How to learn to value time. see life around

I want to describe my first argument. Returning from the Grushinsky festival in 2010 and sitting on the bus, I thought: "I wonder how long we live?". Well, let's say an average of 80 years. A lot of? What if there are 365 days in a year? Multiply 80 by 365. We get ... that a person lives about 30 thousand days ... in my opinion, very little.

"I'm 21 now and I've lived about 8,000 days." How little time we have to do everything.

Let's value our time and do something so as not to regret the past. Every day I try to spend it with benefit and I advise you - discard various time wasters, such as TV, partying in the yard and the like pampering. I don’t want to teach anyone, but I realized that we need to get the most out of life, spending the least of the most precious thing we have - time. After all, we spend:

8 hours a day for sleep,

1 hour a day for washing, makeup, brushing teeth and toileting,

3 hours a day to buy food, cook and eat,

8 hours to work

2 hours for rest, or training,

1 hour doing nothing, or planning,

1 hour to get to work, or search for clients if we work for ourselves,

1 hour to interact with people.

If we follow a schedule like this, we subtract from 24 about 10 obligatory hours that we spend on rest and food, we get 14 hours, i.e. the duration of being in this world is reduced by almost half. Plus or minus city traffic jams, minor problems, holidays, travel, shopping, sitting in front of a TV or computer - we get an average of 10 hours a day, we can fully engage in useful work. This time is used more efficiently only if we are planning and investing our time in something. I think the most important thing is investing in your children, family, house (apartment), other movable and immovable property, which in turn can benefit you and other people.

Considering that until the age of 18, or even more, we are brought up by our parents, and then we still study at the University, then at 21–22 years old, when we become adults, we have approximately 30–40 years (approximately 14,000 days, or 140,000 hours) to realize everything that we have in mind in life, until our body becomes completely decrepit and we turn into pensioners, satisfied that we have lived a happy life and dissatisfied with everything that will surround us.

You can argue for a long time, but one thing is clear - a person lives very little. I notice a huge number of lazy people who are very wasteful of their time, do not improve and do not strive to do what they love to please themselves and benefit others. But given that we have 150,000 (HOP FIFTY THOUSAND!!!) hours of time that we can use, I know one thing: EVERYTHING WE WANT IS POSSIBLE! And if we have dreams, strength and so much time, won't we achieve our goal?!

I don't think it was written in vain. Appreciate yourself and your time. And remember: while you are killing time - time is killing you.

© Dmitry Parygin

P.S. And I also suggest that you watch the movie "Time", after which you will really learn to appreciate time...

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Human life in this world is measured by time. Unfortunately, not all people realize its value and allow themselves to waste it. At the end of their days, such people will be disappointed. But, if today you begin to understand the value of time and take steps towards learning this, you can radically change your life. Let's look at why you should value your time, and see how you can learn it.

5 reasons why it is important to value time

1. Time is irrevocable.

Time is running out, and every moment lived will never return, no matter how hard we try. Almost everything can be returned. Today there are many ways to restore health, return lost money, relationships, property, joy, and more. But time will not return. Therefore, it is worth distributing and appreciating it very correctly so as not to waste it.

2. Time is the main resource.

Our time is a huge potential, and if we use it correctly, we can achieve heights in any business. Time, unfortunately, as mentioned above, is a non-renewable resource, and therefore, we simply do not have the right to spend it negligently. This is a crime against ourselves.

3. Time is our life.

And we value our life on a subconscious level. Among adequate and mentally healthy people you will not meet those who would like to say goodbye to their lives. The thirst for life and the desire to live happily ever after are inherent in everyone from birth. But, it is worth understanding that our life takes place in time, and here on earth it is limited. Therefore, it is important to learn to appreciate it.

4. Time is opportunity.

It is thanks to the flow of time that we gain new opportunities, and when we use it correctly, it benefits us. Time is running out, and with it, untapped opportunities disappear. Therefore, it is important to always be on the alert and grab what the Universe offers us.

5. Time brings us closer to old age.

And if we do not understand the value of this time at a young age, then old age will teach us this. What do people regret most in old age? But why understand such an important truth when so much valuable time has already been lost, if you can begin to appreciate time today? Time is inexorable, and no one can influence its speed, so it will inevitably lead us to old age. Time is like a fast current of a river, and a person is like a reed carried by him, which is powerless before the power that carries it. Realize the power of time, and don't let it disappear senselessly.

How to learn to value time?

Everything starts with awareness. Almost all of us know that time is irrevocable, but few realize this sad truth. When awareness comes, everything changes. It is as if a person entered his room in the middle of the night and did not turn on the light. He theoretically knows that the bed is on the right and the chest of drawers on the left, but if he turns on the light, he can see it all clearly. Here are some practical tips to help you realize the value of time.

Reflect on the irreversibility of time to understand its value. As the process of digestion of food begins with the fact that we chew it, so the awareness of a thought comes when we reflect on it.

Remember that someday the last second, the last day and month will come for you. But, do not delve too deeply into these thoughts, so as not to fall into depression and apathy.

Having a clear idea of ​​what you want out of this life will help you avoid getting distracted by unimportant things and wasting precious time on them.

Avoid idleness. Not rest, namely idleness - boredom, laziness, killing time. Whatever you can do today, do it.

Learn to dissolve in the present moment, feel its taste and realize the luxury of life that is given to you. Many mistakenly believe that luxury is a cool car, mansions, islands and billions of dollars. No, luxury is to be aware of the present moment, and in every breath to feel the power of your life, enjoying it.

Don't waste your time on empty talk, gossip, and anything you will regret.

Get rid once and for all of the habit of postponing anything until tomorrow. If you want - do it. If you like something - grab it and realize your goals. No one will return us time, youth, energy.

Get rid of the constant rush - it has nothing to do with real productivity. If you want to get more done faster, just learn to plan smart and not be distracted.

Love your life the way it is. Love your time, no matter how hard and fleeting it may seem to you. Love everything that you have and surrounds you - let your heart open up and let out the potential of love that it keeps in itself. This is a great way not to go crazy from the realization of the transience of everything that exists!


Find out what you are wasting your time on and try not to do it again.

Get in the habit of planning your day ahead of time, and at the end of the day, make a to-do list for the next day. Planned activities often produce better results than unplanned ones. But do not plan a lot of things, do not try to overestimate your strength.

Add new tasks to your previously compiled to-do list. The amount of information that comes at work is large, so keeping it in your head is frivolous.

Set priorities correctly, set them according to the criteria of importance and. Set a deadline for all tasks, and complete those with higher priority first. It is possible that not all the tasks on your list will be completed, and this is normal.

Stop your attention on one task. If a person concentrates on one thing, then his brain will work more productively. Break big things into smaller ones. This principle is called "eat the elephant piece by piece."

Avoid procrastination and any delay.

Don't let yourself be distracted by idle phone calls and social media.

Use the time when you are on the bus, subway, standing in a traffic jam: read a book, listen to audio lessons, learn a foreign language, etc.

Take breaks for 5 minutes once an hour, stretch your neck, stretch, turn and tilt your head, which will increase your efficiency. If you can’t train yourself to take breaks, then install a special program on your computer that can block its work for the time you choose.

Try to learn the basics of time management, i.e. plan your week, day, allocating 15-20 minutes for force majeure.

Remember every second that time is a precious gift, and then your life will begin to change in a wonderful way.

And you will soon notice that you have free time. Do not waste it on another communication, but make it better for your family and spend a free evening with them.

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A person who has learned to value himself is generally much more successful and harmonious. The thing is that, estimating ourselves fairly, we treat everything and everyone around us in the same way, and this is the key point and the secret of happiness.


To learn to appreciate yourself, you must first love yourself. But not with that selfish love, but simply with the understanding that you are alone, you are unique, and everything that you are doing now, you are doing for yourself. Of course, there are still relatives, there are friends, but admit that, first of all, you are calmer and when they are doing well. Self-love is the key to all others.

You have thousands of plans, deeds, ideas, and you strive to fulfill this soon. Here you have reached one, go immediately to the next, and so on. Stop. Thank yourself for what you have already done, to the fullest. Enjoy the moment of your little triumph, taste the aroma of victory. Isn't that why you've been walking so long? Otherwise, the main idea of ​​achievement disappears and a meaningless race begins.

This rule applies not only to big things, but also to the daily schedule. If you know how to work, then learn how to rest. Appreciate not only your professional skills, but also your hobbies, your body, your personal space. All of this should be in your account and should be given due attention. It's always better to work after a break, so why not take off on a mini-bike trip for the weekend and then have a picnic with friends? After all, you deserve, appreciate your work.

Stop comparing yourself to anyone else. And it doesn't matter if the object of comparison is superior to you in something or, conversely, inferior. In the first case, you will only get upset and devalue yourself in vain, and in the second case, you will become proud, which is also not very useful, as it stops development. Understand that everyone has their own unique destiny and their own unique path, so why compare if you will never be him, and he will never be you.

Don't sit idle. This is another facet of personal underestimation. This happens when he does not see or does not want to see his obvious talents and, instead of wasting time on business, spends it in vain. Such people cannot appreciate themselves and burn their lives, just being too lazy to create something. But it is necessary to gain, and most importantly, to finally begin to appreciate yourself, and then the internal forces that are available will prompt the right path themselves.

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Some people manage to do everything: build a career, have an excellent family, engage in creativity, take care of their health, and still somehow manage to get enough sleep and rest. How do they do it? The secret is simple and at the same time complex - it is competent time planning. The art of doing everything is called time management. All sorts of tricks and tricks allow you to fit in 24 hours what many take several hours.

You will need

  • diary


If a person does not have enough time for anything, then, according to the generally accepted opinion, he is very much in demand in many areas. But this is not so, it's just that someone does not know how to plan their own time. “Only the one who is not in a hurry succeeds” - these M. Bulgakov can be carved on granite, they are so true. Take your time and start planning your time. Start a diary in which you make a list of everything from breakfast time to plans to meet friends.

At first, planning all your actions will be unusual for you, but soon you will be able to see how effective this strategy is. Consider how you can optimize your daily routine. While people who need to be hung over by hard time limits, others just need to pack a little, but they won't be able to live comfortably while being involved in a strict daily routine. Test different methods for yourself, and over time you will develop the best schedule. To learn how to plan time, you just need to start and continue it.

If you are just starting the practice of planning your day, then for some time write down all your tasks and indicate how long you completed them. This applies to everything, including fees to leave the house, time spent in the shower, as well as getting soaked in bed. What takes up the most of your most valuable resource - hours and minutes? You might think that for work or the necessary actions, but after analyzing your day, you will notice that simple household chores take up a lot of time. Think about whether you can somehow improve the situation by reducing the time spent on it. time?

When you have to plan for a tough day with lots of tasks to complete, focus on getting the most important things done first. Those that have less can safely move to the end of the list. If important things seem too serious for you to take on right away, then first break them down into smaller cases, each of which will seem much easier.

In time, there are like time eaters - these are things that do not bring any benefit, but simply eat up your day minute by minute. We went for a second to look at the updates of Vkontakte and there for half an hour? The news feed has been dragging on and you have lost an hour or two of working time reading and discussing it? Realize what your time and stop losing it.

Keep everything in order. A huge amount of time people spend looking for lost items or simply put not. Make order your principle and you will see how much easier life becomes.

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Remember to rest. Carried away by planning things, many forget that they are living people who need to have fun and relax. Leisure has the same right to the time allocated in your busy schedule as other important things.

Useful advice

Do not try to fit all the affairs of the world into one day of yours. You are a living person, not a robot, don't be a perfectionist. Take good stock of your strengths. It is also necessary to take breaks in work, but it is better to take them not on the Internet, but, for example, by doing a couple of squats or stretching tired shoulders.

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Life is in full swing, things are accumulating, deadlines are being postponed, and grandiose plans often remain on paper. So I want to do a lot in my life. To stop the relentless running time, collect your thoughts and rethink your already familiar relationship with time.


Live playfully. The flow of psychological time will slow down if a person lives in the perception of the flow of information. This is why childhood lasts so long. When a child is playing time stops for him. As he grows up, he develops thinking. He is like a sponge, absorbing knowledge. As a result, with age, we feel the acceleration of time. Therefore, to live effortlessly means to constantly be in the information field. Get creative, make “something” out of “nothing”, like a child, fantasize. These are adult positive games. Surely you can remember the moment when, already in the evening, you thought: “Wow, what a long day it was today.”

Try to change the psychological perception of time. Perception of the movement of time depends on age. The more a person feels that eludes him time the faster it ages. His face is "physiognomic". Wrinkles are like arrows that a person vigilantly follows and counts the years lived. You can greatly shorten life if you go on about this "dial". Otherwise, the “arrows” will change their direction, and wrinkles will begin to smooth out.

Remember balance in your life. Develop all areas of life: career, family, money, personal growth, relationships - everything should be in your field of attention. Analyze your life periodically and adjust the results.

Plan your future day in advance, i.e. by lunch or by the evening of this day, you must plan in writing your main actions for the next day. The purpose of such a plan is that in the morning, without hesitation and without hesitation, in the first place, you begin to act along the planned route.

Find a book or sign up for a time management training. It's an interesting science of personal time. After studying it, you can choose for yourself the techniques that work for you.

Learn to love, because love not only stops time, but it can also greatly affect its quality component. And this is more important than speed.

Time belongs to the category of things, the loss of which occurs imperceptibly. Quite often, people complain about the lack of time during the day, and realize that they did not really have time to do anything. The situation is paradoxical and in order to find a way out of it, you need to figure out where and how time is wasted.


Don't waste your energy. "Sprayed" on a lot of non-essential and not requiring your personal involvement, you inevitably get tired. Remember the 80/20 rule. One fifth of the effort invested should bring 80 percent of the result. If it doesn't, see where you're missing out on opportunities. Ask yourself the question: what is up to you and what you must do immediately to achieve your goals.

Everything that does not require your personal participation, you can ask other people to do: subordinates, family members, etc. Formulate instructions and requests clearly and directly to someone who is able to handle them. Otherwise, you will have to do everything yourself again. Delegate authority. Train yourself and others, control and direct, and soon the system will work.

Don't get distracted and learn to concentrate. If you're on to something, then switching to other tasks or chatting on the phone can nullify all your efforts.

Learn to say “no” to people who take your energy and make you feel uncomfortable. If you think that you are wasting your time with such people, politely and tactfully refuse to communicate, referring to being busy.

To prevent chaos from getting the better of your actions, learn to plan. At the start of each day, week, and month, make plans. Don't forget about long-term projects (buy a new one, etc.). All goals should be scheduled and clearly defined in time. Naturally, they must be real. Use various tools, incl. electronic organizers. They will remind you to prioritize tasks and due dates.

Make plans not only for the timing of implementation, but also for priorities. Put the most important things in the first place, you will periodically return to them. On the second - current tasks scheduled for a specific time. At the last - small things that do not require large expenditures of energy. They can be dealt with as a switch from the main tasks according to the principle: the best rest is a change of work.

Plan not only work, but also rest. Anyone who knows how to completely relax during the holidays, he copes well with all tasks and succeeds everywhere. Always follow your plans, fulfill your needs and reject what is not good for you.

Do all the planned things, eat and rest on time, get enough sleep and set aside at least 30 minutes a day to be alone with yourself. So you stop obsessing, doing work and undermining your health.

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Learning to value yourself means becoming a more successful and harmonious person. If you begin to evaluate yourself fairly, you will treat your surroundings in the same way. After all, a good relationship with yourself is the key to a good relationship with others.


The main thing in relation to yourself is to understand that you are a unique person and everything that happens to you happens only for you. Just don't overdo it and don't become selfish.

You have conceived a thousand things, plans, you don’t even have time to take a break, so you are in a hurry to do it all. You achieve one and immediately move on to another. Tell yourself: "Stop!". Stop and thank yourself for what you have already achieved. Try to enjoy the moment of even a small victory. After all, achievements are needed in order to have such moments of triumph.

Even with a busy daily work schedule, learn to find time to relax. Learned to work? So you have to be able to rest. In addition to the profession, you should have hobbies, favorite hobbies and personal life. After a good rest, work will be a joy, and you will do it easily. If you can't afford a big vacation, enjoy a weekend in the country, take a bike ride or go mushrooming. There are many options, the main thing is the presence of desire.

Never compare yourself to other people. Even if they are three times better or worse than you. In the first case, you will earn yourself a nervous breakdown and devalue yourself, but in the second you risk becoming proud. Try to understand that each person has his own path on earth and his own destiny, so there is no reason to compare yourself with others - you still won’t be able to live their life.

Keep your head and hands busy. You will sit without work, you will definitely not appreciate yourself. Often this happens when a person simply does not see or does not want to notice his abilities or talents, but prefers to sit idle and waste time. This type of people is not able to appreciate themselves and, burning through life, does not create anything because of elementary laziness. If you recognize these traits in yourself, take courage and start appreciating yourself. Further intuition will tell you the right path.

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Improper upbringing, complexes in childhood - all this leads to the fact that a person does not know how to value himself. Maybe a person knows how to appreciate friendship, appreciate loved ones, appreciate life - but he didn’t know how to himself, and he doesn’t know how. And it's sad, but fixable.


Many people do not know how to value themselves for the simple reason that they are simply not trained in this. After all, people know how to value loved ones, value their time and cannot learn to value themselves. Let's look at several methods on how to start appreciating yourself, as well as become a more confident and optimistic person.

First of all, make a list of your right and good things. So you will understand that you really have something to appreciate. This will be your impetus for understanding yourself.


In order to learn to value yourself, you need to improve your self-esteem. Since your understanding of yourself and your actions will depend on it. Without normal self-esteem, a person will not be able to do productive things for the simple reason that he is not confident in himself and is often suspicious. Bring your self-esteem back to normal, and you will begin to respect not only yourself, but also appreciate life, appreciate friendship and appreciate the present.


To better understand yourself, you need to engage in self-development. People who are constantly evolving understand life better and, as a result, become more successful, self-sufficient people than ordinary people. Engage in your development, involve not only yourself, but also your loved ones in development. Then you realize that many moments really depend on you and you can really influence their essence. For the better. Awareness of one's mistakes is a real, real experience, based on which one can take more correct steps.

One must be able to love oneself in order to learn to love others, to understand their thoughts and feelings. Do people appreciate someone who does not love them? Definitely not. Your life will become more positive and optimistic if you learn to love yourself, realize that there is nothing wrong or purely selfish in this. Loving yourself is respecting others.


To learn to appreciate yourself, you need to stop sitting in one place. Actions - that's what defines a person as a person. Learn to love yourself and act in your own way - and you will learn to appreciate not only yourself, but also understand loved ones, relatives and friends. Doing things that you yourself like is a real pleasure.

Jun 06

Time must be valued, right?

You are probably a little surprised by such a question in the title? And answer yourself honestly, how often have you thought about time, do you really appreciate it? Do not waste?

Why value time?

Do you know what made me think about this question? You won't guess anything! This is neither life events, of which there were quite a few, nor the influence of people, nor some books. NO!

I thought about the value of time, at the moment when I was driving a car and looked at the traffic light for pedestrians. The first thought ran right then. I see this traffic light every morning. I see a lot of them, a lot, but it was this intersection that got me thinking. And now almost every morning reminds me of the most important thing in our life - about the time.

You can become anyone in life, earn as much as you want, live the way you want. All that is needed for this is TIME, and, of course, efforts and a desire to achieve your goals.

We need to value time every day.

Think about these words. Get into them. Look at your life: how much time we spend on unnecessary things, unnecessary people, unnecessary relationships. Is not it? Glad if you answered no to the questions above.

A moment of attention :)

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Many people say and write that there is a catastrophic lack of time. It is not enough for those who do not know how to plan their day, month, year, life. Are you surprised that you need to plan your life? Naturally, it is not up to banal trifles to plan and calculate it, but, let's say, to set priorities.

"Only time belongs to us."


It's hard to argue with that. And at the same time - only we cannot return it, get ahead and defeat it.

The problem of the value of time: what is it?

Time is out of our control. But how you want to stop him for a moment, enjoy your beloved girl nearby, her passionate lips ... Stop and forget about everything around. Have time to save a person from trouble, slow down time before a terrible fatal accident. But this is impossible.

The answer to the question why you need to value time can be the words: "It will not come back." That is why you need to do, go, come, come, try, change, leave, exit, and come again, reach! Do it! Time does not wait. It's pointless to pity him.

After all, you often hear from people of about fifty that life has already passed ... But in our youth, but there were times, oh, if only we could turn back time. That's when I would ... You do not find it funny to hear such words? Yes, you are right: both funny and sad at the same time.

A little secret to efficient use of time: divide big things into components, set your goals, do the most important things (read about) step by step.

An example that came to mind: make $500 a month online. In the first month, without being a professional in any field, you will NOT be able to achieve this goal. And who's stopping you from breaking it down into 2-3 months and doing it step by step? Trust me, it's easier that way. Better yet, check it out! And don't say that!

Another problem with the value of time is that we don't take the time to plan. Case in point: a successful businessman. See how many things he does per unit of time, how many tasks he performs, and even more - delegates. And at this time you are sitting on Vkontakte, playing toys, lying in front of the TV, reading this post. No, do not rush to close the browser page. Just face the truth.

"We kill time, and time kills us"

Emil Krotky

Over time, we age, health does not improve, which is why it is necessary to start/continue/accelerate our transformation for the better. TODAY. Exactly NOW!

And it doesn’t matter which area of ​​life will undergo changes: it will be finances, physical strength, spirituality, relationships. IMPROVE.

Do not spare time, “lost opportunities”, do not live by the “if only” principle. Live for today, appreciate it. Every minute, people who bring positive emotions, positive and joy are also appreciated.

Mom, we're all getting old...