South Korean passenger
  • liner "Boeing-747", shot down by a Soviet military fighter:
  • The Boeing crossed the Soviet border in the area where Soviet secret military bases were located near Sakhalin Island. As a result, all 269
  • passengers died
  • February 9, 1984 Death of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman
  • Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Yu.V. Andropov
  • February 13, 1984 Extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, at which
  • K.U. was elected General Secretary. Chernenko
  • June 5, 1984 Restoration of V.M. Molotov in the ranks of the CPSU
  • July 28, 1984 Opening of the XXIII Olympic Games in Los Angeles
  • forest. The USSR delegation boycotted the games under the pretext of absence
  • ensuring proper security
  • dangers of athletes
  • August 18, 1984 Opening of the sports "Goodwill Games" in
  • Moscow, planned as an alternative to the XXIII Olim-
  • pian games
  • March 10, 1985 Death of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman
  • Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K.U. Chernenko
  • March 11, 1985 Extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Election
  • General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU M.S. Hump-
  • cheva
  • May 7, 1985 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on measures to overcome
  • drunkenness and alcoholism, which opened a loud stone
  • campaign to eradicate alcoholic beverages
  • July 19-21, 1985 Meeting of M.S. Gorbachev in Geneva with the President
  • USA R. Reagan
  • November 14, 1985 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers
  • USSR on the further improvement of management
  • agro-industrial complex. In accordance with
  • together with him, a reform was carried out in agriculture and a
  • Agroprom
  • December 24, 1985 Appointment of B.N. Yeltsin as first secretary
  • Moscow City Committee of the CPSU
  • 25 February -
  • March 6, 1986 XXVII Congress of the CPSU. Approval of the new edition
  • Programs of the CPSU and the Main Directions of Economic and
  • social development of the USSR for 1986-1990. and up to the year 2000.
  • April 26, 1986 Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • stations
  • May 10, 1986 Adoption by the European Economic Community
  • decision to suspend the export of goods and food from
  • USSR and a number of Eastern European countries in connection with the Chernobyl
  • catastrophe
  • December 16, 1986 Appointment of G.V. Kolbin First Secretary
  • Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, which provoked demonstrations
  • nationalist youth in Alma-Ata
  • January 27-28, 1987 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Project Presentation
  • Law of the USSR on the state enterprise (association) and report
  • M.S. Gorbachev "On perestroika and personnel policy of the party"
  • May 23, 1987 The USSR stopped jamming the American
  • radio station "Voice of America"
  • October 21, 1987 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, at which with sharp criticism
  • guides M.S. B.N. acted as Gorbachev perestroika. Yeltsin. AT
  • by a special resolution, the plenum recognized the speech of B.N. Yeltsin
  • erroneous and actually sanctioned his removal from the post of the first
  • Secretary of the MGK CPSU
  • February 8, 1988 Announcement by M.S. Gorbachev that the USSR
  • ready to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan from May 15, 1988
  • February 23, 1988 The beginning of the interethnic conflict in Nagorno-
  • Karabakh Autonomous Region (NKAO). Armenian population of NKAO
  • advocated joining the Armenian SSR
  • February 28, 1988 Ethnic riots in Sumgayit
  • (Azerbaijan SSR)
  • May 7-9, 1988 Creation in Moscow of the first opposition
  • Party "Democratic Union". Arrested members of the 9 May Party
  • 1988 were expelled from Moscow
  • May 15, 1988 Beginning of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan
  • May 23, 1988 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Problems considered
  • international relations. Decision to transfer many functions
  • center to national regions
  • May 27, 1988 Adoption by the Supreme Council of the Law on
  • cooperation
  • June 5, 1988 Series of Russian Orthodox events
  • churches as part of the celebration of the 1000th anniversary
  • introduction of Christianity in Rus'. The events received support from
  • side of the country's leadership
  • June 15, 1988 The Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR officially
  • demanded that the NKAR of the Azerbaijan SSR be included in
  • composition of Armenia
  • June 23, 1988 Demonstrations in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius in
  • protest against the "annexation" of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in June
  • 1940
  • June 28 -
  • July 1, 1988 XIX All-Union Party Conference of the CPSU.
  • The speech of B.N. Yeltsin,
  • who addressed the delegates with a request for his political
  • rehabilitation
  • August 17, 1988 Joint nuclear tests of the USSR and the USA
  • weapons at an American test site in Nevada
  • September 21, 1988 The decision of the Soviet government to send
  • troops to the capital of the NKAO Stepanakert and Yerevan in order to normalize
  • Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
  • October 2, 1988 Election of M.S. Gorbachev Chairman
  • Supreme Soviet of the USSR
  • November 22, 1988 Beginning of mass anti-Armenian demonstrations in
  • the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR, Baku
  • December 7, 1988 Speech at the session of the General Assembly
  • UN M.S. Gorbachev, in which he announced a unilateral
  • reduction of the Soviet armed forces. As a result of the earthquake
  • several cities were destroyed in Armenia. About 250 thousand died.
  • human
  • April 9, 1989 Massive anti-Soviet demonstrations in
  • Tbilisi under the slogans of Georgia's independence
  • May 25 -
  • June 9, 1989 First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Election
  • M.S. Gorbachev President of the USSR
  • June 3-15, 1989 Interethnic unrest in Fergana (Uzbe-
  • kistan)
  • June 30, 1989 About three hundred deputies at the Congress of Soviets of the USSR
  • announced the creation of an opposition bloc - the Interregional
  • deputy group (MDG)
  • July 10, 1989 Beginning of the miners' strike in Mezhdurechensk,
  • who put forward the demand for better living conditions,
  • salary increase
  • July 24, 1989 Demonstration in Tbilisi, which took
  • learning-
  • about 20 thousand people. was nationalist and
  • demanded an end to the imperial policy of the center
  • August 22, 1989 Special Commission of the Supreme Council
  • The Lithuanian SSR declared that "annexation" and "occupation" in 1940
  • the Baltic states - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia - are illegal
  • September 12, 1989 Demonstration in Moscow of the National Front
  • "Memory" against the course of reforms M.S. Gorbachev
  • October 26, 1989 Announcement by M.S. Gorbachev about the new concept
  • foreign policy of the USSR and the rejection of the former policy
  • November 9, 1989 The fall of the Berlin Wall
  • December 12-24, 1989 Second Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • January 2, 1990 Direction by decision of the Soviet
  • leadership of military units to Azerbaijan to protect the Armenian
  • population
  • January 7, 1990 Sending units of the Soviet army for
  • prevention of conflict between Georgia and Ossetia
  • January 13-14, 1990 Ethnic riots in
  • the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku
  • January 15, 1990 Introduction to Nagorno-Karabakh and some
  • other regions of Azerbaijan state of emergency
  • January 20, 1990 Entrance of Soviet army units to Baku. According to
  • leadership of the USSR, the military action was supposed to warn
  • civil war in Azerbaijan
  • January 22, 1990 Resolution of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan on
  • immediate withdrawal of troops from the republic
  • February 4, 1990 Demonstration and rally in Moscow,
  • organized by deputies of the MDG
  • February 12, 1990 The entry of troops into the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
  • to prevent clashes on ethnic grounds
  • February 13, 1990 Adoption of a new democratic platform
  • CPSU, limiting the role of the party in the life of Soviet society
  • February 28, 1990 Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. The law was passed
  • allowing the creation of private peasant farms
  • March 6, 1990 Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, at which
  • at-
  • the law on property was adopted, recognizing the existence in the USSR
  • different forms of ownership
  • March 11, 1990 Lithuania declares its independence
  • from the USSR
  • May 29, 1990 Elected by the First Congress of People's Deputies
  • RSFSR Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin
  • June 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty of Moldova
  • June 12, 1990 Adoption of the declaration by the I Congress of Soviets of the RSFSR
  • on the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. This day is getting late
  • celebrated as Independence Day of Russia
  • June 19-23, 1990 I Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian
  • Federation (KPRF) in Moscow
  • July 10, 1990 Election at the XXVIII Congress of the CPSU M.S. Gorbachev
  • again to the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU
  • July 16, 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty
  • Ukraine
  • July 27, 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty
  • BSSR
  • August 1, 1990 Entry into force of the Press Law, which abolished
  • media censorship
  • August 1990 Proclamation by Tatarstan of the state
  • sovereignty
  • September 1990 Proclamation of the Transnistrian Moldavian
  • Soviet Socialist Republic within the USSR. Republic
  • not recognized by Moldova
  • October 1990 Proclamation of the Kazakh, Kyrgyz,
  • Bashkir, Kalmyk and Chuvash republics of their
  • sovereignty
  • November 1, 1990 The introduction of the commercial exchange rate of the ruble in the USSR
  • December 17-27, 1990 Fourth Congress of People's Deputies
  • USSR
  • January 13, 1991 Signing by the Chairman of the Supreme Council
  • RSFSR B.N. Yeltsin Mutual Security Agreements with
  • leaders of the Baltic republics
  • February 25, 1991 Meeting of representatives of the USSR and states -
  • members of the Warsaw Pact in Budapest; a decision was made to
  • abolition of the organization
  • March 9, 1991 Publication of the draft of the new Union
  • agreements
  • March 14, 1991 Registration of the republican, social
  • democratic, democratic parties of Russia
  • March 17, 1991 National referendum on the future
  • states. More than 70% of those who voted were in favor of continuing
  • reforms and preservation of the USSR
  • May 20, 1991 Decision to simplify the exit of Soviet
  • citizens abroad
  • May 23, 1991 Attack of the Riga OMON of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs on
  • customs posts in Latvia. The incident sparked a new outbreak
  • anti-Soviet sentiment in the Baltic republics
  • June 1991 Completion of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary
  • June 12, 1991 Election of B.N. Yeltsin for President
  • RSFSR by majority vote (60%)
  • June 25, 1991 Signing by the USSR and Czechoslovakia of the Treaty on
  • the end of the occupation and the withdrawal of troops from Czechoslovakia. The troops were
  • released after 4 days
  • July 30-31, 1991 Agreement on the limitation of strategic
  • nuclear weapons signed between the US and the USSR
  • August 15, 1991 Publication of a new project of the Union
  • treaty - "Treaty on the Union of Sovereign States"
  • August 19, 1991 TASS report on the creation of the State
  • State of Emergency Committee (GKChP). Allegedly in connection with
  • illness of M.S. Gorbachev, the duties of the President of the USSR were assigned
  • on G.I. Yanaev. Beginning of the "August Putsch"
  • August 20, 1991 B.N. Yeltsin population to universal
  • strike in protest against the actions
  • GKChP. Estonia declares independence from the USSR
  • August 21, 1991 Arrest of members of the State Emergency Committee and the failure of the "coup"
  • August 23, 1991 Suspension of the publication of the newspaper Pravda
  • by decision of B.N. Yeltsin
  • August 24, 1991 Declaration of independence from the USSR
  • Ukraine
  • August 25, 1991 M.S. Gorbachev resigns
  • General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU
  • August 27, 1991 Declaration of Independence of Moldova.
  • Shortly thereafter, independence is proclaimed by Georgia,
  • Armenia, the republics of Central Asia
  • August 29
  • 1991 Temporary suspension of the activities of the CPSU
  • August 30
  • 1991 Depoliticization and reorganization of the KGB of the USSR
  • September 1991 Adoption of the declaration of independence by the Supreme
  • Council of Crimea
  • September 6, 1991 Recognition of the independence of the Baltic
  • states by the State Council of the USSR
  • November 6, 1991 Decision to ban activities
  • Communist Party in the RSFSR. It was later canceled as
  • unconstitutional
  • December 8, 1991 Signing of agreements establishing the Commonwealth
  • Independent States (CIS) ("Belovezhskaya Accords")
  • December 21, 1991 Signing in Alma-Ata by the leaders of 11 republics
  • publics of the USSR of the Protocol to the agreement on the CIS and the Declaration
  • December 25, 1991 Removal of M.S. Gorbachev resigned
  • President of the USSR. Termination of the Union Treaty.
  • US recognition of the sovereignty of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
  • Georgia, Ukraine, republics of Central Asia, Moldova
  • January 20, 1992 Signing of an agreement on the basics of mutual
  • relations between the Russian Federation and Finland
  • January 23, 1992 The adoption by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of a resolution
  • on the consideration of the issue of the constitutionality of the decisions of the Presidium
  • of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1954 on the withdrawal of the Crimean region from
  • composition of the RSFSR
  • January 28-30, 1992 Moscow meeting of the heads
  • foreign ministries of Russia and the United States on the organization
  • multilateral negotiations on the Middle East
  • January 29, 1992 Statement of the President of the Russian Federation "On the policy of Russia in
  • areas of arms limitation and reduction”: confirmation
  • obligations under bilateral agreements signed by the USSR
  • and currently in force
  • January 30 -
  • February 1, 1992 Signing of a joint Russian-
  • American Declaration of the End of the Cold War
  • February 1-2, 1992 Declaration of state independence
  • Tatarstan outside the Russian Federation
  • February 5-7, 1992 Signing of the Russian-French treaty,
  • economic and cultural agreements and
  • tocols
  • February 7, 1992 Announcement of the closure of the last political
  • colony "Perm-35", amnesty of the last political prisoners
  • Decree of the President of Russia
  • February 14, 1992 Meeting of the CIS heads of state in Minsk:
  • adoption of the Declaration on the principles of cooperation, signing
  • agreements on the status of strategic forces, on the regulation
  • relations in the field of trade and economic cooperation,
  • on the return of cultural and historical values ​​to states
  • their origin
  • February 17-18, 1992 Negotiations between B. Yeltsin and J.
  • Baker in Moscow on the reduction of strategic offensive
  • weapons
  • February 21, 1992 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On urgent measures to
  • rehabilitation of Russian Germans"
  • February 27, 1992 Creation of the Russian Space Agency
  • March 5, 1992 Adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation on the regional, regional
  • Council of People's Deputies and the regional, regional administration
  • March 6, 1992 Decision of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on the allocation
  • for inclusion in the UN forces in Yugoslavia one infantry
  • Russian army battalion
  • March 21, 1992 Meeting of the heads of state - members of the CIS in Kyiv:
  • adoption of a decision on the Joint Armed Forces of the CIS
  • March 25, 1992 Decree of the President of Russia "On the sale of land
  • plots to citizens and legal entities during privatization
  • state and municipal enterprises"
  • March 31, 1992 Signing of the Federal Treaty between
  • federal government bodies of Russia and bodies
  • local authorities in all republics except Tatarstan and Chechnya
  • April 4, 1992 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the fight against corruption in
  • public service system"
  • April 6, 1992 Meeting of Russian Foreign Ministers,
  • Ukraine, Moldova and Romania in Chisinau: adoption of a joint
  • declarations on ceasefire in Transnistria and disengagement
  • formations involved in the conflict
  • April 8, 1992 Adoption by the Sixth Congress of People's Deputies
  • Russia's resolutions on assistance in ensuring human rights in
  • Pridnestrovie and an appeal to the CIS member countries with an appeal
  • intervene in a conflict
  • April 27, 1992 Russia's admission to the International Monetary
  • fund
  • April 30, 1992 Completion of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations
  • on the Black Sea Fleet and the adoption of a communiqué on a moratorium on
  • unilateral action
  • May 7, 1992 Decree B.N. Yeltsin on the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and on
  • assuming the office of Supreme Commander
  • Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • May 15, 1992 Meeting of the heads of states - members of the CIS in
  • Tashkent: signing of the Collective Security Treaty of Russia,
  • Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Tajikistan
  • June 2, 1992 Creation of a coalition of democratic forces in Russia
  • in support of reforms, the President and the government at the conference
  • Parliamentary Reform Coalition
  • June 6
  • 1992 Formation of the Ingush Republic within the Russian Federation
  • June 11, 1992 Acceptance by the Supreme Soviet of Russia
  • State Program for the Privatization of State and
  • municipal enterprises of the Russian Federation for 1992
  • June 20-22, 1992 Signing of the Consent and
  • cooperation between Russia and Canada
  • June 27, 1992 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On organizational measures
  • for land and agro-industrial reform in
  • Russian Federation"
  • July 2, 1992 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on measures for social
  • support for citizens who have lost their jobs and earnings (income) and
  • duly recognized as unemployed
  • July 14, 1992 Beginning of the commissioning of joint peacekeeping
  • contingents of Russia, Georgia and Ossetia to separate
  • opposing sides in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict
  • July 21, 1992 Signing by the Presidents of Russia and Moldova
  • agreements on the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict
  • September 8, 1992 Signing by the Ministers of Defense of Russia and
  • Lithuanian agreements on the procedure for the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory
  • Lithuania
  • September 16, 1992 Creation of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
  • member states of the CIS
  • September 30, 1992 Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation: "On the system of central
  • bodies of federal executive power,
  • "On the structure of the central bodies of the federal executive
  • authorities”, “On streamlining the composition of coordinating and
  • advisory bodies established by the President of the Russian Federation"
  • October 7, 1992 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to organize
  • securities market in the process of privatization of state and
  • municipal enterprises"
  • November 4, 1992 Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on
  • giving the border of Russia with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania a legal
  • status of the state border
  • December 24, 1992 The adoption by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of the Law "On
  • the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive private property and
  • sale of land for personal subsidiary and
  • dacha economy, gardening and individual housing
  • construction"
  • January 3, 1993 Signing in the Kremlin of the Treaty on the reduction
  • strategic offensive arms (START-2) between Russia and
  • USA
  • January 13, 1993 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to strengthen
  • control over the creation and activities of public associations”
  • January 22-23, 1993 Minsk meeting of the heads of 10 states -
  • members of the CIS: making decisions on the establishment of an interstate
  • bank, on the draft Charter of the CIS and on the interstate television and radio company "Ostankino"
  • February 22, 1993 Establishment of advisory bodies under
  • President of the Russian Federation: Presidential Council and Council of Heads of Administrations
  • March 10-13, 1993 VIII (extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies
  • Russia
  • March 20, 1993 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the protection of freedom of funds
  • mass media
  • March 26-29, 1993 IX (extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies
  • July 12, 1993 Signing by the heads of governments of Russia,
  • Belarus and Ukraine statements on urgent measures to deepen
  • economic integration
  • September 21, 1993 Decree B.N. Yeltsin "On the phased
  • constitutional reform in the Russian Federation”, in accordance with
  • which dissolved the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet
  • RF
  • 23 September-
  • October 4, 1993 X Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • October 3-4, 1993 Armed clashes between
  • supporters of the President and the Supreme Council. Mass
  • riots in Moscow that led to human casualties
  • September 24, 1993 Signing of an agreement by the heads of the CIS states
  • about economic union. Ukraine and Turkmenistan have joined
  • agreement as associate members
  • October 11, 1993 Approval by Presidential Decree of the Regulations on
  • elections to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • November 1, 1993 Creation of the Human Rights Commission under
  • President of the Russian Federation
  • November 10, 1993 Publication of the draft Constitution of Russia,
  • approved by the Constitutional Council and submitted
  • President of the Russian Federation for nationwide discussion
  • December 11, 1993 Approval of the Regulations on the state
  • flag and the national anthem of Russia
  • December 12, 1993 Elections to the Federation Council and
  • the State Duma of the Federal Assembly and a referendum on
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • January 11, 1994 Beginning of the work of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • April 28, 1994 Signing of the "Agreement on public
  • consent” by the political and social forces of Russia
  • June 22, 1994 Russia signs the NATO program
  • "Partnership for Peace"
  • August 31, 1994 Completion of the withdrawal of Russian troops from
  • Germany and the Baltics
  • November 30, 1994 Signing by the President of the Russian Federation of the Decree "On
  • measures to restore constitutional legality and
  • law and order on the territory of the Chechen Republic"
  • December 10, 1994 The entry of troops of the Ministry of Defense and
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs to the territory of Chechnya. Start
  • large-scale hostilities
  • January 1, 1995 Storming of Grozny by federal troops
  • June 14-18, 1995 Chechen terrorists capture a large
  • groups of civilians in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory
  • July 5, 1995 Adoption of the Law “On the Fundamentals of the State
  • service in the Russian Federation.
  • December 5, 1995 Entry into force of the Federal Law "On
  • government support for the media and
  • book publishing of the Russian Federation"
  • December 17, 1995 Elections to the State Duma
  • January 15, 1996 Capture of the Dagestan village of Pervomaiskoye
  • Chechen fighters
  • January-
  • February 1996 Russia's admission to the Council of Europe
  • March 15, 1996 Denunciation of the Belovezhskaya Accords
  • State Duma of the Russian Federation
  • April 3, 1996 Signing of the Community Agreements
  • Russia and Belarus
  • May 27, 1996 Signing in Moscow of the Agreement between
  • B.N. Yeltsin and Z. Yandarbiev on the cessation of hostilities on
  • territory of Chechnya
  • July 4, 1996 Election of B.N. Yeltsin President of the Russian
  • Federation for a second term
  • August-
  • September 1996 Negotiations and signing of a peace agreement
  • settlement in Chechnya
  • January 9, 1997 Completion of the withdrawal of federal troops from
  • Chechnya
  • February 26, 1997 Government Decree on the program
  • social reforms in the Russian Federation in the period 1996-2000.
  • April 2, 1997 Treaty of Union between Russia and Belarus
  • May 12, 1997 Treaty on Peace and Principles of Relations
  • between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic
  • May 23, 1997 Signing of the Charter of the Union of Belarus and Russia
  • May 27, 1997 Signing of the founding act on
  • mutual relations, cooperation and security between the Russian Federation and
  • NATO
  • June 15, 1997 Decree B.N. Yeltsin "On military reform"
  • July 16, 1997 Publication of the government decree on
  • approval of the "Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, sample form
  • and descriptions of the new passport”
  • March 23, 1998 Resignation of V.S. Chernomyrdin from office
  • Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
  • April 24, 1998 Appointment of S.V. Kiriyenko as chairman
  • Government of the Russian Federation
  • June 17, 1998 Burial of the remains of the family of the latter
  • Russian Emperor Nicholas II in St. Petersburg
  • July 10, 1998 Approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of the program for
  • stabilization of the economy and finance
  • August 1998 Beginning of the financial crisis in Russia
  • August 23, 1998 The resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation, headed by S.V.
  • Kiriyenko
  • September 11, 1998 Appointment of E.M. Primakov as chairman
  • Government of the Russian Federation
  • October 7, 1998 All-Russian protests against
  • social and economic policy of the government
  • May 12, 1999 Resignation of the Government headed by E.M.
  • Primakov
  • May 19, 1999 Appointment as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
  • S.V. Stepashin
  • June 5-6, 1999 Celebrations dedicated to 200-
  • anniversary of A.S. Pushkin
  • August 9, 1999 The resignation of the government of S.V. Stepashin
  • August 16, 1999 Appointment as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
  • V.V. Putin
  • December 8, 1999 Treaty establishing the Union of Belarus and Russia
  • December 28, 1999 Resignation of the first President of Russia B.N.
  • Yeltsin
  • March 25, 2000 Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian
  • Federations
  • April 3, 2000 Appointment as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
  • MM. Kasyanov
  • August 12, 2000 The death of the crew of the nuclear submarine K-141
  • "Kursk"
  • November 30, 2000 Meeting of the Council of Heads of State - Members
  • CIS in Minsk. A decision was made to establish an Anti-Terrorist Center


Ecological bases of nature management

Question #2.3

Make an approximate chronological table showing the forms of human impact on the environment in different periods of the development of civilization.

Any human activity is directly or indirectly, but inevitably connected with the exploitation of natural resources and is based, therefore, on interaction with the natural environment. However, the relationship between mankind and the natural environment developed unevenly.

Chronological table of human impact on the environment

Development periods Interaction with the environment
7 thousand years ago The emergence of real agriculture, the emergence of the first civilizations and the first anthropogenic biogeocenoses.
2 thousand years ago A sharp increase in anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment, deforestation and soil depletion.
Early 17th - 19th centuries The growth of consumption of fossil resources, severe air and water pollution, the appearance of huge masses of solid waste.
Late 19th - 20th centuries Rapid depletion of non-renewable natural resources, destruction and pollution of potentially renewable resources - soil, forests, pastures and land and ocean waters.
2000 Post-industrial era, strict legislation in the field of natural resources protection.
End of the 21st century The world's population will stabilize at the level of 8-12 billion people, and the growth rate of industrial production will slow down somewhat.

7 thousand years ago

Real agriculture appeared about 7 thousand years ago in the Indus Valley, in Mesopotamia (in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers) and in the Nile Valley. The first civilizations and the first anthropogenic biogeocenoses arose there, based on highly developed irrigation and irrigation systems. The civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt lasted longer than the rest of the written history of mankind, and this is largely due to their harmonious coexistence with the natural environment. An important factor that maintained this balance was the fact that the mythology and religious teachings of the ancient peoples did not oppose man to nature, but emphasized their unity.

2 thousand years ago

Gradually, population growth and the emergence of private ownership of land and water led to a sharp increase in the anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment. Deforestation and soil depletion led to the economic degradation of ancient civilizations. At the same time, in ancient Greece and Rome, philosophical teachings based on a rationalistic approach to the knowledge of nature begin to develop, and science in the true sense of the word arises. Nature ceases to be an object of deification, but becomes exclusively an object of property and often merciless exploitation.

Hence the desire to seize new territories, wars and the great migration of peoples. Almost simultaneously, the collapse of the Roman Empire, the Han Empire in China, and the Middle Eastern empires took place. For the first time, man opposed himself to nature, and as a result - a decrease in the population of the Earth and, in part, the loss of many technological methods and skills. The anthropogenic load on nature has decreased, and some of the destroyed ecosystems have gradually recovered.

Early 17th - 19th centuries

In the 17th century gave rise to the first industrial revolution, which paved the way for a radical change in technological culture and led to the transition in the XVII-XIX centuries from handicraft to large-scale industrial production. Steam engines appeared, and primitive, closely connected with agriculture, urban societies gradually turned into urbanized industrial systems. The use of steam engines led to a huge increase in the consumption of fossil resources, primarily coal and iron ore, and the amount of energy consumed. Industrial centers consumed more and more food and raw materials, which led to growing degradation of the natural environment. The urban environment in industrial centers also became less and less suitable for normal life due to severe air and water pollution, as well as huge masses of solid waste.

Late 19th - 20th centuries

This time was the beginning of the electrification of production and life, the creation of an internal combustion engine that radically changed transport, and the rapid development of the chemical and petrochemical industries. On this basis, after the First World War (1914-1918), the second industrial revolution began in the most developed countries. The developed industrial societies that arose as a result of it have the following characteristic features:

Huge and often unjustified production volumes that deplete non-renewable natural resources - reserves of oil, natural gas, coal and minerals;

The transition from the use of natural materials that can decompose under the influence of natural factors to synthetic ones, most of which practically do not decompose;

The sharp increase in food production as a result of the first and second green revolutions achieved through the rapid growth of energy consumption and the use of large volumes of chemical fertilizers and pesticides;

Some slowdown in population growth as a result of birth control while population aging due to increased life expectancy, especially in developed countries;

Significant increase in pollution of land waters and the oceans with toxic substances and oil products;

Global air pollution with heavy metals and highly hazardous chemicals;

Lack of understanding of the dangers of radioactive contamination;

Acid pollution of vast regions of the Northern Hemisphere, which led to damage to forests and biota in northern lakes;

Destruction of large tracts of tropical forests and desertification of vast areas in the equatorial latitudes;

Global impact on the climate due to the emission of huge masses of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere;

Depletion of the ozone layer.

This list shows that the growth of human prosperity during the industrial era of the 19th and 20th centuries was based on the rapid depletion of non-renewable natural resources and the destruction and pollution of potentially renewable resources - soil, forests, pastures and waters of land and ocean. At a new historical turn, mankind began to repeat the mistakes that led to the death of ancient civilizations two thousand years ago. But now these errors have become global and threaten the very existence of the biosphere.

By 2000, in a number of countries the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution had already been used to the full extent, and these countries had entered the post-industrial era. It is characterized not only by the level of material well-being and technological development, but also by very strict legislation in the field of natural resources protection and, which is very important, by the willingness of citizens to strictly comply with these laws.

The development of new resource-saving technologies and other measures to protect nature on a global scale inevitably require huge costs. The required annual investment in resource-saving technologies and environmental protection costs can amount to 5–10% of the annual world gross product. These costs have two important features. Firstly, very often they are associated not with the development of some sectors of the world economy or the development of new resources, but, on the contrary, with the rejection of such and the search for alternative solutions.

Secondly, in the most important cases they are transnational in nature. By agreeing to these costs, humanity makes the transition from the conquest of nature and the harmonization of relationships with it. At the same time, the prospect of long-term crisis-free development opens up for mankind.

End of the 21st century

By the end of the 21st century, the world's population will stabilize at the level of 8-12 billion people, and the growth rate of industrial production will slow down somewhat, and, most likely, production itself will greatly change its appearance. Agricultural production should significantly outstrip population growth, and the level of pollution and degradation of the natural environment will begin to decline around the middle of the 21st century, when the entire world community will enter the post-industrial era.

The chronological table of Nekrasov is one of the best ways to briefly get acquainted with the periods of the life of the great poet. It is in it that all the most important events that influenced the fate of the author are concentrated. These significant stages of his biography will help both schoolchildren and graduates to better understand the motives of the poet's activities and the features of his character.

In fact, you can trace the life and work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov by date. This format is designed for those who want to get basic information and facts quickly and clearly. In addition to the standard data on the birth and death of the poet, the memo will acquaint you with the key periods of his creative activity. You will learn a lot about your favorite author and his works, you will be able to quickly remember important dates. Our website provides a detailed biography of Nekrasov in the table.

1821 November 28 (December 10)- N.A. was born. Nekrasov in Ukraine in the town
Nemirov of the Podolsk province in the noble family of retired lieutenant Alexei Sergeevich and Elena Andreevna Nekrasov.

1824-1832 – Life in the village of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province

1838 - Leaves the estate of his father Greshnevo in order to enter the St. Petersburg noble regiment at his will, but, contrary to his wishes, decides to enter St. Petersburg University;
father deprives him of his livelihood.

1840 - The first imitative collection of poems "Dreams and Sounds".

1843 – Acquaintance with V. G. Belinsky.

1845 - The poem "On the road";
enthusiastic review of VG Belinsky.

1845-1846 - Publisher of two collections of writers of the natural school - "Physiology of St. Petersburg" and "Petersburg Collection".

1847-1865 - Editor and publisher of the magazine "Contemporary".

1853 - Cycle "Last elegy".

1856 - The first collection of "Poems by N. Nekrasov".

1861 - Poem "Peddlers";
the release of the second edition of "Poems by N. Nekrasov".

1862 - The poem "Knight for an Hour", the poems "Green Noise", "In full swing the village suffering";
acquisition of the Karabikha estate near Yaroslavl.

1863-1864 - The poem "Frost, Red Nose", poems "Orina, a soldier's mother", "In memory of Dobrolyubov", "Railway".

1868 - The release of the first issue of the new magazine N.A. Nekrasov "Notes of the Fatherland" with the poem "Who should live well in Rus'."

1868-1877 - Together with M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, he edits the journal "Domestic Notes".

1870 - The poem "Grandfather".

1871-1872 - The poems "Princess Trubetskaya" and "Princess Volkonskaya".

1876 - Work on the fourth part of the poem "Who in Rus' live well."

1877 - The book "Last Songs" is out of print.

December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878)- Nekrasov died in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent.

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This page provides a chronological table of Australian history. For more information, see the History of Australia article. This chronological table is not complete; some important events may not be mentioned. If you ... ... Wikipedia

chronological table of world and Russian history- From ancient times to the beginning of a new era, I century AD. e. II century III century IV century V century VI century VII century VIII century IX century X century XI century XII century XIII century XIV century XV century XVI century XVII century XVIII century First half of the XIX century Second half of the XIX century XX century 1901 ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Chronological table of world and Russian history, 1st century A.D. e.- Chronological table of world and Russian history, I century AD. e. About 1. Formation on the territory of Bohemia of the union of Germanic tribes, led by the leader of the Marcomanni tribe Marobod. 3. Seizure of supreme power in China by the dignitary Wang Mang. 5.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

chronological table of world and Russian history, II century- 13 115. The victorious war of Rome with Parthia. Formation of the provinces of Armenia, Assyria and Mesopotamia on the lands of the Parthian kingdom. 117 138. The reign of the Roman emperor Hadrian. 117. Forced refusal of Rome from the conquered territories of the Parthian ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

chronological table of world and Russian history, III century- Around 220. End of the Han Dynasty. The disintegration of China into 3 kingdoms of Wei, Han or Shu, Wu 220 265. The period of the "Three Kingdoms" in the history of China. 218 222. The reign of the Roman emperor Avita Bassan (Elagabalus). 222 235. The reign of the Roman emperor Alexander ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

chronological table of world and Russian history, IV century- 304 386. The period of political fragmentation in Northern China. 313. Milan edict of the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius on religious tolerance. 317 420. Board in China of the Eastern Jin dynasty. 320. Founding of the Gupta empire in India. 324 337.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

chronological table of world and Russian history, IX century- Beginning of the 9th century. Creation of early state associations of Eastern Slavs in the area of ​​the Dnieper River and Lake Ilmen. Formation of the Tao Klardzhet kingdom in Georgia. 1st half of the 9th c. Formation of the Great Moravian Principality. 802 814. The Board of the Bulgarian ... encyclopedic Dictionary

chronological table of world and Russian history, V century- V c. Frankish conquest of northeastern Gaul. Japanese conquest of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. V X centuries Spread of the civilization of the Teotihuacan Toltecs in the Valley of Mexico. 404. Moving the political center of the Western Roman Empire ... encyclopedic Dictionary

chronological table of world and Russian history, VI century- 506. Codification of Visigothic Law (King Alaric's Code). 507. The defeat of the Visigothic squads by the Frankish army of King Clovis. The end of Visigoth rule in Gaul. Formation of the Frankish kingdom. 511. Reims Church Synod. Endowment… … encyclopedic Dictionary


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