Russian language through the eyes of foreigners. How do they actually perceive Russian speech

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Every day more and more people on the planet decide to master the “great and mighty”. Everyone has different reasons: some want to know the meaning of the popular word “grandmother”, others dream of a grandiose trip around Russia and personal communication with local residents, and others will be captivated by culture, and the language becomes one of the keys to understanding the mysterious Russian soul. Having gone through all the horrors of learning the alphabet and cases, foreigners shared their experiences and impressions, and we have collected all the most interesting in one article.


  • A nightmare for a foreigner is to make a sentence with the word "go". One has only to imagine a lot of variants of declensions and cognate words, as you immediately want to stay at home and not go anywhere.
  • The most common question among people who have begun to learn Russian is how to find out which subject is lying and which is standing? And to prove that it is impossible to understand this rule, they give a well-known example: there is a glass on the table and a fork lies. You can stick a fork into the table and then it will stand. Conclusion: there are vertical objects, and horizontal ones lie. But the plate and pan are on the table. But if you put a plate in a pan, then it will lie. Nothing is clear with dishes, but what about animals? If a cat climbs on the table, then she will sit on her ass, but the bird will sit, despite the fact that she is standing on her feet. In Russian, a bird will stand on the table only if you make a stuffed animal out of it. It turns out that only animals can sit? No, for example, the boot has no priests and it is not alive, but it still sits on the leg.
  • What surprised me most in Russian was that you need to say forty, not fourty.

strange letters

  • I saw a solid sign when I studied the alphabet, and then I didn’t see it in words for about a year and I forgot about it. And when the professor saw how confused I was when I discovered this letter, he said: “When studying Russian, be prepared to be constantly surprised.”
  • I don't understand how you can make the "oo" sound. For example, in the words "messages" or "Pacific".
  • Once, at a lecture, I told a teacher from Britain that we have two letters in the alphabet that do not have a sound (ь and ъ). But she was more shocked when I added that they are pronounced when reading.
  • My Spanish friend's enthusiasm to learn Russian is shattered by attempts to reproduce Y. He says that the mechanism for making this sound is beyond his understanding.


  • The Russian language is similar to many languages ​​that were included in the entries backwards.
  • As an American woman with whom I lived said, “Russian is very similar to Chinese. Probably because you are borderline. What I hear is more like the sounds made by a sick bird: “Cherek schik chik th th thrbyg.”
  • A British acquaintance (English teacher) said that this is not the first time he notices such a thing: Russians understand only if a foreigner speaks “angry Russian” (“evil Russian”), if you say it in a calm and soft tone, then you will not be understood .

    Once in a hostel in Germany, a friend and I were learning phrases in Klingon (a made-up language). We did not notice how the Germans entered the next room, and when we, red with shame, asked if our wild cries had scared them too much, they replied that everything was fine, they thought that we had been talking in Russian all this time.

    The funniest "word" for the British turned out to be "because", and one day they asked for an explanation of the meaning of this word. It turned out that "because" they heard as one word "patamushta" and they thought that it was something like a shamanic curse or summoning a spirit from the underworld.

    My young man from Germany said: "Russian is almost the same as the language of the minions."

    An Austrian friend asked everyone who speaks Russian to say: "Nizhny Novgorod." He considered this combination of sounds a work of art.

Features of Russian people

  • I thought for a long time about what the elephant on the scoreboard in the subway car means. I was told that this was a pun related to the Russian word written on the door: "do not lean."
  • ) - half smile;
    )) - a rather ordinary smile, like:);
    ))) - laughs out loud;
    )))) and more - you definitely would not want to meet such a person in real life.

    If you hear Cuban Spanish but people don't open their mouths, it's Russian.

    Russian names are hard to remember. Not only do some translate them (Hope - Nadya or Light - Light), but then it turns out that one name has many more options: Svetlana, Svetik, Svetulya.

    It always surprises me that Russians cannot just wish good luck and always add something, for example: “Have a good rest, good weather and good luck!”

    To figure out a Russian in a crowd of foreigners, I approached people with the words: “Hi! I'm Chris" ("Hi! I'm Chris").

    As the Canadian answered: “Hi! Do I know you?” (“Hi! Do we know each other?”)

    As the Italian answered: “Whata can I help you with a?” ("Can I help you?")

    As the Russian answered: “Hello. And what? ("Hi. So what?")

Have you been in funny situations when communicating with foreigners?

Recently, an interesting question was asked on a popular question and answer site: "How do foreigners perceive the Russian language?" The question interested many, and both our compatriots and foreigners themselves answered it. We have selected the most interesting answers to give a rough picture of how foreigners actually "see" the way we speak. Here's what came out of it.

1. Russian is very difficult to learn

Many foreigners fall into a stupor when they see the letter "Y". Moreover, no matter how hard they try, they rarely succeed in pronouncing this sound. What can we say about the letters "b" and "b", which do not have their own sounds, but nevertheless they are used in the letter. A considerable surprise for many are the letters "Ш" and "Ш". They do not see the difference between them and do not understand why two letters "Sh" were needed in the alphabet.

2. Some sounds and letters are stupefying

Different nationalities perceive the Russian language differently. So, trying to imitate Russian speech, the Germans reproduce "dr", "kr", "tr", "br", explaining that it reminds them of machine-gun shot. The Vietnamese hear only clattering and hissing sounds in Russian speech. Argentines hear only consonant sounds, while Scandinavians isolate the sounds "x", "sh" and "r".

3. Russian speech is difficult, almost impossible to hear

It's not the grammar or the construction of the words that causes the difficulty. Many foreigners are confused by the pronunciation. For them, Russian speech is a mixture of sounds that are difficult to identify. It is difficult for foreigners to isolate individual words or phrases from the entire stream. And to understand where a sentence begins and ends is akin to science fiction.

4. Some people think that Russians speak backwards.


This is how Americans comment on Russian speech. They perceive it as if someone had reversed playback on an audio tape. In addition, foreigners note that Russians speak too quickly.

5. Russian speech is harsh and rude...

Many foreigners note that Russian speech is very rude and even cruel. When two people communicate, it often seems to them that they are about to start quarreling or even fighting. It is also difficult for foreigners to understand the intonation of Russians, which is why the first think that we are mocking them.

6. ...and melodic at the same time

However, there are also such foreigners to whom Russian speech resembles the chirping of birds, and they do not hear anything rude in it.

7. Residents of different countries perceive Russian speech in a completely different way

To some, Russian speech seems melodic, but to others - rude. It is noteworthy that the Germans consider Russian speech to be rude and harsh, despite the fact that we Russians perceive German speech in the same way. In most cases, Europeans hear rudeness, but residents of Southeast Asia and South America consider it soft and melodic.

Russian is one of the most difficult languages. Those who learn it as a foreign language are looking for clues: for which words one can fall in love with Russian, what cannot be found in their native language, the meaning of which words is easy to guess. They orient themselves as best they can in the wondrous world of the Cyrillic alphabet, conjugations and cases. We unearthed the strangest and most interesting life hacks of those for whom Russian is not native.

Just add "-ow"

When you get tired and forget all your vocabulary, just drop "-ovat" at the end of any English verb "and pray to the gods of cross-cultural communication", as he writes 29 Things You Will Only Understand If You Studied English BuzzFeed journalist Susie Armitage, who studied Russian.

If "start" is a real word, then the possibilities are endless.

Susie Armitage

"Y" as the sound of a blow to the stomach

Some sounds are especially difficult for foreigners. The French, for example, learn to pronounce "x" from scratch. There is no such sound in their language, and instead of the words familiar to us, “kleb”, “korovod” and “kalva” are obtained. It’s hard for everyone to give “y”. “Imagine that you have just been kicked in the stomach, then you get the perfect Russian“ y ”,” Professor Armitage taught the American.

“Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y! Y!" you howl like a bunch of drunken sea lions.

Susie Armitage

Three friends who will drive you crazy: "h", "sh" and "u"

"Why?" and "For what?" - about such questions are asked by people who first get acquainted with Russian consonants. It is easy to confuse "sh", "u" and "h" when the sounds are new to you, and as a result, native speakers do not understand you at all. You need the Shukhovskaya tower, asked for directions, as best you could, arrived at the Schukinskaya station. This is the norm.

What do you mean? Open "box"? Ah, the box.

Susie Armitage

Cases teach humility

Everyone who learns Russian goes through levels of humility. It looks like this: first you learn, then you learn more, then you learn a little more, you start to feel confident, and then you make mistakes in cases. The only way to stay calm and carry on is to learn humility.

Six synonyms for to go

A sophisticated test for a foreign student is to write a short story about a walk around the city. In order to tell it, you have to use six different verbs instead of native to go: "to go", "to go", "to leave", "to bypass", "to pass" and "to enter". To indicate the scale of the tragedy, let us recall that in Russian the glass is on the table, and the fork lies.

Armitage says that written texts in Russian have a special status for a foreigner. First, no matter how hard you try to write beautifully, it will turn out like a third grader. Secondly, you still won’t be able to read handwritten texts by native speakers for quite a long time. Thirdly, most likely, you will become much worse at writing by hand in your native language. Enchanted circle.

Polite expressions seem rude to Russians

For native English speakers, it seems strange that their usual way of asking for something, such as ordering in a cafe ( I would like a cup of coffee, please. - “I would like a cup of coffee, please.”) seems rude to native Russian speakers, as if the person is putting on airs.

Instead of "Could you pass me the salt, please," foreigners learn to say in imperative moods: "Pass me the salt, please." Russians who learn English suffer from being seen as rude by native English speakers.

The harmless "Pass me the salt, please" in English sounds like an ultimatum: "Pass me the salt, please."

"Pee" and "write" - a trap for a beginner

The sphere of the Russian language for a foreigner is a hotbed of embarrassing situations. Due to the consonance of the words "circumcision" and "education", the bizarre change of stress in the word "write" depending on the meaning, many newcomers catch smiles when talking with Russians. Of course, you can understand what is meant, but it is difficult to resist chuckles.

If you want to be understood, pronounce English words with an accent

Western brands, penetrating the Russian market, begin a new linguistic life. The most striking example is Nike. For decades, we bought Nike sneakers, while everyone in the US, UK and other countries called the company Nike. It is curious that in the cinema in Russian dubbing, the translators still leaned towards the folk version.

In order to order Sprite or Long Island in a Russian bar, writes Armitage, you need to name drinks with a hard Russian accent, otherwise they will not understand. Well, or just point the finger, often it makes life much easier. It is also difficult for many English speakers to realize that all their lives they have incorrectly called the main alcoholic drink from Russia and said “vadka”.

Take care of others - call yourself in Russian

“If you call your name the way you used to do it, in Russia they will not understand you or they will still speak incorrectly,” Susie Armitage complains. It's especially hard, she notes, for people with names like Seth or Ruth. Ruth? Rude? What?! How right?!

"Yacht club", "copier" and "body shaming" as a big hello from home

The Russian language has a lot of borrowings from English and just similar words: we really start, finish, flirt and invest. There are especially many such words that have recently come into use: “post”, “google”, do “drawing”. Therefore, when a student studying Russian, after cramming cases and stresses, stumbles upon this, his soul becomes a little calmer.

Beloruchka and lawlessness: words and their unique meanings

Many concepts familiar to us seem strange to foreigners, albeit accurate. They cannot find synonyms for them in their own language. Business Insider Leads 9 Incredibly Useful Russian Words With No English Equivalent a few such words: “longing”, “vulgarity”, “being”, “lawlessness”, “why”, “dry”, “white hand”.

"Slippers" as a reason to fall in love with the Russian language

Many touchingly perceive new words when they begin to learn Russian. Someone seems charming "front garden" instead of garden, for someone - a “pillow”, which is under the ear, and an “eye”. Katherine Sperling for Babbel foreign language magazine told 8 Russian Words We Should Be Using In English about which of them sunk into her soul.

In the first place - "slippers". Against the backdrop of the English version house slippers our word contains something more.

The very sound "top-top-top", heard when you walk, is even in their name and refers to the verb "stomp". Therefore, the word "slippers" has crept into my speech when I speak English or German.

Katherine Sperling

Following the "slippers" - "hedgehog". In English, these animals are called rigidly: "hedgehogs" ( hedgehogs). There is no diminutive form for them, often the word is added for this little, and it turns out cuter: "little hedgehog." But, Sperling says, the affectionate "hedgehog" perfectly reflects the appearance of the animal.

Multifaceted word "so"

“So” has special magic - an adverb, a union, a particle and an introductory word in one person. Sperling notes that the short "so" contains many tones. Need a minute to think - say "so". If you want to seem formidable - say "so". Do you want to pay attention to the problem? "So"!

"So" I learned from my husband's grandmother. I still don't speak Russian fluently enough, so our communication often goes downhill. When we both decide to give up, she says "so," which means, "It's okay, at least we both agree that it's useless to try to explain it any further." When we understand each other, she also says "so", that is: "Yeah, great." A word for all occasions, that's why I like it.

Katherine Sperling

No, probably

In addition to the fact that the passage itself from “yes, no, probably” can drive a meticulous person crazy, a foreigner needs to cope with commas in it. But those who, learning Russian, take its tricks into service and begin to use them themselves get special pleasure. A foreigner who has learned to say “yes, no, probably” appropriately is already almost a carrier.

And what surprises you in the Russian language? Share in the comments.

Representatives of a more “distant” foreign country for Russians have already unsubscribed here, but now I want to talk about foreigners “closer”. So Belarus.

In general, it is worth saying that in Belarus a large number of people speak Russian, almost three-quarters of the population, if I'm not mistaken. It is understandable - the country was part of the USSR, plus decades of Russification. Because of this, and in general because of a significant proportion of "Soviet people" who are properly educated, many people treat Russian as their native language (although the answer to the question about their native language is usually Belarusian). Regardless of the language of communication, almost any Belarusian is a Belarusian-Russian bilingual, therefore, Russian is perceived naturally, and it is difficult to say about any particular perception.

There is another view in Belarus. It is represented mainly by the Belarusian-speaking opposition, the intelligentsia. The perception of the Russian language is negative, it is usually called rude, artificial. But here, most likely, the main role is played by the attitude of these people towards the Russian Federation, its policy, certain moments of the Belarusian-Russian history (historical memory).

Now personally subjective perception. Being fluent in both Belarusian and Russian, it is rather difficult for me to hear one of them with "the ears of a foreigner". But if I am internally "tuned" to Belarusian, then Russian words and forms sound somehow strange. I can't tell if it's beautiful or ugly, rude or melodious. It's just kind of weird, unnatural. It is, in principle, logical. This is the answer if the author meant by "perception" how foreigners hear the Russian language.

If this refers to the attitude towards the Russian language, then, again, there are two opposite camps in Belarus. One, huge, including the majority of the population - neutral, this group of people is generally characterized by such a Belarusian national trait as "pamyarkounasts" (I don't know the Russian equivalent) in all views. As mentioned earlier, they have an attitude towards Russian natural.

There is also a second camp, not numerous, but relatively influential. In it, the attitude towards Russian varies from slight disdain to hatred of the "language of the occupiers." It was formed by the nationalist intelligentsia, especially ardent activists of the "Drugoga Belarusiana Adradzhennya" (the unofficial name for the wave of interest in the national language and culture), mostly the opposition, and part of the bohemia. Among the "ordinary people" is found infrequently, rather singularly. Representatives of the camp strongly associate Russian with something alien, forcibly instilled, so they can react with irritation, refusal to speak Russian, although they speak it (by speaking Russian, they somehow "change" their principles, their ideals, " surrender" under the pressure of the Russian). Very rarely come across inadequate, reacting with insults. But in general, one should not be afraid of some large forms of hostility. I also note that the largest concentration of this camp falls on the capital - Minsk, where active young people from all over the country come together. This is the answer, if by "perception" is meant an attitude.

P.S. I apologize for the wordiness. I apologize if I misunderstood the question. All of the above are subjective observations / conclusions and do not claim to be absolute truth. The author does not pursue political and propaganda goals. The answer is an attempt to describe the perception of the Russian language in Belarus as accurately, impartially and accessible to the Russian audience as possible.

Thank you for your attention.

If Paustovsky is to be believed, then we have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. We often hear that the Russian language is difficult for foreigners because of the huge number of rules and grammatical subtleties.

Spelling problems are not alien to Russian-speaking people, are they? Have you ever wondered how native Russian sounds to foreigners? German sounds like a screaming Hitler in propaganda speeches, Chinese and Vietnamese are more like the purr of a feline family, English is more like chewing speech with swallowing "r", Polish is like a hiss of a friendly snake, and French and Italian are more like a violin making beautiful music. Take the patience test and find out how sweet our great and mighty one is to the overseas ear!

Brutality and masculinity do not occupy the Russian language! I think that's how real macho people talk!

Russian speech is “female speech”. Very similar to Polish, similar intonations, smooth sound, soft pronunciation.

Great Britain:
Do you know how walruses growl? Have you heard the melodies of Brahms? The Russian language is somewhere between these two sounds.

Russian speech reminds me of any other language in the world, recorded on tape and played backwards. True, when I began to study Russian speech and became interested in Slavic studies, I no longer felt that way.

The Russian language can be completely different, and it's always about the speaker and what he said. Competent Russian speech sometimes resembles the conversations of angels in paradise! The Russian language is like clay from which you can mold a masterpiece.

New Zealand:
It's as if someone keeps talking with a mouth full of saliva without bothering to cough up.

If the cat is closed in a room on the floor of which balls are scattered, then the squeak and squeal emitted by it would fully characterize Russian speech.

The Russian language is an inexplicable mixture of French with the sound "zh", German rough sounds and Spanish with a softened "r".

The Russian language sounds very erotic and flirting. When I hear "PACHIMA" from Russian girls, it's incredibly sweet notes.

A very emotional language, in which feelings and passions boil. Russians put a lot into intonation, which is impossible not to notice.

A collection of sounds unpleasant to the ear that exist in a kind of linguistic chaos - this is all the Russian language. I know only a couple of words, everything else is an unpleasant mess.

Great Britain:
When sandpaper is scraped over a rough surface, peeling off a thin layer of varnish, it resembles Russian speech. The provincials, on the other hand, scrape with sandpaper on a rough surface and without varnish at all.

The old bus, which roars on every rise, is very similar to the Russian language. Just imagine "Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes." And so it gets louder.

My grandmother's old radio, which is full of unnecessary crackles, squeaks and rustles, sounds more pleasant than Russian speech.

When someone speaks Russian, it seems to me that he is angry. While always.

Surprised? Still recovering from culture shock? Don't be upset! There is an opinion that German is for war, French is for love, English is for diplomats, Spanish is for duelists, Italian is for family scandals. In every joke, as you know, there is a share of a joke. How do foreign languages ​​sound to you? Maybe familiar foreigners shared their impressions about the sound of the Russian language? Feel free to read in the comments!

Give yourself a few more smiles by refreshing your memory. Let it be from your lips that the Russian language sounds so that a good Mongol who hears it will certainly think that angels speak like that!