Npl psychology. What is NLP in psychology: features of the methodology, types, techniques and processes of neurolinguistic programming

<….Я учу процессам НЛП участников национальных конференций по психотерапии уже много лет, а наблюдаю за всеми демонстрациями работ других психотерапевтов, насколько это возможно, особенно, когда они хотят действительно продемонстрировать то, что они делают. Практически во всех случаях, та работа, которую я могу сделать с помощью НЛП, - намного превосходит другие подходы и гораздо целостнее их. Поскольку область знаний НЛП продолжает развиваться и обретать новые различия, мы способны делать с каждым годом все больше.>

Steve Andreas

The question "What is NLP?" a bit like the question "What is physics?", since there are many different answers to it.

One answer is that NLP is capable of doing what was promised at the birth of psychology a hundred years ago but never delivered - a practical way to understand our thinking and our behavior that can be used to make quick and beneficial changes in our lives. .

Another answer is that NLP studies the structure of subjective experience, the inner workings of our minds, and how to use this knowledge to increase our choices. Usually, much of this structure is in the unconscious, or preconscious. However, much of this structure can also become conscious, can be changed and then become unconscious and automatic again.

Someone has described NLP as "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on steroids" because, based on a similar focus, NLP does much more exact distinctions and includes many specific processes, principles, and presuppositions that produce change much faster.

There is another description: NLP is a collection of methods for achieving certain personal results, together with a general understanding of how they all work, which can be used to develop new methods.

NLP is sometimes described as a pragmatic methodology for modeling human superiority that can be applied in any context that includes at least one person. After the simulation, anyone can study the model in order to learn the skill, which is a kind of overused term "accelerated learning".

Someone remarked that "the human brain is the only self-sustaining multi-purpose computer that can be produced by unskilled labor." It is also the only computer that can only be partially programmed at the factory and does not come with a manual. The child's brain does not have the programs that we adults have, and there are no instructions for its operating system or how to program them.

While there is disagreement about what type of computer the brain is, it is clear that at the entrance we receive information through the five senses, we process them in many different ways, using our powers of remembering, predicting, linking different kinds of experiences, and making generalizations from them, and then at the exit we have behavior and reactions. Behavior or reactions at the output can become additional material at the input, which will then be processed, and an endless cybernetic process.

Since we don't have a user manual - and a keyboard - basically, each of us has to program ourselves, with some help from parents and other people. Despite the best efforts of our parents, much of this programming was random and chaotic, and often the result of random events, some of which were supportive and some of which were traumatic. A lot of the way we're programmed works pretty well, while some parts usually don't work one ounce of it.

So the next definition of NLP is that it is a manual for using the human brain, "software for the human nervous system" that can be used to reprogram ourselves when we are not satisfied with our reactions.

Three different aspects of any field of knowledge.

We can use a field of knowledge and research such as physics as a model for understanding various aspects of NLP. Physics can be divided into three different levels:

1. Practicaltechnology dedicated to the specific applications of science in the real world, from building bridges, building cell phones and spacecraft, to determining the properties of atoms, viruses and life in general - including everything that lies between these two poles. This technology is in the form of a recipe, tells us what we need do in order to achieve certain goals or results, just like a cake recipe is a reliable way to get that cake. As Paul Valery said, " The term "science" should not be used to name anything but a collection of those recipes that always work successfully. Everything else is literature."

2. Methodology or theory, a set of concepts that guides the further development and use of this technology. The methodology includes all the ideas we have about the technology and how we think they relate. As Einstein said, "There is nothing as practical as a good theory."

The basic principle - determined by many psychological experiments - we cannot know objective reality, we only have a "map" of reality formed by our senses. This principle was formulated by Alfred Korzybski in the book Science and mental health: "The map is not the territory." There will always be gaps, errors and omissions in our map. A map can be very useful and practical, but it will never fully match the reality it is trying to describe. If it were to fit perfectly, it would be so complete, complex, and confusing that it would no longer be useful as a map.

3. Epistemology, how we know what we know; the way in which we decide what evidence to use to determine the truth when we test and technology, and methodology. The epistemology of physics is based on scientific experiments: examination our predictions and results in every way we can, using as many controls as we can. This verification distinguishes science from conjectures, revelations and prejudices.

Three different aspects of NLP.

1. Technology

Like physics, NLP also has a large number of different patterns, recipes, and instructions that can be used to help people get specific results. This is done by changing our experience - in our perception, our thinking, our actions and our sensory reactions to events.

Application in education includes teaching people how to spell, strategies for quickly learning a foreign language, remembering and recalling facts and rules, staying in a positive state for easy learning, and how to transform "learning disabilities" into effective thinking and learning, etc.

Application in psychotherapy includes ways to transform unpleasant sensations, change unwanted habits such as smoking, overeating, biting nails, curing phobias, fears, worries, resolving grief, shame, guilt and other internal conflicts, eliminating addictions, obsessive behavior, PTSD, etc.

Application in communications includes knowing how to use language - both the primary meaning of words and the hidden, both explicit and metaphorical - to put information in sequence and combine it for quick learning, to accurately communicate this knowledge to other people, how to develop rapport, how to negotiate and resolve conflicts, how to get close to people when you want to, how to set effective boundaries, etc.

Application in sports includes ways to motivate you to stick to your training program, focus fully on your performance and ignore distractions, how to achieve excellence in any sport, how to use the same thinking and movement strategies that athletic stars use to achieve success, etc. .d.

Application in business and organizations includes ways to develop new creative alternatives to solve problems, develop satisfying solutions and detailed plans to implement them, how to achieve goals in meetings, how to identify and select potential employees and partners who have the skills needed for the team, how agree on results, how to manage in a style that suits your company and subordinates, etc.

2. Methodology

NLP has a coherent set of ideas and concepts that can be used to broadly apply the technology.


In NLP, the basic concept is that the whole our experience consists either of experiences currently received from the senses (sensory-based) or internal representations of sensory-based experiences in the past and remembered or predicted in the future. We cannot know the world directly, only through representations worlds that we build from what we receive from our senses. These representations always include one or more of the following five modalities: visual - visual images, auditory - sounds, kinesthetic - Feel, olfactory - odors, and gustatory - tastes. While the last two modalities play an important role in food preparation and selection and in other contexts such as personal care or cosmetics, much of our thinking and responding is a combination of the three main sensory modalities: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

These sensory modalities are the building blocks, or "atoms" Total our experience. Even the most abstract words and conceptualizations are made up of some combination of images, sounds, and sensations. These different modalities can be combined at one moment in time, or they can be combined into a sequence similar to a linear computer program in which, for example, the image of the singer is followed by the song he sings, and after it - sensations that are a reaction to these sounds. We can learn to deliberately rearrange these "atoms" of experience in order to solve problems and achieve the results we desire. Let's look at one practical application of this methodology, the study of spelling.

Applying the methodology of modalities to technology

Spelling is a simple rote task in which the result is the ability to access the correct sequence of letters in response to the sound of a word (or in response to the image that some word represents). When this is done, the word may be spelled out, or the person may sound out a sequence of letters, as in a spelling bee. A person who makes spelling errors uses one of two methods that do not work very well:

  1. Creative illiterate squeaking man tries construct visual image of the word to be written using creative visual imagination, instead of using visual memory to visualize the word exactly as he saw it in the past. Many right-handers look left-up away from themselves to access their right brain for visual recall, and look up-right to access their left brain for creative visualization. Creativity is the marvelous ability to reorganize experience and develop new possibilities, but this ability is not suitable for spelling because spelling is a rote task that requires not be creative at the moment.
  2. Some people try voice the word is auditory in order to identify which letters fit the sound of a syllable or word fragment. In English, this is not possible for about 40% of words, because the very strange spelling system in English makes it very difficult to spell any word in letters. Despite this, many schools are trying to teach children to spell using this particular method, called phonetics, “phonetic”. The irony is that in English you can't spell the word phonetics correctly using the phonetic method! (approx. Translator - so, using the phonetic method in Russian, you can write the sound of the word "option" as "vryant" and nothing else).

The phonetic method works wonderfully when reading, which requires moving from the written word to its voicing. But this is a different task than spelling, in which you do the exact opposite, and move from the spoken word to its spelling. In Spanish, all words are written similar how they sound, so a spelling strategy based on the auditory modality works great, and doesn't cause problems in school - in Spanish-speaking countries, it's almost impossible to find an illiterate squealer. (note of the translator - similarly in the Belarusian language - as it is heard, so it is written).

Correct spelling. The technology for teaching children to spell is ridiculously simple. You simply tell the children to look at the word written on the board, then ask them to close their eyes and look up and to the left (from their position) to see the recalled image of the word, and then notice a sense of recognition that will allow the child to know that he saw it. word before. Then they only need to write down the inner image of the word on paper or say the letters out loud if they are participating in a spelling contest. Even in Spanish, this is more efficient than saying the letters, because it's much faster to get a visual image of a word than it is to listen to a sequence of sounds. To learn more about the NLP spelling strategy and how to learn or teach it, read Heart of the Mind, ch. 2.


Further development methodology NLP is the realization that each of the primary sensory modalities can be subdivided into smaller dimensions or elements called submodalities, each of which can also be modified to affect our experience. If modalities are the "atoms" of our experience, then submodalities are the "subatomic particles" of experience that allow the atoms of our experience to take on completely different properties.

Visual the image can differ in the following characteristics: distance from the observer, location in space and size. It can be flat (2-D) or 3-D (holographic, surround), framed or panoramic, bright or dim, moving or frozen, color or black and white. you can be inside memories, as if the event is happening again, or you can see yourself in it from the side. A visual memory that is a large, close, three-dimensional, color panoramic movie will affect you much more than a small, distant, flat, framed black and white photograph. You can easily confirm this in your own experience by imagining the same memory in these two ways.

AT auditory modality, sound can vary in distance from the listener, location in physical space, and loudness. It can be one-sided or stereo, vary greatly in tempo, tone, timbre and frequency, and you can hear it as if you were inside a panoramic experience again, or outside it as if you were hearing it coming from a tape recorder or CD player. Loud, close, rich and panoramic sound has a much greater impact than weak, distant and coming from one point. Again, you can easily verify this in your own experience by playing a piece of music in your head in both ways and noticing the difference.

Kinesthetically sensation can vary in intensity, duration, and location. It can vary in temperature, pressure, density and spatial limits of sensation. It can be a superficial tactile sensation or an internal emotional sensation. A remembered sensation that is strong, moving, and involving the whole body will have a much greater impact than a feeling that is weak, calm, and affects only a small part of your body. And again, you can try this in your own experience, remembering the same feeling in different ways to make sure that these words are right.

Modalities provide three alternative ways of representing experience, offering choice. Submodalities offer hundreds of different alternatives that can be combined in a variety of ways, creating hundreds of thousands of different alternatives for even more choices. Let's look at a few practical applications of this methodology.

Applying the methodology of submodalities to technology

Shock. When something doesn't make us happy in life and we come to the conclusion that "we have a problem," often the main thing that happens is the shock or confusion resulting from information overload. There is a lot of information around us, it comes too quickly for us to process it well. Imagine trying to pay attention to six people talking to you at the same time, and you will feel a similar shock, but for some people it is even worse. Often a person can have five or six movies playing in his head at the same time - large, close, in bright colors and with loud sound. This is also true for those who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other learning difficulties. With all these movies playing all at the same time, it's impossible to process them and it's very difficult to notice what's going on around or try to do anything.

It is enough just to learn to focus on some one of these inner movies, allowing others to move away from you and become smaller, dimmer, black and white, and quieter. When there is only one clip in the foreground that you are paying attention to, you can process the information more easily, and then you can let it go far enough that another movie appears in the foreground and you start processing it.

Phobia/violence. Anyone who has a phobia or other trauma, PTSD, experience of violence, etc. - recalls a terrible experience while being inside him, as if testing him again and again. As a result, they experience all the terrible sensations that they experienced in reality. Other people who have also experienced terrible events can remember them without discomfort, because they see them as an observer watching a movie on a cinema screen, as if it were happening to someone else. Because they outside this experience, they do not experience the same feelings that they had when they were inside his. They either feel neutral or feel the way a sympathizer might have. observer. Can l it is easy to teach a phobic to take memories of a terrible event and project them onto a movie screen so that a person can respond to these memories in a neutral way, see "Heart of the Mind", ch.

Woe. The structure of grief is exactly the opposite of phobia or trauma. With a phobia, a person remembers terrible experiences while being inside them, and experiences terrible feelings again. In cases of grief, a person remembers wonderful experiences while being outside them, and thus cannot experience the precious sensations that he shared with the departed person. Since the structure of grief is opposite to phobia, the resolution of grief should be performed in the opposite way - remembering being with the departed person, being inside special memories of this person, thus having the opportunity to re-experience all the good feelings that were once experienced together. See Heart of the Mind, ch. eleven.


3. Epistemology NLP is based on the same foundations as the epistemology of physics and science in general. We discover the truth of something through experimentation and testing, and this is a process that may pause, but which never completely stops, and which constantly expands, revises, enriches the entire field of knowledge. Any pattern or method in NLP includes ways checks, whether each step is successful or not, using non-verbal cues as primary feedback, along with verbal rapport.

Even though NLP is still in its infancy - it is only 35 years old - it already includes a wide variety of practice processes and a coherent and coherent methodology that underpins specific methods. These extended concepts provide a working framework for the development of new methods and their evaluation. This methodology can also be used to understand the work and correct those methods that have already been developed by other people - intuitively, or within other directions.

I have been teaching the NLP process to participants in national psychotherapy conferences for many years now, and watching all the demonstrations of the work of other psychotherapists as much as possible, especially when they want to really demonstrate what they are doing. In almost all cases, the work that I can do with NLP is far superior and much more holistic than other approaches. As the field of NLP continues to evolve and gain new distinctions, we are able to do more every year.

NLP- one of the most popular areas of psychotherapy at the present time, which originated in the early 70s. Its founders are Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They, in turn, acknowledge that the starting point of their work was a generalization of the experience of Federic Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson.

However, the concept of therapeutic action NLP has existed since time immemorial, when priests, shamans, healers, as well as some rulers and generals, used the “magic” power of the word, capable of causing a change in consciousness and behavior under appropriate conditions and conditions. This mechanism is used in both suggestion (including hypnosis) and self-hypnosis (from traditional auto-training to self-hypnosis).

The theoretical substantiation of such an impact is perfectly presented in the works of I.P. Pavlov, V.M. Bekhterev, K. I. Platonov and other prominent domestic and foreign physiologists, psychologists and psychotherapists. Thus, Pavlov wrote: “The word, thanks to the entire previous life of an adult, is associated with all external and internal stimuli that come to the cerebral hemispheres, signals them all, replaces them all, and therefore can cause all those actions, reactions of the body that cause those stimuli. ".

In NLP, the mechanism of action of the word is combined with various physical "fixers" (anchors), which also corresponds to the mechanisms of the combined reflex according to V.M. Bekhterev or conditioned reflex according to I.P. Pavlov. (As we know, their works, especially the conditioned reflex theory and the research of I.P. Pavlov, are highly valued and intensively used in the USA.)

And yet, neurolinguistic programming in its modern form can be spoken of as an independent direction of psychotherapy.

According to NLP, each person has a predominant channel for receiving information: modality. That is, although any normal person perceives the world with the entire spectrum of the senses: hearing, sight, smell, and musculoskeletal (kinesthetic), etc., however, one person leading modality is visual perception, the other is auditory (and others complement them).

Moreover, within this leading modality, NLP specialists see a further gradation of features that clarify the individual characteristics of receiving and processing information.

To clarify the dominant channel, direction and features of receiving information in NLP, an analysis of types plays an important role. scanning eye movement.

Thus, the scanning movement of the eyes shows which representative system for obtaining information a person uses at certain moments.

It is believed that the movement of the eyes up and to the left signals the process of extracting eidetic (visual) images from visual memory.

According to the NLP classification, there are eight main types (patterns) of the directions of eye movements and their corresponding representative systems:

1) scanning eye movement up and to the left - a visual eidetic image;

2) up-right - a visual constructed image;

3) direct unfocused (not attentively focused on an external object) look - a visual image presented;

4) eyes at an average level to the right - auditory construction;

5) eyes at the middle level to the left - auditory images;

6) eyes are closed, the gaze is turned inward - internal dialogue;

7) eyes down and to the left - telephone type hearing;

8) eyes down and to the right - kinesthetic sensations, feelings.

The clarification of the prevailing representative system is facilitated by content analysis(content analysis) used by the client sensory-specific terms. For example, using words like look, see, draw, show, bright, red(or other color), etc. characteristic of visual representational system. For dominance kinesthetic(musculoskeletal) representative system typical words are: touch, warm, soft - hard, smooth - rough, feel, grab, stroke, touch etc. With predominant auditory perception, words predominate: loud - quiet, noisy, melodic, hear, shout etc.

The dominance in the use of the corresponding type of sensory-specific words indicates the main one for this individual ( primary) representative system, that is, the sensory perceptual system that this person uses more often than others.

In order to establish the most effective contact with the client, the psychotherapist must identify his dominant perceptual system (modality) and use predominantly verbal (verbal) or non-verbal (facial and gesture language) communication. Moreover, in verbal communication, it should be based on the terms that are most typical for the identified primary modality, the terms or actions characteristic of it.

The psychotherapist carries out fine tuning to the primary representative system of the client and only after that begins to introduce into the established contact the strategy of the necessary changes in the behavior and state of the client.

NLP experts see one of the reasons for the lack of mutual understanding and sexual dissatisfaction between spouses in the fact that spouses have different primary representative systems and do not know how to adjust to each other.

One of the key working terms of NLP is the concept of "anchor", which means some specific sensation (for example, pressing on the shoulder, arm, knee), the client's experience of the corresponding state. By deliberately evoking or "stalking" this state, the psychotherapist each time fixes it with an anchor (ie, a muscular or other fixed sensation). With such repetitions, a conditioned reflex connection is established between the anchor and the desired state, and in the future, the use of the anchor alone will cause this state.

So, the first task of the psychotherapist NLP is to identify the client's leading representative system of perception and communication. Next, the psychotherapist must adjust to the identified dominant system, that is, speak to the client in his language.

Then it is necessary to clarify which undesirable conditions and their behavioral manifestations need therapeutic correction.

This is usually done in stages as follows.

First stage

Identification of a characteristic feature (foreign key) of the desired undesirable state.

Second phase

Fixing this state with an anchor.

Third stage

Fixing the anchor with regular repetitions of it simultaneously with the appearance of an undesirable state. For this client ask start on the way back in your memory recalling as vividly as possible the situations that gave rise to precisely these unwanted feelings. Feeling these states, the client signals them to the psychotherapist, who anchors them.

Fourth stage

The therapist brings the client back to the present, creates a sense of security and contentment, and asks the client to give his version of what this journey into the past has taught him.

Only after finding out and bringing to the consciousness of the client the causes of unwanted states and behavioral reactions, work on reframing (reshaping) begins.

Reframing distributed over six stages (steps).

First stage

The task of the first step is to make sure that you have accurately located the unwanted behavior or external symptom of the client's unwanted state or physiological symptom that is not controlled by him.

Second step

In the second step, the therapist comes into contact with psychological part client that generates unwanted behavior or symptoms. This is where the bridge between the conscious and unconscious areas of the client's psyche begins.

The client is recommended to start a focused penetration into his inner world with the question: “ Does the psychological part of me that generates this behavior want to talk to me?»Listening to the answer to this question repeatedly addressed to himself, the client tries to sensitively capture and remember any reactions (sensations, visual images, feelings, words, involuntary actions) that arise in his inner world.

At the same time, the psychotherapist not only analyzes the client's impressions, but also monitors any behavioral reactions and symptoms that are often not noticed or incorrectly recorded by the client.

Third step

In the third step, it is necessary to separate intentions from their behavioral manifestation, and then establish and analyze the relationship between the intention and the corresponding or distorted behavioral response. The challenge is to discover the intent behind the behavior.

Invite the client to ask psychological part responsible for this behavior. " What are you trying to do for me?» The answer can come not only in words, but also in visual images, sensations, feelings, etc.

The psychotherapist builds his questions, gradually penetrating deep into the causes that give rise to undesirable states and behavior patterns. So, for example, if the client says that some of his psychological (mental) part tells him: “ I won't let you have sex", you ask him to ask this part next question: Why are you forbidding me

Here a more rational answer like " Because if you don't listen to me and have sexual relations, you will be hurt and feel bad.". That is, we see that behind the first reaction of the prohibition is the reaction of protection.

Fourth step

The therapist helps the client find three new ways satisfy intention. To do this, the client turns to his creative(creative) parts with the task of finding or inventing three new, more acceptable options for satisfying desire.

If it cannot be found creative part- the psychotherapist must form it. This is usually done by recalling situations in which the client has been creative and resourceful. As soon as such a situation can be revived in the client's memory, the psychotherapist fixes it with an anchor (that is, some kind of conditional touch, movement, word), which will help to connect with the creative part of the client.

It is desirable that the client himself find his creative (creative) part, and then develop three new ways to satisfy the need. The psychotherapist should play here only the role of a consultant, a stimulator. However, there are often cases when the client does not have enough independence to solve this problem. In these cases (and only in these cases) the therapist himself offers the client appropriate options.

Fifth step

At the fifth step, the therapist invites the client to feel that the part of him that knows this behavior, accepts, realizes the new options found effective and takes responsibility for their application in the right situation. (Here it is very important not to confuse this part, which is in charge of this behavior, and the creative part found or created by the client, which develops and offers new models of behavior to the part in charge.)

To do this, the client first asks the controlling part of himself if she agrees that the new options for solving the frustrating situation (developed creative part) are more effective than the previous ones, which did not bring the desired result. If the commanding part recognizes this and agrees, you should ask it if it agrees to take responsibility for implementing new behaviors in previous situations.

If this part does not agree that the new opportunities are better than the original behavior, suggest that the client ask the enabling part to approach the creative part and work with them to better understand the new opportunities. That is, the client plays a game in which he steps back from a failed solution to the problem, passing it on for discussion to the persuading and objecting parts of himself. I.

There is nothing strange in this - after all, in fact, we are constantly arguing with ourselves on various issues, convincing ourselves and refuting ourselves in search of a satisfactory solution. The authors of NLP believe that such an internal argument will be more constructive if we get rid of the arguing parts and can consider the arguments of our internal opponents less emotionally and more soberly from the outside.

If, nevertheless, the knowing part does not accept the arguments of the creative part and does not take responsibility for the application of new behaviors, the psychotherapist offers (and helps) the client to find another psychological part in himself that will agree to do this.

Sixth step

At the sixth stage, the so-called environmental audit is carried out. To do this, the therapist invites the client to ask himself if any part of him is resisting the ongoing working negotiations different parts. If the agreement of the parts is reached, it is considered that the task of this stage is completed and you can go further. If some part is not satisfied with these negotiations, the psychotherapist and the client go back through the steps taken in order to separate the client's intention to implement this process from some particular objections, determine the reasons for this resistance and try to eliminate them.

Only when environmental audit shows the absence of resistance of all involved (two or more) parts to their working interaction, the process is considered completed.

The above step-by-step scheme for the implementation of NLP is the most typical, but far from the only one.

Currently, in the practice of NLP, a large number of options are used, depending on the specifically formulated goals. Nevertheless, we can say that they all somehow fit into the above scheme.

It is especially important for a psychotherapist in family counseling to be able to identify the difference in modalities (representational systems) between spouses and, taking on the role of an interpreter, help them understand each other better, and in the future gain the ability to better understand the language of the other and take into account the signals of a growing conflict in advance in order to prevent it. or, if it has already happened, it is easier to overcome.

Questions for self-examination

1. What is the essence of NLP?

2. Name and briefly describe the main working terms of NLP

3. What is the leading (primary) modality?

4. What is an anchor and how is it used?

5. What is reframing and what is its essence?

6. List and briefly describe the six steps of reframing.

Undoubtedly, neuro-linguistic programming today is one of the most popular and sought-after ways for a person to influence his own personality and the people around him. After all, NLP allows a person to learn to better understand himself, and get rid of any negative traits, while at the same time cultivating positive ones; promotes a deeper understanding of those with whom one has to interact; makes it possible to make the communication process more pleasant and effective, as well as to influence people of completely different categories. Moreover, knowledge of NLP is successfully applied not only in psychology, psychotherapy and other related sciences. The application of NLP is ideal for everyday life as well. And in order for anyone to learn this, there are now many options: video and audio materials, Internet resources, trainings and webinars, special training programs, magazines, books, etc.

And, of course, the basis for any training programs and materials is always the theoretical foundations, which contain the bulk of the information. But any theory will not be of any value if it is not combined with practice, because. only practice forms the skills necessary for the successful application of knowledge. It is the practical side of NLP that we have devoted to the presented article. In it, we'll look at some of the best and most popular NLP tricks and techniques. You can master any of these methods to a sufficient extent, subject to regular training in everyday life.

In this article, 13 techniques are briefly analyzed, if you want to learn about 72 more techniques and learn how to apply such techniques in life, then we advise you to pay attention to our course "The Best Communication Techniques".

Change of submodalities

Submodalities are those elements that make up a complete picture of our perception of the surrounding reality. With the help of them, our attitude to everything is encoded. The technique of changing submodalities allows us to change our attitude to something, and we can influence not only the strength of our experiences, but also transform their assessment and subsequent sensations. In addition, this technique is also suitable for changing the assessment of a situation that has already occurred, the formation of motivation, a change in attitude towards another person, etc.

As a rule, the scheme of this technique is always approximately the same: you need to take a situation (a person) to which you want to change your attitude, and a situation (a person) in relation to which, on the contrary, positive emotions are experienced. Then you need to find some differences between these situations (people) and their submodalities, and replace the submodalities of the first situation with the submodalities of the second. After that, a check is made: if the situation has changed in the right direction, then the replacement was successful, if not, then you need to return to the previous step and work it out again.

Model of correct goal setting "SMARTEF"

A huge role in the process of achieving goals is played by the ability to correctly formulate and determine the desired result. Simply put, in order to change anything in life, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want specifically. It is the SMARTEF technique that helps to define and formulate the result properly. Compliance of the goal with the SMARTEF criteria greatly increases the likelihood of its implementation. The goal should be:

  • Specific (you must take into account all the details);
  • Measurable (you must be clearly aware of all the indicators of the moment when the goal is achieved);
  • Attractive (the goal should be consistent with your beliefs and values, motivate you);
  • Realistic (you must know exactly what the goal is achievable and what you need to achieve it);
  • Limited by time (you must clearly set a time frame for achieving the goal);
  • Sustainability (you must consider your goal in a global sense, as well as realize the secondary benefits of achieving it / not achieving it);
  • Positive wording in the present tense (when setting a goal, you must take into account the special parameters of the wording).

We have already touched on SMARTEF techniques in our lesson " Anchoring, performance and state management". If you wish, you can return to it or study the method in more detail.

Walt Disney's Creative Strategy

This technique is based on the many years of experience of the American animator and film director Walt Disney in the fields of business and creativity. The essence of his strategy is the ability to approach any issue from three different positions: a dreamer, a realist and a critic. The very same approach was called by the author "imaging". Each of the three components contributes to the search for an effective solution to any issue.

The main function of the dreamer is manifested at the initial stage, when new goals and ideas are just being formed, and is focused on the future. The dreamer must help the person see how all the parts of his plan fit together. The function of a realist is expressed in the search for tools suitable for the implementation of the intended plan, so that an abstract idea can take shape into something concrete. A realist helps a person move from the thought process to action. The critic, in turn, is needed in order to evaluate the idea that has appeared or the planned plan to achieve the goal from the critical side. A critic is meant to help a person find weak points in his plan, to try to identify potential problems or points that could be missed. The critic also draws a person's attention to such things as the environmental friendliness of the plan, its realism, secondary benefits, etc.

Approaching any business using the strategy of Walt Disney's creativity greatly increases the effectiveness and personal productivity of a person. And you can get acquainted with this strategy in more detail.

Working with logic levels

According to the results of research by one of the first developers of NLP, Robert Dilts, there are several levels of a person's perception of reality and how he lives it. All of them are parallel to each other and are closely interconnected. It is very useful for a person to realize what is happening at all these levels, because. it affects every aspect of life: decision-making, relationship formation, feelings and well-being, and even events that occur. It is also important to know that logical levels are subject to a certain structure. Firstly, the Higher levels cannot exist without the Lower ones, because is realized through them, and secondly, the Lower levels depend on the Higher ones and obey them.

Usually a person forms his goals and realizes the problems at the Lower levels and therefore it is possible to start working with them at these levels. But, taking into account the above-mentioned regularities, it is necessary to work out the goals and problems at the Highest levels, because The best way to find a solution to any problem is to find its origins and work directly with them.

Working with logical levels is an extremely effective technique for interacting with your goals and inducing life changes. Absolutely everything that a person desires must be in harmony with his Higher levels, i.e. consistent with beliefs, values ​​and worldview. The study of problems at the Highest levels helps to identify the necessary resources and increase their energy potential.

You can find out more information about working with logical levels at this link, as well.


The presented technique serves to change the destructive type of a person's response to something in a short time and replace it with a more constructive one. But the result of this technique is not only a change in the type of reaction, but also the establishment of a positive and productive self-image in a person. Sweep can be applied in many areas of life, from eliminating bad habits to correcting problematic behavior.

The structure of the Sweep technique is as follows: first, the context is determined, i.e. a situation to which you would like to change your response. Then you need to identify trigger factors, i.e. those factors that cause the desire to respond in the usual way. This moment is the most important, because. often may not even be realized by a person. The definition of trigger factors also occurs according to a certain methodology. After that, you need to create an image of the state that you want to achieve. Most often this is done using the third. The next stage is the “swipe” that needs to be done. It means a very fast replacement of one picture with another (an unwanted image with a desirable one). After the "swing" is completed, you need to check the new state and adjust to the future.

The Sweep technique requires more study (this can be done) and training.

New Behavior Generator

This technique, similar to the previous one, is designed to help a person change automatic reactions to manifestations of external reality, thereby relieving him of many unnecessary problems. Thanks to it, a person’s self-confidence increases, reactions change and positive changes occur in life.

The successful application of this technique involves the passage of several stages. First you need to determine the situation that you want to work out, and live it, presenting it in your mind in great detail. Next, you need to imagine the same situation in the form of a film made about you, and feel the emotions that it evokes. After that, you need to imagine yourself as a cinema operator who puts a film with a film about you into the projector for himself, sitting in the hall. Then you need to imagine yourself as a director and realize the possibility of changing the script; come up with several new options and choose the most suitable one.

The new stage implies that you are again a cinematographer, putting on a new film for yourself, sitting in the cinema hall. Then you imagine yourself sitting in the hall and watching a new movie with your participation. As a result, you must imagine yourself as the hero of a new film and live a new situation, presenting it in all its details in your imagination and realizing your emotions. It is important that the new result suits you. If it does not satisfy you, then you should return to the previous points and work them out again.

The result should be the emergence of a new response template, but already one that will be beneficial. It is necessary to consolidate it by losing the situation several times, using new reactions. You can learn more about how to do all this on this page.

Six Step Reframing

Many of us are familiar with the situation when certain problems are not solved for a very, very long time, and we cannot understand the reason for this. The fact is that this is hindered by our own subconscious, which for some reason thinks that the way it is now is best. The six-step reframing technique is very good for changing the mood of your subconscious mind. It takes as a basis a special meditative state, when in which the subconscious mind is most receptive to incoming information, while in the normal state its access is blocked by various subpersonalities ().

The scheme of six-step reframing is quite simple.

First step. You need to lie on the floor and relax, alternately tensing and relaxing all the muscles of the body, after which you just lie down for about five minutes, focusing on breathing.

Second step. Visualization of a large white screen.

Third step. Once the screen is presented, you need to ask your subconscious mind if it is ready to cooperate. The answer should appear on the screen.

Fourth step. If the answer is yes, then you can ask the subconscious mind any questions, the form of which should imply simple answers (yes / no).

Fifth step. In the process of interacting with the subconscious, you need to find out from him what benefits it derives from the current problem situation, and turn to the creative component of your personality with a request to find a more suitable way to satisfy this need.

Sixth step. You should relax, allowing the subconscious mind to process the information, slowly count from one to ten and stand up. Reframing is over.

Changing personal history

The technique of changing personal history is usually used when the behavior to be changed is related to some events that took place in the past, and is based on existing links between the present and the past. Its use allows you to get rid of unnecessary and limiting beliefs, stereotypes, habits, attitudes, response methods, etc.

The essence of the method is as follows. It is necessary to identify a problematic situation or an undesirable state and set an anchor on it. The established anchor must be used in order to lead the person (or yourself) to the very moment when the problem situation or experience appeared for the first time, and if any of them are discovered, the context of what happened must be taken into account. After several (4-5) similar situations or experiences are found, you need to drop the anchor and return to the very first situation, determine the resources that were required to overcome it, and find trigger factors. Next, you need to find access to the found resource and anchor it, return to the early situation and change its perception, using the existing resource (great for .

After all that has been done, it is necessary from new experiences and evaluate the result. If it does not meet the requirements, then you should return to the previous stage of identifying resources and work it out again. Then you need to consolidate the result and make an environmental check and synchronization with the future.

You can learn more about how all this is done here.

Fast treatment for phobias

The technique of quick phobia treatment is used in NLP in order to neutralize the anchors to any strong feelings, i.e. rid a person of phobias: xenophobia, agoraphobia, nyctophobia, photophobia, claustrophobia and many others. The result of the successful application of this technique is the liberation of a person from fears, the release of energy and the emergence of many new opportunities.

The process of implementing the technique of rapid treatment of phobias consists of several steps:

  • You need to access the positive state and anchor it by creating a powerful resource anchor. Moreover, it is best if the anchor is kinesthetic.
  • It is necessary to conduct a dissociative analysis of experiences, imagining yourself even before being in a negative state (black and white picture) and after being in it (color picture).
  • You need to look at yourself from the outside, as if sitting behind yourself in a movie theater.
  • You need to quickly view a black-and-white film, consisting of the first picture, the event itself, and ending with a color picture.
  • Then you need to watch the entire black-and-white film, but starting from the second color picture and ending with the first, and during the transition to the first picture, you need to go to the second degree of dissociation (look at yourself watching the movie). After the transition to the first picture, the film should immediately end.
  • You need to think about what was the source of the phobia and note the changes in the physical condition.
  • It is necessary to project the negative situation into the future by imagining the interaction with the source of the phobia and considering new options for responding. It is important to clearly define indicators of a sense of security or pointers to cautious behavior.

You can get acquainted with the technique of quick treatment of phobias in more detail on this page.


The name of this technique comes from the word “imprint”, meaning “imprinting”, i.e. any experience or set of experiences as a result of which a person has certain beliefs. Often imprint situations are dead ends and cause a person to feel senseless, hopeless, hopeless, etc. The meaning of imprinting is to find the resources needed to change ingrained beliefs and update established behavioral patterns.

The application of the reimprinting technique is based, first of all, on the definition of the symptoms of an imprint, which implies focusing on the very first appearance of any experiences associated with it and the beliefs that have arisen. After that, you need to mentally transport yourself to the moment that preceded the appearance of the imprint, return to the present state and look at the imprint from the position that preceded it. The next step is to search for the positive intention or secondary benefits that are hidden behind the established reactions and symptoms of the imprint and some other equally important components that require more detailed and scrupulous study.

Features of reimprinting and the procedure for its implementation can be found here.

Reassessment of the past

The technique of reassessing the past helps to change the assessment of an event that took place in a person's past. It is very effective because with it, you can influence the assessment of the troubles that have occurred and the beliefs associated with them, change relationships with specific people, and even transform aspects of the perception of childhood. A brief algorithm of necessary actions includes the following:

  • It is necessary to determine the period of time that requires change and elaboration. It can be associated with a person, place, time, and so on. conditions.
  • We need to create a powerful resource anchor. It is best if it is kinesthetic.
  • It is necessary to present the considered time period in the form of a straight line located on the floor, determine the most significant moments of this period, name them and mark them on the line, observing the real sequence.
  • It is necessary to divide all the marked situations into positive and negative. Then, passing along the line, one should relive the positive situations anew, and present the negative ones in a dissociated way, i.e. watching from the sidelines.
  • In the dissociated consideration of negative situations, you can use the resource anchor created at the beginning. Sometimes this allows you to look even at negative events from a different angle and see positive aspects in them.
  • It is necessary to conduct an ecological check of the new perception of past events and, if the result does not satisfy all the requirements, go back and work through the previous points again.
  • It is necessary to synchronize with the future, projecting the achieved result on situations that may occur.

The technique of reassessing the past is considered in more detail.

Choice on the timeline

The presented technique has proven itself to be a reliable tool for resolving those situations where there is a choice of something, but a person does not know how to do it best. In addition, the timeline selection technique can be used to predict the long-term consequences of each of the possible options.

The first thing you need to do to successfully apply this technique is the very realization that you have a choice: you need to clearly determine for yourself what options exist. Next, you need to speculate on the topic of how long the choice can affect in general, and mentally draw a line on the floor that displays this period. After that, you need to determine for yourself the deadline by which you need to make a choice; between this date and the present day, you need to determine the most optimal time for selection. Then you should mentally move into the future and try to note those events that your choice may cause; give these events an assessment by looking at them from the outside. You can also resort to integration to go through the planned route, as if watching from the side on people who have already passed it. At the end of all this, you need to return to the starting point and think about whether it is possible to somehow improve the route or create a new, more efficient one. Assess the choices you have: what did you take away from your journey through the timeline? The number of positive points and point you to the right choice.

In detail and detail, the selection technique on the timeline is considered.

self-hypnosis technique

The technique of self-hypnosis is very effective in view of the fact that it allows a person to work through any of his problems at the deepest levels, because. there is an interaction with the subconscious in the most suitable state for this. Using this technique, a person can change the qualities of his personality that do not suit him, influence the way of his thinking or behavior, get rid of bad habits, instill new and effective attitudes, change the assessment of any events, etc.

Before using self-hypnosis, first of all, you should take a comfortable position that promotes relaxation and in which you can stay for a long time. Then you need to say to yourself the exact time for which you want to put yourself into a hypnotic state. You also need to clearly and specifically set the goal of your dive. It should be formulated in a positive way and spoken aloud in the form that is familiar to you. The next step is to determine the state in which you want to be after waking up, and also say it out loud. All this is done to tune the subconscious to productive work.

The very process of entering a trance must correspond to your representational system, i.e. must be designed for visual, auditory or kinesthetic perception. To enter a hypnotic state, you need to close your eyes and for some time focus on sounds, presented objects, or sensations.

The process of self-hypnosis is a rather complicated procedure (especially for beginners) and requires persistent and patient practice. To learn more details about self-hypnosis, you can visit this page.

It is absolutely easy to see that any NLP technique is a unique tool for a person to work, both with himself and some of his characteristics, and with other people and what concerns them personally. What can be influenced with the help of NLP techniques, we have already seen more than once.

Naturally, we have considered far from all existing techniques and not in all details. If you wish, you can find other techniques and study each of them in detail for more than one day. But the main thing is not this. The main thing is that now you are armed with knowledge about what NLP techniques are in general, how to apply them and why it can and should be done.

Learn, practice and hone new skills, and in time you will be amazed by your ability to truly magically influence yourself and others!

In psychology, there are special methods that allow you to influence the psyche of an individual for personal gain. With their help, you can win over potential partners during important negotiations, as well as attract the attention of the right customers. These psychological methods of influence are called neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). They can be used for promotion, solving various problems, building trusting relationships with others.

NLP is a series of psychological techniques through which it is possible to influence the subconscious of the individual and change his thinking and behavior. Neuro-linguistic programming is a branch of practical psychology that uses the teachings of psychotherapy, programming and linguistics. Although NLP methods are criticized by the scientific community, they are successfully applied in life and allow you to achieve the desired results.

With the help of NLP, it is possible to manage your physical and emotional state. This technique is used to get rid of phobias and prejudices. An individual can independently introduce himself into a carefree, joyful state and forget the negative moments of life.

Thanks to NLP, it is possible to manipulate other people. Even without an attractive appearance, you can please a person, make him act not in his own interests, but in his own interests. With the help of simple tricks, any individual can achieve the desired result during negotiations with clients. Using the achievements of this discipline, it is possible to negotiate with an intractable person and get secret information from him.

Any problems are easily solved if a person knows. For example, you can quickly resolve conflicts in the family, achieve a promotion, correct a difficult financial situation, and lose weight. There are special developments that allow you to easily achieve your goals and succeed in any area of ​​life.

This direction in psychology appeared in the late 60s of the last century. American scientists wanted to understand why some psychotherapists manage to achieve outstanding results during the treatment of difficult cases. At first, the work of psychologists was monitored. Subsequently, it was possible to identify the most effective methods.

NLP has received such recognition because it is based on the positive experience of famous psychotherapists and communication specialists in the field of psychoanalysis, linguistics, Gestalt psychology. Later, the achievements of scientists were used in practice.

When is NLP used in psychology?

NLP is used in various areas of life. For example, in psychotherapy, interpersonal communication, the art of sales. It is advisable to use it in personnel management, time management, journalism, acting, jurisprudence. The techniques of this discipline allow you to behave correctly in any situation, find a common language with strangers and influence their way of thinking. Psychological methods help to get rid of various phobias, normalize the mental state, maintain mental balance even in crisis situations.

In what areas is NLP used:

  1. In negotiations. Knowledge of this technique allows you to better understand the client, correctly build a line of conversation with him, manipulate his mind, insist on his own, and achieve success in any discussion.
  2. In sales. All trainings aimed at working with clients in the field of sales use NLP techniques. With their help, you can "hook" the buyer and sell him anything.
  3. In psychotherapy. With the help of such therapeutic techniques as "Allergy Treatment", "Anchor Collapse", "", "Sweep" and others, it is possible to influence the consciousness of the individual and transform his internal state.
  4. In goal setting. Thanks to various NLP methods (SCORE, XSR, Mission, Timeline), it is possible to correctly identify the goal, to find all the necessary ways to achieve it.
  5. in modeling. To model the behavior strategy of successful and brilliant people.
  6. In acting. Special techniques allow you to change the way of thinking, the emotional state of a person, to set the desired behavior. Body position can also affect the train of thought, and certain emotions can cause changes in body position.
  7. In public speaking. There are various techniques (Chamomile, Voice Work, Spatial Anchoring, Work with Your State) that help to gain confidence, get rid of stiffness in public.
  8. In education. Behavioral patterns, successful strategies, different approaches to achieving goals are often used in the learning process.
  9. In coaching. Various NLP techniques (Adjusting, Leading, Goal Setting, Anchoring) are used in training to help achieve well-defined goals.
  10. In interpersonal relationships. There are basic presuppositions that help to better understand other people and find an approach to each individual.
  11. You can change your way of thinking, tune in to positive, achieve success in the right areas of activity thanks to NLP techniques.

NLP techniques do not bring any harm to the body. They are focused solely on the thought process. To a greater extent, this discipline pays attention to identifying its own hidden reserves. The main task of this direction in psychology is to discover the potential of the individual, the talents of individuals, and to teach the skills of rapid assimilation of knowledge. NLP is inconceivable without rules that help improve well-being. The main one is to pay attention to gifted people every day. In this way, you can develop your own talents.

Rules and principles of NLP

To achieve success, a person must know the rules of NLP. In addition to rules, there are principles that should be accepted as an axiom. They are aimed at achieving the maximum effect in the course of training in NLP practices.

NLP rules:

  1. Mind and body influence each other. If the individual's body is in excellent condition, then the person's mood is positive and vice versa. If a person is beaten, his nervous system reacts with flashes of fear, pain, irritation. If people are told bad news, their heart rate rises, their blood pressure rises. Realizing the power of thoughts over the body, you can achieve the desired result (lose weight, recover).
  2. People have huge internal resources, but rarely use them. With no pills. If you listen to your own intuition, you can avoid danger and even death. If a person does not know what hidden talents he has, you need to remember what he admires most in other people. Similar skills can be developed in yourself.
  3. An individual notices in other people those qualities that potentially live in himself. If a person likes a beautiful voice, then he himself has a talent for singing. Other people's shortcomings are noticeable to those people who themselves have the same features.
  4. It depends only on a person who he will be in this life - a winner or a loser. With the help of NLP, you can control your destiny, succeed in all endeavors, be healthy, marry your beloved one. You can become the master of your own life if you believe in yourself, do not be afraid to take responsibility for yourself, use all your abilities.

NLP principles:

  1. The map is not a territory. Man cannot fully comprehend reality. NLP methods work with the subjective perception of reality.
  2. Each individual has his own map of the world. His reactions depend on the way he thinks and perceives reality.
  3. At the heart of any behavior of the individual lies a positive intention.
  4. A person behaves in a certain situation as he considers the most correct. The choice of behavior depends on the abilities of the individual and his capabilities in a particular situation.
  5. All life processes strive to reach a state of optimal balance. Man constantly interacts with the environment. Influences her and acts under her influence.
  6. Personality and behavior are different concepts. It is impossible to judge their internal state by the actions of people.
  7. The most flexible person can get out of any impasse.
  8. Unsuccessful results should not be cause for disappointment. Any defeat is a good lesson. Thanks to him, a person will learn to do the right thing.
  9. The environment and contexts are constantly changing. The same actions may not always lead to the same result. You always need to act according to the situation and change your behavior until the desired result is achieved.

What are the methods of NLP in psychology?

At first glance, NLP seems difficult to put into practice. However, as experience shows, anyone can master the methods and secret techniques of NLP. Mastering the theory and practice of this discipline can be done independently from books and articles from the Internet or with the help of trainings. Neuro Linguistic Programming classes are taught by experienced professionals. For example, a hypnotherapist Nikita Valerievich Baturin. Also, for those who, along with NLP, are still fond of hypnosis, it is recommended to take the online course "Teaching Modern Hypnosis".

What are the methods and techniques of NLP:

  1. Change of submodalities. The technique allows you to change your attitude to some event or phenomenon. With its help, you can take a fresh look at the lived events, change the experiences you experience about them. This technique works like this: a situation is taken to which it is necessary to change the attitude, and a situation in which the individual experiences only positive emotions. Differences are found between both cases, and then the submodality of the first case is replaced by the submodality of the latter.
  2. Setting software goals. This abbreviation reflects the criteria that a person's goal must meet. When scheduling a task using this technique, the individual must have a good understanding of what he wants. Determine the benefits, weigh all your options, identify motives. Calculate the time it will take to achieve a specific task.
  3. Technique based on the experience of Walt Disney. Any question must be looked at from three points of view: a dreamer, as well as a realist and a critic. At the very beginning of any activity, an idea is needed. This role is taken by the dreamer. The realist thinks about how to bring the invented idea to life and proceeds to action. The critic looks for weaknesses in the project, draws attention to all possible benefits.
  4. logical levels. If a person has set himself the goal of changing his life, such a task must be consistent with his beliefs and moral values. There are higher and lower levels of human perception of reality. There is a relationship between them. Having realized the problem or goal at the lowest level, you need to work with it both at the same level and at the highest level.
  5. If a person wants to influence other people, he can apply a method such as the reception of three "yes". This technique is based on the inertia of the individual's psyche. By inertia, a person will answer in the affirmative if, before the main question, he is asked several secondary ones. And each of them must assume an affirmative answer. You can manipulate the minds of people with the help of words-traps. For example, you can ask: “After this drink, do you become more cheerful and more beautiful?” Any person will answer this question in the affirmative. Another technique is based on asking a person to do something not in the form of an order, but in the form of a question. People are more likely to agree to fulfill someone's request when asked for their opinion. For example: “Don't you think the music is too loud? Can you make it quieter?
  6. Sweep. This technique helps to replace destructive phenomena with positive ones. With this method, you can get rid of bad habits, correct problematic behavior. First, the situation that needs to be corrected is identified. Then the factors that cause a person to act in a similar way are identified. After that, they make a “swipe”, that is, they change the negative image to the desired one.
  7. Generating new behavior. This technique helps the individual to get rid of many problems and gain self-confidence. First, a situation is identified that does not suit the person. It is worked out in every detail. After that, a new interpretation of the already known situation is created. If a person, after a detailed consideration of it, experiences positive emotions, then the goal has been achieved. The individual's reaction to the manifestation of reality has changed for the better.
  8. Six step reframing. Sometimes an individual cannot get out of a problem situation for a long time. He gets in the way of his own thinking. The man thinks it will only get worse. The essence of this method is as follows: with the help of meditation, the individual communicates with his own subconscious and asks him if there are benefits in the current situation. If not, how do you get rid of the problem. A person needs to carefully analyze the information received. Subsequently, he will be able to move on to real actions and change his life.
  9. Reimprinting. The technique allows you to find resources to change established negative beliefs and update incorrect behavioral models. The situation that causes strong feelings is reviewed, analyzed from several time points, benefits and positive intentions are found from reactions to it. All information received is analyzed. Based on them, the model of behavior or thinking of the individual changes.
  10. . The technique allows you to change your attitude towards an unpleasant event that has occurred. With its help, the attitude towards people also changes. For study, a period is determined that requires analysis and change. It is necessary to create a kinesthetic anchor, that is, remember some pleasant incident from life and fix this moment with a movement (snap of fingers). During the selected period, you need to remember the positive and negative situations. Relive the positive moments of life, just observe the negative ones from the outside. When considering negative situations, it is important to remember your resource anchor. It will help you see the positives even in the negatives.

Top 5 NLP Techniques to Use Every Day

If you know some NLP techniques, you can manage people and achieve the desired result from them, for example, consent, some kind of benefit. Manipulation methods help to avoid unpleasant cases, not to fall for the bait of scammers.

What NLP techniques can be used daily:

  1. Accession. If a stranger approaches a person, he perceives him as a danger. On the street it is difficult to start a conversation with anyone. It is even harder to inspire confidence in a person and inspire something in him. You must first carefully look at the individual and copy it. Having adjusted to the rhythm of a stranger, you can easily lure him with your offer.
  2. Rapport. Building a trusting relationship with the individual. It is necessary to find common traits of character in the person to whom it was possible to “join”. It is important to destroy the psychological barrier, lull caution, arouse sympathy and trust in yourself.
  3. Three positive responses. The individual is put into a light trance with three questions to be answered "yes". By inertia, a person will respond in the affirmative even to an unfavorable offer.
  4. Switching attention. If they want to distract a person from an important issue, his attention is transferred to another object. The brain of an individual, like his vision, is able to focus on only one subject. Having switched his attention to another situation or thing, the previous, perhaps important information for him, escapes the individual.
  5. Template break. With the help of a non-standard action, you can unsettle a person and make him do what the manipulator wants. It is important to carefully monitor the reaction of the individual and respond in time to his numbness.

What books on NLP can you read?

In order to deal with NLP methods, it is necessary to be dedicated to this issue. In books on NLP, beginners who have just begun to be interested in this issue, as well as specialists who have been using psychological techniques for more than a year, will find a lot of useful information.

Popular NLP books:

  1. Michael Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques".

This work contains many methods that change the life of an individual for the better, make him a genius, improve character traits. The author described techniques that are applicable in practice. The book changes the look at familiar things, helps to change and achieve your goals.

  1. Richard Bandler The Art of Persuasion.

The book is dedicated to the art of trading. It tells you how to succeed in business by giving the customer what they want. You can sell your product to a person if you capture his attention, talk to him sincerely and kindly, determine his needs and, during a confidential conversation, slowly build your winning strategy.

  1. John Grinder "From Frogs to Princes"

The book presents NLP training, which the author conducted with Richard Bandler. The work is a recording of a seminar on NLP methods. The book deals with the problems of behavioral psychology and social communication.

  1. Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results.

The book describes techniques that will help you better build relationships with people. With the help of special techniques, it is possible to inspire the individual with the desired attitude and use this to achieve his goal.

  1. Anvar Bakirov How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP.

The book is easy to read and has many funny moments. The methods described on the pages of this book allow you to manage emotions, inspire confidence in a person, and use an initiated situation for your own benefit. The author tells how, using simple tricks, one can easily get out of a crisis situation and achieve success in life.

NLP methods in psychology help an individual solve their problems through self-development and influence on the psyche of other people. Some scholars consider such a discipline unnecessary and dangerous to society. After all, she proposes to intervene in the subconscious of the individual and provoke him to certain actions. However, knowledge of NLP is useful for gaining self-confidence and self-improvement. Some psychological NLP practices are presented in video works of N.V. Baturin.

“Damn, David Blaine! How did he do it?!" I thought about a simple street swindler who showed me real street magic. Although it was not magic at all, but just a manipulation with my mind, as a result of which I was left without the 1,000 rubles I earned an hour ago. Everything happened so quickly that I spent the whole day remembering and analyzing all his actions, which were based on the simplest NLP techniques. Of course, I knew about neurolinguistic programming of the brain, but in order to fall for the bait myself. It's even funny to think about it! Therefore, I would like to tell you more about NLP and give some cool techniques that will allow, so to speak, to influence people in the situation we need.

What is NLP?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a popular field of applied psychology that was founded in the 60s of the 20th century. The founders of NLP are professor of linguistics John Grinder and student Richard Bandler from the University of California. For a long time they studied many works of famous psychotherapists, held various seminars and communicated with their patients. As a result, they succeeded in separating neuro-linguistic programming from psychology and Gelstat therapy.

NLP it is a complex of psychotechnics, as well as verbal and non-verbal techniques that are capable of « bring in » certain information into the human brain in order to change his thinking and behavior. Neurolinguistic programming is based on working with the human mind.

And now I will tell you what NLP is capable of. Believe me, a lot, a lot!

NLP allows a person to completely control himself: his body, physical condition and health, his thoughts, emotions, feelings, fears and prejudices. A person is able to regulate his weight, pressure, body temperature, heartbeat, general well-being. With the help of NLP techniques, you can create a feeling of joy in yourself and easily get rid of any negative experiences.

NLP allows you to manipulate other people. Fall in love with yourself, fall in love. To win over anyone, to negotiate even with the most intractable person. Get the answer you need. Successfully negotiate, win the sympathy of the boss, and so on.

NLP gives a new perspective on problems, allowing not only to solve them in the easiest and fastest way, but also to get the maximum benefit from it.

NLP helps you achieve your goals in life faster, which is very important if you are developing yourself as a person. And it doesn't matter if you want to get rich, buy real estate abroad, get married or lose your excess weight. Any goal becomes closer and more accessible if NLP techniques are applied.

I think you already have an interest in Neuro Linguistic Programming! And even if you do not study psychology, you can still find a solution to its application to your personal issue that has been tormenting you for so long or a problem that you would like to solve once and for all.

Where Can NLP Techniques Be Used?

Initially, NLP was used to treat various phobias and mental disorders. The results of treatment of patients were positive in a large percentage of cases. When it became clear that NLP techniques are very effective, they began to apply them in a variety of areas.

Sales- almost all sales trainings have NLP techniques in their arsenal, when planning, when setting goals, when preparing psychologically for a visit and during a visit, NLP knowledge can be extremely useful.

Negotiation- knowledge of NLP is essential for negotiating, for understanding the client and better adjusting to him, for manipulation and counter-manipulation, for working with his condition, for identifying a strategy for making a decision by the client.

Communication, psychotherapy, goal setting, modeling- these are the constituent parts of NLP, part of this knowledge is concerned with communications and their effectiveness (rapport, adjustment, maintenance, calibration)

Psychotherapeutic part- this is a large arsenal of therapeutic techniques ("Swing", "Anchor Collapse", "Creation of a resource state", "Quick treatment of phobias", "Allergy treatment technique", "Six-step reframing", "Parts contract", "Re-imprinting" and more many other)

In goal setting and working with them, we are helped by such sections of NLP as Well-formed Result (HSR), TOTE, SCORE (in psychological counseling, understanding the client's goal and how to achieve it), neurological levels, time line, mission.

Modeling is the foundation of NLP. NLP grew out of modeling and all its knowledge came from modeling the behavioral strategies of brilliant people.

Public speaking- work with your condition. group calibration, controlled spontaneity, Chamomile technique, spatial anchoring, voice work, use of various predicates.

Acting- one of the basic presuppositions of NLP says: "mind and body are parts of one cybernetic system." And this means that when our thoughts change, our emotions change, and our body clearly reacts to these changes, and vice versa, changes in body position and posture change our emotions. Many acting schools are based on this.

Education Modeling is one way of learning. The use of successful strategies, beliefs, behavioral patterns, different approaches to achieving the goal, systems thinking, different perception filters, resource state increases the effectiveness of learning.

Sport- ideomotor skills widely used in sports, adopted from NLP, working with the state, coaching style training and much more.

coaching- almost all NLP tools are used in coaching (tuning, leading, calibrating, coaching position, goal setting, neurological levels, three positional perception, anchoring, timelines, all therapeutic techniques.)

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Recruitment– knowledge of the candidate’s meta-program filters allows you to understand what type of activity he is more inclined to, what motivates him better, how he will endure stress, is he a team player or a loner, how he makes decisions and what are his values ​​and much more.

Interpersonal relationships– understanding the basic presuppositions, they are the beliefs of brilliant people, gives us the opportunity to better understand other people, to understand that we are all different and each needs a special approach, that a person is a system and that two people, all the more so, a system, knowing the system laws it is easier to understand the system interaction.

seduction– all seduction trainers have completed NLP courses, all seduction techniques are based on NLP techniques. So why study the interpretation of the interpreted, when you can turn to the original source.

Army- collection of information, interrogations, work with one's condition, the "Drug of Choice" technique, used by the special forces of many countries of the world.

Customs- Information Gathering, Calibration Yes/No, True/False, Eye Access Signals

Intelligence service— collection of information, recruitment patterns, calibration, work with your state

Cinema- in many films, the characters use the techniques and skills of NLP or Ericksonian hypnosis, there are films that are directly devoted to NLP, even if NLP is not called there (“Lie to me”, “Manipulator”, “Wild Orchid” and many others).

Self-development- the formation of the necessary attitudes to achieve success in any where you consider it necessary to "pump" yourself.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP in 10 minutes.

I will say this, NLP is not an easy "science" and requires a very serious approach. Even mastering the most basic techniques. But this still does not prevent Neuro Linguistic Programming from being one of the most exciting and interesting areas in psychology. Thanks to the Internet, today there are a large number of options for where you can get knowledge about NLP.

Firstly, these are various sites where a sufficiently large number of informative articles have already been written to begin to understand this topic. Secondly, various seminars, webinars, trainings and courses conducted by highly qualified specialists in this field. And thirdly, these are, of course, books that are the most convenient and popular way to start learning NLP.

There are a lot of books themselves. The eyes may diverge at first. There are both for beginners, where basic skills are considered, and for "advanced" ones, with consideration of the application of NLP in some already defined area. Of course, I have selected for you some of the best, most interesting and popular books on NLP that I have read myself. Even two are in my personal library.

I recommend the books that will be discussed now not only to those who are interested in NLP itself and its methods, but also to those who have decided to start their own path of self-development and are determined to improve their personal characteristics, improve understanding of themselves and those around them in life in general. So let's go.

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall "NLP Practitioner"

This book must be read first. It is a collection of the most interesting materials on NLP. From this NLP book you will learn general information about Neuro Linguistic Programming with a description of the ways and methods used by this "science". I want to note a large number of examples and exercises that contribute to the effective assimilation of the material. Recommended if you don't know what NLP is.

Joseph O'Connor NLP. A Practical Guide to Achieving the Desired Results”

The author offers effective practical techniques for obtaining self-improvement and suggestion skills. You will gain knowledge that allows you to better understand people and delve into the laws of communication. The information contained in D. O'Connor's practical guide can be applied in education, law, management, business, sports, etc.

R. Bandler, D. Grinder "From frogs to princes"

Recording of an introductory lecture on NLP, finalized and adapted for reading. The materials of this three-day lecture, read by the authors in 1978, will help to form a general impression of the science of NLP, understand the basic mechanisms of influence, and teach you to gently and tactfully lead any person to the goal. NLP methods work even in cases where psychologists are powerless. The book is recommended to everyone who is interested in the issues of communication between people: psychologists, sociologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Manly Hall "The 77 Best NLP Techniques"

In the book of specialist Michael Hall, the most effective NLP techniques are collected. The application of the proposed methods will help in personal development, the ability to communicate, and the disclosure of one's own potential. Knowledge of NLP techniques is applicable to activities in the field of business, education, psychology, sociology, and management. The book is intended for a wide range of readers and will be useful to every person striving for self-development. I highly recommend this book! She is just the bomb!

Anvar Bakirov "How to manage yourself and others with the help of NLP"

This is my desk book! Written in an innovative spirit with lots of anecdotes. Therefore, this book is not to be taken seriously. From this book you will learn how to inspire trust at a glance, manage your own and other people's emotions, benefit even from defeats, easily unravel the most neglected conflict situations, and lay all these “daily victories” into the foundation of one big building called LIFE SUCCESS. This book is well structured and easy to follow.

Sergey Gorin NLP. Bulk Techniques»

Collection of fragments of NLP seminars conducted by the author from 1993 to 1995. Examples of successful interaction between a psychotherapist and patients allow non-specialists to understand the subject of study. The only condition is the possession of the basic terms of NLP, without which the understanding of the text will be complicated. Many techniques from the arsenal of Valery Khmelevsky, one of the authorities of the Russian school of neurolinguistic programming, are described.

Harry Alder NLP: The Art of Getting What You Want

A topic worthy of attention is how the dream “works”. Someone calls it castles in the air, someone calls to dream as much as possible. One thing is clear - we love to do it. And the author of the book clearly shows the mechanism of the dream. We are all products of dreams. The quality of your dream determines the quality of your life.

Look also:

7 NLP Techniques for Manipulation and More

Most of us do not even realize that on a daily basis their consciousness is controlled by other stronger personalities, who are subject to many NLP techniques for manipulating people. Interestingly, each method of such hypnotic control is effective in itself, and it is difficult to imagine the power that arises when several techniques are combined at the same time. By the way, you need to know them not necessarily in order to control others, but in order to possibly counteract many criminal hypnotists, government officials, scammers, etc.

NLP Technique 1. JOIN
This is the first technique that any NLP practitioner starts with. When a stranger approaches, the human brain signals danger and tries to intuitively defend itself. It is unrealistic to suggest something to a wary person. To establish contact, you need to start copying your interlocutor in some way. Adjustment methods: postures, gestures, gait and breathing, voice, etc. The scammer who scammed my friend and I started by adjusting our walk on the street and followed us to the beat for several minutes.

NLP technique 2.RAPPORT

Behind the adjustment comes the building of trusting relationships. This is the rapport. If the adjustment went well, then the NLP-er with another person creates a certain system, a common trusting space. Do you remember the trouble-free phrase from Kipling's "Mowgli": "We are of the same blood: you and me!". It is this formula that operates in rapport. In this state, the threshold of criticality towards a person decreases, sympathy, unconscious trust arises. “It seems that we will find headphones there,” I said to Kostya, pointing to the store sign. “Guys, I am a salesman in this store, I can sell you headphones. What do you want? the swindler said.

NLP technique 3.3 YES

After the rapport is established, you can already begin to manipulate and first you need to send the person into a light trance. This is done with 3 questions, to which the person must answer a positive YES. This technique is based on the law of inertia, i.e. the movement of thought accelerates in a certain direction. After a series of questions from the scammer on the 4th time he said: “Guys, do you have a thousand rubles. Do I urgently need to exchange money and give it to a person? "Oh sure!" - I said and took out a bill.


A pattern break is an unexpected phrase or non-standard action performed in a normal situation. Breaking the pattern is easy. You choose the behavior you are going to change and act in the opposite or in some other unexpected way. As an example, I can cite a very real life situation. On one date, I told a girl that we would eat cake together at my place, but only without sex. For her, it was still that pattern break. I knew that she already wanted me. There was sex, of course. The fraudster also made a template break about his work. I don't remember literally.


The essence of this technique is simple. You transfer the person's attention to another topic with the help of a question or to another object of attention. Our brain or our vision can focus on one thing. With the rest of the area, you can do whatever you want. This technique is often used by illusionists, and con artists too! “Guys, be careful with your money, there are drug addicts on the corner, stay away from them,” he told us, pointing at the men 50 meters away from us, meanwhile changing bills.


When the basic NLP techniques have been worked out, then you can do whatever you want with a person. This is called "leading". Leading is impossible without trust. Guys, go get warm while in the store and look at the headphones. And while I'm going to give the money. And we went! Entering the store, we quickly came out of the trance. They looked at each other, realizing what had happened, and immediately rushed to the street. He disappeared, as did our newly earned money. I will remember this story all my life. And I know for sure that NLP techniques work quickly and effectively. How many such approaches do you need to do everything so masterfully. Probably a lot. That's why they are scammers.

NLP Technique 7. Reframing

One of my favorite techniques. It is very simple and gives a very cool result. This is not about manipulation, but about attitude to life. I use it when I realize that a negative situation is starting to "suck the energy out of me." Reframing is a technique that allows you to change the point of view, and therefore the perception of an event or object. When a bad situation happens, I say: "My world takes care of me." And I understand that this is the best option that can happen at the moment in my life. I took this technique from W. Zeeland's Reality Transurfing.

WATCH A VIDEO! NLP: the psychology of wealth. Money raising techniques.

So you got acquainted with 7 effective NLP techniques that can be applied every day. It will be better if you apply the techniques for yourself, to develop your effectiveness in life. Good luck to you!