Give the oak the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word. The meaning of the phraseological unit "Give an oak

Give oak Prost. Die. The hour will come - and here he will lie down. And he will die. Well! Tired. And, probably, someone will say: - Grandfather Danila gave oak(A. Tvardovsky. Grandfather Danila goes to the forest).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "Give oak" is in other dictionaries:

    give oak- to give up, to throw back skates, to squat, to raise legs, to throw back tail, to bend, to die, to die, to spread, to curl up, to end, to jump off, to die, to stab, to jump down, to hoof, to throw back hooves, to stretch legs, to die ... Synonym dictionary

    GIVE OAK- who to die. It means that a person, a group of persons (X) ceased to live, to exist. Speaks with disapproval. fam. ✦ X gave oak. Nominal part invariable. In the role of a tale The word order of the components is not fixed. ⊛ The hare leaned against the birch and gave the oak. A.A.… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    give oak- Not to be confused with Tree of Life. Traditional religions Typology Animism Ancestor worship Magic Polydoxia Spiritism ... Wikipedia

    give oak- razg. reduced 1) Die. 2) Get very cold. Yesterday on the street we gave two hours of oak ... Dictionary of many expressions

    give oak- 1. Simple. Die. FSRYA, 146; BMS 1998, 169; ZS 1996, 151, 180; BTS, 240, 286; SHZF 2001, 60; Mokienko 1990, 25; SPP 2001, 36. 2. to whom. Eagle. Beat someone. SOG 1990, 45 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    give oak- grossly simple. die. There are two versions of the origin of this expression. 1. The turnover arose on Russian soil and is associated with the verb zadubet - "to cool down, lose sensitivity, become hard." 2. The expression originated in the south of Russia. It can be assumed... Phraseology Handbook

    to give- ladies, give, give; give, give, give; gave, gave, gave and gave, gave (with a negative: didn’t give and didn’t give, didn’t give, didn’t give and didn’t give, didn’t give and didn’t give); give, give; the; given, given, given (with a negative: not given and not given, not given, not given and not given, not given and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

The hour will come - and here he will lie down.
And he will die. Well! Tired.
And, perhaps, someone will say:
― Grandfather Daniel gave oak
(Alexander Tvardovsky, "Grandfather Danila is going to the forest", 1939).

"To give oak" means to die. But what's with the oak?

It turns out that in pagan antiquity, during life or at birth, an oak was assigned to a person in a sacred grove. That is, "they gave oak" in the sense of its purpose for a future burial.

This ancient folk tradition was preserved by the Old Believers. They hollowed out a domino from a single trunk-deck. D the slaughter coffin has always been a sign of special honor to the deceased. Although the material is not the best: hard, knotty...

"And nothing threatens you,
only when you're in an OAK coffin"
(Vladimir Vysotsky, "Merry deceased").

C Archer Peter I, simultaneously with the introduction of a tax on a beard, in January 1705 introduced a tax on oak coffins, decks, in which they buried since ancient times. A decree "On not making oak coffins" was issued. The synod sent out a strict order that "no one should be buried in oak coffins anywhere," since the coffins were hollowed out of a whole oak tree. Peter first imposed a heavy duty on dug-out coffins, and then completely forbade their manufacture. In general, the reign of Petrushka the Antichrist can be expressed in the words of Maximilian Voloshin:

"Danced, demons roamed
Across Russia far and wide.
Tears and twists snow curtains
Exposed northeast...
Howl, howl, snow elements,
Sweeping over ancient coffins:
In this wind, the whole fate of Russia -
Terrible crazy fate."

This ban is often based on economic grounds.: they say that the oak was of strategic importance, Peter built ships from oak. The construction of only one frigate consumed more than three thousand selected trees, and under Peter more than a thousand warships were built (and all of them rotted after his death). However, ships are not built from oak alone: ​​pine, spruce, cedar, and linden are needed here.

I think that the economic reasons were still secondary. After all, it was not the material that was banned, but the technology: dugout (and not plank) oak decks. A little later, the making of "hollowed pine coffins" was also prohibited - they could now be made "only from planks".Obviously, the dugout deck is the oldest technology, the most traditional. Peter, possessed by the spirit of modernism, organically could not stand any ancient traditions. By the way, twhen domovins banned tombstones, worship crosses on the roads ...

And now we come to the most important thing. The coffin-domovina, hollowed out of a single oak trunk, resembles a dugout boat, a canoe.

If we cover this lower half of the domino with the same lid on top and cut it across in the middle, then the sawn half will look like a stupa of Baba Yaga.

In both cases - both as a boat and as a stupa - the coffin-domovina from the deck is vehicle. Somewhere on the border of two worlds - this world and the other world - stands the World Tree.

"At the seaside green oak;
Golden chain on an oak tree:
And day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes around in a chain ... "(A. S. Pushkin).

The picture of the world of the ancient Slavs contained the idea that somewhere on the northernmost outskirts of the earth - "near the Lukomorye" - a giant Tree rises, the crown of which rests on the sky, and the roots (whose sacred spring flows) reach the underworld.In conspiracies, the World Tree is placed on Buyan Island in the middle of the ocean, where a “damask oak” stands on the Alatyr stone. In The White Goddess, Graves notes that the Tarot consists of 22 letters of the full alphabet of the ancient Celts and that the Hanged Man is associated with the seventh letter D - "Duir", which represents oak. The word "oak" in many European languages ​​also means " a door".

So what do we have? Being the vertical axis of the World, the World Tree connects the world of people with the "upper" (angelic) and "lower" (demonic) worlds. The tree that connects the three levels of the universe is called " expensive", along which the soul of a shaman ascends to Heaven or descends into the Underworld. Among the Slavs, the World Tree appears oak, and oak is " door"to the underworld. (Oak, among other things, is the sacred tree of Perun, which is why they still knock on wood just in case - they call Perun for help ...) The World Tree ison Buyan Island in the middle of the ocean, and you still have to get to it. The "vehicle" of the deceased to the "door" to the other world is a coffin-boat (such as Charon's boat). In this sense, the closest equivalent of the phraseological unit "give oak" is "give a chirp" or "give thrust". The soul is a mobile substance, like mercury. From fear, the soul can go to the heels. At death, the soul leaves the body and goes to the oak. To die means "to give craving for the oak" or - in short - "to give the oak."

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Despite the funny sound, there is nothing funny in the meaning of the phraseological unit “give oak”. Unless you're an expert on black humor. Let us consider in detail what the statement means, its history and synonyms.

Oak decks and Peter the Great

Death is a mysterious and terrible phenomenon for every person. Therefore, in any language there are many definitions, expressions that are designed to replace the simple and terrible verb “die”. The hero of our today's study is just such. The meaning of the phraseological unit "give oak" is exhaustively deciphered by the same verb.

Another thing is more interesting: why oak? Even a person who is not very prepared knows that the oak is a symbol of longevity, and popular rumor places it next to death. The custom of burying in coffins was not originally inherent in the Slavs. For some time, people were buried in birch bark, and the coffin was called korsta. Then, gradually, the corsta was replaced by an oak deck, and both types of burial coexisted in parallel until the 15th century.

The decks are being replaced by ordinary coffins knocked together from boards, solely for economic reasons: Peter the Great needed a fleet, and the latter needed materials. Therefore, by decree of November 19, 1703, it was forbidden to cut trees in the forest, naturally, only some areas fell under the decree, but the death penalty was due for cutting oak. And although such a measure was not applied, oak decks were forgotten.

The deck was a tree trunk, which was sawn across and processed so that a human body fit there. Perhaps it is this custom that owes its origin to the phraseological unit “give oak”. But it seems that things are still much simpler.

Vernacular and set expression

Even now you can hear the verb "zadubet", that is, "freeze, chill, cool down." Some sources offer another option to "become hard" or "lose sensitivity." And here is the dilemma: either the verb is true to tradition, and the language thus preserves the memory of ancient funeral rites and oak logs, or a frozen person acquired the strength and strength of oak. Ice is also a fairly strong material, especially if it is thick. But the second hypothesis seems unnatural.


After we figured out the meaning of the phraseological unit “give oak”, it would be good to understand how this expression can be replaced. There is no problem here, because there are as many euphemisms for the verb "to die" as you like. Just a few made it to our list:

  • Give ends.
  • Glue the flippers.
  • Take off your hooves/skates.
  • Move to a better world.
  • Leave this mortal world.
  • Get out of life.

The attentive reader will understand: the first three phrases, like the object of study, belong to the colloquial style, and the last three - to the high one. If the reader suddenly finds himself among decent people, and news arrives that someone has died, it is better to choose a phrase related to high style, for low is too rude for almost any circle. In addition, the phraseological unit “give an oak”, the meaning of which we have examined, can only be applied by a person to the deceased who did not interest him very much during his lifetime.

"Until I Played the Box" (2007)

An example, as the reader understands, is not very desirable to give. Firstly, we already devoted almost all the time to the topic of death, and secondly, the stable combination itself is rude. If necessary, any person can handle the example himself.

Actually, we want to talk about something else. The film, whose title is placed in the subtitle, teaches love of life and the need to use the time given to a person wisely.

For those who have not seen, let's say: the plot is quite simple. Two older people find out they have terminal cancer and nothing can be done. They have two ways: either lie down, moan and wait for death, or have fun. And not thoughtlessly, but in the way that I wanted for a long time, but could not. You know, family, children, work. And when a person has a maximum of six months left to live, then he thinks: “Why not, in fact?” It seems that this is the correct attitude towards death, because it is inevitable, and not in a metaphysical, but in a completely realistic perspective.

Probably, the name of the film will also perfectly serve as a synonym for the expression "give oak".

Give oak - die. With regard to this phraseological unit, perhaps the more appropriate question is not about its meaning, but about its origin. Why, in fact, "to give oak" means to die. Linguists explain this by identifying a person with a fallen, dead tree: “Lies like a log”; "A hollow tree stands, but a strong one falls." And also with the fact that the deceased is usually placed in a wooden coffin: “Neither puffs nor breathes, lies in a dry tree”, “a house of six boards and a wooden sheepskin coat”.
But why exactly oak, and, for example, not maple or aspen? And here the scientists are. But because there is in Russian folklore the concept of "zadubet", that is, to freeze. Or here: In ancient times in Russia, nobles were buried in coffins hollowed out in the trunks of felled oaks. believes that all these explanations, but no others.

Synonyms for the expression "give oak"

  • make ends meet
  • kick back skates
  • screw up
  • bend over
  • die
  • pass away
  • spill over
  • die
  • jump down
  • hoard
  • kick off
  • stretch your legs
  • die
  • discard claws
  • bend over
  • embed dubar

Death classification

The use of the phraseological unit "Give an oak" in literature

- “Oh, what a dirty wound! .. Who is it you? .. - Oh, fell! howled Venka. - Oak will give ... "(V. Astafiev, "The Sad Detective")
- “Some strong man performed in the Summer Garden, who lay down under a car. I looked, and then I went to the director and asked: “How much will you give me if I also lie down?” He says: “And if you give oak, then who will answer?” (V. Kaverin, "Open Book")
- “Look, don’t give oak there, at least take my fur coat”(P. Nikolin, "New Yards")
- “No, I didn’t give a damn either! - Kolka remembered ... - I was driving there, I was stalled. I probably fiddled for an hour ... I froze my hands ... I could well have given oak! (V. Shukshin, "Chief")
- “The hour will come and then he will lie down. And he will die. Well! Tired. And, probably, someone will say: Grandfather Danila gave oak.(A. Tvardovsky.)