Jaune color. Names of colors in French and their grammatical forms

It is no secret that the beautiful companion of our planet, the Moon, has a huge impact on all life on Earth. The human body is no exception. Therefore, for health and beauty, it is important to follow not only the advice of nutritionists and cosmetologists, but also the rules of the lunar calendar. This article will focus on our skin - how to properly care for it, while remaining in harmony with the moon?

Skin care according to the lunar calendar - schedule of procedures

Skin care includes many different procedures, and for each type of them, the Moon has its own most appropriate time in the cycle. In addition, there are such lunar days on which certain care procedures are categorically contraindicated. Moisturizing and nourishing masks, water procedures, rejuvenating, removing moles and warts, changing cosmetics ... How to choose the most favorable day and get the best result?

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures

In general, any cosmetic procedure can be successfully carried out in 7, 8, 16, 20, 25 lunar days. But in 1, 14, 23 lunar days it is better to avoid aggressive effects on the skin. For facial cleansing, feel free to choose 28 lunar day, and on 9, 14, and 23 cleaning is not necessary. If you are planning to reduce moles or warts, avoid also 2 lunar day, and choose 16 or 26 lunar days. For scrubs, peels and other anti-aging procedures are best suited 6 and 13 lunar days, and for wraps and relaxation procedures - 9 and 18. No need to go to the solarium 7 lunar day.

When to make masks according to the lunar calendar?

Auspicious days for masking - 2, 4, 11, 14, 18, 20, 27 lunar days. At the same time, if you are going to start a course of medical masks, it is better to do it during 2 or 11 lunar day.

Water procedures according to the lunar calendar

For such water procedures as a bath, sauna, dousing and hardening, the best period of the lunar cycle will be 3.10, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29 lunar days. On these days, it's great to treat yourself to a massage. AT 19 lunar day avoid herbal baths.

Change of cosmetics according to the lunar calendar

As you know, it is better to change cosmetics periodically. The moon encourages new cosmetics during 2 lunar day, wherein 1 lunar day is the best time to select and plan to purchase it.

In the cold season, the body needs support and care, and following the recommendations of the lunar calendar for January 2019, you can enhance the effect of cosmetic procedures several times. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the cycles of the moon and the relationship of the night sun to the signs of the zodiac. The lunar calendar will tell you the best time to visit a beautician and warn against unwanted manipulations with your appearance.

Beauty lunar calendar for January 2019

Lunar cosmetology - favorable and unfavorable days

Cosmetic procedures will bring maximum benefit if they are supported by the energy of the night sun, while it is important to consider what phase the moon is in.

The growing moon is the best period for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The maximum effect is provided by procedures aimed at enhancing growth:

  • You can plan restorative and stimulating complexes;
  • The effect of regenerating, strengthening and healing procedures is enhanced; It is not advisable to do hair removal and manicure, as hair and nails grow back quickly.

The key to healthy looking skin is high-quality hydration

During the period of the waning moon, slow growth and restoration of the structure of cells is noted. This period is favorable in order to get rid of skin defects, appearance flaws, swelling and excess weight. Recommended:

  • cleansing procedures;
  • peelings and cleanings;
  • body wraps and anti-cellulite massage;
  • hair removal in the intimate area;
  • removal of papillomas and calluses.

gentle peeling

It is advisable to do complex cosmetic procedures, eyebrow and skin tattooing on the waning moon. But for plastic surgery, this period is contraindicated. In January (28-31) there will be an eclipse of the moon, so complex procedures should be postponed until a more favorable time.

During the full moon period, complex invasive procedures should be avoided and surgical interventions can be carried out cleansing, moisturizing and.

Eyebrow tattoo is always done on the waning moon

During the new moon, the skin is prone to infectious processes, the rate of cell recovery decreases, so peeling and scrubbing are not recommended, you can take steam baths and massage.

beauty calendar

1.01.19. 25 lunar day. Waning moon in the constellation Scorpio

The first day of the next year is not the best time for complex cosmetic techniques: water treatments, swimming pools, saunas and relaxing massages are suitable.

Sauna allows you to relax and cleanse the skin of the body

A favorable period for eyebrow design, eyelash extensions, aromatherapy, nourishing and moisturizing masks. Not the best day for fitness and strength training: there is a high probability of fractures, sprains and muscles.

2.01.19 25–26 lunar day

Rejuvenating and cleansing procedures will have a beneficial effect. You can epilate individual zones, correct. Exercises are effective for restoring the mobility of large and small joints. Power loads on the muscles of the upper press and the lumbar region are undesirable.

The method of epilation does not matter

3.01.19 26. 27 lunar day. Moon in the constellation Sagittarius

All types of hair removal, coloring and highlighting of hair are shown. Recommended non-injection mesotherapy, thermolifting of the face, neck and décolleté. A good time for the correction of facial muscles, cryolifting and home procedures with the help of a mesoscooter.

Be extremely careful with physical activity - vascular spasms and muscle cramps are possible.

Moisturizing the skin with a mesoscooter

4.01.19. 27 lunar day

Heavenly patrons favor those who decide to change their image: you can change your hair color or get eyelash extensions. Moisturizing and nourishing masks are useful for the skin, you can do peeling - gammage, but give up active scrubs and face cleansing. Those who want to have thick beautiful hair - it should be cut today.

5.01.19. 28-29 lunar day. Moon in the constellation Capricorn

On this day, it is not advisable to engage in cosmetic procedures. You can take time for a manicure, it is believed that cut nails take on some of the pressing problems. The day is under the influence of the sea element - therefore it is advisable to use sea salt as part of masks, scrubs and baths for hands and nails.

The period is suitable for procedures for tightening sagging skin, lymphatic drainage massages and.

6.01.19. 29th day of the moon. New moon

When planning complex peels, beauty injections or cosmetic surgeries, avoid the period of the waning moon, turning into a new moon. At this time, it is advisable to do restorative procedures, visit the pool, sauna or do a light face and body massage.

7.01.19. 2 day of the growing moon in the constellation Aquarius

An excellent period for coloring, manicure and pedicure. Avoid haircuts, deep peels, and visits to the dentist. Engage in intense physical activity: visit the gym, swimming pool, walk more. On this day, cosmic energy is distributed in a special way: with its help, you can influence problem areas and achieve positive results in a short time.

08/08/19. 3rd day of the growing moon

The day is good for lightening the roots, highlighting and toning in light light shades, but a radical change in image and haircut can lead to ailments and business failures. A favorable period for moisturizing, tightening and toning masks.

A cardinal change of image is possible at any age

You can carry out a complex of salon procedures: thermoset wraps and metabolic massage.

9.01.19. 4 lunar day

The period is undesirable for cosmetic, medical procedures and the acquisition of cosmetic care products. Allow yourself to rest, aromatherapy or a bubble bath - this will help you relax and survive a difficult energy period.

You can arrange aromatherapy both at home and in the spa

01/10/19 5 lunar day under the auspices of the constellation Pisces

On this day, it is desirable to carry out procedures for the growth and nutrition of hair. Haircuts, cleansing masks, and comedones are undesirable. When carrying out cosmetic procedures, aggressive peels and scrubs based on organic acids should not be used.

The mask can be professional or handmade lunar day

Any manipulations with hair are favorable: haircuts, cutting split ends, coloring and highlighting. But you should not do manicures and pedicures - you can attract monetary losses. Do not use new cosmetics, avoid invasive procedures and unlicensed cosmetic products.

The lunar calendar of beauty injections for January 2019 determines the maximum positive and negative period for invasive procedures. Cosmetic procedures will bring maximum benefit on January 10-15, 21-22. You should not resort to active methods for hoopoe for appearance and hardware cosmetology from 10 to 13, 16-17, 27 January.

01/12/19. 7 lunar day, waxing moon in the constellation Aries

Any manipulations in the area of ​​the head acre: hair cutting, masks, extensions, coloring - contribute to the strengthening of the energy field. This helps to develop intuition, reaction speed and attract the attention of the opposite sex. An excellent period for massage and facial gymnastics, beauty injections, blepharoplasty and laser procedures.

01/13/19. 8th day of the lunar cycle

Experiments with appearance will not bring the desired results, so postpone the haircut and coloring for another day. Postpone the manicure for a while, but feel free to visit the solarium, do an anti-cellulite or Thai massage. Pay attention to cardio, you can do fitness or running, but avoid contact sports and active sparring.

01/14/19. 9th day of the lunar cycle

If you have planned visits to a beautician and stylist, then you can safely decide on procedures, but do not expect a stunning effect - everything will be fine as usual. You can make a fasting day, carry out cleansing procedures for the liver and kidneys.

Give yourself a detox

15.01. 19 10 day of the moon. Growing moon in Taurus

01/21/19. 16 lunar day. Moon in the constellation Leo

A favorable period for cutting split ends, new types of haircuts and strengthening hair treatments. Any experiments to change the color of the hair will be successful, and in the evening it is better to enjoy a back massage, take an aroma bath and make a vitamin smoothie.

22.01. 19. 17 lunar day

Haircuts made on this day look attractive, stylish and retain their shape for a long time. You can do a paraffin wrap for hands and nails, as well as a light peeling - this will give the skin of the face an extraordinary velvety and youthfulness.

The easiest way to scrub your feet is to use sugar and oils.

01/23/19. 18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo

Any haircuts, coloring and hair care procedures will be a hit. You can sign up for deep peeling, cosmetic body shaping, coffee wrap in combination with anti-cellulite massage.

Water procedures after lunch will help restore internal reserves and increase the body's resistance.

01/24/19 19 lunar day

A fertile period for any home and salon procedures, but beware of methods using aggressive substances and hormonal ointments. Set aside time for a walk in the fresh air or for meeting with loved ones.

25.01 19. 20 lunar day. Moon in the constellation Libra

A great day for peeling feet and brushes. You can massage your head and strengthen hair follicles with vitamin ampoules. The most beneficial effect can be achieved with cleansing procedures and scrubs with organic acids.

Make a list of the necessary products for the week: a good time to start a fasting diet and switch to a healthy diet.

01/26/19. 21 lunar days

Refrain from coloring your hair, but you can cut or trim your bangs. A great day for a manicure, in terms of energy - it promises easy money or a salary increase. You should not visit the gym on this day - there is a high probability of injury and fractures.

It is easier to get rid of acne, age spots, blackheads, freckles and other defects on the waning moon. Also, these days are well suited for the fight against hated cellulite. These are the days when your skin is completely set to cleanse.

During the growing moon, try to saturate your skin with useful substances as much as possible. The skin is happy to perceive nourishing and moisturizing masks and creams, extracting the maximum benefit from them.

Lunar calendar and diet

If you are trying to lose weight, then remember that the diet will be twice as fruitful on the waning moon than at any other time.

Manicure procedures according to the lunar calendar

The best time for nail care, manicure and pedicure is Friday after sunset. The time when both the Moon and Friday are in Capricorn. If the Moon is in Pisces, then manicure is not recommended.

When doing plastic and other operations, it should be remembered that they are better carried out with the waning moon. Also, do not forget about the sign of the Zodiac.

Lunar calendar and sunburn

When planning a vacation by the sea or ocean, remember that sunburn during the waning moon is less dangerous than at any other time.

How to carry out cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar

Moon in Aries. Plastic surgeries in the face area cannot be performed at this time, because Aries is a sign that is responsible for the head area. Only external manipulations are allowed. For example, deep cleansing, peeling, removal of papillomas, ingrown nails, warts. It is not recommended to dye eyelashes and eyebrows with a permanent, to pierce ears. Hair styling with the use of special collagen-containing emulsions and wax, scalp massage will not bring benefits. Do not perm or lighten your hair.

Moon in Taurus. This is the perfect time to heal your scalp and color your gray hair. You can deal with cosmetic problems, carry out liposuction. Favorable time for dyeing hair in a light color, plucking eyebrows, permanent makeup. Procedures with a deep effect on the tissues and skin of the face are effective during this period. Before applying the mask, clean the face. The most suitable creams at this time are fatty, containing bioactive components.

Moon in Gemini. At this time, it is undesirable to increase artificial nails, cut and dye hair. A beneficial effect will have water procedures, visits to baths, pools, saunas. If at the same time the waning moon, then you can adjust the shape of the chin. Skin rejuvenation procedures are especially effective when the Moon is in Gemini.

Moon in Cancer. The waning Moon in Cancer is a favorable time for plastic surgery on the face. These days it is also good to visit a dentist or a manual therapy session. At this time, it is better to use only soft cosmetics. Breast surgery is not recommended. It is forbidden to cut hair. Skin rejuvenation treatments are effective.

Moon in Leo. This time is favorable for those who want to correct the shape of the chin, eliminate wrinkles and deposits on the neck. But it is better to refrain from deep cleansing of the face and steam baths. The fight against moles and warts should be postponed, as well as ear piercing. These are great days for anti-wrinkle and anti-aging treatments.

Moon in Virgo. A good time to cut your hair, get a pedicure or build up your nails. All sorts of procedures with the feet (therapeutic baths, removal of calluses) will benefit. Cosmetics can be diversified, for example, aroma cosmetics. Also these days you can visit a beautician in order to develop a skin care program.

Moon in Libra. A trip to a beautician, restoration of damaged eyelashes and eyebrows, plastic surgery on the neck and face, a favorable time for these procedures is the waning Moon in Libra. Great benefit from spinal flexibility exercises, full body massage, eye gymnastics. The body will draw all the positive from the procedures, accompanied by fragrant essential oils. You yourself can experiment with aromatic oils, most importantly, do not forget that they should not be mixed with cosmetics.

Moon in Scorpio. This time is favorable for oil rubs and beneficial massages. If possible, the number of water procedures should be reduced and washing should be replaced with cosmetic cleansing. The period is suitable for the most gentle procedures in the bust and neck area.

Moon in Sagittarius. This is the best time to fight cellulite, especially if the Moon is waning in Sagittarius. Even self-massage in problem areas will have a positive effect. Any operations in the hip area are completely contraindicated.

Moon in Capricorn. This period is great for skin care, but plastic surgery is undesirable. If you want to get rid of any cosmetic imperfections, such as warts, tattoos, age spots or scars, then do it during the waning moon in Capricorn. Use the growing moon to saturate your body with useful, moisturizing, nourishing, vitamin preparations. Procedures that improve the structure of the skin and rejuvenate are effective.

The position of the moon is favorable for pedicures and manicures.

Moon in Aquarius. This time is suitable for pampering the skin of the hands and feet with massages, pedicures and manicures. Treatment of inflamed cracks in the skin of the legs will be most successful. The stars say "yes" to going to the dentist, as well as permanent makeup. There are noticeable benefits from face balms and anti-stress masks, soothing herbal preparations, vitamins A, E and C, citrus fruits in the form of cosmetic masks, creams with silicon. Most plastic surgeries do not have a positive result.

Moon in Pisces. It is worth postponing any operations, because in this position of the moon our body is most sensitive. Any exercises for the feet and legs in general, as well as massages, are useful. Do not try new cosmetic preparations if your skin is sensitive. The most suitable cosmetics for this period should contain extracts of echinacea, aloe, and sea plants, because our skin absorbs moisture best, and these components are moisturizing. In order to cleanse the skin, you should use only mild products - cosmetic milk, gels, oatmeal.

Since ancient times, people have perceived the night star as a magical object. In many ways, the reason for this was the connection noticed by people between the lunar cycles and natural phenomena - sea and ocean tides, the healing properties of plants and the cycles of the female body.

In many cultures, the Moon has been and remains a symbol of femininity and beauty, and a lunar calendar of beauty has developed over the centuries. This calendar has many common patterns with the lunar calendars of health, plant care and "lunar" rites and rituals. So, during the growth of the lunar crescent, you need to take care of what you would like to add to your life and appearance. When the moon is waning, you need to remove everything outdated and exhausted from your life and appearance.

Many girls and ladies of middle and even venerable age rightly consider overweight to be one of these “surpluses”. The lunar calendar of beauty allows you to build a diet in such a way as to remove fat "baggage", but at the same time maintain mouth-watering roundness and not fall into painful thinness. What is the lunar diet?

Traditionally, for human physiology and psyche, the most difficult time in the lunar cycle is. Energy is almost at zero, and the expenditure of forces is great, and any more or less serious business seems to be overwork. To replenish energy reserves on the new moon, it is not forbidden to eat sweets a little - eat a candy or a cake or drink a cup of sweet tea.

As soon as the crescent of the young moon (usually this is the lunar month) becomes visible in the sky, it is necessary to switch to foods rich in proteins, vitamins and fiber, that is, foods that are more healthy for health. On the Moon, it is good to introduce various cleansing teas into your diet, take hot baths with aromatic oils (if you have no medical contraindications for this). It is also good to take a course of anti-cellulite massage in the first half of the lunar month.

To cleanse the skin on a new moon, salt wraps are effective for skin health: you need to dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of warm water, moisten a thin cotton shirt or T-shirt with a sleeve in the solution, wring it out and put it on. Over wet salty clothes, you need to put on a warm bathrobe or wrap yourself in a towel - it is recommended to stay in salt “armor” for about an hour, but if the skin reacts painfully to salt, you do not need to endure it.

If your skin accepts this procedure, then during its implementation you will be able to clean the pores, the skin on the back and chest will become cleaner and smoother. In addition, volumes will also decrease slightly. A bath with the addition of sea salt will also give a good effect on the new moon - just do not forget that after such procedures you need to wash off the salt well.

Coloring hair lunar beauty calendar advises on the full moon. If carried out at the full moon, their color and brilliance will be brighter and last longer, because the body more actively absorbs and retains all the substances that enter it at this time. Even hair toning will give a more noticeable effect than on other days of the lunar month.

For the health of the skin on the face on the full moon, it is recommended to wash with decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile or mint - they should be warm, but in no case hot. Contrasting washing or rubbing the skin with ice cubes is not recommended - temperature changes can lead to redness and peeling.

Nourishing and cleansing according to the Moon

The daily biorhythms of the human body coincide more with the lunar day, which lasts 24 hours and 48 minutes, than with the solar. It is good for health to follow the lunar calendar. A lunar beauty calendar will help improve your appearance.

Cosmetology and zodiac signs

If you want your hair to grow faster, you need to cut your hair for the growth of the moon. And in order to keep the shape of the hairstyle longer, then it decreases. The same pattern applies to nails.

The health of the nail plates can be achieved, among other things, by doing manicures and pedicures at the right time. The Moon in Capricorn, Sagittarius or Virgo will contribute to the "beauty of the nails." If the "night beauty" moves in the signs of Leo, Libra or Virgo, you can cut your hair.

The signs of Aries or Libra, in which the Moon is located, are not allies for cosmetic surgery on the face. The lunar calendar of beauty advises to transfer them from these days to the dates of the "journey" of the earthly satellite through the signs of Cancer or Capricorn.

Plastic surgery is contraindicated during the full moon - they can do more harm to health than beauty benefits. Mars in conjunction, opposition or square with the Moon also does not guarantee a favorable outcome of cosmetic surgery.

The lunar calendar of beauty advises to plan all operations no earlier than the lunar month. Also, with an "aging" Moon, it is less likely to get sunburn while tanning. "Chemistry" on the hair should not be done even with the rising moon, if it passes through the sign of Aries.

And what procedures will be useful when the Moon "travels" through certain signs?

  • Aries. Air baths, cosmetic and general massage.
  • Taurus. You can dye your hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, make nourishing masks, body wraps.
  • Twins. Cleansing the body of toxins; mimic charging; swimming; moisturizing masks.
  • Cancer. Rejuvenating procedures; visit to the dentist or chiropractor; cleansing the body of toxins.
  • A lion. Rejuvenating procedures; lifting; nourishing masks, body wraps; you can change your wardrobe and style.
  • Virgo. You can go for a haircut or a manicure and pedicure master.
  • Scales. General and cosmetic massage; a visit to the dentist; performing cosmetic surgery.
  • Scorpion. General massage with natural oils; contrast washes.
  • Sagittarius. Anti-cellulite procedures; natural nourishing face masks.
  • Capricorn. Removal of warts, freckles and moles; nourishing masks; anti-aging procedures; nail care; face and body skin - cosmetic procedures.
  • Aquarius. Hand and foot massage; nail care; a visit to the dentist; Permanent makeup; moisturizing masks.
  • Fish. Massage of the lower half of the body.

The moon has always patronized female attractiveness. By listening to the advice of the lunar calendar, you can make your efforts to improve your own appearance not only more effective, but also enjoyable. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Every woman wants to be beautiful. Ladies spend a lot of time and energy on trips to the beautician, hairdresser, manicurist. And all with the sole purpose of always being attractive.

But situations are not uncommon when a regularly repeated procedure gives a different result. The point here is not in the "hand" of the master - just the time to visit a hairdresser or beautician may not be the most successful.

The lunar cycle significantly affects human life. This is expressed not only in a change in mood, an increase or decrease in working capacity, and sleep patterns. The lunar calendar of beauty will tell a woman the best time for caring or restoring procedures. Using the power of the moon, you can significantly increase their effectiveness.

General rules

The moon and beauty are inextricably linked. There are many tips on which day of the lunar cycle to carry out this or that cosmetic procedure. The cycle is conditionally divided into two main phases - the waning moon and the growing moon. In each of these phases, certain actions are recommended. There are more detailed recommendations - for each lunar day or for the stay of the moon in a particular constellation.

What should be taken into account first of all? - a period of improvement, rejuvenation. At this time, caring and restorative procedures are effective. A face or hair mask, body wraps will give a result that far exceeds your expectations. Even the most ordinary cream will actively nourish the skin, giving it freshness, beauty, radiance.

If you need to get rid of something, it is best to carry out the procedure under the moon. Effective during this period is the removal of warts and moles, the removal of freckles, the treatment of acne. In addition, this is the right moment to start a diet - the weight will literally melt.

Consider the most popular procedures associated with the correction of appearance, as well as the best time to perform them according to the lunar calendar.

  • Cosmetic facial cleansing - any day with a waning moon. In this case, days should be avoided.
  • Peeling - only when the moon is waning, with the exception of days when it is in the constellation or.
  • Getting rid of stretch marks, cellulite is most effective when the moon is growing. Even if you decide to deal with them at home, a simple massage and application of a cream or skin mask will have a noticeable effect.
  • Treatment of the fungus - it will be possible to get rid of it much faster if the treatment is started during the waning moon.
  • Manicure and pedicure - you can visit the master on Friday evening, the day of the lunar cycle does not matter. The main thing is that the moon is not in the constellation Pisces.
  • Hair removal - if you want to get rid of body hair, go to the master when the waning moon is in the constellation.
  • Haircut - recommended when the moon is in the constellation , : the hair will grow well, but the haircut will not lose shape. But if you get to the hairdresser on the day of Cancer or Pisces, the result will not be too good.

Days of the lunar cycle

Each new day of the lunar cycle has its own unique energy. Accordingly, they all affect a person in different ways.

Beauty calendar on lunar days:

  • - use ice cubes from herbal decoction for facial skin care.
  • - make a face mask, you can try new nourishing creams.
  • Treat yourself to a relaxing massage.
  • , - the best period for peeling: it can be done both in a beauty salon and at home.
  • , - suitable for deep cleansing of the skin.
  • - Pamper your skin with nourishing masks.
  • , - it is better not to do anything: the moon is too active at this time, any procedure will do more harm than good.
  • - epilation done on this day will allow you to forget about unwanted hairs on your body for a long time.
  • - time to get rid of moles, warts.
  • - a neutral day, it is better to give the body a rest.
  • - effective anti-aging procedures.
  • , - it is better to postpone the trip to the beautician for another day.
  • , - you can do permanent makeup, pierce your ears, do piercings.
  • - you can carry out therapeutic, rejuvenating procedures.
  • - on this day it is better to prescribe cleansing procedures.
  • - removal of warts.
  • , - neutral days, normal daily care is sufficient.
  • , - it is better to refrain from any procedures, since the skin, hair, nails are very sensitive these days, they are easy to harm.

Moon in the constellations

The heavenly beauty is constantly moving - during one lunar cycle, she passes through 12 different constellations. This movement must be carefully monitored, since each individual constellation affects beauty in its own way.

– the most effective procedures are associated with rejuvenation, nourishing the skin of the face and body, pedicure, manicure. It is undesirable to carry out eyebrow correction, eyelash extensions, dental treatment, aromatherapy sessions.

- haircut, manicure, pedicure, visit to the dentist - all this will be most effective today. But it is better to transfer the massage session to another day.

- the day is suitable for dental treatment, nourishing masks, gymnastics, restoration of eyelashes and eyebrows. The plastic surgery done today will please you with an excellent result, and the recovery will be quite fast. It is undesirable to do permanent makeup, take care of your feet.

- massage, cleansing and nourishing the skin will benefit (it is advisable to use essential oils). You should not do a manicure, carry out water procedures.

Using the lunar calendar to maintain beauty and health, you can significantly improve your appearance and restore the body without much effort. It is enough just to distribute the usual procedures on the most suitable days - so it will become much more effective.

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