Project on cooperation of the library with public organizations. Social partnership in the field of culture: Russian experience

Hurts? - Help yourself
His name is Mac-Iov Rigaud. Professor. Frenchman. But maybe not a Frenchman - to be honest, we were not interested in this.
Reflexologist. If translated into a common language - a specialist in treatment by influencing the active points of our body.
In recent years, reflexology has been developing rapidly in our country: you will hardly find polyclinics where there is no specialist who treats with needles or a laser, or cauterization. Thousands are treated, but only a few get it.
And Rigo's performance is stunning, almost 100%. And if you consider that he does not deal with trifles, only with severe and chronic forms, with patients who were considered incurable ...
“The main thing for me,” says the professor, “is that I myself should be interested. To me it was a mystery, at least at first. To be a test for me. So that the work required not only strength and knowledge, but also creativity.
- Well, if the disease is commonplace, if a person has an attack of lumbosacral sciatica or renal colic and no medication is taken, and so he turned to you ...
- I refuse...
- Why?
- Such nonsense everyone should be able to heal himself. With my own hands. I met savages who mastered this art to perfection. But we are civilized people, we should be ashamed of not being able to regulate the processes in our body.
- You want to say that any person can extinguish an outbreak of sciatica on their own?
- Not only to repay, but to be cured forever. You see, let's agree right away that we will distinguish between these two phenomena: illness and pain. Illness is a functional disorder in the body, which causes the body to lose energy and gradually break down. And pain is just a symptom. Any pain - I know of no exceptions - is removed quickly. But with the disease sometimes you have to tinker. If fresh - a few days, old - weeks and even months ...
Let's not be dark anymore: Rigaud heals with energy. At the same time, he manipulates both his own energy and the energy of the patient. In a nutshell, the principle of his work is as follows (we give his presentation, his understanding of the process). Any disease is a violation of metabolism (metabolism). A disturbed metabolism causes inflammation. Inflammation causes energy leakage. Moreover, our vital force, which circulates in the body, seems to get stuck in inflamed places. The energy wave goes out, causing the tone of the whole organism to drop. Less energy - metabolic disorders worsen - inflammation increases. In short - a vicious circle with a growing radius. Where is the exit?
We must break the vicious circle, says Rigaud. If 1) remove the inflammation and 2) restore the energy cycle, then in a normalized environment, the metabolism will return to normal, and the disease will disappear.
Rigaud convinced us that anyone can do it.
So, we publish the lessons of Professor Rigaud. Let's start with the teeth.
(Presenter - Professor Mak - Iov Rigaud)
The first rule of the professor among our people exists in a simpler and more figurative form - pain heals.
- This does not mean any pain, but only - man-made, - the professor began, - spontaneous pain is a symptom. A sign that the body has problems. Our body is wise - the disease is still in its infancy, and the body is already sending us signals about it. At first - unobtrusive: somewhere the joint at the base of the finger will ache or a painful point will appear on the elbow, or ankle, or back. Not in depth - outside. On the skin. Touch - here it is, this dot. Small but painful. How do we reason at the same time: "I hit somewhere" or "I turned awkwardly", and the conclusion for all occasions: "It will pass by itself."
But nothing goes by itself. And if it did, then:
1) you intuitively changed your lifestyle, for example, began to eat differently or gave yourself enough rest so that the body, having recovered, could cope with its problems;
2) you rubbed or stroked the sore spot - in fact, again, intuitively did what you are going to learn now;
3) this little pain was pushed to the periphery of attention by new events. Which? Disease! The disease has come to the fore. You did not want to enter into gentlemanly negotiations with her herald - and now she herself has come to you with her invariable bouquet: pain in the affected organ, loss of strength, poor sleep, irritability ... Why all this happens: both pain and loss of strength, and irritability? From loss of energy. Free energy. I emphasize: not the basic one, which supports the life of every cell and ensures our existence, but the free one, which ensures our activity. Renewable energy potential is free energy. The local inflammatory process pulls it towards itself - that's why the overall level drops.
You have already understood that our basic principle is: similia similibus curantur - like is cured by like.
Listen to the second rule: BENEFITABLE PAIN IS Blessed.
This is deciphered very simply: the pain that brings healing (which means good), must itself be good. That is, desirable, pleasant; at least bearable. And then after all, some believe: the more painful, the better. Not! Not "the stronger", but "as it should be".
This is not just a philosophical principle: good is done by good, it is both a call to your prudence and an appeal to your sense of proportion. This rule specifies the range of your work. I'll explain in more detail. I once treated a colonel who was a mathematician. So, to facilitate understanding of this principle, he proposed the following gradation. ten point system. One is just the feeling of contact; ten - unbearable pain. Let's trace only the top scores, because they are of interest to us.
So ten is unbearable, which means it's out of the question.
Nine is unbearable: only a few seconds can be endured; So it's torture, not cure.
Eight - it hurts a lot, but you can endure it; and that doesn't work!
Seven - just painful, but unpleasant: again, not that!
Six - it just hurts; hit!
Five: pain, but pleasant, desirable, relieving - that's it. Ideal! This rarely succeeds, but you must remember that there is such a range, that you should strive for it, and if you are lucky enough to catch it, work in it precisely, jewelry, carefully, because the efficiency of your work in this range is maximum, which means that the cure can come quickly, literally before our eyes.
Explain the gradation to the patient. Work with him not only in physical, but also in intellectual contact. If he understands what you need, he will tell you where he has the most sore spot and help you choose the optimal effort.
It can also be treated with mild pain - at levels below the fifth. It is possible without pain at all; psychics work exactly like that. But you are not yet psychics; in addition, their work requires much higher energy costs, which very few people are capable of.
To understand that you can treat with mild pain, you need to realize the third rule:
To explain it, let us recall what we have already learned.
First: we heal with energetic influence. So, with its (!) energy. Therefore, always measure your strengths. Be sensible - don't give more than you can freely give.
Second: we act on active points. Their suitability for our cause is determined by a single criterion: they must be painful. Can you imagine how convenient? The soreness of the point decreases - the disease also decreases. There is no need to agitate the patient, for him everything is clear and convincing. If the disease is finally defeated - the point is "silent", as if it does not exist at all.
Third: we act with our fingers. And not somehow (for example, God have mercy, with a fingernail), but with a small pillow. Thumb, index, middle - any! - but just a pillow.
You touch the skin around the active point with it - and concentrate. Focus on the sensations under this pillow. All your attention should be focused on this feeling. You should, as it were, see with your skin what is under the finger. Gently pressing down on the point, you sink deeper and deeper into it, as if pushing the tissues apart, until the level of pain (prompted to you by the patient) reaches the optimal level.
If you don't focus? If you just push? Then healing becomes problematic. It will depend on the case: your energy will go or not. After all, you did not learn to consciously manage it, so where do you get such a skill from? But if you focus, concentrate your attention on a few square millimeters of your skin - your energy will go there against your will. And you will be able to influence the disease both consciously and actively.
Fourth: our impact consists of physical (power) and energy. Their sum is integrity. The more one, the less the other. The more you push, the less your energy strength. And if you almost do not press, barely touch the patient's skin - and the concentration of your attention at the same time is extremely high - then the energy return is maximum. I have met very few people who could heal in this mode for more than 5 - 10 minutes in a row.
Here we have explained the third rule. The combination of physical and energy impacts must be reasonable. But you should always remember that energy is the main thing.
Great, friends! The closer to the body, the closer to the case. Let's start with the simplest: learn how to relieve a toothache.
Do you have toothache?
So, your teeth hurt, you or your friend - in principle, it does not matter, the technique is the same. With any pain, there is a rapid drain of energy. Free energy. The one that provides our actions and reactions. Therefore, a person loses the ability to work: he does not have the strength to concentrate. He becomes irritable, even whiny: after all, self-control is a sign of energy. Do you need to start treatment immediately, as soon as you feel the very first, weakest pain? Where it hurts - press! Remember, there are no small pains. They only seem small at first, as long as you have energy, until the pains barely seep into the gap. And when they break through the wall, they will be a huge monster. As soon as you heard the very first signal of the body - immediately go to his aid. Because then not everyone has enough strength for it.
- Professor, what can you say about the proposal: first, quickly, within a few minutes, rehabilitate the lost energy, and only then - to be treated?
- Great idea. But how to implement it?
- Losses of free energy can be quickly restored with the help of physical activity...
- Do not continue: already understood everything! And I agree: 1) a new dominant is being created; the former naturally becomes weak; 2) the influx of energy dissolves the pain - and it again weakens. Simple and good. But I hope you understand that this is only a help, that it only alleviates the situation, but does not solve it? .. Decides - treatment. Solves the suppression of energy leakage. Solves the elimination of the inflammatory process. This is what we'll do.
So, you have a toothache.
Let me remind you: we distinguish two stages of treatment - 1) pain relief and 2) inflammation relief. In other words: 1) surgical treatment with an immediate, but not guaranteed result in time (in a day - three - a week - a month the pain may resume); 2) bringing the body back to normal.
Let's start with the lower jaw.
Almost at the end of it (closer to the ear) from below on the bone there is a notch - or a groove - call it as you like. If a tooth hurts in the lower jaw - this is the key to your problems. Find the sharpest place - this is the desired point - and work on it in accordance with the methodology. For this - attention, - I repeat for the last time 1) fix the point with a fingertip; 2) focus on tactile sensation. I emphasize: not for pain! - precisely on the tactile sensation, on the sensation under the finger. Pain is just a handy tool for us. First - a landmark, a radar beam. Thanks to pain, we reach the goal - the point. Thanks to the pain, we tangibly recognize this point: the tactile sensation must always be specific, it must always have its own face: it is either a “ball”, or a “groove”, or a swelling, etc. Now that the address has been determined, the function of the pain sensation changes: according to it, we measure our physical, forceful impact on a point. I emphasize again: we focus on the tactile sensation, but we measure the degree of impact by the sensation of pain. So, a person walking in a dark but familiar corridor pays all his attention to walking, his steps, and only from time to time - for control, for orientation - touches the wall with his hand.
That is why it will always be easier for you to treat another; than yourself: the patient helped you with his tips to accurately reach the point, you felt its texture, "hooked" on it - and you can work on it calmly, without being distracted by anything. But with self-medication, pain will always interfere with you. She is a stronger stimulus than your tactile sensation, and you will inevitably be guided by her. There is nothing wrong with this, you can also work this way, and yet remember: if you manage to focus not on pain, but on tactile sensation, your work will be much more useful.
3) With a fingertip, we begin rotational movements counterclockwise (the finger is actually in place; the axis of rotation is a painful point; therefore, the radius should not exceed 2 - 3 mm);
4) pain sensation - acute, but tolerable, ideally - desired ("good" pain);
5) operating time - at least 3 minutes.
A clock with a second hand is a very important tool. The fact is that with full concentration, we lose the idea of ​​​​time. If you work more - it's okay: the work itself suggests its duration. But if you work a little (or you don’t have enough strength to keep your concentration and you get tired quickly or simply lose your idea of ​​time), and there is no result, you risk being disappointed. The clock will testify that you have not completed even the minimum work.
But now you have done everything properly, worked for 3-5 minutes, and the tooth still hurts. Do not rush to draw conclusions! Your body needs time to digest your work. So - an interval of 5 - 10 minutes, it would be nice to be distracted by some business, and quite ideally - as we have already agreed - with physical exercises. I'm sure you'll be all right in a few minutes. Or you will feel that the pain has become much less, and then it will depend only on your character - whether to repeat the work, whether to look for happiness at other points, or wait - and suddenly it will pass completely! ..
Another methodological point.
Let's agree right away: the first point that you learn in any lesson is the most important; working on it should definitely bring relief. Not only that: for a true master, it alone is enough to solve the problem. Therefore, it is a criterion. If after working on it you do not feel better, then you are doing something wrong. And then: 1) re-read the principles of treatment, 2) find your mistake, 3) repeat the work correctly.
To finish with the lower jaw, we will indicate the auxiliary points. Checking their condition is always a good idea. If they are not acute, then the inflammation is small (or has already gone). If they are very sensitive, then it would be nice to work on them too: you won’t spoil the porridge with oil! Yes, and it would be useful to recall: as long as there is inflammation, while the points respond - 1) you have a continuous drain of energy and 2) you are not guaranteed from the return of pain.
The first auxiliary point is located approximately in the middle of the distance between the main point and the base of the ear. In other words - inside the angle of the lower jaw, in the fossa.
(Why do I say "approximately" and do not give exact distances? It would be much easier for me to indicate the distance from the points in cun, as is customary among reflexologists around the world, but I know from experience that almost no one - even among specialists - in practice they do not uses. Almost everyone works either "by eye" or "by pain". Therefore, I describe the approximate location of the point, and then the pain itself will allow you to clarify it. I repeat: if the point under the finger does not hurt, then torture it, force it to speak by force do not do it.)
The second auxiliary is in the middle of the lower jaw, on its lateral surface, approximately in the place where the nasolabial fold crosses it.
The third is in the center of the chin.
The fourth is slightly higher, in the center of the chin-labial furrow.
Operating time at auxiliary points - from 1 to 3 minutes. As long as there is pain sensitivity.
Now let's deal with the pain of the teeth of the upper jaw.
I must warn you that the upper jaw is more difficult to handle. Why so - I find it difficult to say, but even my students for some reason always prefer to deal with the lower jaw. And therefore - let's put aside the hatred moods, double our attention and tune in to a creative way. Have no doubt: if you do everything right, you will succeed.
We find the main point, focusing on the tragus of the ear. Move your finger forward 2 - 2.5 cm - and under the zygomatic arch you find a recess. The point is here. She is not the most pleasant to work with, so be patient.
The first auxiliary is nearby, and at the same level. Move your finger under the zygomatic arch a little more forward. The corner of the eye will tell you the second coordinate: step back half a centimeter from it - and at the intersection of this vertical with the base of the zygomatic arch, there will be the desired point.
The second auxiliary is also next to the main one, only on the opposite side - closer to the ear. Look up and in front of the tragus for a recess - this is it.
The third is under the nose, just below its base.
The fourth - at the intersection of the horizontal from the third point and the vertical passing through the pupil of the eye.
For those who can get atlases on reflexology, we report the names of the points (the Roman numeral is the number of the meridian, the Arabic one is the serial number on the meridian).
Lower jaw. The main one is off-meridian; the first auxiliary - chia-che (111-6); the second - yes-in (111-5); the third is off-meridian; the fourth is cheng-jian (Х1У-24).
Upper jaw. The main one is xia-guan (111-7); the first auxiliary - quan-lyao (U1-18); the second - er-men (Х-21:); the third - jen-zhong (Х111-26); the fourth - ju-lyao (111-3).
I repeat once again: first: to relieve pain - with proper work - a basic point is enough;
second: auxiliary points are needed for polishing, but keep in mind that any of them may turn out to be the main one; the level of pain echo will tell you this: if the auxiliary is more painful, it is now the main one;
third - regardless of the above, any painful point on the face is a hint of the body: work here.
I offer everyone a democratic option. Craft. But the craft is reliable, trouble-free. And accessible to everyone. With no exceptions.
- Professor, how do you feel about treatment with points on the ears?
- Two hands for. But depending on what to treat! For example, nerves and the habit of smoking - this, as they say, God himself ordered. And conventional therapy - to be honest - this job is not up to the mark. Although as an auxiliary, concomitant tool, work on the ears is always desirable.
- And with a toothache, too?
- Certainly. There's nothing complicated here. Place of work - earlobe. The technique is as follows: you apply the pad of your thumb to the lobe from behind, and with the pad of your index finger you press the lobe from above. Not all - just a small area. And not in the middle - there is the point of the eye, you do not need it - but along the circumference, 3 - 5 mm stepping back from the edge. Pressed down. If it doesn't hurt, move a little further. Sick - work here. The principle is the same: focus on pain, but work on tactile sensation is more effective.
I would really like you to understand me correctly ... Knowing the points is, of course, very good and useful. But it's not about them; success is not in them... Any work is a fusion of two problems: "what" and "how". Together they constitute a whole. The more "what" - the more clearly the priority of strength over skill, and at the end of the scale there is nothing left at all, except stupid work on someone else's orders. The more "how" - the higher the creative contribution; so at this end of the scale is true art...
(To impatient readers who are in a hurry to find out prescriptions, combinations of healing points for all occasions, we apologize for the slowness of the story. We agree with Professor Rigaud: it is not difficult to get prescriptions, reflexology manuals are published every year; it is much more important to learn how to use them correctly. That's why we put so much emphasis on technology, and we promise it'll get more fun.)
- Professor, more than once in the popular editions of the toothache treatment regimen, the first and most important point is called the point between the thumb and forefinger.
- Oh, the famous hae-gu! - a panacea for all ills... So far, it has been about relieving pain - about eliminating a symptom - about stopping the leakage of energy. Now let's talk about the actual treatment. That is, about the impact on the processes that disturb the balance in the body. About bringing the body back to normal. Let me remind you the beginning of our conversation.
What did we claim?
Unlike traditional medicine, which "heals" (and it insists on this claim!), reflexology only helps the body cope with its problems - helps to return to normal. To do this, it uses two mechanisms:
1) By acting on painful points, it stops the leakage of energy.
2) Restores a normal energy cycle.
The first mechanism - we will assume - you have already mastered. Now let's try to understand the essence of the second.
According to the theory of zhen-jiu, the cause of any disease is a violation of the energy cycle. As long as the organ receives enough energy, fully “washed” by it, it has no problems. But then something happened: a leak began from the energy channel, or it was clogged with powerful inflammation. The processes seem to be opposite, but the result is the same: the energy balance is disturbed. Somewhere there is an excess, somewhere there is a lack. Both options are equally bad, because the result of both is disease. How to deal with this trouble?
The answer begs:
1) plug holes (if there is a leak) or remove plugs (if there is a blockage), and
2) stimulate the energy flow in the affected channel until it returns to normal.
Fully "washed" with energy, the diseased organ copes with inflammation in a matter of days. And since there is no inflammation, tissue regeneration occurs without interference, and the body, in addition to our efforts, throws the best that it has here. As a result, if you have the patience to bring the matter to the end, we get a completely healthy organ. As if there was no defeat.
Please note: when we removed the pain, we worked only with the local inflammatory process; when we treat, we take the whole organism into work.
Treatment consists of two steps. First, local inflammatory processes (interferences) are removed. Second, the energy flow through the channel is stimulated. I would also like to emphasize that these actions are performed simultaneously, that is, in one session. And if we are treating, and not just relieving pain, then the procedure you have named must be changed. Because in the treatment, channel stimulation is a priority.
There is a tricky point for channel stimulation. Like a button: pressed - and spun.
- What do you think, where is this "cunning" point: in the area of ​​​​the organ that is washed by this channel, in the immediate vicinity of it, or somewhere far away? - Take my wrist... Now try to feel the dot under your finger. Now press... I hope you understood from our conversation that they control the energy channel - they treat! with remote points. They are found on the extremities: from the nails to the elbows and from the nails to the knees. Therefore, immediately get used to the idea that democracy among the points, as well as everywhere, is a theoretical concept. But in practice, the hierarchy here is the same as everywhere else. There are points through which you can influence the whole body, and the whole body will readily respond and be obedient to your touches. There are points by which we balance the organ system. Finally, there are specific points that do one thing well. In short, although any organ can indeed be affected through any point, in practice it is better to use those that give the maximum and immediate effect.
The points that stimulate the energy channel and bring it back to normal are below the knees and below the elbows. This is the first.
Second. Treatment never refers to a single organ. If you are prone to colds, you need to look for a panacea not in nose drops, but to find out why your liver has "sat down". If your ears often bother you, first of all put in order the gastrointestinal tract, especially the small intestine. If you have asthenia, apathy, poor sleep, if you are irritable over trifles - go not to a neurologist for tranquilizers, but to those who can cure your kidneys! .. In short: being aimed at the affected organ, the treatment should cover the whole body. And this is always! in all cases! for any disease!
Third: only the system can influence the integrity. In practice, this is expressed in the following rule: a medical prescription must always contain at least three mandatory points - one on the arm, one on the leg and one connecting. Connecting - means a point that leads to a common denominator, connects two energy channels into a single system - manual and foot. So, it is the connecting point that provides integrity. To neglect it is a gross mistake...
- Professor, why is the he-gu point so popular?
- There is no secret here. First, it is accessible, easy to remember and easy to use. Secondly, it really helps with such popular troubles as teeth, colds, runny nose, intestinal and respiratory problems. But most importantly, he-gu has a pronounced catalytic effect. If you start working with it, many points become two or three times more active.
- Many means not all?
- Of course. Only those that are included in the system. - Dear friends! Remember one. Whatever you do - any business in your hands should become an instrument of self-knowledge. Especially if you are treating yourself or others. The pain will pass. And will be forgotten. But only if the overcoming of it remains a lesson in you, you can consider that you have suffered and labored not in vain.
1. Hae-gu (11-4)
2. Er-jian (11-2)
3. Cheng-chi (111-1)
4. Li-dui (111-45)
5. Pian-li (11-6)
6. Nei-ting (111-44)
7. Chun-yang (111-42)
8. San-yang-lo (X-8)
9. Wai-guan (X-6)
10. Wan-gu (U1-4)
He-gu - starting and catalytic; we start with it so that the rest of the work goes more fun. The first group of points are the main ones; the second group is additional, the third is not just additional points - it is a reserve. And not for all teeth - only for the upper jaw. Do you understand? The program you have been given is universal, but the treatment of the upper teeth has its own specifics, it does not always go smoothly ... This is where the reserve comes in handy. I repeat: only for the upper teeth.
Hae-gu is known to everyone who has been involved in reflexology, but few people know how to work on it. And do you know why? They take it wrong. How is it usually done? Take the thumb away from the hand; at the same time, a hole appears on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger; here she is pressed. Try to do. Done? No impression? Because the hand you are working with is better to put on top, with a lock and, putting your thumb on the he-gu, press it against the second metacarpal bone. Do you feel an ache? Now:
1) catch the most acute pain sensation,
2) feel tactilely this place,
3) focus on the tactile sensation and work for at least 3 minutes.
Er-jian is easy to find: the fingers are bent into a fist (do not clench!), you will find a point on the side surface of the index finger at its base ...
Cheng-qi - connective - right under the pupil, on the lower edge of the orbit. Barely perceptible hole.
Li-dui - on the leg, on the second finger (the first is the big one), 3 mm from the outer (from the side of the little finger) nail root.
Pian-li. Above the wrist, 1/4 of the distance between the folds at the wrist and elbow.
Nei-ting. On the leg, between the 2nd and 3rd toes.
Chun-yang. On the instep of the foot, on the continuation of the line between the 2nd and 3rd fingers, approximately 3/5 of the distance from the nei-ting to the crease at the crease of the foot.
Finally reserve.
You just turn it on
1) in the treatment of teeth of the upper jaw and
2) if these points immediately respond to palpation, that is, they should not be extorted.
The sequence of work at these points is very important.
First we take san-yang-lo. We find it 1/3 of the distance from the carpal crease to the end of the olecranon.
Wai-guan - in the middle of san-yang-lo and carpal folds.
Wan-gu - just behind the 5th metacarpal bone, in the fossa.
During treatment, preference is given to treatment points. The ideal time for treatment is morning. Until nine o'clock. Although the teeth most often hurt at night looking ... this happens around midnight. The reason is a natural energy decline. It is of little use to treat teeth at this time, but to relieve pain is mere trifles.
And the last. We want to remind you: no reflexology will help you restore a crumbled or rotten tooth. You will surely take away the pain; you can relieve inflammation and eliminate the process of tissue destruction. But you won’t make the tooth itself whole, but you still need it! Therefore, we advise: having cured yourself, bringing your energy to normal, gather your courage and go to the dentist - let him put a filling on you.
you have a sore throat
Undoubtedly, there will be experts among readers who know how tonsillitis differs (by the way, acute tonsillitis is nothing more than a sore throat) from laryngitis and pharyngitis. You don't need it. You woke up - and felt discomfort in the throat area. Something strangles, tickles, scratches with pain gnawing outward. You have little time; as it should be in your youth, you went to bed after midnight and therefore overslept; it's time to run to lectures, every minute counts; but since no science is useful without health, you wisely decide to spend about a dozen minutes on this holy cause. And we don't need more.
So, the first task: remove the symptom. In our case, this means not only 1) bringing the throat to a comfortable state, but also 2) stopping the development of the disease, preserving it until better times, when you, say, have at least half an hour to heal more or less seriously.
You understand that the removal of a symptom cannot be called a full-fledged treatment. It's just a surrogate. Minimum action for maximum effect. But when there is no time, there is no choice.
The first point we need is on the thumb, 0.3 centimeters from the outer corner of the nail. Let's follow the advice of colleague Shin - we will influence it with any nail of the other hand. Be careful: we must reach the point absolutely accurately. Therefore, topography and millimeters are only guidelines; the criterion of truth is sensation. Feeling of a sharp prickle. Pain. Touch it with your fingernail: there is nothing nearby, but in this place it is like a needle is being driven in. So it is.
And you must make at least 50 such injections.
The point is called shao-shan.
Then do the same procedure on the other hand.
The second point is in the palm of your hand. There is a pillow on the palm above the thumb. Here in the middle of it is the desired point. It is off-meridian, so you don't need to know its name. For pain and sore throat, it is very sharp. Found? Fine. Now with the thumb of the other hand - with the pad of the thumb - we begin to influence it.
I recall the main principles.
1. You act so that under the working finger you feel not just pain, but point pain - this will allow you to work as accurately as possible (and therefore successfully).
2. Pain must be mandatory, but the pain is tolerable (the ideal is good).
3. Your finger makes subtle circular motions in a counterclockwise direction. Diameter - no more than 3 mm.
4. Attention is more important than effort. This means that the focus on sensation should be maximum.
At the second point, you work for at least 2 minutes. First on one hand, then on the other.
And the last place is the jugular notch, the bend of the bone between the collarbones. Here we have three points (also off-meridian): one at the base of the notch, and two on the sides. It is most convenient to work them out with the pad of your index finger. At least a minute per point is already good; but if you have another minute or two at your disposal; spend them on the treatment of the place of the tenderloin, where the pain is most acute. You will not regret.
Now you can safely run to work. I am sure: after 10-15 minutes you will find that your throat hardly bothers you.
Unfortunately, lazy people - and the vast majority of them - are usually limited to this. But you do not belong to them; do you remember,
1) that the symptom (in this case, a sore throat) is only the herald of a disease that is incomparably larger and more dangerous than you imagine;
2) that any disease is not limited to a piece of the body, but covers the entire body, while the sore spot is only its springboard;
3) that any disease is associated with a colossal loss of energy that the body spends on fighting the disease. This means that if you do not help the body, the loss of energy will immediately affect all your affairs.
So, you have decided to help your body seriously. Get sick. Holy work! In this case, do not put off this work until tomorrow, start it immediately.
To get started, repeat the mini-program you have already done again. An interval between both sessions of, say, half an hour is just what is required. I remember that over time you feel bad, but you don’t need special conditions either! You can work on the fingers and jugular tenderloin on the bus on the way to work; and at work too - who will stop you?
I remind you: in the second session, the pain at all points will become aggravated - inflammation flows down to them. This does not oblige you to anything, except for one thing: work delicately. You should not have associations with torture.
If you carry out the second session successfully, then after it the discomfort will surely leave the throat completely. And yet I will ask the most conscientious in two or three hours to ride the program for the third time. You will not regret!
By the way, if you have completed a mini-program - and your ardor has not died down, you can add work on your ears to it. Here your main point is at the base of the lobe. You can pinch it with your fingers and press it, causing a feeling of pricks, you can just prick with your fingernail - as you like. This is done - until you get bored (as soon as the slightest boredom from work appears - stop it immediately; boredom is a symptom of growing fatigue; working in spite of it is stupid: there is almost nothing, and the harm can be great; therefore, when bored, the only way out is to immediately change occupation) or until the point becomes numb. Those who wish to continue this exercise can examine the entire curl of the ear (its edge), pinching it on both sides with their fingers. Where you find sore spots - work. Helps well.
Now consider the case where you are rich in time.
At the same time, the mini-program remains in force, but it is overgrown with work, which, in addition to 1) relieving discomfort and 2) preserving the focus of the disease, also allows 3) normalizing energy processes in the body, that is, eliminating the disease completely.
Keep in mind: the throat is treated with points on the hands, so this is where 75 percent of the work is done. The points on the neck - although they are directly adjacent to the throat - can be considered auxiliary. They help to remove the local inflammatory process and block the leakage of energy. We will assume that they account for (both in terms of effort and time) another 20 percent of the work. Finally, the last 5 percent on points that allow you to cover the entire body with work; means - connecting and points on the legs.
So, the full program starts with the same shao-shan (11-1: the first digit is the number of the point, the second is the number of the meridian) and from a point on the palm above the thumb.

Rice. one
Then - shang-yang (1-11). She is on the index finger at the angle of the nail. We tingle it, like shao-shan, at least 50 times.
Then the er-jian (2-11), already familiar to you from the previous lesson, is at the base of the index finger.
Further - he-gu (4-11). We have talked about it so much that, I hope, you are already working on it flawlessly.
Pian-li (6-11) you also know - on the same line above the wrist.
But the next - le-quye (7-1) - you meet for the first time. Remember it well: it, like hae-gu, is one of the most important and will come in handy more than once. It is easy to find: halfway from the pian-li point to the wrist, only passing through the radius.
The connecting point is already familiar to you. This is cheng qi (1 - 111) - it is on the lower edge of the eye orbit, right under the pupil.
On the throat - to work on the jugular tenderloin - you can add three more points. They are located between the thyroid cartilage and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. From top to bottom: jen-ying (9 - 111), shui-tu (10 - 111), qi-she (11-111).
The points on the legs are also familiar to you. These are nei-ting (44 - 111) and li-dui (45 - 111) - at the base of the second toe and at the root of his nail.
These points are more than enough to heal your throat with the guarantee that the next time it will bother you very soon. But I would advise the most conscientious to include two more points in the program:
qu-chi (11-11) - on the elbow joint outside - and
chi-chie (5 - 1) - at the end of the elbow crease, above qu-chi.
As long as these two points are sensitive, your protection against colds is not worth much. But if they are silent - congratulations: even the insidious flu is not terrible for you.
Remember: 1. By cutting out your tonsils, you are tearing apart your immune defenses.
2. A person with normal energy never has a sore throat.
3. A sore throat is a sign that you have chronic inflammation somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract.
In addition to pain points, we continue to introduce you to programs whose implementation guarantees complete healing. That is why we introduce you to the concept, assuming that mechanical work on points is 2-3 times less productive than meaningful work.
The first thing we must decide on is the question: which point should be considered the main one? Since the first thing that worries us is the removal of a symptom, painful sensations, then the answer suggests itself: these are the points on the jugular notch. We emphasize once again: limiting yourself to them, you will not be cured, at most - stop the development of the disease, but you will feel better - no doubt.
Why are there two more dots in the mini-program?
They would not be necessary if the disease - all, entirely - fit in the affected organ. But you know that in the organ it only comes out. And its true receptacle is the whole organism. And this is expressed by heaviness in the body, aches, weakness, sweating, cotton wool in the head - each disease has its own way. These signs are not as bright as the main symptom, they are late, but if you listen carefully to yourself, you will find that they are there, already there! (We hope it is clear that we are talking only about patients.) And paying attention to blocking and repaying this process is no less important than local discomfort.
For this purpose, the points at the base of the nails serve. Not only on the hands, but also on the legs. Their role in our body is very special. Because it is here, at the fingertips, that the energy flow changes its sign. This is a very energy-intensive process, and to ensure it, a lot of energy is concentrated in the fingertips. (This is why, by the way, the fingertips are particularly sensitive - it is provided by an excess of energy. So, if a person has cold fingers, this is evidence that he is in a deep energy hole and all reserves have been thrown to maintain life. In this case, the fingers lose their special properties - after all, these properties are not provided with anything.)
What happens when we act on the points near the nails?
The process can be described like this:
1) the impulse reported by you, as it were, pierces the information channel;
2) the meridian immediately opens;
3) the capacitor is discharged; the energy wave rolls over the meridian, bringing into an active state both it and the organs connected with it.
The moral follows from this: the points on the fingertips are used to mobilize the body.
That is why Professor Rigaud introduced the shao-shan point into the mini-program: it temporarily blocks the development of the disease throughout the body.
We can add that Shao-Shan is not alone. There are three of them under the thumbnail - on three sides of the base. Both their functions and the strength of the impact are almost the same. So feel free to alternate them - this will avoid injury to the skin. Although they must say: a drop of blood from these points is only for the good of the cause. Why so - a special conversation; our job is to warn you not to be embarrassed by this.
We hope everything is clear?
The last point of the mini-program is no less remarkable and also deserves a special discussion.
Now we will talk about the second points of all meridians. The second is not by serial number, but the second from the edge (for example, from nails) on the arms and legs.
Please remember once and for all: if you need to bring down the temperature, use the second points. This is a classic idea, Rigaud does not claim to have it, but he uses it in any program where an increase in body temperature is possible during an illness.
By the way, probing the palmar pad of the thumb, we can easily find two more points. With a point already known to you, they form, as it were, a belt. One of them - in the middle of the first metacarpal bone - is the meridian point of yu-chi (10 - 1), the other is extra-meridian. The action of all three is identical, so you can safely use any.
The er jian point at the base of the index finger can also lower the temperature. It is for this purpose that it is put in a detailed program. Same as the nei ting point (at the base of the second toe). But their role in this case is still auxiliary, because each disease has its own specific temperature-lowering point - and the professor pointed it out to you on the thumb pad.
The question arises. If there is no temperature, is it possible to do without these points?
It is forbidden! We repeat: any partial discomfort is the claws of some large, yet invisible beast. But with laryngitis and pharyngitis, if so far, let's say, the voice has sat down, we can advise three points that act precisely on this.

Rice. 2
One of them - jen-ying (9 - 111) - you know from the extended program. It is on the throat, on the side, at the level of the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage. The second is nearby, on the sternocleidomastoid muscle - fu-tu (18 - 11). The third - on the other side of this muscle - tian-chuan (16 - U1).
But, we remind you that these points cannot replace work on the jugular notch, they are still a special case.
you got a headache
Remember right away: the head itself never hurts. There is nothing to hurt! - except that because of a careless attitude to your health, you will admit that a tumor will begin to develop there. But this is a special conversation.
Why do millions of people suffer from headaches? Why does it hurt where it shouldn't hurt?
Because the head is the thinnest device that signals: a violation has occurred in the body. Moreover, she accurately indicates to the specialist the address where the violation occurred.
It is important for you to know: a headache is a sign that the disease has already passed into the second stage.
In the first stage, you are also warned by the body in a timely manner when it sent you signals with pain at the points (we talked about this in the first lessons). For example, many women are familiar with pinpoint pain on the white line above the pubis; they say: "gynecology", and this cystitis tries the voice. But it would be a delusion to attribute all the pains from this place to cystitis. It is worth taking 1.5 centimeters higher - and the tingling will indicate: enteritis is emerging. As you can see, diagnosis is a very delicate matter. We will return to it later, but for now it is important that you do not forget: there are no accidental tingling, there are no accidental pains. You think: I will endure - it will pass. And indeed, after a while, the point stops hurting. But our attentive readers know: this means that you have either changed your lifestyle in a prudent direction, or that your body has thrown all its reserves to extinguish the nascent fire, and now, against the background of general malaise, irritability, lethargy, tingling at some point is almost imperceptible.
So, the first stage - in some organ there was a violation.
The second stage - at the same time the head ached - the functional disorder went beyond the organ and covered the system associated with it, associated with it. What happens in the head in this case: vasoconstriction or swelling of the brain (and in all cases - a violation of chemistry) - you do not need to know. But here's what you should understand and remember for life: when you relieve a headache with a pill or a folk remedy, you thereby relieve only a symptom, while the cause of the pain - the disease - remains in you and continues its destructive work. Therefore, let's agree: having learned how to relieve any headaches (it's not difficult), we make it a rule for ourselves: immediately after that, without wasting a day, you go to the doctor to determine where the threat to your health is coming from.
By the way, do you want to know what happens in the third stage?
At the same time, functional disorders spread throughout the body, capture all systems, and organic changes begin in the culprit organ (for example, cirrhosis). At the same time, the headache loses its sharpness, becomes chronic and habitual; a person lives, as it were, in a haze, in a light fog, but there is little pleasant in this, since the lightning of psychoses, for example, suspiciousness, suspiciousness, fears, is increasingly cut through the haze ...
But back to the headaches:
They can be 1) frontal, 2) temporal, 3) parietal and occipital. Or in any combination, for example, fronto-occipital or temporo-parietal (helmet). From this lesson, you will receive the minimum knowledge that will allow you to remove any headache as a symptom (this is better than pills, because it works more reliably and for a longer period, and most importantly, it already contains elements of treatment). In the next lesson, already having the ability to cope with any headache, we will learn how to remove their roots.

Rice. 3
frontal pain
For the first case, it is enough to process the triangle. Its apex is the off-meridian yin-tang point - above the nose, in the middle of the distance between the eyebrows. The base - the points of tsuan-zhu (2-U11) - under the beginning of the eyebrow, on the upper corner of the orbit adjacent to the bridge of the nose. Work on each of the points for at least 5 minutes, gradually reducing the force of exposure to a barely perceptible touch. (Picture 1).
temporal pain
Usually, for the first case, one tai-yang point (main) is enough - it has a very strong effect in a wide range. But since temporal pains can be of a specific nature, we offer another triangle that covers all the main options.
So, tai-yang (out-of-meridian) is at the temple. Level - the middle of the distance between the end of the eye and the tip of the eyebrow. By moving your finger 1.5 centimeters back, you will feel a hole. Work here - gently, for at least 5 minutes, gradually lowering the strength of the impact.
Tai-yan - at the base of the triangle. The second point of the foundation is the already familiar er-men (21-X). Finding it is easy: at the tai-yang level, there is a recess near the ear itself. Work for at least 2 minutes, the mode is normal.
The apex of the triangle is the tou-wei point (8-111). It is located in the middle of the hairy area, which comes on the temple at an angle. Work - according to the situation, it is better - delicately, at least 3 minutes. (Figure 2).
parietal pain
In this case, it is also quite possible to get by with one point (which means it is the main one) bai-hui (20-XIII) - it is located on the middle line of the head in the parietal fossa. You should work very delicately, extremely carefully and for at least 5 minutes. It is desirable - until the pain sensation under the finger completely disappears. The patient can feel the beneficial effect of this work not only in the head, but literally in the whole body.
Since we have a system of triangles, we will not deviate from this rule. So, bai-hui is the peak; base - paired points lo-tsue (8-U11). You should look for them a little behind and to the sides of the top to get an equilateral triangle, where each side is approximately 2 centimeters. Here you can work smarter.
For those who have the time and desire to develop success, upon completion of this work, I recommend palpating the midline of the head on both sides of the bai-hui. All the pain points that you discover are waiting for your participation. Don't deny them this! - after all, every minute of working on them pushes the next attack of pain away from you for many hours. (Figure 3).
neck pain
I would recommend that everyone carefully study this part of the program. Including those who do not know what headaches are. Because, having mastered these points, you can bring relief to any person with any pain in the head. So, if you have the strength and time - start the treatment of any headache from the back of the head and only then go to the points located in the area of ​​pain.
In the figure, you see that you are offered three triangles with a vertex at one common feng fu point. Which one to choose - determine for yourself with the help of palpation. Where the points are sharper, din and work. If all points are approximately equally sensitive, there will be no big trouble if you work through all the triangles in turn. Just do not forget to start feng fu every time. I hope that even in this case, all your work will not take more than 15 minutes. If you have a need to continue it, it is better to repeat the session after a while; that will be more useful.
You can work boldly on the neck, so be guided by sensitivity. (Figure 4).
So, the top of all triangles - feng fu (16-X111) is located at the top of the occipital fossa under the occipital bone. This means that the finger must process the edge of the fossa, but under the bone - to the first cervical vertebra.
At the base of the first triangle (it is flattened almost to a straight line) there are paired feng-chi points (20-X1). Look for them, too, under the occipital bone. If feng fu bisects its base, then feng chi is in the middle of each half in the hole.
At the base of the second triangle there are paired xin-shi points (out-of-meridian). They are located on both sides of the 3rd cervical vertebra. Finding it is very simple: it is the first large vertebra below the occipital bone.
At the base of the third triangle are paired points of tian-zhu (10-U11). They are located next to feng fu - along the edges of the occipital fossa.
So, you have learned how to relieve any headache (pain as a symptom). First aid provided. The lazy one helped himself - and forgot. And the wise man remembers that pain is not accidental, and argues: now I have time, I have strength and I have a mood; It would be nice to figure out what caused the headache.
So the task is formulated: how to help the body get rid of a defect that manifests itself as a headache.
Since now we are claiming not only for a momentary effect, but also for stable changes for the better (up to a cure), I must make three reservations.
1. If the headache is caused by poisoning (for example, from constipation, in which liver function is suppressed by the action of intestinal poisons; the same liver can be affected without constipation - when eating food poisoned with nitrates; but also kidney failure - if an inflammatory process occurs in them - gives a similar effect: disturbed sewage causes poisoning of the body), then no manipulation of the points, even the most skillful, will allow you to achieve any kind of lasting relief. Don't forget: we influence by means of points only energy processes; foreign substances - poisons - are beyond our control. How to deal with them? How to expel from the body? The only way is to activate the activity of the corresponding organs (for example - in our case - the intestines, liver and kidneys). And for this - 1) bring them back to normal and 2) create a regime of favorable energy for them. Therefore, if the headache is caused by poisoning, immediately deal with its elimination. (For constipation, they say, an enema helps quickly and well.)
By the way, when you hear complaints that analgesics do not help someone with a headache, look for the source of poisoning.
2. Let me remind you: a headache is a sign that the disease has already entered the second stage. So, helping the body to cope with the disease, we mean that it is at this level of development. Because for the third stage - when the disease has become chronic - the programs proposed below are clearly insufficient. For example, if the cause of headaches is hypertension or hypotension, nephritis or cholecystitis (by the way, chronic constipation), of course, you will help the body and improve your condition, but don’t count on fundamental changes. I emphasize once again: diseases that have passed into the third stage require special, more in-depth work; in each case - specific.
3. Headaches that accompany a cold or flu have some peculiarity. Therefore, you will learn about them in the next lesson.
I offer three programs. Choose from them the one that you need, focusing on 1) the type of headache and 2) the internal organ (system) that gives you the most trouble.
Case one
Headache - frontal; disorders: tonsillitis, bad mouth, rumbling in the stomach, pain in the stomach, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, etc.
The starting point is the he-gu you know (4 - !!). It is on the back of the hand, fixed on the second metacarpal bone (the continuation of the index finger) from the side of the thumb.
Connecting - cheng-qi (1 - !!!) - under the pupil, in the middle of the lower edge of the eye orbit. Work until the pain subsides.
The point of attack (piercing the channel) - jie-si (41 - !!!) - on the fold of the foot between the tendons.
Additional points:
wai-guan (5 - X) - above the wrist crease by 4 - 5 cm (2 cun);
zhong-wan (12 - Х1У) - approximately in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process (4 cun from the navel);
chun-yang (42 - !!!) - on the back of the foot, on the inflection of its top.
You complete the session by processing the temporal triangle known to you:
tou-wei (8 - !!!), er-men (21 - 10), tai-yang (out-of-meridian) in that order.
Case two
Headache - occipital or fronto-occipital; disorders: pain in the navel and below, nausea, respiratory problems, back pain, urination disorders, asthenoneurotic syndrome.
Starting point - wang-gu (4 - U1) - in front of the wrist crease, behind the head of the V-shaped metacarpal bone.
Connecting - qing-ming (1 - V11) - deep into the inner corner of the eye. I hope you wash your hands well before working at this point. Work delicately. You can take breaks.
The point of attack - zhi-yin (67 - V11) - 3 mm outward from the corner of the nail of the little toe of the foot. At least 50 injections (possible with a fingernail).
Additional points:
wai-guan (5 - X);
shu-gu (65 - V11) - from the side of the little toe of the foot, behind the head of the V-shaped metatarsal bone - in the cavity;
shen-mai (62 - V11) - under the outer ankle (attention! - not immediately under the ankle, but below - under the protrusion of the calcaneus).
You complete the session with the processing of the points quan-zhu (2 - V11) and the feng-fu triangle (16 - X111) - tien-zhu (10 - V11).
Case three
Headache - covering, squeezing - "helmet"; disorders: freezing, pain in the shoulders, neck, ears, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, fears.
Starting point - yang-chi (4 - X) - on the back of the wrist crease, look for the head of the middle metacarpal bone.
Connecting - er-men (21 - X) - you know it from the temporal triangle; search in the recess above the tragus of the ear.
The point of attack - sya-si (43 - X1) - in the fold between the little finger and the ring toe. I remind you that you are treating, not torturing: that means - observe the measure!
Additional points:
wai-guan (5 - X);
qiu-hsu (40 - X1) - slightly in front and below the outer ankle;
xuan-zhong (39 - X1) -, 5 - 6 cm (3 cun) above the center of the outer ankle.
You complete the session with the processing of the feng fu (16 - X111) - feng chi (20 - X1) triangle, after which - the easiest work on tai-yang.
The working time at the main points is at least three minutes at each, at additional points - according to your mood. The ideal time for the first program is in the morning, the second is in the middle of the day, and the third is in the evening. The minimum (but sufficient) course is 10 sessions, the average is 15. You can work every other day. After 10 - 15 days (no more!) It would be nice to repeat the course. Then - again after a break - repeat again. Your benchmark is the sensitivity of the dots. They shouldn't hurt!
We treat flu, colds, acute respiratory infections
I remember the time when all these were catarrhs ​​(inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes - the nasopharynx, bronchi, stomach, intestines, etc.). For example, he became infected - he caught the flu; got common cold - you have a cold; ate something wrong - gastritis or enteritis. And all this stood in the same row, the lesion of the nasopharynx was not separated by a barrier from the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, because they understood their living connection, the inseparability of one from the other. It was clear to everyone that this is one system, which means that any processes in it are common. Just as it was not necessary to prove that this system is part of an even more general one: our entire body; and it is inseparable from the next system - from nature, with which we are connected by innumerable threads, and not just by an elementary triad: air, water and food.
In short, before the cause of the suffering of the body was sought in the body itself, since it was believed that mother nature could not bring harm to her child. The only exception is culling, natural selection. If the child failed (the parental couple did not pick up on the principle of true love, which is dictated by the intuitive guess of their other half, the intuitive need to merge as a means of gaining integrity, but by chance or by calculation; either one of the two - or even both - carried a defect, a defect that doomed the future creature to a life of suffering, and its offspring to even greater degradation), nature immediately got rid of it.
Usually she did this while still in her mother's womb (now they put it in storage and by hook or by crook make it to birth). The second sieve of nature is infantile insecurity, which manifests itself only in children with low energy (and, accordingly, a weakened immune system). There is also a third sieve (physical deformity corresponds to a violation of internal organs and systems, which weakens the chances in the struggle for existence), and the fourth (endocrinology! - one of the many hormones shifted slightly - and the chain of Impairment was interrupted: this woman or this man is barren), and fifth...
The former medicine helped to live healthy, the current one helps the initially sick to survive. Abstract humanism justifies this, historical (however cruel it may seem to us) - no. We must think about what humanity will be like after us.
However, this is a topic for a separate discussion.
Now I want you to understand that under normal circumstances, nature cannot harm us. (When we breathe poisoned air, drink water saturated with chemical waste, eat food saturated with nitrates, nature has nothing to do with it. Whatever you spoil, you eat.) And the old medicine understood this. It was believed that catarrhs ​​arise from a push from the outside, and the cause is already nesting in the body by this time. To get sick, it must be ready for it. More precisely: this body already carries the disease, and only the last push is required for the disease to float out.
Current medicine categorically states that the cause of all respiratory diseases (including flu and colds) is in specific viruses. As long as a person has not come into contact with the virus, he is fine; sneezed on him - get a disease.
It qualifies unequivocally: nonsense. The myth that microbiologists suggest to us, behind whose backs the Ears of pharmacists look out. If there were no modern pharmaceutical lobby representing powerful pharmaceutical concerns, there would be no science serving them. And we would look at everything more simply, we would be closer to the truth, which means we would get sick incomparably less.
Therefore, the first conclusion: we will look for the causes of influenza, colds and acute respiratory infections not outside, but in ourselves.
The second conclusion, already familiar to you: a person whose energy is normal is not subject to these diseases. Everyone around can sneeze and cough, and he will live in an atmosphere saturated with viruses as if nothing had happened. Because in a healthy body, the virus has nothing to cling to. And if he catches on, he will be immediately eaten by antibodies.
The third conclusion: since it has been established that the impetus for these diseases is the invasion of the virus into the cell, we - in order to avoid illness - must strengthen the cell. And the surest, most indispensable tool for this is vitamins. This means that those who are constantly and sufficiently fortified are not susceptible to respiratory diseases.
Note. Vitamins improve the recovery processes in the body and thus allow us to use our energy more fully. For the body is wise; if it is sure that it can restore its strength, it spends it more boldly. And a large amount of energy in constant work allows you to meet any troubles with a light heart. Thus, negative emotions lose their sinister role: they cease to be a fire in which our energy burns out without compensation. And the saved energy is the best protection against any diseases.
However, you are sick. What to do?
First: starve. Or reduce food to a minimum. Freed from the need to digest food (an extremely energy-intensive process!) The body throws all its forces into the fight against the inflammatory process. Usually it takes three, maximum five days for this simple remedy (complete hunger) to drive the disease out of the body without a trace.
Second: take ascorbic acid intensively. It should be 1) clean, 2) dose - 0.5 grams (a large dose does not have time to be absorbed and leaves with urine), 3) you can’t just swallow a powder or a pill - you will burn the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach; dissolve in water - not better; the ideal solvent is tomato juice or any other - if it is as thick - with pulp. If you take ascorbic acid every two hours, a sharp improvement occurs by the end of the first day; and even in the most severe cases - in two days.
Third: use reflexology. Before her, any respiratory ailments recede in the very first hours; sometimes - at the master - even immediately.
The treatment process should in no case be mechanical. The more we understand it, the more chances for success.
So we have three tasks:
1) elimination of the inflammatory process;
2) help the body in the fight against intoxication (let me remind you that the virus destroys the cell and thus clogs the body with decay products);
3) restoration of mucous tissues, which we immediately localize the disease, do not let it spread.
An interesting question: what if, instead of such a specialization of tasks, we limit ourselves to one action - energy pumping; will this be enough for success?
Answer: definitely. But non-specific work - having immediately stopped the development of the disease - does not necessarily immediately relieve you of it; and even more so does not guarantee an immediate sharp improvement in the condition. But we want to feel as healthy as possible as soon as possible, don't we?
Each of the tasks can be solved separately, but the body is an integrity, and the disease affects the entire integrity at once; therefore, it would be good if all three tasks were solved simultaneously. Ideally, I would have to specify just such points. Alas, they are not. Judge for yourself. Inflammatory processes (as you, I hope, remember) are eliminated by the impact on the second points of the outer ends of the meridians. I draw your attention: not necessarily the second in numbering (it is, of course, conditional), but the second from the ends of the fingers and toes.
The fight against intoxication is achieved by promoting the work of the kidneys.
The condition of the mucous membranes depends on the meridians 1 - 1V: lungs, large intestine, stomach and spleen.
But here's what catches your eye: the first task is easily combined with the second and third (after all, each of the named meridians goes to the fingers). This tells us the order of work. First of all, we bring the body temperature to normal (this should not be done with antipyretic pills: with them we inhibit the protective processes in the body and stretch the cure for an indefinite time; the energy wave launched through the points in a matter of minutes does what the body itself takes days), at the same time fighting intoxication.
The main point - jan-gu (2 - V111) - on the inner surface of the foot, at the inflection of the navicular bone.
Connecting - lian-quan (23 - X1V) - on the throat, in the gap above the thyroid cartilage.
The main auxiliary - shao-fu (8 - V) - on the palm between 1V and V metacarpal bones - to V1.
The procedure is as follows: work on zhan-gu for at least 5 minutes, until the heat leaves your legs; then switch to lian quan - 2 minutes of work is enough here; then you work on shao-fu - until the heat goes away from your hands. After that, it would be good to repeat the whole cycle again - then the springboard for fighting the disease will be quite reliable.
The result of the first stage should be 1) a decrease (for the time being - temporary) of body temperature to normal; 2) general improvement in condition; 3) a feeling of inflow of forces. This is not surprising: after all, you not only supported your cells with energy, but also stimulated the work of the kidneys and relieved stress from the heart.
At the second stage, it would be better to use the help of someone close, but at worst, you can do it yourself. The main point - da-zhui (14 - X111) - on the back of the neck, between the first thoracic and seventh cervical vertebrae. The seventh neck is easy to find, it seems to stand above the rest. When working on da-zhui, the vertebra must be pressed from the bottom up, as it were, penetrating deep into the depths with its action. I don't want to limit this work. Act as long as it is pleasant (good pain!), Until you get bored.
Additional points - known to you for the treatment of headaches Feng Chi (20 - X1). They are under the occipital bone on both sides of the spine in the pits. Work 3 - 5 minutes.
Finally, in order to take everything from the spine, it would be nice to process its entire thoracic region, but

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    3. There is a well-known phenomenon: some people, when trying to heal, feel that in the process of treatment, the disease passes to them. It is clear that this self-hypnosis is the result of 1) a large energy deficit, 2) post-traumatic weaknesses in the soul of the healer, and 3) the prejudice of his mind. Usually, things do not go further than the brain, recreating the sensory image of the disease; nevertheless, if the perceived signal - the hologram of the disease - is stable, the disease can materialize in the soul and body of the healer; and not only in the form of functional disorders, but also injuring body tissues.

    I heard an opinion (you know, not from psychiatrists: all of them - from beginners to world luminaries - are convinced that any mental anomalies and injuries are incurable) that any strong enough person can get rid of this scourge. Even on your own. And then he will be able to practice medicine without prejudice to himself. But I believe that there is not one problem, but two: 1) a tendency to self-hypnosis and 2) the ability to fully engage in medicine in such circumstances.

    The first must be overcome. It is necessary in any case, regardless of whether you will continue to engage in medical treatment or not.

    (Please note: I write “overcome”, and not “uproot” or “break”. This means that it is not willpower, not character that should decide here - the destructive tools of the mind. Only your nature itself can correct the situation. Health is on an energetic rise - should spread from within, filling your soul and body, and diseases, like old snake skin, will fall off by themselves. You read about how to direct this process on every page of Rigaud, and on mine, by the way, too.)

    The second - healing other people with medicine - must be forgotten. Of course, you can remain with your own opinion. If from your youth you only dreamed of medicine, or already at a mature age you discovered it for yourself and understood: "This is mine", then it is difficult for you to refuse its magic, to free yourself from its magnetic force. But if you want to live without fear and self-deception, you will have to come to terms with (and even better, love her) the role of a spectator. -(V.Shin)

    4. Here the author only names the phenomenon, perhaps intentionally without going into details. The essence of which is that the disease-causing process does not get to the “weak spot” directly, not immediately, but at the right time and along certain paths. You will read more about this in chapters 7 and 8 and in the notes to them.

    One more "possible" (due to the absence of Vladimir Shin, we are forced to offer you our own interpretations).

    So, perhaps, under the "weak point" V. Shin means a hologram of a previously acquired and "cured" (and in fact - it was possible to bring the energy of the body and soul back to normal) of some kind of chronic disease. - (Editor)

    5. Obviously, here Vladimir Shin means a situation where the doctor does not know the special, energy-saturating programs of the treatment.

    Recall that the shortest path;

    1) find an energy gap (affected organ),

    2) repair it, and only then - observing the laws of the energy interaction of organs, -

    3) turn on other systems.

    Do not be confused by the number of stages: the specialist goes all this way in one session, and in subsequent sessions he works according to the program (which can be refined according to the prompts of the body) that developed in the first session. So - if our goal is:

    Full recovery - this way is really the shortest.

    But back to our topic - to work on the spine.

    Of course, this is a universal approach. Wherever - in the soul and body - a puncture occurs, for whatever reason there is an energy decline, - as long as a person's energy is at a level below the norm, the spine will be painful, and treatment along it will contribute to the rise of energy, and hence - recovery.

    This is the easiest way, but not the shortest. Because in such a treatment there is no direct effect on the affected organ. There is no information puncture, spare energy collaterals or those clogged with traffic jams do not break through (revived), - the body has to do all this work on its own. But the body is quite understanding: wherever the healing begins, it tries to connect this place with the place where the disease has taken root. Another thing is that the efficiency of such a treatment can be very low (there are a lot of information and energy losses in the course of communication), but - we repeat - the principle is important: wherever a treatment is applied - if it is correct - it will always find the disease.

    However, Vladimir Shin in his text calls first of all the back, and the treatment along the spine - only as a private clarification. Why is that? The fact is that on the back - on both sides of the spine, next to it - there are points "u", which we usually call sensual. They are directly connected with all the most important organs and systems of the body. Each point has a specific address. If something goes wrong in the system - the point becomes so painful that it is impossible to miss it - working through the line along the spine completely. Influence through points "u" is always very effective, even radical. But at the same time, you should be careful. If there is an excess in the system, you risk nothing and will surely succeed quickly; sometimes within minutes. If you are dealing with a deficit, you need to work extremely accurately. Because the wrong treatment at these points can aggravate the situation up to death. - (Editor) (Note based on texts by M.-I. Rigaud and V. Shin)
    Runny nose experience

    You may not know the second circumstance, but meanwhile it is very important. The true role of the nose. Well, what is a runny nose without a nose? It is he who becomes clogged with mucus, because of him breathing becomes difficult and dullness occurs in the head; it is he who - being inflamed - responds to the slightest breath. Why be surprised that it is he who is "treated" - trying to save you from a runny nose - specialists in ENT diseases.

    How does the layman (and any local doctor) imagine the occurrence of a runny nose?

    It was supercooled (chilled), it blew - and flowed.

    And why did the cold and wind act in this way? Why - on the nose? And what is this mucus coming out of it? Where did she come from? After all, before that there was not even a hint that it was accumulating somewhere in the body ...

    As you can see, it’s worth a little digging and thinking about the phenomena that we are so used to that we stopped noticing them, and a tangle of problems appears that we have always lived with, and none of which, it turns out, we really understand.

    Nose. We are accustomed to perceive it as an independent body. But if you treat him separately, focusing only on him, there will be no sense. Will not work. Because the nose is part of the system. Put the system in order - and the nose will improve.

    So it is impossible to get rid of the toxic emissions of a car if you only deal with the exhaust pipe. Another thing is if you fix the carburetor (preferably the entire engine) and use high-quality fuel.

    “We understand,” you say, “everything is linked in a person, and if you put things in order in the whole body (and ideally in the soul), then the nose will work properly. any problems in the nose will disappear."

    If you figured this out on your own, congratulations. The philosophy of health becomes part of your worldview. Its fruits are still far away, but its seeds - now it is certain - have fallen into fertile soil. Let its weak sprouts not yet inspire you to action, but they already control your consciousness. The first step has been taken. A little will (before actions become free - in order for actions to become free, that is, natural - you need to overcome the inertia of your former life) - and then "it will go by itself."

    However, that's not what I meant.

    Not the whole person (sometimes it takes years to raise it to the norm), but the local system, of which the nose is a part.

    A runny nose is not only unpleasant - it is also dangerous, launching new chains of diseases into the body, which you will definitely learn about in the corresponding chapter from Rigo. (6) So, in order not to start this chain reaction (each subsequent stage of which leaves behind a chronic illness), the runny nose should be stopped as soon as possible. And for this - first of all - you need to find its source. In other words, to identify the system that generates a runny nose.

    So, the root of any problems in the nose - everyone! - known to you and not known - is in the lungs.

    Therefore, the nose is part of the lung system.

    It would be nice if you remember this forever.

    As the eyes are the mirror of the liver, as the heart opens through the tongue, the mouth reveals the state of the spleen, the ears voice the situation in the kidneys, so the nose is the gate of the lungs.

    In ancient Chinese treatises, it is stated that correct breathing is done only through the nose. Only. Lungs-nose is an inseparable system.

    The sense of smell worsened, snot flowed, the sinuses became inflamed, the nasal passages clogged with plugs, polyps grew

    (and in all these cases the head has become heavy, and the most trifling problems are given with difficulty, and there is no need to talk about a serious choice - it is simply impossible), -

    A competent doctor first of all looks: what about the lungs?

    As a matter of fact, I could stop there. After all, it is not necessary to convince anyone of the seriousness of the problem, the root of which is the lungs. This fact alone overturns our condescending attitude towards the common cold, and that superficial, limited science that interprets the common cold as a slight malaise. While we thought that a runny nose was a small malfunction in the ship's navigation system, our neglect is somehow understandable; but now it turned out that he also testifies to a leak in the bottom. What is there: a nonsense gap that will not prevent you from swimming to the nearest dock, or a hole that needs to be repaired immediately, otherwise the ship will sink?

    I imagine the reader's disbelief: death due to a cold? You're on to something, doctor. Scare, scare, but know the measure.

    Well, of course - a runny nose can not lead to death. But that disease that has penetrated the lungs and more and more confidently breaks their work (and a runny nose betrays not only the presence, but also the reasons), - now it may well drown your life. Usually - not immediately; first break a few more toys (related to light systems). But if lung disease unwinds against the background of the rapid development of energy deficiency, then there is no need to wait until all systems fall apart. Death can come swiftly from damage to the lungs alone. (7) For example, from their swelling; a little longer - from bilateral croupous inflammation. The same picture is with transient consumption, with which medicine seems to have learned to cope several decades ago, and now again does not know what to do with it.

    Let's identify the phenomenon that results in a runny nose.

    Let's look at the root; This means that we will look for the answer not in the nose, but in the lungs.

    Where does the disease we are interested in come from?

    We choose the answer from two options:

    1) it originates in the lungs themselves;

    2) it comes from the outside - as the next stage of a developing disease.

    The first is excluded immediately. Our energy system is organized in such a way that the lungs (their system) - extremely important for energy distribution and life support - are covered quite reliably. To hit the lungs directly, the disease must overcome - conquering - the three great energy systems: tai-yang, yang-ming and shao-yang.(8) Only then can the blow reach the lungs. This is the fourth stage of the conquest of the body by the disease. (9) Consequently, there is no question of any direct act ("caught cold - and flowed").

    True, the specialist will notice that the lungs can suffer much earlier: at the time when the disease will torment the second system in order (yang-min). The reason: this system includes the canal of the large intestine, which simultaneously enters the system of the lungs ("everything is connected with everything", but the connection between the large intestine and the lungs is direct, the closest). It is not surprising, therefore, that a blow to the large intestine rebounds to the lungs. However - with such a development of events - things will not go further than functional disorders, lung tissue will not suffer. Still, in this case, they are not beaten, they are only oppressed. Conclusion:

    Even in this - accelerated unwinding - the disease does not originate in the lungs themselves.

    This means that always - in whatever form the lungs suffer - we can be sure: this is not the beginning of the disease, not its first steps. The disease was already here, it was already doing its dirty work. Its next stage just began - and the turn of the lungs came. And only now the doctor, who does not even think about the history of the disease, says with concern: "You have an inflammatory process in your lungs."

    This is already something: we found out that a cold is impossible by itself; that it manifests itself only against the background of a disease-causing process already developing in the body.

    The disease progresses in the body not as it happens. The body lives according to certain laws; its organs and systems are combined and control each other in accordance with a single world order; and no matter how hard she tries, the disease, the mother of chaos, the destroyer of the norm, breaks the established ties and imposes her own in return - this is not given to her. It lives and develops according to the same laws by which health lives and develops. And if so, we have a real opportunity to find out from which systems the disease moved to the lungs. To do this, it is enough to trace their main energy connections.

    Let me remind you: the lungs 1) receive energy from the spleen and 2) transfer (having fulfilled their function - like on a conveyor) to the kidneys;

    At the same time, the lungs 3) control the liver and are themselves 4) controlled by the heart.

    So far, we have an equation with four unknowns:

    Spleen, kidneys, liver and heart.

    If you do not know in what situation the nose suffers in the lungs, let's look for a hint. support. Any fact or phenomenon that has a clear, unambiguous meaning. We must be absolutely sure of this fact, otherwise an error in its interpretation (when solving - expanding - printing out the equation) will give a chain of false judgments, and in the end - an answer that has nothing to do with the truth.

    We have such a fact; it's nasal discharge. Slime. In common parlance - snot.

    Where do they come from?

    We have already asked this question above - and now we have returned to it again. Obviously - for a reason. Something brings us back to it, suggesting that here, if not the answer, then at least a move towards the answer. Therefore, we repeat the question in full: if discharges appeared, it means that they accumulated somewhere, or - for some reason they arose and for some reason now they began to be squeezed out and with the nose. So here it is:

    From what?

    Do you want to know how fundamentally - in fact - the ancient Chinese medicine differs from the modern official one?


    More precisely: attitude to philosophy.

    Modern official medicine does not know philosophy, but since it is impossible without philosophy at all

    (after all, someone must say "no"! after all, someone must set off the "light" of science; finally, humanize it)

    She fills the void with anything. For example, ethics (reducing it to a primitive gradation of "good-bad").

    Previously, I believed that this confusion was unintentional, due to the narrow-mindedness and lack of culture common to physicians. Now I am convinced that this is a deliberate substitution. If instead of the path to truth (the task of philosophy) you are looking for the path to goodness (the task of ethics), then you are not interested in nature - the only subject of any researcher - but in success. The first road is endless; infinitely difficult, but also joyful. The second is the path to a dead end. At the end, a mirror awaits his traveler; and therefore the last impression will be disappointment.(10)

    Fortunately, ancient Chinese medicine is devoid of this organic vice. It began with philosophy - and has remained devoted to it to this day. This medicine without philosophy is unthinkable, like a child without a mother. Each step in it is philosophically justified. Each step is, first of all, a philosophical action, and only then - a proper medical one. A specialist in this medicine perceives the world (patient) differently than the rest, thinks differently, and let his actions seem indistinguishable from those of an ordinary reflexologist - do not flatter yourself. Because - apparently busy with the same thing - they do different things.

    Here are three doctors. All three heal through points. What they wield: needles, lasers, hands - it does not matter, but it does matter where they go. So here it is:

    If an ordinary doctor removes symptoms, a good one defeats a disease in the body, then a specialist in ancient Chinese medicine brings a person back to normal.

    6. Here Vladimir Shin is not entirely accurate. This refers not to the chapter from this volume ("First Aid"), but from the next - "Emergency". - (Editor)
    7. To clarify: since it doesn’t happen that one organ gets sick (especially - it dies), and this would not affect the rest - and Shin himself repeated this many times - obviously, behind the words "death ... from the defeat of only lungs" implies a huge difference in the speed of processes. That is, the growing damage to the lungs is so much ahead of the violations in other organs that they can be ignored - there is no time left for this. - (Editor)
    8. Tai-yang - these are interconnected channels of the small intestine and bladder; yang-ming is a system of channels of the large intestine and stomach; shao-yang - from the channels of the gallbladder and three heaters. As you can see from the names and content, all three systems are Yang. One involuntarily recalls the conviction of Chinese doctors:

    All yang diseases are mild (of course, compared with diseases of the yin systems). Perhaps "lungs" is a mistranslation; perhaps the meaning here is different: they are "earlier". If so, then everything falls into place. -(Editor)
    9. To clarify: we mean not the stages of the development of the disease, which V. Shin reminded you of in the opening note to this text, but the body systems that the disease sequentially takes possession of if it develops "correctly", "according to the law."

    (There is no need to take us at our word. Any disease - always - develops according to the law. But with energy breakdowns, breakthroughs occur, punctures - the sudden appearance of metastases of the disease where they are not supposed to be yet. And these punctures are not chaotic; they also occur in certain places - also according to the rules.") - (Editor)

    10. Isn't it true - in this shocking, scandalous categoricalness one can feel Rigaud's breath? We tried to remove this paragraph, at least soften it (which does not mean that we think differently; we do not think about it at all; we are too far from the kitchen of modern medicine to judge it in any way), but Shin insisted that , as it is. "I think so; this is my text; I am responsible for it," he said. What was left for us? And we followed the example of Pontius Pilate and washed our hands with cold water, which, as you know, not only releases the heart, but also clears the brain. - (Editor)

    Here it is, the long-awaited moment! Finally, Professor Mak-Iov Rigaud appeared in the editorial office, as always, smiling, cheerful and energetic. Can you imagine our joy? Yes, it was limitless. And first of all, we were happy for you, because we know with what impatience you are waiting for the professor's publications. And he, by the way, did not sit idly by - he worked on the creation of a unique book " Do-it-yourself ambulance". And you, dear readers, will be the first to see it on the pages of our magazine. But so that the work of the professor is not in vain, you will have to remember his previous lessons - see publications in the journal for 1989 - 1993, No. 1,3,8 for 1994 and No. 3 for 1995. Well, for those who cannot remember or find the previous publications, Professor Mak-Iov Rigaud kindly provided in a concise form "instruction for action". We will start with her. Be sure to purchase any manual on reflexology, where you will find out the location of all points, this will help you in the treatment according to the method of MacJob Rigaud. So, in subsequent issues you will find publications on the following topics: pain in the chest, heart, abdomen, stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, as well as fainting, sciatica (sciatica), hypertension, hypotension ...

    As you know, any stone that you take up when getting down to business is the cornerstone.

    The study of lechoba * can be started from any point.

    * Lechoba, this term was coined by the translator V. Shin to denote the therapeutic effect on acupuncture points by the method of Professor Rigaud. (Ed.)

    The main thing is to start.

    And yet, it is better to start your studies with points that you will use often. Because there are among them those that you will use only once, and perhaps never.

    Looking through the manuals devoted to reflexology, you will certainly find that each author has "favorite" points; he recommends using them much more often than the rest. Then you will make the following discovery: it turns out that among the "favorite" points there are favorites - "favorite" by all specialists. Why such a clear preference?

    It cannot be said that they are "stronger" - after all, the energy of the impact depends not on the point, but on the healer. It cannot be said that they are "better" - in themselves all points are the same; we load them with our feelings. But there is a sign that allows you to make a fundamental classification. This is the range of free, natural impact of each point. (I emphasize once again: for a master, any point can become a key that allows you to get to any inflammatory process. But, firstly, for this you need to be a master; and secondly - and this is the most important thing - since the master strives to work simply, even - extremely simply (extremely economically), he will always find the only point through which he can influence the painful process most radically. You will not be able to convince him to satisfy your curiosity - "do it from here" - because 1) he respects his art and 2) for him, lechoba is a search for truth, which means that there is only one way; the path that nature suggests, and not someone's whim.)

    According to this principle, they are divided into three groups.

    Some points have a limited range of influence: the nearest tissues; nearest organ, joint, gland, nerve or lymph node; the nearest part of the power system.

    Other points allow you to influence the system (an organ with all its connections).

    Through third points, you can work locally, and with the system, and with the whole body (and soul) at once.

    In other words, if the first points imply sniper shooting at small targets, the second - aimed artillery at large ones, then work at points of general action is artillery firing at an area. With such shooting, you know that most of the shells will miss the target, but you are counting on an unconditional psychological effect and on luck: after all, some part of the shells will still hit the target! ..

    As you already understood, the points of general action are the most "favorite" among specialists who feed on reflexology. The reason for "love" is not the truth, but the usual reinsurance.

    In fact, a doctor can make an erroneous diagnosis, and the more accurate the treatment program drawn up according to this diagnosis, the less likely it is to succeed. An error is even more likely - if the patient makes a diagnosis on his own. He may misunderstand his condition, the source (cause) of pain symptoms - and then the impact on the points will not bring him the expected relief. Naturally, he will be disappointed in the method, in the doctor, will lose self-confidence. All in all, a very undesirable turn of events. That is why - in order to avoid the slightest risk - specialists prefer to base the recipe on points of general action. True, at the same time, it is hardly worth waiting for the body to respond quickly and willingly (all the more so - it is hardly worth counting on a radical change in the situation), but some improvement is still guaranteed.

    We will act differently.

    Practice will be our teacher.

    Practice does not care what category the points belong to. It is important for her that the principle is fulfilled: maximum success for the minimum price.

    With practice, you will learn the points better and remember them more reliably than if you learn them "at all".

    There is nothing more meaningless than knowledge "in general".

    If you transfer knowledge from somewhere into yourself, it will remain a foreign body for you. You will use only one of its functions, not suspecting that there are many others. It will be a bridge for you, but one that you need to walk on, carefully looking at your feet; it will be an instrument, but this instrument will remain a foreign body for you, and in years to come it will not become dear to you, it will remain, as it were, by itself - obstinate and self-willed.

    Knowledge is only true when it is part of you.

    One with you. Inseparable.

    It grows in you out of labor like a muscle, like a blood vessel, like an energy channel. When it is no longer needed, it becomes imperceptible, it seems that it is not there at all, but as soon as it is needed, the vessel opens, the channel allows you to cope with an extreme situation, conducting energy and information, the muscle literally grows stronger before your eyes, pouring out the strength you need.

    This means that knowledge must be a tool that you have created yourself, with your smart work; tool that was sculpted by this particular work.

    I repeat: knowledge should not be learned, not memorized, but acquired by you, on your own; obtained in the process of comprehending and mastering the material (in our case, the soul and body).

    Knowledge should be an integral part of you, part of your soul. True knowledge is not remembered when it is needed, it is simply used as a spoon is used. After all, taking a spoon in your hands, you do not think every time how to take it correctly and how to bring it to your mouth. *

    *This example does not seem good to me. Using a spoon implies automatism, and in lechoba - as you remember - automatism is not allowed. Lechoba - conscious work; work with guiding feedback. (V. Shin)


    So it is with medicine.

    Reading about it will not make you a craftsman,

    A one-time experience (you gave someone an ambulance) - even a very successful experience - will not teach you anything yet.

    Study will begin only when - already in a calm environment, without the psychological oppression of a mandatory positive result - you repeat your actions. on the same patient. This can be done in an hour or two, you can - the next day. The main thing is to repeat the actions that have already brought you success. Repeat them without fuss. Without fear ("what if it doesn't work out ..."). Paying maximum attention to the process, to your feelings.

    Subsequently, this is the only way you will heal.


    The first step - the most difficult one - is done; now do not lose precious inertia - and immediately take the second step: work on the same points - but already on yourself. What for? You must develop the habit of communicating with the dots. At least five minutes a day. What time? Yes, anytime! Fatigue is not a hindrance; for a minute or two you should be enough. By the way, this will allow you to make sure from your own experience that even a short-term treatment makes the load of fatigue much less.

    Just as a smoker takes out a cigarette not because he is dying of desire to smoke, but in order to make or fill a pause, so you fill your pause (you are waiting for the bus - but there is still no one) by communicating with dots. It seems to be completely empty! - but if this communication was of high quality (otherwise there is no need to take it), you will get a real increase in health and a wonderful feeling that the day has not been spent in vain.

    The latter is especially important for those who suffer from inferiority complexes. Their constant pain: life passes meaninglessly, life flows out like water between fingers, leaving nothing in return. So here it is! - high-quality work with dots (I repeat: otherwise you should not take it) will save you from this feeling. Because during treatment, the soul works with full load. Moreover, these are not the usual "feelings" and "experiences" that we are not even aware of as the work of the soul. Not! - this is the real work of the soul, after which it is really strengthened, and its territory is added.

    (“Experiences” are typical self-criticism. They not only suck out the life force of the soul, but also accustom it to primitive reactions. In the philistine jargon, they make it insensitive to someone else’s pain. By this I don’t want to say at all that I consider it right when “feels someone else pain as one's own". If a person is normal, for him any pain - both his own and someone else's - is just information about adverse circumstances. And in response to them, he does not "worry", but acts - overcoming these circumstances. here is the soul of a person burdened with complexes, in assessing information about someone else's pain, makes compromises and forgeries. This is not surprising: after all, its territory is so small that it has no common territory with other souls. It has nothing to act on, and, in fact, there is no need therefore, she chooses the simplest behavior: to put on a performance, for herself, or both for herself and for others.)


    So, now the second stage is over: 1) you found the points on your body that you met during a successful first aid session, 2) and worked on them so many times and until they lost pain sensitivity. Nothing that you did not have an urgent need for this; Preventive medicine never hurts.

    What will be the third step?

    Test yourself on your friends. And persuade not just to "touch", "try"; no, persuade them to let them work until the result is revealed (if not in improving the well-being of the client, then at least in reducing the pain under your fingers).

    Even such a seemingly small thing: 1) find an already familiar point on a new body for you, 2) fix it and 3) remember the sensations under your finger - in fact, it is extremely important. Because the foundation of your knowledge is made up of just such small stones. The first stones promise nothing but a hint of support; after a dozen, uncertainty disappears;

    True, true confidence (is it necessary? - let's do it!) Is still far away, but it will come! - as a result of your consistent, purposeful efforts. And then - no matter how much time passes - a year or ten years - if you again need to help someone with sciatica, fever, renal colic, heart or toothache, you will not be at a loss, you will not look for this book or fussily remember: "And at what points should I work in this case?" Not! You will calmly get in touch with the right points (as if you were working on them only yesterday) - and you will do your job well.

    You don't learn to swim twice. Even cycling is learned only once. If you once swam or rode a bicycle, then let this skill be needed later only after many, many years - in a minute you will be swimming and riding the way you once swam and rode.


    A very important note: even when performing a treatment on other people, you are looking for the truth (freedom) in yourself. You are looking for such a state of yourself in which the thought of the upcoming meeting with the point will not cause tension in you. For you, it should be as relaxed as a business meeting with an old acquaintance: everything is known in advance, no moral problems; except that I would like - in addition to the result - also to get pleasure. *

    *In the German translation, this passage received a lengthy commentary. Is pleasure a sign of freedom or just a ghost of it? Typical German mind game. I see no point in such exercises, and if I read them, it is only out of necessity. I recently had occasion to ask Rigaud himself about this comment. "Don't you know the Germans?" the professor dismissed with annoyance. "They have an amazing ability to vulgarize everything they touch." (V. Shin)

    (The ending)

    Not a day without a dot! - why not a motto? But once again I emphasize: I do not mean at all a new point for you. Even if you already know it, even if you have experienced it more than once in action - it does not matter. A great pianist does not give a concert every day, but he will definitely - every day - spend some time near the piano. Is he afraid to forget which key, which gives rise to sound? Or is he afraid of losing the lightness in his fingers? Finally, is he afraid of getting entangled in the work that he is to play in a concert in a week? No, no and NO. He is afraid of only one thing: to lose freedom. His music is only then bewitching, magical, captivating - when it is a part of his soul. When there is nothing between his soul and music: there is no piano, no notes, no playing technique. No effort, no sweat. There is only a babbling (jubilant, sobbing, longing, suffering) soul. That is why every day he must spend some time at the piano. He must make sure: "I am free!"

    Isn't it a good lesson? And a great place to end this chapter. So the rule of the old masters will sink into your soul more firmly:

    not a day without a dot.

    What is the most important thing in a medical treatment?

    Point knowledge? No. To know them is not great wisdom. They are in any manual on reflexology, and there you will find out both the location of the point and the list of situations in which it is recommended to use it.

    Maybe a diagnosis? But the correct diagnosis is always important, therefore, arguing that it is in the treatment of its significance exclusively, I am unlikely to find understanding in you.

    Then the recipe? In our case - such a point or a combination of points that will relieve pain, provide urgent assistance to the patient? But no matter what medicine you turn to (official, homeopathy, herbalists), you will be told that there is no single recipe. The doctor always chooses, and the better the doctor, the more - and harder - his choice.*

    * The conclusion suggests itself that a weak specialist has only one plug for any hole. Please note: this is again an illustration on the theme of universal medicines and favorite points. Since ancient times, the unresolved problem of the panacea. Another aspect of the topic is psychological. Why does a master manage with a minimum of points, often one or two, while a weak specialist tries to use as many points as possible? It's not that the master's points are the closest to the truth (although we have the right to count on it). He's just confident. (V. Shin)

    In reflexology, the prescription is just as important as in any other medicine, but since the exact opposite options are possible (and everything will be correct), it is hardly worth attaching exceptional importance to some combinations of points. Then what is the most important thing in lechoba?

    I answer: correct work (work exactly according to the rules). The work is quality.

    Again, quality is always more important than quantity.

    If you work with at least one point correctly, it will be more useful than if you "suppress" or "rub" a hundred points. When treating - do not forget for a minute that the function of the points is 1) energy and 2) informational. That lechoba is an energy and information exchange.

    What is a good treatment?

    The fact that if you strictly follow its technology (follow the rules), the process goes on as if by itself, and only attention (quality) is required from you to maintain it.

    Your tool is your fingers.

    The pads of your fingers.

    It is through them that you will produce energy and information exchange.

    You have to learn how to use this instrument!

    Even hammering a 5-inch nail well is no easy task; and to perform it professionally - with a flurry, with one blow - skill is required. What then to talk about such a subtle, unsteady, elusive thing as information and energy exchange through the fingertips?

    But it should occur naturally - that means, without tension, freely. Like breathing.

    The master does not notice the tool.

    A piano for a pianist is not a complex structure, but an extension of the hands, allowing the pianist to fill the musical ciphergram with the energy of his soul.

    The ax for the carpenter is not a heavy, clumsy and treacherous tool, but an extension of the hand that allows you to bring out the essence of the tree. Fingers for a healer practicing lechoba are not only a connecting channel; First of all, it is a tool that allows you to identify the essence of the processes occurring in the patient's body.

    What an incredibly difficult task! And it is solved extremely simply: it is enough to follow the rules of treatment. The rest will happen on its own.

    Probably, some of you will be embarrassed that, no matter how hard they try, they don’t feel anything “special” (energy current!) under their fingers. No problem! Everything will come in due time. The function creates the organ: each treatment session will train the sensitivity of your fingers; imperceptibly for you, they will become more and more sensitive tool - until one day you forget about them. Because your lechoba will acquire a new quality. Until now, you have been performing a precise technological action with your fingers - and nothing more; now you will feel that you are working with energy. Either only with your energy, if you help yourself, or - if you help another - both with your own energy and with the energy of the patient. At first, these energies will be perceived by you separately. But then you will understand that in the process of work, both energies merge into one, and therefore you get what you are striving for.

    Remember three rules. They describe the technology of treatment. Perform them accurately - this is enough for the lechoba to complete a favorable result.

    1. The disease leaves with pain

    (it does not mean spontaneous pain, which is the voice of the disease, but the pain that arises from your impact on certain points of the body).

    2. Energy directs attention (the doctor should be focused on the tactile sensation under the working finger).

    3. Lechoba is organized by movement (the impact on a point is made by a rotational movement; a spinning top that stands still and at the same time rotates is an ideal image of this movement).

    How to implement them practically? In other words, how is lechoba produced? The first action: with a fingertip, you probe the place where the point should be - looking for a painful area. It may turn out to be large (sq. cm. and more) - of course, this is not the point. The diameter of the point is 1-2 mm, the rest is inflamed tissue. But for success, you need exactly a point, so you should try to find a place in the painful area where the pain is most acute. Spot. In doing so, you must remember two things:

    1. Don't be atrocious. Pain under the influence of a finger should be tolerable, and ideally even pleasant (pain is good, pain is liberation).

    2. If you did not immediately manage to fix exactly the point - do not be upset. Delicately work the entire painful area. Do not rush, do everything qualitatively, and then after a minute or two the background pain will begin to go away and the dot will appear clearly.

    It is this pain that will become for you 1) a beacon and 2) information about how great the inflammatory process is and how intensively you take it away.

    Action two: after you have found a point, try to figure out what exactly you feel under your finger. There may be a thickening or even hardening, as small as a grain of millet; there may be the thinnest vein or, as it were, a notch on the bone. Lots of options. But something, some kind of materialized anomaly must exist. How do you know that this is not the norm, that this is precisely an anomaly? Trust your feeling. Intuition will tell you: it is here that something is wrong. Knowledge of anatomy is not required at all. It is important that now you have a support. And to a large extent, your success will depend on how long you manage to hold on to this support. Sometimes one minute is enough, sometimes twenty is not enough. Your task: to focus on the feeling, on the feeling of this support. It is this feeling that creates the channel through which the energy exchange takes place (in addition to your will).

    Action three: only now you act on the point with the rotational movement of your finger. I emphasize: do not press, do not rub. The finger stands in one place - on the energy point - and makes rotational movements, like a top. I draw your attention: the rotation is counterclockwise. It's like you're unscrewing a screw. By this you direct the energy jet, and give it the most economical form.

    (Those cases where clockwise rotation is required are specified in the text.)

    Last three wishes.

    1. Before treatment, it would be good to lightly rub your fingers against each other or against your palm. It's like a morning wash. The goal is to wake up the sensitivity of the fingers, cause a surge of energy to their receptors. By the way, at the same time, ballast random information is removed from the fingertips. Sometimes it happens that the fingers do not want to feel anything, they are, as it were, blunt. The reason for this is their clogging with ballast information. Do not regret this procedure for a few seconds - until you feel that your fingers come to life. But there is no need to get carried away with it, you should not do it for more than a minute, because even such a small amount requires energy costs, and the energy will still be useful to you for treatment.

    2. In order for the treatment to have more chances, it would be good - in addition to the energy of your body - to use the energy of your soul. For this - in addition to the obligatory desire to help, which we spoke about before - a directed, purposeful effort of your soul is required. You must collect yourself internally, focusing yourself somewhere in the navel, and imagine that from there the flow of your energy goes into your hand and through it into the patient. And it will be absolutely wonderful if you strengthen this flow with mental suggestion. For example, when relieving pain, you can mentally inspire: "Go away, pain, go away! Go away! .." Words can be any. The main thing in this business is simplicity and great desire.

    (I must warn you: this is a very serious effort; when it is performed by dilettantes and amateurs, it usually does not last long, for a maximum of one or two minutes. But do not be upset by this. Even a few seconds of such suggestion can bring tangible results.)

    3. At the end of the treatment, it is desirable that the healer hold his hands in the flowing water. By doing this, he washes away information about the disease from his hands. Better - cold, even sharply cold water, because it stops the residual, inertial outflow of energy and creates a potential difference that contributes to your recharging. The procedure is not superfluous at all: after all, the malicious information remaining on the hands a) can enter the body of the healer and cause trouble there *

    * This happens quite often: the healer begins to experience the same pains and ailments as the patient. This shouldn't bother you. This happens to those who take up lechoba without having a sufficient energy base for this. First clean up yourself - and only then help others! If you are in order - you can not be afraid of information transfer: your energy shield will reliably cover you from any information rubbish. (By the way - and from the evil eye; after all, the evil eye is a typical case of information transfer.) (V. Shin)

    or b) switch to another patient, if the healer after the first patient immediately took up the second. The lack of flowing water is not a problem; with the same effect, you can hold your hands in a standing position, only a) it would be nice to make such movements as if you were erasing something from your hands (self-hypnosis will not hurt here either), and b) devote more time to this. A minute will be just right.

    Once again, I remind you that the lechoba, which you are studying according to this method, does not pretend to be anything other than an ambulance. So she can help you out before you get to the doctor. Work on the points correctly until the pain subsides. And if you work very well, then the disease will also recede. But get rid of it, squeeze it out of the body - do not flatter yourself! Healing is a long, painstaking and multifaceted work. You can't do it with just one point. To be cured, to become completely healthy, you need to change your lifestyle and thinking, eat right, actively fortify, and so on. And then lechoba (working with living energy through points) will carry you to health as if on wings.

    One more remark: for sure, in different manuals on reflexology you will meet different recommendations on the same occasion. Some of them will coincide with mine completely or partially, others seem to have nothing in common. Don't let that bother you. Each specialist sees the problem in his own way, which means that he has his own keys to it. This does not mean that one person is right and the other is wrong. Each of us is individual, and the impact on him requires an individual. So far, until you knew the cures, some of you relieved pain with analgin, others with citramone, and others with salicylic - which helped someone better. So it is with medicine. You will start with standard sets, then - choosing the closest to your soul - gradually individualize your program. You will be taught this by the body to which you apply lechoba. Please don't argue with him! The body always knows best what it needs. The body is always right.

    And the last. The numbers after the names of the points mean: the first (Roman) - the channel number, the second (Arabic) - the ordinal number of the point on the channel.

    Interdepartmental cooperation: ways of interaction


    The mansion at 14 Sovetsky Prospekt is well known to Vologda residents. On September 1, 1970, a regional children's library was opened in this house, an architectural monument of the 19th century. For more than 35 years, the library has been welcoming readers of all ages, trying to satisfy their diverse interests and tastes. Toddlers come here with their parents to choose a book and enjoy an evening of reading aloud. Adolescents are in a hurry in search of the necessary literature on a variety of topics. Often you can meet entire delegations from schools and kindergartens - these are participants in events held in the library. We are not bypassed by adults involved in the training and education of the younger generation.

    The modern children's library is an open world focused on the living and changing needs of the child. Thanks to new technologies, the information capabilities of the library are increasing, interaction with various organizations and departments is being strengthened. Libraries are creating new structures, specializing and expanding the needs of readers.

    The Vologda Regional Children's Library (VODB) is characterized by two directions: social partnership and active project activity. The interaction of the library with state and public organizations makes it possible to equally successfully solve traditional issues of professional activity and actively work on the implementation of innovative projects.

    In 2007, a new division was created in the library - the Department library innovation. Search, creativity, forward movement are the principles of his activity. We look for and find non-traditional forms of work, study, generalize and implement best practices in practice.

    Department of Library Innovations:

    Studies and analyzes the experience of innovative activities of libraries in the country, region, creates programs for the introduction of innovations in the activities of the WODB;

    Provides organizational and methodological support for the program and design activities of the library;

    Organizes library-wide public events;

    It cooperates with various institutions and organizations dealing with the problems of children and adolescents.

    One of the activities of the department is building partnerships with government agencies, social services, educational institutions of the city and region, as well as with various institutions and organizations dealing with childhood problems.

    Our partners have already become:

    Commissioner for Children's Rights and Service for Children's Rights of the Government of the Vologda Oblast.

    Vologda branch of the Russian Children's Fund.

    LLC "Business-Soft" is a regional representative of the computer reference legal systems "ConsultantPlus".

    Department of Education of the Vologda Oblast.

    Vologda Institute for the Development of Education.

    Institutions of general and additional education (preschool institutions and schools of the city, city center for civic education, SEI "Center for additional education of children", the Palace of creativity for children and youth and its structural divisions).

    Centers for social assistance and social rehabilitation (Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors "Phoenix").

    Medical and preventive institutions (Vologda Regional Center for Medical Prevention, Department of Medical Prevention of Polyclinic No. 1 in Vologda, Vologda Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Children and Adolescent Service of the Vologda Regional Narcological Dispensary).

    Penitentiary institutions (Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Vologda Region, Vologda Educational Colony of the Penal Institution of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Vologda Region).


    Getting into difficult life situations, the child is often left alone with his problems and is forced to take care of his rights himself. Sometimes, unfortunately, choosing the wrong and not quite legal path. In our region - in one of the first - a position was introduced commissioner for children's rights. And in September 2004, under the government of the Vologda Oblast, a Children's Rights Service.

    Service Tasks:

    Control over observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children living in the region;

    Work to restore the violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.

    It should be noted that services for the rights of the child are not available in all regions of Russia. The Children's Rights Service of the Government of the Vologda Oblast works with the governor and his deputies, and therefore has administrative leverage to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.

    Commissioner for Children's Rights Valentina Aleksandrovna Golovkina is a frequent visitor to the library. She assists the library with books and methodological materials on legal topics, takes part in events aimed at developing a respectful attitude towards the law among children and adolescents.

    In 2004, the library began business cooperation with the regional representative of the ConsultantPlus company, Business Soft LLC, within the framework of the non-commercial project “Information Support Program for Russian Libraries”, thanks to which the databases of the family of reference legal systems (RLS) are installed and updated weekly in the library. Consultant Plus". The company provides preferential access to its information resources, trains library staff to work with legal reference systems, provides the library with the necessary educational and methodological literature on the systems of the ConsultantPlus family.

    Our visitors can independently work with electronic databases (three computer places for users - in the department of documentary and information support for education). If it is difficult for them to navigate on their own, then they receive the necessary information with the help of a consultant (one computer place in the methodological department, one in the information room, one in the department of children's reading leaders). We provide information not only to children, but also to parents, teachers, educators, students, as well as to all interested parties.

    Practice shows that the guys use not only traditional printed publications: they easily and with pleasure turn to electronic sources.

    A very large number of requests fall on the thematic selection of official information. Requests are very diverse - from tasks solved by human rights organizations to benefits provided to children with disabilities.

    Library staff have developed and are holding events for readers using the ConsultantPlus SPS. During these events, working with documents, students of the city's schools gain knowledge about the basics of the legal system of the Russian Federation, the state and economic structure of the country, and international human rights law. All this information is useful for schoolchildren in cognitive terms, as it contains many definitions and concepts relating to various aspects of the life of the state and society.

    In September 2006, the library took part in I Regional competition "For the best use of reference legal systems "ConsultantPlus"" organized by the regional representative of "ConsultantPlus" LLC "Business-Soft". The competition was held in absentia, assessments were made according to the following criteria:

    Presentation by the participants of photo and video materials of the design of special jobs;

    Carrying out activities using the ATP "ConsultantPlus", seminars to train readers to work with the ATP "ConsultantPlus";

    Knowledge by specialists of the library of ATP "ConsultantPlus";

    The number of requests for legal information made with the help of the "ConsultantPlus" SPS.

    26 regional libraries participated in the competition. The regional children's library took the second place in this competition.

    Since 2007, our library, together with the Department of Education of the Vologda Oblast and Business-Soft LLC, has been conducting Regional legal competition for schoolchildren.

    The purpose of the competition is to increase the level of legal culture of the individual.

    Promoting the legal education of students.

    Promoting understanding of the importance of law and legal knowledge in the life of society.

    Development of independent thinking of children, their skills of working with information.

    Formation of skills in the use of ATP "ConsultantPlus".

    The regional legal competition is held annually in three stages:

    District correspondence;

    Intermediate - training the winners of the district stage to work with the ATP "ConsultantPlus" and performing practical tasks using the system (conducted on the basis of district libraries and / or educational institutions);

    Regional (final).

    To participate in the first, correspondence stage of the competition, it is necessary to send written answers to two questions to the organizing committee: practical and theoretical.

    In 2008, in order to draw the attention of high school students to events in the political life of our region and country, the theoretical question was formulated as follows: “Do you think participation in elections is a right or a duty? Justify your answer." The practical issue required the ability to draw up a legally correct receipt. The works of the contest participants showed the importance of legal knowledge in the life of modern society. 200 works from 17 districts of the region were sent to the organizing committee.

    Based on the materials of the Regional Legal Competition, the library published a collection of creative works by students of grades 10–11 of the Vologda Oblast schools “Elections through the Eyes of Future Voters”. The solemn ceremony of summing up the competition took place in May in the Legislative Assembly of the region.

    We believe that the library, in cooperation with the regional representative of the SPS "ConsultantPlus", actively uses the information resources it has.


    A cooperation agreement was signed between the WODB and Vologda Institute for the Development of Education. Within the framework of the agreement, the following goals and objectives of joint activities are defined:

    Attracting the attention of the public and government agencies to the support and development of reading for children and adolescents, parents, teachers, librarians;

    Revival of the value of reading, increased interest in books and literature, development of children's literary creativity;

    Creation of a system of informing the population on issues of children's and family reading, selection and application of the most effective forms and methods of work, exchange of accumulated experience;

    Participation in advanced training of school and children's librarians in the field of:

    Modern technologies to support and promote children's reading,

    Literary local history,

    Aesthetic, patriotic, legal education, etc.;

    Exchange of experience between librarians at the regional and all-Russian level.

    The library continues to cooperate with institutions of general and additional education. We provide methodological and organizational assistance to teachers in holding major city events of various kinds. Throughout the year, library staff conduct a cycle of events for various library programs.

    Since February 2008, WODB started to conduct for Vologda schools action "Day of the regional children's library at school".

    Action objectives:

    Demonstrate the possibilities and information resources of the library;

    To intensify cooperation and unite the efforts of schools and libraries in the upbringing, education and cultural development of young citizens.

    On this day, library staff, arriving at the school, introduce teachers to book novelties on teaching methods and extracurricular activities, as well as to the methodological materials of the WODB. Literary games, library lessons, music lessons, reviews of periodicals are offered for students of all ages. The new form of work turned out to be interesting, relevant and in demand: new readers appeared in the library, attendance increased. We are confident that holding such events in the city's schools will become a good tradition for WOCS.


    The children's library cooperates with social service institutions for families, women and children: Territorial center for social assistance to families and children and social rehabilitation center for minors "Phoenix".

    One of the activities Territorial Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children is work with children on health-improving, rehabilitation, preventive, corrective programs. For the day-care rehabilitation group "Chance", for teenagers who find themselves in a difficult life situation, the library specialists have developed a series of events on legal topics "In the Name of the Law". Here are the main topics of conversation:

    1. Misdemeanor. Offense. A crime.

    2. Criminal liability of minors.

    3. Stop at the criminal line!

    In these classes, the guys get acquainted with their basic rights and obligations, find answers to relevant questions (What is a right? What rights exist? Where are they recorded?); show their knowledge in the field of the rights and freedoms of the child; discuss situations related to the violation of these rights. We try to help the child not be left alone with their problems, together with them we are looking for answers to the most important questions, we are trying to teach them to distinguish good from evil. A serious and confidential conversation with a teenager about his rights and obligations within the walls of the library helps to form the right life guidelines.

    Social rehabilitation center for minors "Phoenix" is another institution where children are not only provided with medical and psychological and pedagogical assistance: here they can also live and eat around the clock. His students are frequent visitors to the library. The children take an active part in all the competitions that she holds. Working with the social rehabilitation center "Phoenix", we were convinced that there are no difficult children. There are children with “free”, unrealized energy, which is important to direct in the right direction. All activities carried out for the children of this center contribute to the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate, a friendly style of relationships - everything that helps in the formation of the right position in life.

    The library also has experience of cooperation with special educational institutions for minors of a closed type. This is, first of all, Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders (TSVNP). There are children from 8 to 14 years old. It is at this age that the formation of character and the formation of personality takes place. And on how this period develops in a person’s life, his future largely depends. Therefore, when working with this institution, we see our task in creating conditions for the “entry into life” of children with behavioral disorders.

    The library provides professional assistance to the TsVSNP, using many library and information forms and methods inherent in it. The puppet shows prepared by the library staff seem especially fascinating to the children. For example, "Lord of Dust" - on the ecology of the home, held for World Health Day, and "The Book - the Eighth Wonder of the World" - for Children's Book Week. Juvenile delinquents are very worried about the puppet characters, lively answer the questions of the quiz. At first, such a reaction to the performances was unexpected for us. We are very pleased that we did not make a mistake by choosing this form of work. Children of this category are deprived of the warmth and attention of adults, so at such events they are grateful listeners and interlocutors.


    For many years, WODB has been working with medical and preventive institutions of the region and the city in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Acting in this direction, we managed to establish contact with the children's and adolescent service of the Vologda Regional Narcological Dispensary and continue cooperation with Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Regional Center for Medical Prevention. Specialists of the prevention departments of these institutions have prepared thematic booklets that we use in our work. They contain information on HIV/AIDS, drug addiction, hepatitis, STIs 1 intended for teenagers, their parents and teachers.

    Every year on June 1, International Children's Day, the library holds campaign for International Children's Day and asphalt painting competition.

    In recent years, on this day in the children's park opposite our library, employees of the Regional Center for Medical Prevention for Adults and Children open: a tent is set up, equipped with medical equipment, where everyone can measure their height, weight, blood pressure and get individual advice. Children's librarians organize and conduct outdoor games, contests, quizzes for the participants of the action, check the children's knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle and human hygiene. All those who attended the event are offered booklets and memos prepared by the library together with doctors, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

    Every year, together with the Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and the Department of Medical Prevention of the Polyclinic No. 1 in Vologda, on the eve of the International Day against Drug Addiction and the Spread of Drugs, a competition of children's posters promoting a healthy lifestyle, "I choose life!", is held. The competition is attended by children attending summer city and school camps, social and rehabilitation institutions.

    Since 2006, the library began cooperation with Children and Adolescent Service of the Vologda Regional Narcological Dispensary. In a very interesting and exciting way, joint events are held in the library - trainings on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills.

    “My health” is the name of a group lesson for schoolchildren of the city. The main goal of the event is the prevention of drug addiction, substance abuse, and smoking. Teenagers are invited to come up with advertisements for a healthy lifestyle. The guys themselves prepare advertising posters "Healthy Eating", "Healthy Family", "Healthy Rest", "Health and Sports". After completing the task, teenagers present their creative projects. The event ends with an advertising campaign in favor of health and an active, fulfilling life. Training also contributes to the development of the ability to defend one's position in life, teaches to overcome difficulties.

    As part of the regional campaign "Quit smoking and win!" and the library program "Lifestyle - Health!" In February 2008, the WOCS and the Vologda Regional Center for Medical Prevention announced a regional competition of children's creative works "The new generation chooses a healthy lifestyle!".

    By organizing this competition, we set ourselves the following tasks:

    Promoting a healthy lifestyle;

    Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances;

    Development of creative abilities in children and adolescents.

    The competition was held in two categories:

    "My family is for a healthy lifestyle" - a competition of drawings and posters.

    "Youth Against Tobacco" - a slogan contest (a slogan is a short slogan expressing some kind of judgment; a concise, clear and easily perceived formulation of an advertising idea).

    More than 200 works were submitted for the competition in the nomination “My family is for a healthy lifestyle”. These are drawings and posters made in a variety of techniques (pencil, gouache, watercolor, pastel).

    I was pleased that children of all ages (from first graders to graduates) from 13 districts of the region and the city of Vologda took part in the competition. It was not easy to determine the winner: all the children tried very hard and tried to show the importance and necessity of observing the laws of a healthy lifestyle.

    After reviewing and discussing the submitted works, the competition committee, which included representatives of the Vologda Regional Center for Medical Prevention and the Vologda Regional Center for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases, determined the winners in three age categories.

    Since 2008, within the framework of the library program "Lifestyle - Health!" library specialists, together with medical psychologists, conduct field seminars "Health as a personal resource" for heads and employees of children's libraries of the region, workers of social and medical services. The participants of the seminars get acquainted with the review of the literature on the topic "Healthy lifestyle", discuss the impact of nutrition and physical activity on human health, get acquainted with the risk factors for the development of non-communicable diseases. (For more on this work, see The Librarian and Children's Health, published in the same issue. – Note. ed.)

    We are sure that such preventive work should be carried out only in close cooperation with specialists, strictly observing the principle “Do no harm!”. Only in this way, by reflecting on serious and non-childish problems, children will be able to learn to appreciate and love life.

    In addition to the partners already mentioned in this article, among the friends of the library are a number of bookselling organizations that act as sponsors of children's creative competitions.

    Thus, the library, working in cooperation with various organizations and departments, increases its educational and informational capabilities.

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    1 Sexually transmitted infections.