Famous historical figures who lived at the same time. List of names (dictionary) of historical figures from the tasks of the exam

Key documents of the era

"The Tale of Bygone Years", "Russian Truth", "Izbornik", "Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh", "The Truth of the Yaroslavichs".

Alexander Nevskiy(1220-1263) - son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, grandson of Vsevolod the Big Nest. Prince of Novgorod (1236-1251), Grand Duke of Vladimir (since 1252). After the defeat of the Swedish military detachments of Birger at the mouth of the Neva in 1240, it became known as Nevsky. On April 5, 1242, on the ice of Lake Peipsi, he defeated the troops of the Livonian Order, ensuring the independence of North-Western Russia from foreigners. Being the Grand Duke of Vladimir, he took measures to prevent the devastating raids of the Mongol-Tatars on Russia. He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a warrior-deliverer, who also opposed the introduction of Catholicism in the northwestern Russian lands.

Evpatty Kolovraty- the legendary hero, the Ryazan boyar. In 1237, with a "regiment" of 1,700 people, he defeated the Mongol-Tatars in Suzdal. Killed in battle. Sung in "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu".

Daniel Alexandrovich(1261-1303) - the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky. Grand Duke of Moscow. Under him, the Moscow principality separated from the Vladimir principality as an independent one, and founded the Danilov Monastery. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Ivan Danilovich Kalita(1296-1341) - the son of Daniil Alexandrovich. Grand Duke of Moscow (since 1325) and Grand Duke of Vladimir (since 1328). Having assisted the Horde in suppressing the Tver uprising in 1327, he received a label to reign in Kostroma. In 1332 he received the bulk of the grand ducal possessions. Significantly replenished the treasury. Expanding the territory of the Moscow principality, increasing its influence and authority, Ivan Kalita laid the foundation for the subsequent transformation of Moscow into a center for collecting Russian lands and fighting against the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Sergius of Radonezh(about 1321-1391) - founder and abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. The initiator of the introduction of the communal charter in Russian monasteries. He actively supported the unification and national liberation policy of Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

Reseeding. Alexander(? -1380) - monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Hero of the Battle of Kulikovo. His duel with the Tatar hero Temir-Murza (Chelubey), in which both died, was the beginning of the battle.

Oslyabya Rodion(? -1398) - monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, brother of Peresvet. Hero of the Battle of Kulikovo. In 1398 he traveled with the Moscow embassy to Byzantium.

Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy(1350-1389) - Grand Duke of Moscow (since 1359). The main thing was to strengthen the positions of the Moscow principality and the struggle for the great reign of Vladimir. From the 1370s, he strengthened resistance to the Horde, including the armed one. In the battle on the Piana River (1377) he was defeated. On the Vozha River (1378) he defeated the Horde army. In September 1380, he showed military leadership talent and defeated the huge Golden Horde army of Mamai. Significantly expanded the boundaries of the Moscow principality at the expense of the Meshchersky, Smolensk, Oka, Belarusian lands. He was the first Russian prince who inherited power in the Grand Duchy of Vladimir to his son without the sanction of the Horde. Canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark(1415-1462) - Grand Duke of Moscow (since 1425). In the internecine struggle of 1425-1453, he won. In 1446 he was blinded by his cousin Dmitry Shemyaka. He annexed the Nizhny Novgorod principality, part of the Yaroslavl lands, to Moscow. He took measures to develop the Vyatka, Perm lands, the Pechersk region. Reduced land grants to secular feudal lords. He personally led numerous military campaigns.

Ivan III Vasilievich(1440-1505) - Grand Duke of All Russia (since 1478). Founder of the united Moscow state. He attached to the Moscow principality Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474) principalities, Novgorod (1477), Tver principality (1485), and a number of other territories. Under Ivan III, the final liberation of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke took place (1480). Under him, the apparatus of the Russian centralized state took shape and the Sudebnik of 1497 was compiled. He led an active foreign policy.

Vasily III Ivanovich(1479-1533) - Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow, sovereign of all Russia (since 1505). Supporter and continuer of the line to strengthen the Russian centralized state. In 1510 he annexed Pskov, in 1521 - Ryazan. During the Russo-Lithuanian War, Smolensk became part of Russia (1514). To ensure the security of the southern and eastern borders of the state, he ordered the creation of the Great Barrier Line (1521). He sought to limit the monastic land ownership. Under him, the international position of the Moscow state was noticeably strengthened.

Key documents of the era

"Sudebnik" of 1497, "Sudebnik" of 1550, "Stoglav" of 1551, "Chronograph", "Great Menaia", the First Petition of Ivan Peresvetov, Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible and Andrei Kurbsky, "Decree on Fugitive Peasants" of 1597 .

historical figures

Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible(1530-1584) - Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia (since 1533), Russian Tsar (since 1547). In February 1547 he married Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina - Yurieva. The first years of rule with the Chosen Rada, whose reforms marked major changes in the country. He led an active foreign policy. In 1565 he established an oprichnina, which he abolished in 1572. The result of the oprichnina was the ruin and devastation of the country, the undermining of the peasant economy, which formed the basis of the country's economy.

Fedor Ivanovich(1557-1598) - Russian tsar. He was married to Irina Godunova. He was humble and religious. At the initial stage of the reign, the Regency Council, appointed by Ivan the Terrible, had real power. Since 1586, Boris Godunov became practically co-ruler of the tsar. He died without leaving an heir. The Rurik dynasty ended with him.

Kurbsky Andrey Mikhailovich(1528-1583) - prince, boyar. Member of the Elected Rada. During the Livonian War - governor. During the period of persecution of members of the Chosen Rada, he preferred to flee to Lithuania. Participated in the war against Russia.

Adashev Alexey Fedorovich(? -1561) - a duma nobleman, okolnichiy, bed-keeper. Since the late 1540s - the head of the Elected Rada. Initiator of a number of reforms. He was the keeper of the state treasury, the press, headed the Petition Order. In 1560 he fell into disgrace and died in Yuriev.

Sylvester(?-around 1566) - priest of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. He had a great influence on Ivan IV, being his confessor. Member of the Elected Rada. Author of a special edition of "Domostroy" and other works. Since 1560, in disgrace. Take the monastic vows.

Macarius(1482-1563) - church leader, writer. Metropolitan since 1542. In 1551, he achieved the rejection by Ivan IV of the project for the secularization of church lands. Editor of the "Great Honors of the Menaion" and "The Book of the Powerful Royal Genealogy." With his assistance, a printing house was opened in Moscow.

Peresvetov Ivan Semyonovich- Russian writer-publicist of the XVI century, the ideologist of the nobility. In his petitions, he put forward a holistic and clear concept of a noble state headed by an autocratic tsar.

Key documents of the era

The cross-kissing letter of Tsar Vasily Shuisky (1606), the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1649), the New Trade Charter (1667), the "Life" of Archpriest Avvakum.

Boris Fyodorovich Godunov(1552-1605) - Russian tsar. Since 1567 - a member of the Oprichny court of Ivan the Terrible. On February 17, 1598, he was elected tsar by the Zemsky Sobor. An outstanding statesman who possessed outstanding abilities and skills in managing a vast country. During the decisive battles with the troops of False Dmitry I died.

False Dmitry I (Tsar Dmitry)(? -1606) - Russian Tsar (June 1605-May 1606). Impostor. Presumably a fugitive monk of the Chudov Monastery in Moscow, Grigory Otrepiev.

Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky(1552-1612) - Russian Tsar from 1606 to 1610. When elected to the kingdom, he gave a cross-kissing record about the boundaries of his power, about loyalty to the people. In September 1610, he was extradited by the government of the Seven Boyars to the Poles, taken to Poland, where he soon died in captivity.

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov(1596-1645) - the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty. He was elected tsar at the Zemsky Sobor in February 1613. In his reign, the foundations of autocratic power were laid.

Alexey Mikhailovich"The Quietest" (1629-1676) - Russian Tsar from 1645. In the selection of the closest assistants, he was guided primarily by their abilities. He was an active participant in the drafting of the Council Code of 1649, which created the legislative basis for Russian society for many decades.

Filaret(in the world Fedor Nikitich Romanov) (1554-1633) - boyar since 1587. In 1600, for preparing a conspiracy against Boris Godunov, he was forcibly tonsured a monk. Since 1605 - Metropolitan of Rostov. He was taken prisoner by the Poles. In 1619 he was returned to Russia and elected patriarch. He became in fact the co-ruler of his son - Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.

Nikon(in the world - Nikita Minin) (1605-1681) - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1652-1666). Carried out church and ritual reform. In 1655, he came up with the idea of ​​the primacy of church power over secular power, which led to a conflict with the authorities. In 1666, at the initiative of the tsar, a church council was convened, which condemned Nikon and deprived him of the rank of high priest. He was exiled to a monastery, where he died.

Key documents of the era

Decree on uniform inheritance (1714), Table of ranks, Decree on the purchase of village factories (1721), Customs tariff (1724), "Conditions" of Empress Anna Ioannovna "(1730), Manifesto on granting liberties and freedom to all Russian to the nobility (1762), Letter of Complaint to the Nobility (1785), Letter of Complaint to the Cities (1785), Manifesto on the non-compulsion of peasants to work on Sundays (1797).

Ivan V Alekseevich(1666-1696) - Russian Tsar in 1682-1696. He was in poor health and did not aspire to independent rule. Removed from real power by Sofia Alekseevna, and then by his brother Peter I.

Sofia Alekseevna(in monasticism - Susanna) (1657-1704) - ruler of Russia in 1682-1689. She was an educated, power-hungry and cruel person. After the failure of the conspiracy against Peter I in 1689, she was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent, and after a new coup attempt (1698), she was tonsured a nun.

Peter I Alekseevich the Great(1672-1725) - Russian tsar since 1682, emperor since 1721. He was an outstanding statesman who significantly advanced the development of Russia in all areas. He considered the main task of his reign to be Russia's access to non-freezing seas. He died on January 28, 1725, without having time to leave orders about the heir to the throne.

Anna Ioannovna(1693-1740) - Russian Empress (1730-1740). In 1710-1711 she was married to the Duke of Courland, after his death she lived mainly in Mitov. After the death of Peter II, members of the Supreme Privy Council decided to invite Anna to the Russian throne, subject to the restriction of her power. Having agreed to these conditions, Anna soon broke the “conditions” “at the request” of the guards-nobles. Rule the country with the help and support of foreigners.

Elizaveta Petrovna(1709-1761) - Empress (1741-1761), born out of wedlock. By a number of signs, one can say that her course was the first step towards the policy of enlightened absolutism. Led an active foreign policy.

Catherine II the Great(born Sophia Augusta Frederick of Anhalt-Zerbst) (1729-1796) - Russian Empress (1762-1796). Originally from Prussia. In internal affairs, she tried to pursue a policy of enlightened absolutism, but after the Peasants' War and the French Revolution, she set a course to tighten the regime and intensify repression. In foreign policy - significantly expanded the boundaries of the Russian Empire.

Pavel I(1754-1801) - Russian emperor (1796-1801). Upon accession to the throne, he began a radical breakdown of everything that his mother Catherine II had created. Many of Catherine's closest associates fell into disgrace. At the same time, the general direction of domestic policy has not fundamentally changed.

Alexey Petrovich(1690-1718) - Tsarevich, eldest son of Peter I and Evdokia Lopukhina. He was hostile to Peter's reforms. Fearing persecution by his father, in 1716 he secretly left for Austria, was returned, arrested and an influential politician. A man of great intelligence, rare energy and ability to work.

Menshikov Alexander Danilovich(1673-1729) - Russian statesman and military leader, Generalissimo (since May 1727). He was the closest associate of Peter I. After his death, he led the movement for the enthronement of Catherine I, becoming the de facto ruler of Russia. Then he was compromised in the eyes of Peter II, accused of high treason, arrested, exiled with his family to Berezov, where he soon died.


Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1964 for his work in the field of quantum electronics.

Benkendorf A.Kh.

Russian statesman of the time of Nicholas I, years of life 1782-1844. He headed His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, was the chief of the gendarmes. Engaged in secret political investigation. His name was associated among his contemporaries with the reaction and the repressive apparatus of the state.

Bering (Vitus Bering)

Traveler-discoverer. He opened the strait between America and Eurasia (1725, now the Bering Strait), traveled to Kamchatka.

Beria L.P.

Soviet politician, Stalin's closest associate. He served as People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in 1938 - 1945, Deputy Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the USSR in 1944 - 1945, was a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee in 1946 - 1953. After Stalin's death, he was the main contender for the new leader of the country. He served as Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR from March 5 to June 26, 1953. Then he was arrested and shot.

Bolotnikov I.I.

Cossack ataman, led an uprising during the Time of Troubles (1606 - 1607).


The wife of the Novgorod posadnik Isaac Boretsky. Having become a widower, she actively took up political affairs. She advocated the independence of Veliky Novgorod from Moscow, entered into a confrontation with Ivan III. She negotiated the accession of the Novy Novgorod lands to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1478 (the year of the conquest of Novgorod) she was tonsured a nun and died in 1503.


The first Soviet world chess champion in 1948

Bulavin K.A.

Ataman of the Don Cossacks. Raised a Cossack-peasant uprising in 1707-1708. in response to the decree of Peter I, which forbade the Cossacks to extract salt on their own.

Bulganin N.A.

One of Stalin's closest associates. He has held many important positions. In 1958 he was one of the leaders of the "anti-party group" that tried to remove Khrushchev.


One of the leaders of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress, which happened at the initial stage of the Great Patriotic War. Posthumously Hero of the Soviet Union.

Gaidar E.T.

Economist, head of Yeltsin's government in 1992. He carried out reforms that were called "shock therapy".

Glinka M.I.

Russian composer. Years of life: 1784-1857. Author of the operas "Life for the Tsar", "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Gorchakov A.M.

Diplomat, head of the foreign affairs department during the reign of Alexander II (reigned: 1856-1881). He was the initiator of breaking the Paris peace, participated in the Berlin Congress, convened to revise the San Stefano peace after the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.


Soviet pilot, the first woman to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. She made about 200 sorties in the Great Patriotic War.

Golitsyn V.V.

Favorite of the sister of Peter I, Princess Sophia (regency years: 1682-1689). He made two unsuccessful trips to the Crimea in 1687-1689.

Greek (Theophanes the Greek)

Icon painter. Estimated years of life: 1340-1410. A contemporary of Andrei Rublev. He painted temples in Moscow, Novgorod, Byzantium. In Novgorod - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyin Street. In Moscow - the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Kremlin.

Gromyko A.A.

Soviet statesman and diplomat. In 1957-1985. was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Participated in deciding the fate of Palestine (1947), resolving the Caribbean crisis (1962), preventing a war between India and Pakistan (1966) and signing agreements with the United States (1968-1979).


Years of life: 1744-1810 Friend of Catherine II. She was a member of many scientific communities, communicated with the leading philosophers of her time, in 1783 received the post of director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. During the accession of Paul I, she was removed from all positions.

Degtyarev V.A.

Russian and Soviet designer of small arms. Years of life: 1880-1949.

Dzerzhinsky F.E.

"Iron Felix", "Knight of the Revolution". Founder and head of the Cheka (since December 1917). He led the repressive policy of the Soviet state. Died 1926


The leader of the Cossack cavalry, the hero of the Great Patriotic War, made raids behind enemy lines. Killed in December 1941


Prominent Bolshevik, revolutionary, associate of Stalin.


Born in 1929 in the village of Stankovo, near Minsk (Belarus). With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he began to participate in the operations of partisan detachments as a scout. In 1944, 14-year-old Marat died tragically. Performing the task, he was surrounded by the Nazis. He fired back to the last bullet, and when they ran out, he blew himself up and the Germans approaching him with a grenade.

Kalatozov M.K.

Outstanding Soviet director. His film The Cranes Are Flying won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1958.

Kankrin E.F.

Minister of Finance from 1822 to 1844 He carried out a monetary reform, the essence of which was to establish a single ruble exchange rate and introduce paper money (backed by silver).

Kantaria M.V.

Hero of the Soviet Union, hoisted together with M.A. Egorov ZName of Victory on the roof of the Reichstag building in Berlin in 1945

Kakhovsky P.G.

Russian nobleman and Decembrist. During the Decembrist uprising on Senate Square on December 14, 1825, he killed General Miloradovich, who was negotiating with the Decembrists. Was executed.

Kerensky A.F.

Kerensky is a man who became famous between February and October 1917. Immediately after the February Revolution, he took the post of Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government. In April - the post of Minister of War. In July he became Chairman of the Provisional Government. After the failure of the Kornilov rebellion, he also assumed the title of Supreme Commander. Kerensky did not manage to cope with the chaos generated by the revolution alone, his policy only deepened the crisis. In October 1917, the Bolsheviks came to power, and Kerensky was forced to flee.

Kirov S.M.

Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. During the 17th Party Congress, a group of members of the party leadership who were dissatisfied with Stalin offered Kirov the post of general secretary, but he refused. There is evidence that in the elections to the Central Committee he won in Stalin, but the results of the vote on Stalin's orders were falsified. In 1934, he was killed, which was the reason for the start of mass terror in the country.

Kiselev P.D.

Statesman in the reign of Nicholas I (reigned 1825-1855). He headed the Ministry of State Property, carried out the famous reform of the state peasants of 1837-1841. He supervised the development of the Regulations on obligated peasants in 1842.


Famous sculptor of the 19th century. He worked on the sculptures of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the author of the monument to Nicholas I on St. Isaac's Square in St. Petersburg and Vladimir the Baptist in Kyiv.

Kovpak S.A.

Soviet military, legendary partisan leader during the Second World War. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kolovrat (Evpatiy Kolovrat)

Ryazan boyar and governor. After the defeat of Ryazan by the army of Batu (1237), Evpaty Kolovrat rushed after the Tatars and entered into a nervous and heroic battle with them. There is an opinion that Evpatiy Kolovrat is an epic, mythical figure. There is information about the feat of Kolovrat in "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu".

Konev I.S.

Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Participated in the battle for Moscow, the Rzhev battle, the Battle of Kursk, the Vistula-Oder operation in the Second World War.


Architect of the times of Boris Godunov. Creator of the Smolensk Kremlin.


Famous painter, years of life - 1892-1967. Master of portrait painting, wrote A.N. Tolstoy, V.I. Kachalova, M.V. Nesterova, G.K. Zhukov and other famous people. He wrote on religious topics. The most famous paintings are "Departing Russia", "Alexander Nevsky".

Korolev S.P.

The founder of Soviet cosmonautics, an outstanding Soviet design engineer, was engaged in the design of rocket and space technology. The launches of all the first spacecraft happened under his leadership.


He raised an uprising in the Commonwealth (1792-1794) to prevent a new division of Poland and the final collapse of the country.

Kosygin A.N.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1964 to 1980 Carried out an important economic reform in 1965 (it was called "Kosyginskaya"). The essence of the reform was to decentralize planning and increase the independence of enterprises. The reform produced excellent results in the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966-1970), but on the whole failed.

Cat Valentine

The youngest Hero of the Soviet Union. In the Second World War, at the age of 14, he died in the battle for the city of Izyaslav. He was a partisan and scout.


Member of the underground anti-fascist organization "Young Guard" in 1942-1943. The Young Guards operated in the occupied territory in the city of Krasnodon in Ukraine. The organization was exposed and its members killed.


The great Soviet designer, during the Great Patriotic War, created the legendary T-34 tank.

Kurbsky (Andrey Kurbsky)

Contemporary of Ivan IV the Terrible. Perhaps he was a member of the Chosen Rada. In 1564, having suffered a defeat in the battle of the Livonian War, fearing disgrace, he transferred to the service of the Lithuanian king. For many years he corresponded with the tsar while in Lithuania. "Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Andrei Kurbsky" is an important historical source that sheds light on the causes of the terror unleashed by the Terrible, as well as revealing the character of the tsar and the spirit of the era.

Lavochkin S.A.

Soviet aviation designer. Years of life: 1900-1960. He developed fighter aircraft during the Second World War, surface-to-air missiles after the war, and the LA-17 unmanned target aircraft, which was used in aviation until 1993.

Lefort (Franz Lefort)

A friend of Peter I "from the Germans." Russian general, admiral.

Lobachevsky N.I.

An outstanding scientist, creator of non-Euclidean geometry. Years of life: 1792-1856. During his lifetime, the scientific community rejected his discoveries.


Famous director, laureate of the Stalin Prize. The most famous films are "Two Soldiers" and "Big Life".

Lunacharsky A.V.

An active participant in the first Russian revolution (1905-1907) and the October Revolution (1917). He went down in history as the People's Commissar of Education in the RSFSR from 1917 to 1929.

Lysenko T.D.

Agronomist, biologist, president of VASKhNIL. He founded a pseudoscientific trend - "Michurinskaya agronomy". Vavilova spoke out against the development of genetics in the USSR, and in 1948 he actually achieved that the most progressive direction (genetics) in biology was no longer studied in the USSR, due to which our country began to lag behind other countries in this area.

Luther (Martin Luther)

German monk and theologian. The beginning of the Reformation (the movement for the transformation of the Church) in Germany and then in Europe is associated with his name. He criticized the Catholic Church (in 1517 he wrote the famous "95 Theses"), which led to religious wars and the emergence of a new branch of Christianity - Protestantism.


Soviet diplomat, participated in the Yalta Conference. In 1932 - 1943. was ambassador to the UK.

Malenkov G.M.

A Soviet statesman, his main career was under Stalin. At the time of the latter's death, he was the second most influential person in the country (after Beria). In 1953 - 1955 headed the Council of Ministers of the USSR and competed with Khrushchev for leadership in the country. Participated in 1957 in the "Anti-Party Group", which tried to remove Khrushchev from power. In 1961 he was expelled from the CPSU and retired.

Matrosov A.M.

Hero of the Great Patriotic War. At the age of 19, he closed the embrasure of the German bunker with himself, enabling the soldiers of his platoon to attack the enemy fortifications. Died February 27, 1943

Meretskov K.A.

Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940) he participated in the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line, received an award for breaking the Leningrad blockade during Operation Iskra (1943) in the Second World War, and also for participating in the defeat of Japan in 1945.

Milyutin D.A..

Minister of War during the reign of Alexander II (reign: 1856-1881). The author of the reform on the introduction of universal military service in 1874.

Milyutin N.A.

Statesman of the time of Alexander II (reigned: 1856-1881). One of the main developers of the reform to abolish serfdom in 1861.

Minikh B.K.

Russian commander and statesman. Founder of the gentry corps. He began his career in Russia in 1721. Munnich organized the arrest of Biron after the death of Anna Ioannovna (Anna's favorite). During the reign of Elizabeth, he was accused of state crimes and exiled to Siberia, where he lived for another 20 years.

Young (Ivan Young)

Son of Ivan III (reigned: 1462-1505). He was one of the leaders of the troops while standing on the Ugra River (1480). Together with his father, he went on a campaign against Tver, and after its annexation in 1485, he became a prince of Tver.


People's Commissar (People's Commissar) for Foreign Affairs under I.V. Stalin. He signed a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939 (the "Molotov-Ribbentrop" pact). He announced on the radio the news about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Mstislavsky F.I.

Leader of the "Seven Boyars" in the Time of Troubles (1598-1612). Semiboyarzina replaced the reign of Vasily Shuisky and lasted two years (1610-1612).

Mukhina V.I.

Soviet sculptor. Years of life: 1889-1953. Her most famous work is the statue "Worker and Kolkhokh Woman". Laureate of five Stalin Prizes. Academician of the Academy of Arts of the USSR.

Nakhimov P.S.

Admiral of the Russian fleet, active participant in the Crimean War. He defeated the Turkish squadron in the battle of Sinop in 1853. He led the defense of Sevastopol. He was mortally wounded on Malakhov Hill in 1855.


Russian admiral, traveler, explorer of the Far East in the 19th century. Studied the mouths of the Amur and Sakhalin rivers.

New (Aleviz New)

Italian architect. He worked in Russia at the beginning of the 16th century. Author of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Prince Olgerd

Grand Duke of Lithuania, years of life - 1296-1377.

Ordin-Nashchokin A.L.

Diplomat in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (reign: 1645-1676). The author of the Novotragovy Ustat (1667), the founder of the Russian regular mail, headed the Posolsky Prikaz.

Orlov A.G.

Companion of Catherine II, politician, military man, brother of the favorite of Empress Grigory Orlov. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. under his leadership, the Russian squadron defeated the Turks in the Chesme Bay.

Pavlov Ya.F.

Hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. In the fall of 1942, a group of 24 soldiers led by Pavlov defended a four-story house in Stalingrad for 58 days. The house never gave up, repelled all attacks and waited for the moment when the Soviet troops went on the offensive.

Palitsyn (Avraamiy Palitsyn)


Soviet explorer of the Arctic. In 1937 he led an expedition to the North Pole. For four years, together with other members of the group, he stayed at a drifting station in the Arctic Ocean, collecting material necessary for science. For selfless work in the difficult conditions of the Arctic, he received the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Paskevich I.F.

Russian commander of the times of Alexander I (reigned: 1801 - 1825). Participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812, in the war with Napoleon in 1812, took Paris in 1814, after the uprising of the Decembrists already in the reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855) was sent to the Caucasus to help A .P. Yermolov.

Perov V.G.

An outstanding Russian artist of the 19th century, belonged to the Wanderers movement, years of life: 1834-1882. The most famous paintings: "Troika", "Hunters at Rest", "Rural Procession for Easter", "Pugachev's Court".

Pestel Pavel

Plekhanov G.V.

Prominent socialist and revolutionary. He was a member of the populist organization "Land and Freedom". After the split, he became the head of the Black Redistribution organization (1879). In 1880 he emigrated to Switzerland. Later he joined Lenin, but eventually broke up with him and became close to the Menshevik Party. He returned to Russia after the February Revolution of 1917. He condemned the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks. Died 1918

Pokryshkin A.I.

Soviet fighter pilot, the first three times Hero of the Soviet Union in history, air marshal. During the Great Patriotic War, he made more than 650 sorties, in 156 air battles he personally shot down 46 enemy aircraft, and in a group - 6 aircraft.

Ponomarenko P.K.

Soviet state and party leader. He headed the Ministry of Culture in 1953-1954. After Stalin's death, he was ambassador to the Netherlands. During the Second World War, he led the partisan movement.

Potemkin G.A.

Russian statesman and military figure, diplomat, favorite of Catherine II (since 1774). Was her chief advisor for 17 years. He was the initiator of the destruction of the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783. He made a number of innovations in the army (braids and boucles were canceled, a comfortable military uniform was introduced). In 1787 he organized a trip of Catherine II to the Crimea (the expression "Potemkin villages" is associated with this trip), after which he was awarded the title of Tauride (Tavria is Crimea).

Pugachev (Emelyan Pugachev)

Cossack ataman, raised in 1773-1774. rebellion (peasant war) in the reign of Catherine II. It is his uprising that is dedicated to "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin.


The leader of the extreme right movement (monarchists-conservatives, Black Hundreds) in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. He headed the party Russian People's Union. Michael the Archangel. He was a well-known throughout Russia deputy in the II, III and IV State Dumas. Participated in the murder of Grigory Rasputin.

Radishchev A.N.

Russian writer, poet and philosopher. Years of life: 1749-1802. He became famous as the author of "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", published during the reign of Catherine II. The Empress called him for this work "a rebel, worse than Pugachev" and sent him into exile. Pavel I will return him from exile.

Razin S.T.

Cossack ataman, leader of a major popular uprising of 1670-1671. in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.


A peasant by birth, who managed to get closer to the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and become a close friend to his wife and children. The reason for the rapprochement is the confidence in the sanctity of Rasputin Alexandra Feodorovna (the wife of the sovereign) and a certain number of representatives of the Russian elite of that time. Alexandra Feodorovna believed that Rasputin was protecting the life of her sick son and heir to the throne, Alexei, by prayer.

Rokossovsky K.K.

Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Participated in the battle for Smolensk, the battle for Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, commanded the troops of the Central Front and took part in the Battle of Kursk, participated in the Berlin operation in the Second World War. He commanded the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945.

RostovtsevME AND.

He led the work on the preparation of a reform to abolish serfdom in 1861. He was a member of the editorial committees. He died in 1860, not having lived to see the realization of his work.


The commander of the famous cruiser "Varyag", which died in the Russo-Japanese War. Rudnev refused to accept the ultimatum of the Japanese naval commander and accepted an unequal battle. "Varyag" and the cruiser "Korean" did not surrender to the enemy, but were flooded by the Russians themselves.

Rumyantsev P.A.

Russian commander. Participated in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763, as well as in the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. For the victories at Larga and Kagul (contributed to the conclusion of the Kyuchuk-Kainarji peace) he was awarded the title "Transdanubian".


Famous painter, years of life: 1870-1939. He studied in the workshop of the famous artist A.I. Kuindzhi. The two most famous paintings are "Green Noise" (1904) and "In the Blue Space" (1918).


The commander-in-chief of the Russian army, the successes of the Russian army during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) are connected with his activities.

Samsonov A.V.

Member of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), hero of the First World War (1914-1918). The offensive in East Prussia under his command failed, the Russian army was surrounded. Samsonov, in accordance with the upbringing of that time, took this as a personal shame and disaster and shot himself.


Governor of Russia in the 10th century. He served three Russian princes - Igor (912-945), Svyatoslav (964-972) and Yaropolk (972-980).

Simonov K.M.

Soviet poet. Participated in the Great Patriotic War. His most famous military poem is "Wait for me".


The only six-time Olympic champion in speed skating. Absolute champion of the Olympics - 1964.

Skuratov (Malyuta Skuratov)

The head of the oprichnina army in the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible (1565-1572). It is believed that it was he who killed Metropolitan Philip.

Skopin-Shuisky M.V.

The commander during the Time of Troubles (1604-1612 - the Time of Troubles). Fought with the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, speaking on the side of False Dmitry II.


Prominent Bolshevik, revolutionary, ally of Lenin. People's Commissar of Finance in 1922-1926. He was repressed and killed in prison on Stalin's personal order.


General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (later - the CPSU) in the period 1922-1953. Leader of the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin.

Stolypin P.A.

Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister of Russia in 1906-1911. during the reign of Nicholas II. The author of the famous agrarian ("Stolypin") reform. He was killed in the Kiev Opera House by Bagrov.

Suvorov A.V.

Outstanding Russian commander. Didn't lose a single battle. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. led the capture of the fortress of Ishmael. And in 1799 he made the Italian and Swiss campaigns, during which he transferred the army across the Alps (before Suvorov, only the great commander of the ancient world, Hannibal, performed such a feat).


Outstanding Soviet military man. He was shot in the Tukhachevsky case in 1937, rehabilitated posthumously in 1957.

Uvarov S.S.

Minister of Public Education in the reign of Nicholas I. Author of the theory of official nationality, which proclaimed the triad "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality." His ideas formed the basis of a conservative state ideology, which explained the reasons for the inviolability of the existing order in the country.

Ustinov D.F.

Soviet military man, in the Second World War he served as People's Commissar of Armaments, Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1976-1984.

Chernov V.M.

Revolutionary of the early 20th century, ideologist and founder of the Socialist-Revolutionary (Socialist-Revolutionary) Party. The party was formed in 1902 and at the same time its "Combat Organization", which was engaged in political terror.

Chernyakhovsky I.D.

Soviet military man, twice Hero of the Soviet Union for his activities during the Second World War. He died in 1945 after being wounded.

Chicherin G.V.

Soviet statesman and diplomat. In 1918-1930. - People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR, since 1923 - the USSR. He headed the Soviet delegation at the Genoa Conference (May-April 1922), signed the Rapallo Treaty of 1922 with Germany. He headed the Soviet delegation at the Lausanne Conference of 1922-1923, which discussed the problem of the Black Sea straits.

Chkalov V.P.

Soviet test pilot. He became famous for the fact that in 1937 he made the world's first non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver via the North Pole (he was the crew commander).

Chokhov Andrey

Russian cannon and bell maker, years of life: 1545-1629. He created the Tsar Cannon.

Chuikov V.I.

Hero of the Great Patriotic War. In the Battle of Stalingrad he commanded the 62nd army.

Shevardnadze E.A.

In 1985 he became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, in March 1992 he became the head of state of Georgia, forming<

Shane M.B.

Russian commander. Participated in the events of the Time of Troubles, as well as in the Smolensk War of 1632-1634. Russia lost the war, Shane was accused of failure and executed.

Shemyaka (Dmitry Shemyaka)

One of the participants in the feudal war of Vasily II (1425-1462). The son of the opponent of Vasily II Yuri Zvenigorodsky and the brother of Vasily Kosoy.

Sheremetev B.P.

Diplomat, one of the generals in the Northern War (1700-1721).

Schmidt O.Yu.

Soviet explorer of the north. In 1933-1934. headed the voyage on the Chelyuskin steamer, which was crushed by ice in the Chukchi Sea. Polar explorers landed on an ice floe and waited for a rescue operation. This experience helped Schmidt organize in 1937 the first Soviet drifting station "North Pole-1".

Shpagin G.S.

Outstanding designer of small arms. Creator of the legendary PPSh. Years of life: 1897-1952.

P.I. Shuvalov

18th century statesman (died 1762). He took an active part in the palace coup that brought Elizabeth I to power, after which his career went up. In the 1750s actually led the domestic policy of Russia.

Shumilov M.S.

Hero of the Great Patriotic War. In the Battle of Stalingrad he commanded the 64th Army.

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Avvakum Petrov(1620 - 1682) - head of the Old Believers, archpriest, writer. He opposed the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, for which he was imprisoned in the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. Later he was exiled to Siberia, where he continued to actively promote Old Believer ideas and principles. Author of "Life" and other works (in total, over 80 of his works are known). Church Cathedral 1681 -1682 decided to execute Avvakum, and in April 1682 Avvakum was burned at the stake.

Adashev Alexey Fedorovich(? - 1561) - statesman, duma nobleman, roundabout, bed-keeper. From the end of the 1540s - the head of the Elected Rada. Initiator of a series of reforms in the field of state building. For a number of years he was the closest associate of Tsar Ivan IV. He was the keeper of the sovereign treasury, the state seal. He headed the Petition Order, which directed the activities of almost all state institutions. A supporter of Russia's active foreign policy in the east and south. In 1560 he fell into disgrace and died in Yuriev.

Alexander I(1777 - 1825) - Russian emperor since 1801. The eldest son of Paul I. The upbringing of Alexander I was led by Catherine II. The Swiss F. Laharpe, an educator and moderate republican, had the greatest influence on the young man. A circle of young aristocrats formed around him - the “Tacit Committee” (N.N. Novosiltsev, A.A. Chartoryisky, P.A. Stroganov, V.P. Kochubey), whose members considered it necessary to abolish serfdom and promote the creation of “legal free institutions. In 1805 -1807. Alexander I took part in coalitions against Napoleon; having been defeated at Austerlitz (1805), he was forced to conclude the Peace of Tilsit (1807). Successful wars with Turkey (1806-1812) and Sweden (1808-1809) strengthened Russia's international position. The military successes of the Russian army in the Patriotic War of 1812 made Alexander I the arbiter of the fate of Europe, the tsar led the anti-French coalition and entered Paris at the head of the allied armies. In 1814, the Senate presented him with the title of "blessed, magnanimous restorer powers."

Alexander II(1818 - 1881) - Russian emperor since 1855. The son of Emperor Nicholas I. After the Crimean War lost by Russia (1853 -1856). Alexander II initiated the abolition of serfdom from above. Reforms: peasant (1861), university (1863), judicial (1864), printing (1865), military (1874); zemstvo (1864) and city (1870) - changed the socio-political life in Russia. In the field of foreign policy, he sought to expand the empire and strengthen the influence of Russia. On March 1, 1881, he was killed by Narodnaya Volya.

Alexander III(1845 - 1894) - Russian emperor since 1881. After the assassination of Alexander II, the Narodnaya Volya began to rule with the support of K.P. Pobedonostsev, who had a great influence on him. Under Alexander III, a number of reforms were carried out: the gradual abolition of the poll tax, the mandatory redemption of land and the reduction of redemption payments, but he soon abandoned the course he had begun, seeking to strengthen the estate system and the monarchical order. The "Regulations on enhanced and emergency protection" were introduced, which allowed the authorities to exercise arbitrariness; the law on zemstvo chiefs, which returned to the nobles many of the rights they had lost, etc. The rarest feature of the reign of Alexander III is the absence of wars. For his foreign policy he was nicknamed "peacemaker".

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky(1220 - 1263) - an outstanding Russian commander. Prince of Novgorod (1236 -1251), Grand Duke of Vladimir (since 1252). He led the struggle of the Russian people against the Swedish and German aggression of North-Western Russia. He glorified himself during the Battle of the Neva with the Swedes (1240) and the Battle of the Ice with the Germans (1242). During the Battle of the Ice, for the first time in history, at the head of a foot army, he achieved victory over the cavalry of the knights. In Russia, military orders were established in honor of Alexander Nevsky.

Alexey Mikhailovich(1629 - 1676) - Russian Tsar since 1645. The son of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. Under him, the Zemsky Sobor adopted the Council Code of 1649 - a code of legislative norms of the state. The ecclesiastical authority was subordinated to the secular. Gradually reduced the role of the Boyar Duma and fought localism. His activities played a significant role in the period of formation and strengthening of absolutism. He pursued an active foreign policy: he successfully fought with the Commonwealth in 1654-1657, as a result of which in 1654 Ukraine was reunited with Russia.

Andropov Yury Vladimirovich(1914 - 1984) - one of the leading figures of the CPSU and the Soviet state. During the war years - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Karelia. One of the active participants in the partisan movement. From 1967 to 1982 - Chairman of the KGB of the USSR. Since 1982 - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and at the same time Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Anna Ivanovna(1693 - 1740) - Russian empress since 1730. Daughter of Tsar Ivan V Alekseevich. Anna Ivanovna in 1731 transferred all the work of government to the Cabinet of Ministers: a special place belonged to her favorite Ernst-Johann Biron. In foreign policy, during her reign, the struggle with the Ottoman Empire for the Black Sea region and the Balkans continued. However, traditional ideas about the reign of Anna Ivanovna as a time of dominance of foreigners are disputed by modern research.


Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich(1811 - 1848) - critic, philosopher, publicist. He was the editor of the magazines "Molva" and "Telescope", since 1839 he worked in the journal "Domestic Notes". In the circle of great Russian writers (I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, etc.) he enjoyed high prestige.

Bellingshausen Faddey Faddeevich(1778 - 1852) - Russian navigator, admiral, participant in the first Russian circumnavigation of the world in 1803 -1806. In 1819 -1821. led the first Russian Antarctic expedition on the ships "Vostok" and "Mirny", during which Russian sailors discovered Antarctica.

Bolotnikov Ivan Isaevich(? - 1608) - the leader of the peasant uprising of 1606 - 1607. During the reign of Vasily Shuisky, he organized an insurrectionary movement in the southern regions of Russia, near Moscow, Kaluga, Tula. He pretended to be the governor of Tsar Dmitry. During the year, Bolotnikov's army conducted active operations against government troops. Only in October 1607 the rebels were defeated, and Bolotnikov was blinded and drowned.

Boris Fyodorovich Godunov(1552 - 1605) - Russian Tsar. In 1567 he was appointed a member of the Oprichny court. His elevation at the court of Ivan the Terrible took place after his marriage to the daughter of Malyuta Skuratov, Maria, and the subsequent marriage of his sister Irina to Ivan the Terrible's son Fyodor. He was a member of the regency council under Fedor Ivanovich and the de facto ruler of the state. Boris saw measures to get out of the post-oprichne economic crisis in strengthening the serfdom of the peasants. This course contributed to the brewing of a social crisis, which fully manifested itself at the beginning of the 17th century.

Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich(1906 - 1982) - one of the leading figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet state. Secretary of the Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regional committees of the CPSU (b). In 1956 -1982. - Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Committee. In 1960 -1964. - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in 1964-1966. - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in 1966-1982 - General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Since 1977 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Chairman of the USSR Defense Council, Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Bulavin Kondraty(? - 1708) - chieftain of the Don Cossacks, leader of the uprising of 1707-1708. He led the movement of Cossacks, fugitive peasants and schismatics on the Don. The uprising was defeated.

Bukharin Nikolay Ivanovich(1888 - 1938) - a prominent figure in the Bolshevik Party. Member of the Central Committee since 1917. Editor of the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia. Candidate member of the Politburo and member of the Politburo (from 1924 to 1929). Removed from the Politburo in 1929 due to disagreement with Stalin's modernization plan. In 1937 he was arrested and in 1938 he was shot.

Approximate list of historical figures - page No. 1/1

Approximate list of historical figures

(Historical figures are in italics, the probability of which is unlikely to appear in the KIMs and the Unified State Exam in history. Historical figures from the course of world history are in bold italics. For monarchs, the chronological framework of their reign is indicated in brackets.)

Ancient world:

  1. Gaius Julius Caesar

  2. Solon

  3. Alexander the Great
I. Russia in the 9th - early 12th centuries.

  1. Rurik (862–879)

  2. Oleg (879–912)

  3. Igor (912–945)

  4. Princess Olga (945–969)

  5. Svyatoslav Igorevich (964–972)

  6. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (980–1015)

  7. Yaroslav the Wise (1019–1054)

  8. Vladimir Monomakh (1113–1125)

  9. Mstislav the Great (1125–1132)
II. Russian lands and principalities in the 12th - mid-15th centuries.

  1. Yuri Dolgoruky (1125–1157)

  2. Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157–1174)

  3. Vsevolod III the Big Nest (1176–1212)

  4. Daniel of Galicia (1201-1264, Galician-Volyn prince)

  5. Alexander Nevsky (1252–1263)

  6. Daniel Alexandrovich (1276–1303)

  7. Yuri Danilovich (1303–1325)

  8. Ivan Danilovich Kalita (1325–1340)

  9. Semyon the Proud (1340–1353)

  10. Ivan II the Red (1353–1359)

  11. Dmitry Donskoy (1359–1389)

  12. Vasily I Dmitrievich (1389–1425)

  13. Vasily II the Dark (1425–1462)

  14. Theophanes the Greek (icon painter, second half of the 14th - early 15th centuries)

  15. Andrei Rublev (icon painter, active in the first quarter of the 15th century)

  16. Sergius of Radonezh (monk, representative of the Russian Orthodox Church of the XIV century).

  17. Aristotle Fioravanti (architect, mid-15th century)

  18. Batu (Mongolian commander and statesman, military leader of the campaign to the West in 1236–1242, ruler of the Golden Horde)

  19. Genghis Khan
III. The Russian State in the Second Half of the 15th – 16th Centuries.

  1. Ivan III (1462–1505)

  2. Basil III (1505–1533)

  3. Elena Glinskaya (1533–1538)

  4. Ivan IV the Terrible (1533–1584)

  5. Andrei Kurbsky (statesman, publicist of the 20-80s of the 16th century)

  6. Fyodor Ivanovich (1584–1598)

  7. A.F. Adashev (member of the Chosen Rada; 1548–1560)

  8. Dionysius (icon painter of the second half of the 15th century)

  9. Joseph Volotsky (representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in the second half of the 15th - early 16th centuries)

  10. Joan of Arc

  11. Timur (Tamerlane)
IV. Russia at the end of the 16th - 17th centuries.

  1. Boris Godunov (1598–1605)

  2. False Dmitry I (1605–1606)

  3. Vasily Shuisky (1606–1610)

  4. False Dmitry II ("Tushinsky thief", activity in 1606-1610)

  5. Ivan Bolotnikov (leader of the uprising 1606–1607)

  6. D.M. Pozharsky (leader of the II militia during the Time of Troubles)

  7. K M. Minin (head of the II militia during the Time of Troubles)

  8. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (1613–1645)

  9. Alexei Mikhailovich (1645–1676)

  10. Fedor Alekseevich (1676–1682)

  11. Princess Sophia (regent in 1682–1689)

  12. Patriarch Nikon (carrying out church reform in the 1650s–1660s)

  13. Avvakum (religious figure, ideologist of the church schism, 40-70s) 17th century)

  14. A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin (statesman under Alexei Mikhailovich)

  15. S.T. Razin (leader of the uprising 1667–1671)

  16. V.V. Golitsyn (favorite of Princess Sophia)

  17. Simon Ushakov (17th century icon painter)

  18. Simeon of Polotsk (cultural figure of the 17th century)

  19. Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Ukrainian statesman and military leader, Ser. XVII in.)

  20. H. Columbus
V. Russia at the end of the 17th - 18th centuries.

  1. Peter I (1682–1725)

  2. F.M. Apraksin (state figure of the Petrine era, late 17th century - first quarter of the 18th century)

  3. Catherine I (1725–1727)

  4. Peter II (1727–1730)

  5. Anna Ioannovna (1730–1740)

  6. Elizaveta Petrovna (1741–1761)

  7. Peter III (1761–1762)

  8. Catherine II (1762–1796)

  9. E.R. Dashkova

  10. G.A. Potemkin

  11. Paul I (1796–1801)

  12. HELL. Menshikov (statesman 1700–1720s)

  13. E.I Biron(favorite of Anna Ioannovna)

  14. A.V. Suvorov (military leader of the second half of the 18th century)

  15. F.F. Ushakov (naval commander of the second half of the 18th century)

  16. E.I. Pugachev (leader of the Peasants' War of 1773–1775)

  17. M.V. Lomonosov (cultural figure of the 17th century)

  18. A.N. Radishchev (statesman, writer of the 2nd half of the 18th century)

  19. Charles XII Great

  20. Voltaire

  21. Oliver Cromwell

  22. George Washington

  23. Friedrich II (King of Prussia)

  24. M. Robespierre
VI. Russia in the first half of the 19th century

  1. Alexander I (1801–1825)

  2. Nicholas I (1825–1855)

  3. MM. Speransky (statesman under Alexander I and Nicholas I)

  4. A.A. Arakcheev (statesman under Alexander I)

  5. M.I. Kutuzov (military leader of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries)

  6. M.B. Barclay de Tolly (military leader of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries)

  7. P.I. Bagration(military leader of the second half of the 18th - early 19th centuries)

  8. N.M. Muravyov (one of the main ideologists of the Decembrist movement)

  9. P.I. Pestel (head of the Southern Society of Decembrists)

  10. OH. Benckendorff (Head of the III Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery under Nicholas I)

  11. E.F. Kankrin (minister of finance in the 1820s–1840s)

  12. POISON. Kiselyov (statesman of the 1830s–1840s)

  13. A.S. Pushkin (poet of the first third of the 19th century)

  14. A.S. Griboyedov (cultural figure of the first third of the 19th century)

  15. N.M. Karamzin

  16. Napoleon I Bonaparte
VII. Russia in the second half of the XIX century.

  1. Alexander II (1855–1881)

  2. Alexander III (1881–1894)

  3. YES. Milyutin (statesman, minister of war in 1861–1881)

  4. M.T. Loris-Melikov (statesman under Alexander II)

  5. K.P. Pobedonostsev (statesman, Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod in 1880–1905)

  6. N.Kh. Bunge (Minister of Finance under Alexander III)

  7. A.I. Herzen (public figure of the 19th century)

  8. M.A. Bakunin (populist ideologue)

  9. Ya.G. Chernyshevsky (public figure of the 19th century)

  10. A.M. Gorchakov (statesman of the middle-second halfXIXin.)

  11. P.M. Tretyakov (philanthropist of the middle-second halfXIXin.)

  12. M.D. Skobelev(military leader of the second half of the 19th century)

  13. K.P. Pobedonostsev (statesman, chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, middle - 2nd half.XIXin.)

  14. F.M. Dostoevsky (writer and thinker of the middle - second half of the XIX)

  15. Otto Bismarck

  16. Abraham Lincoln

  17. Giuseppe Garibaldi
VIII. Russia in the first half of the 20th century

  1. Nicholas II (1894–1917)

  2. S.Yu. Witte (statesman, finance minister in the 1890s–1900s)

  3. P.A. Stolypin (statesman, minister of internal affairs, chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1906–1910)

  4. A.A. Brusilov (military leader, participant of World War I)

  5. A.F. Kerensky (Russian political and public figure, Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government in 1917)

  6. G.V. Plekhanov (theorist of Marxism, leader of the Russian and international socialist movement)

  7. IN AND. Lenin (political and statesman, founder of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Bolsheviks), chairman of the Council of People's Commissars 1917–1924)

  8. L.D. Trotsky (Marxist theorist, one of the leaders of the RSDLP (b), People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council in 1918-1925, leader of the inner-party left opposition)

  9. I.V. Stalin (General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, leader of the USSR from the late 1920s to 1953)

  10. A.I. Denikin (one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War)

  11. A.V. Kolchak (one of the main leaders of the White movement, the Supreme Ruler of Russia in 1918–1920)

  12. M.N. Tukhachevsky (Soviet military leader, commander of the Red Army during the Civil War)

  13. N.I. Bukharin (economist, Soviet political, state and party leader)

  14. V.M. Molotov (Soviet politician and statesman, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars in 1930-1941, People's Commissar, and then Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1939-1949 and 1953-1956)

  15. L.P. Beria (Soviet statesman and politician, head of state security agencies in 1938–1953)

  16. G.K. Zhukov (Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Minister of Defense of the USSR in 1955–1957)

  17. K.K. Rokossovsky (Soviet military leader, participant in the Great Patriotic War)

  18. L.N. Tolstoy (writer and thinker of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries)

  19. M. Gorky (writer of the late 19th - first third of the 20th centuries)

  20. M.A. Sholokhov (writer of the 1920s - 1960s)XXin.)

  21. A.A. Akhmatova (poetess of the early 20th century - 1960s)

  22. Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  23. W. Churchill
IX. Russia in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries.

  1. N.S. Khrushchev (First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1953-1964, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1958-1964)

  2. L.I. Brezhnev (leader of the USSR in 1964–1982)

  3. Yu.V. Andropov (Soviet statesman and politician, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR in 1967–1982, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1982–1984)

  4. M.S. Gorbachev (leader of the USSR in 1985–1991)

  5. B.N. Yeltsin (President of Russia in 1991–1999)

  6. V.V. Putin (President of Russia in 2000–2008, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation since 2008)

  7. YES. Medvedev (President of Russia since 2008)

  8. G.V. Malenkov (Soviet statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1953–1955)

  9. A.N. Kosygin (Soviet statesman and party leader, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1964–1980, initiator of economic reforms)

  10. A.A. Gromyko (a major diplomat and statesman of the USSR, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1957–1985)

  11. HELL. Sakharov (Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and politician, dissident and human rights activist, one of the creators of the Soviet hydrogen bomb)

  12. A.I. Solzhenitsyn (writer, public and political figure, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970, dissident)

  13. E.T. Gaidar (Russian statesman and politician, economist, ideologist and leader of economic reforms in the early 1990s)

  14. V.S. Chernomyrdin (statesman, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in 1993-1998, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine in 2001-2009)

  15. Charles de Gaulle

  16. G. Truman

  17. Mao Zedong

  18. F. Castro

  19. J. Nehru

  20. Deng Xiaoping

Examples of historical portraits

1. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich - Grand Duke of Kyiv, who ruled from 980 to 1015.

After the death of Svyatoslav in 977, Vladimir participated in the princely civil strife, defeated his elder brother Yaropolk.

1) The Kyiv prince conquered the Vyatichi, Radimichi and Yotvingians; fought with the Pechenegs, Volga Bulgaria, Byzantium and Poland. Vladimir's military campaigns strengthened the position of the Old Russian state.

2) The harsh nature of Vladimir's policy was clearly manifested in the reform of religion. First, the prince decided to turn folk pagan beliefs into a state religion, and for this, in 980, he forcibly established the cult of the main retinue god Perun in Kyiv and Novgorod. Around 988, paganism was replaced by Christianity, which Vladimir adopted from Byzantium after capturing the Greek city of Chersonese in the Crimea and marrying Anna, the sister of the Byzantine emperor.

The reasons that prompted Vladimir to baptize Russia were the need to strengthen the power of the Kyiv prince, the development of relations with Christian countries, familiarization with Byzantine culture.

Meanings of accepting Christianity:

a) strengthening the state and the power of the prince;

b) raising the international status of Russia;
c) the development of culture.

3) Under Vladimir, Kyiv was re-fortified and built up with stone buildings, new fortress-cities were completed (Pereyaslavl, Belgorod, etc.).

A symptom of future princely strife was the speech against Vladimir by his son Svyatopolk.

In general, the reign of Vladimir is a period of the rise of the Old Russian state, since there is a development of culture, agriculture, crafts, the formation of a feudal system, and aggressive campaigns are also successful.

2. Andrey Bogolyubsky - Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kyiv (1157-1174), the eldest son of Yuri Dolgoruky.

Main directions and results of activity:

1) After the death of Yuri Dolgoruky in 1157, Andrei inherited the throne of Kiev, but, despite the custom, did not go to live in Kyiv. Then he took the title of Prince of Rostov, Suzdal and Vladimir. Relying on his squad (“mercifuls”) and the Vladimir townspeople, in 1162 Andrei expelled former paternal warriors and princes from other tribes of Rurik from the Rostov-Suzdal land. Having become "the autocracy of the entire Suzdal land", he moved the capital from Suzdal to Vladimir, and his residence to Bogolyubovo-on-Nerl, from which he received his nickname.

2) Despite the refusal to come to Kyiv, Andrei was not at all going to give up the power of the supreme ruler of the Old Russian state and fought to strengthen his power. Since 1159, he stubbornly fought for the subordination of Novgorod to his dictatorship and played a complex military and diplomatic game in South Russia. In 1169, the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky took Kyiv, which had rebelled against his authority.

3) Around 1160, Andrei made the first attempt in the history of Russia to divide the Russian church into two metropolises. He asked the Patriarch of Constantinople to establish a metropolis in Vladimir, independent of Kyiv, but this request was rejected.

4) During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, extensive construction began in Vladimir and its suburbs: in 1164, the Golden Gate (like Kyiv, Constantinople and Jerusalem), the Bogolyubovo castle, as well as a number of churches, including the Assumption Cathedral (1158–1161) were built .), the Church of the Intercession-on-Nerl (1165), the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Bogolyubovo (1158–1165). According to a number of researchers, Andrei Bogolyubsky sought to free himself from Byzantine influence in Russia. In particular, he invited Western European architects to build Vladimir churches. The trend towards cultural independence can also be traced in the introduction of new holidays in Russia, which were not accepted in Byzantium. For example, on the initiative of the prince, the holidays of the Savior (August 1) and the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 1) were established.

The strengthening of princely power and the conflict with prominent boyars led to a conspiracy against Andrei Bogolyubsky. On June 29, 1174, the prince was killed in Bogolyubovo by a group of conspirators from his inner circle.

During the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality achieved significant power and was the strongest in Russia.
3. Ivan III Vasilievich - Grand Duke of Moscow (1462-1505), the eldest son of Vasily II Vasilyevich the Dark.

Main directions and results of activity:

1) In the reign of Ivan III, a centralized apparatus of power begins to take shape: an order management system is born, the Sudebnik of 1497 was drawn up. Landownership was developed and the political importance of the nobility increased.

2) Ivan III fought against the separatism of the specific princes and significantly limited their rights. By the end of the reign of Ivan III, many destinies were liquidated.

3) The most important achievement was the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. With the broad support of the entire Russian population, Ivan III organized a strong defense against the invasion of Khan Akhmat (standing on the Ugra River in 1480).

4) During the reign of Ivan III, the international authority of the Russian state grew, diplomatic ties were established with the papal curia, the German Empire, Hungary, Moldova, Turkey, Iran, Crimea.

5) Under Ivan III, the registration of the full title of the Grand Duke of “All Russia” began (in some documents he is already called the king). For the second time, Ivan III was married to Zoya (Sophia) Paleolog, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor.

6) During the reign of Ivan III, large-scale construction began in Moscow (the Kremlin, its cathedrals, the Palace of Facets); stone fortresses were built in Kolomna, Tula, Ivangorod.

7) Under Ivan III, the territorial core of the Russian centralized state was formed: Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474) principalities, the Novgorod Republic (1478), Tver principality (1485), Vyatka (1489), Perm and most of Ryazan were attached to the Moscow principality lands. The influence on Pskov and the Ryazan principality was strengthened.

8) After the wars of 1487-1494 and 1500-1503 with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, a number of western Russian lands went to Moscow: Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Gomel, Bryansk. After the war of 1501–1503 Ivan III forced the Livonian Order to pay tribute (for Yuriev).

Thus, Ivan III can be called an outstanding statesman who showed outstanding military and diplomatic abilities.

4. Razin Stepan Timofeevich - Don ataman, leader of the largest Cossack-peasant uprising in 1670-1671.

Main directions and results of activity:

1) In 1663, leading a Cossack detachment, Razin, together with the Cossacks and Kalmyks, made a campaign near Perekop against the Crimean Tatars. Thanks to his luck and personal qualities, he became widely known on the Don. Razin's character and mentality were directly influenced by the execution in 1665 of his elder brother Ivan on the orders of the governor, Prince Yu.A. Dolgorukov for attempting to arbitrarily leave the theater of military operations against the Poles together with a detachment of Cossacks.

2) In 1667, Stepan Razin became a marching ataman of a large detachment of Cossacks. At the head of the detachment, he committed in 1667-1669. the famous campaign "for zipuns" along the Volga to the shores of the Caspian Sea to Persia. Having taken a large booty, he returned from the campaign and settled in the Kagalnitsky town on the Don. His authority on the Don increased sharply, not only Cossacks, but also crowds of fugitives from Russia began to flock to him from different sides.

3) In the spring of 1670, he led a new campaign against the Volga, Razin's ranks were constantly expanding, and the entire Lower Volga region was in his hands. Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara were taken. Starting as a Cossack uprising, the movement led by Razin quickly developed into a huge peasant uprising that engulfed a significant part of the country's territory.

The goals of the rebels were:

a) the capture of Moscow;

b) the destruction of the boyars and nobles;
c) the abolition of serfdom;
d) the establishment of the Cossack way of life throughout the country.

The main forces of the rebels could not take Simbirsk, and here the government troops managed to defeat the Razintsy. The ataman himself, wounded in battle, was barely saved and taken to the Kagalnitsky town.

4) In 1671, other moods already dominated the Don, and the authority and influence of Razin himself fell sharply. The confrontation between the Razintsy and the grassroots Cossacks intensified. After an unsuccessful attempt by the leader of the rebels to take Cherkassk, the military ataman K. Yakovlev struck back. On April 16, the grassroots Cossacks captured and burned the Kagalnitsky town, and the captured Razin and his younger brother Frol were handed over to the Moscow authorities. After being tortured on June 6, 1671, both brothers were publicly executed in Moscow near the Execution Ground.
5. Pavel I - Russian emperor in 1796-1801, son of Peter III and Catherine II.

The first years after his birth, Pavel grew up under the supervision of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, his parents were almost not allowed to see him, and he actually did not know maternal affection. The teacher was N.I. Panin, supporter of the Enlightenment. Paul received a good education. Initially, his relationship with his mother after her accession to the throne in 1762 was quite close. However, their relationship deteriorated over time. Catherine II was afraid of her son, who had more legal rights to the throne than she herself. The Empress tried not to allow the Grand Duke to participate in the discussion of state affairs, and he, in turn, began to increasingly critically evaluate his mother's policy.

Pavel, who inherited from his father a passion for everything military in the Prussian style, created his own small army in Gatchina, conducting endless maneuvers and parades. He languished in inactivity, made plans for his future reign, and by this time his character had become suspicious, nervous, despotic. The reign of his mother seemed to him too liberal, he believed that in order to avoid a revolution, it was necessary to eliminate any manifestations of personal and social freedom with the help of military discipline and police measures.

Paul's coming to power in November 1796 was accompanied by the militarization of the life of the court and St. Petersburg as a whole. The new emperor immediately tried, as it were, to cross out everything done during the 34 years of the reign of Catherine II, and this became one of the most important motives for his policy.

In general, in his domestic politics several interrelated areas can be distinguished - transformations in public administration, estate policy and military reform. According to the first of them, Pavel significantly increased the importance of the Prosecutor General of the Senate, giving him, in fact, the functions of the head of government, combining them with the functions of the ministers of the interior, justice, and partially finance. A number of previously liquidated boards were restored. At the same time, the emperor sought to replace the collegial principle of organizing management with a sole one. In 1797, the Ministry of Appanages was created, which was in charge of the land holdings of the royal family, and in 1800, the Ministry of Commerce. Even more decisively, Pavel corrected himself with the system of local institutions created by Catherine: city self-government, social security, some lower judicial instances, etc. were partially abolished. At the same time, some traditional governments were returned to a number of national outskirts of the empire (the Baltic states, Ukraine). An important legislative act of Paul was the law on the procedure for succession to the throne, published in 1797, which was in force in Russia until 1917.

In the field of class politics, Paul took a number of steps to attack the "noble liberties." In 1797, a review was announced for all officers in the regiments, and those who did not appear were dismissed. Since 1799, the transition from military to civilian service was introduced only with the permission of the Senate. Nobles who did not serve the state were prohibited from participating in noble elections and holding elected positions; contrary to the legislation of Catherine II, corporal punishment was used against the nobles. At the same time, Paul tried to limit the influx of non-nobles into the ranks of the nobility. His main goal was to turn the Russian nobility into a disciplined, all-serving class. Equally contradictory was Paul's policy towards the peasantry. During the four years of his reign, he gave away about 600 thousand serfs, sincerely believing that they would live better with the landowner. In 1796, peasants were enslaved in the region of the Donskoy army and in Novorossia, in 1798 the ban imposed by Peter III on the purchase of peasants by owners not from the nobility was canceled. At the same time, in 1797, the sale of household and landless peasants by auction was prohibited, and in 1798, Ukrainian peasants without land were banned. In 1797, Pavel issued a Manifesto on a three-day corvee, which introduced restrictions on the exploitation of peasant labor by landowners.

The Russian Federation is a great state that ranks first on the planet in terms of territory and national wealth. However, its main pride is made up of outstanding citizens who have left a noticeable mark on history. Our country has nurtured a huge number of famous scientists, politicians, generals, athletes and artists of world renown. Their achievements allowed Russia to take one of the leading positions in the list of superpowers of the planet.


Who are they, outstanding citizens of Russia? The list of them can be continued endlessly, because each period in the history of our Fatherland has its own great people who have become famous in different fields of activity. Among the most prominent personalities who, to one degree or another, influenced the course of both Russian and world history, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
  2. Peter the Great.
  3. Alexander Suvorov.
  4. Mikhail Lomonosov.
  5. Dmitry Mendeleev.
  6. Yuri Gagarin.
  7. Andrei Sakharov.

Minin and Pozharsky

An outstanding Russian citizen Kuzma Minin and his no less famous contemporary Prince Dmitry Pozharsky went down in history as the liberators of Russian lands from the Polish invaders. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Time of Troubles began in the Russian state. The crisis, which engulfed many areas of life, was aggravated by the presence of impostors on the throne of the capital. In Moscow, Smolensk and a number of other cities, the Polish gentry was in full swing, and the western borders of the country were occupied by Swedish troops.

In order to expel foreign invaders from Russian lands and liberate the country, the clergy called on the population to create a people's militia and liberate the capital from the Poles. The call was answered by the Novgorod Zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin (Sukhoruk), who, although not of noble origin, was a true patriot of his homeland. In a short time, he managed to gather an army from the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky from the Rurik family agreed to head it.

Gradually, residents of the surrounding cities, dissatisfied with the dominance of the Polish gentry in Moscow, began to join the people's militia of Nizhny Novgorod. By the autumn of 1612, the army of Minin and Pozharsky numbered about 10 thousand people. In early November 1612, the Nizhny Novgorod militia managed to expel the Poles from the capital and force them to sign an act of surrender. The success of the operation became possible thanks to the skillful actions of Minin and Pozharsky. In 1818, the memory of the heroic liberators of Moscow was immortalized by the sculptor I. Martos in a monument erected on Red Square.

Peter the Great

The significance of the reign of Peter I, nicknamed the Great for his services to the state, is difficult to overestimate. An outstanding citizen of Russia, Peter the Great, was on the throne for 43 years, coming to power at the age of 17. He turned the country into the greatest empire, founded the city of Petersburg on the Neva and transferred the capital from Moscow to it, conducted a number of successful military campaigns, thanks to which he significantly expanded the borders of the state. Peter the Great began to trade with Europe, founded the Academy of Sciences, opened many educational institutions, introduced the compulsory study of foreign languages, forced representatives of the noble classes to wear secular outfits.

Significance of the reign of Peter I for Russia

The sovereign's reforms strengthened the economy and science, contributed to the development of the army and navy. His successful domestic and foreign policy became the basis for the further growth and development of the state. Voltaire highly appreciated the internal transformations of Russia in the time of Peter the Great. He wrote that the Russian people in half a century managed to achieve what other peoples could not achieve in 500 years of their existence.

A. V. Suvorov

The most outstanding citizen of Russia in the second half of the 18th century is, of course, the great commander, Generalissimo of the Russian land and sea forces Alexander Suvorov. This talented commander fought over 60 major battles and was not defeated in any of them. The army under the command of Suvorov managed to win even in those cases when the enemy forces significantly outnumbered it. The commander took part in the Russian-Turkish wars of 1768-1774 and 1787-1791, brilliantly commanded the Russian troops during the storming of Prague in 1794, and in the last years of his life led the Italian and Swiss campaigns.

In the battles, Suvorov used the tactics of warfare developed by him personally, which was significantly ahead of its time. He did not recognize military drill and instilled in the soldiers love for the Fatherland, considering it a guarantee of victory in any battle. The legendary commander made sure that during military campaigns his army was provided with everything necessary. He heroically shared all the hardships with the soldiers, thanks to which he enjoyed great authority and respect among them. For his victories, Suvorov was awarded all the high military awards that existed in his time in the Russian Empire. In addition, he was a holder of seven foreign orders.

M. V. Lomonosov

Outstanding citizens of Russia glorified their country not only in the art of statecraft or military tactics. Mikhail Lomonosov belongs to the cohort of the greatest domestic scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of world science. Born into a poor family and unable to get a decent education, from early childhood he had a high intellect and was drawn to knowledge. Lomonosov's desire for science was so strong that at the age of 19 he left his village, went on foot to Moscow and entered the Slavic-Greco-Roman Academy. This was followed by studies at St. Petersburg University at the Academy of Sciences. To improve knowledge in the natural sciences, Michael was sent to Europe. At the age of 34, the young scientist became an academician.

Lomonosov, without exaggeration, can be considered a universal person. He possessed brilliant knowledge of chemistry, physics, geography, astronomy, geology, metallurgy, history, and genealogy. In addition, the scientist was an excellent poet, writer and artist. Lomonosov made many discoveries in physics, chemistry and astronomy, and became the founder of the science of glass. He owns the project of creating Moscow University, which was later named after him.

D. I. Mendeleev

The world famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev is the pride of Russia. Having been born in Tobolsk in the family of the director of the gymnasium, he had no barriers to education. At the age of 21, young Mendeleev graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute with a gold medal. A few months later, he defended his dissertation for the right to lecture and began teaching practice. At 23, Mendeleev was awarded a master's degree in chemistry. From this age, he began teaching at the Imperial University of St. Petersburg. At the age of 31, he becomes a professor of chemical technology, and after 2 years - a professor of general chemistry.

World fame of the great chemist

In 1869, at the age of 35, Dmitri Mendeleev made a discovery that made him famous all over the world. We are talking about the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. It became the basis for all modern chemistry. Attempts to systematize the elements according to their properties and atomic weight were made even before Mendeleev, but he was the first to clearly formulate the pattern existing between them.

The periodic table is not the only achievement of the scientist. He wrote many fundamental works on chemistry and initiated the creation of the Chamber of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg. D. I. Mendeleev was a holder of eight honorary orders of the Russian Empire and foreign countries. He was awarded a doctorate degree from the Turin Academy of Sciences, Oxford, Cambridge, Princeton, Edinburgh and Göttingen Universities. The scientific authority of Mendeleev was so high that he was nominated for the Nobel Prize three times. Unfortunately, other scientists have become laureates of this prestigious international award every time. However, this fact in no way diminishes the merits of the famous chemist before the Fatherland.

Yu. A. Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin is a prominent Russian citizen of the Soviet era. On April 12, 1961, on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, for the first time in the history of mankind, he flew into space. Having spent 108 minutes in Earth's orbit, the astronaut returned to the planet as a hero of international proportions. Gagarin's popularity could be envied even by world movie stars. He made official visits to more than 30 foreign countries and traveled all over the USSR.

An outstanding citizen of Russia, Yuri Gagarin, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the highest distinctions of many countries. He was preparing for a new space flight, but a plane crash that occurred in March 1968 in the Vladimir region tragically cut short his life. Having lived only 34 years, Gagarin became one of the greatest people of the 20th century. Streets and squares in all major cities of Russia and the CIS countries are named after him, monuments to him are erected in many foreign countries. In honor of Yuri Gagarin's flight, April 12 is celebrated as International Cosmonautics Day all over the world.

A. D. Sakharov

In addition to Gagarin, there were many other prominent citizens of Russia in the Soviet Union. The USSR became famous throughout the world thanks to Academician Andrei Sakharov, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of physics. In 1949, together with Yu. Khariton, he developed a project for a hydrogen bomb - the first Soviet thermonuclear weapon. In addition, Sakharov conducted a lot of research on magnetohydrodynamics, gravity, astrophysics, and plasma physics. In the mid-70s, he predicted the advent of the Internet. In 1975, the academician was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In addition to science, Sakharov was active in human rights activities, for which he fell out of favor with the Soviet leadership. In 1980, he was stripped of all titles and top awards, after which he was deported from Moscow to Gorky. After the start of Perestroika, Sakharov was allowed to return to the capital. In the last years of his life, he continued to engage in scientific activities, and was also elected a deputy of the Supreme Council. In 1989, the scientist worked on a draft of a new Soviet constitution that proclaimed the right of peoples to statehood, but a sudden death did not allow him to complete the work he had begun.

Prominent citizens of Russia in the 21st century

Today, a huge number of people live in our country, glorifying it in politics, science, art and other fields of activity. The most famous scientists of our time are physicists Mikhail Allenov and Valery Rachkov, urbanist Denis Vizgalov, historian Vyacheslav Vorobyov, economist Nadezhda Kosareva, etc. The outstanding artists of the 21st century include artists Ilya Glazunov and Alyona Azernaya, conductors Valery Gergiev and Yuri Bashmet, opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko, actors Sergei Bezrukov and Konstantin Khabensky, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Timur Bekmambetov and others. Well, the most prominent politician in Russia today is its President - Vladimir Putin.