Portfolio of an English teacher recommendations for compilation. Portfolio of the English teacher Alekseeva Lyudmila Ivanovna



English teachers


year 2014

1. Teacher business card

3. Used pedagogical methods and technologies

4. EMC "English with pleasure"

5.Expected results of pedagogical activity

5. Professional development

  • Generalization of pedagogical experience.
  • Teacher achievements.
  • Participation in competitions of professional skills.
  • The effectiveness of pedagogical activity.
  • Extracurricular work.
  • Extracurricular activities.
  • The results of the teacher's activity as a class teacher.

Teacher business card

  • FULL NAME: Lavrova Yulia Sergeevna
  • Date of Birth: August 27, 1985
  • Education: Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute (16.06.2008 d, faculty of foreign languages)
  • Specialty (according to the diploma): foreign language
  • Qualification: English teacher
  • Pedagogical experience:

general: since 2005

by subject : since 2005

at this school: since 2009


Place of work since 2009

Municipal budgetary educational institution Alekseevskaya secondary school

  • Love for children, sincerity and goodwill, trust, justice, balance and attentiveness, commitment;
  • knowledge of the subject and laws of the educational process, possession of its technologies, methods and forms of organization.

Used pedagogical

methods and technologies

  • Student-centered learning;
  • elements of developmental education;
  • elements of health-saving technologies;
  • gaming technologies;
  • level differentiation;
  • project method.

Innovative technologies in English lessons

ICT - technologies

Health saving technologies

EMC "English with pleasure"

  • To improve the quality of teaching students in the subject;
  • replenish personal methodical piggy bank;
  • carry out all planned extracurricular activities

Expected results

pedagogical activity


Educational institution organizing courses

Certificate of completion of advanced training courses

Number of hours

Course topics

Certificate. “Implementation of the ideas of the federal state educational standard in English textbooks “Happy English.ru”

Publishing Center "Ventana - Graf"

Certificate. “Updating the content of foreign language education in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The line of educational and methodical sets of the Forward series, ed. d.f. n. Verbitskoy M.V.

GBOU DPO RO Rostov Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Educational Workers

Certificate r / n 4914

"Professional standard of a teacher: creation of a single space for a foreign language lesson and extracurricular activities in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Generalization of pedagogical experience

Speeches at teachers' councils,

meetings of MO, RMO, open lessons

  • « Communicative and activity approach to teaching a foreign language» (speech, RMO, 2012);
  • “Project activity in teaching a foreign language” (speech, Moscow Region, 2012);
  • "Forms of the verb to be" (open lesson, MO, 2012);
  • "The use of the article the" (open lesson, RMO, 2013).
  • "Innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language" (speech, MO, 2013);
  • “Project-research activity in English lessons” (speech, MO, 2014).

Teacher Achievements

Competition name


All-Russian Subject Olympiad for Primary School Students "Center for Support of Talented Youth"

Super-program competition "Multitest", organized by the Institute for the Development of School Education

Competition Participant Certificate

April 2013

Diploma of the organizer of the competition

All-Russian Olympiad (humanitarian cycle) "Fgostest" "Center for Distance Certification of Students"

All-Russian Subject Olympiad "Olympus"

October 2014

Thanks for organizing the competition

November 2014

All-Russian Subject Olympiad "School Days"

Results not shown

November 2014

The results are not summed up

Participation in competitions of professional skills

Competition name

Municipal competition of professional skills of foreign language teachers "The best lesson summary"


All-Russian remote competition of pedagogical skills "Scarlet Sails". Nominations:

"The Best of Teaching Practice",

October 2014

Competition Participant Certificate

"Best methodological development"

Diploma of the winner, certificate of participation

Learning effectiveness



English language

Academic year

academic performance






English language

Academic year

academic performance



Learning effectiveness

for 2009-2010 academic year

Learning effectiveness

for 2012-2013 academic year

Learning effectiveness

for 2013-2014 academic year

Learning effectiveness

for 3 years

Extracurricular work

New Year's song "Jingle bells"


english alphabet holiday

Foreign language week

Performance of the fairy tale "The wooden house" ("Teremok")

The ABC project (English alphabet)

"Brain Ring"

Project activities in English lessons

Project "Bookmark" (Grade 2)

Project "Seasons" (grade 6)

Project "Menu" (Grade 3)

Project "New Year's toy" (Grade 3)

Project "Book about a friend" (Grade 2)

Extracurricular activities

"Entertaining English" (Grade 4, the tale "The Ugly Duckling")

"Entertaining English" (MBDOU "Sun")

"Search" (grade 4, school tour)

The activity of the teacher as a class teacher

I am the 5th grade class teacher. There are 26 students in the class.

Of these: 14 girls and 12 boys. In the class, average performance. In the classroom, students try to be attentive, conscientiously treat their homework.

The guys have a caring attitude to work. Students understand the value of labor, are generally conscientious about self-service, are frugal in the safety of textbooks and school furniture.

Students are active and creative in conducting classroom and school activities. Children are generally friendly to each other. Discipline is observed in the class, the class accepts critical comments from the older ones and seeks to comprehend them and correct the shortcomings. Actively cooperate with school teachers.

Our events

Scene "Prostokvashino" on Teacher's Day.

Awards for participation in the contest "Beauty of God's World"

auto disco

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum No. 6 im. I.Z. Shuklin, Gorno-Altaisk»


professional activity

Gerasimenko Svetlana Nikolaevna

English teachers



General information about the teacher


Learning outcomes

I have been working at MBOU "Lyceum No. 6 of Gorno-Altaisk" since 1998 as an English teacher at the primary level of education. his main task I consider the creation of schoolchildren personal interest in using English for communication, expanding horizons, developing communication skills. In the 2013-2014 academic year, she had 28 hours of study load. During all the years of work in the lyceum, my students show 100% progress. The average percentage of the quality of knowledge of students in English over the past five years is 87%. (Diagram 1)

Diagram 1

The quality of knowledge of students 2009 - 2014

My creative theme- "Formation of reader's competence in English lessons at the primary level of education in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard". Reading is one of the most important types of communicative and cognitive activity of students. Teaching reading in English in the second grade begins with the formation of reading technique. Simultaneously with the study of letters, I begin to get acquainted with transcription signs. The ability to read a word by transcription is very important, because. the child will gain some independence and autonomy when meeting unfamiliar words.

There are many in Lyceum No. 6 gifted children who have the ability to learn English. In the system of work with such children, a prominent place is occupied by various kinds of intellectual contests and competition to which I try to attract as many students as possible. The main goal of such competitions is to create the necessary conditions for supporting, developing giftedness, intelligence, and personal qualities of students on the basis of increased cognitive interest in the subject.

My students are winners and prize-winners in lyceum and city olympiads in English among fourth grade students. (Table 1, appendix 1)

Table 1

Results of participation in Olympiads in English


As part of my work with gifted children, I supervise research projects that students perform in NOU conferences at the lyceum level. Here, students show their intellectual and creative abilities, learn to speak to an audience. (Table 2, annex 2, diagram 2)

table 2

The results of participation in lyceum conferences of NOU


Growth in the number of participants in lyceum conferences of NOU

diagram 2

Winners and prize-winners of NOU lyceum conferences take part in the city competition "English with pleasure" in the nomination "First Steps in Science". (Table 3, appendix 3)

Table 3

The results of participation in the city competition "English with pleasure"


Results of extracurricular activities

Teaching English at Lyceum No. 6, I pay great attention to extracurricular work. Carrying out extracurricular activities in educational and entertaining forms is aimed not only at the development of the main types of speech activity, but also at the development of memory, thinking, communication skills in a team, and the creative initiative of younger students. The creative nature of the tasks contributes to better memorization and assimilation of various grammatical phenomena, the expansion of vocabulary, the development of monologue and dialogic speech. In addition, when participating in extracurricular activities, students develop an interest both in the subject itself and in the cultural traditions of the countries of the language being studied.

Every year in our lyceum english week. For first graders who are not yet learning a foreign language, a mini-lesson is held, in which children realize that they already know a lot of foreign words and can even play computer games in English. For students in grades 2-3-4, I conduct country studies events, where I talk about the countries of the language being studied: nature, geography, sights, famous people, etc. (Annex 4)

In 2011, my student Sergey Yurkov became a winner All-Russian "Youth Championship in English".(Table 4, appendix 5)

Table 4

Participation results

in the All-Russian "Youth Championship in English"


International game competition "British Bulldog" allows all children to take in annual testing and receive information about their achievements. My students are winners and prize-winners at the lyceum, city and region levels. (Table 5, Appendix 6)

Table 5

Results of participation in the international competition "British Bulldog"


A special place in the development of motivation for learning English is working with children in the summer. I have developed a program summer linguistic camp with the day stay of children "Bambi", the head of which I have been since 2007. (Annex 7) Children are happy to take part in various activities where they learn songs, poems, play mini-performances in English. The atmosphere of goodwill and success in the camp allows any child to feel confident and comfortable. In the process of interesting games, conditions are created for involuntary assimilation of the material. (Annex 8)

In Lyceum No. 6 are paid educational services. I have developed work programs for additional education in English "We speak English" for students in grades 2-3. A feature of these programs is that it is focused on a child with average abilities. The program is not complicated by difficult material and does not duplicate the school curriculum. (Table 6, annex 9)

Table 6

Number of students attending additional classes

in English language

Application of modern educational technologies

To improve the efficiency of the educational process when conducting English lessons, I use such educational technologies as games and project methods.

Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, to involve each student in the work, taking into account his interests, inclination, level of language training. Game-type exercises enrich students with new experiences, activate the vocabulary, perform a developing function, and relieve fatigue. They can be diverse in their purpose, content, methods of organization and conduct. With their help, you can solve any one problem (improve grammatical, lexical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: form speech skills, develop observation, attention, and creativity, etc.

Wide opportunities for activating the educational process are provided by the use of role playing, which I often use at the initial stage of teaching English. In a role-playing game, a situation is proposed that needs to be played with both verbal and non-verbal means: monologue or dialogic text, facial expressions, gestures, movements. For example, the situations “Acquaintance”, “At the table”, “At school”, “Talking on the phone”, etc.

When studying foreign languages, the most significant results are given by project method. I use the method of project-based learning to generalize knowledge and skills on the topic covered, that is, the protection of projects, as a rule, takes place in the last lessons of the topic or section being studied. The main goal of the project methodology in English lessons is the formation of a system of knowledge on the topic studied and the ability to apply them in practice.

The work on the project consists of five stages: preparation, correction, execution, presentation and summing up. For each project work, students receive two marks: for a story in English and for creative work. Of the brightest and most interesting design works, an exhibition is being made in the hall of the lyceum. (Annex 10)

In accordance with the concept of modernization of Russian education, a system of electronic educational resources is being created in our country. Computer programs successfully used in learning English. I work on the teaching materials of M.Z. Biboletova " Enjoy English" for which educational computer programs have been developed. A variety of topics, activities, colorfulness, fascination of these programs arouse great interest among students. CD-ROMs that exist today allow you to display information on an interactive whiteboard in the form of text, sound and video. The use of computers in the classroom increases the cognitive activity and motivation of students.

English cabinet language is a training center for organizing learning and extracurricular activities of students in this subject. I have been an office manager since 2003. In my office, I try to create conditions that immerse in the language environment, contributing to an increase in interest in learning English. To this end, certain work is being carried out to develop and design the classroom, the accumulation of educational, methodological and didactic materials. The material and technical base of the cabinet includes a book fund, printed manuals, teaching aids, a media library and computer equipment.

An integral part of the cabinet is the book fund. It consists of scientific and methodological literature for teachers and literature for students. These are magazines and books on foreign language teaching methods, English language programs and dictionaries.(Annex 11)

I have created a file of educational equipment and a methodical file. A database of information and communication tools has been accumulated: audio applications and multimedia training programs, an electronic library, multimedia presentations in the programs " Power Point" and "Trace Board" to sections of the curriculum, text materials in the "Word" program on all lexical and grammatical topics. (Appendix No. 12)

Methodical activity

Methodological work is an important type of educational activity aimed at a comprehensive increase in the competence and professional skills of a teacher, carried out in order to master the technologies and methods of the educational process, their creative application in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, the search for innovative, new and most rational and effective forms, and methods of organizing, conducting and analyzing the educational process. I take part in conferences of various levels, share my experience with colleagues, speaking at meetings of the department and MO and GMO. (Table 7, annex 13)

Table 7

Participation in conferences, meetings of MO and GMO


I participate in competitions for methodological development of lessons and extracurricular activities. (Table 8, annex 14)

Table 8

Participation in competitions of methodological developments


My articles have been included in several collections. (Table 9, annex 15)

Table 9



In 2013 and 2014 was a member of the commission for the development of assignments for urban Olympiads in English for 4th grade students. (Annex 12)

I conduct methodical work with students of the Pedagogical College, give demonstrative lessons, conduct consultations for students. (Annex 13)


In order to be a successful teacher, you need to constantly learn, so I regularly improve my professional level through self-education. Over the past 5 years, I have taken the following advanced training courses. (Table 10, Appendix 18)

Table 10


To obtain meaningful and up-to-date information about changes in the education system, I am a regular user of such Internet sites as:Mosaic», « English language».

I have the following awards:

    Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Republic of Armenia (2011);

    Letter of thanks from the administration of the lyceum (2011);

    Diploma for the preparation of the winner of the All-Russian "Youth Championship in English" (2011);

    Letter of thanks from the MU "Department of the city of Gorno-Altaisk" (2014);

    Diplomas I and II degree for participation in the IPKRO RA competitions (2010 and 2014) (Annex 19)


English teachers

Rykovskaya Elena Konstantinovna


1. Teacher business card

2. Basic personal pedagogical values

3. Used pedagogical methods and technologies

4. UMK "Rainbow English"

5.Expected results of pedagogical activity

7. Generalization of pedagogical experience.

8. Achievements of the teacher.

9. The effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

10. Extracurricular activities.

11. Extracurricular activities

12. The results of the teacher's activity as a class teacher.

Teacher business card

  • FULL NAME: Rykovskaya Elena Konstantinovna
  • Date of Birth: April 8 1969
  • Education: Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical Institute (30.06.1993 d, faculty of foreign languages)
  • Specialty (according to the diploma): foreign languages
  • Qualification: German and English teacher
  • Pedagogical experience: 26 years

8. Phone, e-mail: 89281288355,

[email protected]


Place of work since 1993

Municipal budgetary educational institution Grushevskaya secondary school

Core personal pedagogical values

  • Love for children, sincerity and goodwill, trust, justice, balance and attentiveness, commitment;
  • knowledge of the subject and laws of the educational process, possession of its technologies, methods and forms of organization.

Used pedagogical

methods and technologies

  • Student-centered learning;
  • elements of developmental education;
  • elements of health-saving technologies;
  • gaming technologies;
  • level differentiation;
  • project method.

  • To improve the quality of teaching students in the subject;
  • replenish personal methodical piggy bank;
  • carry out all planned extracurricular activities

Expected results

pedagogical activity

Generalization of pedagogical experience

Speeches at teachers' councils,

MO meetings, open lessons

  • Report on self-education "The use of information and communication technologies in teaching as a means to improve the quality of the ZUN in English" (2016-2017 academic year)
  • Speech at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of the humanitarian cycle “Methods of distance learning. Types of distance learning" (2013-2014 academic year), "Educational research and project activities as one of the most important means of increasing the motivation and effectiveness of educational activities" (2015-2016 academic year), "Peculiarities of working with underachieving students in English classes" (2015-2016 academic year), "Ways of forming UUD in English lessons in elementary school" (2015-2016 academic year),. “Perspective interactive learning” (2012-2013 academic year), “Country studies as a form of developing interest in learning a foreign language. Educational potential of a foreign language lesson" (2013-2014 academic year), "Requirements for a modern lesson in English within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard" (2013-2014 academic year), "Development of the communicative competence of students through cooperation" (2013-2014 academic year)
  • Open lessons and events: lesson - a fairy tale on the topic "Clothes" (grade 3), thematic evening "Tour of London" (grade 9), a general lesson on the Past Simple theme "Incredible Adventures on Treasure Island" (grade 4), "Health more valuable than wealth” (grade 7), evening-portrait “English folklore translated by S.Ya. Marshak (grades 6-7), “English Food” (grade 6), lesson-TV show “Familiar and Unfamiliar Britain” (grade 8), integrated lesson “Choice of Profession” (grade 9), game “Detective Show” (grade 9 )

Teacher Achievements

Competition name

International Internet Olympiad in English for Teachers (Vocabulary)


International Internet Olympiad in English for Teachers (grammar)

Super-program competition "Multitest", organized by the Institute for the Development of School Education

Diploma 1 degree

Diploma 1 degree

Diploma of the organizer of the competition

International competition "USE - a modern format of education"

The first All-Russian online conference for English teachers "Actual problems of teaching English"

Diploma for 1st place

International projects for teachers videouroki, snail, olympus, multilesson

Member Certificate

November 2014


Learning effectiveness



English language

Academic year

academic performance




English language


Academic year

academic performance




English language


Academic year

academic performance





English language

Academic year


academic performance


Project "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Foreign language week

Project activities in English lessons

Game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"

I am the class teacher of the 11th grade. There are 3 people in the class. Three girls. Good performance in class. In the classroom, students are attentive, conscientious about doing homework.

The guys have a caring attitude to work. Students understand the value of labor, are conscientious about self-service, are frugal in the safety of textbooks and school furniture.

Students are active and creative in conducting classroom and school activities. Children are friendly to each other. Discipline is observed in the class, the class accepts critical remarks from the elders and seeks to comprehend them and correct the shortcomings. Actively cooperate with school teachers.

Our portal is a storehouse of ideas for teachers, foreign language experts preparing portfolios. If you have been working in this position for more than a year, it’s time to systematize your material so that on the eve of certification you have a ready-made portfolio, original, well-composed, beautifully designed, representing you as a professional and a friend of children. In this folder, in addition to the main mandatory documents that must be submitted in accordance with the certification regulations, in order to analyze your teaching activities, be sure to do not forget to analyze the achievements of your best students, including graduates. You can attach copies of diplomas, certificates that your students received at olympiads and various competitions.

The portfolio site of a foreign language teacher will become even more interesting. What a joy it is to give people a wonderful site, unlike those that already exist, because this is your creative face. Look at a sample portfolio of teachers from other schools who have been teaching a foreign language for more than one year. Perhaps they have something that will give the first impetus to create their own presentation. Or maybe sample sheets for portfolio design will become the basic material that will inspire an experienced teacher to create their own presentation?

Foreign Language Teacher Portfolio Samples and Examples - Presentations (PPT)

Afanasenkova Ludmila Mikhailovna- English teacher - 4.5 MB- Download Methodological Association of Foreign Language Teachers of School No. 40 in Smolensk - 4.5 MB -