State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Sarapuls Pedagogical College" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic. State educational institution of secondary vocational education

Fund number: R-103 Start date - end date: 1920–2005

Descriptions (1)


Description No. 1. Orders, plans, charter, analysis of work, reports, guidelines, reports, statistical reports, documents on social competition, documents of the trade union committee.

History reference

November 28, 1921 On the basis of 3-year pedagogical courses, the Sarapul Pedagogical College was created. In September 1923 experimental school opened. In October 1923 - an experienced kindergarten, maintained at the expense of parents. July 23, 1936 3-month training courses for pre-school education workers were organized at the technical school. At the beginning of 1937. The technical school was renamed into the Pedagogical College. Since 1949 - transformed into the Teacher's Institute for the classes of the Pedagogical College with a 2-year term of study. The institute existed for 5 years. In 1955 institute is closed. The students were transferred to the Mozhginsky and Debessk Pedagogical Schools, and the pre-school school in Izhevsk was transferred to the city of Sarapul.

Sarapul Pedagogical College of the Ministry of Public Education of the UR is one of the oldest educational institutions in Sarapul.

The exact date of the formation of the teacher's gymnasium was not found, but the documents of the R-103 fund, the Sarapul Preschool Pedagogical School of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic indicate the approximate date of the formation of the school (1912).

In 1918, a pedagogical class was formed at the women's teacher's gymnasium, which trained teachers for elementary school.

In September 1921, the pedagogical class was reorganized into a pedagogical college with a four-year term of study. General education subjects, general pedagogical and socio-pedagogical disciplines were studied.

On the basis of the order of the Kirov Regional Department of Public Education No. 20 of 06/23/1936. 3-month training courses for preschool workers were organized in the city of Sarapul for 80 people.

In early 1937, the technical school was renamed the Pedagogical College, the main task of which was to train primary school teachers.

In 1949, the Pedagogical College was reorganized into the Sarapul State Teachers' Institute, which trained teachers for junior high schools. The institute existed until August 1955. On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the UASSR No. 231 of 06/30/1955. Sarapul Teachers' Institute was liquidated. Its building housed a pre-school teacher training school transferred from the city of Izhevsk. (1)



On the basis of the decision of the Executive Committee of the Sarapul City Council of People's Deputies of the UR dated June 22, 1992, in connection with the training of teaching staff, an educational and pedagogical complex was opened on the basis of the Sarapul Pedagogical School, (1) which included the following structural units:

1. self-supporting children's aesthetic center;

2. primary school;

3. teaching class;

4. Pedagogical school groups with the right to transfer to the 3rd year of the Glazov Pedagogical Institute.

In connection with the transition of the Sarapul Pedagogical School to new business conditions, on the basis of the decision of the executive committee of the Sarapul City Council of People's Deputies of the UR dated July 22, 1992 and on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the UR No. 28 of 02/01/93, the centralized accounting department at the teacher training college was divided into 2 accounting : Pedagogical school accounting department with a staff of 3 units, centralized accounting department of public education institutions at a boarding school for hearing impaired children with a staff of 12 units.(2)

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the UR of 05/29/95 and the order of the head No. 191 of 06/07/95, the Sarapul educational and pedagogical complex was reorganized into the Sarapul Pedagogical College. (3)

The Pedagogical College trains primary school teachers and preschool teachers.

Currently, the Pedagogical College is functioning, is subordinate to the Ministry of Public Education of the UR.

The main tasks of the college are:

Satisfying the needs of the individual in obtaining a wide cultural and high-quality professional training in the development and implementation of creative abilities;

Satisfying the socio-economic needs of society in the training of educators who are able to conduct pedagogical activities in various types of educational institutions;

Training of mid-level specialists who are able to receive higher pedagogical education on reduced programs in higher educational institutions;

Advanced training of teaching staff in the city of Sarapul and the Sarapul region.

The college prepares specialists with a break from work in the following specialties:

Head of the children's art group;

Head of the sports section;

Head of children's technical creativity;

Foreign language teacher;

Musical director;

Head of Fine Arts;

Head of physical education;



Sarapul Pedagogical College of the Ministry of Public Education of the UR (Pedagogical College) is a state secondary professional pedagogical institution of a higher level of education, having the status of a legal entity and implementing professional programs of secondary and primary pedagogical education.

The main tasks of the Pedagogical College are:

1. Satisfying the needs of the individual in obtaining a wide cultural-logical and high-quality professional training, in the development and implementation of creative abilities;

2. satisfaction of the socio-economic needs of society in the training of educators who are able to conduct pedagogical activities in various types of educational institutions;

3. training of mid-level specialists capable of obtaining a higher pedagogical education in reduced programs in higher educational institutions;

4. dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among the population, raising its educational and cultural level through the Children's Aesthetic Center and the psychological service for family problems;

5. advanced training of teaching staff in the city of Sarapul and Sarapul district

The college prepares specialists:

with a break from production in the following specialties:

Primary school teacher with in-depth psychological training;

in the specialty "Preschool education":

Musical director;

Head of Fine Arts;

Head of physical education;

Educator in the speech group.

Training and education in the college is conducted in the state language (Russian).

Admission to the college of citizens of the Russian Federation is carried out with the rules of admission. The college independently establishes the size and structure of the admission of citizens in accordance with the license for the right to conduct educational activities. (one)

The staffing in 1996 was as follows: director, deputy. for academic work, deputy for science, deputy for industrial practice, deputy. for educational work, deputy in Economics, Deputy daytime department, correspondence department, head. preschool department, methodical office, methodologist of the correspondence department, head of physical education, deputy. AHO Director.

Auxiliary staff: schedule dispatcher, secretary of the educational unit, secretary - typist, leaders of circles, psychologist, dormitory teacher, head. library, librarian, commandant, head. warehouse, laboratory assistants, graphic designer.

Attendants: office cleaner, watchman - cloakroom attendant, watchman, driver, building maintenance worker, loader, janitor, joiner - carpenter, stoker, ashman, clerk, dormitory duty officer. (2)

Staffing for 2000: director, deputy. Director of Education, Deputy director of educational work, deputy. director for scientific and methodological work, head. for industrial practice, deputy. director of AChH, head of physical education, head. daytime department, correspondence department, head. department of preschool practice, methodologist of the correspondence department, Ch. accountant, economist, accounting accountant, cashier - accountant, accountant, secretary of the educational unit, secretary-typist, head of the circle, psychologist, hostel teacher, head. library, librarian, commandant of the hostel, head. warehouse, laboratory assistant, adjuster, office cleaner, cloakroom attendant, watchman, driver, building maintenance worker, janitor, joiner - carpenter, clerk, dormitory duty officer, adjuster. (3)

Currently, the college is functioning. There were no changes in subordination.


History of the founder

In 2001, the Sarapul Pedagogical College of the Ministry of Public Education of the Udmurt Republic was a state secondary vocational pedagogical institution with a higher level of education, having the status of a legal entity and implementing professional programs of secondary and primary pedagogical education.

The staffing of the Sarapul Pedagogical College in 2001 was as follows: director, deputy. Director of Education; deputy director of educational work; deputy director for scientific and methodological work; head of production practice; deputy director of ACH; head of physical education; head of the day department; head of correspondence department; head of the department of preschool practice; methodologist of the correspondence department; Chief Accountant; economist; accounting accountant, cashier-accountant; accountant; secretary of the educational department; secretary-typist; group leader; psychologist; dormitory teacher; head of the library; librarian; hostel commandant; Warehouse Manager; laboratory assistant; tuner; office cleaner; cloakroom attendant; watchman; driver; building maintenance worker; street cleaner; carpenter; clerk; dormitory duty officer(1)

In 2001, 638 students studied at the Sarapul Pedagogical College, 317 were full-time students, 321 were part-time students.(2)

In 2002, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Public Education dated 05.11.2002 No. 515, the Sarapul Pedagogical College was reorganized into the State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Sarapul Pedagogical College". (3)

Sarapul Pedagogical College was a state educational institution of secondary vocational education of an advanced level, having the status of a legal entity and implementing educational programs for vocational training, secondary vocational education and secondary general (complete) education.

In accordance with the approved charter of the SEI SPO "Sarapul Pedagogical College", the main tasks of the college were:

1. Creation of the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through the provision of vocational training and secondary vocational education;

2. Meeting the needs of society and skilled workers and specialists;

3. Professional retraining and advanced training of workers and specialists on the orders of legal entities and individuals, as well as state authorities or local governments;

4. Dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising its general educational and cultural level, including through the provision of paid educational services. (4)

The college trained specialists with the following qualification categories:

Foreign language teacher of the main general school;

History teacher of the basic comprehensive school;

Physical culture teacher;

Primary school teacher:

in the field of informatics;

in the field of physical culture;

Preschool teacher:

head of musical education;

head of visual activity;

Social teacher;

Additional education teacher.

Training and education in the college was conducted in the state language (Russian).

In 2003, the Committee for Licensing, Attestation and State Accreditation in the field of education under the Government of the UR carried out attestation and accreditation of the State educational institution of secondary vocational "Sarapul Pedagogical College" in the specialties 0303 "Foreign language", 0320 "Correctional pedagogy in primary education" for a period of 5 years until February 20, 2008.

In 2003, 707 people studied at the Sarapul Pedagogical College, 450 - full-time, 211 - part-time, 46 - evening.

In 2004, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Udmurt Republic No. 178 of December 22, 2004, the Ministry of Public Education of the Udmurt Republic was renamed the Ministry of Education and Science of the UR.

In 2005, 660 people studied at the Sarapul Pedagogical College, 506 - full-time, 108 - part-time, 46 - evening.

In 2005, the staffing of the college was as follows: Principal; Deputy Director for Academic Affairs; Deputy director for educational work; Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work; head of production practice; Deputy Director for ACH; head of physical education; head of the day department; head of correspondence department; methodologist of the correspondence department; teacher-organizer of life safety; Chief Accountant; chief accountant's assistant; accounting accountant; accountant-cashier; secretary of the educational department; secretary-typist; additional education teacher; educational psychologist; educator; head of the library; librarian; hostel commandant; Warehouse Manager; laboratory assistant; clerk; office cleaner; cloakroom attendant; watchman; driver; electrician; plumber; street cleaner; carpenter; tuner; watchman; hostel attendant; systems engineer. According to the lyceum class, the staffing was as follows: teacher; cook; paramedic. (5)

Fund renaming

Name Start date Final date
State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Sarapul Pedagogical College" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic 2004-12-22 2005-12-31
State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Sarapul Pedagogical College" of the Ministry of Public Education of the Udmurt Republic 2002-11-05 2004-12-21
Secondary Special Educational Institution "Sarapul Pedagogical College" of the Ministry of Public Education of the UR 1995-06-05 2002-11-04
Sarapul Educational and Pedagogical Complex of the Ministry of Public Education of the UR 1993-09-01 1995-06-04
Sarapul Preschool Pedagogical College of the Ministry of Public Education 1970-01-01 1993-08-31
Sarapul Pedagogical College of the Ministry of Public Education 1937-01-01 1969-12-31
Sarapul Pedagogical College 1921-11-28 1937-12-31

Sarapul Pedagogical College

SEI SPO "Sarapul Pedagogical College"- one of the oldest educational institutions of the Kama region.

All the necessary conditions have been created here for future specialists: spacious classrooms, the library fund is replenished annually, there is a museum of the history of the college and public education in the city of Sarapul, an ethnic room where you can get acquainted with the exhibition of exhibits of Udmurt life, a canteen equipped with appropriate equipment, two computer classes with Internet access, an information center for students and teachers, a medical office, a methodological office; rest room and dining room in the hostel, gym, assembly and sports halls.

Information technologies, independent and creative work of students, personality-oriented approach in the educational process are being introduced into the educational process.

Work in all areas of education allows you to achieve high results in various creative competitions. The college has sections: volleyball, basketball, table tennis, athletics, shooting, hand-to-hand combat, cross-country skiing. Each student can choose a circle according to his interest. These are the “Song Theater”, “Variety Miniature Theatre”, “Eden Fashion Theater”, “Instrumental Ensemble”, “Search Club”, “Choreographic”, “Variety Dance CREG”, “Aerobics”. Preparatory courses are run in the college for graduating students of schools in the city and district. The Pedagogical College also organizes courses: "Computer User", "Secretary-Referent", advanced training courses and others.

College students actively participate in scientific, practical, research work, successfully defend their theses on pressing issues.

College graduates receive a state diploma of the Russian Federation on secondary vocational education of an advanced level.


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