What are Polish middles in betting. The meaning of the Polish corridor in the great Soviet encyclopedia, bse What is the Polish corridor

“Go to Kyiv and that’s all!” - Panikovsky convinced Shura Balaganov, boasting of his glorious past as a blind beggar. "Go to Krakow and that's it!" - I say, repeating the rhetorical proposal of Mikhail Samuelevich.

I was there and I was convinced that everyone needs to understand something about themselves.

Krakow, the ancient capital of Poland, is one of the most significant places in European Jewish history. Here it unfolded for more than seven centuries, and here it ended: an hour away - Auschwitz.

But these are not travel notes. And do not cry for the dead. Other.

Asylum country

We, the Russians (I specifically write without quotation marks), often have an arrogantly condescending attitude towards Poland. This is from the overfeeding of classical Russian literature, where it is just such, not to say simply contemptuous, and from the relapses of the Soviet imperial consciousness. Well, that Poland is some kind of semi-Europe, a passed stage?

This usual for us look at Poland - from above - is just as inappropriate as, be it said about anyone, arrogance towards parents. Roughly speaking, this is our homeland, son.

Because almost all of us, Russian Jews of Ashkenazi origin, are actually Polish Jews. Jews in general

appeared in the Russian Empire as a burden to the lands divided between the great powers of Poland.

And Poland, by the time the great powers began to divide it among themselves, was the most Jewish country in Europe. Asylum country, I do not want to confuse you with an analogy.

The fact is that Eretz-Ashkenaz, who gave the name to our tribe much earlier than she herself began to be called Germany, tried to root us out long before she formulated this task in the capacious formula “the final solution of the Jewish question”, and more than once. And at least twice.

The first big wave rolled over almost all of Western Europe, or rather its Jews, with the beginning of the Crusades. Before fighting for the "Holy Sepulcher" in Jerusalem, the crusaders dealt with their Jews in Europe - at their place of residence and on the way to Palestine, where they often did not reach.

And the second was thicker and more powerful. She really almost turned Western Europe into a "juden frei" - Hitler would have been left without a job.

In the middle of the XIV century, an epidemic of plague broke out in Europe - the "Black Death", which is believed to have halved the population of the continent - people died like flies.

Well, enlightened Europeans quickly figured out where they got such a misfortune. And instead of finally learning how to wash (they didn’t wash at all), they accused the Jews of spreading a terrible infection.

Jews began to be inspired, everywhere and mercilessly destroyed. Whole communities. It took on the character of an epidemic comparable to the plague. It covered the whole of Western Europe; in Germany, the tornado did not pass a single city with a Jewish population. More than 300 communities were destroyed.

How could one escape such a fate? Run away from this cruel land! Where? Where the hunt for them has not yet been conducted. To the East. The largest country in the east was Poland, which only relatively recently became a kingdom with its capital in Krakow.

The Polish kings sought to revive the cities devastated by the Tatar-Mongols - there were not enough townspeople in the peasant country. That is why the borders were opened to alien artisans and merchants. The Germans also came, and the Jews tumbled down in droves. And so they were saved. So Poland became the first country of refuge for the persecuted tribe.

It was in Poland that the largest Jewish community in the world was formed. And it remained so for several centuries, until the descendants of the plague pogromists from the same Germany overtook the descendants of the Jews who had fled from their lands.

Word choice

And today you will arrive in Krakow - and you will definitely be lucky, that is, you will not be blown away by an invitation for a walk along the “Jewish Krakow”. Herds of sightseeing electric cars scurry around the center, horse-drawn carriages, pleasure boats on the Vistula, crowds were calling out ... So anyway, don’t get out - you’ll go, and a young female voice with a Ukrainian accent in a weary recitative in the manner of a provincial radio announcer will start a tour of the main Krakow sights from a loudspeaker - places where there are no more Jews.

First, the Jews settled on these streets of Krakow, and then a separate city was given to them by royal decree - Kazimierz, she will say, and you will most likely perceive this as just historical information. And you have already been fed a landmark version of Polish history and the Jews in Poland - the way it is interpreted by the Poles, because whoever has a history girl interprets her, dear, and interprets it.

But why didn't the Jews live in Krakow? What sane merchant would trade a big city for a small one? Perhaps they themselves did not move beyond the Vistula? Maybe, on the contrary, they sent them there? Maybe - by the same royal decree?

You won't believe it - that's how it was.

The privilege of intolerance

In 1495, the age-old dream of ordinary Krakovites came true - the Jews were expelled from the city. This happy event was preceded by misfortune. In June 1494 there was a great fire in Krakow. Not all the excited townspeople were confused - many, taking advantage of the turmoil, began to rob Jewish shops and houses, and at the same time kill and maim their owners, rape women - a pogrom is a pogrom.

Even before, Krakow philistines struggled with "Jewish dominance" tirelessly - for a century and a half. The Germans were especially zealous. The Jews interfered with them most of all, because they were engaged in the same thing as them - loans, trade and crafts. They, like the Jews, were welcomed by the Polish kings for the development of cities. But no one wants competitors.

A stream of spiritual literature poured out of Germany, describing the intrigues of the Jews, and preachers denounced this vile people. Local priests quickly recognized the trend and adopted it. In 1407, one of them told the world that the Jews killed a Christian baby in order, as usual, to knead matzah on the blood of the sinless, and the first pogrom in Poland took place in Krakow. Then they were repeated from time to time - as Jewish wealth and Christian debts accumulated.

This is how the system of attitude towards the Jews in the blessed country of asylum was formed - based on interests, no esotericism.

The merchants spurred on the city squalor, the squalor was readily lit up. The magistrates, meeting the wishes of the citizens, imposed restrictions on the Jews on trade, crafts, and ownership of real estate. Catholic hierarchs demanded from the kings the introduction of discriminatory measures across the country. The kings - different in different ways - realizing what benefit the treasury and the court had from the Jews, they resisted as best they could, but in the end they gave in, looking for a compromise.

So, already in the XIV century, the practice of introducing in royal cities (of federal significance, as we would say now) a legal status, called in Latin Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis, that is, the privilege of an intolerant attitude towards Jews, began. This gave the magistrates the right to evict Jews and not let them into the cities except on fair days ...

So, after a great pogrom, by a royal decree of 1495, it was ordered to introduce the norm Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis in Krakow - to evict the Jews from the city beyond the Vistula, where in the suburb of Kazimierz they were assigned a four-street quarter to live in, surrounded by a wall with three gates. And Christians were forbidden to settle there.

That is, it is clear what it was? Ghetto. That's what Kazimierz is - the first Jewish ghetto in Poland.

But no one in today's Poland will tell you this. The Krakow ghetto will definitely be shown. However, in a completely different place.

abandoned chairs

By the beginning of the Second World War in the second city of Poland, almost a quarter of the population were Jews. There were more than half of them among Krakow doctors and lawyers. Jews owned the most prosperous businesses and the most beautiful houses.

The Germans took Krakow at the very beginning of the war. First of all, they staged a demonstrative pogrom. Governor Hans Frank, later hanged in Nuremberg, set an ambitious goal - to make this one-quarter Jewish city "the cleanest" in the General Government.

In March 1941, the Jews of Krakow were again driven across the Vistula, this time from Kazimierz, to the Podgórze region. One of the largest ghettos in Europe was set up here. And one of the scariest.

In May 1942, deportations to the death camps began. The place of gathering, as well as selections, executions and preliminary executions, was Zgoda Square, which means Consent, right at the bridge, at the entrance to the ghetto. After sending the next transport, abandoned things, corpses and chairs remained on the square (they were brought to facilitate the waiting for those who could not stand, and there was no one to pick them up).

Now on the square is one of the world's best memorials to the victims of the Holocaust: 70 steel chairs - one for every thousand Jews killed in Krakow.

Few managed to escape. Most of them - by accident, like 8-year-old Raymond Liebling, future film director, Oscar winner Roman Polanski, who was pushed behind the barbed wire by his father at the time of the liquidation of the ghetto. Someone - thanks to the righteous saviors, like hundreds of persons involved in the "Schindler's list": the enamelware factory, confiscated from the Jew Nathan Wurzel and inherited by Oskar Schindler, was here in Podgórze.

The fantastic success of Spielberg's film created a new branch of Krakow tourism. The “Schindler Factory” restored for filming was preserved, made into a museum - it became a place of pilgrimage. Almost everyone who visits Krakow visits it, and Jews from all over the world come on purpose. Place de la Concorde was renamed Heroes of the Ghetto. The gloomy district of Podgórze became visited. And that means profitable.

“It’s all war and the Germans…”

How organic is our connection with this earth! How economical it is... The Jews ensured the economic development of Poland when they were here, and continue to do so when they are not here. And because they don't exist.

Why aren't we there?

It seems to be clear - the Holocaust. Of the six million victims of the "Final Solution," half are Polish Jews. Almost everything that was. Only those who ended up in the Soviet Union survived. And those whom the Poles saved. Very little. The salvation of their Jews in Poland was not a mass phenomenon. There was massive complicity. You will not be told about this when visiting the ghettos and camps - at least the Poles, at least on excursions. This is all the war and the Germans - this is how the Holocaust is remembered here.

However, it is by no means accidental that all the Nazi death camps were located in Poland. What were the strategists of the "final solution" guided by when determining the locations of the main destruction factories - the proximity of the "basic material" so as not to carry it far, or the traditional anti-Semitism of the main population, so that the "material" had nowhere to run? Most likely, both factors were taken into account, and the calculation was justified. In some ghettos, the Germans did not even see the need to even put up a fence and guards: the Jews themselves were afraid to poke themselves into the territory - they would have been immediately killed by yesterday's neighbors. In some places there was no one to gather in the ghetto: the locals themselves dealt with their Jews, as soon as the Germans came.

The most famous case is the pogrom in Jedwabne - a place near Bialystok. But it was not the only place in Poland where the arrival of the invaders was marked by the extermination of the Jews even before the Germans got down to business, and Poland was the only country where this happened. In many cases, Lithuanians and Ukrainians behaved in the same way, showing the same sophisticated cruelty.

Yet Polish anti-Semitism had (and still has) some specific features.

First. The complicity of the Poles in the Holocaust was based primarily on everyday reasons. Greed there was more hatred.

Many hid Jews for a bribe. When the money and jewelry of the “tenants” ran out, they were kicked out, handed over to the Germans, or killed themselves. Prosperous Jews tried to save at least the children. They gave them to decent families of friends and acquaintances - entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers - with all their savings. In hundreds of cases, these benefactors, having pocketed the fortune of their parents who had already disappeared, took their children to the Gestapo.

The Polish police zealously hunted for the hiding Jews - after all, they were entitled to a third of the valuables confiscated from the fugitives. Village elders easily gathered peasants for raids to search for Jews. The "militias" divided among themselves what was taken from those caught, and from the authorities they received bread, vodka, sugar, money for each head - who would refuse.

Second. Poles - one of the peoples most affected by the Nazis - and after their departure continued to clear their land of their Jews. Sami.

As soon as the Germans were driven out, the Jews began to return home. From shelters, forests, concentration camps, from the USSR, where all the lucky ones had to endure exile in Siberia and Central Asia, and even Stalin's camps. By the summer of 1945, there were only 55,500 of them in all of Poland. And the people were indignant at Jewish dominance.

Still would! No matter how many there were, but the fact that they are here, was fraught with great inconvenience and potential danger. The property of three million Polish Jews - from household utensils to the houses themselves, shops, clinics, factories - went mainly to the Poles. And now what to do with the Jewish cups in the sideboard and the shoes that have not yet been demolished? Previously, the Germans took away, and now there will be Jews? Blatant injustice!

A wave of pogroms swept across the country. in Rzeszow. In Krakow. The most terrible - in July 1946 in Kielce. The police and troops joined the rioters. About fifty dead, including pregnant women and children. Pogroms also took place on trains. Jews were imprisoned at the stations and killed, or even simply dumped at full speed.

About a thousand people died (did not die - died) in two years. By the summer of 1946, there were 250,000 Jews in Poland, the largest number in its post-war history. Faced with such a warm reception at home, they ran away forever. Six months later, less than half remained.

In 1948, the anti-Semitic campaign against the “rootless cosmopolitans” that broke out in the USSR spread to subordinate Poland. Stalin died, a “thaw” began in the Union - and the head of the Polish communists, Wladyslaw Gomulka, released from prison, pleased the disgruntled workers with a noisy campaign to expel Jews from leadership positions. A new wave of emigration rose - and by the end of the 50s, only 30,000 Jews remained in the country.

The next wave is after Israel's victory in the Six Day War in 1967. Gomułka declared the Jews a "fifth column" and public denunciations of the Zionists began throughout the country. Fortunately, the borders were open - the Jews ran. In Israel, this wave of repatriation is called "Gomulka's aliyah". By the beginning of the 70s, 6,000 Jews remained in Poland, mostly elderly. According to the 2002 census - a little over a thousand. As a percentage of the population - about zero.

The country that once saved the Jews of Europe from extinction is now demonstrating another phenomenon: the persistence of anti-Semitism in the absence of Jews.

Heirs. Jewish lubok

No one knows exactly how many Jews there are in Krakow. Few.

The religious couple in our group of Israeli journalists were lucky: they came to the synagogue - and got to the ceremony of brit mila (circumcision) of a newborn - the first brit in three years.

There are no Jews, and the Jewish presence is at every turn.

Here is the Jewish Square, the former market square, with a round rotunda in the middle, where the shoikhets used to slaughter a bird, and now - a cluster of local fast food eateries and pubs, always stuffed to the eyeballs, the revelry does not subside all night.

Here are carefully restored Jewish inscriptions on the facades. Here are signs of Jewish artisans who have long since disappeared in Treblinka, Auschwitz or Podgórze.

Here are Jewish restaurants for every taste - kosher and not, pretentious and simpler.

Here is a Jewish bookstore - all Jewish exotics in the style of nostalgia: whatnots with disks of songs in Yiddish, guides to Jewish Krakow in all languages, religious literature, Alef-Beis of all kinds - from posters on the wall to magnetic plaques on the refrigerator - and the most massive option : notebooks and notepads, where only colored covers are Jewish.

Here are the museums. Here are synagogues that have not yet become museums. Paid entrance. Inexpensive, but jarring.

Here is a poster for a concert by local klezmers. Is it necessary to say that there is not a single Jew in the chapels, and where would they come from? But they play every evening - spin fiddle, spin.

Here is the Jewish youth club. When I filmed it, the whole yard was filled with noisy American schoolchildren or students - they came to touch the roots.

Funny figurines of Jews are displayed in the windows of each souvenir shop - how not to enter? Inside, piles of tiny plastic Jews are piled in trays - for every taste: dark-haired, red-haired, in hats, shtreimls, kippahs, lapserdaks, funny waistcoats, tales and tallit-katans, white stockings, with pipes and violins, prayer books and abacus, with a key ring on the collar and a magnet on the back. And each of this Jewesses in his palm, or even firmly holds in two, a yellow coin of one penny. I only found out later - such a Polish sign: a Jew with a penny in the house - for money.

Exactly. This is the true image of the Jew in today's Poland. A Jew is not only cool, it is profitable.

And now - seriously. Highly.

Jewish heritage has become a good commodity. He is in demand. Since there is a commodity and there is a demand for it, but there are no Jews, it is quite natural that the Poles will trade in them.

Of course, if you know and take into account how persistently and harshly the Poles got rid of their Jews, it may seem unfair to you that it was they who turned out to be their heirs. It's like Jewish services in a home buffet and shoes taken from corpses.

But then I have a question for you. Or rather, to all of us Jews.

And what have we done to make the legacy of the great Ashkenazi culture and its unique history our own? What do we know about our past and eternal? How do we store it, restore it, pass it on to children? Who among us knows Yiddish, literature in it - at least in translations? Who knows what she was? At least interested?

The founding fathers of Israel - the state thanks to which the Jewish people were reborn after the nightmare of the Holocaust - themselves immigrants from Polish shtetls, deliberately skipped the Galut period of our history, so that in the new country the new people would feel like the heir to the kings and warriors of biblical times, and not the humiliated shtetl machers scattering. This selective forgetfulness was justified and correct for them even then. For our generation, there are no such reasons or justifications.

And while we have done little or nothing to make this heritage our own, there is nothing to complain about that it was privatized by others. And until we do this with the whole world and with all the obsession that we are capable of, we will be fed our national treasure from someone else's hands - adapted by them, redrawn to suit their ideas, distorted in their own way - an ersatz product, a Jewish popular print, a caricature instead of a portrait , a fake instead of the original.

In wonderful Krakow, they will offer you only what they have - exactly this.

So why not go? Vice versa! "Go to Krakow - that's all!" - I will say, imitating the Polish Jew Panikovsky. Only know something more than you will be shown and told. Actually, for the sake of this I wrote this text.

From Eretz Ashkenaz to Eretz Israel we walked (and some are still on the way) along the Polish corridor. It is just a corridor, but seven centuries long. In it we were saved, in it we were killed. He shaped us in many ways. You can't live in the corridor, but you can look in. Grandma's chests are still gathering dust here. So what if other people's hands were rummaging through them? These chests contain our past, and the chests are in the corridor. Polish. Here we go to Poland.

Danzig corridor, - the name in 1919-45 of a narrow strip of Polish. land received by bourgeois-landlord Poland under the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 and giving it access to the Baltic. m. Polish arrays. Balt. lands, as well as app. Polish lands to the Oder and Neisse, were, according to the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919, left as part of Germany. Polish The city of Gdansk was together with the adjacent territory. allocated to a special state. education - "Free City of Danzig" (under the protectorate of the League of Nations). Since Gdansk was separated from Poland, P. to. ended with a narrow strip of the sea coast just 71 km away, on which there were several. small settlements. In 1922, on the site of one of the villages, the construction of the Polish. of the city of Gdynia, the width of the P. k. did not exceed 200 km, and at its narrowest point it was 30 km. Keeping Polish under its yoke. lands to the east and west of P. k., Germany controlled the outlet of Wormwood to the sea. After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, the imperialists put their practical. the task of achieving the elimination of P. to. in order to deprive Poland of access to the sea and connect the East. Prussia, which remained part of post-Versailles Germany, with other German territories. After the establishment of the fascist dictatorship in Germany (1933), the Nazi government began to show Polish. pr-wu specific territories. claims. Re-acc. the rulers of Poland ignored the threats from Germany. After the capture by Poland in the beginning. oct. 1938 Cieszyn Silesia, which followed the Munich Agreement of 1938, Polish. the imperialists began to hatch plans for separating the Transcarpathian Ukraine from Czechoslovakia. They intended to carry out their plans with the help of germs. imperialists. The production of "rehabilitation" Poland, also driven by anti-Sovs. plans, it was ready to collude with the fascists. Germany at the expense of P. to. For this purpose, in October. - Nov. 1938 Polish Ambassador to Germany Yu. Lipsky negotiated with I. Ribbentrop. Hitler's government put forward a project to annex Gdansk to Germany and establish an extraterritorial German border from East to West through P. corridor. Under the pressure of masses of Polish pr-in refused to satisfy the territory. German claims. imperialists, which served as one of the pretexts for the attack of the fascists. Germany to Poland in Sept. 1939. After the defeat of the fascist. Germany, all the original Polish lands, by decision of the Crimean Conference of 1945, and then the Potsdam Conference of 1945, became part of the PPR. Lit .: Grosh V., At the origins of September 1939, trans. from Polish., M., 1951.

17.08.2018 15:00

Players have created a lot of strategies for sports betting, some are frankly losing, some can bring quite tangible income with discipline and a competent approach. One of the common tactics in betting is middles. Experienced users will immediately understand what we are talking about: it is supposed to bet on two outcomes of a sporting event (usually totals), so that it is desirable to play both shoulders. For example: TB 2.5 and TM 4 in football. If 3 goals are scored, the better will remain in a significant plus, if 1 or 5 goals - in a small minus. One coupon in any case will be winning.

But there is also a more complex variation of the strategy - Polish corridors. It is not popular among players, as it is quite complex in calculations, time-consuming, little studied and not really tested. In addition, there is only one service on the network that is looking for such types of bets -.

In the English variation, the name of the strategy sounds like polish middles, abbreviated PM. This should be remembered, since such a name is used in foreign sites and services. For convenience, the article will use the abbreviation PC.

What is the Polish Corridor?

Until now, there is no exact and single-handed designation of the strategy. In simple terms, the Polish middle is a group of bets on several outcomes of the same event. Moreover, not all possible markets are covered, but the most probable ones. Unlike the classical options, in which success needs to “get” into a certain range of set values, in PC, on the contrary, it is necessary that it does not happen.

The essence is a bit similar to incomplete forks (HB), but there are still differences. And they lie in the following:

  • In incomplete surebets, usually only 2 markets are chosen, which are directly opposite to each other. For example, P1 and P2 in a hockey match. The expectation that draws will not happen.
  • In case of losing HB, the user loses 100% of their bets. In polish middles, the loss is only a few percent of the amount affixed.
  • The PC is a more flexible system with several options, in live you can even block all possible outcomes with a good combination of circumstances.
  • Incomplete surebets are usually practiced within one bookmaker, and PCs in several, which allows you to choose the most profitable odds and increase the percentage of profit.

Finally, the main advantage of the PC is that even a failure in one session does not “draw down” the bank significantly, unlike the same surebets. You can recapture the lost money literally in the next two successful gaming periods.

Interesting. The name "Polish Corridor" came to the rates from the war times of 1914-1939. Then Poland was given a territory dividing Germany in half in order to freely access the sea. This is where the designation came from, it may not be entirely correct, but it is easy to remember.

Examples of betting strategies

In principle, you can bet on the strategy on any markets where potential corridors are formed. However, in most cases, Asian odds and the main outcomes of the match are chosen, this is where the largest number of suitable odds and markets are found. A couple of examples of polish middles are below.

Example 1

A football match is selected and the line is studied in two offices to find a good PC. If it is, bets are made in both bookmakers. In one, a handicap is placed on the first team with a value of +0.25 with a coefficient of 2.35. On another bookmaker, a clear victory of the second team is taken with a quote of 2.2. The player allocates $100 for both shoulders.

Should know. The +0.25 handicap bet is conditionally divided into two parts. The first outcome is from 0, and the second is +0.5. If the team wins, then both shoulders play, the coupon is calculated as a winning one. In case of a draw, half of the bet amount is returned with odds of 1, and the second is considered to have won. If the selected team is defeated, then the bet will also be lost.

After issuing coupons, all that remains is to wait for the end of the event. There are 3 possible scenarios here:

  • The first team won by any score. The winnings will be $225. The net profit, taking into account the spent $200, will be equal to $25. The second bet was lost.
  • The second team won with any score. Net income will be $20. Handicap bet loses.
  • No result. The handicap on the first team wins only half, the second part of the bet is calculated as a return. Here the profit will be $17.5 (50*2.35+50=117.5). The second leverage lost, which means that the total loss is $62.5. Everything is calculated quite simply: 200-117.5 = 62.5.

As you can see, only the third result is unprofitable, the losses amounted to 31.25%. But you can further reduce this figure if you do not bet fixed amounts on both markets, but calculate the optimal values ​​using a simple arb calculator. In this case, you need to bet $100 and $111, then the loss will be no more than $45 (about 25%), but the profit will slightly decrease if the hands are successful.

Example 2

Another example. Two betting shops are also opened and, for example, a hockey match is selected, where an outsider and a favorite meet. X2 is bet on the first one (that is, the team will not lose), and the leader has a handicap of -0.75. Odds for both outcomes are 2.5, coupons are issued in two different offices, $100 is allocated for each market.

Further possible developments:

  • The favorite won with a crushing score (3:0, 4:0, 4:1, and so on). Plays a bet on the negative handicap of the leader -0.75. The income will be $250, the net profit will be $50.
  • The favorite celebrated the success with a difference of exactly one puck. According to the rules of all offices, the coupon is divided into two parts: one wins, the other returns. Calculations: $50+$50*2.5=$175. The second bet lost completely, so the loss is $25, since $200-$175=$25. Drawdown 12.5%.
  • The match ended in a draw or the outsider won. Handicap -0.75 "burns out", but the bet on X2 plays. Profit on it $225, net income $25.

For clarity, we express all possible outcomes, profit / loss in the table:

These two examples clearly show the main advantage of polish middles over surebets and incomplete surebets: even if the deal is unsuccessful, the player does not lose significant amounts. The loss in the second case is only 12.5%, and the potential profit is 25%. Obviously, the next successful session will allow you to fully return the loss.

PC search service

As mentioned at the very beginning of the article, there is only one service on the network that is looking for Polish corridors. This is ODDStorm. Unfortunately for domestic players, it is completely in English, the Russian-language interface is not provided on the site. However, knowing the basic terms of rates, you can easily find the right tab here, it is hidden in the InPlay section called polish middles.

By going to the required tab, the user will see all available bets on the PC at the moment according to the tariff plan he has chosen. There are no Polish middles in the free version, as they cannot be 1% in principle. The player can set up a lot of filters by sport, profitability, start time and other parameters. The resource also has special training materials that tell in detail about polish middles.

The only thing that can scare away betters from ODDStorm is high subscription prices. They are much higher than the market average and may not be affordable for many customers. So, a prematch for one day costs €7, and for six months as much as €775, a subscription to live bets will cost €9 and €975, respectively. Combined options are priced in thousands of euros. And this is only on the VIP plan. If you choose VIP+, then the cost is even higher.

Reference. On any tariff plan, access to the Polish corridors is provided without restrictions. That is, the user pays for a subscription and can view suitable events found by the service.

In what sports to look for a PC?

Hundreds of thousands of polish middles are formed every day in dozens of bookmakers. And even within the same institution, you can find good options for making a profitable bet. In the vast majority of cases, bettors prefer football matches, since they have the widest line and the most outcomes. It's easy to find suitable offers here.

But other sports definitely deserve the attention of players. Good markets for coupons can be found in basketball, hockey, volleyball, tennis and other disciplines. In addition, less popular games are not so thoroughly analyzed by bookmakers, respectively, PCs with the most favorable odds appear in them, which you definitely need to bet on, since the probability of a successful outcome is high.

Among the outcomes used for the strategy, it is necessary to single out, first of all, the Asian handicap, it is around it that the majority of bets are built. However, it is beneficial to use other options: totals, double outcomes, the number of goals and even statistics. The main thing is that there should be an unambiguous corridor.

When choosing a bookmaker for games, you should focus on their reputation and ease of use. Reputable establishments will never block a client and cut his account only for bets on Polish middles. Even if he does it within the same office and receives regular profits.

Advantages and disadvantages of the strategy

The advantages of the PC strategy are really many. Here are just the main benefits:

  • Higher throughput compared to conventional corridors and incomplete forks.
  • The appearance of polish middles in itself means the valuation of one of the outcomes, which means that profit in the long term is unambiguously guaranteed. And if you can recognize inflated odds, then you can even play only on them.
  • An unsuccessful gaming session only results in the loss of a small amount of bets. She easily fights back in the next series. Indeed, in fact, there is no completely losing option, in the most unprofitable case, the client returns more than half of the money spent.
  • There are a lot of pre-match PCs in a wide variety of markets. This allows you to fill out coupons and make payments without rushing. A large number of suitable options are also formed in live mode, but skill and speed are needed to complete everything in time.
  • There is no need to connect "catch-up" in case of defeat of the bet. As you know, it only leads to the drain of the bank. Lung losses are compensated by the following victories.
  • To work, an account of 2-3 bookmakers is enough, you do not need to register in many offices. Since suitable markets appear in almost all establishments. And this makes the task of the better much easier.
  • Bookmakers do not block for applying the strategy, it is as similar as possible to the behavior of an ordinary player. Unlike the same surebets, where there is a high risk of cutting highs and “freezing” the account.
  • There are many suitable outcomes in the pre-match line, there is no need to sit and “catch” them in live.
  • It is not necessary to use services and software; you can also manually detect the Polish corridor.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning that the strategy is still little studied and not very popular with bettors. It is difficult to find information and real tests from other players on it. Also, there are no auxiliary software and competitive services in the network to search for polish middles.


Polish middles are one of the best betting strategies in bookmakers. True, it requires a thorough approach: the ability to calculate probabilities, look for the right outcomes, analyze the event, and select the appropriate odds. It takes a lot of time to play a strategy game, we can say that this is a real job.

On the other hand, PK tactics can be very profitable in the long run if you learn how to play them. Of course, you need to bet really good amounts to feel the profit. If you bet on small things, the income will not be felt too much, especially if there is an unsuccessful gaming session.

Three (3) million Jews lived in Poland...
We must know this, if only to keep our conscience clear.


We, the Russians (I specifically write without quotation marks), often have an arrogantly condescending attitude towards Poland. This is from the overfeeding of classical Russian literature, where it is just such, not to say simply contemptuous, and from the relapses of the Soviet imperial consciousness. Well, Poland - some kind of semi-Europe, a passed stage?
This usual for us look at Poland - from above - is just as inappropriate as, be it said about no one, arrogance towards parents. Roughly speaking, this is our homeland, son.

Because almost all of us, Russian Jews of Ashkenazi origin, are actually Polish Jews. Jews generally appeared in the Russian Empire as a burden to the lands divided among the great powers of Poland. And Poland, by the time the great powers began to divide it among themselves, was the most Jewish country in Europe. Asylum country, I do not want to confuse you with an analogy.

The fact is that Eretz-Ashkenaz, who gave the name to our tribe much earlier than she herself began to be called Germany, tried to root us out long before she formulated this task in a capacious formula "the final solution of the Jewish question." And more than once. And at least twice. The first big wave rolled over almost all of Western Europe, or rather, its Jews, with the beginning of the Crusades. Before fighting for the "Holy Sepulcher" in Jerusalem, the crusaders dealt with their Jews in Europe - at their place of residence and on the way to Palestine, where they often did not reach.

And the second was thicker and more powerful. She really almost turned Western Europe into a "juden frei" - Hitler would have been left without a job.
In the middle of the XIV century, an epidemic of plague broke out in Europe - the Black Death, which is believed to have halved the population of the continent - people died like flies.
Well, enlightened Europeans quickly figured out where they got such a misfortune. And instead of finally learning how to wash (they didn’t wash at all), they accused the Jews of spreading a terrible infection.

Jews began to be inspired, everywhere and mercilessly destroyed. Whole communities. It took on the character of an epidemic comparable to the plague. It covered the whole of Western Europe; in Germany, the tornado did not pass a single city with a Jewish population. More than 300 communities were destroyed. How could one escape such a fate? Run away from this cruel land! Where? Where the hunt for them has not yet been conducted. To the East. The largest country in the east was Poland, which only relatively recently became a kingdom with its capital in Krakow.

The Polish kings sought to revive the cities devastated by the Tatar-Mongols - there were not enough townspeople in the peasant country. That is why the borders were opened to alien artisans and merchants. The Germans also came, and the Jews tumbled down in droves. And so they were saved. So Poland became the first country of refuge for the persecuted tribe. It was in Poland that the largest Jewish community in the world was formed. And it remained so for several centuries, until the descendants of the plague pogromists from the same Germany overtook the descendants of the Jews who had fled from their lands.

Word choice

And today you will arrive in Krakow - and you will definitely be lucky, that is, you will not be blown away by an invitation for a walk along the “Jewish Krakow”. Herds of sightseeing electric cars scurry around the center, horse-drawn carriages, pleasure boats on the Vistula, crowds were calling out ... So anyway, don’t get out - you’ll go, and a young female voice with a Ukrainian accent in a weary recitative in the manner of a provincial radio announcer will start a tour of the main Krakow sights from a loudspeaker - places where there are no more Jews.

First, the Jews settled on these streets of Krakow, and then a separate city was given to them by royal decree - Kazimierz, she will say, and you will most likely perceive this as just historical information. And you have already been fed a landmark version of Polish history and the Jews in Poland - the way it is interpreted by the Poles, because "whoever has a history girl interprets her, dear."

But why didn't the Jews live in Krakow? What sane merchant would trade a big city for a small one? Perhaps they themselves did not move beyond the Vistula? Maybe, on the contrary, they sent them there? Maybe - by the same royal decree? You won't believe it - that's how it was.

The privileges of intolerance...

In 1495, the age-old dream of ordinary Krakovites came true - the Jews were expelled from the city. This happy event was preceded by misfortune. In June 1494 there was a great fire in Krakow. Not all the excited townspeople were confused - many, taking advantage of the turmoil, began to rob Jewish shops and houses, and at the same time kill and maim their owners, rape women - a pogrom is a pogrom.

Even before, Krakow philistines struggled with "Jewish dominance" tirelessly - for a century and a half. The Germans were especially zealous. The Jews interfered with them most of all, because they were engaged in the same thing as them - loans, trade and crafts. They, like the Jews, were welcomed by the Polish kings for the development of cities. But no one wants competitors.
A stream of “spiritual literature” with descriptions of the intrigues of the Jews poured out of Germany, preachers came in, exposing this vile people.

Local priests quickly recognized the trend and adopted it. In 1407, one of them told the world that the Jews killed a Christian baby in order, as usual, to knead matzah on the blood of the sinless, and the first pogrom in Poland took place in Krakow. Then they were repeated from time to time - as Jewish goodness and Christian debts accumulated. This is how the system of attitude towards Jews in the blessed country of asylum was formed - based on interests, no esotericism.

The merchants spurred on the city squalor, the squalor was readily lit up. The magistrates, meeting the wishes of the citizens, imposed restrictions on the Jews on trade, crafts, and ownership of real estate. Catholic hierarchs demanded from the kings the introduction of discriminatory measures across the country. The kings - different in different ways - realizing what benefit the treasury and the court had from the Jews, they resisted as best they could, but in the end they gave in, looking for a compromise.

So, already in the XIV century, the practice of introducing in royal cities (of federal significance, as we would say now) a legal status, called in Latin Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis, that is, the privilege of an intolerant attitude towards Jews, began. This gave the magistrates the right to evict Jews and not let them into the cities except on fair days ...

So, after a great pogrom, by a royal decree of 1495, it was ordered to introduce the norm Privilegium de non tolerandis Judaeis in Krakow - to evict the Jews from the city beyond the Vistula, where in the suburb of Kazimierz they were assigned a four-street quarter to live in, surrounded by a wall with three gates. And Christians were forbidden to settle there.
That is, it is clear what it was? Ghetto. That's what Kazimierz is - the first Jewish ghetto in Poland. But no one in today's Poland will tell you this. The Krakow ghetto will definitely be shown. However, in a completely different place.

abandoned chairs

By the beginning of the Second World War in the second city of Poland, almost a quarter of the population were Jews. There were more than half of them among Krakow doctors and lawyers. The Jews owned the most prosperous businesses and the most beautiful houses. The Germans took Krakow at the very beginning of the war. First of all, they staged a demonstrative pogrom. Governor Hans Frank, later hanged in Nuremberg, set an ambitious goal - to make this one-quarter Jewish city "the cleanest" in the General Government.

In March 1941, the Jews of Krakow were again driven across the Vistula, this time from Kazimierz, to the Podgórze region. One of the largest ghettos in Europe was set up here. And one of the worst. In May 1942, deportations to death camps began. The place of gathering, as well as selections, executions and preliminary executions, was Zgoda Square, which means Consent, right at the bridge, at the entrance to the ghetto. After sending the next transport, abandoned things, corpses and chairs remained on the square (they were brought to facilitate the waiting for those who could not stand, and there was no one to pick them up).

Now on the square is one of the world's best memorials to the victims of the Holocaust: 70 steel chairs - one for every thousand Jews killed in Krakow. Few managed to escape. Most of them - by accident, like 8-year-old Raymond Liebling, future film director, Oscar winner Roman Polanski, who was pushed behind the barbed wire by his father at the time of the liquidation of the ghetto. Someone - thanks to the righteous saviors, like hundreds of persons involved in the "Schindler's list": the enamelware factory, confiscated from the Jew Nathan Wurzel and inherited by Oskar Schindler, was here in Podgórze.

The fantastic success of Spielberg's film created a new branch of Krakow tourism. The “Schindler Factory” restored for filming was preserved, made into a museum - it became a place of pilgrimage. Almost everyone who visits Krakow visits it, and Jews from all over the world come on purpose. Place de la Concorde was renamed Heroes of the Ghetto. The gloomy district of Podgórze became visited. And that means profitable.

“It’s all war and the Germans…”

How organic is our connection with this earth! How economical it is... The Jews ensured the economic development of Poland when they were here, and continue to do so when they are not here.

And - by the fact that they are not there. And why are we not there? It seems to be clear - the Holocaust. Of the six million victims of the "Final Solution," half are Polish Jews.

Almost everything that was. Only those who ended up in the Soviet Union survived.

And those whom the Poles saved. Very little. The salvation of their Jews in Poland was not a mass phenomenon. There was massive complicity.

You will not be told about this when visiting ghettos and camps - at least the Poles, at least on excursions. This is all the war and the Germans - this is how they remember the Holocaust here.

However, it is by no means accidental that all the Nazi death camps were located in Poland. What were the strategists of the "final solution" guided by when determining the locations of the main destruction factories - the proximity of the "basic material" so as not to carry it far, or the traditional anti-Semitism of the main population, so that the "material" had nowhere to run? Most likely, both factors were taken into account.

And the calculation paid off. In some ghettos, the Germans did not even see the need to even put up a fence and guards: the Jews themselves were afraid to poke themselves into the territory - they would have been immediately killed by yesterday's neighbors. In some places there was no one to gather in the ghetto: the locals themselves dealt with their Jews, as soon as the Germans arrived.

The most famous case is the pogrom in Jedwabne - a place near Bialystok. But it was not the only place in Poland where the arrival of the invaders was marked by the extermination of the Jews even before the Germans got down to business, and Poland was the only country where this happened. Lithuanians and Ukrainians behaved in the same way in many cases, showing the same sophisticated cruelty. Yet Polish anti-Semitism had (and still has) some specific features.

First. The complicity of the Poles in the Holocaust was based primarily on everyday reasons. There was more self-interest there than hatred. Many hid Jews for a bribe. When the money and jewelry of the “tenants” ran out, they were kicked out, handed over to the Germans, or killed themselves. Prosperous Jews tried to save at least the children. They gave them to decent families of friends and acquaintances - entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers - with all their savings. In hundreds of cases, these benefactors, having pocketed the fortune of their parents who had already disappeared, took their children to the Gestapo.

The Polish police zealously hunted for the hiding Jews - after all, they were entitled to a third of the valuables confiscated from the fugitives. Village elders easily gathered peasants for raids to search for Jews. The “militias” divided among themselves what was taken from those caught, and from the authorities they received bread, vodka, sugar, money for each head - who would refuse?

Second. Poles - one of the peoples most affected by the Nazis - and after their departure continued to clear their land of their Jews. Sami. As soon as the Germans were expelled, the Jews began to return home. From shelters, forests, concentration camps, from the USSR, where all the lucky ones had to endure exile in Siberia and Central Asia, and even Stalin's camps. By the summer of 1945, there were only 55,500 of them in all of Poland. And the people were indignant at Jewish dominance.

Still would! No matter how many there were, but the fact that they are here, was fraught with great inconvenience and potential danger. The property of three million Polish Jews - from household utensils to the houses themselves, shops, clinics, factories - went mainly to the Poles. And now what to do with the Jewish cups in the sideboard and the shoes that have not yet been demolished? Previously, the Germans took away, and now there will be Jews? Blatant injustice!

A wave of pogroms swept across the country. in Rzeszow. In Krakow. The most terrible - in July 1946 in Kielce. The police and troops joined the rioters. About fifty dead, including pregnant women and children. Pogroms also took place on trains. Jews were imprisoned at the stations and killed, or even simply dumped at full speed.
About a thousand people died (did not die - died) in two years. By the summer of 1946, there were 250,000 Jews in Poland, the largest number in its post-war history. Faced with such a warm reception at home, they ran away forever. Six months later, less than half remained.

In 1948, the anti-Semitic campaign against the “rootless cosmopolitans” that broke out in the USSR spread to subordinate Poland. Stalin died, a “thaw” began in the Union - and the head of the Polish communists, Wladyslaw Gomulka, released from prison, pleased the disgruntled workers with a noisy campaign to expel Jews from leadership positions. A new wave of emigration rose - and by the end of the 50s, only 30,000 Jews remained in the country.

The next wave is after Israel's victory in the Six Day War in 1967. Gomułka declared the Jews a "fifth column" and public denunciations of the Zionists began throughout the country. Fortunately, the borders were open - the Jews ran. In Israel, this wave of repatriation is called "Gomulka's aliyah". By the beginning of the 70s, 6,000 Jews remained in Poland, mostly elderly. According to the 2002 census - a little over a thousand. As a percentage of the population - about zero. The country, which once saved the Jews of Europe from extinction, now demonstrates another phenomenon: the preservation of anti-Semitism in the absence of Jews.

Heirs. Jewish lubok

No one knows exactly how many Jews there are in Krakow. Not much. The religious couple in our group of Israeli journalists was lucky: they came to the synagogue - and got to the ceremony of brit mila (circumcision) of a newborn - the first brit in three years. There are no Jews, and the Jewish presence is at every turn. Here is the Jewish Square, the former market, with a round rotunda in the middle, where once the shoikhets slaughtered a bird, and now - a cluster of local fast food eateries and pubs, always stuffed to the eyeballs, the revelry does not stop all night.

Here are carefully restored Jewish inscriptions on the facades. Here are signs of Jewish artisans who have long since disappeared in Treblinka, Auschwitz or Podguzha. Here are Jewish restaurants for every taste - kosher and not very, pretentious and simpler. Here is a Jewish bookstore - all Jewish exotics in the style of nostalgia: bookcases with CDs of songs in Yiddish, guidebooks about Jewish Krakow in all languages, religious literature, Alef-Beis of all kinds - from posters on the wall to magnetic plaques on the refrigerator - and the most popular option: notebooks and notepads, where Jewish - only colored covers.

Here are the museums. Here are synagogues that have not yet become museums. Paid entrance. Inexpensive, but jarring. Here is the poster for the concert of local klezmers. Needless to say, there is not a single Jew in the chapels. And where do they come from? But they play every night - steeple fiddle, steeple. Here is a Jewish youth club. When I filmed it, the whole yard was filled with noisy American schoolchildren or students - they came to touch the roots.
Funny figurines of Jews are displayed in the windows of each souvenir shop - how not to enter?

Inside, piles of tiny plastic Jews are piled in trays - for every taste: dark-haired, red-haired, in hats, shtreimls, kippahs, lapserdaks, funny waistcoats, tales and tallit-katans, white stockings, with pipes and violins, prayer books and abacus, with a key ring on the collar and a magnet on the back. And each of this Jewesses in his palm, or even firmly holds in two, a yellow coin of one penny. I only found out later - such a Polish sign: a Jew with a penny in the house - for money.

Exactly. This is the true image of the Jew in today's Poland. A Jew is not only cool, it is profitable. And now - seriously. Very much. Jewish heritage has become a good commodity. He is in demand. Since there is a commodity and there is a demand for it, but there are no Jews, it is quite natural that the Poles will trade in them.

Of course, if you know and take into account how persistently and harshly the Poles got rid of their Jews, it may seem unfair to you that it was they who turned out to be their heirs. It's like Jewish services in a home buffet and boots taken from corpses. But then I have a question for you. Or rather, to all of us Jews. And what have we done to make the legacy of the great Ashkenazi culture and its unique history our own? What do we know about our past and eternal? How do we store it, restore it, pass it on to children? Who among us knows Yiddish, literature in it - at least in translations? Who knows what she was? At least interested?

The founding fathers of Israel, the state thanks to which the Jewish people were reborn after the nightmare of the Holocaust, themselves immigrants from Polish shtetls, deliberately skipped the Galut period of our history, so that in the new country the new people would feel like the heir to the kings and warriors of biblical times, and not the humiliated shtetl machers scattering. This selective forgetfulness was justified and correct for them even then.

For our generation, there are no such reasons or justifications. And while we have done little or nothing to make this heritage our own, there is nothing to complain about that it was privatized by others. And until we do this with the whole world and with all the obsession that we are capable of, we will be fed our national treasure from someone else's hands - adapted by them, redrawn to suit their ideas, distorted in their own way - an ersatz product, a Jewish popular print, a caricature instead of a portrait , a fake instead of the original.

In wonderful Krakow, they will offer you only what they have - exactly this. So why not go? Vice versa! "Go to Krakow - that's all!" - I will say, imitating the Polish Jew Panikovsky. Only know something more than you will be shown and told. Actually, for the sake of this I wrote this text. From Eretz Ashkenaz to Eretz Israel we walked (and some are still on the way) along the Polish corridor. It is just a corridor, but seven centuries long. In it we were saved, in it we were killed. He shaped us in many ways. You can't live in the corridor, but you can look in. Grandma's chests are still gathering dust here. So what if other people's hands were rummaging through them? These chests contain our past, and the chests are in the corridor. Polish. Here we go to Poland.

The law of life - YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING! - no one canceled. AND THEY WILL PAY!

Vladimir Beider

When choosing a bet strategy, it should be clear which method would be most suitable for ROI (Return of Investment), and for your personal convenience. The mid-range not only allows not only to reduce the risk of bank losses, but also leads to a stable positive account balance in the medium and long term. And here, the most promising polish middles and negatives would be in the midst of the benefits as the most effective but at the same time understandable game strategies.

What is a polish middle?

The essence of the Polish middle (PM) in the overlap of both shoulders the maximum possible number of options for the outcome of the match (3 of 4) with an obvious profit for the player. Purely mathematically you achieve 75% Chance, which is a good amount in itself. But also a loss does not cause serious damage using this strategy. The profitability of individual applications will be about 12 to 15%, in the case of failure the Minus is not more than 20%.

In simplified terms, a polish middle is used in the following cases:

  • First, after the Asian Handicap will be settled where the Bets will be distributed in two parts (the calculation will be calculated depending on the conditions for the entire bet or half bet) - with the main bet on the favorite;
  • The second bet is on the negative result (draw or victory of the 2. Team).

You must pay attention to the odds-both Sure Bets of the Middle must be the same. In this case, you should expect only minor damage in case of loss.

Negative Middles

To put it simply, the negative middle is somewhat similar to the polish middle, but in fact it differs by slightly higher profits. The main points should be considered for non-convergence of operations. In this case, the sporting event must have a high rate in order to fully recover the possible loss.

The essence of the strategy is the formation of the middle based on quotas, which represents the upper (probable) and lower (slightly less probable) boundary. The odds cannot form surebets. If the player gets into a middle, you get as soon as a large sum-because both surebets instead of one become active, as in the case of the polish middle, or surebet strategy. Accordingly, the loss becomes a defeat of both stakes. But there is another way to bet through a negative middle that allows to reduce the number of losses at an unfavourable result:

  • On the more likely outcome (upper surebet) you bet more in relation to the odds;
  • On the less likely outcome (lower surebet) you bet with your remaining bank balance.

It "s a little like a surebet, but there is an important difference in the size of bets. Thus, it becomes possible to compensate (or substantially reduce) the risk of loss, or to obtain a good profit at the upper surebet.

Important to know! The negative middle, as well as the polish middle, refers to a partial arbitrage, which does not impose sanctions on bookmakers. The bookmaker directs the player to normal betting.

Which method to choose?

If there is a choice between a polish middle and a negative middle, it is important to understand - despite some similarities they differ greatly after the profit. Making a choice between the negative and the Polish corridor, it is important to understand that despite some similarities, they differ significantly in yield. Given that the corridors are not suitable for high coefficients, a positive ROI at the middle distance will show only a negative result.

Polish middles (PM) have a slightly greater attraction for the player, especially if you have not yet reached a high level of dexterity. Strategy is remarkable with stable ROI on short and medium distance, and, most importantly, it is easy to analyze. At the same time, Polish centers are much more mathematically advantageous:

  • 75 out of 100 bets bring over 12.5% ​​profit;
  • 25 out of 100 bets bring a minus of 18.75%.

For a $200 betting bank, the total return on polish mid-market will be $875, which is 4.38% of the ROI. In the pre-game strategies, polish mids are optimal for player of any level, from beginner to professional. Polish middles can also be found in Live surebets, especially in the dynamic sports, where Totals and Handicaps move quickly-tennis, football, basketball. This allows you to leave scanners and use simple betting sites.

With the negative middles it "s all a little easier. In the pre-game strategy, the negative middle may also appear in dynamic sports (it would be useless to look for it at Cricket or Golf), but there is one limitation: you must ensure that the odds are not the surebet Odds and can play both bets.With Live surebets it is a bit too difficult because of the dynamics of negative mids that exceed those of Polish mids.

If you bet on this strategy, you place a great value on the odds. But you don't have to forget - middles are no guarantee of winning.