The best book releases of the year. Elchin Safarli “When I return, be at home”

2017 pleased even the most sophisticated readers and critics. Dozens of works have appeared in Russian, both by iconic contemporary authors such as Jonathan Foer and Margaret Atwood, and by classics such as Daniel Keyes and Penelope Fitzgerald.

We have selected 10 main novelties of foreign intellectual prose in 2017.

Paul Beity

The American Paul Baty is becoming an increasingly prominent figure in the global literary process. His novel The Sellout won the prestigious Booker Prize a year ago. He became the first citizen of the United States to receive this high honor.

What excites Baty as a writer? Exactly what should excite a great artist: modernity and its problem areas, rejection and loneliness of a person. This is an author closely connected to the context of today's life in the United States. He raises themes of racism and polycorrectness, social inequality and prejudice. "Beast for Sale" is a fascinating novel that does not try to offer ready-made answers to global questions, but allows the reader to think about them for himself.

Jonathan Safran Foer

The name of Jonathan Foer is now known to anyone who is even slightly interested in modern Western literature. Foer in a relatively short time (he recently turned 40 years old) wrote 5 books that in one way or another influenced the development of the modern American novel. One of them - "Extremely loud and incredibly close" - became an absolute bestseller and made its author one of the most successful and influential English-language prose writers of our day.

The new novel "Here I am" has been waiting for more than 10 years. Penetrating and precise, fascinating and serious, he tells about the complex history of the Jewish family and the difficulties that fell to its lot. Like Foer's other works, Here I am is set against the backdrop of historical disasters: if Total Illumination was connected to the Holocaust, and Terribly Loud and Incredibly Close to the September 11 attacks, then the events of this book are intertwined with the current situation in Israel and the Middle East.

Penelope Fitzgerald

Penelope Fitzgerald, the daughter of the writer Edmund Knox, made her debut quite late (she was under 60 years old), but managed to leave a noticeable mark on the history of British literature of the last century. So, her novel “On the Water” was awarded the Booker Prize in 1979, and “Bookshop” was included in her shortlist the year before.

This novel is dedicated to books whose fate in a world whose values ​​change so quickly is in great question. The main character - Florence Green - dreams of opening her own bookstore, but not everyone supports this idea, and someone frankly interferes with her.

J. M. Coetzee

J. M. Coetzee is a versatile author who is equally interested in everyone: both highbrow intellectuals and just lovers of good books. What is already worth the fact that he is the only writer, in whose assets are two Bookers, the Jerusalem and the Nobel Prizes (excluding more modest awards). The amazing prose of Coetzee, who himself never stood aside from the political problems and troubles of the oppressed people, affects almost all spheres of life and often contains autobiographical motifs.

Jesus School Days was longlisted for Booker in 2016. This is a philosophical parable that continues the themes outlined by him in his previous book, The Childhood of Jesus.

Ian McEwen

Scandalous, titled and world-famous British writer Ian McEwan once again surprised readers. This time with his new novel "In the Shell". Have you ever read a story written from the point of view of an embryo, which, even before its birth, is ready to be horrified by the absurdity that is happening in the world? If not, then this book is definitely for you. Like all of McEwan's other novels, this one is notable for its famously twisted plot, which is based on a powerful philosophical concept and a postmodernist game with meanings.

Richard Flanagan

Another Booker laureate - Australian writer Richard Flanagan - criticizes in his novel "The Unknown Terrorist" a modern society in which there is nothing left but total mistrust, fear and hatred. The heroine of the book, Geena Davis, lived an ordinary life, but suddenly became a criminal - where is the line separating a normal existence from hell on Earth? The author is trying to find the answer to this question.

Margaret Atwood

Canadian writer, poet and feminist Margaret Atwood has collected almost every honorary literary award to date, and her worldwide literary fame reached its peak with the release of the series The Handmaid's Tale.

"Stone Bed" is a fascinating collection of stories that combines many genres, intonations and themes, and the extraordinary insight of the narrator becomes the main distinguishing feature. In short, Atwood as we love her.

Adrian Jones Pearson

Adrian Pearson has been compared to Thomas Pynchon. The protagonist of the novel "Country of Cows" is involved in the struggle of meat-eaters-retrogrades with militant vegetarians. The plot is extremely ironic and possible only in our days, when everyone around is busy with questions of self-determination. When you open the book, be prepared: Pearson may also ridicule your beliefs.

Graham McRae Barnet

Graham McRae Barnett's book His Bloody Project made a splash when it was published in 2016 and was even called "the greatest Scottish novel of the 21st century". It was important for the author to show, on the one hand, the tragedy of the rural community during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the other hand, to bring this local case to the level of an almost biblical reflection on the phenomenon of violence and madness.

Daniel Keyes

Daniel Keyes is a professor of philology and one of the most popular American writers of the last century, who received universal recognition after the publication of the story “Flowers for Algernon”. The novel "Touch", published back in 1968 and translated into Russian half a century later, should please many of the author's fans with its intriguing plot and the opportunity to reflect on the unexpected turns in the fate of the characters who are forced to constantly overcome alienation and misunderstanding from others.

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The modern world dictates its own rules even in the literary sphere. And it is not surprising, because readers' preferences change, and fashion makes itself felt. Today, there is little to surprise avid readers, but still there are the most widely read authors and interesting works that left no one indifferent in 2017.

The list of the best books includes works of different genres: thrillers, space-themed, love, detectives, science fiction, and much more. Popular among young people are fashionable today books about hitmen. Such stories tell about the adventures of heroes who somehow mysteriously find themselves in the past or future, or even find themselves in a computer game where they have to survive and adapt to a new world. At the same time, in the plot, the fictional world is closely intertwined with the real one, which makes the work even more fascinating and unusual.

Children's books were also included in the top best books of 2017. These are very exciting and informative works that will teach your children only good things, help you understand life situations and better understand this world. At the same time, there are books for both very young readers and teenagers. Often young people are very fond of fantasy about non-existent worlds and outlandish creatures.

Among the popular books to read in 2017, you will find works by both Russian and foreign writers. This year also has a lot of anticipated new products that are not yet on sale, but which fans are already looking forward to with great impatience. On our site you will find popular news and be among the first to read electronic works for free without registration.

The rating of the most read includes works that leave a pleasant aftertaste. If you are a fan of thrillers, then this year the authors did not skimp on fantasy, so the works make goosebumps run through the body. If you like to immerse yourself in love stories in the evenings, then you are guaranteed to worry about the fate of the characters, and in some places even cry. Well, if you like detectives, then the authors of this genre twist the plot so masterfully that it is impossible to unravel the whole tangle of events until the very end. In any case, in the top books of 2017 you will find suitable works for yourself.

Bestselling books of 2017 are presented on our website in fb2, rtf, txt, pdf, epub formats. You can download in a format convenient for you and enjoy reading anytime and anywhere.

The first month of the new year is marked by new releases, so if you're looking for something special, take a look at our list of books to read. From 2016 bestsellers to high-profile books that have shaped a wide range of perspectives, you'll find here. So, we plunge into the world of reading - mysterious, fantastic and life-affirming.

Last year you could already see on the site " Educational Tourism". Many works received a lot of responses and took a certain place in the life of each of us. But if you haven't paid attention to novelties of literature in 2016, you have the opportunity to get acquainted with them today.

Movie Night by Marisha Pessl

An ambiguous novel by Marisha Pessl, which caused a flurry of various emotions. The plot revolves around the murder of a young pianist whose father is a famous director. He has not appeared in public for many years, and his films are shown only at private screenings. The police unanimously insist that the pianist committed suicide, but the journalist McGrath is sure that all deaths in the Cordoba dynasty are not accidental. The journalist literally loses everything, the only thing left is his mind, which he can also lose. The book is originally designed and equipped with inserts with an investigation, a dossier on the main character, and newspaper clippings. And if you're still wondering what to read in 2017, this book is sure to be on your list of the best.

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Lake House Kate Morton

The novel describes the events of 1933, when a small child goes missing under mysterious circumstances. The book is a mixture of genres: there is a family saga and a novel that describes the life of three generations of the Edeweyn family. Loennet Manor, located in the forest next to the lake, is the perfect place for the origin of mysterious events. Many years later, Detective Sadie Sparrow, who spends her holidays in Cornwall, takes on the investigation of the missing child. How the novel ends, whether the secret of the missing child is revealed, and how the aged Alice, the sister of the missing brother, feels, about this, as well as about love, betrayal, friendship and betrayal, you will learn from this book. If you want to find the most read books of 2016, then this novel will be one of them.

"Ove's Second Life" Fredrik Buckman

If you did not have time to get acquainted with the most popular books of 2016, this novel will certainly fall into the novelties of literature in 2017.

The book is about a man with an unbearable character who is trying to teach everyone to live fairly. It seems that he constantly grumbles and hates everyone around, but in reality he turns out to be a person who is ready to help. There is absolutely no sweetness and words about high matters in the book, morality is not discussed, but the novel only benefits from this. The book is worth reading for those who have faced problems, lost themselves, whose life has come to a standstill, who are successful and vice versa, are just looking for their niche. A story about an old man and a cat that makes you feel and empathize.

« Interlinear. The life of Lilianna Lungina, told by her in the film by Oleg Dorman "Oleg Dorman

The book is about the famous master of literary translation Liliana Lungina, thanks to whom we got to know The Kid and Carlson, as well as the novels by Strindberg and Simenon. The life of a woman was full of wanderings, and at the age of thirteen she returned to the USSR. Reading a book, we willy-nilly become a witness to a private conversation and interlocutor. First of all, readers will learn Liliana's personal opinion about life in the Soviet Union, the fate of people of several generations, the fears and horrors of their own fate, as well as friends. A book-monologue, a book-confession filled with one's own perception of what is happening.

If you point to the novelties of 2016-2017 books that you need to read, then this novel will definitely take its rightful place.

The book tells about a British guy whose life was divided into before and after a meteorite hit him. After the boy is miraculously pumped out in the hospital, we get acquainted with his life, which is full of events: building relationships with classmates, meeting his mother, who reads tarot cards, with an eccentric girlfriend who thinks Alex Woods is crazy and, of course, with an old man, in the house to which Alex gets completely by chance. The grouchy old man enjoys reading books by Kurt Vonnegut, smoking marijuana grown for himself, and periodically writing letters to wrongly accused prisoners. It is the acquaintance with the old man that becomes the starting point of the story, as a result of which Alex was detained by the police in the port of Dover. But what exactly happened to the hero, and how the story ended, you can learn from this book.

Patti Smith is an American rock singer and poet, girlfriend and favorite model of photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. In the book, she paints an accurate and deeply personal portrait of the era of the 60s. A book about the life, love, creativity and adventures of a hungry New York demigod. A book about the life of creative people, thanks to whom you want to live, create and express yourself. Despite poverty and difficult living conditions, these people did not elevate themselves to a cult, but lived in order to be happy.

At the end of the 18th century, a young Dutchman, Jacob de Zoet, arrives in the Dutch colony in Japan. He wants to earn money in order to marry his beloved Anna, whose father does not agree to marry his daughter to a poor man. But the hero does not even realize that he will have to spend almost his entire life in Japan, where he will meet and lose his new love. The book is about the clash of East and West, the clash of sciences, religions and interests.

Peter Hoeg writes tenaciously and leaves few people indifferent. A lot of fans of his work tremble with stormy applause after the release of each book. This happened in the case of "The Woman and the Monkey". At the beginning of the book, each of us, most likely, recognizes herself - self-sufficient, well-groomed, loving herself and periodically falling into extremes. In place of the protagonist is none other than a monkey. How the story of the relationship between the heroine and the monkey develops, how nature and man are revealed, and why it is possible to change a luxurious life for existence - you will learn about all this and much more from this book.

The novel "Flowers in the Attic" tells the story of the Dollangenger family - a married couple who have four magnificent children. Suddenly, her father gets into a car accident, and the only thing left for the heroine to do is to take the children and return to her parents, who expelled her many years ago. In order to improve relations with her father, the heroine has to go to great lengths, but the biggest problem is the children, about which no one should know. Children are located on the top floor of a huge parental house and are waiting for when they can leave it. However, time stretches endlessly, and the decision comes by itself ...

This novel will certainly be included in the book novelties of 2017, if you have not read it before.

The most sincere book about unreal heroes, telling about love, betrayal and war. A beautiful love story that flows smoothly into a family drama. Diego, Gemma's husband, really wants children, but his wife cannot have them. On this basis, scandals flare up, and the problem turns the life of the heroine into a living hell. After a phone call, Gemma rushes to Sarajevo, where she will again feel the full weight of the past through which she went. The fates of the heroes are described in such detail that it seems as if we have known them for half a century. Loving Diego, having the warmest feelings for his wife in spite of all problems, and sometimes selfish Gemma, tormenting herself and those around her with her problem. A book about war and love - real, not nauseating, not invented, but the most realistic, touching to the core.

The famous novel is based on the story of the inhabitants of seven Armenian villages, who refused to obey the order of the Ottoman authorities to deport and held the defense against the police forces and the Turkish army on Mount Musa Dagh. The book is heavy, because with every dying Armenian you understand how the heart is torn apart from pain. And if this book becomes the first in which you read about the destruction of the Armenians by the Turks, then I will join your number. The book is written with amazing love for the ancient people, but is saturated with pain, fear, sympathy and pride.

An autobiographical novel by Jeannette Walls about the difficult life of children with parents, relationships and family values, as well as traumas that, like a ghost, haunt the already grown-up heroine. Father and mother give the impression of people with oddities, sometimes it seems that they do not like children at all, but the children, on the contrary, in spite of everything, remain kind and sympathetic. Numerous terrible situations that happen to children are proof that children are left to the mercy of fate and their task is to survive. The book became an instant hit and stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for 250 weeks.

"A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking

Fascinating and accessible, the famous English physicist Stephen Hawking tells us about the nature of space and time, the origin of the Universe and its possible fate.
The author is incredibly passionate about everything that happens around, which is why he explains how the world works and who people are. In general, this book is about physics, but in practice there is only one formula, which the author himself describes with humor. And if you want to know everything about the microworld and cosmology, then this book will be your greatest discovery. It is difficult to digest everything written in places, but the author allows, under his strict guidance, to know what a spaceship is and how the Universe works. No matter what, physics can be incredibly exciting.

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Way Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg

The events of the book unfold around the Threadgood family, as well as a small cafe "Way Stop". The plot tells the story of two women, one of whom tells about the founders of the cafe. There are quite a lot of acting characters in the book, but this book does not confuse the reader, but keeps him in suspense. The author touches on the topic of racial discrimination, racism, marital relations, same-sex love, disability. All this is richly seasoned with sadness, joy, hypocrisy, hatred, sincerity and love. The very same heroine, on whose behalf the story is going on, at 86 years old, remained an amazingly kind person, able to bestow light on everything around. There is only one conclusion: you can enjoy life here and now, do not wait for tomorrow or look back at yesterday, you can enjoy cooking, reading books, walking in the fresh air, but not making yourself a hostage to the situation.

Rumo, or Wonders in the Dark by Walter Moers

A book about the adventures of Rumo, who has to fight against many dangers - terrible cyclops and bloodmeats. Having lost his beloved, Rumo goes in search of her to the underworld, which is filled with mysticism. Will the hero find the silver thread, the smell of which he smelled with his eyes closed, and will he meet his beloved? What difficulties will he have to go through? You will learn about all this from the book. Be careful, it has a lot of bloody scenes.

Only the twenty-seventh publishing house agreed to publish the manuscript at the expense of the author in a small edition. However, a year later, the circulation was increased to 5 million. In the book, Paul Young sets out his own views on God and the story of his inner healing, which he experienced in his mature years. First of all, "The Hut" is a spectrum of deep thoughts, as well as a picture of the world order, in which God is the creator of everything that happens. The book is suitable for those who are looking for answers to life's questions and do not understand how the nature of things works. The family camping trip ended in tragedy: Mac's youngest daughter disappeared. Soon, in the Oregon wilderness, in an abandoned hut, evidence of her probable death at the hands of a maniac was found. Four years later, the father of the murdered daughter receives a letter, allegedly written by God, who advises him to visit that very shack. As a result, Mac decides to go on a journey, where he has to track down the killer.

Before us is a science fiction novel by the American writer Alfred Bester, written by the author in 1952. The action takes place in the distant future, at this time people have already colonized absolutely all the planets of the solar system, and many inhabitants of the planets have telepathic abilities and can read not only thoughts, but also get into the very soul. Ben Rich, the leader of a leading financial company, constantly sees a man without a face in his nightmares and associates this with the struggle of competitors. Rich decides to kill the opponent, finding no other way out of the situation. He carefully plans the assassination, seeking help from a charming girl and an esper who was kicked out of the union. The murder takes place on Earth, witnessed by Courtenay's daughter. Whether the killer is found, and how the fantasy novel ends, you will find out by reading the book.

Terry Goodkind's cycle about Richard Cypher - the seeker of truth. One of the greatest fantasy sagas in the history of the genre, which formed the basis of the TV series Legend of the Seeker. A book in which much seems fictional and much is similar to the real thing. The banal plot twists in an instant and sends the reader to a world where he will have to go through bloody massacres, revenge and retribution together with the main character, meet murders and rage, defeat the villains. The book is original to the extreme, but perhaps this is exactly what many lack in modern literature.

Humanity has successfully colonized the solar system, while Luni and Mars, as well as the Asteroid Belt are already inhabited, but each star is fraught with a lot of dangers. While transporting ice from Saturn's rings to the Asteroid Belt stations, the heroes pick up a distress call from the Scopuli ship. Once in place, the crew does not find a single living soul, and the rescue operation takes place like a race to the bottom. As a result, the surviving crew members and Captain James Holden witness a deadly secret. At another station in the Asteroid Belt, the detective is looking for the missing village, as a result of which he comes to James Holden. Later, the disappearance of Julie Mao becomes the key to solving the crime, but the customers can safely start a war between Earth and Mars.

A book about freedom that may be fictional: being inside the same room all his life, a five-year-old boy draws information from books and TV, and his mother became a hostage of the man who forced her to live like that. The story is told from the perspective of a five-year-old child who, growing up, is trying to find a way out of the room and understand what is outside.

In the process of reading, a lot of surprising things await you: you will get to know the main characters of the book - rabbits, who, under the leadership of Orekh and Pyatik, left their hometown and went on an adventure. Little heroes constantly get into trouble, but they are saved by fast paws. The book will appeal to all age categories. The author shows the harsh life of animals in the forest, and readers step by step follow them literally on their heels. By the way, rabbits also have their own language called "lapin".

“Mind on fire. My Madness Month by Suzanne Cachalan

Suzanne Calahan knows her own illness better than anyone. She extracted from her memory all the memories of the disease, talked with the attending doctors, communicated with relatives and people close to her. She read the medical reports and watched all the video reports from her room to understand how she once went insane. The book will be useful not only for psychologists, but also for those who are faced with periodic mood swings and aggression. The author has recovered from the disease. It is surprising that even today we do not know all the secrets of how our own brain works.

This book is dedicated to the study of intelligence, based on the concept of the famous psychologist Carol Dweck, who conducted research for 20 years. The author gives examples of fixed and flexible consciousness, pointing out that in the first case, all the evidence comes down to asserting one's own talent, while in the second case, people effectively work on themselves, starting from the starting point. The book is suitable for parents and teachers, coaches, as well as all those whose work is aimed at developing personal growth.

This book is about stress and dealing with it. We all know what phobias or depression are, but little is known about how to find ways to deal with them. The author is looking for an answer to questions about how to deal with fears, insomnia and panic attacks, touches on the topic of the effectiveness and inefficiency of using antidepressants and tranquilizers. The book is based on the mistakes and achievements of neuroscience and biochemistry, psychiatry and psychotherapy, and the book itself presents a gripping story of man's struggle for himself.

The book is about unusual people who perceive everything differently than many of us. The book is of interest rather for a narrow circle of readers. The heroes of the work have lost something - judgment, time, or the feeling of their own body. They are patients with different diagnoses, suffering from aphasia and agnosia, Tourette's syndrome. The book is written in simple language about the complex, and deals with the variability and oddities of human perception.

And finally, interesting books of 2016 from which it is difficult to break away:

Modern literature is gradually moving to the Internet, as it is in electronic form that books are most popular today.

    Olga, thank you for such a detailed review! But, I hope you still liked at least something from the list? Modern literature is very different, so it's quite difficult to please everyone. And why do it? If the book is catchy, people read it; if not, they look for the one they like.

In this collection you will find only the best books that the entire Runet was talking about!

1. “Givers. The Gift of Fire Ekaterina Sobol

Rosman publishing house delighted fantasy fans all year long. And not only with interesting stories, but also with the luxurious design of the covers of their books. But perhaps the most enthusiastic responses were received by the first book from the "Givers" series.

The book describes a very interesting world: three hundred years ago, every living person had magical talent at his level, but over time, knowledge was lost, and skills were forgotten. But suddenly the magic awakens, and the protagonist gets into the maelstrom of events and adventures, who is not ready for this. And whether he can overcome his fears and prejudices, it is better to see for yourself.

2. “Do no harm. Stories of Life, Death, and Neurosurgery by Henry Marsh

Honest and in many ways personal book by Henry Marsh, which allows you to look into the sterile and dangerous world of medicine. In the minds of the majority, it is customary to treat doctors in two ways: either this is the ultimate adoration, or panic fear. From this book you will learn what it means to be a neurosurgeon and what responsibility lies with such a person. You will understand why the overwhelming majority of doctors are cynics, but at the same time they are the same people as their patients.

The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. It will affect those who need real action, because in the stories told, it is not always clear at first whether a person will survive or not. And it will become a guide in the world of neurosurgery for those who are interested in this subject.

3. "When Marnie Was Here" by Joan Robinson

It was this book that the legendary storyteller and animator Hayao Miyazaki included in his top children's works. The book has collected many prestigious awards and nominations, and for the writer became a successful debut in the field of teenage literature. Despite the narrow focus of the book, it will be of interest to readers of all ages.

In the center of the story is the girl Anna, who does not get along at all with either relatives or peers. She is all alone, gloomy and unsociable, unable to reveal her soul and feelings. But one day she meets Marnie, and the girls become best friends. Anna sometimes notices that Marnie behaves strangely and often thoughts flash through her: is her real friend? ..

4. “Quasi” Sergey Lukyanenko

The long-awaited book from the legendary Russian science fiction writer received mixed reviews. There were more positive ones, but there were fair comments in the negative ones. So this book is a must read!

Lukyanenko unfolds post-apocalyptic Moscow before the reader's mind's eye with a light hand. The creatures that inhabit the city are divided into three types: people, zombies and kvazi. Quazi is a sentient life form that stopped the destructive war between the living and the dead. The protagonist Denis Smirnov and his partner, a representative of the Quasi, must investigate a dark case in which there are chilling crimes and intrigues of the powerful.

5. Mrs. Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

If you love intricate stories about family secrets and mysteries of the past, then this book is for you! For Louise Walters, this is a successful debut in the world of literature, and her second book will be published in 2017. Fans of this story, and melodramatic narratives in general, are looking forward to it.

Roberta finds her grandmother's long-lost letter. After reading it, she realizes that the life of her close relative is not as simple as it seemed. After the first letter there are more letters, and Roberta is pulled into a knot of secrets from the past that only she can unravel.

6. "The Sexual Life of Siamese Twins" by Irvine Welsh

A new book by the Scottish classic, the author of the sensational work Trainspotting, which haunted many today. The author went beyond his style and chose hot Florida as the setting for his story. And this surprised both critics and his fans a lot.

Two heroines are drawn into a series of exciting events. One of them is a fitness trainer and a woman obsessed with her appearance and health. And the second is a waving hand at herself, but no less talented artist and sculptor. Welsh pits these women against each other and twists the story in a daring way, masterfully revealing the conflict and characters of the chosen characters. Be prepared for foul language on almost every page, the author is famous for his pronounced alternativeness.

7. "The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons" Victor Pelevin

One can relate differently to Pelevin, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that he is a phenomenon of a huge scale in modern Russian literature. And his new book is worth a read, even with the bearded hipster look on the cover.

What's under the cover? The plot is in the best Peleven traditions: before our eyes, a battle will unfold between the Chekists and Masons, which will last more than one generation. But in the works of the writer there is always a double bottom, and this book is no exception, since behind the crazy plot lies a sharp surrealistic satire on the current state of affairs in society.

8. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process "Vasily Smolny

Before you is the book of the ideological inspirer and organizer of the Crazy Drying project. The author stands for a healthy lifestyle and for the beauty of the physical plane. And in his book, he tells in simple and figurative language why certain processes occur in the body, what they depend on and what to do with them.

If you have long and unsuccessfully searched for a book that simply tells the basics of proper nutrition and training without embellishment, then this is in front of you. It will be a great guide for beginners, because it contains practical information that is conveniently structured.

9. "If one day life takes you away from me..." Thierry Cohen

This story will appeal to those who have not yet lost faith in love, but have already left in the past the need for sugary and sugary heroes. A touching story of relationships between people from different circles who are forced to fight for their feelings under the pressure of condemnation of people close to them.

Before us is a man and a woman. He is the heir to a successful business, she is a poor dancer. Their relationship is misunderstood and doomed. But one day something happens that radically changes their situation: a car accident, due to which young people end up in the hospital. He has only 8 days to prove his courage and the strength of his feelings.

10. "Tell me about the sea" Elchin Safarli

Safarli's prose is distinguished by sensuality and sincerity. When reading, one gets the feeling that the author puts a piece of his soul into the text, from which he comes to life and what he read literally rises before his eyes. He is always open, frank and filled with melancholy, for which his fans love him.

This book continues the tone of the story set by the writer. Before us is a kaleidoscope of sparkling childhood, with its discoveries and problems. Metaphorical images, pictures of the past close to everyone, familiar rustles and smells... It is safe to say that this book will be divided into quotations and will become a good friend for its reader.

11. “I'm going to live in Sweater” Anna Nikolskaya

Anna Nikolskaya's book was published in the Lines of the Soul series, in which Russian writers write about the reality of life for teenagers with its problems and questions. But despite this, the touching stories appealed to female audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the success of this series.

The main character of this book, the girl Julia, lives an ordinary life and everything is fine with her. But overnight, this idyll collapses when her parents let their friend's daughter live temporarily. Julia is at a loss and does not know how to get along with a strange neighbor, and is thinking of moving to her favorite cafe "Sweater". But circumstances require decisiveness and decision-making, and the girl will have to get different experiences along the way of her growing up.

12. "Shardik" Richard Adams

Adams' masterpiece novel was written back in 1974, but hit Russian bookstores for the first time in 2016. The book has a truly epic scope and complex structure, but the famously twisted plot, well-developed world and detailed mythology will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre.

The book tells about the hunter of Kelderek and his meeting with a huge bear, in which he sees a god. The fact is that people in this world believe that God has the appearance of a bear and his name is Shardik. They hope that one day a giant bear will come down to them and save them from all troubles. And when a young hunter meets with the animal embodiment of his faith, he has no doubts. Before us is a metaphor for the meeting of the divine and the human, a conversation about faith, becoming and redemption.

13. Mirandus Circus by Cassie Beasley

If on your life path you have lost faith in miracles, then this book is urgently needed for you. This is a book to be read and reread, and later recommended to your children and the children of your friends. Under the magnificent atmospheric cover lies a magical story and it will not leave anyone indifferent!

The boy Mick has no parents and is taken care of by his grandfather. He tells his grandson wonderful stories about the magical Mirandus Circus. Mika knows that his grandfather is ill, and one day he decides to find this circus in order to restore his health with the help of a magician from the circus. He embarks on a journey full of adventures and unexpected discoveries.

14. "My Name Is Lis" by Lee Vixen

A series of books published by AST called "Online-Bestseller" has gained wide popularity, both on the Internet and among readers. The works included in the series are well chosen and do not leave indifferent. And the inscription on the cover "The most sensational books of Runet" is even more intriguing.

Here is one of the most highly rated books in this series. In the center of the story is the militant girl Lis, who runs from her past and enrolls in the legion as a boy soldier. Breathtaking adventures and captivating campfire stories await you.

15. The Gospel of Loki by Joan Harris

The most intriguing book for Joan Harris that no one expected to see in her bibliography. After all, she is known for her bestsellers "Blackberry Wine" and "Chocolate", which touch on the topics of the relationship between a man and a woman. It seemed that the subject of Scandinavian myths was not at all close to her, but the writer brilliantly proves the opposite.

The story of the god of cunning and deceit Loki turned out to be extremely reliable and lively. The narration comes from his face, and, willy-nilly, you feel sympathy and friendliness for the rogue. He will tell his story, full of ups, downs and betrayals, which will not let you get bored.

If you have not read any of the books from this list, then rather make your choice and go on an exciting journey!

Reading time: 16 min.

There is an opinion that in the 21st century people are more interested in films than books. Fortunately, it is wrong. As statistics show, many publications annually publish millions of copies of various literary works, and writers never cease to delight their fans with bright and memorable bestsellers. Big Rating magazine presents the most read books of 2017, a list of the best works worth paying attention to.

  • Genres: drama

A new novel by John Boyne introduces the reader to the stories of an Irish priest who, by the will of fate, becomes a witness and participant in the dramatic events that unfolded at the beginning of the 21st century in Catholic circles in Ireland. "The Story of One Loneliness" is a book about a man who is forced to live with the burden of responsibility for himself and the sins of the people around him. Young Audran was full of hopes and ambitions, entering the seminary in the 1970s, because the priests of that time were respected people and enjoyed unquestioned authority. After 40 years, Odran retained the sincerity of faith in God, but lost faith in the holy fathers, mired in unsightly deeds. In his novel, based on real events, Boyne tries to show that if there is at least one honest and conscientious person left, then all is not lost.

  • Genres: romance novels, detective stories

In the village of Sokolnichye, a local philanthropist Lilia Maslova was strangled. Previously, a wealthy lady repeatedly visited the village, generously donated to the construction of a local bell tower, and now her body was found in the Folk Craft shop. The offender was found in hot pursuit - they detained a drunkard staggering nearby. It would seem that the case is closed, but the teacher of physics and part-time amateur detective Ilya Subbotin is dissatisfied with this state of affairs and takes up the investigation of the murder. Along the way, Ilya manages to gather a rather strange company around him: a poetess with dreadlocks, a sad beauty in furs, a horse-like gentleman, a tour guide, an eccentric guy with memory lapses, and a couple of selfie fans. Subbotin will have to find out which of them killed the respected lady and why?

  • Genres: contemporary fiction, drama, melodrama
  • Cycle: Neapolitan novels
  • Series: Neapolitan Quartet

The second part of the world-famous four-volume "Neapolitan Quartet" continues to tell about the life of Lena Greco and Lila Cerullo, who have already matured. The inexorable course of life breeds best friends. In an effort to escape from the poverty and squalor of the Neapolitan outskirts, they each follow their own path. Impulsive and daring, Lila marries a wealthy man and becomes Signora Carracci, completely renouncing herself yesterday. And Lenu continues her studies, proving to herself that she is worth something even without a brilliant friend. The friendship of girls will be tested for strength more than once in the stuffy backyards of Naples, in Ischia full of entertainment, in university Pisa. Lila and Lenu will be able to see how strong the thread of friendship that connected them in early childhood.

  • Genres: drama, biography

Diana Ackerman's book "The Zookeeper's Wife" tells the story of the Zhabinskys, who owned the Warsaw Zoo and who, during the Second World War, were hiding people from the Jewish ghetto in ruined enclosures. In a similar way, the Zhabinskys managed to save almost three hundred human lives. In her novel, Ackerman managed to brilliantly embody a reliable picture of the war and the greatness of the human spirit. Her book is a touching story about the relationship between man and animal, about the connection between people and nature, a hymn to beauty and the value of life, which should be protected no matter what.

  • Genres: Detectives, Thrillers, Mystery, Horrors

The psychological novel You Don't Frighten Me is the third work by Jennifer McMahon, whose highlight of the style, of course, is the description of events in two time periods. The new book is about a serial killer nicknamed Neptune, who committed a series of brutal murders 25 years ago in the sleepy town of Brighton Falls. The maniac abducted women and held them for 5 days, after which he put the body on public display near the police station. The daughter of his last victim, former fashion model Vera Dufresne, tried to save her mother, but then the woman's body was never found. Only two decades later, Regina finds her mother alive in a homeless shelter. But Neptune not only managed to go hunting, but also outlined his new victims. The killer kidnaps Regina's friend Tara, and sends the girl herself an unequivocal warning: she's next.

  • Genres: Horror, Mystery, Fantasy

A quarter of a century ago, David Lynch and Mark Frost managed to make the whole world look for the answer to the question: "Who killed Laura Palmer?" along with the heroes of the television series Twin Peaks, and also clearly learn the rule: "Owls are not what they seem." In the finale of the second season of the iconic series, Laura Palmer's character promises FBI agent Dale Cooper that they will meet again after 25 years. And so it happened, the project was resumed, and in order to stir up public interest, Mark Frost released the book The Secret History of Twin Peaks. Written in the unique datafiction genre, the novel is full of documents, illustrative material and tells not only about the events of 25 years ago, but also about the last two centuries. Even the first pathfinders were told by the Indians about a mysterious place inhabited by powerful and not always friendly forces ...

  • Genres: detectives, thrillers
  • Series: Psychological thriller

One of the best books of 2017 in the psychological thriller genre, Still Water by Paula Hawkins will tell the reader about a double murder and secrets that are sometimes better not to know. The bodies of a woman and a teenage girl are found in a river near a small town. Investigators connected to the case quickly determine that what happened is not an accident. What terrible secrets are concealed in a quiet backwater of the river, nicknamed the Deadly? The main character Jules returns to the city of childhood to pick up her orphaned niece. She does not leave the thought that her sister did not commit suicide, but was killed, because too many women died in the deceptively calm river waters. In the novel, the author describes in detail human nature in all its contradictions, its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Genres: Story, Horror, Mystery

For the first time published in Russian, the work of David Mitchell "The Hungry House" was called by the recognized king of horror Stephen King a rare and magnificent thing, and Anthony Dorr - Dracula of the new millennium. The prehistory to writing the book was a short story published by Mitchell on twitter on the eve of Halloween, which subsequently began to acquire more and more details. The work is adjacent to the author's previous novel - "The Bone Clock". The plot of the story leads the reader to Slade alley, lost in the labyrinths of the streets of the London outskirts. There, on the wall, is a small black iron door without a handle or a keyhole. Touch the door and it will open, letting you into the garden area with an imposing mansion, too big for this area of ​​London. And then you will be invited to the house, and you will not be able to refuse ...

  • Genres: modern literature, detective stories

Our list of the most read books of 2017 continues with Guillaume Musso's novel "The Girl from Brooklyn", which topped the ranking of French bestsellers this year. The plot of the book is bright and dynamic, easily perceived and etched into memory for a long time. The protagonist of the novel, Raphael, is madly in love with his fiancee Anna, because she is a dream come true for him. Their relationship is developing rapidly, the wedding date has already been set, but Raphael begins to ask the girl for details of her past life. Deciding that there is no place for secrets in their relationship, Anna shows the newly-made fiance just one photo. Assessing the scale of the impression made on Raphael, Anna hurries to hide. After recovering from the shock, Rafael tries to track down the runaway bride. However, for this he will have to unravel the complex tangle of events of her past, and find out who Anna really is.

  • Genres: detectives
  • Series: Inspector Harry Hole

The detective novel "Thirst" is the 11th work of one of the author's most exciting literary series. Famously twisted plots, countless puzzles and frank nudity of human nature made the book a real hit in 2017, it topped the ratings of the best detective novels of the year. The protagonist of the novel by Yu Nesbø Harry Holla will once again have to face the cruelty and imperfection of our world. A serial killer sets up dates for victims through a popular dating site. The valiant inspector returns to serve in the Oslo police and takes on the investigation of this case. But unexpectedly for Harry Holle, the trace of the criminal leads to the dark past of the investigator himself and awakens the memories that he has been trying to burn out of his memory for so long ...

  • Genres: magical realism

One of the most famous storytellers of our time, Neil Gaiman, invites the reader to look at northern mythology from a new angle. His new novel Scandinavian Gods, uniting and rethinking the myths of antiquity, tells about the creation of nine worlds, the history of the great gods, tells about powerful giants, skilled dwarf masters and, of course, reveals in detail the whole truth about the Twilight of the gods. Ragnarok is both the death of all things and the birth of a new dawn of mankind. Gaiman managed to breathe new life into old stories, forcing the reader to follow the characters of Scandinavian myths with awe. Admiring the exploits of the heroes, horrified by their cunning, worrying about them and rejoicing with them, a mere mortal approaches an ancient force that was previously incomprehensible to him.

  • Genres: detective, thriller, horror

Paul Young's novel Eve promises to be the book of the decade. Inside a shipping container washed ashore by ocean waves were the bodies of former sex slaves. 11 brutally murdered women and the 12th, mutilated, but alive - Lily Fields. Upon regaining consciousness, the girl found that she was almost completely paralyzed, did not remember anything, and a certain John the Collector saved her. Gradually, the forces return to the girl, but with them comes a terrible realization of what is happening: her terrible past, her new appearance, and for the sake of which she was saved by the Collector. One of the best books of 2017, the novel "Eve", falls into the category of biblical fantasy, presenting religious overtones in a new format. Many found Young's new novel truly scary and even gave it the title of the creepiest book story of 2017.

  • Genres: fantasy
  • Cycle: Fox Hall

The novel The Wolf Hunter by the talented writer Vixen Lee is the sequel to the acclaimed bestseller My Name is the Fox and opens our top three most read books of 2017. The reader will be able to once again plunge into the magical world of the Middle Ages, where in the Kingdom you can meet wolf hunters, old monks, treacherous aristocrats, blond charmers and powerful magicians who seek to penetrate the Loom of Gloom. Once again, history will be made by the Devourers and those who oppose them. The main character continues her journey, and, despite all the hardships and hardships, has not lost her humanity and desire to help people. A fascinating teenage fantasy will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of the literature of this genre.

  • Genres: modern literature, detective stories, fantasy
  • Series: Dream Echoes

Dead Man's Chest by Svetlana Martynchik, better known by her pseudonym Max Fry, is the fifth novel in the popular Echo Dreams series of books set in the urban fantasy universe. The basis of the novel is the dialogues of the main characters and philosophical conclusions in the best traditions of Castaneda, which the writer is so passionate about. The undeniable merit of a literary work is the bright lively style that Fry communicates with the reader. A huge number of terms that can scare and confuse at the beginning of reading a book, thanks to the author's light syllable, gradually recede into the background and become less noticeable. Despite the triviality of the plot, which revolves around several mysterious murders, the novel is quite interesting. While investigating, the protagonist of the book, Sir Max, will find out the involvement in the murders of a certain secret order, and will also face a mysterious curse...