GDZ in English enjoy english 9. Only excellent grades from GDZ in English Biboletova, Morozova, Solovieva

M. 3. Biboletova, O. A. Denisenko, N. N. Trubaneva

English language

Textbook for grade 9 educational institutions

Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions that implement educational programs of general education and have state accreditation

Unit 1. Families and Friends: Are We Happy Together? pp. 8 - 60

Section 1. Holidays Are a Time for Adventures and Discoveries pp. 8 - 16
Section 2. Family and Friends? No Problem! pp. 17 - 32
Section 3. Is it Easy to Live apart from the Family? pp. 33 - 41
Section 4. Spending Time Together pp. 42 - 45
Section 5. Out and about in Moscow pp. 46 — 52
Section 6. Do You Mind Video and TV? pp. 53 - 56
Key vocabulary pages 57 - 57
Progress check page 58 - 60

Unit 2. It's a Big World! Start Traveling Now! pp. 61 - 102

Section 1. Why Do People Travel? pp. 61 - 71
Section 2. Is It Easier to Travel Nowadays? pp. 72 - 86
Section 3. Is Traveling Worth the Effort and Money? pp. 87 - 90
Section 4. We Are in a Global Village pp. 91 - 97
Key vocabulary pages 98 - 98
Progress check page 99 - 102

Unit 3. Can We Learn to Live in Peace! pp. 103 - 152

Section 1. What is Conflict? pp. 103 - 117
Section 2. Conflict Resolution pp. 118 - 130
Section 3. Be Tolerant and You Will Prevent Conflicts pp. 131 - 147
Key vocabulary pages 148 - 148
Progress check page 149 - 152

Unit 4. Make Your Choice? Make Your Life pp. 153 - 185

Section 1. It's Time to Think about Your Future Career pp. 153 - 164
Section 2. Why Are Stereotypes Harmful? pp. 165 - 171
Section 3. Are Extreme Sports Fun to You? pp. 172 - 177
Section 4. D You Have the Right to Be Different? pp. 178 - 180
Key vocabulary pages 181 - 181
Progress check page 182 - 185

Appendixes pp. 186 - 237

GDZ-online in English for grade 9 (in content it corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard, which explains its popularity in Russian schools. To delve into the study of the subject and quickly solve all possible problems with learning, this solution book is ideal. It makes it possible:

  • understand a difficult topic that was skipped;
  • practice by completing tests of different categories online;
  • eliminate gaps in learning;
  • take the path of an excellent student;
  • write correct answers to all homework assignments;
  • prepare for the upcoming exams.

Together with the GDZ, mastering new knowledge and strengthening existing ones, the student in the future will be able to ask during a vacation abroad how to get to a library, cafe or the nearest shopping center, where to find a museum or other attractions.

The site is very easy to navigate, looking for the right exercise number. The correct answers contain a detailed explanation with a translation of each part, so that it is more convenient and understandable for the student to delve into a particular topic. Self-learning on tips, the child will be able to surpass his classmates and peers, without studying with tutors. With the appearance of self-confidence, the student will raise his hand more often in the classroom.

Advantages of GDZ

The work program is getting more and more difficult every year, so Reshebnik in English under the authorship of M.Z. biboletova during the school year will be a reliable and faithful assistant. With the improvement of knowledge, the child will feel much more comfortable in the classroom, will begin to work actively, earning excellent grades and delighting parents with their successes. The advantages of the Internet resource for students, their parents and school teachers are obvious:

  • general availability;
  • fast loading of the mobile application on all devices, regardless of the installed operating system;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • continuous improvements to the site and changes to the verification work in accordance with the program;
  • the ability to pre-resolve test papers that are used by teachers from didactic materials.

Increasingly, the resource is used by teachers to prepare for lessons and extracurricular activities.

In the 21st century, any educated person has to know English. The world is becoming more global, so there is a need to communicate more intensively with representatives of other nations. Parents who understand this trend are trying to give their children the highest quality education in the field of the main foreign language. They enroll children in specialized gymnasiums, private schools, native tutors, various conversational courses, and so on.

M.Z. Biboletova, E.E. Babushis, O.I. Clark, A.N. Morozova, I.Yu. Solovyov combined their existing knowledge to help 9th grade students learn English better. This is the "Enjoy English" series (2016-2020). The books are published by Ast/Astrel, which is known for its educational literature. They can be easily found in many school libraries in our country, because the textbooks are supplied in accordance with approved federal purchases.

Only excellent grades from the GDZ in English Biboletova, Morozova, Solovyova

The reason is that ready-made answers increase the degree of independence in schoolchildren. From now on, it is not necessary to contact the teacher directly in case of problems. It can be done with the help of a well-written book. You just need to find the right exercise online, open a sample of its implementation and read the explanations. It's very simple, isn't it? Thus, preparing for lessons is now almost not difficult. The main thing is to have access to a collection of correct answers, which also has other very important advantages from the point of view of the student:

  • ready-made answers are designed in accordance with all current teacher requirements;
  • the materials on the page have been repeatedly checked by the most distinguished teachers;
  • smartphones and tablets are fully supported;
  • the numbers assigned to the house can be quickly found and used for your own purposes.

Examinations will become easier with a solution for grade 6, the authors of which are Biboletova, Babushis, Clark. Solve similar exercises, and tests in the lessons will no longer be difficult for you.

Is it possible to prepare for the OGE in the 9th grade if you study according to the GDZ (author: Biboletova)?

Of course, you can, because the tasks on the exam and in homework are not very different, to be honest. You just need to practice well and "fill your hand." Then you can come to the OGE with confidence in your own abilities. An excellent grade, in fact, will already be waiting for the student. Some paragraphs will be especially helpful in preparation. For example, consider the following list of topics:

  • times and patterns of their use. specifics of translations;
  • my city and my country;
  • culture of English-speaking countries;
  • the use of the article before proper and common nouns.

Armed with high-quality task books and appropriate ready-made answers, it will not be difficult to achieve the most ambitious goals. However, do not forget that even the most advanced manual created by Biboletov cannot relieve you of the need to study regularly and on your own.

Learning a foreign language just got easier with GDZ to the English textbook Enjoy English student "s book Grade 9 Biboletov. Since it allows any student to find the right answers to questions, as well as perform the necessary exercises in the English language. Anjoy English is of interest to many parents and students, it contains complete and detailed answers to tasks and translation of the text. Lessons are now easier to complete thanks to this manual.

And if you study according to the textbook of Biboletov and Trubanev in grade 9, then it will help you find the right path to the necessary tasks without much difficulty. And also all exercises are fully translated into Russian. Compose sentences, essays, "ESSAYS" and much more. It will be much faster for you. Also, the solver will find the answer to the question and much more. After all, the publication of the GDZ allows you to master the subject more effectively. At the same time effectively learning the school curriculum. And, most importantly, they prepare themselves for admission to the university and much more. After buying this solution, the child learns much better and deepens in the knowledge of a foreign language.

GDZ to the Enjoy English workbook in English for grade 9 Biboletova M.Z. (bustard) can be downloaded.

GDZ to the Enjoy English textbook in English for grade 9 Biboletova M.Z. (Title) can be downloaded