How to tutor in English. Do not be afraid to leave lazy and ill-mannered students

Russian language tutor

“I studied with a student, and everything seems to be fine, but once I come, her brother opens the door, with the words “Come in, but Masha is not at home.” I pass, I see their mother, who is trying to find Masha. After half an hour and about a dozen unanswered calls, an SMS arrives: “So, is it today? Tomorrow?” In stories like this, I'm mostly struck by the students themselves. Each time I ask them to write down the time of the lesson in their notebooks and put a notification on their phone. How do they manage to live up to grades 9-11 with such irresponsibility? We took care of her for a short time. The last straw was the situation when I came to her class, as usual, and she opens the door in a dressing gown: “Didn’t your mother call you? I got sick." It is not entirely clear why she herself was not able to call or write.

English tutor

“There was a not very adequate woman who wanted me to work with her five-year-old child. At the same time, she taught me how to conduct a lesson, she was going to attend the lesson and bring the children of her friends to it - that is, it turned out not an individual lesson, but a group. The funniest thing about this is the payment: 350 rubles for half an hour, despite the fact that you had to study at their home, which is still a bus ride from the metro. In general, I refused under the pretext of a busy schedule.

Italian language tutor

“I studied with two sisters: the eldest was 20 years old, the youngest was 12. Initially, we agreed that I would only teach the eldest, and then they put me in front of the fact that both would study. They have a decent age difference, and a completely different approach is needed here, but no one began to listen to me. Since I was just starting out, I did not dare to refuse. They were strange, in the classroom, like first-graders, they laughed at Italian words. And somehow they canceled a lesson five minutes before the start - considering that it was an hour and a half to get to them (by metro, then by tram and still on foot), and it was quite late in the evening.

The main problems of teaching children a foreign language

Any teacher offering one-to-one tutoring faces many challenges. In most cases, they concern children, as adult students have a clear and specific motivation. For this reason, the tutor must find answers to the main questions when talking with the child:

  1. Why did you lose interest in the subject?
  2. Why is it difficult for a student to learn English, German or French?
  3. What are the main problems that a particular child with a foreign speech has?

Modern children lack incentive and motivation, so tutors who want to become in-demand teachers need to competently stimulate the student.

In order for individual lessons to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to adhere to two basic rules:

  • student goals are the teacher's priority. Without fail, the teacher must find out what problem the student wants to solve at the end of the course. Guided by the goal of a person, it is necessary to develop a teaching methodology and select educational basic and additional material. From the first lesson, the tutor must create motivation and begin to solve the student's existing problems;
  • individual and creative approach to each student. Under no circumstances should one method and program be used for all students. Such an approach will not give the required results and will have a negative impact on the teacher's career. The effectiveness of lessons largely depends on the method of conducting, so it is necessary to be creative in developing an individual program, trying to diversify classes as much as possible. Today, the services of a tutor in English, German or French via Skype are very popular. Distance learning allows you to conduct lessons in extremely comfortable conditions for both the teacher and the student.

Own methodology is a point in the teacher's questionnaire, which potential clients often pay attention to when choosing a suitable candidate.

How to develop your own methodology?

Experienced and professional foreign language tutors provide the following recommendations for beginners and motivated teachers:

  1. Plan. It is necessary to plan each lesson in advance, taking into account the level of knowledge of the student, the language problems identified in the previous lesson, the goals pursued, age and other points.
  2. Material. You should select educational audio and video material that matches the topic of the lesson. Today there are many free resources where you can find the required interesting and exciting material.
  3. Vocabulary extensions. New words and phrases being studied should not only be written down, but a dialogue should be held with the student using them. This helps to memorize foreign words almost instantly.
  4. Mastering grammar rules. After explaining the basic rules regarding grammar, you should demonstrate them with examples. At the same time, it is recommended to show both the correct use of the rules, and sentences with errors. By correcting them, any student will more easily remember the correct use of the grammar rule.
  5. Lesson. The lesson must necessarily include several stages: repetition of the material covered, the study of new rules and words, the application of the acquired knowledge in practice and examples, a casual conversation or dialogue on various topics.

The teacher must constantly develop in a professional direction. It is recommended to attend seminars, courses and read relevant materials and articles related to the learning process and the foreign language itself.

How to become a good math tutor? Tips for beginners

As in any other profession, all teachers are divided into three large classes: professional elite, strong middle peasants and outsiders. The latter, unfortunately, are the majority. How to become a good tutor? How to join the ranks of those very middle peasants, and maybe representatives of the upper "echelon"? Let's try to figure it out.

Love for Math

It all starts with her.

If you want to become a math tutor in Moscow, you must love your subject. And not just a must - you must! Otherwise, it is impossible to seriously engage in mathematics. You will simply hate these formulas, theorems and proofs.

Perhaps the reader immediately had a question: “Is it different?

How can you tutor without love for your subject?” Unfortunately, you can. And many are doing it. Because the market of educational services in Moscow is an extremely profitable niche in which you can, as they say, cut down the dough. And this always attracts people who want easy money. In addition, this market is not regulated by special laws (unlike, for example, realtors and lawyers). Therefore, outright scammers are also not uncommon here.

Therefore, those who want to become a tutor should ask themselves the question right now: “Am I ready to do mathematics all my life and teach it to others?” That's right: you have to work all your life.

Because teaching is not just a profession. This is a calling, and about the same percentage of adults are capable of becoming a good tutor as good doctors. Or become good engineers.

Thus, if the prospect of spending the evening reading textbooks makes you sad, if you are sick of complex formulas and definitions, immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a tutor!

Urgently change the direction of movement - it is obvious that your knowledge and abilities will find application, but in a different industry.

Readiness for continuous development

Perhaps no less important point.

Remember, there is no such thing as "knowing all the math." After all, mathematics is the most abstract, most fundamental science. And to cover all its sections and knowledge, the average person will not have enough life. Even if you are only engaged in cramming textbooks and solving problems.

By the way, the phrase about the average person is given for a reason.

Perhaps now someone will be offended by my words, but I will tell the truth: 95% of people have just average abilities in the exact sciences.

Or even below average. Personally, I consider myself to be in the middle category. Despite 6 years of experience in Moscow. Despite the Mekhmat of Moscow State University behind him. My math skills are only average anyway.

In general, any math tutor should constantly work on himself. And not just for students. You need to read books, solve problems and develop new teaching methods.

That's right: you should have your own teaching methods. Otherwise, you will never become a good tutor, do not rise above outsiders (believe me, there are plenty of them in Moscow even without you).

You will forever remain mediocre. But more on that in the next paragraph.

Own methods

This is not about education at all. Because today the quality of higher education is such that it is better not to enter many universities at all.

And even more so, we will not talk about the “efficiency improvement courses” that the Internet is full of today.

The most important knowledge is not what you get in university classrooms, but what you yourself have obtained from books and practical experiments. If you like, you can call it a scientific work. Or developing your own skills. The meaning of this does not change. As a result, you should develop your own teaching methodology, completely different from what they talk about in books.

For example, I fundamentally do not teach classes in classical school textbooks.

Because anyone in Moscow knows what a deplorable state modern education is in. And school textbooks played an important role in this matter.

To see how disgusting language these textbooks are written, just open any of them. Any author. And for any class. In 9 cases out of 10 you will come across a pseudo-scientific text that not only children, but also adults cannot understand!

That is why a good tutor is obliged to develop their own study materials for their students and, of course, sets of tasks for homework.

This is the only way to overcome the low quality of school education.

Of course, I am not saying that absolutely all textbooks do not stand up to criticism. Quite good and worthy copies can be found on the shelves of bookstores in Moscow. For example, I really like the presentation of material in Shabunin's books ("Algebra and the beginning of mathematical analysis" for grades 10-11).

His textbooks are designed for the profile level.

I take pleasure in taking tasks for lessons from Sergeev's books (in particular, "Mathematics for an Applicant"), although they have never been labeled "Recommended by the Ministry of Education." And this is quite logical, because the Ministry of Education is not interested in the high quality of school textbooks (as well as in the high quality of education in general).

There are other examples as well.

But their total list is so narrow, and training on them is so rare, that these wonderful books are simply lost in the stream of low-grade literature.

The result matters the most

When you are preparing a student for the exam, what will be the main goal of your work? Teach a person to solve problems from part B? Or maybe even part C?

Or train him to solve typical equations, to which most problems from the exam are reduced? No no and one more time no! Your main goal and biggest headache is to make sure that a person gets the right score on the exam in mathematics. To then enter a good university in Moscow. All!

Many novice teachers do not understand this. They stuff students with useless knowledge that will never come in handy on a real exam. They tell their parents stories about what a wonderful child they have, how well he understands everything, and so on.

But the problem is that these stories have nothing to do with why you were hired. They hired you to solve a specific problem for a specific client.

That's why the first time I talk to my parents, I find out why they need a math tutor.

What goal do they pursue: to pass the Unified State Exam, to prepare for admission to a prestigious university, or simply to pull up a student according to the school curriculum, so that instead of triples, he begins to receive fours and fives. Without this information, there is no point in any, even the most intense activities.

Don't be afraid of difficulties

Working with people is one of the hardest jobs. Because you constantly have to use your brains, especially if you really want to become a good tutor and compete with the best teachers in Moscow.

This is much more difficult than standing at the lathe and processing parts. Although at first glance it may seem that the opposite is true.

Once again, if you want to become a good tutor, then prepare for difficulties.

Get ready for the fact that customers will annoy you. That parents will cancel meetings at the most unexpected moment. And that in case of failure, it is you who will be the last one. And no one is immune from failure.

You can reduce this chaos a bit with some planning. When you first start tutoring, you will only have 2-3 students who are very easy to work with. You know exactly with whom and on what day you are exercising.

And there is more than enough time to prepare for the lesson.

But when you have 20-25 students (a very realistic figure by the end of the school year), then everything turns upside down.

You are simply physically unable to remember the numerous addresses and topics where you left off. Waking up in the morning, you don’t even remember who and what time you will have to come during the day.

And that's okay. Because it means you've become a good math tutor.

The problem of information overload is easily solved with a regular schedule. Make a table with the days of the week. And every day write down with whom, where and at what time you are engaged. You can keep this table on paper, you can - on a computer in Word or Excel. Do as you please. But the table must be required.

The problem with curricula is solved in the same way. For each of his wards, a mathematics tutor in Moscow must draw up his own plan, place it in a separate file, and mark the topics covered as they study.

This is very convenient: when you feel that one lesson is not enough to analyze complex material, you can simply indicate this in the curriculum. Thus, you will always know at what step each of your wards stopped. This greatly simplifies the preparation for the next lesson.

Of course, with each customer it is necessary to agree in advance on the time and place of classes.

How an English tutor became the principal of his own school

And only in exceptional cases to allow their transfer. Otherwise, no table will help you - students will “jump” along the grid of lessons as they please. This is especially true for Moscow with its frantic pace of life.

If parents stubbornly do not want to fix a specific day and specific time for their child, it is better to immediately refuse such a client. And refuse without any regret.

Because money is good, but your nerves are more expensive.

In addition, you will constantly have force majeure situations. For example, at the beginning of a career, tutors always go to classes with students (and not vice versa). Of course, if you live in a small town, this is not a problem. Got in the car and arrived.

But in big cities it is better to refuse trips by car.

Get there by bus or subway. Otherwise, you will get bogged down in traffic jams and disrupt the preparation time. Yes, what a car - buses also get into traffic jams (if it's not Moscow, where there are dedicated lanes for route transport).

And even in the subway there are failures, but this event is already from the category of extraordinary.

In general, good luck to you in the teaching world. Work with adequate clients and travel only by public transport. And always remember: you can't make all the money. But it is possible to live very, very worthily in our profession.

Provided that you try to become a good tutor. Let me end on this optimistic note 🙂

See also:

Borchenko Nina Kuzminichna
Job title: educational psychologist
Educational institution: OGAPOU "Rakityan Agrotechnological College"
Locality: Rakitnoye village, Belgorod region
Material name: article
Topic: Recommendations for new teachers
Publication date: 21.11.2016
Chapter: secondary vocational

Department of internal and personnel policy of the Belgorod region

state autonomous state educational institution of secondary

vocational education

"Rakityan Agrotechnological College"

Prepared by:Educator-psychologist

Borchenko N.K.

Rocket 2016

New team
At the beginning of the academic year, a novice teacher faces two main tasks: getting to know the staff of the technical school and joining this team, as well as a deep study of the discipline that he will have to teach for the first time.

Both of these tasks are solved at a time when a novice teacher does not have his own individuality either as a full member of the team or as a teacher. It is quite difficult to give detailed recommendations on how to behave in a team, since a lot here depends on the microclimate in which the team is located and the personal characteristics of the person. In all cases, the process of joining the team should occur naturally. It should neither be forced nor slowed down.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize that there are elements in behavior that will always give a positive effect. First of all, it is hard work. Every minute of official, and often off-duty time, should be directed to the study of the material and the assimilation of teaching methods. Such diligence in itself will cause respect. The second element is the correct tone chosen for communication with members of the teaching staff.

A novice teacher must clearly understand that in order to acquire pedagogical skills, he needs more than one year of hard work. When communicating with teachers at the initial stage, you need the absence of fussiness, a high degree of tact and balance in your behavior.

The imposition of one's friendship, the systematic handling of various, often petty, questions, even a slight cheekiness in behavior - all this cannot but cause a negative attitude among individual teachers, and, consequently, among the team as a whole. At the same time, the lack of communication, isolation in behavior, the desire to resolve issues without taking into account the opinions of other teachers also cause a certain negative attitude.

Apparently, it would be right to focus on active independent work with a small amount of advice from older comrades, contact is necessary with experienced teachers. Their advice and recommendations must be carefully listened to and taken into account in their work. All of the above is not some kind of dogma: it is necessary to navigate, taking into account the specific circumstances that are developing.

Preparing for classes
. The second main task, as already noted, is the deep mastering of the educational material. Textbooks, teaching aids, class notes, other methodological materials related to academic disciplines that will be needed 2
to teach, must be fully and thoroughly worked out.

Tutor. Preparing for the lesson

You need to know what technical teaching aids can be used in the classroom, what is the situation with the computerization of education, etc. Unfortunately, there is often not enough time for a complete and in-depth study of very voluminous material. Therefore, at the first stage, it can be recommended to take one of the textbooks or one of the teaching aids as a basis, to get an idea about the academic discipline as a whole. This will make it possible to assess the volume of the material, its features, connection with other disciplines, to highlight the most important and difficult to understand sections.

Preparatory work before the start of classes must be done. This will make it possible to rationally distribute their efforts in the future. A great help in the work will be the study of the program and the thematic plan, which reveal the essence of this academic discipline (requirements for knowledge and skills; the relationship of individual topics and classes; the time allotted for mastering the material; literature that is recommended).

The study of these basic materials will give a complete and deep understanding of the tasks that will have to be solved in the current academic year. Having mastered the content of the discipline as a whole, you can prepare for individual classes. At the same time, it is useful to conditionally put yourself in the place of students, taking into account the specific level of their knowledge and skills, and from these positions assess the importance and difficulty of the material being studied and its components.

This approach is very important from the point of view of developing primary methodological skills and abilities. It is during this period that methodological ideas are born, views are formed on how to present the material, a deep understanding of one's role in the process of conducting the lesson arises. Each lesson should be thought out in detail, the tasks that will be offered to students are performed personally with all the details.

If one or another task can be solved in different ways, then each option must be well understood, its positive and negative sides should be assessed. Only in this case, the teacher will be guaranteed against surprises in the classroom. So, each methodological development should be prepared with a high degree of conscientiousness.

Life convincingly confirms that in the process of conducting a lesson, students may have such questions that the teacher does not even suspect. That is why it will not be superfluous at first to ask experienced teachers about the features that arise in the process of learning new material, typical mistakes that students make, about the appropriate distribution of time, etc.

Already at the stage of preparation for classes, a novice teacher should get acquainted with the basics of psychological knowledge and realize the essence of 3
main psychological concepts. First of all, you need to understand what moral education and mental development are. It should always be remembered that in addition to direct teaching, the teacher's task is to develop appropriate psychological qualities in students, such as diligence, conscientiousness, the desire to comprehend new things, curiosity and a number of other qualities.

When preparing the necessary methodological materials, the teacher should not forget what specific qualities students will develop in the course of their classes. It is well known that the teacher largely affects the psyche of students by personal example. Therefore, it is necessary to critically evaluate your personal mental qualities and take measures to develop positive qualities and eradicate negative ones.

The second side of preparing for classes is getting to know the students. A novice teacher should conditionally put himself in the place of the students, which will reduce the number of methodological errors.

After all, visits to classes with leading educators are desperately needed. By attending the classes of experienced teachers, a novice teacher voluntarily or involuntarily absorbs his methodological experience. Beginning teachers, when attending classes of their colleagues, need to pay attention to such issues as: the content of the educational material, the distribution of study time to individual questions, the means of controlling the knowledge of students and checking the task set for self-study, the order of work of students near the blackboard, the methodology for summing up the lesson, etc. .P.

What does a young teacher need?
1. Make sure in advance whether everything is ready for the lesson, whether the furniture is well arranged, whether the board is clean, whether TCO, visual aids are prepared. Call. Enter the office last. Make sure that all trainers greet you in an organized manner. Try to show the students the beauty and attractiveness of the organized beginning of the lesson, strive to ensure that it takes less and less time each time.

2. Don't waste time looking for a page of your subject in a magazine, it can be prepared at recess. . 3. Start the lesson vigorously. Don't ask the question: Who didn't do their homework? - this teaches students to think that not doing homework is inevitable.

Lead the lesson in such a way that 4
every student was constantly busy with work, remember: pauses, slowness, idleness are the scourge of discipline. 4. Engage students with interesting content of the material, creating problem situations, mental stress.

Control the pace of the lesson, help the weak to believe in themselves. Keep an eye on the whole group. Especially watch out for those who have unstable attention, who are distracted. Prevent attempts to disrupt work order. 5. Make requests, questions a little more often to those students who can do extraneous things in the lesson.

6. When motivating knowledge assessments, give your words a businesslike, interested character. Tell the student what they need to work on to earn a higher grade.

7. End the lesson with a general assessment of the group and individual students. Let them experience satisfaction from the results of their labor.

Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined guys, but do not do it too often and for little effort. 8. Stop the lesson with a bell. Remind the duty officer. 9. Refrain from overreacting. 10. If students are indisciplined, try to do without the help of others. Remember: establishing discipline with the help of someone else's authority does not benefit you, but rather harms you. It is better to seek support from the group. 5

To the education section

Tutoring: where to start

Tutoring: a promising business from scratch

One of the areas of work for yourself, which does not require significant costs, is tutoring - the provision of private educational services at home.

Where to begin?

The services of a good tutor are highly valued, and with the introduction of the unified state exam, additional training has become even more popular and in demand.

Therefore, tutoring can be a worthy alternative to working in an educational institution, or just a good addition to your salary.

How to become a tutor?

This business option is perfect for school teachers and university professors specializing in a particular field.

How can a tutor conduct the first English lesson?

Since the main and sometimes the only investment in the future business will be your personal professional knowledge and experience in teaching.

So where to start?

  • First of all, in order for your initiative to be legal and free from problems with the tax office, you must register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • The next step will be to purchase the necessary teaching aids and decide on the venue for future classes with students:
  1. The first option is to work with students at the teacher's home - in this case, the teacher must prepare a comfortable room equipped with everything necessary for the educational process.
  2. Conducting classes on the territory of the student - in this case, the question arises of the cost of the tutor on the road.
  3. Tutoring in rented premises.

    This option is best if you plan to work with groups of students or even open a real center for the provision of private educational services.

  4. Distance learning via the Internet is gaining more and more popularity - the advantage of this work option is the ability to conduct classes with students from different parts of the country.
  • And last but not least, you need to take care of attracting future customers.

Looking for clients, or where do students come from?


The target audience of the tutor is, as a rule, schoolchildren.

Those who have not fully mastered the program material, or vice versa, whose knowledge needs go beyond the curriculum.

But the largest part of the clientele is made up of applicants who need training in specialized subjects for admission to a university.

There are many ways to notify interested parties about your services.

The first students can be found by placing ads in educational institutions, entrances of your neighborhood, and the media.

In the future, your reputation as a professional teacher will do the trick.

Another effective option is the selection of students through tutoring agencies.

How much does a tutor earn?

The answer depends on many factors.

The main indicators that determine the teacher's rate are qualifications and the subject itself.

Qualifications, work experience and experience of the tutor determine the cost of an hour of classes:

  • Recent university graduates and senior students, as usual, offer a cost in the range of 300-600 rubles. per hour of training.
  • Prices for teachers with experience from 5 to 7 years range up to 1000 rubles.
  • The price category from 1000 and above is represented by university teachers and highly experienced school teachers.

Tutoring - a good income and self-employment

Region of residence- prices for individual training services vary significantly depending on the place of residence.

So, in a small town, the cost of an academic hour of training usually does not exceed 500 rubles, in the capital - from 1000 rubles.

Venue- if it is necessary for the teacher to visit the client at home, the cost of the lesson increases by an average of 100-150 rubles.

Subject of study- the most "expensive" in the tutoring environment are the disciplines of English and mathematics - the cost of classes in them in Moscow is an average of 2000-2500 thousand per hour.

Also, the rate of tutoring services is affected by terms of preparation and complexity of the material.

Thus, the idea of ​​tutoring can bring a very good income, the main thing is to be an excellent specialist in the chosen field and regularly improve your professional skills.

Mentoring services may be provided by individuals under certain conditions. Lawyers advise issuing IP. Forms of earnings in mentoring: remote and internal. Clients look for specialized sites and place ads.

Mentoring earns a lot: teachers are part-time workers; Thus, private teachers receive a basic income; Experienced retired subject teachers; even students are not inclined to act as a "home teacher".

In this article, we explain how to formalize legal activities, how to earn money for mentoring, how important it is and where to find clients.

Market value and performance

The HSE Institute of Education provides data (source Rossiyskaya Gazeta) that 24% of all Russian schoolchildren use mentoring services.

In Moscow, the average hourly study time (45 minutes) with a teacher costs 800-1000 rubles. V St. Petersburg - an average of 700 rubles.

Interesting numbers: The market for illegal mentoring services in Russia is estimated at 30 billion rubles, according to the HSE, and preparing children for a unified state examination in Russia every year, parents spend more than 14 billion rubles.

Who often mentor for more knowledge,

Picture 1.

Figure 1. Why parents train teachers for children

Thus, 36.6% of students prepare for the exam and GIO, to deepen their knowledge - 32%, fill the gap and improve efficiency - 32%, dissatisfied with the quality of education at school - 17%.

The Superjob Research Center conducted a survey on which subjects have the highest demand for tutoring and came up with the following results (see below).

Table 1)

* Parents of older students participated in the survey, the total cost is not equal to 100%, since sometimes one student is hired as mentors in several subjects

Legal basis for mentoring

If mentoring is of an unnatural nature, for example, in order to attract a neighboring fifth grader to mathematics and receive a token gratitude for him, there is no question of registering the activity.

But if we consider this training as a company that generates a steady income in the event of a flow, and even more so if you think it will attract employees, then it is also necessary to take care of reason and the law without breaking the law.

The first and most important reason for concern is that trainers who want to formalize their activities according to the letter of the law - do you want to be an individual business or can you operate as an individual?

If a person is engaged in private tutoring, the law must independently report data in the form of taxes, pay income tax (13%).

However, Article 217 par.

70 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Tax Code of the Russian Federation), teachers who personally provide services are exempt from tax (from paying personal income tax).

This provision introduced Art. 13 of the Federal Law of November 30, 2016 no. 401-FZ "amendments to the first and second parts of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and some legislative acts of the Russian Federation."

But there are a number of conditions for non-payment of tax:

  • the exchange rate comes into force on January 1, 2017 and applies to income received in the tax periods 2017-2018;
  • the person is not an independent entrepreneur;
  • the individual does not attract employees;
  • the provision of services is oriented to personal, internal and other similar needs;
  • an individual must notify the tax authority of his activities in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art.

    7.3 Art. 83 of the Tax Code, that is, register in the tax and indicate the scope of activity.

This measure is temporary and is intended to legalize self-employed citizens. By the end of 2017, the Ministry of Finance intends to prepare a draft law on the tax regime for self-employed citizens.

It is very difficult to draw the line between a self-employed person who offers tutoring and citizens who are engaged in illegal business, lawyers say.

Therefore, according to lawyers, the second, and most correct option is the creation of individual entrepreneurship.

Optimal fiscal systems are patent system (SPE) or simplified (USN) with a tax rate of 6% of income. Registration as an individual trader allows you to attract employees.

Read in detail: what's in store for IP at PCN in 2017. Briefly about the changes

Another question, should engaging teachers be licensed for private mentoring services?

According to Art.

91 of the Law on Education, entrepreneurs who are directly involved in educational activities, licensing and accreditation are not required.

Such a business is attractive because the vehicle to start is their own knowledge.

Financial investment is also irrelevant if you work alone. Money will be needed to buy the necessary teaching aids, and in all cases this is not necessary.

Formats of earnings in mentoring

Figure 2. Online tutored classes

Consider getting mentorship opportunities, all of which fall into two groups:

  1. Remote (online mentoring)

    This includes learning formats such as online seminars, consultations, lectures via the Internet.

    Via Skype, Viber, broadcast on social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte), YouTube or with a special platform for online seminars (, My own conference, Etutorium). In this case, you will need special equipment: microphone, headset, webcam.

    It is interesting. Marina Orlova, a teacher of Russian language, literature and English philology, who was born in Arzamas, has found an unusual approach to learning via the Internet.

    He created the website and YouTube channel. The training is based on the motto "Intelligence is sexual" (intelligence is sexual).

  2. Regular training with students

    You can practice at the client's premises, which means you can go to your own home. In this case, it is recommended to add the amount for transportation costs to the payment for the class: taxi, private car or public transport. At home when the students come at the moment.

    There is another option: for example, on the basis of a contract held by an internal mentor in a training center or a foreign language school. You can also open your own school on your own.

    To do this, read our article: "Languages ​​in life: opening a foreign language school"

How to start

Figure 3

School programs and guides

  1. Learn about the topic and target audience, the format of the place and class. For example, 11-graders are preparing for an exam, as well as students who want to consolidate their knowledge of the subject.

    But elementary school students. Firstly, it is better not to immediately spray into all age groups. In the end, what is your client depends on the style, learning style, working hours.

  2. On USE preparation portals or other subject portals (depending on the target audience) to complete basic tests - check your level of knowledge.
  3. The first lessons are best done with friends, relatives or friends in order to improve your skills, understand all the subtleties, even for free.
  4. Study the offers of other teachers in your area, analyze the pricing policy.

    The price of their services is determined by the average market. Get the necessary study aids (syllabuses, task collections and tests).

  5. Go to customer search.

Where to find clients

The teacher of the target group depends on his specialization. For example, if you major in physics and mathematics or other subjects in the high school curriculum, clients will:

  • classmates who need to gain knowledge about this subject during the school year;
  • Candidates who are preparing to enter the university;
  • graduates who need to pass the USE, and so on.

For example, the service "Your tutor" is

The website acts as an intermediary between educators offering their services and clients. There are more than 233 thousand on its base.

How to start teaching in English?

Over 1,600 people have searched for a mentor for themselves on the Your Teacher website. According to Yandex.Metrica, this portal uses more than 22,000 visitors per day, so there is a chance to find customers.

Figure 4

The service "Your teacher" is one of our sources of finding clients

To find customers using this portal, you must subscribe to it. Registration requires four steps:

  1. Fill out a resume on the form on the website.
  2. Read the contract and accept it.
  3. Review the Interaction Guidelines for Service Questions and Answers.
  4. Attach copies of documents: identity card and qualifications (passport and diploma).

The questionnaires are located in the database of the service on the website.

Teachers have a personal account, information support, assistance in finding clients. You can perform services in person or remotely (

She will have to pay a service fee for each client, but only after the student pays the tuition. You have to pay for each client only once.

"Your Teacher" is not the only service to find your clients online for your mentor. There are also, and others. Alternatively, you can create your own website or Landingpage.

In addition to searching the Internet, customers can search in schools, children's clubs and departments, and other institutions.

To do this, you must agree with the administration of posting ads.

Watch video tips on how to become a mentor

Diane Yan, 2017-11-14

Diane Yan

Questions and answers on this topic

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Related reference materials

An English tutor in modern times is not only a teacher, but also a coach and mentor in learning the language. The main task is not only to teach a person the basics of grammar, but also to help overcome the psychological barrier when speaking in another language, as well as maintain the proper level of motivation when studying.

Magazine Reconomica I have already raised the topic of learning English more than once, and today our guest is Sergey Ilyich Borkovich from Yaroslavl, an English tutor who will talk about his work experience and tell you how to become a tutor.

My name is Sergey Ilyich Borkovich, I am 24 years old and I am a private English tutor in the city of Yaroslavl.

Actually, English is, as a rule, graduates of the faculty of foreign languages, although sometimes there are talented self-taught people, less often - people with experience of studying and living in an English-speaking country.

In my opinion, the most important skills of a tutor in modern conditions are communication skills, flexibility of thinking and, no matter how strange it may be, a sense of humor.

Even at the stage of negotiations about future classes, you should evaluate the client. Assess his goals, abilities, background and, importantly, solvency.

In fact, the initial stage is such business negotiations, where you must be able to understand the client.

With regards to a sense of humor, you must win over a person in the first minutes of communication and create an image of yourself as a cheerful and resourceful person.

How to become a tutor

Becoming a tutor is pretty easy.

  1. You should look at the average price tag in your area and build on that. At first, I advise you not to underestimate the price tag, it will look quite suspicious in the eyes of potential customers, but it makes no sense to overestimate it too much.
  2. You need to find good advertising platforms that are in demand, as a rule, these are Avito and Yula, less often VK groups, and if you live in a relatively small city, your own website can help you a lot.
  3. Decide which age groups you want to work with. Let me explain a little more. If you work with young children, the price tag will be small, because a lot of first-year students are ready to work for 250 rubles per hour, adults are willing to pay 500 rubles per hour or more. In addition, an important thing is that adults themselves decided to study, and therefore there will be no particular problems with motivation, while most children do not want to study and will simply wait for the end of the lesson, killing your desire to work in the bud.

Training tasks in English.


Next, I would like to explain in more detail about income. My income is directly related to the number of constantly studying students, therefore, the first couple of months will not be particularly profitable, as you will grow your clientele.

In my first week of tutoring, I earned only 4,300 rubles. Six months later, I increased my income to 15-18 thousand rubles a week.

Finding Clients

The most important thing in this area is the constant search for customers. Avito and Yula do a good job with this, but it's still better to pay for additional promotion of your ads, it will cost about 500 rubles a week. The free biscarra service (not advertising) also helps a lot, I'm also thinking of making a website for myself.

As a rule, the average influx is 1-2 new clients per week and minus 1-2 clients per month, but it all depends on the season, for example, in summer it is quite difficult to look for new clients, while in autumn there are a large number of calls.

I would also like to note that word of mouth works and is bearing fruit, sometimes there were such cases that one client brought me 10-15 new students.

The average period of one client's classes is 6-12 months, especially many people quit studying in the first 3 weeks of classes, because they begin to understand that the tutor is not a magician, and you will have to learn some things yourself.

Therefore, as I said at the beginning, you don’t need to be just a teacher, you need to motivate people to learn the language, let them know that they didn’t start all this in order to take it and leave it like that.

Method of teaching

In learning ANY foreign language, there is only one method - to know grammar, learn words, practice speaking.

Therefore, if you see ads describing super methods in the style of “you will speak in 2 hours” or “I own the accelerated learning method using frame 25 technology”, then know that this is a clear lie.

As a rule, lessons and teaching methods vary slightly from case to case, but in general, the average person wants to learn the language for communication, travel and watching films in the original. The basic methodology looks like this: about 6-8 lessons to learn the required level of grammar, and the rest of the lessons are conversational practice.

I am not a big supporter of the endless study of theory, the most important thing in the language is practice.

Interesting cases

Naturally, tutoring is working with people, so sometimes you have to deal with not quite adequate clients, I can immediately tell you only about a couple of the most interesting cases.

The first strange incident happened to me in the second month of work. A guy from grade 11 came to me to study and after 30 minutes he tried to sell me drugs. According to him, it turned out that he was moonlighting as a pawnbroker, I had to refuse him, but I didn’t tell his parents, because I didn’t have evidence, as they say, if you’re not caught, you’re not a thief.

The second case was more amusing. I got a call from a girl, about 14-15 years old, and agreed on a lesson. I agreed to accept it, threw off my address and lesson time via SMS. At the appointed time, she came, the first 20-30 minutes the lesson went well enough, but then something went wrong. She began to ask me to take lessons in the library, because she was uncomfortable being with a man in an apartment. To which I objected to her that if something doesn’t suit her, she can find a female tutor, but she replied that she only wants to study with me, but in the library, I didn’t meet this girl anymore.

Also, sometimes I realized that the client was inadequate even at the stage of talking on the phone. Of these people, I remember a pretty drunk man who called me and introduced himself as a retired colonel of special services. He said that he would like to learn the language from scratch, then, however, he said that he already knew him well and that he only needed an interlocutor, then again got confused in the testimony and hung up.

Grammar textbook.

Pros and cons of work

Even despite such trifles as sometimes inadequate people, in general, working as a tutor has many advantages:

  • Flexible work schedule. If you are, by nature, an owl, then you do not have to get up early if you do not want to.
  • you work from home(I personally do not agree to travel, even for a surcharge).
  • The ability to choose your clients. If you don't like a person in any way, you can refuse him.
  • Opportunity not to be limited to your city. You can work via Skype with a client from anywhere in the world.
  • Timely payment. No need to wait for a salary, the client pays immediately after the lesson.
  • If you are a lover of pedagogical experiments, then this work is for you.
  • Sometimes you can make useful contacts.

To be honest, it is necessary to highlight the disadvantages of this profession:

  • As I described above, you can encounter inadequate people, although this applies to all professions where there is constant contact with people.
  • Frequent transfers of lessons. I have not yet had a single week that someone did not leave, did not get sick, or simply rescheduled the lesson.
  • If something doesn’t work out for people, then you have to constantly motivate them and encourage them to go further, this, of course, takes time and energy.
  • If you want a pension, you will have to register as an individual entrepreneur, which takes a long time and you need to keep tax and financial records, so most tutors are not registered as individual entrepreneurs.
  • In the summer, there is a slight decrease in students, therefore, your own income is less.
  • There is no career growth and it is very difficult to go somewhere forward, although there are tutors who, over time, begin to create their own tutoring centers and online schools. However, there are very few such people, while the rest of the tutors just mark time for years.

If you have read this article and want to become a tutor, I would like to give you some tips:

  1. Try to differ from the bulk of repeaters with an extraordinary approach to learning, do not be afraid to try new things.
  2. A tutor is not only a teacher, but also a businessman, study marketing, learn to negotiate, be persuasive.
  3. Improve yourself, know your subject better than anyone in your city.
  4. Do not be greedy on advertising, advertising is our everything.
  5. Do not lower the price tag, even at the start.
  6. Do not stand still, go ahead and develop in terms of business, go towards opening your own schools.

I hope my information helped you, good luck!

Good day!

I am in Singapore courses with young teachers from whom I learned to think outside the box

This post will be dedicated to those who in the future, and maybe now, are planning to become an English tutor!

At one time, when (to study individually), someone did not have the opportunity to ask about all the intricacies of the work. She did everything as her intuition and books suggested.

Of course, I studied teaching methods at the institute, but until you face reality, you won’t understand all the points.

And even more so, many are simply afraid to start working individually with the student (what if it doesn’t work out? won’t I or the student like it?)

Due to my great interest in the subject, I began to explore the field of private studies in more detail, read a lot and get acquainted with the experience of other tutors.

I have been in private practice for 8 years. During these years, I studied the features and subtleties of working one on one, attended webinars, bought literature on this topic. I wanted to know everything about it. I'm interested. It's not as easy as many people think.

Tip #1

Love for the subject is the main thing!

If you decide to become a tutor, the first and most important piece of advice I can give is to LOVE your subject. If you love the subject you are going to teach, that's it! You will definitely charge your student with your energy, help him overcome all his fears of a foreign language!

If you consider tutoring only as an opportunity to make good money, this is not good, you will not get pleasure and self-satisfaction from the process and will not last long. Never let money control you! You will work with pleasure, for the result - money will be asked to you))

Tip #2

How to write the right ad?

If you decide to advertise your services, then remember that a well-written tutoring ad is half the battle. From my own experience, I can say that ads with a photo have more views than without it. Therefore, a photo is desirable! In the text itself, be sure to indicate:

Full name

The subject you teach (do not write many subjects at once in one ad, this repels many)

A little about yourself (education, what you completed, your titles and merits in the subject)

What services do you provide (for example, preparation for the GIA and the Unified State Exam, work only with schoolchildren or vice versa with adults, teach conversational English, etc.)

Lesson price and duration (be sure to indicate the academic or astronomical hour). As for the price, I’ll make a reservation: I don’t advise setting too low or high a price. Be sure to study the price market in your city.

Do you work with or without travel (must indicate the area or metro)

Do you work remotely (for example, via Skype).

Contacts (indicate as many ways as possible to contact you - mobile, e-mail). This is only suitable for ads without intermediaries.

Tip #3

Get your student interested in English!

Try to make your first lesson with a student memorable! Of course, you don’t have to dance in front of him, but you must be interested in your subject. Of course, it all depends on the goals of the student. But in any case, each tutor can find interesting tricks or secrets on how to 100% surprise a student!

Tip #4

If you work on the road, then never be late and do not come too early (suddenly the student is eating or busy with some other business). Be sure to bring your study materials (books, extras or printouts), laptop (if you use tutorials or videos). It is strange if a tutor comes without anything and does everything right away. Looks unprofessional.

Tip #5

Learning English should be fun!

Don't let your student get bored! Use different activities. They explained the material, did the exercises, speak in English on some interesting topic, listen to or watch an excerpt from some entertaining one, consolidate the material with the help of some interactive program.

And most importantly, your voice should not be quiet or monotonous. I believe that the ability to control the voice is one of the main qualities of a successful tutor, along with knowledge of the subject and the ability to explain it. So you need to work on your speech.

Tip #6

Contact with parents is very important!

Be sure to contact parents if you work with students! Keep them informed about how the classes are going, whether there is progress, whether the student completes his homework, whether he attends all classes. It often happens that parents gave the child money for classes, but he did not come, saying that he was ill or could not due to family circumstances. It is in your interest to verify the accuracy of the information.

Here are the points I wanted to highlight. I wish you successful teaching and smart students!

If you want to become a tutor or already are, then do not miss the following articles on this topic.

P.S. And, of course, on the eve of the New Year holidays and the long-awaited vacation, I simply cannot congratulate you Happy New Year and wish you all the best!

Soon!!! (my successes, discoveries, highlights)? Do not miss! Subscribe to updates to keep abreast of the events of the Kazan teacher and just a good person!

  • Before getting to know a student, it is very difficult to understand what level of knowledge he has, what teaching aids to use, and so on. Therefore, it is important to ask as many questions as possible before class. If you have a lesson with a schoolchild, ask the parents how long the child has been studying English at school, what grades he has, whether there are difficulties in doing homework, whether he has ever studied with a tutor before. Be sure to ask what textbooks the child uses at school, this will help you figure out which topics the student is currently studying at school, and which have already been completed.
  • If you are going to study English with an adult student, the most important thing here is to find out the purpose of the study. Maybe a person got a job or is going to get a job where English is required, perhaps even preparation is needed to pass some kind of certificate. In this case, you will need to focus on grammar and writing. If a person just wants to improve their language a little for traveling, then the main time of classes should be devoted to speaking practice.
  • When preparing for the first lesson, try to pick up as many diverse tasks as possible in order to test the student's knowledge in various aspects. You can even make a small test, with tasks for listening, reading, writing and grammar. Then you will be more likely to understand the level of knowledge of the student.
  • At the first meeting with the student, try to immediately get in touch with him. Be kind and considerate with your child, ask him what problems he has in learning English, look at his textbooks and notebooks to understand how the child is doing at school. With an adult, you can start a lesson with a short interview, during which you can find out more about the person’s work, hobbies, and the goals of his education. This will help loosen up, and at the same time give you more information to prepare for further classes. If the student's level of knowledge allows, it is better to speak English, at least partially.
  • If your student is a preschooler or elementary school student, try to prepare the first lesson in such a way that it contains more interactive material: educational videos, songs, cards, games. Grammar assignments for students of this age should also be submitted in a playful way, explain the rules using cards, books with beautiful attractive pictures. So the child will immediately form an interest in the English language.
  • At the end of the lesson with the child, be sure to give him homework for the next lesson. Immediately explain to the student how important his independent work is, and that in this way he will be able to achieve success in learning English much faster. Adults can print out a book to read, for example from the Cambridge English Readers series. Usually these are either detective stories or short fascinating stories. In the next lesson, it will be possible to discuss the read chapter in the form of a retelling and questions on the text. This is a great conversational practice and the opportunity to learn new words.
  • A properly conducted first lesson will create a positive impression of you. Further in the learning process, the main thing is not to lower your bar, continuing to select interesting materials for both adults and young students.